Re: having source code for your CPU chip -- NOT

1999-09-24 Thread Greg Rose

At 09:02 23/09/1999 -0400, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
By example, I 
could verify the machine code for IDEA, but not PGP and certainly not your 
favorite version of UNIX.

Actually, while there are bugs and security holes, it's pretty certain that
V6 Unix didn't have any crypto trapdoors ... and you can now own your very
own source code license for early Unix including C compiler, complete with
source for a PDP-11 emulator to run it on... this might come in handy one
day as a stable, recreatable base.

See , the PDP and Unix Preservation Society.

[Of course, what guarantees does one have about the provenance of the
code? --Perry]


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Re: snake-oil voting?

1999-09-24 Thread John R Levine

 Did any of you see this
 that proposes to authenticate the voter by asking for his/her/its SSN#? 
 It looked like the idea for this part was to prevent double voting,
 plus make sure that only authorized people could vote.  It wasn't
 necessarily SSN, it could be name/address/date of birth or whatever.
 Similar to what is done when you go and vote in person.

It's not similar at all.  Here in New York, for example, where I used to be
an election inspector, the voter list includes your signature, age, sex, and
usually (if you gave them when you registered) your height and eye and hair
color.  Each voter has to sign, and if the signature isn't similar enough or
the other items looked wrong, we'd ask for better ID.  Each polling place has
both Democrat and Republican inspectors, the inspectors for one party have an
incentive to challenge dubious voters of the other party.  This is a
reasonable level of validation given that voters have to show up in person,
making mass vote fraud a lot of work to organize.  (For absentee ballots,
your entry in the book is marked as absentee, so if someone got a fake ballot
for you, you'd know when you tried to vote.) The combination of biometric
info and personal appearance makes it fairly difficult to vote fraudulently. 

The SSN has become a pseudo-secret identifier.  That is, the reality is that
your SSN is widely available, but many organizations pretend that it's secret
and will believe that anyone who presents your SSN is you.  Given that the
SSN is not secret, the lack of biometric data, and the reality that it's a
whole lot easier to fake network transactions than to fake voting in person,
this scheme screams "defraud me". 

Any security system needs a threat model.  I can't figure out what the threat
model for this system is other than "whip up something quick and easy". 

John Levine, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
Information Superhighwayman wanna-be,, Sewer Commissioner
Finger for PGP key, f'print = 3A 5B D0 3F D9 A0 6A A4  2D AC 1E 9E A6 36 A3 47 

Re: having source code for your CPU chip -- NOT

1999-09-24 Thread Ray Hirschfeld

 Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 18:38:57 -0400 (EDT)
 From: Eli Brandt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Arnold Reinhold wrote:
  Perry, if you really believe that the question of whether a given 
  lump of object code contains a Thompson Trap is formally undecidable 
  I'd be interested in seeing a proof. Otherwise Herr Goedel has 
  nothing to do with this.
 That sure smells undecidable to me.  Any non-trivial predicate P on
 Turing machines (non-trivial meaning that both P and not-P are
 non-empty) is undecidable by Rice's Theorem.  There are technical
 issues in encoding onto the tape all possible interactions with the
 world -- the theorem doesn't apply if some inputs are deemed illegal
 -- but, hey, it's all countably infinite; re-encode with the naturals.

I don't think Rice's Theorem applies in this case because it's not a
language property.  The non-trivial predicate should be on
r.e. languages, not on Turing machines.  For example, determining
whether a Turing machine accepts a string consisting of 3 symbols is
undecidable by Rice's Theorem (since some r.e. languages contain
strings of 3 symbols and others don't), but determining whether a
Turing machine has 3 states is not.

That's not to say that it's not undecideable!  Just that Rice's
Theorem is insufficient to prove it (unless you can somehow
reformulate it as a language property).  Instead you might try
directly reducing some undecideable problem to it.

(For those who don't know the terminology, r.e. = recursively
enumerable = accepted by a Turing machine.)

Re: snake-oil voting?

