Integrated: 8276657: XSLT compiler tries to define a class with empty name

2021-12-01 Thread Joe Wang
On Tue, 30 Nov 2021 18:53:26 GMT, Joe Wang  wrote:

> The result of Util.baseName(systemId) can be empty, causing the compiler to 
> set an empty classname. Add a check to make sure it will not set the empty 
> classname.
> Alternatively, it may report an error, but that would be disruptive. As the 
> transform can proceed without the provided classname (by using the default), 
> adding a check is better than reporting an error.
> I've verified the patch with the proposed fix for JDK-8276241. Harold has 
> also confirmed it fixes the tests in his builds.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: a093cddd
Author:Joe Wang 
Stats: 6 lines in 1 file changed: 3 ins; 0 del; 3 mod

8276657: XSLT compiler tries to define a class with empty name

Reviewed-by: naoto



Re: RFR: JDK-8277375: jdeps errors on a class path with a file path with no permission

2021-12-01 Thread Michael Hall

> On Nov 29, 2021, at 1:14 PM, Mandy Chung  wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Nov 2021 12:32:32 GMT, Michael Hall  wrote:
>> Would there be any need to scan class path at all? That would mean a module 
>> would have a class path dependency wouldn't it?
> One reason of scanning the class path is to detect any split packages and 
> emit warnings.   
>> Yes, I shouldn't of included -cp at all but shouldn't keeps ignore it?
> In general, a module should not depend on any class on the classpath.   
> However, it's possible that there is any missing dependency i.e. can't be 
> found from its required modules.   One could use `-cp` to add additional 
> libraries for a quick analysis.
> I got your point though.   Scanning class path is not strictly necessary to 
> analyze dependencies and it can be done lazily.   Finding all packages in the 
> unnamed module is just the current implementation.  I'll consider and look 
> into making it lazy.
> -
> PR:

Didn’t see this.

Thanks for the reply. 

Integrated: 8276141: XPathFactory set/getProperty method

2021-12-01 Thread Joe Wang
On Tue, 2 Nov 2021 17:31:40 GMT, Joe Wang  wrote:

> Add setProperty/getProperty methods to the XPath API so that properties can 
> be supported in the future.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: b226ab99
Author:Joe Wang 
Stats: 258 lines in 5 files changed: 247 ins; 3 del; 8 mod

8276141: XPathFactory set/getProperty method

Reviewed-by: rriggs, naoto, lancea, iris, alanb



Re: RFR: 8277422: tools/jar/ fails with modified time mismatch

2021-12-01 Thread Joe Wang
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 18:33:44 GMT, Lance Andersen  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Please review this patch to address a failure at DST->STD offset transition.  
> The fix mirrors what was done for JDK-8190748
> Best,
> Lance

Marked as reviewed by joehw (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: JDK-8276674 : Malformed Javadoc inline tags in JDK source in java/util/stream [v2]

2021-12-01 Thread Tim Prinzing
> JDK-8276674 : Malformed Javadoc inline tags in JDK source in java/util/stream

Tim Prinzing has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a merge 
or a rebase. The pull request now contains two commits:

 - Merge branch 'master' into JDK-8276674
 - Fixed @code and @link in some javadoc for JDK-8276674


  Stats: 13 lines in 8 files changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 13 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6443/head:pull/6443


Re: RFR: 8277992: Add fast jdk_svc subtests to jdk:tier3

2021-12-01 Thread David Holmes
On Thu, 2 Dec 2021 02:00:11 GMT, Mikhailo Seledtsov  

>> Hi @shipilev ,
>> We need to have someone look at the impact of this on our CI. I don't think 
>> we run the tier4 group as defined in our tier 4 so we may not see those 
>> execution time savings that offset the extra cost to tier3.
> Thanks @dholmes-ora for making sure to examine the impact on the CI. I took a 
> look, and this change should not have considerable adverse impact on Oracle 
> CI. 
> Aleksey, the change looks good to me.

Thanks @mseledts for examining - much appreciated.

Thanks for your patience @shipilev .



Re: RFR: 8277992: Add fast jdk_svc subtests to jdk:tier3

2021-12-01 Thread Mikhailo Seledtsov
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 02:29:14 GMT, David Holmes  wrote:

>> OpenJDK tiered tests definitions have the catch-all `tier4` that runs all 
>> tests not defined in the lower tiers. `hotspot:tier4` has lots of them, 
>> mostly long-running vmTestbase tests, which take many hours even on a very 
>> parallel machines.
>> This, unfortunately, has a chilling effect on `jdk:tier4`, which is seldom 
>> run by contributors, because `hotspot:tier4` is in the way. But, there are 
>> plenty of fast and stable tests in `jdk:tier4` that can be run in 
>> `jdk:tier3`. `jdk_svc` is the example of such tests: management features 
>> (including but not limited to JFR) are important to keep from regressions, 
>> and significant subset of them runs pretty fast.
>> So, it makes sense to move some `jdk_svc` tests to `jdk:tier3` to expose it 
>> to more contributors. I think the only group we don't want to run is 
>> `svc_tools`, which includes lots of non-parallel tests that are rather slow.
>> Sample run before:
>> ==
>> Test summary
>> ==
>>jtreg:test/jdk:tier3174   174 0 0 
>> ==
>> Finished building target 'run-test' in configuration 
>> 'linux-x86_64-server-fastdebug'
>> real 2m38.242s
>> user 80m7.216s
>> sys  2m13.846s
>> ==
>> Test summary
>> ==
 jtreg:test/jdk:tier4   2904  2901 3 0 
>> ==
>> real 18m13.933s
>> user 546m50.556s
>> sys  25m7.086s
>> Sample run after:
>> ==
>> Test summary
>> ==
>>jtreg:test/jdk:tier3   1296  1296 0 0 
>> ==
>> Finished building target 'run-test' in configuration 
>> 'linux-x86_64-server-fastdebug'
>> real 7m49.017s
>> user 287m30.943s
>> sys  13m20.060s
>> ==
>> Test summary
>> ==
 jtreg:test/jdk:tier4   1783  1780 3 0 
>> ==
>> real 12m19.973s
>> user 351m48.561s
>> sys  14m51.566s
> Hi @shipilev ,
> We need to have someone look at the impact of this on our CI. I don't think 
> we run the tier4 group as defined in our tier 4 so we may not see those 
> execution time savings that offset the extra cost to tier3.

Thanks @dholmes-ora for making sure to examine the impact on the CI. I took a 
look, and this change should not have considerable adverse impact on Oracle CI. 

Aleksey, the change looks good to me.



Re: RFR: 8277992: Add fast jdk_svc subtests to jdk:tier3

2021-12-01 Thread Mikhailo Seledtsov
On Tue, 30 Nov 2021 18:48:15 GMT, Aleksey Shipilev  wrote:

> OpenJDK tiered tests definitions have the catch-all `tier4` that runs all 
> tests not defined in the lower tiers. `hotspot:tier4` has lots of them, 
> mostly long-running vmTestbase tests, which take many hours even on a very 
> parallel machines.
> This, unfortunately, has a chilling effect on `jdk:tier4`, which is seldom 
> run by contributors, because `hotspot:tier4` is in the way. But, there are 
> plenty of fast and stable tests in `jdk:tier4` that can be run in 
> `jdk:tier3`. `jdk_svc` is the example of such tests: management features 
> (including but not limited to JFR) are important to keep from regressions, 
> and significant subset of them runs pretty fast.
> So, it makes sense to move some `jdk_svc` tests to `jdk:tier3` to expose it 
> to more contributors. I think the only group we don't want to run is 
> `svc_tools`, which includes lots of non-parallel tests that are rather slow.
> Sample run before:
> ==
> Test summary
> ==
>jtreg:test/jdk:tier3174   174 0 0  
> ==
> Finished building target 'run-test' in configuration 
> 'linux-x86_64-server-fastdebug'
> real  2m38.242s
> user  80m7.216s
> sys   2m13.846s
> ==
> Test summary
> ==
>>> jtreg:test/jdk:tier4   2904  2901 3 0 <<
> ==
> real  18m13.933s
> user  546m50.556s
> sys   25m7.086s
> Sample run after:
> ==
> Test summary
> ==
>jtreg:test/jdk:tier3   1296  1296 0 0  
> ==
> Finished building target 'run-test' in configuration 
> 'linux-x86_64-server-fastdebug'
> real  7m49.017s
> user  287m30.943s
> sys   13m20.060s
> ==
> Test summary
> ==
>>> jtreg:test/jdk:tier4   1783  1780 3 0 <<
> ==
> real  12m19.973s
> user  351m48.561s
> sys   14m51.566s

Marked as reviewed by mseledtsov (Committer).



Re: RFR: 8276766: Enable jar and jmod to produce deterministic timestamped content [v14]

2021-12-01 Thread John Neffenger
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 21:50:46 GMT, Andrew Leonard  wrote:

> I can adjust the --date value validation to be > 1980-01-01T00:00:00Z ?

I know, nit picky, right?  I'll take no offense if you ignore it. The thing 
is, everyone else implementing this feature gave that specific instant a wide 
margin. (See my previous comment about Debian and Gradle.) Debian adds 12 hours 
1 minute just to avoid it (`1980-01-01T12:01:00Z`), while Gradle even skips to 
the next month (`1980-02-01T00:00:00`).

