[css-d] Int. Explorer 7 - need help

2007-05-31 Thread Trish Meyer
Hi all,

(I just realized I sent this to the Web Design list by mistake, sorry 
if you get it twice)

I design on Mac, and have IE6 on the one XP box we have. I always 
test and fix my CSS on IE6 on XP of course, but have no way to also 
test on IE7.

I was at my doc's office today, and he let me pull up the VIVA 
Gallery site to see how it looked on IE7.

Unfortunately, images were spilling out of the main content area, 
obscuring the sidebar text.

Can someone with IE7 confirm this problem? see

If you want to see more examples, go to Exhibits and click on any 
archived art show. They all have the same structure.

The structure is a 3-col fluid center (with min. width set with the 
Project 7 script, if that matters).

The CSS is at

I think the major structure worth mentioning is as follows and is 
pasted below. From what I can tell, the div#photogallery is expanding 
wider than it should, allowing one more #photobox to be included in 
the #content area, and this last photobox spills out and draws over 
the #sidebar.

/* *** left column -  (left nav column is outside #wrapper so may be 
unimportant?) *** */
div#nav {
position: absolute;
width: 150px;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
top: 174px;
left: 0px;
z-index: 10; /* needs to be in front! */

/* *** wrapper includes main content and sidebar*** */
div#wrapper {
position: relative;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
min-width: 850px; /* goes in P7_setMinWidth script too */
width: auto;
top: 0px; /* changed in revision 1-2-06 */
height: auto;
left: 0px;

/* *** right column structure *** */
div#sidebar {  /* container for individual sidebar boxes */
position: absolute;
top: 4px;
right: 10px;
float: right;
margin: 0px;
width: 225px;

/* *** content structure *** */
#content, #contentwide {
margin: 0px 245px 10px 166px;
padding: 0 4px 0 10px;
position: relative;

/* *** styling for photoboxes *** */
div#photogallery { /* wraps around all photoboxes */
width: 95%;
position: relative;

div.photobox { /* default is 3 credit lines in boxes */
float: left;
margin: 5px 15px 5px 0px;
background-color: #FF;
width: 242px;
height: 290px;
border: 0px solid silver;
text-align: center;
padding-bottom: 6px;

If anyone could point out where to start looking, or links, or things 
to try, I would be very very very grateful.


Trish Meyer, Webmaster
VIVA Gallery
The Valley Institute of Visual Arts
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Re: [css-d] Need help with funny headline hover

2007-05-31 Thread Christine Masters

Note that, in Firefox, a black underline is supposed to show up when you 
hover over the headlines in the "breaking news" section. It works this way
in IE.


First you have a comment before your doctype declaration.  A comment, or
anything at all before the Doctype declaration puts IE6 in "quirks" mode,
whereas Firefox renders in standards mode, so the differences between
browsers will be even larger than usual.  

Second, you have a couple of html errors.  When I run it through the tidy
extension that corrects the rendering in firefox to be the way you like it.
So fix your html up and remove that comment at the start and see how that


Thank you! Although I can't change much of the code because it is part of a
CMS (like the comment before the doctype) - the problem was that my doctype
needed to be strict. Thanks again!



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Re: [css-d] Problem with web site: column not expanding (FF)

2007-05-31 Thread wilsoncpu

 That helps a lot, makes the container long enough. So far, terrific!  You guys 
are the best...

The only remaining point is the "footer" doesn't go to the bottom of the 
container as I'd like, but floats up under the right column, overlapping the 
edge of the left column; if the left column text got long enough, the footer 
would still overlap it.
I _could_ put the footer under the right column rather than center it under 
both, but I'd really like it to be a "real" footer, full width of the 
container. Any further ideas?


Mark Wilson, Computer Programming Unlimited
Web: http://www.cpuworks.com/
Our motto: "Getting the Job Done"



-Original Message-
From: Mauricio Samy Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed, 30 May 2007 8:50 pm
Subject: Re: [css-d] Problem with web site: column not expanding (FF)


> Here's the problem URL: http://marathoncharitypartners.org/coaches.php 


Hi Wilson, 

Clear the DIV container adding the following: 

#container { 





Maurício Samy Silva 



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Re: [css-d] Layout issues

2007-05-31 Thread Lori Lay
jana coyle wrote:
> Here is my site http://www.precisemessenger.com/private/help4.html
> I have a problem with getting text to align where I want it.
> On the top of the page The links Home, About Us and Contact are not centered 
> inbetween the lines.

You've only specified left padding on your anchor elements.  Specify an 
equal amount of right padding and they will be centred.

> The select a size form and add to cart are not centered under the price $2.95
Don't see this element.
> Image description is not centered under the square image 1 and the spaces 
> between image description, product photos(click here), available colors and 
> the color squares are to far apart.
Why would you expect it to be?  You haven't given any styles to the 
paragraph element in the thumbnailtext division.  You've given 
productphotos and shirtcolors an auto margin on all sides.  If you 
wanted to centre these divisions, then it should only be the right and 
left margins that are auto, not all.  Of course, this will only work 
under compliant browsers.  You'll have to feed text-align: center to 
IE.  (I see you have it on shirtcolors, but not productphotos).

You have some validation errors that may also cause trouble.

> I have been trying for two days to work these problems out.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
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Re: [css-d] Need help with funny headline hover

2007-05-31 Thread Ed Seehouse
On 5/31/07, Christine Masters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I've got a test site up to isolate this particular problem, which you can
> see here:
> http://cmasters.townnews.com/test
> Note that, in Firefox, a black underline is supposed to show up when you
> hover over the headlines in the "breaking news" section. It works this way
> in IE.

