Re: [Cooker] kde 3.0 for MDK8.2/MDK8.1 updated on

2002-04-07 Thread Onur Kucuk

On Sun, 07 Apr 2002 01:07:59 -0800 , Laurent Montel wrote:

   I recreated all kde packages for MDK8.2/8.1, and uploaded them on
   = fix bug with update menu
   = add missing menu entry
   = fix crash in noatun
   = some other fix.


 Is there going to be a  kde-i18n-tr3-3.0-1mdk.noarch.rpm ?

 Onur Kucuk

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[Cooker] Why is Mandrake ignoring Turkish support ?

2002-04-05 Thread Onur Kucuk

  It has been more than 2 months, that I have been reporting to
  several mandrake people about what is wrong, and how to fix it, but
  nothing has been done, 8.2 came out broken, and Turkish does not work
  neither in console nor in kde (both 2 and 3).

  My late messages are being ignored.

  And now there is no kde3-i18n-tr.mdk.rpm for mandrake, neither in cooker nor
  at the kde servers. Still the package is there for other
  distributions like redhat.

  Why ?

  PS: I am sending this again, as it never made it to the list for
  about a day...

  Onur Kucuk

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Re: [Cooker] Why is Mandrake ignoring Turkish support ?

2002-04-05 Thread Onur Kucuk

CC for KDE, the problem is known since far before the first beta of 8.2
CC Pablo had posted a patch for 8.1 in the i18n list, that I've corrected 
CC and sent again to the i18n list several months ago.

   Thank you. But it never made it to the public, neither in errata or else.
   I have been doing it with something similiar here, for Turkish users.

CC But it has not been integrated into 8.2...

   Thats what I am keen on. It is something very important, and since
   it is a bug of 8.1, and I reported it several times (before beta as
   you said also) it never made it to 8.2

   It is normal that there are bugs in 8.1, but it should not be
   ordinary, that these are not corrected in 8.2, several months and
   several reports after.

CC The problem is the following :
CC the .po locale files are coded in unicode (utf8) but their header 
CC indicate a wrong iso code.
CC The patch consists only in editing all those files and replacing 
CC iso8859-9 by utf8, and also in /usr/share/locale/tr/charset

CC I join the small script that corrects that automatically.
CC (It works for 8.1 and 8.2)

CC regards
CC Christophe Combelles

  Actually I have the correct mo files, that have been correctly coded
  and written. All that is needed is to replace the mo files in the
  rpm, should not be that hard. I had sent by mail, sent an
  url to download, I don't know what else I should do.

  Also now, there is no i18n for KDE3, and the console is broken too.

  People want to install their mandrake and read/write comfortably
  without working on scripts or patches or extra rpms.
  Onur Kucuk

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Re: [Cooker] Why is Mandrake ignoring Turkish support ?

2002-04-05 Thread Onur Kucuk

Friday, April 05, 2002, 3:43:00 PM, you wrote:

W Onur Kucuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   It has been more than 2 months, that I have been reporting to
   several mandrake people about what is wrong, and how to fix it, but
   nothing has been done, 8.2 came out broken, and Turkish does not work
   neither in console nor in kde (both 2 and 3).

   My late messages are being ignored.

   And now there is no kde3-i18n-tr.mdk.rpm for mandrake, neither in cooker nor
   at the kde servers. Still the package is there for other
   distributions like redhat.

   Why ?

W ? 

W [warly@yop]$ isoinfo -l -R -i /iso/8.2/i586/DLE-82EN03.iso | grep kde-i18n-tr
W -r--r--r--   400  936024 Mar 13 2002 [  55230]  

 The files for kde 2.2.x are broken. They display unicode-style instead
 of iso.

 There is no KDE-3 i18n for Turkish (mdk.rpm)

 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [Cooker] font bugs in KDE and using imported Windows TT fonts.

2002-03-07 Thread Onur Kucuk

 Have you tried opening spadmin (coming with openoffice) and defining
 the fonts to use ?