Because developers looking into this discover the magic earliest date, some may 
think it's a great choice for a default deterministic value and use it! Then 
this current implementation breaks with no warning. If you add one second, the 
`ZipEntry` method rounds down, and you get the exact same "DOS date and time" 
in the output (1980 Jan 1 00:00:00), but now it works. Kind of confusing.

So my latest recommendation is to define the earliest permitted instant at 
`1980-01-01T00:00:02Z` to avoid any possibility of setting the magic local date 
and time at all. The Gradle folks might explain it better in [their comment 




Re: RFR: 8277861: Terminally deprecate Thread.stop

2021-12-01 Thread Stuart Marks
On Tue, 30 Nov 2021 14:52:37 GMT, Alan Bateman  wrote:

> Thread.stop is inherently unsafe and has been deprecated since Java 1.2 
> (1998). It's time to terminally deprecate this method so it can be degraded 
> and removed in the future.
> This PR does not propose any changes to the JVM TI StopThread function (or 
> the corresponding JDWP command or JDI method).




Re: RFR: 8277647: [REDO] JDK-8277507 Add jlink.debug system property while launching jpackage tests to help diagonize recent intermittent failures

2021-12-01 Thread Jaikiran Pai
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 12:21:00 GMT, Athijegannathan Sundararajan 

>> Can I please get a review of this change which adds `jlink.debug=true` 
>> system property while launching `jpackage` tests?
>> The previous fix for this in didn't 
>> take into account the part where the `jpackage` tool gets launched as a 
>> `ToolProvider` from some of these tests. This resulted in a large number of 
>> tests failing (across different OS) in `tier2` with errors like:
>> Error: Invalid Option: [-J-Djlink.debug=true]
>> In this current PR, the changed code now takes into account the possibility 
>> of `jpackage` being launched as a `ToolProvider` and in such cases doesn't 
>> add this option. To achieve this, the adding of this argument is delayed 
>> till when the actual execution is about to happen and thus it's now done in 
>> the `adjustArgumentsBeforeExecution()` method of the jpackage test framework.
>> With this change, I have now run the `jdk:tier2` locally on a macos instance 
>> and the tests have all passed:
>> Test results: passed: 3,821; failed: 3
>> Report written to 
>> jdk/build/macosx-x86_64-server-release/test-results/jtreg_test_jdk_tier2/html/report.html
>> Results written to 
>> jdk/build/macosx-x86_64-server-release/test-support/jtreg_test_jdk_tier2
>> Error: Some tests failed or other problems occurred.
>> Finished running test 'jtreg:test/jdk:tier2'
>> Test report is stored in 
>> build/macosx-x86_64-server-release/test-results/jtreg_test_jdk_tier2
>> ==
>> Test summary
>> ==
 jtreg:test/jdk:tier2   3824  3821 3 0 
>> ==
>> The 3 failing tests are unrelated to this change and belong to the 
>> `java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/` test package.
>> Furthermore, I've looked into the generated logs of the following tests to 
>> verify that the `-J-Djlink.debug=true` does get passed in relevant tests and 
>> doesn't in those that failed previously in `tier2`:
>> test/jdk/tools/jpackage/share/
>> test/jdk/tools/jpackage/macosx/
>> test/jdk/tools/jpackage/share/
>> A sample from one of the logs where this system property is expected to be 
>> passed along:
>>> TRACE: exec: Execute 
>>> [jdk/build/macosx-x86_64-server-release/images/jdk/bin/jpackage --input 
>>> ./test/input --dest ./test/output --name "Name With Space" --type pkg 
>>> --main-jar hello.jar --main-class Hello -J-Djlink.debug=true 
>>> --verbose](15); inherit I/O...
>> I would still like to request someone with access to CI or other OSes (like 
>> Windows and Linux) to help test `tier2` against this PR.

Thank you for the review @sundararajana



Integrated: 8277647: [REDO] JDK-8277507 Add jlink.debug system property while launching jpackage tests to help diagonize recent intermittent failures

2021-12-01 Thread Jaikiran Pai
On Wed, 24 Nov 2021 08:54:08 GMT, Jaikiran Pai  wrote:

> Can I please get a review of this change which adds `jlink.debug=true` system 
> property while launching `jpackage` tests?
> The previous fix for this in didn't 
> take into account the part where the `jpackage` tool gets launched as a 
> `ToolProvider` from some of these tests. This resulted in a large number of 
> tests failing (across different OS) in `tier2` with errors like:
> Error: Invalid Option: [-J-Djlink.debug=true]
> In this current PR, the changed code now takes into account the possibility 
> of `jpackage` being launched as a `ToolProvider` and in such cases doesn't 
> add this option. To achieve this, the adding of this argument is delayed till 
> when the actual execution is about to happen and thus it's now done in the 
> `adjustArgumentsBeforeExecution()` method of the jpackage test framework.
> With this change, I have now run the `jdk:tier2` locally on a macos instance 
> and the tests have all passed:
> Test results: passed: 3,821; failed: 3
> Report written to 
> jdk/build/macosx-x86_64-server-release/test-results/jtreg_test_jdk_tier2/html/report.html
> Results written to 
> jdk/build/macosx-x86_64-server-release/test-support/jtreg_test_jdk_tier2
> Error: Some tests failed or other problems occurred.
> Finished running test 'jtreg:test/jdk:tier2'
> Test report is stored in 
> build/macosx-x86_64-server-release/test-results/jtreg_test_jdk_tier2
> ==
> Test summary
> ==
>>> jtreg:test/jdk:tier2   3824  3821 3 0 <<
> ==
> The 3 failing tests are unrelated to this change and belong to the 
> `java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/` test package.
> Furthermore, I've looked into the generated logs of the following tests to 
> verify that the `-J-Djlink.debug=true` does get passed in relevant tests and 
> doesn't in those that failed previously in `tier2`:
> test/jdk/tools/jpackage/share/
> test/jdk/tools/jpackage/macosx/
> test/jdk/tools/jpackage/share/
> A sample from one of the logs where this system property is expected to be 
> passed along:
>> TRACE: exec: Execute 
>> [jdk/build/macosx-x86_64-server-release/images/jdk/bin/jpackage --input 
>> ./test/input --dest ./test/output --name "Name With Space" --type pkg 
>> --main-jar hello.jar --main-class Hello -J-Djlink.debug=true --verbose](15); 
>> inherit I/O...
> I would still like to request someone with access to CI or other OSes (like 
> Windows and Linux) to help test `tier2` against this PR.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 09522db5
Author:Jaikiran Pai 
Stats: 5 lines in 1 file changed: 5 ins; 0 del; 0 mod

8277647: [REDO] JDK-8277507 Add jlink.debug system property while launching 
jpackage tests to help diagonize recent intermittent failures

Reviewed-by: sundar



Re: RFR: JDK-8276837: [macos]: Error when signing the additional launcher

2021-12-01 Thread Alexander Matveev
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 21:35:01 GMT, Andy Herrick  wrote:

> - We need to unsign all executables and libraries in the app-image before 
> signing. (not just those in the runtime).
>  - Clean up excessive output by executing the individual file sign and 
> unsigning commands in quiet mode.
>  - Add conditions in SigningAppImageTest to test signing of additional 
> launchers.

Marked as reviewed by almatvee (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: JDK-8276447 Deprecate finalization-related methods for removal [v3]

2021-12-01 Thread Stuart Marks
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 19:23:59 GMT, Brent Christian  wrote:

>> Here are the code changes for the "Deprecate finalizers in the standard Java 
>> API" portion of JEP 421 ("Deprecate Finalization for Removal") for code 
>> review.
>> This change makes the indicated deprecations, and updates the API spec for 
>> JEP 421. It also updates the relevant @SuppressWarning annotations.
>> The CSR has been approved.
>> An automated test build+test run passes cleanly (FWIW :D ).
> Brent Christian has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
> merge or a rebase. The pull request now contains 33 commits:
>  - Merge branch 'master' into 8276447
>  - Merge branch 'master' into 8276447
>  - merge
>  - @SuppressWarnings(removal) in Windows
>  - Add jls tag to runFinalization methods
>  - Update wording of Object.finalize, new paragraph is now bold
>  - update Object.finalize javadoc
>  - update Object.finalize JavaDoc and @deprecated tag
>  - Update Object.finalize deprecation message
>  - Indicate that runFinalizers does nothing if finalization is disabled or 
> removed
>  - ... and 23 more: 

Marked as reviewed by smarks (Reviewer).

src/jdk.jconsole/share/classes/sun/tools/jconsole/ line 116:

> 114: StringBuilder buf;
> 115: 
> 116: @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")

Item for future cleanup: refactor the call to 
`getObjectPendingFinalizationCount()` at line 219 (!) into a local variable 
declaration, and then move the warnings suppression to that declaration. This 
reduces the scope of warnings suppression.



Re: RFR: JDK-8276837: [macos]: Error when signing the additional launcher

2021-12-01 Thread Alexey Semenyuk
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 21:35:01 GMT, Andy Herrick  wrote:

> - We need to unsign all executables and libraries in the app-image before 
> signing. (not just those in the runtime).
>  - Clean up excessive output by executing the individual file sign and 
> unsigning commands in quiet mode.
>  - Add conditions in SigningAppImageTest to test signing of additional 
> launchers.

