Re: PowerBook G4 12inch

2003-10-23 Thread John G. Cole
I had a thread on the list about my installation on a 12" g4 powerbook 
-- but unfortunately the post that I made after I had solved most of the 
problems did not end up on the archive -- here is the relevant section 
-- which I think will also solve the tab problem

from June 2003 post:

just an update on my progress -- indeed the benh kernel is not 
installed -- i am trying to follow a work around suggested by Nic 
Doebelin on the comp.os.linux.powerpc list which is based on the 
translation of an article from a German magazine.  Like Isaac I had 
the problem that when I switched to the console mode during text 
installation my 'a' key became a ^B so umount /dev/hda and eject 
/dev/hda became difficult -- the work around for that problem is:

# echo 'keycode 30 = \0141' > key
# mount /dev/hdcX  /mnt--- where X is your root partition
#/mnt/bin/lo*dkeys key
That gives you an 'a' key again

then unmount the cd
umount /tmp/hda
chroot /mnt
mount -t iso9660 /dev/hda /mnt/cdrom

I then copied the kernel-benh-2*.rpm file from the cd 
Mandrake/RPMS1/kern*benh-2* to /var

the next problem came when I tried to install the rpm file
rpm -Uvh --nodeps /var/kern*
installation went file (hash marks marched to 100%) then I became 
stuck in an endless loop error about cannot write to /proc/mounts no 
such file or directory exists -- had to restart the machine to get out 
of it

This rpm installation gets the vmlinuz-*benh file loaded into boot, 
but did not create the required initrd*.img file.  I went back through 
the installation disk boot process
again until the language page -- hit apple - right arrow to get to the 
console mode then copied the appropriate image file from the boot disk

# mount /dev/hdc5 /mnt
# cp /tmp/image/BootX/*benh*ext3  /mnt/boot/initrd-2.4.20-benh-9mdk.img
then edit the /etc/yaboot.conf file changing the vmlinuz and initrd 
files to those
you just created then execute ybin to make the yaboot.conf changes 
take place

# ybin -v
# exit
# umount /mnt
hold control - apple and push the power button to restart

If the x server fails during startup -- which mine did just exit the 
su to root and edit the XF86Config-4 file

# emacs /etc/X11/XF86Config-4

change the driver in the Device section from "fbdev" to "nv" since the 
12" powerbook
G4 uses the nVidia geForce4 video card

# exit
$ startx
and the Mandrake X wizard should startup and run
Only thing not working at this point is my built-in airport extreme card

To Stew and the guys on the cooker-ppc list -- you have done a great 
job of porting linux
to the ppc -- congratulations and thanks a lot. 

Stew Benedict wrote:

I thought there was a thread on installs on the 12", but I could be 
mistaken.  Have you checked the list archives at:


Re: Boot Problems on Powerbook G4

2003-06-30 Thread John G. Cole
is it possible that the benh kernel was not installed 

Quite possible.  It doesn't install automatically, and in text mode, even 
if you explicitily select a package, it doesn't install.  If you check the 
list archives, there are various workarounds.  If I understand the 
situation correctly, rescue won't work either, as the Mandrake kernel 
doesn't see the hard drive.


just an update on my progress -- indeed the benh kernel is not installed 
-- i am trying to follow a work around suggested by Nic Doebelin on the 
comp.os.linux.powerpc list which is based on the translation of an 
article from a German magazine.  Like Isaac I had the problem that when 
I switched to the console mode during text installation my 'a' key 
became a ^B so umount /dev/hda and eject /dev/hda became difficult -- 
the work around for that problem is:

# echo 'keycode 30 = \0141' > key
# mount /dev/hdcX  /mnt--- where X is your root partition
#/mnt/bin/lo*dkeys key
That gives you an 'a' key again

then unmount the cd
umount /tmp/hda
chroot /mnt
mount -t iso9660 /dev/hda /mnt/cdrom

I then copied the kernel-benh-2*.rpm file from the cd 
Mandrake/RPMS1/kern*benh-2* to /var

the next problem came when I tried to install the rpm file
rpm -Uvh --nodeps /var/kern*
installation went file (hash marks marched to 100%) then I became stuck 
in an endless loop error about cannot write to /proc/mounts no such file 
or directory exists -- had to restart the machine to get out of it

This rpm installation gets the vmlinuz-*benh file loaded into boot, but did not create 
the required initrd*.img file.  I went back through the installation disk boot process
again until the language page -- hit apple - right arrow to get to the console mode then 
copied the appropriate image file from the boot disk

# mount /dev/hdc5 /mnt
# cp /tmp/image/BootX/*benh*ext3  /mnt/boot/initrd-2.4.20-benh-9mdk.img
then edit the /etc/yaboot.conf file changing the vmlinuz and initrd files to those
you just created then execute ybin to make the yaboot.conf changes take place
# ybin -v
# exit
# umount /mnt
hold control - apple and push the power button to restart

If the x server fails during startup -- which mine did just exit the xconfigurator,
su to root and edit the XF86Config-4 file
# emacs /etc/X11/XF86Config-4

change the driver in the Device section from "fbdev" to "nv" since the 12" powerbook
G4 uses the nVidia geForce4 video card
# exit
$ startx 

and the Mandrake X wizard should startup and run

Only thing not working at this point is my built-in airport extreme card

To Stew and the guys on the cooker-ppc list -- you have done a great job of porting 
to the ppc -- congratulations and thanks a lot.

Boot Problems on Powerbook G4

2003-06-27 Thread John G. Cole
I could not get Mandrake 9.1 PPC to install on my 12" Powerbook G4 
(NVIDIA GeForce4) using any of the gui setups.  When I went to 
install-text the installation failed with a keyboard ioctl error (early 
in the installation).  When I installed with install-gui-benh text the 
installation seemed to go fine. (Allocated all remaining free space in 
the installation ~ 15G)

When I choose linux on the bootloader and boot linux the boot fails with 
errors starting with

mount: error 6 mounting ext3 flags (null)
well, retrying read-only without any flag
mount: error 6 mounting ext3
pivotroot: pivot_root(/sysroot,/sysroot/initrd) failed: 2
Remounting devfs at correct place if necessary
Mounted devfs on /dev
Freeing unused kernel memory: 160k init 4k chrp 8k prep
Kernel panic: No init found.  Try passing init= option to kernel
I don't know what init= option to pass to the kernel -- by the way at 
the top of the screen (above the logo) the kernel is listed as Linux 
2.4.21-0.13mdk  -- is it possible that the benh kernel was not installed 

Any help would be appreciated