Re: [css-d] ie7 and Safari 5 issues.

2010-07-12 Thread Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd)

MEM wrote:

 Well, here I would say, that I will be very angry as well, but on one
 condition, if, for some reason, it was important to have (for
 cross-data proposes or something else), access to both information at
 the same time.
 I cannot see a reason for doing so on this context. (that doesn't mean
 that no one else sees one, of course, still, that is something that I
 would like to see how the end users will react to that, by thinking
 out loud), and if it's really a big usability issue, then the vertical
 portfolio effect will be dropped.

OK, one final comment then time to move on.  I think the root
of the problem is one of user expectation : with a tabbed interface,
the user knows in advance that he/she will be able to see the
contents of exactly one tab at a time, and that revealing the
contents of one tab will necessarily entail the concealing
of the contents of the other(s) (the radio button effect);
with an expand/contract interface, I believe that the user
expectation would be that each expand/contract control is
independent, and therefore he/she wold not expect that expanding
one would contract two others, /particularly/ if, like me, he/she
starts by expanding the first, then the second, then the third --
since expanding the second did not contract the first, I have
already been led to believe that expansion does not also entail

ENDS :-)

** Phil.
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Re: [css-d] Use of empty DIVs?

2010-07-12 Thread Jukka K. Korpela
Tim Offenstein wrote:

 I'm seeing a number
 of students mark up their XHTML with descriptively named DIVs that
 have no counterpart in the CSS.

This is a general design issue and about markup, not CSS.

From the CSS perspective, there are some risks, whether you mean classes or 
ids (or both) by names. The names may pollute the name space, especially 
if people do not realize that id attributes must be unique. For example, I 
have seen a stituation with two id attributes (in code that I cannot change 
in any direct way) that differ in case of letters only, and it seems that 
when you have id=foo and id=Foo (violating HTML rules), browsers won't 
treat either of them as matching the selector #foo (or #Foo)! Similarly, if 
lots of class attributes are used extensively and carelessly, you might 
notice that setting properties for .bar sets them for elements you weren't 
thinking about (since in the past you forgot, I you had used class=bar 
somewhere, or a previous author of the page did).

These can however be avoided by good general design and documentation, which 
is needed anyway, to keep track of the classes and ids you really need.

On the positive side, understandability of HTML source code is useful when 
you later modify or debug the CSS code. Extra names can be handy later in 
styling, as already mentioned in this discussion. And they can be 
indispensable to users who wish (or need) to set up a user style sheet for 
viewing the page: they cannot change the markup, they have to work with the 
hooks offered by classes, ids, and maybe other attributes present in the 

 If this is an attempt to section/categorize the
 code, simple HTML comments will serve the purpose much better.

HTML comments are risky and clumsy. It's too easy to make a mistake in 
typing the !-- and -- as well as use -- inside the comment. In CSS, 
comments are safer; their main problems are that they consume bandwidth 
(since comments are sent along with CSS code every time a browser requests 
for it) and that they they to degrade by time (people change code but don't 
update the comments).


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Re: [css-d] Use of empty DIVs?

2010-07-12 Thread Chris F.A. Johnson
On Mon, 12 Jul 2010, Val Dobson wrote:

 I use Find and Replace.  What do you use?

   I don't use anything because I don't use names that are
   presentation related. Presentation belongs in CSS not HTML.

 On 11 July 2010 22:00, Chris F.A. Johnson wrote:
    #leftcol is not a good name. What if the design changes later and
    that column is on the right?

   Chris F.A. Johnson,
   Pro Bash Programming: Scripting the GNU/Linux Shell (2009, Apress)
   Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (2005, Apress)__
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[css-d] nested tables

2010-07-12 Thread Nick Leaton
I have some data that is in a table. However, I need to display a
subtable in some of the cells. It's genuinely table data.

Now the parent table has padding set to 8px on the td element.