Marked as reviewed by asemenyuk (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8276766: Enable jar and jmod to produce deterministic timestamped content [v14]

2021-12-01 Thread John Neffenger
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 18:02:05 GMT, Andrew Leonard  wrote:

>> Add a new --source-date  (epoch seconds) option to jar and jmod 
>> to allow specification of time to use for created/updated jar/jmod entries. 
>> This then allows the ability to make the content deterministic.
>> Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 
> Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Update src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jmod/
>   Co-authored-by: Magnus Ihse Bursie 

Mainly just two minor comments: (1) there's a better date and time parser, and 
(2) the current lower bound is a couple seconds off. I'll reply to your 
question about (2) separately.

The `DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME` zoned date and time parser works 
better than the `ISO_DATE_TIME` local date and time parser when creating a 
`ZonedDateTime` instance. It catches the following error slightely earlier and 
provides a better error message.

Here's the current error using the local date and time parser:

$ jmod create --date 2011-12-03T10:15:30 ...
Error: --date 2011-12-03T10:15:30 is not a valid ISO 8601 date and time:
Text '2011-12-03T10:15:30' could not be parsed:
Unable to obtain ZonedDateTime from TemporalAccessor:
{},ISO resolved to 2011-12-03T10:15:30 of type java.time.format.Parsed

Here's the same error using the zoned date and time parser:

$ jmod create --date 2011-12-03T10:15:30 ...
Error: --date 2011-12-03T10:15:30 is not a valid ISO 8601 date and time:
Text '2021-11-29T09:36:06' could not be parsed at index 19

src/jdk.jartool/share/classes/sun/tools/jar/ line 199:

> 197: void process(Main jartool, String opt, String arg) 
> throws BadArgs {
> 198: try {
> 199: = ZonedDateTime.parse(arg, 
> DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME)

The `ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME` parser works better here.

src/jdk.jartool/share/classes/sun/tools/jar/ line 201:

> 199: = ZonedDateTime.parse(arg, 
> DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME)
> 200:
> .withZoneSameInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).toLocalDateTime();
> 201: if ( < 1980 || 
> > 2099) {

This `if` test actually compares down to the nanosecond, if present, but the 
wrong nanosecond. How about something like the following?

... ZonedDateTime TIME_MIN = ZonedDateTime.parse("1980-01-01T00:00:02Z");
... ZonedDateTime TIME_MAX = ZonedDateTime.parse("2099-12-31T23:59:59Z");
var zoned = ZonedDateTime.parse(date, 
if (zoned.isBefore(TIME_MIN) || zoned.isAfter(TIME_MAX)) {

src/jdk.jartool/share/classes/sun/tools/jar/resources/ line 88:

> 86: date {0} is not a valid ISO 8601 date and time
> 87:\
> 88: date {0} is not within the valid year range 1980->2099 

Maybe just define `date {0} is not within the valid range` and put the exact 
interval in the *man* pages and documentation?

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jmod/ line 1164:

> 1162: public LocalDateTime convert(String value) {
> 1163: try {
> 1164: LocalDateTime date = ZonedDateTime.parse(value, 
> DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME)

The `ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME` parser works better here.

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jmod/ line 1166:

> 1164: LocalDateTime date = ZonedDateTime.parse(value, 
> DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME)
> 1165:  
> .withZoneSameInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).toLocalDateTime();
> 1166: if (date.getYear() < 1980 || date.getYear() > 2099) {

See previous comment for this line in the `jar` tool.

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jmod/resources/ line 111:

> 109: hashes recorded: no module matching {0} found to 
> record hashes
> 110: {0} is not a valid ISO 8601 date and time: {1} 
> 111: {0} is out of the valid year range 
> 1980->2099

As before, perhaps refer to the exact range in the documentation? It's really 
an instant on the time line that is being compared and not the actual year 
digits that were provided in the command-line option.

test/jdk/tools/jar/ line 180:

> 178: "2022-03-15T00:00:00+06:00",
> 179: "2038-11-26T06:06:06+00:00",
> 180: "2098-02-18T00:00:00-08:00"};

It would be great to test just inside the exact boundaries of the permitted 
interval here.

test/jdk/tools/jar/ line 251:

> 249: // Negative Tests --date out of range source date
> 250: String[] 

RFR: 8277422: tools/jar/ fails with modified time mismatch

2021-12-01 Thread Lance Andersen
Hi all,

Please review this patch to address a failure at DST->STD offset transition.  
The fix mirrors what was done for JDK-8190748



Commit messages:
 - Patch for JDK-8277422

  Stats: 11 lines in 1 file changed: 9 ins; 0 del; 2 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6648/head:pull/6648


Re: RFR: 8278080: Add --with-cacerts-src='user cacerts folder' to enable determinsitic cacerts generation

2021-12-01 Thread Sergey Bylokhov
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 18:30:06 GMT, Andrew Leonard  wrote:

> Addition of a configure option --with-cacerts-src='user cacerts folder' to 
> allow developers to specify their own cacerts PEM folder for generation of 
> the cacerts store using the deterministic openjdk GenerateCacerts tool.
> Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 

I have a question related to the custom cacerts which can be added to the 
OpenJDK bundle. How do you pass the tests like 
test/jdk/sun/security/lib/cacerts/ using that custom jdk 
bundle? Probably we can add an additional configuration to that test so it will 
check the custom cacerts passed to the build as well?



RFR: JDK-8276837: [macos]: Error when signing the additional launcher

2021-12-01 Thread Andy Herrick
- We need to unsign all executables and libraries in the app-image before 
signing. (not just those in the runtime).
 - Clean up excessive output by executing the individual file sign and 
unsigning commands in quiet mode.
 - Add conditions in SigningAppImageTest to test signing of additional 


Commit messages:
 - JDK-8276837: [macos]: Error when signing the additional launcher
 - JDK-8276837: [macos]: Errorwhen signing the additional launcher

  Stats: 52 lines in 3 files changed: 21 ins; 5 del; 26 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6654/head:pull/6654


Re: RFR: 8276766: Enable jar and jmod to produce deterministic timestamped content [v14]

2021-12-01 Thread Andrew Leonard
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 18:20:11 GMT, John Neffenger  wrote:

> I'm testing it now. So far, it's working great!
> I found one boundary problem. The magic instant of `1980-01-01T00:00:00Z` 
> triggers an extended header with the wrong time:
> ```
>   file last modified on (DOS date/time):  1980 Jan 1 00:00:00
>   file last modified on (UT extra field modtime): 1980 Jan 1 00:00:00 local
>   file last modified on (UT extra field modtime): 1980 Jan 1 08:00:00 UTC
> ```
> One second later `1980-01-01T00:00:01Z` works fine (considering the rounding 
> down to even seconds):
> ```
>   file last modified on (DOS date/time):  1980 Jan 1 00:00:00
> ```

Thanks John. The 1980-01-01T00:00:00Z is a known issue because the zip xdostime 
format uses that value as the "marker" for date before-1980. I can adjust the 
--date value validation to be >  1980-01-01T00:00:00Z ?



Re: JDK-8275509: (jlink) SystemModulesPlugin generates a jdk.internal.module.SystemModules$all.class which isn't reproducible

2021-12-01 Thread Ioi Lam

On 11/7/21 9:44 PM, Jaikiran Pai wrote:

Hello Ioi,

On 02/11/21 12:13 am, Ioi Lam wrote:

Hi Jaikiran,

Thanks for writing the test case to explore the problems in this area.

Please see my comments below:

Generally speaking, CDS has two levels of archiving:

[1] archiving class metadata -- classes in the 
$JAVA_HOME/lib/classlist are considered to be frequently loaded 
classes. They are parsed from classfiles and stored into the CDS 
archive. At run time, instead of parsing the classes from classfiles, 
the VM directly use the pre-parsed version of these classes (as 
InstanceKlass* in C++).

At runtime, all such pre-parsed classes are initially in the "loaded" 
state. This means their static constructors will be executed when 
these classes are referenced for the first time. So as far as Java 
semantic is concerned, there's no difference between a pre-parsed 
class vs a class loaded from classfile.

E.g, the examples of loggers in static initializers will be executed 
at runtime.

[2] archiving heap objects

As shown in your test, we cannot arbitrarily archive the static 
fields that were initialized during -Xshare:dump, because they may 
have environment dependency.

The strategy used by CDS is to archive only a few static fields in a 
small number of carefully hand-picked system classes. You can see the 
list in*L97__;Iw!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!eWsSVUa8qjZ0BWlbOonNdDtE7dcU3w4c9Su5hb24IXirxZFdPoS6wVBMi-78hA$ 

Thank you for that link. That helped. So essentially even though the 
list of classes used for archiving class metadata isn't very tightly 
controlled, the list of objects which are archived in the heap is much 
more selective.

The reason why my PoC ended up reproducing this issue is because it 
just so happened that I selected a class (ModuleDescriptor) which 
(indirectly) is hand-picked in that list of classes that can end up in 
the archived heap.

