Re: [CTRL] Did anyone win the war? [your chance to vote]

1999-06-08 Thread E Mael

 -Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
Take part in Internet's latest daily survey


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

let us know when you do the bard part; i would be curious and could live
without all the other crap.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] [[SC] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1]]

1999-06-08 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-06-07 17:08:27 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I am reminded of the instrumentalist who was asked why he put a condom over
the mouthpiece of his saxophone. He replied that he was practicing safe

Whether one's choice is polygamy or monogamy, there's always a risk.  But
luckily for narcissistic yuppie control-freaks --whose criteria for the ideal
partner are so high, only one person (themselves) can meet them-- there's the
option of AUTOGAMY -- a TRULY "exclusive" relationship.  AKA "abstinence."
(Yeah, right ... No witnesses, anyway!)

(Hey, when I was minoring in Human Sexuality Studies in rabidly PC San
Francisco State University, masturbation was officially categorized as a form
of "having SEX."
Heterosexual intercourse was rated a poor third after homosexuality and "self
Such a tedious and complicated business, y'know, having to deal with someone
so different from oneself as to qualify as the OPPOSITE sex ...  O tempore, O

BTW, if those who espouse g abstinence practiced what they preach, and if
those who don't MIND it didn't breed, it'd go a long way toward cleaning up
the gene pool ...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] No Deal

1999-06-08 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 It's simple -- the same NATO that has been bombing Yugoslavia wants to
send in its OWN (non-UN) ground troops now under the guise of "peacekeepers."

Ministers Fail To Reach Kosovo Deal

.c The Associated Press

BONN, Germany (AP) -- Crucial negotiations on a Balkans peace plan are
focusing on the makeup of an international force in Kosovo, with Russia
strenuously opposed to NATO troops leading the peacekeepers.

Foreign ministers from eight nations were to hold a second round of talks
here today after Monday's negotiations failed to reach an agreement and the
Russian delegation said it had to consult with Moscow on the resolution.

Western officials insisted they would not back down over demands that NATO be
at the core of the peacekeeping force due to move into Kosovo under a peace
plan accepted Thursday by Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.

A senior U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, called the
NATO-led force ``our red line.'' The official said Western nations will not
accept a peacekeeping mission under U.N. control, as Russia has demanded in
the past.

The foreign ministers from the Group of Eight -- Russia, the United States
and the six other top industrialized democracies -- hoped to come up with a
final draft for a U.N. resolution during today's talks, German Foreign
Minister Joschka Fischer said.

Fischer emphasized that the ministers had agreed to 17 points on the 20-point
resolution during Monday's talks. The diplomats are also negotiating on a
civilian administration for Kosovo.

``We hope we will solve all the open points to the degree we can, then have a
constructive effort in the Security Council,'' Fischer said.

Under the peace plan, the U.N. Security Council must authorize the military
force and the civilian administration that would be dispatched to Kosovo
under U.N. auspices after Serb troops are withdrawn to ensure the safe return
of Kosovo's estimated 860,000 refugees.

A Russian delegation official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said
Russia was insisting on a halt in NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia before it
approves the resolution.

U.S. State Department spokesman James P. Rubin downplayed that objection.
``The Russians have made no secret of the fact that they would rather have
the bombing stop yesterday, the day before yesterday, or even 73 days ago,''
he said.

British officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that sticking
points revolved around whether a peace force would be under NATO or U.N.
command, and whether its mandate would be peacekeeping or peace enforcement,
the latter implying the use of force.

The Russian delegation objects to having NATO at the core of the peacekeeping
mission, the British officials said. They also opposed an article empowering
peacekeepers to take ``robust'' military measures to ensure peace.

The Russians also were balking at a preamble referring to the war-crimes
indictment of Milosevic, the British said.

The European Union's Kosovo envoy, Martti Ahtisaari, flew to Beijing today to
win Chinese backing for the resolution.

``I think it is extremely important that the Chinese leadership gets to know
what has happened in the peace process, because they have not been in this
process,'' Ahtisaari said upon arriving in Beijing.

China, along with Russia, said NATO airstrikes must stop before the accord
can be brought before the U.N. Security Council. Both countries hold
permanent seats on the Security Council and have veto power.

Before leaving, Ahtisaari spoke to Milosevic by telephone and relayed
assurances to the diplomats meeting here that the Yugoslav leader ``intends
to go forward with the agreement,'' Rubin said.

NATO officials feared Belgrade was backing away from the deal after
high-level military talks in Macedonia were derailed early Monday by a
disagreement over the withdrawal of Serb forces from Kosovo.

The Serbs say they are required to withdraw only to ``peacetime'' levels of
troops in Kosovo, or about 15,000 troops, according to a U.S. official. NATO,
however, demands a total pullout, with a few hundred troops then permitted to
return as a symbol of Serb sovereignty in the province.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Clinton's Economic Advisers Bailing

1999-06-08 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Clinton Economic Adviser May Leave

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Janet Yellen is expected to step down from her job as
chairman of the president's Council of Economic Advisers, an administration
official says.

The official, who spoke Monday on condition of anonymity, said Yellen would
depart soon, marking the third resignation of a Clinton economic appointee in
a few weeks.

On May 12, Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin announced he would be stepping
down around July 4. Clinton has nominated Deputy Treasury Secretary Lawrence
Summers to replace Rubin.

Last week, Alice Rivlin, whom Clinton appointed vice chairman of the Federal
Reserve, announced her resignation from the central bank, effective July 16.

Yellen has served as head of the three-member CEA since 1997. At the time,
her appointment was seen as an administration effort to foster closer ties
with the Fed, where Yellen was serving when Clinton tapped her for the CEA

The chairman of the CEA is considered the president's chief economist, and
the three economists who serve on the council are used as the
administration's in-house think tank on economic policy.

Yellen was one of Clinton's first two appointees to the Fed. Before joining
the central bank, Yellen was an economics professor at the University of
California at Berkeley, specializing in the causes and implications of

Yellen was Clinton's third CEA chairman, following Laura Tyson, another
Berkeley professor, and Joseph Stiglitz. Tyson has returned to Berkeley as
dean of the business school, and Stiglitz is chief economist at the World

Yellen's departure would leave the Council of Economic Advisers with only one
member, Rebecca M. Blank. Clinton has nominated Harvard professor Robert
Lawrence to fill the other vacancy on the three-member panel, but the Senate
has not yet acted on the nomination.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Orange County Drug Scandal/Conspiracy

1999-06-08 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Orange County Prosecutor Arrested

SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) -- An Orange County prosecutor accused of tipping off
drug ring leaders was among a dozen people arrested for investigation of drug
trafficking and money laundering.

Deputy District Attorney Bryan Ray Kazarian, 35, face a life sentence if
convicted, Orange County District Attorney Anthony Rackauckas said Monday.

Kazarian was arrested Sunday along with Howard Irvine Coones, 44, founder of
the Orange County Hells Angels chapter

Kazarian appeared in U.S. District Court on Monday afternoon and was ordered
held without bail. A deputy district attorney for six years, Kazarian worked
in an anti-gang unit until January when he was moved to a job inside the
office so he ``could be more efficiently monitored,'' Rackauckas said.

Prosecutors said the charges covered different conspiracies, including money
laundering and the distribution of cocaine, methamphetamine and prescription

Some of the drug distribution charges involved the shipping of chemicals from
New Jersey for the manufacturing of methamphetamine that was shipped to
Hawaii inside Harley-Davidson motorcycles and motorcycle shipping crates.

The money laundering charges involved millions of dollars, investigators

Kazarian's attorney, Malcolm Guleserian, said his client may have made some
``stupid mistakes'' but he wasn't part of a criminal conspiracy to traffic

Guleserian said Kazarian was devastated by the allegations. ``He's done a lot
to protect the community,'' Guleserian told The Associated Press. ``Now
they're saying he's a bad guy.''

Documents filed with the court alleged that Kazarian tipped ring members on
the status of police investigations. Prosecutors said Kazarian advised Ward
to not deposit money into a bank account to prevent the government from
finding it.

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[CTRL] Return of Kosovar Refugees Impossible

1999-06-08 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Returning Albanians Home Ruled Out

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A top United Nations official on Monday ruled out the
possibility that all uprooted Kosovo Albanians could be returned to their
homes before the cold-weather season because of the numbers of refugees
involved and the massive destruction in the province.

``Time is short,'' said Sergio Vieira De Mello, the U.N.
undersecretary-general for humanitarian affairs. He noted that the number of
Kosovo Albanians who are either refugees outside the province or internally
displaced could be as high as 1.5 million, and that only about three months
remain before wintry weather arrives in the Balkans.

In many cases, the Kosovo Albanians will be returning to ``four empty
walls,'' Vieira de Mello told a news conference.

``There is nothing left. There is no roof. All their property has been
looted, stolen. That is all they will find when they go back home for the
majority of them.

``We will, therefore, have a daunting task in terms of rehabilitating
shelter, schools, other basic services, in particular health, but also to
revive economic activity as well as to promote the recovery of agricultural

He described as ``impossible'' the job of carrying out these tasks for all of
the displaced before the September cold weather season arrives.

He said the United Nations is preparing contingency plans for a ``worst case
scenario'' -- that up to 1 million Kosovo Albanians would have to remain
outside the province beyond the warm weather months. A majority have been
given refuge in Albania.

About 6,000 have been flown to the United States, and U.S. officials expect
them to return to the province once conditions permit. Despite the peace
agreement announced last Thursday, U.S.-bound refugee flights are continuing;
one such flight arrived on Monday

Vieira De Mello said that as the Kosovo Albanians return, there is a
likelihood that the Serb minority in the province will flee and resettle in
the predominantly Serb region of the republic.

``The danger of revenge also creates the likelihood, I'm afraid, of further
displacement,'' he said.

He said the United Nations will have to play a role in furthering a culture
of tolerance and mutual respect in order to foster the goal of peaceful
coexistence in the province.

Vieira De Mello also expressed concern about refugees elsewhere in the
Balkans who are not receiving the same attention as the Kosovo Albanians.

``Please do not forget the more than half a million Serb refugees that have
been living in Serbia since they left Bosnia and Croatia. Nobody talks about
them,'' he said.

``They are living in squalid conditions, subhuman. ... These are human beings
that deserve the same attention, the same compassion, and who enjoy the same
rights as the Kosovo Albanians we have been focusing upon in recent weeks.
They also need to return home.''

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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[CTRL] NATO Partner Turkey

1999-06-08 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Turkish drug trafficking in Europe, Mafia and Turkish government corruption,

Not to mention the Kurds, who make Kosovars look pampered by comparison.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] With Friends Like Turkey ...

1999-06-08 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 NATO, on the side of the Octopus -- er, I mean, the angels ...

NATO To Launch Strikes From Turkey, Hungary-Report

May 11 8:05am ET

 NEW YORK (Reuters) - NATO's air commanders plan to launch
air strikes from Turkey and Hungary in an effort to encircle
Yugoslavia militarily and further isolate it politically, the
New York Times reported Tuesday, quoting unnamed allied
 Until now, NATO has launched attacks from bases in Western
Europe, the United States and from aircraft carriers in the
Adriatic, the newspaper said.
 But NATO air war commanders plan to attack from the east,
using air bases in western Turkey, and position warplanes in
Hungary, which would bomb Yugoslavia from the north, according
to the newspaper.
 The aim is to intensify political pressure on Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic and help NATO warplanes counter
Serbia's damaged, but still viable, air defenses, the Times
 NATO officials quoted by the newspaper said fewer than half
of Yugoslavia's 40 SA-6 and SA-3 surface-to-air missile
batteries were still functional. But the Times reported that the
Serbs have been moving the SA-6 batteries to conceal them and
position them along the allies' expected attack routes.
 Creating a new front in the air war would make it more
difficult for Yugoslavia to defend itself and help the alliance
cope with air traffic congestion over Yugoslavia, the newspaper
said. NATO planners have worked hard to reduce the chances of a
collision by allied warplanes.
 Turkey is expected to formally approve the arrangement, NATO
officials told the Times. Hungary has agreed to a similar
 But a spokesman for Turkey's General Staff said Tuesday they
had no such information.
 Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit said last month that it was
risky for Turkey, as a Balkan country, to play a more active
role than the air defense patrols its 11 fighter jets have so
far played in the conflict in Yugoslavia.
 Turkey has a small stretch of Balkan territory. It has a
number of airbases there and on its Aegean Sea coast that could,
theoretically, be used to launch NATO raids on Yugoslavia.

Europol points to Turkey as primary transit route for heroin

Athens, 28/01/1997 (ANA)

 An EDU/EUROPOL report on illegal narcotics has adopted all
the views expressed by the Greek delegation, which stated that 80
to 90 per cent of heroin confiscated in the European Union comes
from southeast Asia and is transported primarily by Turkish drug
 According to a public order ministry announcement, more than
1,100 Turkish nationals were arrested in the EU for heroin
smuggling in 1995.
 The report states that Turkey-based smuggling rings have
full control over the trafficking of heroin through the Balkans
to the countries of the west, cooperating closely with other
groups with which they have political or religious ties, adding
that smuggling rings fully utilize Turkish minorities in EU
countries, while their operations also function along family
 As Turkey does not have legislation regarding money
laundering, income from the drug trade is also invested in
legitimate businesses in that country, the announcement reads.
 Additionally, chemicals and raw materials needed for the
production of synthetic narcotics are shipped to Turkey from the

Drug seizure figures for Kipoi border post revealed

Athens, 07/01/1997 (ANA)

 The Kipoi border post on the Greek-Turkish frontier had
apparently become a favorite entry point for illegal narcotics
smugglers, according to officials, as several large drug seizures
have occurred at the crossing over the last six years.
 Specifically, during the 1990-96 period, 78 drug-related
arrests were recorded, while 697 kilos of heroin, 2,918 kilos of
hashish and nine kilos of opium were confiscated.
 Along those lines, customs officials at the Kipoi border
post were honored in 1992 as "United Europe's Best Border Post
in Terms of Drug Interdiction."
 According to customs officials, a significant contribution
to the more effective search of vehicles and cargoes entering
Greece through Kipoi has been the implementation, some two and
half years ago, of the "Nark Control" electronic narcotics
detection system.
 Officials noted that increased security and vigilance on
Greek borders has been responsible for a shift of smugglers'
routes elsewhere, namely, along a Turkey-Bulgarian-Romania road
axis, and a "Mediterranean" route, using ferry boats from
Turkey to Italy.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL

[CTRL] Turkey, Albania and Drug Smuggling

1999-06-08 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Nationals of Central European countries are used as heroin smugglers
 by Turkish and Kosovar Albanian criminal organizations."



 The geographical situation of its territory, a crossroads
for the northern smuggling routes through Poland and the Balkans
route via Slovakia in the southeast, make the Czech Republic a
hub through which all sorts of drugs pass. It is also home to
immigrants from the CIS, Central Europe and the Balkans, a
melting-pot in which criminal gangs easily find recruits.
Nigerian traffickers also have one of their most important
bridgeheads in Central Europe. Drug-running problems are on the
rise at the same time as its transition to a free-market economy
is being held up as a model among the ex-communist countries. The
threat also comes from the fact that the gangs are using
neighboring Slovakia, which is much more vulnerable, as a transit
and storage platform. These illegal activities are also starting
to have serious effects on local consumption. More specifically,
the Czech Republic has since the start of 1996 been facing the
grave problem of a mushrooming domestic market in heroin.

 Heroin Floods the Market

 The intellectual influence of the former Czechoslovakia, and
particularly its capital, Prague, put it at the center of
academic research in Central Europe and also at the leading edge
of experiments with articifial paradises. The first cases of
morphine addition appeared in the last two decades of the
nineteenth century. After World War I, when the country gained
independence, cocaine from Vienna and Berlin enjoyed a huge vogue
in Prague and all the other big cities, with some 10,000 users.
After World War II, the fashion was to experiment with a
combination of morphine and cocaine. Under the communist regime,
with all its obstacles to contacts with the West and the general
impoverishment of the country, sniffing solvents and abusing
other legal products mushroomed, particularly among young people.
In the 1980s drug users turned to pharmaceuticals, of which the
country is a leading producer. The collapse of communism opened
the Czech Republic up to networks based in Central Asia, the
Middle East and even Latin America and Africa, either by direct
air links or through neighboring countries.
 The influx of ex-Yugoslav citizens during the conflict there
only made matters worse.
 Until very recently, the country's drug users took
pervitine, a methamphetamine manufactured locally from ephedrine
on a large scale, and since the 1970s, "brown", a substance
obtained from opiate medicines such as Solutan. Apart from a few
isolated cases, heroin only really appeared on the market in
1992-1993. The drug was first marketed in the form of cigarettes
containing heroin mixed with tobacco. But the price, 3000 kroner
(about US $120) per gram (50% to 60% pure) remained high for the
local purchasing power.
 The typical user then was a businessman, around 25 years
old, for whom heroin was a means to escape the stress of daily
life. Heroin was distributed by "Yugoslav" gangs and Middle
Eastern criminals in exclusive restaurants and clubs.
 During 1994, the price of heroin fell to about $40 a gram,
that is the price of pervitine. Heroin use quickly spread,
affecting for instance discos, dance halls, etc. At the same
time, the local underworld lost its place to criminal gangs with
international connections. Thus, a significant share of the
market was taken by gangs of Kosovo Albanians which are organized
on a clanic base. They usually invest in legal businesses, such
as restaurants and even small companies, and marry Czech women in
order to be allowed to stay in the country. However, they are
beginning to face stiff competition on the drug market from very
dynamic and violent Bulgarian gangs, which up to now controlled
the market for stolen cars and smuggling. Middle-eastern
criminals, who hitherto specialized in the hashish trade, have
just entered the heroin market, too. Some of them work for
Russian and Ukrainian wholesalers. On the whole, Czech citizens
are mere employees of these various organizations, as drivers,
couriers, stock minders, etc. The arrival of unsophisticated
heroin manufactured in Poland (called "the Pole") has also been
noted. It is particularly popular among users in northern Moravia
where it sells for half the price of "true" heroin. Drug use is
not punishable under Czech law so it is extremely difficult to
crack down on street dealers.
 Elsewhere, Turkish organizations use the entire Czech
Republic as a transit territory for heroin from Turkey on its way
to the Schengen countries. For example, at the start of 1996,
Bulgarian police seized 150 kilograms of heroin in a car being
driven to Prague. For the Turkish rings Slovakia is a prime
location on the route for shipping Balkan heroin to the Czech and
German markets. The drug enters Slovakia 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: AllPolitics E-Wire -- June 7, 1999

1999-06-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 06/07/1999 11:24:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Milosevic must be driven from power, vertically or
  horizontally." Sen. Jesse Helms (R-North Carolina), reacting
  to the Balkans peace deal announced last week. 

GOOO Jesse!  Prudy

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Shootings a boon to home education [a bard bonus]

1999-06-08 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

Howard R. Davis III wrote:
Life Magazine made a list of the individuals who had the
most effect upon our civilization during the last millenium.
At the top of the list was Thomas Alva Edison. When his
teacher told his mother that he would never amount to anything
because of his learning disability (of course, back then she
probably would have said he was retarded), his mother took
him out of school and he got the rest of his education from
his mother (and reading most of the books at the local library).

The Education of Thomas Edison
by Jim Powell

[Mr. Powell is editor of Laissez-Faire Books. He has written
for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Barron's,
American Heritage, and more than three dozen other

This article is from The Freeman, February, 1995.
Copyright (c) 1995 by Foundation for Economic Education, Inc.

In 1854, Reverend G. B. Engle belittled one of his students,
seven-year-old Thomas Alva Edison, as "addled." This outraged
the youngster, and he stormed out of the Port Huron, Michigan
school, the first formal school he had ever attended. His
mother, Nancy Edison, brought him back the next day to
discuss the situation with Reverend Engle, but she became
angry at his rigid ways. Everything was forced on the kids.
She withdrew her son from the school where he had been for
only three months and resolved to educate him at home.
Although he seems to have briefly attended two more schools,
nearly all his childhood learning took place at home.

Thus arose the legend that Thomas Alva Edison (born February
11, 1847) became America's most prolific inventor -- 1,093
patents for such wonders as the microphone, telephone receiver,
stock ticker, phonograph, movies, office copiers, and
incandescent electric light -- despite his lack of schooling.

For years, he looked the part of the improbable, homespun
genius: five feet, 10 inches tall, gray eyes, long hair that
looked as if he cut it himself, baggy acid-stained pants,
scruffy shoes, and hands discolored by chemicals. Later he
took to wearing city clothes -- black. On more than one
occasion passersby mistook him for a priest and respectfully
tipped their hats.

Yet Edison probably gained a far better education than most
children of his time or ours. This wasn't because his mother
had official credentials. She had taught school, but only a
little. Nor was it because his parents had money. They were
poor and lived on the outskirts of a declining town. Nancy
Edison's secret: she was more dedicated than any teacher was
likely to be, and she had the flexibility to experiment with
various ways of nurturing her son's love for learning.

"She avoided forcing or prodding," wrote Edison biographer
Matthew Josephson, "and made an effort to engage his interest
by reading him works of good literature and history that she
had learned to love -- and she was said to have been a fine

Thomas Edison plunged into great books. Before he was 12, he
had read works by Shakespeare and Dickens, Edward Gibbon's
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, David Hume's History
of England, and more.

Because Nancy Edison was devoted and observant, she discovered
simple ways to nurture her son's enthusiasm. She brought him
a book on the physical sciences -- R. G. Parker's School of
Natural Philosophy, which explained how to perform chemistry
experiments at home. Edison recalled this was "the first book
in science I read when a boy." It made learning fun, and he
performed every experiment in the book. Then Nancy Edison
brought him The Dictionary of Science which further spurred
his interest. He became passionate about chemistry, spending
all his spare money buying chemicals from a local pharmacist,
collecting bottles, wires, and other items for experiments.
He built his first laboratory in the cellar of the family's
Port Huron house.

