1999-07-26 Thread U.P. Secr

 -Caveat Lector-

Dear John,

I totally agree and regret that I forgot to
mention our address:


 Mon, 26 Jul 1999 12:14:48 +1000
Hi all,
I suppose this message came through the mai-not listings.
Please introduce yourself more intimately, who are you,
what is your background,  (maybe my ignorance), but you
could be the Ku Klux Klan for whatever I know.
The organizers "formative world parliament of the united
peoples", sounds a bit old hat, personally I would like to
see something more original!
I do share your concern and offer all encouragement, but
don't start singing the "internationale", we did that for you
years ago, which turned out a waste of time.
John Nydam, Sydney
"Beware of Global Corporate Tyranny"
-Original Message-
Date: Monday, 26 July 1999 7:04


The transnational corporations are not only
behind all destruction of the nature,
poisoning of our food, etc.

By means of their mass media monopoly and
their politicians they also prevent any
efficient steps to stop the alarming
destruction and poisoning from being taken.

All progressive environmentalists therefore
must pool all of their expertice by forming
one global movement.

The main tasks should include:

1. Together with the other task groups
(e.g. consumers, workers, farmers,
fisherfolk, outcasts, human rights, culture,
women, youth, indigneous peoples, alternative
economics) to set up a strategy for inter-.
nationalization of the corporations.

2. To define and promote the way of life,
production and consumption that will allow
for restoration of the environment.

3. Globally organizing and coordinating the
daily struggles against the ecologic crimes.

4. Advising the future WP.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  is hereby opened as
provisional contact point.

The organizers,
the formative world parliament of
the united peoples
For MAI-not (un)subscription information, posting guidelines and
links to other MAI sites please see

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-07-26 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-



The DRUDGE REPORT has learned that the NEW YORK TIMES is holding back a new
blockbuster report that details how a New York City bank has been slow to
cooperate with various federal investigations looking into money transfers
from China to individuals suspected of passing cash to the Democratic
National Committee.

According to publishing sources, NEW YORK TIMES star reporter Jeff Gerth
filed his story last Friday. And publication of the report has now been
bumped from Saturday to Sunday to Monday... to one day.

"It is a big story, and its fair to say that the editors are nervous," one
newspaper source explained early on Monday. "And sure, CITIBANK is a huge

The exclusive report details how CITIBANK has failed to cooperate with
various law enforcement officials in the China case. Investigators have
subpoenaed bank account records of suspected money runners. According to the
report, CITIBANK has balked at providing any such records, citing, among
other things, a "language barrier" problem with its Hong Kong office.

[CITIBANK also claimed the twelve hour time differential between New York
and Hong Kong has led to communication difficulties.]

One congressional committee investigating the cash transfers from China is
now threatening to subpoena individuals from CITIBANK to explain the lack of

China's alleged money laundering scheme has been on Gerth's radar for

"[Gerth] filed a solid story, that was very well sourced," one TIMES insider
said of the Pulitzer Prize winner. "No one really knows why it hasn't run."

Or if it will ever run?



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-07-26 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-


It didn't come from a grocery store tabloid. It didn't come from any of the
nation's cable news channels. It didn't break on an "Internet gossip"

Instead, it was in a Page One, 5,000-word, columns 1-5 above-the-fold scream
sensation Sunday special of the WASHINGTON POST.

"We need to ask the cocaine question."

A question for Texas Governor George W. Bush.

POST reporters Lois Romano and George Lardner Jr. finally saw the first of
their reports on Bush reach publication over the weekend. The duo had been
working on the spread for months.

The first report was on Bush's personality -- and his past.

The POST interviewed dozens of friends, family and business associates for
the series, including Bush's wife, sister and mother.

In the report, the WASHINGTON POST used the word "alcoholic" five times;
"alcohol" 14 times; "drinking" 20 times.

And then it came.

POST: "We need to ask the cocaine question. We think you believe that a
politician should not let stories fester. So why won't you just deny that
you've used cocaine?"

BUSH: "I'm not going to talk about what I did years ago. This is a game
where they float rumors, force a person to fight off a rumor; then they'll
float another rumor. And I'm not going to participate. I saw what happened
to my dad with rumors in Washington. I made mistakes. I've asked people to
not let the rumors get in the way of the facts. I've told people I've
learned from my mistakes -- and I have. And I'm going to leave it at that. "

POST: "Do you believe there's a statute of limitations?"

BUSH: "There's never a statute of limitations evidently. Particularly when
people are spreading gossip and rumors."

After all of these years, no one does it better than the WASHINGTON POST.

[Even though the WALL STREET JOURNAL's Ellen Pollock did take the first run
at the cocaine question a few months back.]

Next in the Romano/Lardner Bush series: A Texas Childhood.

[And what was in those diapers?]


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] DemocRat thugs Hope to raise $200 million in unregulated $ [wnd]

1999-07-26 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

07/25/1999 04:25:54
Dems going for the big bucks

The Democratic Party is seeking to raise $200 million in unregulated party
donations, or soft money, by November 2000 to counter Republican
front-runner Gov. George W. Bush's $37 million war chest, The New York Times
reported Sunday.

In interviews, nearly two dozen unnamed Democratic Party officials and
fund-raisers said they wanted to collect nearly twice as much soft money as
they did in 1996 because they feared Bush ``will have millions more to spend
during the nomination battle early next year,'' the Times reported.

The paper noted that Bush would not be constrained by federal spending
limits in the primary elections because he had decided not to accept federal
matching funds, while the Democratic nominee could hit the primary spending
limit of nearly $40 million or run out of money by late March.

It said that could mean that by spring and early summer 2000, Bush would
still have ample funds while his Democratic challenger would be constrained
from spending any money. After the parties' conventions, each will receive
some $66 million in public funds to run campaigns, it added.

``Soft money'' refers to large contributions from labor unions, corporations
and wealthy individuals that fall outside Federal election law.

But going after such money places Democrats in an awkward position because
President Clinton, Vice President Al Gore and former Sen. Bill Bradley have
all called on Congress to ban soft money as part of overhauling the
campaign-finance system, the paper said.

Bradley earlier this week portrayed Gore and Bush ``as hypocrites on
campaign-finance reform because they intended to rely heavily on soft-money
donations next year,'' the Times said.

It also said that Democratic fund-raisers, strategists and party officials
were concerned that the Democratic National Committee was not equipped to
meet the goal of raising $200 million.

One problem it faces is that both Gore and Bradley trail Bush by wide
margins in most polls, and ``people want to give to the candidate they
believe will win,'' in one fund-raiser's words, according to the Times.

Counting just soft money, the Republican Party outraised the Democratic
Party by $17 million in the two years leading up to the 1998 congressional
elections, it said.


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Karl Marx: Racist, Satanist, Anti-Semite

1999-07-26 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 by Richard Wurmbrand, 1986


 Karl Marx has been celebrated in leftist media and academic circles
 as a visionary humanitarian whose compassion for the downtrodden
 industrial working class of the nineteenth century consumed his
 life.  This propaganda, of a "compassionate" Marx, has been one of
 the most effective weapons in the left wing arsenal.

 In 1986, Richard Wurmbrand, himself once a prisoner of the
 Communist dictatorship of Romania, exploded the myth of Marx as
 "compassionate savior of the working class."  Drawing on Marx's
 personal correspondence, plays, and poetry, Wurmbrand exposes the
 reader to a Marx hidden from our view: A Marx that despised
 humanity, and, rather than not believing in the existence of God,
 Marx believed that God exists.  In fact, Marx believed in God
 enough to hate Him with unbridled fanaticism.


 For someone who did not believe in God, Marx expended a lot of
 energy expressing his hatred of God.  In his poem, "Invocation of
 One in Despair," Marx declares a war of personal revenge on God:

  "So a god has snatched from me my all
  In the curse and rack of destiny.
  All his worlds are gone beyond recall
  Nothing but revenge is left for me.

  I shall build my throne high overhead,
  Cold, tremendous shall its summit be.
  For its bulwark, supersitious dreads.
  For its marshal, blackest agony"

 Later on in the "poem," Marx declares himself to be the equal
 of God:

  "Then I will be able to walk triumphantly,
  like a god, through the ruins of their kingdom.
  Every word of mine is fire and action.
  My breast is equal to that of the creator."

 Marx, the "atheist," believed in God enough to hate Him.  As we
 will see in later sections of this review, Marx's extreme hatred
 of humanity led him to his hatred of humanity's Creator.

 In his play, OULANEM, Marx admits that there is an eternal life,
 but for him, it is an eternal life of hatred.  The chief object of
 Marx's hatred was made clear in the "poem," "Invocation of One in

  "I wish to avenge myself against the One who rules above."

 As no one can hate, or desire revenge, against someone he claims to
 believe does not even exist, Marx's suppressed writings clearly
 indicate that he really believed two things about religion:

 1. Marx believed in God.

 2. Marx hated God.

 Moses Hess, socialist revolutionary, brought Marx into the world
 socialist movement.  Hess said of Marx:  "Dr. Marx, my idol, will
 give the last kick to medieval religion."

 Georg Jung, another friend and fellow revolutionary, bragged that
 Marx would "chase God from his heaven."

 For Marx, socialism was just bait to trick the working classes into
 helping him with his unending war on God, when liberals claim Marx
 didn't believe God exists.

 Wurmbrand turned up solid research of Marx's connections with the
 Satan worshipping cults that rose up in nineteenth century Europe.
 Marx's daughter, Eleanor, received her father's permission to marry
 Edward Eveling.  Eveling was another "thinker" of the period, who
 lived to lecture on such topics as "The Wickedness of God."
 Eveling described God as "an encourager of polygamy and an
 instigator of theft."

 Eveling exposed himself as a worshipper of Satan when he came up
 with his own bit of "poetry:"

  "To thee my verses, unbridled and daring,
  Shall mount, O Satan, king of the banquet.
  Away with thy sprinkle, O priest, and thy droning.
  For never shall Satan, O priest, stand behind thee.

  Like the whirlwind spreading its wings,
  He passes, O people, Satan the great!
  Hail, of reason the great Vindicator!
  Sacred to thee shall rise incense and vows!
  Thou hast the god of the priest disenthroned!"

 Marx's "atheism" was a cover for his true allegiance to Satan.
 That is the conclusion Richard Wurmbrand arrived at as the result
 of his research.

 Posted by: roughrider ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) *
 11/15/98 20:39:37 PST

 In Part 2,
 Marx, the "Great Humanitarian," expresses his actual hatred
 for all humanity.  We will see that he called for a solution
 to what he called THE JEWISH QUESTION, in a diatribe that
 heralded the coming of ADOLF HITLER.


 by Richard Wurmbrand, 1986


 The modern media and academia portray Marx as a great humanitarian,
 concerned for the downtrodden, the poor, and the oppressed.  The
 true Marx is far different, as Richard Wurmbrand learned after
 reading all of Marx's literary works, and most his private papers.


 Marx, himself 

[CTRL] Fw: Konformist: 1999 Area 51 People's Rally Report

1999-07-26 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
To: undisclosed-recipients:; undisclosed-recipients:;
Date: Monday, 26 July 1999 22:54
Subject: Konformist: 1999 Area 51 People's Rally Report

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

1999 Area 51 People's Rally Report
ON 6,6,6, 1999
by Segundo Enolagay
It was the 6th hour of the 6th day of the 6th month. Nearly 200 people
from various ethnic backgrounds, eight states and four countries had
gathered outside of Area 51, America's top secret military installation
to protest an emerging Luciferian New World Order. Area 51, often called
Dreamland, or Groom Lake, has been the home of Black Op's weapons
testing of bacteriological, chemical, nuclear, biological weaponry and a
wide variety of space-age military craft such as the S.R.71 Blackbird,
the F. 117, the U-2, and the current Mach 10 plus Aurora.
What the protesters were objecting to was not the military's privacy in
testing the exotic weaponry, but rather secret experiments allegedly
being conducted upon human beings in what the organizer, Anthony J.
Hilder, referred to as "Frankenstein Factories" the actual "staging" of
an INVASION FROM SPACE to panic the public into surrendering their
national sovereignty and the development of bacteriological, biological,
and chemical warfare weaponry to be used on unsuspecting civilian

Nevada's Nellis Testing Range, which is as large as the state of Rhode
Island and encompasses Area 51, was the testing ground for the first
atomic bomb. It is located 120 miles north of Las Vegas in a remote area
of the high desert, along with what is now officially named the Extra
Terrestrial Highway, and is home to consistent "sightings" of
anti-gravational flying discs, most commonly referred to as U.F.O.'S

Consequently, tens of thousands of hopeful U.F.O. aficionados have been
lured to the area over the years to see and photograph the strange
lights in the sky. Television crews from as far away as England, the
Netherlands, France and Germany have shown up at Joe and Pat's LITTLE A
"LE" INN" to get the latest scuttlebutt about the BLACK OP activities
Hilder served as a guide and consultant for Japan's Asahi television
network whose staff flew to the U.S. to film an introduction special for
the X-FILES, which aired to 60 million across the island Empire.

Robert Lazar, a scientist who worked as a reverse engineer at S4, nine
miles south of the secret underground Groom Lake facility, claims that
the military has nine captured alien flying craft that they have been
analyzing and testing there for the past several years. This adds
credence to the fact that the thousands who have witnessed sightings
from the adjacent Tikaboo Valley weren't looking at "pie-in-the-sky" but
rather manned alien aircraft or carbon-copies of "the real thing".

Anthony J. Hilder meets with Blaine Heald and Bill Wagers, the District
Manager of the Bureau of Land Management to discuss the 666
Rally. Hilder is furnishing copies of NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY to
the boy at the BLM as part of the FREE WORLD ALLIANCE "Revelation 2000"
program to educate government workers to the evils of the New World
Order. What concerns Norio Hayakawa and Anthony J. Hilder, who initially
started these protests on the same date last year, is the giant leap
leftward towards a Global World-being directed by a Cabalistic Cartel
whose agenda is the establishment of a Luciferian New World Order.
Hilder and Hayakawa, who see Area 51 as a testing ground for future
controlled "catastrophic" events, trace the source of the
high-treasonous activities conducted there to individuals like Bush,
Clinton, Kissinger and Gore who work through organizations such as the
Council on Foreign Relations, the privately owned Federal Reserve, the
Trilateral Commission, the Skull  Bones and the Club of Rome.
They claim that this Cashist Cartel has taken control over Area 51's
research facilities and plan to use the weaponry developed there to
bring about One World Government. They charge that major government
investigative agencies such as the C.I.A., D.l.A., l.S.A., N.S.A.,
F.B.I. and the Justice Department have been compromised and serve as
willlng tools for the establishment of an Orwellian Evilarchy where
truth, justice and the American Way would be conside red mere
anachronisms of the past.

One very credible individual featured in Hilder and Hayakawa's video
presentation...THE PANIC PROJECT, accompanied by two young ladies,
witnessed from a position approximately two miles from the protest site,
what can best be described as a dress rehearsal for a "MOCK INVASION
FROM SPACE". They believe that the "staged event" which continued for
approximately one-hour and five-minutes and included some twenty-five or
more anti-gravitiomal flying craft, will may 

[CTRL] Fwd: Weekly Analysis July 26, 1999

1999-07-26 Thread William Shannon


Visit Stratfor's NEW Middle East  Africa
Intelligence Center


A Midsummer's View of Japan and China's Economic Status

Russia Argues for Debt Forgiveness

Iran Warns Against Reactionary Backlash

Global Intelligence Update
Weekly Analysis July 26, 1999

China, Falun Gong and the Politics of Economic Depression


China has become obsessed with a couple million middle-aged members
of a group that does a lot of strange exercises and whose leader
lives in New York.  Sensible people - like those at the New York
Times - can't understand why the Chinese government cares about
Falun Gong when there are so many serious economic problems to
worry about.  That's a good point, since China is in deepening
economic depression (for our latest read on Asia's economy, see )  The
reason China is so concerned is because the Chinese know that there
is no solution to their economic problems.  Therefore, they are
bracing for the social and political consequences of long-term
economic failure.  Beijing understands that in times of misery,
seemingly harmless groups can suddenly challenge the regime.  The
crackdown on Falun Gong expresses Beijing's deep-seated insecurity.
If China's economy can't recover, can the regime survive?
President Jiang Zemin intends to do whatever is necessary to make
certain it can.


The Chinese government has mounted a massive public attack on the
Falun Gong, a quasi-religious group that is reported to involve
large numbers of middle- aged people doing to strange exercises.
To outsiders, Beijing's obsession with this group appears strange
and even bizarre.  The New York Times, for example, ran an article
today pointing out that with China's economy in deep trouble, there
are much more important things to worry about than strange cults.
What the Times and other observers fail to understand is that
Beijing is obsessed with Falun Gong precisely because it cannot get
control of the economy.  Beijing knows full well that the economy
is in trouble.  It also knows that there is little it can do about
it.  Therefore, Beijing is bracing for the inevitable social
consequences of economic depression, an extreme condition under
which even innocuous cults can quickly get out of hand.

In our view, the internal dynamic of China resembles that of
Indonesia more than it does Japan.  Although Japan and Indonesia
both suffered from similar economic defects, there was real social
and political difference between the two countries. Japan's economy
was obviously much more developed than Indonesia's, but the more
significant difference was that Japan itself was much more socially
integrated and stable.  It could absorb the consequences of
economic failure without being torn apart by social and political
tensions.  Indonesia, quite apart from its level of economic
development, lacked the social integration needed to handle bad
times.  Thus, the consequences of economic failure had immediate
and severe social and political consequences in Indonesia,
consequences that could be contained for a longer period of time in

China is politically integrated.  It is not socially integrated.
It has ethnic, religious, class and regional tensions that Beijing
was able to paper over during economic good times.  When the
economy contracts and the task becomes the distribution of scarcity
rather than the management of prosperity, these forces emerge and
the state has to struggle to contain them.  Now, Beijing is much
stronger the Jakarta and has more political tools at its disposal
than the Indonesian government had.  Nevertheless, it is nowhere
near as stable as Japan.  China, in the end, is a country with more
than a century of experience in revolution and social upheaval.
Beijing is exquisitely aware of its vulnerabilities.  It is also
aware that seemingly nonpolitical movements that do not owe their
primary loyalties to the regime can rapidly be transformed into
political challenges.  At a time when Beijing is dealing with the
social consequences of economic decline, the Falun Gong is one of
dozens of challenges that China will take seriously.

Why is Beijing concerned with Falun Gong when it has more serious
economic problems to worry about?  The answer is simple.  China
does not have the ability to do anything about its economic
problems without worsening its social problems.  Therefore, since
it regards its economic problems as a given, it is focusing on the
dimension that it can do something about: the socio-political
consequences of economic decline.  China is dealing with the

[CTRL] Fw: Weekly Analysis (China) July 26, 1999

1999-07-26 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

As I started posting over one year ago, China is in for
some "interesting" times. This will have a big effect
on the US economic and political situation.

  Global Intelligence Update
  Weekly Analysis July 26, 1999
  China, Falun Gong and the Politics of Economic Depression
  China has become obsessed with a couple million middle-aged members
  of a group that does a lot of strange exercises and whose leader
  lives in New York.  Sensible people - like those at the New York
  Times - can't understand why the Chinese government cares about
  Falun Gong when there are so many serious economic problems to
  worry about.  That's a good point, since China is in deepening
  economic depression (for our latest read on Asia's economy, see )  The
  reason China is so concerned is because the Chinese know that there
  is no solution to their economic problems.  Therefore, they are
  bracing for the social and political consequences of long-term
  economic failure.  Beijing understands that in times of misery,
  seemingly harmless groups can suddenly challenge the regime.  The
  crackdown on Falun Gong expresses Beijing's deep-seated insecurity.
  If China's economy can't recover, can the regime survive?
  President Jiang Zemin intends to do whatever is necessary to make
  certain it can.
  The Chinese government has mounted a massive public attack on the
  Falun Gong, a quasi-religious group that is reported to involve
  large numbers of middle- aged people doing to strange exercises.
  To outsiders, Beijing's obsession with this group appears strange
  and even bizarre.  The New York Times, for example, ran an article
  today pointing out that with China's economy in deep trouble, there
  are much more important things to worry about than strange cults.
  What the Times and other observers fail to understand is that
  Beijing is obsessed with Falun Gong precisely because it cannot get
  control of the economy.  Beijing knows full well that the economy
  is in trouble.  It also knows that there is little it can do about
  it.  Therefore, Beijing is bracing for the inevitable social
  consequences of economic depression, an extreme condition under
  which even innocuous cults can quickly get out of hand.
  In our view, the internal dynamic of China resembles that of
  Indonesia more than it does Japan.  Although Japan and Indonesia
  both suffered from similar economic defects, there was real social
  and political difference between the two countries. Japan's economy
  was obviously much more developed than Indonesia's, but the more
  significant difference was that Japan itself was much more socially
  integrated and stable.  It could absorb the consequences of
  economic failure without being torn apart by social and political
  tensions.  Indonesia, quite apart from its level of economic
  development, lacked the social integration needed to handle bad
  times.  Thus, the consequences of economic failure had immediate
  and severe social and political consequences in Indonesia,
  consequences that could be contained for a longer period of time in
  China is politically integrated.  It is not socially integrated.
  It has ethnic, religious, class and regional tensions that Beijing
  was able to paper over during economic good times.  When the
  economy contracts and the task becomes the distribution of scarcity
  rather than the management of prosperity, these forces emerge and
  the state has to struggle to contain them.  Now, Beijing is much
  stronger the Jakarta and has more political tools at its disposal
  than the Indonesian government had.  Nevertheless, it is nowhere
  near as stable as Japan.  China, in the end, is a country with more
  than a century of experience in revolution and social upheaval.
  Beijing is exquisitely aware of its vulnerabilities.  It is also
  aware that seemingly nonpolitical movements that do not owe their
  primary loyalties to the regime can rapidly be transformed into
  political challenges.  At a time when Beijing is dealing with the
  social consequences of economic decline, the Falun Gong is one of
  dozens of challenges that China will take seriously.
  Why is Beijing concerned with Falun Gong when it has more serious
  economic problems to worry about?  The answer is simple.  China
  does not have the ability to do anything about its economic
  problems without worsening its social problems.  Therefore, since
  it regards its economic problems as a given, it is focusing on the
  dimension that it can do something about: the socio-political
  consequences of economic decline.  China is dealing with the
  problem that is both important and manageable.  It is not dealing
  with the problems that are unmanageable.  In that sense, the Falun
  Gong episode is completely understandable.
  The key to all of this is understanding that 


1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan



JFK's PLANE Says Skolnick
By Sherman Skolnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7-25-99

NOTE - Sherman Skolnick will be Jeff's Guest at 8 pm Pacific tonight

What Happened to America's Golden Boy - Pt 4

By Sherman Skolnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7-25-99


1. No declassification until 7/22/2029.

2. This is in deference to the wishes of a senior member of the Kennedy family.

3. Also in deference to the order of the national government and in
respect to certain foreign intelligence agencies having reciprocal
agreements with the U.S.

4. POTUS order and national security findings attached.

5. The recovered aircraft shows evidence of an explosive device having
been glued or affixed within the tail luggage compartment.

