Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-09 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, David Walluck wrote:

I propose that Java libraries be installed under
/usr/share/java/, either as .jar files or as subdirectories full of
.class files.  And /etc/profile.d/java should do something like:

for i in /usr/share/java/*; do

This is how we do it (we being me and someone else, the only two on this
list that seemed really interested in Java). Mandrake, as a company,
doesn't seem to care much. They do not offer the JDK

Hmm... in that case there is no 'Mandrake policy' on Java.  Unless
things like Kaffe and GNU Classpath are packaged and actually used.  I
ask because I want to create RPMs of some (free) Java libraries and I
want to know where to put the files.  If there isn't a Mandrake
convention for this stuff then we could look at what Red Hat do.

Some RedHat contrib packages install in /usr/share/java/ (good) and
install a new script in /etc/profile.d/ for each package (bad).  But
that is only contribs, I wonder what happens for the main part of the
distribution?  Do Red Hat even put any Java libraries into the main
distribution?  I'll have to go and check.

(And if SuSE, Caldera, TurboLinux or any of the other semi-proprietary
RPM-based distros have some convention for Java, we could look at that.
Also see what Debian, Slackware and Stampede do.  I'm sure Debian has
some well-thought-out Policy on Java stuff.)

There are no java rpms in Cooker. for example.

So I wouldn't contribute the packages I build into Cooker-contrib,
because they'd be a bit useless without a JDK to run them on.  But I
would still like to get them 'out there' for RedHat-like systems.

Problem is, in X the ~/.bash_profile doesn't seem to be read, and
/etc/profile is over-written by msec all the time, so I can't figure
out a good way to get these into the path except a single script in
/etc/profile.d would probably do the trick.

Yes, that's what I'm suggesting.  Install a file in /etc/profile.d/.
This is the Right Way to set environment variables because it's just a
file you can install or uninstall with RPM - no patching or appending to
existing files.

And you'd probably want for i in *.jar instead of * incase there are
some directories or properties files or something else in that

I thought the directory might contain subdirectories of .class files
too.  Some Java libraries are still distributed this way rather than as
.jar files.

If you think that /usr/share/java/ might be used for stuff other than
compiled Java classes, then create a subdirectory
/usr/share/java/classes/ and add the contents of that to CLASSPATH.
Although this conflicts with what some other people are doing, putting
stuff directly into /usr/share/java/.

Maybe say that we should add:

- - /usr/share/java/*.jar
- - /usr/share/java/classes/*


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Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-09 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Axalon wrote:


Precedence set by Kaffe pkg, which is atleast in theory compliant with the
standard.  /usr/java should be broke apart into /usr/lib, /usr/bin, and

I agree, but try telling Sun that :-P.

I think that we should let Sun have their stupid broken /usr/java/ for
the official Sun JDK and related packages.  But we shouldn't use that
directory for any new stuff.

Global libs (for lack of knowledge?) would get installed into the
generic CLASSPATH (/usr/share/kaffe\jre\jdk\java/lib),

Do you mean that Kaffe has its own directory for class files, like
/usr/share/kaffe/whatever/lib/. and that other Java environments would
have a different directory?

I think it would be much better to have a single directory for 'all
globally-installed Java libraries'.  Of course the individual Java
implementations can have their own directories too, but there should be
one definite place where libraries can be installed.

Suppose I wanted to package the Java version of the Xerces XML parser.
What directory should the RPM install into?  If it installs into
/usr/share/kaffe/... then the library wouldn't work with the Sun or IBM
JDKs.  If it installs somewhere else, it wouldn't work with Kaffe, and
so on.

So while it is okay for Kaffe to have its own lib directory (perhaps
for 'system' packages which are specific to that JVM), there needs to be
a way to install a Java library and have it Just Work.

where as application specific would create thier own dir under
/usr/share/prog\pkg and use a wrapper to alter the CLASSPATH.

Yes, that sounds sensible.  Things like ant, the Java build tool, could
do that.  Although you do want to avoid libraries being installed as
'application specific' when in fact they are just libraries which could
be used elsewhere.

This doesn't mean a socalled global HAS tobe put into
the global path, they could all be stuffed into /usr/share/prog\pkg to
allow for version mixing..

I think that *if* an application needs a specific version of some
library, and this is some wacky version that isn't likely to be used
by anyone else, then it's okay for that application to have its own copy
of the class files.

However, if you get an app which just says 'this requires the packages', then that library should be installed as a
separate library package, if it is distributable.

With C programs, Linux distributions don't allow much messing around
with specific versions of libraries.  We don't allow gif2png to use
version 1.2.3 of libpng while xemacs needs version 1.4.6.  They should
both be compiled to use some common version, probably the latest stable
version, and if gif2png doesn't work with the latest libpng, then that
is a bug.  In cases of incompatible new versions (normally a major
version number change, as in Qt 1.x vs 2.x), the two versions may both
be installed with a small name change to distinguish them, but even then
the older version disappears as soon as possible.  Distros don't allow
prima donna applications that insist on having *that* exact version of a
particular library and carrying it around with them.

Java has not yet developed a good mechanism for making sure that a
standard set of libraries is installed, so often you find prepackaged
apps including their own copies of libraries because this is easier than
telling the user 'first go and install X, then Y and Z...'.  But if you
can get the stuff properly packaged and the dependencies noted, there is
no need for all this.

We should try as hard as possible not to have application-specific bits
of library installed in random places.  Especially not to have fifteen
slightly different implementations of org.w3c.xml.DOM or whatever.  But
of course class files which are specific to one application are okay,
and should be installed in that application's own directory.