1999-09-24 Thread Ed Gerck

Anonymous wrote:

 Ed Gerck wrote:
 Did any of you see this
 that proposes to authenticate the voter by asking for his/her/its SSN#?

 It looked like the idea for this part was to prevent double voting,
 plus make sure that only authorized people could vote.  It wasn't
 necessarily SSN, it could be name/address/date of birth or whatever.
 Similar to what is done when you go and vote in person.

The disconnect here is that it does not make sure that only authorized *people*
can vote -- but that an authorized he/she/it can vote.   Thus, I find that this is
not similar to when I go vote in *person*, when election officials will not allow
bots or dogs to vote ;-)  Here, anything can get an authorization, not just anyone.

And, someone could easily have a directory of "voters" (real or made-up) and
automatically proceed to obtain authorization and vote with each one of these
"voters". There is nothing to prevent bulk voting commanded by one person.

 There was also this idea of what they earnestly called a VERN, Voter
 Encrypted Registration Number, which would be distributed in advance
 to people who were authorized to vote.  You'd provide your VERN along
 with your authenticating info (DOB/SSN/whatever) to prove that you were

Again, one is mislead by the assumption that it would be distributed to people.
The VERN voting is similar to what we see in majordomo for example, when a nonce
is sent to a *virtual* subscriber and must be mailed back to confirm list subscription,
from the same requesting email address -- ie, similar  to casting a vote in VoteHere.
But, bots can also subscribe using majordomo.  So, since the VERN is requested by
and provided along with virtual info, there is no verification of the voter's identity
even as a person (ie, not a bot) neither when the VERN is sent to the presumed
voter nor  when the VERN is used.

 Any voting system ultimately relies on real world proof like this.

But, there is no real-world proof here, everything happens entirely in the virtual

 The real point of the protocol is to keep people from finding out HOW
 each person voted, while assuring that the vote count is correct.  There
 has been a lot of work on crypto protocols for secure voting and this
 appears to be what they have implemented.

I see no protocol, I see a table of names and nonces.  Each one can see
their name, but no one can verify if two or more names may (wrongly)
correspond to  one person or, if a nonce listed is the correct one for a name.
So, "One Person, One Vote" as declared by VoteHere is more likely
"One Name, One Vote".

And, what is to prevent populating the table with names/nonces?  If absentee
ratio is large, there is considerable room to populate the table and still have less
than a given number of voters (assuming that the total number of voters is known,
which is not true for USENET or in the Internet -- we don't even know how
many hosts the Internet has, let alone users, and known host statistics are
only relative to registration).

 This looks like a good system although it would be nice to see more
 details.  It certainly sounds better than alternatives.

What alternatives do you mean?

  With current
 Usenet votes everyone gets to see how you voted.  With this VoteHere
 system you could be assured that your vote was correct (because it would
 match the encryption you sent in),

But, you could not be sure whether any other vote is correct.

 nobody else could see how you voted,

This is not what the site says -- it says: "..decrypted by a simultaneous coordination
of election officials and observers, to obtain and/or audit the election results.", 
means that such group can decrypt the tally result but does not mean that it cannot
decrypt *one* entry from the name/nonce table.  Since the table is public, if  voting
nonces can be decrypted one by one then any vote can be identified.

To avoid this, the encryption method used to create the nonces would have to be
one-way with trapdoor for the tally but one-way for any nonce.  Let us  suppose
that this is true.  But, since a tally is the sum of two or more nonces, if I have
*one* known vote (my own) then I can know any other vote in a sum of two nonces.
 And, knowing two votes I can know the sum of three votes, and so on.  I can
continue the process and eventually learn how everyone voted, starting only from my
own vote -- even under the assumption that the encryption method used to create the
nonces is one-way with trapdoor for the tally but one-way for any nonce.

 and yet you could be sure that the vote total was correct (by running the
 sum operation on the encrypted data, and verifying that the decryption
 of this is the claimed sum).

