[Coworking] Need Help Finding a Thread on Coworking as the New Economic Development Model

2009-11-23 Thread pa...@arbotek.com
Earlier this year a fellow space owner shared with the group a
presentation he did for his local town council/economic development

He posted the PPT/PDF file or link to it online.  I can't find the
link or thread anymore.  I believe that it was a space north of the
border.  Anyone remember it?

The jist of the subject was that instead of throwing so much money
trying to compete for huge employers, local governments should help
smaller companies compete and be successful.

Any help in pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated!





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[Coworking] Business Playce is One Year Old

2009-11-25 Thread pa...@arbotek.com
It’s been a little more then a year since we opened our doors to serve
the small business, solopreneur, web developer, open source, and
everyone else who doesn’t fit into a ready made made mold/label.
During that year we grew from our initial 1250 square feet to 2500
square feet, have made some changes and learned a lot of lessons.

Over the past year we have hosted conferences that ranged from multi-
level marketing, open source hack fests, 7 Habits of Highly Effective
Teens, Professional Firefighters Unions, Safety Seminars, CPR Classes,
Lactation Seminars, Landscaping Seminar’s, Art Classes, History
Classes. As I write this there is a town hall/political action
committee meeting of Bail Bondsman taking place!

We’ve had drop-ins and members that included; Attorney’s, Capital
Asset Manager’s, Landscape architects, IT architects, web developers,
graphic artists, film makers, property managers, pool company
managers, independent writers, tutors, firemen, printers, multi-level
marketers, sales people, event planners, telecom consultants, and many

We’ve had numerous open houses that have connected business with
business that resulted in jobs that stayed local and may otherwise
have never happened. We started and sponsored a meetup called Business
in the Burg that has grown to 70 members. That’s 70 creative local
business owners who may otherwise have never connected. We allow non-
profits free access to our spaces for board meetings to further
promote the sense of community that we are striving to create.

We’ve sponsored, Pink Slip Specials (and still do) which allow laid
off workers 1 month of free 9-5 access to hang out and have some place
to focus and figure out what the next step in their life is. (Maybe
they will end up starting their own company)

We’ve offered numerous free work days (every day it snows, it’s free
to work here), Inauguration Day was a free day, among others.

We’ve been featured in the Free Lance Star twice, Commuter Connections
News Letters (We are a much greener alternative then driving 48 miles
North to DC) More Blogs then can be mentioned, a local radio program,
and have been mentioned as an “Alternative Work Site” by the
Washington Post.

There is much work left to do! I can’t thank each of you who have been
involved in our success enough! We will continue to grow and serve the
creative class of our small region!


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[Coworking] Re: Business Playce is One Year Old

2009-11-25 Thread pa...@arbotek.com

Chris, et al' THANKS!!!

>From a business sense it is working!  I still have a day job and to be
honest don't see how this model would work without it. (That is if I
wanted a salary)  However Business Playce is self sufficient... i.e.
turning a profit each month.  My other company (Arbotek) paid for all
upfront costs, equipment, furniture, etc.. but we kept costs extremely
low, total start up costs were well under $10k  Instead of Business
Playce repaying the start up costs to Arbotek, my business partner and
I have written that off, and essentially have used the profits to seed
further improvements, (adding a 2nd flat screen, projector, DVD
players, etc. etc..) In addition now there is money in the Business
Playce Bank Account so that when we have an open house the money
doesn't come out of our pocket.

Monthly membership fees now fully cover expenses, with room for
growth.  For us, our profit growth is coming from and will continue to
grow from use of our conference rooms by outside groups.  Our 2
conference rooms are currently generating nearly as much revenue as
membership fees with room to grow!

While our usage model is somewhat different than those in city centers
(due to our less densely populated region), or goals are still the
same.  Provide a low cost, creative, community oriented environment to
let cool things happen.

As I said earlier, I can't quit my day job but this creative part
of my "NEW JOB" sure is a lot more fun and I'm having a blast with
Business Playce!  Way worth the extra time and effort!


twitter: businessplayce


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[Coworking] Re: Teleconferencing

2010-01-15 Thread pa...@arbotek.com
Hi all,

Not sure if this is to Geeky for the crowd but back in October
Business Playce hosted a 2 day Fedora/Red Hat working group - Hack
Fest to work on Fedora Talk.  

