Re: [comtypes-users] the comtypes bug?

2013-03-10 Thread Michael Curran
The error shows that comtypes.client code is using Python 3 syntax.

Where did you get Comtypes 0.6.2 from? are you sure it was a Python 2 
build and not a Python 3 one?


On 10/03/2013 1:45 PM, vic wrote:
 when i import comtypes.client
 i see :
   import comtypes.client

 Traceback (most recent call last):
File pyshell#0, line 1, in module
  import comtypes.client
File D:\program files
 (x86)\python27\lib\site-packages\comtypes\, line 826
  class _compointer_base(c_void_p, metaclass=_compointer_meta):
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax

 i used win7 64bit  python 2.7.3 comtypes 0.6.2
 and anyone can help me?

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Re: [comtypes-users] Problem calling method

2010-02-12 Thread Michael Curran

Recently we noticed the same problem with our project.

We access the MS Word object model via IDispatch, but  there is a 
GetPoint method which takes left, top, hight and width as byref arguments.

As comtypes doesn't support vt_byref out of the box, our first idea was 
to rewrite the code for VARIANT._set_value(), and provide comtypes with 
a patch.

However, looking at VARIANT._set_value():
  There are lots of returns all the way through the function, so its 
clear it would have to be rewritten almost from the ground up. And since 
I'm not too skilled with all of the VARIANT types, I don't want to break 
any existing logic.

So, what we currently do, is when our project imports comtypes at 
initialization time, we do the following:

#Monkey patch comtypes to support byref in variants
from comtypes.automation import VARIANT, VT_BYREF
from ctypes import cast, c_void_p
from _ctypes import _Pointer


def newVARIANT_value_fset(self,value):
if isinstance(value,_Pointer):
except (NameError,AttributeError):
if realValue is not value:


So, from then on, when ever passing an instance of a POINTER of a ctypes 
type, comtypes will automatically treet the value as byref.

Some example code for GetPoint:

from ctypes import c_long, pointer

I would probably prefer that we use ctypes.byref, rather than 
ctypes.POINTER, as the name relates better to what its doing. But, 
ctypes.byref(x) yields an object who's type is something like 
type(cArgObject), which I can't find anywhere in ctypes or _ctypes. So, 
it would be a little hard for VARIANT._set_value to properly identify 
that value was a byref.

Interestingly enough though,  if comtypes compiles the actual COM 
interfaces for the MS Word object model, POINTER is used anyway, so I 
guess POINTER is ok.


On 13/02/2010 10:48 AM, Pablo Bianucci wrote:
 Hi Thomas!

 On Fri, 12 Feb 2010, Thomas Heller wrote:

 Exactly.  I cannot provide a patch, but here's a code snippet that creates
 such a beast:

 Yes! It works!!

 This is the final working snippet:

 travel = c_float(0)
 v = VARIANT()
 v._.c_void_p = cast(pointer(travel), c_void_p)
 v.vt = VT_BYREF | VT_R4

 mode = c_int(0)
 vm = VARIANT()
 vm._.c_void_p = cast(pointer(mode), c_void_p)
 vm.vt = VT_BYREF | VT_I4

   piezo1.GetMaxTravel(APTPiezoLib.CHAN1_ID, v)
   piezo1.GetControlMode(APTPiezoLib.CHAN1_ID,  vm)
 except Exception, e:
   print Exception:, e
 print travel.value, mode.value

 If you are not careful when setting the types you get a Type Mismatch
 error (even though the protoypes in the help were the same, I had to use
 different types for the two funcions there).

 I wonder why you can't integrate this into the package. I'm fine as this,
 as this will let me write the program I need, but it would be more user
 friendly to be able use pointers as arguments for the method invocation.
 But I don't understand COM internals, so it could be that implementing
 that could lead to other problems.

 Thank you very much for your help!

 Bye  Good Luck!