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Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-09 Thread Frank Meurer

In Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Edward Avis cum veritate scripsit :

 If you think that /usr/share/java/ might be used for stuff other than
 compiled Java classes, then create a subdirectory
 /usr/share/java/classes/ and add the contents of that to CLASSPATH.
 Although this conflicts with what some other people are doing, putting
 stuff directly into /usr/share/java/.

 Maybe say that we should add:

 - - /usr/share/java/*.jar
 - - /usr/share/java/classes/*

 to the CLASSPATH.

Yes, that looks fine!
Maybe a switched order should be preferred in order to show other users
who want to build their own srpms that /usr/share/java/classes/* has the
higher priority and then /usr/share/java/*.jar .


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Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-09 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Frank Meurer wrote:

Maybe say that we should add:

- - /usr/share/java/*.jar
- - /usr/share/java/classes/*


Yes, that looks fine!

Should first check what other distributions do.

Maybe a switched order should be preferred in order to show other users
who want to build their own srpms that /usr/share/java/classes/* has the
higher priority and then /usr/share/java/*.jar .

Hmm, maybe.  I'm not sure which style of packaging I prefer.  I don't
think it matters that much.

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Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-09 Thread Guillaume Rousse

Sorry for catching this thread lately.

There are already several existing java packaging project. See RPMS for java 
development (, recentely announced 
on sourceforge, and jpackage project (, which 
wasn't publicy announced yet.
I'll speak for the second one, as i'm one of the packager, along with 
Cristian Zoffoli (another cooker folk), Henry Gomez (official jakarta 
packager), and Pete Chown. The goal for the project are double :
- create and maintain a set of high-quality coherent java package for several 
Linux distributions (currently Mandrake  RedHat)
- discuss and create standard for java packaging
For the first point, see current package list 
For the second, we created a dedicated mailing list, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] May i invite everyone interested to 
follow the discussion on this list, as there will be other people interested 
here ?

Now that i've advertised my own business :-), about the on-going discussion:
-/usr/share/java is a widely-agredd consensus location for java file, for 
their arch-independant nature. Structure under this root is unclear, altough. 
For the moment, i store directly jar file under this root, and create subdirs 
for apps, on the same model as /usr/lib and /usr/lib/postgres, for instance. 
Using distinct directories for class files and jar files could be a good 
point, but i would like to use the standard names lib and classes then.
-directly adding every class and jar file fo CLASSPATH is wrong IMHO, 
whatever the way used (script, link to JDK_HOME/lib/ext dir, and so on), 
because it adds lots of useless symbols for the classloader, and can provoke 
name clashes. It's a lot better to have launch script establishing correct 
CLASSPATH before starting application.
Guillaume Rousse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG key

Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-09 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Guillaume Rousse wrote:

There are already several existing java packaging project. See RPMS for java
development (,

They seem to store .jar files straight in /usr/share/java/.  Each RPM
has an accompanying /etc/profile.d/ script which adds all .jar files in
/usr/share/java/ to the CLASSPATH.  That's okay for now, but really
such a script would be better written once and included as part of the

and jpackage project (,

I see that the website doesn't have much content yet.

Why two projects?


I can't download anything from there via anonymous FTP, is it not public

IMHO it would be better to make the packages 'noarch' rather than

For the second, we created a dedicated mailing list,

How do I subscribe to that list?  The SourceForge website is really
unhelpful :-(.

May i invite everyone interested to follow the discussion on this list,
as there will be other people interested here ?

Yes, that sounds sensible.  I'm going away on holiday for nearly a week,
but when I get back I can rejoin the discussion.

This message is cc'ed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]; I will
send future messages about Java only to that list and not to

Now that i've advertised my own business :-), about the on-going discussion:
-/usr/share/java is a widely-agredd consensus location for java file, for
their arch-independant nature. Structure under this root is unclear, altough.

At the moment most packages seem to just put the .jar files directly
under there.  Since each package normally has only one or two .jars,
that's not too messy.

For the moment, i store directly jar file under this root, and create subdirs
for apps, on the same model as /usr/lib and /usr/lib/postgres, for instance.

So an application would store its files in several subdirectories all
over the place - like ant might have /usr/bin/ant, /usr/share/ant/,
/usr/man/man1/ant.1.bz2, and maybe some others.  That is good, because
it's the Unix convention to store files grouped more by type than by the
application they came from.

Using distinct directories for class files and jar files could be a good
point, but i would like to use the standard names lib and classes then.

So would I.  But since putting jar files directly under /usr/share/ is
pretty well established, as a compromise it might be best to have a
standard name classes/ but not one for jars/.

-directly adding every class and jar file fo CLASSPATH is wrong IMHO,
whatever the way used (script, link to JDK_HOME/lib/ext dir, and so on),
because it adds lots of useless symbols for the classloader,

They're not useless... you wouldn't install the library if it were

Has anyone benchmarked to find out whether having more things in the
CLASSPATH actually makes a noticeable difference to Java startup speed?
I don't think it will, but obviously without benchmarking I can't
substantiate that.

If speed really is a problem then there might be a case for keeping the
CLASSPATH as small as possible.  Apart from that I can't see a good

and can provoke name clashes.

No, because of Java's package name rules.  The only possibility for name
clashes is in two versions of the same library, in which case rpm would
erase one before installing the other.  Eg if you upgrade from
xerces-j-1.2.3 to xerces-j-2.3.4, the old jar files will be removed.

In special cases where an application really does need a different
version of the library from that installed globally, it can have its
own application-specific library directory (under /usr/share/whatever/)
and have a wrapper to set the CLASSPATH.

It's a lot better to have launch script establishing correct CLASSPATH
before starting application.

For applications like ant, which always come with a Unix shell script
wrapper, that is okay.  But what about applications which are started
with just 'java Classname'?  Surely we don't want to have to create a
new wrapper script for every single Java application that might get

And what about when you are developing Java code?  Suppose you write
some code that imports a set of Java classes.  When you try to compile
it, the compiler says that the class is not found.  Fine, you go and
install the necessary package.  But then after installing it still
doesn't work!

