Re: [cryptography] best practices for hostname validation when using JSSE

2013-08-09 Thread Tim Dierks
I added a comment on your Stack Overflow post (incorrectly closed, IMHO,
but the SO crowd can be prickly).

The right thing to do depends on knowing a couple more details:
 1. Where are you getting your certificates?
 2. What's the best way to name the servers you trust?

Since you have a proprietary protocol, the easiest thing to do is make sure
the cert chains up to a root you trust (ideally not system-installed roots,
because nobody knows how deep the sewage flows there—the only exception
would be if you want to delegate trust issues to a user of your software
who might be expected to manage their own trustpoints using system
configuration tools, but that gives me the willies). Then make sure the
name on the cert matches the name of who you think you're communicating
with (could be DNS name, or some other identification of the entity); if
you may want to use SSL libraries which check certs and which are designed
for HTTPS, you probably want to use the DNS name.

I don't know enough about JSSE-specific implementation to be able to give
you a precise answer.

 - Tim

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Patrick Pelletier

 One thing mentioned in the Most Dangerous Code in the World paper (and
 I've verified experimentally) is that JSSE doesn't validate the hostname
 against the X.509 certificate, so if one uses JSSE naively, one is open to
 man-in-the-middle attacks.  The best solution I've been able to figure out
 is to borrow the hostname validation code from Apache HttpComponents.
  But I'm curious what other people who use JSSE are doing, and if there's a
 best practice for doing this.

 Apologies if this isn't on-topic for this list; I know you guys mostly
 discuss higher-level issues, rather than APIs.  I already tried asking on
 Stack Overflow, and they said it was off-topic for Stack Overflow:

 So, a meta-question would be: where is the right place to ask this
 question?  I haven't been able to find a JSSE-specific mailing list.



 cryptography mailing list

cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Can there be a cryptographic dead man switch?

2012-09-19 Thread Tim Dierks
On Sep 19, 2012, at 4:48 PM, wrote:
 Every three months I, the Grantor, encrypt my secret in a new
 secret-encrypting-key and place that secret in my box. (I keep my box
 away from others - maybe put it in a safe).

 I also encrypt that secret-encrypting key in a public key but not too
 strong a public key, one that can be broken in three months time.

 I then throw away the private key to that public key (I don't need it,
 I know my secret).

 I give the public-key encrypted secret-encrypting key to the trustee,
 heck I can publish it on the web if I want.

 If I should die, I will stop re-encrypting the secret and the trustee
 (that I never really trusted) can break the public key and get to the

This doesn't work or doesn't help. If the trustee doesn't have
access to the safe until after you're dead, then the encryption is
unimportant: just keep your secrets in the safe unencrypted. If they
can access the encrypted message before your dead, they can decrypt it
in a few months, even if you stay on the right side of the grass.

Separately, I think it's impracticable to know the available
computation time for key breaking, so it's difficult to estimate how
long it will take the trustee to recover the message after gaining
access to the encrypted message.

I don't know of any way to solve the original problem other than
changing the framing to allow somewhat trusted third parties
(distribute secret shares to a dozen people, requiring 10 of them to
agree to recover the decryption key, hope that they don't conspire to
recover it until after you're dead), having access to a secure agent
(software running somewhere that releases the secret if you don't
check in for 30 days), or the ability to invalidate an old secret
store (e.g., physically hide the secret somewhere, move it every 30
days, and encrypt the location with a 60-day weak key, but see the
above challenge of predicting how long it will take to crack--a key
long enough to be safe for 60 days against all attackers may take your
trustee a couple of years to crack once you're dead).

 - Tim
cryptography mailing list

[cryptography] Why do scammers say they're from Nigeria?

2012-06-20 Thread Tim Dierks
This is an interesting paper that presumably has implications for other
social engineering schemes beside financial scammers:

False positives cause many promising detection technologies to be
unworkable in practice. Attackers, we show, face this problem too. In
deciding who to attack true positives are targets successfully attacked,
while false positives are those that are attacked but yield nothing.