Anyways. it's based on an open source free solution called
Asterik.  More details can be found at the Fedora Page...

The price is right, the technology works, and the callers are

Paul Delagrange
Business Playce
twitter: @businessplayce

On Jan 14, 5:22 pm, Devra Zabot  wrote:
> Hi CoWorking Group,
> I am looking for a teleconference provider for a call with about 25 people.
> Please send me your suggestions to:  dvoras...@gmail.com.
> If anyone on the board wants to see a list of services, let me know.
> Best,
> Dev
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[Coworking] Re: Coworking website that isn't a wiki?

2008-11-08 Thread pa...@arbotek.com

Wow this has become the topic of choicelol

I think everyone that has posted has posted with thought and good
intentions.   Alex I for the most agree with you, regarding making
this more complicated then it should be.  There are a few people in
this community that although I've only recently begain contributing
to...i've been lurking for the last year or so.  Those would be
Alex and Tara.  (and it's kind of natural as one east coast one west

Having a general open to the public "Launch Page" only benefits us as
facilitators, owners, groupies or whatever you like to call yourself.
My belief is that nobody that's posting here wants to hurt the
communityso lets move forward and trust each other, not let egos
or differences in what version 1.0 should look like get in the way.
We are all trendsetters and I embrace and value what each of you has
done to move this effort forward.

I'm good with saying Alex & Tara head it up. task us as you need
put up coworkination or infocoworking or we bite the bullet and by
coworking.com...in any case we have to have ***coworking.com 1.0
and be open to inputs on 1.001 and 1.002 etc...

I would agree to as stated in here by folks much more eloquent then me
a site that consists of:

A few pages:

What is coworking
Why coworking
Media about coworking (focus on those that have goten video press)
Most easily accomplished by a feed from the wiki
Is coworking in your area? (either a feed from wiki or someone commits
to maintaining a list of locations)
How to join the coworking movement.  (links to coworking groups)
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[Coworking] Re: Pitching coworking to the boss

2008-12-18 Thread pa...@arbotek.com


Great comments great ideasand not to be weird herebut you
used the word serendipity in your responsethat is an AWESOME
wordone which best describes what I see is coworking in its best
form..thanks for the reminder of the word, the movement and the
end game!  Here's to Serendipity!


Fredericksburg, VA
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[Coworking] Coworking on Inaguration Day

2009-01-06 Thread pa...@arbotek.com

Just wanted to share a story about what we're doing on Inaguration

Businessplayce is 50 miles south of DC and lots of folks commute from
Fredericksburg to DC for work.  As you may have heard there is a small
event taking place in DC on the 20th.  They say that traffic is going
to be at a standstill, the trains are being used for the tourists, as
opposed to the normal commuters, no car traffic will be allowed across
any of the bridges, 5-10,000 busses are expected to descend on the
city a total nightmare.

So we started twittering, and posted a few ads on CL offering our
space for free on Inaguration Day.  (well not free, we are requesting
everyone bring some canned or dried goods for the local food bank)
Wow the response has been unreal.

It appears we're going to get our 2nd news article in the local paper
out of this The reporter is coming by next Tuesday to do the
Interview and take pictures.  We're hoping that this influx of non-
traditional users will at the very least increase awareness, and
hopefully earn us some more paying customers!

I'll keep you posted.....

Paul Delagrange

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[Coworking] Commercials

2009-01-06 Thread pa...@arbotek.com

Well I'm sure I'm not the only one who is jones'n over the commercials
that have come out of BLANKSPACES in LA.

In my travels across the country I have seen commercials on TV for
various lawfirms.  For example the commercial involves a voice, and
ambulance, etc... and at the end the announcer comes on and says call
Jerk, Jerky and Jerkier for all your legal needs.  Then when watching
TV in another location I have seen the exact same commercial but at
the end it will say "call Dork, Dorky and Dorkier".  This leads me to
believe that one can by a standard commercial and just change the
voice over/graphics and get a cheap commercial.

