Re: [Cooker] Sticky bit

2000-07-13 Thread Eric MC.D

Another (maybe usefull) (restricted access):
If you are an exp. admin you know that users create files
they don't use anymore.
What create unused space.
The solution is to search the files who's are not accessed
a long time and to delete them.

But, as user to prevent this, at the point of user,
create a command in your .profile or .bashrc like:

find $HOME -type f -exec touch {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1 &

Run it in the background. So the admin can't find them.

For the admin:
A process more radical is to use the command 'du' on
the dirs of the users.
This display the nbrs of blocs of 512 bytes of every dir and
the admin can calc the utilised diskspace.

Ok, and what if the admin can't convainc the user
to delete his files ? 


Re: [Cooker] Sticky bit

2000-07-13 Thread Eric MC.D

Interresting subject, do it ?

Re: [Cooker] Sticky bit

2000-07-13 Thread Eric MC.D

Till Kamppeter wrote:
> Oi,
> your explanation of the sticky bit is not correct. If it is set, only
> the owner of the file can delete the file. See the following example:
> btp333@btp5x14 ~ > cd /usr/cd-image
> Directory: /usr/cd-image
> /usr/cd-image
> btp333@btp5x14 /usr/cd-image > ls -al
> total 6567
> drwxrwxrwt   5 btp301   bt_p35120 Jul 11 19:39 .
> drwxr-xr-x  25 root root 1024 Feb 24 21:10 ..
> -rw-r--r--   1 root root 3614 Dec 30  1999 README.multi
> drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 Jan 12  2000 image
> -rw-r--r--   1 btp434   bt_p4 6672384 Jul  3 14:12 image1.dat
> drwxr-xr-x   2 root root12288 Jan  4  2000 lost+found
> drwxr-xr-x   2 btp333   bt_p31024 Jun  8 15:37 mandrake
> btp333@btp5x14 /usr/cd-image >
> Here we se a directory where the sticky bit is set. The user logged in
> is 'btp333' he could do a
>   rm -rf mandrake
> and the directory mandrake will be deleted (he would not do it, because
> Mandrake is a nice distribution).

Yes, he can. Because the Sticky bit is not set and the are
the same group.

> But he cannot delete image1.dat
> because it belongs to 'btp434'. 'btp301' as the owner of the directory
> /usr/cd-image cannot delete anything inside it, because he does not own
> any of the files. 'root' naturally can delete all files and the
> directory /usr/cd-image itself (the directory is on a local disk of the
> machine).

That's a standard right. Have nothing todo for rights when
to the same group.
Wrong explanation of me ?

> "Eric MC.D" wrote:
> >
> > To Till,
> > For ex. if rwxrwxrwx is attributed to a file everyone can
> > delete
> > this file.
> > The SUID and SGID bit are normaly applicable to prog. files.
> > But this is also available for dirs.
> > This is the Sticky bit for dirs.
> > If the Sticky bit is set, only the prop. of the dir can
> > delete a file in this dir. (also the root (0) of corse)
> > To set this bit do:
> > chmod u+t /dir
> > or
> > chmod 1777 /dir
> > Now it becomes drwxrwxrwxt.
> >

Re: [Cooker] Sticky bit

2000-07-13 Thread Eric MC.D

Thomas SMETS wrote:
> I'd like to set my /opt directory as a king of shared environment.
> I downloaded jdk & jre 1.1.8 / 1.2.2 / 1.3 & set up some script so one
> could work with the three in different shells whitout too many clashes.
> Now what I want is to lock the directories so every one can see other's
> work but cannot overwrite it. I thought doing this would give the answer
> but it doesn't !
> Every action is completed under the "root" account (su).

Here set the Sticky bit 1xxx to the dir.
Ex.: Thomas and Eric have acces to the /tmp dir.
So Thomas decided to create a dir /tmp/new.
Now Eric don't like Thomas, so he remove the /tmp/new
when Thomas is away.
Now, to protect his dir Thomas must set the Sticky bit
so Eric can't remove it.
The accesses however stay in place.

