Re: [Cooker] funky little Mandrake 7.1

2000-05-15 Thread ptah

> it happened to me when i installed the X4  libs from contrib, if i reinstall
> 3.3.6. (It was happining with gdm)
> -DarkWlf

So you corrected this how?  I am using gdm as well.  How do I switch
to kdm?  Thanks.

Re: [Cooker] funky little Mandrake 7.1

2000-05-15 Thread ptah

> > Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
> > Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
> >
> > Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0
> "xhost +" ?
> maybe the msec security level is not authorizing you to connect
> defaultly..

I tried xhost +.  If I log into Xfree86 4.0 as root I have no 
problems.  When I log in as normal, I get the above error.  

Everything was fine when the X server was linked to 3.3.6, but
when I linked it to Xfree86 4.0, everything is fine, except
connection refused error from an xterm.  Oddly enough, if
I use Gnome's "Run program" menu box, and type a program in
like xmms, it runs -- If I do this from an xterm (xmms &) I
get the above error..  This is very frustrating, any more 
ideas anyone?

Re: [Cooker] funky little Mandrake 7.1

2000-05-13 Thread ptah

Greetings, when you install Xfree86 4.0 during Mandrake installation and
setup everything no matter what it makes a link in /etc/X11 to the
3.3.6.  This caused me a lot of trouble getting quake 3 to work :)

also now that I have Xfree86 4.0 up and running, when I try and load
a program from an xterm it tells me this:

Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server

Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0

any ideas how to fix that?

Re: [Cooker] XFree86 4.0 with nvidia_drv 0.9-2, TNT

2000-05-12 Thread ptah

Vandoorselaere Yoann wrote:
> Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >
> > > Yeah yeah yeah... So is one suppose to settle for a

> Ok, i will not repeat myself, there was already another nvidia
> thread, just check it out.
> By doing such things you do not respect linux philosophy.

blah blah blah, I hear this crap all the time.  I use linux 
because I like the power of the command line and the
look and feel of it.  If things are open source, then thats
great, but there is no hardened rule that companies *HAVE*
to provide open source drivers for their hardware.  I don't
care if its open source or a binary driver, as long as it
supports my hardware and it works, then I am happy. Think of 
it what you will, I use it as a tool, thats all a computer
is to me.

Re: [Cooker] XFree86 4.0 with nvidia_drv 0.9-2, TNT

2000-05-12 Thread ptah

Vandoorselaere Yoann wrote:
> David Aspinall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Has anyone managed to get this working?

> No open source driver == no nvidia :)
> --
>-- Yoann,
>  It is well known that M$ products don't call free() after a malloc().
>  The Unix community wish them good luck for their future developments.

Yeah yeah yeah... So is one suppose to settle for a
less efficient/poor quality video card, just do to this 
issue?  I think not.  May be hard at first to setup, but
the extra FPS and 32bit color depth rain superiority over
anything 3dfx/Matrox can put out.  The V5500 AGP
is a joke.. it barely beats the GeForce DDR, and
the GeForce 2 smokes it by 20 FPS.  So I will
continue to buy Nvidia as long as they make
a superior card.  Nvidia is the new king.  3dfx
is way behind, and I doubt they recover.

Re: [Cooker] Quake #

2000-05-11 Thread ptah


I just wanted to make a comment aboutt he previous post I made,
I feel like it is more likely than not a problem with MESA files
laying around.  I even used DrakConf to uninstall all mesa
files, but I know this didn't clear them all.  Hopefully one
of you guys have had this problem, and correct it :)

Re: [Cooker] Qauke 3 drivers..

2000-05-11 Thread ptah


I know this is not probably the best place to post this msg,
but I figured one of you guys might be able to help me out.

I downloaded the drivers from nvidia, (.tar.gz files),
and I installed them while reading the FAQ from
nvidia.  After I installed the drivers, I placed
my linux version of quake III into the cdrom
and installed it.  I restarted X, and went to
/usr/local/games/  and ran quake 3.  When I do this
it displays some quick text then the sreen clicks and
goes black and stays there.  I can't do anything,
I have to hard reset in order to get out of this.

