Lots of thoughts on bridge

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

Everyone who's confused about the threat model for bridge shuffle creation
should check out http://www.iacr.org/newsletter/curr/bridge.html

There are three major things which could be gotten out of using
cryptographic technology - 

1) The ability to print a short seed in a newspaper/online so that people
can reproduce all the shuffles without having to communicate the position
of every last card individually.

2) A process which makes it impossible for the producer of shuffles to
build ones which look the way they want rather than random.

3) An interface which makes it very difficult to accidentally use shuffles
intended for a different tournament.

I'll start with my thoughts on (1).

Someone pointed out that it isn't necessary to have a cryptographically
large number of bits in the seed - it just has to destroy any obvious
statistical pattens in the data, which using a cryptographically strong
pseudo random number generator will do, and have enough possibilities that
the humans playing in the tournament are unlikely to ever have seen a hand
before. Forty bits is a reasonable number for that, even if it causes some
people existential angst (sorry Lewis.)

The reason to pick a number as low as 40 is that it makes the number of
keystrokes necessary to enter it as small as possible. I suggested earlier
that five bits can be encoded in a single character by using letters and
digits without 0,O,6 and G. Using that technique, 40 bit is eight
characters. I think it would be prudent to include an error correcting
code with that of another four characters, designed so that if any two
characters were entered wrong it could correct them and if three
characters were entered wrong it could complain. That way there would be
considerable margin for error when communicating and tying in codes, and
the chances of any random bunch of characters being accepted would be very
small, without creating a particularly bad keystroking burden. I think it
makes sense to by convention express the characters in groups of four -
like this: GN8G DB3R Q4RS. That way it would even be practical to read a
seed off on the radio.

I don't know off the top of my head how to do an ECC like that, does
anybody have a good online reference? It seems like it should be a pretty
standard non-cryptographic ECC.

It makes sense to use a single seed not just for one hand but for an
entire tournament, or at least one day of a tournament (I have no idea if
tournaments are multi-day or not.) One could generate all the shuffles
directly off the stream which comes form the seed, but generating hand
number 20 on a PDA might start to take a while. I think a much more
reasonable way of doing that is to treat the stream generated by the
original seed as a series of seeds for individual hands, that way it takes
about the same amount of time to generate any hand number, no matter how
late it is.

Some anonymous person posted code for generating shuffles based on RC4.
Unfortunately, I think we really want to avoid using encryption-based
technlogy anywhere in this thing, because of export laws from the US and
local laws other places. It would make a lot more sense to use a PRNG
based on SHA1 or RIPEMD160.

Reducing the size of the seed impacts the way in which pre-publication of
the seed material is done, but doesn't make it impossible. What it does
limit is the number of different participants which can contribute to the
seed generation process without making it practically inauditable. I think
having three contibutors of seed material and a single independent
collator (probably whoever's running the tournament) is emminently
reasonable for the bridge tournament threat model. 

Given that list of participants, I think it would be best to implement the
system without pre-publication and auditing first, and add that on later.
Even without the auditing, a breach would require collusion on the
part of one of the entropy providers and the collator, which is still a
huge improvement over how things are done now. With auditing the threat
model is greatly improved, but that's something which can be done later
without any change to the system built beforehand, and it's important to
get something working without excess difficulties.

As for auditing's effect on (3) above, I think for the time being that can
be done by using software with a UI which makes it very difficult to send
the wrong seed to the wrong place. The easiest way to do that is to attach
a description of the use of a seed to the seed and never, ever separate
them. That's essentially what allowing for auditability would enforce, but
it should be done from the beginning just for usability reasons.


Word needed for Entropy

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

I've been guilty of sloppy use of English, occasionally, and one such
sloppiness that I run into occasionally is with the word "entropy"
for cryptographic purposes.

What we need is a word or very short phrase to capture the full

"the conditional entropy of a measurement given all the information about the
measurement that an attacker is expected to acquire, under the threat model for
which the present use is being designed."

In casual language, I might call this "undiscoverability", but it's
far too large a word.

