[Cooker] ppp conection

2000-04-30 Thread John Grange

on boot up of the system (this bug has been around since 7.0b) the
system says

"FAILED" retrying in background" even though it connects fine and
everything is fucntion normaly for the conection.. I tested this on the
console, and found the ./ifup ppp0 dose not display this message, but if
I do ./ifup ppp0 boot (as it is in the init scripts) it dose.

I have looked into every script that I can find on the system relating
to the networking and can not find this line of text, so I am not sure
where it is failing or saying that it is failing, anyone have any ideas
on where abouts this is happining and how we can fix this? as I said the
conection dose work but it says "FAILED" in red and then retrying in
background" (it dosn't actualy retry cause it is already connected
correctly) any ideas??


[Cooker] PPP conection....

2000-04-14 Thread Lord And Master;)

I have posted previously about the ppp conection problem I beleave, a
long long time ago before 7.0 was released .. the problem presisted in
7.0 and sitll prosists in cooker, the problem being is that on boot up
it displays starting ppp conection, and then says failed after it is
diled and connected, it is connected and the conection works, so it is
cosmetic, but i would like to see the bootup with out seeing the big red
failed? any chance we can fix this problem??

also I'm not sure about now, but as of a week ago after installing
cooker, i installed ppp from the drakconf during the install, first
there was no option to make it start on boot, wich needs to be there in
the install scripts, secound the conection would not work till i went it
linuxconf and edited the configuration, in linuxconf the name of the
conection was in where it says pap login, and there was no password set
even though in /etc/ppp/pap-secrects it was set corectly, after setting
the pap username and password, it changed the
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0 so that the configuration name
was set to the login name instead of what the confiuartion name was, but
it now connects and functions normaly, what's going on here?