 Onur Kucuk

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[Cooker] Translation of some of MDK pages

2002-03-05 Thread Onur Kucuk

 I am planning to translate some of the pages in the
 linux-mandakecom (like screenshots, demos, features, tutorials) into
 Turkish and publish them in mandrakelinuxorgtr, of course by giving
 reference to the original site

 Are there any copyright issues or anything I must do about this ?

 Onur Kucuk  

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[Cooker] Autoinstall

2002-03-03 Thread Onur Kucuk

  Have trouble with the autoinstall with beta 2 I dont know if it
  have been fixed with something later

  When I boot from the autoinstall image floppy, it straight runs the
  setup, at the syslinux, where I need to pass some options to the
  kernel to let the setup run, like

  linux noauto

  Without this, the setup freezes at the start of X

  At least a delay of a second should be given to let me type the
  parametres, or the options I added, should be recorded to the
  autoinstall image

  Onur Kucuk

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Re[2]: [Cooker] Autoinstall

2002-03-03 Thread Onur Kucuk

P Onur Kucuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   Have trouble with the autoinstall with beta 2. I dont know if it
   have been fixed with something later.
   When I boot from the autoinstall image floppy, it straight runs the
   setup, at the syslinux, where I need to pass some options to the
   kernel to let the setup run, like
   linux noauto.

P - modify the syslinux.cfg on the floppy.

P - or add

P   X = { card = { driver = mga }  },

P to the (on the floppy), replacing mga by the driver needed
P on the box.

 But the trouble is not about the detection of the card. It is the
 place `where abouts` the system freezes.

 It is because of the new P4 irq controlling system. The kernels dont
 support it well, and as long as you have many devices on a i845
 board, using many irqs, it freezes, regardless of the card.

 Onur Kucuk

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[Cooker] Mozilla 0.9.8 is out

2002-02-05 Thread Onur Kucuk

 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [Cooker] Aurora ISO-8859-2 text

2002-02-04 Thread Onur Kucuk

RV Hi cookers,

RV my Aurora booting screen has wrong font for Czech messages. It must be
RV ISO-8859-2 instead ISO-8859-1.

RV Booting in non-fb mode is OK. 


 How can it be changed ? It fails for Turkish (iso8859-9) too :(

 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [Cooker] 8.2beta1 nvidia/mandrakeupdate

2002-02-03 Thread Onur Kucuk

Sunday, February 03, 2002, 7:45:19 AM, you wrote:

CH Heya fellos,
CH   First most, you must forgive my ignorance.  Im in the process of switching my
CH slackware boxes over to Mandrake.  I am attempting to compile the Nvida driver for 
CH However, I need the
CH source to the kernel; or at least a few headers such as autoconf.h.  Is there a 
location on
CH to which I can snag this.  It would also help with the broken link @build, within
CH /lib/modules/2.4.17-10mdk.  One other question, the MandrakeUpdate seems to be 
broken.  It keeps crashing on
CH me atleast.  Is there some place I can get the source to that, just to play with?

CH Few hiccups here and there but none-the-less Im quite happy with it so far.

CH Best Regards,

 Nvidia drivers compile fine with 8.2 beta. It warns about that link
 but it goes ok. All you need is in the cds and the drivers.

 The kernel source etc. are on the beta cds, but they are not visible
 in the tree mode. Just open up software manager and switch to
 listview, and you will be amazed to see the hidden top secret
 packages, including kernel source.

 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [Cooker] some mdk8.2 beta1 hints...

2002-02-03 Thread Onur Kucuk

 Just an addition, has anyone mentioned that, in order to write in a
 window, at the install, like defining users, the mouse pointer must be somewhere on
 the window, else the keyboard is ignored.

 Maybe it was reported before but I dont remember.

 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [Cooker] Bug with Reccommended install

2002-02-02 Thread Onur Kucuk

P Warren Doney [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If you install everything to second HDD it looks like reccommended install
 puts lilo there too. Not good if you boot off primary HDD - L 01 01 01 01 01
 01 01 01 01 01 =]

P i just tested: installed in hdc1, recommeded install put lilo on hda, and
P everything worked like a charm ;p

P so now, tell me more :)

 I guess after lilo is installed on hdc (or hdd), while there is hda,
 and you booted lilo where you installed it at.