6. Device was apparently actuated by a barometric trigger. Radio signals
not ruled out.

7. Tail of aircraft was dismembered from the plane making it front heavy.

8. Study of radar shows the plane fell in excess of 6,000 feet per
minute up to radar cutoff.

9. Satellite images supplied by the National Reconnaissance Office
record an outbursting flash from the aircraft just prior to it going
into perpendicular descent.

10. Tail structure was dismembered just prior to descent.

11. Recovery of a piece of luggage from beyond the flight path of the
aircraft correlates with it being hurtled out of the tail luggage
compartment at outburst.

12. Preliminary examination of the aircraft shows residue of an
explosive device the Laboratory identifies as being the type used by
certain foreign intelligence agencies. Refer to POTUS order and findings.

13. Study of Air Traffic Control and other radio signals shows no Mayday
report from the aircraft, explained by rapidity of descent.

14. Investigation and examination has been strictly compartmentalized.

15. A short, perfunctory examination of the recovered bodies was
completed. Examination revealed that Carolyn Bessette Kennedy was in
third trimester pregnant, the fetus a boy. The four bodies were
transferred to a senior member of the Kennedy family. The Bureau was not
informed whether the bodies were actually cremated. Indirect advisories
report that the bodies may have been shipped in untagged containers to
foreign destinations. Reliable assets are to submit reports.

For a heavy packet of printed stories send $5.00 [U.S. funds] plus a
stamped, self-addressed BUSINESS sized envelope with three stamps on it,
to Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H.
Skolnick,Chairman,9800 So. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office:
8 a.m. to midnight, 7 days, (773) 375-5741. Recorded phone message (773)
731-1100. E-mail: skolnick@ameritech. net website:
NOTE "s" after skolnick in website address. We hope in near future to
have portions of our TV Show on video streaming on internet.

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Was Kubrick Killed?

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Was Kubrick Killed?
John Madziarczyk

You guys at Konformist  have probably seen Eyes Wide Shut, but I figured I
should throw my two cents in anyways..Well, I don't know about Kubrick
dying because of portraying elites having sex, but I think it's pretty clear
that Kubrick was using the idea of the Illuminati as a thematic device.
Consider: the place where this 'group sex' occurs is at a different amazingly
fancy house each time, the piano player is blindfolded during it.more
importantly, what those 'group sex' accounts leave out is that it isn't just
a bunch of rich people getting off, it's all ceremonial. Yeah, complete with
officials in semi-ecclaisiastical garb, ritual masks, and chanting in an
unknown language. The head guy walks around a circle of cloaked and hooded
women in masks, censes them, and bangs his staff on the ground. I'm not too
familiar with all the Illuminati history, but at least in Robert Anton
Wilson's books wasn't group ritual sex part of the illuminati, plus in
Crowley's accounts of various 'Rosicrucian' gatherings that he attended with
the German leaders of the original OTO? The scene is just visually
overwhelming, and I don't mean because of the women, really. And I don't
think that he was commenting on anything 'real' working from experience or
trying to tell anyone anything, the Illuminati serve to wake up this yuppie
to the fact that there are other things in this world besides cute little
dinner parties, vacations on Martha's Vinyard, and nice smooth upperclass
whitebread life in general. It is called Eyes Wide Shut after all.

If you are interested in a free subscription to The Konformist Newswire,
please visit and sign up. Or, e-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject: "I NEED 2 KONFORM!!!"
(Okay, you can use something else, but it's a kool catch phrase.)

Visit the Klub Konformist at Yahoo!:

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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: 1999 Area 51 People's Rally Report

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

1999 Area 51 People's Rally Report 
ON 6,6,6, 1999 
by Segundo Enolagay
It was the 6th hour of the 6th day of the 6th month. Nearly 200 people 
from various ethnic backgrounds, eight states and four countries had 
gathered outside of Area 51, America's top secret military installation 
to protest an emerging Luciferian New World Order. Area 51, often called 
Dreamland, or Groom Lake, has been the home of Black Op's weapons 
testing of bacteriological, chemical, nuclear, biological weaponry and a 
wide variety of space-age military craft such as the S.R.71 Blackbird, 
the F. 117, the U-2, and the current Mach 10 plus Aurora. 
What the protesters were objecting to was not the military's privacy in 
testing the exotic weaponry, but rather secret experiments allegedly 
being conducted upon human beings in what the organizer, Anthony J. 
Hilder, referred to as "Frankenstein Factories" the actual "staging" of 
an INVASION FROM SPACE to panic the public into surrendering their 
national sovereignty and the development of bacteriological, biological, 
and chemical warfare weaponry to be used on unsuspecting civilian 

Nevada's Nellis Testing Range, which is as large as the state of Rhode 
Island and encompasses Area 51, was the testing ground for the first 
atomic bomb. It is located 120 miles north of Las Vegas in a remote area 
of the high desert, along with what is now officially named the Extra 
Terrestrial Highway, and is home to consistent "sightings" of 
anti-gravational flying discs, most commonly referred to as U.F.O.'S 

Consequently, tens of thousands of hopeful U.F.O. aficionados have been 
lured to the area over the years to see and photograph the strange 
lights in the sky. Television crews from as far away as England, the 
Netherlands, France and Germany have shown up at Joe and Pat's LITTLE A 
"LE" INN" to get the latest scuttlebutt about the BLACK OP activities 
Hilder served as a guide and consultant for Japan's Asahi television 
network whose staff flew to the U.S. to film an introduction special for 
the X-FILES, which aired to 60 million across the island Empire. 

Robert Lazar, a scientist who worked as a reverse engineer at S4, nine 
miles south of the secret underground Groom Lake facility, claims that 
the military has nine captured alien flying craft that they have been 
analyzing and testing there for the past several years. This adds 
credence to the fact that the thousands who have witnessed sightings 
from the adjacent Tikaboo Valley weren't looking at "pie-in-the-sky" but 
rather manned alien aircraft or carbon-copies of "the real thing". 
Anthony J. Hilder meets with Blaine Heald and Bill Wagers, the District 
Manager of the Bureau of Land Management to discuss the 666 
Rally. Hilder is furnishing copies of NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY to 
the boy at the BLM as part of the FREE WORLD ALLIANCE "Revelation 2000" 
program to educate government workers to the evils of the New World 
Order.  What concerns Norio Hayakawa and Anthony J. Hilder, who initially 
started these protests on the same date last year, is the giant leap 
leftward towards a Global World-being directed by a Cabalistic Cartel 
whose agenda is the establishment of a Luciferian New World Order. 
Hilder and Hayakawa, who see Area 51 as a testing ground for future 
controlled "catastrophic" events, trace the source of the 
high-treasonous activities conducted there to individuals like Bush, 
Clinton, Kissinger and Gore who work through organizations such as the 
Council on Foreign Relations, the privately owned Federal Reserve, the 
Trilateral Commission, the Skull  Bones and the Club of Rome. 
They claim that this Cashist Cartel has taken control over Area 51's 
research facilities and plan to use the weaponry developed there to 
bring about One World Government. They charge that major government 
investigative agencies such as the C.I.A., D.l.A., l.S.A., N.S.A., 
F.B.I. and the Justice Department have been compromised and serve as 
willlng tools for the establishment of an Orwellian Evilarchy where 
truth, justice and the American Way would be conside red mere 
anachronisms of the past. 

One very credible individual featured in Hilder and Hayakawa's video 
presentation...THE PANIC PROJECT, accompanied by two young ladies, 
witnessed from a position approximately two miles from the protest site, 
what can best be described as a dress rehearsal for a "MOCK INVASION 
FROM SPACE". They believe that the "staged event" which continued for 
approximately one-hour and five-minutes and included some twenty-five or 
more anti-gravitiomal flying craft, will may well be repeated over a 
major American city to panic the population into accepting a One World 
Government if demonstrations such as these fail to draw 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: The John-John Conspiracy

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

The John-John Conspiracy

Robalini's Note:
For The Komplete John-John Conspiracy Story, you must visit the site.  Here
is but a sampler.

Richard Metzger of Disinformation ( ) wrote,
concerning the JFK, Jr. death (and a nasty piece yours truly wrote on it,
"Why JFK, Jr. Isn't the Victim of a Conspiracy"):

Why are you so down on the guy???
It's very unseemly to kick a man when he's DEAD.

Yours affectionately,

Well, Richard, it's a nasty job, but somebody has to do it.  Do you think I
like being the one who has to point out what a dumbass John-John was?  Do you
think I like being the one who had to point out that Mother Teresa was a
fraud?  Well I don't.

OK, I'm lying.  I REALLY, REALLY do enjoy it.

But seriously, I must say that few have been rewarded as much as I have from
the Kennedy family tragedy, so much that it's amazing I'm not a suspect in
one of those wacky internet conspiracy theories.  (Man, where do these people
come up with this shit?)

Still, to the credit of those internet investigators, they keep on coming up
with some interesting facts to back up the claim of a supposed John-John

The Konformist official position remains that JFK, Jr. was too much of a
dumbass to be worth being killed by the power structure. Having said that,
here are some theories and evidence that are contrary to that, and other
amusing bits. Stay tuned.

Much credit must go to The Konformist friend Ru Mills of the Rumor Mill News
Agency ( ). Please visit her site and join her
mailing list to get the latest goods from dear Ru.
Thursday, July 22, 1999 01:51:22 AM

Battle of the JFK Jr. Conspiracy Theories
By Kenn Thomas

The news of JFK Jr.'s demise came to me while I was in Seattle, Washington
lecturing on the JFK assassination. A friend commented that the Kennedy
family had made a great sacrifice for the sake of publicizing my talk. He
apologized later for the grim joke, but it had already served as a reminder
that this lecture would have to be more sensitive than the last several. The
lecture looks coldly at the Zapruder film, describing as objectively as
possible mysterious aspects like the Umbrella man and his radio-controller
companion, the direction of the shots, even the significance of the dying
president's flailing arms. From repeated practice, the lecture puts distance
between these details and the emotional reaction that accompanies such a
graphic presentation of a brutal murder and also from its personal context
for many Americans. That became less possible on the weekend that JFK Jr.
had suffered an early and brutal end like his father. The news would
re-ignite passions about the assassination and, as it turned out, the crowd
was especially attentive and alert. Many questions were asked about the
possibility of conspiracy in the death of JFK's son.

By then, of course, several competing theories had arisen, and my friend's
tasteless joke became tame by comparison. The first to reach me, courtesy of
Jim Martin of Flatland Magazine, was that the Kennedy family had suffered a
curse of water. John, Jr.'s plane had crashed into water, just as Joseph
Kennedy, Jr. died in a flight over water during World War II. John Kennedy's
PT 109 was on the water; Ted Kennedy drove off bridge into water at
Chappaquiddick. (JFK Jr's flight took off from Caldwell, NJ, whose only
significant alum was Chappaquiddick's Mary Jo Kopechne)  That JFK Jr.'s
death came on the 30th anniversary of Chappaquiddick, of course, escaped
little notice; neither did the anniversary of the downing of Flight 800. The
"water theory" started silly and got worse, eventually betraying a partisan
bias. It also held that Michael Kennedy's fatal skiing accident involved
snow, a form of frozen water, and concluded that the Democrats will soon
propose legislation banning water.

The theory to take seriously, however, argued that John F. Kennedy, Jr. had
plans to run for the senate seat in New York and threatened the campaign of
either Hilary Clinton or Rudolph Guiliani In the first scenario, the death
of John Kennedy Jr. becomes the latest in a long line of deaths connected to
the Clinton administration, an anomalous list that has circulated among
conspiracy theorists for many years. Reported marriage tension between the
Clintons in the wake of the Lewinsky affair, however, casts that theory in
doubt. The second view, the Guiliani theory, holds that the plane crash was

[CTRL] OEN 7/26/99

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A

Today's Lesson From Tao Te Ching

The Master doesn't try to be powerful;
thus he is truly powerful.
The ordinary man keeps reaching for power;
thus he never has enough.

The Master does nothing,
yet he leaves nothing undone.
The ordinary man is always doing things,
yet many more are left to be done. . . .

When the Tao is lost, there is goodness.
When goodness is lost, there is morality.
Whe morality is lost, there is ritual.
Ritual is the husk of true faith,
the beginning of chaos.

Therefore the Master concerns himself
with the depths and not the surface,
with the fruit and not the flower.
He has no will of his own.
He dwells in reality,
and lets all illusions go.

Der Fuhrer Invades Yugoslavia

RAF Points Finger at U.S. Intelligence

11-week bombing did almost no damage to Serb forces

Serious failings in intelligence, training, weapons and other hardware
lay behind NATO's disappointing performance in Kosovo, according to
extracts from a British Royal Air Force study seen by the London Sunday
Intelligence reports about Serbian troop and equipment locations took up
to three days to reach front-line attack squadrons, by which time the
Serbs had changed position. Many pilots found themselves "bombing old
tank tracks" or civilians as a result, the document says. U.S.
intelligence "bureaucracy" is blamed.

Secure communications were sometimes inadequate, meaning vital
information could not be passed to RAF attack units for fear of the
Serbs hearing it. NATO believes the Serbs may even have intercepted some

Several RAF Harrier pilots had never practiced dropping live
laser-guided bombs before the Kosovo crisis, the paper says. They
dropped their first bombs only in combat.

Some of the weapons developed "unexpected and extremely difficult"
characteristics in flight, making it harder than anticipated to drop
them accurately.

There are also fears that none of the NATO air forces -- apart from the
United States -- has all-weather precision weapons of the type deemed
necessary to avoid undue civilian casualties. RAF laser-guided bombs,
although precise, cannot cope well with bad weather and smoke.

The draft paper, compiled by a senior RAF commodore closely involved in
the bombing campaign, is a contribution to a British Ministry of Defense
study into the lessons of Kosovo. Commanders have been asked to submit
final papers by September.

The exercise has been given greater urgency by evidence that the 11-week
NATO bombing campaign did almost no damage to Serbian forces in Kosovo.

Even the widely quoted Serbian figure of just 13 tanks destroyed by NATO
may be an overestimate, ministry insiders admitted. The true figure is
believed to be closer to seven.

Political factors, such as the slow start to the air campaign, the
reluctance to permit low-level flying, and some governments' wish to
approve all targets at ministerial level, are blamed indirectly in the
paper, but the document appears reluctant to criticize politicians

One senior RAF officer at the Defense Ministry said: "NATO did all right
on the strategic level (targets such as command centers, bridges and
telecommunications buildings) but exceptionally badly on the tactical
level (such as tanks and groups of soldiers).

"We were fighting under very serious political constraints about low
flying and collateral damage, but much of the infrastructure and
equipment we had to work with didn't do us any favors."

Some of the precision weapons that the RAF lacked are already on order.
The Sunday Telegraph has learned that the RAF is highly likely to be
allowed the American JDAM missile, the most sophisticated
precision-guided weapon available, but previously rejected by Britain on
grounds of cost.

Other problems will be more complicated to resolve. The delays that made
intelligence on Serbian forces "days behind" real events are blamed on
the Americans, whose spy satellites, drones and aircraft mostly supplied
the raw material.

"Everything had to be exhaustively processed and analyzed through this
bureaucratic American intelligence machine, and it took far too long,"
said one RAF officer.

"By the time target information came down to us the targets were often
no longer there."

The aerodynamic characteristics of some newer weapons will also need to
be studied closely, the paper says.

The most sensitive question will be the issue of political interference
-- which Ian Duncan-Smith, the Conservatives' defense spokesman, blamed
for many of the failures of the bombing campaign in Serbia and Kosovo.

"From this report it is clear that the military seem to have been
fighting with one hand tied behind their back because of restrictions by
politicians and bureaucrats," he said.

The Washington Times, July 26, 1999


[CTRL] [6a] AmericaÕs Dreyfus Affair

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 30
Laissez Faire City Times
July 26, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 30
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

It is a crime to lead public opinion astray, to manipulate it for a
death-dealing purpose and pervert it to the point of delirium.

I have said it elsewhere and I repeat it here: if the truth is buried
underground, it swells and grows and becomes so explosive that
the day it bursts, it blows everything wide open along with it.

-- Emile Zola

America’s Dreyfus Affair, Part 6

by David Martin

The Reign of the Lie

It was a Wednesday night in the late summer of 1998 at the
mausoleum-like headquarters for America’s information commissariat in
Washington, DC, the National Press Club building. Deputy White House
Counsel Vincent W. Foster, Jr., had now been dead more than five years,
and in spite of three official investigations of his July 20, 1993,
violent death, all heavily involving the FBI, and some Congressional
pecking around the edges often represented as investigations as well,
the evidence of homicide as opposed to the official verdict of suicide
was as strong as ever. But in the dominant hollow terminology of the
time and the place, most of the nation’s citizenry, we were given to
believe, had achieved "closure" over this matter, and many other very
serious things of a highly-suspicious nature as well, and were satisfied
to "get on with their lives."

The gathering was the periodic meeting of an odd mixture of the
civic-minded, policy junkies, and likely government agents, replicating
in the flesh what one sees on Internet news groups. Officially, it is
called the Sarah McClendon Study Group, after the hostess of the
meetings, the doyenne of the Washington press corps who, as she does
periodically, had reserved the room for the occasion. On this evening
the guest speaker is another grande dame of the Washington press,
long-time chief UPI Washington correspondent, Helen Thomas, speaking on
the timely impeachment issue. Assiduous Foster-case researcher, Hugh
Turley, and I are there not only to hear what Ms. Thomas has to say but
also to see to it in the question-and-answer period that larger issues
don’t get overlooked by the 20-odd attendees.

We managed to get our points in. Mine, picking up on Ms. Thomas’ remark
that President Clinton remains quite popular with women, was that he
would likely not be if the numerous allegations of thuggish intimidation
of various of his actual or would-be paramours had been properly
reported to the American people by the American press. Turley’s was that
Kenneth Starr is a good deal less upright than we are given to believe,
and the beliefs about his rectitude persist only because the American
press has failed to report on the lawsuit against several members of his
"investigative" team for witness intimidation. Ms. Thomas, who comes
across in person as every bit as much a Clinton partisan as news
magazine reporters and TV celebrities Eleanor Clift or Margaret Carlson,
was immediately hostile to my suggestion and, perceiving an "enemy" of
Starr as a friend, was initially quite receptive to Turley. By the time
Turley revealed that he was talking about the Foster case and t he
lawsuit of Patrick Knowlton, Ms. Thomas had agreed to review carefully a
copy of the addendum to Starr’s report on Foster that the three-judge
panel had forced Starr to include in his report on Foster. In the
process she had had to shush a couple of men in the back of the room who
knew right off the bat where Turley was headed and had tried to prevent
him from getting there.

Turley’s real main point, as was mine, was a truly heretical one to make
in such a place, that is, that there is major news suppression in the
country. That point was most vociferously challenged by a large, blond
fortyish man in the back--one of the shushees--who really didn’t like
the use of our word "suppression" one bit. Wielding the authority of one
who claimed to have worked for Ted Koppel’s Nightline and for ABC News
for many years, he staked his objection upon what seemed to me the
pedantic point that suppression requires conscious, collective agreement
not to report something that is newsworthy, and if we had no proof of
that we were irresponsible to sling around the charge of "news

After the meeting formally ended, we continued our discussion of this
point in private. Attempting to get around the collective-action
prerequisite, I asked him if he would consider the actions of The
Washington Post alone in the Tommy Burkett case "news suppression."

"No," he responded, "just sloppiness."

"How can you say that? What do you know about the Burkett case, anyway?"
I shot back.

"I know 

[CTRL] [6b] AmericaÕs Dreyfus Affair

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 30
Laissez Faire City Times
July 26, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 30
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

America’s Dreyfus Affair, Part 6 -cont-

Did the government people simply withhold the information from the
press? Anyone who could even entertain the idea has no notion of the
cozy relationship that exists between the White House, especially Bill
Clinton’s White House, and the national press, The Washington Post in
particular. But there’s no reason to speculate. This passage comes from
a very important op ed piece, "Vincent Foster: Out of His Element," by
Arkansas native, Walter Pincus, in the August 5, 1993 Post: "Near
midnight that Tuesday at the Foster home in Georgetown, I sat in the
garden with a few of his Arkansas friends for half an hour." Pincus
doesn’t say what time he arrived, but the police, on the record, were
there from shortly after 10 to sometime after 11 (In fact, the police in
all likelihood were there even longer, arriving sometime before 10. The
later arrival time presumes they went to the morgue first to search for
Foster’s car keys again in his pants, an almost certain untruth.). He
surely would have known that the police were not "turned away," let
alone by Foster family attorneys.

Then we have this from White House attorney Jane Sherburne of Sherburne
and Nemetz, prepared on May 16, 1996: "[Mickey] Kantor had been with
Vernon Jordan and David Gergen at Ben Bradlee’s house when David got the
news about Foster. They all wound up at Foster’s house."

As you might have suspected, Gergen, we see, wasn’t just repeating what
someone had told him, he was simply lying when he agreed that the police
were turned away. Not only did he know it, but The Post’s Bradlee very
likely knew it as well, and notice how well this little gathering
illustrates what we have just observed about the coziness between The
Post and the White House.

So, the president, the police, and the press knew that the police did
not wait nine days to talk to family members about Foster’s death, as
had been widely reported as fact and was not contradicted for a year.
What of it? Wouldn’t the loved ones have been too emotionally wrought up
to have been of much help to the authorities? To be sure there are those
who would want us to believe that, though even if it were true, it does
not excuse the bald-faced lie told the public. True or not, it is what
Clinton lawyer Jane Sherburne was peddling as late as May of 1996. Here
she summarizes some of the doings of White House aide, David Watkins,
that fateful evening:

It took ten or fifteen minutes to drive to the house. When they arrived,
no one else was there. They walked up to the house; the police officers,
who insisted on doing the official notification themselves, walked
ahead, with Watkins right behind them. As they went up the steps,
another group of people, including Webb Hubbell and Foster’s sister,
came up behind them.

They entered the house and Mrs. Foster came down the steps. The male
officer told them that Foster had committed suicide. Mrs. Foster became
hysterical; she could not possibly have been interviewed.

Perhaps Ms. Sherburne can claim simple ignorance, thereby admitting
incompetence. If not, what we have here is another conscious lie. The
following is from Rolla’s public testimony almost a year before, on July
20, 1995:

Some people were not approachable. We tried to talk to different people.
We talked to--I think we talked briefly to both sisters. I had more of a
rapport with Mrs. Foster, so I talked to her. Cheryl talked to Laura,
the daughter. The sons weren’t home. We talked to Mr. Watkins. Other
than that, we didn’t talk to anyone else there.

Well, now, let’s try taking Rolla at his word on this. They talked only
briefly with Sheila Anthony and Sharon Bowman, and only Ms. Braun talked
with the daughter, while the only other person Rolla talked to was Lisa
Foster, with whom he developed a "rapport." Yet he writes in his report
that he was there for more than an hour. What was he doing all that
time, eating hors d’oeuvres?

The first twenty-four hours after a crime has been committed are
crucial. If it is not essentially solved within that period, the chance
that it will ever be solved falls drastically. The Park Police obviously
know that, which is why they did their proper police work and no doubt
wrung as much information out of the immediate relatives of the victim
as they could. Then why would they be party to this gigantic, apparently
gratuitous lie that they did not? In "Dreyfus 1" I speculated that one
reason might be that they didn’t hear what they wanted to hear from the
family concerning Vince’s "depression," his inclination toward suicide.
Rolla did say in his report, after all, that no one present could think

[CTRL] Hackers, Cyberpunks, and the Apocalypse

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 30
Laissez Faire City Times
July 26, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 30
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Hackers, Cyberpunks, and the Apocalypse

by Randy Danneskjöld

Cyberpunk literature is nothing less than the epic texts of a radical
new philosophy of life, the universe and everything. In his book
Hackers, Steven Levy has commented on what he calls the hacker ethic - a
loosely identified set of beliefs that he can't seem to quite put his
finger on precisely, but which pervades hacker communities everywhere.
You might find these statements puzzling. What do bits dancing around in
electronic circuits have to do with weighty questions of ethics and

As it happens, plenty.