These static fields are stored into the CDS archive. At run time, 
these fields are essentially copied into the Java heap, and then 
picked up by code like this:*L163__;Iw!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!eWsSVUa8qjZ0BWlbOonNdDtE7dcU3w4c9Su5hb24IXirxZFdPoS6wVABkO6Q0w$ 

    public static ModuleLayer boot() {

    ModuleLayer bootLayer;
    ArchivedBootLayer archivedBootLayer = ArchivedBootLayer.get();
    if (archivedBootLayer != null) {
    assert canUseArchivedBootLayer();
    bootLayer = archivedBootLayer.bootLayer();
    BootLoader.getUnnamedModule(); // trigger  of 

    // assume boot layer has at least one module providing a 

    // that is mapped to the application class loader.
    JLA.bindToLoader(bootLayer, ClassLoaders.appClassLoader());
    } else {
    bootLayer = boot2();

In the case of the module graph, we remove things that depend on the 
environment (such as CLASSPATH)*L190__;Iw!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!eWsSVUa8qjZ0BWlbOonNdDtE7dcU3w4c9Su5hb24IXirxZFdPoS6wVAx46l0Bg$ 

The remaining parts of the archived module graph only depend on the 
following system properties:

    private static boolean canUseArchivedBootLayer() {
    return getProperty("jdk.module.upgrade.path") == null &&
   getProperty("jdk.module.path") == null &&
   getProperty("jdk.module.patch.0") == null &&   // 
   getProperty("jdk.module.main") == null &&  // 
   getProperty("jdk.module.addmods.0") == null &&    // 
   getProperty("jdk.module.limitmods") == null && // 
   getProperty("jdk.module.addreads.0") == null &&    // 
   getProperty("jdk.module.addexports.0") == null &&  // 
   getProperty("jdk.module.addopens.0") == null; // 


As a result, we will invalidate the archived module graph if these 
properties differ between dump time and run time. The Java code above 
only asserts that the check has already been done. The actual check 
is done in here:*L1339__;Iw!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!eWsSVUa8qjZ0BWlbOonNdDtE7dcU3w4c9Su5hb24IXirxZFdPoS6wVAwq_becQ$ 


Am I misunderstanding the severity of this issue or is this serious 

Re: RFR: JDK-8276837: [macos]: Error when signing the additional launcher

2021-12-01 Thread Andy Herrick
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 14:25:52 GMT, Andy Herrick  wrote:

> Before signing, unsign all executables and libraries (not just those in 
> runtime).
> Also, run individual file sign and unsign commands in quiet mode.
> Also, add test case to SigningAppImageTest to test that signing app that has 
> additional launcher works, and results in validly signed launcher and 
> additional launcher (original reported problem).

last push was meant to be only one file - but got lots of unrelated changes.
will close this one and open new PR.



Withdrawn: JDK-8276837: [macos]: Error when signing the additional launcher

2021-12-01 Thread Andy Herrick
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 14:25:52 GMT, Andy Herrick  wrote:

> Before signing, unsign all executables and libraries (not just those in 
> runtime).
> Also, run individual file sign and unsign commands in quiet mode.
> Also, add test case to SigningAppImageTest to test that signing app that has 
> additional launcher works, and results in validly signed launcher and 
> additional launcher (original reported problem).

This pull request has been closed without being integrated.



Re: RFR: JDK-8276837: [macos]: Error when signing the additional launcher [v2]

2021-12-01 Thread Andy Herrick
> Before signing, unsign all executables and libraries (not just those in 
> runtime).
> Also, run individual file sign and unsign commands in quiet mode.
> Also, add test case to SigningAppImageTest to test that signing app that has 
> additional launcher works, and results in validly signed launcher and 
> additional launcher (original reported problem).

Andy Herrick has updated the pull request incrementally with 85 additional 
commits since the last revision:

 - JDK-8276837: [macos]: Error when signing the additional launcher
 - 8277797: Remove undefined/unused SharedRuntime::trampoline_size()
   Reviewed-by: dholmes, stuefe
 - 8277789: G1: G1CardSetConfiguration prefixes num_ and max_ used 
   Reviewed-by: mli, tschatzl
 - 8277878: Fix compiler tests after JDK-8275908
   Reviewed-by: thartmann, chagedorn
 - 8277904: G1: Remove G1CardSetArray::max_entries
   Reviewed-by: tschatzl
 - 8277896: Remove unused BOTConstants member methods
   Reviewed-by: kbarrett
 - 8277450: Record number of references into collection set during gc
   Reviewed-by: kbarrett, iwalulya
 - 8277928: Fix compilation on macosx-aarch64 after 8276108
   Reviewed-by: shade, dholmes
 - 8275241: Unused ArrayList is created in RequestEngine.addHooks
   Reviewed-by: egahlin
 - 8276108: Wrong instruction generation in aarch64 backend
   Co-authored-by: Nick Gasson 
   Reviewed-by: aph, neliasso
 - ... and 75 more:


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 23719 lines in 463 files changed: 13755 ins; 6525 del; 3439 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6636/head:pull/6636


Re: RFR: 8277072: ObjectStreamClass caches keep ClassLoaders alive [v4]

2021-12-01 Thread Roger Riggs
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 12:18:05 GMT, Roman Kennke  wrote:

>> The caches in ObjectStreamClass basically map WeakReference to 
>> SoftReference, where the ObjectStreamClass also 
>> references the same Class. That means that the cache entry, and thus the 
>> class and its class-loader, will not get reclaimed, unless the GC determines 
>> that memory pressure is very high.
>> However, this seems bogus, because that unnecessarily keeps ClassLoaders and 
>> all its classes alive much longer than necessary: as soon as a ClassLoader 
>> (and all its classes) become unreachable, there is no point in retaining the 
>> stuff in OSC's caches.
>> The proposed change is to use WeakReference instead of SoftReference for the 
>> values in caches.
>> Testing:
>>  - [x] tier1
>>  - [x] tier2
>>  - [x] tier3
>>  - [ ] tier4
> Roman Kennke has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Remove unused EntryFuture inner class from ObjectSteamClass

Without the use of SoftReference, memory pressure won't release any of the 
cached info.
That seems to swing the other way from overly aggressively freeing memory with 
the WeakReference (and needing to recompute) as the change originally proposed. 
Its hard to tell in what environments it might be observed.

src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/ line 2133:

> 2131: if (oldReflector != null) {
> 2132: reflector = oldReflector;
> 2133: }

Map.computeIfAbsent(key, () -> new FieldReflector(matchFields, localDesc));
might be more compact.

test/jdk/java/io/ObjectStreamClass/ line 52:

> 50: Class loadClass = 
> myOwnClassLoader.loadClass("ObjectStreamClass_MemoryLeakExample");
> 51: Constructor con = loadClass.getConstructor();
> 52: con.setAccessible(true);

Isn't the constructor already public?



RFR: 8275731: CDS archived enums objects are recreated at runtime

2021-12-01 Thread Ioi Lam

In the Java Language, Enums can be tested for equality, so the constants in an 
Enum type must be unique. Javac compiles an enum declaration like this:

public enum Day {  SUNDAY, MONDAY ... } 


public class Day extends java.lang.Enum {
public static final SUNDAY = new Day("SUNDAY");
public static final MONDAY = new Day("MONDAY"); ...

With CDS archived heap objects, `Day::` is executed twice: once during 
`java -Xshare:dump`, and once during normal JVM execution. If the archived heap 
objects references one of the Enum constants created at dump time, we will 
violate the uniqueness requirements of the Enum constants at runtime. See the 
test case in the description of 


During -Xshare:dump, if we discovered that an Enum constant of type X is 
archived, we archive all constants of type X. At Runtime, type X will skip the 
normal execution of `X::`. Instead, we run 
`HeapShared::initialize_enum_klass()` to retrieve all the constants of X that 
were saved at dump time.

This is safe as we know that `X::` has no observable side effect -- it 
only creates the constants of type X, as well as the synthetic value 
`X::$VALUES`, which cannot be observed until X is fully initialized.


To avoid future problems, I added a new tool, CDSHeapVerifier, to look for 
similar problems where the archived heap objects reference a static field that 
may be recreated at runtime. There are some manual steps involved, but I 
analyzed the potential problems found by the tool are they are all safe (after 
the current bug is fixed). See cdsHeapVerifier.cpp for gory details. An example 
trace of this tool can be found at


Passed Oracle CI tiers 1-4. WIll run tier 5 as well.


Commit messages:
 - 8275731: CDS archived enums objects are recreated at runtime

  Stats: 829 lines in 16 files changed: 787 ins; 2 del; 40 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6653/head:pull/6653


Re: RFR: JDK-8276837: [macos]: Error when signing the additional launcher

2021-12-01 Thread Andy Herrick
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 19:59:57 GMT, Alexey Semenyuk  wrote:

>> Before signing, unsign all executables and libraries (not just those in 
>> runtime).
>> Also, run individual file sign and unsign commands in quiet mode.
>> Also, add test case to SigningAppImageTest to test that signing app that has 
>> additional launcher works, and results in validly signed launcher and 
>> additional launcher (original reported problem).
> test/jdk/tools/jpackage/macosx/ line 95:
>> 93: SigningBase.verifyCodesign(launcherPath, true);
>> 94: SigningBase.verifyCodesign(testALPath, true);
>> 95: }
> Would it make sense to extend the existing test with additional launcher 
> checks instead of creating another one? Packaging of a full JDK with signing 
> probably takes a while

yes - that would be simpler - will do.



Re: RFR: JDK-8276837: [macos]: Error when signing the additional launcher

2021-12-01 Thread Alexey Semenyuk
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 14:25:52 GMT, Andy Herrick  wrote:

> Before signing, unsign all executables and libraries (not just those in 
> runtime).
> Also, run individual file sign and unsign commands in quiet mode.
> Also, add test case to SigningAppImageTest to test that signing app that has 
> additional launcher works, and results in validly signed launcher and 
> additional launcher (original reported problem).