"Thus," Josephson noted, "his mother had accomplished that
which all truly great teachers do for their pupils, she
brought him to the stage of learning things for himself,
learning that which most amused and interested him, and she
encouraged him to go on in that path. It was the very best
thing she could have done for this singular boy." As Edison
himself put it: "My mother was the making of me. She
understood me; she let me follow my bent."

Sam Edison disapproved of all the time his son spent in
the cellar. Sometimes he offered the boy a penny to resume
reading literature. At 12, for example, Thomas read Thomas
Paine's Age of Reason. "I can still remember the flash of
enlightenment that shone from his pages," he recalled.
Typically, though, he used his pennies to buy more chemicals
for experiments in the cellar.

But Thomas Edison had discovered intellectual play. He
wanted to learn everything he could about steam engines,
electricity, battery power, electromagnetism, and
especially the telegraph. Samuel F. B. Morse had attracted
tremendous crowds when he demonstrated 

[CTRL] (no subject)

1999-06-08 Thread Ronald L. Wilson.

 -Caveat Lector-








As you probably know, the Federal Reserve System sends hundreds of billions of
dollars of the taxes you pay to private individuals..many of whom are foreign
are manipulators of the unAmerican associations called the Bilderbergs, the
the Tri-laterals etc. The United States should keep this money and pay down or
eliminate the U.S. national debt by having the Treasury department control our
banks and national currency. There is a bill in congress at this time for
this very
purpose. See: HR 1148 IH. Sponsored by Representative Ron Paul of Texas, you
can find it on his web site:

Other sites are: (A short description):



B. A national retail sales tax would simplify tax payment and collection,
expand "our" tax base,
increase total U.S. tax income,
and accomplish campaign finance reform in many ways:
Please see the Tauzin and Trafficant bill currently in the House at web site:

Foreign manufacturers and inporters into the U.S. would then pay the same
federal taxes that American based farmers and manufacturers now have to pay.
All foreign goods currently get off scott free.

It's the primary reason for our lopsided balance of trade since Gatt, Nafta,
and the
WTO. Please see web site:

A NRST is producer paperless, and record keeping free. Countless millions of
dollars are currently spent on internal recordkeeping, tax lawyers and
accountants. No depreciation schedules... No information revealing tax
All consumer and producer paper work would be performed at the point of sale
by the goods or services selling business.

Legislators couldn't manipulate the codes infavor of Merck or China or anybody
else. Hopefully the lobbiests would be able to find honest employment.

Much more information is available on these subjects.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Michael: Thomas Edison

1999-06-08 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-


Thanks for this post! I've always found the life and exploits of Edison to
be fascinating. And it's no stretch at all for me to admit that Edison is
the best example of the superiority of home schooling (when done right, of
course) we have.

Alas, Edison was no saint--his gifts were more than balanced by his notable
lack of morality in his business dealings (Nicoli Tesla)--but he is to be
admired for his tenacity and depth of reason.


The Education of Thomas Edison
by Jim Powell

[Mr. Powell is editor of Laissez-Faire Books. He has written
for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Barron's,
American Heritage, and more than three dozen other

This article is from The Freeman, February, 1995.
Copyright (c) 1995 by Foundation for Economic Education, Inc.

In 1854, Reverend G. B. Engle belittled one of his students,
seven-year-old Thomas Alva Edison, as "addled." This outraged
the youngster, and he stormed out of the Port Huron, Michigan
school, the first formal school he had ever attended. His
mother, Nancy Edison, brought him back the next day to
discuss the situation with Reverend Engle, but she became
angry at his rigid ways. Everything was forced on the kids.
She withdrew her son from the school where he had been for
only three months and resolved to educate him at home.
Although he seems to have briefly attended two more schools,
nearly all his childhood learning took place at home.

Thus arose the legend that Thomas Alva Edison (born February
11, 1847) became America's most prolific inventor -- 1,093
patents for such wonders as the microphone, telephone receiver,
stock ticker, phonograph, movies, office copiers, and
incandescent electric light -- despite his lack of schooling.

For years, he looked the part of the improbable, homespun
genius: five feet, 10 inches tall, gray eyes, long hair that
looked as if he cut it himself, baggy acid-stained pants,
scruffy shoes, and hands discolored by chemicals. Later he
took to wearing city clothes -- black. On more than one
occasion passersby mistook him for a priest and respectfully
tipped their hats.

Yet Edison probably gained a far better education than most
children of his time or ours. This wasn't because his mother
had official credentials. She had taught school, but only a
little. Nor was it because his parents had money. They were
poor and lived on the outskirts of a declining town. Nancy
Edison's secret: she was more dedicated than any teacher was
likely to be, and she had the flexibility to experiment with
various ways of nurturing her son's love for learning.

"She avoided forcing or prodding," wrote Edison biographer
Matthew Josephson, "and made an effort to engage his interest
by reading him works of good literature and history that she
had learned to love -- and she was said to have been a fine

Thomas Edison plunged into great books. Before he was 12, he
had read works by Shakespeare and Dickens, Edward Gibbon's
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, David Hume's History
of England, and more.

Because Nancy Edison was devoted and observant, she discovered
simple ways to nurture her son's enthusiasm. She brought him
a book on the physical sciences -- R. G. Parker's School of
Natural Philosophy, which explained how to perform chemistry
experiments at home. Edison recalled this was "the first book
in science I read when a boy." It made learning fun, and he
performed every experiment in the book. Then Nancy Edison
brought him The Dictionary of Science which further spurred
his interest. He became passionate about chemistry, spending
all his spare money buying chemicals from a local pharmacist,
collecting bottles, wires, and other items for experiments.
He built his first laboratory in the cellar of the family's
Port Huron house.

"Thus," Josephson noted, "his mother had accomplished that
which all truly great teachers do for their pupils, she
brought him to the stage of learning things for himself,
learning that which most amused and interested him, and she
encouraged him to go on in that path. It was the very best
thing she could have done for this singular boy." As Edison
himself put it: "My mother was the making of me. She
understood me; she let me follow my bent."

Sam Edison disapproved of all the time his son spent in
the cellar. Sometimes he offered the boy a penny to resume
reading literature. At 12, for example, Thomas read Thomas
Paine's Age of Reason. "I can still remember the flash of
enlightenment that shone from his pages," he recalled.
Typically, though, he used his pennies to buy more chemicals
for experiments in the cellar.

But Thomas Edison had discovered intellectual play. He
wanted to learn everything he could about steam engines,
electricity, battery power, electromagnetism, and
especially the telegraph. Samuel F. B. Morse had attracted
tremendous crowds when he demonstrated the telegraph back
in 1838, and telegraph lines were extended across the country

Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #4

1999-06-08 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

 Caveat emptor: let the buyer beware.
 Caveat lector: let the speaker beware.

 Dick Caveat, Beware of TV Talk Show Hosts.

Dick Caveat, beware of dicks (??)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] [[SC] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1]

1999-06-08 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

 BTW, if those who espouse g abstinence practiced what they preach,
 and if those who don't MIND it didn't breed, it'd go a long way
 toward cleaning up the gene pool ...

Unfortunately, inheritance doesn't work that way.  If it did, and
stupid people tended to die young, then all of humanity now would
be friggin' geniuses [genii?].  Unless Reptilioids were constantly
injecting more stupidity into people, of course...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: WND - Stop Doing Business With the Chinese Army.

1999-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan

In 1997, Commerce export enforcement officials in Beijing could
not identify Chinese Army owned companies.  According to the
Commerce officials in Beijing, the People's Liberation Army
simply did not provide such information.

In 1996, American computer maker SUN Computer Corp. exported a
super-computer directly to the Chinese Army.  According to the
Cox report, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic
Cooperation (MOFTEC) explained that the actual buyer of the
computer was the "Yuanwang Corporation" and that Sun was aware
of "this corporation's PRC military ties."

According to a 1997 e-mail from Bureau of Export Administration
(BXA) officer Mark Bayuk, a chart provided by the Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA) was used to "discover that Yuanwang
Group, the importer that is alleged to have imported the Sun
Computer shipped to the National Defense Technical Institute of
China in Changsha, was directly under the control of COSTIND."

An e-mail reply from Beijing Commerce officer Robert Bannerman
states, "This chart is the only list we have here in China of
PLA-affiliated companies.  The Chinese government does not
publish such a list, nor do we know of any other published
source of data base of PLA-affiliated companies."

Bannerman did not know how wrong he was.  While export control
officials were scrambling to find some information on PLA
operations - the Commerce Dept. sales division, under Ron Brown,
was well informed.

There was a published list of Chinese Army companies and it was
provided by one of the top Generals in the PLA.  In 1995,
Secretary Perry informed Commerce Secretary Ron Brown that his
PLA contact was "General Ding Henggao" of COSTIND.

"Dear Ron," wrote Perry in his 1995 letter to Secretary Brown.
"I recently received a letter from General Ding Henggao, the
Minister of the Chinese Commission for Science Technology and
Industry for National Defense (COSTIND).  As you know, General
Ding and I head the Sino-American Joint Defense Conversion
Commission that was established during my visit to the PRC this
past October (1994)."

"General Ding's staff has prepared a list of 49 potential
projects...  We have provided the list to Barry Carter, who is a
member of the Commission.  Your Bureau of Export Administration
is working to make information available to concerned U.S.

According to Defense Secretary Perry, the U.S. contact for PLA
General Ding was Barry Carter, Commerce Deputy Undersecretary of
Export Administration.  According to Federal Election Commission
records, Barry Carter is a DNC donor and currently a Professor
of Law at Georgetown University.

In 1994, Carter worked at the Commerce Dept. under Ron Brown.
Barry Carter exchanged correspondence with several major
China-Gate players including PLA Lt. General Huai Guomo, PLA
Major General Deng Yousheng, Ken Kay, a lobbyist for Sun
Computers, and Eden Woon of the Washington State China Relations

The 1995 PLA list given to Carter is part of a series of letters
between the Commerce Dept., various Chinese Army officers and
anxious U.S. vendors.  The 1995 list provided to Carter included
"China YuanWang (Group)" and several other well know Chinese
Army owned companies such as "NORINCO", "China National
Nuclear", "China State Shipbuilding" and "China Aerospace."

Carter also included his own personal touch to the list, by
providing the phone, fax and address for his PLA contact in
Beijing, "Lieutenant Colonel Wang Zhongchao", and his contact at
the Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C., "Colonel Xu Cunyong."

Carter provided the list of PLA companies and contacts to Eden
Woon, donor to U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Executive
Director of the Washington State China Relations Council (WSCRC)
and Director of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce.
The Washington State China Relations Council includes major
Corporate sponsors such as Northwest Airlines, Boeing, Microsoft
and the law firm of Preston Gates Ellis  Rouvelas Meeds.

However, in 1994, civilian Eden Woon also provided Commerce
Undersecretary Barry Carter advice on how to deal with the
Chinese Generals.  According to another Commerce Document, Barry
Carter informed DIA Lt. Col. Dennis Blasko that Woon helped
determine the text of his official letter to PLA General Huai

Carter's letter to Lt. Col. Blasko states "Dear Dennis - First
it was a pleasure to meet and talk with you in Beijing...
Accompanying this is a letter from me to Vice Minister (Lt.
General) Huai Guomo of COSTIND.  It is a follow-up to the
Defense Conversion Commission meeting.  Eden Woon suggested that
I write the letter, and I cleared the contents with him.  Eden
said I should ask you to forward it to the Vice Minister."

The 1994 letter to Lt. Col. Blasko was copied to Eden Woon by
Carter in a following fax transmission.  Carter wrote to Woon on
the copy attachment "Eden - FYI.  Here is what I 

[CTRL] Photon belt, solar storms, Kyoto EO

1999-06-08 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 Regarding the usually- ignored 'photon belt' :


* Professor of Geology and Mineralogy;  Chief Scientific Member,
United Institute of Geology, Geophysics, and Mineralogy,
Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Sciences;
and Expert on Global Ecology, and Fast-Processing Earth Events.

 Published in Russian, IICA Transactions, Volume 4, 1997

 Summary Paragraph :

 Current PlanetoPhysical alterations of the Earth are becoming
 irreversible.  Strong evidence exists that these transformations
 are being caused by highly charged material and energetic
 non-uniformity's in anisotropic interstellar space which have
 broken into the interplanetary area of our Solar System.  This
 "donation" of energy is producing hybrid processes and excited
 energy states in all planets, as well as the Sun.

 Effects here on Earth are to be found in the acceleration of the
 magnetic pole shift, in the vertical and horizontal ozone content
 distribution, and in the increased frequency and magnitude of
 significant catastrophic climatic events.  There is growing
 probability that we are moving into a rapid temperature instability
 period similar to the one that took place 10,000 years ago.

 The adaptive responses of the biosphere, and humanity, to these
 new conditions may lead to a total global revision of the range of
 species and life on Earth.  It is only through a deep understanding
 of the fundamental changes taking place in the natural environment
 surrounding us that politicians, and citizens a like, will be able
 to achieve balance with the renewing flow of PlanetoPhysical states
 and processes.

 continued at:



 Global warming - is the Sun to blame?
 More research is called for to determine
 the Sun's effect on climate change

 By BBC News Online Science Editor Dr David Whitehouse
 Thursday, June 3, 1999

 Global warming may not be caused by humanity's fossil
 fuel emissions, but could be due to changes in the Sun.

 Research suggests that the magnetic flux from the Sun
 more than doubled this century.  As solar magnetism is
 closely linked with sunspot activity and the strength
 of sunlight reaching Earth, the increase could have
 produced warming in the global climate.

 The evidence for an increasingly energetic Sun comes
 from a new analysis of the magnetic field between the
 planets, carried out by scientists at the Rutherford
 Appleton Laboratory, near Oxford, UK.

 Solar Wind

 This magnetic field is caused by the Solar Wind, a
 stream of particles given off by the Sun which fills
 the solar system.

 The scientists produce evidence that since 1964 the
 interplanetary magnetic field has increased in strength
 by 40%.

 Evidence from before the space age suggests that the
 magnetic field is 2.3 times stronger than it was in 1901.

 Scientists do not doubt that the increased magnetic
 field results from a more energetic Sun.  Their problem
 is that the effect of these increases on the Earth is

 Not our fault?

 The research is published in Nature and in the same
 journal Professor Eugene Parker, of the Laboratory for
 Astrophysics and Space Research, University of Chicago,
 comments that it could explain global warming.

 He notes that the increased solar activity has occurred
 in parallel with an increase in carbon dioxide in the
 Earth's atmosphere.  And it may not be a coincidence,
 he says.

 Professor Parker suggests that the Sun's increased
 activity caused the Earth's global temperature to rise
 and that in turn warmed the oceans.

 Warmer oceans absorb less carbon dioxide from the
 atmosphere.  So a warmer Earth has more of the so-called
 greenhouse gases.  Humanity's burning of fossil fuels
 may therefore not be the cause of global warming.

 Perilous plans

 Professor Parker adds that that more research must be
 done about the Sun's role in global warming before
 drastic action is taken here on Earth.

 "It is essential to check to what extent the facts
 support these conclusions before embarking on drastic,
 perilous and perhaps misguided plans for global action,"
 he says.

 Measurements of the magnetic field are not the only
 evidence for the Sun's variable influence on the Earth.
 The planet went through a "little ice age" during the
 17th Century, at a time when very few sunspots appeared
 on the surface of the Sun.

 And the so-called "medieval maximum" was a period of
 warmer than average global weather in the 12th Century.
 Astronomers believe that the Sun was slightly brighter
 at that time.


 In a related event, 3 June 1999:

  President Clinton responds to global warming -- caused
  mostly by solar storms, which in 

[CTRL] Fwd: Background of Donald M. Kerr, Jr head of FBI crime lab

1999-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan

Yesterday Elmer Barr gave an interesting URL:


.which is,

| FBI Laboratory Support in TWA 800
| Statement of Lewis D. Schiliro
| Assistant Director in Charge
| Federal Bureau of Investigation
| New York Office

When you go to that page,
 there is another link:

| Statement of Donald Kerr

Who, as Elmer informed us on May 9,
 was on the Grassley hearing
witness list:

| Dr. Donald M. Kerr
| Assistant Director
| Laboratory Division
| Federal Bureau of Investigation

In other words,
 Kerr is the head of the FBI crime lab.

He was appointed in 1997. When Clinton appointed him,
 I suspected
there was something bad about him. I did not realize how bad,

though, until I reread an article.

Because since then some information has come to light.

You know what his job was before?

Kerr used to be the director of the Los Alamos nuclear laboratory!

F.B.I. Names An Outsider As New Head Of Crime Lab
New York Times


Print Media Edition:  Late Edition (East Coast)
New York
Oct 22,


Authors:  David Johnston

Document Section: A

UMI Publication No.:  04750991

Pagination:   23

Column Number:01

Page Count:   0

Text Word Count:  536

Document Type:News

Source Type:  NEWSPAPER

ISSN: 03624331

Subject Terms:Forensic sciences
  Appointments  personnel changes
  Government agenciesCrime and Law Enforcement
  Science and Technology

 Oct. 21

Personal Names:   Kerr, Donald M
 LouisDonald M. Kerr Jr.
  Company Name: Federal Bureau of Investigation

  Company Name: FBI

UMI Article Ref. No.: NYT-2579-94

UMI Journal Code: NYT


The Federal Bureau of Investigation announced the appointment today of
a nuclear-weapons physicist with no forensic experience to head the
law-enforcement agency's crime laboratory,
 which was harshly criticized
for substandard performance in a recent Justice Department report.

The selection of the scientist,
 Donald M.  Kerr Jr., came after an inspector
general's report in April found what investigators described as serious
flaws in scientific practices at a laboratory that for decades had symbolized
the F.B.I.'s commitment to high-tech investigative techniques.

 Director Louis J.  Freeh of the F.B.I.  said Dr.  Kerr would bring
a record of scientific achievement and managerial ability to the laboratory.
Dr.  Kerr,
 who is 58, formerly headed the Los Alamos National Laboratory,
the nuclear weapons and research institution.  He also held senior positions
at the Energy Department that included responsibility for nuclear weapons
 production and intelligence.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner.
Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission.

=== End of Document ===

It turns out that a lot of what Marshall Houston has posted on
Chinese spying is very relevant to the TWA Flight 800 case:

Marshall Houston,
 March 21, 1999, quoting from an article, in a message
entitled "Does China 'Engagement' Put America At Risk?

MH Wen Ho Lee was fired this month two days after China's theft of
MH super-secret U.S. nuclear warhead technology was reported in the press.

MH But he kept his job at Los Alamos National Laboratory for three years
MH after becoming the chief suspect in the theft.

Marshal Houston also wrote in that message:

MH Does anyone have doubts that Bill Clinton and Associates wouldn't
MH cover up TWA800?

Not only that, but he's using some of the same people to do that!!

As I wrote about Los Alamos on March 7, 1999:

SF Clinton didn't want a spy to be found. He was fighting technologu
SF transfer and spying for China the way the Mexican government fights
SF narcotics traffickers.

(in other words he was only pretending to and wanted his efforts to

You know they had a legal right to look into Wen Ho Lee's computer
without any warrant, but somehow a decision was made that a warrant
was needed and then the warrant was not applied for.

The man in charge at Los Alamos was placed in charge of the FBI
crime lab after the Justice Department report (a continuing coverup
is necessary of course.)

The move was good for covering up TWO scandals.

It was good for him and Los Alamos because it got him out of there
before the revelations of the Cox Committee would become public. (The
report was finished by the end of the year 1998 and then Clinton
delayed the release a long time and 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Miami Herald on Implants

1999-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan

From: Daniel Hopsicker [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have to admit, I find the mind control stuff pretty out there--
right along with the satanic baby sacrifices and the "presidential"
blow job model sex slaves. (if they got sex slaves, i figure, why'd
clinton need a baby-fat chubby bimbette from beverly hills?
 Me, i'd a' ordered me a sharon stone model.)

but i try to keep an open mid. really.
 hamlet said
 'there are more things in heaven and earth horatio
than are dreamt of in your philosophy.'

so i dug out this story in found in the miami herald.

there should have been a follow-up to this but if there was i never saw

anyone wanna do a miami herald search on this?


Monday, May 28, 1984

James Pettit, convicted drug pilot, admitted arms smuggler, has told the
same story over and over again. Nobody believes him.

Embedded in his neck, he says, are tiny electronic devices put there by
the CIA to control his thoughts.

A federal judge heard the tale and ordered a psychiatric examination.
The psychiatrist said Pettit is legally competent. The judge ordered a
CAT scan, a
sophisticated X-ray, of Pettit's neck. The test found nothing.

When a Dade circuit judge heard the story, he thought Pettit was trying
to talk his way out of an arson charge. The judge ordered new X-rays
when Pettit offered to
accept a 30-year jail sentence if they turned up nothing.

To the surprise of the judge, the prosecutor and even Pettit's attorney,
the newest tests from Jackson Memorial Hospital show two "foreign
objects" in Pettit's neck.

Circuit Judge Howard Gross has ordered exploratory surgery to find out
what they are.

"Thoughts that don't belong to me keep appearing," Pettit said during an
interview in the Dade County Jail. "The only problem I'm having is
getting the implants

"Up until the newest X-rays, there was nothing to give credence to his
story," said Pettit's latest attorney, Roy Gelber. "I feel that now
there is some objective proof
of what he was saying."

It is the kind of tale that could become a bestseller, a spy thriller
with drug smugglers' airplanes crashing in flames, organized crime,
murders and mind control by the

Sitting in a tiny interview room in the jail, Pettit holds up one, then
two X-rays. Each is about the size of a sheet of typing paper.

