[css-d] Time to deprecate IE5, don't you think?

2005-07-26 Thread Haoshiro
I know most people will find this to be a horrid idea, but doesn't 
anyone else think it's time to deprecate to IE5 (all platforms).

I have been working in web development professionally since 1999 and at 
that time I had to practically make two separate versions of a site, one 
for IE and one for NS4.  Cross-browser compatibility was a necessary 
nightmare every web developer had to deal with; Opera didn't even have a 
complete DOM.

Now it's July of 2005 - 5-6 years since the release of IE5 - and yet 
still spend time working on IE5 compatibility, specifically IE5/Mac.

Consumers are an ignorant lot, work in customer support for a few months 
and this will become quickly evident.  They don't know how to upgrade, 
many can't install/uninstall software without a very detailed guide and 
explanation and even then it must be repeated each time an action is 

I personally believe Web Developers are *responsible* to educate the 
Internet user and to push web technologies forward.  This cannot be done 
by constantly remaining backward-compatible.  The consumer won't know 
there is something better if they are not told.

People want the Internet, people need the Internet, if web developers 
stopped supporting browsers that are holding technological progress back 
people *would* do as they are told - they would upgrade.

My stance on browsers is this:
- Opera users have bought their browser and the majority WILL upgrade to 
newer versions.  Compatibility can be kept to the current version or a 
version on 6-12 months old.

- Linux users will use Firefox, those who don't may use Lynx...  are you 
going to support Lynx specifically?

- Windows users - aka The Masses - will be using some version of IE.  If 
they are not running IE6 then they should be.  If they can't because 
they are running Windows 95 then they should upgrade or switch to Linux 
if they can.  If you are going to support those running Windows 95 then 
you should use 640x480 with 8-bit color depth and since you are doing 
that go ahead and only use HTML3.2 with no CSS.

- Mac should be running X with Safari.  If they are not then they are 
likely using Mac OS 8/9 which were released in 1999/2000.  If your 
support is going back that far then support Netscape 4 also, and if you 
are going there then be sure you work in 640x480 with 8-bit color depth 
- and don't use CSS.

The point I'm trying to make here is that for progress to really be made 
on the web we need to transition the ignorant and stubborn into modern 
times.  If developers do not educate consumers and our clients then the 
web will not move forward - at least not with much speed at all.

Application developers do not restrain themselves nearly as much as we 
as web developers due.  They are quick to increase requirements and 
consumers are fairly used to getting phased out.  Many new releases of 
applications require a current operating system - Windows 2K/XP or OSX.

When will we do the same?

Dwight Brown
aka "Haoshiro"

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Re: [css-d] Time to deprecate IE5, don't you think?

2005-07-28 Thread Haoshiro
I really don't see how it is off topic as it is relative to CSS and 
CSS-hacks in general.

From: http://www.css-discuss.org/policies.html#offensensitivity
"We encourage discussion and debate, and don't mind if it gets a bit 
heated. However, this does not mean you can flame other list members. If 
you think someone's flaming you or being needlessly offensive, take it 
up with them in private e-mail. If they get abusive, discuss it with the 
list administrators (the e-mail address is in the headers of every list 
message). Don't take it onto the list. Regardless of how long you've 
been online, I highly recommend a reading of the following: Avoiding 
Personal Conflict on Mailing Lists."

However, if the moderators label it as such then that is that.

If anyone is interested in continuing the Discussion, as I knew at least 
a few are, I have posted it here:



Carole wrote:

As our Moderator said, this is off-topic for the CSS-D list.  However, 
you  are right.  My point of view, code for the current browsers, 
ignore NN4,  IE anything.  When people discover their browsers don't 
work, they'll  upgrade.



On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 15:51:16 -0700, Haoshiro 

I know most people will find this to be a horrid idea, but doesn't  
anyone else think it's time to deprecate to IE5 (all platforms).

I have been working in web development professionally since 1999 and 
at  that time I had to practically make two separate versions of a 
site, one  for IE and one for NS4.  Cross-browser compatibility was a 
necessary  nightmare every web developer had to deal with; Opera 
didn't even have a  complete DOM.

Now it's July of 2005 - 5-6 years since the release of IE5 - and yet  
still spend time working on IE5 compatibility, specifically IE5/Mac.

Consumers are an ignorant lot, work in customer support for a few 
months  and this will become quickly evident.  They don't know how to 
upgrade,  many can't install/uninstall software without a very 
detailed guide and  explanation and even then it must be repeated 
each time an action is  necessary.

I personally believe Web Developers are *responsible* to educate the  
Internet user and to push web technologies forward.  This cannot be 
done  by constantly remaining backward-compatible.  The consumer 
won't know  there is something better if they are not told.