Life, The Universe and Everything

Life, to a hacker, is an integral part of hacking. Life is a laboratory,
a place to experiment, shake things up, fiddle with the system till
something interesting pops out. No other class of human beings could as
a general rule have this much detachment towards their own individual
fortunes and misfortunes, except perhaps professional religious
ascetics. Every life experience is, to a hacker, just that. An
experience - a rich source of information - of intel. He will take it
apart, analyze it, get exalted and paranoid over it in turns, to
experience it from every angle. Then he will break it right down to its
basic educative points, remember those and forget the rest.

Remember also that the present generation of hackers, most in their late
teens or early twenties, and even the 'oldies' still around, have lived
through probably the most dramatic, turbulent phase of human and
technological history. Rapid change and an almost bizarre variety of
experience is normal. Who better to comment on life in today's
technosaturated world than those who are most at home in it?

Further, hackers are quite used to playing God. When you're in control
of a powerful piece of computing machinery, you're in control of a
little universe, with its immutable laws and (if it's a real hackers'
computer) a multitude of complex information systems in constant,
dynamic interaction. You have the power to create structures and systems
of arbitrary complexity, limited only by your own imagination and level
of technological mastery. Who better to speculate on the nature of the
Universe than someone whose life has been a virtual SimUniverse game
since as far back as he1 can remember?

Computer programmers are also the greatest generalists since Da Vinci.
The core tasks of programming are, as any hacker will tell you,
problem-domain independent, and a good hacker can tackle programming
jobs in any field. Every competent hacker who's worked on more than a
few projects has surely developed highly effective techniques for
quickly extracting and representing all the relevant information
required to achieve his goals in most any system or situation.
"Specialization is for ants" is a favorite hacker slogan. Who better to
make grand statements about everything than someone who knows how to
instantly specialize in anything?

Add to all that the typical hacker's natural curiosity about everything,
his unquenchable thirst for higher levels of knowledge and expertise,
his sophisticated ability to access, process and analyze information,
and you have the makings of a great philosopher.

And an opinionated one. Most hackers have very strong views on
practically any topic, which they can articulate brilliantly and defend
with all the right arguments and references. Making life especially
uncomfortable for those who derive their spiritual upliftment and
enlightenment from Saturday newspaper supplements and TV talk shows, a
hacker will never stand by silently and allow inaccuracy to go
unchallenged. The easiest way to recognize the hacker at a dinner party
- he's the guy who listens intently and doesn't say a word, except for
frequently interjecting 'Not true' and lapsing back into smug silence.
He really does believe he has all the answers to life, the universe and

The Hacker Ethic

So what is the hacker ethic? What is this common ethical philosophy that
all hackers above a certain level of sophistication subscribe to? Free
software, free markets, and a free society would probably top the list.
The hacker way of life generally couples basic humanity with a healthy
appreciation of the value of minding one's own business (what could be
more interesting anyway?). Hackers usually combine a very benevolent
live-and-let-live attitude with a very strong emphasis on personal
responsibility and individual effort. Taking the initiative and the
risks is almost universally accepted amongst hackers as the only route
to the big time2. Most talented hackers are gentle, friendly creatures
with a versatile sense of 

[CTRL] [4a] Viet Nam - John Kennedy, Playing in the Sandbox

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 30
Laissez Faire City Times
July 26, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 30
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Viet Nam

Part 4: John Kennedy, Playing in the Sandbox

by Robert L. Kocher

For many of us the Kennedy presidency came at the time when we were in
the prime of youth. I will always look back upon that period with great
fondness for I was in my 20s and would be invincible forever. Kennedy's
death happened to occur at a time when we were scheduled to make the
transition out of our youth. There has been an unconscious tendency for
many people to idealize the period, to blame Kennedy's death as having
been the cause of that transition to adulthood, and to suppose if
Kennedy had remained president we somehow would not have had to leave
our young world as it existed at that time. There was also an
unconscious tendency to make Republican presidential candidate
Goldwater, and to a lesser extent Lyndon Johnson, the target of
unconscious resentment over loss of our youth. This muddled, and still
muddles, the conception of the politics and events of that period.

But, when Bobby Kennedy was running for the presidency, his supporters
began to make what was for them a horrifying observation. Bobby was
beginning to develop gray hair and look older. It had to happen--to all
of us.

For many of us the world would never be the same after John Kennedy
died. What doesn't seem to be understood and accepted is that the world
would still never have been the same if he had lived. Time marches on.
Several years ago, upon returning to the town where I spent my teenage
years, I was saddened to find the old hamburger drive-in that had been
the teen meeting place for many years, and had the memories of what had
once been twenty thousand high school kids invested in it, was gone and
replaced with a shopping center parking lot. It wasn't gone because of
Kennedy's death or Viet Nam. It was gone because that's the way life is.
It's part of the sadness of growing older.

It was the end of picnics on the beach and picking up dates at the
girl's dorm. It was the beginning of the time when some of us would make
the personal mistakes that would mean the end of our dreams and

Kennedy's death became a spiritual marker for many of us. It happened to
accidentally coincide with the passage of a period we will forever look
back upon with longing. However, it is a mistake to let one's longing
for the period be confused with a belief in the Kennedy Presidency. Many
people confuse the two.

Many members of the Kennedy administration are still around and continue
to write books idealizing Camelot. For many of them association with the
Kennedy period will have been the only significant event in their life,
and in magnifying Kennedy they magnify their own significance. The
Kennedy public relations corps, living in its idealized memories, as
well as its political commitment, continues to be active. It plays into
a wishfulness and nostalgia.

For this, and other reasons, there are people who will continue to view
Kennedy as a god until their final moments and nothing will change it.
It has become a sacrilege to view Kennedy realistically. In the media
and the bastions of liberalism, criticism of the Kennedys evokes
postures of melodramatic horror which induces panic within the
suggestible segment of the public.

The Reality of the Kennedy Presidency

Kids, we can survive the supposed horror and it is about time we did.
It's a necessity to understand the Viet Nam war--and a great many other

I an aware that the recent book by Seymour Hersh and several other books
preceding have documented ugly aspects of Jack Kennedy's personal life.
Little in the way of concrete events will be added here. It is not my
intent to cash in on what has been said by repeating it for reader
titillation. My concern, here, is that reasonable interpretation of what
is known points to a condition of the presidency that was far more
serious than even these highly critical investigators are inclined to
conclude. Their interest was one of investigating and cataloging, not
inference. The interest here is the condition of the presidency and its
impact on foreign policy, including the war.

To paraphrase a series of catchy lines started by Lloyd Bentsen in the
1988 presidential debates: I remember John Kennedy and believe me, John
Kennedy was no John Kennedy. The idealization of John Kennedy has had a
stranglehold on this country for more than thirty-five years.

My political involvement began during the Nixon-Kennedy debates. As
might be imagined, I was much younger then. I was a college student.
Until the Nixon-Kennedy debate, I had no interest in politics. My
political conversion came as Kennedy was speaking. The other guy sitting

[CTRL] The Bill-of-Rights for President

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 30
Laissez Faire City Times
July 26, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 30
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

The Bill-of-Rights for President

An Interview with L. Neil Smith

by Alberto Mingardi

It is a commentary on Bill Clinton’s America that it takes a
libertarian-anarchist to believe in Bill of Rights enforcement,
including the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. L Neil Smith is a
campaigner against Big Brother government who is willing to boldly hack
away at the statist empire fed and nourished by recent "New World Order"
presidents like George Bush and Bill Clinton, presidential-wanna-be’s
like Al Gore and George Bush, Jr., and others of their ilk.

Answering the question "who is a libertarian" some time ago,
science-fiction writer (Probability Broach, Pallas) L. Neil Smith said
that "a libertarian is a person who believes that no one has the right,
under any circumstances, to initiate force against another human being,
or to advocate or delegate its initiation. Those who act consistently
with this principle are libertarians, whether they realize it or not.
Those who fail to act consistently with it are not libertarians,
regardless of what they may claim." (Oh, don’t get the wrong idea.
Libertarians don’t initiate force. But they will damned well defend
themselves against someone who does.)

According to this definition, Smith is of course a libertarian, a strong
libertarian and anarchist who’s been fighting against the State for more
than twenty years.

Turning 53 next year, Neil is now starting his new last journey: a
campaign for White House in 2000 against the "bipartisan ticket" of
George Bush Jr.-Al Gore and, maybe, the minarchist libertarian Harry
Browne also.

Neil’s program is simple: "Bill of Rights enforcement", as he’s
preaching on his e-magazine, The Libertarian Enterprise (, the Liberty of this Benjamin
Tucker of the 21st Century.

Smith is not new to political campaigns: in 1978 he ran for the Colorado

About this experience, in a previous interview with The Laissez Faire
City Times (, he said, "I ran
openly as an anarchist, concentrating on telling people what everyday
life would be like without the burden of taxation and regulation. I was
the only candidate that season who elicited any kind of reaction from
the audience." We’re sure that this time, too, Neil will give the people
something to remember, dressed in his "leather jacket -- no necktie" and

Looking at Neil’s new (crazy?) adventure, I can’t help recalling
Kipling’s old verses:

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

Neil, a campaign for White House: what are the conditions under which
you might run for the President of the United States in 2000?

If those who want me to do it will collect 1,000,000 petition signatures
to convince me I'm not wasting everybody's time and energy, I'll run for
President of the United States in the year 2000 as an independent. In
fact, my friends will actually be collecting 2,000,000 signatures, just
to make sure. This allows me a personal indulgence.

Why as an independent and not a Libertarian Party candidate?

Whether I'd refuse the nomination of the Libertarian Party, which I
joined in 1972 . . . (I've learned only recently of a group who want to
draft me as the LP candidate for President.) I believe the LP has
reached a point where, if I were to walk into its convention with a
million petition signatures, or five million, or ten million, the clique
that owns the party would still find an excuse to reject my candidacy.

But if the laws of physics and human nature were repealed and the LP
membership did ask me to be their candidate, after all these years, I
couldn't find it in my heart to say no.

Why are you doing this now?

Let me remember some moments of my life:

Decades ago, when I was my nine-year-old daughter's age, I calculated
that I'd be 53 years old when the year 2000 arrived. I envisioned a
brilliant, colorful future, based on the science fiction I was reading

[CTRL] [4b] Viet Nam - John Kennedy, Playing in the Sandbox

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 30
Laissez Faire City Times
July 26, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 30
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Viet Nam - John Kennedy, Playing in the Sandbox   (-cont-)

Back to School

The Reeves essay borders on the hilarious, and yet is very serious. It
could have been made into a movie.

There was a Rodney Dangerfield movie comedy called Back to School
(1986). In it, Dangerfield plays a middle-aged millionaire who goes to
college to get the education he missed. He doesn't want to get involved
with the classwork, so he hires people from the Rand Corporation and
dozens of others to do his papers and classwork for him. In the end,
Dangerfield gets caught at it, and is made to pass a tough oral
examination before an academic panel of several deans or whatever to
graduate, but passes after an intense period of study.

The Kennedy story is similar, except for the ending, but is real. A 23
year-old kid with a history of getting C grades in easy courses during
his earlier years at Harvard writes, with considerable help, a paper
which is judged to have serious deficiencies. Professionals are brought
in to make the thing into a book. People are bought and sold with
whatever money it takes. It still isn't worth a damn. The kid's father
buys 35,000 copies the first week of publication to make it a best

The kid is awarded Magna Cum Laude and graduates from Harvard. He never
gets caught, and the kid's father spreads enough money around to see
that nobody looks too hard. Unlike Dangerfield in the movie, Kennedy
slides by without the necessity of ever really passing on his own merit,
then goes on to con his way into the presidency.

The entire project is an exercise in massive dishonesty and fraud by
everybody—the kid, the kid's father, university faculty, and anybody
else that can be bought, cajoled, or pressured. Without a trace of
embarrassment John Kennedy claimed the work to be entirely his own, and
was warped and spoiled enough to have believed it.

At this point, John Kennedy, a kid from a political family that had
eventual designs on the presidency had positioned himself as a political
aspirant who was a graduate with high honors from a prestigious school,
a certified intellectual, and a best-selling author.

Harvard degree with great praise, an author, an intellectual; it looked
good on paper, but the reality is that there was no substance to any of
it. It was entirely fraudulent. The truth is, the kid was not very
bright and was barely literate. As reported in the Reeves book, his
tutors at Harvard evaluated him as someone who would never show much

Kennedy would always take pride in the intellectual content of his book.
The basic reason he could do so is that he didn't have the intellect to
realize how poor it was.

There are four elements here that would become a pattern throughout
Kennedy's life, including his presidency.

First, no morality or ethics would ever be evidenced by Kennedy in his
life. He could do anything, say anything, or lie about anything without
a trace of concern.

Second, he exhibited a pattern of a basically deficient man who would
buy (or attempt to buy) his way out of responsibility.

Third, is the point Harold Laski partially made to Kennedy's father.
Close examination of Kennedy would show superficiality and vacancies of
mentality for the remainder of his life. There was an absence of
content. Any person of intellectual stature would perceive it
immediately, as did Laski, as did Eisenhower, as did Khrushchev two
decades later. In ordinary interactions with men of stature, Kennedy
would be dismissed as a slick kid trying to work a confidence game, even
at the age of thirty or forty. He would never be taken seriously by men
of depth and perception throughout his life. Kennedy's performance in
the presidential debates would require large doses of Dramamine to
suppress the nausea felt by any intelligent listener.

Fourth, and importantly to the point, there comes a point when money and
deception won't work, and substance is required. It is possible to buy
elections, to get through school by cheating, or to get into positions
by deception and image manipulation. However, if the time comes when a
person needs to actually function with intelligence, needs judgment,
needs depth, and needs education, needs grit, and needs experience, then
having faked it in the past won't get that person through. That means
trouble. The bigger the position of responsibility the person has
manipulated and cheated himself into, the bigger the trouble, for

In Over His Head

Kennedy cheated and manipulated himself into the presidency while having
faked the qualifications. He was in far over his head. Khrushchev would,
in an indirect way, tell him that.

[CTRL] [2] EIR on British gold war vs. Africa - correct version.

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.  Sorry, but I sent two copies of part one.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:539872"EIR on British gold war vs.
Africa Pt. II
Subject: EIR on British gold war vs. Africa Pt. II
Date: Sun, 25 July 1999 04:22 PM EDT
Message-id: 7nfrmr$7ok$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

TONY PAPERT: Another sign that the financial elites think
that their system has a very short life ahead of it, is the huge
attrition among finance ministers and officials in charge of
monetary affairs in advanced countries.
RICHARD FREEMAN: Yes. Well, when Robert Rubin said he was
not going to re-hitch up on July 1st and he was leaving, Lyndon
LaRouche said "Well, this is a case of the ships leaving the
sinking rats." (Laughter.) I think that's probably true.

TONY PAPERT: Maybe Greenspan.
RICHARD FREEMAN: Maybe Greenspan. But then, --

TONY PAPERT: Gore had said he's going to reappoint
Greenspan, by the way. We may have said that --

RICHARD FREEMAN: Yes, and so has Lindsey (ph), Larry
Lindsey, the spokesman for Bush. So we can both see what the
Intelligence Quotient of those people are -- (laughter) -- and
why people need to absolutely elect Lyndon LaRouche president.
But Eisuke Sakakibara left. He was the deputy finance
minister in Japan, known as "Mr. Yen," always spoke out on
international financial questions. And he told the {Australian
Financial Review,} he said "Look, the reason I'm leaving, is I
expect a Wall Street crash." and this is absolutely remarkable,
for a finance minister -- we suspected that. But for him then to
say that, is to confirm that the people who know the real shape
of the financial system, are getting out, which again raises the
question of the need to change policy direction right now, not to
be afraid of this financial crisis, but adopt the type of
solutions LaRouche has put out for getting out of it.

TONY PAPERT: Right. You're listening to "EIR Talks," and
we'll be back in just a moment.

TONY PAPERT: Welcome back to "EIR Talks." It's Wednesday,
July {EIR} economics writer Rich Freeman and {EIR} Africa editor Linda
de Hoyos.
Linda, Richard was speaking about the declines in standard
of living, especially food consumption, joblessness, in Latin
America. The Ibero-Americans themselves often refer to this as
the "Africanization of South America." What is the situation
now in Africa?
LINDA DE HOYOS: Well, what has happened in Africa, is
essentially that a lot of the levels of austerity that countries
are beginning to go through now, or over the last year:
Indonesia, South America, countries in South America, countries
in Southeast Asia, Russia -- these are levels of austerity that
Africa went through in the mid-1980s.

LINDA DE HOYOS: That is, about 15 years ago. And there has
been no improvement since that time. In the 1980s, most African
countries were put through what is called a "Structural
Adjustment Program" (SAP) of the International Monetary Fund. And
this meant that they had to lay off many government workers, and
most of the health services of African countries collapsed at
this point. There was massive unemployment, food subsidies were
eliminated, and also subsidies for the production of food were
eliminated, and many African countries then had to turn to food
And at the same time, the terms of trade of African
countries has dropped more precipitously than any other region of
the world. That is to say, that the terms of trade for coffee,
tea, cocoa, diamonds, gold -- all of these different commodities
have absolutely collapsed, at least by one-third if not more.
And the African countries had debts. So the International
Monetary Fund was forcing devaluations. They were -- say, for
example, if you're exporting -- if you're spending 15% of your
government revenue and export earnings on debt service in the
early 1980s, for most African countries, this was going t up to
levels of 25%, 30%, 40%, 50% or more.
And in the northern African countries of Algeria, in
particular, and Egypt, this was even higher. In Algeria, the debt
service ratio to export earnings was 75%. The same with Nigeria:
the debt service went up way higher.
So, that also means that they have to export a lot more. So
they are forcing people to come out of food production into
production for export. And this has created what I call a
"vacuum cleaner effect," that everything is just being sucked
right out of the country. And the effect of this, was a takedown
of national economies, and a takedown of all government services.
So that today, for example, in Niger, which is a very poor
country in the world today, there is one doctor for 70,000
people, which really means that there is no health care. There's
no medical care whatsoever. And, under conditions where there is

[CTRL] Handbook of Texas Online: STILLMAN, JAMES

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


dbookdoc_id=4662query=american+national+bank+austin"Handbook of Texas
STILLMAN, JAMES (1850-1918). James Stillman, son of Elizabeth Pamela
(Goodrich) and Charles Stillman,qv was born on June 9, 1850, at
Brownsville, Texas. He took over his father's financial and mercantile
empire in New York, Texas, and Mexico in 1872 and turned it into the
controlling interest in the National City Bank in New York and the most
powerful force in the development of the Rio Grande valley. He greatly
expanded the interests in Texas that he inherited from his father. His
Texas holdings included the bonds of sixteen banks; control of
land-development companies in the lower Rio Grande valley,qv Corpus
Christi, and Kerrville; an interest in the Swenson Ranch; and, with the
other three members of the "Big Four"- W. H. Harriman, Jacob Henry
Schiff,qv and William Rockefeller-control of most Texas railroads. The
Big Four served as directors under his chairmanship on the board, put
together by Stillman, of the National City Bank. They controlled the
Texas and Pacific, the Southern Pacific, the International-Great
Northern, the Union Pacific Southern, the St. Louis, Brownsville and
Mexico, and the Mexican National, which ran from Corpus Christi to
Mexico City and from the St. Louis, Brownsville and Mexico terminus on
the border at Brownsville to the Mexican capital.

In 1876 Stillman supported the successful Revolution of Tuxtepec,
conducted by Mexican general Porfirio Díaz from Brownsville, which
resulted in the overthrow of the Mexican government. Díaz's partisans
called themselves the "railroaders." During the fighting Stillman
purchased 100 percent of the riparian rights to the Rio Grande at
Brownsville and up the river for an indeterminate distance. He sold
two-thirds interest in those rights to the Mexican National Railroad in
the 1890s. In 1880 Stillman, his employee Thomas Carson, who was the
mayor of Brownsville, James Belden, and other Brownsville men received
the concession from the Mexican president for the railroad to be built
from Matamoros to Monterrey, where Stillman and Belden had large
investments. During the twentieth century Stillman's enormous properties
along the border were developed and sold by the American Rio Grande Land
and Irrigation Company of Mercedes, a confidential subsidiary of the
National City Bank. Although Stillman's interests became global and he
held more than 20 percent of the stock in the world's largest bank, he
retained his father's $200,000 share in George W. Brackenridge'sqv San
Antonio National Bank throughout his life. He used that and his father's
long ties with Brackenridge to develop property in West Texas and
Mexico. His heirs expressed surprise when Brackenridge's will returned
the $200,000 to them; they had apparently lost track of it. Stillman's
two daughters married sons of his lifelong close friend William
Rockefeller, the chairman of the board of the Standard Oil Company.
Stillman died on March 15, 1918, in New York City.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: John K. Winkler, The First Billion: The Stillmans and the
National City Bank (New York: Vanguard, 1934).

John Mason Hart
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Gore Quotes

1999-07-26 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Is there something about being Vice President that makes you talk like

I certainly have a new target for the upcoming Presidential
election here in the USA.  And people used to make fun of Dan

"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."  Al Gore

"Democrats understand the importance of bondage between a mother
and child." -- Vice President Al Gore

"Welcome to President Clinton, Mrs. Clinton, and my fellow
astronauts." Vice President Al Gore

"Mars is essentially in the same orbit...  Mars is somewhat the
same distance from the Sun, which is very important.  We have
seen pictures where there are canals, we believe,  water.  If
there is water, that means there is oxygen.  If oxygen, that
means we can breathe." Vice President Al Gore, 8/11/94

"The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history.  I
mean in this century's history.  But we all lived in this
century.  I didn't live in this century." -- Vice President Al
Gore, 9/15/95

"I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom
and democracy -- but that could change." Vice President Al Gore,

"One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice
president,  that one word is 'to be prepared.'" Vice  President
Al Gore, 12/6/93

"Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things." Vice President
Al Gore, 11/30/96Amen.  See below 

"I have made good judgments in the past.  I have made good
judgments in the future." Vice President Al Gore

"The future will be better tomorrow." Vice President Al Gore

"We're going to have the best-educated American people in the
world." Vice President Al Gore, 9/21/97

"People that are really very weird can get into sensitive
positions and have a tremendous impact on history." -- Vice
President Al Gore

"I stand by all the misstatements that I've made." Vice President
Al Gore to Sam Donaldson, 8/17/93

"We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a *part* of NATO.  We
have a firm commitment to Europe.  We are a *part* of Europe." --
Vice President Al Gore (emphasis added by Gagler)

"Public speaking is very easy." Vice President Al Gore to
reporters in 10/95

"I am not part of the problem.  I am a Democrat." Vice President
Al Gore

"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to
the polls." -- Vice President Al Gore

"When I have been asked who caused the riots and the killing in
L.A., my answer has been direct  simple: Who is to blame for the
riots?  The rioters are to blame.  Who is to blame for the
killings?  The killers are to blame." -- Al Gore

"Illegitimacy is something we should talk about in terms of not
having it." Vice President Al Gore, 5/20/96

"We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not
occur." Vice President Al Gore, 9/22/97

"For NASA, space is still a high priority." Vice President Al
Gore, 9/5/93

"Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our
children." Vice President Al Gore, 9/18/95

"The American people would not want to know of any misquotes that
Al Gore may or may not make." Vice President Al Gore

"We're all capable of mistakes, but I do not care to enlighten
you on the mistakes we may or may not have made." --Vice
President Al Gore

"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment.  It's the
impurities in our air and water that are doing it." -- Vice
President Al Gore

"[It's] time for the human race to enter the solar system." --
Vice President Al Gore

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Le Metropole - The Cyberspace Cafe for Investors and Intellectuals

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Le Metropole Cafe/A
Le Metropole
The Cyberspace Cafe for Investors and Intellectuals

Welcome to Le Metropole. It is a venue where investors and intellectuals
from all over the world can meet to discuss the vibrant economic and
financial issues of the day. Our theme is the French cafes of the early
to mid 20th century, Le Moulin Rouge ( Pigalle ), Les Deux Magots ( St.
Germain ), Le Flore ( St. Germain ), La Coupole ( Montparnasse ) and
Brasserie Lipp ( St. Germain ). Paris was a place where artists,
intellectual figures, public personalities, etc., all met to engage,
share, and learn. Times have changed but the human craving for knowledge
and association with the most fascinating minds and creators out there
has not. The internet has made it possible for us to present economic
and financial commentary via " The Minds of Le Metropole", an economic
dream team, and for you to be able to interact with others about this

Our team of authoritative experts will focus on: U. S. Financial Markets
, World Financial Markets, Asia, Gold ( commodities ) and International
Events that affect these markets.