Changes requested by asemenyuk (Reviewer).

test/jdk/tools/jpackage/macosx/ line 95:

> 93: SigningBase.verifyCodesign(launcherPath, true);
> 94: SigningBase.verifyCodesign(testALPath, true);
> 95: }

Would it make sense to extend the existing test with additional launcher checks 
instead of creating another one? Packaging of a full JDK with signing probably 
takes a while



RFR: JDK-8276837: [macos]: Error when signing the additional launcher

2021-12-01 Thread Andy Herrick
Before signing, unsign all executables and libraries (not just those in 
Also, run individual file sign and unsign commands in quiet mode.
Also, add test case to SigningAppImageTest to test that signing app that has 
additional launcher works, and results in validly signed launcher and 
additional launcher (original reported problem).


Commit messages:
 - JDK-8276837: [macos]: Errorwhen signing the additional launcher

  Stats: 64 lines in 3 files changed: 33 ins; 5 del; 26 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6636/head:pull/6636


Re: RFR: JDK-8276447 Deprecate finalization-related methods for removal [v2]

2021-12-01 Thread Brent Christian
> Here are the code changes for the "Deprecate finalizers in the standard Java 
> API" portion of JEP 421 ("Deprecate Finalization for Removal") for code 
> review.
> This change makes the indicated deprecations, and updates the API spec for 
> JEP 421. It also updates the relevant @SuppressWarning annotations.
> The CSR has been approved.
> An automated test build+test run passes cleanly (FWIW :D ).

Brent Christian has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
merge or a rebase. The pull request now contains 32 commits:

 - Merge branch 'master' into 8276447
 - merge
 - @SuppressWarnings(removal) in Windows
 - Add jls tag to runFinalization methods
 - Update wording of Object.finalize, new paragraph is now bold
 - update Object.finalize javadoc
 - update Object.finalize JavaDoc and @deprecated tag
 - Update Object.finalize deprecation message
 - Indicate that runFinalizers does nothing if finalization is disabled or 
 - Fix @since on @Deprecated for java.lang.Enum
 - ... and 22 more:


  Stats: 194 lines in 62 files changed: 54 ins; 38 del; 102 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6465/head:pull/6465


Re: RFR: JDK-8276447 Deprecate finalization-related methods for removal [v3]

2021-12-01 Thread Brent Christian
> Here are the code changes for the "Deprecate finalizers in the standard Java 
> API" portion of JEP 421 ("Deprecate Finalization for Removal") for code 
> review.
> This change makes the indicated deprecations, and updates the API spec for 
> JEP 421. It also updates the relevant @SuppressWarning annotations.
> The CSR has been approved.
> An automated test build+test run passes cleanly (FWIW :D ).

Brent Christian has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
merge or a rebase. The pull request now contains 33 commits:

 - Merge branch 'master' into 8276447
 - Merge branch 'master' into 8276447
 - merge
 - @SuppressWarnings(removal) in Windows
 - Add jls tag to runFinalization methods
 - Update wording of Object.finalize, new paragraph is now bold
 - update Object.finalize javadoc
 - update Object.finalize JavaDoc and @deprecated tag
 - Update Object.finalize deprecation message
 - Indicate that runFinalizers does nothing if finalization is disabled or 
 - ... and 23 more:


  Stats: 194 lines in 62 files changed: 54 ins; 38 del; 102 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6465/head:pull/6465


Re: RFR: 8278080: Add --with-cacerts-src='user cacerts folder' to enable determinsitic cacerts generation

2021-12-01 Thread Erik Joelsson
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 18:30:06 GMT, Andrew Leonard  wrote:

> Addition of a configure option --with-cacerts-src='user cacerts folder' to 
> allow developers to specify their own cacerts PEM folder for generation of 
> the cacerts store using the deterministic openjdk GenerateCacerts tool.
> Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 

make/autoconf/jdk-options.m4 line 176:

> 174:   [specify alternative cacerts source folder containing 
> certificates])])
> 175:   AC_MSG_CHECKING([for cacerts source])
> 176:   if test "x$with_cacerts_src" == x; then

Before this if block, please assign an empty value to CACERTS_SRC. Otherwise, 
if the user happens to have that variable set in the environment, that value 
will get recorded by configure, which is usually not something we want.



Re: RFR: 8278071: typos in MemorySegment::set, MemorySegment::setAtIndex javadoc

2021-12-01 Thread Iris Clark
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 13:49:42 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore  

> There are some truncated statements in 
> MemorySegment::get/MemorySegment::getAtIndex javadoc, more specifically in 
> the `@throws` for `IndexOutOfBoundsException`.

Trivial fix for an apparent cut-and-paste error.


Marked as reviewed by iris (Reviewer).


RFR: 8278080: Add --with-cacerts-src='user cacerts folder' to enable determinsitic cacerts generation

2021-12-01 Thread Andrew Leonard
Addition of a configure option --with-cacerts-src='user cacerts folder' to 
allow developers to specify their own cacerts PEM folder for generation of the 
cacerts store using the deterministic openjdk GenerateCacerts tool.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 


Commit messages:
 - 8278080: Add --with-cacerts-src='user cacerts folder' to enable 
determinsitic cacerts generation
 - 8278080: Add --with-cacerts-src='user cacerts folder' to enable 
determinsitic cacerts generation

  Stats: 21 lines in 3 files changed: 21 ins; 0 del; 0 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6647/head:pull/6647


RFR: 8278087: Redesign exceptions thrown for invalid jdk.serialFilter and jdk.serialFilterFactory.

2021-12-01 Thread Roger Riggs
The effects of invalid values of `jdk.serialFilter` and 
`jdk.serialFilterFactory` properties are 
incompletely specified. The behavior for invalid values of the properties is 
different and
use an unconventional exception type, `ExceptionInInitializerError` and leave 
the `OIF.Config` class

The exceptions in the `ObjectInputFilter.Config` class initialization caused by 
invalid values of the two properties, 
either by system properties supplied on the command line or security properties 
are logged.
The `Config` class marks either or both the filter and filter factory values as 
and remembers the exception message.

Subsequent calls to the methods that get or set the filter or filter factory or 
an `ObjectInputStream` throw `java.lang.IllegalStateException` with the 
remembered exception message.
Constructing an `ObjectInputStream` calls both `Config.getSerialFilter` and 
The nature of the invalid property is reported as an `IllegalStateException` on 
first use.

This PR supercedes Document that 
setting an invalid property jdk.serialFilter disables deserialization


Commit messages:
 - 8278087: Redesign exceptions thrown for invalid jdk.serialFilter and 

  Stats: 218 lines in 4 files changed: 137 ins; 15 del; 66 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6645/head:pull/6645


Re: RFR: 8276766: Enable jar and jmod to produce deterministic timestamped content [v14]

2021-12-01 Thread John Neffenger
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 18:02:05 GMT, Andrew Leonard  wrote:

>> Add a new --source-date  (epoch seconds) option to jar and jmod 
>> to allow specification of time to use for created/updated jar/jmod entries. 
>> This then allows the ability to make the content deterministic.
>> Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 
> Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Update src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jmod/
>   Co-authored-by: Magnus Ihse Bursie 

I'm testing it now. So far, it's working great!

I found one boundary problem. The magic instant of `1980-01-01T00:00:00Z` 
triggers an extended header with the wrong time:

  file last modified on (DOS date/time):  1980 Jan 1 00:00:00
  file last modified on (UT extra field modtime): 1980 Jan 1 00:00:00 local
  file last modified on (UT extra field modtime): 1980 Jan 1 08:00:00 UTC

One second later `1980-01-01T00:00:01Z` works fine (considering the rounding 
down to even seconds):

  file last modified on (DOS date/time):  1980 Jan 1 00:00:00



Re: RFR: 8277322: Document that setting an invalid property jdk.serialFilter disables deserialization

2021-12-01 Thread Roger Riggs
On Tue, 30 Nov 2021 20:43:23 GMT, Roger Riggs  wrote:

>> This is about the second line of defense; what happens when the developer 
>> deliberately ignores the first error.
>> If the command line parameters are invalid it might be an option to call 
>> `System.exit(1)` but there
>> is no precedent for that and it seems undesirable.
>> Any and all deserialization is only possible after the command line or 
>> security properties, if any, are successfully applied.
>> In the examples above, the constructors for `ObjectInputStream` do not 
>> succeed if either the serial filter or filter factory are not valid.  The 
>> builtin filter factory applies the default filter regardless of the setting 
>> of an `ObjectInputFilter` set on the stream.  The only way to completely 
>> control the filter combinations is to provide
>> a valid filter factory on the command line; but that is not the case raising 
>> the issue here.
>> The initialization of both could be re-specified and re-implemented to allow 
>> the initialization of `Config` to
>> complete successfully but defer throwing an exception (or Error) until 
>> either filter or filter factory
>> was requested from `Config.getSerialFilter` or 
>> `Config.getSerialFilterFactory`.
>> Both of them are called from the `ObjectInputStream` constructors. 
>> At present, it is incompletely specified and implemented to throw 
>> `IllegalStateException` for `getSerialFilterFactory`.
>> The `NCDFE` is a more reliable backstop against misuse from any source, 
>> including reflection, than the alternative.
> The use of `ExceptionInInitializerError` can be completely replaced for  
> invalid values of `jdk.serialFilter` and `jdk.serialFilterFactory` with:
> - If either property is supplied and is invalid; deserialization is disabled 
> by:
> - `OIF.Config.getSerialFilter()` and `OIF.Config.setSerialFilter(...)` throw 
> IllegalStateException with the exception message thrown from 
> `Config.createFilter(pattern)`
> - `OIF.Config.getSerialFilterFactory()` and 
> `OIF.Config.setSerialFilterFactory(...)` throw IllegalStateException with the 
> exception message from the attempt to construct the filter factory.
> - Both `new ObjectInputStream(...)` constructors call both 
> `OIF.Config.getSerialFilter()` and `OIF.Config.getSerialFilterFactory()` and 
> so will throw the appropriate `IllegalStateException` for invalid values of 
> the properties.
> - The static initialization of `OIF.Config` does not throw any exceptions (so 
> no `ExceptionInInitializerError`) but hold the state so that the method above 
> can throw `IllegalStateException` with the informative message.
> - The `IllegalStateException`s will be thrown just slightly later than 
> previously, now after the `Config` class is initialized instead of during 
> initialization.
> - The javadoc of the `Config` class will replace the descriptions of the 
> previous error with descriptions of `ISE` and each of the methods mentioned 
> above will have an added `IllegalStateException` documented referring to the 
> property values.
> Its not strictly compatible with the previous behavior but occurs only in the 
> case of badly formed parameters on the command line.

With the change in scope of the solution, a new PR has been created:
Please review that instead.



Re: RFR: 8276766: Enable jar and jmod to produce deterministic timestamped content [v14]

2021-12-01 Thread Andrew Leonard
> Add a new --source-date  (epoch seconds) option to jar and jmod to 
> allow specification of time to use for created/updated jar/jmod entries. This 
> then allows the ability to make the content deterministic.
> Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 

Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
commit since the last revision:

  Update src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jmod/
  Co-authored-by: Magnus Ihse Bursie 


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 1 line in 1 file changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 1 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6481/head:pull/6481


Re: RFR: JDK-8273056 java.util.random does not correctly sample exponential or Gaussian distributions [v2]

2021-12-01 Thread Brian Burkhalter
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 17:38:54 GMT, Jim Laskey  wrote:

>> The modified ziggurat algorithm is not correctly implemented in 
>> `java.base/jdk/internal/util/random/`. 
>> Create a histogram of a million samples using 2000 uniform bins with the 
>> following range: 
>> Exponential range from 0 to 12. Gaussian range from -8 to 8. 
>> This does not pass a Chi-square test. If you look at the histogram it is 
>> obviously not showing the shape of the PDF for these distributions. Look 
>> closely at the range around zero (e.g. +/- 0.5).
> Jim Laskey has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a merge 
> or a rebase. The incremental webrev excludes the unrelated changes brought in 
> by the merge/rebase. The pull request contains two additional commits since 
> the last revision:
>  - Merge branch 'master' into 8273056
>  - 8273056 - java.util.random does not correctly sample exponential or 
> Gaussian distributions

Marked as reviewed by bpb (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: JDK-8273056 java.util.random does not correctly sample exponential or Gaussian distributions [v2]

2021-12-01 Thread Jim Laskey
> The modified ziggurat algorithm is not correctly implemented in 
> `java.base/jdk/internal/util/random/`. 
> Create a histogram of a million samples using 2000 uniform bins with the 
> following range: 
> Exponential range from 0 to 12. Gaussian range from -8 to 8. 
> This does not pass a Chi-square test. If you look at the histogram it is 
> obviously not showing the shape of the PDF for these distributions. Look 
> closely at the range around zero (e.g. +/- 0.5).

Jim Laskey has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a merge 
or a rebase. The incremental webrev excludes the unrelated changes brought in 
by the merge/rebase. The pull request contains two additional commits since the 
last revision:

 - Merge branch 'master' into 8273056
 - 8273056 - java.util.random does not correctly sample exponential or Gaussian 


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 69228 lines in 1218 files changed: 46725 ins; 12712 del; 9791 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6353/head:pull/6353


Re: RFR: JDK-8273056 java.util.random does not correctly sample exponential or Gaussian distributions

2021-12-01 Thread Joe Darcy
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 14:21:51 GMT, Jim Laskey  wrote:

> > Should there be a regression test here?
> I can ask the submitter to provide a new test based on his testing (new JBS 
> issue.) The complexity of the test is beyond in house expertise.




Re: RFR: JDK-8273056 java.util.random does not correctly sample exponential or Gaussian distributions

2021-12-01 Thread Joe Darcy
On Thu, 11 Nov 2021 13:59:51 GMT, Jim Laskey  wrote:

> The modified ziggurat algorithm is not correctly implemented in 
> `java.base/jdk/internal/util/random/`. 
> Create a histogram of a million samples using 2000 uniform bins with the 
> following range: 
> Exponential range from 0 to 12. Gaussian range from -8 to 8. 
> This does not pass a Chi-square test. If you look at the histogram it is 
> obviously not showing the shape of the PDF for these distributions. Look 
> closely at the range around zero (e.g. +/- 0.5).

Marked as reviewed by darcy (Reviewer).



Integrated: 8177819: DateTimeFormatterBuilder zone parsing should recognise DST

2021-12-01 Thread Naoto Sato
On Tue, 23 Nov 2021 17:00:58 GMT, Naoto Sato  wrote:

> This fix intends to honor the type (std/dst/generic) of parsed zone name for 
> selecting the offset at the overlap. Corresponding CSR has also been drafted.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: a363b7b9
Author:Naoto Sato 
Stats: 204 lines in 5 files changed: 74 ins; 83 del; 47 mod

8177819: DateTimeFormatterBuilder zone parsing should recognise DST
8277049: ZonedDateTime parse in Fall DST transition fails to retain the correct 

Reviewed-by: joehw, scolebourne



RFR: 8255266: 2021-11-27 public suffix list update v 3c213aa

2021-12-01 Thread Weijun Wang
Update Public Suffix List data to the latest version at


Commit messages:
 - 8255266: 2021-11-27 public suffix list update v 3c213aa

  Stats: 1254 lines in 5 files changed: 887 ins; 215 del; 152 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6643/head:pull/6643


Re: RFR: 8278028: [test-library] Warnings cleanup of the test library

2021-12-01 Thread Daniel Fuchs
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 14:47:54 GMT, Roger Riggs  wrote:

> Compilation warnings of the test library introduce noise in test output and 
> should be addressed or suppressed. 
> Changes include:
>  - SuppressWarnings("deprecation") and SuppressWarnings("removal")
>  - Adding type parameters to Raw types
>  - Adding a hashCode method where equals was already present

Changes look reasonable to me but since I am not familiar with all those files 
it might be best to get at least one additional reviewer.


Marked as reviewed by dfuchs (Reviewer).


Integrated: JDK-8278014: [vectorapi] Remove test run script

2021-12-01 Thread Paul Sandoz
On Tue, 30 Nov 2021 19:22:53 GMT, Paul Sandoz  wrote:

> Remove Vector API scripts for building and running tests. `jtreg` should be 
> used instead.
> Also updated the test generation script to remove options that assume 
> mercurial as the code repository.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 9b3e6720
Author:Paul Sandoz 
Stats: 161 lines in 5 files changed: 0 ins; 156 del; 5 mod

8278014: [vectorapi] Remove test run script

Reviewed-by: sviswanathan, jiefu, shade



Integrated: 8193682: Infinite loop in ZipOutputStream.close()

2021-12-01 Thread Ravi Reddy
On Wed, 15 Sep 2021 07:40:35 GMT, Ravi Reddy  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Please review this fix for Infinite loop in ZipOutputStream.close().
> The main issue here is when ever there is an exception during close 
> operations on GZip we are not setting the deflator to a finished state which 
> is leading to an infinite loop when we try writing on the same GZip instance( 
> since we use while(!def.finished()) inside the write operation).
> Thanks,
> Ravi

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 1e9ed54d
Author:Ravi Reddy 
Committer: Sean Coffey 
Stats: 258 lines in 4 files changed: 191 ins; 29 del; 38 mod

8193682: Infinite loop in ZipOutputStream.close()

Reviewed-by: lancea, coffeys



Re: RFR: 8193682: Infinite loop in ZipOutputStream.close() [v14]

2021-12-01 Thread Sean Coffey
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 05:35:11 GMT, Ravi Reddy  wrote:

>> Hi all,
>> Please review this fix for Infinite loop in ZipOutputStream.close().
>> The main issue here is when ever there is an exception during close 
>> operations on GZip we are not setting the deflator to a finished state which 
>> is leading to an infinite loop when we try writing on the same GZip 
>> instance( since we use while(!def.finished()) inside the write operation).
>> Thanks,
>> Ravi
> Ravi Reddy has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Change in test case name from to CloseDeflaterTest , 
> moved testcase to util/zip/

Marked as reviewed by coffeys (Reviewer).