 P.S.: If you visit Canada and stay at a city I happen to be living in,
 consider yourself invited to a drink. ;-)

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Michael Curran
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comtypes-users mailing list

Re: [comtypes-users] Proposal to add IServiceProvider to comtypes

2009-06-17 Thread Michael Curran

Hi Thomas,

Your definition of IServiceProvider works perfect for me.

I am happy for it to go in comtypes/, but for now though, 
again I have attached a with your changes, plus which is some code that shows how IServiceProvider 
can be used.
running starts Internet Explorer, navigates to 
'about:blank', and query interface to IServiceProvider on the body 
element, and uses queryService to get to an IAccessible (MSAA) object.

Hope this code will be useful enough to be made in to a testcase.


On 17/06/2009 5:01 AM, Thomas Heller wrote:

Michael Curran schrieb:


Attached is a module which contains a definition of the IServiceProvider
interface. This interface is provided as an interface on COM objects to
make it possible to switch to a different service, related to the
object. For example  given an IAccessible (MSAA) object, you can use its
IServiceProvider interface to get to other things such as an
IHTMLElement (when dealing with MSHTML), or IAccessible2 etc.
Info on this interface can be found at:

Generally, the interface seems simple enough (only one method)
and generic enough so that it is justified to add it to the
comtypes\ module.

It would also be great if you can supply a small code snippet that uses the
IServiceProvider.QueryService method, so that I can make a simple test
for it.

IServiceProvider is defined in servprov.idl in the Microsoft Platform SDK.

A part from providing a standard comtypes definition of the interface, I
have also overridden the QueryService method, to be a little more
pythonic, so that you can pass an interface as the second argument,
rather than just an IID, and then it actually returns an instance of
that interface, rather than just an IUnknown pointer.

I propose that this module ( be added to comtypes, so that
others can make use of this, rather than having to code the definition

Note also that IServiceProvider is not included in any standard type
library that I know of, so defining this interface specifically is the
only way to use it.

Hopefully I have formatted the file suitably for inclusion.

# -*- coding: mbcs -*-
from ctypes import *
from comtypes import *

class IServiceProvider(IUnknown):
 _case_insensitive_ = True
 _iid_ = GUID('{6D5140C1-7436-11CE-8034-00AA006009FA}')
 _idlflags_ = []

I'd suggest to remove the _case_insensitive_ and _idlflags_ attributes.

 #Overridden QueryService to make it nicer to use (passing it an interface 
and it returns a pointer to that interface)
 def QueryService(self,serviceIID,interface):
 if not issubclass(interface,IUnknown):
 raise ValueError(interface argument must  be a COM interface)
 if not isinstance(serviceIID,GUID):
 raise ValueError(serviceIID argument must be a GUID)
 return POINTER(interface)(p)

I think the issubclass tests can also be omitted.

IServiceProvider._methods_ = [
 COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'QueryService',
 ( ['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'guidService' ),
 ( ['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'riid' ),
 ( ['out'], POINTER(c_void_p), 'ppvObject' )),
 COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'RemoteQueryService',
 ( ['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'guidService' ),
 ( ['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'riid' ),
 ( ['out'], POINTER(POINTER(IUnknown)), 'ppvObject' )),

The definition for 'RemoteQueryService' must be removed.  The IServiceProvider
has only ONE method (the midl-compiler sometimes creates C/C++ wrapper methods
called Remote..., but I guess these have somehow to do with marshalling
or something like that).

All in all, this is how I would write this interface:

class IServiceProvider(IUnknown):
 _iid_ = GUID('{6D5140C1-7436-11CE-8034-00AA006009FA}')

 # Overridden QueryService to make it nicer to use (passing it an
 # interface and it returns a pointer to that interface)
 def QueryService(self, serviceIID, interface):
 p = POINTER(interface)()
 self._QueryService(byref(serviceIID), byref(interface._iid_), byref(p))
 return p

 _methods_ = [
 COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'QueryService',
   ( ['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'guidService' ),
   ( ['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'riid' ),
   ( ['in'], POINTER(c_void_p), 'ppvObject' ))

Does this work for you?