Would you really say to the user that every time you want to run the
compiler, you have to fiddle about setting the CLASSPATH by hand so that
it includes the jar files you need?  The idea of packaging Java
libraries as RPMs is to make them easy to install.  If the user still
has to change environment variables by hand, then what is the point of
packaging?  It would be almost as easy to download the .jar file itself
and add it to your CLASSPATH.

Think about the PATH for executables.  When a new application or utility

Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-09 Thread Guillaume Rousse

Ainsi parlait Edward Avis :
 On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
 and jpackage project (,

 I see that the website doesn't have much content yet.
Use rpm index page instead (
On my own local mirror, it weighs a little 263 Mo

 Why two projects?
Cause few discussion about merging has not been succesful. And there are 
maybe tons of others similar project of individuals lurking around :-)


 I can't download anything from there via anonymous FTP, is it not public
I just tried, everything seems OK.

 IMHO it would be better to make the packages 'noarch' rather than
Evey java package is noarch. arch-dependant are either other apache project 
packages (such as xalan-c), java-related native progs (jikes, java-wrapper), 
or native code part of java apps (tomcat-apache connectors).

 For the second, we created a dedicated mailing list,

 How do I subscribe to that list?  The SourceForge website is really
 unhelpful :-(.
Sorry, it is yet a private list. I'm asking my other fellow to open it, so 
stay on cooker for now.

 -directly adding every class and jar file fo CLASSPATH is wrong IMHO,
 whatever the way used (script, link to JDK_HOME/lib/ext dir, and so on),
 because it adds lots of useless symbols for the classloader,

 They're not useless... you wouldn't install the library if it were

 Has anyone benchmarked to find out whether having more things in the
 CLASSPATH actually makes a noticeable difference to Java startup speed?
 I don't think it will, but obviously without benchmarking I can't
 substantiate that.
Agreed, there isn't any benchmark here. Anyway, i don't like to have my 
CLASSPATH polluted by cumbersome classes used once every year, making it 
unpractical to read.

 If speed really is a problem then there might be a case for keeping the
 CLASSPATH as small as possible.  Apart from that I can't see a good

 and can provoke name clashes.

 No, because of Java's package name rules.  The only possibility for name
 clashes is in two versions of the same library, in which case rpm would
 erase one before installing the other.  Eg if you upgrade from
 xerces-j-1.2.3 to xerces-j-2.3.4, the old jar files will be removed.
Some classes are present in several libraries :, for instance, 
appears in every XML parser. They could be of different version also.

 In special cases where an application really does need a different
 version of the library from that installed globally, it can have its
 own application-specific library directory (under /usr/share/whatever/)
 and have a wrapper to set the CLASSPATH.

 It's a lot better to have launch script establishing correct CLASSPATH
 before starting application.

 For applications like ant, which always come with a Unix shell script
 wrapper, that is okay.  But what about applications which are started
 with just 'java Classname'?  Surely we don't want to have to create a
 new wrapper script for every single Java application that might get
Standard wrapper is easy to create and maintain, and allows lots of useful 
customization. I recently adapted our own ant script for ArgoUML, allowing me 
to use IBM JDK for running it instead of my default Sun JDK.

 And what about when you are developing Java code?  Suppose you write
 some code that imports a set of Java classes.  When you try to compile
 it, the compiler says that the class is not found.  Fine, you go and
 install the necessary package.  But then after installing it still
 doesn't work!

 Would you really say to the user that every time you want to run the
 compiler, you have to fiddle about setting the CLASSPATH by hand so that
 it includes the jar files you need?  The idea of packaging Java
 libraries as RPMs is to make them easy to install.  If the user still
 has to change environment variables by hand, then what is the point of
 packaging?  It would be almost as easy to download the .jar file itself
 and add it to your CLASSPATH.

 Think about the PATH for executables.  When a new application or utility
 is installed, its executables normally go into /usr/bin/ so they are
 directly included in PATH.  Users do not have to set PATH by hand to
 include the binaries for this particular application, nor does the
 packager have to include wrapper scripts.

 Yes, it does take a very long time to list all the possibilities when
 you hit TAB in bash.  But that is outweighed by the convenience of
 installing a package and having it just work - which is the way things
 should be.

 Yes, there is a chance of name clashes if something in /usr/bin/ has the
 same name as something in /bin/.  But again this is not serious enough
 to worry about.  In Java, name clashes are more difficult because all
 packages include the DNS name of the author.  With binaries, rpm will

Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-09 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Guillaume Rousse wrote:


I can't download anything from there via anonymous FTP, is it not public

I just tried, everything seems OK.

Yes, it works now.  It didn't when I sent the message, but I didn't
investigate the source of the problem.

IMHO it would be better to make the packages 'noarch' rather than

Evey java package is noarch.

Yes, you are right.  Sorry, I just saw lots of 'i386' packages and
just assumed they were 100% Java.

For the second, we created a dedicated mailing list,

Sorry, it is yet a private list. I'm asking my other fellow to open it, so
stay on cooker for now.

Okay, I'll stay on this list.  Please ignore the Reply-To header in my
previous message :-).

Has anyone benchmarked to find out whether having more things in the
CLASSPATH actually makes a noticeable difference to Java startup speed?

Agreed, there isn't any benchmark here. Anyway, i don't like to have
my CLASSPATH polluted by cumbersome classes used once every year,
making it unpractical to read.

% echo $CLASSPATH | tr : \n

Looks nice enough especially if most of the jar files are stored under a
common root.  I don't think that this is a good reason not to add
libraries to CLASSPATH.

Some classes are present in several libraries :, for instance,
appears in every XML parser.

