Re: [Cooker] FHS 2.3 (fwd)

2003-11-06 Thread Bryan Whitehead
My issue is that I really don't like typing extra keys unless really
necessary. One of the nice things about linux used to be that you could
hit two keys per directory level and get quite far. Now I am going to have
to type:
/sb[TAB]/ifco[TAB] instead of /s[TAB]/ifco[TAB].
oh crap... I didn't even think of that till you mentioned it...

I know what you mean tho. I took over a solaris server and the previous 
SA used /user for "user data" that jacked up my 'n for /usr .

Please don't pollute / any more (one of the reasons I hate Windows is
polluted root directories due to lack of structure by most users ...).
Exactly. Var is already a mess, lets not turn / into a mess also...

Well, /mnt/cdrom is normally temporary, as is /mnt/floppy. And again, this
is increasing the tpying I have to do (even in a graphical file manager
like Konqueror typing is quite a bit faster to get to a directory you know
the location of) if /mnt is retained and /media added.
If someone really wants a "scratch" mount area, they can make /mnt/tmp or
similar (this is what I do, usually for loopback mounts).
However, /media is a lot more descriptive than /mnt, but then it looks
quite out of place in /, being the longest directory name now 
It's a toss up, I don't care one way or another personally I create 
a new directory for a temp mount then remove it when i'm done 
everytime... With a team of SA's I don't want to mount over /mnt when 
another had already has a mount there... and checking if a directory has 
already been mounted gets old real fast... ;)

If /media is used instead of /mnt I'll just delete /mnt to keep / 

BTW, we mostly have non-system data in /home/{users,groups,projects,cvs},
but we are quite small ...
we keep our data in /export/{home[1,2,3...],proj[1,2,3]} then autofs 
manages /home and /proj with real names via NIS. From the users 
prospective all 130+ of our unix/linux boxes look the same in terms of 
data location as the only look in /home or /proj...

Bryan Whitehead
SysAdmin - JPL - Interferometry and Large Optical Systems
Phone: 818 354 2903

Re: [Cooker] FHS 2.3 (fwd)

2003-11-06 Thread bgmilne
Bryan, I think you managed to drop the cc, I don't think Chris is cc'ed.

>> One reason the proposal came up for /srv is that the fhs is commonly
>> asked by sysadmins for guidance as to where they should put data for
>> services. On linux at least, /var/www and /home/www is common, though
>> neither seem to fit into the definitions for those areas.
> Is it so hard to broaden the definition of /var then?

IMHO the definition doesn't get any broader anyway. In the case where you
have a large volume of data in /var/www, you most likely have a database
supporting that data in /var/lib/mysql, and you would have planned ahead
for this and created a large /var, or partitioned it better to allow quota
use etc.

There is a distinction between the types of data we have in /var though.

We have data that could be used by multiple pieces of software (/var/www
by any web server, /var/spool/mail by different MTAs), then we have data
that is specific to the software (/var/spool/postfix, /var/spool/imap,
/var/lib/urpmi, /var/lib/mysql etc etc).

>> The structure under /srv has been left undefined, with
>> some suggestions as a non-normative rationale.
> Being that the structure under /srv is left undefined we still end up
> with the same mess. /srv/database/postgresql or /srv/postgresql or
> /src/disk1/postgresql

Yes, I see no advantage to just moving most of /var into /srv.

> This does not solve a problem: /srv will still be a mess from distro to
> distro. Or, even worse, some distros may ignore /srv sticking to the
> previous LSB/FHS (undefined) waiting for clarification or changes in
> future versions of the FHS. So we'll end up with both /var /home /srv
> depending on the flavor of linux.

And symlink mess between them, some symlinks in /var pointing to /srv/X,
some symlinks in /var/lib pointing to /srv/Y etc.

>> No, the rationale states that data of interest to a specific user
>> should go in that user's home directory. Here is the full text of the
>> rationale:
>>  "This main purpose of specifying this is so that users may find the
>> location of the data files for particular service, and so that
>>  services which require a single tree for readonly data, writable data
>> and scripts (such as cgi scripts) can be reasonably placed.

IMHO, scripts don't belong in /var (for samba we place supporting scripts
in shell and perl in /usr/share/samba or /usr/share/samba3 which is IMHO a
more sane location), but neither do they belong in some other location. We
use /var/lib/samba for other non-user-specific data that should be
available by default, so we have /var/lib/samba/printers for Windows
printer drivers, /var/lib/samba/profiles for user profiles (which
shouldn't really be in $HOME) and /var/lib/samba/netlogon for login
scripts etc. I don't see the sense in placing this all in /srv.