Given the information in the site, I cannot see how you deducted this. But,
even if what you say is true and I missed it elsewhere, then the argument above
shows that knowing only my 

Re: having source code for your CPU chip -- NOT

1999-09-24 Thread Arnold Reinhold

At 6:38 PM -0400 9/23/99, Eli Brandt wrote:
Arnold Reinhold wrote:
  Perry, if you really believe that the question of whether a given
  lump of object code contains a Thompson Trap is formally undecidable
  I'd be interested in seeing a proof. Otherwise Herr Goedel has
  nothing to do with this.

That sure smells undecidable to me.  Any non-trivial predicate P on
Turing machines (non-trivial meaning that both P and not-P are
non-empty) is undecidable by Rice's Theorem.  There are technical
issues in encoding onto the tape all possible interactions with the
world -- the theorem doesn't apply if some inputs are deemed illegal
-- but, hey, it's all countably infinite; re-encode with the naturals.

I am not asking about the class of all Turing machines, just one 
particular lump of object code OC that happens to be a compiler--say 
the C++ compiler on the Red Hat 6.0 distribution. And the question is 
whether OC, which was compiled from a particular source file SF, only 
contains code attributable to SF or contains some additional 
self-propagating code inserted by the compiler OCprev that produced 
OC. SF is trusted by assumption.  Only OCprev is suspect. You can 
even modify SF to some extent, say to turn off optimization or to 
produce an auxiliary file that matches object code to source 

If you can answer this question just one time then Thompson's attack 
can be defeated. This problem is not remotely undecidable. One way to 
solve it is to write a new compiler from scratch OCalt. Then see if 
(OCalt(SF))(SF) = OC.  As others have pointed out, you can also 
attempt to ascribe each byte of object code to the source that 
generated it.

The practical impact of this is not immediately apparent.  All
non-trivial theorem-proving about programs is futile in this same
sense, but people do it, or try.  They have a lot of difficulties less
arcane than running into the pathological cases constructed to prove
these undecidability theorems.

  Your argument reminds me of claims I always
  hear that nothing can be measured because of the Heisenberg
  Uncertainty principle.

I do feel your pain.

More like disgust, actually. Too many computer scientists engage in 
this sort of name dropping, citing theorems that generally apply only 
in some infinite limit and specifically do not apply to the case at 
hand. Most people in the industry, who think an uncountable cardinal 
has something to do with electing the Pope, take their pronouncements 
on faith and just give up.

The fact is almost nothing in crypto is on a rigorous mathematical 
foundation. No one has proved that factoring or discrete logs are 
hard problems (at least not publicly). Yet almost all the 
difficulties in building trustable systems do not lie in 
undecidablility results but in human failings.

The Open Source model, in my opinion, is the best hope of creating 
trusted systems we have. Designing a process that can demonstrate 
that a given system is totally derived from a body of published code 
is an important goal. The Thompson paper is a often cited as proof 
that this cannot be done. It deserves to be debunked.

Arnold Reinhold

Re: having source code for your CPU chip -- NOT

1999-09-24 Thread Matt Crawford

  Perry, if you really believe that the question of whether a given 
  lump of object code contains a Thompson Trap is formally undecidable 
  I'd be interested in seeing a proof.
 That sure smells undecidable to me.  Any non-trivial predicate P on
 Turing machines (non-trivial meaning that both P and not-P are
 non-empty) is undecidable by Rice's Theorem.   [...]

There are no Turing machines.  Real computers are finite, and real
source codes are finite.  I'm sure that if you set a limit on the
length of the source code which is recognized by the supposed trap, a
sufficiently large FSM can decide in a finite time whether there's a
Matt Crawford[EMAIL PROTECTED] Fermilab
"A5. Remove all classified and CCI boards from the COMSEC equipment,
thoroughly smash them with a hammer or an ax, and scatter the pieces."