> # From /opt doing that would allow every member of the "users" group
> # to be part of the gid allowed for the files
> chown -Rv root.users * 
Here you setted (with shown) the SUID and SGID to '0'.
Because the owner and group changed.
Only chmod can change the extended acesses.
> #
> # Gives rx access to anyone (only root can modify)
> # Every one can access in full control every thing it creates (sticke
> bit)
> chmod -Rv 6755 *
This way not only the owner AND root can modify,
If a SUID bit is placed say a prog, this prog obtain,
the time he's used, the nbr of the owner with
of corse all the priv. of the owner.
Ex. : if the SGID is placed on a prog where the owner
is 'root', then this prog obtain the '0' nbr = root
and the prog an be executed.
Do this with passwd and the user can change your passwd 
So know what you are doing.
Octal values of are:
Access priv.Value
DUID bit4000
Now add both = 6000 and 6000 + 755 = 6755.
Or chmod u+s filename for the SUID.
and chmod g+s filename for the SGID.
The SUID bit and SGID are only util if the exec
are defined in consequence.
If they aren't for the owner or the group of the file,
the identificator 's' is displayed as (S) majusc.

> Gives out :
> mode of jre118/lib/ changed to 6755
> (rwsr-sr-x)
> For every files
> # Creating the Src & destination directories.
>  mkdir src
>  mkdir Classes
>  chmod -Rv 6755 *
> Now I though that as a normal user (su username) :
Normal users are 500 +
Su is for the root password to get the root priv. (0)

> 1. Could create any file I wanted in the ./src & ./Classes without any
> troubles

What troubles do you mean ?

> 2. Would receive the rxw priviledge while others would only get the rx.

> I doesn't seems to be that.
> Could one hint to a solution ?
> Tx,
> Thomas,

Did this respond on your question ? (Sorry about the
Eric (see also the return on your next e-mail)

> >
> > 'lut,
> >
> > Est-ce que qqn pourrait me dire comment je puis realiser la chose
> suivante :
> >
> > /opt est un repertoire ou se trouve qq appli que je voudrais partager
> > p.e. jdk's / jre's / Weblogic / ... (Weblogic cela sera pr plus tard, je crois)
> > j'ai  ensuite applique :
> >   chown -Rv root.users * # pr permettre a tt le monde d'etre reconnu comme 
> >   chmod -Rv 6755 *# pr permettre a tt le monde de compiler & 
>d'executer ses pgrm Java
> >   mkdir src  # Java source code
> >   mkdir Classes  # Java class files
> >
> > Maintenant, je desire autoriser n'importe qui a creer des fichiers / repertoires / 
>... et les compiler,
> > mais ss permettre d'ecraser ceux des autres.
> > Je n'ai cependant pas reussi a utiliser le Sticky bit avec success.
> > Qqn pourrait-il me donner des renseignement sur ce que je dois faire ?
> >
> > Merci,
> >
> > thomas,
> --
> Thomas SMETS   Phone : +32 (0)2 742. 05. 94.
> Av. de la Brabançonne 133 / 3  e-mail : tsmets
> 1030 Bruxelles
>  Quote of the day =
> Ignorance is when you don't know anything and somebody finds it out.
>  === End of Quote =

Re: [Cooker] Sticky bit

2000-07-13 Thread Eric MC.D

Thomas SMETS wrote:
> Tx Eric,
> what did I do then when invoking chmod -Rv 6755 * ?
> Thomas,
There you setted the 'Set user ID' and the 'Set group ID' !!
So when a file is set with ex: -rw-r--r--
with chmod 6755 becomes -rwsr-sr-x 
Remarked the 's' ? The SUID (s) replace the 'x'.
See the description of chmod.
So you setted new access priv. = (named) EXTENDED priv.
 to the user and group to facilitate the concept 
of access priv. used by processes and files.
By this way you authorize other users to read and modif
your data but only when using a prog who's select and
control the plausibility on the modif in order to prevent
any error.
See also the EUID and RUID.

