Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] End of an Era: shell access.

2019-09-01 Thread David Williams

On 8/27/19 13:27, Denis Roy wrote:

  I think we're one of the last shops on earth that has SSH shell
access right into our mission-critical infra. Even before 2009
this practice was pure insanity from a data/systems security
perspective but it was maintained as there were not many

While I am all in favor of the restricted shell efforts I think one
perspective has not been well documented. Do the "official
webmasters" have full shell access? (the answer I assume is: "yes,
of course"). So from another perspective, those people that say they
really need shell access are probably doing some level of "webmaster
work". That is at least part of the reason a lot of this got started
back when there was too much work for one webmaster to do and
volunteers were needed from the community. So, perhaps part of the
solution to the problem of shell access is for the "official
webmasters" to take over the work that Markus and Ed (and others)
are doing. Or, perhaps distinguish the use-cases some so that some
very few people are declared as "honorary webmasters" -- complete
with training and "security certification" or whatever you do for
the "official webmasters" to ensure a secure system. 

I just had not seen the problem framed from this perspective and
wanted to do that before the topic closed completely. 

Thanks for reading, 

P.S. I am certainly NOT one of those honorary webmasters (any longer
:) so it does not really matter to me what you do -- just giving
unsolicited advice. :/


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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] End of an Era: shell access.

2019-08-24 Thread David Williams

On 8/23/19 14:24, Matthew Ward wrote:

  Hi Everyone,

  I just wanted to follow up with a reminder that on August
  28th we will be moving committers that have an actual shell on to our restricted shell.

I'd like to thank both Donat and Etienne on the Buildship
  RelEng team who volunteered to test this change, and helped me
  confirm that this change should be minimally disruptive.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Thanks for the reminder. 

Will those of use that still want to use 'scp' and similar still
have a 'home directory' (on "build"?) and is that still the place
for .ssh/authorized_keys2? Or, does all that change with "restricted

If a change, can you point me to instructions on how to set that up?
I would assume some form of "ssh-copy-id hostname" but thought best
not to assume and ask explicitly. 

In case you are wondering, the use case, for using scp and similar
is to download a number of builds to my local machine (without going
through web interfaces). 
Now that I think of it, I currently use rsync via ssh, such as 

 rsync -a -e ssh ${committer_id}${dlpath}

Will that still work with a restricted shell? Or, will I need to
convert to "scp"? 



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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] http or https reference to P2 repos: (was Re: Initialization for 2019-06)

2019-04-17 Thread David Williams


  On 4/16/19 04:13, Ed Willink wrote:
I just changed the repo reference in the *.aggrcon from http:
  to https: but the resulting log changes from:
08:40:39 Adding child meta-data repository file:/home/data/httpd/

09:03:28 Adding child meta-data repository

This suggests that the SimRel build is able to exploit a
  trusted path to file:/home/data/httpd
  for http: but not https:
Is this a bug/limitation of the SimRel setup, or should we be
  using http: for references to EF-hosted repos in *.aggrcon?

  This is controlled via a property in the ant "build.xml" file (or
  related property files) that specify what is re-written. 
  Since this efficiency step is pretty specific to the "SimRel"
  process ran "locally" on Eclipse infrastructure, 
  I suspect it is fine to leave as is and not solve by anything
  complicated. What I mean is 
  there is a property in '': 
  And, if that property is defined, then in the build.xml file there
  is a target 
  named rewriteRepositoryURL which does an ant  task
  using the 'rewriteRepositoryURLValue'
  and replaces what ever is specified in
  That "commonRepositoryDownloadURLValue" property 
  is currently specified as 
  in the build.xml file. 
  So, if all repo lines in aggrcon files were changed at the same
  time to use 'https', then only the build.xml file need be changed
  to use 'https' in place of 'http' in that one property. (And then
  sanity checked since it is a simple "match and replace" 
  task with no regard for context.) 
  If there is a substantive reason to have a mix of 'http' and
  'https', then I'd recommend using something like the
   task instead of the 
  If any of this is desired, I'd suggest opening a 'cross project'
  bug (and assigning it to Fred :)


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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Will the Platform Start Making Major Version Increments?

2018-11-06 Thread David Williams

On 10/30/18 11:29, Daniel Megert wrote:

  Hi Ed
  Last time we
this in 2017 there were different opinions on this topic but we
never decided
on the topic. Today we decided unanimously that in general we
will NOT
increase the major version when removing deprecated API.

Wouldn't it be best to update the wiki document, Version
Numbering [1], with
some explicit guideline in the hope for consistency between

Or, do you think the pointer to Evolving Java-based APIs [2]
suffices? It does have a section there that includes the following

  [...] obsolete API elements are notoriously difficult to get rid
Obsolete API elements should be marked 
  as deprecated and point new customers
at the new API that replaces it, but need to continue working as

  for a couple more releases until the expense of breakage is low
that it can be deleted.

But I think explicitness is best. I am not sure "... the expense of
breakage is low enough ..." would be interpreted as "no major
version change required".

I have opened Bug 540859
in case further discussion is required
  it can be done there. 




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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] The Oxygen's BUILD_CLEAN job might be stuck

2018-02-28 Thread David Williams

On 02/28/2018 01:35 PM, Quentin Le
  Menez wrote:



  Hi Fred,

  It seems that its stuck again :/

Do you have some ideas as to why ?



I do not know what the problem is/was, but opened Bug 531827.

I did change a "timeout" setting, since previous jobs were stuck for
10 hours, and should have timed out after about 3 hours. 

I also manually killed a stuck job, and the next one does seem to be
doing better. 


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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] p2 <-> aggregator sync.

2018-01-28 Thread David Williams

On 01/28/2018 12:48 PM, Stephan
  Herrmann wrote:

  Unable to load repository p2:file:///home/data/httpd/
  While I don't see the actual root error, this appears to be the
  were the aggregator cannot handle current format of p2 meta data.
  (Any chance to access any details of this failure?)

Did you try the aggregator editor? 
I can see some detail in the console log, when using the aggregator
This is with Oxygen.2 and aggregator 4.7 installed. 
The log says "can not load repository" (as does pop up dialog), but
then the log continues with 
!MESSAGE Unable to load repository

And, from looking at the code, there is something about (p2's)
"getVersion" that p2 considers invalid -- that is, while processing
your version in your required capability data. Only in the Oxygen
stream, that I see. 

In my dev. environment where Photon M5 is installed, and the
aggregator built from master branch, (i.e. installed from
then there is no exception, and no problem. But, I do not know if it
produces what you intend. 

In the Oxygen branch, I put in some debug statements, ran locally,
and it is chocking on the capabilities involved with 
org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox.branding, perhaps this part: 


So, how many others are going to have *that* sort of match statement
and that sort of problem? :) 

IMHO, at least for M5 and Oxygen.3, the Oxygen update branch of Sim
Release should still be aggregated with a base of Oxygen.2 and

whereas the Photon branch of Sim Release should be aggregated with
Photon M5 and ...cbi/updates/aggregator/ide/4.8/
Can always revert back to Oxygen version if something goes terrible

But, I would be the last to have any true insight into current
I have not been following all the detail requirements of why
"capabilities" is being changed in the way it has been so do not
know the use cases or motivations for the change. 
I assume no one needs a change for Oxygen updates. 


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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Change in Eclipse SDK release cadence

2017-12-04 Thread David Williams

No, no specific concerns or doubts. In
  fact I decided it was a silly question, 
  since it is the simultaneous release that has a policy of "no
  breaking API changes, off-cycle". 
  So, the original announcement must have meant "update releases". 
  On 12/03/2017 02:08 PM, Daniel Megert wrote:

Hi David
  The plan is to apply
  If you have any concerns or
please open a bug report and post it here.


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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Change in Eclipse SDK release cadence

2017-12-02 Thread David Williams


  What's missing from this announcement is what this means regarding
  versions or versioning.
  I can guess, but it would be better for you to be explicit.
  I am assuming you mean something more than "maintenance release"
  (i.e., a change in the third field, or 'micro,' of version).
  Since to mean that, it would be a simple change in terminology
  (for the sake of marketing, I assume, but doubt that is the case).
  I am also assuming you do not mean a major, API breaking change
  (change in the first field, or 'major,' of version).
  Since to mean that, would be to break many adapters' product and
  maintenance strategies -- and if so, all the more reason to be
  very explicit! :)
  So, that leaves an "update release" -- a change in the second
  field (or, 'minor' in OSGi terms) -- typically done when the code
  a new API or a new feature that does not break existing code.
  If that is the case, it seems that everyone else has been doing
  update releases for a long time and the Platform
  has had the ability to do so, but never has in practice.
  I would guess you mean this latter case (an "update release") but
  suggest you make it explicit or explain whatever else it may mean
  to you.
  On 12/01/2017 06:47 AM, Aleksandar Kurtakov wrote:

  After the Eclipse Photon release, a change in the Eclipse SDK release
cadence is coming: Releases will happen every 3 months from master.

