Re: [Cooker] gFTP 2.0.11 bug

2002-01-07 Thread anonymous

Thanks and I agree with you and usually send bug reports to the app developer
but my experience with gFTP's developer regarding bugs has not been good.
He seems not to want to hear about them so I just stopped sending them direct,
preferring to go through the cooker teamwho of course are ALL nice people.

Yura Gusev wrote:
  On Mon, 7 Jan 2002, anonymous wrote:
Totally concur.  Have been using it for a while and it is a GREAT clientbut it does have a few bugs which seem to persist version after version. I didn't pay for it so I aint' complaining!  If I knew how to writecode I'd fix it myself, as I don't, I keep my mouth shut for the mostpart (except for the cooker list of course =)

Well bug reporter is developers best friend ;) So If you found a bug itis much better to fill bug report and complain. But you should also sendthis bug report to the author if this bug is not mandrake specific.

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake Control Center Dead

2002-01-07 Thread anonymous

Will do.


Yves Duret wrote:
  anonymous [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
drakxtool-1.1.7-51drakconf-0.70-16[root@localhost root]# drakconfSubroutine _ redefined at /usr/X11R6/bin/drakconf.real line 470.Subroutine translate redefined at /usr/X11R6/bin/drakconf.real line 475.package wizard is not installedgtkcreate_png: missing png file boot-mdk.png at /usr/lib/libDrakX/my_gtk.pmline 359.[root@localhost root]#Thanks Everyone,Jason

quoting pixel : 'drakxtools 51mdk is in a bad state. Dams should make a newone soon.' so please be patient..

[Cooker] gFTP 2.0.11 bug

2002-01-06 Thread anonymous

I am reporting a bug that has been present in the last few versions of 
gFTP.  When a selection of files has been made for download and the 
download has begun, you cannot remove more than about 5-6 (sometimes 
trying to remove 1 is enough to lock it up) of those files from the 
download list without it crashing the program. Actually, lock up the 
program is more the correct term as the program has to be xkilled. 
 There is no way to recover from this that I'm aware of. You must 
restart the program to recover.



Re: [Cooker] gFTP 2.0.11 bug

2002-01-06 Thread anonymous

Totally concur.  Have been using it for a while and it is a GREAT client 
but it does have a few bugs which seem to persist version after version. 
 I didn't pay for it so I aint' complaining!  If I knew how to write 
code I'd fix it myself, as I don't, I keep my mouth shut for the most 
part (except for the cooker list of course =)

George Mitchell wrote:

 anonymous wrote:

 I am reporting a bug that has been present in the last few versions 
 of gFTP.  When a selection of files has been made for download and 
 the download has begun, you cannot remove more than about 5-6 
 (sometimes trying to remove 1 is enough to lock it up) of those files 
 from the download list without it crashing the program. Actually, 
 lock up the program is more the correct term as the program has to be 
 xkilled. There is no way to recover from this that I'm aware of. You 
 must restart the program to recover.



 gftp has a handful of annoying problems of which this is one.  It is 
 the best ftp client I have found, but I do wish that these bugs would 
 get fixed.

 - George Mitchell

[Cooker] Mandrake Control Center Dead

2002-01-05 Thread anonymous


[root@localhost root]# drakconf
Subroutine _ redefined at /usr/X11R6/bin/drakconf.real line 470.
Subroutine translate redefined at /usr/X11R6/bin/drakconf.real line 475.
package wizard is not installed
gtkcreate_png: missing png file boot-mdk.png at 
/usr/lib/libDrakX/ line 359.
[root@localhost root]#

Thanks Everyone,


[Cooker] Morpheus, Cooker Version

2002-01-05 Thread anonymous

I was wondering if anyone on the list knows of a graphical version of 
the Morpheus p2p client under development for Mandrake Linux.  I know 
there is a command line version of the Kazaa media desktop client which 
connects to the same network but it has no GUI at present and is VERY 
limited in function.



Re: [Cooker] Morpheus, Cooker Version

2002-01-05 Thread anonymous

Thx for the it, will compile it and see!

Neuromancer wrote:

Thus spake anonymous about Life, the Universe, and Everything:
| I was wondering if anyone on the list knows of a graphical version of 
| the Morpheus p2p client under development for Mandrake Linux.  I know 
| there is a command line version of the Kazaa media desktop client which 
| connects to the same network but it has no GUI at present and is VERY 
| limited in function.