This allows us to view the attacker’s problem as a binary classification.
The most profitable strategy requires accurately distinguishing viable from
non-viable users, and balancing the relative costs of true and
false positives. We show that as victim density decreases the fraction of
viable users than can be profitably attacked drops dramatically. For
example, a 10× reduction in density can produce a 1000× reduction in the
number of victims found. At very low victim densities the attacker faces a
seemingly intractable Catch-22: unless he can distinguish viable from
non-viable users with great accuracy the attacker cannot find enough victims
to be profitable. However, only by finding large numbers of victims can he
learn how to accurately distinguish the two.

Finally, this approach suggests an answer to the question in the title.
Far-fetched tales of West African riches strike most as comical. Our
analysis suggests that is an advantage to the attacker, not a disadvantage.
Since his attack has a low density of victims the Nigerian scammer has an
over-riding need to reduce false positives. By sending an email that repels
all but the most gullible the scammer gets the most promising marks
to self-select, and tilts the true to false positive ratio in his favor.

 - Tim
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] Intel RNG

2012-06-18 Thread Tim Dierks
On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 2:51 PM, Matthew Green matthewdgr...@gmail.comwrote:

 I think that Jack said most of what I would. The incentives all point in
 the wrong direction.

While this is all true, it's also why manufacturers who want persuasive
analysis of their products hire consulting vendors with a brand and track
record strong enough that the end consumer can plausibly believe that their
reputational risk outweighs the manufacturer's desire for a good report.
Cryptography Research is such a vendor. It's reasonable to take a
manufacturer-funded report with a grain of salt, but when consuming any
information, you also have to worry about issues like incompetence and
less-visible incentives that tilt the comprehension or presentation of

I think taking this report as presumed correct is good enough for most
users to rely upon, but if I was a high-value user with a comparable
budget, I'd consider further investigation.

 - Tim
cryptography mailing list

[cryptography] Voynich Manuscript now online

2011-11-29 Thread Tim Dierks
An interesting item in the historical record, even if it's not actually a
code (this is my understanding of the current best hypothesis):

 - Tim
cryptography mailing list

Re: [cryptography] obfuscating symbols without increasing their size

2011-01-19 Thread Tim Dierks
On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 9:31 PM,

 On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 12:49:26PM +1100, Noon Silk wrote:
  Sounds to me like the simplist solution is just a one-time pad[1]. It
  won't increase the size, and from the sounds of your environment, you
  can just keep the keys locally, and use them only when you do the
  debugging. But perhaps I'm misunderstanding your question.

 Yeah, I knew people would tend not to answer my question and simply
 provide solutions which won't work due to the context.  But possibly
 someone will give me something I haven't thought of, so let me explain

 OTP won't work - simply XORing a printable character with a non-printable
 won't guarantee a printable, for example, and symbols have to be printable.

 It'd be much simpler to just map symbols to ordinal values, but that
 has the following problem:

 The releases may have different sets of symbols, in different orders.

 Furthermore, the symbols have to map to the same thing on subsequent
 releases so crashes can be correlated across releases.

 Finally, it's a burden for data to have to be propogated from the
 obfuscation run on one release to the next.  They might be done by
 different groups who don't normally communicate, for example, or there
 could be release of different branches so no strict ordering in place
 (apart from temporal, and that's kinda hard to enforce; one person
 fails to update the obfuscated symbol mapping, or whatever shared
 state is supposed to be passed along, and everything's hosed).

Do the following:
 1. You will need to make a choice of either leaking identifier length, or
having a maximum identifier length. This is because an encryption algorithm
is a reversible mapping, and needs to operate over a finite set of elements.
You can either have a distinct set for each identifier length or have a
single set which has a finite number of possible elements thanks to the raw
token length being constrained. If there are resource constraints (e.g.
tokens can be a significant fraction library size), be prepared for the
likelihood that if you take the second path (not leaking token size), that
all of your encrypted tokens will be near the maximum size (so, if you pick
100-character max size, so you won't constrain your programmers, expect that
encrypted tokens will all be close to 100 characters long).