So.. Does anyone know about these things?  Would anyone be
interested in a Generic Open Source Commercial that the names,
locations, etc... could be changed to suit our individual needs?

And btw I didn't mean to offend any attorney's with my comments from

Paul Delagrange
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[Coworking] Another article on Coworking

2009-01-18 Thread pa...@arbotek.com


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[Coworking] Re: OpenSpace Coworking in Charlottesville, VA - Web Request

2009-01-22 Thread pa...@arbotek.com

Hi Nikki,

Sounds like a nice idea.  We should definately chat sometime.
I've had Businessplayce open since November just an hour east of you
in Fredericksburg.

Paul Delagrange
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[Coworking] Coworking & Popculture

2009-01-30 Thread pa...@arbotek.com

Morning all,

Wanted to share a story with all that made me happy.  Yesterday I
received a call from a college student that was interested in using
the space 2-4 times per month for "team meetings".  She runs one of
those business's that do shows in peoples homes... Classic multi-level
marketing type stuff.

As is always the case when people call or drop by I ask how they heard
about us.  She told me she heard about us from one of her professors
at school.  Apparently her professor read one of the recent articles
in the paper about us and presented us as one option in a lecture
about enviornment and how different people respond to different

I know this doesn't have much bearing on anything...lol but I love the
fact that people love the idea, accept the idea and that coworking
would be even mentioned in a classroom setting.  Just goes to show you
never know where your next coworker will come from!

Paul Delagrange

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[Coworking] Re: Two videos of Office Space Coworking in Akron...

2009-01-31 Thread pa...@arbotek.com


Awesome spot!  Okay to be the rude nosy neighbor.how much are the
spots costing to run?

Paul Delagrange

On Jan 31, 10:02 am, Kelly Brown  wrote:
> We've been doing more and more with video and have been seeing a lot
> of success there.
> (we're up to 22 members and we just opened in October).
> I saw Susan's post sharing their tour and thought I'd share some of
> the things we're doing locally.
> 1) We did some radio spots, had some success and so decided to throw
> the radio spot on top of some video and test it on our local cable
> provider through CNBC & BRAVO.  These start airing Monday -- so we're
> pumped.
> http://www.officespacecoworking.com/blatant-commercialism/
> 2)  We recently hosted a Live Jazz & Wine event -one of our members'
> husband is in really kickbutt Jazz band and they came in and played 3
> sets.  We had about 25 people show that night -- which wasn't bad
> considering our area has been hit with the greatest amount of snowfall
> since the 1978.  Anwyhoo - Brian Layman captured some video and tour
> as well.
> http://www.qik.com/brianlayman
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[Coworking] Re: Utilization level vs Cashflow

2009-02-03 Thread pa...@arbotek.com

Holy Crap  Thats a lot of numbers.

>From my perspective if you're worried about cashflowbuild the
network and get the commitments ahead of time.
As many of us here can attest opening the doors does not equate to the
space being utilized.
We have been open since November and have 3 full time members, 3 part
time, 3-4 who only use the conference room once or twice a month.
We have 5-6 people who have dropped by more than once but don't want a

Now all that said, from our perspective we're okay because our
overhead is mostly absorbed by my "day job".  But if you don't have
the luxury
of having a built in "anchor" tennant I would imagine you'd be
stressing to put together an accurate useage model without the network
being their first...

Just my humble opinion.


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[Coworking] Re: Recruiting Locals

2009-02-05 Thread pa...@arbotek.com


Here's 3 groups in your area that you should reach out to.  Most of
the linux/pc groups that I've been involved with
are very welcoming and huge promoters of this type of thing.  Reach
out to them, go the meetings.  I also can't say
enough about joining your local chamber and going to meetings.  They
have been HUGE traffic drivers for me!
Finally the 3rd link is for a BNI group in your area. some people
like them, I'm not a huge fan, but we have a local Free NI
group that I'm involved with.  These are people who are driven and can
help you get the word out sort of a MLM ad campaign.



