Re: going around the crypto

1999-08-21 Thread RL 'Bob' Morgan

 This isn't really a problem with the servers though, the problem lies
 in the fact that client-side certs are (effectively) unworkable.  I
 know of a number of organisations who wanted to use them and ran into
 so many problems just with pilots involving small numbers of
 (presumably) experienced users that they gave up on trying to deploy
 them to the masses.  If we had an all- encompassing PKI (ie.if cert
 management was easy) and if we could assume technically clueful users
 and if those users really cared about security (rather than seeing it
 as an impediment to getting their work done, which it often is), then
 client-side certs would be feasible.  At the moment they're just not
 workable except within closed communities where you can control a lot
 of the parameters (you run the PKI, you vet the users, and you tell
 them you won't talk to them unless they take the appropriate security
 precautions and hope you don't have competitors who'll let them in
 without this).

It is my understanding that MIT has a number of widely-used web
applications (eg student registration) that have been using only client
certs for authentication for a couple of years with reasonable success.  
You might say that this makes your point (these are MIT people, after all,
hence closed, vetted, clueful, etc), but it is reasonably large-scale
(~20K users or so, I think).  The point, perhaps, is that this PKI
deployment duplicates, more or less, for the web the functionality that
Kerberos provided ten years ago for its suite of applications (telnet
etc).  So it's comforting to know that a PKI can do that much.  *8^)*

 - RL "Bob"

Re: going around the crypto

1999-08-21 Thread Marcus Leech

"Steven M. Bellovin" wrote:
 It's clearly not automatic, but I suspect it would work

User behaviour is the weak point here--while the browsers WILL notify
  you that the cert is signed by a CA you don't recognize, they also
  give you the option of accepting the cert, which most users will just
  blindly accept.  Netscape gives you a couple of options here--accept
  the site cert for this session only, or accept it forever; I expect lots
  of users will choose "forever", since that's simpler.

Marcus Leech Mail:   Dept 8M70, MS 012, FITZ
Systems Security Architect   Phone: (ESN) 393-9145  +1 613 763 9145
Security and Internet Solutions  Fax:   (ESN) 395-1407  +1 613 765 1407
Nortel Networks  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Expressed opinions are my own, not my employer's--

Re: going around the crypto

1999-08-21 Thread Tom Weinstein

Michael Helm wrote:
The attacker could also present a certficate from a fake CA with an
appropriate name -- say, "Netscape Security Services", or something that
   Right. In which case Netscape brings up a different dialog which
   says that the server certificate is signed by an unrecognized
   CA. Again, you can proceed, but it's not like it's automatic.
  It's clearly not automatic, but I suspect it would work
 In many organizations which have attempted  to do pki,
 it is often the case that a home-made certificate authority
 with a self-signed root CA certificate is created that issues
 in-house certificates for servers, clients, or whatever.
 But many of those orgs. have found distributing the root CA certificate
 very problematical, with the result that these acceptance dialogs
 alluded to above becomes routine to the user community.  The first
 time this happens you probably look at what the many pop up windows
 are saying, puzzle over them,  even dial up the local help desk.  The
 tenth time you just hold down the mouse button  whip thru it.

It's simply amazing how much disinformation there is floating around about this
stuff.  If the organization attempting to do PKI isn't incompetent, they burn
their cert into the install package for the browser that they give to users,
eliminating this problem altogether.

Sorry if I'm starting to sound a bit strident.  I know that Netscape's PKI
isn't anywhere within sight of perfect, but it's better than a lot of people
give it credit for.

What is appropriate for the master is not appropriate| Tom Weinstein
for the novice.  You must understand Tao before  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
transcending structure.  -- The Tao of Programming   |

Re: going around the crypto

1999-08-17 Thread Enzo Michelangeli

- Original Message -
From: Peter Gutmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 14, 1999 6:03 AM
Subject: Re: going around the crypto

 Smart cards with thumbprint readers are one step in this
 direction, although they're currently prohibitively expensive.

Siemens is experimenting with such a device in mobile phones, so it can't
cost that much:


Re: going around the crypto

1999-08-14 Thread MIKE SHAW

It's my understanding that in order to exploit this, you'd have to essentially
set yourself up as a proxy after sending the RDP advert  If this is the case, 
wouldn't the fact that the man in the middle did not have the cert that
corresponded to the domain name cause at least one warning for most
browsers?  ('certificate name check' in netscape, 'wrong certificate name' in
Opera).  Otherwise, you'd just be acting as a router and SSL would prevent
 sniffing.  Am I missing something?