On existing servers, this will only mean more headaches for admins who
must either symlink everything (and rpm doesn't deal well with changing a
filesystem entry from a symlink to a directory and vice-versa so the admin
has more headaches ahead with this method) or repartitioning (since / is
likely too small to hold /srv too) or remounting /var/ (or some directory
below it) under /src (which will likely require a reboot or at least
dropping to single).

And I don't see any benefit in this.

> Data that
>> is only of interest to a specific user should go in that users home
>> directory.
>>  The methodology used to name subdirectories of /srv is unspecified as
>> there is currently no consensus on how this should be done. One
>> method for structuring data under /srv is by protocol, eg. ftp,
>> rsync, www, and cvs. On large systems it can be useful to structure
>> /srv by administrative context, such as /srv/physics/www,
>> /srv/compsci/cvs, etc. This setup will differ from host to host.
>> Therefore, no program should rely on these locations."
> This assumes data is arranged and stored in seprate places based off of
> services. rsync, cvs, ftp, and www can easily share the same target
> data.
>> Yup, we don't have FHS police :-) Admins do make local changes. In
>> this case its more about setting up defaults for applications/packages
>> to place or access their data.
> Then please keep it out of / . If this is just to be a dumping ground
> for apps to leave their default junk we don't need to clutter up / with
> another dir do we? /var seems to have always been the ugly stepchild of
> unwanted crap... I'm fine with adding more to it... ;)

My issue is that I really don't like typing extra keys unless really
necessary. One of the nice things about linux used to be that you could
hit two keys per directory level and get quite far. Now I am going to have
to type:
/sb[TAB]/ifco[TAB] instead of /s[TAB]/ifco[TAB].

Please don't pollute / any more (one of the reasons I hate Windows is
polluted root directories due to lack of structure by most users ...).

>>> The /media entry doesn't bother me... b

Re: [Cooker] FHS 2.3 (fwd)

2003-11-06 Thread Bryan Whitehead
One reason the proposal came up for /srv is that the fhs is commonly
asked by sysadmins for guidance as to where they should put data for
services. On linux at least, /var/www and /home/www is common, though
neither seem to fit into the definitions for those areas.
Is it so hard to broaden the definition of /var then?

The structure under /srv has been left undefined, with
some suggestions as a non-normative rationale.
Being that the structure under /srv is left undefined we still end up 
with the same mess. /srv/database/postgresql or /srv/postgresql or 

This does not solve a problem: /srv will still be a mess from distro to 
distro. Or, even worse, some distros may ignore /srv sticking to the 
previous LSB/FHS (undefined) waiting for clarification or changes in 
future versions of the FHS. So we'll end up with both /var /home /srv 
depending on the flavor of linux.

No, the rationale states that data of interest to a specific user
should go in that user's home directory. Here is the full text of the rationale:
	"This main purpose of specifying this is so that users may find the
	location of the data files for particular service, and so that
	services which require a single tree for readonly data, writable data
	and scripts (such as cgi scripts) can be reasonably placed. Data that
	is only of interest to a specific user should go in that users home

The methodology used to name subdirectories of /srv is unspecified as
there is currently no consensus on how this should be done. One method
for structuring data under /srv is by protocol, eg. ftp, rsync, www,
and cvs. On large systems it can be useful to structure /srv by
administrative context, such as /srv/physics/www, /srv/compsci/cvs,
etc. This setup will differ from host to host. Therefore, no program
should rely on these locations."
This assumes data is arranged and stored in seprate places based off of 
services. rsync, cvs, ftp, and www can easily share the same target data.

Yup, we don't have FHS police :-) Admins do make local changes. In
this case its more about setting up defaults for applications/packages
to place or access their data.
Then please keep it out of / . If this is just to be a dumping ground 
for apps to leave their default junk we don't need to clutter up / with 
another dir do we? /var seems to have always been the ugly stepchild of 
unwanted crap... I'm fine with adding more to it... ;)

The /media entry doesn't bother me... but I'd rather see them
redefine /mnt to be what most use it for anyway: exactly what they
propose /media does. I can already visualize my inbox filling up for
the mdk10 upgrade, "/mnt/cdrom is GONE!!! please FIX"

At the moment on linux we have /mnt/cdrom, /cdrom and /media/cdrom
used. The main objection to /mnt/cdrom has been the older unix
tradition of using /mnt as a temporary mount kind of scratch area.
Though I do wonder how much this really matters these days.