On Feb 4, 5:55 pm, JR Moreau  wrote:
> Just curious to what best practices, if any are used to market a
> potential co-working space to a community of local freelancers? I live
> in Worcester, Massachusetts (Central, MA) and have some interest in a
> potential co-working space, but need at least 4 more to show interest
> and be good candidates in order to move forward.
> Obviously there are simple marketing techniques via social media and
> business networks, but I'm curious if anyone on here has come up with
> any other creative ideas in attractive potential co-workers.
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[Coworking] Re: Coverage of Beehive Baltimore Coworking in the Baltimore Sun

2009-02-16 Thread pa...@arbotek.com


Congrats!  Nice article, nice picture!

Paul Delagrange
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[Coworking] Re: Designs behind Coworking

2009-02-24 Thread pa...@arbotek.com


Very Nice Post!  Well thought out and a good primer for those
interested in the community!


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[Coworking] Anyone coworking in/around Ulster County, NY

2009-03-13 Thread pa...@arbotek.com

An acquaintance of mine has expressed interest in working at a
coworking place, only problem is mine is in Fredericksburg, VA.  She
lives in Ulster County, NY.

Anybody doing anything in that area?
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[Coworking] Businessplayce Open House

2009-04-13 Thread pa...@arbotek.com


Just wanted to share with you our recent good news.  Since opening
this past November, things have gone pretty well.  We are in a
positive cash flow situation and turning away business due to space
constraints.  We have a core group of users and surprisingly a pretty
large portion of our business/interest is in conference room use.  Our
current conference room can seat 10, but we have had a number of folks
that want 20 plus for classroom type settings.

Fortunately there is an additional 1250 square feet of space adjacent
to our current space that we are going to take over.  This new space
will provide us with a Large conference/class room 25+, a large web
developer shared space (5 users), a "phone booth", 3 private offices,
1 daily office, and an additional bathroom.  When we knock out the new
door, we will turn one of our current offices into a lounge/play room
with a few casual user tables placed there, and where our current
snack bar/copier/printer is located.

We are hosting a happy hour/open house/membership drive this coming
Wednesday.  I realize most of you are no where near us, but if you
happen to be in the area or know anybody in the area, pass our
information on to them. http://bussinessplayce.eventbrite.com/

I have finally figured out that web development is not my forte' and
one of our in house developers, Danny Carmical, www.luckykind.com is
redoing our website in conjunction with the expansion.

Finally thanks for the support/advice you've all provided over the
last year!



Aim:  businessplayce
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[Coworking] Coworking in Suburbia

2009-05-15 Thread pa...@arbotek.com

This blog post was written in response to some of the discussions that
I've seen here recently.

Can coworking work in a bedroom community, or does it require the
density offered by a city and enjoyed by spaces like Independents Hall
and Citizen Space?

The Fredericksburg Metropolitan Area has a population of about
300,000.  The area includes Fredericksburg, Stafford, Spotsylvania,
King George and Caroline Counties.  We are located 50 miles south of
Washington, DC and 50 miles north of Richmond, VA.

Many of the traditional coworking spaces are located in major
metropolitan/city centers such as Philadelphia, NY, NY, San Francisco,
etc..  These spaces are often wide open, collaborative places that are
filled with younger independent technology oriented members.

Coworking can work in a bedroom/suburban setting but I don’t think the
traditional open coworking model works in the suburban setting.

Businessplayce is set up as a Hybrid Model.  We are part open
coworking space and part business incubator. Business Playce has 6
private offices, 1 large shared office (with 4 desks) and two open
space areas with desks for up to 8 users.  We also have 2 conference
rooms with contemporary furnishings, flat screens, white boards,
projectors, etc….

While many traditional coworking spaces derive their revenue from
setting up 20 desks and charging a monthly/daily fee, Business Playce
get’s its revenue primarily from the private offices.  We screen the
members who have private offices to ensure that they are open,
accessible and will contribute to the vibe of the space.   These
members for whatever reason still want the ability to close a door and
have a physical office, albeit without the overhead.

