[Crm-sig] Training Materials Conceptualization, Needs and Resources Discussion

2023-04-21 Thread George Bruseker via Crm-sig
Dear all,

You will have noticed on the agenda for the upcoming CRM SIG recently sent
by Eleni Tsoulouha that a day has been set aside for a discussion centering
around didactic and training material related to the understanding and use

The dedication of a day to this topic was proposed given a number of

   1. the overall topic relates regardless to several on-going issues that
   are under discussion at the SIG
   2. the on-going ISO acceptance process for CRM base version 7.2x gives
   us a chance to focus on development of material aside from the CRMbase
   specification itself
   3. this year's CIDOC conference and next will have a strong CIDOC CRM
   component and there is a keen interest in training and knowledge of how to
   use the CRM
   4. The material most clearly available to a potential learner / user of
   CRM on the website, requires an update and enrichment with much material
   that has been generated in the meantime (

Therefore, it seemed an opportune moment to open up a general discussion as
to the training material for learning and applying CRM (what should this
be, who should it be aimed at, what is its scope, what resources exist
already, what resources would it be good to develop) and then also to dive
into some detail about the potential categories of didactic / training
material and how we can populate them with extant material or plan to
generate new material.

With this in mind, the following draft document was drawn up by myself:


as a starting point for this discussion. This document is in no way to be
considered complete or final but rather a sketch to prompt a fruitful

The proposal for the day is to start with a general discussion of what we
mean by and need for training material, starting from the document above.
This is a draft in order to spur conversation which we would hope to be
wide ranging and open. The first session of the day will open this
discussion and investigate what are the proper categories and terms for the
different elements of CRM learning. SIG members with other  / better /
different ideas are very welcome even to propose a completely different

The other sessions of the day will pull as general organizing cue from the
proposal above in order to structure more specific conversations about
different topics.

We wanted to send this document out sufficiently in advance so that those
interested in this topic are able to consider it and gather their own ideas
and proposals in turn. Also since there are many topics with different
details to invite those who specifically want to speak on a topic, training
around a particular method or software for example, to be able to propose
this as a component of the conversation.

This will hopefully be the start of an on-going and fruitful effort to
update and enrich the offer of didactic and training materials on the CRM
site with an impact of making it easier and more coherent for potential
users of CRM to appropriate the necessary knowledge to use it to their
particular purposes.

Looking forward to the dialogue.


George Bruseker
Crm-sig mailing list

[Crm-sig] Issue_510_Belief_Adoption working document

2023-04-21 Thread Martin Doerr via Crm-sig

Dear All,

Attached the working document for completing the new definitions of 
Belief Adoption, interfacing with the latest version of CRMtex.

Please pay attention to the examples which go through the whole constructs:

The first is the nice text 
(https://www.britishmuseum.org/blog/who-was-nero) by Francesca Bologna 
about Emperor Nero of Rome, which summarizes the recent revisions of 
historical beliefs about his actual deeds:

I cite:
"But what do we really know about Nero? Can we separate the scandalous 
stories told by later authors from the reality of his rule?

Most of what we know about Nero comes from the surviving works of three 
historians – Tacitus, Suetonius and Cassius Dio. All written decades 
after Nero's death, their accounts have long shaped our understanding of 
this emperor's rule. However, far from being impartial narrators 
presenting objective accounts of past events, these authors and their 
sources wrote with a very clear agenda in mind. Nero's demise brought 
forward a period of chaos and civil war – one that ended only when a new 
dynasty seized power, the Flavians. Authors writing under the Flavians 
all *had an interest* in legitimising the new ruling family by 
portraying the last of the Julio-Claudians in the worst possible light, 
*turning history into propaganda*. These accounts became the 
'historical' sources used by later historians, therefore perpetuating a 
fabricated image of Nero, which has survived all the way to the present."


"On 19 July AD 64, a fire started close to the Circus Maximus. The 
flames soon encompassed the entire city of Rome and the fire raged for 
nine days. Only four of the 14 districts of the capital were spared, 
while three were completely destroyed.

Rome had already been razed by flames – and would be again in its long 
history – but this event was so severe it came to be known as the Great 
Fire of Rome.

Later historians blamed Nero for the event, claiming that he set the 
capital ablaze in order to clear land for the construction of a vast new 
palace. According to Suetonius and Cassius Dio, Nero took in the view of 
the burning city from the imperial residence while playing the lyre and 
singing about the fall of Troy. *This story, however, is fictional*."

This text represents the characteristic reasoning about the trust in 
historical sources we want to model as "Belief Adoption".

The detail that Nero could not be in Rome and Antium the same time is 
however logical, and an instance of Inference Making.

As examples of Provenance Assessment, I used the discussion about the 
authenticity of the "Nebra Sky Disc", which was initially regarded as a 
probable forgery, and later proven to be from Bronce Age. The story how 
the looting place was recovered and the object ended up in a museum is 
exciting as well.

We could add the opposite story, about the Minoan Godess with Snakes:



which was initially believed to be Bronze Age, and recently be regarded 
rather as forgery.