"See the circled areas?" he says. "See that thing that looks like a
little bottle? That, my friend, is an implant. They're not metal.
They're quartz. They're like tiny radio

"I think they were going to use me in a program to assassinate someone,"
Pettit says. "I can't prove the CIA put them in there. But there is no
way any other
government agency has the power to do that. You think about it . . . I
can't be the only one implanted."

* * *

Physically, James Pettit, 39, is a wreck.

"Burn 'em" Pettit was what federal drug agents called him
because of the many planes he crashed during his brief career as a drug

Pettit's last crash, in April 1982, a Lockheed Loadstar carrying
Quaaludes, was the worst: When the plane exploded in a Colombian
pasture, Pettit was burned over
54 percent of his body.

Eight days later, he was admitted to the burn center of the U.S. Army
Institute of Surgical Research at the Brooke Medical Center in San
Antonio, Texas. Hospital
spokesman Ray Dery confirmed that Pettit was treated by two doctors at
the center until July 2, 1982.

Pettit said that while he was at the burn center, the implants were put
in his neck, face, arms and ears.

Three times during surgery, "I left my body and watched the operation,"
said Pettit, a believer in astral projection who once listed his
occupation as a

The crash left him badly scarred. He wears long-sleeved shirts to cover
the shriveled, baby-pink skin on his arms. His nose was rebuilt, but one
nostril is larger than
the other. His battered face is covered with a heavy, dark beard. The
fingers on his right hand stop at the knuckles; they were lost in an
earlier fire. The fingers on his
left hand are bent back.

* * *

The CIA program was called "Operation Crystal Ball," Pettit says, and he
found top secret documents on it in a Key West dumpster in the
mid-1960s. They came
from a safety deposit box that was broken into at the former Key West
National Bank, he says.

The documents described a CIA plan to take over the world's judicial and
political systems through mind control by the year 2000, Pettit says.

"The Crystal Ball routine, I'll never be able to prove," he says.

But his discovery of the documents is one reason the CIA focused on him,
Pettit says.

The other reason was his search to find out why his older brother,
Herschell Neal Pettit, died in the Gulf of Mexico in 1978. Pettit says
his brother was "a straight
arrow," and he couldn't believe reports that the elder Pettit had
committed suicide aboard a boat loaded with pot.

"I think he was working 

[CTRL] OEN 6/8/99

1999-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A

Today's Lesson From FBI Secrets: An Agent's Expose

by M. Wesley Swearington

I became a Special Agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
in 1951. I did not know, when I joined, that I would learn the expertise
of burglary, or that former Director J. Edgar Hoover would instruct
agents to violate extortion and kidnapping laws. I did not know then
that FBI agents would plot assassinations of American citizens. . .

Because of the FBI's widespread dishonesty and corruption, by the end of
my tenure there I had lost the ability to distinguish between different
levels of corruption. In the beginning, when I saw new agents being
encouraged to cheat on their examinations, I was shocked. But after
twenty years of seeing a whole bureau cheat on Inspector's examinations,
concoct fictitious informants, manufacture phony informant reports, and
create false statistics, even the most egregious levels of
corruption--when top FBI officials lied to the courts, the Department of
Justice, and to the U.S. Congress--no longer shocked me. After
witnessing twenty years of FBI wrongdoing, I had accepted it as a means
to survive in the bureau.
Electronic Commerce

Will Internet Retailers Ever Make Money?

We lose money with each sale, but we make it up on volume., Etoys, Peapod: the names may vary but one thing stays the
same. Internet retailers are burning up money by the barrowload. The
more they sell, the bigger their losses - with no hint of a turnaround
in sight.

Will internet retailers ever make money? Some may, but it seems
increasingly improbable that companies such as, Etoys and
Peapod will be among them.

In this year's first quarter, for example,'s revenues more
than tripled to $293.6m from $87.4m a year earlier. But its losses
increased more than five times, from $10.4m to $61.7m - and the company
warned that that losses for the rest of the year would be 2  times that

Instead, the prize of profitable growth is going to other types of
e-commerce companies that never touch any physical goods - companies
like E*trade, the on-line stockbroker, and Ebay, the electronic auction

A glance at US retailing's history suggests why the internet future is
shaping up this way.

In the early 1800s the US population was overwhelmingly rural. The
typical country store carried few products because restocking meant a
long and arduous journey to the city. The goods obtained were whatever
suppliers had available, not what customers wanted. Because turnover was
low, the retailer's margins had to be high.

Then came the telegraph and the railroad. Suddenly, store-keepers could
order goods from distant suppliers and take delivery without leaving the
premises. Wholesalers such as Marshall Field competed for retailers'
custom by setting up buying arms to find ever more tantalising arrays of
products. They sent out travelling salesmen to promote them. The
consumer culture was born.

For a while catalogue retailing storekeepers did well. But soon big mail
order houses such as Montgomery Ward and Sears Roebuck sprang up,
offering much broader ranges of products in their catalogues than a
small store could fit on its shelves. And because of their high
turnover, the mail order houses were able to charge far lower prices
than independent retailers.

For country stores, the competition was devastating. And soon, small
retailers were suffering in urban areas too. As the US population
migrated to towns and cities, big department stores and chain stores
began to evolve. They again took advantage of their high turnover to
undercut smaller retailers' prices.

Even so, the chain stores of yesteryear were inefficient by modern
standards. Shoppers were served by clerks who would select the desired
items from behind the counter, wrap them, take payment and arrange for
the goods to be delivered to the customer's home.

That changed with the opening of Michael Cullen's King Kullen
supermarket chain in 1930. Foreseeing the impact of the automobile,
Cullen cut costs by building big stores with car parks on low-rent land.
Customers were asked to serve themselves, pay at a check-out till and
carry their own goods home.

A picture is already beginning to emerge. The history of US retailing
can be summed up as a relentless drive by retailers to satisfy the
shopper's love of a bargain. And the most notable feature of that
process has been a willingness by shoppers to put a higher value on low
price than on personal service and delivery to their doorsteps.

In its latest manifestation, the cost-cutting has led to the emergence
of discount store and membership warehouse chains. The biggest of these
is Wal-Mart Stores, which has become the world's most successful
retailer by optimising the 

[CTRL] Jesus in the Sky with Aliens . . . deux ex machina

1999-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:530568"Aliens and the Rapture/A
Subject: Aliens and the Rapture
From: "the Watchman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, Jun 8, 1999 12:45 AM
Message-id: 7jihak$1ukg$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi there Laura T. :

   You are not alone When I first started
this sixteen years ago. I thought I was crazy and so did alot of other
people. But as time went by and I gained more knowledge, which I shared with
those around me. Time itself told the story. Things that I investigated and
talked about were becoming public. Now many years later, my family and
friends are 100 percent behind me on this. I pray quite often for
understanding and knowledge of the information I gather. My best advise to
you is to keep up your own investigation into a Mark of the Beast and a new
world orderkeep the bible as your main source of information..and pray
often... and spread the word. People need to know.

   As far as the rapture being blamed on alien abduction.   Well, when I
read the entire bible. I can see that something from outside of this earth
is responcible for the rapture. Many bible verses refer to aliens and the
craft they fly around in. The first chapter of Eziekiel mentions a wheel
intersecting a wheel with lights all around.(is this a Ufo and are the four
living beings Aliens?)
Here's the verse... Please read with an open mind. Free yourself from what
they have taught you and lock yourself into what he (GOD ) teaches you.

Wheels intersecting wheels

 There is also mention of a new city Jeruselem (Ufo?) decending out of the
heavens in the book of Revalation.

New City Jersalem decending from heaven

If you ask me the Alien/Ufo thing is simply a part of the grand Conspiracy/
Deception. I believe that it is quite possible that Aliens will be apart of
the rapture, and that it is after we are wisked away during the rapture.
That Aliens/Abduction will be the words they use to describe what happened
to thousands of people and then using that to decieve the masses into
believing that heaven on earth has been fullfilled and then enters the anti
christ. remember that this deception will be great enough to decieve even
the elite.  Remember also that there is good and Bad in everthing Aliens are
included in this. Please refer to this bible verse in Genisis about the
Nephilm ( fallen angels ) that mated with woman and bore children, Giants
and men of renowned

Genesis 6:4
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the
sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were
the heroes of old, men of renown.

 Right after this God sends the flood

If you are interested in studying Endtimes and Conspiracies here is a
rule of thumb to help you.

 "If it makes you laugh it is probably true, it is when you cry... you
finally understand"

  Keep up the studies and spreading the news
 God Bless
 the Watchman

The Watchman
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bilderbergers and the Balkans

1999-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:530597"Re: Bilderbergers and the
Subject: Re: Bilderbergers and the Balkans
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225)
Date: Tue, Jun 8, 1999 5:21 AM

  Profiler 25 wrote:

What exactly is all this about the Bilderberg Group starting the Kosovo War?
What would they have to gain from doing so?

  The Bilderbergers are one of the most important groups behind the New
World Order Conspiracy.  The central idea of the NWO is one-world government,
the abolition of national sovereignty.  Individual countries will assume the
status of provinces or regions in a World Empire.

   The Kosovo War is abolishing the national sovereignty of a sovereign
state, Yugoslavia.  The Kosovo War is an example that will be followed
elsewhere in the future.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:530557"Re: ARPANET/A
ubject: Re: ARPANET
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (redrum)
Date: Mon, Jun 7, 1999 9:36 PM

Check your logs-I would guess that you're getting hits from **
which is the current internet domain for ARPA.


On Mon, 7 Jun 1999 22:32:27 -0400, "Spycom" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I was wondering about that myself. I put up a website for ex CIA
analyst Ralph McGehee, we get old Arpanet hits too.


Recently my website was hit by some one using the old Arpanet. If
anyone can
tell me how this is possible I would like to know. I would even like
to know
more, who that was, and how I can access the Arpanet. It is my
that the Arpanet was dissolved in 1990.

Common Sense Almanac

The First Church of Common Sense
Subject: Re: ARPANET
From: Holger Isenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, Jun 8, 1999 2:32 AM

redrum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Check your logs-I would guess that you're getting hits from **
 which is the current internet domain for ARPA.

I was also wondering about some entries in my server-log:

It seems, that in Kazakstan and Tasmania the ISPs made some wrong reverse
lookup entries.

   Holger Isenberg

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] The Real Balkans Agenda

1999-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:530495"The Real Balkans Agenda/A
Subject: The Real Balkans Agenda
From: "Shapeshifter" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, Jun 7, 1999 4:04 PM
Message-id: 7jhmij$lns$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you believe one ounce of the media or governmental propaganda relating to
the Balkans conflict you would be insulting your own intelligence and there
would be no need for me to further that line of prosaic net flaming. I must
commend Mabus in particular, who I believe has in my humble opinion has the
right attitude, posting day after day truths that hopefully will spark
debate and then more importantly ACTION on this so called Democratic
society,  Homogenous culture, free and peaceful people etc, etc, now back to
reality (well my perception of it anyway) it's all an illusion mirrored a
billion times, smoked for no traces and dictated by what Orwell called
"Big BLOODY Brother".

Here is an overview of the Truth about the Balkans war:

The Balkans conflict has a number of purposes and most are a cover for the
hidden agendas that are at work, these malevolent, hidden agendas spills
into geo-politics and economics.

We all know that the bombardment of Yugoslavia is know way to  settle a
conflict of ethnic cleansing, logic tell you that and history has proved
that, time and time again.

If it were a humanitarian mission you would not re-write a bill on asylum
seekers  refugees which racially discriminates, continues further suffering
allowing entry to Kosovo refugees etc but reduced them to live below the
poverty line and you would not asked them to porn all valuables (including
wedding rings) before any claims for social benefit were allocated. It is
not only the British government that is adopting this new caring attitude
United States will not except persons who have for example AID'S, please
note this is just the tip of the iceberg, further info ( you
with find all info under Mark Tomas - Balkans conflict area)

So lets face facts this is know humanitarian mission to save the Kosovo
people, many political actions support this fact. So what is the real
agenda? Now let me ask you this; who's to gain when it's not the refugees,
it's not the western tax payers and it's seems it's not S Malodovic, so who

If I were to say that this war was set up well over 20 years ago and all of
Malodovic's actions have been co-ordinated by the global elite (Trilateral
Commission  Bildenburg Club) and that is not the pupated Blair's and
Clinton's of this world, there just porn's in a much bigger game, what I'm
getting at is economic power.

You see if you look back in history for example Chile, where up until the
"Structural Adjustments Programs of the 1970's" or SAP's the country was
somewhat better off than it is now; where nearly 65% of it total gross
output is taken away to pay for the loans which were offered in the SAP's,
you see the IMF and World Bank had this great idea we loan developing
countries large amounts of cash and in return we ask that your commodities
(public sector) be sold to us (private sector) for example Coffee, Rubber
and Timber.

Chile agreed because it wished to make itself more competitive in the "Free
Market", so it needed as much foreign investment to allow a steady growth
over a 10 year forecast, what they did not predict for was that world
interest rates would go up and commodities values would go down and guess
who controls this process, you guessed it the World Bank. So now they have
to pay more interest and borrow even more money to stabilise the economy and
now rising political panic (it never looks good to be in the red), the cycle
goes on but with more requests made by the World Bank like political
dictatorship i.e. the introduction of the "New Democracy" this is where
General Augusto Pinochet comes in. He was a CIA plant (Manipulated by the
Washington Technocrats).

They knew he would do exactly as asked because he was there puppet just like
Blair and Clinton and being a firm dictator and a seemingly good (?) leader
his people they would not question him until it was to late. Malodovic I
hope you can see is no different and I hope you can see the pattern that is

I hear you say why, what is there to gain and why would you bomb him?
Well they couldn't introduce SAP's to Yugoslavia because of the Communist
history and the Russian connection so they have had to infiltrate and
implement the seeds of political anarchy (Serbia has been to war 4 times and
has not won once and yet the momentum has not ceased, this is double think
tactics). The only way the global elite can control Yugoslavia is to destroy
it and then re-build it but guess who's going to pay for that, the Serbs and
the Kosovo refugees through a modified SAP's program. There are other
outlets to make a profit from a disaster, for example the arms that are sold
to both sides KLA and the

[CTRL] Resurrection Day, a novel by Brendan DuBois

1999-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Resurrection Day, a novel by
Brendan DuBois --
A HREF=""Resurrection Day
-- a novel by Brendan DuBois.

"The problem with a lot of historical fiction -- especially novels like
this one set in an "alternate history" -- is that characters tell each
other things they should already know because the writers can't figure
out less obvious ways to get important information to the reader. DuBois
has neatly solved that and many other problems typical of the genre in
this excellent thriller. It's set in an alternate 1972, 10 years after
the Cuban missile crisis erupted into a full-blown war that destroyed
much of the U.S. And the Soviet Union -- killing President Kennedy and
Vice-President Johnson, causing massive and long-term power and food
shortages, and forcing the U.S. to rely on British and Canadian aid for
its very survival. At the center of the action is Carl Landry, a Boston
Globe reporter whose investigation of an apparently unremarkable
homicide lands him hip-deep in a conspiracy of almost unimaginably large
proportions. Like the best alternate-history fiction (Robert Harris'
Fatherland or the novels of Harry Turtledove), DuBois' tale is a feast
for the mind, a what-if story that's so plausible it reads, at times,
like nonfiction. In every way, this is a first rate novel and one that
is sure to appeal to a wide variety of readers."

-- Booklist, April 15, 1999 (boxed, starred review)

"What if the Russians didn't blink in October of 1962? Brendan DuBois
gives us the answer in RESURRECTION DAY, a smart, suspenseful thriller
and a frighteningly believable piece of alternative history, too. You'll
be shocked on every page by a world so familiar in its mundane details
that the terrible changes seem commonplace. You'll be swept along on one
man's search for the truth that may rescue what's left of America. And
you won't want to put the book down till you see how it all turns out.
Brendan DuBois is a fine writer at the top of his game."

-- William Martin, author of CITIZEN WASHINGTON and CAPE COD

"RESURRECTION DAY gives us a convincingly terrifying look at an
alternative history that could easily have been ours. DuBois's careful
research and dark imagination weave together a story you won't be able
to put down -- and one that you'll be grateful is only fiction."

-- S.J. Rozan Winner, Shamus and Anthony awards

"RESURRECTION DAY is one of those rare books that you truly lose
yourself in. The 'alternative history' aspect is fascinating, and the
suspense story that drives the book never flags. But it's the people who
make it most memorable of all. Brendan DuBois has written a masterpiece
of clever and cunning political fiction."


"Brendan DuBois has always been a terrific writer and an imaginative
story teller. I expected a good book. But RESURRECTION DAY blew me away.
It's clever and gripping and scary as hell. Don't say I didn't warn

-- William G. Tapply, author of MUSCLE MEMORY

"I defy any baby-boomer in America to read the prologue of RESURRECTION
DAY and then put the book down for the night. Brendan DuBois has written
a magnificent nightmare of what-might-have-been, with details so
chillingly 'real' that you wonder if the last thirty years actually
happened as you remember them. This stunning novel truly delivers on the
promise of its arresting title, and if RESURRECTION DAY doesn't make
every bestseller list in the known world, its author will forever drink
for free on me."

-- Jeremiah Healy, author of SPIRAL and THE STALKING OF SHEILA QUINN

"The best 'what if' novel for years - cleverer and more resonant than
Robert Harris' FATHERLAND - and all the more scary because it was
minutes away from happening for real. Add in a plot with more twists and
turns than the abandoned streets of Manhattan, and you've got a book
you'll read three times and keep on your shelves forever."

-- Lee Child, author of KILLING FLOOR and DIE TRYING:

"Set within a mystery-adventure framework, RESURRECTION DAY is a
thought-provoking yet entertaining piece of Cold War "counterfactual
history"--a fantasy of how the world might look if the Cuban missile
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grateful for our narrow escape of 1962."

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Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational 

Re: [CTRL] Orange County Drug Scandal/Conspiracy

1999-06-08 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Did you ever know this - wherever you find secret societies you find
drugs, booze, pornography, and police?

For instance, when Vegas got so corrupt the head man was stealing, they
sent in a 32 degree Mason to head it up.

Bobby Kennedy wrote a good book called The Enemy Within (evidently he
had read Cicero too) and in this book he relates a college professor,
mob professor, teaching the mafia children cabalistic symbols on a

Without the police, the mafia could not exist; without the mafia, the
drug industry could not be enforced; without the USAF, and movie stars,
drugs could not be carried all over the world; remember Bob Crane?
Well, in those days he was called a carrier pigeon.   If that is true,
of course...but where you find movie stars you big the big money and

All one has to do is look at your movies today and then to drugs and
Littleton, and you see the end result.government invovement and
government propaganda - but the chickens, have come home to roost in the
proper yards.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Gloomy Sunday Folklore

1999-06-08 Thread Lyn McCloskey

 -Caveat Lector-

Music -- or movies, or literature -- no matter how violent or obscene,
doesn't *make* people do anything.  It may be a *minor* influence in certain
individuals who are on the fringes of a psychotic episode anyway, or who are
genuine victims of some evil CIA operant conditioning experiment.  Beyond
that, forget it.  People like Marilyn Manson are merely one *symptom* of a
society which has taken some very strange turns over a multi-generational
period; they are not a *cause*.  In fact, all that poignant hand-wringing
over "gratuitous violence" by our alleged leaders is more vile and insidious
than any celluloid image could EVER be, because it's nothing but a play for
more and more control.  Friendly fascism... for the children.  Thanks alot.

 -Original Message-
 From: Dave  Maggie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, June 07, 1999 1:17 PM
 Subject: Re: Fwd: Gloomy Sunday Folklore
 I just want to say that I am surprised by the fact that even though this
 list is primarily into government conspiracy that music still
 ends up being
 part of the blame for why us humans do terrible things. ---snip---

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] killer mice, geons, and reality....

1999-06-08 Thread jcrocker

 -Caveat Lector-

Wow, looks like you're on the trail of the social "Unified Field

ALL those things can be lumped together?!  Acupuncture and Reiki
treatments as well? Joy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Gloomy Sunday Folklore

1999-06-08 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

My primary question was why anyone would bring back a song known for the
deaths of over a hundred people, and labeled the suicide song?

Why - to deliberately make a name for themselves by trying to cause more
deaths.  This Gothic stuff can be fun, I supposebut it was the
little Wynona Ryder in the movie Heathers with "Christian" Slater, who
introduced the kids in black shooting guns in school and wearing
blackthe idea of psychology when used in its most evil form, is to
plant ideasthe idea of the use of drugs, is to weaken a will whereby
someone will be open to suggestion to carry out the ideafirst the
thought, then the act - buy prior to that, the suggestion;.
and these low class, morbid rock stars as they choose to call
themselves, some of the ugliest people whom I have ever seen, rip off
millions while are in on the circulation of the drugs.dual

How many kids have been killed at the rock stampedes?
Does anyone seriously think of banning them?  Lot more kids killed at
these freak outs than were at Littleton, where the kids gave their
President the Mojo.

Music plays a powerful role in any society since bilblical times.   It
is people in government who permit sodomy in the Oval Office,murder in
the Balkans, and drugs on the campus of nearly every school in the
country while not arresting or even attempting to arrest some of your
more affluent citizens in our society, who can make the stock market go
up and down (certain stocks) whenever there is a drug bustagain, go
off shore Florida and do not forget Jupiter

Music just gets the kids hyped up for the killand these low class,
perverted loud mouths who put out the garbage for the kids to feed upon,
are just part of the cess pool which is permitted to exist.again,
how many kids have been killed at these Rock Festivals.once in
France, some years back...someone actually bolted a few doors in one
music parlour, and set it on firewhy?