The Minds of Le Metropole

The roster of the economic dream team thus far are:
From the National School of Statistics and Economic Studies in Paris,
the Institut D'Etude Politiques, and the Masters Program in Pure
Mathematics at the University of Paris, Eric Barande. Eric is well known
in Europe as an independent strategist on economics and financial
Out of Manila and the San Francisco Art Institute, Greg Pickup. Greg,
our market technician and author has been at the Chicago Board of Trade
since 1979. He advises commercial grain and oilseed companies worldwide.

John BrimelowFrom the University of London and the Business School at
Stanford, John Brimelow. John is a notable, institutional stock broker
with a vast information network and possesses a keen sense of the market
significance of world events.
From Lake Forest College in Illinois, Charles Peabody. Charles has been
a bank analyst since 1981 and is a former II rated analyst in both money
center and regional banks. As an independent in New York, he provides
analysis unencumbered by bureaucracies and corporate pressures.
Out of the undergraduate and graduate schools at Texas Christian
University, David W. Tice. David, both a C.F.A. and C.P.A., manages the
Prudent Bear mutual fund. His Dallas-based research firm advises more
than 150 institutional investors.
Out of Christchurch, New Zealand and the London School of Economics,
Neville Bennett. Neville, a PhD., teaches " Japan and the World Economy
" at the Canterbury Graduate School and writes a column for the
prestigious National Business Review.

In the Cafe you will find tables named after some of the well known
celebrants of the by-gone Paris days. Here, food for thought will be
served via posting forums in which you can present your own opinions and
learn from others about the subjects of most interest to you.

Le Metropole is a Cafe privé in the sense that membership is $149 per
year (when fully opened) or $14 per month. So that you may learn if our
Cafe is for you, we would like to extend to you a "two week free

Please note: Like a real Cafe, this is a soft opening. We are working
out the kinks before we determine our final macro squad and open the
entire Cafe with "Grande Premiere Mondiale". Therefore, our pre opening
membership price is only $99 per year. Our address for inquiries and
membership payments by mail is:

Bill Murphy
4718 Cole Ave, #1203
Dallas, TX 75205

If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity: sign in with our
maitre'd and come in and look around.
Bon Appetit!

Bill Murphy
Cornell University, School of Hotel and Restaurant Administration
Le Patron

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send 

[CTRL] Gold Anti Trust Action Committee

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

a friend

Mighty interesting, I think...


Senator Phil Gramm
Senate Banking Committee
534 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Attention: Madelyn Simmons
From: Bill Murphy
Chairman, Gold Anti Trust Action Committee

Dear Senator Gramm,

We thank Madelyn Simmons for taking the time to contact us, listening to
what we have to say and for requesting our contentions in writing. It is
with that spirit and understanding that I am writing this letter to you in
behalf of the Gold Anti Trust Action Committee.

I have a financial website, and write commentary
about the gold market for the "Caf_". I am a veteran trader in the markets
and it became apparent to me after the Long Term Capital Management bailout
that the gold market was being manipulated and the manipulation was being
carried out by various bullion dealers. The Gold Anti-Trust Action
Committee, a non-profit Delaware corporation, was formed in January of this
year to investigate this matter and we have retained one of the top
anti-trust law firms in the U.S., Berger  Montague out of Philadelphia, to
assist us in our quest to learn the truth about what is really going on
behind the scenes in the gold market.

Because of the way in which the Bank of England sale was announced, we also
suspect that the current administration ( perhaps the Federal Reserve or
U.S. Treasury ) may be active in the gold market through a trading account
at Goldman Sachs and, therefore, may have some role in the orchestration of
a lower gold price. If our assessment is correct, this account is the
responsibility of Mr. Peter Fisher of the New York Federal Reserve. The
relationship between the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Treasury, Goldman Sachs
and the Bank of England is strong and illuminating.

Throughout this letter I will bring to your attention various news articles,
press wire reports, statements by public officials and personal commentary
that ties our suspicions and allegations together. I hope that you will see
what we have here is quite the "duck" story -- in that it looks like a duck,
quacks like a duck, etc. GATA asks, that if you find this letter to be
credible, your Committee investigate whether what looks like a duck indeed
is a duck.

Our findings are brought to you in the spirit of proud U.S. citizens that
cherish democratic principles. For if our suspicions prove to be correct,
those democratic principles are being cruelly trampled. The few people and
institutions in the know in this scheme are gaining incredible riches at the
expense of many. The manipulation of the gold price is destroying mining
companies and their employees and shareholders as well as whole countries
dependent on gold production.

We suspect that what we have here is a scandal that is more profound in
nature than "Watergate" because so many people are suffering unnecessarily,
while, in a bigger picture sense, the manipulation could affect the
stability of the banking system. We believe that to suppress the price of
gold, the "collusion crowd" has borrowed so much gold from central banks and
sold it into the market that it could not be paid back as promised should
the price of gold rise quickly and unexpectedly. Last year the gold supply
coming out of the mines was 2,529 tonnes. Later in this letter I will refer
to a sophisticated study that indicates the gold borrowings were 8,000
tonnes two years ago and are even larger today.

There was speculation last year that the investment banks that bailed out
Long-Term Capital Management somehow assumed a 300-tonne gold position of
the firm because the position was too large to be covered at the market. How
would this same cabal help thousands of tonnes of gold shorts get out of the
market in a pinch? Such a problem could result in a market calamity and
cause great stress for banking institutions. That is why we believe these
matters should be investigated by the Senate Banking Committee.

Since last Fall I have been documenting what led my associates and me to
believe that there has been a coordinated effort to hold down the price of
gold But it was the Bank of England's announcement of its plans to sell
gold that sent off alarm bells around the world. No other central bank has
announced a gold sale prior to its completion in over 20 years, and the Bank
of England's announcement just happened to be made as the gold price was
storming past a key gold loan borrowing point and interest in the gold
market was finally rising again. Gold share volume in various bourses was at
its greatest levels in six years. It also appeared that a long- awaited gold
rally was finally underway and the "collusion crowd" might finally be losing
their grip on the market.

Yet, the night before the BOE announcement ( May 6, 1999 ) , I feared
duplicity, and this is what I wrote in my Midas du Metropole commentary
entitled, "XAU surges 46%":

"We know "the squad" are all lining up to try and 

[CTRL] a bank joke (fwd)

1999-07-26 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Dear Bank Manager,

I am writing to thank you for bouncing the check with which I
endeavored to pay my plumber last month. By my calculations some
three nanoseconds must have elapsed between his presenting the
check, and the arrival in my account of the funds needed to honor
it.  I refer, of course, to the automatic monthly deposit of my
entire salary, an arrangement which, I admit, has only been in
place for eight years.

You are to be commended for seizing that brief window of
opportunity, and also for debiting my account with $50  by way of
penalty for the inconvenience I caused to your bank.  My
thankfulness springs from the manner in which this incident has
caused me to re-think my errant financial ways. You have set me
on the path of fiscal righteousness.

No more will our relationship be blighted by these unpleasant
incidents, for I am restructuring my affairs in the second half
of 1999, taking as my model the procedures, attitudes and conduct
of your very bank. I can think of no greater compliment, and I
know you will be excited and proud to hear it.

To this end, please be advised about the following changes:

First, I have noticed that whereas I personally attend to your
telephone calls and letters, when I try to contact you I am
confronted by the impersonal, ever-changing, pre-recorded,
faceless entity which your bank has  become.  From now on I, like
you, choose only to deal with a flesh and blood person.

My mortgage and loan repayments will, therefore and hereafter, no
longer be automatic, but will arrive at your bank, by check,
addressed personally and confidentially to an employee of your
branch, whom you must nominate.   You will be aware that it is an
offense under the Postal Act for any other person to open such an

Please find attached an Application Contact Status which I
require our chosen employee to complete. I am sorry it runs to
eight pages, but in order that I know as much about him or her as
your bank knows about me, there is  no alternative.  Please note
that all copies of his or her medical history must be
countersigned by a Justice of the Peace, and that the mandatory
details of his/her financial situation (income, debts, assets and
liabilities) must be accompanied by documented proof.

In due course I will issue your employee with a PIN number which
he/she must quote in all dealings with me. I regret that it
cannot be shorter than 28 digits but, again, I have modeled it on
the number of button presses required to access my account
balance on your phone bank service.  As they say, imitation is
the sincerest form  of flattery.

Let me level the playing field even further by introducing you to
my new telephone system, which you will notice, is very much like
yours.  My authorized contact at your bank, the only person with
whom I will have any  dealings, may call me at any time and will
be answered by an automated voice. By pressing buttons on the
phone, he/she will be guided thorough an extensive set of menus:

1.  To make an appointment to see me
2.  To query a missing repayment
3.  To make a general complaint or inquiry
4.  To transfer the call to my living room in case I am there;
Extension of living room to be communicated at the time the call
is received;
5.  To transfer the call to my bedroom in case I am still
sleeping.  Extension of bedroom to be communicated at  the time
the call is received;
6.  To transfer the call to my toilet in case I am attending to
nature.  Extension of toilet to be communicated  at the time the
call is received.
7.  To transfer the call to my mobile phone in case I am not at
8.  To leave a message on my computer. To leave a message a
password to access my computer is required. Password will be
communicated at a later date to the contact.
9.  To return to the main menu and listen carefully to options 1
through 8.

The contact will then be put on hold, pending the attention of my
automated answering service. While this may on occasion involve a
lengthy wait, uplifting music will play for the duration. This
month I've chosen a refrain from The Best Of Woody Guthrie:

"Oh, the banks are made of marble
With a guard at every door
And the vaults are filled with silver
That the miners sweated for"

After twenty minutes of that, our mutual contact will probably
know it by heart.  On a more serious note, we come to the matter
of cost.

As your bank has often pointed out, the ongoing drive for greater
efficiency comes at a cost. A cost which you have always been
quick to pass on to me. Let me repay your kindness by passing
some costs back.

First, there is the matter of advertising material you send me.
This I will read for a fee of $20 per page. Inquiries from your
nominated contact will be billed at $5 per minute of my time
spent in response. Any debits to my account, as, for example, in
the matter of the penalty for the dishonored check, will be

[CTRL] Fwd: Pat Milton's New Book, In the Blink of an Eye (book review)

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

I received this book yesterday and I have dipped into it a bit and
checked the index for some items. I would say it is a very good book
for any of us to have - but not because it is the simple truth.

Using Francis Bacon's categories, that some books are to be tasted,
and others to be swallowed, and some to be chewed and digested, this
one needs to be chewed and digested - but mainly because it is not
the simple truth. Were it a simple account it could then be simply
swallowed (read once instead of having its words pondered over)

It is a little hard to get my stray thoughts put together quickly,
but I will try to give some of my thinking about this book. With
more time, and also a little more scanning of the book, I could
write a good essay , but I should say right now, this is a
resource. It is extremely useful as a frame of reference too.

This book contains some facts I didn't know, and it is missing
some important facts I do know, and it contains some assertions
of fact I find extremely doubtful and others that are just plain
wrong and there are some things in here that I had heard vaguely
about where details are filled in (and makes the thing make sense)

And there are a few places where I have a strong suspicion that she
knows she is covering some things up (unless she wrote what some
people wanted her to write without understanding why they wanted

It contains some facts I didn't know: Some details about the airport
delay are in this category or some claims of responsibility. It is
missing facts I do know: The conversation about mistaken failure to
match passengers and bags (there is a extra detail here about why -
something about a tag but it is not cleart.

Now for some specifics.

Ian Goddard is mentioned 3 times in the index Two of those mentions
simply link him with Pierre Salinger and the third is about Kallstrom
saying that he had backed off from his theories. She calls Goddard
a private investigator which I think he is not, since he never said
anything like that. That claim might be a simple error as I cannot
figure out how it would hep the FBI or diminish Goddard's credibility
to  say that. Perhaps she read somewhere about him being an
"investigator" and misunderstood. While many erros in here
probably have a purpose it could also be there are other errors
i here soimply because the FBI and Kallstrom or the cover up
people in general needed or referred someone who did not know
too much - who didn't know much more than she was told and did
not have a lot of curiousity that was not job-related.

Victoria Cummock is not mentioned in the index and neither is
Michael Forbes.

PETN and explosive residue is not mentionbed in the index although it
is in the book a lot. Traficant is mentioned and treated as
an honest person. Questions he asked Kallstrom et al are quoted
- and Kallstrom did not have good answers for them, a fact
that does not seem to bother her. Traficant's reversal is not
mentioned although it does indicate he stopped pursuing the
TWA Flight 800 issue after one year.

he date of the discovery of the PETN is put as August 7 when everything
I read before was July 22. But hinking about this I realized that
appearently the FBI must have staged its own "discovery" of this at
Calverton. No other PETN disovery is mentioned nr the pressure washing.

The location is changed from what I heard
and the ETN and RDX put in the same location.

The word Mafia appears a lot in the index but alost all the
rreferences are to kallstrom's gight (and alleged successs)
in the war against them. There are several full pages maybe on this.

The world TradeCenter bombing gets a lot of space.

Thurman of the FVBI crime lab is mentioned once. he gets
only praise. The criticiosm of the FBI crime lab or what
happened to him later is not mentioned.

The story about Clinton ordering the reconstruction over the
objections of the NTSB comes from this book. Panetta is mentioned
in that connection.

There are many things you can learn from the patterns of lying.

[CTRL] [Fwd: Fw: About August 11, 12, 13th 1999]

1999-07-26 Thread Tamre L. Martin-Stock

Just wanted to share this message from a friend of mine concerning the
power that we as Humans may have over events that are coming to

- Forwarded message --
From: lpollaro [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

I have been wanting to post this for a few days...but keep getting
distracted until this morning when I am compelled to pass this around.
As you all know...those rituals at Giza for August the 11,12, 13th are
being planned RIGHT NOW. We need to start our prayer plans now too!
  I thought it would be helpful...immenantly necessary to begin a cycle
of prayer today to offset what they are doing in Egypt. They have
members strategically placed at certain points all over the world also
doing these rituals while the August rituals are going on.
   My idea was for us to all remember to pray to offset this every three
hours6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm, 12am, 3am and 6am...again. If we
do this according to our own time zones...we have prayer around the
   Some of us believe that time is the unity can be in
spirit. I know it is probably that we might miss some of the times...but
if we think of it and pray even if for a momentI am sure they will
be heard.
   We need to start now and keep this up through August 18th when the
comet or Cassini  is to re-enter the atmosphere...whatever happens then.

It is important in praying that we focus on love as the essential
element and direct it toward not only the world...but to the Illuminati
and persons involved doing the rituals...that they might find
enlightenment in God's love.
   Pass this on to as many people as you can...and as many lists as
possible.   I believe that love and God are stronger than any negative
or hosted operatives working for the dark side. We need to be united in
this effort this is a very critical time.

  Love to all,   Linda (Cassie) P.

Get the Internet just the way you want it.
Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month!
Try Juno Web:

[CTRL] Fwd: To Pres. Congress re: JFK Jr MURDER

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

This is the letter we are emailing to the president, vice-perpetrator and
all members of Congress today, July 26, 1999.

Unlike situations such as the downing of TWA Fl. 800 going all the way
back to the murder of PRESIDENT John F. Kennedy, THIS TIME, there IS a

We MUST use this fact to the FORCE THE ISSUE NOW!

Feel free to use this in your own emailings.

This same exact letter can be used as an OPEN LETTER to the Pres.
vice-perp and that bunch in Congress by emailing it to ALL RECIPIENTS on
the mass media email list--included again by NewsHawk at the very end of
THIS email.

Best Wishes,
John Quinn

Mr. President, Vice President, All Members of Congress--

It is increasingly clear John F. Kennedy Jr. was MURDERED. Please
publicly address the contents of this FBI preliminary report
(enclosed) and other evidence presented herein immediately.. 

We DEMAND an immediate investigation by all relevant branches of
government into ANY and ALL ASPECTS of this most outrageous and
extraordinary situation.

Rest assured this issue will NEVER GO AWAY.


This email contains a number of articles. Scroll down to retrieve ALL INFORMATION.

NewsHawk INC



JFK's PLANE Says Skolnick
By Sherman Skolnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7-25-99

NOTE - Sherman Skolnick will be Jeff's Guest at 8 pm Pacific tonight

What Happened to America's Golden Boy - Pt 4

By Sherman Skolnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7-25-99


1. No declassification until 7/22/2029.

2. This is in deference to the wishes of a senior member of the Kennedy family.

3. Also in deference to the order of the national government and in
respect to certain foreign intelligence agencies having reciprocal
agreements with the U.S.

4. POTUS order and national security findings attached.

5. The recovered aircraft shows evidence of an explosive device having
been glued or affixed within the tail luggage compartment.

6. Device was apparently actuated by a barometric trigger. Radio signals
not ruled out.

7. Tail of aircraft was dismembered from the plane making it front heavy.

8. Study of radar shows the plane fell in excess of 6,000 feet per
minute up to radar cutoff.

9. Satellite images supplied by the National Reconnaissance Office
record an outbursting flash from the aircraft just prior to it going
into perpendicular descent.

10. Tail structure was dismembered just prior to descent.

11. Recovery of a piece of luggage from beyond the flight path of the
aircraft correlates with it being hurtled out of the tail luggage
compartment at outburst.

12. Preliminary examination of the aircraft shows residue of an
explosive device the Laboratory identifies as being the type used by
certain foreign intelligence agencies. Refer to POTUS order and findings.

13. Study of Air Traffic Control and other radio signals shows no Mayday
report from the aircraft, explained by rapidity of descent.

14. Investigation and examination has been strictly compartmentalized.

15. A short, perfunctory examination of the recovered bodies was
completed. Examination revealed that Carolyn Bessette Kennedy was in
third trimester pregnant, the fetus a boy. The four bodies were
transferred to a senior member of the Kennedy family. The Bureau was not
informed whether the bodies were actually cremated. Indirect advisories
report that the bodies may have been shipped in untagged containers to
foreign destinations. Reliable assets are to submit reports.

America is under siege as of right now.

Jeff Rense's broadcast tonight with Sherman Skolnick, on the contents of
the leaked FBI document pinpointing an onboard bomb as the cause of the
JFK Jr. plane crash, was temporarily yanked from the net in an
UNPRECEDENTED move in the brief history of the Internet.

Here is Jeff's reply to messages sent to him by NewsHawk saying "Where's
the JFK Jr broadcast? Is everything smooth?," after the broadcast failed
to come on for over 30 minutes.

Apparently deciding that, as Jeff noted in this email to me, this action
VALIDATES the content of the leaked report, "they" relented at about
8:37 PM and the show is now on. Note the time of Jeff's email--8:20 PM PDT.

John Quinn
NewsHawk Inc.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Broadcast re JFK Jr./Bomb
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 20:19:50 -0800

'They' have cut the show off the net.  Validates the material.

Jeff Rense

This portion of the FAA's OWN regulations regarding emergency procedures

[CTRL] The best of the broadband apocalypse

1999-07-26 Thread Lucio Benedetto

 -Caveat Lector-

CTRL readers might be interested in Gonzo Links, bringing you links to the
best of the broadband apocalypse.  Think of it as your online guide to
millennial America, including links to conspiracy, ufos, spooks, panic
culture, and the usual suspects.



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Fwd: Radio Show: LOST HISTORY

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 WBAI  New York City (99.5 FM-Tuesdays 7-8pm))
KPFK  Los Angeles  (90.7 FM)
(Los Angeles:  Roy Tuckman's "Something's Happening Show, rebroadcasts all 
Expert Witness Shows on Thursdays at 1: am)
 212-209-2800 (voice mail #2970)

Host: Michael Levine, 25 Year veteran federal agent and author of NY Times 
bestseller "DEEP COVER" -  "THE BIG WHITE LIE"(optioned for movie) -The 
fact-based thriller (now in paperback) THE TRIANGLE OF DEATH  ("Compelling 
authenticity..." N.Y. Times )

which includes many of the shows, taped and archived, books, photos and 
opinion articles.  Shows may be downloaded free of charge.

being broadcast on the Internet, live,  on Tuesday Evenings, 7-8PM, New York 
City Time.  Just hit: or Hear WBAI on the web at  or:

Robert Parry, (editor of IF Magazine) the Associated Press journalist who was 
the only mainstream media journalist to "out" Oliver North for  his 
documented  involvement in protecting massive drug smuggling into the brains 
and veins of our children will be interviewed by Michael Levine, host of THE 
EXPERT WITNESS SHOW, about his new book:  LOST HISTORY— the history of how 
the "Monica Lewinsky Press Corps" diddled and our Congress fiddled, while the 
uncontrolled, unmonitored gang that can't spy straight edged us closer to 
Armagedon.  (including the most recent and frightening events, barely noticed 
by mainstream media).  Tune in and have your tape-recorders ready. You will 
want to pass this show on to your elected representatives.  


[CTRL] Fwd: FBI Document-Kennedy death

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

To clear up any confusion neither I nor my organization  endorsed as
genuine or true the material made public by Sherman Skolnick said to be
a preliminary FBI report showing John Kennedy Jr. was murdered by means
of an onboard bomb.

To repeat: I never said I was endorsing what Skolnick released. I only
noted that it was released and that whatever happened with Rense's show
DID happen.

I then felt that it is reasonable to present the information (along with
that from other sources) to others AND to the clowns in government and

Furthermore I NEVER SAID I believe it true or genuine--ONLY that it
existed and that the bizarreness with the Rense broadcast DID occur.
Jeff Rense indicated he believed the fact the broadcast was "yanked"
validated the material. I didn't say that, he did.

