[css-d] New Member, Help with text resizing:

2006-01-14 Thread Cory Perry
Hello all, my name is Cory and I am new to the list here!

I am looking for some info on text resizing. Currently, if you resize 
the text on a site that I am working on, the text expands but the site 
does not expand to accomidate this. Is it because I am using a wrapper 
div that is a fixed size to contain everything? The fonts are all set to 
em's for sizing.

I noticed that on http://www.simplebits.com/ (for example) that when you 
resize the text, the site expands to accomidate it. I am trying to 
achieve that same technique. Any help, tips, ideas, or links would be 
greatly appreciated!


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Re: [css-d] New Member, Help with text resizing:

2006-01-14 Thread Cory Perry
Felix Miata wrote:

>Cory Perry wrote:
>>I am looking for some info on text resizing. Currently, if you resize
>>the text on a site that I am working on, the text expands but the site
>>does not expand to accomidate this. Is it because I am using a wrapper
>>div that is a fixed size to contain everything? The fonts are all set to
>>em's for sizing.
>Fixed widths generally aren't very friendly to any text size other than
>whatever the author assumed during construction.
>>I noticed that on http://www.simplebits.com/ (for example) that when you
>>resize the text, the site expands to accomidate it. I am trying to
>Looks fixed-width to me. :-p
>>achieve that same technique. Any help, tips, ideas, or links would be
>>greatly appreciated!
>Normally for questions about basic layout type someone would point you
>to http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=CssLayouts but fluid layouts
>seem to be a missing option on that page. :-( Have a look at these:
Let me see if I can explain myself a little better and maybe it will 
help a little.

Ok, if you go to http://www.simplebits.com/ and you resize the text in 
either Firefox or in IE by using the options up in the toolbar to make 
the text smaller or larger, the entire site expands when you do it. On 
my project, if you resize the text the same way, the text will get 
larger but the structure of the site does not stretch to make it still 
look perfect. Does that make sense? So, I am curious to know how this 
works. Is it by setting everything as percentages rather than a fixed 
pixel size?

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Re: [css-d] Great Book/Tutorial to learn CSS Layout - Was: position: relative causing positioning and display problems in class

2006-01-16 Thread Cory Perry
Stan Winchester wrote:

>Ricky, Thanks for the link to the CSS dropdown menu!
>http://www.alistapart.com/articles/horizdropdowns I also found this one:
>http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/tutorials/testMenu.html which allows nested
>menus beyond 1 nested level. 
>I think the most important thing I can do is learn css from the ground up
>which is why I would like a GREAT book/tutorial on learning the basics on
>css layout. I also need a great reference source to understand all
>attributes. I would appreciate any input as to which books/tutorials can get
>a beginner up to speed quickly, and also need a great reference book or web
>I want to understand the mechanics of how css works, IE bugs, so I am able
>to retain as many of the precious remaining hairs on my head. 
>Thank you,
>Aftershock Web Design, Inc.
>by: Stan Winchester
>css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
>Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/
Here is a book that I highly recommend. It helped me a lot when I was 
first learning CSS. This book if full of excellent tips and tricks for 
layout, browser specific hacks, navigation help, etc. It is really worth 
a read if you want to learn some great tips for CSS layout.


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] CSS Formatting Issues:

2006-01-20 Thread Cory Perry
Hey everyone, I having a problem with my CSS formatting when viewed in a 
browser compared to how I have it layed out in Dreamweaver 8. In DW8, it 
is layed out perfectly and I can read everything just fine. When you 
view the CSS code in the browser however, it is all over the place and 
it loses all of the formatting.

What causes this? Could it possibly be my ftp program doing it? Is there 
a way to fix this so that it looks just DW8 when viewed in a browser? 
Thanks for any help!

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Re: [css-d] CSS Formatting Issues:

2006-01-21 Thread Cory Perry
david wrote:

>No, the problem is that DW (and it's WYSI-not-really-what-you-get 
>competitors) is lying to you. The only way to really test and make sure 
>your pages are working right is checking it in a browser. Remember, 
>people don't browse websites using Dreamweaver! ;-)

I'm sorry, I think you guys are misunderstanding what I am saying. I am 
not talking about how the layout looks in the browser, I am talking 
about when you right click and view the source code, THAT is what is all 
messed up. In particular the CSS. In DW8, the CSS is all nice and neat 
just like I coded it, but if you view the CSS CODE in a browser window, 
it is all messed up and all over the place like it lost the formatting.

What would cause that? The browser, the FTP program that I am using or what?

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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[css-d] CSS Formatting Revisited:

2006-01-23 Thread Cory Perry
Hey everyone,

Well, after 3 hours of unsuccessful tries I am coming back to you guys 
in hopes that this problem can be solved.

My CSS code is losing all of it's formatting when viewed in a browser. I 
am writing the code in Dreamweaver 8 and it is perfectly styled just 
like I want it. However, when you view it in a browser, there are huge 
spaces and indents and stuff. I took it in to TextEdit and and changed 
it and saved it and looks perfect in the browser. DW is somehow 
reformatting the code and I can't figure out how or where it is doing it.

I went in to DW8 and under the Preferences you can set the CODE FORMAT 
properties. I set the TAB to 1 so that when I press tab to tab over it 
will only move 1 space. I thought this was the problem but I guess it is 
not. I have provided a link below to the file so you can see what I am 
talking about. If anyone can help me figure this out it would be greatly 



css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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[css-d] CSS problems with Opera 8.5:

2006-01-27 Thread Cory Perry
Hey all, I noticed today that in Opera 8.5 on the Mac, my header is not 
lined up like it should be across the top of my site. It is fine in FF 
and Safari on the Mac and it is fine in FF and IE6 on the PC.

Any idea on what would cause this in Opera only? Here is a link for 
those of you that have Opera so you can check it out...



css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Re: [css-d] CSS problems with Opera 8.5:

2006-01-27 Thread Cory Perry
Zoe M. Gillenwater wrote:

>Try zeroing out the padding on the body element (Opera 8.5 and lower 
>uses padding, not margin, on the body, which makes a lot more sense if 
>you think about it).
Thank You! That worked perfectly.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Help with CSS positioning:

2006-02-01 Thread Cory Perry
Hey everyone,

I am working on a small project that I need some help with! Normally, I 
would use absolute positioning for what I am trying to do but I am 
trying to get away from using it and I need help on how to get this to work.


There is the link to the page that I am working on. The div on the left 
of the content area is a class called "feature" and the div on the right 
is a class is called "right". What I want is this..When the 
"feature" div on the left expands with content, I want the div on the 
right side to stay at the top of the page right under the navigation 
bar. Currently, if I add content to the left side, the right side moves 
down with it. This is where I would have normally absolute positioned 
the right side to make it stay but I want to quit doing that.

Any help on getting that right side to stay at the top while the left 
side expands with content?


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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[css-d] Please Remove me from the list.

2006-03-13 Thread Cory Perry
Please remove me from the list.

Cory Perry

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