 - Carl

 Carl M. Ellison   [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.pobox.com/~cme
 PGP: E0414C79B5AF36750217BC1A57386478 & 61E2DE7FCB9D7984E9C8048BA63221A2
 ``Officer, officer, arrest that man!  He's whistling a dirty song.''
 [Jean Ellison]

Re: so why is IETF stilling adding DES to protocols? (Re: It's official... DES is History)

1999-06-26 Thread David Honig

At 07:43 AM 6/26/99 -0700, David G. Koontz wrote:
>DES isn't secure how?  Certainly it isn't absolutely secure, and
>probably never has been.  Is it secure enough to keep a cracker from
>grabbing passwords flying by?  In most cases yes.  The effort for
>individuals to break DES is significant in terms of hardware, money
>and time.

PC week has a description of DARPA's requirements for a COTS 
DARPA-managed 50-user VPN with remote capabilities (and a 24/7 help
desk...)  "DARPA requires 128 bit keys, because security is more important
than standards compliance".



Re: so why is IETF stilling adding DES to protocols? (Re: It's official... DES is History)

1999-06-26 Thread Nelson Minar

I agree strongly that having weak crypto in a system is more dangerous
than on crypto. The major barrier to crypto these days is not math or
computer science, it's usability. Weak crypto creates a usability

Consider it from a user's perspective, mine. I trade stocks online. My
broker supports https:// connections. Recently I upgraded Netscape.
For some reason, the strong crypto versions of Netscape tend not to
come out for Linux. For a month I traded using a 40 bit cypher. I
never noticed. I finally remembered to fix my browser (thanks,
Fortify) and started trading again with my 128 bit cypher. Secure!
Then one day DNS failed and the certificate for an affiliated website
popped up. I was shocked to see that the certificate was being used
with a 40 bit cypher. I have no idea what info has been leaked out
that channel.

The point is that in Netscape, it is very hard to tell if a given link
is 40 bit or 128 bit. Sure, with enough poking around looking at page
info you could probably figure it out. Or maybe someone knows if the
little padlock means something like the little key used to. But I'm a
crypto-sophisticated person, and I don't know. What about people who
don't understand the technology at all?

Programs like Netscape do their users a disservice by giving them weak
crypto. Sure, companies are under all sorts of commercial pressures,
and they make decisions based on marketing needs, not sound design.
But surely the development side of the Internet, the IETF and the
providers of first implementations, can do better?

.   .  . ..   .  . . http://www.media.mit.edu/~nelson/

Re: so why is IETF stilling adding DES to protocols? (Re: It's official... DES is History)

1999-06-26 Thread Adam Shostack

On Fri, Jun 25, 1999 at 02:32:44PM -0700, James A. Donald wrote:
| > Despite your contempt for Netscape and Microsoft, they do,
| > in fact, sell strong crypto products where they are able
| > to.  If the CEOs of these companies went to their boards of
| > directors and told them that they were going blow off the 
| > entire international market because they didn't want to put
| > export grade crypto into their products, they'd be out of
| > their jobs faster than you could say "stockholder lawsuit."
| PGP neither crippled its product, nor did it blow off the
| export market.  Instead it vigorously worked around the
| existing laws.  Microsoft has made some effort to get around
| these laws, but seemed to lose interest.  Perhaps Bill Gates
| was the recipient of a little talk.  Netscape does not seem
| to have made any effort to get around these laws. 

That is not the case.  Netscape published a good deal on what they
were going through, spent substantial sums on lobbying (there was a
while when Netscape's counsel, (Peter Haber)? was one of the most
prominient voices on this subject), got conditinal access crypto put
in, and shipped a browser or two with a "POLICY-BEGINS-HERE"" bug that 
could be fixed with a text editor.

To say Netscape didn't achieve what we all wanted them to would be
correct.  To assert that they didn't try is revisionist history
comprable to the work done by Winston Smith.


"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."

Re: so why is IETF stilling adding DES to protocols? (Re: It's official... DES is History)

1999-06-26 Thread Adam Shostack

On Fri, Jun 25, 1999 at 06:48:49PM +0200, Ulf Möller wrote:
| > I'll assert that deploying DES today is WORSE than deploying no crypto
| > at all, because of the deployed lifetime of a new product, and the
| > associate removal of pressure to deploy an effective cryptosystem.
| OpenSSL supports strong crypto. DES support is there only to allow our
| users to talk to crippled American browsers and the like. Those we
| don't deploy.
| Besides, as the developers of open source software we can hardly
| exercise pressure on our users.