Let's see what "they" have to say about THE SOLID EVIDENCE we've pieced
together, showing a clear trail of after-the-fact manipulation of news
and information in the entire business.

MAINLY, Kennedy was NOT in ANY kind of trouble AT ALL when he radioed
the airport minutes before landing. Yet within seconds AFTER this, the
REAL radar shows his plane dropped like a rock. This radio call occurred
LATER in time than the subsequently "found" (RIGHT) radar data which
supposedly "indicated" he was having control problems minutes BEFORE he
made this all-important call. THAT'S why all mention of this radio
contact was ERASED from mass media slop-news.

I have posted the ORIGINAL UPI article dated July 17, 1999 with the
information on this CRUCIAL radio contact far and wide.

I DO believe it's clear at this time that foul play is the reason for
the plane crash.

I also believe that--just so that it can be said to have been
done--every member of the federal govermnment and mass media who can be
sent the material SHOULD be sent the material.

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.


1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan


From Ru Mills:

Yesterday, Sunday, July 25th on Meet the Press with  Tim Russert, Jesse
Ventura gave away the secret to the only way he will run for  president.

He said, and this is not a verbatim quote..."that the people of Minnesota
have elected him to be their governor and that is what he is going to do"

He went on to state "the only way I would run for president is if they
put my name on the ballot."

The way he said this implied that he would run, but not campaign in the
normal way.

One thing I am sure of


If this is the plan that Governor Ventura has in the back of his mind, then
he needs to do one thing.


I recently pulled out a copy of the December 1996 issure of Rumor Mill News.
On the back page of this edition was a photograph my sources sent me of JFK,
Jr in the oval office with President Clinton. The note they attached to the
photo read, "The Democratic elders have decided that the only person who can
win against the Republicans in 1999 is JFK, JR."

 You all know what happened to JFK, JR. I will be posting this Photo on my
back up web page. If you have already have the link, you can look for it this
evening. If not, I will be sending the link as soon as I get it.

Governor Ventura is not a stupid man. He was a Navy SEAL. He knows how easy
it is to blow the tail off a plane and call it "a tragic accident caused by
an inexperienced pilot."

He knows everything there is to know about political assassinations, "wet
ops" and professional assassins whose speciality is making the assassination
look like an accident. I am not saying that Governor Ventura had any part in
these types of operations, what I am saying is he was a Navy SEAL, and Navy
SEALS talk to each other about what they have done, therefore I know he has
heard the stories, even if he has not had first hand experience.

People who have done the research know that the world is run by several
different cabals who all agree on which of their candidate is going to be
elected as President. These cabals knew that JFK, JR would win the presidency
if he was elected. They also knew they couldn't control him, he would be a
"loose cannon".

I don't believe that JFK, JR. was assassinatedI KNOW IT!

And if I know it, you can be sure that Governor Ventura knows it too. The
only way Governor Ventura can stay alive is by staying in his own home state
where he runs the show and THE STATE POLICE.

If he is smart, he will

1.  Immediately hire some of his old and trusted SEAL friends to be his body

2. Buy numerous bomb sniffing dogs to be with him everywhere he goes.

3. Arrange a safe house for his family with trusted SEALs as their guards.

4. Arrange to campaign through the Internet, WEB-TV, radio and purchased
television ads.

5. Pick a running mate and announce the entire cabinet.  Make sure the
running mate will become President in case the worst happens and Governor
Ventura is killed before the election. Make sure the next in line through
Presidential succession will become President in case the Vice President is
assassinated, and so on down the line.

If we are going to wrest control of our country from the hands of men who
have corrupted it for years, these are the rules that we have to play by. If
I know this, so does the Governor.

Will he tell the real reason he is not campaigning like the other candidates?
Of course not. The media is controlled by the cabals who have already picked
George W. Bush as their candidate. If Governor Ventura or any of his people
let it slip that he is afraid of political assassination, then the media will
crucify him as they did Ross Perot in 1992.

The media will make him look like a paranoid control type who is "holed up"
in the Capitol building because he is sure "the bad guys" are out to get him.
Those  of you who remember what the media did to Perot in 1992 will
understand what Ventura has in store for him.

In 1992, Ross Perot was also told that he would be killed. He had already
seen his reputation destroyed when he told the public that he dropped out
the first time because someone had threatened to release  embarassing
information on his daughter right before her wedding.

Back in 1992, the American public did not believe that people were capable of
"Larry Flynting" someone, but after 7 years of Clinton "dirty tricks", the
American public now knows anything is possible in a campaign. Just ask,
Republican Henry Hyde;  Republican, Dan Burton; Republican, Bob Livingston
and Republican, Helen Chenowith. They all know what it is like to be attacked
by the pit bulls that work for Clinton and his ruling cabals.

Regardless of the threat to his life, Perot ran  for President on the Reform
Party anyway. He did so with a modicum of confidence because he prepared for
the safety of himself and his family in exactly the same way that I am


1999-07-26 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

 -Caveat Lector-

Does it matter?

-Original Message-
From: Kris Millegan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 26, 1999 2:35 PM

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Neo-British Empire of the Crown - 500 Year Chronology ...

1999-07-26 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Empire of the Clown?

God Shave the Queen.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Is that you, Harvey?

1999-07-26 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From BostonHerald

 Harebrained stunt dogs Gore campaign
 by Joe Sciacca

 Monday, July 26, 1999

 As if poor Al Gore didn't have enough problems on the campaign
 trail, he's now being stalked by a rabbit.

 A 7-foot rabbit with a bushy tail, floppy ears and, unfortunately
 for the vice president, the determination of a turtle not a hare.

 ``When he first saw me in D.C., I think it was March, he got out
 of his car, stopped, stared and just walked away,'' the rabbit
 said. ``The Secret Service made me sit in the back of a car while
 they ran my Social Security number. But now, I have major

 The rabbit has chased Gore from state to state, albeit very
 slowly because, as it explains, ``My feet are 3 feet long. ''

 Gore stops in New Hampshire. He sees the rabbit. Iowa, he sees
 the rabbit. Virginia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. Rabbit, rabbit,

 While George W. Bush has merely the occasional pink elephant with
 which to cope, Gore is being driven bonkers by a bunny. He wants
 it to stop.

 Gore aides have called PETA - the rabid animal rights group,
 People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals - and repeatedly
 complained and last week, the rabbit himself reports, the vice
 president's campaign committee called and requested peace talks.

 At issue is Gore's support of a High Production Volume Chemical
 Testing program that will test the hazards of chemicals like
 turpentine and rat poison on birds, fish and yes, rabbits. You
 don't want to know the details.

 Gore's campaign office didn't return my call on this one, but has
 maintained in the past that the tests are needed to protect the
 public health and will be carried out as humanely as possible.

 Personally, I'm not a PETA type. If we were meant to exist on
 seaweed and wheatballs, we'd have sponges, not teeth. I admit I
 feel a twinge selecting a lobster for execution, but drawn butter
 and an ear of corn usually help me feel better.

 But the rabbit that is terrorizing Al Gore? I have to say, I love
 it. And PETA, you've got to love them, just for the entertainment
 value if nothing else.

 Who else would try to put up billboards in cattle states like
 Texas, Kansas and Colorado proclaiming that ``Eating meat can
 cause impotence.''

 And decry the serving of seafood at the New England Aquarium cafe
 as ``the equivalent of eating poodle burgers at a dog show.''

 OK, so they pushed the envelope a little when they protested
 Wheaties putting the picture of a professional bass fishing
 champion on its box, calling the cereal ``The Breakfast of

 Sure, they went too far declaring Thanksgiving ``murder for
 turkeys'' and putting a sign in front of Oral Roberts University
 in Tulsa proclaiming ``Jesus was a vegetarian.''

 But there is a strategy to the stunts and sometimes, incredibly,
 it works. Procter  Gamble chairman John Pepper ignored PETA
 until an activist hit him in the face with a pie. Then he called
 PETA, which agreed to stop the ``pie deliveries'' after he said
 he'd consider an end to animal testing.

 And, an Associated Press poll recently showed that two-thirds of
 Americans equate animal suffering with human suffering and
 believe that animal testing for cosmetics is unnecessary.

 Whatever the case, PETA's ``main rabbit guy,'' 27-year-old Jason
 Baker, is planning his travel schedule - New York, Maine and
 Tennessee - which somehow happens to coincide with Gore's.

 ``It's kind of hectic and the costume isn't your ordinary rabbit
 suit. It's huge. It's heavy,'' he said. ``It's so hot I have to
 wear an ice vest. You've got to keep fluids in you.'' Carrot
 juice, undoubtedly.

 Baker, of course, is no novice. ``I was a cow once, and a pig and
 a chicken,'' he said. ``I wore a diaper once, it was a little
 embarrassing. And I was a condom to promote cruelty-free

 This line of work should help this young man when he discovers in
 a few years that it takes a real job to put tofu on the table. I
 can hear his job interview, ``So, Mr. Baker, you were a, uh,
 condom . . .''

 He's not easily deterred. ``If we get vilified for this issue,
 fine. We're not out to make friends. We're out to help animals.''

 And while Clinton may be advising him to hold out for those naked
 fur-protesting fashion models, Gore might just have to hop to it.

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer 

[CTRL] Roma + : 07-26-99

1999-07-26 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


 John Laughland

 Within a month of the end of the bombing campaign against
 Yugoslavia, Nato governments and Belgrade have struck up a
 curious alliance. They are united in a conspiracy of silence
 about the tens of thousands of Serb and gipsy refugees from
 Kosovo, driven from their homes by Albanians. I realised the
 scale of this new humanitarian catastrophe on a recent visit to
 Kosovo as I toured camps of terrified people.

 On Friday, the spokesman for the United Nations High Commission
 for Refugees confirmed this when he said revenge attacks were far
 worse than had been expected. If action was not taken, he said,
 Kosovo would soon be completely ethnically cleansed of Serbs and
 gipsies. But his words are likely to go unheeded, for these poor
 terrified people are an ideological threat to Tony Blair as much
 as they are to Slobodan Milosevic.

 Officially there are no refugees at all in Serbia. Their
 existence proves that Yugoslavia has lost control of Kosovo.
 Whatever concessions Nato made on paper (the most important being
 recognition that Kosovo is an integral part of Yugoslavia), the
 reality is that Nato and the Kosovo Liberation Army are now in

 But, for Nato, the flood of refugees destroys the fiction that
 the war was fought for moral principles. Time and again during
 the war Mr Blair said: "This is not a war for territory but for

 Ethnic cleansing was unacceptable and had to be stopped. However,
 if this were the real reason for the war, Nato should logically
 be now bombing the Albanian capital, Tirana, or attacking the KLA
 headquarters all over the province.

 Instead, Nato is turning a blind eye to Albanian atrocities. Far
 from exerting pressure on the KLA, Mr Blair was photographed
 recently enjoying a convivial joke with its leader, Hashim Thaci.
 And while the International Criminal Tribunal prosecutor, Louise
 Arbour, is travelling in Kosovo to draw attention to Serb
 atrocities against Albanians months ago, she is ignoring
 atrocities now being committed by Albanians under her very nose.

 The West even looks the other way, despite its huge military
 presence in the province, as the Albanian Mafia charges Albanian
 refugees ransom money before allowing them to leave the camps and
 return home.

 Serb and gipsy refugees, pouring across the border in their
 hundreds every day, told me how they were chased from homes which
 were then burned before their eyes; how women had been raped; how
 neighbours had been shot or had their throats slit. They also
 said Albanians were killing "loyal Albanians" - Kosovars who had
 worked for the Yugoslav state, for instance as postmen or in

 The refugees also all complained that Nato troops were doing
 nothing to protect them. One 30-year-old mother of three tried to
 alert a British soldier to looting and violence by Albanians. He
 replied: "We have no mandate to arrest people." In the French
 sector, uniformed KLA soldiers walk around unmolested, in
 contravention of the demilitarisation agreement.

 The gipsies' fate is particularly tragic. All over Eastern Europe
 they are a persecuted minority. Only in Serbia, it appears, did
 they live free from discrimination. But Albanians seem to have a
 particular hatred for them. I was taken to a former gipsy quarter
 in the town of Kosovska Mitrovica: all the houses stood empty,
 torched and smashed up by Albanians.

 "We cannot live with the Albanians any more," cried one desperate
 gipsy woman waiting by the roadside with her family and a few
 suitcases. "They are animals."

 If Nato is now declining to stand by the very principles it
 enunciated only a few weeks ago, what credibility can there be
 for the stated justification of the war in the first place?

 Two elements must make us sceptical. First, there was no refugee
 crisis (and thus no "ethnic cleansing") until the bombing
 started. There were many internally displaced people within
 Kosovo, fleeing the civil war, but mass movement into Macedonia
 and Albania began only after bombing started. The more we bombed,
 the more came out. Many were therefore fleeing bombs, not Serbs.
 In any case, hundreds of thousands of Albanians remained in
 Kosovo during the conflict, untouched by Serbs.

 Second, as a KLA leader told an American journalist two years ago
 in Istanbul, the KLA strategy for Kosovo independence (which was
 executed from January 1998 onwards) was to attack and kill Serbs
 in order to provoke reprisals. These were presented to the West
 as racially motivated ethnic cleansing; in reality they were a
 (doubtless brutal) reaction to a brutal terrorist insurrection -
 a fact systematically obscured by Nato propaganda.

 A final thought. The tens of thousands of Serb refugees are a
 potent force for the destabilisation of Serbia. They are already
 voicing discontent that Belgrade is not helping them 

[CTRL] Pleading the 25th

1999-07-26 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


 Kosovo: The New World Army Evolves
 Daniel D. New

 Based upon the precedent of Macedonia, and the lack of
 Congressional backbone to stop the placement of American troops
 under foreign officers, the New World Army is becoming a reality.

 When Army Specialist Michael New refused to wear a United Nations
 uniform and serve under a general from Finland, his attorneys
 pointed out that the precedent would lead to more deployments
 based upon the Globalist Agenda of George Bush and Bill Clinton.

 The House of Representatives, perhaps because they are closer to
 the pulse of the People, actually passed legislation in 1996 to
 forbid the forced deployment of American troops under the United
 Nations. (HR2540, Tom DeLay). The bill never came out of Senate
 committee. But time has passed and like our society at large, the
 attention span of Congress is short and there are matters more

 In 1812-14 we fought a war with Great Britain over the issue of
 His Majesty’s Ships pressing American citizens into service in
 the Royal Navy. We considered our citizenship as sacred, and as
 an issue of sovereignty. We argued, at the point of cannon and
 sword, that no nation could impress the citizens of another
 nation into service against their will – that such was a return
 to feudalism. Washington was burned, but we won the war and
 sovereignty was maintained. For a while.

 How ironic that in Kosovo, American citizens will be forced to
 serve under British soldiers, against their will, this time
 ordered there by an American President!

 At issue is not the quality of the British officer in question.
 He’s no doubt a gentleman and a fine officer. The entire issue is
 whether it is legal, whether it is lawful, and if so, whether
 American citizens are no longer sovereigns. Is the "Grand
 Experiment" in self government expired? Many say this is the end
 of the Republic, and they may well be right.

 When Americans are forced to bear arms in a conflict not their
 own, they are turned into involuntary mercenaries. No semantic
 smokescreen can make it anything else.

 When a soldier accepts extra pay for the hazardous duty of
 serving a foreign power, under foreign officers, he becomes a
 voluntary mercenary. Let’s start calling a spade a spade.

 When Congress abrogates its responsibility to control the
 military involvement of this country, as clearly stated in the
 Constitution, it has thrown in the towel and is no longer
 functioning as intended by the Framers. Only Congress can declare
 war. George Bush broke the law, but appealed to what he
 maintained was a higher law – the United Nations – when he
 illegally defended Kuwait. At least he acted under color of law.

 Bill Clinton has built upon the Bush legacy of
 internationalization of our military by telling Congress AND the
 United Nations that he will do as he pleases, that he does not
 need either of them, and Madelaine Albright has the temerity to
 boldly proclaim the grand lie that the President is acting with
 Constitutional authority.

 The only authority he has, if any, for these acts of treason must
 be found in Presidential Decision Directive #25, a top-secret
 document that even your Congressman is not allowed to read! This
 is the document whereby the president has authorized himself (!)
 to ignore Congress, ignore the Constitution, and to place our
 soldiers wherever he feels they are most needed.

 Bill Clinton is a rogue head of state. He is acting without any
 authority whatsoever. He is committing impeachable offenses at an
 ever-increasing pace, now that the Senate has capitulated and
 strangled on phony polls and public opinion rather than their
 sworn constitutional duty. The age-old struggle of Rex Lex has
 once again prevailed over Lex Rex. ("The King is over the Law"
 vs. "The Law is over the King.")

 Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the
 governed. (Have you heard this somewhere before?) Whenever any
 government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of
 the People to alter or abolish it.


 PDD 25

 The document below was allegedly; " Released on the WWW by the
 Bureau of International Organizational Affairs, U.S. Department
 of State, February 22, 1996" This State Department release is no
 more than an unclassified summary. The details of the actual
 Secret PDD 25 are still concealed from public scrutiny.

 Clinton Administration Policy on Reforming Multilateral Peace
 Operations (PDD 25) Released on the WWW by the Bureau of
 International Organizational Affairs, U.S. Department of State,
 February 22, 1996


 Last year, President Clinton ordered an inter-agency review of
 our nation's peacekeeping policies and programs in order to
 develop a comprehensive policy framework suited to the realities
 of the post-Cold War period. This policy review has resulted in a

Re: [CTRL] Le Metropole - The Cyberspace Cafe for Investors and Intellectuals

1999-07-26 Thread Fransy

 -Caveat Lector-


'Le Café du Métropole' was and still is a place of fine food and beverages
where great business, political, scientific and economic (macro- et al)
minds and deals were/are poised to meet and wheel in the heart of Brussels,
Place de Brouckère.

It is the well known 'café-restaurant' of the 'Hôtel Métropole' one of the
oldest and greatest hotel in Brussels since the end of the 19th century.
Kings, Princes and Ambassadors from the world were guests there. And 'le
Concièrge du Métropole' was reknown everywhere in Europe! He knew every
guest's little 'fantasy'.

It is known that France offered the Statue of Liberty to America, but it is
much less known that the model for that statue (thus the original) was a
small (about a yard high) statue on top of the frontpiece (facade opening)
of the Hôtel Métropole in Brussels.

As now Brussels has been declared the "Capitale de l'Europe" 'Le Café du
Métropole' is even more international in nature.

It is thus a very fine name for your Cyberspace Cafe :)

Best Regards,
Frans Uytterhoeven
International Hospitality Management and Offshore Consultant.
ULB, Brussels and Seminars in Hotel Management in Cornell and Lansing U.

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
Behalf Of Kris Millegan
Sent: Monday, July 26, 1999 5:54 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Le Metropole - The Cyberspace Cafe for Investors and

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Le Metropole Cafe/A
Le Metropole
The Cyberspace Cafe for Investors and Intellectuals

Welcome to Le Metropole. It is a venue where investors and intellectuals
from all over the world can meet to discuss the vibrant economic and
financial issues of the day. Our theme is the French cafes of the early
to mid 20th century, Le Moulin Rouge ( Pigalle ), Les Deux Magots ( St.
Germain ), Le Flore ( St. Germain ), La Coupole ( Montparnasse ) and
Brasserie Lipp ( St. Germain ). Paris was a place where artists,
intellectual figures, public personalities, etc., all met to engage,
share, and learn. Times have changed but the human craving for knowledge
and association with the most fascinating minds and creators out there
has not. The internet has made it possible for us to present economic
and financial commentary via " The Minds of Le Metropole", an economic
dream team, and for you to be able to interact with others about this

Our team of authoritative experts will focus on: U. S. Financial Markets
, World Financial Markets, Asia, Gold ( commodities ) and International
Events that affect these markets.

The Minds of Le Metropole

The roster of the economic dream team thus far are:
From the National School of Statistics and Economic Studies in Paris,
the Institut D'Etude Politiques, and the Masters Program in Pure
Mathematics at the University of Paris, Eric Barande. Eric is well known
in Europe as an independent strategist on economics and financial
Out of Manila and the San Francisco Art Institute, Greg Pickup. Greg,
our market technician and author has been at the Chicago Board of Trade
since 1979. He advises commercial grain and oilseed companies worldwide.

John BrimelowFrom the University of London and the Business School at
Stanford, John Brimelow. John is a notable, institutional stock broker
with a vast information network and possesses a keen sense of the market
significance of world events.
From Lake Forest College in Illinois, Charles Peabody. Charles has been
a bank analyst since 1981 and is a former II rated analyst in both money
center and regional banks. As an independent in New York, he provides
analysis unencumbered by bureaucracies and corporate pressures.
Out of the undergraduate and graduate schools at Texas Christian
University, David W. Tice. David, both a C.F.A. and C.P.A., manages the
Prudent Bear mutual fund. His Dallas-based research firm advises more
than 150 institutional investors.
Out of Christchurch, New Zealand and the London School of Economics,
Neville Bennett. Neville, a PhD., teaches " Japan and the World Economy
" at the Canterbury Graduate School and writes a column for the
prestigious National Business Review.

In the Cafe you will find tables named after some of the well known
celebrants of the by-gone Paris days. Here, food for thought will be
served via posting forums in which you can present your own opinions and
learn from others about the subjects of most interest to you.

Le Metropole is a Cafe privé in the sense that membership is $149 per
year (when fully opened) or $14 per month. So that you may learn if our
Cafe is for you, we would like to extend to you a "two week free

Please note: Like a real Cafe, this is a soft opening. We are working
out the kinks before we determine our final macro squad and open the
entire Cafe with "Grande Premiere Mondiale". Therefore, our pre opening
membership price is 

[CTRL] Fwd: FBI report/JFK Jr's Flight Instructor/Unmatching ID numbers

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Whatever the genuineness, or lack thereof, of the alleged FBI preliminary
report pointing to an onboard bomb as the cause of the plane crash, it
is unquestionable that publication of this document on Sunday evening,
July 25 by Jeff Rense's Sightings website and others (such as by
NewsHawk) provoked a SERIOUS amount of bizarre, inexplicable,
unprecedented and disturbing activity in relation not ONLY to the
broadcast but ALSO in relation to attempts by NewsHawk to forward the
text of the report for hours last night.

Rense's program was blocked for a period of over 30 minutes from the web
due to the fact his broadcast Sunday night was about the content and
implications of the alleged "leaked" FBI report, although the broadcast
reportedly DID air via radio transmission.

Other turmoil and disruptions were experienced by NewsHawk. In short:
efforts by us to email the report to a mailing list and to media and
governmental organizations met with repeated failure.. for UNKNOWN
reasons. Furthermore incomprehensible havoc has been played with our
email systems as a whole--sending and return email addresses altered;
formatting of sent messages altered; dates and times altered; messages
sent and received in complete gobbledygook format; repeated failures in
attempts by other parties to email us; and most odd of all: cryptic,
vaguely threatening email messages received by NewsHawk, from totally
unfamiliar and in fact bogus email addresses, indicating that this
activity was being done by those who "are watching you' (us).

We spoke on the air with Seattle talk show host Mike Webb early Monday
morning July 26 for over an hour on the growing pile of evidence
indicating a catastrophic event caused the destruction of Kennedy's
plane, NOT speculative pilot error or mechanical failure.

