[css-d] A solution (Re: align image to bottom right corner)

2007-08-26 Thread David Merchant
Silly me, I didn't put the period before my cabinet style
  .cabinet { margin-right: 7em; }
works a lot better than
  cabinet { margin-right: 7em; }

As an English instructor, I should be more careful about my punctuation :-).

I'm able to have the paragraphs have a large 
enough right margin to not overwrite the cabinet 
image. Thanks Raphael, your suggestion put me on 
the right track. It looks and works great (even 
if I resize the browser window).


At 09:32 PM 8/25/2007, Rafael wrote:
>If all you want to do is put an image at 
> that position, set it as the background, i.e.
>   background: #fff url(path/to/image) right bottom no-repeat;
>· #fff is the background color, it can be 
>omitted or set to 'transparent' (without the quotes)
>· 'url' is an actual keyword, and the path should not be between quotes
>· reference: 

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Re: [css-d] align image to bottom right corner

2007-08-26 Thread David Merchant
I already have a background image, a "paper" 
background. However, your post got me thinking, I 
can have another div inside, and set the file 
cabinet picture as the background to it. After a 
couple of minutes I got that working nicely. 
Except the text overlaps the image, so now I'm 
working at getting the paragraph tags to have 
enough padding or margin on the right that they 
won't overlap the image, but so far I can't seem 
to override the inherited styles for the paragraphs.


At 09:32 PM 8/25/2007, Rafael wrote:
>If all you want to do is put an image at 
> that position, set it as the background, i.e.
>   background: #fff url(path/to/image) right bottom no-repeat;
>· #fff is the background color, it can be 
>omitted or set to 'transparent' (without the quotes)
>· 'url' is an actual keyword, and the path should not be between quotes
>· reference: 

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[css-d] align image to bottom right corner

2007-08-25 Thread David Merchant
I am trying to place the file cabinet image in the bottom right hand 
corner of a div. I've searched wiki, the web and poked around the 
archives and what solutions I've seen I can't get to work. Yes, I'm a 
bit green when it comes to CSS, green enough that maybe I am not 
searching correctly because of my ignorance. Can someone point me to 
a resource that will answer this question? Many thanks,

David Merchant

Instructor, Department of English.
Louisiana Tech University  

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] test html pages on an handheld or smartphone browser

2006-04-27 Thread David Merchant
Opera Mini Browser emulator:

David Merchant
Director of Integrated Technology
Louisiana Tech University

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Re: [css-d] Site Check Please -- ancientstones.com

2006-04-27 Thread David Merchant

>544!? Max!? Wow! What's that look like at a 1600x1200+ resolution?

Well, I actually try to make them fluid, so for larger resolutions the 
sites don't look bad, but 'tis hard to make sites completely fluid (at 
least for me) and so at some point when reducing window down, the page 
isn't going to look to fabulous, so I figure if I reduce down to 544 and it 
still works, I'm moderately happy with the result. I figure for lower 
resolutions, that's handheld territory, which I then use emulators for and 
if the site - some handhelds are good at reducing Web sites on their own to 
fit into the screen, others reduce images or allow folk to turn image 
support off (which I understand most do, which is why folk need to have 
good alt text for their images). I'm still trying to learn how to code for 
handhelds. Listapart recommends avoid using pixes for anything larger than 
5px, to use ems or percentages for anything larger 
(http://www.alistapart.com/articles/pocket/). One day I'd like to implement 
something like  for any mobile visitors, but that's some time off I'm 

Anywho, I'm in the midst of major overhaul of our sites, and there are days 
I want to go back to paper (not really, but momentarily I do).


Director of Integrated Technology
Louisiana Tech University 

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] test html pages on an handheld or smartphone browser

2006-04-27 Thread David Merchant
My apologies, the link for Klondike WAP Browser should've been

David Merchant
Director of Integrated Technology
Louisiana Tech University

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Site Check Please -- ancientstones.com

2006-04-27 Thread David Merchant

>Okay, what would be a good maximum width measurement (in pixels)?