BTW:  The reason that the third parameter must be declared 'in' is that
still 'out' parameters are somewhat broken in comtypes.

# -*- coding: mbcs -*-
from ctypes import *
from comtypes import *

class IServiceProvider(IUnknown):
_iid_ = GUID('{6D5140C1-7436-11CE-8034-00AA006009FA}')

# Overridden QueryService to make it nicer to use (passing it an
# interface and it returns

[comtypes-users] Proposal to add IServiceProvider to comtypes

2009-06-13 Thread Michael Curran


Attached is a module which contains a definition of the IServiceProvider 
interface. This interface is provided as an interface on COM objects to 
make it possible to switch to a different service, related to the 
object. For example  given an IAccessible (MSAA) object, you can use its 
IServiceProvider interface to get to other things such as an 
IHTMLElement (when dealing with MSHTML), or IAccessible2 etc.

Info on this interface can be found at:

IServiceProvider is defined in servprov.idl in the Microsoft Platform SDK.

A part from providing a standard comtypes definition of the interface, I 
have also overridden the QueryService method, to be a little more 
pythonic, so that you can pass an interface as the second argument, 
rather than just an IID, and then it actually returns an instance of 
that interface, rather than just an IUnknown pointer.

I propose that this module ( be added to comtypes, so that 
others can make use of this, rather than having to code the definition 

Note also that IServiceProvider is not included in any standard type 
library that I know of, so defining this interface specifically is the 
only way to use it.

Hopefully I have formatted the file suitably for inclusion.


# -*- coding: mbcs -*-
from ctypes import *
from comtypes import *

class IServiceProvider(IUnknown):
_case_insensitive_ = True
_iid_ = GUID('{6D5140C1-7436-11CE-8034-00AA006009FA}')
_idlflags_ = []

#Overridden QueryService to make it nicer to use (passing it an interface 
and it returns a pointer to that interface)
def QueryService(self,serviceIID,interface):
if not issubclass(interface,IUnknown):
raise ValueError(interface argument must  be a COM interface)
if not isinstance(serviceIID,GUID):
raise ValueError(serviceIID argument must be a GUID)
return POINTER(interface)(p)

IServiceProvider._methods_ = [
COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'QueryService',
( ['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'guidService' ),
( ['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'riid' ),
( ['out'], POINTER(c_void_p), 'ppvObject' )),
COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'RemoteQueryService',
( ['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'guidService' ),
( ['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'riid' ),
( ['out'], POINTER(POINTER(IUnknown)), 'ppvObject' )),

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Re: [comtypes-users] ITypeLib::ReleaseTLibAttr definition wrong in comtypes

2009-03-14 Thread Michael Curran
Perhaps you can use None, I'm not sure. However, I used c_voidp, not 
c_voidp as far as I am aware means void parameter, not void pointer. 
c_voidp can be used in ctypes function declarations for the return type 
when it is void.

c_void_p is void pointer.


On 15/03/2009 5:38 AM, Michael Eddington wrote:
 Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you just defined it to return a
 void* (c_voidp).  I think you just want to set the return type to
 None for a void.


 On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 3:14 AM, Michael Curran  wrote:


 I have noticed that the definition of ITypeLib::ReleaseTLibAttr seems to
 be wrong in, in comtypes.

 In XP and Vista it works ok oddly enough, but in particular builds of
 Windows 7 it does not.

 In fact, in these builds, many times when it is called, it throws an
 _ctypes.COMError, with an error code of -65535.

 I think the reason for this is that it is defined in comtypes as
 returning an hresult, but it really returns void.

 Its definition in comtypes looks like this:
  COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'ReleaseTLibAttr',

 But in OAIdl.idl, it looks like this:
  void ReleaseTLibAttr(
  [in]  TLIBATTR * pTLibAttr

 So I think the comtypes definition should be:
  COMMETHOD([], c_voidp, 'ReleaseTLibAttr',

 I have tested this change on the particular builds of Windows7 the
 problem occured on and it definitly fixes it.
 It also does not seem to cause any problems on Vista, but I havn't been
 testing for long.