Every time you eat a bowl of cereal, some pig at the tops gets paid a
premium price for his picture on a, Americans know who the
real pigs arestart in the Oval Office for a beginner.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Ivory ship rats 'brought Dark Ages to Europe'

1999-06-08 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

June 8 1999  BRITAIN

Ivory ship rats 'brought Dark Ages to Europe'

THE popularity of carved ivory may have triggered the Dark Ages, scientists
said yesterday.
A plague which ushered in the Dark Ages has been traced to rats brought to
Europe aboard trading ships carrying ivory for the Romans. The discovery
follows excavations in Zanzibar by archaeologists from Bristol University.

The disease spread rapidly across the Mediterranean and into northern Europe
the six years from AD 541, during the reign of the Emperor Justinian. In
Constantinople, says Dr Mark Horton, Reader in Archaeology at the
up to 16,000 people a day were dying. He said officials stopped counting
when they reached 260,000. The plague was so severe that it is seen to mark
beginning of the Dark Ages in Europe. Although it was believed to have
originated in Africa, the exact location has never been established.

Dr Horton's excavations at the port of Unguja Ukuu, in Zanzibar, carried out
collaboration with Abdulrahman Juma, Zanzibar's Director of Antiquities,
found that the port dates back to the 6th century AD.

During that time there was a huge appetite for ivory, which could only be
supplied from African elephant herds, Dr Horton said. Unguja Ukuu was
one of the main ports from which it was shipped. The dig has produced
6th-century Mediterranean pottery, together with the bones of the black rat,
rattus rattus. This rat is not indigenous to Africa, so must have arrived on
board trading vessels and come into contact with local rodents, such as the
gerbil and pouched rat.

The local rodents had become immune to the plague and acted as a reservoir
infected fleas, Dr Horton said. They passed them on to the ship's rats,
then travelled back to the Mediterranean, living in the bottom of the ships
alongside the ivory.

The deadly rats later found their way to Britain, where the plague reached
South West and Ireland in the 550s.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #1

1999-06-08 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990608a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No heretics were unnecessarily burnt during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Confessional Ad Stirs Storm In A Beer Bottle. SYDNEY (Reuters) Australian
Catholic clergy are threatening to boycott a popular beer brand over a TV
advertisement showing a young man conning a priest into giving him the
names of potential sexual partners. Then the priest got drunk and molested
the youth.

: Are your spiritual advisors easily tricked? Do they drink beer? Do they
watch TV? Should priests stick to wine, hallucinogens and abstinence? Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Group Uses Bathroom Ads To Link Meat, Impotence. NEW YORK (Reuters) The
activist group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, blocked from
posting billboards in U.S. cattle country claiming a link between male
impotence and eating meat, said its plans have not stalled and it will make
its point in public bathrooms. "The thrust behind PETA's provocative new
campaign is research showing that fat and cholesterol in meat and other
animal products clog up the arteries going to all organs, not just the
heart. So while Viagra has caused a stir in America's bedrooms, vegetarians
have had a secret weapon in their kitchens all along: tofu and veggies."

: Would you rather use viagra or tofu to remedy your erectile dysfunction?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

OF PSYCHIATRY AND EUGENICS) The attitudes and practices of psychiatrists in
Nazi Germany that enabled them to slaughter 300,000 patients were similar to
these of psychiatrists and psychologists of the same period in the U.S. In
both countries these attitudes had common roots. And most importantly, these
same attitudes, theories and practices are still prevalent today in our own
country (and throughout most of the world). That they have not yet resulted
in as large a psychiatric holocaust here as in Nazi Germany should be seen
only as a warning and should not prevent us from stopping the spread of this
psychiatric malignancy.

: Is psychiatry genocidal, malignant, horrific? Is psychology a Nazi plot?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# IBM CHAIRMAN CONFIRMS ALIEN TECHNOLOGY. A theory which for years has been
regarded as nothing more than the wild speculations of the lunatic fringe
has been given new credibilty by Jerry Hartsell, ex-Chairman of IT giant
IBM. He claims in his new autobiography that the original silicon chip
technology, which underpinned the IT explosion of the late 20th century, was
derived from a secret US government project of the late 1950s that aimed to
investigate 'technology of a non-terrestrial origin'. The baffling claim has
fuelled further speculation that the 'non-terrestrial technology' may have
been recovered from the alleged UFO crash site at Roswell.

: What other technologies resulted from the Roswell crash? Do these techno-
logies serve as alien implants into human culture? Have we been infiltrated?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# GM crop trials dropping. (BBC) The number of genetically-modified crop
trials in the UK dropped last year, suggesting their development is being
hampered by adverse public opinion. People prefer natural mutations, eh?

@ Links: UK Department of Environment:
@ New Scientist - Living in a GM world:
@ Food future:
@ Friends of the Earth:

: Is genetic modification an alien technology? Do Reptilioids control foods?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Scientists research body odor. PHILADELPHIA (AP) George Preti approaches
his patients sniffing. He snuffles under their armpits, takes deep whiffs
of their necks and slowly sniffs up and down their bodies. "Mmm-hmm," he
says, jotting down notes. "OK, take a deep breath and exhale into my face."

: What's your favorite body odor? Do you like to investigate body odors?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Interstellar travel, anti-matter could be the stuff of NASA's future.
WASHINGTON. 30 years after the first man set foot on the moon, NASA is
eagerly looking ahead to the next 30 years in space, hoping to turn what
once was science fiction into reality. By 2030, NASA Administrator Dan
Goldin predicts, the first interstellar spaceship will be on its way from
Earth to a distant star. With a bow to Star Wars, he calls it the "Yoda"


1999-06-08 Thread CobolMage

 -Caveat Lector-


Visit the New Asia Intelligence Center

Global Intelligence Update
June 8, 1999

CIS Patches Rift and Remains Intact -- For Now


More problems emerged for the Commonwealth of Independent States
(CIS) at a June 4 meeting of CIS foreign ministers in Minsk,
Belarus.  The ministers only escaped deadlock regarding the
establishment of a CIS free trade zone and the restructuring of
CIS decision-making bodies by forwarding the issues to the CIS
Council of Heads of Government.  As with the recent conflict over
the CIS's Collective Security Treaty, this month's dispute pits
the pro-Western countries of the GUUAM alliance against Russian
leadership in the CIS.  Divided over military, economic, and
political issues, it is unclear how much longer the CIS can
continue to limp along.


A June 4 meeting in Minsk, Belarus, of Commonwealth of
Independent States (CIS) foreign ministers, deadlocked over
proposed changes in the CIS decision-making bodies and on a CIS
free trade zone.  Lining up against the measures were the "GUUAM"
group of countries -- Georgia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Azerbaijan,
and Moldova -- which have already opted out of the CIS Collective
Security Treaty in favor of establishing closer ties with NATO.
Scrambling to work out a solution were the Russian and Belarusian
prime ministers and foreign ministers.  In the end, the CIS
foreign ministers dealt with the most recent dispute by passing
draft resolutions on these issues to the CIS Council of Heads of
Government -- essentially deferring the conflict to a later date
and higher level.  While temporarily patched over, the rift in
the CIS now encompasses not only military but also fundamental
economic and political issues, raising the question of whether
and how long the current CIS grouping can continue to limp along.

The primary agenda of the meeting of CIS foreign ministers in
Minsk was the implementation of political decisions regarding the
restructuring of the CIS, which were adopted at the meeting of
CIS Council of Heads of State on April 2, 1999.  The measures,
which were to have been endorsed at the meeting, included the
establishment by January 1, 2000, of a CIS free trade zone and
the formal administrative bodies to secure its smooth operation.
In addition, the 12 foreign ministers were to have discussed the
draft resolutions to establish an Executive Committee, an
Economic Council, and a Council of Permanent Authorized
Representatives within the CIS.  Significant details, such as the
distribution of seats in these CIS agencies and modifications to
these resolutions proposed by some CIS members, were also on the
meeting's agenda.  The meeting of the CIS foreign ministers was
to be followed, also in Minsk, by an afternoon meeting of the CIS
prime ministers.

Although there had been previous indications of discord among the
CIS states regarding economic integration, the complete failure
of the CIS foreign ministers to reach agreement on the draft
resolutions came as a surprise.  Given the fact that several
states were unable to submit their recommendations and comments
on the basic draft documents, Russian Foreign Minister Igor
Ivanov then proposed that the regulations be implemented as a
temporary measure.  Only six states, however, supported Russia's
proposal and six other CIS members opposed it.  Because the
participants neither reached a compromise on restructuring the
CIS nor were they able to reach a consensus on the guidelines for
establishing a free trade zone, the draft documents were
forwarded to the meeting of the prime ministers of the CIS to be
held later that day.

Following the failed CIS foreign ministers' meeting, Belarussian
President Alexander Lukashenko charged that some participants
"literally block[ed] decisions on setting up a free trade zone."
Lukashenko also claimed that the prime ministers, who hindered
the implementation of the free trade zone, were acting in a
fashion that was not only shocking but also inconsistent with the
political will of and directives given by the leaders of the CIS.
Lukashenko's accusations clearly targeted the GUUAM alliance
foreign ministers.

On June 5, ITAR-TASS reported that a "delicate compromise" had
been reached at the meeting of CIS prime ministers.  Thanks to
the efforts of the Belarusian and Russian delegations, the prime
ministers agreed, with one abstention, to pass draft resolutions
to the CIS Council of Heads of Government -- effectively
deferring confrontation over the free trade zone and the new
structure of the CIS to a later date and higher level.  At the
same time, the GUUAM grouping of CIS countries managed to achieve
certain modifications in the structure of CIS agencies.
Significantly, the number of deputies in the Executive Secretary
was raised from six to twelve -- one representing every state in
the CIS.  This 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #2

1999-06-08 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990608b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No right-wing reactionaries were badly harmed to produce this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ A Brief History of JANET Facility, also known as Area 51. Known today as
Johnson Airbase Nevada Experimental Test (JANET) Facility, A.K.A. "Area 51",
this is simply the USAF's most supersecret War Craft development Test Flight
Lab. The term "Johnson" commemorates the base's founder, which was formerly
called "GLANET" (Groom Lake Airbase Nevada Experimental Test Facility).

: What's your favorite disinformation campaign about Area 51, Roswell, ETs?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Most distant galaxy found. (BBC) Astronomers tracking radio waves have
detected a galaxy 11 billion light years away - and it may contain a black

@ Links: What are Black Holes?
@ Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory:

# The Moon's tail is spotted. (BBC) Astronomers have imaged the Moon's tail
of sodium atoms, which stretches for half a million miles, flexing slowly.

: What's your favorite astronomical discovery? Have you discovered anything
lately that we should know about? How about that comet that'll hit Earth?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

be targeted in recent years by international terrorists has set up what it
calls the nation's leading anti-terrorist response center. New York opened a
$13 million Emergency Operations Center; the 50,000-square-foot facility is
in lower Manhattan, in a building right across the street from the World
Trade Center, which Islamic militants bombed in February 1993. Round the
clock staffing:

: Will the EOC be a prime target for terrorists? Is it basically bait? Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# UN weapons chief Butler reassigned. UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Richard Butler,
chief U.N. weapons inspector for Iraq, will join the Council on Foreign
Relations next month as a diplomat in residence. Butler said he will write
a book.

: Did Butler direct the CFR conspiracy against Iraq? Is he being rewarded?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ CASSINI. The danger of the Earth flyby is that Cassini will be traveling
at about 43,000 miles per hour. A slight malfunction, miscalculation, or a
random collision with any of billions of pieces of space debris could result
in the probe, and its deadly plutonium, reentering earth's atmosphere and
thereby incinerating its deadly cargo. NASA claims the chance of such an
accident resulting in a plutonium release is one in one million. Many do not
agree with that assessment. NASA in particular is ignoring the fact that ANY
accident will leave the probe in an orbit around the solar system that might
later intersect ours -- even after the flyby, we might still be "attacked"
by this probe!

: Is NASA waging war on mankind? Can/should/will NASA be stopped? By whom?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Stem cells may restore neurons. WASHINGTON (AP) - Injections of neural
stem cells, a so-called master cell that can mature into any type of brain
tissue, may be able to restore neurons killed by Alzheimer's and other
diseases that affect the whole brain, laboratory studies with mice suggest.

# Mother Castrates Son For Medicine? JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) South African
cops arrested a woman alleged to have castrated her son to make traditional

: What are your favorite body parts for inclusion in medical prescriptions?
Do testicles work better than ears, fingers, toes, belly flab, stem cells?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Archaeologists fight developers. VERACRUZ, Mexico (AP) With a real estate
development in the works, archaeologists are fighting for a chance to study
a site they say could provide clues to the fate of a famed ancient culture
along the Gulf of Mexico. Now just a cluster of dirt-covered mounds called
El Dorado:

: Would you like to obliterate traces of ancient cultures for a profit? How
much money would you require to demolish pyramids, raze the Great Wall, etc?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Two New Superheavy Elements Discovered. BERKELEY, CA. Discovery of two new

[CTRL] Judge Dismisses War Powers Lawsuit [NWO thugs win a big one!]

1999-06-08 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

Judge Dismisses War Powers Lawsuit
Tuesday, June 8, 1999; 11:51 a.m. EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A federal judge today dismissed a lawsuit filed by a
group of House members who wanted the bombing of Yugoslavia by U.S. forces
to be declared illegal.

The lawsuit was filed by 26 lawmakers, led by Rep. Tom Campbell, R-Calif.,
who alleged that President Clinton violated the War Powers Act of 1973 by
authorizing military air strikes against Yugoslavia.

The Vietnam War-era legislation, which has been ignored widely by presidents
of both parties, requires a president to get congressional approval for the
``introduction into hostilities'' of U.S. forces for more than 60 days. The
NATO air campaign began March 24.

The members of Congress based their lawsuit on a 213-213 vote April 28 that
fell short of authorizing U.S. participation in the NATO bombing of
Yugoslavia. Clinton ignored the vote by continuing with the bombing, the
plaintiffs claimed.

U.S. District Judge Paul Friedman, in his ruling granting a White House
motion to dismiss the case, said ``congressional reaction to the airstrikes
has sent distinctly mixed messages.''

The judge noted that on May 20, Congress

passed an emergency spending bill to help pay for U.S. military involvement
in the Yugoslav conflict.

``Had the four votes been consistent and against the president's position,
and had he nevertheless persisted with air strikes in the face of such
votes, there may well have been a constitutional impasse. But Congress has
not sent such a clear, consistent message,'' Friedman said in his ruling.

He goes on to note that some of the ``213 representatives who voted against
authorizing the president's actions and against a declaration of war also
voted in favor of supporting the troops and appropriating money to fund the
conflict in Yugoslavia and against directing the president to remove the
Armed Forces from their positions.''

Friedman said that ``absent a clear impasse between the executive and
legislative branches, resort to the judicial branch is inappropriate.''

A Campbell spokesman said that lawmakers plan to appeal the ruling but
declined to comment further until officials could review the lawsuit. A
spokesman for the National Security Council was not immediately available
for comment.


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [InTheShadows] Satellite 'Big Brother' eyes parolees

1999-06-08 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: Hilary A. Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [InTheShadows] Satellite 'Big Brother' eyes parolees
 Date: Tuesday, June 08, 1999 10:37 AM

 From: "Hilary A. Thomas" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 04/08/99- Updated 11:06 AM ET

 Satellite 'Big Brother' eyes parolees

 Technology is same as that used to guide nuclear missiles

 By Gary Fields, USA TODAY

 Military satellites designed to guide nuclear missiles are being used to
 monitor prison parolees and probationers in a
 technological advance designed to reduce the nation's skyrocketing
 prison population. But critics say it also raises the specter of
 an Orwellian future.

 The ComTrak monitoring system uses 24 Defense Department satellites
 orbiting 12,500 miles above the Earth to track 100
 people in nine states. The people under surveillance range from sex
 offenders in Chicago to juvenile delinquents in New Jersey.
 The cost of monitoring each person is $12.50 per day.

 It is a long way from a system originally designed by the Defense
 Department to help guide nuclear missiles. The Pentagon
 began leasing satellite time, allowing others to use the satellites,
 after the Cold War ended. "It's bullets to plowshares,'' says Jack
 Lamb, president and CEO of Advanced Business Sciences Inc., the
 Omaha-based company that developed the ComTrak

 The system has three main components: a bracelet the size of a
 wristwatch, a 3-pound personal tracking unit that resembles a
 walkie-talkie, and the battery charger/base that is kept at the
 monitored person's house and transmits information by telephone
 to a monitoring center. If the bracelet is broken or removed or the
 wearer is more than 50 feet from the tracking unit, an alarm is
 sent to the monitoring center.

 The system is programmed to set up zones where a person monitored can
 and cannot go, depending on the crime committed.
 For example, people with drunken-driving convictions can be tracked to
 set off an alarm if they enter local bars. Exclusion
 zones for a sexual predator can include schools and parks in a
 designated area. And an abusive husband can be tracked to
 ensure he stays clear of his wife's workplace, home or places she
 visits. When a person being monitored enters an exclusion
 zone, the tracking unit sends an automatic alert to monitoring centers
 in Omaha. Law enforcement authorities are alerted within

 At night, the tracker is placed in the charger, which downloads all of a
 person's movements that day -- right down to the precise
 route the person took to work -- and sends the record of movements to
 the monitoring center.

 Lamb says the potential for growth is "phenomenal." There are nearly 4
 million people under some form of supervision in the
 USA. Of those, only about 11,000 are monitored electronically under the
 old system, which is unable to track a person's
 movements once he or she has left home. Some see the new system as a
 tool for judges grappling with a prison and jail
 population of 1.8 million people at a cost of more than $40 per day for
 each inmate.

 Percy Luney Jr., president of the National Judicial College at the
 University of Nevada, Reno, where judges receive training in
 such issues as alternative sentencing, says the system "gives judges an
 option for keeping people out of jail and away from all the
 negative influences there. It's also a cost-saver for the taxpayer.''

 Lamb says his system also is an improvement over older technology, which
 can tell only if those being monitored leave home
 during restricted hours. "The problem with the old system is once they
 leave home, you have no idea where they are or what
 they are doing,'' Lamb says.

 Others involved in the prison industry, from defense lawyers to
 probation and parole officers and judges, acknowledge that the
 advanced monitoring system has potential. However, there are some
 concerns about how far the use of such surveillance will

 Paul Rothstein, a law professor at Georgetown University, says the
 system has the potential "to change the face of law
 enforcement and incarceration." But he also sees the "potential for
 creating a monster.''

 Rothstein is concerned that the advances in technology could result in
 more and more people being subjected to electronic
 monitoring -- not just those on parole .

 "You could end up with the majority of the population under some kind of
 surveillance by the government,'' he says.

 Jack King, spokesman for the National Association of Criminal Defense
 Lawyers, says his organization supports the electronic
 monitoring. He sees it as especially helpful in the case of someone who
 should be out on bail but is too destitute to pay it.

 He says he is concerned about such technology being used to monitor
 people who have served their sentences and paid their
 debts to society.

Re: [CTRL] With Friends Like Turkey ...

1999-06-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

What's your thing against Turkey.  And quit feeling quite so sorry for the
Kurds.  I've lived in Diyarbakir among the Kurds, and they are a tough people
who can take care of themselves.  Even Ataturk admired them.   He handled
things by dispersing them to spread their power thin.  Since he had the power
to line every one identifiable as a Kurd against the wall and have them shot,
it must be understood he wanted them as citizens of the republic he was
building.  He said they were great fighters, and they are.  They are also
exceptionally good Moslems.  You don't hear them running around demanding
that their women should be draped in black bags and kept in the back room,
although there are those who do so.  You don't hear them refusing to have
their girls educated, although there are girls who do not go on to high
school.  These matters seem to be considered personal taste.  Instead of
demanding that all women wear a black sack,  those  who find the sight of
women who are not covered offensive walk along the streets (usually almost a
block out of their way) which these women do not frequent.  They are so
honest it is almost unbelievable, and caring and hospitable as well.   Yes,
an admirable people.  But these same words (in large part) describe the other
tribes who live in that and other regions of Turkey, and the general Turkish
population as well.   They are wonderful friends and bad enemies.  Not the
worse thing I can think to say of any peoples.  Turkey's internal problems
are not really our business, and anyone who thinks the Kurds are powerless in
Turkey has not seen the results when the PKK decide all shops should be
closed for a day in honor of a declared occasion.  The only real problem in
Turkey is the very same one we enjoy in this country and that is probably the
only real problem in the entire world.  Corrupt politicians and political
parties are busily destroying us all.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #1

1999-06-08 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Taylor, John (JH) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 : Is psychiatry genocidal, malignant, horrific?Is psychology a Nazi plot?

 just a note that
 scientologists are the main contributor to the anti psychiatry literature

Ah yes, I seem to recall that the misogynistic classic DIANETICS was
originally penned as an anti-therapist screed, totally overlooking
the role of modern psychology in advertising.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-06-08 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Taylor, John (JH) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 # Mother Castrates Son For Medicine? JOHANNESBURG (Reuters)

 : What are your favorite body parts for inclusion in medical
 prescriptions? Do testicles work better than ears, fingers,
 toes, belly flab, stem cells?

 this is 'common' sympathetic magic that is used in souther africa
 by the black tribes.
 white parts are now new on the menu here, but virtually anything
 is used(including animal parts)

Ah, with this story and the preceding piece on stem-cell research,
I was trying to suggest [by context] that medical usage of human
tissues is a complex issue, a widespread practice, and not likely
to end soon.  Excuse me, I must go suck some brains now. slurp

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-06-08 Thread Norse Knight

 -Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] new Laissez Faire City Times-now on-line

1999-06-08 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-06-07 18:49:04 EDT, you write:

 Quality is Hard to Find - Bookmark Home page now:

 The Laissez Faire City Times

 Special Double Issue...  Don't Miss the 5th Man
 Due to tech prob, this notice is for 2 issues

 The Front Page:

 The America That Never Was
 by Sunni Maravillosa
 Freedom, Choice, and Consequences
 by Robert L. Kocher
 Microsoft Madness
 by Don Lobo Tiggre
 Well-Wishers Bid Families Adieu
 by Peter Topolewski
 Systems Thinking  Government Failure
 by James Wright
 The Front Page: Issue 22

 Chaos and Fractals
 Part One of a New Series
 by J. Orlin Grabbe
 Socialism: the Forbidden Ideology
 by Robert L. Kocher
 Presumed Innocent No Longer
 by Peter Topolewski
 Moral Relativism: The Phantom Menace
 a movie review by Lauren Bain
 Copyrights and Property Rights
 by Wolf DeVoon
 Ditching the Hangman
 by Sunni Maravillosa
 * The Fifth Man *
 The Counterfeit Money Caper
 by Alex Cline

 Book Excerpts: The Crimes of Bill  Hillary Clinton
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[CTRL] Fwd: Freemasonry and the Southern Baptist Church

1999-06-08 Thread Colleen Jones

When I wanted to join the Freemasons, I was told I did not have the
equipment; the answer was NO.yet all my life I remember stories I
was told by my mother about the Masonswhen my head did not reach the
top of the table.always marry a Mason, for they are gentlemen; oh
one thing your Uncle Augustus would never do is betray a masonic
secretwhy once this man was jumping out of a window of a sporting
house, and he let him gothis man would have been voted out of office
had he been caught (George Washington model)..and on to other
thingsyour Uncles would NEVER betray the Masons...