This will reduce the huge waiting time that happens now for people
contributing early in the development cycle, who had to wait for up to
almost a year to see their feature or fix become available. Given the
ever increasing pace of software development this is needed to keep
the Eclipse SDK competitive, and to eliminate the burden on
maintainers of doing backporting.

Maintenance releases will no longer happen and people requiring a fix
will simply update to the next release.

Regarding the release train, each of the quarterly releases will be
contributed to the respective release train version.

The API removal policy remains the same, including giving 2 years
notice before removing deprecated API. API removals can be announced
in all four releases, and as a consequence API removals can also
happen in all releases.


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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Oxygen.1a is broken when installed on top of the BETA Patch feature

2017-10-13 Thread David Williams

On 10/13/2017 06:04 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

On day 2 after the Oxygen.1a there was quite a disastrous report on SO: 

It turned out to be a "simple" installation problem, and I'm afraid
that many users will run into this, too:

Installing Oxygen.1a on top of the BETA Patch feature does not
effectively install the released version of JDT plug-ins.

I believe this needs to be communicated immediately to all those
who previously installed the patch feature.

Which channel?
I don't know, "check for updates" doesn't have a web page ...


PS: needless to say, that the RC2a respin is also without effect in 
this setting.

= = =

I have not looked at this in detail, but one solution would be to 
produce a new "Beta Java-9 patch" even though it is no longer needed 
with Oxygen.1.

Its purpose would be to simply make sure the latest JDT was installed 
(instead of the patched parts of JDT).

The idea is that if someone has the beta patch installed already, then 
"check for updates" would effectively pull in Oxygen 1a.

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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] down?

2017-08-22 Thread David Williams

On 08/22/2017 11:47 PM, Sravan K
  Lakkimsetti wrote:

is down for me. Any one facing this issue?

Down for me too. 
And, down for Down
  For Everyone Or Just Me as well.


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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] JDK8&9 Update

2017-07-25 Thread David Williams

On 07/25/2017 08:53 AM, Frederic Gurr


Paths to the latest JDK8 and JDK9 have been updated as follows:

/shared/common/jdk1.8.0-latest -> /shared/common/jdk1.8.0_131
/shared/common/jdk1.8.0_x64-latest -> /shared/common/jdk1.8.0_131.x64

/shared/common/jdk-9_x64-latest -> /shared/common/jdk-9-ea+179_x64

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

A very minor concern, but isn't "*_141" the latest
  JDK for Java 1.8? 

I just barely glanced at the release
  notes and do not see any earth shaking changes, but some
might be important for some people? 


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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] SimRel aggregation build

2017-07-18 Thread David Williams

On 07/17/2017 01:33 PM, Frederic Gurr


I've started preparations for the Photon SimRel aggregation build.
New jobs have been created on the SimRel HIPP
The Photon jobs are pointing to the master branch of the SimRel
aggregation repo.

There was once another suggestion made by someone (sorry, I have
forgotten who exactly) 
that we not use the "master" branch in Git repo, but simply have the
branch named for the release. 
That way, less churn as we switch from "main, first release" to
"update releases". 
I have opened the following bug for discussion and comments. 

Bug 519843
- avoid 'master' branch in SimRel
build repo



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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] [Brainstorming] Why (not) a "Final Daze" in SimRel?

2017-06-27 Thread David Williams

On 06/27/2017 08:04 AM, Ed Merks wrote:
The update sites are only hidden by virtue of not telling the user the 
location of the update site.  Making it visible is mostly about 
publishing the location in documentation somewhere, or by updating a 
composite to point at it.
Blocking release availability isn't really making projects feel more 
agile thanks to SimRel...
To be honest, for the EMF builds, we just kind of ignored this. We 
don't do any big announcement, but someone installing from various 
composites will install EMF 2.13. 

In many cases, it will work fine if someone updates their composites 
early, but not necessarily all cases. At least, historically, there have 
been cases where a user will be told "updates are available" but then 
when they try to apply them will be told "those updates conflict" with 
something else they have installed, and then given a list of (possibly 
confusing) choices (such as, "remove web tools so that emf can be 
updated?" [to paraphrase, and it is just a hypothetical example]). 
Perhaps, these days, these mismatches would occur less often than in the 
past but I suspect not completely and the more projects violated the 
"Simultaneous" aspect of update sites the more likely users would see 
issues. That is the core technical reason why there is a Simultaneous 
Release in the first place.

Another reason (again, historically) is more mechanical: If some 
projects (especially large ones) were available for updates early then 
potentially hundreds of thousands of "update downloads" would be 
occurring at the same time the mirrors were trying to download gigabits 
(from other projects) to get fully populated and they would less able to 
do so. In other words, a network bottleneck: downloads for updates would 
be slow since there were so few mirrors, and mirrors could not get 
populated because there were so many downloads.  You can avoid this 
bottleneck by having bits in place (so mirrors can get them) but to not 
update the composites until the appointed day (so that users will not be 
doing mass updates early).

I am glad when I see efforts made to improve the Sim Rel processes, but 
I wanted to be sure you kept these factors in mind as you did. These 
factors tend to be forgotten when they do not occur -- and they have not 
occurred for many years (I believe) because most projects follow the 
recommended procedures.

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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Validating Aggregator fails because of legacy update site -> MAT

2017-05-23 Thread David Williams

On 05/23/2017 01:47 PM, Alexander Nyßen wrote:

Hi all,

when validating the Oxygen aggregator on my machine, the validation 
fails because of an unsupported legacy update site. It seems this was 
introduced by updating MAT. If I disable MAT and Andmore (which 
depends on it), the validation succeeds on my local machine.

I will also add, in case not obvious, that "legacy update sites" are 
explicitly dis-allowed in the Sim. Rel. aggregation. The aggregator 
itself should still allow it, if someone was building their own site and 
set the property "Allow Legacy Sites" to "true".

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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] [] Neon.3 Update Problems

2017-03-30 Thread David Williams

On 03/30/2017 02:45 PM, Gunnar Wagenknecht wrote:

On 30. Mar 2017, at 19:10, Daniel Megert  wrote:
I have never seen an announcement from Orbit that service release builds for 
Orbit got dropped, but that seems to be the current reality, see

I'm not entirely sure we ever officially had a maintenance/service build story 
in Orbit. Shouldn't the retention policy keep old bundles in place so that 
projects referencing those would still consume them during the Neon series?

FWIW, I recall that David did create a "maintenance" branch for a Mars SR back in the 
days but that was more of an "ad-hoc" thing. I never remember using a maintenance branch 
in Orbit.

We always had a maintenance build in Orbit when it was required. And we 
deliberately kept it to as few changes as possible (i.e. only those that 
were required and requested by a participant in the Sim. Release 
maintenance/update release.

I think there is also another thing to consider. IMHO projects should stop 
hard-pinning specific 3rd party versions in the feature.xml -

This makes builds and installs non-deterministic. That seems like a lot 
to give up. This isn't just a theoretical nicety. Especially with third 
party jars (when we do not always know what versioning or API rules they 
follow). It implies one set of tests on installs/updates using the 
"project's repository" and another set of tests on installs/updates from 
the "Sim. Release repository" (times the number of prereq repositories, 
in theory). And THEN anyone doing long term maintenance addressing 
(possibly paying customer's) issues has to wade through the possibly 
numerous versions of a "release" that slightly differ based simply on 
which repositories were used to not only create the products, but also 
which ones their customers used to do updates (times the number of 
derivative products which might use other sets of repositories).

And, don't forget, the looser you make the constraints the more you are 
leaving it up to p2 to decide the "optimal solution" -- which is not 
always what you would expect and not always the same, from one run to 
the next.

Gee, wouldn't it be nice just to build one big application instead of 
all these pesky components. :)

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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Bugzilla seem to be down again

2017-03-12 Thread David Williams

Is it my imagination, or do major outages always occur on the weekend? :)

On 03/12/2017 11:02 AM, Denis Roy wrote:

Our database master failed.

We had a new server in place, synced up and ready to go. We were going
to make the switch next weekend.

That switch just happened.  Our database servers are all new hardware.

Apologies for the inconvenience.  Outages from databases should now be a
thing of the past.