I removed the mesa files from the location that
the Nvidia FAQ talks about, and I am not sure whats
going on.. when I type lsmod, I noticed the nvdriver
was not in there.  So I loaded it.. and restarted X,
and this is what it says..

Module  Size  Used by
NVdriver  432200   0  (unused)
autofs  9440   1  (autoclean)
emu10k142696   0

At anyrate, I am not sure what the hell I am
doing wrong, so I am going to attach my
/etx/X11/XF86Config-4 file to see if anyone
can help me out.. thanks in advance for *ANY*


# File generated by XFdrake.

# **
# Refer to the XF86Config(4/5) man page for details about the format of
# this file.
# **

Section "Files"

RgbPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"

# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (they are concatenated together)
# By default, Mandrake 6.0 and later now use a font server independent of
# the X server to render fonts.

FontPath   "unix/:-1"


# **
# Server flags section.
# **

Section "ServerFlags"

# Uncomment this to cause a core dump at the spot where a signal is
# received.  This may leave the console in an unusable state, but may
# provide a better stack trace in the core dump to aid in debugging

# Uncomment this to disable the  server abort sequence
# This allows clients to receive this key event.

# Uncomment this to disable the / mode switching
# sequences.  This allows clients to receive these key events.

# This  allows  the  server  to start up even if the
# mouse device can't be opened/initialised.


# **
# Input devices
# **

# **
# Keyboard section
# **

Section "InputDevice"

Identifier "Keyboard1"
Driver  "Keyboard"
Option "AutoRepeat"  "250 30"

Option "XkbRules" "xfree86"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "us"


# **
# Pointer section
# **

Section "InputDevice"

Identifier "Mouse1"
Driver  "mouse"
Option "Protocol""PS/2"
Option "Device"  "/dev/psaux"
Option "Emulate3Buttons"
Option "Emulate3Timeout""50"

# ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice

#Option "ChordMiddle"


Section "Module"

# This loads the DBE extension module.


# This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables
# initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.

SubSection  "extmod"
Option  "omit xfree86-dga"

# This loads the Type1 and FreeType font modules


# **
# Monitor section
# **

# Any number of monitor sections may be present

Section "Monitor"
Identifier ""
VendorName ""
ModelName  ""

# HorizSync is in kHz unless units are specified.
# HorizSync may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a
# comma separated list of ranges of values.
HorizSync  30-107

# VertRefresh is in Hz unless units are specified.
# VertRefresh may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a
# comma separated list of ranges of values.
VertRefresh 48-160


# **
# Graphics device section

Re: [Cooker] ATA 66

2000-05-11 Thread ptah

"B. K. Barley" wrote:
> Yeah,
> And they said it was fixed in beta 2.  I'm tired of downloading the iso's
> and burning cd's only to find out it's still broke.
> Hey, can the iso's be burnt on to a rewritable cd and left open?

All you need to do in order to install on your ata/66 drive
is to download cdrom.img from pixel's home dir, use rawritewin
from the beta CD to copy that image to a floppy, stick it it,
reboot, chose text install.

Re: [Cooker] 7.1 Beta 2 comments

2000-05-08 Thread ptah


Well after getting Mandrake 7.1 Beta 2 installed 
this weekend with the cdrom.img file using a
text mode installation, I wanted to make a few

After installing, UDMA or ata/66 was not enabled
by default with the 2.2.15 kernel, and since I had
prior success with 2.2.13 kernel and the ata/66 ide
patch, I used that kernel.  When you do a make
xconfig in /usr/src/linux (the 2.2.15) kernel, it
fails, but make menuconfig works fine.

During installation it selected the wrong
GeForce card, is selected a regular GeForce
instead of DDR, this was easily fixed with
DrakConf during post install though.

Also an issue with XFdrake, if you run this
from the command line, the max resolution you
can select is like 1280x1024 at 16bit, and
this would not do for me since I use 32 bit
at 1600x1200.  

XFree86 4.0 was very easy to setup and
I commend Mandrake on making it such a
graceful task.  Xfree86 4.0 has been 
ROCK solid for me since Friday night.

One thing I also noticed was after 
Install I selected High Security
via DrakConf (to basically take
all the crap I didn't need in
startup services), and then after 
that I selected Medium Security, but it 
failed to take out risky startup services
like 7.02 does so nicely.  This is
not a big deal, so I just unselected
everything I wanted.