Re: having source code for your CPU chip -- NOT

1999-09-24 Thread Bill Sommerfeld

 There are no Turing machines.  Real computers are finite, and real
 source codes are finite.  I'm sure that if you set a limit on the
 length of the source code which is recognized by the supposed trap, a
 sufficiently large FSM can decide in a finite time whether there's a

mere finiteness doesn't help much in practice if you're up against
algorithms which take time exponential in some parameter (like the
size of the 'trap' region) which is likely to get even moderately

- Bill

Re: having source code for your CPU chip -- NOT

1999-09-24 Thread Eli Brandt

Ray Hirschfeld wrote:
  That sure smells undecidable to me.  Any non-trivial predicate P on
  Turing machines (non-trivial meaning that both P and not-P are
  non-empty) is undecidable by Rice's Theorem.  There are technical
  issues in encoding onto the tape all possible interactions with the
  world -- the theorem doesn't apply if some inputs are deemed illegal
  -- but, hey, it's all countably infinite; re-encode with the naturals.
 I don't think Rice's Theorem applies in this case because it's not a
 language property.  The non-trivial predicate should be on
 r.e. languages, not on Turing machines.

Yeah, I was trying to avoid bringing in the term "recursively
enumerable", and I tripped myself up.  The "technical issue" I mumbled
about was supposed to address this, but that reduction is in the wrong
direction: I need to show that if you can answer Thompson(M) you can
answer Thompson'(L), not the other way around.  Which, when one stops
waving one's hands and thinks about it, is not going to happen, not
without drawing on some information about Thompson().

 Eli Brandt  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |

Re: having source code for your CPU chip -- NOT

1999-09-24 Thread Eli Brandt

Arnold Reinhold wrote:
 Arnold Reinhold wrote:
   Perry, if you really believe that the question of whether a given
   lump of object code contains a Thompson Trap is formally undecidable
 I am not asking about the class of all Turing machines, just one 
 particular lump of object code OC that happens to be a compiler--say 
 the C++ compiler on the Red Hat 6.0 distribution.

I must admit, even though you said "whether a given lump" I assumed
the decision procedure was supposed to exist uniformly over lumps.  
If you swap the quantifiers, sure, for any program there exists a
decision procedure -- either the decider that always says "yes" or the
one that always says "no".  (Okay, I see why you don't find theory

 Eli Brandt  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |

Re: having source code for your CPU chip -- NOT

1999-09-24 Thread David Honig

At 06:38 PM 9/23/99 -0400, Eli Brandt wrote:
Arnold Reinhold wrote:
 Perry, if you really believe that the question of whether a given 
 lump of object code contains a Thompson Trap is formally undecidable 
 I'd be interested in seeing a proof. Otherwise Herr Goedel has 
 nothing to do with this.

That sure smells undecidable to me.  Any non-trivial predicate P on

Folks, its not that complex.  Thompson suggested that
the trojan compiler subvert only login and compiler code.   The trojan
would not subvert generic
code; no funky Godelian self-referential stuff is necessary.  Of course,
this was before the 90s: the net, downloadable
code, chronically lame OSes made other approaches much easier.


Re: snake-oil voting?

1999-09-24 Thread Anonymous

John R. Levine writes, quoting others:
  Did any of you see this
  that proposes to authenticate the voter by asking for his/her/its SSN#? 
  It looked like the idea for this part was to prevent double voting,
  plus make sure that only authorized people could vote.  It wasn't
  necessarily SSN, it could be name/address/date of birth or whatever.
  Similar to what is done when you go and vote in person.

 It's not similar at all.  Here in New York, for example, where I used to be
 an election inspector, the voter list includes your signature, age, sex, and
 usually (if you gave them when you registered) your height and eye and hair
 color.  Each voter has to sign, and if the signature isn't similar enough or
 the other items looked wrong, we'd ask for better ID.  Each polling place has
 both Democrat and Republican inspectors, the inspectors for one party have an
 incentive to challenge dubious voters of the other party.

There is a wide variation in the amount of validation done at polling
places.  In the local region none of this is done; you are asked to sign,
bug your signature is not checked.  No ID is required, and observers
from political parties are not present.