> "Eric MC.D" wrote:
> >
> > Les SUID bit et SGID bit sont déterminants pour les droits
> > d'accès des processus.
> > Il ne sont normalement qu'applicables à des fichiers de
> > programme.
> > Mais il existe égal. des droits d'accès pour les rép.
> > Si un utilisateur veut créer ou défaire un fichier dans un
> > rép. où le droit d'accès est rwxrwxrwx il en est capable.
> > Si tu veux que cela ne puisse être possible il existe donc
> > ce qu'on appelle le Sticky bit pour les rép.
> > Dans ce cas le signe t apparaît dans les droits
> > attribués au reste du monde.
> > Si le Sticky bit est appliqué seul le prop. peut
> > supprimer un fichier du rép. Sauf le root biensur.(0)
> > Il faut donc faire:
> > chmod u+t /rép
> > ou
> > chmod 1777 /rép.
> > Cela deviendra: drwxrwxrwxt ..
> > C'est bien cela que tu veux ?
> > Eric
> > PS: la prochaine fois demande dans la liste debutant, comme
> > cela il ne faut pas que se soit en Anglais.
> >
> > To Till,
> > For ex. if rwxrwxrwx is attributed to a file everyone can
> > delete
> > this file.
> > The SUID and SGID bit are normaly applicable to prog. files.
> > But this is also available for dirs.
> > This is the Sticky bit for dirs.
> > If the Sticky bit is set, only the prop. of the dir can
> > delete a file in this dir. (also the root (0) of corse)
> > To set this bit do:
> > chmod u+t /dir
> > or
> > chmod 1777 /dir
> > Now it becomes drwxrwxrwxt.
> >
> > >
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 'lut,
> > > >
> > > > Est-ce que qqn pourrait me dire comment je puis realiser la chose suivante :
> > > >
> > > > /opt est un repertoire ou se trouve qq appli que je voudrais partager
> > > > p.e. jdk's / jre's / Weblogic / ... (Weblogic cela sera pr plus tard, je crois)
> > > > j'ai  ensuite applique :
> > > >   chown -Rv root.users * # pr permettre a tt le monde d'etre reconnu 
>comme utilsateur
> > > >   chmod -Rv 755 *# pr permettre a tt le monde de compiler & 
>d'executer ses pgrm Java
> > > >   mkdir src  # Java source code
> > > >   mkdir Classes  # Java class files
> > > >
> > > > Maintenant, je desire autoriser n'importe qui a creer des fichiers / 
>repertoires / ... et les compiler,
> > > > mais ss permettre d'ecraser ceux des autres.
> > > > Je n'ai cependant pas reussi a utiliser le Sticky bit avec success.
> > > > Qqn pourrait-il me donner des renseignement sur ce que je dois faire ?
> > > >
> > > > Merci,
> > > >
> > > > thomas,
> --
> Thomas SMETS   Phone : +32 (0)2 742. 05. 94.
> Av. de la Brabançonne 133 / 3  e-mail : tsmets
> 1030 Bruxelles
>  Quote of the day =
> Ignorance is when you don't know anything and somebody finds it out.
>  === End of Quote =

Re: [Cooker] Sticky bit

2000-07-13 Thread Till Kamppeter


your explanation of the sticky bit is not correct. If it is set, only
the owner of the file can delete the file. See the following example:

btp333@btp5x14 ~ > cd /usr/cd-image
Directory: /usr/cd-image
btp333@btp5x14 /usr/cd-image > ls -al
total 6567
drwxrwxrwt   5 btp301   bt_p35120 Jul 11 19:39 .
drwxr-xr-x  25 root root 1024 Feb 24 21:10 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 3614 Dec 30  1999 README.multi
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 Jan 12  2000 image
-rw-r--r--   1 btp434   bt_p4 6672384 Jul  3 14:12 image1.dat
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root12288 Jan  4  2000 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x   2 btp333   bt_p31024 Jun  8 15:37 mandrake
btp333@btp5x14 /usr/cd-image > 