First you have a comment before your doctype declaration.  A comment, or
anything at all before the Doctype declaration puts IE6 in "quirks" mode,
whereas Firefox renders in standards mode, so the differences between
browsers will be even larger than usual.

Second, you have a couple of html errors.  When I run it through the tidy
extension that corrects the rendering in firefox to be the way you like it.
So fix your html up and remove that comment at the start and see how that

Ed Seedhouse
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] content boxes sitting o/s

2007-05-31 Thread Lori Lay
Fiona wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just joined the list and am new to CSS.  I am trying to build my 
> first site with it and have run into a few problems.
> I have uploaded the page to www.fionahayward.com
> In IE7 the left and right content divs (maincontent and rightportfolio) sit 
> inside the container div like they are supposed to, but when I look in 
> Firefox, they are sitting outside of the main container.

I'm not seeing the behaviour you describe under FF 2/Mac.  It looks fine.

> The CSS is embedded in the head.
> Also, if I wanted to put a footer at the bottom of the maincontent div (on 
> the left), but don't want it to go under the right content box, how would I 
> do that, but just sit level with the bottom of the rightportfolio div? (I 
> hope that makes sense)

Try moving the rightportfolio division above your maincontent div.  
Create a new wrapper division and put maincontent and the footer in it.  
You will probably need to replicate some of the styles from maincontent 
to the new wrapper division (like float: left for example, new value for 

> Any help would be appreciated.
> Regards
> Fiona 
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[css-d] Need help with funny headline hover

2007-05-31 Thread Christine Masters
Hi everyone!

I've got a test site up to isolate this particular problem, which you can
see here:


Note that, in Firefox, a black underline is supposed to show up when you
hover over the headlines in the "breaking news" section. It works this way
in IE.

However, in Firefox the line doesn't go all the way across the headline. It
just ends up underneath like one or two words. Or sometimes it doesn't show
up at all.

Even if I create a universal a:hover with color and underline, it still
doesn't go across the entire headline.

I'm new to CSS so I'm sure it is a typo or something just as silly, but I'm
hoping y'all can save me some time. Is there any way to fix this? Any
suggestions are very welcome!

Note that I'm on a content management system and there are some coding
things that I cannot change.

Christine Masters, Senior Project Manager
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 1-800-293-9576 x1022
"Online Solutions, Bottom-Line Results."

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Re: [css-d] My list looks crap. Will altering display help?

2007-05-31 Thread Roger Roelofs

On May 31, 2007, at 12:09 PM, Christopher Blake wrote:

> http://www.3pointdesign.com/home/links.html
> http://www.3pointdesign.com/styles/one.css (This is turning into a
> massive page so where you need to look is just below half way) or..
> at the end of email in red.
> What i would like to do is have any second lines of describing text
> start after the link / below where the first line starts.

You can get sort of what you want with the following...

.container h2 { clear: left; }

.arrowlinks p{
   width: 70%;
   margin-top: 0;
   padding-left: 10px;
   float: left;

.arrowlinks a{
   width: 22%;
   margin: 0;
   padding: 0;
   padding-left: 18px;
   float: left;
   clear: left;
   background: url(../images/small-blue-arrow.gif) no-repeat;

Roger Roelofs

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Re: [css-d] @import not validating?

2007-05-31 Thread Mauricio Samy Silva
- Original Message - 
From: "Eystein Alnaes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The validator reports:
> Parse error - Unrecognized @import url(reset.css);
> url:
> http://www.eystein.no/testing/Styles/style.css

Hi Eysten,
I'm puzzeled.

Your CSS validates.
I just submit your CSS URI at: http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
and  receive a "Congratulations! No Error Found." report.

I also ask the validator to check CSS for http://www.eystein.no/testing
and all goes OK.

Maurício Samy Silva

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] @import not validating?

2007-05-31 Thread Eystein Alnaes
> > I'm using @import url(reset.css); on the first line of my stylesheet, but
> > the W3C CSS validator sees this as an error.
> What did the validator report? And, most importantly, what's the URL of
> your stylesheet? Without it, I don't think we can get anywhere, since the
> @import construct as such is correct - the problem is lurking elsewhere.

The validator reports:
Parse error - Unrecognized @import url(reset.css);
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Re: [css-d] @import not validating?

2007-05-31 Thread Jukka K. Korpela
On Thu, 31 May 2007, Eystein Alnaes wrote:

> I'm using @import url(reset.css); on the first line of my stylesheet, but
> the W3C CSS validator sees this as an error.

What did the validator report? And, most importantly, what's the URL of 
your stylesheet? Without it, I don't think we can get anywhere, since the 
@import construct as such is correct - the problem is lurking elsewhere.

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] @import not validating?

2007-05-31 Thread Eystein Alnaes
On 5/31/07, Eystein Alnaes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I'm using @import url(reset.css); on the first line of my stylesheet,
> > > but the W3C CSS validator sees this as an error.
> >I think this is right. I got the same error though
> >Here is some reading
> >http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2 /cascade.html#at-import
> >
> > http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=ImportHack
> > http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS1#basic-concepts

 From this I'd think there shouldn't be an error. Some further info
 though. Using the webdeveloper extension in Firefox to "Validate CSS"
 it validates, but using "Validate Local CSS" it doesn't. Also don't
 validate when copy-pasting the CSS stright into the W3C checker.

