[css-d] Web Pages Shift

2011-03-29 Thread PL
I have spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out why certain pages 
shift when loaded (or center differently) than others on this website. 
These two are very representative of the problem.


Any help would be very appreciated.
Thank you,
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Re: [css-d] Web Pages Shift

2011-03-30 Thread PL

I am indebted to you for this bit of information! Thank you. It solved
the problem so easily that I am amazed. I had never heard of this, but 
googled it to see what it was.

I dropped some code onto the bottom of my css sheet without really 
understanding where to put it or format it, but it doesn't seem to 
matter, it works.

html, body { height: 100%; margin: 0 0 1px; padding: 0; }

But I will do a bit of research to discover what this is all about.

Thank you,
Patrice Lockhart

Try setting up a permanent vertical scroller.  Compare the difference
with those that have and those that have not.  -Bob

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Re: [css-d] I must be a moron, How to reply to messages

2011-10-28 Thread PL

I have used Thunderbird for a long time and never noticed this button 
until you pointed it out. It's amazing that it has been sitting there 
right next to reply all this time and I didn't see it? Gosh, I could 
kiss you for this little tidbit.

Thank you

On 10/18/2011 10:03 AM, css-d-requ...@lists.css-discuss.org wrote:

If you use a client like Thunderbird, there is a convenient "Reply List"

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[css-d] Text Size Smaller Than CSS Indicates?

2011-10-31 Thread PL
My client has a number of property pages. I have just added flash slide 
shows to the banner area. I did not change anything in the CSS to do 
this and the CSS remains the same for all property pages as before.

However, on one page, the text appears to have changed to a smaller font 
than called for in the CSS when I uploaded the slideshow to the server:

font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;

I have compared all the property pages and the rest are fine. The 
original page was a test page and all I did to put it up live was remove 
the _test from the file name and point it to the .xml slide page.

Thank you,
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[css-d] CSS Gradient That Works With IE?

2012-01-28 Thread PL
I am in the process of refreshing an older website. I am trying to make 
only moderate changes to avoid breaking some of the pages that have 
unique elements.

The basic page has a 968px wide topContainer and container. I can style 
them more or less separately from each other. The container is styled 
with a full width 968 x 1px background gif image that creates a left 
200px solid green sidebar (through repeating) in the company color and a 
white background on the right for the content area.

I have put an HTML5 accordion menu in the topContainer with a green 
background. As the user opens and closes the menu, it slides seamlessly 
up and down the container sidebar and looks rather nice. I have not 
completely finished styling this.

I would like to make this sidebar a bit more interesting by adding a bit 
of a gradient below where the menu's deepest position is. I immediately 
realized that using a 968 x 1px gif was not going to work because the 
the height of the container is variable depending on the content.

I have two choices:
One: make the container the depth of the deepest page, lock it to that 
height and make another gif background with a gradient and use it full 
height and width. Some pages that have a small amount of content are 
going to look horribly unbalanced. I would say that about 1/3 of the 
site's pages are like this. One page has a flash google mapping program 
that will look very unbalanced if I take this approach. However, I do 
need to have the shorter pages a bit deeper to accommodate the sidebar 
accordion menu at it's full length. I don't think the container div 
responds to changes in the topContainer element's depths?

Two: use css to create a gradient in a newly created 200px wide sidebar 
in the container div.

I have found a website that helps the user create a CSS3 gradient and 
provides the code. However, it looks like IE doesn't do well with this 
and in fact they provide "if IE then" code that seems to reduce the 
gradient to a solid color. Unfortunately my client uses only IE on their 
desktop. There is no chance that they would consider any other.

Is there another way to accomplish a variable page height gradient using 
CSS that would work with IE? If you have seen a page that does this, a 
link to the page would help me study how it is done.

Here is my test page (which will be in a constant state of change and 
the junk at the bottom is a goner).

Thank you,
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Re: [css-d] CSS Gradient That Works With IE?