Bryan Whitehead
SysAdmin - JPL - Interferometry and Large Optical Systems
Phone: 818 354 2903

Re: [Cooker] FHS 2.3 (fwd)

2003-11-05 Thread Christopher Yeoh

I'm not subcribed to the list, so apologies for the broken

> Bryan Whitehead wrote:
>   My opinion is /srv is kinda lame idea to begin with. Where we put
>   our data for services seems to be a personal preference.

One reason the proposal came up for /srv is that the fhs is commonly
asked by sysadmins for guidance as to where they should put data for
services. On linux at least, /var/www and /home/www is common, though
neither seem to fit into the definitions for those areas.

>   In other words, this change looks like they want to enforce a
>   certain way of locating / arranging data for various services. I say
>   leave this out... this pulls us away from how other UNIX's deal with
>   this problem: allow the SA to choose his own scheme.

The structure under /srv has been left undefined, with
some suggestions as a non-normative rationale.

>   Also the description seems pretty stupid, "/srv - data generated by
>   users for the services the system offers". Can't this also mean data
>   in /home? if the system offers samba as a service should the data
>   now go in /srv ? What about nfs exported home directories do they
>   belong in /srv now?

No, the rationale states that data of interest to a specific user
should go in that user's home directory. Here is the full text of the rationale:

"This main purpose of specifying this is so that users may find the
location of the data files for particular service, and so that
services which require a single tree for readonly data, writable data
and scripts (such as cgi scripts) can be reasonably placed. Data that
is only of interest to a specific user should go in that users home

The methodology used to name subdirectories of /srv is unspecified as
there is currently no consensus on how this should be done. One method
for structuring data under /srv is by protocol, eg. ftp, rsync, www,
and cvs. On large systems it can be useful to structure /srv by
administrative context, such as /srv/physics/www, /srv/compsci/cvs,
etc. This setup will differ from host to host. Therefore, no program
should rely on these locations."

>   The intention of unifying the location of where data is kept is a
>   semi-good idea for those who need a decision made for them, but it
>   will be largly ignored by shops who already have a scheme in place
>   and don't want to have thier linux machines differ from their
>   Solaris/AIX/IRIX machines. 

Yup, we don't have FHS police :-) Admins do make local changes. In
this case its more about setting up defaults for applications/packages
to place or access their data.

>   The /media entry doesn't bother me... but I'd rather see them
>   redefine /mnt to be what most use it for anyway: exactly what they
>   propose /media does. I can already visualize my inbox filling up for
>   the mdk10 upgrade, "/mnt/cdrom is GONE!!! please FIX"

At the moment on linux we have /mnt/cdrom, /cdrom and /media/cdrom
used. The main objection to /mnt/cdrom has been the older unix
tradition of using /mnt as a temporary mount kind of scratch area.
Though I do wonder how much this really matters these days.

IBM OzLabs Linux Development Group
Canberra, Australia

Re: [Cooker] FHS 2.3 (fwd)

2003-11-05 Thread Christopher Yeoh
At 2003/11/6 07:12+0800  Leon Brooks writes:
> resolves to which back-resolves to 
> but still won't allow me to connect on port 80. 
> I tried https just for the fun of it and no go. Nmap shows FTP, SSH, 
> SMTP, (TCP) DNS, IMAP[23] and "SMux", whatever that is, on port 199.

The bugs database is up again.

IBM OzLabs Linux Development Group
Canberra, Australia

Re: [Cooker] FHS 2.3 (fwd)

2003-11-05 Thread Bryan Whitehead
Just to recap. I think redhat is right on this one... / should not get 
more messy than it already is...

my original reply is below that was sent to cooker (in case you don't 

Bryan Whitehead wrote:
Stew Benedict wrote:

OK folks.  FHS 2.3 is currently struggling with a couple of 
controversial proposals.  They would like Mandrake's opinion, as part 
of what FHS tries to do is formalize current convention.  United Linux 
based distros use these currently.  My take is Red Hat is against 
them.  I'm not sure how to reply with a formal Mandrake position, but 
perhaps posting here will give me more of a feel on how the community 
views these proposals.

Since you asked...

My opinion is /srv is kinda lame idea to begin with. Where we put our 
data for services seems to be a personal preference.

At JPL many use /export/home[1,2,3...] for nfs/samba home directories. 
Project space would get /export/proj[1,2,3...]. A database would get 
/export/data. Others use /data/ or /disk[1,2,3...] or .