On 12/03/17 07:11 AM, Andrey Loskutov wrote:

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was
unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, and
inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might
have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error

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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Problem withorg.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient bundle in Oxygen M5

2017-02-03 Thread David Williams


  For what it's worth, you are both right. :) Nothing in the
  platform depends directly on the Apache httpcomponents, but ECF
  does, and the platform depends on ECF. In fact, part of ECF is
  duplicated in our repository so that it will be a self-contained
  repository and hence the Apache httpcomponents get dragged along
  with it. Just thought, I'd clarify. I do not think it makes any
  difference to the main part of the discussion. [I mention this in
  part, because a year or two ago we removed it from our "target"
  definition, since we did not need it, directly]. 
  On 02/03/2017 01:24 PM, wrote:

Yes, by root I mean platform, JDK, etc.
But I can comment for the Eclipse top-level project (a.k.a.
as SDK and Platform): we never shipped
false. The eclipse top-level project repository for 4.6.2
includes version 4.3.6 of the
org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient bundle that does
include the mime package.

Daniel Megert
Sent: Friday, February 3, 2017 9:42 AM
To: Cross
  project issues
Subject: Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Problem
withorg.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient bundle in Oxygen M5

have no clue what you mean with "root". But I can comment
for the Eclipse top-level project (a.k.a. as SDK and
Platform): we never shipped 'org.apache.http.entity.mime'.
project issues 
Problem with org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient bundle in
Oxygen M5

  We are having troubling
building our plugin against Oxygen M5. The
org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient bundle in M5 build of
root eclipse project is missing org.apache.http.entity.mime
  In M5 root Eclipse project
repo, the version is 4.5.2 (771KB) and is missing
the mime package
  In M5 Orbit repo, the latest
version is 4.3.6 (845KB) and does contain the mime
  On, the version 4.5.2is
1226KB and does contain the mime package
  So, I have the following
  1. Where did version 4.5.2 in
root Eclipse project repo come from, as it’s not in Orbit M5
  2. Why is this version missing
org.apache.http.entity.mime package?
  3. Why are we shipping a
different bundle then what’s produced by the original
third-party project? Since we are using the same bundle
symbolic name, it’s a rather problematic situation.
  - Konstantin___
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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Fwd: Simrel repo contributions

2017-01-19 Thread David Williams

I will answer to "cross-project" list,
  since may be of general interest.
  And before answering the question, I will remind everyone the
  purpose of the "checkpoint
build" was primarily to allow any new projects, or projects
  with new features, to "get into" the build, on a  relatively
  stable base. Unlike "RC builds" not all projects would be expected
  to update their contributions for mere bug fixes. I also noticed
  that this is stated in the Neon
Plan, but not the Oxygen
plan so ... someone ... should update the Oxygen plan as
  well (assuming the Planning Council still wants to provide that
  checkpoint, for Oxygen update releases). 
  I am assuming that the original issue or question revolved around
  someone's URL in the aggrcon file was not literally the "final
  release" one, in the sense that repositories are normally moved or
  copied to their final location during quiet week, and then the
  project must remember to also update their URLs in the aggrcon
  If that is the issue, then I'll make the following comments: 
  a. What you say is true, project decides "the release" URL. BUT
  the "right content" is a little stronger than you say. It should
  be exactly the same. Not simply "fit in". 
  b. We (or, I) never hounded projects much to update their URLs to
  their final ones, because every year a few would not and unless
  everyone does it, it really does not make the build "reproducible"
  so I thought it not worth the hounding. 
  c. I did, however, set the 'validate' job (on both branches) to
  not only run upon git repo changes, but also to run once every
  Monday morning, to help spot "broken URLs". [I did not write much
  about these triggering events, so just now added it to the Simrel
release engineering wiki.]
  If that is not the issue, then I will need more specific
  questions, or symptoms. It appears all the URL stuff was fixed 5
  days ago, so if it is still an issue, then I suspect something
  else is wrong. 
  On 01/19/2017 12:40 PM, Frederic Gurr wrote:

  Hi David,

Can you help me with Sravan's questions?
I assume that every project is responsible to put in the right URLs for
a release. SimRel in general does not care if something is a "release"
URL, as long as the right content (whatever a project considers to be
right and what does not cause dependency issues) is available, right?



 Forwarded Message 
Subject: 	Simrel repo contributions
Date: 	Mon, 16 Jan 2017 07:51:06 +
From: 	Sravan K Lakkimsetti 
CC: 	Daniel Megert 

Hi Fred,

I was trying to update simrel with latest 4.6.3 M-Build for 4.6.3 check
point. I noticed an issue with Sirius project. This raised following
questions in my mind relating to 4.6.2

 1. Did we build 4.6.2 with right repos?
 2. When do we do build with release urls?
 3. If we did build with wrong repo urls, how to rectify that?
 4. How can we catch this situation in future.

It may turn out to be non-issue. But would like to have clarification.

Thanks and Regards,


Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti

IBM India Pvt Ltd,

Embassy Golf Links Business Park, D Block,

Off Indiranagar-Kormangla Inner Ring Road,

Bangalore - 560071, India

Phone: 91-80-41776858


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[cross-project-issues-dev] Neon.2 update release is now available

2016-12-21 Thread David Williams

Congratulations! This is our first-ever December update release! (The 
first 2-of-3 update releases.) What a busy bunch you are. :)

Neon.2 is now available at the build-in repository at


EPP packages are at

or more specifically,

(It may take a bit for the packages to "show up" on those pages).

Also, the "new and noteworthy" and "help" sites may not be updated 
immediately, but should be soon (within a day or two):

Sincerest thanks for making Eclipse higher quality and more functionally 

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[cross-project-issues-dev] Are we distributing software with known security issues?

2016-12-17 Thread David Williams


This question is motivated by a recent article[1] I happened
  across. In short, it pointed to evidence that many software
  applications are re-distributing open source components with known
  security issues. 

"*Yes*, we are distributing software with known security issues",
  is the answer to the subject question. 

To walk through one example, the article named
  org.apache.commons.fileupload version 1.2.1 as being often
  redistributed, even though known security issue (CVE-2014-0050).
  Versions 1.0 to 3.0 had the flaw, and 1.3.1 is required to avoid
  it. Version 1.3.2 is the most recent Apache version.  

That 'fileupload' package sounded familiar so I began to look
  around and I found that in the Platform's repository they are
  re-distributing version 1.2.2 of that package but (luckily?) in
  the Sim Release repo we have version 1.3.1. In the platform, it is
  Equinox's Http servlet bundle that has an optional prereq on
  "fileupload" and in Sim Release, it is RAP, apparently, that is
  "pulling in" version 1.3.1. 

= = = = = =

I call out this flaw in our release practices, here on cross-project
list, for several reasons: 

1) I wanted to open a bug on the Platform and Equinox to update that
prereq (bug 509388),
but I see that "fileupload" Version 1.3.1 is not available from
Orbit. *Why not?* That alone appears to be a Simultaneous Releases
"no no".

2) More importantly, I mention this on cross-project list to
encourage all projects to take a look at their third party
dependencies and I ask you to get "up to date". If you find it is
hard to update, at least confirm that the version you use does not
have any security advisories associated with it. This should likely
become part of our standard review process. (I have opened bug 509389
where that idea can be discussed.)

To emphasize, the "org.apache.commons.fileupload" is but one
example, easily spotted because it sounded familiar to me. There
could be many others -- I do not know -- perhaps it is the only one?

Thanks for reading (and taking action! :) 


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[cross-project-issues-dev] Requirements to participate in the Oxygen (2017) Release repository

2016-12-16 Thread David Williams


Every year, the Planning Council specifies that M4 is the
  deadline for the council to have the official, final version of
  the Simultaneous
Release Requirements. This year is no exception (though,
  sorry, I am sending this note a bit late in the day). 

The requirements are the same as previous years, except we did
  add one new item. Its purpose is to help us all focus on the
  direction Eclipse needs to go with "continuous updates". At this
  point, though, the requirement is for projects to "document" such
  support and technically it is possible for a project to document
  "we do not support it". See the following section for the new
  requirement (and, please, read the whole document if you are new
  to the Sim. Release and, even if you are not new, I recommend at
  least skim reading it yearly! :)
As mentioned there I have also opened bug
509237 to have an ongoing discussion of what issues prevent
  "continuous updates".
= = = = = 

Off topic: This is not related to requirements, but does not
  deserve its own note ... 

I have started a "trouble shooting" section in the Simultaneous
Release FAQ called Common
errors and what to do about them. Please contribute to it,
  if anyone has seen other common problems that I have forgotten

= = = = = 

Thanks as always! 