RFR: 8278028: [test-library] Warnings cleanup of the test library

2021-12-01 Thread Roger Riggs
Compilation warnings of the test library introduce noise in test output and 
should be addressed or suppressed. 
Changes include:
 - SuppressWarnings("deprecation") and SuppressWarnings("removal")
 - Adding type parameters to Raw types
 - Adding a hashCode method where equals was already present


Commit messages:
 - 8278028: [test-library] Warnings cleanup of the test library

  Stats: 23 lines in 14 files changed: 10 ins; 1 del; 12 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6638/head:pull/6638


RFR: 8278065: Refactor subclassAudits to use ClassValue

2021-12-01 Thread Roman Kennke
As a follow-up to #6375, this change refactors and to use ClassValue instead of 
SoftReference, similar to what we did in #6375 for Then we can now also remove the 
common machinery and

 - [ ] tier1
 - [ ] tier2
 - [ ] tier3


Depends on:

Commit messages:
 - 8278065: Refactor subclassAudits to use ClassValue

  Stats: 105 lines in 3 files changed: 2 ins; 87 del; 16 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6637/head:pull/6637


Re: RFR: JDK-8273056 java.util.random does not correctly sample exponential or Gaussian distributions

2021-12-01 Thread Jim Laskey
On Tue, 30 Nov 2021 22:23:01 GMT, Joe Darcy  wrote:

> Should there be a regression test here?

I can ask the submitter to provide a new test based on his testing (new JBS 
issue.) The complexity of the test is beyond in house expertise.



Re: RFR: 8177819: DateTimeFormatterBuilder zone parsing should recognise DST [v4]

2021-12-01 Thread Stephen Colebourne
On Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:41:34 GMT, Naoto Sato  wrote:

>> This fix intends to honor the type (std/dst/generic) of parsed zone name for 
>> selecting the offset at the overlap. Corresponding CSR has also been drafted.
> Naoto Sato has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Refined wording. Removed `LENIENT` parser. Added tests for CI.

Marked as reviewed by scolebourne (Author).



Re: RFR: 8276766: Enable jar and jmod to produce deterministic timestamped content [v13]

2021-12-01 Thread Magnus Ihse Bursie
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 11:06:12 GMT, Andrew Leonard  wrote:

>> Add a new --source-date  (epoch seconds) option to jar and jmod 
>> to allow specification of time to use for created/updated jar/jmod entries. 
>> This then allows the ability to make the content deterministic.
>> Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 
> Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with two additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - 8276766: Enable jar and jmod to produce deterministic timestamped content
>Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 
>  - 8276766: Enable jar and jmod to produce deterministic timestamped content
>Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jmod/ line 65:

> 63: 
> 64: private final ZipOutputStream zos;
> 65: private final LocalDateTime   date;


private final LocalDateTime date;

No need for extra spaces.



Re: RFR: 8276766: Enable jar and jmod to produce deterministic timestamped content [v13]

2021-12-01 Thread Andrew Leonard
On Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:07:52 GMT, Alan Bateman  wrote:

>> @andrew-m-leonard I see you've add several APIs to ZipEntry in this PR. I 
>> think this part will require discussion as it's not immediately clear that 
>> we should over burden the ZipEntry API as proposed.
>> @AlanBateman yes, see above comment, thanks
> This is a significant change to the ZipEntry API that will require discussion 
> and agreement. Can you start a discussion on core-libs-dev about the topic? 
> You could start with a summary of the problem and the API and non-API options 
> that have been explored.

@AlanBateman @LanceAndersen @jgneff The new update based on our discussions is 
now ready for review please. I have also updated the CSR: which is review ready as well.
thank you



RFR: 8278071: typos in MemorySegment::set, MemorySegment::setAtIndex javadoc

2021-12-01 Thread Maurizio Cimadamore
There are some truncated statements in 
MemorySegment::get/MemorySegment::getAtIndex javadoc, more specifically in the 
`@throws` for `IndexOutOfBoundsException`.


Commit messages:
 - Fix typos in MemorySegment dereference setters

  Stats: 16 lines in 1 file changed: 16 ins; 0 del; 0 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6635/head:pull/6635


Re: RFR: JDK-8276674 : Malformed Javadoc inline tags in JDK source in java/util/stream

2021-12-01 Thread Pavel Rappo
On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 03:22:50 GMT, Tim Prinzing  wrote:

> JDK-8276674 : Malformed Javadoc inline tags in JDK source in java/util/stream

Given that this PR affects files that aren't rooted under java/util/stream, I 
would either rename the PR or exclude the unrelated files. If this PR is going 
to sit there for some more time, I would prefer the latter. This is because the 
PR has already conflicted with a few other issues related to malformed javadoc 
tags (e.g. JDK-8276683 and JDK-8276684).

So either rename and integrate soon, or exclude the unrelated files.



Re: RFR: 8277647: [REDO] JDK-8277507 Add jlink.debug system property while launching jpackage tests to help diagonize recent intermittent failures

2021-12-01 Thread Athijegannathan Sundararajan
On Wed, 24 Nov 2021 08:54:08 GMT, Jaikiran Pai  wrote:

> Can I please get a review of this change which adds `jlink.debug=true` system 
> property while launching `jpackage` tests?
> The previous fix for this in didn't 
> take into account the part where the `jpackage` tool gets launched as a 
> `ToolProvider` from some of these tests. This resulted in a large number of 
> tests failing (across different OS) in `tier2` with errors like:
> Error: Invalid Option: [-J-Djlink.debug=true]
> In this current PR, the changed code now takes into account the possibility 
> of `jpackage` being launched as a `ToolProvider` and in such cases doesn't 
> add this option. To achieve this, the adding of this argument is delayed till 
> when the actual execution is about to happen and thus it's now done in the 
> `adjustArgumentsBeforeExecution()` method of the jpackage test framework.
> With this change, I have now run the `jdk:tier2` locally on a macos instance 
> and the tests have all passed:
> Test results: passed: 3,821; failed: 3
> Report written to 
> jdk/build/macosx-x86_64-server-release/test-results/jtreg_test_jdk_tier2/html/report.html
> Results written to 
> jdk/build/macosx-x86_64-server-release/test-support/jtreg_test_jdk_tier2
> Error: Some tests failed or other problems occurred.
> Finished running test 'jtreg:test/jdk:tier2'
> Test report is stored in 
> build/macosx-x86_64-server-release/test-results/jtreg_test_jdk_tier2
> ==
> Test summary
> ==
>>> jtreg:test/jdk:tier2   3824  3821 3 0 <<
> ==
> The 3 failing tests are unrelated to this change and belong to the 
> `java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/` test package.
> Furthermore, I've looked into the generated logs of the following tests to 
> verify that the `-J-Djlink.debug=true` does get passed in relevant tests and 
> doesn't in those that failed previously in `tier2`:
> test/jdk/tools/jpackage/share/
> test/jdk/tools/jpackage/macosx/
> test/jdk/tools/jpackage/share/
> A sample from one of the logs where this system property is expected to be 
> passed along:
>> TRACE: exec: Execute 
>> [jdk/build/macosx-x86_64-server-release/images/jdk/bin/jpackage --input 
>> ./test/input --dest ./test/output --name "Name With Space" --type pkg 
>> --main-jar hello.jar --main-class Hello -J-Djlink.debug=true --verbose](15); 
>> inherit I/O...
> I would still like to request someone with access to CI or other OSes (like 
> Windows and Linux) to help test `tier2` against this PR.



Marked as reviewed by sundar (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8277072: ObjectStreamClass caches keep ClassLoaders alive [v3]

2021-12-01 Thread Roman Kennke
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 10:49:54 GMT, Peter Levart  wrote:

> ...I think that you could remove now obsolete 
> nested class. It's not used any more.


> It would be nice to follow-up this patch with patches that make use of 
> ClassValue also for:
> *
> *
> ...this way the common static machinery like:
> *
> *
>   ...could get removed as it is not used in ObjectStreamClass any more.

I filed:




Re: RFR: 8277072: ObjectStreamClass caches keep ClassLoaders alive [v4]

2021-12-01 Thread Roman Kennke
> The caches in ObjectStreamClass basically map WeakReference to 
> SoftReference, where the ObjectStreamClass also references 
> the same Class. That means that the cache entry, and thus the class and its 
> class-loader, will not get reclaimed, unless the GC determines that memory 
> pressure is very high.
> However, this seems bogus, because that unnecessarily keeps ClassLoaders and 
> all its classes alive much longer than necessary: as soon as a ClassLoader 
> (and all its classes) become unreachable, there is no point in retaining the 
> stuff in OSC's caches.
> The proposed change is to use WeakReference instead of SoftReference for the 
> values in caches.
> Testing:
>  - [x] tier1
>  - [x] tier2
>  - [x] tier3
>  - [ ] tier4

Roman Kennke has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
commit since the last revision:

  Remove unused EntryFuture inner class from ObjectSteamClass


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 65 lines in 1 file changed: 0 ins; 65 del; 0 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6375/head:pull/6375


Re: RFR: 8277647: [REDO] JDK-8277507 Add jlink.debug system property while launching jpackage tests to help diagonize recent intermittent failures

2021-12-01 Thread Jaikiran Pai
On Wed, 24 Nov 2021 08:54:08 GMT, Jaikiran Pai  wrote:

> Can I please get a review of this change which adds `jlink.debug=true` system 
> property while launching `jpackage` tests?
> The previous fix for this in didn't 
> take into account the part where the `jpackage` tool gets launched as a 
> `ToolProvider` from some of these tests. This resulted in a large number of 
> tests failing (across different OS) in `tier2` with errors like:
> Error: Invalid Option: [-J-Djlink.debug=true]
> In this current PR, the changed code now takes into account the possibility 
> of `jpackage` being launched as a `ToolProvider` and in such cases doesn't 
> add this option. To achieve this, the adding of this argument is delayed till 
> when the actual execution is about to happen and thus it's now done in the 
> `adjustArgumentsBeforeExecution()` method of the jpackage test framework.
> With this change, I have now run the `jdk:tier2` locally on a macos instance 
> and the tests have all passed:
> Test results: passed: 3,821; failed: 3
> Report written to 
> jdk/build/macosx-x86_64-server-release/test-results/jtreg_test_jdk_tier2/html/report.html
> Results written to 
> jdk/build/macosx-x86_64-server-release/test-support/jtreg_test_jdk_tier2
> Error: Some tests failed or other problems occurred.
> Finished running test 'jtreg:test/jdk:tier2'
> Test report is stored in 
> build/macosx-x86_64-server-release/test-results/jtreg_test_jdk_tier2
> ==
> Test summary
> ==
>>> jtreg:test/jdk:tier2   3824  3821 3 0 <<
> ==
> The 3 failing tests are unrelated to this change and belong to the 
> `java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/` test package.
> Furthermore, I've looked into the generated logs of the following tests to 
> verify that the `-J-Djlink.debug=true` does get passed in relevant tests and 
> doesn't in those that failed previously in `tier2`:
> test/jdk/tools/jpackage/share/
> test/jdk/tools/jpackage/macosx/
> test/jdk/tools/jpackage/share/
> A sample from one of the logs where this system property is expected to be 
> passed along:
>> TRACE: exec: Execute 
>> [jdk/build/macosx-x86_64-server-release/images/jdk/bin/jpackage --input 
>> ./test/input --dest ./test/output --name "Name With Space" --type pkg 
>> --main-jar hello.jar --main-class Hello -J-Djlink.debug=true --verbose](15); 
>> inherit I/O...
> I would still like to request someone with access to CI or other OSes (like 
> Windows and Linux) to help test `tier2` against this PR.

Any help reviewing this please?



Re: RFR: 8276766: Enable jar and jmod to produce deterministic timestamped content [v12]

2021-12-01 Thread Andrew Leonard
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 01:37:55 GMT, John Neffenger  wrote:

>> Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
>> additional commit since the last revision:
>>   8276766: Enable jar and jmod to produce deterministic timestamped content
>>   Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 
> I found it helpful to look at what others have done.
> The Debian `strip-nondeterminism` tool clamps the low end of the date to 
> `1980-01-01T12:01:00`. All other dates are permitted no matter the 
> consequence. That tool is written in Perl and is able to access all of the 
> timestamp fields individually. See the [`` file][1] for details.
> Gradle decided that the only permissible date is `1980-02-01T00:00:00` in the 
> default time zone of the JVM. Period. End of story. No customization at all. 
> [They use a trick][2] with the old `GregorianCalendar` class to counteract 
> the effect in `ZipEntry.setTime` of the default time zone. They use the 
> `` subclass of ``, but 
> many methods pass through to the super class. See the [`` 
> file][3] for details.
> The crux of our problem, as Andrew made more clear to me, is that the methods 
> of `ZipEntry` do not allow for independent access to the two fields: the "DOS 
> date/time" field and the "UT extra field modtime". When trying to set either 
> one of them, the `ZipEntry` class can overwrite the other using the default 
> time zone of the JVM.
> @andrew-m-leonard So I agree. Either document that the archives are 
> reproducible only within a certain range of dates, or disallow the dates that 
> are out of range. Then we should be good for at least the next 78 years.
> [1]: 
> [2]:
> [3]: 

@jgneff thank you John for you test program, i've been using your previous 
version which is similar.
So please can you review the latest commit, it basically follows the same 
method of your test program using a ZonedDateTime instant from the input --date 
converted to a LocalDateTime of the same Instant in UTC, and then passed to 
It also only allows --date in the local date range of 1980->2099

Here's a manual test from 2 timezones of this latest commit:

~/workspace/repbuild$ sudo timedatectl set-timezone GMT
~/workspace/repbuild$ jar --create --date="2021-01-06T14:36:00+02:00" 
--file=myjar1.jar Time.*
~/workspace/repbuild$ sudo timedatectl set-timezone EST
~/workspace/repbuild$ jar --create --date="2021-01-06T14:36:00+02:00" 
--file=myjar2.jar Time.*
~/workspace/repbuild$ zipinfo -v myjar1.jar | grep -e Archive -e modified
Archive:  myjar1.jar
  file last modified on (DOS date/time):  2021 Jan 6 12:36:00
  file last modified on (DOS date/time):  2021 Jan 6 12:36:00
  file last modified on (DOS date/time):  2021 Jan 6 12:36:00
  file last modified on (DOS date/time):  2021 Jan 6 12:36:00
~/workspace/repbuild$ zipinfo -v myjar2.jar | grep -e Archive -e modified
Archive:  myjar2.jar
  file last modified on (DOS date/time):  2021 Jan 6 12:36:00
  file last modified on (DOS date/time):  2021 Jan 6 12:36:00
  file last modified on (DOS date/time):  2021 Jan 6 12:36:00
  file last modified on (DOS date/time):  2021 Jan 6 12:36:00

I have also added reproducible jar tests across timezones.



Re: RFR: 8276766: Enable jar and jmod to produce deterministic timestamped content [v13]

2021-12-01 Thread Andrew Leonard
> Add a new --source-date  (epoch seconds) option to jar and jmod to 
> allow specification of time to use for created/updated jar/jmod entries. This 
> then allows the ability to make the content deterministic.
> Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 

Andrew Leonard has updated the pull request incrementally with two additional 
commits since the last revision:

 - 8276766: Enable jar and jmod to produce deterministic timestamped content
   Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 
 - 8276766: Enable jar and jmod to produce deterministic timestamped content
   Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard 


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 58 lines in 1 file changed: 50 ins; 0 del; 8 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6481/head:pull/6481


Re: RFR: 8277072: ObjectStreamClass caches keep ClassLoaders alive [v3]

2021-12-01 Thread Peter Levart
On Tue, 30 Nov 2021 11:25:48 GMT, Roman Kennke  wrote:

>> The caches in ObjectStreamClass basically map WeakReference to 
>> SoftReference, where the ObjectStreamClass also 
>> references the same Class. That means that the cache entry, and thus the 
>> class and its class-loader, will not get reclaimed, unless the GC determines 
>> that memory pressure is very high.
>> However, this seems bogus, because that unnecessarily keeps ClassLoaders and 
>> all its classes alive much longer than necessary: as soon as a ClassLoader 
>> (and all its classes) become unreachable, there is no point in retaining the 
>> stuff in OSC's caches.
>> The proposed change is to use WeakReference instead of SoftReference for the 
>> values in caches.
>> Testing:
>>  - [x] tier1
>>  - [x] tier2
>>  - [x] tier3
>>  - [ ] tier4
> Roman Kennke has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
> merge or a rebase. The incremental webrev excludes the unrelated changes 
> brought in by the merge/rebase. The pull request contains six additional 
> commits since the last revision:
>  - Merge remote-tracking branch 'jdk-plevart/JDK-8277072-peter' into 
> JDK-8277072
>  - Use ClassValue to solve JDK-8277072
>  - Use ForceGC instead of System.gc()
>  - Convert test to testng
>  - Fix indentation of new testcase
>  - 8277072: ObjectStreamClass caches keep ClassLoaders alive

...I think that you could remove now obsolete nested class. It's not used any more.

It would be nice to follow-up this patch with patches that make use of 
ClassValue also for:

...this way the common static machinery like:
...could get removed as it is not used in ObjectStreamClass any more.



Integrated: 8277861: Terminally deprecate Thread.stop

2021-12-01 Thread Alan Bateman
On Tue, 30 Nov 2021 14:52:37 GMT, Alan Bateman  wrote:

> Thread.stop is inherently unsafe and has been deprecated since Java 1.2 
> (1998). It's time to terminally deprecate this method so it can be degraded 
> and removed in the future.
> This PR does not propose any changes to the JVM TI StopThread function (or 
> the corresponding JDWP command or JDI method).

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: fde0b95e
Author:Alan Bateman 
Stats: 2 lines in 2 files changed: 1 ins; 0 del; 1 mod

8277861: Terminally deprecate Thread.stop

Reviewed-by: rriggs, mchung, uschindler, dholmes



Re: RFR: JDK-8278014: [vectorapi] Remove test run script [v2]

2021-12-01 Thread Aleksey Shipilev
On Tue, 30 Nov 2021 23:35:08 GMT, Paul Sandoz  wrote:

>> Remove Vector API scripts for building and running tests. `jtreg` should be 
>> used instead.
>> Also updated the test generation script to remove options that assume 
>> mercurial as the code repository.
> Paul Sandoz has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Update copywrite year.

Marked as reviewed by shade (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8277992: Add fast jdk_svc subtests to jdk:tier3

2021-12-01 Thread Aleksey Shipilev
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 02:29:14 GMT, David Holmes  wrote:

> Hi @shipilev , We need to have someone look at the impact of this on our CI. 
> I don't think we run the tier4 group as defined in our tier 4 so we may not 
> see those execution time savings that offset the extra cost to tier3.

OK, I can wait for those who have more insight in Oracle testing pipelines 
check their workflows with this change. I have no insight in Oracle infra, so 
somebody else have to do it. Now that Igor left, who should we be talking to?