Now my two Uncles were something else; we were not allowed to even talk
to them if we saw them in public, only if they would speak to us
first.they would talk looking over each others shouldersyou
could be talking and suddenly, they would turn and walk away from one Uncle had two friends in, of course, the
CIA is just a copy of the OSS or a follow up but since that time, it
seems to have lost a lot of its class.   My other Uncle I found out
years later, when he lie dying, he was Secret Serviceno wonder I
used to give him such a pain in the neck.

Well, never thought much of this stuff until today when I ran across
this Southern Baptist crap on the wonder, all my life, my
family has made fun of the Southern Baptistsin fact my neice almost
married one, and my sister whose husband was in top, top secret, hit a
bus driver on the head with her purse because he refused to remove my
neice from the bus, as she ran to Florida to get married.  Fortuntely,
this Ted Bundy stole my neice's billfold at a banquetand her father
had to retrieve her, bring her home, as the police would not let her
live in her own home as Bundy had her credit cards, etc., when picked

So my neice finally married a good Cathoalic boy from Bucks County,
Paeven though his parents were raised in Transylvania,
Roumania.and here I was getting off jokes about vampires only to
find out he was heaven forbid a Transylvanianbut heaven forid, she
could have married, a Southern Baptist.

Nowwe had a lovely Souther Baptis living across the street from me
once; naturally, I looked down upon themjust some rednecks from
Paducah KY.but one day, this sweet darling little boy brought in to
my home, two big broomhandles tied together with a big chainand I
said, "m;y goodness, what is that..." to which this sweet little eight
year ld replied "nigger knockers"I said, "what"  and he said
"nigger knockers".  This is the first time I have ever kicked a five
year old out of my home with the remarks "please, do not come
back"heaven forbid, my mother was right, never marry a Southern

So I submit the enclosed for your reading; now, I know my father was an
Irish Catholic, and he didn;t give a damn whether the Southern Baptists
liked him or not; and my mother, wellshe just tolerated some of his
bigoted remarks like..those baptists have been drinking in private
for years, so if I want a beer on the front porch, I will have a beer on
the front porchand my mother would go back to her WCTU meeting.

He could have gone into the Masons; had St. Peter joined the Masons,
maybe he would have given Rhoda the right knock and not have been turned

I know now why Jerry Falwell has given a new meaning to the word in the
bible that means a diliigent seeker of the truthfor he too, has lost
his way.and probably gave the wrong knock also.

Me, religion is for those that need it.   I am near perfect, and if I
were any more perfect, I would be the biggest bore in the world.

God save us from the Southern Baptists who reign high at Littleton,
Jonesboro, Padukah, and I swear, if I didn;'t know better, I swear
President Clinton was, heaven forbid, a Southern God,
would they let such a man in their churchAl Gore, well yes...but
Clinton, no wayhe would be best served in LaVey's Satanic Masses,
than in Falwells Circle of morans.

Colleen Jones


1999-06-08 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-06-02 10:54:03 EDT, you write:

 A letter writing campaign to fire Janet Reno was started last week. The
 following information details the many reasons that Janet Reno should be

 A special thanks to Tam Kay for sending it to RMNews

 Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Full-name: TamKay24
 Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 23:31:04 EDT
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 X-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Windows sub 4

 Dear Friends,
 Our write editors and Congress about FIRING Reno brought a Fantastic
 letter documenting RENO CRIMES from one of the 3 organizers of the
 MARCHES ON WASHINGTON, Garland Favorito, who works in the
 production of Criminal Clinton videos. You might want to contact your
 local paper with this information for an OP-ED piece.  Or condense it
 into a letter.  Or send it all to all the newspaper addys we have and to
 Congress (addy's after post).  Thanks!! And here's the post:

 Tami, =20
 Excellent action point. Here is some additional documentation=20
 on Reno that you may be able to use.  Garland

 We the people, present these charges against Attorney General Janet Reno:

 1. DERILICTION OF DUTY (Ruby Ridge, Idaho - 1992)
 Janet Reno refused to support the conclusion of a Justice Dept.
 investigation that found an FBI sniper shot which killed Vicki Weaver was
 unconstitutional. Senate testimony showed that an FBI sniper killed Vicki
 Weaver by shooting her in the head as she held her baby while standing with
 the door open on her front porch. The FBI snipers were shooting at the
 Weavers from over 200 yards away using rifles with 10 power scopes. The
 snipers and assistant FBI director Larry Potts, testified that they had the
 right to shoot and kill anyone if that person was holding a gun. Chairman
 Spector pointed out that such a situation did not warrant the use of deadly
 force according to FBI policy. On the House floor, Idaho representative,
 Helen Chenoweth, called for the resignation of Potts who was also
 responsible for the WACO disaster and a personal friend of FBI Director
 Freeh, the Reno appointee. Randy Weaver=92s attorney called for Lon Horiuchi=
 the sniper, to be tried for murder based on the Justice Dept. investigation.
 Instead Horiuchi and Potts received paid leave for over two years. (SENATE

 Texas - 1993)
 Janet Reno approved the CS military gas attack that led to the deaths of
 over 80 men, women and children who had never been charged with any crime.
 She also stated that she "could not find anything wrong" with FBI actions in
 Waco despite overwhelming video based evidence that the FBI was responsible
 for the deaths of the Davidians. An aerial video tape shows a tank
 destroying a Davidian building while people were still inside. Autopsy
 reports indicate that six bodies found in the rubble of that building were
 crushed to death. The Forward Looking Infared (FLIR) tape clearly shows heat
 images from bullets being fired at the Davidians as they tried to escape
 from the burning buildings. Janet Reno also could find no violation of the
 Posse Comitatus act which expressly prohibits the use of military equipment
 and personnel to enforce laws against American citizens unless authorized by
 the U.S. Constitution or act of Congress. (HOUSE BRANCH DAVIDIAN INCIDENT

 3. ABUSE OF POWER (Firing of all U.S. Attorneys - 1993)
 Janet Reno fired all 94 United States Attorneys, a move unprecedented in
 American history, shortly after her appointment in March 1993.  She stated
 that the replacement of all U.S. Attorneys was a "joint decision" with the
 White House. The liaison with the White House was the third highest ranking
 Justice Dept. official, associate attorney general, Webster Hubbell, who is
 now a convicted felon.

 4. WILLFUL NEGLIGENCE (Fiske Appointment - 1993)
 Janet Reno appointed Robert Fiske as a special independent prosecutor to
 investigate the Clintons=92 Whitewater dealings even though Fiske was a lawy=
 for International Paper Inc., the company that had sold land to the
 Whitewater partnership of Clinton and McDougal. Fiske was also a lawyer for
 the Bank of Commerce and Credit, which received laundered drug money
 transfers from the Arkansas Development Finance Authority, (ADFA) as
 explained by ADFA marketing director Larry Nichols. Bank records show that
 the laundering abruptly ended when Barry 

[CTRL] The Peace March

1999-06-08 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

For the last six months I have been promoting the idea of an ongoing series
of local peace marches to effectively unify the global peace, justice, and
environmental movements into an effective activity of conscience as
humankind to change the path of human history off of the path towards total
destruction and onto the path towards global peace and prosperity.

This latest initiative in my 20+ years experience and involvement with
various peace walks has come at the suggestion last Fall of a member of the
coalition for Nuclear Abolition 2000 for a peace walk in the year 2000
across the United States to further the abolition of nuclear weapons.  I
have received a strong response from the Global Peace Walk project initiated
in 1995 and numerous individual messages of support for the idea but no
concrete commitments for organizational or financial support for this idea.

Following the vigorous and sage advice of one member of this loose-knit
coalition to abolish nuclear weapons, Anne Fagan Ginger, I am now appealing
to you and the organizations(s) that you are affiliated with for your help
in this effort to establish a Peace March Coalition to organize and
coordinate local peace walks and a Peace March 2000 from San Francisco,
California, (leaving on the birthday anniversary of the Rev. Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr., January 15, 2000) and walking to Washington DC for
Columbus Day, October 12, 2000, before concluding in New York City for the
United Nations 55th anniversary, October 24, 2000, to bring attention to the
need for all survival issues to be addressed as part of a comprehensive plan
to fulfill the original objectives of the United Nations Charter to remove
the scourge of war from the future generations in order to redirect human
and financial resources towards solving today's global social and
emergency before it is too late to save all life on Earth.

Please consult with your colleagues and organizations that you represent and
let me know as soon as possible that I can count on you for your help as
part of such coalition to co-sponsor The Peace March to fulfill these

For more information on the organization and planning of this effort so far
please see details at the website below.

Thank you very much,

David Crockett Williams
General Agency Services
Global Emergency Alert Response
661-822-3309 phone
561-658-2735 fax

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Fw: DRUDGE-REPORT 6/7/99]

1999-06-08 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

CobolMage [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 The White House is preparing to loosen government controls on the sale of
 powerful super computers to more than 100 countries only two weeks after a
 congressional committee charged it with carelessly permitting sales to
 China, the LOS ANGELES TIMES is planning to report in Tuesday editions.

 A portion of Page One has been carved out by editors and reporter Peter
 Gosselin was jaing late into the evening, putting the finishing touches
 on his exclusive report.

 The Commerce Department has proposed easing restrictions on sales of
 supercomputers to "most countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and
 Central and Eastern Europe, administration sources said Monday."

 Gosselin reports that "virtually all restrictions are likely to be lifted
 on sales to Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, which recently became
 NATO members."

 The White House's John Podesta, last seen drafting a new Medicare proposal
 that extends drug coverage to all beneficiaries, has taken charge of
 announcing the new supercomputer policy.

 According to Gosselin, first official word that the White House is prepared
 to ease export limits on the 100 countries could come during a meeting
 scheduled for Friday between Podesta and a group that includes "IBM
 Chairman and Chief Executive Louis Gerstner, Intel Corp. Chairman Andy
 Grove, Sun Microsystems Inc. CEO Scott D. McNealy and Hewlett-Packard Co.
 Chairman and President Lewis E.Platt."

It has occurred to me that there may be method to this madness. Suppose, just
for the sake of argument, that what is going on here, starting with the
supercomputer sales to China and continuing with the policy laid out in
Drudge's story, is not simply cupidity, but is actually designed to gather
highly-sensitive intelligence. Suppose that deep inside each computer, perhaps
built into the microprocessors themselves, is a radio transmitter. Suppose
that this transmitter is set to send a coded message from time to time,
perhaps to a U.S. satellite, perhaps to an SR-71 or AEGIS destroyer, reporting
all of the operations that the computer's new owners have carried out on it in
the past ump days. Suppose that U.S. officials have deliberately set out to
make themselves look like idiots, to draw in and trap other countries into
swallowing the bait. No, I don't have any evidence for this. But just


Robert F. Tatman
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Nasa continues ritual pattern]]

1999-06-08 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Ric Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 - Original Message -
 From: Robert Tatman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   As we have shown repeatedly in the past, NASA has had an ongoing
   obsession with the celestial representations of the highest Gods
   and Goddesses of ancient Egypt, (Isis, Osiris, and Horus).
  Okay, but what do you make of the fact that NASA is dominated by
  Mormons, and has been since its creation?

 So, how many major NASA facilities are in Salt Lake City?
 Why don't we have a Space Shuttle MORONI?
 Why don't astronauts bicycle?

 Why aren't astronauts polygamous, eh?  Or are they?

Ric, go through the C.V.s of the top NASA administrators, starting with James
Webb. Something like 9 out of 10 are Mormons, and Mormons have been
specifically recruited for those positions because of their reputation for
uprightness and honesty. There is a heavy concentration of high-tech and
aerospace industry in Utah, not to mention management consultants and
trainers. It wouldn't surprise me to see a shuttle *Moroni* one of these
days...nor would it surprise me to see one named *L. Ron Hubbard*, given the
infiltration of Ss into middle and upper management in many
Federal agencies.


Robert F. Tatman
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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] Clinton's Blood Trail Clean-Up: Arkansas Clinic Firebombed

1999-06-08 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

Tuesday June 8, 1999

Share This Story With A Friend

Tainted-blood sleuth firebombed

Intimidation campaign suspected as Arkansas clinic razed, Montreal office

Mark Kennedy
The Ottawa Citizen

The controversial story involving tainted plasma from Arkansas prisoners
that was shipped to Canada in the 1980s while Bill Clinton was state
governor has taken a mysterious and chilling new turn.

Two crimes that occurred within hours of each other Tuesday night, hundreds
of kilometres apart, have raised questions about whether someone is trying
to intimidate or silence those who are asking questions about the
prison-blood fiasco.

In Pine Bluff, Arkansas, someone firebombed a prosthetics clinic owned by
Michael Galster, who has been pushing hard for a U.S. government
investigation. The clinic was burned to its shell and fire officials, who
found a gas container in Mr. Galster's attic -- where he kept his documents
-- say they're "90-per-cent sure" the fire was arson.

In Montreal, someone broke into the offices of the Quebec chapter of the
Canadian Hemophilia Society, which recently unearthed documents that showed
Finance Minister Paul Martin was a board member of the corporation that
owned Connaught Laboratories, the company that fractionated and distributed
the Arkansas prison plasma in Canada.

Hemophilia Society officials say thieves stole a computer and three
telephones. They also stole documents from a box labeled "Hepatitis C,
Krever Commission, Reform of the blood system, HIV-AIDS."

Police are investigating both incidents.

Mike McCarthy, a Canadian hemophiliac at the forefront of pushing for
answers into the prison plasma scandal, says he's convinced the two crimes
are connected.

"It's too much of a coincidence," he said, adding that someone is worried
Mr. Galster and the victims are probing too close to the truth.

"They're trying to find out what we know and erase the trail if they can."

"I think they're also sending a message. They're trying to scare us into
backing off. They're trying to put the fear of God into us, that if we
pursue the truth it can get worse. That the next action might not just be
buildings and records."

The RCMP are examining the prison-blood scheme as part of their criminal
investigation into the tainted-blood scandal. RCMP Cpl. Gilles Moreau said
yesterday that the Mounties are willing to review any evidence local police
in Montreal and Arkansas uncover.

"We do not work in a vacuum," said Cpl. Moreau. "If there's information
that is linked to the blood distribution system for the period that we're
investigating, we're certainly not going to close our eyes to that
information. We welcome any information that comes our way."

The story of how prison plasma was collected and found its way into the
bloodstreams of unsuspecting Canadians stands as one of the most shocking
aspects of the tainted-blood tragedy.

It's not known how many Canadians contracted HIV and hepatitis C from the
plasma of Arkansas prisoners, who were paid $7 a unit, although it's likely
that several hundred people were infected by the tainted products.

At the time, U.S. companies that fractionate blood products had stopped
buying prison blood because it was widely understood that, since many
inmates practised unsafe sex or were intravenous drug addicts, their blood
posed a high risk of carrying the AIDS virus.

In Arkansas, a private firm, Health Management Associates, was given a
contract by the state government to collect the prisoners' plasma. The firm
had difficulty locating a U.S. customer but found a willing buyer in a
Montreal blood broker, Continental Pharma Cryosan, which then sold the
plasma to Toronto-based Connaught Laboratories. Connaught apparently didn't
realize the plasma had come from prisoners.

Canadians learned of the prison plasma scheme in 1995, when Justice Horace
Krever's inquiry unearthed some aspects of the story. Last September, the
Citizen revealed further details.

Also last fall, Mr. Galster went public with his accusations about the
Arkansas prison system, where he conducted orthopedic clinics during the
1980s. Mr. Galster published a book, Blood Trail, which is a fictionalized
account of how the prison-plasma program worked.

He wrote under a pseudonym because he feared reprisals. Soon after media
stories began appearing, he revealed his true identity. In February, he
organized and participated in a news conference in Washington where
Canadian victims called for a probe by the U.S. Justice Department and
announced plans to depose Mr. Clinton.

Mr. Galster said yesterday he is reeling with shock from the firebombing of
his clinic, which he has owned for 21 years.

He said he worked until about 8:30 p.m. Tuesday and was later called at
home about the fire.

"I'm trying not to get too paranoid about it. I pray to God that it was
just a coincidence."

Mr. Galster said that if someone is trying to silence him, it won't work.

[CTRL] Serbian Cartoonist: Coo Coo!

1999-06-08 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

From: "Sasa Rakezic" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Coo Coo!
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 02:20:17 +0200
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Priority: 3
MIME-Version: 1.0

Sasa Rakezic
P.F. 163
26000 Pancevo
Yugoslavia (Serbia)

June 7th 1999

Yes, this is all insane - the proposed deal between NATO and Serbian
generals has fallen through this morning, after Serbian generals rejected
the NATO plan, proposed to them in ultimatum-like manner... During the days
and hours while the peace is postponed, many soldiers and civilians will
die, and the refugees will sit helplessly in the tents far away from home.
Today, we were receiving the contradictory informations: yes, plan is going
to be  accepted sometime soon! No, it will not! This official from Serbian
side said that. That NATO general said something else. And so on...
In the meantime, NATO declared this morning that they will continue and
intensify their bombing campaign, and until afternoon several people were
killed, and many more  were injured today , after what seemed to be a pause
in bombing.
The whole stupid war may go on forever, and even if it stops tomorrow, it
will not be the end of troubles for the people living in this country...
Just as I was writing this message, around midnight, NATO stroked Pancevo
again, and several very heavy bombs fell on Oil Refinery... The sound of
the donation was mixed with the sound of the breaking glass. We spoke to a
woman from the flat bellow us, and she said that their lamp in the hall has
been broken to pieces. The cracking sounds were heard all over
There were several more strikes, and loud explosions, and we were able to
see projectiles falling on suburban parts of Belgrade as well - at least
two projectiles, eerily, slowly hovering above the ground, were hit by
Antiaircraft Defenses. It was like a battle in the sky... Strangely, the
strikes were followed by a sudden stormy wind, which seemed to be waken by
all the hassle in the sky.
Gordana and I went at the top of our apartment building, where there was
our neighbor who is a TV cameraman, and beside the camera he was equipped
with a pocket radio station, so we were able to listen to the informations
about the direction of the moving of the NATO aircrafts, about the missiles
destroyed by Antiaircraft Defenses, about the targets hit by NATO
strikes... just while it was happening, all over Serbia. From time to time,
these reports were interrupted by a high-pitched voice of a guy from the
neighboring Croatia, who would toss in the comments like: " You are so
stupid...You must have been  Serbs, aren't you?" and "Coo-Coo! NATO is
coming to Tomahawk you!". Everybody calls that guy "Coo Coo", and he breaks
in the Serbian amateur radio broadcasts every night, with his sarcastic
comments. He became some sort of the "mascot" of this war.
All the while, the Oil Refinery was burning, there were four or five
separate flames bursting, and the giant smoke raised again over the town.
Pieces of soot were falling all over the place, and we were wondering what
happened with our hopes for peace.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Chemtrails Network Notice

1999-06-08 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:   "Skywatch International Inc." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "sky open list" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:(Skyopen) Fw: Chemtrails Network Notice
Date sent:  Mon, 7 Jun 1999 05:35:57 -0500

- Original Message -
From: richard n young [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 06, 1999 6:13 PM
Subject: Chemtrails Network Notice

Hello dear friends and SKYWATCHERS,

Just a quick note to let you know that Chemtrails Bulletin #4 will be
coming very soon.

We would like to announce the new Chemtrails Home Pages with links to
the best Chemtrails sites on the web.  There are also links to Chemtrails
Bulletins 2 and 3 and to some new sites that can help ease the suffering we
are going through due to this nightmare.

Please check out the new Chemtrails Home Pages at:

and click on the Chemtrails Home Page link near the top of the page.

God Bless you all,

Richard Young
Chemtrails Network

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Fw: AllPolitics E-Wire -- June 7, 1999]

1999-06-08 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

"Prudence L. Kuhn" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 06/07/1999 11:24:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

   Milosevic must be driven from power, vertically or
   horizontally." Sen. Jesse Helms (R-North Carolina), reacting
   to the Balkans peace deal announced last week. 

 GOOO Jesse!  Prudy

And I guess Jesse'll chase Slobo out of Belgrade himself in his wheelchair...