At anyrate, everything looks wonderful
and I have used every distribution there
is on the market and in my honest
opinion Mandrake is the best, with
Slackware 7.0 being next in my view
(still use slackware as my firewall).

Great work!

Re: [Cooker] Licence, issues, (Nvidia, binary, drivers

2000-05-07 Thread ptah

> Um, yes nVidia said they will correct their GPL violation. That's not
> what concerns me. What concerns me is people demanding that we start
> putting more non-free software in the distro. Pretty soon it'll get to
> the point where 25% of the distro (probably mostly drivers) are closed
> source. There's something disturbing about that. I don't want to go back
> to waiting 6 months to a year for a vendor to update their drivers. The
> power of the free software movement is to allow anyone with the proper
> knowledge to improve code..make it more efficient. I'd be just about
> willing to bet that within a month of nVidia releasing GPL'ed drivers,
> their video cards would see much improvement in their performance under
> Linux. So I guess my point is, if people want to buy closed source
> hardware, they can install the drivers themselves.

Ok I see your point and I totally agree with you.  John Carmack of ID
even said if the source code for drivers were available he would
take time and optimize each vendors drivers for linux.

Re: [Cooker] Licence, issues, (Nvidia, binary, drivers

2000-05-07 Thread ptah

Steve Fox wrote:

> If you don't care about the freedom granted by this license, then maybe
> you should be back to running Windows because you're missing the point.
> People like you need to be given a good slap upside the head. Games are
> more important than freedom? If their so important to you then you can
> download them by yourself and have the fun of installing them.

blah blah blah..  I have been using Unix for sometime now (10 years)
and linux for about 2 years, and yes games are important to me on
my home systems.  Nvidia made a mistake, I admit, but if the same
thing happened again next week, I would download them again.

I don't see this situation happening again though from Nvidia,
so this is sort of a mute point.

Re: [Cooker] reiserfs

2000-05-05 Thread ptah

Can someone please expain what the benifts over reiserfs is over
ext2fs?  which one should you use for a desktop machine?  Thanks

Re: [Cooker] cdrom.img

2000-05-05 Thread ptah

Where can I get this latest chdrom.img file that will work with
ata/66?  Thanks.

Re: [Cooker] reiserfs

2000-05-04 Thread ptah

What are the benifits of reiserfs over ext2fs?   I haven't
heard much about this yet.  Thanks

Re: [Cooker] When?

2000-05-04 Thread ptah

Pixel wrote:

> ptah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Pixel wrote:
> >
> > > the new kernel has full support.
> > > i'm currently uploading new DrakX with a boot kernel having full u66 support.
> > >
> >
> > Greetings Pixel,
> >
> > Does this mean a new ISO will be out today with this support in it?
> as for now, the answer is no :(
> but you can test (and please do) using the new DrakX i've just uploaded.


I am a little confused here..  I have a mandrake 7.1 beta (first one), but of course

it will not install on my promise ata/66 controller.  You say use DrakX that you
uploaded to test.  First question, How would I accomplish this?  I mean how do I
use DrakX and the 7.1 iso image I have to be able to install 7.1 beta with my
hard drive on the ata/66 controller.  Do I need to download a boot disk or
something?  If this is the case what is the exact location I can obtain whatever
it may be that I need to get it working?  Thanks for help on this issue.

If I need to download the 7.1 beta 2 that is fine, just let me know!  thanks!

Re: [Cooker] reiserfs

2000-05-04 Thread ptah

"Bovy, Steve" wrote:

> I want to format and use reiserfs as
> my default file system of choice , why cant i do this 

What are the benifits of reiserfs over ext2fs?   I haven't
heard much about this yet.  Thanks

Re: [Cooker] When?

2000-05-04 Thread ptah

I thought this was going to come in an ISO image (the udma66 support),
do I need to download the boot disk, then insert the CDROM when

Pixel wrote:
> "Keith Wedinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Is there a site where I can download the distribution directory tree and run the
> > install from my local hard drive?  I would really like to test out the full UDMA
> > 66 support.  Thanks!
> i've just checked, seems to have
> it. other mirrors should come soon.
> to check, do a
> % strings /mnt/disk2/vmlinuz| grep BOOT
> you should get 2.2.15-BOOT24

Re: [Cooker] Re: Take me off the freaking list NOW!!!!!