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Re: [comtypes-users] Comtypes dynamic Dispatch and MSHTML interfaces

2009-01-18 Thread Michael Curran

Here is a python script that shows the problem in action.

By default the script raises an error when trying to retreave the 
offsetTop property. However, if you uncomment the commented line just 
before that, then it works.

Also, if using win32com.client.Dispatch instead of 
comtypes.client.CreateObject(...,dynamic=True) the script also works.

import comtypes.client
print starting IE... ,
print appObj
print Opening URL... ,
print done
print fetching text range for body... ,
print range
print OffsetTop property: ,
print %s%offsetTop
--end of script --


On 16/01/2009 2:44 AM, Thomas Heller wrote:
 Michael Curran schrieb:


 I have been using comtypes 0.6 dynamic dispatch support with the MSHTML
 interfaces in Internet Explorer and Outlook Express.

 I have noticed that for some reason, comtypes is unable to find some
 properties, yet win32com can.

 Specifically, using a text range object retreaved by
 IHTMLElement::createTextRange(), I can not access any properties that
 exist on the IHTMLTextRangeMetrics interface.

 The text range object supports IHTMLTxtRange and IHTMLTextRangeMetrics,
 I'm not sure about any other interfaces.

 I can access any property on the IHTMLTxtRange interface, but not


 can you please post some example code that does not work in comtypes
 but does work in pywin32?

 I have found a temporary solution to the problem, and that is:
 * In clude a comtypes.client.dynamic._Dispatch instance on the
 comtypes.client.lazybind.Dispatch instance, called something like
 *inlazybind.Dispatch.__bind: catch NameError as well as
 comtypes.COMError when calling iTypeComp.bind.
 *in lazybind.Dispatch.__getattr__: if a property can not be found with
 __bind (descr is None), then return getattr(self._dispatch,name). This
 will allow the name to be fetched using GetIDsOfNames etc.

 This solution fixes the problem for me, and I can now access some more
 of the properties.

 I have no idea why ITypeComp.bind cannot find the properties.

 Interested if anyone has any idea why this might occure, or whether this
 solution is appropriate.

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comtypes-users mailing list

[comtypes-users] Comtypes dynamic Dispatch and MSHTML interfaces

2009-01-15 Thread Michael Curran

I have been using comtypes 0.6 dynamic dispatch support with the MSHTML 
interfaces in Internet Explorer and Outlook Express.

I have noticed that for some reason, comtypes is unable to find some 
properties, yet win32com can.

Specifically, using a text range object retreaved by 
IHTMLElement::createTextRange(), I can not access any properties that 
exist on the IHTMLTextRangeMetrics interface.

The text range object supports IHTMLTxtRange and IHTMLTextRangeMetrics, 
I'm not sure about any other interfaces.

I can access any property on the IHTMLTxtRange interface, but not 

I have found a temporary solution to the problem, and that is:
* In clude a comtypes.client.dynamic._Dispatch instance on the 
comtypes.client.lazybind.Dispatch instance, called something like 
*inlazybind.Dispatch.__bind: catch NameError as well as 
comtypes.COMError when calling iTypeComp.bind.
*in lazybind.Dispatch.__getattr__: if a property can not be found with 
__bind (descr is None), then return getattr(self._dispatch,name). This 
will allow the name to be fetched using GetIDsOfNames etc.

This solution fixes the problem for me, and I can now access some more 
of the properties.

I have no idea why ITypeComp.bind cannot find the properties.

Interested if anyone has any idea why this might occure, or whether this 
solution is appropriate.


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Re: [comtypes-users] dyndispatch branch

2008-11-26 Thread Michael Curran
Hi Thomas,

Support for getEvents/showEvents would be great with dynDispatch. 
However I must admit, that I didn't realize that it was possible to 
support events purely with IDispatch.