2012-02-01 Thread PL

On Sun, 29 Jan 2012, Ghodmode  wrote:

IE supports gradients through the non-standard CSS property "filter":

Here's an example that should work for you cross-browser:
background-color: #3D6554;
StartColorStr='#3d6554', EndColorStr='white');
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom,
from(#3d6554), to(white)); /* Saf4+, Chrome */
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #3d6554, white); /*
Chrome 10+, Saf5.1+, iOS 5+ */
background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #3d6554, white); /* FF3.6 */
background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #3d6554, white); /* IE10 */
background-image:  -o-linear-gradient(top, #3d6554, white); /*
Opera 11.10+ */
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #3d6554, white); */

This is amazing! Thank you for your help with this. It works fantastic! 
And also thank you for the help with placing it in the container div, 
your suggestion was clearly the easier way to approach this.

This really can replace most .gif files that are being used as 
backgrounds in a cross-browser friendly way. I will explore this for a 
webpage background also.

I am getting closer to adding the final touches on the page. Next, I 
need to get rid of some of the text on the page, too many words

my best
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Re: [css-d] media queries issues

2013-08-30 Thread PL

I think you need another media query in your css style sheet, you only
have two, you probably need three: desktop, tablet and mobile.

Using firebug, select your wrapper div and view Layout. Drag your screen
slowly to the left to find the first "breakpoint" where your styling for
desktop starts to fall apart (to your liking). Jot that width value down.

Continue to drag slowly to the left until you find the next breakpoint
that bothers you where the tablet styling falls apart. Jot that down.

Repeat to find the breakpoint where you think your mobile styling fails.

Write your desktop media query with a min-width and max-width. Set your
tablet the same way (but one px less than the min-width for the
desktop). Repeat for the mobile.

I played with your example page and came up with my own arbitrary values
of 865-960 (the page background white framing disappeared), 461-864 (the
menu broke) and 371-460. However adding in content really can change that.

Add an image or style your menu a bit more and see where those
breakpoints will be. Set image widths with percentages. The images
should be managed for smaller screens, to the best of your ability, by
either cropping to make a smaller file or saved for web at a smaller
size. And some images might just need to be dropped for the mobile,
avoid loading a large image to mobile for now if you can.

The width of paragraph text can also help you decide. When you start
getting paragraphs that are less than 3-4 words across it is probably
time to get rid of the sidebar completely (as in mobile) and stack it
below the section. That might mean making your section the full width of
the mobile screen and styling it a bit differently. And of course
putting in a different font can change it all too!

It hasn't been as easy as it first appeared to me, each screen size
really needs to be planned out and styled appropriately. But I found
that utilizing some standard styling between all three screens keeps the
job a bit simpler.

But still, for me, it has been a bit of styling then checking
breakpoints, then altering styling etc.
my best

On 8/29/2013 6:50 PM, css-d-requ...@lists.css-discuss.org wrote:

I am trying to get solid on basic media queries with the simple site,
link below. When narrow the viewport to "tablet" which I have set at
max-width:768px, the desktop styles vanish, but tablet styles don't
take their place. I've been wracking my brain over this and I am not
seeing the problem.

Any suggestions? Thank you in advance!



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[css-d] Remove a:hover Background-color: Images

2010-07-24 Thread PL
I inherited a website and am trying to sort through a lengthy (but 
probably well written) css style sheet for about 6 months. So far I have 
been able to solve most problems on my own.

*I need help with a specific site-wide problem and ideally would like a 
global css solution.*

There is text decoration on the a:hover that puts a background color 
green under the text and changes the text to white. It looks fine and I 
do not need to change that.
a{ color: #396552; text-decoration: none;}
a:visited{ color: #396552; text-decoration: none;}
a:hover  {
color: #FFF;
background-color: #3D6554;

However, on all images with href (including the corporate icon image on 
every page) *the a:hover obviously causes a green bar to show up under 
all images.*

In Firefox it is there, but not bothersome. In IE, it is causing a 
vertical page shift.

Removing the a:hover from the style sheet negatively affects all green 
text on a white background when hovering and is an integral design of 
the website.