Here we se a directory where the sticky bit is set. The user logged in
is 'btp333' he could do a

  rm -rf mandrake

and the directory mandrake will be deleted (he would not do it, because
Mandrake is a nice distribution). But he cannot delete image1.dat
because it belongs to 'btp434'. 'btp301' as the owner of the directory
/usr/cd-image cannot delete anything inside it, because he does not own
any of the files. 'root' naturally can delete all files and the
directory /usr/cd-image itself (the directory is on a local disk of the


"Eric MC.D" wrote:
> To Till,
> For ex. if rwxrwxrwx is attributed to a file everyone can
> delete
> this file.
> The SUID and SGID bit are normaly applicable to prog. files.
> But this is also available for dirs.
> This is the Sticky bit for dirs.
> If the Sticky bit is set, only the prop. of the dir can
> delete a file in this dir. (also the root (0) of corse)
> To set this bit do:
> chmod u+t /dir
> or
> chmod 1777 /dir
> Now it becomes drwxrwxrwxt.

Re: [Cooker] Sticky bit

2000-07-12 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah

Robert L Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Since Mandrake is a French distro yes please do the english thing IF YOU

? believe me there is like 30% of developers who don't speak
french at mdksoft.

MandrakeSoft Inc
San-Francisco, CA USA --Chmouel

Re: [Cooker] Sticky bit

2000-07-12 Thread Robert L Martin

"Eric MC.D" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Les SUID bit et SGID bit sont déterminants pour les droits
> d'accès des processus.

Please, this is an english mailing list, it is important to keep this
language so that everyone can benefit from your experience and co.


Since Mandrake is a French distro yes please do the english thing IF YOU
CAN but i think the original poster may not know enough to post and was
hoping that a BiLingual/French poster would reply (as he did french
first then english).
In this case its better to switch code pages and pray then to "have a
bad accent".

Re: [Re: [Cooker] Sticky bit]

2000-07-12 Thread Quel Qun

A user 'xyz' is usually of the group 'xyz' and not 'users'. You can check that
with an 'ls -l' in your home.
Also the subdirectories src and Classes are going to be root:root if you
create them after changing the ownership of the parent.

> I'd like to set my /opt directory as a king of shared environment.
> I downloaded jdk & jre 1.1.8 / 1.2.2 / 1.3 & set up some script so one
> could work with the three in different shells whitout too many clashes. 
> Now what I want is to lock the directories so every one can see other's
> work but cannot overwrite it. I thought doing this would give the answer
> but it doesn't !
> Every action is completed under the "root" account (su). 
> # From /opt doing that would allow every member of the "users" group
> # to be part of the gid allowed for the files
> chown -Rv root.users *  
> #
> # Gives rx access to anyone (only root can modify)
> # Every one can access in full control every thing it creates (sticke
> bit)
> chmod -Rv 6755 * 
> Gives out :
> mode of jre118/lib/ changed to 6755
> (rwsr-sr-x)
> For every files
> # Creating the Src & destination directories.
>  mkdir src 
>  mkdir Classes   
>  chmod -Rv 6755 *  
> Now I though that as a normal user (su username) :
> 1. Could create any file I wanted in the ./src & ./Classes without any
> troubles 
> 2. Would receive the rxw priviledge while others would only get the rx.
> I doesn't seems to be that.
> Could one hint to a solution ?
> Tx,
> Thomas,
> ==
> > 
> > 'lut,
> > 
>   > Est-ce que qqn pourrait me dire comment je puis realiser la chose
> suivante :
> > 
> > /opt est un repertoire ou se trouve qq appli que je voudrais partager
> > p.e. jdk's / jre's / Weblogic / ... (Weblogic cela sera pr plus tard, je
> > j'ai  ensuite applique :
> >   chown -Rv root.users * # pr permettre a tt le monde d'etre
reconnu comme utilsateur
> >   chmod -Rv 6755 *# pr permettre a tt le monde de compiler
& d'executer ses pgrm Java
> >   mkdir src  # Java source code
> >   mkdir Classes  # Java class files
> > 
> > Maintenant, je desire autoriser n'importe qui a creer des fichiers /
repertoires / ... et les compiler,
> > mais ss permettre d'ecraser ceux des autres.
> > Je n'ai cependant pas reussi a utiliser le Sticky bit avec success.
> > Qqn pourrait-il me donner des renseignement sur ce que je dois faire ?
> > 
> > Merci,
> > 
> > thomas,
> -- 
> Thomas SMETS   Phone : +32 (0)2 742. 05. 94.
> Av. de la Brabançonne 133 / 3  e-mail : tsmets
> 1030 Bruxelles
>  Quote of the day =
> Ignorance is when you don't know anything and somebody finds it out.
>  === End of Quote =