I don't develop OSS, but I'll suggest that if you require the user to
compile with -DAMAZINGLY_BROKEN_CIPHERS_NSA_LOVES, you cause them to
at least consider this issue, rather than naively assume that all the
non-snake oil, outside the US crypto in OpenSSL is secure.

This is pressuring your users to do the right thing, or at least
consider the issues.  Do you think it would substantially hurt your


"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."

Re: so why is IETF stilling adding DES to protocols? (Re: It's official... DES is History)

1999-06-26 Thread Russell Nelson

Lucky Green writes:
 > OpenSSL is a library. It should support whatever the standard supports and
 > whatever users and/or authors of the lib desire to be in the lib. That may
 > include broken or null-ciphers. But the user should have to take positive
 > action to get at the broken ciphers. I believe by default, OpenSSL should
 > ship with the weak ciphers disabled. And there should be a clear warning:
 > "Not secure, don't fool yourself, do not use, etc]".
 > Offering ROT-13 in a library you one maintains is one thing.

That's it!  Include a whole range of ciphers, all the way from ROT-13
through Caesar through Enigma through an exportable 40-bit code
through DES through IDEA through blowfish.  Make it clear that the
security one gets is the security one chooses, and include an analysis 
of the history and security of the various ciphers.

I mean, it's foolish to impose your threat model on other people, just
as it would be foolish for someone with a higher threat model impose
her security requirements on you.  I mean, one high threat model says
"No back channels", so all data must travel through a hardware one-way
interface.  No.  Would you like to be told that your chosen level of
security is insufficient for that threat model, therefore you must
take special steps to enable a cipher sufficient for your threat model?

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://crynwr.com/~nelson
Crynwr supports Open Source(tm) Software| PGPok | Government schools are so
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | bad that any rank amateur
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | can outdo them. Homeschool!

Re: so why is IETF stilling adding DES to protocols?

1999-06-26 Thread Bodo Moeller

Tom Weinstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> "William H. Geiger III":

>> [...] Netscrape, Micky$loth, & RSADSI may have no problem selling
>> false security to their customers, [...]

> Despite your contempt for Netscape and Microsoft, they do, in fact,
> sell strong crypto products where they are able to.

Unfortunately, though, often the cryptgraphically weak products are
used even though strong ones should be available; a prominent example
is the TLS server at www.microsoft.com.  If they don't bother to use
real cryptography themselves, why would their customers act

Re: so why is IETF stilling adding DES to protocols? (Re: It's official... DES is History)

1999-06-26 Thread Ben Laurie

Lucky Green wrote:
> OpenSSL is a library. It should support whatever the standard supports and
> whatever users and/or authors of the lib desire to be in the lib. That may
> include broken or null-ciphers. But the user should have to take positive
> action to get at the broken ciphers. I believe by default, OpenSSL should
> ship with the weak ciphers disabled. And there should be a clear warning:
> "Not secure, don't fool yourself, do not use, etc]".

Its funny you should say that, because I was just working around to the
same conclusion myself. I anticipate resistance from both users and some
of the other developers, because it will break almost every
out-of-the-box installation, and it will be argued that the "user
experience" is far more important that this piffling security stuff.
Sigh. Ah well, here goes.




"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
 - Indira Gandhi

Re: so why is IETF stilling adding DES to protocols? (Re: It's official... DES is History)

1999-06-26 Thread John Gilmore

> Besides, as the developers of open source software we can hardly
> exercise pressure on our users.

In FreeS/WAN we do.  The code we ship only runs secure ciphers in
secure modes.  You actually have to know enough to go in and
change the code to run insecurely.  (Or, of course, you can get
your IPSEC from a different distribution, in which case you get
what you get and our reputation isn't at stake.)

This caused some grousing and grumbling from the lousy-crypto crowd,
but virtually all the real users found that, hmm, indeed if they asked
their other vendors for 3DES instead of DES, hmm, it was available.
So now they're all running 3DES VPNs instead of DES VPNs.

FreeS/WAN may have a lot fewer users than OpenSSL does, though; we guess
the number is in the hundreds, not the thousands.  We're only on the
1.0 release.