 2. Develop a one-to-one mapping between symbols expressible in your grammar
and numeric values with a finite scope. For example, let's say symbols are
C++-legal tokens, which can begin with a letter or _ (case-sensitive, 53
alternatives) and then each following character can be a letter, a digit, or
an underscore (63 alternatives). In that case, you could derive a value by
mapping each character to a value 0-63 (where the digit characters are
mapped to values 54-63) and construct a numeric value for the token as
 * c_i is the numeric value for character i of the token (where c_0 is the
first character)
 * the value of the token = c_0 + c_1 * 53 + c_2 * (53 * 63) + c_3 * (53 *
63^2) + ...  + c_n * (53 * 63^(n-1))
 * (This is the same as constructing a number which is base 63, except for
being base 53 in the least-significant digit).
For more complex grammars, it can be more challenging to construct the
mapping, but it should be possible.

 3. You now have a bidirectional mapping between legal tokens and values
0..MAX, where MAX is the token with the highest possible value (c_0..c_n are
each selected to be 53 or 63, as appropriate, in our example).

 4. You can now construct an encryption algorithm which encrypts within this
set. Alternatives include:
  a. Express the value as a bitstring of n bits long (where 2^(n-1) = MAX 
2^n), and construct an n-bit block cipher using a balanced or unbalanced
Feistel construction, where you can use a strong block cipher (e.g. AES) as
the f() function and require only a few rounds (I don't recall the minimum
for strong security, 3 or 4). If the encrypted value is greater than MAX,
encrypt again until it is not; this will require, on average, less than 2
applications of the block cipher before you get a value = MAX. Then,
reverse the token encoding to get a random-looking token that can be
decrypted by reversing the procedure.
  b. Express the value as a bitstring and use a stream cipher. Similarly, if
the encrypted value ends up overflowing MAX, reencrypt until it doesn't.
You'll need to rekey the cipher for each token, so create a salt from the
original token, perhaps by hashing it with SHA-1 or similar, and take a
certain number of the bits (suitable to minimize the possibility of salt
collision across the number of tokens to be encrypted with a single key).
Map the salt to token-legal grammar and emit encoded tokens by prepending
the salt to your (token-encoded) encrypted result (you may need something
somewhat more complex for certain token grammars).

I hope 

Re: [cryptography] obfuscating symbols without increasing their size

2011-01-19 Thread Tim Dierks
On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:37 PM,

   4. You can now construct an encryption algorithm which encrypts within
  set. Alternatives include:

 Ah, I hadn't considered the re-hashing until it fell within range.

 But why do I not see cryptographically-strong permutations for sets
 with cardinality other than 2^n?  It seems like a very natural
 primitive for certain things, albeit not for passing octet streams.
 Seems like academics would be all over that like wet on water.  Maybe
 I'm just not googling the right things, or looking in the right

I wrote an essay on this once, but I can't find it now. I had diagrams 

You can avoid the rehashing by building a feistel-constructed block cipher
that works modulo N, with addition as the mixing operator rather than XOR.
For example, if you wanted to encrypt 8-character C++ identifiers
(cardinality of the set = 53*63^7 = 208765973875851), then you can, in each
round, split into two unbalanced halves (left = v / 63^4 (truncating
division); right = v % 63^4); then, the left has values 0..13252490, and the
right has values 0..15752960. In each round, you calculate f(right), where f
is a cryptographically mostly-secure keyed mapping (not necessarily
reversible) from the values 0..15752960 to 0..13252490. For our purposes,
AES-encrypting the right side and then reducing the result modulo 13252491
is probably fine; it's not a perfectly balanced value, but I'm guessing it's
enough for your purposes; even if it weren't, it's nothing that a few more
rounds wouldn't fix. The output of the round is right * 13252491 + (f(right)
+ left) % 13252491.

I found linked-to from
the Wikipedia Feistel cipher article. It has some citations that will get
you further in the literature.

 - Tim
cryptography mailing list