My project doesn't technically rely on support for COM events in the 
places where we use IDispatch, though that is not to say it won't in the 

But, I think that releasing a comtypes with dynDispatch so far is a 
great step forward, even with out events. Of course, then at a later 
stage if events were added that would also be great.


On 27/11/2008 8:06 AM, Thomas Heller wrote:
 Michael Curran schrieb:

 Interested to know what the timeframe is now in regards to getting
 dyndispatch merged in to trunk? I've been trying dyndispatch as a
 replacement to win32com IDispatch for my own project, and  performance
 is just the same, if not a little better.

 Were there any other features that needed to be added? I'm certainly
 happy with how it is at the moment.

 What I have added a few days ago was a way to access constants in a type 
 from objects exposing IDispatch::GetTypeInfo() and ITypeComp (in the dyndisp 
 It works for early bound, late bound, and lazy bound objects (are these 
 names to a native english speaker?).

 There is now a function (actually a class) named comtypes.client.Constants.
 It can be used in this way:

 from comtypes.client import CreateObject, Constants
 x = CreateObject(Excel.Application)
 c = Constants(x)

 A nice improvement would of course be to make events (ShowEvents,
 GetEvents) work without generating the typelib wrapper, but that is too
 much work at the moment.  Don't you need it?

 I'd be happy to help with writing tests and or documentation if that is
 something that has to be done before merging --- Obviously I am quite
 keen to see this merged :)

 My original plan was to work on compatibility with Python 3, and release then,
 but if you're really waiting for it I can as well release now.



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This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK  win great prizes
Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
comtypes-users mailing list

Re: [comtypes-users] dyndispatch branch

2008-11-19 Thread Michael Curran
Hi Thomas,

In what svn revision did you add those changes you mentioned? 
(implemented __call__ and extended __getitem__ etc)?

The last time comtypes/client/ was changed was in r450... is 
this correct?
(svn tree is up to r459).

I apologize if you just hadn't got around to committing it.


On 8/11/2008 7:49 AM, Thomas Heller wrote:
 Michael Curran schrieb:

 Thanks for the explanation. If comtypes is already using the [] syntax
 for early bound interfaces, and if that is the most suitable way, then
 that sounds ok to me. I agree that it is important to keep dyn dispatch
 interfaces as compatible with early bound interfaces as possible.

 So, I also in that case do also think that __call__ should be
 implemented. In order so that named properties with optional or needed
 arguments can be called  with () for getting, even though you could also
 use the [] syntax as well.
 In our projects, and I suspect others, comtypes early bound propgets
 with arguments are called with (), I never new about [].

 Hm, I didn't remember it but property access syntax IS even documented
 for quite some time here:

 Besides that, I have now in the dyndispatch-branch added the call syntax
 to get properties, and extended the __getitem__ and __setitem__ calls
 so that [...] property access (both get and put) works with one or more
 arguments, in the same way as the early bound case.


 This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
 Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK  win great prizes
 Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
 comtypes-users mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK  win great prizes
Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
comtypes-users mailing list

Re: [comtypes-users] dyndispatch branch

2008-11-19 Thread Michael Curran

Interested to know what the timeframe is now in regards to getting 
dyndispatch merged in to trunk? I've been trying dyndispatch as a 
replacement to win32com IDispatch for my own project, and  performance 
is just the same, if not a little better.

Were there any other features that needed to be added? I'm certainly 
happy with how it is at the moment.

I'd be happy to help with writing tests and or documentation if that is 
something that has to be done before merging --- Obviously I am quite 
keen to see this merged :)


On 20/11/2008 7:04 AM, Thomas Heller wrote:
 Michael Curran schrieb:
 Hi Thomas,

 In what svn revision did you add those changes you mentioned?
 (implemented __call__ and extended __getitem__ etc)?

 The last time comtypes/client/ was changed was in r450... is
 this correct?
 (svn tree is up to r459).

