[Cooker] MakeCD Problems

2002-10-08 Thread Trent M. Gunnarson

Hello All  :-)

Since before the final release of ver.9, I've been working with several people 
on creating Mandrake ISOs using the MakeCD script and here's what I've found, 
with the help and verification of others;

1) While using a standard 8.2 install, the MakeCD script found in the ver.9 
distro tree will *not* create ver.9 ISOs.
2) While using a standard 8.2 install and the mkcd rpm created for said 
version, the ver.9 ISOs *are* made, but are unusable due to dependancy 
3) For giggles, I tried #1 & #2 to create ver.8.2 ISOs and got the same 
results, even after running gendistrib.
4) While using a standard *9.0* install, the MakeCD script found in the ver.9 
distro tree *will* create ver.9 ISOs.

This leads me to say that maybe MakeCD/mkcd should be pulled from general use 
until its function can be replaced with a tool that is;

1) Standalone binary
2) Version independant

When I found the MakeCD script, I had high hopes that I'd be able to rsync the 
package mirror and create ISO's when the the distro became *Final Release*, 
then I'd be able to upgrade my home network using the shiny new cds.  I've 
since discovered that in order to create cds, one needs to have already 
upgraded.  This seems a bit counterproductive.

Also, wouldn't it be great if the mirrors only had to host either the ISOs 
*OR* the package tree and not both ? Wouldn't it be fantastic if newbies 
could download a simple package with no dependancies (maybe even work in 
windows) that would create a set of ISOs using wget or rsync instead of tying 
up the bandwidth for days getting ISO images whole ? How about a tool that 
would even take those ISOs that were created and *update* them ?  


Jigdo (which stands for "Jigsaw Download") was written by Richard Atterer and 
is released under the GNU GPL. It's a tool that allows efficient downloading 
and updating of an ISO image. Any ISO image. Jigdo is not Debian specific, 
however Debian has chosen it to be the prefered method of downloading ISO 
images.  http://atterer.net/jigdo

*PLEASE* look into this as an option to replace mkcd.  It would save tons of 
money in hosting and bandwidth as well as providing a much better tool for 
the end user.


Trent M. Gunnarson

Re: [Cooker] 9.0 MakeCD broken, but it worked fine near RC3.

2002-10-02 Thread Trent M. Gunnarson

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 11:38, Buchan Milne wrote:
> Trent M. Gunnarson wrote:
> > I've worked with Warly and Spence (sounds like a law firm) for a week now
> > and the farthest we've gotten is 'hmm, it's not supposed to do that'. I
> > appreciate the help, but nothing has been resolved. If the tool works
> > under 8.2 for creating 9.0 ISOs, let me know; otherwise tell me that I
> > need to upgrade first and I'll download the ISO set *AND* the Release
> > tree including RPMS/SRPMS/contribs/unsupported/MandrakeClub/TEXSTAR
> > packages and burn my own ISO's in whatever fashion necessary and *NOT*
> > look to anyone else for support of the mkcd tool; I'll consider it's
> > inapplicable.
> No need to download ISOs also, do an HD install ... make a boot floppy
> from the hd.img, boot it up, and install ...

That would work if we're only talking about installing on one machine.  I have 
half a dozen in my home alone, not all of them are networked.  I'm also 
providing cd sets to friends to convert them to Mandrake.  My Firewall/LAN 
server is a Mandrake 8.2 stock install w/ updates and it holds my data 
repository for the home network. The NFS install went alright once I got past 
the hurdle of 'not resolving hostname' or some such message that stopped 
things before they got started. I had to plug in my ISP's DNS in order to do 
an NFS install on a private home network (Class C) using DHCP and a caching 
nameserver ?  I love Mandrake and brag to everyone I know about its merits 
versus the 4 other distros I've used, but the smoothest install still seems 
to be using your release cd set.  I just have to stop grumbling every time it 
asks me to switch cds :-) Especially in the light of all the trouble I've had 
in the last 2 weeks trying to create those self-same ISOs from the package 
mirror on a Mandrake 8.2 system :-/


Trent M. Gunnarson

Re: [Cooker] 9.0 MakeCD broken, but it worked fine near RC3.

2002-10-02 Thread Trent M. Gunnarson

> I must say that I have only been using the Cooker mirror to make ISOs.
> Haven't downloaded the 9.0 release tree. I made a new set of DVD ISOs
> yesterday, and they worked fine.

And the point is, what version of Mandrake are you using to make the images ? 
I'm betting that it's NOT a stock install of Mandrake 8.2.

Until they make a tool that will allow the creation of images for an upgrade 
without first being upgraded, I say the tool is broken. If I can't make an 
ISO of the Release 9 package mirror while using Mandrake 8.2, then something 
is rotten in the state of Denmark, or I'm totally misinterpreting the purpose 
of the mkcd/MakeCD tool.