Some may disagree with this, but I try to aim at using WebTV's (MSN TV) 
browser's usable screen area as a max measurement: 544 for the width (I 
haven't succeeded with all my pages yet). As we all know, it is hard, 
really, to declare a max, as people can have their desktop taskbars 
horizontal or vertical, regular height(width) or double or greater; their 
browser have sidebars, they have several toolbars, or have their toolbars 
set to have large icons with text beneath the icons; and of course can have 
the browser set at some size other than full window; etc, etc, that even on 
a 1280 x 1024 screen still can have problems with a Web page designed for 
800 x 600.


Director of Integrated Technology
Louisiana Tech University

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] test html pages on an handheld or smartphone browser

2006-04-27 Thread David Merchant
* Openwave Phone Simulator http://developer.openwave.com/dvl/
* Microsoft Mobile Explorer 
http://www.devhood.com/tools/tool_details.aspx?tool_id=52 (though the site 
seems to be down at present)
* Nokia has an emulator but I've never gotten it to work.
* Latest Opera browsers has emulators built-in.
* Klondike WAP Browser http://wap.apachesoftware.com/klondike.wml

David Merchant

Director of Integrated Technology
Louisiana Tech University

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Site Check Please -- ancientstones.com

2006-04-27 Thread David Merchant
Must agree with both reviewers:

1. I use a sidebar virtually 100% of the time and so I have to scroll 
horizontally to see all of this Web page. On the Catalog page, for 
instance, I do not see the Price radio buttons at all. Funny how, for many 
people, the eye notices a vertical scrollbar readily and thus realizes 
there is more to the Web page, but doesn't notice too readily at all a 
horizontal scroll bar.

2. Two of the images on the home page, and on the FAQ page, need tweaking 
so that their background matches the page's background.

I really like the color theme for the site; great choice for the site.

At 08:55 AM 4/27/2006 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi gang:
>Please review the following site:
>Suggestions and comments welcomed.


Director of Integrated Technology
Louisiana Tech University

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Site Check Please - udrise.udayton.edu

2006-01-25 Thread David Merchant
At 10:45 AM 1/25/2006 -0500, Joe Otten wrote:
>I saw the page viewed in FF 1.0 and it had some serious layout issues.  I
>was wondering if others could spot any issues with code, layout, etc.

Sorry, no feedback on code issues, but in FF 1.5 (WinXP), it appeared fine 
to me, I did not notice any serious layout issues. Same with Konqueror 
3.4.3 (Ubuntu 5.1). Had one noticeable issue with Epiphany 1.8.2 (Ubuntu 
5.1): the search box appeared under the blue R.I.S.E. bar and over the 
logo, and where it was supposed to be at, a grey filled in box.


Director of Integrated Technology
Louisiana Tech University

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Site check please - Huntly-online

2005-10-05 Thread David Merchant

At 10:04 AM 10/4/2005 +0100, Mike Davies wrote:

I would appreciate a check on this new site, particularly in MacIE.

Not a MAC, just Opera 7.54 on XP, the links look like they are 
strike-through (works fine on Opera 8.5).


Director of Integrated Technology
Louisiana Tech University
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [css-d] Site Check: Completed Lice_control.com

2005-09-26 Thread David Merchant

Some Linux browser results (Fedora Core 4):

Opera 8.02 on Linux looks better than Opera 7.54 on XP, the little fish 
picture at the lower left is where it should be on Linux, on Opera on XP I 
noticed that the fish is half-way escaping to the left. While a lot of the 
style is gone from Dillo (Linux), it still functions rather well, much 
better than many other sites using CSS. Other Linux browsers: looked great 
in Epiphany 1.6.1, Firefox 1.0.6 and Konqueror 3.4.2.fc4.1

My only real complaint (besides grammatical errors) is that sometimes the 
non-linked text is the same color as the linked text 
(http://www.lice-control.com/services.html). True, once I realized that red 
text that is bolded are not links, I didn't fall for it again, but it's 
still a bit exasperating.

-Original Message-
I am 99.9% complete. Just doing the final once over. Please take a peak
for me and let me know if anyones browsers are rendering crazy things.