Webb made prominent note of the fact that he had conversed AT LENGTH
earlier that day with John Kennedy Jr's federal pilot licensing
instructor in Vero Beach Fla., Mr. John McColgan.

He described the instructor, McColgan, as being VERY reluctant to talk
at first; notably suspicious and generally paranoid in his initial
responses to questions, stating he had "answered everything already" and
wondering exactly who Webb was.

McColgan finally loosened up and went on to make highly positive
assessments of the quality of JFK Jr.s flying skills and ALSO said in
fact Kennedy had MANY HUNDREDS of hours flying experience under his belt.

McColgan noted Kennedy had amassed even MORE hours of flight instruction
than McColgan had been aware of when interviewed by the Orlando Sentinel
(as reported by CNN) on July 18. He further stated that JFK Jr was IN
FACT just about to receive his INSTRUMENT FLIGHT RATING!!!

McColgan noted that Kennedy had JUST RECENTLY completed further
instruction in just this--instrument flight rules training.

McColgan said Kennedy had been flying since 1982.

NewsHawk has received word that the ID numbers on the plane said to be
Kennedy's and the ID number of his plane as it has been previously
listed DO NOT MATCH!

Keep in mind that the SERIAL number of a plane and it's TAIL number are
in fact one and the same.

The relevant portion of the email received is reprinted here.

"I just tried to confirm the tail Number of Kennedy's aircraft!--it is
now unavailable!--... the Official Gov't report--listed N9-253N as the
tail number but a photo sent in had the tail # as--OE-KMJ--or
QE-KMJ--... I as a pilot realize the tail number  serial number of the
aircraft are in fact the SAME!-- this Number is in fact POSITIVE

John A. Quinn
NewsHawk Inc.

[CTRL] Fwd: Rense statement-broadcast interruption

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan


NewsHawk inadvertently overstepped the bounds of confidentiality in
releasing publicly Jeff Rense's immediate knee-jerk statement in
response to the fact his interview with Sherman Skolnick was not
available on the net for approximately 37 minutes last night.

Jeff has asked that I clarify the following. He does NOT give
unqualified endorsement as to the validity and truth of the document
said by Sherman Skolnick to be a leaked FBI preliminary report on the
intentional downing of Kennedy's plane.

Jeff Rense has indicated that in his view, the fact such an event
occurred regarding his broadcast TENDED to validate the material under
discussion, NOT that he says absolutely the report is unquestionable. I
think this is thoroughly reasonable position of Jeff's which must be
made note of.

Best Wishes
John Quinn

[CTRL] new virus - WOBBLER

1999-07-26 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 22:27:09 -0400
From: "Michael Kessler" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 7/15/99 7:24:45 PM EST, Meibea writes:

 We have been informed of a new virus - WOBBLER.
 It will arrive on e-mail titled CALIFORNIA.
 IBM and AOL have announced that it is very powerful, more so than
 Melissa,there is no remedy.  It will eat all your information on the
 hard drive and also destroys Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet

 Explorer.  Do not open anything with this title and please pass this
 message on to all your contacts and anyone who uses your e-mail
 facility.  Not many
 people seem to know about this yet so propagate it as fast as
 possible.Please pass this warning on to anyone you know.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Y2K test KOs phone service [Canada]

1999-07-26 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

Monday July 26, 1999

Y2K test KOs phone service
New system leaves Bell's PrimeLine customers hanging
Natalie Armstrong

The Ottawa Citizen

TORONTO -- A Y2K glitch yesterday caused yet another Bell Canada system to
crash, leaving thousands of Ontario businesses and residences without phone

Denis Lalonde, assistant vice-president of the Year 2000 Program at Bell
Canada, said yesterday's disrupted service to more than 9,000 PrimeLine
customers across Ontario was "a very isolated incident" for the program.

Mr. Lalonde said 7,500 Toronto PrimeLine customers were being transferred to
a new Y2K-ready system. It operated for only three hours before crashing at
about 10 a.m. local time. The problem lasted two hours.

About 1,200 PrimeLine customers in Ottawa-Hull, Hamilton, London and
Kitchener who were already on the Y2K-ready system for several weeks, were
also affected.

PrimeLine is a service that provides customers with one phone number so
their calls can be forwarded to follow wherever they go, such as home,
office or cellular lines. The service is also available in Montreal and
Quebec City, but those subscribers weren't affected.

There are about 17,000 PrimeLine customers in total, many of whom are
small-business operators.

It was the third time in a week that Bell experienced a system failure, with
the collapse of a Toronto-area 911 emergency network on the weekend and a
fire last Friday that affected service nationwide.

Ted Mallett, director of research for the Canadian Federation of Independent
Business, said such telecommunication crashes can be detrimental for small
businesses, which rely on telephones, fax lines and Internet for

"Small businesses these days are more dependent than ever on phone lines,
and any interruption of service can range from mildly annoying to
catastrophic, depending on the time of day and the kind of problem it is,"
said Mr. Mallett, adding many small businesses have about four lines, for
phone, fax and Internet. His organization represents 90,000 small- and
medium-sized business owners across Canada.

But Bell says it expects no further Y2K problems.

"To date we have been successful in upgrading 99.9 per cent of our network
with no impact on customers," said Mr. Lalonde, adding that represents 325
central offices. He said Bell expects to be Y2K-ready by early fall.

On Friday, an electrical fire at a Bell Canada switching station in Toronto
cut phone lines to customers in the city and all electronic communications
that feed through the station. A large part of Toronto was left without
telephone service, bank services were affected across Canada and Internet
providers reported major disruptions.

Copyright 1999 Ottawa Citizen


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] I did not have technological relations with that country, China,[EXCLUSIVE]

1999-07-26 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

White House Protest

"Mr. Clinton, we have you surrounded. Put down the cigar . . .

Speakers, Demonstrators Demand Accountability in Chinagate Scandal
Tim Phares

July 26, 1999

They came from Colorado, Texas, New Jersey, California, Pennsylvania, St.
Louis, New Orleans, Florida, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Baltimore, and around
the United States carrying signs that said things like "I did not have
technological relations with that country, China," "Clinton: Chinagate
Treason," "Rape, War, Treason. Awesome Legacy, Bill," "China Owns Clinton,"
"Treason is the Reason. Impeach Him Again," and "Treason IS a removable
They came to hear speakers such as Larry Klayman, founder and General
Counsel of Judicial Watch; journalist Christopher Hitchens; talk-show host
and presidential hopeful Alan Keyes; and others.

They came to demand that President Clinton and his associates be held
accountable for the transfer of military secrets to Communist China and the
acceptance of illegal campaign contributions from that country.

A demonstrator with a bullhorn and a fake Russian accent walked up and down
Pennsylvania Avenue saying, "There is no escape from your dictator Klinton."

A group of attendees faced the White House and shouted in unison, "Mr.
Clinton, we have you surrounded. Put down the cigar, step away from the
intern, and come out with your pants up."

This was the atmosphere in Washington, D.C. Saturday at the "Treason is the
Reason" rally and dinner organized by Free Republic and Judicial Watch.

Except for one advertisement in the Washington Times Weekly Edition, the
rally and dinner was organized by the Internet. The rally took place on the
fifth anniversary of the founding of Judicial Watch.

Emcees for the rally were Quinn and Rose, who host a radio talk show on WRRK
in Pittsburgh. The dinner was emceed by Blanquita Cullum, President of the
National Association of Radio Talk Show Hosts (NARTSH).

Emcee Jim Quinn said that "the media says that the Chinagate scandal is too
complex for people to understand." He then offered this one minute
explanation: "The governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton, uses the Arkansas
Teachers Retirement Fund for his own purposes," Quinn explained, "putting
his political career in danger. An Indonesian businessman named Mochtar
Riady, who has ties to the Chinese government, brings a check to cover it
and saves Clinton's career. He has John Huang, his own personal spy, placed
in the Commerce Department, then after all the information is transferred,
he becomes a Democratic National Committee fund-raiser to collect the debt,"
Quinn said.

"Have you noticed that the only people indicted in this scandal are Asian
Americans and African Americans?," Klayman asked. "When are the white boys
in the White House going to be brought to justice?"

Klayman remembered his grandparents. "They had more patriotism, were more
loving of this country than the occupants of that house over there," he
said, gesturing at the White House.

"They did not come to this country to see it sold out to foreign powers," he

Discussing the sale of seats on trade missions for campaign contributions,
Klayman said that the important issue is "what went on during those trade

Citing the testimony of Nolanda Hill, the business partner and mistress of
the late Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, Klayman said that Hill testified that
"they were meeting with Chinese agents of espionage to plot the destruction
of this country."

Klayman charged that "these people violated not only the campaign finance
laws but every other law we know of." He noted that former Senator John
Glenn (D-Ohio) and Senators Robert Torricelli (D-NJ) and Don Nickles
(R-Okla.) "also got contributions from [John] Huang," one of the leading
figures in the campaign finance scandal. He said that Sen. Fred Thompson
(R-Tenn.), who chaired the Senate's campaign finance inquiry, "received
money from Jorge Cabrera," a drug dealer with close ties to Fidel Castro.

Klayman also said that Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) "is involved in the
Teamsters scandal."

"The Establishment wants to preserve their existence at all costs," said
Klayman at the dinner. "Thirty-eight scandals later, Washington wants to
move on," Klayman said. "The Republicans left in power someone so dangerous,
so psychopathic that we should all be grateful that we are even surviving as
a nation," he added.

He said that Vincent Foster, the onetime White House aide and law partner of
Hillary Rodham Clinton, "was an integral part of Filegate. "Could it be that
he said, I am going to make this right?"

Klayman revealed that Judicial Watch has been threatened for the work it is
doing, "but we don't like to talk about it."

Garland Favorito, a freelance political writer and commentator, brought a
chart to the podium which showed the interconnections between Chinese
government operations and the Clinton Administration.

"What it boils down to is 


1999-07-26 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

July 26, 1999 - 2:39 PM


WEIRTON, WV -- Today, the 4,000 member Independent Steelworkers Union based
at Weirton Steel Corporation officially endorsed Republican Presidential
candidate Patrick J. Buchanan.

Mr. Buchanan told the union members, "The globalists in Washington who
believe that all Americans are riding a wave of Wall Street prosperity don't
like to talk about the Weirtons of America. But I have seen factories closed
and towns destroyed by illegal steel dumping, and I believe this betrayal of
American workers must come to an end."

"President Clinton broke his 1992 promise to Weirton's steelworkers to
'enforce strictly the antidumping laws'," Mr. Buchanan said. "But in the
words of Ronald Reagan a generation ago, I pledge to you that America will
not become a 'steel dump for the world.' In a Buchanan Administration, you
will have an ally in the White House who will stand with America's
steelworkers against the foreign regimes that are killing our jobs and
ravaging our manufacturing base by illegally dumping their subsidized

Independent Steelworkers Union President Mark Glyptis said, "We are
extremely pleased to fully endorse and support the only presidential
candidate who is genuinely concerned for the future of the American steel
industry and American working people. Pat Buchanan has a history of standing
up for American workers, and today we stand united for Pat Buchanan."

For more information contact:
Bob Adams at 703.734.2700

-- 30 --

You can help Pat right now while you are online!

P. O. Box 2000,  Dunn Loring, Virginia 22027

Tel: 703-734-2700
Buchanan 2000 - Scott B. Mackenzie, Treasurer
©1999 Buchanan 2000


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] America: A Filthy Police State

1999-07-26 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Saw a sign on easy street, said be prepared to stop...

William Shannon wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Maybe they can target the unwashed scum who sport Grateful Dead stickers
 Haven't seen many Led Zep stickers in these parts (Chicago) in years but the
 G.Dead seem to be on the cars of all sorts of trash, hell once I saw a
 Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac, a little voice inside my head said don't look


 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] America: A Filthy Police State

1999-07-26 Thread Greg Vargas

 -Caveat Lector-

I happen to have a GD sticker on my Corvair.  I am far from unwashed
(very sanitary indeed), nor am I trash (good job, good money).  I won't
say what the little voice inside my head is saying right now.

-Original Message-
From: Bill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 26, 1999 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] America: A Filthy Police State

 -Caveat Lector-

Saw a sign on easy street, said be prepared to stop...

William Shannon wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Maybe they can target the unwashed scum who sport Grateful Dead
 Haven't seen many Led Zep stickers in these parts (Chicago) in years
but the
 G.Dead seem to be on the cars of all sorts of trash, hell once I saw a
 Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac, a little voice inside my head said
don't look


 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FW: [apfn] People, please check this out!!!

1999-07-26 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Muslim or Christian,
Mullah or Pope,
Preacher or Poet,
Who was it wrote?
"Give any one species too much rope and they'll f--- it
Roger Waters
Amused to Death


  -Caveat Lector-

 This a joke.  Go to the site, it is obviously a joke.  Don't be alarmed!

 In a message dated 7/24/99 10:29:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  This is scary. See where technology is taking us now. Go to   and get a
   picture of  yourself right through your monitor. This is Big Brother
   at its best or worst. Imagine what they have already seen.
   Microsoft has developed this technology that dot dithers your screen
   to act as a camera receptacle. As you will see, the beta web site
   captures your image just as if you had the computer connected to a
   video cam. This technology may have been around for months and
   installed on web sites without our knowledge or permission. If so than
   those web sites are capturing images of you unawares as you view your

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Jesus in the Sky with Aliens - May 17, 2000

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""SOS Message to
Humanity 2


Urgent Message to Humanity!

News U Can Really Use!

This newspaper attracted the attention of someone claiming to have the
original ministry of Jesus and the messages from the Father. Our track
record for examining, reporting, and in most cases, debunking modern day
end times prophets speaks for itself. However, after reading the
author's recently published books, comparing the undeniable FACTUAL
evidence presented, and speaking with the prophet personally; we tend to
believe this prophet is correct! The National Organization for the
Advancement of Humanity entered their official endorsement of the
author's scholarship of end times prophecies on June 1, 1999 A.D. The
Bible tells us a prophet was to come heralding the savior's return. The
Bible also warns us to beware of false prophets in these times of
trouble and that no man knoweth the hour nor the day. Brothers and
sisters of the HUMAN RACE, with logical argument we have proven this
prophet is NOT false, and obviously she is not a man!

The prophet will be contributing regularly to this paper the who, what,
how, when, where, and why of what Jesus REALLY said, and what will be in
the end of days. It is not the intent of this news organization nor
intent of the prophet to force any belief system upon anyone. Our
intention is, has been, and forever will be, only to examine the truth
of the hidden Biblical prophecies and to save as many souls as humanly
possible in these times of trouble. Those that hath ears will hear.
Those that hath eyes will see. Those that hath faith in Him will not
perish but have everlasting life.

Just in case the Men In Bras, (excuse me,) Black don't like these
messages shared with the public,
as they have already tried to furiously stop them, this message will be
quite succinct, so that they are heard. You can get the details at the
SOS website. If there are malfunctions, don't be surprised, come back
later. Download this paper and give a copy to everyone you know. These
are the messages "They" don't want heard, in case this is the last
you'll hear from us, we wanted to make sure you got the news.

This is definitely NEWS U CAN USE!

Messages from the White Buffalo Calf Woman . . .
Mitakuye Oaysin, to all my relations, I am here. My people, the Lakota,
did not find me worthy enough to bring messages from the Father Spirit
to the children of earth, so I submit them in this newsletter, so that
even though I may not be worthy enough for some, I hope I am worthy
enough to be heard by those who await this news. I thank this newsletter
for hearing me.
The Father loves us. He gave us the opportunity to escape from this
darkness. He and His People are returning soon, and He prays you have
the courage and faith to wait for him, no matter how dark it gets. For
the darkness will turn to absolute horror in less than a year.
Starvation is the
menu, and sickness the activity. Ask your local government. He wants you
to know he will be meeting each and every one of you soon, for soon all
will die on this planet. Those that remember Him will die first, then
the criminals of earth, for the world government does not want to
relinquish earth to The Father Jesus spoke of, when the King of Heaven
returns and decrees the eradication of all criminals on earth.
I have formed a Church of the white buffalo calf woman. I am under the
same laws as any other church, yet the beliefs of my people were on this
land, long before the white man took all of it away and erected his own
churches. I brought the pipe to my people, and I said "smoke it". And in
that pipe was what this government forbids, the sacred ceremonial
incense of the pipe, marijuana. I am the seventh angel, I am the
granddaughter of the Bull, Jehovah. I have left his family, and live
quite humbly now, waiting for the return of Jesus, the son of the
Adversary of the God you all serve.
The name of the church of the white buffalo calf woman is the Universal
Sanctuary Salvation Enterprise, and we're going to shorten it to U.S.S.
Enterprise. The enterprise is to save as many as possible, and to
provide sanctuary. It is our goal to serve the returning Gods, one named
Jesus, Son of Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Father,
whose children of earth are going to be severely tested, therefore we
work to serve his children. This is your official notice He'll be back
within a year.
Membership is open to everyone that wishes to serve God by serving his
children. The Date of Jesus' Return = May 17, 2000 A.D. Jesus will
return as he left, Acts men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up
into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven,
shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. Acts
1:9 ...he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. The
date was May 17, 

[CTRL] [2] Jesus in the Sky with Aliens - May 17, 2000

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Introduction/A
The Conspiracy
of the Ten Commandments

The Law of Jehovah: the Ten commandments. Which interestingly enough,
does not match the ten of Jesus. As a matter of fact, Jesus only had
eight, and a lot of good advice. Why would Jesus not give the same
commandments as His Father? Was He disobedient to His Father He told us
to love with all our heart, mind, and soul?
What is it about the Ten commandments that screams "screw-you" and
"deception"? Why is it that those that hold fast to the ten
commandments, wreak destruction? Can I just be succinct?
The Law of Liberty mentioned in the Bible in James 1:25, 2:12, is a law
that extends throughout the Universe. The Law that All have the right to
exist. Those that break this law are criminals. Plain and simple. Just
like gravity, it just is. Any harm to any other being breaks the Law of
which Annunaki, and Earth mortals are subject to.
There are six articles to this Law according to the Annunaki:
1.) Thou shalt not kill.
This includes in war as well, as does killing animals for sport and not
actually needing the flesh for food.
2.) Thou shalt not steal.
3.) Thou shalt not lie to defraud another.
This is where the flock is led by the wolf; for any Christian that makes
a vow or takes an oath to Jesus to dedicate their life to him, if they
don't actually do it, have lied to the One that holds the balances and
the Book of Life when freedom is decided year 2012 AD.
Those that dedicate their lives, and become preachers, priests, or
missionaries, if they make a living by their dedication to Jesus, that's
not dedication, that's an income, a job in this world, with worldly
rewards. What dedicating one's life means: is that the life is spent
serving the truth Jesus brought, without worldly reward. And that's why
Revelation says one third of humanity will be destroyed, one third of
humanity serves the one God religions. And all Christians are expected
to make this vow.
4.) Thou shalt not rape. (We thought it was adultery didn't we?)
Somehow this law got all screwed up. (Pun!) The law, is rape. Forcing
sex, or with anyone under the age of consent, is rape, and this extends
to pregnant women.
Forcing a pregnant wife to have sex, breaks the law. What priests,
politicians, and bad men do to the children, breaks the law. Yet, these
men run free.
Having sex outside marriage does not break any laws, if there is no
lying, stealing, killing, or harming another involved. And that's when
marriage became a new, important institution for mortals who 3,500 years
and back, did not marry. Only Annunaki royalty married, and only for
bloodline and inheritance. Other Annunaki did not marry either.
By perverting the natural way of mortals, and forcing people to marry to
have sex, Jehovah perverted "civilized Christian society". Tell me I'm
wrong. Aren't most perverts in civilized christian countries? About one
half of society was molested in childhood, and wasn't it by someone who
went to church or believed in the one God? And how many sexual problems
do married people have? and reproductive organ cancer?
Hello? And how many babies' bodies were found in convent churchyards?
but I digress. The point being, does not anyone see that this law has
perverted the natural sexual, physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects
of each individual with just one mental belief?
Ever study the mechanics of propaganda? By restricting the most healing
and natural aspect of humanity, they created lawbreakers, and
perversion, then arrest the prostitutes.
5.) Thou shalt honor thy Father, or that which is spirit, and thy
mother, or that which is physical, and your parents as well, of course.
(Naturally. That's just common sense.)
By building noxious cities, and destroying nature, the little nature
spirits are forced out of their homes, as well as the animals. By
telling another they are nuts when they are being truthful, this harms
the Spirit, as well as all the other psychological damage people do one
to another. Spirit harming is just as evil and body harming.
6.) Thou shalt not think harm towards another.
Since all the people flying around in UFOs are telepathic, this only
makes sense to live in their world. They see the lies, they see the
thoughts, not the words.
We all know a negative thought puts a negative charge around us. I used
to work with people and machines, and anger always messed up the
machine. If everyone's happy, the machine runs. Cars same way. It's
weird. but it's true. You know it's true.
(Mortals used to be telepathic until the Tower of Babel incident, and
the severing of telepathic capability by callousing the brain in half,
the right high temporal to the left low temporal parts of the brain, if
connected would enable telepathy.)
These six articles are the Law of Liberty. Now, look 

[CTRL] Konformist: Rivera Live Prominently Features The Konformist (fwd)

1999-07-26 Thread Yardbird

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 22:43:45 EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:  ;
Subject: Konformist: Rivera Live Prominently Features The Konformist

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Rivera Live Prominently Features The Konformist

The Konformist has a brand new rule: since whenever Kennedys die, our fortune
increases, we're encouraging open season on the whole damn family and their
undeserved and ill-gotten whiskey-drenched wealth.

The latest great news on the tail of John-John's tragic and highly important
death is that tonight, on CNBC, Rivera Live had as his main story internet
conspiracy theories and the death of JFK, Jr.  Incredibly, whenever they
showed clips on the show of internet JFK, Jr. kon theories, the site that was
used was, you guessed it, El Konformisto.

Sadly, as I watched the show, they didn't actually mention the site by name,
although I did miss the first bit.  Nonetheless, it was prominently featured,
and anyone familiar with The Konformist's unique Viagra-esque Aqua Blue
background with white lettering would've recognized it immediately as yours
truly diabolical creation.  Further, it prominently featured my name on the
vicious anti John-John rant I wrote, and Geraldo did in fact refer to the
theories as "The John-John Conspiracy," my own term for it.

Sadly, Kirby was nowhere to be seen.

Neither was I: apparently, Geraldo by himself is enough of a narcissistic,
shamelessly self-promoting, egotistical media whore to have anyone else
competing with him.  Instead, my good pal Jon Vankin of was on
the show, and he did a damn excellent job as usual.

In any case, I'd like to thank Geraldo for his brief plug of my site, and
because of his kindness, I'll forget to mention that his lurid, trashy and
sensationalistic piece of shit daytime talk show helped pave the way for the
current crap being spewed out by Jerry Springer, or that he's about the only
guy I know who could actually make me root for the KKK when they busted his
nose on TV.  Thanks a lot, and keep up the great work!

If you are interested in a free subscription to The Konformist Newswire,
please visit and sign up. Or, e-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject: "I NEED 2 KONFORM!!!"
(Okay, you can use something else, but it's a kool catch phrase.)