In the sub table I don't want any padding. I want the borders to go
right to the edge of the cell.

It looks like the padding is inherieted. Is there a way of disabling
the inhereitance of padding?

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Re: [css-d] nested tables

2010-07-12 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Jul 12, 2010, at 5:25 PM, Nick Leaton wrote:

 It looks like the padding is inherieted. Is there a way of disabling
 the inhereitance of padding?

td { padding: 8px }

td td {padding: 0; }

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [css-d] ie7 and Safari 5 issues.

2010-07-12 Thread David Laakso
MEM wrote:
 2010/7/12 David Laakso
 Keep it simple. Oh, easy for Leonardo. Far more difficult for the rest of


 :) I believe the graphic designer behind this as tried to make it very simple.
 Actually, the end users I've been able to talk, they say: Only this?
 I was expecting some nice amazing things going on... I don't know...;

 It's so hard to make it simple. But, I'm (half) aware of the
 complexities that this still brings, and if I can make it even simpler
 on the future, I will.

 K Regards,


I am unable to work on your stuff because when I download it every time 
I open it in IE/8  or IE/7 it crashes.

I begin to sound like a broken record -- even to myself. Approach the 
page and its problems as a -- division of labor -- *that does not rely 
on any scripting or any programming whatsoever.*

All positioning-schemes bring with them certain inherent 
characteristics: work within the position-fixed column restraints, and 
things will likely go better for you

For example:

1/ Delete all the js throughout.
2/ The reset styles mess hinders rather than helps your cause.
3/ Create a two column layout. Set the font at default.
4/ Make the left column position fixed [see examples previously sent, 
but Philippe's suggestion is probably the way to go]. Honor font-size 
default for the content in both columns.
5/ Put h1, h2, and *a simple navigation-list* in the left column. One of 
the list-items to be a clickable link to a separate contact, who we 
are, whatever we are page.  Remember, not to forget, the  total height 
of h1, h2, and the list is best set less than 50% of the height of the 
/shortest window/ you intend to hit. This is particularly important for IE.
6/ Optimize the images
7/ Put the written text and optimized images in the right-column.
8/ Test the site in compliant browsers and IE/7 from now until forever...

If any or all above does not sit well with your employer or their client 
then a two-column layout that does not employ position fixed may be best.



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Re: [css-d] browser reports please

2010-07-12 Thread David Laakso
Chris Blake wrote:

 On 11/07/2010, at 10:10 PM, David Laakso wrote:

 Chris Blake wrote:

 Thanks, CB

 I think you will want to view your site in IE 6/7/8.

 Fwiw, minimum font-size users [16px here], or those who employ 
 font-scaling [up or down] will do a number on it. You may want to 
 validate the markup.


 Hi David,

 Does the font thing happen because of the template I am using? - it is demo/explorer.

 I have the page down to only 2 errors but they are to do with body 
 opening and closing and I don't know what to do. Please help:

 Thanks, CB

I did not look at the demo.
With regard to your page, setting type in pixels is not a good idea. In 
general, the culprits as far as type is concerned, is setting fonts with 
line-height set in pixels, and hard-coding a height on blocks containing 
text-type. Just for kicks, try resetting your horizontal-navigation bar: 
pretend you do not have, nor have ever heard of, Photoshop.

Solutions to markup validation problems are often easily resolved by 
running the page through Tidy Online [1] [backup your original page 
before doing so].




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[css-d] styling text inside a div

2010-07-12 Thread Andy B.
I have some questions about creating styles for 3 lines of text that are in
a div that is 298px wide and 75px tall.

