Re: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] Bastille-1.2.0-1.3mdk

2001-09-19 Thread Christian Belisle

Fabrice FACORAT wrote:
> Another problem. In the firewall config ( InteractiveBastille, I don't test
> the others ) it proposes to audit services. In the default selection/answer
> there is pop-3. The right name is pop3. The problem comes from the default
> value of /usr/share/Bastille/Questions.txt :

Fixed in 2mdk



[Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] Bastille-1.2.0-1.3mdk

2001-09-18 Thread Fabrice FACORAT

Le Lundi 17 Septembre 2001 20:15, Christian Belisle scribit :
> --=-=-=
> Name: Bastille Relocations: (not relocateable)
> Version : 1.2.0 Vendor: MandrakeSoft
> Release : 1.3mdkBuild Date: Mon Sep 17 20:00:34
> --=-=-=
> * Mon Sep 17 2001 Christian Belisle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 1.2.0-1.3mdk
> - Fixed log level bug. (Thanks Fabrice)

Note : don't strip line beginning with > as I use this to separate comments 
and quotations.

Another problem. In the firewall config ( InteractiveBastille, I don't test 
the others ) it proposes to audit services. In the default selection/answer 
there is pop-3. The right name is pop3. The problem comes from the default 
value of /usr/share/Bastille/Questions.txt :

> LABEL: ip_s_tcpaudit
> SHORT_EXP: "List any TCP-based services (name or port number) that you want 
> the kernel
> to log connection attempts from the \"public\" interfaces."
> LONG_EXP: "List any TCP-based services (name or port number) that you want 
> the kernel
> to log connection attempts from the \"public\" interfaces.

> If you have \"syslog\" configured to log \"kern\" messages of \"info\"
> level, the kernel will automatically log connection attempts from the  
> interfaces (only the \"public\" interfaces) to these ports and/or services. 
> This is
> useful to spot possible probes or attacks. The default setting records 
> attempts to several services, although you may not have them installed or 
enabled. "
> QUESTION: "TCP services to audit: [telnet ftp imap pop-3 finger sunrpc exec
> login linuxconf ssh]"
> DEFAULT_ANSWER: telnet ftp imap pop-3 finger sunrpc exec login linuxconf ssh
> YES_CHILD: ip_s_udpaudit
> PROPER_PARENT: ip_s_internaliface

> [root@bastard root]# InteractiveBastille 
> Using Tk user interface module.
> Only displaying questions relevant to the current configuration.
> Existing config file found.  Populating answers...

> About to run through config file...
> iptables v1.2.2: invalid TCP port/service `pop-3' specified
> Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
> [root@bastard root]# grep pop /etc/services
> ##  106Unauthorized use by insecure poppassd protocol
> pop2109/tcpPost Office Protocol - Version 2
> pop2109/udpPost Office Protocol - Version 2
> pop3110/tcpPost Office Protocol - Version 3
> pop3110/udpPost Office Protocol - Version 3
> hybrid-pop  473/tcphybrid-pop
> hybrid-pop  473/udphybrid-pop
> pop3s   995/tcppop3 protocol over TLS/SSL (was spop3)
> pop3s   995/udppop3 protocol over TLS/SSL (was spop3)
> #Donny Gilor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> #  OpenMail Encyclopedia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> #  OpenMail Encyclopedia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> kpop1109/tcp# Pop with Kerberos

As it seems it use a text file to print question, do you plan do make a 
translation ? Maybe en French ? If you want help for the translation, I can 
try to do my best to participate for the translation. To my mind it may 
compensate for the lack of documentation.

I've just have a look to the others files /usr/share/Bastille/*.config : all 
except for the *Lax* one ( ServerLax.config WorkstationLax.config ) have the 
same problem.
So pop-3 have to be replaced by pop3 in ServerModerate.config 
ServerParanoia.config WorkstationModerate.config WorkstationParanoia.config

from WorkstationModerate.config :
> # Q: TCP services to audit: [telnet ftp imap pop-3 finger sunrpc exec login 
> linuxconf ssh]
> IPChains.ip_b_tcpaudit="telnet ftp imap pop-3 finger sunrpc exec login 
linuxconf ssh"

Copyleft Faber's prod. 2001