Visit the Klub Konformist at Yahoo!:

Click Here to apply for a NextCard Internet Visa and start earning
FREE travel in HALF the time with the NextCard Rew@rds Program. home: - Simplifying group communications

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Alt.Conspiracy-Warning to Reform Party.

1999-07-26 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

Date: Mon, 26 July 1999 08:50 PM EDT


Both Colin Powell and David Boren are members of the CFR, and I
noticed that Jack Gargan is an investment counseler.  Also, a large
contingent of your party is made up of the former Patriot party --
a party led by a woman who was an avowed Communist.

Also, John McCain is a stealth Establishment figure, and Ross Perot
constantly made references to Pete Peterson -- the head of the CFR,
and Concord Coaltion -- and his stand on Social Security, as a positive
force in America.

I would suggest that you combine your efforts with other parties (such
as the American Taxpayer party), and elect a man such as Senator Bob

I would also suggest a return to the populist movement, and possibly
create a Peoples party that believes in operating in the national
interest (not the robber barons interest), and putting America first.

This is the last chance we will have to restore our Constitutional
Republic and avoid the coming genocide!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Is that you, Harvey?

1999-07-26 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

As if poor Al Gore didn't have enough problems on the campaign
 trail, he's now being stalked by a rabbit.

Was Jimmy Carter Al Gore's mentor in days past?
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan


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John Quinn
NewsHawk Inc.

[CTRL] Fwd: Catch 22 For The NTSB - Part 1

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

The Ongoing Dissent over TWA 800

John B. Roberts II

The American Spectator; FEATURE


The White House, with help from a Republican Senator, is sitting on
evidence that could point to terrorism in the 1996 jet explosion. an FBI
official has become a scapegoat in the cover-up. and the mystery remains

It was billed as an investigation of the investigators. On May 10, 1999,
Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) held a one-day hearing with witnesses
offering damaging testimony about the Federal Bureau of Investigation's
role in the TWA 800 probe. Grassley's opening remarks were particularly
critical of former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom for failing to
uncover the cause of the explosion that killed the jumbo jet's 230
passengers and crew on July 17, 1996.

Grassley's hearing focused on two star witnesses. One was Andrew Vita,
assistant director of field operations for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
and Firearms (BATF). The second was William A. Tobin, former chief
metallurgist for the FBI. Both supported Grassley's claim that Kallstrom
needlessly prolonged the probe.

Vita testified that several months into the investigation the BATF
concluded there was no evidence that high explosives caused TWA 800's mid-
air disintegration. In late January, 1997, Vita put the BATF's views in an
unsolicited, written report to be submitted to the National Transportation
Safety Board (NTSB). But, Vita testified, he "met resistance" from the FBI.
Grassley says Kallstrom suppressed the report and never forwarded it to the

James Kallstrom, now retired from the FBI after an exemplary 28-year
career, rebuts the charge as "a bald-faced lie."

In a series of interviews for this article, Kallstrom shed new light on the
investigation. Normally tight-lipped and unaccustomed to airing
investigative detail in public, Kallstrom has been forced to defend the FBI
probe and his personal integrity.

He pointed to problems with the BATF report, which he rejected as "
premature." At the time it was written, tons of TWA 800 still lay
underwater. Kallstrom also had problems with the BATF methodology.

"The report was sophomoric," he told me, "in its science and in its
writing. "

But his biggest beef with the BATF was that the flawed report would be
poisonous in a courtroom. If the FBI eventually was able to identify
suspects and bring them to trial, the report, because it had the weight of
a government agency behind it, was precisely the kind of exhibit defense
lawyers would parade before a jury to refute the prosecution.

"A defense attorney would have taken that report and jammed it twenty feet
up my (expletive deleted)," Kallstrom said.

Then there were the eyewitness reports, eventually 244 in all, which seemed
to the agents who collected them in the hours and days following the
explosion to confirm a missile hit.

Nonetheless, Kallstrom informed the NTSB about the report soon after he
reviewed it. To his surprise, the NTSB already had a copy. The BATF had
apparently delivered the report through back channels.

Grassley did not explore one explanation for BATF's hasty conclusion and
independent delivery of the report to the NTSB. The BATF opinion was
written about three weeks before Vice President Gore's White House
Commission on Aviation Safety and Security, formed just after TWA 800's
explosion, submitted its February 12, 1997 final report.

By January 1997, Gore's staff knew the watered-down draft security measures
in the White House Commission's final report would be heavily criticized by
passenger safety advocates. That criticism would become an acute political
embarrassment if the FBI later found solid proof that terrorists destroyed
TWA 800.

The BATF report gave Gore political cover to back-track from tough security
measures recommended in an interim Commission report of September 1996.
With the FBI probe ongoing, Gore could fall back on the BATF report to
explain why he didn't feel the need for stiffer security recommendations in
the final report of the White House Commission on Aviation Safety and

"ATF played a very political role," Kallstrom says. He calls the incident
just one example of unusual collusion between the NTSB and other players in
the TWA 800 investigation.

Grassley's other star witness, former FBI metallurgist Bill Tobin, is even
more problematic.

Tobin testified that Kallstrom adamantly believed a bomb destroyed TWA 800.
When traces of the high explosives PETN and RDX were found on the aircraft,
Tobin says Kallstrom claimed it was proof of a bomb. Tobin thought
otherwise. About six weeks into the probe, Tobin testified, he decided
there was no evidence of terrorist act and told Kallstrom the crash was an

Kallstrom had problems with Tobin's analysis. There were two possible ways
terrorists might have destroyed TWA 800. One was a bomb, and the other was
a missile. Tobin, says Kallstrom, had no experience in the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Catch 22 For The NTSB - Part 3

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

[continued from Part 2] includes the documentation from
just one source of that TIMELINE of major events of less than 60 seconds.











8:31:11 Initial Event dooms TWA Flight 800 at 13,780 feet.







































8:31:50 First report of an explosion [the massive fireball] - of any size -
or of anything else unusual in the sky.











Officialdom contends that the huge fireball explosion was "about a mile
above the surface" and that splashdown was 8 seconds later.

Airline pilot David McClaine’s report of the massive fireball was TIME
STAMPED at 8:31:50 as noted in the above TIMELINE.

He reportedly estimated that his reaction time to make the report after he
saw the massive fireball explosion was 3 SECONDS.


And SPLASHDOWN AT 8:31:55,  assuming the accuracy of officialdom’s 8
seconds from MF to splashdown.

SECONDS - from the initial event at 13,780 feet that started tearing the
747 apart at 8:31:11 until splashdown at 8:31:55.

McClaine reportedly contends that he was PERSONALLY INTERVIEWED THE DAY
AFTER THE DISASTER by 2 men who identified themselves as FBI agents.

In short to this point, Kallstrom’s agents had the evidence of the 44

IT’S IMPOSSIBLE for Kallstrom or anyone else to try to fit a missile
shootdown of the airliner at 13,780 feet at 8:31:11 into the 60 seconds
TIMELINE, much less the 44 seconds timeline from IE to splashdown, because

ALL of the streak witnesses also saw the massive fireball explosion
according to NTSB Exhibit 4A.  Yet, their observations of the streak
IMMEDIATELY PRECEEDED and TRACKED TO the massive fireball explosion "about
a mile above the surface".

Which, needless to say, is in IRRECONCILABLE CONFLICT with both the FBI/CIA
and NTSB "explanation" videos.

The witnesses UNIFORMLY reported only ONE streak and only ONE massive
fireball explosion.  The streak was not and could not have been seen
ascending at or above 13,780 feet as portrayed in the "explanation" videos
AND track to but no higher than the massive fireball explosion as UNIFORMLY
reported by the streak witnesses. is the DETAILED presentation of
New York Air National Guard helicopter pilot Fred Meyer who wintessed both
the streak and the massive fireball explosion. is his
press graphic of what he saw.  Note the IMMEDIATE PROXIMITY of the streak
to the massive fireball explosion. is the graphic of
Meyer’s NYANG unit prepared after he and his crewmates were debriefed
following the disaster and further dramatizes the IMMEDIATE PROXIMITY of
the streak to the massive fireball explosion.

Additionally, Meyer contends that he and his crewmates ALL agreed at the
time that the elapsed time from the massive fireball explosion until
splashdown was APPROXIMATELY TEN SECONDS, further supporting officialdom’s
contention that the ET from MF to splashdown was about 8 seconds.

Meyer’s helicopter was on a practice flight at Gabreski Airport and his co-
pilot, Chris Baur, reported what they saw to Gabreski tower and requested
clearance to leave the pattern to investigate.  Interestingly, Meyer’s
DETAILED presentation earlier noted documents his later contentions that
what he saw was a missile shootdown of the 747 at 13,780 feet.  Keep in
mind the "shootdown" would have had to occur at 8:31:11 at that altitude.
Yet, he obviously did not and could not have seen a "shootdown" of the
airliner at 13,780 feet only 3 to 4 seconds before he saw the massive
fireball explosion well over a mile lower in the sky.

How big was the massive fireball explosion?  is the personally
prepared detail report of witnesses Sven Faret  Ken Wendell who flew over
to the smoke cloud it left and found its top to be at 7700 feet.  A Missile
Hugger has calculated that the massive fireball explosion was 2000+ feet in
diameter.  If the bottom of the massive fireball explosion was "about a
mile above the surface" as alleged by officialdom and if the massive
fireball was 2000+ 

[CTRL] Fwd: Catch 22 For The NTSB - Part 2

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

[continued from Part 1]

NTSB Chairman Hall's high-level background briefings for reporters also
undermined the FBI. Hall and other NTSB senior staff ridiculed competing
theories of the case, misleading the press and public to believe that only
the accidental-explosion theory--for which there still isn't any conclusive
evidence--could explain TWA 800's destruction.

Despite the salt-water immersion, traces of military high-explosives
components PETN and RDX were found on the plane's wreckage. Kallstrom
thought he had the evidence he'd been searching for, especially after his
agents checked the aircraft logs for TWA 800 and found no sign of recent
use of the plane to transport explosives or conduct canine bomb-detection

The FAA subsequently claimed that logs of canine bomb tests are not
maintained by individual airplanes, but by local police agencies. A check
with the St. Louis Airport Police showed a test was carried out on a wide-
body jet on June 10, 1996, about a month before the TWA 800 explosion. No
records of the test were kept. The sole policeman who carried it out was
seen by no other aircraft crew or witnesses. He did not note the tail
number of the aircraft. Two months later, when interviewed by the FBI on
September 20, 1996, he recalled it was a 747 jet. One of the explosives
used in the test was a 1.4 pound block of C-4, a military high explosive.
The patrolman told the FBI that the plastic wrapping for the explosive was
partially disintegrated.

There were two wide-bodied jets parked nearby on June 10. Because the
patrolman did not note the plane's tail number (TWA 800, parked at Gate 50,
was 17119) it is possible he confused the planes. It is hard to reconcile
the patrolman's timeline for the dog test with the records of when the
aircraft departed Gate 50. If the patrolman is correct, it means after his
test was complete the pilot and crew boarded the aircraft, conducted all
pre-flight procedures and checklists, completed boarding and seating
passengers, and pulled away from the gate in less than half an hour.

Even assuming that the test was indeed carried out on TWA 800, the mystery
remains how such casual contamination could leave traces of explosive after
weeks of immersion in salt water. Both FBI laboratory and independent
scientific tests show that within 24 hours salt water washes away all
traces of high explosives.

After Kallstrom won his White House battle for permission to re-create the
airplane at Calverton, the FBI and the NTSB sought outside experts to
examine the damage patterns. All agreed that the center fuel tank had
exploded catastrophically. The question was, how?

Salinger's sensational theory about a missile strike had unfortunately
obscured and discredited the very real prospect that a MANPAD (man-portable
air defense system, better known as a shoulder-fired rocket) hit TWA 800.
In more than 100 cases around the world, shoulder-fired rockets have been
used to down large aircraft.

At first the probability that TWA 800 was struck by such a missile seemed
remote. The plane's altitude of 13,700 feet was at the outer limit of a
MANPAD "footprint," the necessary flight path the missile would have taken
to hit the plane. But it was a possibility that Kallstrom took seriously--
more seriously than has ever before been disclosed.

FBI Special Agent Steve Bongart worked the missile team. An FBI agent was
assigned to accompany the salvage teams as parts of the aircraft were
identified and then removed from the ocean floor. Each agent was issued a
nine-page "Trawler Operations Manual" featuring debris unique to a missile,
including the ejector cans that would be left after a Stinger launch, the
expendable battery, and a picture of the distorted shape a small rocket
body might take after passing through an aircraft the size of a 747.
"Twisted like a corkscrew," one observer put it. The manual instructed the
agents to pick up every piece of man-made debris found in the search field.
But no "eureka" piece from a missile was found.

As the wreckage at Calverton took shape, the FBI called on military experts
from the Defense Department to help analyze the probability that a surface-
to- air missile hit TWA 800. The military teams had far more experience in
air crashes involving rockets than either the FBI or the NTSB had. In fact,
as Kallstrom found early on, no one in the world had a good forensic,
courtroom- evidence-standard database of the damage missiles do to large

In addition to Navy teams from China Lake, whose active presence in the
probe has been acknowledged publicly, the FBI drew on other centers of
military expertise including Missile  Space Intelligence Center at
Huntsville, Alabama, and Air Force teams from Wright Patterson Air Force
Base in Ohio. Using computerized DOD databases, the military experts
concluded that a Stinger could have hit the aircraft even at its 13,700-
foot elevation.

 Cummock says the Clinton appointees "had a ton of 

[CTRL] Fwd: S99-128, Peace 22, July 27 - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO's Kosovo War and Peace

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan


All 127 earlier Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's
Kosovo War and "Peace" can also be seen at our Web site:, along with numerous photos and other memorable
images.  The TiM GW Bulletins are now divided into two sections: NATO's War
(106 issues) and NATO's "Peace" (22 issues).

Also check out the (gruesome) updates and photos to our last Kosovo "Peace"
TIM GW Bulletin - about the murder of the 14 Serb farmers who were
harvesting wheat - when
they were killed and mutilated.

Issue S99-128, "Peace" 22
July 27, 1999


London   1. A Kosovo Gypsy: “We Cannot Live with Albanians 
   Any More. They are animals.”

Rijeka 2. Conspiracy of Silence: Plight of the Kosovo 
Romany (Gypsies) Detailed

Belgrade 3. Kosovo Heroin Mafia Thriving Under KFOR

Serbia 4. A Letter from a Hungarian in Serbia: “Zivela
(“Long Live Serbia!”


1. A Kosovo Gypsy: “We Cannot Live with Albanians Any More. They are animals.”

LONDON, July 24 - Although more than 100,000 Serbs have fled the KLA terror
and the KFOR “peace” since the end of the NATO air campaign, the Serbs are
not the only Kosovo minority suffering from the “ethnic cleansing” being
carried out by the Albanians.  The Romany (Gypsies), ethnic Turks, and even
local Albanians who refused to support the KLA terrorists, have been
brutally evicted from their homes, some beaten or murdered, too.

John Laughland, who reports for the London Times from Kosovo, recently
described the current humanitarian tragedy as follows: “Within a month of
the end of the bombing campaign against Yugoslavia, NATO governments and
Belgrade have struck up a curious alliance.  They are united in a
conspiracy of silence about the tens of thousands of Serb and Gypsy
refugees from Kosovo, driven from their homes by Albanians.”

So Laughland took it upon himself to tour some of the refugee camps.  And
what he saw were tens of thousands of “poor terrified people are an
ideological threat to Tony Blair as much as they are to Slobodan
Milosevic.”  From which the London Times correspondent concludes:

“For Nato, the flood of refugees destroys the fiction that the war was
fought for moral principles. Time and again during the war Mr. Blair said,
‘This is not a war for territory but for values’. Ethnic cleansing was
unacceptable and had to be stopped.  However, if this were the real reason
for the war, NATO should logically be now bombing the Albanian capital,
Tirana, or attacking the KLA headquarters all over the province. 

Instead, NATO is turning a blind eye to Albanian atrocities. Far from
exerting pressure on the KLA, Mr. Blair was photographed recently enjoying
a convivial joke with its leader, Hashim Thaci. And while the International
Criminal Tribunal prosecutor, Louise Arbour, is travelling in Kosovo to
draw attention to Serb atrocities against Albanians months ago, she is
ignoring atrocities now being committed by Albanians under her very nose.” 

The West even looks the other way, despite its huge military presence in
the province, as the Albanian Mafia charges Albanian refugees ransom money
before allowing them to leave the camps and return home. 

Serb and Gypsy refugees, pouring across the border in their hundreds every
day, told me how they were chased from homes which were then burned before
their eyes; how women had been raped; how neighbors had been shot or had
their throats slit. They also said Albanians were killing ‘loyal Albanians’
- Kosovars who had worked for the Yugoslav state, for instance as postmen
or in factories. […]

The Gypsies' fate is particularly tragic. All over Eastern Europe they are
a persecuted minority. Only in Serbia, it appears, did they live free from
discrimination. But Albanians seem to have a particular hatred for them. I
was taken to a former Gypsy quarter in the town of Kosovska Mitrovica: all
the houses stood empty, torched and smashed up by Albanians. 

‘We cannot live with the Albanians any more,’ cried one desperate Gypsy
woman waiting by the roadside with her family and a few suitcases. ‘They
are animals’.”

2. Conspiracy of Silence: Plight of the Kosovo Romany (Gypsies) Detailed

RIJEKA, July 26 - With the foregoing Laughland piece about the Kosovo
“peace” as an introduction, here are now some firsthand testimonies by the
Kosovo Gypsies who have managed to escape to Croatia.  The Association of
the Romany of Croatia, which has published the original testimonies, has
asked Slobodan Drenovac of Rijeka to translate them into English, before
presenting them to the NATO embassies and at the press conference in Zagreb.  

Here are some excerpts, for example, from a testimony by Dzemail 

Re: [CTRL] America: A Filthy Police State

1999-07-26 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

Isn't the point that this isn't about anti-social ideologies portrayed by
musicians, but a further need by authority to squeeze harder on the liberty
of reasonable people.
Sure, a social indicator of anti-establishment sentiment might be some
groupX, but this doesn't identify who the social criminals really are.
We all know that on this list - that Led Zepplin = Petty low capital crime,
so lets take this simplistic low IQ rubbish further and make the assertion
Mozart, Wagner, Bach [+ Klintons favourite Group] = Serious High capital

Surely a Mozart Bumper Sticker would give everybody immunity from arrest if
the police really are that superficial ???

Andrew Hennessey

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Christian Common Law Institute: Votescam:

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF=""Christian Common Law
Institute: Votescam: Elect
The Christian Common Law Institute
"For the Lord is Our Judge, the Lord is Our Lawgiver,
the Lord is Our King; He will save us" -Isaiah 33:22

The following is a satirical parody based on the November 2, 1998
release by© of "election results" the evening before the
purported election. The figures and percentages used are accurate
according to their "pre-release" and the purported "final vote".
Following this is a message from James Collier, co-author of Votescam:
The Stealing of America, which helps explain how the "media" knew these
figures long before the un-elections ever took place.
Wednesday, November 4, 1998

Continuously reload this page for the latest VoteScam returns

"More U.S. Citizens under martial law get their news
before it's ever the news from than any
other Federal Government information source"




by's 20/200 host Dam Sonaldson
The day before the non-elections, because of information we received
from Janet Reno our confidential election sources, on
November 02, 1998 already knew miraculously predicted the
average percentage of the winner's vote as 57.55 %.

The day after the (un)elections, with 100% of the VoteScam Federal
Districts reporting, our November 04, 1998 actual
winner average percent of vote was 57.36 %.

Aren't we amazing! Our margin of error was only 0.19% !

Key to the below information

0%: "Watchdog" Wallace is gone, so now it's alot easier

HULL 60%
HULL 60%
0%: Don't anger the indians in Phoenix...they own the airport

0%: Ski resorts are real good places to hide

BUSH 55%
BUSH 55%
0%: George's little boy... got any questions?

0%: Keep the south quiet and tax 'em some more

0%: Named for our mentor Cecil Rhodes, who else!

+2%: Part payment still due to the Russians

*(LINGLE predicted with 53%))
+4%: Big deal... Don Ho wasn't running anyway

+5%: Previous credit due to Bob Dole was applied

+4%: It's an even number and it looks good

+3%: It's a lucky number and we like it, OK?

+5%: We really thought he was LBJ

+6%: Small population...who cares?

+2%: We like the Green Bay Packers

-2%: 6 out of 10 sounds much better

-3%: Wasn't he Horshack's cousin?

-3%: Edsels were really ugly cars

-3%: We didn't like Charlie "Sheen" anyway

-3%: 66 was too close to 666

-2%: They let the Quakers vote?

-1%: What's just 1% anyway?

BUSH 69%
BUSH 68%
-1%: George owed us 1% from his first election

-2%: We think "Beringer" wine is much better


-8%: Whose submarine shot down TWA 800 from New Groton?

-6%: Too many spuds in the potatoes

RYAN 60%
RYAN 51%
-9%: We made it look like a close one just for fun

KING 66%
KING 59%
-7%: A really bad lobster season

-4%: Ted still owes us for the Mary Jo coverup

-5%: We were confusing him with Bach all the time

TAFT 57%
TAFT 50%
-7%: Chill out... He still won, OK?

-7%: Was riding too high on the OKC publicity

DEAN 63%
DEAN 56%
-7%: The maple syrup has too many additives

+9%: Lot's of karma there leftover from Ron Reagan

+12%: We're still confused... just what is a Pataki?

+11%: "Sunkist" oranges are good for you


[CTRL] ARTICLES REQUIRED !!! Contributors PAID!!! (fwd)

1999-07-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 11:33:40 +
From: Philip Mantle - QUEST [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Articles required!! Contributors paid

 Dear All,
  I'm the Editor of a new British newsstand magazine entitled BEYOND and
 we are interesting in hearing from anyone interested in writing for us.
 All contributors are paid and the details are as follows. Subscribers
 will notice that the subject material is very similar in content to the
 issues discussed on this list;

 The magazine itself will concentrate upon balanced reporting of the
 following subjects:

  Extra Terrestrial Intelligence/SETI
  Mind Power
  Natural and Unnatural Phenomena
  Space Travel
  Our Planets
  The Living Earth
  Investigative reporting
  Future Hazards
  Scientific Speculation, Prediction and Investigation
  Secret Technology

 We are particularly looking for contributions on out-of-body experiences,
 and near-death experiences, earth mysteries, and the planets.

  The magazine will be monthly and will have an approximate circulation of
  12,15-000. Uri Geller will be associated with the magazine from the

  Contributors will be paid 60 days after publication date upon receipt of
  a numbered invoice which can be mailed or faxed to the publishers,
  Top Events Ltd.

  Articles are usually a maximum 2,500 words based upon our standard 650
 word page (9.5 pt).

  Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

  Tim Matthews (Editor)

 Philip Mantle (Commissioning Editor).


   Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Fight VOTESCAM in Your Communities

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Fight VOTESCAM in Your
Fight VOTESCAM in Your Communities

Computer voting is dangerous and unnecessary. Ballot boxes cannot be
programmed; manipulating physical ballots requires much more effort than
hacking a vote tabulation program. Where votes are tallied by computer,
citizens have little hope of uncovering and proving the existence of
vote fraud, in spite of whatever circumstantial evidence may exist.
Work at the precinct level to re-establish ballot boxes in your area,
and observe voting practices in your locality. Take notes, and videotape
procedures whenever possible. Tape conversations, and be sure to have
witnesses with you. Take the day off work and head for the closest
precinct. (And don't feel bad about it--voting day should be a holiday
in America anyway.) Organize with VOTESCAM investigators in your area,
or start your own group. Demand paper ballots!