2000-05-04 Thread ptah

John Burleigh wrote:
> I have made several requests to be taken off this list.  I have been polite
> but its getting a little bit out of hand.  TAKE ME OFF THE DAMN LIST NOW!!!
> John Burleigh

Your the only one that can do that.  Take yourself off the list.

Re: [Cooker] When?

2000-05-04 Thread ptah

Pixel wrote:

> the new kernel has full support.
> i'm currently uploading new DrakX with a boot kernel having full u66 support.

Greetings Pixel,

Does this mean a new ISO will be out today with this support in it?  
Thanks bud

Re: [Cooker]*when*??

2000-05-03 Thread ptah

is the new beta going to be out that supports ata/66 (well so that
I can pass my info the 7.1).. I don't care if it supports it,
I can get a kernel that does.. I just want to be able to
INSTALL mandrake 7.1 beta with my ata/66 drive
connected.  8 hours ago, it was going to be out in around
6 hours..  damn it.. :)

Re: [Cooker] UDMA 66

2000-05-03 Thread ptah

Pixel wrote:
> "Bobby Dowling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Never mind about my last post Pixel, it seems its already out on the ftp
> > > site I am at.  Dated May 2nd, and named hydrogen2-inst.iso (and ext)..
> it is not! at least, not with u66. will come soon (hopefully less than 6h)

Sweet jesus 400megs of inst, and 300 megs of ext and now its not the
right one.

aborted.  Will it be called beta2 something or beta 3 *with udma 66

Re: [Cooker] UDMA 66

2000-05-03 Thread ptah

Bobby Dowling wrote:
> I figured this about 7.1.
> When I tried to install 7.0, it said that Linux is not currently, fully able
> to take advantage of udma66, but that it could make a boot disk to bypass
> this problem. Well, it did and almost all went smooth from there.
> The problems I noticed:  1) wouldn't detect my parallel port zip drive when
> choosing new iomega driver in scsi section of install (always worked before
> when I installed to hard drives on ide0 and ide1 with no udma66
> controllers).  2)  After installation at boot-up, I got the error message
> that the kernel could not recognize /dev/hdg (hard drive on second ata/66
> controller -> ide3) as valid block device.  Do I just need to create
> /dev/hdg?
> I would like the url to the site you mentioned.

Re: [Cooker] UDMA 66

2000-05-03 Thread ptah

Pixel wrote:
> ptah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >  - Original Message -
> >  From: Bobby Dowling
> >  Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 5:34 PM
> >  Subject: [Cooker] Udma 66 Problems
> >
> > > I would like to install, but ...
> > > I have 1 hard drive on each of two ata/66 controllers (ide 3 and ide 4).
> > > I have my cdrom's on ide1 and ide2.

> as it seems, we're gonna release a new beta today with full u66 support, at
> last!
Never mind about my last post Pixel, it seems its already out on the ftp
site I am at.  Dated May 2nd, and named hydrogen2-inst.iso (and ext)..

I take it, this is the UDMA fix..

Re: [Cooker] UDMA 66

2000-05-03 Thread ptah

> well, i've just find out what was wrong (in fact terribly wrong!) :
> for cdrom ide installs, the insmod ide-* is done at stage1, whereas only stage2
> analyses the pcitable and gives the good parameter, but too late :-(
> as it seems, we're gonna release a new beta today with full u66 support, at
> last!


You are the man.  Thats great news!  Will this be on the mirror sites,
like or is there a certain site I need to get it
from?  Want to download that puppy and burn it at work, so I can play
with it this evening.  Thanks again for your help.

Re: [Cooker] UDMA 66

2000-05-03 Thread ptah

 - Original Message - 
 From: Bobby Dowling 
 Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 5:34 PM
 Subject: [Cooker] Udma 66 Problems

> I would like to install, but ...
> I have 1 hard drive on each of two ata/66 controllers (ide 3 and ide 4). 
> I have my cdrom's on ide1 and ide2.
> When I boot the 7.1 cd, it installed ata/66 drivers it seems, but when 
> it comes time to partition the drives, install says it
> can't find any drives.