Fair point.  Although this is because, in principle, the different
implementations should be interchangeable.  You should be able to pick
one particular Java XML parser, say 'this is the standard for our
system', and all apps will use it.

You could enforce that with dependencies; each implementation of 'Provides' the service 'java_xml_dom'.  Then have a rule
saying that only one package can provide this service, and it's an error
to have two different ones installed.  Debian can do this, I don't know
whether RPM can.

But I recognize that in practice the world is not like that.  Different
implementations of the same API will have different bugs and different
performance characteristics.  Even though it's intended that any of them
could be used, an application may rely on the quirks of one particular

But if an application is fussy in that way, it's the application's
problem.  If it needs its own particular implementation of DOM, and
nobody else's will do, then the jar file for that implementation should
go in the application's own directory.  (And you could file a bug report
against that application, asking that it shouldn't rely on quirks of one
particular DOM library.)

Meanwhile, for more portable programs you pick one single
implementation, hopefully the best available, and make this the system
standard and the one that is installed in /usr/share/.

They could be of different version also.

Only a problem if there are incompatible changes between versions.  If
new versions are backwards-compatible then just install the latest - as
happens with C libraries, Perl modules and everything else.  If there
are two incompatible versions then yes, some special treatment will be
needed (as happens for Qt and other libs).

Standard wrapper is easy to create and maintain,

Not necessarily.  Suppose you have an application which needs the Foo
library, which is included as part of the Apache Project's Footle

Because jar files are _not_ being automatically added to the CLASSPATH,
your wrapper script needs to add the necessary filename itself.  But
what is the filename?


or lots of others.  It's not possible to write the wrapper script
without relying on what the particular filename is going to be.  Since
there is no standard naming convention for .jar files, it's not possible
to know in advance.

OTOH, if you just arranged that everything in /usr/share/ gets added to
the CLASSPATH, then you don't worry about filenames - if the necessary
libraries have been installed, they will work.

I think people developping in java know how to set and establish their

Of course.  People developing in Perl would know how to set PERL5LIB.
But it is a pain!

I'm fed up with having to set CLASSPATH for every library, that's why I
want to package them!

Morevoer, i think they like to have precise control over it,

You still have precise control.  You're always free to add or remove
things from the CLASSPATH variable, or set it to whatever you want.
That doesn't change.

But the default setup, for users who haven't changed anything, should
work as smoothly as possible.

My main concern was about newbies, and there a launch script would definitely
be more useful : think about typing just argouml (with completion) rather
than java org.tigris.argouml.MainClassWhichIForgotTheName

Yes, that's still better (although look at Linux's 'Java 

Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-09 Thread Guillaume Rousse

Ainsi parlait Edward Avis :
 Sorry, it is yet a private list. I'm asking my other fellow to open it, so
 stay on cooker for now.
 Okay, I'll stay on this list.  Please ignore the Reply-To header in my
 previous message :-).
Corrected now. You can subscribe by going there, as well as look as the reply from 
Henry you should have missed.

 Has anyone benchmarked to find out whether having more things in the
 CLASSPATH actually makes a noticeable difference to Java startup speed?
 Agreed, there isn't any benchmark here. Anyway, i don't like to have
 my CLASSPATH polluted by cumbersome classes used once every year,
 making it unpractical to read.

 % echo $CLASSPATH | tr : \n

 Looks nice enough especially if most of the jar files are stored under a
 common root.  I don't think that this is a good reason not to add
 libraries to CLASSPATH.

 Some classes are present in several libraries :, for instance,
 appears in every XML parser.

 Fair point.  Although this is because, in principle, the different
 implementations should be interchangeable.  You should be able to pick
 one particular Java XML parser, say 'this is the standard for our
 system', and all apps will use it.

 You could enforce that with dependencies; each implementation of 'Provides' the service 'java_xml_dom'.  Then have a rule
 saying that only one package can provide this service, and it's an error
 to have two different ones installed.  Debian can do this, I don't know
 whether RPM can.
Already the case : every such rpm provides jaxp (and sun reference 
implementation provides sun-jaxp), but that doesn't mean you can't have two 
different implementation present.
 Standard wrapper is easy to create and maintain,

 Not necessarily.  Suppose you have an application which needs the Foo
 library, which is included as part of the Apache Project's Footle

 Because jar files are _not_ being automatically added to the CLASSPATH,
 your wrapper script needs to add the necessary filename itself.  But
 what is the filename?

 or lots of others.  It's not possible to write the wrapper script
 without relying on what the particular filename is going to be.  Since
 there is no standard naming convention for .jar files, it's not possible
 to know in advance.
As WE are the packager, we do know what the name is :-)
By having our ant package requires our xerces package, we know that unless 
using a --nodeps flag, there will be a xerces.jar present in /usr/share/java. 
That's one of the strenght of a coherent package set.

 OTOH, if you just arranged that everything in /usr/share/ gets added to
 the CLASSPATH, then you don't worry about filenames - if the necessary
 libraries have been installed, they will work.

 I think people developping in java know how to set and establish their

 Of course.  People developing in Perl would know how to set PERL5LIB.
 But it is a pain!

 I'm fed up with having to set CLASSPATH for every library, that's why I
 want to package them!

 Morevoer, i think they like to have precise control over it,

 You still have precise control.  You're always free to add or remove
 things from the CLASSPATH variable, or set it to whatever you want.
 That doesn't change.

 But the default setup, for users who haven't changed anything, should
 work as smoothly as possible.

 My main concern was about newbies, and there a launch script would
  definitely be more useful : think about typing just argouml (with
  completion) rather than java

 Yes, that's still better (although look at Linux's 'Java binary
I made a package for this one, see java_binfmt-1.0.2-1mdk.i586.rpm :-)

 But even if you do have wrappers, they are easier to
 maintain if they don't have to add extra stuff to the CLASSPATH and
 don't depend on knowing the filenames of jar files.