 At the times you boot from your disk which you install lilo to, it is
 handy to add


 to /etc/lilo.conf . This will fix L 01 01 01 .

 This is not a so common situation, but some people need such a line
 in lilo.conf (or a few more, like me, a few mapping). Can you add an
 option to manually add text to lilo.conf globals in expert mode ?

 Onur Kucuk

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Re[2]: [Cooker] Bug with Reccommended install

2002-02-02 Thread Onur Kucuk

  to /etc/lilo.conf . This will fix L 01 01 01 .
  This is not a so common situation, but some people need such a line
  in lilo.conf (or a few more, like me, a few mapping). Can you add an
  option to manually add text to lilo.conf globals in expert mode ?

P it should not be needed (but note that this was buggy in 8.1, it's fixed in
P 8.2 beta  cooker)

 Yeap this option fixes it. It is good it will be added by default. Thanks.

 In the second paragraph, I was talking about something different,
 adding manual text to lilo.conf. Someone might want to edit a message
 line, or someone (like me) may be mapping a few more disk drives by adding a
 few more lines like the one we said.

 It is not high priority, but would be handy :)

 Onur Kucuk

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Re[4]: [Cooker] Bug with Reccommended install

2002-02-02 Thread Onur Kucuk

  In the second paragraph, I was talking about something different,
  adding manual text to lilo.conf. Someone might want to edit a message
  line, or someone (like me) may be mapping a few more disk drives by adding a
  few more lines like the one we said.
  It is not high priority, but would be handy :)

P ok, this goes to the features wanted, beware there are already a lot :)

 Ehem, ok :)

 It may be something like do you want to edit the final lilo.conf

 thanks :)
 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [Cooker] why no 'install everything' option?

2002-01-20 Thread Onur Kucuk

 Mandrake seems to be only major distro that does not have an install
 everything option.

 Honestly, I hate it.

 To deal with it,  first install the system with the tree view
 package selection system of the installation. Then I open up
 software manager and try to figure out which packages dont conflict
 with the others, etc. After spending hours I come to managing my
 personal install all autoinst.cfg which is almost install all.

 This is stupid.

 Selecting all the packages, is stupid too, as they will break each
 other, but it is not the user to deal with it, it is the setup that
 must deal with it.

 Xmms plugins (not talking about untrustable ones), some good games,
 that I never could understood why not installed and cannot be
 selected in the tree view.

 I may sound offending, but I am just trying to see my favorite distro
 be much better.

 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [Cooker] why no 'install everything' option?

2002-01-20 Thread Onur Kucuk

t First of all, MAndrake has many more packages than RH.  Second, some 
t packages conflict with each other and cannot be installed side-by side 
t (Glide libraries and Zope servers, for example).

t And please don't tell Mandrake to pick.  You know no matter what they 
t pick, it will be starting a holy war.  Last I looked, recommended 
t install didn't install emacs which is my favorite IDE, and second 
t favorite desktop...

t But during install (individual package selection) there is a little 
t symbol at the bottom which looks like two blue arrows chasing each other 
t -- click that -- Presto!  A flat list comes up so you can pick your 
t favorite packages in collating sequence.

t Civileme

 That button causes me hours when someone (including me) wants all the packages,
 which is very common. (People are new to linux, and many of them want
 to see it on both desktop and server sides, so they want it all)
 At least for once, until I come up creating a non-conflicting
 maximum-#-of-packages package list.

 This is not the job of the user !!

 I just want to press a full install button, and be seriously
 comfortable that I have all the packages (within the limits of logic,
 I am not saying glide and zope shall be installed at the same time)
 installed, and they are not conflicting.

 Suse redhat etc. does it, still dont know why mdk does not, and why
 nobody from mandrake agrees totally saying it will be fixed or
 will work on it while many ppl are complaining about it.

 Onur Kucuk

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Re[2]: [Cooker] why no 'install everything' option?