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[cross-project-issues-dev] Oxygen M4 is available

2016-12-16 Thread David Williams

Oxygen M4 has been made available at the built-in URL of

(It is a composite, now consisting of M4, M3, and M2.)

The EPP Packages are (or will be soon) available at the "developers" tab 
for packages, at

(I believe EPP is still waiting for a few package maintainers to 
approve, before ALL packages will be visible there).

Thanks everyone for participating!

One more for 2016: Neon.2 next Wednesday!

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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Projects that have not (AFAICT) declared participation in Oxygen

2016-12-16 Thread David Williams

On 12/15/2016 08:56 AM, Sven Efftinge wrote:

Xpand is in maintenance mode, but I understood that it needs to be 
included if other projects have a dependency on it.
In that case, I assume it is a viable option to just include last 
year's release again.

Is that correct?

That is correct. With some possible complications.

Are you, Sven, saying to include Xpand as a representative of Xpand? If 
so, then I think fine for you to include it, in your own ?.aggrcon file. 
My guess is it would be best to also have a release record, even if it 
was not a new release, just repeat the previously released version, and 
say "maintenance mode, same version" as its release documentation. (But 
Wayne is the authority on release records).

I can envision a few other cases and one of those will get complicated:

1. In the past, projects wanted to "include" a previous release of a 
project (or a few bundles) that was maintenance mode, and had no 
?.aggrcon file of their own (i.e. no one left to represent the project) 
so in those cases the participating project "included" it, either 
directly via features or by mirroring to their own repository. This is a 
direct analogy to "the Orbit case".

2. The new case that might need some new procedure or policy:
If there is a large project, say like DTP (just as an example), which is 
required by many, but has no one real representative, then technically 
it should NOT be in its own ?.aggrcon file, and SOMEONE should say they 
will include a copy of the previous release in their repository (or, in 
their own ?.aggrcon file?) for themselves and others to use. That way, 
there is always someone at least partially responsible for it if 
something goes wrong. If nothing goes wrong, everything is fine. If 
something does go wrong, SOMEONE has to do SOMETHING! (even if it is to 
decide "not to include it").

I mention this last "special case" since it sounds like there are a 
number of projects "in maintenance mode" and I suspect they will all 
"work" for a while, but eventually, as I am sure you already know, they 
will no longer work. Hence, a long term "ownership" is required, even 
for maintenance mode.


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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Oxygen M4 - staging is complete, as before

2016-12-14 Thread David Williams

I never heard any more about Ben's build issues, and never saw any 
activity that would cause a new build, so I will once again say that 
staging is complete. I assume it turned out to be a difficult issue. 
(Feel free to ask on this or one of the other lists, Ben, in case 
someone has any insights or suggestions).

Staging has not changed since my previous note. The last staging repo 
was produced around 6 PM Eastern on Wednesday ... in case you have 
gotten a head start, Markus. :)

On 12/14/2016 07:56 PM, David Williams wrote:

This is fine by me *IFF* you are talking about "hours". I will turn 
the job back on until about, let's say, 10 PM Eastern. (Feel free to 
say at that point if you are "close to done with a little more time". 
My main concern is that it not be delayed 24 hours or something, but 
otherwise, I am not going anywhere tonight. :)

On 12/14/2016 07:27 PM, Ben Gamble wrote:
It is after 5 on Wednesday, no one has asked for an extension, and 
the servers are cooling down after many contributions the past few 
I could *severely* use an extension to figure out why some of my 
plugins are getting signed with unparseable SHA-256 signatures D:

-- Ben Gamble / BIRT /

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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Oxygen M4

2016-12-14 Thread David Williams

This is fine by me *IFF* you are talking about "hours". I will turn the 
job back on until about, let's say, 10 PM Eastern. (Feel free to say at 
that point if you are "close to done with a little more time". My main 
concern is that it not be delayed 24 hours or something, but otherwise, 
I am not going anywhere tonight. :)

On 12/14/2016 07:27 PM, Ben Gamble wrote:

It is after 5 on Wednesday, no one has asked for an extension, and the servers 
are cooling down after many contributions the past few days.

I could *severely* use an extension to figure out why some of my plugins are 
getting signed with unparseable SHA-256 signatures D:

-- Ben Gamble / BIRT /

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[cross-project-issues-dev] Oxygen M4 staging repository is complete

2016-12-14 Thread David Williams


It is after 5 on Wednesday, no one has asked for an extension,
  and the servers are cooling down after many contributions the past
  few days. 

Hence, I will the staging repository complete and disable any new
  contributions builds (until Friday, after EPP packages are done).

Thanks to everyone for participating! 

= = = = = = 

BTW, on Friday, or shortly after, I will also start to look at
  removing contributions that are on Wayne's
"not declared" list sent earlier today. I will try to do it
  progressively to minimize disruptions, but, as you will recall, we
  opted to minimize disruptions for M2 (and future M1s) knowing we
  would have some amount after M4. 



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[cross-project-issues-dev] Beginning "quiet week" for Neon.2

2016-12-12 Thread David Williams


As I am sure you know, we are scheduled to release Neon.2 on
  12/21/2016, at approximately 10 AM Eastern. 

Between now and then is what we call "quiet week" -- a time for
  final acceptance testing and preparation of websites, etc. 

While it is called "quiet", that does not mean there is nothing
  to do. While we do not update the dates in the "Final Daze"
  document for every update release, the concepts are the same
  (please read the document, if you never have). But otherwise, the
  main things are: 

  archive old releases 

  put final artifacts in their permanent home so they can be
synced up the mirrors (but, leave them "invisible" to general
public, until 12/21). 

  final testing, especially "update
  site" testing. Here are the links you need to know to
simulate what "check for updates" will do once everything is in

  Plus, there is one new thing and one change to the way we have
  done things in the past: 

  The new thing: Contribute to overall new and noteworthy (if you
have new features, or are new to the update release). For "How
To" information, see 
  Overall Release New and Noteworthy. 
  The changed thing: There will no longer be a bug to list
plugins that go into the help
  info center. Instead, as per Bug 499411
we will automatically find all the "doc bundles" in the Sim Rel
repository and automatically add them. This is still a work in
progress but you can take a look at the Hudson
  test.infocenter job if interested. Eventually we should
have a "staging" sort of URL you can use to test your help

If there is no other communication about Neon.2, then check back
  around 10 on 12/21 to make sure there are no "WAIT! ..." messages
  where we have to defer the release for some reason before you
  publicize the release. 

As always, please ask if there are questions or issues.
Thanks to everyone for contributing to this update release. 


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[cross-project-issues-dev] Neon.2 staging repository is complete

2016-12-07 Thread David Williams


As far as I can tell, everyone has made their final contribution
  for Neon. (Linux tools came in at 5:06 PM (Eastern) ... and they
  were not even the last one! :) 

As always, test well! 

Thanks all! 

P.S. I say "as far as I can tell" since my ISP's email system has
  been broken at least all afternoon, if not longer :(
 While I did look at the cross-project
mailing list website, I know sometimes there can be a delay
  between the actual 'mail' and the 'mailing list' (website). 

So, don't panic if you recently sent an email (but, you might
  re-send it, now that I have worked around my ISP) 


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[cross-project-issues-dev] Enabling soa-bpmn2-modeler.aggrcon?

2016-12-01 Thread David Williams


This file, soa-bpmn2-modeler.aggrcon, shows BPMN Modeler with a
  disabled contribution (enabled="false"). Is that right? 

From the list of List
of participating projects it appears BPMN Modeler is
  intending to be part of the Oxygen release. 

With M4 not far off, I thought I should point this out so the
  project can enable it (soon). No need to wait until your +n day
  even if you have some further changes to make, the earlier you are
  "in" -- and testing -- the smoother M4 will go. My guess is it was
  "disabled" long ago and just left that way -- perhaps due to some
  pack.gz problems? From my IDE it does "validate aggregation" ok,
  but I know there might be other things wrong, so I won't enable it
  automatically (unless asked to). 

BTW, That was the only "disabled attribute".  



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[cross-project-issues-dev] Neon.2 RC3 staging repository is complete

2016-11-30 Thread David Williams

Staging is complete and ready for EPP packages to be created.

Remember, there is several different ways to test the staging repository 
(each way important!):


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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Subversive new version

2016-11-30 Thread David Williams

On 11/30/2016 04:52 PM, Alexander Gurov

  Also there is a question regarding the build failure.
  Missing requirement:
  1.0.0 requires
  [4.0.0,5.0.0)' but it could not be found
  I did run the aggregation after submitting new simrel
  configuration (without the deprecated feature) and there was no
  error. Why is it that this error happened now? Did I miss
  something yet again?

