Re: [long] Yet another random number generator

1999-07-17 Thread John Kelsey


[ To: Sandy Harris, Perry's Crypto List ## Date: 07/12/99 ##
  Subject: Re: Yet another random number generator ]

Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 13:10:56 +
From: Sandy Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [long] Yet another random number generator


Could we do a large part of this with a fairly simple chip,
all digital, without diodes etc.? A system bus has typically
at least 32 data and 32 address lines plus a bunch of
control signals. Perhaps 80 bits that can be sampled at
perhaps 100 MHz. 10 Mbytes/sec. Crunch that down to 10K
highly random bytes?

Some bits have dreadful entropy of course: e.g. on systems
with under a gig of RAM, top two address lines are always 0.
On any system, bottom two are usually 0 for aligned access.
All ASCII characters have top bit 0, much numeric data is
small integers, etc. Interrupt lines should spend most of
their time in the non-asserted state.

So, if I understand correctly, the entropy is based on
everything that passes over the system bus, right?  What is
the source of entropy when the system is quietly humming
away running the screensaver, while the user is downstairs
drinking his morning coffee?  It looks to me like your
entropy will be *very* uneven.

Would this kind of sampling get TrueRand-type phase drift
between CPU clock and time clock?  I can't see how.  What
other sources of entropy would be available?  (Maybe hard
drive timings for page swaps and such.)

I have a crunching mechanism to propose. Nyberg showed that
perfect s-boxes (all columns and all linear combinations of
columns are bent boolean functions) can be built whenever
there are twice as many input bits as output bits. Build a
substitution-permutation network with perfect s-boxes.

Wait a second, here!  Nyberg's perfect S-boxes can give you
provable security against standard differential and linear
attacks, but I don't see why this is relevant, here.  We're
trying to crunch this huge stream of data down into a
fixed-length buffer, presumably with some kind of arguments
for entropy-preservation.  We don't care much here about
an attacker controling our inputs--he would have to be in
control of our system bus!

Anyway, I think your entropy-gathering proposal ought to be
kept separate from the crunching mechanism.  I claim that we
can design a reasonable crunching mechanism using existing
components, probably block ciphers or hash functions.  Is
there a reason why (say) treating the buffer as circular,
and continually processing inputs by XORing them into the
buffer, and then CBC-mode encrypting the resulting blocks
with a fixed key, wouldn't suffice?

Details would depend on analysis of input entropy (how much
crunching is needed) and of target chip technology (what is
pratical) but it might look something like:

Wouldn't the entropy on the system bus vary depending on
what was going on?  I mean, if I get to load all the
software onto your machine and have you start it up and run
it, there won't be much going over the system bus that will
be of much interest.  (Maybe you'll get phase jitter between
the CPU clock and the RNG's clock.)

[ Lots of design ideas deleted.]


The entropy collection method is interesting.  The crunching
method is interesting.  It seems like they are more-or-less
independent, though.

- --John Kelsey, Counterpane Internet Security, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Drawing A Hard Line On Encryption (was Re: Edupage, 16 July 1999)

1999-07-17 Thread Robert Hettinga

At 4:35 PM -0600 on 7/16/99, EDUCAUSE wrote:

 The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence unanimously
 approved a measure to control exports of encryption software and
 provide government access to encrypted data.  The committee was
 the fourth House panel to approve the amendment, which was
 designed to ensure that government agencies can obtain court
 orders to access encrypted information.  The committee also
 adopted a measure allowing the president to control, and deny,
 encryption exports significant to national security.  Last, the
 committee approved language authorization funding to enable law
 enforcement and intelligence agencies to better prevent the
 spread of increasingly powerful encryption software.  These
 issues have been the subject of much controversy, as software
 manufacturers argue that they are losing market share from export
 controls, while privacy activists oppose law enforcement access
 to encrypted data.  (Washington Post 07/16/99)

Robert A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

depleting the random number generator

1999-07-17 Thread John Denker

Hi Folks --

I have a question about various scenarios for an attack against IPsec by way 
of the random number generator.  The people on the linux-ipsec mailing list 
suggested I bring it up here.

Specifically:  consider a central machine (call it Whitney) that is 
implementing many IPsec tunnels.  For me, this is a highly non-hypothetical 

Step 1) Suppose some as-yet unknown person (the "applicant") contacts 
Whitney and applies for an IPsec tunnel to be set up.  The good part is that 
at some point Whitney tries to authenticate the Diffie-Hellman exchange (in 
conformance with RFC2409 section 5) and fails, because this applicant is an 
attacker and is not on our list of people to whom we provide service.  The 
bad part is that Whitney has already gobbled up quite a few bits of entropy 
from /dev/random before the slightest bit of authentication is attempted.

Step 2) The attacker endlessly iterates step 1.  This is easy.  AFAIK there 
is no useful limit on how often new applications can be made.  This quickly 
exhausts the entropy pool on Whitney.

Step 3a) If Whitney is getting key material from /dev/random, the result is 
a denial of service.  All the IPsec tunnels will time out and will be 
replaced slowly or not at all, because of the entropy shortage.

Step 3b) OTOH if Whitney is getting its key material from /dev/urandom 
(that's urandom with a U), then we don't have a DoS attack, but instead we 
have a situation where the attacker can mount a low-entropy attack against 
any or all of the other tunnels.  Yuuuck.


There are variations on this theme.  For instance, note that sshd is a 
prodigious consumer of random bits.  Therefore if your IPsec machine is 
running sshd, bad guys have another way of mounting attacks against your 
RNG.  They don't even need to know a valid ssh key;  failed ssh attempts 
suck up plenty of entropy.


I certainly hope these issues have been analyzed and brought under control. 
Can somebody lend me a clue as to the status, and/or where I might read more 
about it?  If this list is not the optimal forum for discussing such
things, could somebody point me to a better one?

Thanx --- jsd

Lucre documentation

1999-07-17 Thread Ben Laurie

For those who care, I've added a little docco to Lucre. Here's the
explanation of the executable demos. Also available is the theory, such
as it is (check out the CVS for that, or shout at me).

bank-new key length bank private file bank public file

 Create a bank. The stuff you should guard with your life is
 added to bank private file and the stuff you can give to
 Joe Public ends up in bank public file.

coin-request bank public file coin private file coin request

 Create a coin (or at least, a request for one. What is
 sometimes known as a protocoin). The bank public file is
 the bank info generated by bank-new. The coin private file
 is the bit that will be worth money once the bank has signed
 stuff. The coin request is what the bank will sign.

bank-sign bank private file coin request coin signature

 Having received a coin request, the bank signs it (after due
 deliberation, of course). Here's how it does it. coin
 signature is what you send back to the victim, err,

coin-unblind bank public file coin private file coin signature

 Now that the bank believes we are worth something, we've got
 a coin signature back from it. Here's how we convert that,
 plus other bits, to an actual blinded coin.

bank-verify bank private file coin

 Naturally, a coin is worth nothing unless the bank will
 stand behind it. This is how you check the coin isn't crap.




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