Quoting Adam Williamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > * One-click/one-command rebuild-the-distro-optimized command. This
> should
> >   have the option of either rebuilding RPMs for everything it has an
> >   to hand for, or rebuilding just the instaklled packages - and
> >   consequently rebuild URPMI updates if need be.
> As this was discussed already, I'd just like to record that I agree
> with
> the conclusion some others came to: it'd probably be a reasonably
> large
> amount of work for very little return.
focourse also optimizations for my system and not jus ti586 for example...
> > * A working MS-DOS emulator.
> That's why dosbox has started being packaged =)
whats wrong with dosemu? why it has been deleetd from the distro since 7.2?

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