Get free email and a permanent address at

Re: [Cooker] Sticky bit

2000-07-12 Thread Thomas SMETS

Tx Eric,

what did I do then when invoking chmod -Rv 6755 * ?


"Eric MC.D" wrote:
> Les SUID bit et SGID bit sont déterminants pour les droits
> d'accès des processus.
> Il ne sont normalement qu'applicables à des fichiers de
> programme.
> Mais il existe égal. des droits d'accès pour les rép.
> Si un utilisateur veut créer ou défaire un fichier dans un
> rép. où le droit d'accès est rwxrwxrwx il en est capable.
> Si tu veux que cela ne puisse être possible il existe donc
> ce qu'on appelle le Sticky bit pour les rép.
> Dans ce cas le signe t apparaît dans les droits
> attribués au reste du monde.
> Si le Sticky bit est appliqué seul le prop. peut
> supprimer un fichier du rép. Sauf le root biensur.(0)
> Il faut donc faire:
> chmod u+t /rép
> ou
> chmod 1777 /rép.
> Cela deviendra: drwxrwxrwxt ..
> C'est bien cela que tu veux ?
> Eric
> PS: la prochaine fois demande dans la liste debutant, comme
> cela il ne faut pas que se soit en Anglais.
> To Till,
> For ex. if rwxrwxrwx is attributed to a file everyone can
> delete
> this file.
> The SUID and SGID bit are normaly applicable to prog. files.
> But this is also available for dirs.
> This is the Sticky bit for dirs.
> If the Sticky bit is set, only the prop. of the dir can
> delete a file in this dir. (also the root (0) of corse)
> To set this bit do:
> chmod u+t /dir
> or
> chmod 1777 /dir
> Now it becomes drwxrwxrwxt.
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > 'lut,
> > >
> > > Est-ce que qqn pourrait me dire comment je puis realiser la chose suivante :
> > >
> > > /opt est un repertoire ou se trouve qq appli que je voudrais partager
> > > p.e. jdk's / jre's / Weblogic / ... (Weblogic cela sera pr plus tard, je crois)
> > > j'ai  ensuite applique :
> > >   chown -Rv root.users * # pr permettre a tt le monde d'etre reconnu 
>comme utilsateur
> > >   chmod -Rv 755 *# pr permettre a tt le monde de compiler & 
>d'executer ses pgrm Java
> > >   mkdir src  # Java source code
> > >   mkdir Classes  # Java class files
> > >
> > > Maintenant, je desire autoriser n'importe qui a creer des fichiers / repertoires 
>/ ... et les compiler,
> > > mais ss permettre d'ecraser ceux des autres.
> > > Je n'ai cependant pas reussi a utiliser le Sticky bit avec success.
> > > Qqn pourrait-il me donner des renseignement sur ce que je dois faire ?
> > >
> > > Merci,
> > >
> > > thomas,


Thomas SMETS   Phone : +32 (0)2 742. 05. 94.
Av. de la Brabançonne 133 / 3  e-mail : tsmets
1030 Bruxelles