RE: so why is IETF stilling adding DES to protocols? (Re: It's official... DES is History)

1999-06-26 Thread Phill Hallam-Baker

I consider there to be a number of seperable issues:

1) Should the IETF support a weakened cipher?

2) Should DES be an acceptable weakened cipher?

3) Are there other reasons to use DES?

4) Is the legacy code issue going to be crippling?

The answer to (1) is much harder to answer when 56 bits are on offer
than when its only 40. Even in '94 the insecurity of 40bits was 
quite apparent. The principle barrier to attacking SSL at the time 
was the secrecy of the cipher.

56 bits are a significant obstacle to all but a few very well
equiped attackers, 40 bits are not much of a challenge these days.
Remember that the cipher is not necessarily the weakest link
in the chain. If I had to develop an attack against an application
with a 56 bit cipher I would only try brute force attacks against ]
the key as an extreeme last resort.

Ubiquitous deployment of 56 bits would have a significant increase
in effective security. While I could see the point of a principled
stand rejecting 40 bits I don't think that this is the time
to draw a line in the sand. The fact is that at this point 40bits
are deployed and the priority should be to displace that deployed

The second part is somewhat subtler. Not all 56 bit ciphers are 
the same. I would much rather use a 128 bit cipher and expose 
part of the key than use a cipher with only 56 bits of key.
While the difficulty of attacking one key by brute force is
not changed the difficulty of compiling an 'attack dictionary'
is considerably increased. 

Consider that every HTTP communication to a home page starts
with the sequence "GET / HTTP/1.1" - and there are surely
other strings which provide useful known plaintext. Salting the 
password provides considerable additional security.

There are still good reasons to use DES - in some cases it is
required by regulation. 

Finally I don't buy the legacy code argument. In the first place 
as has already been pointed out the 40 bit legacy code is already 
there. I would much rather face the problem of a 56 bit legacy 
base than a 40 bit legacy base.

Also it is not necessary to deploy an entire new client 
infrastructure just to upgrade the strength of the cryptography.
Microsoft already ship their domestic cryptography as a patch.
Several enterprising folk have developed scripts to patch
Netscape clients.

For SSL the issue is even simpler. All the clients have been 
shipping with 'server gated crypto' code for some time. If the
server certificate has the 'enable 128 bits' flag set even an
export client performs 128 bit encryption with no bits sent
in the clear for the benefit of Mr Freeh.

The one reason for trying to stop the use of 56 bits would be 
if there was a concern that the compromise might be too
widely acceptable and reduce pressure on the administration
sufficiently for 56 bits to become a permanent state of affairs.

I don't play the kind of politics where you reject the compromise
to make people dependent on you delivering the whole loaf. On the
other hand I have seen others do so many times.

Sooner or later the nonsense on stilts that is the US crypto
policy will collapse of its own accord. I don't see the need to
fear that any compromise would become permanent.


Re: so why is IETF stilling adding DES to protocols? (Re: It's official... DES is History)

1999-06-26 Thread Eivind Eklund

On Fri, Jun 25, 1999 at 01:34:22PM -0700, Tom Weinstein wrote:
> I think your view only makes sense if you are only interested in
> protecting yourself against entities who have $100,000 (or $50,000,
> or whatever) to build a DES cracking machine.  If, on the other
> hand, you're also worried about 12 year old kids who pass around
> lists of credit card numbers, then exportable crypto is useful to
> you.  While the first group may be more scary to you, most people
> only care about the second group.  Which is not to say that you're
> wrong about your priorities, but other people, rightly or wrongly,
> have different ones.

I did some calculations on this.  When I tracked the cracker scene
back in 1992 or so, an account collector would typically have accounts
on 1000 to 2000 different systems, sustained.  I would be surprised if
the kiddies of today have much less.  This is a large enough number of
systems to make attacking 40-bit encryption *very* feasible.  For a
relatively small site taking credit card orders, it is enough to make
it feasible to attack *all* transactions.

Not that I would worry overmuch about it - it is also trivial to
calculate the check digits on a credit card, and most of them are
given out in series.  It is also trivial to get hold of the exiry date
- just call up a credit card charger the 24 required times, keying in
the next two years worth of expiry dates and a small charge.