 "Steven M. Bellovin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/13 9:16 AM 
The L0pht has issued a new advisory for an routing-type attack that can,
they say, allow for man-in-the-middle attacks against SSL-protected sessions

The implication -- that there's a flaw in SSL -- is probably wrong.  But 
they're dead-on right that there's a real risk of man-in-the-middle attacks, 
because the attacker can go around the crypto.

By sending the proper ICMP packets to a vulnerable host (most Windows 95/98 
boxes, and some Solaris/SunOS systems), outbound traffic can be routed to an 
attacker's machine.  This machine can pretend to be the destination of 
the SSL-protected call; it in turn calls the real destination.

The obvious protection is for users to check the certificate.  Most users, of 
course, don't even know what a certificate is, let alone what the grounds are 
for accepting one.  It would also help if servers used client-side 
certificates for authentication, since the man-in-the-middle can't spoof 
the user's certificate.  But almost no servers do that.

This is why I wrote, a year ago, that we effectively have no PKI for the Web.
It also underscores the importance of looking at the entire system design, 
rather than just the crypto.  Crypto alone can't save the world; it's 
necessary, but far from sufficient.

Re: going around the crypto

1999-08-14 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], "MIKE SHAW" writes:
 It's my understanding that in order to exploit this, you'd have to essentiall
 set yourself up as a proxy after sending the RDP advert  If this is the case,
 wouldn't the fact that the man in the middle did not have the cert that
 corresponded to the domain name cause at least one warning for most
 browsers?  ('certificate name check' in netscape, 'wrong certificate name' in
 Opera).  Otherwise, you'd just be acting as a router and SSL would prevent
  sniffing.  Am I missing something?

Not as a proxy, since that's a different protocol from the host, but as the 
end-system.  Yes, you have to issue yourself a fake certificate, but I suspect 
that that's not an insurmountable problem.  And of course, that certificate is 
signed by someone you've invented with a plausible name -- probably something 
corresponding to the name of the site you're impersonating.  Say, " 
Electronic Security Services" or some such.

Re: going around the crypto

1999-08-14 Thread EKR

"Steven M. Bellovin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 The L0pht has issued a new advisory for an routing-type attack that can,
 they say, allow for man-in-the-middle attacks against SSL-protected sessions

 The implication -- that there's a flaw in SSL -- is probably wrong.  But 
 they're dead-on right that there's a real risk of man-in-the-middle attacks, 
 because the attacker can go around the crypto.
 By sending the proper ICMP packets to a vulnerable host (most Windows 95/98 
 boxes, and some Solaris/SunOS systems), outbound traffic can be routed to an 
 attacker's machine.  This machine can pretend to be the destination of 
 the SSL-protected call; it in turn calls the real destination.
 The obvious protection is for users to check the certificate.  Most users, of 
 course, don't even know what a certificate is, let alone what the grounds are 
 for accepting one.  It would also help if servers used client-side 
 certificates for authentication, since the man-in-the-middle can't spoof 
 the user's certificate.  But almost no servers do that.

 This is why I wrote, a year ago, that we effectively have no PKI for the Web.
 It also underscores the importance of looking at the entire system design, 
 rather than just the crypto.  Crypto alone can't save the world; it's 
 necessary, but far from sufficient.
For this to work requires more than the users to not check the certificate.
It requires them to deliberately ignore a warning from the browser.

To whit, if you attempt to connect to a site where the domain name
you enter in the URL does not match the certificate (i.e. the
Common Name), then Netscape brings up a dialog like:

The certificate that the site '' has presented does not
contain the correct site name. It is possible, though unlikely, that
someone may be trying to intercept your communication with this
site. If you suspect the certificate shown below does not belong to
the site you are connecting with, please cancel the connection and
notify the site administrator.

Now, I wish this were phrased more strongly, but I think it 
makes the point fairly clearly. 

At one point, IE wouldn't even give you the option of continuing
the connection. I'm not sure what it does now.

Now, this does require that the CAs that your browser trusts follow
the Common Name=domain name convention, but that's just a special
case of trusting your CAs.