I had/have the same problem.  There is no way around this bug.  I even
tried passing the information to mandrake at the boot prompt
boot:  linux ide2=0xac400,0xb800 (or whatever your drive info is)
and Mandrake 7.1 beta would not accept it.  It was confirmed that it
is a bug and there is no fix as of yet.

> When i installed 7.0, install said that linux does doesn't currently 
> fully support ata/66, but that it would make a boot disk,

Just to let you know, 7.0 did allow you to install on your ata/66
drive but it was *NOT* using ata/66 support.  In order to do this,
you need to get a patch, and get kernel 2.2.13 (2.2.14 has some 
known issues with ata/66 support).  If you want to know how
to enable this, let me know and I will give you a web page that
is at home.

Re: [Cooker] XFdrake

2000-05-02 Thread ptah

Pixel wrote:

> you just need XFree86-server-4.0 :)


thanks for your response.  I already have the binaries for glib21
of Xfree86 4.0 and backed up everything to tarballs (/usr/X11R6 and

So if I use this rpm, it will also install XFdrake?  or will I need
to install the newer version of XFdrake that is on my 7.1 beta 
CD?  Just trying to be clear here, I just want to play my damn
Quake III (linux version) that I have had since December!  Bastads
been sitting in the metal box, now I have moved the metal box
to my desk :)

[Cooker] XFdrake

2000-05-02 Thread ptah

Greetings all,

I did an rpm -Uvh on drakxtools that was included on 
the ISO I burned of 7.1 beta (to be able to use
it with Xfree86 4.0) and it did not report any
problems, but when I tried to run it, it failed.

I am at work now, so I don't know the exact error,
but it looked like it couldn't find some lib files.

Basically I tried then to use rpmdrake to update,
but it said it was already installed, so I 
uninstalled it and reinstalled, but it will not
show the 7.1 version of drakxtools.  I have
7.1 CD, how can I update all the files that I 
need on the command prompt so that I can
get XFdrake to work with Xfree86 4.0?

Thanks for any help in advance.

Re: [Cooker] IDE Problems

2000-05-01 Thread ptah

Pixel wrote:
> ramses <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > At 06:08 PM 4/30/00 -0400, you wrote:
> >
> > Ok a little lost here.. where can I get a 7.1 beta ISO that
> > I can pass info from my promise ata/66 controller to
> > mandrake and it will understand (the version of 7.1 I
> > have now does not work).
> no solution yet :-/

Thanks for the response.  No 7.1 beta for me then :(
I must use my ata/66 controller :)

Hopefully I can use XFdrake then from the 7.1
CD that I have to help me configure Xfree86 4.0?

hehe.. if this is possible, please let me know..

Re: [Cooker] IDE / Promise Controller

2000-05-01 Thread ptah


The version of 7.1 beta that I downloaded (ISO)and installed would
not allow me to pass my promise controller infromation
to mandrake in order to install.  I heard there was a corrupted
lib file on one of the mirror sites.  I obtained my 7.1 beta
from in the Mandrakebeta directory
about 4 days ago.  I have heard that I can get an ISO 
that does work properly.  My question is what site can I
obtain the ISO of Mandrake 7.1 Beta that will allow me
to pass information to install (linux ide2=0xa400, 0xa800 -
or whatever information is correct).

I have one more important question.  When I am trying
to setup Xfree86 4.0 on my 7.0 Mandrake system, the
xf86config does not have a Geforce DDR in the card
database (maybe its there and I am not seeing it?), 
what I would like to know is, can I use XFdrake that
comes with 7.1 beta to configure the 4.0 X server
under 7.0?  If I can do this, do I just copy the 
XFdrake RPM to my mandrake 7.0 system?  and since
7.1 comes with two x servers (3.3.6/4.0) which
RPM should I use?  or does the new version of XFdrake
work with both?

I just really want to play Quake III on my stable 
7.0 system.. I will install 7.1 if I can get X 4.0
to work (and get around the bug in 7.1 beta at
install)  Also I used XFree86 -configure to make
a test configuration file, but that places it in 
my /root directory and is not the same as
the one located in /etc/X11 -- so I am not sure
what good that does me.. well hell.. any help on 
these issues would be greatly appreciated guys..