I've worked with Warly and Spence (sounds like a law firm) for a week now and 
the farthest we've gotten is 'hmm, it's not supposed to do that'.  
I appreciate the help, but nothing has been resolved. If the tool works under 
8.2 for creating 9.0 ISOs, let me know; otherwise tell me that I need to 
upgrade first and I'll download the ISO set *AND* the Release tree including 
RPMS/SRPMS/contribs/unsupported/MandrakeClub/TEXSTAR packages and burn my own 
ISO's in whatever fashion necessary and *NOT* look to anyone else for support 
of the mkcd tool; I'll consider it's inapplicable.


Trent M. Gunnarson

Re: [Cooker] Creating ISO from cooker mirror

2002-09-30 Thread Trent M. Gunnarson

A couple of quick questions; 

1) Have any users made installation CDs with Mandrake 9 ? 

No matter what I do, including re-downloading everything but the RPMS from the 
RELEASE 9 mirror ends up really messed up at the point of selecting packages.  
I mean I can try different machines, expert or not on install options it 
makes no difference.  The package tree is NOT there and the only way to 
select packages is in flatfile mode.  THEN it does not install what I select 
OR increase the "bytes required" for install field; it starts at 15 and stays 
there. I'm sincerely torked right now because people tell me what to type and 
it does not work. I've got a pile of coasters now to add to the *other* pile 
of AOL cds.

2) Do you think NOT using '--discsize 73400' will fix the problem ?


Trent M. Gunnarson

Re: [Cooker] Creating ISO from cooker mirror

2002-09-30 Thread Trent M. Gunnarson

> You'll find how to use it on
> http://mandrakeforum.org/article.php?sid=1539&lang=en
> Cheers
> Eric

Thanks for the link,

I've used that info and created usable ISO images but in my situation, even 
the install scripts are different than the downloadable ISO.  Now before you 
start asking questions, I'll tell you what I did to create my local mirror 
and then the ISOs for burning.

1) rsync -avP --delete ftp.sunet.se::Mandrake/9.0/i586/ 

I started doing that via an hourly cron job a week before release so I 
wouldn't be standing in line on the day of release.  As packages were 
updated, the correct dates and files would arrive; I checked quite often :-) 

2) mkcd --discsize 73400 --isodir /home -a /Data/Mandrake9/cooker/i586/

What I got was an install script that when it got to selecting packages, there 
was *no* tree view but I could view the packages in flatfile mode. There were 
other glitches here and there that let me know things were *not* working 
well.  So, instead of really giving my friend a headache, I downloaded the 3 
pre-made ISOs and burned them for him.  Things looked quite a bit better and 
worked according to the established high standards of the Mandrake team. 

Now for the million dollar questions;  What did I do wrong ? How can I make it 
work right ? 

I'd like to be a good 'Net citizen and not download the entire ISO set 
frequently so I'm trying to find a way to save bandwidth for others. Call me 
a conservation nut but with the local drought, I even catch shower water and 
drive my recyclables downtown to the proper station.  So for the sake of 
others, if not for myself, please help me resolve this issue of wasted 
bandwidth :-)


Trent M. Gunnarson

Re: [Cooker] Creating ISO from cooker mirror

2002-09-30 Thread Trent M. Gunnarson

Thanks Mike,

Jigdo seems to be just the tool that would answer those packaging problems for 
users and the bandwidth / storage space on servers.  From the Jigdo 
mini-Howto (http://dirac.org/linux/debian/jigdo/debian-jigdo-mini-howto.html) 

"Jigdo ... released under the GNU GPL. It's a tool that allows efficient 
downloading and updating of an ISO image. Any ISO image. Jigdo is not Debian 
specific ..."

I had been reading about their "pseudo image kit" script, which I now discover 
won't make their development ISOs; Jigdo will and they are finishing a Gnome 
GUI for this tool.  It looks great !  Easy to use, distribution independant 
and GPL.  I say let's adopt it ! 

> Debian does have a very slick way of downloading/creating ISO images.  One
> of the cool things about jigdo is that if 5 packages have changed since the
> last time you downloaded, only those 5 packages are downloaded and the
> updated ISO is created.  This would save much bandwidth on those volunteer
> mirrors and much time for anyone testing cooker.
> http://home.in.tum.de/~atterer/jigdo/
> Mike


Trent M. Gunnarson

[Cooker] Creating ISO from cooker mirror

2002-09-30 Thread Trent M. Gunnarson


I'd like to tell everyone what a wonderful version 9 is.  I've impressed 
several friends with it and provided cds to them for installation on their 
computers.  The installation and packaging of this distribution is first 
rate!  Recently I had the misfortune of being required to install RH7.3 on a 
computer at school and re-discovered the problems other distros are having 
with their installation procedures. I must say that even with all the 
*oopses* that have been found in 9 since release, things could be alot worse.  
Your installation / configuration scripts and wizards have raised the bar 
among distros and provided the Linux community with a sure leader.

My one request with packaging is this; 

Would someone please create a script that would create a set of ISO images 
from the cooker and contrib archives ?  Warly has done a great job with mkcd 
but judging by the lack of documentation and confusion regarding use of the 
script, something could be done to make the 'packaging'  of ISO images 
simple, even to newbies.  The mkcd script seems to be a generalized tool 
created more for the internal use of Mandrake than for a 'userland' tool. 