2002-01-20 Thread Onur Kucuk

  Xmms plugins (not talking about untrustable ones), some good games,
  that I never could understood why not installed and cannot be
  selected in the tree view.

P if you have packages that are not installed when selecting all the groups,
P tell which one you think are missing. Most packages that people are missing
P are just errors in the package list.

  If you would like, I can send you my auto_inst.cfg, or the rpm list
  of my box now. I cant guarantee, but I installed on several systems
  without getting trouble during install/usage with this file.

  Mandrake seems to be only major distro that does not have an install
  everything option.

P does SuSE has it?


P has for RedHat they *much* less packages, so install everything is much less
P dangerous for them.

  I agree. Redhat has less, and mostly they dont install the packages
  in the last cds. I dont use it anyway. I Was talking about suse

P I did test some install everything installs but things get nasty with over
P 3Gigas of installed packages. rpm gets slow as hell (and install time gets
P very high), and other bad things happen.

 That is another issue about mandrake. Have you ever tried suse
 7.3pro, selecting full install ?

 In the same machine,(P4 1.5, 512 MB SD-ram, IBM 45GB ATA-100 7200RPM)
 talking of only the file copy/install time

- MDK , with my full install auto_inst.cfg, took 82 minutes. All 3 cds
 of mandrake download edition. If I dont use mine, but select all the
 programs in the tree list, it is about 70 minutes.

- Suse 7.3 professional, which is 7 CDs. Last 2 are source etc, but all
 the 5 cd's are installed. I did a full install, and took 47 minutes.

 MDK now takes about 4GB disk space, suse taking about 6.2GB.

 The trick is,I guess, suse installs the first cd, and boots the kernel from
 hard disk (does not restart the system, just loads the kernel to
 memory) and continues to install the other cds from the hard drive.
 There may be other things, could not have time to investigate more.

 About loading a new kernel (or reloading it with hdd as root)
 without restarting the pc,

 PS: Did installs on a lot slower machines, and suse still seems to
 be faster again.
 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [Cooker] why no 'install everything' option?

2002-01-20 Thread Onur Kucuk

P one weird thing i know about SuSE is they are using some kind of
P rpm --nodeps --force --noscripts foreach rpms.
P It seems to be the fastest way of installing. But maybe in that case 
P rpm2cpio | cpio -id would be even faster.

P We have not been able to understand the way they handled the various %post
P scripts.

P If someone has better information, it is welcome :)

  I am very busy these days, but as soon as I have time, I will try to
  find out more about it.

  The thing is, actually, people dont care how their OS is installed.
  They just only want it to be installed fast. (Honestly if there was a
  distro that would just copy a few images to my hard drive, stick
  them together and do the  configuration, I would be very glad for
  the speed.But I know it is useless for many ppl, and it kills the
  freedom of choice )

  As long as the distro is installing faster, and the system does not
  have errors, it is ok to --nodeps --force --noscripts. But this
  needs a good investigation and very good/trusty package management.
  This is something you mdk ppl will decide I guess.

  The trick is,I guess, suse installs the first cd, and boots the kernel from
  hard disk (does not restart the system, just loads the kernel to
  memory) and continues to install the other cds from the hard drive.
  There may be other things, could not have time to investigate more.

P I don't think that's the solution.

P The reason i think it is not the solution is the sluggishness of rpm with many
P packages.

 Yes I agree, rpm is really sluggish. But isnt it the package
 management system defines how much data goes to the rpm database ?
 Say, there are limitations of minimizing dependencies etc., but,
 may it be possible to tweak rpms in a way that rpm db is smaller,
 making it faster?

 Onur Kucuk

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[Cooker] Xine 0.9.8 released

2002-01-16 Thread Onur Kucuk

 16.01.2002: xine 0.9.8 has been released

 Changes include an experimental linux framebuffer video out driver,
 still frame detection, better looking OSD fonts, many bugfixes and
 updates, two new skins and support for live mpeg streams.
 PS: For the ones desperately wondering, sinek means fly in

 Onur Kucuk

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Re[2]: [Cooker] latest cooker and broken NVIDIA/KDE

2002-01-11 Thread Onur Kucuk

Friday, January 11, 2002, 4:51:38 AM, you wrote:

g On Friday 11 January 2002 1:38 am, Chuck Lalli wrote:

g I have a similar experience, but I did an install and then the rebuild of the 
g NVIDIA kernel driver did hang. Thus I can enter gnome, but get a full hang 
g when entering KDE. I think it has to do with the new kdebase.

g regards
g guran

No it is because of the conflict between the nvidia precompiled
driver coming in rpm and your kernel.