 Michael, sorry - indeed it had forgotten to commit it.

 It is now in, as svn revision 460.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK  win great prizes
Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
comtypes-users mailing list

Re: [comtypes-users] dyndispatch branch

2008-11-07 Thread Michael Curran

Thanks for the explanation. If comtypes is already using the [] syntax 
for early bound interfaces, and if that is the most suitable way, then 
that sounds ok to me. I agree that it is important to keep dyn dispatch 
interfaces as compatible with early bound interfaces as possible.

So, I also in that case do also think that __call__ should be 
implemented. In order so that named properties with optional or needed 
arguments can be called  with () for getting, even though you could also 
use the [] syntax as well.
In our projects, and I suspect others, comtypes early bound propgets 
with arguments are called with (), I never new about [].


On 28/10/2008 6:06 AM, Thomas Heller wrote:
 Michael Curran schrieb:
 Hi Thomas,

 The new changes to the dyndispatch branch sound great.

 I'm definitely still interested in the branch, and am hoping that once
 its stable enough that it can be merged in to trunk so I can start using
 it properly in the NVDA project.

 I havn't fully tested out all the changes you mentioned yet, but from
 what you have written, they all sound ok to me. I'm also glad you
 decided against any early binding, as they really would have limited
 performance, specially if the user was not going to use a lot of the
 methods on a particular interface.

 One thing: comtypes.client.lazybind.NamedProperty. You ask in the
 comments whether or not to support __call__. I would definitely say yes,
 but I don't quite understand what you are doing with __getitem__.

 I assume that NamedProperties in COM can have more than one optional
 argument, and if this os so, then calling would be the only way to pass
 more than one argument. From what I can see, at the moment we're
 supposed to do something like bla.accName[0] rather than bla.accName(0)?
 Also, what happens if you want to not provide the optional argument at all?
 Obviously in python you can't write bla.accName[], but with __call__ you
 could at least do bla.accName()

 The idea was to use always use [...] notation for property accesses with 
 (what I call NamedProperties).  This is because of the symmetry between 
 getting and setting:

 print foo[a, b, c]
 foo[a, b, c] = something

 Normal properties (not taking arguments) are accessed in the usual way:

 print foo.attr
 foo.attr = something

 Ok, so the problem occurs when accessing a property which takes optional
 arguments, and you don't want to pass any.  Obviously 'foo.attr()' does work,
 but how to set it - 'foo.attr() = something' is invalid syntax,
 but 'foo.attr[] = something' and 'print foo.attr[]' are invalid as well.

 AFAIK pywin32 solves that by creating separate setter functions like
 'foo._setattr(something)' but I don't like this.

 So I decided to do it differently in comtypes (the approach I describe here
 is already implemented for the usual early bound COM calls, but not yet for
 the comtypes.client.lazybind or comtypes.client.dynamic module):

 Python lets you call __getitem__(self, index) with any number of arguments,
 although the syntax is a little bit strange first.  It becomes clearer when
 you think of the signature __getitem__(self, *args).  Here is an interactive
 session; it shows that you can call x[...] with more one or more arguments:

 class X(object):
 ... def __getitem__(self, *args):
 ... print __getitem__, args
 ... def __setitem__(self, *args):
 ... print __setitem__, args
 x = X()

 __getitem__ ((),)
 __getitem__ (1,)
 x[1, 2]
 __getitem__ ((1, 2),)
 x[1, 2, 3]
 __getitem__ ((1, 2, 3),)

 The strange thing is that calling 'x[()]' behaves in the same way as the
 hypothetical call 'x[]' had been made.
 BTW: the same holds for __setitem__(self, *args):

 x[()] = 42
 __setitem__ ((), 42)
 x[1] = 42
 __setitem__ (1, 42)
 x[1, 2] = 42
 __setitem__ ((1, 2), 42)
 x[1, 2, 3] = 42
 __setitem__ ((1, 2, 3), 42)

 x[()] = 42
 __setitem__ ((), 42)
 x[1] = 42
 __setitem__ (1, 42)
 x[1, 2] = 42
 __setitem__ ((1, 2), 42)
 x[1, 2, 3] = 42
 __setitem__ ((1, 2, 3), 42)

 One obvious fault of the above is that it is impossible to access properties
 with named arguments (but comtypes.client.dynamic and comtypes.client.lazybind
 does not accept named arguments anyway in methods currently).