Incidentally, the current HTTP/TLS draft (draft-ietf-tls-https-02.txt)
requires that the browser check the cert against the domain name
but provides a slightly more complicated check favoring subjectAltName
over CN.


[Eric Rescorla   [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  PureTLS - free SSLv3/TLS software for Java

Re: going around the crypto

1999-08-14 Thread EKR

"Steven M. Bellovin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Now, this does require that the CAs that your browser trusts follow
  the Common Name=domain name convention, but that's just a special
  case of trusting your CAs.
 The attacker could also present a certficate from a fake CA with an 
 appropriate name -- say, "Netscape Security Services", or something that
 plays on the site name they're trying to impersonate -- "Amazon.Com Encryption
 Certification Center" if someone is trying to reach or some such.
Right. In which case Netscape brings up a different dialog which
says that the server certificate is signed by an unrecognized
CA. Again, you can proceed, but it's not like it's automatic.

I'm fairly sure that IE refuses to connect at all.


[Eric Rescorla   [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  PureTLS - free SSLv3/TLS software for Java

Re: going around the crypto

1999-08-14 Thread MIKE SHAW

Right.  But to do that you would most have to install your
homemade CA root cert on their browser, which would probably tip off
most users (at least a few customer would call clueless as to how to install
a CA--I know ours would).  The only CAs with commonly accepted root certs
wouldn't let you get one from them without checking your credentials first.
So it looks like unless you compromised the target server first and somehow
stole their SSL certificate, you'd have to create your own that matched the
domain name and that would make the exploit very untransparent to the
exploited user.  Unless of course, there is an easy way to make commonly
accepted certificates without authentication--which would be a fatal flaw in
the whole protocol.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not downplaying the significance of the L0pht's
advisory at all.  I'm just trying to get a grasp on the implications.


Not as a proxy, since that's a different protocol from the host, but as the 
end-system.  Yes, you have to issue yourself a fake certificate, but I suspect 
that that's not an insurmountable problem.  And of course, that certificate is 
signed by someone you've invented with a plausible name -- probably something 
corresponding to the name of the site you're impersonating.  Say, " 
Electronic Security Services" or some such.

Re: going around the crypto

1999-08-14 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], EKR writes:
 "Steven M. Bellovin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Now, this does require that the CAs that your browser trusts follow
   the Common Name=domain name convention, but that's just a special
   case of trusting your CAs.
  The attacker could also present a certficate from a fake CA with an 
  appropriate name -- say, "Netscape Security Services", or something that
  plays on the site name they're trying to impersonate -- "Amazon.Com Encrypt
  Certification Center" if someone is trying to reach or some such
 Right. In which case Netscape brings up a different dialog which
 says that the server certificate is signed by an unrecognized
 CA. Again, you can proceed, but it's not like it's automatic.

It's clearly not automatic, but I suspect it would work

RE: going around the crypto

1999-08-14 Thread Tim Dierks

I haven't looked at the l0pht page yet, but you should be aware that the
browser checks the certificate so the user doesn't have to, under most
circumstances. The browser will display an alert if the hostname in the URL
doesn't matche the commonName in the certificate or if the certificate is
not issued by a trusted CA.

Thus, unless the man-in-the-middle can produce such a certificate, which
will require fooling a CA into giving him one, the client will not quietly
negotiate with him, believing they're talking to the end server. If he can
get such a certificate, that's an attack against the PKI, not the protocol.

Two significant dangers with SSL as deployed today:

 1) The certificate is checked against the URL, so the security mechanism is
built upon the URL reflecting the user's intent. If the user doesn't display
the URL, doesn't check it, or is fooled by a plausible yet incorrect URL,
they will not be protected by the protocol or the PKI. (Note that this would
require the user to be directed to the bad URL, although that could probably
be done by modifying insecure web pages with links to secure ones.)

 2) Most browsers extant do not check CRLs and most certificates don't have
CRL distribution point extensions, so certificates cannot, in practice, be

Tim Dierks
VP of Engineering, Certicom
510.780.5409 [Hayward] -- 905.501.3791 [Mississauga]

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Steven M. Bellovin
 Sent: Friday, August 13, 1999 7:17 AM
 Subject: going around the crypto

 The L0pht has issued a new advisory for an routing-type attack that can,
 they say, allow for man-in-the-middle attacks against
 SSL-protected sessions

 The implication -- that there's a flaw in SSL -- is probably wrong.  But
 they're dead-on right that there's a real risk of
 man-in-the-middle attacks,
 because the attacker can go around the crypto.