Are you guys talking about the rpm drivers ?

Always use tar.gz or source rpm of the kernel driver.

 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [Cooker] latest cooker and broken NVIDIA/KDE

2002-01-11 Thread Onur Kucuk

Friday, January 11, 2002, 2:14:29 PM, you wrote:

CL On Fri, 2002-01-11 at 06:16, Onur Kucuk wrote:
 No it is because of the conflict between the nvidia precompiled
 driver coming in rpm and your kernel.
 Are you guys talking about the rpm drivers ?
 Always use tar.gz or source rpm of the kernel driver.
  Onur Kucuk

CL I am using the tar.gz versions.  I boot to init 3, and attempt 'make
CL install'.  the error I received from the kernel is:
CL which: no install in
CL (/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin)
CL /bin/sh: -m: command not found
CL make: *** [package-install] Error 127

CL Thanks for your replies.

 Thats because you are writing it in a wrong directory. Just go to the
 place where you untarred the tar.gz, which will make a folder named
 NVIDIA-kernel-2314 or something like that. Get into that folder,and
 then type make only and you will see it is installed.

 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [Cooker] XINE

2002-01-02 Thread Onur Kucuk

a Thanks for all your input guys.  I installed all the relevent RPM's then 
a ran usr/bin/xine and the ui came up, then immediately crashed.  The ui 
a looks great (for the 2 seconds I get to see it anyway =), a huge leap 
a from the old ui.  But, I just can't get it to run no matter what. It 
a would be really great to try out this program as I've heard lots of 
a great things about it but even when I got older versions to run, some of 
a the codecs must have been wrong as the video was all screwy (barely 
a visible). I'll keep playing with it though...

 I am not using the mdk packages now ( did not have time to change to
 mdk rpms) but things are not much different.

 Xine works fine, really, despite it has lots of bugs it is a great
 software (and those ppl of xine seems to work hard to fix those :)

 Xine crashes in my box too, exactly the same as yours, when I have a
 program using my soundcard, such as xmms,(even if it is not
 playing). This had not happened in versions prior to .9.7. Things may
 be about oss, alsa stuff. You may try forcing xine to use either as
 output sound plugin.

 A bit of configuration may help you solve your problem (check your
 home for config files, guess the name is .xinerc) and a bit of
 problem searching will give more info on what is the trouble.

 Just open a terminal and execute xine from there, it really gives a
 lot of info, in normal cases and errors.

 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [Cooker] Merry Christmas

2001-12-25 Thread Onur Kucuk

Tuesday, December 25, 2001, 1:43:49 AM, you wrote:

JPP On Monday 24 December 2001 18:18, you wrote:
 To my fellow Cookers who celebrate Christmas, may you and your familes have
 a Very Merry Christmas!

 Warmest regards,

 Vincent Meyer

JPP And to my fellow Cookers who don't celebrate Christmas, isn't it nice to 
JPP still get a day off in December :)

always :P

Merry X-mas and a happy new year to all

 Onur Kucuk

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Re[2]: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] objprelink-0.0.1-5mdk

2001-12-20 Thread Onur Kucuk

Wednesday, December 19, 2001, 10:46:32 PM, you wrote:

VMM On Wednesday 19 December 2001 10:31 am, you wrote:
 Ainsi parlait Chmouel Boudjnah :

  * Wed Dec 19 2001 Chmouel Boudjnah [EMAIL PROTECTED] 0.0.1-5mdk
  - Recompile for latest binutils.

 What's the use if kde doesn't use it anymore ?