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Re: [comtypes-users] dyndispatch branch

2008-10-24 Thread Michael Curran
Hi Thomas,

The new changes to the dyndispatch branch sound great.

I'm definitely still interested in the branch, and am hoping that once 
its stable enough that it can be merged in to trunk so I can start using 
it properly in the NVDA project.

I havn't fully tested out all the changes you mentioned yet, but from 
what you have written, they all sound ok to me. I'm also glad you 
decided against any early binding, as they really would have limited 
performance, specially if the user was not going to use a lot of the 
methods on a particular interface.

One thing: comtypes.client.lazybind.NamedProperty. You ask in the 
comments whether or not to support __call__. I would definitely say yes, 
but I don't quite understand what you are doing with __getitem__.

I assume that NamedProperties in COM can have more than one optional 
argument, and if this os so, then calling would be the only way to pass 
more than one argument. From what I can see, at the moment we're 
supposed to do something like bla.accName[0] rather than bla.accName(0)?
Also, what happens if you want to not provide the optional argument at all?
Obviously in python you can't write bla.accName[], but with __call__ you 
could at least do bla.accName()

Perhaps I don't quite follow what your __getitem__ etc is doing. Would 
you be able to provide me with an explination on this?

Thanks again

On 25/10/2008 5:09 AM, Thomas Heller wrote:
 Thomas Heller schrieb:
 Michael Curran schrieb:

 After testing with the dyndispatch svn branch of comtypes, I relised
 that there is a problem with dynamic Dispatch and IEnumVARIANT being
 used together.

 The problem is that If you enumerate a dynamic dispatch object (you get
 an IEnumVARIANT object some how from it), that IEnumVARIANT object
 doesn't know it has to provide dynamic=True to variant._get_value. So,
 the IEnumVARIANT's next method returns objects with fully generated
 interfaces, rather than just dynamic dispatch support.

 I would suggest that comtypes.automation.IEnumVARIANT have an instance
 variable called dynamic, which can be set to False by default. But if
 true, then the Next method should provide dynamic=True when getting

 This suggestion is now implemented.

 Here is the current state of the dyndispatch branch (in case Michael or 
 else still cares about this stuff, which I hope!):

 The comtypes.client.CreateObject() function accepts an optional keyword
 argument 'dynamic' that defaults to False.  The behaviour of the function is
 unchanged if 'dynamic=False', comtypes tries to generate and then imports the
 wrapper code for the object it creates.

 When CreateObject(..., dynamic=True) is called then no wrapper code is
 generated (well, if the object supports the IDispatch interface).

 If the com object exposes NO type information, then, as before, an instance
 of comtypes.client.dynamic._Dispatch is returned supporting method calls and 
 access by pure dynamic dispatch calls (GetIDsOfNames, and Invoke calls).

 If the com object exposes type information (and supports the ITypeComp 
 then an instance of the new module comtypes.client.lazybind.Dispatch is 
 Methods and properties are then bound by name, using ITypeComp.Bind() calls.

 Distributing the code for dynamic dispatch with or without type info over two 
 modules make the code a lot cleaner.

 3. Calling IDispatch.Invoke(...) is currently fairly slow. This is
 because packing the arguments into the DISPPARAMS instance with ctypes
 is very slow.  This can probably be made a lot faster with a compiled
 comtypes extension module.  Also, the signature of IDispatch.Invoke()
 in comtypes is wrong, it was a mistake to pass the invkind flags only
 as keyword dictionary (and I thought it was clever!).