*I would like to add a global item to the style sheet that removes the 
text decoration for a:hover on all images.*

My internet searches have found multiple "solutions" and none of them 
seem straightforward. I think the answer maybe something like this:
and setting it to no text decoration. But this does require applying it 
to every icon, every image on many pages.

I would like to post a url, but I am unsure if I can post a client's 
private url on this forum, there is nothing in the List Policies about this.
Thank you for your help,
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
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Re: [css-d] Remove a:hover Background-color: Images

2010-07-24 Thread PL
What are the rules regarding posting a link to a client's website on 
this forum? I would like to post it, but I am unsure about that.

This is the code for the top icon "logo" element on the top left page 
and the title on the top right page. This is happening on every page. 
(It is also happening to images used in a lightbox2 javascript in some 
pages but fixing this problem with the icon would help immensely)

These styles apply to this:
body {
margin: 0px;
text-align: center;
background-image:   url(../img/bodybg.jpg);
background-color:   #C8C8A2;
background-repeat:  repeat-x;
font-family:Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;
font-size:  14px;

#topcontainer {
width: 968px;
text-align: left;
margin: 0px auto;
border: 0px;

a   { color: #396552; text-decoration: none;}
a:visited   { color: #396552; text-decoration: none;}
a:hover {
color: #FFF;
background-color: #3D6554;

I wish I understood this better but I have reached a point where I am 
tripping over the CSS and drawing a blank. I can usually figure things 
out with brute force and experimenting. The more I experiment with this 
the less I understand. I even tried to just remove the background color 
from the a:hover. But then on other pages (where this also applies) the 
email links text color turned to white when hovered and the text just 
disappeared into the white background! So this bg color on the a:hover 
has to stay.

When you ask if there is padding, margin, line-height etc. set to the 
the  or  does  border="0" style="margin-left: -8px;" indicate 
this? What would I alter in this?

> if the anchor element containing the image would be exactly as big as
> the image, and the image's position would not be offset in any way, then
> there shouldn't be any green backfround color visible.
> Is there a padding set to  elements, or a margin to  elements,
> or line-height or anything else?
> Is there a link to the website to take a closer look at the problem?
> Best regards,
> Christian
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
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Re: [css-d] Remove a:hover Background-color: Images

2010-07-26 Thread PL
Thank you for all your suggestions and help. I was contacted by a member 
who had an excellent suggestion that worked very well.

 text link

a:hover {background: red; color: white;}
a.any_image_links:hover {background: transparent; color: green;}

I applied the class to the icon image and it resolved the problem. 
Dreamweaver doesn't display it correctly in the design view (shifting 
the icon from the left to the center of the page), but it looks correct 
in several browsers.

This is not my personal site, but a clients, so that is why I am 
hesitating to post the link. As I stay on this forum longer I will get a 
better idea of the pluses and minuses of posting this kind of url.

> Usually people put a link to the problematig page or site and a link to
> the css file (if it is a single file).
> So feel free to post that link, it will help everybody to analyze your
> problem and maybe find a solution.
> Best regards,
> Christian
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
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Re: [css-d] Remove a:hover Background-color: Images

2010-07-29 Thread PL
>>  text link

a:hover {background: red; color: white;}
a.any_image_links:hover {background: transparent; color: green;}

>>I applied the class to the icon image and it resolved the problem.
>> Dreamweaver doesn't display it correctly in the design view
>> (shifting the icon from the left to the center of the page), but it
>> looks correct in several browsers.

> But then Dreamweaver isn't a web browser and it's design view should
> only be used to get a vague impression of how it might look in an
> actual browser.
> -- Ed Seedhouse

In fact I discovered this to be a style sheet problem that showed up on 
the website as well. I compared the style sheet line by line with the 
older version after applying class="my_image_links" until I found 
something missing.

When I applied the class to the icon inside the div #topcontainer, DW 
deleted the "text-align: left;" without my knowledge. I tried this 
several times and it repeated it each time. I added the property 
text-align back to the #topcontainer and saved it. After doing this the 
icon was back to screen left on both the website and in DW design view.

#topcontainer {
 width: 968px;
 margin: 0px auto;
 border: 0px;
 text-align: left;
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