VMM How about figuring out why it doesn't work?  It's a darn good idea, and if
VMM it speeds up KDE, I'm sure it will be popular.


 I (and a few friends) have been using texstars rpms for a long while
 and did not come to a problem. I only crashed my konqueror once, and
 it was a very horrible page that I did not blame it.

 There are ppl out there who use these, and if they are happy with it,
 why deny it ?

 Onur Kucuk

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[Cooker] MDK versions and 8.2

2001-11-29 Thread Onur Kucuk

 Hello everyone,

 Who decides the next release shall be out ? Depending on what ?

 Also, any ideas of about when 8.2 will be out ? Is there a certain
 thing that mdk is waiting for, to happen, like the kde 3 coming out?
 Onur Kucuk

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[Cooker] 2.4.13-11mdk

2001-11-23 Thread Onur Kucuk

  While all the rpms of the new kernel in the cooker is 2.4.13-11 ,
  why is the kernel-headers still -10 ? Does it mean the headers did
  not change,use this one? Though at least shouldnt the name of the
  package change?

  I checked and . If new kernel-headers are in another
  server I would like to know where :)
 Onur Kucuk

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[Cooker] Radio Program

2001-11-19 Thread Onur Kucuk

 I believe this program is a lot better than the ones in MDK 8.1
 It has station scanning, a better gui, does not default to /dev/radio
 and you can choose what to use, etc. Guess it would be very
 nice to add it to MDK 8.2 :)

 Onur Kucuk

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Re[2]: [Cooker] Nothing about Linux, but it's too nice!!! [WAS: weird Windows 2000/XP bug]

2001-11-02 Thread Onur Kucuk

YG On Thu, 1 Nov 2001, Helge Kruse wrote:

 Did you read the source code? This program won't never be compiled. How can
 it do anything i.e. reboot any o/s, if it was never compiled yet?

YG C'mon

YG #include iostream.h  --
YG void main(){
YG while(1)
YG cout\t\t\b\b\b\b\b\b;}

YG  It work.

 Did not work in w2k. Neither written as classes (iostream) or
 structured (stdio). Does the correct printf/cout job. Compiled on dos
 tc7. May anyone help me to make this stupid-bug-of MS work, off this list ?
 I need more and more stuff to show ppl the inner parts of this OS :)

 Onur Kucuk

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Re[2]: [Cooker] Nothing about Linux, but it's too nice!!! [WAS: weird Windows 2000/XP bug]

2001-11-02 Thread Onur Kucuk

Friday, November 02, 2001, 5:32:14 PM, you wrote:

DD Well.. I tried this on a 2000 machine with cygwin and gcc  and changed
DD the include line to #include stdio.h, but it didn't do anything
DD special...

DD Exactly what compiler and what circumstances?

I compiled it on turbo-C 7 ( dos ) and it ran normally. Compiled in
visual studio and kaboom !! There came the OS_resetting_with_printf.

 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [Cooker] proftpd package issues....

2001-10-25 Thread Onur Kucuk

CBB Greetings,

CBB I've had a spot of trouble installing a recent proftpd source package.  I
CBB currently have a binary package installed (though I don't see why I couldn't
CBB upgrade to a newer source one).  Attempts listed below:

CBB ~~~
CBB [root@x /root]# rpm --upgrade -vh proftpd-1.2.4-1mdk.src.rpm 
CBB proftpd
CBB ##
CBB [root@x /root]# rpm -qa | grep proftpd
CBB proftpd-1.2.2-2mdk
CBB [root@x /root]# rpm -ivvh proftpd-1.2.4-1mdk.src.rpm 
CBB -Brian

 Guess it would be better to ask it in the newbie list, or may be in
 the expert.

 As you read the file name you see a src right before the rpm. That
 means it is not an rpm file , but it is a source rpm file, so that
 you should compile it.

 If you have bandwith, find one that is not src.


 run rpm to compile it for you

 rpm --rebuild proftpd-1.2.4-1mdk.src.rpm

 You will find the compiled package in /usr/src/RPM if I remember it
 right. If not, it writes at the end , where it puts the ready rpm

 Onur Kucuk

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