 By sending the proper ICMP packets to a vulnerable host (most
 Windows 95/98
 boxes, and some Solaris/SunOS systems), outbound traffic can be
 routed to an
 attacker's machine.  This machine can pretend to be the destination of
 the SSL-protected call; it in turn calls the real destination.

 The obvious protection is for users to check the certificate.
 Most users, of
 course, don't even know what a certificate is, let alone what the
 grounds are
 for accepting one.  It would also help if servers used client-side
 certificates for authentication, since the man-in-the-middle can't spoof
 the user's certificate.  But almost no servers do that.

 This is why I wrote, a year ago, that we effectively have no PKI
 for the Web.
 It also underscores the importance of looking at the entire
 system design,
 rather than just the crypto.  Crypto alone can't save the world; it's
 necessary, but far from sufficient.

Re: going around the crypto

1999-08-14 Thread Peter Gutmann

"Steven M. Bellovin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The obvious protection is for users to check the certificate.  Most users, of
course, don't even know what a certificate is, let alone what the grounds are
for accepting one.  It would also help if servers used client-side
certificates for authentication, since the man-in-the-middle can't spoof
the user's certificate.  But almost no servers do that.

This isn't really a problem with the servers though, the problem lies in the 
fact that client-side certs are (effectively) unworkable.  I know of a number
of organisations who wanted to use them and ran into so many problems just
with pilots involving small numbers of (presumably) experienced users that 
they gave up on trying to deploy them to the masses.  If we had an all-
encompassing PKI (ie.if cert management was easy) and if we could assume 
technically clueful users and if those users really cared about security 
(rather than seeing it as an impediment to getting their work done, which it 
often is), then client-side certs would be feasible.  At the moment they're
just not workable except within closed communities where you can control a lot
of the parameters (you run the PKI, you vet the users, and you tell them you
won't talk to them unless they take the appropriate security precautions and
hope you don't have competitors who'll let them in without this).

The ideal interface for this sort of thing would be a magic box (which could 
be shaped like a smart card, but could be something else) with pre-generated
certificates which the user can't delete, mangle, or lose (a number of 
European countries are aready going down this path), with a "Press button to 
authenticate yourself" sign which lights up when client-side authentication 
is needed.  Smart cards with thumbprint readers are one step in this 
direction, although they're currently prohibitively expensive.


Re: going around the crypto

1999-08-14 Thread Tom Weinstein

"Steven M. Bellovin" wrote:
 The obvious protection is for users to check the certificate.  Most users, of
 course, don't even know what a certificate is, let alone what the grounds are
 for accepting one.  It would also help if servers used client-side
 certificates for authentication, since the man-in-the-middle can't spoof
 the user's certificate.  But almost no servers do that.

The user doesn't need to check the certificate.  Certificates for HTTP servers
contain the host name of the machine they certify.  The web browser checks the
hostname in the certificate against the hostname in the URL.  All the user must
do is check the hostname in the URL that is displayed on his screen.

What is appropriate for the master is not appropriate| Tom Weinstein
for the novice.  You must understand Tao before  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
transcending structure.  -- The Tao of Programming   |

Re: going around the crypto

1999-08-14 Thread Michael Helm

   The attacker could also present a certficate from a fake CA with an 
   appropriate name -- say, "Netscape Security Services", or something that
  Right. In which case Netscape brings up a different dialog which
  says that the server certificate is signed by an unrecognized
  CA. Again, you can proceed, but it's not like it's automatic.
 It's clearly not automatic, but I suspect it would work

In many organizations which have attempted  to do pki,
it is often the case that a home-made certificate authority
with a self-signed root CA certificate is created that issues
in-house certificates for servers, clients, or whatever.
But many of those orgs. have found distributing the root CA certificate
very problematical, with the result that these acceptance dialogs 
alluded to above becomes routine to the user community.  The first
time this happens you probably look at what the many pop up windows
are saying, puzzle over them,  even dial up the local help desk.  The
tenth time you just hold down the mouse button  whip thru it.