 Also using quotes url("reset.css") seems to help slightly, but still not there.
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Re: [css-d] tag

2007-05-31 Thread Ian Young
 Subject: Re: [css-d]  tag
> Diego Muñiz wrote:
> It's better if you use elements in your markup instead of adding
> more stuffs
> > only for "look" purposes, so like Ian said is better if you
> give a URL to
> > see the problem.
> Hello,
> Sorry I thought I had given one:
> http://www.linkhomes2000.co.uk/trials/tryagain-index-3.php

Here is a very simple example


Taken the fieldset out and added border-bottom to delineate the elements.

Is this what you want?

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Re: [css-d] Link disabled in IE, Suckerfish problem in Safari

2007-05-31 Thread Ingo Chao
Tom McNeer wrote:
> Hi,
> I posted these issues yesterday and got a few kind responses. Unfortunately,
> none of them solved the issues. I'd appreciate any input you folks can give.
> I would appreciate it if anyone interested would quickly scan through
> http://ids.mediumcool.com.
> I think most cross-browser issues are solved -- except for two.
> First, on any page below the home page, there is a bread crumb trail. In IE6
> and 7, the first link in the trail -- Home -- is not activated as a link.
> ...

The span .breadCrumb needs haslayout, it has a negative margin, and the 
link inside doesn't get it without.

> Second, I am using the son of Suckerfish menus. In Safari, when you move
> over a choice to reveal the submenu, things appear okay -- until you move
> onto one of the submenu's choices. Then the list item "expands," showing
> more width to the right, and that extended area remains visible even after
> the submenu is closed. ...

Safari does not like the absolutely positioned second level UL to be 
smaller than its LI.

you have

#nav li ul {
left: -999em;

#nav li ul li {
border-left:3px solid #72;

The 108px LI is wider than the 10em+10px UL (depending on the text 
zoom). Safari looses track while offsetting the parent by left:-999em -> 
0; on hover.


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] @import not validating?

2007-05-31 Thread Eystein Alnaes
I'm using @import url(reset.css); on the first line of my stylesheet, but
the W3C CSS validator sees this as an error. Is this correct? If so, is
there a way to validate it? I tried setting the full url, but that didn't

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[css-d] Problems with menu in IE but not Firefox. display/block IE problem?

2007-05-31 Thread Sarah Atkinson
I'm starting back using CSS after a bit of a hiatus. 

I am currently creating an exotic concoction of html, PHP, JavaScript,
and CSS. But alas apparently my web martini is an olive short of IE. 

My problem lies in my accordion menus. For them I started with a
Dreamweaver ad-on by ProjectVII, and then tweaked the S out of their

The main line is set with a background and ... well her is the CSS

Hybrid Components

H3 a{
font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

#p7ABW1 .p7ABtrig a, #p7ABW2 .p7ABtrig a,
#p7ABW3 .p7ABtrig a, #p7ABW4 .p7ABtrig a,
#p7ABW5 .p7ABtrig a, #p7ABW6 .p7ABtrig a,
#p7ABW7 .p7ABtrig a, #p7ABW8 .p7ABtrig a,
#p7ABW9 .p7ABtrig a, #p7ABW10 .p7ABtrig a 
display: block;
text-decoration: none;
padding: 4px 6px 4px 10px;
color: #33;
background-color: #CC;
border-top: 1px solid #FF;

Now in our favorite IE 7 the there are 2 problems.
1. The background color does not stretch to the end of the div (I'm
thinking this is a "display:block;" problem
2. In IE 7 the menu "jumps" left to right between opening and closing of
the sections. (I'm guessing this is either a JS problem or a CSS
padding/margin problem of course I suppose it could be a IE problem.
like those never occur)

The stuff works fine in Firefox. And the menus work fine if opened only
by themselves in IE. But when I combine everything together they flop.

Here are some links: 
Main page with everything together:

Accordion menus alone:


All CSS pages

http://www.2spoileddogs.com /css_include.inc.php
http://www.2spoileddogs.com /extraneous.css
http://www.2spoileddogs.com /p7ap/ p7ap_05.css

And yes I do know "Acordian" is spelled wrong. But besides me you're the
only ones who will see those names so I took Webmaster's privilege and
decided to spell them the way I wanted to.

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Re: [css-d] Jittery Scrollbar in IE6/7

2007-05-31 Thread Ingo Chao
Jake McGraw wrote:
> ...
> Point your browsers (IE6 or 7) to
> http://ww1.innovationads.com/employment/new-york#162
> Anyone else notice that the scroll bar if dancing around? Anyone know how to
> fix this?
> I think the issue stems from the fact we're hiding some div's inside of an
> overflow:auto; div and then using JavaScript to show / hide based on clicks.
> If anyone can help it'd be much appreciated.
> - jake

Yes, the scrollbar is jittering. I don't know how to fix it. The JS in 
gotoHash() seems to set all the postings_.style.display to "none" and 
then the indexed posting back to "block". Maybe this makes the scrollbar 
go mad, since the routine seems to call itself once every 100ms.

I wrote "seems to" since I couldn't tell the difference between JS and 
VBA ... ok, but I believe your question isn't a CSS question:


Back to CSS, I think you should test your footer menu in Mac browsers 
too, since it wraps into a new line (IPMStm sits under Home)


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] tag

2007-05-31 Thread grovesdavid
Diego Muñiz wrote:

It's better if you use elements in your markup instead of adding more stuffs
> only for "look" purposes, so like Ian said is better if you give a URL to
> see the problem.