 For cases where a particular version of a library is needed, for
 packages that need other environment variables set anyway, and for
 anything else out of the ordinary, you can and should write a wrapper
 script.  But if we can make 80% of Java stuff work out of the box
 without needing wrappers, we should do so.
I find definitly more easy to construct a CLASSPATH from nothing when realy 
needing it, than looking into the current one when facing to a real one. As i 
use IDE for large project, anyway, they keep track of CLASSPATH for me.

I also think it's safer to keep environment clean, so to avoid potential side 
effect. For example, some building script (exemple: ant) test libraries 
availability by testing CLASSPATH : should we have to nullify it before any 
build to have precise control over what's getting build ?

And as wrappers are definitely more confortables, and we do have name 
controls, i prefer wrappers.

Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-09 Thread David Walluck

Guillaume Rousse wrote:

 Corrected now. You can subscribe by going there, as well as look as the reply from 

Do I have to use the sourceforge page or can I send some subscribe 
message to this list. If so, how?

 I find definitly more easy to construct a CLASSPATH from nothing when realy 
 needing it, than looking into the current one when facing to a real one. As i 
 use IDE for large project, anyway, they keep track of CLASSPATH for me.
 I also think it's safer to keep environment clean, so to avoid potential side 
 effect. For example, some building script (exemple: ant) test libraries 
 availability by testing CLASSPATH : should we have to nullify it before any 
 build to have precise control over what's getting build ?
 And as wrappers are definitely more confortables, and we do have name 
 controls, i prefer wrappers.

Well yes, so do I, because of namespace conflicts, but unfortunately not 
everything has a wrapper, unless a script is provided in place of java, 
that checks if a classpath has been set, and if not, tries to construct 
an all-encompassing one


David Walluck

Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-09 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Guillaume Rousse wrote:


You can subscribe by going there,

I've subscribed.  Future messages on this subject will go only to that
list.  For real this time :-).

as well as look as the reply from Henry you should have missed.

He seems to disagree with me and agree with you... but we can discuss
this some more :-).

Some classes are present in several libraries :, for instance,
appears in every XML parser.

You could enforce that with dependencies; each implementation of 'Provides' the service 'java_xml_dom'.  Then have a rule
saying that only one package can provide this service, and it's an error
to have two different ones installed.

Already the case : every such rpm provides jaxp (and sun reference
implementation provides sun-jaxp), but that doesn't mean you can't have two
different implementation present.

But it would be good to have one 'recommended' implementation, to say
'if you develop your own apps, please use this one'.

By having our ant package requires our xerces package, we know that unless
using a --nodeps flag, there will be a xerces.jar present in /usr/share/java.

You don't think that instead of requiring xerces, it should require
'java_w3c_xml_parser' and then use whatever implementation is installed?

I suppose that requiring xerces.jar is okay.  It's not too bad to assume
that nothing else will use that name.  And if you need a particular
version you can use xerces-1.2.3.jar.

In fact, I think that the version number should always be included in
the jar file's name, to allow for multiple versions installed easily.
Then xerces.jar could be a symlink to one of the versions, probably to
the latest version.

If an app needs a particular version of xerces, it could use
xerces-x.y.z.jar.  If it just needs 'xerces' and should work okay with
the latest version, it should use xerces.jar.  And if it needs xerces v1
and not the incompatible version 2, it should use xerces-1.jar.

Like is done for .so files:

xerces.jar   - xerces-2.3.4.jar
xerces-2.jar - xerces-2.3.4.jar
xerces-2.3.jar   - xerces-2.3.4.jar
xerces-1.jar - xerces-1.2.3.jar
xerces-1.2.jar   - xerces-1.2.3.jar

That's one of the strenght of a coherent package set.

I suppose there is a slight clash of purpose.  You want to create a set
of packages, but I was asking on the Mandrake list about a policy
allowing other people to create packages.  So I didn't want to assume
that people would behave in a 'coherent' way :-)

However I think your assumption is okay.  Work out a convention for
packages as part of a coherent set, and it should be possible for third
parties to create packages following that convention and have them work
well together.

[should the CLASSPATH be set automatically to include the contents of

I find definitly more easy to construct a CLASSPATH from nothing when realy
needing it, than looking into the current one when facing to a real one.

But you can still do that!  Nothing stops you from doing

% export CLASSPATH=whatever...

But you shouldn't be forced to do that just to get something to compile.
In some cases it may be unavoidable, but where it is not, the CLASSPATH
should be set to something that's going to work.

As i use IDE for large project, anyway, they keep track of CLASSPATH
for me.

In which case you'd also not have a problem with an autodetected
CLASSPATH, since your IDE would change it anyway!

I also think it's safer to keep environment clean, so to avoid potential side
effect. For example, some building script (exemple: ant) test libraries
availability by testing CLASSPATH

But isn't that what you want?  Ant is trying to find out what libraries
are available on the system.  Surely if a library is installed, ant
should be able to find that out?

should we have to nullify it before any build to have precise control
over what's getting build ?

The same thing applies to configure scripts for non-Java programs.
'Checking for libtiff... yes'.  If you want precise control over what's
being built, you have to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH so as to fool the configure
script into not noticing what is installed.

If you want to do that, you can.  But the autodetection is there for a
purpose and the default needs to be that it works correctly.  Otherwise
what is the point in having autodetection at all?

And as wrappers are definitely more confortables, and we do have name
controls, i prefer wrappers.

Sure, have wrappers for any Java app if you want them.  If you have a
wrapper it doesn't really matter what the CLASSPATH is, since you can
set it to what you like.  I'm arguing that the default setting, in the
absence of any wrappers or manual setting of variables, should be a
CLASSPATH that includes the libraries currently installed on the system.