Robert F. Tatman
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #4]

1999-06-08 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Ric Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 - Original Message -

  Caveat emptor: let the buyer beware.
  Caveat lector: let the speaker beware.
  Dick Caveat, Beware of TV Talk Show Hosts.

 Dick Caveat, beware of dicks (??)

No, you're thinking of Biggus Dickus.

Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Waiting in the Wings

1999-06-08 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From FreeRepbulic.CoM "A Conservative News Forum"
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 Topic: White Water

 Ultra-Nationalist is Ready for the Great Betrayal

 Electronic Telegraph
 June 8, 1999 Vojislav Seselj

 NO one in Belgrade will be watching a withdrawal from Kosovo more
 beadily than Vojislav Seselj, a man whose Serb nationalism is more
 flecked with foam than the rhetoric of Milosevic himself.

 As the Serb leader last night reassured Western governments that he
 intended fully to honour his commitment to pull out of Kosovo, he
 increased the risk of a confrontation with the mercurial leader of the
 Radical party.

 Seselj, 44, has vowed that he will pull his 87 MPs out of the
 government as soon as the first Nato toe-cap touches Serb soil - a
 threat Milosevic must take seriously. That would in theory rob the
 Socialist bloc of its majority, and force an election which Milosevic
 could lose.

 More worryingly still, Seselj is strongly rumoured to have the support
 of key figures in the Third Army, which has just spent the past 74
 days being pounded in Kosovo. While most key generals are thought to
 be loyal to Milosevic, Belgrade analysts say some of the military are
 ready to throw in their lot with the ultra-nationalist. If the talks
 should fail again, it is feared that the army could decide to force
 Milosevic's hand, dig their trenches deeper in Kosovo, and dare Nato
 to launch a ground war.

 They would have the unflinching support of Seselj, who has denounced
 the Chernomyrdin-Ahtisaari deal as a "capitulation" and said
 yesterday: "The traitors now have their heads up. The Americans will
 stick their noses into our internal political relations, support those
 traitors, and start destroying what's left of Serbia."

 Seselj already has a passionate following among poorer Serbs,
 especially those who have already been made refugees from other parts
 of the former Yugoslavia. In the 200,000 who are now expected to be
 driven from Kosovo, he will have another constituency.

 Seselj is famous for his outrageous anti-Western pronouncements, in a
 vein similar to that of his friend, the Russian nationalist Vladimir
 Zhirinovsky. He recently called for Athens and Vienna to be bombed,
 and once called for the Croats to have their throats slit with spoons,
 "just to show how good Serb spoons are".

 But he also has a reputation as a first-class intellect. He was the
 youngest ever student to achieve a doctorate at Sarajevo University,
 with a thesis on fascism.

 In the early 1980s, he made his name as an anti-communist and is still
 a friend of Vuk Draskovic, leader of the Serb renewal party, who has
 toned down his rhetoric and earned the approval of the West. At one
 point he was thrown into prison for his dissent and his alleged
 maltreatment at the hands of Muslim warders is whispered to have fired
 his lust for vengeance during the Bosnian war, when he raised - though
 did not lead into battle - a paramilitary band.

 He is certainly no socialist to this day, and has accused Mira
 Markovic - the wife and coalition bedfellow of Milosevic - of being a
 "red witch". That did not stop him joining the Milosevic government as
 a vice-prime minister of Serbia; and his role so far has been to give
 vent to the kind of nationalist tirades that even Milosevic could not
 bring himself to utter.

 He has made it plain that if the deal goes through, he is finished
 with Milosevic; and while he is unlikely to take over, he can make
 life difficult for the Serb leader.

 "The Serbian Radicals will not accept the American, English and German
 occupiers, and the complete withdrawal of our army and police from
 Kosovo, because, according to this plan, Kosovo is no longer part of
 the Serbian legal system. An occupying administration is taking over
 this part of the country," he said.

 "The alternative was more bombing, but it would have had to stop at
 some point. Nato would not have easily dared begin a ground invasion."

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 


1999-06-08 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-



FAC 1: You paranoid chemtrail conspiratorialists are seeing normal sky
spoor from a marked increase in commercial air traffic. Combined with
changing atmospheric conditions, these wetter and denser air masses
are leading to lingering contrails and the artificial formation of
cirrus-type clouds from ice-crystal condensation left by "rush hour"
jet traffic.

Ans: There is no question that air traffic is up sharply throughout
the world. (See "Jets" under "Investigations" Also that atmospheric changes (including
increased moisture) are contributing to increased natural and
artificial cloud formation.

But experienced pilots, military personnel and other qualified
observers note that:

1. Normal contrails usually dissipate within a minute after formation.
Many long-lingering "chemtrails" currently being reported across North
America are being made at altitudes between 8,000 and 10,000 feet -
well below the stratosphere where ice-crystal cloud condensation
forms. Indeed, commercial aircraft entering spray zones often emit no
contrails alongside "chemtrail" spraying aircraft. Commercial jets
leaving fast-fading pencil-thin contrails are also being observed
alongside fatter, billowing "chemtrails" that linger and spread out at
the same altitude for hours, completely obscuring the sky.

2. Commercial aircraft do not cross each other's flight paths in Xs
and grid-patterns at the same altitude. Nor do formations of two or
more airliners fly back-and-forth in formation across the same patch
of clear sky for hours at a time.

3. Commercial aircraft prominently display their airline logo,
"colors" and registration numbers. Videotaped KC-135 and KC-10 spray
aircraft are usually painted white and carry no identification

4. Normal contrails come from the engines and wingtips of high-flying
aircraft. They do not stream from the tails of airplanes equipped with
wing-mounted engines. Chemtrails, on the other hand, have been
observed through telescopes and binoculars to be streaming from tanker
tailbooms pointing downward at a 60-degree angle. And from wings,
where aerial tanker refueling probes are also deployed.

4. Contrails do not make people sick. Hundreds of eye-witnesses have
become ill within hours of watching chemtrails woven over their heads.
Many have tasted and smelled something metallic or corrosive in the
air. Put the dates and locations of peak hospital admissions beside
"spray days" - they match.

5. Contrails do no rain cobweb-like material and jello-like "goo" over
porches, powerlines and police cruisers. Perhaps caused by misadjusted
or malfunctioning spray nozzles, this material has been found to
contain jet fuel and pathogens - including molds and bacteria and
DNA-altering "restrictor enzymes" found only in research laboraties.
Some of these pathogens can cause pneumonia and upper-respiratory

FAC 2: You are unfairly casting aspersions on the US military,
accusing them of poisoning their own people.

Ans: Two Senate investigations have documented "Open air" biowarfare
testing by the Pentagon over hundreds of American cities since 1949.
But because spray aircraft are unmarked, I cannot assert at this time
that the US government and/or US military are responsible. These
agencies are accountable, however, for allowing these overflights to

FAC 3:  You have absolutely no proof that these "contrails" are
causing illness on the ground. Have you forgotten that it is the
height of flu and asthma season?

Ans: Even at the height of the flu season, hospitals and doctors'
offices across the USA, as well as in Canada and England are typically
operating at twice their usual winter influx of respiratory patients,
with Emergency Rooms jammed and some hospitals closed to new
admissions. Why an epidemic of pneumonia, bronchitis and other upper
repiratory illnesses continues to afflict so many North Americans is
unknown at this time. It is suggestive that almost all outdoor
observers of spraying have become sick with extreme respiratory
symptoms within 48 hours of witnessing "contrails" unusual enough to
excite comment and cause cameras and camcorders to be aimed
Usually associated with damp, wet climates, outbreaks of bronchitis
across the American southwest are unprecedented.

It is also suggestive that a nationwide 1-800-I-GOT-FLU tracking
program is open only to participants who "qualify" by exhibiting
specific symptoms after being exposed within a certain radius of known
outbreaks - within a specified time period.

It is also disturbing that on each of the three occasions that
Washington state resident William Wallace has complained to the media
of spraying over his remote mountain cabin, he and his wife Ann have
been attacked by jet and propeller aircraft diving in at treetop
height to release spray over their property. William and Ann Wallace
are now very sick - with William exhibiting 

[CTRL] Outrage in Canada, Renee

1999-06-08 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

From: Genie Brittingham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: DPFCA: More From Renee
Date: Monday, June 07, 1999 10:48 PM

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (renee boje)
Date: Sat, Jun 5, 1999
Subject: a plea for help

Can you please spread this letter far and wide?


From a safe house and sanctuary in the rain forest of British Columbia,

On June 10th at the Supreme Court in Vancouver a date for a trial will
be set for my extradition from Canada to the USA. As it currently stands
I will be fighting for my life while facing the full force of the
largest most powerful Government in the world - alone. At this point, I
cannot afford to properly defend myself.
I am a 29 year old woman who is facing 10 years mandatory minimum to
life in a U.S. Federal prison,   to me it is a death sentence. I have
never harmed any one, or knowingly any thing in my life. I am only
guilty of being too trusting and under estimating the power and
determination of some very dark forces in my government.
My trouble started from my desire to help people. I was in California
working for Todd McCormick, a cancer patient and medical marijuana
advocate, while under the protection of Proposition 215. Proposition 215
states that patients with a prescription or a doctors recommendation,
may cultivate or use marijuana medicinally. (The world is finally
remembering how beneficial this healing herb is). Todd was researching
how different strains help different illnesses . The findings were to be
published in a book on the medicinal effects and proper dosage of a
variety of strains of marijuana.
On July 29, 1997 the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) descended on
our gentle passive group with the speed and aggressiveness of a military
   I was arrested and charged with eight others. The charges against
me are conspiracy to cultivate, possession of and intent to distribute
marijuana each count is punishable by a mandatory minimum of 10 years to
life in prison without parole. I deny these charges in the strongest
Three months after my arrest, I was told the charges against me were
dropped. I decided to come and experience the calm and safety of Canada
for a while and take a break from the intensity of the US.
While visiting Canada and without my knowledge, the charges were
reinstated and I was listed on a fugitive warrant. Recently, I was
arrested at a medical marijuana garden in Canada. A routine Royal
Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) check revealed my charges in the US were
reinstated. I was immediately arrested and brought to jail where steps
toward my extradition to the US were initiated. All my money and that of
my friends was used to bail me out and there was $2,500 left over for my
extradition lawyer. While outside the courtroom awaiting my hearing, two
RCMP Special Agents arrested me and began fast track extradition
proceedings. The $2,500 for my lawyer was spent on bail.   I was told
that the US government has spent over $250,000 to get me back. There is
the fear of bounty hunters seeking the reward for my return to the US.
They have been known to capture a person, put them in the back of a van
and drive across the border.
If I lose, not only will I be deprived of my freedom, but according to
Amnesty International I can expect to be sexually and physically abused.
While being detained in Los Angeles after my arrest, I was strip
searched 15 times in 72 hours, some of which were in front of male
guards who made threatening and degrading remarks. It is because of this
that I am seeking protection through Canada's Refugee Board, if
successful it will be the first time Canada has ever protected an
American citizen from their own government.
Besides true justice, what I need the most is money for lawyers. Both my
parents phones are monitored and they have been told that if they help
me in any way, they will be charged with aiding and abetting a fugitive,
which is a felony.
Thank you so much for reading this letter and considering my situation.
Right up front I will tell you that this letter is a plea for help. If
you cannot or if you do not agree with my request, I would like to know
why, so that I can change my approach. I am new at the trying to save my
life business.
If you can help, good, let me know how.
Money + Lawyers + Expert Witnesses + Public Awareness + Political
= Freedom
If you can contribute financially, please mail check or money order to
Renee Boje Defense Fund,
P.O. Box 35, Gibsons, British Columbia, Canada V0N 1V0
Please see my website at:
If you cannot help with money, perhaps you can spend a bit of time and
spread the word about me, either through e-mail, letters to politicians
and media or word of mouth. Only a few of the Canadian media and High
Times magazine have covered my story. The American media does not seem
to care or is nervous about bringing 

[CTRL] (Fwd) Vaccinations

1999-06-08 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 07 Jun 1999 16:22:22 -0700
From:   David Gould [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Post Number 95: Vaccinations
First, I want to welcome the new list members.  Over the week-end I
received the largest number of requests for additions to this list
that I
have ever seen.  Over 40 by one individual alone, asking that
be sent to family and/or friends.  So, Welcome.

As most of you who have been receiving my Posts and/or reading my
have understood for some time, I look at things in very simple terms;
are either right, or wrong.  Black and white, and gray is simply
black by
another name.  I have a philosophy of life which fits this, and which
life in general very well: There is no right way to do the wrong
(This defeats the lie of compromise, the acceptance of which is why
America is slowly being destroyed.)

Once you begin to accept this, and live by it, life becomes much
simpler.  Not necessarily easier, at least, not at first, but after
adjust, and find that much of what you thought was real around you is
an illusion, then life also becomes easier.  But thinking like this
making decisions based on right and wrong requires, first of all,
knowledge, for the first rule of “there is no right way to do the
thing” is being able to identify right and wrong.  And that is not as
as it sounds, for most.

But here is a basic rule you can take with this philosophy and make
decisions very easy.  Follow the money.  If you are looking at
something, and in particular, I am referring to government mandates,
if that mandate puts money into someone’s pocket, then you have found
reason for the mandate.  Irregardless of what is told to you about
“it is
for your good,” when money is involved, then someone somewhere is
decisions based on that money, and you are simply part of the
either creating the money, the need for the money, or being
whether you realize it or not, for the transfer of the money.
Vaccinations are a case in point.

It must be just a coincidence (Did I mention that I do not believe in
coincidences?) that vaccinations transfer billions of dollars of
supported credit to the major drug companies.

And it must be just another coincidence that as more and more
about vaccinations come out, the dangers inherent in vaccinations
happen to support the Global 2000 goals of the United States
government (a
British corporation, in bankruptcy) to reduce the population of
drastically.  Could this have anything to do with the UN land use
detailing up to 50% of the land in America as being unsuitable for
habitation?  Or another 25% of the land in America being suitable for
light use by humans?

Could it be (it is) that this locks up nearly 100% of the natural
resources of America where the common man can not access them?  Then,
50, maybe 100 years after the full implimentation of these plans,
multi-national corporation can begin developing these resources, slowly,
of course, using the remainer of the greatly reduced population who would
then be glad of any work.  Could there be more to what is going on than we
all can see?

Perhaps a couple of upcoming Posts will help explain a little better.
Posts such as “The UN and Plans for your Child,” “Public Schools,” and
“Education and Children.”  Or, perhaps, a Post on “Population Control”
will make things clearer.  Whatever it takes to show you that YOU are the
problem, and you enforce the evil coming upon America by your decisions to
justify what is happening by cooperating with the evil.  By voting.  By
paying the so-called income tax.  By putting your children in “public
schools.”  By eating the filth disguised as food and sold in supermarkets.
 And by feeding this filth to your family!

All of this comes back to the simple decision to follow a life based on
there is no right way to do the wrong thing.  Which requires knowledge and
understanding.  And this is not to say that I am a Righteous man, for I am
a man, with all of the failings and weaknesses of man.  But, I do what I
can, when I can, and how I can, to live by this rule.  I hope you consider
it, and continue on your search for more knowledge.  God Bless you, David

Congress Told Hepatitis B Vaccine Linked to Rise in Diabetes
BALTIMORE, May 19 /PRNewswire/ -- A congressional subcommittee heard
testimony yesterday on the subject "Hepatitis B Vaccine: Helping or
Hurting Public Health." The committee heard from several researchers
about the increased risk of autoimmunity following immunization with the
hepatitis B vaccine. Data from a CDC (Center for Disease Control) study
was presented which supports a causal relationship between the hepatitis B
vaccine and insulin dependent diabetes.

The Subcommittee on 

[CTRL] FWD: GAO - Medical Readiness: Safety and Efficacy of the Anthrax Vaccine

1999-06-08 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.


 -  Medical Readiness: Safety and Efficacy of the Anthrax Vaccine.
T-NSIAD-99-148. 7 pp. April 29, 1999.


June 8, 1999

The following items were added to GAO's World Wide Web site in
Portable Document (PDF) format.

-  Climate Change: Observations on the April 1999 Report on Climate
   Change Programs. T-RCED-99-199. 7 pp. plus 1 appendix (1 pp.) May
   20, 1999.

-  Community Development: Weak Management Controls Compromise
   Integrity of Four HUD Grant Programs. T-RCED-99-175. 8 pp. April
   29, 1999.

-  Medical Readiness: Safety and Efficacy of the Anthrax Vaccine.
   T-NSIAD-99-148. 7 pp. April 29, 1999.

-  Satellite Control Systems: Opportunity for DOD to Implement Space
   Policy and Integrate Capabilities. NSIAD-99-81. 21 pp. plus 2
   appendices (7 pp.) May 17, 1999.

-  Social Security: Criteria for Evaluating Social Security Reform
   Proposals. T-HEHS-99-94. 21 pp. plus 1 appendix (1 pp.) March 25,

-  Superfund: Progress, Problems, and Future Outlook. T-RCED-99-128.
   14 pp. March 23, 1999.

-  Year 2000 Computing Challenge: Much Biomedical Equipment Status
   Information Available, Yet Concerns Remain. T-AIMD-99-197. 15 pp.
   May 25, 1999.

These reports and testimonies will also be added to our
WAIS database in ASCII and PDF formats within the next 24 hours.

This database can be searched from the World Wide Web from the
search page at:

If you are using speech synthesizer equipment or lack World Wide
Web access you may search this database with GPO's public swais
client by telnetting to:

Any individual report may be retrieved directly from that archive
in text and PDF formats with the following URL:

replacing RPTNO with the report number (e.g., GAO/OCG-98-1).

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unsubscribe from the mailing list.

Thank you.

Re: [CTRL] [SC] Skeptic News - Tuesday #1

1999-06-08 Thread Cathy Laughlan

 -Caveat Lector-


: What other technologies resulted from the Roswell crash?

Waxed dental floss

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [SC] Skeptic News - Tuesday #1

1999-06-08 Thread Cathy Laughlan

 -Caveat Lector-

# Scientists research body odor. PHILADELPHIA (AP) George Preti approaches
his patients sniffing. He snuffles under their armpits, takes deep whiffs
of their necks and slowly sniffs up and down their bodies. "Mmm-hmm," he
says, jotting down notes. "OK, take a deep breath and exhale into my face."

Many moons ago, when I was an undergrad, I got paid $10 to participate in a
study where four times for one month I had to sniff an empty sandwich bag.
It was a blind study, so I had no clue as to why the psychology professor
wanted me to whiff this baggie, but $10 was a couple of pitchers of beer and
a pizza, ya know?  Anyway, one week I whiffed the baggie and shuddered,
pulling away.  The student assistant asked me what was wrong, and I said,
"Whew! Smells like my little brother's room!"  He got really excited by
that, and grabbed his clipboard.  "Can you expand on that?"  "Well, yeah," I
says.  "Smells like my little brother's room.  Ya know, he plays hockey and
he leaves his jock strap and stuff on the floor all week...smells awful!"
This REALLY excited the student assistant.  Come to find out, at the end of
the study when they debriefed me, they told me they were measuring responses
against menstrual cycles:  whether or not women could detect male
pheremones, and if so at what point in their cycle.  So they mapped out my
cycle for a month.  Apparently, they were trying to debunk a previous study
wherein the hypothesis that women are more sensitive at certain points of
their cycle than others to male pheremones was proven.  They weren't able to
debunk it.  So, the professor (a strict behaviorist) never published the
study.  So what was it I was smelling???!!!  I was really worried about
that, ya know!  I had all kinds of nightmares about what the heck the male
student assistant had in that baggie!!!  Apparently, I was smelling "body
odor."  The male assistant stuck his fist in the bag, held it shut, and

Why do male academics have such a fetish about body odor anyway?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] 1st Amendment @ Risk!

1999-06-08 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

Flag Desecration Amendment Returns

Once again, a proposed constitutional amendment that would give Congress the
power to prohibit the physical desecration of the U.S. flag has been
introduced in the House of Representatives and in the Senate.

In an effort to thwart two Supreme Court rulings that flag burning is
symbolic speech protected by the First Amendment, Representatives Randy
"Duke" Cunningham (R-CA) and John Murtha (D-PA) have introduced HJ Res. 33 in
the House. Senator Hatch (R-UT) has introduced a similar measure, SJ Res. 14,
in the Senate. The House passed a similar flag amendment during the 105th
Congress (H.J. Res 54), but supporters of the bill could not muster enough
support to even bring the bill to the Senate floor for a vote. If the
amendment had passed the Senate and been ratified by at least 38 states, it
would have become the first amendment to limit Americans’ freedom of

Although we've been able to defeat similar proposals in the past, our margins
are becoming increasingly thinner. In 1995, for example, a flag desecration
amendment passed in the House and failed by only three votes in the Senate.

Speak Out Against This Issue!
The proposed constitutional amendment would do irreparable violence to our
right to free speech and undermine the very principles for which the American
flag stands.
Those who favor the proposed amendment say they do so in honor of the flag.
But in proposing to unravel the First Amendment, they desecrate what the flag
represents, and what millions of Americans have died to defend.

Unlike many other issues that bedevil our community, flag burning or
desecration is an extremely rare occurrence.
A constitutional amendment would, therefore, be the very definition of a
solution in search of a problem.

Unlike what some would have us believe, opposition to a flag desecration
amendment is neither Democratic or Republican, liberal or conservative.
Both in the Supreme Court and in Congress, officials opposing measures to
"protect the flag" have fallen across the ideological spectrum. Justice
Antonin Scalia, one of the Supreme Court's most conservative members, has
consistently opposed similar measures while conservative Senators Robert
Bennett of Utah and Mitch McConnell of Kentucky joined Edward Kennedy and
Paul Wellstone in voting against a flag amendment in 1995.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Republicans - still beating around the Bush

1999-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan

[Note new email address - please make changes]

Republicans - still beating around the "Bush"

Guest column submission
By Jim Hill


Once again, the Republican Party is demonstrating how little they understand
the leadership vacuum that is plaguing our nation.  This time, the craze is
over drafting George W. Bush for president in 2000.  What began as an effort
by the country club, power wing of the Party has now grown to include some
factions of issue-oriented conservatives, who have also fallen prey.