Other profit centers include our two conference rooms.  By renting out
the conference rooms, we provide an affordable but needed service to
the community, while exposing people to the concept of coworking.
Many of our members actually learned about Business Playce while
attending a meeting or conference at Business Playce.  We also offer a
service for people who work at home but want a physical address where
packages/mail can be delivered and they can drop in for a meeting.

Our community is growing and people love the concept!  It is however a
different from coworking in an urban enviornment.  The concept
transcends location and the our stated purpose of providing a “Cafe
like community/collaboration space for developers and independent
workers looking for part time peers”, is the same as our urban
counterparts, such as Independents Hall, Citizen Space, New Work City,

Paul Delagrange
aim: businessplayce
twitter: businessplayce

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[Coworking] Using paypal with Calendar

2009-05-26 Thread pa...@arbotek.com

Would anyone else like to share how they are using paypal to collect
payments and schedule time in your space.

As you can see from our website http://www.businessplayce.com/membership/
we have 6 different options for our members, ranging from the drop in
to just use of our conference room.

We currently just take cash/checks.  Most of our memebers would prefer
to be able to pay online vs: check.  As we are really trying to grow
the use of our conference rooms, we'd like to tie our Google calendar
to paypal via API.  What we are seeing is that we have to sign up for
an upgraded paypal account in order to use the PAYPAL API.

If anyone has a simple calendar/paypal solution that is working for
you I'd very much appreciate hearing what you're doing.




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[Coworking] Twitter Success in promoting your coworking space

2009-05-28 Thread pa...@arbotek.com

Attached is a link to an article written by one of my Twitter Friends/
coworkers.  For some of you that are newer and have read the repeated
advice of getting involved, doing meetups, etc... etc... It really can




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[Coworking] Re: Please Complete Coworking Participation Survey

2009-06-30 Thread pa...@arbotek.com


I completed the survey.  I would be very interested in seeing the
results and hope more folks take a moment to answer so we can
collectively get a great data set!




Twitter:  businessplayce
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[Coworking] Re: Hello from Frederick, MD

2009-08-06 Thread pa...@arbotek.com


My business partner and I started Business Playce in Fredericksburg,
VA last November.  We've done 1 expansion in May and have filled our
space with full time residents, but still have room for 3 more part
timers.  My business partner lives in Frederick, MD and after we
finish working all the kinks out of our Virgina location we plan on
laying the ground work for a site in Frederick.  When you move to
Frederick give us a call, or visit our VA location we have a small
community already interested and would love to find like minded people
to help us defray the cost/responsibilities, etc.

Paul Delagrange
Twitter: businessplayce

On Aug 4, 11:49 am, Glen Ferguson  wrote:
> Well, not quite Frederick just yet. My wife and I are moving there in the
> next month or so. I'm currently an IT solutions architect and I'm getting
> tired of all the travel. I started a side business a year ago providing web
> hosting and other IT services to small businesses. With the upcoming move,
> I'm looking to quit the traveling life and move the part-time job to
> full-time status. We've seen some nice property in downtown Frederick which
> would work well for a coworking site, and I'm trying to learn as much as I
> can from those that have been down this road already. I have quite a few
> questions, but I'll keep them separate from this introduction.
> Glen
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[Coworking] Re: Standard lease length

2009-08-06 Thread pa...@arbotek.com


We have a 30 day membership agreement.  One of the benefits of
coworking at Business Playce is flexibility.  We tell our new members,
try us out for free for a few days, then join for 30 days if you like
it greatif not why be tied into something that wasn't/isn't for

I assume for cash flow projections it would be nice to have a long
term lease/agreement, but for us and our culture that seems to
"Corporate".  In fact our agreement simply says "When you decide you
don't want to be here anymore, let us know as soon as possible; No
Harm, No Foul."