I have opened the following bug to discuss this particular

Bug 508499
  - Issues related to feature

  I am not sure what issue you are seeing, or even what you want
  to "end up with". But normally it is not good to remove a
  feature in an update release (it might prevent updating from
  one version to another, depending on the details of its
  "relationship" to other features/products). And, in addition,
  if even things are as you want them now, I am still seeing an
  issue related to category definitions. 

So, we'll discuss in but bug
  and see if I can help. 



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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Subversive new version

2016-11-30 Thread David Williams

On 11/30/2016 12:58 PM, Quentin Le Menez wrote:

Hi David,
I just saw that subversive released a new version of their feature 
(strange as they are +2 offset) and it failed our builds and the 
simrel one.

Does this mean I'll have to do a respin of our NEON release ?


Yes, it sounds like it. I am assuming you have a requirement on subversive.

I am sending to cross-project list too for broader awareness, plus it 
serves as a good reminder to all that if anyone is contributing after 
their +n day, you should send a message to cross-project list to let 
everyone know. This is especially important if bundles or features 
change versions!

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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] [simultaneous release build process] Can't edit aggregation data

2016-11-30 Thread David Williams

On 11/30/2016 11:24 AM, Alexander Gurov wrote:

Hi, everyone!

It seems I can't open simrel.aggr file with CBI AggregatorEditor. The 
only thing I get is the exception below:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Deprecated resource was not transformed

And this happens in both: Mars and Neon.

The Aggregator Editor version I've installed is the one specified here: 

I didn't find any bug reports on the issue, so may be it is not a bug, 
but there is some other method to use Aggregator Editor that I don't 
know of?

Also after CBI Aggregator Editor is installed, there is no association 
with the *.aggr file type. In order to open the file I'm forced to set 
the association manually. Is that also a normal behaviour?

The URL for the aggregator in that document was wrong.

It should have ended with "4.6" instead of "4.5". Similar, that version 
was build for a Neon.1 (Eclipse SDK 4.6.1).

Apologies for missing that. (I did send a note to cross-project list, 
but I know that is not the definitive source).


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[cross-project-issues-dev] Neon.2 RC2 Staging repo is complete

2016-11-23 Thread David Williams

The ../staging/neon repository has the latest "neon.2" output -- it has 
been a busy couple of days with many people making updates!

I have temporarily disabled the "Neon jobs" that lead to changing the 
staging repository and will re-enable them on Friday, after the EPP 
packages are done.


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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Aggreagtor Email questions

2016-11-23 Thread David Williams

On 11/23/2016 08:53 AM, LE MENEZ
  Quentin wrote:

Hi David,
I was wondering if this
was the case (it seems so): do the emails in the project
aggregator file need to belong to a committer for the
aggregator build to succeed?
I ask this because we
tried to put ours (François and mine) in it but the build
kept failing (and the report seemed to point to that
particular addition).

No, there is no restriction on the email address like that. 

A common cause for failure to add an email address is that the
  email must belong to a "Contact" that has been defined in the
  simrel.aggr file/model (using the CBI Aggregator editor). And then
  that "Contact" added to the contribution. And then, BOTH files,
  simrel.aggr and your specific contribution file (*.aggrcon)

I hope it is something simple like that. If you continue to have
  difficulties, please open a bug in cross-project component with
  details/files and I will take a closer look. 

I have CC'd cross-project list simply because this is a common
  issue so thought others might like to read the question and the


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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] setting mirror URL in the p2 repository

2016-11-21 Thread David Williams

On 11/21/2016 03:58 AM, Lorenzo Bettini wrote:

Does it make sense?

Several sites that I am (or, was) in charge of use a similar strategy. 
Especially when a repo is "moved" (such as from "candidate" to 
"released"). And, similarly, currently even for a Platform build, since 
we wanted to add the md5 checksums in a "post-build" step, but that need 
should go away with Tycho 0.27 once its released.

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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] NOTICE: - DONE refactoring of "aggregator" coming Thursday

2016-11-17 Thread David Williams

I have completed the steps I needed to
  do, so the rest is up to you. You can install the new aggregator
  (and remember, you need to uninstall the old one first, if you are
  going to install the new one into the same IDE). 
  If you do not re-clone the repo you should just be
  able to "pull" and get all the name and file changes. And you will
  need to do that before you can update your contribution. 
  P.S. I will re-enable the Neon.VALIDATE job on Friday, after the
  EPP packages have been verified (approximately noon). The
  Neon.VALIDATE.gerrit job remains open for business, though. 
  On 11/16/2016 04:55 PM, David Williams wrote:

  I have been working on refactoring the old "b3 aggregator" to
the "cbi aggregator" (bug
  506726). That is, refactoring package names, etc. 
  This will require two things of those participating in the Sim.
  1. You will need to get a fresh copy of the aggregator
installed into your IDE. (You will either need to "start fresh"
or uninstall the old one before installing the new one). The new
one is based on "Neon.1a" -- that is, Eclipse SDK (or Platform)
  2. You will need to check out a fresh copy of
"" because the filename extensions are
changing (plus a small tweak to the files themselves) due to the
  My plan is to make the new version available soon, but you
should not use it for Sim. Release until the changes have been
made to "". I plan to make those tomorrow, Thursday,
between Noon and 1 PM (Eastern) unless there are objections to
that timing.
  To be explicit, I will make the required changes in both master
and Neon_maintenance. 
  After all that, it will probably take me another hour or so to
change the SimRel Hudson jobs so they are using the correct
version of the aggregator. 
  I know the timing is not great, but there will not be a good
time between now and the end of the year. 
  Apologies in advance for the churn, but I do think it is an
important change that will be good in the long run. 


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[cross-project-issues-dev] Neon.2 RC1 staging repository is complete

2016-11-16 Thread David Williams
Sorry for the late notice, but the staging repository for Neon.2 RC1 is 

A good time to check the "repo reports" if you haven't yet:

And, remember, we no longer do "warmups", and the next RC is due in one 


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[cross-project-issues-dev] NOTICE: refactoring of "aggregator" coming Thursday

2016-11-16 Thread David Williams



I have been working on refactoring the old "b3 aggregator" to the
  "cbi aggregator" (bug
506726). That is, refactoring package names, etc. 

This will require two things of those participating in the Sim.

1. You will need to get a fresh copy of the aggregator installed
  into your IDE. (You will either need to "start fresh" or uninstall
  the old one before installing the new one). The new one is based
  on "Neon.1a" -- that is, Eclipse SDK (or Platform) 4.6.1. 

2. You will need to check out a fresh copy of
  "" because the filename extensions are
  changing (plus a small tweak to the files themselves) due to the

My plan is to make the new version available soon, but you should
  not use it for Sim. Release until the changes have been made to
  "". I plan to make those tomorrow, Thursday, between
  Noon and 1 PM (Eastern) unless there are objections to that
To be explicit, I will make the required changes in both master
  and Neon_maintenance. 

After all that, it will probably take me another hour or so to
  change the SimRel Hudson jobs so they are using the correct
  version of the aggregator. 

I know the timing is not great, but there will not be a good time
  between now and the end of the year. 

Apologies in advance for the churn, but I do think it is an
  important change that will be good in the long run. 



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[cross-project-issues-dev] Oxygen M3 repo and IDE products ready

2016-11-04 Thread David Williams

The Oxygen M3 repository has been "made visible" to p2. The repo is now 
a composite of M3, M2, and M1. Please test and report any issues.

The M3 packages will be available soon, if not already.

(We are considering calling them "IDE Products" so I was trying that out 
in the subject line :)

They will be available soon from the usual "developers tab" on

There are a number of them that are still waiting for package 
maintainers to give their plus one. (hint hint).

Thanks for everyone's participation!

P.S. As a reminder, both M4 and Neon.2 are due in December at about the 
same time, so please allow for that in your planning.

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[cross-project-issues-dev] Oxygen M3 staging repository is complete

2016-11-02 Thread David Williams

Its Wednesday evening. Nothing's building. No one's asked for more time. 
So I will declare the staging repository "complete" and ready for EPP 
and others to do their part.

To confirm it has the content you expect, please test

Assuming no blocking problems are discovered, then it will become the 
official "M3 Simultaneous Milestone" on Friday. That is, I will update 
the composite at

Thanks everyone,

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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Git servers not working well?

2016-10-30 Thread David Williams
Thanks for this tip. I did confirm that works, but then thought why not 
go all the way and avoid the network protocols and use

file:///gitroot/... for builds.
Works well for me in my Hudson jobs running on Linux.
While it should not be required to make such changes, even after 
"git://" is fixed, it seems that "file://" might be more reliable than 
depending on the "internal network".