I still do not have a good example questioning the provenance of a text. 
Often, ancient texts contain more modern add-ons. May be someone on this 
list is aware of a good example.

Feedback welcome!



  Dr. Martin Doerr
 Honorary Head of the
  Center for Cultural Informatics
Information Systems Laboratory
  Institute of Computer Science
  Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
 N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
  GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece


 Dr. Martin Doerr
 Honorary Head of the

 Center for Cultural Informatics
 Information Systems Laboratory

 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
 N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,

 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece


 Dr. Martin Doerr
 Honorary Head of the

 Center for Cultural Informatics
 Information Systems Laboratory

 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
 N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,

 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece

Description: MS-Word 2007 document
Crm-sig mailing list

[Crm-sig] 56th CIDOC CRM & 49th FRBR/LRMoo SIG meeting

2023-04-21 Thread Eleni Tsouloucha via Crm-sig
Dear all,

Please see here
the provisional program of the* 56th CIDOC CRM and 49th FRBR CRM meeting *in
*May *in *Heraklion *(at FORTH). The detailed and final program will be
confirmed at the end of next week.
To facilitate the local organizers best plan the meeting (i.e., get coffee
for everyone, but not just that 😎) please indicate whether you plan to
attend, and if yes, whether in person or online, by filling out this form

All the best,
Crm-sig mailing list

Re: [Crm-sig] Belief Adoption example, HW issue 510

2023-04-21 Thread Hiebel, Gerald via Crm-sig
Dear all,
We tried to put Martins statements in RDF using named graphs and RDF star and 
made a visualization:

If you are interested in the RDFs you find different versions in this folder:

nero.ttl – Turtle RDF – no named graphs
nero.trig – TriG – with named graphs
nero.ttls –RDF star in Turtle
nero.trigs – RDF star in TriG– with named graphs

The files to create the RDF are also there.


Crm-sig@ics.forth.gr star

Von: Crm-sig  Im Auftrag von Martin Doerr via 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. April 2023 21:01
An: crm-sig 
Betreff: Re: [Crm-sig] Belief Adoption example, HW issue 510

Dear Dariah,

Thank you, I agree! I think we need to extend the meaning of I7 to "disbelief" 
as well. That comes in handy with the Nero example, because together with 
believing Tacitus where Nero was comes disbelieving Suetonius where Nero was.

I'll work on that. It could be an alternative property or just the Truth Value 
associated. Opinions?



On 4/11/2023 6:50 PM, Гук Дарья Юрьевна wrote:
Dear all, if somebody is agree with hypothesis or some thesis, it's clear, but 
if thereis a reason to be against. How it will work?

Sincerely, Daria

От: Crm-sig  
от имени Martin Doerr via Crm-sig 

Отправлено: 11 апреля 2023 г. 15:32:32
Кому: crm-sig
Тема: [Crm-sig] Belief Adoption example, HW issue 510

Dear All,

Here my homework with a real belief  adoption.
I7 Belief Adoption

Subclass of: I1 

Superclass of:
Scope note: This class comprises the action of an E39 Actor adopting 
propositions taken from an interpretation of the intended meaning of an 
instance of E73 Information Object as being true or in some way likely to be 
true. The adopted propositions constitute the conclusion of the action in the 
form of a new instance of Ix4 Adopted Belief of the adopting actor.
The basis of I7 Belief Adoption is the justification of trust in the source of 
the adopted propositions rather than the application of rules for inferring the 
respective propositions from logical premises.
Typical examples are the citation of academic papers or the reuse of data sets.
Where an instance of I7 Belief Adoption is based on personal communication 
(marked as pers.comm. in the studied text) this should be represented by using 
P2 has type: “Pers.Comm.” directly from the instance of I7 Belief Adoption.
Properties:  Jxx5 adopted interpretation (was concluded by): Ix4 
Adopted Belief
J7 is based on evidence from (was evidence for): E73 Information Object
Jxx3 assumed meaning (was assumed by): Ix2 Intended Meaning Belief
Jxx4 assuming provenance (was assumed by): Ix5 Provenance Belief
J11 used manifestation (was manifestation used by): F3 Manifestation
J12 used (was used by): F5 Item
§  My adoption of the belief that Dragendorff type 29 bowls are from the 1st 
Century AD
§  Francesca Bologna’s adoption of Tacitus’ belief that Nero was not in Rome 
when the Great Fire started. (F. Bologna, 2021). [Francesca Bologna adopted 
Tacitus belief, of the only historian who was actually alive at the time of the 
Great Fire of Rome (although only 8 years old): "Nero at this time was at 
Antium and did not return to Rome until the fire approached his house" in : 
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius. The Annals. Book 15 [15.16].]