Director of Integrated Technology
Louisiana Tech University

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [css-d] Site Check: Completed Lice_control.com

2005-09-26 Thread David Merchant
No probs in Opera 7.54 XP (SP2), however, there's a sentence that doesn't 
make grammatical sense:

"Like many ectoparasites (external parasites) that can endure starvation 
and extremes of temperature, lice and their eggs can survive only under 
relatively narrow set of environmental conditions."

This sentence is in conflict with itself.

Found at http://www.lice-control.com/licefacts.html, second paragraph under 
"Lifecycle of Head Lice" [BTW, Life cycle is two words, not one]

-Original Message-
I am 99.9% complete. Just doing the final once over. Please take a peak
for me and let me know if anyones browsers are rendering crazy things.



Director of Integrated Technology
Louisiana Tech University

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] site check - ie mac broken ie win?

2005-09-02 Thread David Merchant

At 06:44 AM 9/2/2005 -0700, rashantha de silva wrote:

can you please check to see if the photo gallery works in ie win

404 Not Found

Even when took space out ...tsunami_benefit/benefit.html, still 404.


Director of Integrated Technology
Louisiana Tech University

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [work] [css-d] Site Check: stephenjoneslaw.com

2005-07-14 Thread David Merchant

At 09:19 PM 7/14/2005 +0300, you wrote:


Anything is appreciated.  Thanks!

IMHO the main part of the page is quite skinny. Furthermore, on my 17" 
1024 pixel monitor, the text at default size on FF is very small. Much 
smaller than is comfortable for me to read.

Aye, I have to agree with that.

The overall look is great. Checked with Opera 7.54 PC (WindowsXP SP2).

My biggest feedback is that there is no consistency for determining what is 
a link. For instance: some white text will be linked, other white text is 
not, so I can't tell until I mouse over. Some linked text is dark green 
(the mouseover green of the green colored linked text matches the green of 
text that are just headers and are not links). Some linked text is 
underlined. This makes me think that any colored text might be a link, but 
I discover that isn't always true. The biggest confusion for me is the 
white text. I finally realize that if the white text is bolded, it probably 
isn't a link. Sorry, I just like a link theme/style that is consistent and 
one I can quickly identify. So many sites have so many different styles of 
indicating linked text that it gets wearisome for me to have to spend too 
much time figuring out a new site's link theme/style.

Otherwise, again, the overall design looks great.


Director of Integrated Technology
Louisiana Tech University
Carson Taylor Hall, Rm. 130
Adams Street (PO Box 3179)
Ruston, LA 71272
Tel: (318) 257-4772
Fax: (318) 257-3852

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] RE: CPU usage overload when scrolling up/down my blog

2005-06-01 Thread David Merchant

At 05:57 PM 6/1/2005 +0300, you wrote:

Wanna try? Use Firefox and go to
Try scrolling down the blog (it's in French)... Now, try scrolling up
and down like crazy... Using Firefox, my CPU usage is reaching 99%... I

With or without smooth scrolling in Firefox 1.0.4. I get about 55% CPU 
usage when I scroll up and down like crazy. Same with Netscape 8.0.

With Opera 7.54 I get about 30% CPU usage, same with I.E 6.0.

I get about 15% CPU usage with I.E. 5.0.1.

I get about 16% CPU usage with Opera 6.04.

I get about 14% CPU usage with Netscape 4.79 (though it usually hits around 
10%, rarely hits 14%).

This is on a P4 2.6 GHZ PC (XP SP2) with 1 GB Ram running, in the 
background, Microsoft's Spyware Beta, Wordweb 3.02, ZoneAlarm Personal 5.5, 
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.0, MSN Messenger 7, Eudora 5.1, Panorama 32 v 
1.31 (auto wallpaper changer) and Opera 7.54.

A side note, in Firefox 1 on Win98 I notice the globes spin (each link has 
a spinning globe before it), in Firefox 1 on WinXP the globes are not 
spinning and in Opera 7.54 on WinXP I did not notice any globes at all, 
neither do they show up in I.E. 6.0.


Director of Integrated Technology
Louisiana Tech University
Carson Taylor Hall, Rm. 130
Adams Street (PO Box 3179)
Ruston, LA 71272
Tel: (318) 257-4772
Fax: (318) 257-3852

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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