Do you think that the naming 

Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-08 Thread Frank Meurer

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Edward Avis cum veritate scripsit :

 I have my .bashrc set up to do this automatically for every file in a
 certain directory.  It would be possible to add a new script in
 /etc/profile.d/ to do this.

I install 3rd party jars in a shared directory (NFS) and change/add my
CLASSPATH in my .bashrc.
Due to development with developer jars with rapidly changing API's we use
different versions of different packages and adjust our CLASSPATHs to make
sure that the software and its API's will harmonize.

But the guy at home with his freshly blown away windoze system and his
shiny new Linux Mandrake System there must be a solution for click-

 Sun sometimes recommend that you install new .jar files in
 /usr/java/jre/lib/ or /usr/java/jre/lib/ext/.  Then they get picked up
 automatically without needing to be in the CLASSPATH.  But I think this
 is not really appropriate for stuff that doesn't come from Sun, and I'm
 not sure that /usr/java/ is a good place for anything, although Sun seem
 to have claimed it.

Why not? I guess that a symlink from /usr/java to a better place should
also work.
Which JDKs and JRE do actually behave like you described???

 One guy has packaged lots of Java stuff for Red Hat's contrib section,
 for example
 This installs a tree of .class files under /usr/share/Acme/ and adds two
 new scripts to /etc/profile.d/ to add this directory to the CLASSPATH.
 Personally, I think that having every package add a new script to
 profile.d/ is messy.  Better to have a single one and have it
 automatically pick up things installed under some specified directory.


 So is there a Mandrake policy or precedent for this stuff?  Do any other
 distributions have a policy we could copy?

 If not, I propose that Java libraries be installed under
 /usr/share/java/, either as .jar files or as subdirectories full of

Agreement but what says the Linux Standard Base?
I would prefer this directory /usr/share/java/ and a symlink to it from
/usr/java. And in /usr/share/java/ there should be the jre/lib dirs you
mentioned above.

 .class files.  And /etc/profile.d/java should do something like:

 for i in /usr/share/java/*; do

Hmmm... doesn't look bad!
But... maybe there will be (with a /huge/ growing number of jars etc.)
some broken dependencies or conflicts due to the wrong sequence of jars in
E.g.: You install a package which needs i.e. the new JMF 2.1.1 and
comes with it. For /this/ software the new jmf jar must be prepended to
the old classpath. If the installer and/or /etc/profile does it right then
the new software will run, but /old/ software which needs the old JMF 1.x
won't run anymore.
(I know that you can't deliver JMF due to license but it's only an
How does you think about that?

And what about a *big* CLASSPATH if you have installed dozens of java


In C we had to code our own bugs. In C++ we can inherit them.

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Frank Meurer [EMAIL PROTECTED], PGP ID: 0x5E756DA8
Key fingerprint = 169A 1138 8DB4 528F 2F01  20A6 EDD8 49C3 5E75 6DA8

Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-08 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Frank Meurer wrote:

[installing Java library .jar files]

Sun sometimes recommend that you install new .jar files in
/usr/java/jre/lib/ or /usr/java/jre/lib/ext/.  Then they get picked up
automatically without needing to be in the CLASSPATH.  But I think this
is not really appropriate for stuff that doesn't come from Sun, and I'm
not sure that /usr/java/ is a good place for anything, although Sun seem
to have claimed it.

Why not?

Well, it's an okay place for the official Sun JDK.  Sun distribute an
RPM for Linux that installs in /usr/java/, with an elaborate directory
structure underneath for binaries, .jar files and so on.

What Sun do, IIRC, is to have /usr/java/jdk-1.3.1/ and under there a
jre/lib/ directory for libraries.  We can't make other packages
dependent on the '1.3.1' bit, and we can't really make them depend on
knowledge of Sun's odd directory structure, which might change in the

So some other place is needed.  You could make another directory under
/usr/java/, such as /usr/java/lib/, but I think it might be more
FHS-compliant to have something under /usr/share/.

Which JDKs and JRE do actually behave like you described???

I don't know; what I do know is that with Sun's JDK you can dump
packages into /usr/java/jdk-1.3.1/jre/lib/ext/ and they'll magically
start working.  But this is not very deep magic, it could easily be
reproduced for a different directory with a simple shell script or
wrapper for 'java'.

I propose that Java libraries be installed under

Agreement but what says the Linux Standard Base?

Nothing specific in there about Java.  Do you mean the FHS?  There's
noting about Java in there either, but it does say:

18. Miscellaneous  architecture-independent  application-specific
static files and subdirectories must be placed in /usr/share.

That sounds like Java libraries... OTOH, they are libraries, despite
being architecture-independent, so maybe /usr/lib/ is better.  After
all, Perl libraries go in /usr/lib/perl5/ not under /usr/share/.  (Goes
and checks the FHS) Oh no, the FHS specificially covers this:

19. For example, the perl5 subdirectory for Perl 5 modules and

Right.  So even though something may be a 'library' in some sense, if
it's architecture-independent it should go in share/ not lib/.

I would prefer this directory /usr/share/java/ and a symlink to it from

I am a bit annoyed that Sun unilaterally decided to grab the directory
/usr/java/ and install random stuff under it in a not very sensible
directory layout.  They can do that on Solaris if they want, but
preferably not Linux.  I don't think we should encourage them by putting
anything more in there :-)

Since /usr/java/ contains binaries, documentation and all sorts of
stuff, I don't think it's appropriate for /usr/share/, which I think is
for architecture-independent files (like Java libraries!).

for i in /usr/share/java/*; do

But... maybe there will be (with a /huge/ growing number of jars etc.)
some broken dependencies or conflicts due to the wrong sequence of jars in

Mostly this will not happen due to Java's package rules.  A library from
one vendor will have classes called


and another vendor will use


so they can't clash.  This even happens for different libraries
implementing the same spec, such as XML DOM.  You set a string in your
source code to decide whose implementation to use.