Thanks again,

P.S. I suspect file:// doesn't avoid "the network" completely -- I 
assume "NFS" is involved, but if it goes very little would work. :/

On 10/29/2016 05:04 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

On I consistently received git: Connection refused,
but after changing protocol from git: to https: all was fine.


On 10/29/2016 08:07 PM, Ed Willink wrote:


With the OCL HIPP, I can usually (75% success) get one build after 
restarting before the GIT connection fails again.


Ed Willink

On 29/10/2016 00:04, Matthias Sohn wrote: 

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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Git servers not working well?

2016-10-28 Thread David Williams

On 10/28/2016 02:26 PM, Marc-André
  Laperle wrote:

lot of our Hudson builds have been failing with for example:
Command "git fetch -t git:// refs/changes/24/84124/2" returned status code 128: fatal: read error: Connection reset by peer

This seems to have happened all morning.

Even when I try to fetch locally, if often fails. Is is
  possible that the Git servers are overloaded?


I have seen similar issues and opened Bug 506727

It might be related to Bug 398795?


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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Update your desktop versions of "cbi aggregator" (aka b3 aggregator)

2016-10-28 Thread David Williams

On 10/28/2016 08:11 AM, Andreas Sewe

  Hi David,

Sorry, I gave wrong URL. The latest build is at:

will this URL make it into the "Simultaneous Release Train" Oomph setup
file? ATM, it still refer to org.eclipse.b3.aggregator.editor.feature
from .

Best wishes,


I do not know much about the "Simultaneous Release Train Oomph
  setup file", 

but I do have a composite
site now which should be used "by users" instead of 

the specific simple repos. The composite is at
I have updated in instructions in
though they need a bit more work to be better (Bug 506725).

= = = = = 

Also, the latest version at that composite site (I20161028-0744)
is probably the last one I will create for the "4.5" stream, and

plan to move to "4.6" next week (Neon.1a, specifically). 

The "big" change coming though is that I would also like to

the code to have the correct namespace for its new home (Bug 506726).
If anyone wants to document opinions about this refactoring please
do so in the bug. 

= = = = =



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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Update your desktop versions of "cbi aggregator" (aka b3 aggregator)

2016-10-27 Thread David Williams


  Sorry, I gave wrong URL. The latest build is at:
  On 10/27/2016 01:59 PM, David Williams wrote:

  I have a build of the aggregator running in its new home, CBI,
(see bug Bug 487478)
but with the main fix I have made so far it may cause you to get
an error if you use the old version. 
  The first thing I did was to base the current build on "Mars.2"
(previous was way back on Luna). So when you install it, it is
best to start with a Mars.2 environment. 
  I do not have a composite, yet, but you can use the URL of
  The first thing I fixed was that the old model did not allow a
"backup" for the buildmaster to me named. (So I would be the
only one getting CC'd if there were problems). 
  Now that I have added that "buildmasterBackup" to the model, if
you try to "validate" your contributions in the older 44 version
of the editor you will get an error message that says basically
"model contains unknown buildmasterBackup". I have updated the
SimRel HIPPs that do validation. 


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[cross-project-issues-dev] Update your desktop versions of "cbi aggregator" (aka b3 aggregator)

2016-10-27 Thread David Williams


I have a build of the aggregator running in its new home, CBI,
  (see bug Bug 487478)
  but with the main fix I have made so far it may cause you to get
  an error if you use the old version. 

The first thing I did was to base the current build on "Mars.2"
  (previous was way back on Luna). So when you install it, it is
  best to start with a Mars.2 environment. 

I do not have a composite, yet, but you can use the URL of

The first thing I fixed was that the old model did not allow a
  "backup" for the buildmaster to me named. (So I would be the only
  one getting CC'd if there were problems). 

Now that I have added that "buildmasterBackup" to the model, if
  you try to "validate" your contributions in the older 44 version
  of the editor you will get an error message that says basically
  "model contains unknown buildmasterBackup". I have updated the
  SimRel HIPPs that do validation. 


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[cross-project-issues-dev] Neon.1a is now available

2016-10-11 Thread David Williams


As you all should know, we have been working on fixing a bug in
  MPC (Market Place Client) that effected other projects too. (bug 501000).

The repositories are now visible to p2. The "Neon.1a" specific
  repository is 

.../releases/neon/201610111000/ if anyone wants to use that in
  builds, etc. 

The only difference between it and Neon.1
  (.../releases/neon/201609281000/) is the MPC feature and bundles.

New packages were also created, so those getting a new version
  over the next few months would "start off correct". 

The packages will be available soon, at the usual URL:
(be sure to hit "refresh" if you are repeatedly checking with
  your browser). 

They will be labeled with "1a" at various points in directories
  and filenames. 

We should spend some amount of time figuring out why it wasn't
  detected before the release, but I know these things happen --
  especially when proxies are involved! 

Thanks to everyone who made this quick fix available.


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[cross-project-issues-dev] A warning note on "Neon.1" tag in o.e.simrel.builds project

2016-10-07 Thread David Williams


The note is relevant to anyone that checks out the
  "" project. 

Yesterday I tagged the wrong commit has for the Neon.1 release. I
  could not delete it (and could not change repo settings that would
  have allowed me to delete it) so today the webmasters deleted it
  for me (thanks!). 

See Bug 504827
  for details. 
And, just now I have re-tagged the repo using the correct commit.

As far as I can tell, if you "fetched" the repo between yesterday
  and today (getting the wrong tag) then fetching again will not
  "replace" the wrong tag. I think there are two solutions (other
  than re-cloning): 

1) from command line, I think git fetch --tags will be sure to
  get all the remote tags, effectively replacing your local
  (incorrect) version; 

2) From an EGit advanced fetch page, select the option that says
  something like "Always fetch tags  " instead of leaving at the
  default of "Automatically follow tags  ". 

If you look at Git history from Eclipse, the correct Neon.1 tag
  should be associated with commit
(The incorrect tag I think would be associated with commit

Sorry for the inconvenience that required "changing history". 


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[cross-project-issues-dev] Note we will be doing a respin of Neon.1 for a MPC fix

2016-10-06 Thread David Williams

Per the Planning Council's decision yesterday, we will be doing a
  respin of Neon.1 for a fix in MPC (Market Place Client). Part of
  the reason, besides it being a very bad "cross-project bug" (several
  other common projects are impacted, such as using EGit via a
  proxy), is that there is no easy way for users to "get" the fix
  without a respin.

See bug 501000
  for the problem to be solved by the respin. 

See bug 502937
  for the mechanics of doing the respin. 

NOTE: this will be easiest if we simply usurp .../staging/neon
  repository for a few days (until about next Tuesday) for the
  purpose of producing the respin. This means in effect I will be
  suspending "Neon.2 builds" until the fixed repository and EPP
  packages are ready. 

If this greatly inconvenience anyone working on or testing early
  "Neon.2" staging, please comment in bug 502937
  and I will consider alternatives. Sorry for the short notice, but
  I will suspend Neon.2 and begin the work approximately noon today.

Thank you, 


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[cross-project-issues-dev] Neon.1 is available!

2016-09-28 Thread David Williams

As scheduled, Neon.1 is now available. 

Both updates from the repository at 

And the packages will be visible soon (if not already) at

I am sure there will eventually be an official addition to the
  "new and noteworthy" but, 

in the mean time, Holger Voormann has created an "Unofficial
  Promotion Video" at

which I think is pretty cool (good music too! :) 

Thanks everyone for your participation in the Simultaneous


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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Final release urls for Neon.1 on simrel

2016-09-27 Thread David Williams

Sravan and others, 
  You can update the URLs in your b3aggrcon files at any time. And,
  you can still submit to Gerrit, just to confirm no typos, etc.
  And, you can even push to HEAD (of the Neon_maintenance stream).
  This will not go any further, though. That is, it will not kick
  off the "VALIDATE"-to-"CLEAN_BUILD" sequence since that part has
  been disabled. 
  It is important to keep the aggrcon files accurate, especially if
  anyone deletes the repository that is mentioned in the files. We
  like to be able to build "at any time", just in case. (Though,
  since the release is tomorrow, the chances of that are pretty
  A few final reminders: 
  Don't forget to update your "docs" if they have changed since
  June's Neon: 
  Bug 500938
  - Will soon need a Neon.1 info
  Don't forget to mention any New and Noteworthy items you have
  added in Neon.1 
  Bug 500939
  - Create New and Noteworthy for
  And, I do not keep track, but if there are any Neon.1 EPP
  packages that have not gotten approval from the maintainer,
  then I would ask "what is taking so long!" :) 
  We will do the promotion and "make visible" at about 10 AM
  tomorrow, Wednesday 9/28 (Eastern time). 
  After 10, please first check this list for any "wait, not yet"
  messages, but assuming all is clear then you are free to "make
  visible" your final download artifacts, and make what ever
  other announcements you would like. 