I for one would love to have a simple script that took the files from a cooker 
mirror (local or remote) and made a set of ISO images.  If I remember 
correctly, Debian has a script that does this (I've never used Debian).  I 
read that by using rsync to download packages instead of whole ISO images, 
you save tremendous amounts of bandwidth.  Maybe someone you know could whip 
together a simple script that with the change of a variable could use either 
a local mirror or a remote one and save the internet resources we've all 
become dependant on.


Trent M. Gunnarson

[Cooker] Creating ISO from package mirror

2002-09-27 Thread Trent M. Gunnarson

Hello again :-)

Please help me to create ISO images of the packages I've mirrored.  

I'd like to have them match as closely as possible to the ISOs on the ftp 
mirrors so would some kind person give me the command they use with 'mkcd' to 
create the 'Official' download ISOs ?

Also, does anyone mirror the sources and create ISOs with both sources *and* 
binaries ? I've tried and get 8 ISOs but each one has both RPM and SRPM 
directories.  Is this normal ?


Trent M. Gunnarson

Re: [Cooker] 9.0 install - no hdlist2.cz

2002-09-26 Thread Trent M. Gunnarson

RON; In the sentiment of all listening to your arrogant blather; 

 Go stuff yourself, you pompous buffoon ! 

Your twaddle is not what we pay for to access this list.  If you have a 
personal problem, take care of it off-list. Since you chose to elevate the 
tension repeatedly, I choose to rub your nose in your own excrement.

Get a life and let others get on with their own in PEACE !

 Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> > Ron, I honestly don't know why you stay on this mailing-list. You
> > have a long-term reputation of inflamatory posts on this list
> > that everyone remembers.
> I.m telling it like it is, Guillaume.   Just the facts.   If I am in any
> way wrong about my initial judgement of 9.0, please show me.   Your
> attitude to my gripes only serves to confirm their actuality, which is
> apparently not the news you want to hear.
> > You've been away from the 9.0
> > development, and now that it's over you come back here to insult
> > again the work of our community of mandrake developers and cooker
> > testers/developers, this being absolutely not deserved.
> I have been with the 9.0 beta testing since day one, and with the
> software development process for 39 professional years in three
> countries (USA, Canada, Australia).   My one regret is that Mandrake saw
> fit to rush to release without even bothering to poll its beta testers
> for still-current not yet reported problems.That's no way to run a
> development operation, is it?
> > We don't
> > have a tradition of censorship, so could you consider by yourself
> > the possibility of resigning your cooker mailing-list membership?
> > Probably this would be the best decision both for you and us, so
> > that we stop wasting our time. Thank you!
> Wasting your time?   Examples, please...
> You people obviously need administration of a touch of user-level
> reality sometimes.I have been one of the few really valuable
> resources to MandrakeSoft, and to other companies, all appreciative, no
> complaints.



Trent M. Gunnarson

[Cooker] Why 3 ISO's online but mkcd creates 5 ISO's ?

2002-09-23 Thread Trent M. Gunnarson

3 quick newbie questions if you please ;-}

Why are there 3 ISO's online but mkcd creates 5 ISO's ?  
When I make the ISO's, I can't install KDE from the first one; Why ?
Why is the layout of packages so different from the download ISO's ?

Curious minds want to know.  I'll be sure to tell (at least) 2 friends.  :-P


Trent M. Gunnarson

[Cooker] MakeCD script fails in RC3

2002-09-18 Thread Trent M. Gunnarson

After mirroring the RC3 files, Itried to make the cds using the MakeCD script.  
It failed with the following error "can create header 

I tried rm the /tmp/.mkcd* directory and restarting. It failed repeatedly, in 
the same place.  I have plenty of room on the partition, even if it ignores 
my desire to place it on another partition. 

"/Data/Mandrake9/cooker/i586/misc/MakeCD -t /Data/ISO/ -a 

I have successfully installed over nfs for the first time yesterday. It took 
several hours of troubleshooting things like the install dropping due to bad 
memory? (Kernel Panic: VFS ... 03:01) and seperately, unable to reverse map 
name. What a learning experience.  Anyway, I'd like to burn the cds so I 
could use some help.  Thanks in advance.


Trent M. Gunnarson

[Cooker] Relation between 'Cooker' and 'Release'

2002-09-18 Thread Trent M. Gunnarson


This is probably a faq, but will someone please help me understand the 
Relation between 'Cooker' and 'Release' ?  

I know that the packages in 'cooker' are a work in progress and that 'contrib' 
never gets the status of 'stable release'.  In the past I have just waited 
until the 'stable' ISO's are available and then downloaded them. Now, after 
using rsync to help update my server (from 'updates') on a nightly basis, I 
begin to understand just how much work goes on behind the scenes.  Updating 
packages seems to be a full time job for those thankless programmers and the 
Mandrake archive maintainers.  

So, in the spirit of frequent updates, i'd like to have a better understanding 
of the difference between 'cooker' and 'release'. Is it as simple as:

1) Freeze the codebase
2) Work out the bugs with beta's and RC's
3) Take a snapshot of the 'cooker' files on a given day
4) Create ISO's with the aforementioned snapshot

Thanks for the clarification ...


Trent M. Gunnarson