 The SSN has become a pseudo-secret identifier.  That is, the reality is that
 your SSN is widely available, but many organizations pretend that it's secret
 and will believe that anyone who presents your SSN is you.  Given that the
 SSN is not secret, the lack of biometric data, and the reality that it's a
 whole lot easier to fake network transactions than to fake voting in person,
 this scheme screams "defraud me". 

Note that the original scheme did not refer to the SSL as being especially
secret.  It was used in parallel with date of birth as an example of
something which would not be widely known about a person.  Obviously
date of birth is not particularly secret, but it merely adds an extra
amount of security to the protocol.  Here is how they describe the
authentication process:

: Each registered voter is sent a VERN (Voter Encrypted Registration Number)
: to serve as something the voter "is given." The VERN can be sent by
: email or traditional postal mail. The VERN is often accompanied by a web
: site address where the voter can log-on to the Internet to vote. Once at
: the voting web site, the voter enters the VERN and additional pieces of
: information known only to the voter and election officials (e.g., DOB,
: SSN#) to serve as something the voter "knows."

The main authentication is this VERN which is sent directly to the
registered voters.  The additional DOB/SSN adds extra security, it is
not the basis for the whole authentication.

 Any security system needs a threat model.  I can't figure out what the threat
 model for this system is other than "whip up something quick and easy". 

It seems clear that the system is primarily oriented towards preventing
fraud by election officials and those involved in setting up the
electronic voting.  Historically, this is the greater danger in
election fraud.  Stuffing the ballot box is much easier if you are
the one in charge of delivering the ballots or counting the ballots.
If you actually have to get a bunch of people to try to vote under false
names it is a huge undertaking and unlikely to be kept secret.  Fraud by
corrupting officials is much more cost effective and hence more dangerous.

In this case, the point of the system is to allow everyone to verify that
the counting and recording of the ballots was done honestly.  This insures
that the officials and operators of the election are doing their jobs
correctly.  It therefore addresses the primary form of election fraud.

Re: snake-oil voting? voter authentication

1999-09-24 Thread David Honig

At 11:18 PM 9/23/99 -0700, Ed Gerck wrote:
 that proposes to authenticate the voter by asking for his/her/its SSN#?

 It looked like the idea for this part was to prevent double voting,
 plus make sure that only authorized people could vote.  It 

The disconnect here is that it does not make sure that only authorized
can vote -- but that an authorized he/she/it can vote.   Thus, I find that
this is
not similar to when I go vote in *person*, when election officials will
not allow
bots or dogs to vote ;-)  Here, anything can get an authorization, not
just anyone.

NB: In America, *anyone* with an address who can write [1] *can* 
in practice vote because there is no authentication of citizenship.   Note
that *everyone* is not legal to vote ---you must be a citizen, for
instance, and not a felon--- but there is *no* authentication done on your
citizenship when you register to vote.  With absentee ballots, dogs and
cats can and do vote.
(It is of course a crime, as is noncitizen voting...)
And dead people are well known to keep voting after internment.

This is a regular source of November entertainment in SoCal, where the
Republicrats accuse the Demopublicans of encouraging voting by illegal
aliens (who tend to vote with them).  Some years, the former party posts
unofficial guards and "Citizens Only" signs near voting places in the
barrios, and gets abuse for it later.  Look up the Dornan vs. Sanchez race.  

NB: There is no requirement in the US to carry identification unless you're
driving a car in public.  And there are no laws
requiring ID to vote.

My point being, authentication of voters is a *very* tricky
political subject, because it has to do with political power allocation.
Much like plans to mess with the US census rose very quickly all the way to
the supreme court.  The census is how
US congresscritters are allocated.  

(Apologies for civics pedagogy/local anecdotes; I'm assuming there are
furriners reading)

[1] Probably illiterate citizens can vote too; the law lets
a witnessed "X" be a signature, and these days illiterates
would claim ADA applied... certainly blind (and braille-illiterate)
citizens vote.


Re: having source code for your CPU chip -- NOT

1999-09-24 Thread Eugene Leitl

For the truly paranoid: it is perfectly possible to boostrap a working
Forth environment *by hand*, whether by hand assembly and flashing the
resulting image, or by porting eForth (or any Forths written in C) to
an embedded target.