Re: write code outside US (Re: so why is IETF stilling adding DES to protocols?)

1999-06-26 Thread Tom Weinstein

This is the last I'm going to say on this topic.  It takes too much energy, and
I have real work to do.

Adam Back wrote:
> Tom Weinstein writes:
> But that's not all, I have heard it claimed that most of the browsers
> in existance, inside and outside the US are 40 bit, many of the
> webservers inside and outside are, with the net result that probably
> 90+% of all SSL traffic is encrypted with 40 bit ciphers.

This is because it's so difficult to get a domestic version.  We tried very
hard to get strong crypto out as far as we could, but we drew the line at what
the law allowed.  As a corporation, we had to be careful about stepping over
that line, because we were at the mercy of the government to get export
licenses.  I'm very encouraged by the progress in the Bernstein case, and
whenever we talked to the lawyers, that was always an issue.
> I wonder why it never occured to anyone at Netscape to write their
> crypto outside the US?  (I'd have thought perhaps some of those
> ex-cypherpunk types who we all know are/were working there in roles
> such as the 'Electronic Munitions Specialist' etc. would have been
> familiar with the concept)

As a matter of fact, it did occur to us.  It turned out that there were a lot
of problems with doing it.  It's a lot easier for a company like PGP to do it
because their only product is the one they are giving away.  The same goes for
Sameer.  For a company like Netscape that sells a wide variety of products,
it's a lot harder.

> I mean if Sameer can do it, and Sun Micro can do it, and RSADSI can do
> it why can't Netscape?  Not like Netscape is short of a few bob to
> open an office somewhere.

Sun caught all kinds of hell from the Commerce Department, too.  If you aren't
familiar with this, you should talk to some of the people who were involved. 
Even as it was, we were under a lot of scrutiny for SSLeay and Fortify, which
we had nothing to do with.

> Netscape, and many other US companies *have* been losing money to
> non-US companies *because* the US companies have been putting 'export
> grade crypto into their products'.

I certainly won't argue with this because it's true.  Just because we didn't
fight it the way you might have wanted us to doesn't mean we weren't aware of
the problem.

What is appropriate for the master is not appropriate| Tom Weinstein
for the novice.  You must understand Tao before  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
transcending structure.  -- The Tao of Programming   |

Re: NPR story on crypto...

1999-06-26 Thread John Young

Vin McLelland wrote:
>Nice article in USAToday, Will!
>You might find it useful to note -- and I'm open for correction on
>this from anyone -- that the US Government's Bernstein brief is, I believe,
>the first time the Govt has openly acknowledged that the export control
>issue is all about sigint -- listening to the legal communications of
>citizens and officials of other national, allied and friendly.

There's more brewing on this with PECSENC, if not PEC. Recall
that PECSENC has been directed by the President to come up
with recommendations for a more publicly acceptable crypto policy 
by September under the rubric "Liberalization 2000:" 

Quote from a proposed Federal Register notice by PECSENC:

  The PECSENC has designated an encryption export control 
  experts' group to evaluate and propose an agenda of plausible, 
  incremental reforms as early as next year. The experts' group 
  will consider proposals from the PECSENC, from industry, and 
  from the public. It will recommend proposals it finds worthy of the 
  PECSENC's consideration. The proposals will be considered 
  independently by the PECSENC and modified, adopted, or 
  rejected as the PECSENC chooses.

This is from a report on the May 14 PECSENC meeting:


There may be more news of this from the PECSENC meeting
today on when the public is to be engaged in this "liberalization"

What's intriguing is whether PECSENC, now headed by an ex-NSA
honcho, is going to bite NSA's sigint bullet, and recommend that
strong encryption is better for the public interest than natsec snooping,
what with the world now getting its hands on means of strong protection
for conventional telecommunications of text and to a lesser extent 

This would correspond with the CRISIS report of 1996, which recommended
liberalization on strong crypto and the development of other (unnamed)
technologies for snooping and law enforcement.

The rapid advance of technologies for identification, interception and 
surveillance other than those for text and voice transmissions could 
replace the need for weak crypto.

There are some pretty amazing things being done with Hidden Markov 
Modeling to track patterns for identification, based on a survey of
some 300 patents utilizing the invention in a wide host of applications.