Re: [Cooker] Status of Java in Konqueror?

2003-03-31 Thread iastrubn

ok now i am convinced:
the new glibc sux. why would the glibc dudz broke it so much (I man compatibylity)

Quoting Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Sun 30 Mar 2003 12:24, Charles Shirley posted as excerpted below:
> > I notice that sites with Java applets on them show me a nice box
> > with "Loading Applet" in it in Konqueror.  I have not done a clean
> > install of Mandrake for over a year, is this an artifact of long,
> > slow upgrade path?  Or, is Java still broken in Konqueror?
> Good question!  I have the same problem.  I think I have the solution,
> but 
> don't use Java enough for it to have become a priority to spend the time
> verifying I'm right and getting it to work.
> I had to go find a JavaVM to install, and believe I installed Sun's
> official 
> one.  I am somewhat certain, based on putting various hints together as
> I've 
> seen them in posts on other problems here and elsewhere, that the
> problem is 
> based in incompatible compiler versions -- namely, that the version of
> Java I 
> installed way back when was compiled with GCC 2.9x, while Mdk has pretty
> much 
> standardized on GCC 3.1+  (3.2.1 or some such now, I think?) for 9.1 and
> the 
> current cooker.
> The problem is that Java is a *.so shared object library, run in the
> context 
> of the parent process, in this case Konqueror, not a separate
> application run 
> in its own process.  GCC 2.9x compiled shared objects are known to not
> work 
> well with GCC 3.x compiled applications, creating a situation here in
> which 
> the JVM *.so library never loads, leaving an enternal "loading applet"
> display.
> Complicating things some what..  I believe Mozilla is still being
> compiled 
> using now non-Mdk-standard GCC 2.9x, probably for this very reason --
> there 
> are simply to many plugins out there still available only compiled that
> way 
> -- meaning in ordered to make Mozilla compatible with them -- and some
> of 
> them are binary-only plugins over which Mdk has no control, meaning they
> CAN'T recompile them to Mdk-standard GCC 3.x -- so Mozilla runs the Java
> plugin just fine, but if someone fixes the plugins to work right with 
> Konqueror, it'll break Mozilla with the same plugins.
> Thus, for the VERY few times I actually NEED Java support, I simply load
> up 
> Mozilla and go with it then.
> FWIW.. this conflict could theoretically be fixed by putting the two
> different 
> plugin versions in different dirs.  I don't know how Mozilla handles its
> plugin dirs search, unless it simply looks in its own plugins subdir,
> and 
> expects anything not there to be symlinked, but Konqueror's plugin 
> configuration allows one to modify the plugin dir search order and dirs
> checked.  Thus, one could put the 3.x compiled plugin in a dir searched
> b4 
> the one Mozilla uses, so it loads first, and the bad 2.x one Mozilla
> uses 
> never gets a chance to load.
> However... as I said, I haven't taken the time to test all this out... 
> In 
> fact, I hadn't actually put it all together in my head until I did so in
> composing this reply.  Therefore, if you want to try it out and see if
> this 
> can be done and post your results and the steps you took to actually get
> it 
> to work, it might save me some trouble when I get around to finally
> doing it 
> as well...  (Community support at it's finest, eh?  I describe the
> problem 
> and possible solution for you, tho I haven't had time to look into it. 
> You 
> test it and get back to me w/ the results, so I then don't have to kill
> so 
> much time trying stuff if it doesn't work.  We both benefit! )
> -- 
> Duncan
> "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
> temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --
> Benjamin Franklin

Re: [Cooker] wish list for 9.2

2003-03-30 Thread iastrubn

Quoting Leon Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Sunday 30 March 2003 04:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > whats wrong with dosemu?
> Requires proprietary C compiler to build.
no it does not. it compiled in gcc.

> Also, DosBox promises to be a little less savage on the CPU useage.
> Cheers; Leon
well, lets see about it when dosbox is final, by now dosemu is in 1.1.5 (testing)

Re: [Cooker] wish list for 9.2

2003-03-29 Thread iastrubn

Quoting Adam Williamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > * One-click/one-command rebuild-the-distro-optimized command. This
> should
> >   have the option of either rebuilding RPMs for everything it has an
> >   to hand for, or rebuilding just the instaklled packages - and
> >   consequently rebuild URPMI updates if need be.
> As this was discussed already, I'd just like to record that I agree
> with
> the conclusion some others came to: it'd probably be a reasonably
> large
> amount of work for very little return.
focourse also optimizations for my system and not jus ti586 for example...
> > * A working MS-DOS emulator.
> That's why dosbox has started being packaged =)
whats wrong with dosemu? why it has been deleetd from the distro since 7.2?