In other words, this change looks like they want to enforce a certain 
way of locating / arranging data for various services. I say leave this 
out... this pulls us away from how other UNIX's deal with this problem: 
allow the SA to choose his own scheme.

Also the description seems pretty stupid, "/srv - data generated by 
users for the services the system offers". Can't this also mean data in 
/home? if the system offers samba as a service should the data now go in 
/srv ? What about nfs exported home directories do they belong in /srv now?

The intention of unifying the location of where data is kept is a 
semi-good idea for those who need a decision made for them, but it will 
be largly ignored by shops who already have a scheme in place and don't 
want to have thier linux machines differ from their Solaris/AIX/IRIX 
machines. I don't see why keeping the "default" in /var is bad as many 
distro's do now. At least it doesn't clutter up my / with yet-another 

The /media entry doesn't bother me... but I'd rather see them redefine 
/mnt to be what most use it for anyway: exactly what they propose /media 
does. I can already visualize my inbox filling up for the mdk10 upgrade, 
"/mnt/cdrom is GONE!!! please FIX"

Bryan Whitehead
SysAdmin - JPL - Interferometry and Large Optical Systems
Phone: 818 354 2903

Re: [Cooker] FHS 2.3 (fwd)

2003-11-05 Thread Bryan Whitehead
Stew Benedict wrote:
OK folks.  FHS 2.3 is currently struggling with a couple of controversial 
proposals.  They would like Mandrake's opinion, as part of what FHS tries 
to do is formalize current convention.  United Linux based distros use 
these currently.  My take is Red Hat is against them.  I'm not sure how 
to reply with a formal Mandrake position, but perhaps posting here will 
give me more of a feel on how the community views these proposals.

Since you asked...

My opinion is /srv is kinda lame idea to begin with. Where we put our 
data for services seems to be a personal preference.

At JPL many use /export/home[1,2,3...] for nfs/samba home directories. 
Project space would get /export/proj[1,2,3...]. A database would get 
/export/data. Others use /data/ or /disk[1,2,3...] or .

In other words, this change looks like they want to enforce a certain 
way of locating / arranging data for various services. I say leave this 
out... this pulls us away from how other UNIX's deal with this problem: 
allow the SA to choose his own scheme.

Also the description seems pretty stupid, "/srv - data generated by 
users for the services the system offers". Can't this also mean data in 
/home? if the system offers samba as a service should the data now go in 
/srv ? What about nfs exported home directories do they belong in /srv now?

The intention of unifying the location of where data is kept is a 
semi-good idea for those who need a decision made for them, but it will 
be largly ignored by shops who already have a scheme in place and don't 
want to have thier linux machines differ from their Solaris/AIX/IRIX 
machines. I don't see why keeping the "default" in /var is bad as many 
distro's do now. At least it doesn't clutter up my / with yet-another entry.

The /media entry doesn't bother me... but I'd rather see them redefine 
/mnt to be what most use it for anyway: exactly what they propose /media 
does. I can already visualize my inbox filling up for the mdk10 upgrade, 
"/mnt/cdrom is GONE!!! please FIX"

Bryan Whitehead
SysAdmin - JPL - Interferometry and Large Optical Systems
Phone: 818 354 2903

Re: [Cooker] FHS 2.3 (fwd)

2003-11-05 Thread Christopher Yeoh
At 2003/11/6 07:12+0800  Leon Brooks writes:
> On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 22:50, Stew Benedict wrote:
> resolves to which back-resolves to 
> but still won't allow me to connect on port 80. 
> I tried https just for the fun of it and no go. Nmap shows FTP, SSH, 
> SMTP, (TCP) DNS, IMAP[23] and "SMux", whatever that is, on port 199.

Apologies, had DNS problems last night and it now
appears that the webserver on base3 is dead. Hopefully will be up

Meanwhile, the proposed /srv and /media specifications can be seen in
the FHS 2.3 beta 3 document here:

IBM OzLabs Linux Development Group
Canberra, Australia

Re: [Cooker] FHS 2.3 (fwd)

2003-11-05 Thread Adam Williamson
On Wed, 2003-11-05 at 17:56, Matthew D. Pitts wrote:
> > I'd like to take a look at this proposals, but the URLs don't work.
> > Can you put these documents somewhere I can access them? 
> I can't reach the domain either.

We didn't need the attachment. Please don't post binaries to this list,
particularly something as big as a screenshot, unless it's ABSOLUTELY
necessary. This being a geek list, there are people accessing it via
modems and probably sometimes even odder and slower methods.