Sorry I thought I had given one:



David G)

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] [ADMIN] Re: Importing style sheets and vhosts

2007-05-31 Thread Simon Tiplady | Forums
Whilst it is difficult to say without a URL, I fail to see how this is
anything server side related, Apache or otherwise.
All web hosts and shared servers use vhosts so this can not be the problem.
I am involved in everything from server administration to website design and
maintenance depending on what day of the week it is and who's paying me and
I've not seen this before, I suspect its just a misuse of the import
command, it is definitely nothing to do with SSI or CGI.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alex Robinson
Sent: 31 May 2007 19:17
To: John Tice; css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Subject: [css-d] [ADMIN] Re: Importing style sheets and vhosts

At 12:45 -0400 31/5/07, John Tice wrote:
>Using a vhost setup in OS X (10.4.8) with Apache it seems that i cannot 
>use @import to modularize css. Has anyone here ever tackled this issue? 
>I do have SSI and CGI enabled and it pulls the html pages into the 
>document just fine. Is there something else to configure or is this not 
>ever going to work?

As David Dorward has just suggested, please supply a URL. It's very
difficult for anyone to say what's happening without one.

In the absence of a URL though, can people please continue this offlist
directly with John. Until we have a URL this is an Apache configuration
issue, not a CSS one. And if that is the case, it's off topic here, and an
Apache list would be a much better place to ask.

Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Something weird is happening with my h2

2007-05-31 Thread Jukka K. Korpela
On Thu, 31 May 2007, Christopher Blake wrote:

> I was under the impression that h2 could be used repeatedly on a
> page.

Surely it can. In fact, since it indicates second level heading, a page 
that contains an h2 element usually contains more of them.

> It works fine on all my other pages, but now it is in the same
> div it seems to be behaving irrationally (well to me anyway =).

What do you mean by irrational behvior here?

> Have a look ---> http://www.3pointdesign.com/home/links.html
> The problem is in the last container on the left.

I looked at it on IE 7 and on FF 2 and cannot see what you see as the 
problem. Perhaps the headings after "Links and Descriptions" should look 
like lower-level headings (third-level), but I don't see any attempt at 
that (and I would then expect them to be marked up as h3).

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] [ADMIN] Re: Importing style sheets and vhosts

2007-05-31 Thread Alex Robinson
At 12:45 -0400 31/5/07, John Tice wrote:
>Using a vhost setup in OS X (10.4.8) with Apache it seems that i
>cannot use @import to modularize css. Has anyone here ever tackled
>this issue? I do have SSI and CGI enabled and it pulls the html pages
>into the document just fine. Is there something else to configure or
>is this not ever going to work?

As David Dorward has just suggested, please supply a URL. It's very 
difficult for anyone to say what's happening without one.

In the absence of a URL though, can people please continue this 
offlist directly with John. Until we have a URL this is an Apache 
configuration issue, not a CSS one. And if that is the case, it's off 
topic here, and an Apache list would be a much better place to ask.

Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Importing style sheets and vhosts

2007-05-31 Thread John Tice
Thanks for the response... it's now working fine. it was a typo that  
i didn't catch till the third look.

On May 31, 2007, at 12:53 PM, David Dorward wrote:

> On 31/05/07, John Tice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Using a vhost setup in OS X (10.4.8) with Apache it seems that i
>> cannot use @import to modularize css.
> I can't see any reason why @import failing to work might be related to
> using vhost. More likely explanations are content-type issues, or
> invalid CSS (e.g. @import appearing after rulesets).
> A URL would make it easier to debug.
> -- 
> David Dorward 
> __
> css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://www.css-discuss.org/mailman/listinfo/css-d
> IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
> List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
> Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] Problem making the width of div tags equal

2007-05-31 Thread Farid Jameossanaye

I have a very simple webpage. (one column, 4 sections: header, menu,
content, footer). The width of the menu seems to be about 0.5 mm less than
all other 3. 

All sections are contained in a wrapper with a width of 922px. 
#header, #content, and #footer are all 900px. How can I make the entire menu
to be 900px too? 

The webpage can be found here: http://cateringbyingrid.com/temp/ 

I appreciate any help.

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3:03 PM

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] Importing style sheets and vhosts

2007-05-31 Thread David Dorward
On 31/05/07, John Tice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Using a vhost setup in OS X (10.4.8) with Apache it seems that i
> cannot use @import to modularize css.

I can't see any reason why @import failing to work might be related to
using vhost. More likely explanations are content-type issues, or
invalid CSS (e.g. @import appearing after rulesets).

A URL would make it easier to debug.

David Dorward 
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] Importing style sheets and vhosts

2007-05-31 Thread Andrew Gaffney
John Tice wrote:
> Using a vhost setup in OS X (10.4.8) with Apache it seems that i  
> cannot use @import to modularize css. Has anyone here ever tackled  
> this issue? I do have SSI and CGI enabled and it pulls the html pages  
> into the document just fine. Is there something else to configure or  
> is this not ever going to work?

That doesn't even make sense. Isn't @import a client-side thing? Using vhosts 
apache wouldn't affect it at all. Are you saying that the @import works if you 
disabled the vhosts and just use the default one?