1. For each line of text, what container would you use? For an example, p,
div or span?
2. I need to create the styles, but don't quite know where to start.
Line 1: The text Eternity Records presents should:
- Be horozontally centered in the div containing it.
- Be black in color.
- Be on a line all by itself.
- be significantlly larger than the rest of the text on the page.
- have it's font-family be sans serif.
Line 2: The text In Him should:
- Be the color #60.
- be the same font as line 1.
- be horozontally centered in the div below line 1
- Be on a line all by itself.
- be 25% smaller than line 1.
Line3: The text For in Him we move and live and have our being... (Acts
17:28) should:
- Be #60 in color.
- Be the same font as line 1 and 2.
- Be horozontally centered in the div below line 2
- Be on a line all by itself.
- Be the same font size as the text on the rest of the page.

How would I make these styles?

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Re: [css-d] styling text inside a div

2010-07-12 Thread Bill Braun
Andy B. wrote:
 I have some questions about creating styles for 3 lines of text that are in
 a div that is 298px wide and 75px tall.

 1. For each line of text, what container would you use? For an example, p,
 div or span?
 2. I need to create the styles, but don't quite know where to start.
 Line 1: The text Eternity Records presents should:
 - Be horozontally centered in the div containing it.
 - Be black in color.
 - Be on a line all by itself.
 - be significantlly larger than the rest of the text on the page.
 - have it's font-family be sans serif.
 Line 2: The text In Him should:
 - Be the color #60.
 - be the same font as line 1.
 - be horozontally centered in the div below line 1
 - Be on a line all by itself.
 - be 25% smaller than line 1.
 Line3: The text For in Him we move and live and have our being... (Acts
 17:28) should:
 - Be #60 in color.
 - Be the same font as line 1 and 2.
 - Be horozontally centered in the div below line 2
 - Be on a line all by itself.
 - Be the same font size as the text on the rest of the page.

 How would I make these styles?
For a very rudimentary explanations of different approaches to styling 

My response is germane to using an external style sheet. I would create 
one  p selector for properties that are common to all three (if in 
fact there are common properties). I would create three classes, one for 
each line described above.

p {
add properties here common to all lines;

.plineone {
add properties unique to line one here;

.plinetwo {
add properties unique to line two here;

.plinethree {
add properties unique to line three here;

Use p class=[insert class name her]/p for the content for each 
line. All in all:


p class=.plineoneBlah blah blah line one./p

p class=.plinetwoBlah blah blah line two./p

p class=.plinethreeBlah blah blah line three./p


The div itself can had an ID or a class, as befits your overall design.

Bill B

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[css-d] CSS3: The border-opacity property (proposal)

2010-07-12 Thread Gabriele Romanato
I never take a vacation:

I hope they will take this into account (seen a lot of posts on the  
subject, mainly about the use of RGBA values, not a property per  
se). :-)



Gabriele Romanato ^.^/  (English)  (English)  (English)

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Re: [css-d] styling text inside a div

2010-07-12 Thread David Laakso
Andy B. wrote:
 I have some questions about creating styles for 3 lines of text that are in
 a div that is 298px wide and 75px tall.

 Line3: The text For in Him we move and live and have our being... (Acts
 17:28) should:

 - Be on a line all by itself.
 - Be the same font size as the text on the rest of the page.

 How would I make these styles?


To put a line of text with that many characters and spaces on a line all 
by itself on a 290px measure in the same font-size as the rest of the 
page, would essentially mean that the rest of the page is probably 
unreadable on landing for most sighted users.



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Re: [css-d] How do you make crimson (blood read) color in CSS

2010-07-12 Thread charlie derr
Andy B. wrote:
 I need to have a blood read color for a group of words being used in a logo
 position for now. How would I make a color that is close enough to resemble
 it if I can't get the exact color? For now, all I can think of is #80 or
 just plain red. Any ideas?

Google says #66 for blood red.  Don't know whether that's arterial 
(oxygenated) blood or veinous though :-]

  good luck,

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Re: [css-d] styling text inside a div

2010-07-12 Thread Claude Needham
 Line3: The text For in Him we move and live and have our being... (Acts
 17:28) should:
 - Be on a line all by itself.
 - Be the same font size as the text on the rest of the page.