You simply can't fit any Trojan in there: a minimal Forth OS can fit
into just 2 k, typical environments take 12..16 kBytes. Of course
you're abandoning any GNU/Unix compatibility, but the intrinsic
rewards of a Forth environment can be considerable -- I don't know of
any more productive system.

Is there a crypto code library out there?

Greg Rose writes:
  At 09:02 23/09/1999 -0400, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
  By example, I 
  could verify the machine code for IDEA, but not PGP and certainly not your 
  favorite version of UNIX.
  Actually, while there are bugs and security holes, it's pretty certain that
  V6 Unix didn't have any crypto trapdoors ... and you can now own your very
  own source code license for early Unix including C compiler, complete with
  source for a PDP-11 emulator to run it on... this might come in handy one
  day as a stable, recreatable base.
  See , the PDP and Unix Preservation Society.
  [Of course, what guarantees does one have about the provenance of the
  code? --Perry]

Re: snake-oil voting?

1999-09-24 Thread John R Levine

 It seems clear that the system is primarily oriented towards preventing
 fraud by election officials and those involved in setting up the
 electronic voting.  Historically, this is the greater danger in
 election fraud.  Stuffing the ballot box is much easier if you are
 the one in charge of delivering the ballots or counting the ballots.
 If you actually have to get a bunch of people to try to vote under false
 names it is a huge undertaking and unlikely to be kept secret.  Fraud by
 corrupting officials is much more cost effective and hence more dangerous.

Indeed, but I don't see how this scheme offers any defense against ballot box
stuffing.  The election officials know the VERN and whatever "private" info
the voters are supposed to provide for validation purposes, so it seems to me
that it'd be no trouble at all to whip up a few thousand forged e-mails with
exactly the right voter info, much easier than scribbling fake signatures
into a book. 

To make a system like this forgery resistant, you need to collect some sort
of token with each vote that's known to the voter but not known to the
officials, so in case of doubt about authenticity you can go back to the
voter and validate the token.  In a world with widely deployed crypto, that
would mean public key signatures, but lacking that, a question like "what
color shirt are you wearing today?" might do. 

Having said all this, I realize that there's a tradeoff between security and
usability.  Anyone who owns stock in a publicly traded company has probably
gotten a proxy form that refers to ADP's  To vote there, you
need only enter a 12 digit number found on the proxy form, or punch it into
your phone if voting via their 800 number.  That's pretty weak security, but
it seems adequate for the purpose, since most corporate elections are
uncontested or close to it.  I have no idea if they use something more secure
when they have an actively contested proxy battle. 

John Levine, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
Information Superhighwayman wanna-be,, Sewer Commissioner
Finger for PGP key, f'print = 3A 5B D0 3F D9 A0 6A A4  2D AC 1E 9E A6 36 A3 47 

The well-travelled packet

1999-09-24 Thread Russell Nelson

Forwarded with permission (the permission being the short quote below,
the message being the long one).  I don't have a copy of the
traceroute, but it definitely showed packets going from Washington DC
to NYC through Paris.

Dick St.Peters writes:
  Well, the questions were really intended to be rhetorical and/or
  amusing, but sure.  The crypto guys will probably be as amused as

Dick St.Peters writes:
  Remember that traceroute I sent you showing packets from me to a site
  near here going by way of Europe?  I was telling a friend about that
  this morning, and he asked an interesting question.
  Suppose someone on my network sent someone at the site a cryptographic
  program - a US citizen in the US sending it to another US citizen in
  the US, but the packet route is via Europe.  Is that illegal?
  If so, who is guilty?  My user with no knowledge of the route?
  Sprint, who sent the packets abroad with no knowledge of what they
  contained?  EUNet, who BGP-announced the route to Sprint in Europe?
  Dick St.Peters, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Gatekeeper, NetHeaven, Saratoga Springs, NY
  Oldest Internet service based in the Adirondack-Albany region