Andrew Gaffney
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Importing style sheets and vhosts

2007-05-31 Thread John Tice
Using a vhost setup in OS X (10.4.8) with Apache it seems that i  
cannot use @import to modularize css. Has anyone here ever tackled  
this issue? I do have SSI and CGI enabled and it pulls the html pages  
into the document just fine. Is there something else to configure or  
is this not ever going to work?
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Positioning div without padding

2007-05-31 Thread David Laakso
jana coyle wrote:
> I would like to center the text under image1 and have a blue border 
> background around "Product Photos click to view"  I cannot seem to get the 
> positioning right without using right padding.  If I use right padding then 
> when I put the background color in it shows the padding also.  Here is a link 
> to my site http://www.precisemessenger.com/private/help4.html and here is an 
> image of what I am looking to do 
> http://www.precisemessenger.com/private/images/samplesite.gif
> Thanks in advance,
> Kevin


I got a little confused trying to figure out your page, styles, inline 
styles, and javascript. So I did not try.
This  is based, 
more or less on your gif. Is it even remotely close to what you are 
trying to achieve?
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[css-d] Partial FOUC with faux columns in FF and IE7

2007-05-31 Thread Barney Carroll
(I posted this a while back but I think I got too wordy and put everyone 

I'm experiencing some very strange issues with the following setup:


I've gotten all big-headed and taken the faux columns thing further than 
anyone intended, which is why the structure's a bit more complicated. It 
works fine most of the time on most systems, but in certain conditions 
browsers render the page as if the grandparent div's overflow wasn't 

Instance 1:

All browsers fine except certain instances of FF which fail to apply 
overflow correctly when the page is accessed from history, and in those 
split seconds between hitting a link and navigating away fromthe page. 
In any case, reloading the page fixes it.

Instance 2:

All browsers fine except certain instances of IE7 which fails on page 
load, but again fixes itself on reload.

I am not using any scripts or active code - when I compare a failed 
render with a correct one the source is the same. So I can only conclude 
these are browser bugs. The 'certain instances' is as specific as I can 
get. The same exact vanilla version of the browser on the same OS will 
pass on mine and fail on another box - it's a mystery.

Anybody seen this before? What conclusions do you make?

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] My list looks crap. Will altering display help?

2007-05-31 Thread Christopher Blake


http://www.3pointdesign.com/styles/one.css (This is turning into a  
massive page so where you need to look is just below half way) or..  
at the end of email in red.

What i would like to do is have any second lines of describing text  
start after the link / below where the first line starts. I have a  
feeling that this might be to do with display settings, and it is  
currently set at inline. Any thoughts? maybe I could give the p and  
the a fixed width and float left and right? - or is that complete  

Ok, there is only one markup error now, and it tells me that is  
because document is strict, not transitional and I shouldn't be using  
target="_blank" even though I use it 20 more times on the page and it  
doesn't seem to mind.

min-height: 142px;


.contentsLinks3 p{
padding-bottom: 5px;
padding-right: 10px;

.contentsLinks3 img{
float: left;
margin-top: 8px;
margin-right: 20px;

.arrowlinks p{
padding-left: 10px;

.arrowlinks img{
float: left;

.arrowlinks a{
background: url(../images/small-blue-arrow.gif) no-repeat;
margin: 0px;
padding-top: 0px;
list-style: none;
padding-left: 18px;

Chris Blake: Visit my Website at 3 Point
contact | [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 07816163420 | aim - blakeybounce  

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] A better way to show photos with a bio?

2007-05-31 Thread David Hucklesby
> From: "Linda Quinn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "Mauricio Samy Silva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Mauricio -
>> The page looks fine without it - the spacing problem  appears to be good. 
>> However, I
>> am confused. You said that the code  was clearing the paragraph that 
>> encloses the
>> image & text, yet I am  not using CLEAR:. Does OVERFLOW: act as a clear?

Sometimes, yes. Especially if there's a width on the element with "overflow:" -


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Jittery Scrollbar in IE6/7

2007-05-31 Thread Jake McGraw
First, let me start off by saying that there are a lot of issues with this

All the usual suspects are there: multiple developers of various (lacking)
quality, unrealistic deadlines, no central design, etc etc etc.

I've now inherited this mess and a complete redesign is out of the question,
so I'm doing my best to fix some of the more obvious visual gaffs.

Point your browsers (IE6 or 7) to

Anyone else notice that the scroll bar if dancing around? Anyone know how to
fix this?

I think the issue stems from the fact we're hiding some div's inside of an
overflow:auto; div and then using JavaScript to show / hide based on clicks.

If anyone can help it'd be much appreciated.

- jake
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] IE 6, 7 Float problem, works in Firefox

2007-05-31 Thread Tim Kadlec


You are understanding float correctly, unfortunately, IE doesn't. Since you 
have an explicit width of 700px on that inner div, IE thinks it needs about 
850px (700 plus width of image) of width to show the image and division side 
by side. That's why when you take the width off, the image floats as it 
should. There is no explicit width on the div, so IE will let the width of 
the content change as needed. If you need it to behave in the smaller 
resolution, you need to either remove the inner div's width, or give it a 
percentage based width (say 70%), then IE will behave.

Tim Kadlec

Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 10:42:04 -0400
From: "Sam Carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [css-d] IE 6, 7 Float problem, works in Firefox
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="US-ASCII"

Maybe I don't get float.  Maybe this is a known bug...

I've made a bare-bones sample page to show my misunderstanding... or the

ainthetrainers.net/home2.php> http://trainthetrainers.net/home2.php

There's a float : right image.  Yes... it's a beaver wearing a shirt.  He's
Canadian too.