 This remains, but can be solved later if it turns out that it is really
 a problem.  I would very much like to keep comtypes without any extension
 module, pure python.

 4. After playing around a little, I have the impression that it may be
 better to create a separate subclass of a _Dispatch base class for
 each COM object, and to generate the methods and properties in the
 __init__ method from typeinfo.  The big advantage is that the
 resulting class has all methods (with parameter names!)  and
 properties that are available in the COM object, so code completion,
 inspection, and so on will work.

 This I did not implement, it sounds much like early binding with all its
 problems that we want to get rid of.  The dynamic dispatch code does 
 on demand only (although I tried to cache the results of expensive calls to 

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Re: [comtypes-users] thoughts and a patch for dynamic IDispatch

2008-08-07 Thread Michael Curran
Hi Thomas,

I really appreciate you taking the time to look at my patch, many thanks.

The idea about adding a dynamic keyword arg to createObject etc sounds 
fine to me. I had talked about this idea with another developer on my 
project, but we couldn't work out the best way to have invoke not 
generate code. Your idea about having a dyn_value on a variant sounds good.

I'm sure this will all work with the way you have proposed, but I would 
like to note, just so it is taken in to consideration, that when we use 
comtypes in NVDA, we generally don't make use of CreateObject etc, but 
rather we create a NULL interface pointer for the interface we are 
interested in, and then using byref, we use particular win32 api 
functions such as AccessibleObjectFromEvent in oleacc.dll to place the 
real pointer value in our pointer. This is because much of the time we 
retreave COM pointers from particular Windows etc.

So all I guess I'm saying here is that one of our use patterns with 
comtypes would be starting straight from an IDispatch which was 
arbitrarily retreaved, not necessarily through createObject etc. So as 
long as we can create a dynamic dispatch object with what ever means we 
see fit, and what ever attributes we ask for no code is generated, than 
this is fine.

However, your solution fits this model ok, I just wanted to point that 
out for future reference that is all.

Thanks again

Thomas Heller wrote:
 Michael Curran schrieb:
 In regards to use cases, I guess the reason why I want this
 functionality is for the main project I am working on, which is the NVDA
 screen reader, at

 In that project we use comtypes very heavily, for MSAA, SAPI, RichEdit
 controls, etc. But for our support for MS Word and Excel etc, we
 currently use pywin32. Reason being that with comtypes the COM
 interfaces are just way too large and take way too long to generate.

 Pywin32 does a great job with dynamic dispatch, though its just annoying
 having to use two Python COM implementations in the same project.

 So this is why I would like to improve comtypes dynamic dispatch support.

 I have also updated the patch, again, now fixing a few little issues
 with the non-typeinfo dynamic dispatch support, and more importantly, I
 have added some more tests to which tests many of my
 code changes using MSAA objects.


 thanks for the patch and sorry for the late reply.  I have now made up my mind
 and have a plan how I want to integrate this into comtypes.

 1. I will add new named parameter to the object creation functions in 
 CreateObject, GetActiveObject, and CoGetObject.  This parameter will be named
 'dynamic' and will default to False.  If one of these functions is called with
 'dynamic = True', then a dynamic dispatch object will be returned (an instance
 of comtypes.client.dynamic._Dispatch).  No wrapper code will be generated, and
 even if wrapper code is already there it will not be used.

 2. It must be made sure that such an object will not trigger the code 
 when an attribute is accessed or a method is called.  Since all attribute and
 method access goes through the 'IDispatch.Invoke' implementation in 
 the last line in this method (which now is '   return result.value') this is 
 the place
 where it can be implemented.  'result' is a VARIANT instance, and I will add 
 a new
 property - maybe result.dyn_value - that will return a dynamic dispatch 

 3. There are some good ideas in your patch for comtypes.client.dynamic - 
 thanks for that.
 But it seems there are still also a few problems with it which need to be 

 I will release the current code ASAP as comtypes-0.5.1 before starting with 
 these changes,
 hopefully it is not too late for you.

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