Re: [Cooker] XF 4

2000-04-30 Thread ptah


> Check out the new driver from Nvidia. It will make your GeForce DDR work like
> dynamite.
> -Chris
> On Sun, 30 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> > At 12:01 AM 5/1/00 +0200, you wrote:
> > >As I already have cooker installed I don't really feeli like reinstalling.
> > >How do I get to have both XF 3.3.6 and XF 4.0 installed at the same time
> > >without doing a reinstall.. (pain to get everything right again)
> > >
> > >Michael
> > >
> >
> > Yeah well if anyone has goten X 4.0 to work with a Geforce DDR, please post
> > your
> > XF86Config file, or know of a location that can help me out.. Thanks!

Well the problem is that I can not get X 4.0 to work (trust me I want to be
quake III with those nvidia drivers!).. problem is I can not get X to work
right, that is why I requested someone please paster their XF86Config
file from /etc/X11 directory.. xdm failes to load on startup and if I
type startx I get an error.. shit..

Re: [Cooker] IDE Problems

2000-04-30 Thread ptah

Christopher Molnar wrote:

> There have been quite a few issues regarding ide drives posted over the
> last few days. It appears that a mirror site has a corrupt version of the
> /lib/ file.
> If you are having IDE drive problems please try grabbing a new copy of the
> file, it solved my install problem here.
> Chris Molnar

Could you be a little more clear?  Which IDE problems.  The ATA/66
problems (not being able to pass controller info to mandrake) or
what are you refering to.  Also your solution basically
means redownload an entire ISO, because you can't just
copy the to the cdrom drive unless you wasted
a CDRW on the ISO which would be great if I did this,
but I am sure most people don't use a CDRW to burn an
ISO.  So if I am missing something hear, please let me know..
also where is this file located exactly..

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake 7.1 Beta / ATA 66 wtf..

2000-04-29 Thread ptah

Christopher Molnar wrote:

> There is a problem with the Beta. I have reported to QA and the packager
> and I am awaiting an answer. I have seen a similar problem installing
> today as well.
> Chris

Thanks for the response, I knew I was doing everything in the correct fashion.
Please let us know when you hear from QA.  Thanks

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake 7.1 Beta / ATA 66 wtf..

2000-04-29 Thread ptah

> The correct calculation should be ide2=a,b+2, where a is the first i/o and b
> is the second i/o.
> so in your case you should pass linux ide2=0xa400,0xa802

Hmm, well that doesn't work as well.  I placed the 7.0 mandrake in the cdrom
drive and rebooted
and entered linux ide2=0xa400,0xa800 for a test purpose and it worked fine.

So there seems to be some problem with the  7.1 beta installation, and ata/33
is not acceptable.
Anyone with any other ideas that might work?

[Cooker] Mandrake 7.1 Beta / ATA 66 wtf..

2000-04-29 Thread ptah

Greetings all,

I am having a little problem installing the beta of 7.1.. here is the
deal.. when I installed
7.0 i simply passed the info on the boot prompt for my promise controller
which had
my ata/66 hard drive on it, and everything went fine (the install could
write to
hard drive), then I patched kernel, recompiled, and voila I had ata/66
easy as pie really..

This was a while back and maybe I forgot how to do it correctly?  but this
is what I am
trying to do again, but when it gets to the hard disk configuration in
install it says can't
find any devices to install on.. here is what I am doing.. first off I will
paste the info
from /proc/pci
Unknown mass storage controller: Promise Technology IDE UltraDMA/66 (rev
  Medium devsel.  IRQ 9.  Master Capable.  Latency=64.
  I/O at 0xa400 [0xa401].
  I/O at 0xa800 [0xa801].
  I/O at 0xac00 [0xac01].
  I/O at 0xb000 [0xb001].
  I/O at 0xb400 [0xb401].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xf000 [0xf000].

ok with that information I type this at the boot prompt before install:

linux ide2=0xa400,0xa800  # I just have one 28.5 g drive as master.

well this doesn't seem to work.. anyone have any ideas how I can fix this?
I want to
install 7.1, but can't!!  any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated..

thanks in advance for any help.