Start with a wide browser display of more than 1000px and shrink the width
below 800px.  The div#inner with the red border will clear the float.

It seems like a bug to me, or am I misunderstanding float?  Isn't the
floated image supposed to glide right over the inner div schooching the
inline-text out of the way?

Interesting...  If I remove the width : 700px on #inner, it behaves
properly, not clearing the image.

I'd like the inner div with the red border to not clear the image, but I'd
like the inline text to clear the float as always.

Seems to work properly in Firefox.

But or not, is there a fix?


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css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] tag

2007-05-31 Thread Diego Muñiz
On 5/31/07, Ian Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > To: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
> > Subject: [css-d]  tag
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > Is there anyway to format the  tag, or another way to draw a
> > horizontal
> > line between to sets of information?
> >
> > Tried borders alignment problems, while the  tag increases
> > the size of
> > box vertically much more than I wanted.
> >
> > TIA
> >
> > David G)

It's better if you use elements in your markup instead of adding more stuffs
only for "look" purposes, so like Ian said is better if you give a URL to
see the problem.

Diego M.
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: Web Standards - Why do we do it?

2007-05-31 Thread Alex Robinson
At 07:51 -0700 31/5/07, Jon Hughes wrote:
>Let me preface this email with this: I do not seek to bloat this list
>with discussion not related to CSS problems, so if you reply, use your
>discretion as to whether you reply directly to me, or include the list.

If you know (or even suspect) that your post is not on topic


To go ahead and post something that you know to be off topic is 
totally rude and discourteous to the 8200+ members of the list.

If you are unsure of whether your post is on topic or not, please 
send a message to the moderators first. We won't bite. In fact it 
always makes us feel warm and fuzzy when someone takes that time and 
effort. The moderators' address:


Just in case anyone, hasn't got the message yet, this thread is over.

Alex "Joyless Thread Killer" Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] tag

2007-05-31 Thread Ian Young
> To: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
> Subject: [css-d]  tag
> Hello,
> Is there anyway to format the  tag, or another way to draw a
> horizontal
> line between to sets of information?
> Tried borders alignment problems, while the  tag increases
> the size of
> box vertically much more than I wanted.
> David G)

You should be able to substitute  with a border. It may just need the
addition of an extra div to house it. Really depends on complexity of
design. A URL might help to assess the problem


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Re: [css-d] tag

2007-05-31 Thread Félix Zapata Berlinches
hi, look at this article: http://www.sovavsiti.cz/css/hr.html

> Hello,
> Is there anyway to format the  tag, or another way to draw a horizontal 
> line between to sets of information?
> Tried borders alignment problems, while the  tag increases the size of 
> box vertically much more than I wanted.
> David G)
> - 
> __
> css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://www.css-discuss.org/mailman/listinfo/css-d
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> List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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*Félix Zapata Berlinches*

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css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] tag

2007-05-31 Thread grovesdavid

Is there anyway to format the  tag, or another way to draw a horizontal 
line between to sets of information?

Tried borders alignment problems, while the  tag increases the size of 
box vertically much more than I wanted.


David G)

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Star Rating System

2007-05-31 Thread Diego Muñiz
On 5/31/07, Diego Muñiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I' ve done this star rating system: <
> http://www.punisha.com/test/estrellas/>
> Based in komodomedia one, but when i hover the second stars my text get
> moved in firefox. In Explorer there's no problem, and in Opera it doesn't
> works.
> Do you have any idea why this happens?
> Thanks in advance and sorry for my english.
> Diego

I solved that, the problem now is that in IE it doesn't work inline
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[css-d] Web Standards - Why do we do it?

2007-05-31 Thread Jon Hughes
Let me preface this email with this: I do not seek to bloat this list
with discussion not related to CSS problems, so if you reply, use your
discretion as to whether you reply directly to me, or include the list.

My question is this:
Why do we feel so adamant to use web standards?  Namely, the use of
CSS-Based designs, as apposed to table-based designs.

When people ask me why I am such an advocate, I usually bring up
accessibility, page load time, and SEO. But even a table-based design
can be accessible, be fairly light-weight, and get good results on

Basically, I need a compelling argument, as I talk to other developers
who don't see the point in learning CSS, when "tables work just fine".

Anyone here able to verbalize your feelings, and give me a few pointers
for making the case for CSS over Table-based designs?


 - Jon
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Born again CSS

2007-05-31 Thread Luc
 Good morning list,

 After over 1 year of not messing with CSS i'm picking up CSS-design
 again and i'm stunned of how much i already forgot. I'm doing a
 mockup at the moment involving floats and they go crazy on me.

 On resizing the viewport the center float jumps down ... is there a
 kind soul out there that can point me in the right direction to get
 the floats sit tight?

 page: http://www.dzinelabs.com/projects/MP/Pages/test.html

 sheet: http://www.dzinelabs.com/projects/MP/Styles/Test%20nav.css  
Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.3 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

"The favourite game in Austria is Mikado. The one who moves something
first, loses".