[Cooker] Guarddog Firewall Case Study (and possible bug?)

2002-01-03 Thread anonymous

I wrote this email to the guarddog developer but thought it could be helpful
to some on the list... My email follows:

Dear Simon, 

Thank you for all your hard work on Guarddog. It is an easy to  configure
firewall utility. I ran across a unique situation and  possible Guarddog
bug today that I thought you'd like to know about. I  also have a couple
of feature requests if you're so inclined... =) 

I ran guarddog and got my firewall all configured. I was then connected
 to the Internet and had my KDE panel crash. By the way, I am running  Mandrake
Linux Cooker with Kernel 2.4.16-11. I had an app crash (gFTP)  and was attemting
to kill it. Just when I thought XKill was not coming  up and clicked on
it again in the panel, it came up at that exact moment  and killed my panel.
So, I of course had to restart X. When I came  back in and connected to
the net, I couldn't open web pages or download  mail (or FTP or), in
short, I couldn't access the net, though I was  connected properly. 

I tried EVERYTHING I could think of, short of reinstalling Linux (which  would
have worked but I would never have known what caused my problem in  the first
place, besides, reinstalls I try to leave to the Windoze  crowd..). I uninstalled
ppp and reinstalled it. I made sure that no  more than 1 instance of KPPP
was running so there were no port conflicts  etc. Then I hit on the idea
that maybe my firewall was screwing things  up (since my browser did not
seem to even attempt to connect to the  server). So, I uninstalled guarddog
and rebooted, to no avail. Then I  recalled that guarddog is really just
a frontend to ipchains/tables.  So, I thought maybe the guarddog config file
got screwed up somehow. I  reinstalled guarddog, reconfigured it and voila,
it worked again and I  had full net access. I thought this might be helpful
to anyone  wondering why their network conncetion seemed to be dead, if they
run  guarddog. 

So, I wrote to tell you of this situation and to suggest a few mods.  Maybe
guarddog can be changed so that if its configuration (ie. a  prohibited protocol)
somehow prevents net access, a dialog box could pop  up letting the user
know why access was denied. This would have been  helpful in my situation
as then I would have known exactly why I was  denied access. Guarddog could
also be changed to be application, not  just protocol specific. This way,
if an application was denied access to  a network, then the user could override
it manually for that application  only. This could be set up so that the
app would have access on an  ongoing basis or just for the instance the permission
was granted for.  This type of a setup would be great for newer users who
may know  whether or not they want a specific application to have network
access  but may or may not know the protocol it uses. Also, many users might
not  understand that a good firewall such as guarddog, not only prevents
 inbound traffic on certain protocols but also outbound/user traffic as well. 

I know watchdog is more along the lines of a realtime firewall but some  of
these small changes to guarddog would be great, if it's possible.  Maybe
a small system tray utility could run in the background after the  intitial
guarddog configuration showing current firewall status, port  probes etc.
This would go a long way to assisting users in knowing how  their firewall
was functioning and just what exactly it was protecting  them from. I (like
many Linux users) came from a Windows background and  used to run ZoneAlarm,
which seemed to be a good (and easily  configurable/intuitive) firewall and
from which a lot of these concepts  I've discussed come from. One feature
guarddog has that I really like  over ZoneAlarm is the ability to prohibit
access on a protocol, not just  applicational basis. 

Just some thoughtsand thanks again for your efforts, they are  appreciated.
Would love to hear your thoughts on the idea. 

Kindest Regards, 

Jason Greenwood 

[Cooker] sndconfig error

2002-01-03 Thread anonymous

I installed the latest cooker and ran sndconfig to set up my soundcard 
and this is what I got:

modprobe error
   The following error occurred running the modprobe program: 
   init_module: No such device
  /lib/modules/2.4.16-11mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o.gz: insmod 
  /lib/modules/2.4.16-11mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o.gz failed  
   /lib/modules/2.4.16-11mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o.gz: insmod 
   sound-slot-0 failed



Re: [Cooker] gFTP

2002-01-01 Thread anonymous

With the latest Cooker, gFTP crashes when doing a directory compare, 
then trying to delete files in the left (local) pane.  Also, mandrake 
control center doesn't run at all.  I think it might be something to do 
with the updated QT libraries  Anyone else having problems??