E.g.: You install a package which needs i.e. the new JMF 2.1.1 and
comes with it. For /this/ software the new jmf jar must be prepended to
the old classpath. If the installer and/or /etc/profile does it right then
the new software will run, but /old/ software which needs the old JMF 1.x
won't run anymore.

Ah, but that is the same problem you have with RPM packages anyway.  The
way people often get around this is to make the new, incompatible
version install with a different name, eg 'bash2'.  (Or maybe rename the
old version, as in 'bash1'.)  I expect that this also happens when Java
libraries get incompatible new versions, eg:


Really you have to say that it's up to the library author.  However if
users do want finer control over what .jar files get searched first they
can always edit their CLASSPATH themselves.  I think that most likely
they would just add the necessary .jar files to the front.

And what about a *big* CLASSPATH if you have installed dozens of java

Not a problem - if you've installed dozens you presumably want to use
them all.  Considering the general speed of Java, I don't think the
small extra startup time would be significant :-)

Again, if you do want fine control over this, you could set CLASSPATH by
hand.  But the default setup should be that you can install some
libraries and 

Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-08 Thread Frank Meurer

In Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Edward Avis cum veritate scripsit :


 for i in /usr/share/java/*; do

 But... maybe there will be (with a /huge/ growing number of jars etc.)
 some broken dependencies or conflicts due to the wrong sequence of jars in

 Mostly this will not happen due to Java's package rules.  A library from
 one vendor will have classes called


 and another vendor will use


 so they can't clash.  This even happens for different libraries
 implementing the same spec, such as XML DOM.  You set a string in your
 source code to decide whose implementation to use.

Actually they WILL clash! But maybe only for work-in-progress code. But as
a developer I have exactly *these* pbs... ;-(
But that's another story and it surely won't happen to the guy who just
substitutes windoze with Linux Mandrake on his home peecee...

 old version, as in 'bash1'.)  I expect that this also happens when Java
 libraries get incompatible new versions, eg:



 Really you have to say that it's up to the library author.  However if
 users do want finer control over what .jar files get searched first they
 can always edit their CLASSPATH themselves.  I think that most likely
 they would just add the necessary .jar files to the front.

And the guy with his shiny new Linux?

 And what about a *big* CLASSPATH if you have installed dozens of java

 Not a problem - if you've installed dozens you presumably want to use

I know but that's not... er... NICE!

 them all.  Considering the general speed of Java, I don't think the
 small extra startup time would be significant :-)

The guy must buy an GHz-Athlon. ;-)


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of the Washington State Consumer Protection Act, chapter 19.86 RCW.
Frank Meurer [EMAIL PROTECTED], PGP ID: 0x5E756DA8
Key fingerprint = 169A 1138 8DB4 528F 2F01  20A6 EDD8 49C3 5E75 6DA8

Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-08 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Frank Meurer wrote:


A library from one vendor will have classes called


and another vendor will use


 so they can't clash.

Actually they WILL clash!


import com.snakeoil.palisade.*;


import com.gerbil-gratings.simphoni.*;

There's no problem unless you mix the two.



It is a bit horrid, I agree.  I don't know whether Java library vendors
are actually doing this.

It is clear to me that you cannot have two different versions of the
same Java class installed system-wide.  Not unless they use different
names as above.  This is exactly analogous to RPM packages where you
can't have both sed-3.02 and sed-3.03.  If you want two versions of
something, one of them has to be renamed, as Mandrake and others have
done with XFree86, Qt, bash and lots of other stuff.

So the problem of having clashing versions of the same class would
simply not arise.  Rpm would uninstall the old version when installing
the new.

If you deliberately want to keep using an older version for some things,
and a newer version for others, probably the best strategy is to have
one installed system-wide, one in your home directory, and change the
CLASSPATH as needed.  This is the same as what you'd do with .so files,
C header files, Perl modules or whatever.

- -- 
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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-08 Thread michael

Edward Avis wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 What is the convention for RPMs of compiled Java libraries?
Would this solve the problem with Konqueror and Java issues?
Or has it been solved w/o me finding out?
Science is built up with facts, as a house is with stones. But a
collection of facts is no more a science than a heap of
stones is a house. 
La Science et l'hypothèse. 
Henri Poincaré

Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-08 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, michael wrote:

What is the convention for RPMs of compiled Java libraries?

Would this solve the problem with Konqueror and Java issues?

Probably not.  We're discussing adding new libraries of Java code to the
system, and where to put them.

- -- 
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Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-08 Thread David Walluck

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Edward Avis wrote:

 If not, I propose that Java libraries be installed under
 /usr/share/java/, either as .jar files or as subdirectories full of
 .class files.  And /etc/profile.d/java should do something like:

 for i in /usr/share/java/*; do

This is how we do it (we being me and someone else, the only two on this
list that seemed really interested in Java). Mandrake, as a company,
doesn't seem to care much. They do not offer the JDK (or are maybe
prohibited by law). Still, if Sun won't let you I'm sure IBM would love
too seeing as they say they are pro-Linux these days. I had heard they
were going to distribute Sun JDK only on the commercial CD, but they still
do not seem to have an official stance on Java support. There are no java
rpms in Cooker. for example.