People want the Internet, people need the Internet, if web 
developers  stopped supporting browsers that are holding 
technological progress back  people *would* do as they are told - 
they would upgrade.

My stance on browsers is this:
- Opera users have bought their browser and the majority WILL upgrade 
to  newer versions.  Compatibility can be kept to the current version 
or a  version on 6-12 months old.

- Linux users will use Firefox, those who don't may use Lynx...  are 
you  going to support Lynx specifically?

- Windows users - aka The Masses - will be using some version of IE.  
If  they are not running IE6 then they should be.  If they can't 
because  they are running Windows 95 then they should upgrade or 
switch to Linux  if they can.  If you are going to support those 
running Windows 95 then  you should use 640x480 with 8-bit color 
depth and since you are doing  that go ahead and only use HTML3.2 
with no CSS.

- Mac should be running X with Safari.  If they are not then they 
are  likely using Mac OS 8/9 which were released in 1999/2000.  If 
your  support is going back that far then support Netscape 4 also, 
and if you  are going there then be sure you work in 640x480 with 
8-bit color depth  - and don't use CSS.

The point I'm trying to make here is that for progress to really be 
made  on the web we need to transition the ignorant and stubborn into 
modern  times.  If developers do not educate consumers and our 
clients then the  web will not move forward - at least not with much 
speed at all.

Application developers do not restrain themselves nearly as much as 
we  as web developers due.  They are quick to increase requirements 
and  consumers are fairly used to getting phased out.  Many new 
releases of  applications require a current operating system - 
Windows 2K/XP or OSX.

When will we do the same?

Dwight Brown
aka "Haoshiro"

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] Link plus background image, plus undereline

2005-07-30 Thread Haoshiro


Perhaps you could have the icon as the background of the div and attach 
it to the bottom-left.  then assign a left margin to the  tag to make 
sure it doesn't overlap.

A thought, at least.

Jono Young wrote:

Just thinking out loud here, and looking for feedback.  Here's what I  
am curious about:

I want to make a link, and give the link a left aligned icon image,  
and also give the link a bottom border so that the link's underline  
is a different color than the actual link text.  What I do not want  
is for the underline to also appear below the icon image that will  
appear to the left of the link.

Here's how I'd mark it up:

Callout's Title Goes Here
This is a short paragraph that gives a lead in to where the  
link below goes.

Go there now

I could give the  a class and assign a left positioned BG image,  
no problem, but if I add left padding to the  to allow for the  
image to show to the left of the link, the border will also appear  
below the image.  So, without adding  to the markup, am  
I out of luck here?  I am pretty sure it's a no go, but you all might  
have a better suggestion... that will work in as many browsers as  
possible of course - IE/Mac Win 5+, FF, Netscape, Safari, etc.

If it's not possible, a simple "no" will work for an answer, and I'll  
go on with the  approach, but if it is possible, and it  
satisfies the requirements, I'd really like to see a suggestion.


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Re: [css-d] Invisible text inside a a-Tag

2005-07-31 Thread Haoshiro


Your CSS is hiding the contents of your help/fakes divs and from what 
you gave I don't see why.

It'd doesn't appear you need those divs nor the spans, so you could just do:


Assign your help/fakes styles directly to the link elements.

joa ebert wrote:


this is my first question here so forgive me please if I'm doing some 
things wrong.
I've just a simple question about "what is the correct version of my 
ugly workaround".

The problem is:

I've got a footer, all the text is displayed by a background-image.
Now I want to have some clickable areas (from the left to the right).

Tidy says, it is not correct that a-div element lies inside an a-element.
This is what I'm currently doing. Works very well using gecko and 


My Stylesheet:

background: url(images/footer.gif) no-repeat;
height: 27px;
width: 585px;
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 396px;

#footer div
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
height: 27px;
float: left;

#footer a div span
display: none;

* Fixing a strange IE bug
#footer a div
cursor: pointer;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;

* Define footer buttons
#footer div.help { width: 50px; }
#footer div.fakes { width: 60px; }

Anybody knows the correct version of this?
It behaves correct but gives me a warning because the div is inside 
the a.


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Re: [css-d] hacks in IE7 ?

2005-08-04 Thread Haoshiro


Only a couple years?  I'm a bit more pessimistic.  Many web developers 
are still trying to ensure their site works in IE5/Mac and some even 
IE5.5/Win.  Only Windows XP will be getting IE7.  So if we are to 
support Mac OS 8/9 with IE5 because no new version is coming out for it 
(nor Safari/Firefox) then when will we ever be able to let go of IE6?  
Those systems are over five years old.  If we want to support any 
platform below XP we pretty much can't...  so what do we really gain 
from even having an IE7?  The comfort in knowing that in 6-10 years it 
might be acceptable to finally drop the obsolete, I guess...