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] FOUC of a new kind

2007-05-31 Thread Robert O'Rourke
Rakesh Pai wrote:
> Consider the following markup:
> ... header stuff here
> ... lots of markup
> ... lots of markup
> ... Some footer stuff
> Now, let's assume that the #leftColumn is floated left, the
> #rightColumn is floated right, and the #footer clear:both the floats.
> Also, as per the design, the body has a black background, and some
> wrapper for this markup has a light patterned background.
> The problem is that until the footer is loaded in the markup, the
> content in the leftColumn and rightColumn is unreadable since the
> floats are not cleared making the background black. If the amount of
> markup in the left and right columns is a lot, there's a perceivable
> delay in loading the footer, making the page unusable till that time.
> Is there a solution to this problem? Colleagues are suggesting that I
> use tables to ensure that the background is available, but I don't
> like the idea. Note that I cannot give the left column and the right
> column a background, since I need the pattern to show up through them.
> This is very urgent, so speedy responses will be greatly appreciated.

You could always use a min-height so that the wrapper takes up some 
vertical space with its background showing up straight away, 
alternatively do you have overflow: hidden; set on the wrapper? That 
would make it wrap the floats straight away.
The other suggestion I have is that it's not your problem at all but the 
speed of the software. Too often I have people hounding me because of 
how a site loads up but the problem is down to slow software. You can't 
fix that with css. You can only make it less obvious.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Link disabled in IE, Suckerfish problem in Safari

2007-05-31 Thread Tom McNeer

I posted these issues yesterday and got a few kind responses. Unfortunately,
none of them solved the issues. I'd appreciate any input you folks can give.

I would appreciate it if anyone interested would quickly scan through

I think most cross-browser issues are solved -- except for two.

First, on any page below the home page, there is a bread crumb trail. In IE6
and 7, the first link in the trail -- Home -- is not activated as a link.
Viewing the source shows that the  tag is in place and correct, and
Safari and Firefox have no problem with it. The problem is "caused" by an IE
conditional statement that moves the breadcrumb to the left. I don't know
why the move would disable the link, but it seems to. If someone can explain
to me a way to make IE align the breadcrumbs as they are in Firefox without
the conditional, I'd love it.

Second, I am using the son of Suckerfish menus. In Safari, when you move
over a choice to reveal the submenu, things appear okay -- until you move
onto one of the submenu's choices. Then the list item "expands," showing
more width to the right, and that extended area remains visible even after
the submenu is closed. This must be a CSS error on my part, but I can't
figure it out.

Unfortunately, since the site is almost finished, the CSS is linked, not
embedded - except for IE conditionals. But you can find the style sheet
itself at http://ids.mediumcool.com/styles/ids.css .

Thanks in advance for your help.



Tom McNeer
1735 Johnson Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30306
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Star Rating System

2007-05-31 Thread Francesco Rizzi
On 5/31/07, Diego Muñiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I' ve done this star rating system: <
> http://www.punisha.com/test/estrellas/>
> Based in komodomedia one, but when i hover the second stars my text get
> moved in firefox. In Explorer there's no problem, and in Opera it doesn't
> works.

Diego, using Firefox, no text moves when I hover on any of the
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Re: [css-d] fieldset bg flooding legend in IE7

2007-05-31 Thread James Leslie

Looks fine in FF, but the fieldset background color is flooding the
legend tag...any ideas around this without changing my design?

This should help with the problems

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] fieldset bg flooding legend in IE7

2007-05-31 Thread Anthony Ettinger

Looks fine in FF, but the fieldset background color is flooding the
legend tag...any ideas around this without changing my design?

Anthony Ettinger
Ph: 408-656-2473
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] how to dynamically constrain amount of Text/Content in a DIV area that can vary in size??

2007-05-31 Thread Audra Coldiron
Greg Hauptmann wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone recommend how best to how to dynamically constrain amount of
> Text/Content in a DIV area that can vary in size??
> That is, say you have:
> (a) a content (DIV) area on your view that can expand/contract depending
> upon browser size ( i.e. when someone is re-sizing the browser window) and
> (b) dynamic text/content that is to be displayed, based upon user input -
> e.g. image a defined area/size for several user comments for example. Users
> can create their own comments, but you only want them to be able to take up
> a given amount of screen resource, and then perhaps have a "...more" link at
> the bottom if they go over.
> How can I best setup this up?  e.g.
> (1) How to setup the layout/CSS so that if more text / content is present in
> the DIV area that can be displayed that the DIV area doesn't expand due to
> the extra content the user put forward, and/or
> (2) Do I need to also complete this by programming what content comes out?
> E.g. in Ruby on Rails say then the question would be how to calculate how
> much text/content can fit in the current size of the DIV (noting browser
> re-sizing) so that you get the chance to put the "...more" link at the
> bottom?  Hopefully this approach isn't required.
> Any other suggestions welcome that address what I'm trying to do are
> welcome, which is really offering a area for display of user feedback where
> each piece of feedback has a maximum area it can take on the main screen
> only, and also that browser re-sizing is possible.