  On 09/27/2016 02:09 AM, Sravan K Lakkimsetti wrote:

  Hi David,

I updated the final release urls on simrel for eclipse and
equinox. Here is the patch
Can you please confirm when can I push this?

Thanks and Regards,

Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti
IBM India Pvt Ltd,
Embassy Golf Links Business Park, D Block,
Off Indiranagar-Kormangla Inner Ring Road,
Bangalore - 560071, India
Phone: 91-80-41776858


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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Oxygen M2 repository and packages are complete

2016-09-23 Thread David Williams

Once I had time to look at it, the
  problem with the sim rel repository was "real" (Bug 502080)
  and I have fixed, so now the repositories should be working for
  everyone. If not, please open a cross-project bug. 
  The packages are now visible also at
  well, 6 of them are. The rest are waiting for maintainers to
  sanity check and give their plus 1.
  Thanks again, 
  On 09/23/2016 10:41 AM, David Williams wrote:

  Congratulations and thanks to the Sim Release Projects! 
  Oxygen M2 repository is available from from .../releases/oxygen

And the packages should be available before long from a tab
  (for those not waiting for a vote from maintainer). 
  BUT, some of us (between me and Markus :) were having
trouble accessing 
  and some of us were not. So, if it does not work for you, 
give it a few hours to propagate and stabilize. 
Normally I would wait to even send this note, but I have to run
now for an 
appointment. I will check back this afternoon to be sure there
are no lingering problems. 

But, we think thinks are ok from several ways of inspecting the
repositories, and I think it is 
just a matter of getting onto the correct "nodes" or load
balancers or whatever is behind serving up the data. 
  Thanks again, and keep your fingers crossed. :) 


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[cross-project-issues-dev] Oxygen M2 repository and packages are (almost) complete

2016-09-23 Thread David Williams


Congratulations and thanks to the Sim Release Projects! 

Oxygen M2 repository is available from from .../releases/oxygen
  And the packages should be available before long from a tab under
(for those not waiting for a vote from maintainer). 

BUT, some of us (between me and Markus :) were having
  trouble accessing 


and some of us were not. So, if it does not work for you, 
  give it a few hours to propagate and stabilize. 

  Normally I would wait to even send this note, but I have to run
  now for an 
  appointment. I will check back this afternoon to be sure there are
  no lingering problems. 
  But, we think thinks are ok from several ways of inspecting the
  repositories, and I think it is 
  just a matter of getting onto the correct "nodes" or load
  balancers or whatever is behind serving up the data. 

Thanks again, and keep your fingers crossed. :) 


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[cross-project-issues-dev] Oxygen M2 staging repository is complete

2016-09-21 Thread David Williams

Thanks everyone for your updates. As we ended up, only soa-bpmn2-modeler 
is disabled, and only 5 or 6 projects have "decreasing" feature versions 
(the Eclipse Platform being one of them).  :/

I will promote this repo Friday morning around 10:00 and re-enable the 
Oxygen aggregation builds Friday afternoon.

Thanks again,

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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] How to provide HDPI icons in yourplug-in

2016-09-21 Thread David Williams

On 09/21/2016 08:20 PM, Stefan Xenos wrote:
What I proposed would occur once, so it would slow down *installation* 
time but not startup time. We could show a message along the lines of 
"installing icons" to make it clear to the user what's going on.

Or do you have some reason to believe this would have some impact on 
startup time once the icons are installed?

I do not know a definitive answer, but found some hints. At first I was 
thinking something similar and did some googling for "svg png 
performance" and "does OS cache SVG" and a) did not find much about 
icons, per se, but otherwise seemed to be a lot of out-of-date 
information that I think is not always currently true ... most of it 
browser and webpage focused but (that is, low signal to noise ratio) and 
b) also found some bugs in Firefox's system that had titles such as "SVG 
cache must be invalidated if System theme changes". That, and even 
"scaling" seems like the kind of thing that might effect us. At that 
point I decided "this is complicated" and didn't read further. :)


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[cross-project-issues-dev] Status and outlook for Oxygen M2

2016-09-20 Thread David Williams


As I am sure everyone is aware, Oxygen M2 input is due tomorrow
  (Wednesday 9/21 approx. 5 PM). By some standards things look much
  better for M2 than for M1, but looking deeper there are still many
  things very incorrect. Some projects still contributing their
  "Neon" content -- not even Neon.1!. 

There are two projects "disabled". I assume intentional. I am
  being explicit to this list in case not. 

Over 30 projects have feature versions that *decrease* in version
  number compared to Neon.1 candidate, instead of being equal to or
  greater than. Perhaps some of these could be fixed by tomorrow,
  especially if it is a simple matter of using your Neon.1
  contribution as input, instead of leaving at the initial Neon
  level. See Bug 501872
  for over 400 more details. :) 

Third, at least the EPP build
  completes without error, though the artifacts are still labeled as

I hope this note helps us have a little better M2 then if I had
  not looked at the output of our builds and not sent this note. 



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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Sub-categories for the Simrel

2016-09-16 Thread David Williams

On 09/16/2016 03:16 AM, Lars Vogel wrote:

does the simrel b3 Aggregator editor support nestled categories? AFAIK
p2 does since a while and I think it would be very user friendly to
group features.

As far as I know, p2 does not support *publishing* subcategories.

Those that do create subcategories do so with custom code, which we 
would not like to have in the "Sim Rel" since we want the categories to 
be defined in a central place, independent of how projects might define 
categories on their own sites with their own custom code.

If you know otherwise please provide some pointers.

I do think subcategories might be useful in some cases, but I am not 
sure about the example you give. There you put the focus on "Eclipse 
Foundation Projects" which normally mean little to end-users.

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[cross-project-issues-dev] Neon.1 RC4 staging repo is complete

2016-09-14 Thread David Williams


And, I hope, Neon.1! Well, except for all the little things like EPP
packages, final testing, updating the "info" center, etc. 

Speaking of which, as we enter this quiet week before releasing
(scheduled for 9/28) there are two bugs to be aware of. 

If anyone has changed their "docs" for Neon.1, please include the
usual info in bug 500938. 

Bug 500938 - Will soon
  need a Neon.1 info center

And, if anyone has added anything worthy of promoting to the general
user population, please make a note of it in bug 500939. 

Bug 500939 -
  Create New and Noteworthy for Neon.1

Thanks as always!


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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Oomph b3 agregator

2016-09-14 Thread David Williams

On 09/14/2016 02:25 PM, LE MENEZ
  Quentin wrote:

I just saw
which completed successfully.
Does this means we (Papyrus) are out of the



Just to answer your question, it is only after a "CLEAN" build
  that you are "out of the woods" (and, even then, technically, a
  project that you prereq might mess you up later ... I say all this
  just in case you are getting ready to leave for vacation or
  something. :) 


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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] [neonAggregation] Failed for build 2016-09-14_13-20-39

2016-09-14 Thread David Williams

Hi Remi and Vincent,

Are you two "around" and actively working on fixing this issue? It is 
preventing others from contributing.

If I don't hear anything within 5 minutes or so, I will open a bug and 
start looking to see what I can do (which, I'd prefer not to, since I 
just fixed "Oomph" :/


On 09/14/2016 01:20 PM, neonAggregator wrote:

The following error occured when building Neon:

Unable to load repository 

Check the log file for more information:

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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Web Tools Project for Eclipse Oxygen: WSDL feature references wrong version of javax.wsdl?

2016-09-14 Thread David Williams

On 09/13/2016 11:09 AM, Bob Brodt

  Hi Web Tools!

I'm trying to build BPMN2 Modeler for Eclipse Oxygen, which
  uses o.e.wst.wsdl. This feature apparently references
  version  [1.5.0,1.6.0) of javax.wsdl (according to maven), but
  the artifact included in the R3.9.0 updatesite is

Am I missing something?



Hi Bob, 

There were some issues with WTP's repository/build as mentioned in Bug 501060
but I thought it was supposed to have been "fixed by now". So if you
are still having issues, I suggest you open a "cross-project" bug
and be specific about which repositories you are trying to use and I
might be able to help you sort it out (or, find a work around) --
assuming WTP's release engineer doesn't respond. :) 


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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Oomph b3 agregator

2016-09-14 Thread David Williams

On 09/14/2016 01:02 PM, Carsten Reckord

  This build, which promoted the 1.5.0 release build, also removed the old milestone drop:

This currently blocks validation of all simrel contributions through Gerrit. 