Nick Fitzsimons wrote:


i've read somewhere that many IE CSS deficiencies won't be addressed in
the new IE release at all. Is this really so bad?
I don't want to see all those pages looking bad in the new IE just
because Microsoft suddenly decided to apply to standards and all those
old IE-hacks behave awkward now.


Despite all the naysayers (most of whom would hate MS to fix _anything_,
as they'd have to find something else to whinge about), the IE team are
planning to fix quite a lot of stuff. See their list at
for details.

Now that MS have engaged with the Web Standards Project, we can expect to
see a gradual improvement; but just fixing the bugs the IE team list in
the above-mentioned piece will sort out about 99% of the IE problems I
encounter on a daily basis.

However, we'll probably have to wait at least a couple of years before the
public upgrade in sufficient numbers for us to say "IE 6 is dead! Long
live IE 7!" :-(

So don't throw away your hacks just yet.



css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Re: [css-d] hacks in IE7 ?

2005-08-04 Thread Haoshiro
Heh, exactly.  That's why hacks, in general, are a bad idea.  More 
headaches for developers when future releases happen... whether that be 
the browser devs or the web devs!

Personally I just try to rework the way I am implementing something 
until it is cross-browser without hacks.

But perhaps the wide spread use of hacks is because everyone wants to 
design new-spec sites with pure CSS for browsers that were designed to 
accomodate classic table-based layouts.  Yet we all flinch at the idea 
of using the browser the way the browser makers originally 

This isn't to say I am *for* using table based layouts, because I'm 
not.  I'm just suggesting that perhaps we "want our cake and eat it too" 
in the sense that we want the new standards but don't want to accept 
that many browsers just don't handle them well.  Rather then do what 
they do handle well, we try to hack stuff up.

A thought, at least.


Zoe M. Gillenwater wrote:

Well, it's fixed right now, but may not stay that way, according to 
that comment.  Either way, we all need to reevaluate our IE hacks and 
take the time to clean them up now.

I can hear all the non-hack people laughing at us now... ;-)


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] hacks in IE7 ?

2005-08-04 Thread Haoshiro

That depends on how the floats are being used.

My suggestion would be to find a fundamentally different approach to 
producing the attempted design that would not cause the text jog to be 
an issue.  That would be a design-specific issue and the approach could 

It's possible I would use a table in this situation, if I can do so in a 
matter that fits my needs.  This could include being cross-browser 
compatible, standards compliant (as far as syntax), printer-friendly, 
and accessible, etc. - again, depending on the design.


Ingo Chao wrote:

Then I'd like to see a 3px text jog fixed without hacking. Can you 
please provide an URL to your new method?

Or does your interpration says we can't use floats? Would you use a 
table in this situation?


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] Firefox issue - Link outline on click

2005-08-08 Thread Haoshiro
Does anyone know if there is a way (using CSS) to stop Firefox from 
outlining a clicked link with a dotted border?

I have some tabs on my site and this behavior degrades the appearance of 
the tabs once they are clicked.  (Clicking somewhere else on the page 
removes "focus" from the link and the box is removed.)

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] Firefox issue - Link outline on click

2005-08-08 Thread Haoshiro
Actually when I attempted that it caused the firefox window to lose 
focus (switching to another open firefox window.)

I do realize it is something of an "accessibility" feature but, 
personally, hardly see it's great usefullness.

Creating anchors, which I had previously overlooked adding while 
testing, has cured the problem.

Thanks for all responses!

IMO, there is no way by using CSS, and a JavaScript like
you won't use, I guess.

Uwe Kaiser 

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] Hacks, to use them, or not

2005-08-23 Thread Haoshiro


Personally I would recommend *against* using hacks at all.  Conditional 
Comments and behaviors should be able to get you past the really 
problematic IE issues.

In my experience many of the "compatibility issues" across browsers is 
caused by the lack of complete CSS standards support in current 
browsers.  In these cases many layout issues can actually be solved by 
using a table or two in your layout.  Trying to force CSS standards on 
browsers that were not originally designed with them as a high priority 
using hacks is a worse practice, in my opinion, then using a few layout 

This is generally regarded as a *bad* thing because "tables are for 
tabular data only" but the fact of the matter remains that they do 
*work* and are generally rendered close to the same way across browsers 
common browsers.

Conditional Comments: 


4css wrote:

Ok, this is my next question in my learning quest.

To use hacks or not to use hacks.

There are so many of them out there that it is a bit confusing. And with so 
many to learn it gets a bit frustrating.

How do you remember all of them? do you keep a cheat sheet near you?

My mind is sort of boggled right now with so much reading etc.. So any links 
that could be provided, that really explain things good, would be so 

4~CSS!!! aka Deb
A site in progress:

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