Do you perhaps mean to say Be in a sentence all by itself?

The reason I ask is that my email program is wider than 298px and the
text wraps.

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Re: [css-d] styling text inside a div

2010-07-12 Thread David Laakso
Andy B. wrote:
 Ok. Then what about the first 2 lines? I'm thinking line 1 at 2em and line 2
 at 1.5em. Very short phrases: Line 1 is Eternity Records presents and line2
 is In Him. I can move the tagline over to the right side of the header
 since it has most of the header space anyways. I'm guessing about 200-300px
 wide. Would this possibly work better than the other idea? The tagline would
 be 1em.


Line 1 will not fit at 2em on one-line on a 300px line measure.
Line 2 will fit at 1.5em on one-line on a 300px line measure.
Line 3 has approximately 65 characters and spaces and will not fit on 
one-line at 1em on a 300px line measure. To fit Line 3 on one-line at 
1em the line-measure needs to be approximately 480px.


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Re: [css-d] styling text inside a div

2010-07-12 Thread Felix Miata
On 2010/07/12 09:31 (GMT-0400) Andy B. composed:

 I have some questions about creating styles for 3 lines of text that are in
 a div that is 298px wide and 75px tall.

 1. For each line of text, what container would you use? For an example, p,
 div or span?
 2. I need to create the styles, but don't quite know where to start.
 Line 1: The text Eternity Records presents should:
 - Be horozontally centered in the div containing it.
 - Be black in color.
 - Be on a line all by itself.
 - be significantlly larger than the rest of the text on the page.
 - have it's font-family be sans serif.
 Line 2: The text In Him should:
 - Be the color #60.
 - be the same font as line 1.
 - be horozontally centered in the div below line 1
 - Be on a line all by itself.
 - be 25% smaller than line 1.
 Line3: The text For in Him we move and live and have our being... (Acts
 17:28) should:
 - Be #60 in color.
 - Be the same font as line 1 and 2.
 - Be horozontally centered in the div below line 2
 - Be on a line all by itself.
 - Be the same font size as the text on the rest of the page.

 How would I make these styles?

As David Laakso wrote, your requirements are difficult, conflicting with
usability at the least. presents
all but one component of what you're asking for, alongside alternatives and
comment for your consideration. Hover the small gray rectangle for extra
information. Be sure to examine zoomed both up and down, and separately with
a minimum font size set to at least 13px to see defensive impact on your size
The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive. Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***
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[css-d] browser check pls -- intermittent problem in ie8

2010-07-12 Thread snak detek+0r
Intermittent is generous, actually. My client was browsing in ie8 at 75% 
zoom, and saw the problem pictured here

but I can't replicate it. Any one else able to get this to happen in ie8 
or other?

Real site is here:

Is it common for zoom to break layout? Or is it just some quirky ie 
rendering problem (which did see a bit of while I was poking around...).

Thanks in advance,

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[css-d] Safari 5 / Win XP crashing ?

2010-07-12 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh
Does this test case crashes Safari 5 on Win XP for anyone, or is it just me ?

This combination causes the issue:
p, dt, dd, li {text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;}
p {margin: .5ex 0 0;}

(and: does it crash Google Chrome 5 as well ?)

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [css-d] browser check pls -- intermittent problem in ie8

2010-07-12 Thread Felix Miata
On 2010/07/12 22:50 (GMT-0500) snak detek+0r composed:

 Is it common for zoom to break layout?

Very, at least for those using text-only zoom instead of full page zoom.
Remember that all who could use page zoom instead of text-only zoom won't,
and that minimum mimics text-only. Both zoom types have their advantages.
Also both zooms and minimum have in common that they are defense mechanisms.
Absent offense, defense is unnecessary, and consequently, breakage is
generally avoided.