Ed, would it be okay if we updated the oomph.b3aggrcon in simrel to point to I assume that's the build you'd want to contribute to Neon.1 RC4 anyway - otherwise Eike can still change it later.


In parallel, I have opened bug Bug 501441
and will merged the change into HEAD of Neon_maintenance assuming
"validate" passes (which it does for me locally). 


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[cross-project-issues-dev] (some) Neon.1 RC3 packages are available

2016-09-09 Thread David Williams

The Neon.1 RC3 packages have been made available at the usual place:

There are still quite a few waiting for the maintainer to sign-off. I 
suspect those missing from the page will show soon, as the maintainers 
finish their testing.

Upgrades (using "check for updates") can be tested by adding the 
following URLs to your list of enabled p2 repositories.

Also, I have re-enabled the Neon aggregation builds for RC4 -- our final 
build for Neon.1.

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[cross-project-issues-dev] Gerrit Oxygen aggregation validation is open for business

2016-09-08 Thread David Williams

On 09/08/2016 09:00 AM, David Williams

  So, I will ask that projects please contribute what you can to "be
  current" (even if it is the same your "neon input"). And, I ask
  that you do that even if Gerrit does not pass. I am not sure
  Gerrit will pass until a fair number of contributions have been
  updated. I will keep an eye on things, and if it ever appears we
  can get "green builds" by disabling only a few contributions, I
  will do that, so that you all make make use of Gerrit again.

Much thanks to those of you who made a few quick fixes that now
  allows the Gerrit/Hudson validation job on Oxygen stream to run
  again with reasonable accuracy. I did have to disable one project,
  bpmn2-modeler (Bug 501098),
but the rest are "enabled". That does not mean
  they are all correct! :) But at least they can correct themselves
  now using the preferred method of submitting to Gerrit/Hudson
  (preferred since that reduces the risk of "breaking the build" for

I know most of you are busy finishing Neon.1, but I hope you find
  a few minutes to update your Oxygen contributions (if they need to
  be). Put another way, there is no need to wait until your +n day
  to provide something close to what you might provide on your +n
  day, just so that problems can be spotted earlier. 



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[cross-project-issues-dev] ALERT: I have (re) enabled all contributions in Oxygen aggregation

2016-09-08 Thread David Williams

At the Planning Council meeting yesterday, it was decided to no longer 
disable all contributions at the start of a development cycle, but 
instead assume an implicit "opt-in" and we will find other ways to track 
projects which are inactive or unresponsive or which never "declare 
intent" or submit release records.

This is not entirely "good news" since the stream still does not 
"validate". There are many issues exposed now: some "missing 
repositories", many constraints not satisfied.

I am thinking this is primarily due to people not making contributions 
since Gerrit would not "validate" due to something being disabled, and 
people just giving up and not updating their files to be "current".

I tried just disabling a few, to see if I could get a complete build 
with only a few missing, but there were far too many "circular" 
dependencies and I gave up after disabling 5 or 6 since it was obvious 
not much progress could be made that way.

So, I will ask that projects please contribute what you can to "be 
current" (even if it is the same your "neon input"). And, I ask that you 
do that even if Gerrit does not pass. I am not sure Gerrit will pass 
until a fair number of contributions have been updated. I will keep an 
eye on things, and if it ever appears we can get "green builds" by 
disabling only a few contributions, I will do that, so that you all make 
make use of Gerrit again.


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[cross-project-issues-dev] Staging repo for Neon.1 RC3 is complete

2016-09-08 Thread David Williams

Apologies for the delayed announcement, but the staging repo was 
complete about 7 PM last night.

I have disabled new builds until the EPP packages are complete and 


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2016-09-06 Thread David Williams


On 09/02/2016 01:59 PM, Wim Jongman

  Thanks David! Is there a N&N somewhere?

Not so far (that I know of) but I suspect there should be. I have
opened Bug 500939
to track the issue. 



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[cross-project-issues-dev] Neon.1 RC2 packages are available

2016-09-02 Thread David Williams

Their location may not be as obvious as in the past but they are there 
(click on 'packages' from and then you 
will see the familiar "developers" tab. Or, the direct URL is

I did not look closely but some packages may still be waiting for 
maintainer approval.

Be sure to test "updates" from the initial Neon version, as well as your 
favorite functions.

To test updates you need to add and enable these two repositories to 
your software sites list:

I am assuming that updates using the installer are also ready but I have 
not tried it myself and have not communicated directly with the 
"installer team".

I have re-enabled the Neon aggregation builds.


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[cross-project-issues-dev] Neon.1 RC2 staging repository is complete. One caution about WindowBuilder

2016-08-31 Thread David Williams


It appears everyone got in their RC2 contributions despite the
  DNS issues (since I have not heard otherwise), 

so I have turned off the aggregation jobs so the EPP packages can
  be created and give a few days of a non-changing staging/neon
  repository for testing. 

= = = = = = = = 
My caution about WindowBuilder is the same as I mentioned last
  week in Bug 498276.
As I understand it, from a post
to this mailing list, version 1.9.0 is planned to be
  contributed to both Neon.1, but it appears the version in Neon.1
  staging is still 1.8.x. 

Please correct me if I have misunderstood something. But, if not,
  I am concerned that WindowBuilder is still not meeting the
  requirements of being in the Simultaneous Release. This is "RC2"
  after all and it does not appear WB is providing a _Release
  Candidate_ and not actively participating. 

If the issue is not clarified or corrected promptly I'll propose
  that WB be pulled before RC3. 

= = = = = = = = 

Thanks to all for your efforts to improve quality and provide new
  features for Neon.1. 


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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Gerrit is failing to connect to

2016-08-30 Thread David Williams

On 08/30/2016 05:32 PM, Jeff Johnston wrote:

I tried restarting
  our hipp instance and now linuxtools hudson pages are unavailable
  (503).  This is bad
  timing since we are trying to get RC2 out for tomorrow.

While I don't know if "restarting" will fix the issue, just thought
I would mention that I have not seen "restart" work for a very long

(Even though it "acts like" it does on the account page.)

But what does work, for me, is to "stop" the server. And, then
"start" it. [Not sure if you meant "restart" literally or not or if
this is common knowledge.]


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[cross-project-issues-dev] Restarted Neon aggregation, and status of EPP

2016-08-26 Thread David Williams

I have restarted the Neon aggregation jobs.

For EPP news, see

But to quote it here for your convenience:

= = =

based on the Neon.1 RC1 staging repository we have an EPP 4.6.1RC1 build 
available that needs testing...


The two p2 repositories that can be used for upgrade tests are

* and

At the moment I have no intention to go the extra mile and 
copy/rename/publish the RC1 packages to the download page. I'd propose 
to use this RC1 as a warm-up build to verify that everything is still 
building and the version increment works for all packages.

= = = =


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[cross-project-issues-dev] Neon staging repository for RC1 is complete

2016-08-24 Thread David Williams


It is Wednesday, after 5, and no one has requested a delay, so I
  will consider RC1 staging repository complete. 

I have disabled the aggregation jobs for Neon (but not the VALIDATE.gerrit
  one) to be sure nothing accidentally and automatically gets
  promoted until after the EPP packages are ready. I will re-enable
  on Friday afternoon. 

Recall that since the RC builds are only a week apart, we do not
  "promote" the staging repository anywhere else until the final
  Neon.1 release, about a month from now. For exact dates, see

I am assuming, unless Markus says otherwise, that there will be
  EPP packages created for testing and made available (somewhere) on
  Friday approximately 10:00. 

Also, please pay attention to the "version reports" that were
  fixed just today (for the Neon stream, see bug 500224)
  and would encourage release engineers or or project leads to take
  a look at them (and other reports) for improvements that are
  needed for Neon.1. As always, it is at the URL below, which is
  also given as a link at the top of our SimRel HIPP instance.



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[cross-project-issues-dev] Status of Neon.1 RC1 plus reminder about RC2

2016-08-24 Thread David Williams


I do not know how RC1 "runs", but it was building ok until today.
  There is a problem from ECF contribution that is the same as Bug 492904
  which I have re-opened. 

If I do not hear from the ECF team soon, I will revert their
  contribution in order to get a green build for RC1 and they can
  fix for RC2. 

Reminder for RC2: It is *next* week. There is no longer 2 week
  buffer for "warmup". 



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