Testing Agent API for WiFi

2012-08-29 Thread alfred steele
Hi All,

I need to understand how the Agent API works and write a test client
or reuse any apart from the python simple-agent.  there is a
limitation on our embedded platform in terms of executing the Pyhton
gobject calls because of Pygobject missing.
I think the only way of doing a wifi connect() to a service is using
the Agent API.

Is there an easy way to write a test client using agent API in order
to just emulate the dialog box without using any GTK or Qt related
dialog boxes.. I mean replace the actual RequestInput dialog box with
something which fills in the passphrase/WPS pin automatically instead
of using Widgets or any GUI (like gnome-connman)

Is there an easy way to do that, like for building on top of some
existing reusable code. I just need a starting point

connman mailing list

connmand and legacy WiFi support :net.connman.Error.NotRegistered

2012-05-29 Thread alfred steele
Hi All,

I have a driver which just supports wext and does not support nl80211
driver. When i invoke connmand (connmand  -n -d 'plugins/*'  ), i get
the following errors while trying to test dbus api's :

.# dbus-send --system --dest=net.connman --print-reply /
net.connman.Manager.EnableTechnology string:"wifi"
signal sender=org.freedesktop.DBus -> dest=(null destination)
serial=38 path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus;
  string ":1.17"
  string ""
  string ":1.17"
Error net.connman.Error.NotRegistered: Not registered

# dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=net.connman /net/c
onnman/technology/wifi  net.connman.Technology.GetProperties
signal sender=org.freedesktop.DBus -> dest=(null destination)
serial=40 path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus;
  string ":1.18"
  string ""
  string ":1.18"
method return sender=:1.9 -> dest=:1.18 reply_serial=2
  array [
 dict entry(
string "State"
variant string "offline"
 dict entry(
string "Name"
variant string "WiFi"
 dict entry(
string "Type"
variant string "wifi"
 dict entry(
string "Tethering"
variant boolean false
root@freescale-qsb:~# signal sender=org.freedesktop.DBus -> dest=(null
destination) serial=41 path=/org/freedesktop/DBus;
interface=org.freedesktop.DBus; member=NameOwnerChanged
  string ":1.18"
  string ":1.18"
  string ""

Thanks in advance.
connman mailing list

Connman testing for WiFi

2012-05-21 Thread alfred steele
Hi all,

I am a newbie to Connman. I need to test a particular wifi driver with
wpa supplicant on an embedded target. Should i use "cmcc" or os there
anything available with connman-0.77 source which can be compiled for
testing connman for Wifi with the  wpa supplicant.
How do i ensure that the connman automatically latches on to the wpa
supplicant in a genivi based system whcih uses systemd? IS there a
"systemd" service file already written for connman  to cheive this

connman mailing list

AP support for WiFi

2012-04-13 Thread alfred steele
Hi All,
Is Access Point management support available for WIFI yet?

connman mailing list