Re: [Cooker] gFTP

2002-01-01 Thread anonymous

I thought this might be the case so selected only 1 file for deletion and
poof, there went gFTP anyway!! So, I guess we just have to wait for the
next cooker version eh? Thanks for the idea though.


Dave Seff wrote:
  What is the number of files and directories that you are comparing. I had a consistant crash because of that. I don't think gftp can handle a large number of files. -DaveOn Tuesday 01 January 2002 09:01, you wrote:
With the latest Cooker, gFTP crashes when doing a directory compare,then trying to delete files in the left (local) pane.  Also, mandrakecontrol center doesn't run at all.  I think it might be something to dowith the updated QT libraries  Anyone else having problems??Cheers,Jason

[Cooker] XINE

2002-01-01 Thread anonymous

I have a question for the list.  It regards the XINE video player.  On 
the cooker mirrors I can find all the XINE plugins etc. but not the core 
RPM.  Does anyone know where this is?  I found a few XINE RPM's in 
various places but none of them run.  Also, anyone know of the state of 
development of this program, as it will advance the Linux desktop a long 
way having a unified video player that plays most formats?

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake Control Center dead?

2002-01-01 Thread anonymous

When I ran it in the terminal I got the exact same thing.  H, I 

Vincent Meyer wrote:

mostly worked a couple days ago.. :-([

root@localhost meyerv]# /usr/X11R6/bin/DrakConf
Subroutine _ redefined at /usr/X11R6/bin/drakconf.real line 470.
Subroutine translate redefined at /usr/X11R6/bin/drakconf.real line 475.
package wizard is not installed
gtkcreate_png: missing png file boot-mdk.png at /usr/lib/libDrakX/ 
line 359.
[root@localhost meyerv]#

Re: [Cooker] XINE

2002-01-01 Thread anonymous

Thanks for all your input guys. I installed all the relevent RPM's then
ran usr/bin/xine and the ui came up, then immediately crashed. The ui looks
great (for the 2 seconds I get to see it anyway =), a huge leap from the
old ui. But, I just can't get it to run no matter what. It would be really
great to try out this program as I've heard lots of great things about it
but even when I got older versions to run, some of the codecs must have been
wrong as the video was all screwy (barely visible). I'll keep playing with
it though...

Vincent Meyer wrote:
  xine-lib is the core library package.xine-ui is needed to supply the user interfacethen need plugin RPMS for sound, etc.  V.On Tuesday 01 January 2002 09:52 pm, you wrote:
I think that xine-ui is the main rpm with its associated libraries inlibexine.On Tuesday 01 January 2002 10:20 pm, you wrote:

  I have a question for the list.  It regards the XINE video player.  Onthe cooker mirrors I can find all the XINE plugins etc. but not the coreRPM.  Does anyone know where this is?  I found a few XINE RPM's invarious places but none of them run.  Also, anyone know of the state ofdevelopment of this program, as it will advance the Linux desktop a longway having a unified video player that plays most formats?

Re: [Cooker] XINE

2002-01-01 Thread anonymous

Well, I had a nice long email all ready to go on this one but Netscape locked
up and then it was history.SO, to make a long story even longer, it worked.
There was some sort of frame buffer or segfault error caused by a file in
the XINE DVD NAV RPM. So, I uninstalled the RPM (which admittedly IS in
the beta stage) and voila, it worked. AVI and ASF files still don't play
but mpeg's do. I think other codecs are in the works. The audio also synced

Thanks for the help,


Vincent Meyer wrote:
  OK, so run it in a termimal and look at the messages!  Usuallyit will do this if an audio or video driver won't load.  Tryxine -X XShm - A oss if just xine doesn't do it.  Also xine -? will list the available drivers for audio and video.V.On Tuesday 01 January 2002 10:30 pm, you wrote:
Thanks for all your input guys.  I installed all the relevent RPM's thenran usr/bin/xine and the ui came up, then immediately crashed.  The uilooks great (for the 2 seconds I get to see it anyway =), a huge leapfrom the old ui.  But, I just can't get it to run no matter what. Itwould be really great to try out this program as I've heard lots ofgreat things about it but even when I got older versions to run, some ofthe codecs must have been wrong as the video was all screwy (barelyvisible). I'll keep playing with it though...