Problem is, in X the ~/.bash_profile doesn't seem to be read, and
/etc/profile is over-written by msec all the time, so I can't figure out a
good way to get these into the path except a single script in
/etc/profile.d would probably do the trick. And you'd probably want for i
in *.jar instead of * incase there are some directories or properties
files or something else in that directory,


David Walluck

Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-08 Thread Axalon

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, David Walluck wrote:

 On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Edward Avis wrote:
  If not, I propose that Java libraries be installed under
  /usr/share/java/, either as .jar files or as subdirectories full of
  .class files.  And /etc/profile.d/java should do something like:
  for i in /usr/share/java/*; do
 This is how we do it (we being me and someone else, the only two on this
 list that seemed really interested in Java). Mandrake, as a company,
 doesn't seem to care much. They do not offer the JDK (or are maybe
 prohibited by law). Still, if Sun won't let you I'm sure IBM would love
 too seeing as they say they are pro-Linux these days. I had heard they
 were going to distribute Sun JDK only on the commercial CD, but they still
 do not seem to have an official stance on Java support. There are no java
 rpms in Cooker. for example.
 Problem is, in X the ~/.bash_profile doesn't seem to be read, and
 /etc/profile is over-written by msec all the time, so I can't figure out a
 good way to get these into the path except a single script in
 /etc/profile.d would probably do the trick. And you'd probably want for i
 in *.jar instead of * incase there are some directories or properties
 files or something else in that directory,

Precedence set by Kaffe pkg, which is atleast in theory compliant with the
standard.  /usr/java should be broke apart into /usr/lib, /usr/bin, and
/usr/share/name. Global libs (for lack of knowledge?) would get
installed into the generic CLASSPATH
(/usr/share/kaffe\jre\jdk\java/lib), where as application specific would
create thier own dir under /usr/share/prog\pkg and use a wrapper to
alter the CLASSPATH. This doesn't mean a socalled global HAS tobe put into
the global path, they could all be stuffed into /usr/share/prog\pkg to
allow for version mixing..

About rpm. There is nothing in rpm that would disallow useing two or more
concurrent versions of a package. The problem here is the .rpm's just
aren't designed for this, which is obvious when you rpm -i and get file
conflicts. The way around this is useing a Nomad(tm?) approach. Useing
update-alternatives(?) to reset links as needed on an app by app basis.


Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-08 Thread Frank Meurer

In Sun, 8 Jul 2001, David Walluck cum veritate scripsit :

 On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Edward Avis wrote:

 do not seem to have an official stance on Java support. There are no java
 rpms in Cooker. for example.

IMHO the licenses of the Blackdown port should allow to integrate it.

 Problem is, in X the ~/.bash_profile doesn't seem to be read, and

I use qvwm as WM and all xterm entries (actually it's rxvt) are called
with -ls to start a login shell.
But .bashrc is always read (unless you specify --norc or another rc file
with --rcfile on invokation of bash).

 /etc/profile is over-written by msec all the time, so I can't figure out a

Ahrrg! So many fixes I've put in this dirty stuff!
And I've given up to send the bugfixes to Mandrake because none of them
was fixed in the next version.
(NFS, rights, uid's - I don't remember exactly.)
You'll have to put up the fight with msec! ;-)

 good way to get these into the path except a single script in
 /etc/profile.d would probably do the trick. And you'd probably want for i
 in *.jar instead of * incase there are some directories or properties
 files or something else in that directory,

What about subdirs e.g. 'find * -type f -name *.jar'?


PS: Nice emailaddress!
Sending unsolicited commercial email to this address may be a violation
of the Washington State Consumer Protection Act, chapter 19.86 RCW.
Frank Meurer [EMAIL PROTECTED], PGP ID: 0x5E756DA8
Key fingerprint = 169A 1138 8DB4 528F 2F01  20A6 EDD8 49C3 5E75 6DA8

Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-08 Thread David Walluck

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Axalon wrote:

 Precedence set by Kaffe pkg, which is atleast in theory compliant with the
 standard.  /usr/java should be broke apart into /usr/lib, /usr/bin, and
 /usr/share/name. Global libs (for lack of knowledge?) would get
 installed into the generic CLASSPATH
 (/usr/share/kaffe\jre\jdk\java/lib), where as application specific would
 create thier own dir under /usr/share/prog\pkg and use a wrapper to
 alter the CLASSPATH. This doesn't mean a socalled global HAS tobe put into
 the global path, they could all be stuffed into /usr/share/prog\pkg to
 allow for version mixing..

Are you familiar with java packages? There is really no such concept as
this, especially when .jar's are single files.


David Walluck

Re: [Cooker] Packaging Java class libraries

2001-07-08 Thread Frank Meurer

In Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Edward Avis cum veritate scripsit :

 Actually they WILL clash!


Yeah! ;-)

 import com.snakeoil.palisade.*;


 import com.gerbil-gratings.simphoni.*;

 There's no problem unless you mix the two.

My Program uses LIBOLD (com.firm.lib) and I also use programs which need
LIBNEW (also com.firm.lib). CLASSPATH is LIBNEW:LIBOLD:other.
My other programs will run but not my own program.
As an actual example at least JMF with its changes but same namespace will
cause such pbs.
(just for information for other readers who doesn't know much about the
practical use of this nice language called Java... ;-) )

 If you deliberately want to keep using an older version for some things,

Actually there are cases where I *must* keep old versions (i.e. for
customers) and new versions (i.e. for research) both in use.

 and a newer version for others, probably the best strategy is to have
 one installed system-wide, one in your home directory, and change the
 CLASSPATH as needed.  This is the same as what you'd do with .so files,
 C header files, Perl modules or whatever.

That's what I do all the time (supported by different targets in makefiles
But that's should not happen to the guy with his shiny new linux...


Sending unsolicited commercial email to this address may be a violation
of the Washington State Consumer Protection Act, chapter 19.86 RCW.
Frank Meurer [EMAIL PROTECTED], PGP ID: 0x5E756DA8
Key fingerprint = 169A 1138 8DB4 528F 2F01  20A6 EDD8 49C3 5E75 6DA8