Re: [Cooker] FHS 2.3 (fwd)

2003-11-05 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 22:50, Stew Benedict wrote:
> FHS 2.3 is currently stuggling with a couple of
> controversial proposals.

>> Addition of /srv:


>> Addition of /media:

>> resolves to which back-resolves to but still won't allow me to connect on port 80. 
I tried https just for the fun of it and no go. Nmap shows FTP, SSH, 
SMTP, (TCP) DNS, IMAP[23] and "SMux", whatever that is, on port 199.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] FHS 2.3 (fwd)

2003-11-05 Thread Matthew D. Pitts
> I'd like to take a look at this proposals, but the URLs don't work.
> Can you put these documents somewhere I can access them? 

I can't reach the domain either.


Re: [Cooker] FHS 2.3 (fwd)

2003-11-05 Thread Buchan Milne
Hash: SHA1

Stew Benedict wrote:
> OK folks.  FHS 2.3 is currently stuggling with a couple of controversial
> proposals.  They would like Mandrake's opinion, as part of what FHS tries
> to do is formalize current convention.  United Linux based distros use
> these currently.  My take is Red Hat is against them.  I'm not sure how
> to reply with a formal Mandrake position, but perhaps posting here will
> give me more of a feel on how the community views these proposals.

There seems to be a dns problem. I am seeing some issues with respect to
other people resolving our DNS too (but I tested from klama and it seemd
ok), so I don't know if it's more wide-spread and what the cause is ...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] buchan]$ host
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
[EMAIL PROTECTED] buchan]$ dig ns

; <<>> DiG 9.2.3rc2 <<>> ns
;; global options:  printcmd
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
[EMAIL PROTECTED] buchan]$ whois
NOTICE: Access to .ORG WHOIS information is provided to assist persons in
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  Pathname Solutions
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   Domain servers in listed order:

End of Whois Information
[EMAIL PROTECTED] buchan]$ dig ns

; <<>> DiG 9.2.3rc2 <<>> ns
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 4221
;; flag

Re: [Cooker] FHS 2.3 (fwd)

2003-11-05 Thread Götz Waschk
Am Mittwoch,  5. November 2003, 09:50:21 Uhr MET, schrieb Stew Benedict:
> OK folks.  FHS 2.3 is currently stuggling with a couple of controversial 
> proposals.  They would like Mandrake's opinion, as part of what FHS tries 
> to do is formalize current convention.  United Linux based distros use 
> these currently.  My take is Red Hat is against them.  I'm not sure how 
> to reply with a formal Mandrake position, but perhaps posting here will 
> give me more of a feel on how the community views these proposals.

I'd like to take a look at this proposals, but the URLs don't work.
Can you put these documents somewhere I can access them? 
What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the
homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of
totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?
Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948), "Non-Violence in Peace and War"

Re: [Cooker] FHS 2.3 (fwd)

2003-11-05 Thread FACORAT Fabrice
Le mer 05/11/2003 à 14:50, Stew Benedict a écrit :
> OK folks.  FHS 2.3 is currently stuggling with a couple of controversial 
> proposals.  They would like Mandrake's opinion, as part of what FHS tries 
> to do is formalize current convention.  United Linux based distros use 
> these currently.  My take is Red Hat is against them.  I'm not sure how 
> to reply with a formal Mandrake position, but perhaps posting here will 
> give me more of a feel on how the community views these proposals.

> Addition of /srv:
> Addition of /media:

If only we could have an access to this ... unable to ...

Broadcast message: fin du monde dans cinq minutes, repentez vous !

[Cooker] FHS 2.3 (fwd)

2003-11-05 Thread Stew Benedict

OK folks.  FHS 2.3 is currently stuggling with a couple of controversial 
proposals.  They would like Mandrake's opinion, as part of what FHS tries 
to do is formalize current convention.  United Linux based distros use 
these currently.  My take is Red Hat is against them.  I'm not sure how 
to reply with a formal Mandrake position, but perhaps posting here will 
give me more of a feel on how the community views these proposals.

Stew Benedict


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 12:46:17 +1100
From: Christopher Yeoh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Stew Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FHS 2.3

Hi Stew,

A couple of proposed changes in FHS 2.3 are proving to be fairly
controversial. Mainly

Addition of /srv:

Addition of /media:

I'd like to know what MandrakeSoft's position is on these 2 changes. Something
along the lines of:

- Strongly oppose
- Oppose
- Don't care
- Support
- Strongly Support


IBM OzLabs Linux Development Group
Canberra, Australia