Your actions will accomplish several goals: you will help uncover voting
abuses, and you will act as a deterrent to corruption at the ballot box.
Not only that, but you'll soon develop a more intimate understanding of
the voting process and realize what it means to be a REAL American:
paranoid, butt-headed, and NOT to be screwed with. Also write your state
and national legislators to alert them of any information you uncover.
Hold their feet to the fire, and demand an investigation of the Voters
News Service.

To assist Jim Condit's investigation, call 513-471-1500, or write
Cincinnatus PAC, P.O. Box 11339, Cincinatti, Ohio 45211. Also check out
the Cincinnatus PAC web site at

Read Jim and Ken Colliers' book, "VOTESCAM," available for $12.50
(shipping  handling included) from The Baker Report, 3615 W. Waters
Ave., Suite 308, Tampa, Florida 33614. Audio cassettes of Condit's
interview on The CDR Info Hour are also available from The Baker Report
for $10.00.

For more information on voting fraud in American see the November 7,
1988 issue of New Yorker Magazine.

Now get to work!

[Special thanks to Jackie Patru, Dan Druck and the Council on Domestic
Relations. Join the freedom fight by contacting them at: P.O. Box 138,
Carlinville, Illinois, 62626. Phone 708-471-6747. Fax 847-854-8403.
Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] The CDR web page is at (in "shops").]

1. Cheated at the Electronic Ballat Box - 2.VOTESCAM in the 1996
Republican Primaries? 3.Fight VOTESCAM in Your Communities
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Staggering Numbers

1999-07-26 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


 Going to pot: Weed making comeback / Marijuana growing on rise in

 Monday, July 26, 1999

 Times-Dispatch Staff Writer

 ROANOKE -- Some speak about the moonshining that goes on in the
 western hills of Virginia as if the illicit trade defines the
 state's lawless spirit; but bootleg whiskey is only half the
 story. The other half is marijuana.

 In Virginia's cornfields, in roadside ditches, greenhouses and
 national forests, on back porches and mountain slopes, alongside
 railroad tracks, beneath power lines and around the muddy banks
 of swimming holes, marijuana plants are growing tall and in

 More than ever, law enforcement officials say, pot growers are
 staking their claim to the commonwealth's fertile soil. But
 they're becoming as wily as the secretive moonshiners: Police say
 the trend over the past few years is for professional pot growers
 to spread their lucrative crop out over many plots, reducing the
 chances that agents will find and seize all their plants.
 Consequently, while arrests are up, seizures are down.

 "You used to have large plots with 2,000, with 3,000, or with
 6,000 plants, and commercial airliners could look down and see
 them from 20,000 feet," said state police 1st Sgt. J.C. Lewis,
 statewide coordinator for marijuana eradication. "Now, instead of
 putting all their eggs in one basket, they may have five or six
 plots with 100 or 200 plants each."

 Agents are also turning up more small operations where growers
 lavish their attention on no more than 20 plants, said state
 police Lt. Mark Petska, deputy assistant director of the Drug
 Enforcement Division.

 Baby boomers who learned to roll joints and toke on bongs in the
 tie-dyed '60s are beginning to grow their own, keeping some for
 themselves and selling the rest to an intimate circle of friends,
 Petska theorized.

 Marijuana use among teen-agers, meanwhile, is up from a decade
 ago, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

 It all adds up to one thing, say proponents of legalizing
 marijuana: Time for the law to cry uncle. Despite the millions of
 dollars spent to stamp out Virginia's massive marijuana crop,
 they say, the legions of pot smokers and growers have been
 undeterred, and as things now stand, the "war" against this
 particular drug is a quagmire of wasted resources.

 "You can only fail so much before people start questioning the
 public policy, and the policy is a failure," said Lennice Werth,
 a Crewe resident and head of Virginians Against Drug Violence.
 "And it's not even a policy, it's a crusade. We're against
 prohibition because the prohibition of drugs is what causes
 drug-related violence."

 A House of Representatives subcommittee recently turned back
 various drug-legalization proposals. Werth conceded that
 Virginia's General Assembly will likely be as unreceptive to any
 legalization plans.

 "Legislators are followers, not leaders," she said, "so it's up
 to the public to lead on this."

 Though Virginia law enforcement officials claim to arrest more
 pot growers per capita than most other states, it's tough to make
 a dent in the unlawful trade because the Old Dominion is such a
 large producer. The state agriculture department keeps no
 statistics on marijuana, but the Washington-based National
 Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws estimates that
 marijuana is the commonwealth's largest cash crop, surpassing
 even tobacco.

 Saying that its numbers are conservative and based on DEA's
 eradication data, NORML estimates that Virginia pot growers in
 1997 harvested more than 121,600 plants worth $197 million.
 Nationwide, pot wholesale revenues ranged between $15.1 billion
 and $26.3 billion.

 Lewis, the state police marijuana eradication coordinator, said
 he couldn't begin to estimate the value of Virginia's crop.

 "It's grown throughout the whole state, in back yards, in
 gardens, on mountain tops," Lewis said. "It's everywhere."

 No more so than in western Virginia, which has two contraband
 capitals, according to Petska. If Rocky Mount is the center of
 the state's moonshining trade, he said, then Roanoke is the heart
 of pot country. The Allegheny highlands north of the city feature
 vast forests and hidden hollows that make it difficult for agents
 to spot marijuana fields. The rugged terrain south and west of
 Roanoke is largely rural and ideal for pot growers looking to
 stay out of sight.

 And where once the area around Wytheville was the site of some of
 the most high-intensity pot farming, Petska said, the illicit
 agriculture in recent years has spread east, to Pulaski, Floyd,
 Franklin and Henry counties, where rural landscapes and woodlands

 "Unlike Norfolk, for instance, you don't have houses on top of
 each other and large subdivisions," Lewis said. "In Roanoke and
 Salem, or around there, you can 

[CTRL] Does Your Vote Really Count?

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""The
New American - Does Your Vote Really Count?
Vol. 12, No. 21
October 14, 1996
Table of Contents

Does Your Vote Really Count?
by Robert W. Lee

There are many reasons why eligible voters opt to forego visits to the
polls on election day. Apathy is one. Distaste for (or, perhaps,
satisfaction with) all candidates on the electoral menu is another. Some
of anarchistic bent conclude that it is improper to participate in a
governmental process when government is the enemy.

Perhaps most disturbing, however, is the notion, presently circulating
in some conservative circles, that the results of key elections are
determined in advance by sinister forces willing and able to steal votes
through fraud. Why bother to vote, ask proponents of this theory, if
your ballot is to be neutralized by such chicanery? It is a dangerous
and seriously flawed notion, especially when combined with the added
claim, also circulating, that the Constitution has been suspended.*

* See "Is the Constitution Suspended?" in our February 5, 1996 issue.

It can lead to a sense of hopelessness that causes one to "drop out" of
the system in despair -- or, worse yet, reach a level of frustration
that entices one to become associated with extremist movements that
utilize extra-legal means to achieve their supposedly anti-government

While there are indeed serious flaws in the ground rules by which our
elections are presently conducted, and the potential for vote fraud is
disturbingly high (and enhanced by mechanical and computerized voting
devices that leave no paper trail by which controversial elections can
be authenticated), it is important to keep matters in perspective. It
makes no sense for otherwise patriotic Americans to allow themselves to
be driven from the polls (thereby helping to assure the election of
collectivists) or enticed into law-breaking fringe movements (which
provide the excuse for government to expand its police-state power in
the guise of coping with such "right-wing extremists").

Vote fraud and rigged elections are neither new nor peculiar to the
United States, but are an unfortunate attribute of any political system
in which the governed are authorized to vote. There is little reason to
believe that the votes we cast today are any less meaningful than those
cast by our forebears in earlier eras. Now, as then, the vast majority
of winners are those who actually do receive the most votes. Then, as
now, there were notable exceptions that are familiar because they are

Consider the 1876 presidential contest between Republican Rutherford B.
Hayes and Democrat Samuel J. Tilden, which was arguably the most
unscrupulous presidential election in our history. Tilden received
261,035 more popular votes than did Hayes (out of more than 8.3 million
cast) and held an undisputed lead in states with 184 electoral votes,
one short of the 185 required for victory. "However," write University
of Virginia professor of government Larry J. Sabato and journalist Glenn
R. Simpson in Dirty Little Secrets (1996), "twenty electoral votes in
Florida, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Oregon were in dispute. Tilden
had actually carried the first three of these states, but GOP-controlled
election boards disqualified enough Democratic votes, for dubious
reasons, to potentially tip the states to Hayes." In January 1877,
Congress passed legislation establishing a 15-member Electoral
Commission to settle the dispute between Hayes and Tilden. The panel was
supposed to be non-partisan, but when the dust cleared it was comprised
of eight Republicans and seven Democrats. By strict party-line votes of
eight to seven, the commission gave each disputed vote -- and the
election by a single-vote margin -- to Hayes.

The Hayes-Tilden episode brings to mind the arrogant question posed by
Tammany Hall boss William Marcy Tweed in 1871: "As long as I count the
votes, what are you going to do about it?" In similar spirit, Soviet
despot Josef Stalin once observed that it does not matter who votes, but
rather who counts the votes.

Daley Delivery?

The 1960 presidential contest between Democrat John F. Kennedy and
Republican Richard M. Nixon also raised the specter of vote fraud in the
key states of Illinois (27 electoral votes) and Texas (24 votes), both
of which JFK is said to have narrowly won. Kennedy bested Nixon in the
nationwide popular vote by a razor-thin margin of 118,574 (out of more
than 68.8 million cast). In the all-important Electoral College, he
received 303 votes to Nixon's 219, with 269 required to win. Had Nixon
carried both Illinois and Texas, he would have eked out a 270-vote
Electoral College victory. Sabato and Simpson write, "Strong suspicions
exist that the Illinois electoral votes were stolen for Kennedy by Mayor
Richard J. Daley, who late on election night 

[CTRL] James Collier responds to Does Your Vote Really Count?

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

New American - Letters to the Editor - Nove
Both Collier Brothers have passed on. Interesting JBS arguing against a
conspiracy . . . they're(Collier brothers) just a bunch of hippes what do
they know?

Vol. 12, No. 24
November 25, 1996
Table of Contents

Letters to the Editor

Brickbats from Votescam Author

I’m sure the intent of the article by Robert W. Lee (October 14th issue,
“Does Your Vote Really Count?”) was to destroy the credibility of my
book Votescam: The Stealing of America.

Based on the feedback I have received, he has failed miserably. Most
knowledgeable people feel that Lee’s article was merely a dreadful bit
of bad reporting and purposeful distortion.

Let’s start with Lee’s assertion that people such as Pat Robertson and
Mike Wallace did not report on the book due to its lack of credibility.
Votescam clearly states that Gaeton Fonzi, one of the top investigators
in the country, and Brian Ross, NBC’s chief investigative reporter,
quoted Wallace as saying: “Votescam is a scandal of major proportions.”

In 1994 I personally handed Wallace the Votescam book and he said: “Jim,
as far as this book is concerned, I have permanent Alzheimer’s.”

Pat Roberston paid $2,500 to show the Votescam video shot in Miami
(showing the League of Women Voters using pencils to punch holes in the
computer vote card) just once on his 700 Club.

ABC’s Supreme Court correspondent, Tim O’Brien, was prepared to air the
tape nationally when he was stopped by his bosses.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, when she served on the Second
Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington, ruled that our evidence was
worth a full hearing.

All of that is in the book. How could Robert Lee have possibly missed

Lee also excuses Elvera Radford, former Election Supervisor of
Cincinnati, for officially issuing 98 cent tweezers to the League of
Women Voters. We videotaped them plucking out a slate of candidates on
the computer-ballot card. Lee said that nobody was prosecuted, thereby
assuming that it was an honest way of handling the votes. He reports:
“... merely tapping a card loosens the chad, but in some instances
tweezers are necessary.”

The videotape we shot shows blistered vote cards, not hanging chad that
could be whisked away. Mr. Lee should ask himself why the Elections
Division presupposed hanging chad, then hired a contingent of women (at
taxpayers’ expense) and issued them tweezers where a flick of the finger
would have been sufficient. In fact, the act of issuing pencils (as they
did in Miami) or tweezers in Cincinnati, or hors d’oeuvres sticks in
California, is illegal. To allow a private group of people to determine
voter intent is a third-degree felony.

He continues that it is “truly remarkable, if the videotape actually
‘documented’ the illegalities they allege, that no prosecution
followed.” I cannot believe Mr. Lee is so naive as to assume that the
District Attorney of Cincinnati or then-State Attorney in Miami, Janet
Reno, would automatically order prosecution in politically controlled
cities. As detailed in Votescam, when Attorney Ellis Rubin, appointed by
the Miami Circuit Court, brought our evidence of vote fraud to Janet
Reno in Dade County, she told Rubin that prosecution would bring down
too many people, including judges and news media heads.

Mr. Lee claims there is no hard evidence of vote fraud in the Arizona
primary, when in fact the Maricopa County Elections Department printed
60,000 extra vote cards and issued them to privileged voters so that
they could vote twice. I have documented this evidence and Pat Buchanan
is aware of it.

However, Mr. Lee alibies for the duplicate cards, saying “there is no
credible evidence the duplicate cards resulted in multiple voting.”

There is indeed credible evidence they were voted twice. I interviewed
the election chief of Maricopa County and was told that ten people were
hired after the election to punch 219,000 seven-digit numbers into a
computer. The seven-digit number was an identification number on the
ballot card. When a voter registers in a precinct, the card is punched
so it cannot be voted twice, and the seven-digit number is recorded in
the precinct.

The elections chief said the ten worked for 34 hours after the election
punching approximately 1.5 million digits (219,000 voters times
seven-digit ID numbers) into computers. It would have meant punching one
digit per second into the computer, without a break, for 12 hours. She
said only two numbers came up twice out of 60,000. I asked for the names
of those ten people. She refused to give them. I asked for the readouts
which showed the 219,000 numbers punched in. She again refused.

To this date, no citizen in Maricopa County has been able to obtain
names of those supposed ten people who surely must be suffering 

[CTRL] Votescam - Chapter 1

1999-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Votescam - Chapter 1/A


"We can now speak the most Majestic words a democracy can offer: 'The
people have spoken' .. "
   -First words spoken by
   President-elect, George Bush,
   November 8, 1988 victory speech
   in Houston, Texas, 11:30 PM EST

"Once, during the time when days were darkest I made a promise. Thanks,
New Hampshire!"
   Same speech, final words.

It was not "the People" of the United States of America who did "the
speaking" on that election day, although most of them believed it was,
and still believe so.
In fact, the People did not speak at all, and George Bush may have known
it or, at least, strongly suspected it.

The voices most of us really heard that day were the voices of computers
- strong, loud, authoritative, unquestioned in their electronic
finality. The computers counted more than 55 million American votes in
1988 - more than enough to swing election after election across the
nation. In that election, a difference of just 535,000 or so votes would
have put Dukakis into the White House.

The computers that spoke in November 1988 held in their inner workings
small boxes that contained secret codes that only the sellers of the
computers could read. The programs, or Source codes," were regarded as
"trade secrets." The sellers of the vote-counting software zealously
guarded their programs from the public, from election officials, from
everyone on the dubious grounds that competitors could steal their ideas
if the source codes were open to inspection.

You may ask: What "ideas" does it require to count something as simple
as ballots?

Can the "ideas" be much more complex than, let's say, a supermarket
computerized cash register or an automatic bank teller machine?

The computer voting machines do not have to do anything complicated at
all; they simply must be able to register votes for the correct
candidate or party or proposal, tabulate them, count them up, and
deliver arithmetically correct additions. People with no formal
training, even children, used to do it all the time...

...potently candid study of the U.S. electoral system conducted in 1980
by the CIA-linked Air Command and Staff College in cooperation with the
University of New Mexico. It establishes the TV corporate networks'
interest in NES. The study was commissioned by the CIA and published in
the International Journal of Public Administration that was distributed
to selected government agencies. We discovered a copy in the Library of

It is safe to say that almost nobody in America is aware of the
activities of NES on election night. The on-air scripts of each TV
network during the years since the founding of NES have seldom, if ever,
mentioned its existence. The silence smacks of collusion among press
"competitors" to keep NES away from public scrutiny. A portion of the
study read:

"The United States government has no elections office and does not
attempt to administer congressional elections. The responsibility for
the administration of elections and certification of winners in the
United States national election rests with a consortium of private
entities, including 111,000 members of the national League of Women
Voters. The formal structure of election administration in the United
States is not capable of providing the major TV networks with timely
results of the presidential and congressional elections. In the case of
counting actual ballots on national election night, public officials
have abdicated responsibility of aggregation of election night vote
totals to a private organization, News Election Service of New York
(NES). NES is a wholly-owned subsidiary joint-venture of national
television networks ABC, CBS and NBC and the press wire-services AP and
UPI. This private organization performs without a contract: without
supervision by public officials. It makes decisions concerning its
duties according to its own criteria. The question and accountability of
News Election Service has not arisen in the nation's press because the
responsibility NES now has in counting the nation's votes was assumed
gradually over a lengthy period without ever being evaluated as an item
on the public agenda. (Underlined for emphasis. Ed.)

This privately owned vote counting cartel (NES) uses the vast membership
of the network-subsidized League of Women Voters as field personnel
whose exclusive job is to phone in unofficial vote totals to NES on
election night. NES also operates a "master computer" in New York City,
located on 

[CTRL] ON TV NOW: Consperacy Theory on the NET

1999-07-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

Rivera Live on CNBC is regarding the propagation of conspiracy
theories in the day of the internet.  He has various experts on,
a few web site conspiracy "experts," i.e., the author of  and others.

Someone from this list should have been called on, FOR SURE!

   Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] information on mind control and cults

1999-07-26 Thread Smart News

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Here is some information on mind control and cults.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

PS I also wanted to let ritual abuse survivors know that there will be a
conference in a few weeks. Details are at:

IMO, his book is excellent : "Combatting Cult Mind Control" - S. Hassan, Park
Street Press, One Park St, Rochester, VT 05767

Copyright ©1999, Steve Hassan Freedom of Mind

Selected excerpts:

What is the difference between a destructive cult and a cult?

Essentially a destructive cult is a pyramid-shaped authoritarian regime with
a person or group of people that have dictatorial control. It uses deception
in recruiting new members (e.g. people are NOT told up front what the group
is, what the group actually believes and what will be expected of them if
they become members). It also uses mind control techniques to keep people
dependent and obedient. Destructive cults try to "clone" people to become
small versions of the cult leader, rather than respect people's
individuality, creativity and self-will.

Cult groups are any group of people who have a set of beliefs and rituals
which are non-mainstream. As long as people are freely able to choose to join
with full disclosure of the group's doctrine and practices and can choose to
disaffiliate without fear or harassment, then it doesn't fall under the
behavioral/ psychological destructive cult category. Of course, there are
also those groups which are anti-social (e.g. the KKK, nazis, white
supremacists) which teach hate openly which can certainly be considered to be
destructive also.

Are all destructive cults religious?

No, in addition to religious cults, there are therapy cults, political cults,
business cults. Destructive relationships and destructive psychological
influence can take place in small numbers (one person controlling another
person, for example) or in groups that become political state/cults which
contain millions of citizens. Many destructive cults encompass religious,
political and business enterprises.

Are all cults equally as bad?

No, there are definitely wide variations among different organizations. Aum
Shinrikyo, the Japanese "nerve gas" cult, used physical imprisonment, illegal
drugs, and forms of torture to indoctrinate new members. People would be
forced to turn over all of their assets and cut off from their families and
friends. If members tried to leave the group or oppose its leadership, often
they would be killed. This is vastly different from large group "training"
programs which merely use hypnotic techniques to get you to believe the
leader is the "messiah" and which inculcates the membership to recruit all of
their families and friends.

Is all mind control bad?

"Mind Control" as described in my book is certainly focused on the abuses of
the knowledge of the mind. However, I believe that many mind control
techniques (such as hypnosis, visualizations, meditating, prayer, ritual,
altered breathing) can be used ethically and to great positive benefit,
providing the locus of control is within the individual and there is no
hidden agenda to have people submit and turn over their power to some other
human being.

Being in control of your own mind includes being in touch with your feelings,
having the ability to think analytically, question, look at issues from
multiple perspectives, having control of your behavior to take periodic
"time-outs" in order to reflect and be able to have access to information
which may be "negative" to the group leadership.

Why do destructive cults say that you are anti-religious or bigoted?

Destructive cults have a long history of manufacturing propaganda against
"enemies". Groups have mounted a campaign to attempt to convince members and
the general public not to listen to me or read my materials because too many
people were leaving their ranks.

I am a human rights activist who very much values my spirituality as the core
of my existence. I pray and meditate daily. My work has received endorsements
from virtually every major religious denomination. I definitely believe in a
God who created us with free-will and wants us to use our minds to live lives
of love, peace, beauty, and goodness. My work has grown out of my own desire
to grow in understanding and to help people to realize that they need not be
psychologically constricted.

I am a licensed mental health counselor. I got my Master's degree from
Cambridge College in 1985, and have taken the time and undertaken the expense
to receive counseling training from some of the top people in America and the
world. I have experience doing individual, couple and family counseling. I
teach communications techniques and strategies and encourage a legal approach
which I call "strategic interaction therapy".

What should I do if I suspect a family member or friend is getting involved
with a destructive cult?

My best advice is to take a "curious, 

[CTRL] klintoon requests new funds 4 FBI [federal bureau of internment]

1999-07-26 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

New Benefit Program!

Recently developed as a result of the early
tragic demise of one of the Nation's most
revered and respected Citizens who gave so
much of himself to further the productive
cause of indept coverage of the activities
of the members of the Establishment.

The funding bill was forwarded to the House
of Representatives today, where a "bi-partisan"
vote is expected;  the Author having dispensed
wet cigars as an inducement to give favorable

God bless him, and those he took with him.

Some details of the proposed legislation:

You'll have your choice of,
1.  Mausoleum Cyrpt
2.  Burial as sea
Features available at extra cost;
otherwise all will paid for by
federal taxpayers.
Cost of television coverage extra.
This program is limited to federal employees, irrespective of sexuality,
race, religious belief (or non-belief), and completes the chain of cradle to
Provisions are pending to include all illegal immigrants
who falsified their employment applications.

"Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it;
and this I know, my lords, that where laws end, tyranny begins."
--- William Pitt

"The resistance to a new idea, is increased by the square root of its
--- Astronaut Brian O'Leary...

 "Silence can only be equated with fraud when there is a
 legal or moral duty to speak, or when an inquiry left
 unanswered would be intentionally misleading... We cannot
 condone this shocking conduct... If this is the case we hope
 our message  is clear. This sort of decption will not be
 torerated and if this is routine it should be corrected
 U.S. v. Twell 550 F2d 297, 299-300

Patrick J. Buchanan
Tax Plan:

Alan Keyes
Tax Plan:

The Constitution Party
Tax Plan:

The Draft Jesse Ventura
for President Committee
Tax Plan (developing):

The Libertarian Party
Tax Plan:  Select "Text Files" on the Left.


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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