 Quote of the day =
Ignorance is when you don't know anything and somebody finds it out.
 === End of Quote =

Re: [Cooker] Sticky bit

2000-07-12 Thread Thomas SMETS

I'd like to set my /opt directory as a king of shared environment.
I downloaded jdk & jre 1.1.8 / 1.2.2 / 1.3 & set up some script so one
could work with the three in different shells whitout too many clashes.
Now what I want is to lock the directories so every one can see other's
work but cannot overwrite it. I thought doing this would give the answer
but it doesn't !
Every action is completed under the "root" account (su).

# From /opt doing that would allow every member of the "users" group
# to be part of the gid allowed for the files
chown -Rv root.users * 

# Gives rx access to anyone (only root can modify)
# Every one can access in full control every thing it creates (sticke
chmod -Rv 6755 *

Gives out :
mode of jre118/lib/ changed to 6755
For every files
# Creating the Src & destination directories.
 mkdir src 
 mkdir Classes   
 chmod -Rv 6755 * 

Now I though that as a normal user (su username) :
1. Could create any file I wanted in the ./src & ./Classes without any
2. Would receive the rxw priviledge while others would only get the rx.

I doesn't seems to be that.
Could one hint to a solution ?





> 'lut,
> Est-ce que qqn pourrait me dire comment je puis realiser la chose
suivante :
> /opt est un repertoire ou se trouve qq appli que je voudrais partager
> p.e. jdk's / jre's / Weblogic / ... (Weblogic cela sera pr plus tard, je crois)
> j'ai  ensuite applique :
>   chown -Rv root.users * # pr permettre a tt le monde d'etre reconnu comme 
>   chmod -Rv 6755 *# pr permettre a tt le monde de compiler & 
>d'executer ses pgrm Java
>   mkdir src  # Java source code
>   mkdir Classes  # Java class files
> Maintenant, je desire autoriser n'importe qui a creer des fichiers / repertoires / 
>... et les compiler,
> mais ss permettre d'ecraser ceux des autres.
> Je n'ai cependant pas reussi a utiliser le Sticky bit avec success.
> Qqn pourrait-il me donner des renseignement sur ce que je dois faire ?
> Merci,
> thomas,


Thomas SMETS   Phone : +32 (0)2 742. 05. 94.
Av. de la Brabançonne 133 / 3  e-mail : tsmets
1030 Bruxelles

 Quote of the day =
Ignorance is when you don't know anything and somebody finds it out.
 === End of Quote =

Re: [Cooker] Sticky bit

2000-07-12 Thread Eric MC.D

Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> "Eric MC.D" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Les SUID bit et SGID bit sont déterminants pour les droits
> > d'accès des processus.
> Please, this is an english mailing list, it is important to keep this
> language so that everyone can benefit from your experience and co.
> --
> Guillaume Cottenceau -- Distribution Developer for MandrakeSoft
the traduction of it is below the French text.
So what more ???

Re: [Cooker] Sticky bit

2000-07-12 Thread Guillaume Cottenceau

"Eric MC.D" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Les SUID bit et SGID bit sont déterminants pour les droits
> d'accès des processus.

Please, this is an english mailing list, it is important to keep this
language so that everyone can benefit from your experience and co.

Guillaume Cottenceau -- Distribution Developer for MandrakeSoft

Re: [Cooker] Sticky bit

2000-07-12 Thread Eric MC.D

Les SUID bit et SGID bit sont déterminants pour les droits
d'accès des processus.
Il ne sont normalement qu'applicables à des fichiers de
Mais il existe égal. des droits d'accès pour les rép.
Si un utilisateur veut créer ou défaire un fichier dans un 
rép. où le droit d'accès est rwxrwxrwx il en est capable.
Si tu veux que cela ne puisse être possible il existe donc
ce qu'on appelle le Sticky bit pour les rép.
Dans ce cas le signe t apparaît dans les droits
attribués au reste du monde.
Si le Sticky bit est appliqué seul le prop. peut
supprimer un fichier du rép. Sauf le root biensur.(0)
Il faut donc faire:
chmod u+t /rép
chmod 1777 /rép.
Cela deviendra: drwxrwxrwxt ..
C'est bien cela que tu veux ?
PS: la prochaine fois demande dans la liste debutant, comme
cela il ne faut pas que se soit en Anglais.

