Re: Hidden secret search provision in the meth bill two others

2000-05-23 Thread Declan McCullagh

I mentioned the "secret search" provisions in the meth bill before the 
House Judiciary committee in a May 9 article:,1294,36209,00.html

This is similar to a letter from Reno in January that said cops could do 
secret searches and seizures (in the context of snatching private keys) 
without new legislation:,1294,33779,00.html

In my weekly column last week I mentioned the meth vote in House Judiciary 
still hadn't happened, probably due to pressure from drug legalization 

The CDT letter is more detailed, but I've placed an ACLU "suggested 
amendments to the meth bill" letter here:


At 18:42 5/22/2000 -0700, John Gilmore wrote:
I have not verified this, but if true, time is of the essence.
It's time to HOWL to your Congressmen to stop them!

Whenever you read one of those "clerical amendments" that inserts
phrases into other parts of other laws -- watch out!  Somebody is
trying to pull the wool over your eyes.


Hidden secret search provision in the meth bill two others

2000-05-22 Thread John Gilmore

I have not verified this, but if true, time is of the essence.
It's time to HOWL to your Congressmen to stop them!

Whenever you read one of those "clerical amendments" that inserts
phrases into other parts of other laws -- watch out!  Somebody is
trying to pull the wool over your eyes.


Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 10:19:18 -0400
From: Alan Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: CESA lives: Secret searches provision in the meth bill

Hi, Dave,

This may be a bit long for IP, but attached below is the full scoop on an 
extremely troubling secret search provision that has been snuck into two 
very large pieces of legislation moving forward on Capitol Hill.

In the debate about improving cyber-security, concern has been expressed 
about the "trust deficit" between law enforcement and many in the public 
interest community and industry. Outrageous attacks like this one on 
fundamental constitutional protections are a big part of why such a trust 
deficit exists.

 - Alan Davidson

Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 00:14:52 -0400
From: Jim Dempsey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: CESA lives: Secret searches provision in the meth bill

The methamphetamine bill that may soon be marked up by the House Judiciary 
Committee includes an extraordinary provision that purports to authorize 
secret searches of homes, apartments and offices in ordinary criminal 
cases. This is a sneaky, dangerous provision.

The amendment would serve the same purpose as the secret search provision 
that was in the discredited earlier draft of the Administration's CESA 
bill (the Cyberspace Electronic Security Act).

The provision also appears in the Senate bankruptcy bill, of all 
places.  Since that bill is already in conference, that may be the current 
greatest threat.

The provision is sec. 6 of H.R. 2987; it is sec. 301 of the Senate-passed 
meth bill, S. 486; and it is sec 1791 of the Senate bankruptcy bill, S. 
833.  In all three, it is entitled "Notice; Clarification."  The language 
is very obscure: it amends 18 USC 3103a, which presently consists of a 
single sentence stating that warrants may be issued to search for and 
seize evidence.  The new language never even refers to search 
warrants.  It says that "with respect to any issuance" under section 3103a 
or "any other provision of law," any notice that may be required may be 
delayed pursuant to the standards and terms of section 2705 of title 
18.  It takes a bit to unpack this.  Section 2705 has nothing to do with 
searches of homes or offices: it pertains to subpoenas for old email or 
stored records in the hands of an ISP or "remote computing service," under 
18 USC 2703(b).  2705 allows notice of subpoenas issued to such service 
providers to be withheld from the customer for up to 90 days!

Extending this process to searches of homes and offices would 
fundamentally change Fourth Amendment practice.


Normally, under the Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable 
searches and seizures, it is not enough that the police have obtained a 
warrant based on  probable cause.  They must also knock and announce their 
authority, giving you notice, and they must leave an inventory of the 
items seized.  The amendment in the meth bill would allow federal law 
enforcement agents to enter your house, apartment or office with a search 
warrant when you are away, conduct a search, seize or copy things (like 
your computer hard drive) and not tell you until months later.

The knock, notice and inventory requirements serve several purposes not 
satisfied by the warrant.  They allow you time, if you are home, to comply 
peacefully, thus avoiding mistaken confrontation.  They afford an 
opportunity to assert your rights by reading the warrant and pointing out 
if the police came to the wrong address, upon which the police may 
withdraw and proceed to the correct address.  If you are the subject of a 
lawful search, you can observe the police to ensure that they confine 
their search to the scope of the warrant. For example, if the warrant is 
limited to a search for stolen cars, they have no authority to look in 
your dresser drawers.  In the case of a prolonged search, you can even 
rush to the courthouse (often searches of a business can last all day) and 
ask a judge to stop or narrow the search.  And the inventory allows you to 
seek return of your property and tells you what information is in the 
hands of the government, so that you can respond and defend yourself 
against the government's suspicions or allegations.

The Supreme Court has twice recently affirmed that "knock and announce" 
are key elements of the Fourth Amendment protections. Richards v. 
Wisconsin, 520 US 385 (1997), Wilson v. Arkansas, 514 US 927 (1995). The 
Court held in these cases there are  exceptions to the knock and announce 
requirement, such as where the suspect is likely to flush the evidence 
down the toilet, or when there is a likelihood of violent resistance, but 
the court made it