The hunger to win the White House in 2000 is so great that many Republicans
will accept anyone, just as long as he or she is a "Republican."  Like the
sports mentality that has permeated our entire culture, winning in politics
has become little more than a temporary gratification with no lasting
significance.  This drop in standards can be attributed to several things,
one of which is the lack of core values among many of the most ardent Party
loyalists.  Even some of the evangelical Christians of the so-called
Religious Right, people who supposedly have a higher commitment to principle
than political expediency, have indicated a willingness to follow.

Why am I against joining with other Party members and backing the Bush
campaign to capture the White House in 2000?  In one simple sentence, George
W. Bush, better than any other individual, is an ideal reflection of the
Republican Party as it is today.  And that is why he should not be taken
seriously by anyone committed to principle.

Republicans today, resembling their Democrat opponents, are driven more by
the fickled whims of society than by core ideologies.  The Republican
leadership has not taken a serious stand on any issue since the 1995 budget
battle where, ultimately, one concession after another was surrendered to
the demands of President Clinton.  There was a time when smaller, limited
government was the uniting theme in the Republican Party.  By their actions
in recent years, however, the Republicans have even lost their claim to this

Today, after five years of Republican control of Congress, government has
steadily grown larger and become more intrusive.  Not a single federal
department has been eliminated, downsized, or even had its budget reduced in
the slightest, in spite of many campaign promises to the contrary.  And
Americans suffer even more encroachments upon their liberties as the GOP-led
Congress continues to pump steroids into the federal monster with bigger
budgets and more federal programs.  Today, there is not a single issue on
which Republicans can legitimately claim either unity or victory.  It should
come as no surprise that such a wandering generality has rallied around
George W. Bush as the ideal man to be their leader.

One need only examine Bush through his own words to arrive at such a
conclusion.  Project Vote Smart polls candidates at all levels of
government, nationwide, and publishes responses to their comprehensive
questionnaire on their web site at  Bush's 1998
gubernatorial survey reveals a man very much in love with big government and
in search of a consistent set of values.  (What American president does this
sound like?)

In addition to his politically correct responses on abortion, affirmative
action, gun control, and state funded health care, Bush reveals his true
identity when it comes to education.  He states, "My number one priority is
improving public education."  Yet, when you run down the list, it's obvious
he believes that only government can perform such a feat.  He advocates an
increase in state funds for teachers and school construction, state-mandated
standards (buzz phrase for state-mandated controls), and bilingual
education.  Nowhere on this survey does he suggest government loosening its
stranglehold on this vital industry and allowing the only proven solution,
the free market, to reign.

Still, some conservatives are falling all over themselves to line up in
support of this man, much like they did in 1996 with the equally bland
candidate, Bob Dole.  Is this what has become of freedom?  Is this our
modern day version of "eternal vigilance?"  Suppose a giant dragon was
threatening our lives and we desperately wanted to arm a knight to go out
and slay the dragon.  Would we even consider someone who advocates stealing
food from our very own tables to keep the dragon alive?  Would we be this
desperate to "win"?  Unfortunately, our situation is not a fairy tale.  The
dragon is real.  Even worse, so is this year's anointed knight.

Nevertheless, the question always comes back to me: "Yeah, but had you
rather have him, or Al Gore?"  The assumption is that it's better to make a
little progress under Bush than none at all under Gore.  It's a good
question.  And it's a fair question.  But it's an incorrect assumption and
ignores the much deeper issue.

We're all familiar with the phenomenon of boiling a frog in water.  Put a
frog in cold water and heat it up 

Re: [CTRL] [SC] Skeptic News - Tuesday #1

1999-06-08 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Cathy Laughlan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 # Scientists research body odor. PHILADELPHIA (AP)

 Why do male academics have such a fetish about body odor anyway?

1. Tradition.
2. They themselves smell awful, as I can attest from having just
encountered my neighbor the geology professor, who stinks to high
heaven [constantly scratches his balls too - brilliant but uncouth.]
3. Their fetishistic attachment to unwashed European women, fond
remembrance of the Fulbright tour where they first got lucky.
4. A certain strain of alien implants.
5. CIA mind-control conditioning.
6. Organic dysfunction.
7. Tradition.

  Ric "just-showered but my dog still likes me" Carter

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AIDS spreading rapidly across Africa

1999-06-08 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Quite a bit on AIDS.

Aids is spreading across the continent fast

 Aids is now the leading cause of death in Africa,
overtaking malaria
 as the continent's main killer disease, the United Nations
has said.

 It said the epidemic was responsible for one in five of all
deaths in
 Africa last year.

 Worldwide, the UN said Aids is now a bigger killer than any
 infectious disease - and the fourth overall cause of death,
after heart
 disease, strokes and respiratory infections, which often
affect people in
 old age.

 Nowhere in the world has the impact of Aids been more
 than in Africa, where the UN estimates that more than 11
 people have now died of the disease.

 'Formidable threat'

 Peter Piot, executive director of UNAids, the body
responsible for
 co-ordinating the fight against Aids, says it is the most
 disease to confront modern medicine, with the potential to
 the massive improvements made this century in global health

 He said HIV was catastrophic for two reasons: "Aids targets
 adults and the number of deaths are accelerating quickly.

 "Even if we stopped HIV today, because of the millions of
people now
 living with the infection, the burden of Aids will continue
to be
 severely felt.

 "This is only the tip of the iceberg," he said.

 Millions died

 The UN estimates that two million Africans died of Aids
last year. This
 is well over 80% of the world-wide death toll.

 Malaria, which used to be Africa's main killer, accounted
for about a
 million deaths.

 Part of the explanation behind the jump in the UN's Aids
figures is
 statitistical - many deaths previously attributed to
tuberculosis are now
 known to have been actually caused by Aids.

 Life expectancies in many countries are now plummeting as a
 of, and national health systems have been overwhelmed.

 Earlier this year, the Burundian government had to send
Aids patients
 home from hospital because, it said, there were almost no
beds for
 anyone else.

 Aids cases continue to rise

 The report - prepared in association with the World Health
 Organisation - said that while only small fluctuations in
impact have
 been seen over the years with other causes of death, the
Aids curve
 was rising sharply.

 "These new findings challenge the world to make better use
of the
 tools we have to reduce the impact of Aids, including
prevention and
 care, and to speed up the search for an Aids vaccine," Mr
Piot added.

 Another finding of the report is that depression and other
 which affect the brain have a major impact on a person's

 The WHO measured how disability and other conditions
affected ill

 They found neuropsychiatric conditions, including
 dementia and alcohol and drug abuse, accounted for 23% of
 disease burden in Europe and the USA.

 The report said: "Neuropsychiatric conditions have been
ignored for a
 long time as they are absent from cause of death lists.

 "However, when disease burden measurement includes time
 with a disability, several of the neuropsychiatric
disorders become
 leading causes of disease burden worldwide."

 The WHO estimates that major depression shortens healthy
active life
 by four years.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:



[CTRL] More on Contrails and Flight 111/AIDS connection?

1999-06-08 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi there,

These are off a digest from conspiracy-net@onelist. Thought it was
rather interesting the Swiss Air Flight 111/Aids connection considering
how AIDS is devastating Africa etc This is at the bottom.


Message: 2
   Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 09:31:31 -0400
   From: Subzer0 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Contrails

Well let me direct you to a couple of websites on the subject, they can
explain it to you far better then I ever could. However, from what I
have learned it's become apparent that our government has been
conducting some kind of experiments on the US public, and I'm told that
it's going on in the UK also...This first website is ran by William
Thomas an investigative reporter at The

second website I would direct you to would be The Contrail Connection at and the last is Art Bells website and

if you have Real Audio and the time listen to these archived  replays of

his radio shows

Message: 5
   Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 16:15:24 -0400
   From: Subzer0 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Contrails


we have them where I live alsoI'm including a satellite photograph
of my area... I live along the chesapeake bay area and the photo is from

Feb. 12th of this year. checkout all the contrails from PA. down to VA.
and the heavy concentration over the chesapeake bay area. Since this
spraying there have been many reports of people with respiratory
problems and other aliments. Members of my own family have gotten sick
after these planes have gone over our small town also.

I believe this is more then our tax dollars at may be part of
a plan to reduce the american population. Population controll at
work...the eldery, young children, and people with heatlh problems are
the most likely victims of this genocide.

Message: 6
   Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 20:22:01 EDT
Subject: Re: Contrails

the method behind the madness sub.
as diabolical and misleading as they may often be, the Men In Black have

reasons for everything they do. i propose that the contrails have two
1. they are testing biological and chemical weapons on the public at

large. this was widely practiced by the military in cities such as New
San Francisco, Washington D.C, and Norfolk VA from the 1950s and well
the 1980s before the public caught on, and was naturally outraged. but
to say they ever stopped ?
the military insisted that the bacteria's they used were merely
that caused no harm, but independent medical studies showed that they
wrong, and willingly so. the three most widely used bacteria's were-
marcens, bacillicus globiggi,
asperilligus fumigatus. (excuse any spelling errors, these are off the
top of
my head)
all three had potentially fatal side effects. after world war II, the
government of our nation cut deals with the devil's scientists, and
nazi germany scientists and doctors asylum here in exchange for their
power. they came, with their logic and their black science, but with the

belief system, and the cold ruthless science that hitler and his minions

practiced. their legacy is alive in these and other biological tests on
unwitting human subjects, innocents undeserving of the risk their
"of the the people, by the people, for the people" is putting them
and that was twenty years ago. imagine what we have now.
 2. yes, it is to weaken the very old and the very young. to thin
out the
herd in response to darwin's much touted theory of "survival of the
and again the nazi influence of the "master race" ideology in the
especially in light of y2k, things have the potential to be very rough.
and medical supplies could be limited, and the government may be taking
steps to rid the country of the "undesirables"- the sick, the elderly,
disabled, or simply those who think for themselves and refuse to fit
into the
carefully created mold.
 some say we are free in america, but i say we are slaves. yes,
is the first nation to enslave an entire people without the people even
knowing we are slaves. oh sure, we have the ballot boxes, we have the
documents, we have the words that promise us the rights to "life,
liberty and
the pursuit of happiness" but the freedom behind them has vanished in
mix. somewhere along the line the american people traded in their
liberty for
leisure. as long as the government gives us cable tv, movies, fast food,

pays for our healthcare and other needs on welfare, we are content to
back and let our country- and it is just as much ours as anyone else's-
go to
waste and scorn under the inept leadership of the likes of al gore and
clinton, who
play at war when it 

Re: [CTRL] 1st Amendment @ Risk!

1999-06-08 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

The only proper way to dispose of a flag is to burn it, with respect of
course.   People who burn flags do not break the law.

Flag burning probably became popular because it was a legal method to
dispose of a flag.

When the see the US flag set on fire these days in China or other
countries hostile to the US, which are many these days due to the
so-called war in the Balkans - remember most of this stuff was being
done under the flag of the UN.

So I have a better idea...lets buy that UN flag and give it to the
kids to burnafter all, this seems to be the real problem doesn't it.

We could also burn pictures of Clinton and his obnoxous wife.but let
us burn the UN flag, and leave the flag of the United States raised on


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Best Yet?

1999-06-08 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Int'l Herald Tribune

 Paris, Wednesday, June 9, 1999

 Kosovo War Bringing Out Clinton's Best, Aides Assert

 -- By John F. Harris Washington Post Service
 -- WASHINGTON - It was the kind of occasion that reminds senior White
 House officials that access to the president is not always such a
 wonderful thing.

 On the night of May 7, it fell to the national security adviser,
 Samuel (Sandy) Berger, to track down President Bill Clinton on a
 political trip in Texas to share the latest bad news from the air war:
 NATO missiles had mistakenly destroyed the Chinese Embassy in

 The anger at the other end of the line was swift and unmistakable.
 ''He was upset that it happened, baffled by how could it happen,
 insistent on getting an explanation of what went wrong,'' Mr. Berger

 But Mr. Clinton's storm may have been as noteworthy for what it was

 The errant bombing was the kind of event that in an earlier time might
 have triggered profanity and blame-casting, followed by self-pity and
 self-doubt, according to many past and current Clinton advisers and
 friends. But Mr. Berger heard none of this: ''He wanted people focused
 on how to fix the problem rather than going on a witch hunt. He
 focused on how we deal with this and keep moving forward.''

 There has been a different Bill Clinton on display during the Kosovo
 crisis. In the past, Mr. Clinton has been a president who was given to
 seeing merit on all sides of an argument and who sometimes swerved
 between policies in the face of criticism. But in the past two months,
 despite suffering through waves of bad news, second-guessing by
 experts and declining approval ratings, Mr. Clinton has held
 steadfastly to his underlying goal of ending repression in Kosovo on
 NATO's terms.

 Is the president, after more than six years in office and countless
 personal and political crises, a changed man?

 ''He whines less and fights more,'' said a longtime friend and
 political strategist, James Carville. ''He understands he's going to
 get bad news and accepts it.'' To be sure, some of Mr. Clinton's
 familiar traits - a tendency to lurch into crises and to improvise his
 way out of them - also were on display in these recent months.

 Critics say the Kosovo war could have been avoided in the first place
 through more farsighted diplomacy. Once the war began, many military
 experts said Mr. Clinton failed to see that the air campaign would not
 work in a short time.

 But such complaints will look like quibbles if Yugoslavia follows
 through on its stated acceptance of the North Atlantic Treaty
 Organization's demands, presidential aides say. Still uncertain,
 various advisers said, is what effect the alliance's apparent victory
 will have on the 19 months left in Mr. Clinton's time in office.

 Some presidential aides and friends are describing Kosovo in
 Churchillian tones, as Mr. Clinton's ''finest hour.'' But by all
 indications, he is eager for the hour to pass rapidly.

 On Thursday, the day President Slobodan Milosevic of Yugoslavia said
 he had accepted NATO's demands, Mr. Clinton welcomed that announcement
 in the Rose Garden, then pivoted to remarks on Medicare and
 environmental protection. His radio address Saturday was not a
 reflection on the alliance's first war but a pledge to devote more
 federal attention to mental health issues.

 The abrupt change of focus was no accident. Public unease over the
 Kosovo conflict, several advisers said, contributed to what various
 polls have shown is a steady drop in the president's public approval

 Clinton aides expect no dramatic spike in his popularity in the wake
 of a successful Kosovo exit. A Democratic strategist who is
 influential at the White House said that to the American electorate,
 foreign policy for the president is like snow removal for a big-city
 mayor: You get little credit when things work well but are punished
 when they don't.

 But several current and former close advisers were struck by the
 relative detachment with which Mr. Clinton watched his approval
 ratings fade in recent weeks. For nearly four years, after his
 humiliation in the 1994 midterm elections, keeping approval ratings
 high was a paramount project of his presidency. Mr. Clinton, friends
 said, expressed alarm when the numbers dropped even a point or two;
 during the battle last year over his impeachment, one aide said, he
 ''was forever spouting poll numbers.''

 From the White House vantage point, Mr. Clinton's survival - whether
 fighting for re-election or trying to avoid removal from office in the
 Monica Lewinsky scandal - depended on keeping those numbers high. They
 were also essential to doing anything more ambitious, providing the
 stick with which he could prod congressional Republicans and Democrats

[CTRL] Dark Continental Blair

1999-06-08 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


 World Socialist Web Site


 WSWS : News  Analysis : Africa

 Sierra Leone peace talks expose Blair's "ethical" foreign policy

 By Chris Talbot
 9 June 1999

 Back to screen version

 British Prime Minister Tony Blair's moral justification for war
 obviously does not extend to the small West African country of Sierra
 Leone. A cease-fire was declared last month and peace negotiations
 with the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) rebels have now begun in
 Lomé, in nearby Togo. Both Britain and the United States have
 sanctioned these negotiations.

 Only last year, Blair said that Britain was "quite right" to break a
 United Nations arms embargo in sending Sandline International, a
 mercenary force, to back the Sierra Leone government of President
 Ahmed Tejan Kabbah fighting the RUF. The Labour government faced down
 a major scandal, claiming what they did was justified because the
 Kabbah regime was "democratically elected".

 Up until the present peace talks, British and world media reported
 extensively on RUF atrocities, while largely ignoring those committed
 by government forces. The South African Mail and Guardian, for
 example, states in a June 2 report that "independent aid workers and
 victims agree that the RUF's trademark tactics include hacking off
 people's hands, arms, legs, ears and noses, in addition to raping,
 kidnapping and burning people alive." A recent report from the French
 charity Médecines sans Frontières (MSF) stated that out of 56 war
 victims they were treating in Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone,
 "ten had at least one hand deliberately amputated by machete". MSF
 point out that their report is about people who had survived such
 mutilations and were able to reach Freetown—the total of mutilated
 persons is far higher.

 The moralistic propaganda which Blair and Cook used against their
 critics to explain the hiring of Sandline has now been dropped.
 Instead, the energies of the Blair government and Clinton
 administration are being directed towards promoting the idea of
 reconciliation. The Lomé talks between President Kabbah and RUF leader
 Foday Sankoh were attended not only by representatives of the UN and
 Organisation for African Unity (OAU), but by the Reverend Jesse
 Jackson. Jackson is described as the "United States Special Envoy for
 the Promotion of Democracy in Africa". He expressed satisfaction that
 the cease-fire had been reached on the eve of the African-American
 summit, due to be held in Accra. With no explanation of why the US and
 Britain were calling off their support for the eight-year-long war,
 Jackson said, “We are coming back to our roots, our fatherland, which
 is facing several problems, but we are coming back with a lot of
 resources. In one week we are going to celebrate a new era in Nigeria.
 We will not rest until we celebrate peace in the DRC [Democratic
 Republic of Congo], in Ethiopia and elsewhere.”

 The Sierra Leone cease-fire and peace negotiations, it should be
 added, have received virtually no coverage in the British media.
 Throughout the pages of reports lauding the Labour government's war in
 Yugoslavia, no questions have been asked about how their self-styled
 "ethical foreign policy" has been applied in Africa. Very brief film
 clips of amputees in Freetown were shown on television news, but the
 viewer would think that this was another horrible African war with no
 obvious connection to Blair and Foreign Secretary Robin Cook. It was
 suggested that a "peace initiative" could bring some optimism to this
 war-torn country.

 In reality, from the end of 1997 Britain and the United States
 organised a major military offensive in Sierra Leone against the RUF.
 Fifteen thousand ECOMOG (Economic Community of West African States
 Monitoring Group) troops from Nigeria, nominally in Sierra Leone as
 "peacekeepers", were deployed against the RUF with modern equipment,
 including jets and helicopters. As well as financing the Nigerian
 involvement, thousands of Sierra Leone government troops were
 regrouped and armed. Tens of thousands of traditional hunters
 (kamajors) were supplied with modern weapons to fight the RUF. British
 and US-based mercenaries, or “private security firms” as they are
 euphemistically called—Pacific Architects and Engineers as well as
 Sandline International—were also deployed in training, logistics and,
 in some cases, in direct combat. Over a hundred British military
 advisors and intelligence experts have remained in Sierra Leone
 throughout this period.

 Whilst a civil war has raged since 1991 between the RUF and a series
 of British and US-backed regimes—with ECOMOG support—the intervention
 last year was a major offensive. A section of the Sierra Leone army,
 led by Major Johnny Paul Koroma, had defected from the Kabbah regime,
 sided with the RUF, and seized power in May 1997. 

[CTRL] Belgian Waffling

1999-06-08 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From TheIndependent (UK)

More on "better living through chemistry"

 'Chickengate' leaves nation of gourmands hungry

 By Stephen Castle in Brussels

 THE shelves of the cooked meat section were bare yesterday in the
 Bascule branch of Delhaize supermarket in Brussels. The poultry aisle
 was being shunned, but there was a small scrum around the pizzas. "You
 have to eat something," said one elderly lady, putting a ham pizza
 into her basket. Minutes later she returned and replaced it with one
 of the four cheeses variety.

 This scene in the capital was played out all over Belgium as the
 country's scare over cancer-causing dioxins in food threatens to
 spread out of control. On Monday, the list of suspect products printed
 in the local press included 45 categories, ranging from chicken, eggs
 and sausages to tiramisu, and including many Belgian specialities such
 as mayonnaise, waffles and pate de foie. But it expands daily. The
 banner headline in yesterday's La Libre Belgique summed up the mood of
 near-panic: "No eggs, no chicken, no meat, no milk, no butter, no
 cheese." Suddenly rabbit is all the rage in Brussels.

 Even in the canteen at Nato's Brussels headquarters the sandwich
 selection has dwindled to one option: cheese and salad. Soon it will
 probably be just salad - without mayonnaise, of course.

 What appears to have been a one-off problem from a firm that supplied
 fat to animal feed makers has developed into an economic, political
 and social crisis known as Chickengate.

 There could scarcely be a more cruel fate to visit upon a small nation
 so proud of its cuisine. The land of the gourmand and many
 Michelin-starred restaurants is racked with self- doubt, a country
 where the opinion polls report that more than 60 per cent of the
 population is fearful for its health.

 Last weekend hordes of Belgians crossed into France and Germany to
 shop. But this precaution may not prove effective. One consignment of
 chicken sold in France and marketed as French was Belgian.

 The crisis started in January when a Belgian chicken producer noticed
 problems, which an insurance company investigation identified as
 stemming from fat processed into animal feed.