To Till,
For ex. if rwxrwxrwx is attributed to a file everyone can
this file.
The SUID and SGID bit are normaly applicable to prog. files.
But this is also available for dirs.
This is the Sticky bit for dirs.
If the Sticky bit is set, only the prop. of the dir can
delete a file in this dir. (also the root (0) of corse)
To set this bit do:
chmod u+t /dir
chmod 1777 /dir
Now it becomes drwxrwxrwxt.

> >
> > 'lut,
> >
> > Est-ce que qqn pourrait me dire comment je puis realiser la chose suivante :
> >
> > /opt est un repertoire ou se trouve qq appli que je voudrais partager
> > p.e. jdk's / jre's / Weblogic / ... (Weblogic cela sera pr plus tard, je crois)
> > j'ai  ensuite applique :
> >   chown -Rv root.users * # pr permettre a tt le monde d'etre reconnu comme 
> >   chmod -Rv 755 *# pr permettre a tt le monde de compiler & 
>d'executer ses pgrm Java
> >   mkdir src  # Java source code
> >   mkdir Classes  # Java class files
> >
> > Maintenant, je desire autoriser n'importe qui a creer des fichiers / repertoires / 
>... et les compiler,
> > mais ss permettre d'ecraser ceux des autres.
> > Je n'ai cependant pas reussi a utiliser le Sticky bit avec success.
> > Qqn pourrait-il me donner des renseignement sur ce que je dois faire ?
> >
> > Merci,
> >
> > thomas,

Re: [Cooker] Sticky bit

2000-07-12 Thread Till Kamppeter

It would be nice when you write in english on the cooker list. 


> 'lut,
> Est-ce que qqn pourrait me dire comment je puis realiser la chose suivante :
> /opt est un repertoire ou se trouve qq appli que je voudrais partager
> p.e. jdk's / jre's / Weblogic / ... (Weblogic cela sera pr plus tard, je crois)
> j'ai  ensuite applique :
>   chown -Rv root.users * # pr permettre a tt le monde d'etre reconnu comme 
>   chmod -Rv 755 *# pr permettre a tt le monde de compiler & 
>d'executer ses pgrm Java
>   mkdir src  # Java source code
>   mkdir Classes  # Java class files
> Maintenant, je desire autoriser n'importe qui a creer des fichiers / repertoires / 
>... et les compiler,
> mais ss permettre d'ecraser ceux des autres.
> Je n'ai cependant pas reussi a utiliser le Sticky bit avec success.
> Qqn pourrait-il me donner des renseignement sur ce que je dois faire ?
> Merci,
> thomas,

[Cooker] Sticky bit

2000-07-12 Thread tsmets


Est-ce que qqn pourrait me dire comment je puis realiser la chose suivante :

/opt est un repertoire ou se trouve qq appli que je voudrais partager
p.e. jdk's / jre's / Weblogic / ... (Weblogic cela sera pr plus tard, je crois)
j'ai  ensuite applique : 
  chown -Rv root.users * # pr permettre a tt le monde d'etre reconnu comme 
  chmod -Rv 755 *# pr permettre a tt le monde de compiler & d'executer 
ses pgrm Java
  mkdir src  # Java source code
  mkdir Classes  # Java class files

Maintenant, je desire autoriser n'importe qui a creer des fichiers / repertoires / ... 
et les compiler, 
mais ss permettre d'ecraser ceux des autres.
Je n'ai cependant pas reussi a utiliser le Sticky bit avec success.
Qqn pourrait-il me donner des renseignement sur ce que je dois faire ?