Set minimum font size to 20 or 24px in a browser that offers it, and watch
white (shopping cart) text disappear and appointment move to the background
accompanied by view. can show how zoom and minimum can be
accommodated by being unnecessary, and that fonts need not be sub-preference
(less than 100% of default on p or body) for a web design to work.
The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive. Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***
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Re: [css-d] Safari 5 / Win XP crashing ?

2010-07-12 Thread Al Sparber
From: Philippe Wittenbergh
 Does this test case crashes Safari 5 on Win XP for anyone, or is it just me ?
 This combination causes the issue:
 p, dt, dd, li {text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;}
 p {margin: .5ex 0 0;}
 (and: does it crash Google Chrome 5 as well ?)

It crashes both browsers (Win Vista 64-bit). I assume on Windows 7, as well.

Al Sparber - PVII
Dreamweaver Menus | Galleries | Widgets 
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Re: [css-d] Safari 5 / Win XP crashing ?

2010-07-12 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Jul 13, 2010, at 12:59 PM, Al Sparber wrote:

 It crashes both browsers (Win Vista 64-bit). I assume on Windows 7, as well.

Thanks for checking, Al.

I filed bug 42136.

(funny thing - while I can't repro this crash on OS X 10.6 with a browser 
(Safari 5 / WebKit nightly / G.Chrome 6 dev), I managed to crash Quicklook 
while previewing the test file in the Finder)

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [css-d] browser check pls -- intermittent problem in ie8

2010-07-12 Thread Chris Blake

On 13/07/2010, at 11:50 AM, snak detek+0r wrote:

 Intermittent is generous, actually. My client was browsing in ie8 at  
 zoom, and saw the problem pictured here

 but I can't replicate it. Any one else able to get this to happen in  
 or other?

 Real site is here:

 Is it common for zoom to break layout? Or is it just some quirky ie
 rendering problem (which did see a bit of while I was poking  

 Thanks in advance,


I can replicate it in mac os x safari 5 by zooming out 3 times (apple  
+). Mine breaks if I zoom out like that too.

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[css-d] IE 6 / 7 issue with text on home page of site

2010-07-12 Thread shumdesign
The web developer and I are having a problem with IE 6/7 on the home
page of our dev site. Any idea why the the posts are overlaying the
content on the home page?

Thank you for taking time to look

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Re: [css-d] browser reports please

2010-07-12 Thread Chris Blake

 I did not look at the demo.
 With regard to your page, setting type in pixels is not a good idea.  
 general, the culprits as far as type is concerned, is setting fonts  
 line-height set in pixels, and hard-coding a height on blocks  
 text-type. Just for kicks, try resetting your horizontal-navigation  
 pretend you do not have, nor have ever heard of, Photoshop.

1. 'hard coding heights on blocks containing text-type' - that must be  
done by Joomla or the template.
2. 'line-height set in pixels' - what should I use? It's a menu rather  
than a paragraph.
3. 'try resetting your horizontal-navigation bar' The main reason I  
chose this template, framework was because of the menu and now you're  
telling me it's rubbish.
4. 'nor have ever heard of, Photoshop' - So I wasted three years at  
university then :D

 Solutions to markup validation problems are often easily resolved by
 running the page through Tidy Online [1] [backup your original page
 before doing so].

That's great except it doesn't teach me what the problem is, and when  
it's coded by Joomla, then I can't change it anyway.

I am so happy the days of IE6 are finally going away but I seem to be  
faced with a new problem - display sizes. I appreciate you may have  
bad eyes and/or a whopping great monitor but I feel that because of  
this designs are having to be uber-basic once again. 16 pixels minimum  
- are you kidding me!? I've also been a little disappointed hearing  
user of this list telling people to stay away from animation because  
at the end of the day it is subjective, and/or you may be designing  
for a client that has requested it. Since I have started using Joomla  
and customising templates like this I seem to be getting a lot more  
work. I'll get onto the template developers about this minimum font  
size thing.

Cheers, CB
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