I'm not sure if you can add a "more" link dynamically with CSS.  That's 
usually the job of the CMS which I'm assuming you're using since you say 
the content is dynamic.  In any case you can put a height on the div 
with overflow: hidden then when the "more" link is clicked the CSS 
changes to overflow: visible or something similar.  I saw something 
similar on this site a while back.  I'd be surprised if you can't find 
it there:  http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menu/index.html

> Tks
> Greg
> __
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Audra Coldiron

Rock-n-Roll Design & Hosting

KarmaCMS ( http://karmawizard.com ) - the ultimate CSS styled CMS. 
Pre-made designs, designer tools, and reseller program available!
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Re: [css-d] doing weird things in IE6

2007-05-31 Thread Mauricio Samy Silva

From: "Fiona" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello,
> I have just downloaded a version of IE6 to test it, and it does weird
> things.
> www.fionahayward.com
> fiona
Hi Fiona
You must trigger hasLayout [1] to the footer DIV in order to call IE to 
#footer {width:100%;}

[1] http://www.satzansatz.de/cssd/onhavinglayout.html


Maurício Samy Silva

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Re: [css-d] FOUC of a new kind

2007-05-31 Thread david
Rakesh Pai wrote:
> Consider the following markup:
> ... header stuff here
> ... lots of markup
> ... lots of markup
> ... Some footer stuff
> Now, let's assume that the #leftColumn is floated left, the
> #rightColumn is floated right, and the #footer clear:both the floats.
> Also, as per the design, the body has a black background, and some
> wrapper for this markup has a light patterned background.
> The problem is that until the footer is loaded in the markup, the
> content in the leftColumn and rightColumn is unreadable since the
> floats are not cleared making the background black. If the amount of
> markup in the left and right columns is a lot, there's a perceivable
> delay in loading the footer, making the page unusable till that time.
> Is there a solution to this problem?

Hmm, don't know about that, but why float the right column? Why not just 
float the left and use margins to move the right side content out from 
the left side?

authenticity, honesty, community
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[css-d] FOUC of a new kind

2007-05-31 Thread Rakesh Pai
Consider the following markup:

... header stuff here

... lots of markup

... lots of markup

... Some footer stuff

Now, let's assume that the #leftColumn is floated left, the
#rightColumn is floated right, and the #footer clear:both the floats.
Also, as per the design, the body has a black background, and some
wrapper for this markup has a light patterned background.

The problem is that until the footer is loaded in the markup, the
content in the leftColumn and rightColumn is unreadable since the
floats are not cleared making the background black. If the amount of
markup in the left and right columns is a lot, there's a perceivable
delay in loading the footer, making the page unusable till that time.

Is there a solution to this problem? Colleagues are suggesting that I
use tables to ensure that the background is available, but I don't
like the idea. Note that I cannot give the left column and the right
column a background, since I need the pattern to show up through them.

This is very urgent, so speedy responses will be greatly appreciated.

Rakesh Pai
Mumbai, India.
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[css-d] Star Rating System

2007-05-31 Thread Diego Muñiz
I' ve done this star rating system: 

Based in komodomedia one, but when i hover the second stars my text get
moved in firefox. In Explorer there's no problem, and in Opera it doesn't

Do you have any idea why this happens?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my english.
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[css-d] doing weird things in IE6

2007-05-31 Thread Fiona

I have been building my first CSS site and have been testing it in IE7 and 

I have just downloaded a version of IE6 to test it, and it does weird 
The right margin on the right floated element is increased, and the footer 
is playing up.
It might display ok the first time the page is loaded, but if you refresh 
the page it does strange stuff.

I have a javascript for random images in the right floated box, but I 
experimented by taking out the javascript to see if that was causing the 
refresh page thing with the footer, but it didnt' make any difference - 
still weird.


Any help much appreciated

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[css-d] Percentage wraper not expanding to enclose content

2007-05-31 Thread grovesdavid

Shouldn't a div given % h/w expand to enclose all content.

I've tried height {auto} height {100%} even height {101%}.

Still not enclosing all required content, the lower form keeps pushing the 
footer out in FF, and opera is a total mess, minor success in iE (but the 
font's are wrong anyway in that browser).

I know it failed the HTML validator but some of this is going to be 
difficult anyway as they are external links?

Has validated CSS.

main-2.css is the main style-sheet. Others are divided between forms and 



David G)

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Re: [css-d] Something weird is happening with my h2

2007-05-31 Thread Ian Young
> To: css-d
> Subject: [css-d] Something weird is happening with my h2
> Hi,
> I was under the impression that h2 could be used repeatedly on a
> page. It works fine on all my other pages, but now it is in the same
> div it seems to be behaving irrationally (well to me anyway =).
> Have a look ---> http://www.3pointdesign.com/home/links.html
> The problem is in the last container on the left.

Hi Chris

First off you have 15 markup errors:

So perhaps best to sort those first and then see if your anomaly is still


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Re: [css-d] IE6 fails with suckerfish nav with active state

2007-05-31 Thread Ingo Chao
Brian Crescimanno wrote:
> Combining several techniques, I've created the top level navigation
> for this page here:
> http://demo.kelleninteractive.net/phii/www/test.html
> The images that are used for the navigation are structured as follows:
> http://demo.kelleninteractive.net/phii/www/images/nav_subjects.gif
> top: normal state
> middle: hover state
> bottom: active state
> Firefox2 behaves as expected, so you can view that page in Firefox 2.x
> to see the desired results.
> Here is a chunk of the relevant CSS (the code for 1 of the navigation items)
> #nav li#nav_programs{
>background: url("../images/nav_programs.gif") no-repeat; width: 67px;
> }
> #nav li#nav_programs:hover, #nav li#nav_programs.sfhover{
>background-position: 0 -43px;
> }
> #nav li#nav_programs.active{
>background-position: 0 -86px;
> }
> IE6 will only process the first declaration.  That is; the way it is
> set up now, the hover state will work correctly but the active state
> will not.  If I declare the active state first in the css, the active
> state will work and the hover state will not.
> Any advice or help would be much appreciated; I've been beating my
> head against a wall on this one for about an hour.
> Brian

The multiple #id.class bug

IE does not handle #id.class selectors correctly.


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