Twitter: businessplayce

On Aug 6, 5:41 am, Andy McMillan  wrote:
> I'm wondering - from others running coworking spaces - how are your
> leases set up in terms of time, clauses etc? Are you offering
> discounts for longer leases? Any information would be fantastic -
> thanks!
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[Coworking] Re: Standard lease length

2009-08-06 Thread pa...@arbotek.com

Hey Tara,

Just FYI. I bought 3 copies of TWF 1 for me and 2 for the library
at Business Playce Guess which 2 books always seem to be checked

Twitter: Businessplayce

On Aug 6, 10:29 am, Tara Hunt  wrote:
> We used to have something as flexible as Business Playce, but we found
> out the 'let us know as soon as possible' bit led to people telling us
> on the first of the month they wanted to leave (like that day), so we
> have the 30 day membership agreement with 30 days notice now.
> T
> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:24 AM, pa...@arbotek.com wrote:
> > Andy,
> > We have a 30 day membership agreement.  One of the benefits of
> > coworking at Business Playce is flexibility.  We tell our new members,
> > try us out for free for a few days, then join for 30 days if you like
> > it greatif not why be tied into something that wasn't/isn't for
> > you.
> > I assume for cash flow projections it would be nice to have a long
> > term lease/agreement, but for us and our culture that seems to
> > "Corporate".  In fact our agreement simply says "When you decide you
> > don't want to be here anymore, let us know as soon as possible; No
> > Harm, No Foul."
> > Paul
> >www.businessplayce.com
> > Twitter: businessplayce
> > On Aug 6, 5:41 am, Andy McMillan  wrote:
> >> I'm wondering - from others running coworking spaces - how are your
> >> leases set up in terms of time, clauses etc? Are you offering
> >> discounts for longer leases? Any information would be fantastic -
> >> thanks!
> --
> tara 'missrogue' hunt
> Book: The Whuffie Factor (http://www.thewhuffiefactor.com)
> Blog: HorsePigCow: Marketing Uncommon (http://horsepigcow.com)
> Twitter:http://www.twitter.com/missrogue
> phone: 415-694-1951
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[Coworking] Twitter is Down

2009-08-06 Thread pa...@arbotek.com

Wowhu you never realize how much you rely on something till
it's down!
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[Coworking] Re: Twitter is Down

2009-08-06 Thread pa...@arbotek.com

According to http://status.twitter.com/

They don't know the cause!

Don't worry about being an addict.. the first part of recovery is
admitting you have a problem!  lol

Maybe I can start a support group!  "Hi my name is Paul and I'm a

Twitter: Businessplayce

On Aug 6, 10:40 am, Tara Hunt  wrote:
> Funny. I was considering posting 'twitter is down' to the coworking
> group, but decided against it. :) I didn't want to look like too much
> of an addict. ;)
> 2009/8/6 Liu Yan :
> > what's going on with twitter???
> > Yan
> > 2009/8/6 pa...@arbotek.com 
> >> Wowhu you never realize how much you rely on something till
> >> it's down!
> > --
> > Liu Yan刘妍
> > Xindanwei Coworking Playce新单位联合办公
> > 3S ReUnion 三术沙龙
> > 4C,Bld 4, Dingxi Rd 727, Shanghai,CHINA
> > 中国上海定西路727号四栋4C
> > (+86) 135 2429 5509
> > @theliuyan
> > @xindanwei
> > @3sreunion
> >http://xindanwei.com
> >http://www.we-need-money-not-art.com/archives/tag/3s-reunion
> --
> tara 'missrogue' hunt
> Book: The Whuffie Factor (http://www.thewhuffiefactor.com)
> Blog: HorsePigCow: Marketing Uncommon (http://horsepigcow.com)
> Twitter:http://www.twitter.com/missrogue
> phone: 415-694-1951
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[Coworking] Commuter Connections Newsletter mentions Business Playce in Fredericksburg, VA

2009-08-26 Thread pa...@arbotek.com

Here's a link to a recent newsletter that gives coworking a "shout-

In the Washington DC area traffic is horrible and Commuter Connections
is designed to promote car pooling and alternative working
arrangements.  All branches of the Federal Government are supposed to
have a person that coordinates teleworking and actually promotes it.
We have been reaching out to these DC based contacts to raise
awareness of our space.  The government operated "Teleworking" centers
in our area are sterile, government type offices.  They charge $1200
per month for a desk!

Hopefully this is a pool of people that we can tap into!  Has anyone
else had an success or experience with pulling government people into
their space?




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