 Test results in April indicated that animal fats produced by Verkest,
 which are used in making animal feed, had been contaminated with
 dioxin. The father and son who run the company, based near Ghent,
 remain in jail awaiting trial for supplying contaminated fats to
 manufacturers in Belgium, France and the Netherlands. At least 1,400
 Belgian farms were affected.

 No category of food has been banned, but retailers now have to provide
 certificates which say either that their produce has been tested or
 that it came from none of the farms affected. Foreign imports are at a

 Politically the crisis could not have come at a worse time, with
 Belgium due to hold its general election on Sunday. Two ministers have
 resigned, being held responsible for the government's failure to
 notify the public or the European Commission of the problem for
 several weeks.

 There have been some beneficiaries. "Rabbit and lamb sales have more
 than doubled - and fish sales have trebled," according to Jean-Pierre
 Roelands, commercial director of the supermarket chain Colruyt.

 But the cost of the scare to producers of meat and dairy products is
 expected to run to at least £300m.

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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"Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and 

[CTRL] (Fwd) ZNet Commentary June 9 Sonia Shah and important message.

1999-06-08 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:   "Michael Albert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:ZNet Commentary June 9 Sonia Shah and important message...
Date sent:  Tue, 8 Jun 1999 19:39:28 +0100
Here is today's ZNet Commentary Delivery from Sonia Shah. The
file is the same material in nicely formatted html so that you can
read it
in your browser if you wish.

To pass this comment along to friends, relatives, etc. please note
the Commentaries are a premium sent to monthly donors to Z/ZNet and
to learn more about the project folks can consult ZNet
( and specifically the Commentary Page

Here then is today's ZNet Commentary...


ZNet Commentaries
June 1999

Tragedy or Travesty?
The Tragic, Passive Asian Woman
By Sonia Shah

Much of the New York Times's international coverage consists of tales
of senseless violence and woe in distant lands--i.e. tragedies, which
are by definition insoluble.

This trope of the miserable, oppressed, backward Asian woman is
probably entrenched enough in mainstream society such that not much
detail is required to conjure up the image. But details we do get,
from the Times, without any of the concomitant causes and contexts
that we may require to understand these stories as anything but
absolute horrors.

One front page story featured a photograph of a group of slumped,
grim group of Indian women, with the newsworthy headline: "Once
Widowed in India, Twice Scorned;" the caption describes how these
Indian widows are all called "servant" and survive solely on
handouts. Details of slave-like working conditions, illiteracy,
hunger, rape, forced prostitution, and, of course, wife-burning
follow. "Attitudes evolve at a glacial pace," the reporter duly

Another long front page story featured rural Chinese women committing
suicide in masses, mostly by drinking pesticides. The reporter
unsuccesfully attempts to explain the high suicide rate by variously
noting that perhaps the women didn't really want to die, that Chinese
culture "reinforce[s] women's feeling of worthlessness and
helplessness," or that they may feel it is "honorable." While the
high suicide rate is clearly inexplicable, at least by the Times,
(the reporter notes that these women "show no signs of mental
illness, depression, or alcohol use,") it also may not even exist:
the fact that the suicide rate is very poorly documented is noted
several times in the article.

A May 3, 1999 article was tagged to a study showing that 2/3 of the
women elected into village governing councils in India, on the basis
of a 1993 quota law setting aside one-third of all such positions for
women, are "actively engaged in learning the ropes and exercising
power." The study, in other words, showed that a government attempt
at radical social transformation to benefit women was basically
successful. Yet, the vast majority of the article is devoted to
vignettes about two illiterate women from a low-literacy state-which
the reporter admits is least indicative of the successes of the
program. They are variously described as "ghostly shadow[s]" being
"shooed away to make tea," having a "submissive posture,"
dropping their voices to whispers, covering their eyes with veils,
nursing their babies at the slightest whimper, and falling to their
knees to prostrate themselves to their elders (I know what they are
referring to here, and *nobody* actually falls to their knees except
in Hindi films). In other words, "changing deep-rooted social
attitudes cannot be accomplished by legal fiat," asserts the
reporter, contradicting the study that gives the story whatever news-
value it may have.

Even the rare coverage of Asian women activists or leaders is framed
in such a way as to maximize Asian passivity and degradation. Maria
Rosa Henson was the first Asian "comfort woman" to accept a
reparation payment for her enslavement in a Japanese military
brothel. The Times' story about Henson calls her an "avenger,"
despite the fact that most former comfort women and their advocates
refuse the reparation payments on principle, instead demanding
official legal compensation.

Remarkably, the first six paragraphs of the story are devoted to
Henson's "gratefulness" to one of the hundreds of military men who
raped her, Captain Tanaka. According to the Times, Henson recalled
"the occasional cups of tea and kind looks he offered her during the
months he forced her, at the age of 15, to provide sex to 10 or 20 or
30 Japanese soldiers a day." The reporter goes on to devote over one-
quarter of the article to Henson's gratitude to Tanaka, despite the
fact that these "niceties" are clearly irrelevant to the story, and
the characterization of Henson they imply is misplaced at best.
Tanaka didn't help 

[CTRL] Simplifying Equation

1999-06-08 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

or, the other way to ethnically simplify:  declare undesireables as
non-citizens/residents then deport them ... cheaper than building a
Spanish fence!!!


 World Socialist Web Site


 WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe

 Run-up to the European elections

 Danish government lays ground for growth of racist party

 By Steve James
 9 June 1999

 Back to screen version

 The racist and chauvinist Danish People's Party (DPP) is likely to
 make substantial gains in the forthcoming European elections in
 Denmark. The DPP, which emerged out of a 1995 split with the right
 wing Progress Party, has eclipsed its parent party in poisoning the
 political atmosphere with xenophobia. The most recent available
 opinion poll put the DPP as likely to win 17 seats in a general
 election compared to the 13 seats it presently holds in the Danish
 parliament—the Folketing—after general elections last year.

 Discussions have also been held on the possibility of the DPP entering
 a future national government, as part of a right-wing coalition with
 the conservatives. The Social Democrat-led coalition, in power since
 1993 under Nyrup Rasmussen, is losing support for having implemented
 sweeping austerity measures.

 The DPP is led by Pia Kjærsgaard, a 50-year-old ex-office worker. It
 calls for drastically lowered tax, preferably to zero, reduction of
 welfare spending and the expulsion of immigrants. They call for
 rigorous policing of the border with Germany and are opposed to
 further European integration. In 1997 Kjaergard said, "DPP wants a
 tight policy on foreigners. We intend to work for a viable
 repatriation policy for refugees resident in Denmark."

 The DPP's 1997 local government manifesto stated, "Foreigners,
 immigrants or refugees who have been jailed for crimes must be
 banished from the country after serving their sentences. Effective
 measures must be introduced to stop arranged marriages and only Danes
 should have the vote in elections."

 The Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende noted that a donation of
 20,000 krone appeared in the DPP's accounts from the large Danish
 shipping outfit AP Møller. The paper quoted the company's Head of
 Corporate Communications, Jette Clausen, as stating, "It is quite
 natural that we would support the parties that have the same attitude
 to business politics as we have."

 The growth of the DPP is only the sharpest expression of the rightward
 turn in official Danish politics. The state, parties and media have
 led a vicious and sustained racist attack on the small numbers of
 mostly Somali and Tamil refugees, scapegoating them for the
 destruction of welfare and living standards.

 On May 5, 1997 the popular daily paper Ekstra Bladet, which often
 echoes the DPP' s views, compared immigration to the Nazi occupation
 of Denmark between 1940 and 1945. “There is an occupation without a
 war,” it wrote. “It sneaks up on us without bloodshed, imperceptibly
 taking over the control of our lives, and the control of our freedom
 as a nation. Europeism and immigration constitute the existing threat
 against Denmark's freedom as a nation."

 A social democratic government that has passed 18 individual pieces of
 legislation targeting immigrants has led this campaign. The radical
 magazine Torch has documented the systematic campaign to vilify
 immigrants. It noted the careful planting of distortions and
 fabrications to undermine attempts to stave off deportation.

 Asylum-seekers are routinely jailed for an indefinite period. Of
 16,000 foreigners jailed in the last six years, 90 percent were
 asylum-seekers. The government has reduced immigrants' and
 asylum-seekers' residency rights and introduced DNA testing, along
 with "genital examinations" of would-be immigrants.

 The social democrats refused to expel from their ranks former MP
 Mogens Camre who stated on national TV, "Muslims and their overweight
 wives drive around in Mercedes while Danes drive Skodas. When I see
 immigrants driving round in fancy cars it makes me wonder how they
 have made their money." Camre's local party merely asked him to stick
 to less controversial topics.

 In 1997 Rasmussen appointed as Interior Minister Thorkild Simonsen,
 who had previously gone on record to state his agreement with the
 Progress Party's attitude to immigration. As mayor of Aarhus, he
 recommended that Somalis should live in hut camps outside of town. As
 interior minister he cut 25 percent of social security benefits to

 Last year, the police intelligence service arrested and questioned
 2,400 Kurdish, Egyptian and Algerian men, allegedly on suspicion of
 terrorism. The case was used as a pretext for a massive information
 gathering operation on immigrant workers. Eventually, three men were
 charged with starting a small fire.

 Many individual refugees have been brutally deported. In 

[CTRL] Thousands unaware they have AIDS

1999-06-08 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Many people are unaware they are carrying the virus that causes Aids

 Thousands of people in the UK are unknowingly carrying the
virus that
 causes Aids, according to a series of anonymous surveys.

 The government's Prevalence of HIV in England and Wales
 shows that over two-thirds of HIV positive pregnant women
do not
 know they are putting their babies at risk.

 And even among gay and bisexual men - the most HIV-aware
 of the community - as many as 40% of people attending
 transmitted disease (STD) clinics do not know they are
carrying the

 The anonymous surveys have been carried out in prisons,
 units, STD clinics and hospitals around the country between
1990 and

 Future picture

 The aim of the surveys is to give health officials an idea
of what the
 future outlook for HIV is in England and Wales.

 The surveys used leftover blood
 samples. Specimens were not taken
 from patients who objected to being

 They showed that people in London
 continued to be at more risk of HIV
 infection than the general

 Gay and bisexual men were most at
 risk. In 1997, one in 11 men who
 attended STD clinics in London
 being HIV positive, compared with
 one in 26 elsewhere.

 One in 16 gay and bisexual men
 under 25 were infected in London.

 Just under 3% had been diagnosed since 1996, showing that
 prevention programmes are not getting through to many

 Much of the early prevention work was aimed at gay and
 men and brought a reduction in the number of new cases.

 But health officials fear this may now be wearing off. The
survey calls
 for campaigns to educate "new generations" at risk.

 Drug users

 However, the message seems to be getting through to drug
 outside London.

 One in 268 men and one in 245 women drug users outside
 are HIV positive.

 In London, the numbers are not falling. One in 25 men and
one in 66
 women in London carry the virus.

 Moreover, the number of people
 sharing needles and syringes -
 which helps transmit the disease
 from an infected person - has
 remained stable in the last five

 Younger drug users and women are
 more likely to share needles than

 Health officials report a rise in the
 number of acute hepatitis B
 infections since 1992, which is
 transmitted in a similar way to HIV -
 showing the risk is still


 For heterosexuals, one in 125 men and one in 142 women in
 who attended STD clinics in 1997 were HIV positive.

 One in 801 men and one in 978 women carry the virus outside


 And saliva tests on inmates at eight prisons show an HIV
rate of 0.3%
 for men and 1.2% for women, although hepatitis rates are as
high as
 17% for men and 23% for women.

 The UK has a relatively low level of HIV infection,
compared with
 other European countries, says the report.

 Some 25,000 UK adults - around one in 1,000 people between
 ages of 15 and 49 - are HIV positive.

 The UK rates are similar to Ireland and slightly more than
 Sweden, Norway and Finland, but way below levels in
 Spain, France, Switzerland and Italy.

 Around one in 160 people in Portugal aged 15 to 49 is HIV

 The report puts the UK's low level of infection down to
 interventions at groups indulging in high risk behaviour,

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #3

1999-06-08 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990608c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No left-wing revolutionaries were imprisoned to produce this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# THE SMART PUMP: INSULIN INSIDE. A chip-based, artificial pancreas may one
day make life easier for millions of insulin-dependent diabetics. Borgifi-

: Are you dependent upon implanted devices for your survival? How many such
implants does it take before you cross the line, become cyborg? D'ya care?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Bin Laden - FBI's Most Wanted. PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) Devout, generous 
simple is how his sympathizers see him: a man who lives close to his fight-
ers, sitting cross-legged on a cave floor eating rice, eggs and cheese from
a communal plate. They speak of millionaire Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden
with admiration and respect. But the U.S. sees him as Enemy No. 1 and put a
$5 million reward on his head. Now the FBI has bin Laden on its "Ten Most
Wanted" list.

: Do you prefer your spiritual/social leaders to be humble, devout, simple,
murderous? Do you like millionaires who eat eggs? Is your implant misfiring?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Army delays antimissile test again. WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, NM (AP) The
US Army postponed its latest attempt to destroy a flying target with an exp-
ensive antimissile missile that's never scored a hit. The trial was put off
because of a power failure on the base during the night. The Theater High-
Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile system has cost at least $3.8 billion
and critics call it a waste of taxpayers' money. But I just call it Tad.

# And: NO POWER, NO MISSILE TEST. The latest US "Star Wars" scheme runs into
more problems when an electricity failure scrubs another test. Fizzle out:

: Who is interfering with THAAD tests: Russians, Reptilioids, Republicans,
Rastas? How much more money would you spend on something that doesn't work?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*** Mich. mulls concert warning labels. LANSING, Mich. (AP) State Sen. Dale
Shugars wasn't satisfied to hear about the antics of shock rocker Marilyn
Manson, he had to see for himself. So Shugars went to a Manson concert. When
Manson appeared on stage, he was strapped to a cross and wearing a black G-
string. "He was like Satan," said Shugars, pushing a bill that would require
parental advisories on tickets, posters and other advertising for certain

: Does Satan wear a G-string? Is this in the Bible? Does Satan prefer black,
scarlet, green, metallic or spangled G-strings? Do angels wear other colors?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# 'Bloodless' Surgery On Jehovah's Witness. LONDON (Reuters)  A Jehovah's
Witness from South Africa flew to Britain for risky "bloodless" surgery,
hoping to win a new lease on life without breaking his religious beliefs.
The surgeon performed a similar operation on a local Jehovah's Witness three
years ago and has agreed to strict guidelines on the use of blood and blood

: Do you prefer surgery with or without blood? Do you eat or drink blood?
Whose? Should Jehovah's Witnesses be allowed to expire naturally? Why not?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# SWISS EXILE WHISTLE-BLOWING SPY. Swiss officials have asked former British
agent Richard Tomlinson to leave the country. The man who exposed the names
of fellow spies has also been barred from the U.S., New Zealand, France, and
the U.K.

# HACKER PUNDITS SQUABBLE. A former hacker accuses one of the most-quoted
voices on the computer underground of paying crackers to hit sites in
ex-change for the scoop. Hogwash, he says. If you can't trust a hacker...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


@ UFO video clip:
@ The End of the World  the NWO:
@ A Tribute to Carl Sagan:
@ Cosmythology:
@ Junk Science:

@ Surgeon's View of the 'Alien Autopsy':
@ What Really Happened @ Roswell:
@ The Mysterious Placebo:
@ The Bible Code Myth:
@ Hidden Messages in the Bible?: 

[CTRL] Fwd: JPFO ALERT: Was the NRA Too Embarrassed To Stand Up For American Values?

1999-06-08 Thread DixyYankee

 Common Sense

Was the NRA Too Embarrassed To Stand Up
  For American Values?

 Commentary by Richard W. Stevens, Esq.
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

 Ashamed to be a firearms owner?  If you are, then the anti-gun
propaganda is working. The National Rifle Association was so
embarrassed that the organization cut short its Denver, Colorado,
April 1999 convention. Does the NRA have the courageous leadership
necessary to defend the right to keep and bear arms?

 After two despicable teenagers murdered 13 people in their high
school near Denver on April 20, the NRA decided it would be politically
smart to shorten its imminent three day convention to one day. What a
mistake!  By doing so, the NRA seemed to be admitting that firearms were
somehow a "cause" of the killer teens' vicious crime. The NRA
telegraphed its shame to the world.

 Certainly the eyes of the gun phobic world would have focused on the
NRA convention located so near the campus of death. With the spotlight
on, the NRA could have taught America a lesson in courage. Even on short
notice, the NRA could have revamped the whole program. Set aside the
duck blind seminar, the camping tips and the sporting clays clinic.
Instead, imagine the news cameras capturing a celebration of America's
highest values and the benefits of firearms:

Fifty citizens, drawn from the NRA's "Armed Citizen" files, each one
personally telling the story of how they owe their lives to having a
firearm loaded and handy

Black citizens explaining how the Ku Klux Klan terrorized the Civil
Rights Movement until the armed  "Deacons" started providing private
protection to black and white civil rights activists

Holocaust survivors and scholars testifying about how a small squad
of armed Nazis could round up and murder huge groups of unarmed
people -- and how the armed resistance fighters fought back at the
Warsaw Ghetto

Media and culture analysts pointing out how modern "entertainment"
trivializes human suffering and death, and makes endless money
titillating teens' interest in torture, mutilation, rape, terror,
destruction and murder

Refugees from genocide and oppression overseas, recounting through
tears what horrors they witnessed and endured, and why they risked
everything to get to the United States ... to live in freedom

Criminology researchers detailing how civilian firearms ownership
deters violent crime

Inspiring speakers like Charlton Heston, Alan Keyes, and others,
reminding America of its moral and religious roots, and exhorting
us to again honor the Ten Commandments and the Bill of Rights as
the standards that elevated America to greatness

 Imagine an NRA Convention fearlessly presenting these ideas! The gun
prohibitionists would have nowhere to hide.

 Responsible gun owners lost that chance to stand tall for human
rights, morality, and public safety. Meanwhile, folks like Sarah Brady
and Charlie Schumer don't speak up for teaching strong moral values,
such as the Sixth Commandment (forbidding murder), in public schools.
They don't demand that parents explain their children's bizarre and
anti-social behavior. They don't rail against Hollywood's multi-million
dollar mass murder movies.

 The gun prohibitionists instead wait for a well-publicized disaster
and then feed their political action machine. They rattle on about
magazine capacities, trigger locks, and "ugly" guns. They seem to care
only about their fear of guns, not about the decrepit moral values of
deranged youths.

 We must not let the gun prohibitionists capitalize on the monstrous
acts of a couple of Nazi wannabes to build political power aimed at
scrapping our Constitutional rights. If the NRA won't do it, then you
must join with us and act now. Call JPFO at (414) 673-9745 or click on Check out our strategies for destroying "gun
control" -- and saving America. This is a war we must win!

Thank these sponsors for this column:

Fred's -- Military M-14 Stocks  Access.

Fulton Armory -- Precision M1 Garand, M14, M1 Carbine  AR15 Weapon

Hodgdon Powder Company, Inc.

JPFO members  supporters

P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53207

Ph. (414) 673-9745 Fax (414) 673-9746

Common Sense appears in the first issue of each month of Shotgun
News. Look for it, read it, enjoy it, tell others about it.

(C) Permission to reprint for non-commercial purposes granted
P.O. Box 270143 Hartford, WI 53027

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Topica. Home to The World's Best Email Lists.

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: JPFO ALERT: Was the NRA Too Embarrassed To Stand Up For American Values?

1999-06-08 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I do not now who this JPFO is, but I wonder why the need for a letter
chastising the NRA for doing a decent thing cutting short a meeting
which had been well planned in advance.

This JPFOfirst, I do wonder if you are JewishDylan Klebold was
Jewis; I do not know what Eric Harris was, but it is obvious these two
kids were surrounded with religious fanatics, one whom had studied
witchcraft, seen the light, and carried a bible to schoolshe was
alleged to have been shot denying Christ, not God as they later
reported, but Christ.

One of the sweet children stated about the two boys "Nobody liked them,
they were scum", and to tell the truth, if anything drove thm over the
brink and added to the crimes, it was the attitude of these over-fed
kids in some instances, who seemed to enjoy their TV appearances - one
of whom could not get out of view of a cameraothers who gave the
President the Jewish Mojoyou do know what the Jewish Mojo is, do you

Something was sick in Littleton, was it planned the NRA would be there
by whom, why Littleton..and who were the controls behind these two
boys, who most certainly did not belong in that hideous school of God
shouters, standing on a streey corner prayingholy rollers holding a
TV show for a funeral, where a Star tried to be born every minuteand
the funeral, if that was a funeral, and memorial where the kids gave the
President of the United States, who indeed is a scum bag as he was
called by a membr of Congress.where the kids in the front gave the
President the Mojo as he smiled before them.the whole episode was
disgusting.of course the Jewish family has lots of money, and that
will be their curse as the grieved ones pursue the money angle

Littleton disgusts mewhat instilled such hatred in two boys - or was
it hatred - ws it drugs combined with a control in the background,
creating an incident?  What kind of a school is Littletona behavior
modification school - so righteous it permits little girls to cut
earrings into their eyebrows, ears, and probably noses.

What about the one kid warned to stay away; was he really warned, or did
he flee the scene of the crime.  Why all the alleged coverup; what about
the families of the two kids who killed their classmates..shouldn't
they be considering a few lawsuits themselves if thir children were
tormented in such as manner as to cause the murders.pushed beyond
the brink - reaching a breaking point where they were playacting, just
like that whole hideous lot did on the stage...the girl with the painted
white facemy god, these people are all sick from the Superintendent,
to the Principal, to the TV stars whose dim appearances failed to
outshine the human sacrifices at Littlton.

Do I believe a Jewish League sent the information printed in the letter
re the NRAno - I question the purpose of such a letter.   Perhaps
your pedigrees are showing.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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