See: https://www.britishmuseum.org/blog/who-was-nero, By Francesca Bologna, 
Nero Project Curator, Publication date: 22 April 2021. accessed 4/10/2023


 Dr. Martin Doerr

 Honorary Head of the

 Center for Cultural Informatics

 Information Systems Laboratory

 Institute of Computer Science

 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)

 N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,

 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece


 Email: mar...@ics.forth.gr

 Web-site: http://www.ics.forth.gr/isl


 Dr. Martin Doerr

 Honorary Head of the

 Center for Cultural Informatics

 Information Systems Laboratory

 Institute of Computer Science

 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)

 N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,

 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece


 Email: mar...@ics.forth.gr

 Web-site: http://www.ics.forth.gr/isl
Crm-sig mailing list

Re: [Crm-sig] Issue 625: O13 *triggers* scope note [HW reminder]

2023-04-21 Thread Wolfgang Schmidle via Crm-sig
Here's a diff:

* label: 
OLD   O13 triggers (is triggered by)
NEW   O13 triggered (was triggered by)
(in the examples it was already called "triggered" rather than "triggers")

* scope note: 
Part 1 is unchanged:
This property associates an instance of E5 Event that triggers another instance 
of E5 Event with the latter. It identifies the interaction between events: an 
event can activate (trigger) other events in a target system that is in a 
situation of sustained tension, such as a trap or an unstable mountain slope 
giving way to a land slide after a rain or earthquake.

Part 2:
OLD   In that sense the triggering event is interpreted as a cause. However, 
the association of the two events is based on their temporal proximity, with 
the triggering event ending when the triggered event starts.

NEW   The distinction of the triggering event from the triggered one lies in 
their difference of nature: The starting of the triggered event is the result 
of an interaction of constituents with the triggering one, but not a 
continuation of the kinds of processes of the latter. Therefore the triggering 
event must spatiotemporally overlap with the initial time and area of the 
triggered event, and the spreading out of the subsequent phenomena must 
initiate from this area and time and not from multiple independent areas.

* FOL: 
O13(x,y) ⇒ P182(x,y) removed

(Domain, range, quantification, examples are unchanged)

About the changes:

Scope note part 2: If there needs to be an interaction of constituents and thus 
a spatiotemporal overlap, then I am not sure I understand the 1966 flood 
example. There is an overlap between the flood and a book getting wet and an 
overlap between a book being wet as a result and the growing of the mould, but 
is there an obvious interaction between the flood and the mould beginning to 
grow on a book? I am assuming O13 is not meant to be transitive?

What is the initial time and area of "mould growth on books stored in flooded 
library rooms"? Is it obvious that this area is connected and not multiple 
independent areas?

FOL / superproperties: The new scope note suggests P132 "spatiotemporally 
overlaps with", as well as P176 "starts before the start of" (also suggested by 
Thanasis) and  P173i "ends after or with the start of"?

Additional questions:

Scope note part 1: What is the sustained tension in the target system (books 
stored in library rooms) in the 1966 flood example? Or in a house that is 
destroyed by an earthquake or a wildfire?

Examples: Since we want to get rid of fictitious examples, would it make sense 
to replace the earthquake/landslide example? Non-fictitious examples would be 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradise,_California#2018_fire or 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Way_Things_Go (an artistic cascade of 
triggering events)


> Am 20.04.2023 um 14:01 schrieb Martin Doerr via Crm-sig 
> :
> Dear All,
> Here my first go:
> O13 triggers (is triggered by)
> Domain:
> E5 Event
> Range:
> E5 Event
> Quantification:
> many to many (0,n:0,n)
> Scope note:
> This property associates an instance of E5 Event that triggers another 
> instance of E5 Event with the latter. It identifies the interaction between 
> events: an event can activate (trigger) other events in a target system that 
> is in a situation of sustained tension, such as a trap or an unstable 
> mountain slope giving way to a land slide after a rain or earthquake. In that 
> sense the triggering event is interpreted as a cause. However, the 
> association of the two events is based on their temporal proximity, with the 
> triggering event ending when the triggered event starts.
> Examples:
>   The earthquake of Parnitha in 1999 triggered the rotational landslide that 
> was observed along the road on the same day. (fictitious)
>   The explosion at the Montserrat massif in 2007 (near Barcelona, Spain) 
> triggered the rock fall event happened on 14 February 2007 (Vilajosana et 
> al., 2008).
>   The 1966 flood in Florence triggered mould growth on books stored in 
> flooded library rooms (Rubinstein, N., 1966)
> In First Order Logic:
> O13(x,y) ⇒ E5(x)
> O13(x,y) ⇒ E5(y)
> O13(x,y) ⇒ P182(x,y)
> O13 triggered (was triggered by)
> Domain:
> E5 Event
> Range:
> E5 Event
> Quantification:
> many to many (0,n:0,n)
> Scope note:
> This property associates an instance of E5 Event that triggers another 
> instance of E5 Event with the latter. It identifies the interaction between 
> events: an event can activate (trigger) other events in a target system that 
> is in a situation of sustained tension, such as a trap or an unstable 
> mountain slope giving way to a land slide after a rain or earthquake.
> The distinction of the triggering event from the triggered one lies in their 
> difference of nature: The starting of the triggered event is the result of an 
> interaction of constituents with the triggering one, but not a continuation