2000-02-19 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: **LIBERTY**
Date: Monday, February 14, 2000 8:09 PM

 "Liberty means Freedom, exemption from extraneous control,
the power of the will to follow the dictates of its unrestrained
choice, and to direct the external acts of the individual without
restrain, coercion, or control from other parties. The term "Liberty"
includes, but is not limited to, freedom/right from duress; from
governmental interference in exercise of intellect, information of
opinions, in the expression of them, and in action or inaction
dictated by judgment; from servitude; from imprisonment or
restraint without lawful Constitutional due process of law; in the
use of all one's powers, faculties and property, and of contract;
of travel; of religion; of speech; of self defense against unlawful
violence; to acquire and enjoy property; to acquire knowledge;
to carry on business; to earn a livelihood in any lawful calling;
to enjoy to the fullest extent the privileges and immunities given
or assured by law to the people living within the union of the
United States of America; and, to demand the nature and
cause of any allegation made against a citizen.

 The term "Liberty" includes but is not limited to physical
incarceration. The issues of restraint may include physical
incarceration, but is not limited to that single issue of liberty,
but shall include any and all inherent liberties of the person
which could be being restained.

 The "Liberty" guaranteed and protected by constitutional
provisions denotes not only freedom from unauthorized physical
restraint, but embraces also the freedom of an individual to use
and enjoy his faculties in all lawful ways, acquire useful knowledge,
marry, establish a home, and bring up children, worship God
according to the dictates of his own conscience, live and work
where he chooses, engage in any of the common and lawful
occupations of life, enter into all contracts which may be proper
and essential to carrying out successfully the forgoing purposes,
and generally to enjoy those privileges long recognized at common
law as essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free people.
- Black's Law 6th Edition


Manny Zayas

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Re: [CTRL] Why 38 Senators Support GeeW and Don't Want McCain in the WH

2000-02-19 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

The reason they support Bush is because they are part of the mind-
controlled big money, multinational corporate Rockefeller / Rothchild /
Illuminati - Skull 'n Bones Establishment.

Duh! (imho)






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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] McCain, Bush Mind Control (WashPost)

2000-02-19 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

I hope the Bush rep. crashes and burns. I don't regret saying this.


--- Forwarded message follows ---
Subject:RE: [MC]  McCain, Bush  Mind Control (WashPost)
Date sent:  Thu, 17 Feb 2000 16:33:39 -0800
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CIA Bush in the Whitehouse...
KGB whats-his-name in the Kremlin...
In Col. Corso's book he said that the CIA and the KGB were  heavily cross-infiltrated.
Are we getting ready for something specific?
--- End of forwarded message ---




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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Listeria Kills 7 In France

2000-02-19 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Saturday February 19 6:51 AM ET
Seven Die in French Mystery Listeria Outbreak
PARIS (Reuters) - A mysterious outbreak of listeria has killed seven people
in France over the past few weeks, Health Minister Jean Glavany said Saturday.

Glavany told reporters the dead were among 23 people affected by the disease,
which is caused by eating food tainted by the bacterium Listeria

Listeria is uncommon but can be fatal for pregnant women, children, the
elderly and those with weakened immune systems.

A health ministry statement said widespread checks were carried out in areas
where those affected lived and shopped but the cause of the illness in their
cases was not ascertained.

Pregnant woman and other people likely to be affected were advised to avoid
eating certain cheeses, smoked fish and certain pork-based products.

France was shaken by a listeria scare in November when thousands of products,
including pork pate and jellied pigs' tongues, were stripped from shelves
after investigators linked the deaths of a pensioner and three-week-old baby
to them.

Listeria was blamed for 20 deaths in a 1992 epidemic in France.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [BRIGADE] The Bush-McCain Farce

2000-02-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Dear Brigade,

What is not mentioned below is that on the majority of these issues Bush
and McCain are in total agreement [see Human Events chart: Why Liberals
Love McCain].  The "big battle" for the Republican primary is a farce!  It
not matter whether Bush or McCain "wins" -- either way, we lose.

That is, unless Pat Buchanan WINS the Reform Party nomination -- then we
will truely have a choice on Election Day 2000.



From:   "Ron Shank" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Linda Muller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Fri, 18 Feb 2000 21:15:59 -0600

-Original Message-

From: On Behalf Of The Liberty Alliance
To: Falwell Confidential
DATE: February 18, 2000
FROM: Jerry Falwell

MORE ON THE BAUER-McCAIN FIASCO: Yesterday, in my regularly-
scheduled Falwell Confidential, I presented my reasons for differing with
Bauer, who has now backed the presidential candidacy of Arizona Sen. John
McCain.  While I cannot legally endorse a candidate on behalf of my
ministries, I personally endorsed George W. Bush months ago.  I truly
believe he is a man of honor, integrity and leadership skills.  He knows
and he lives his faith every day.  I admire him and believe he will be a
president, if God allows him to be elected.  With that said, I was terribly
disappointed that Gary Bauer chose to support John McCain, whose policies
dramatically counter those that Bauer espoused during his own presidential
campaign.  Bauer's endorsement of McCain is terribly alarming.  In addition,
Dr. James Dobson, president of Focus on the Family - and Bauer's former
boss - has now publicly stated his misgivings regarding Bauer's startling
backing of John McCain.  Following is Focus on the Family's entire press
release regarding the Bauer announcement:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 17, 2000

Colorado Springs - Speaking as a private individual and not as the president
of Focus on the Family, Dr. James Dobson expressed disagreement
yesterday with former presidential candidate Gary Bauer's endorsement of
Senator John McCain as Republican nominee for U.S. President. The
Senator has offered no assurances that he intends to appoint a pro-life
running mate or pro-life justices to the U.S. Supreme Court. Indeed, he voted
for pro-abortion Stephen Breyer and pro-abortion ACLU activist Ruth Bader
Ginsburg for that Court and for David Satcher for Surgeon General, who
supports partial-birth-abortion. McCain also voted in support of President
Clinton to expand fetal-tissue research.

Furthermore, McCain has accepted huge contributions from the gambling
industry and apparently is comfortable with the proliferation of gambling in
American society. He has also accepted large contributions from producers
of alcohol.  McCain is in favor of combat assignments for women in the
military, and has sought and received enormous financial and political
support from the Log Cabin Republicans and other homosexual activists.
McCain also supports Most Favored Nation status for the brutal regime in
China, and voted against our nation's monitoring of Communist Chinese
commercial fronts operating the United States. He seeks to appease the
bloated Federal public-school bureaucracy and has refused to support

"The Senator," Dobson said, "is being touted by the media as a man of
principle, yet he was involved with other women while married to his first
and was implicated in the so-called Keating scandal with four other senators.
 He was eventually reprimanded by the Congress for the 'appearance of
impropriety.' The Senator reportedly has a violent temper, and can be
extremely confrontational and profane when angry. These red flags about
Senator McCain's character are reminiscent of the man who now occupies
the White House.  j Gary Bauer's endorsement of the Senator is troubling for
another reason. When Clarence Thomas was being considered for Justice of
the U.S. Supreme Court, Mr. Bauer actively championed his candidacy.
However, Warren Rudman, who is John McCain's National Campaign
Chairman and his most likely choice for U.S. Attorney General, was a pro-
abortion Senator who opposed confirmation of Clarence Thomas, despite the
fact that he voted for him in order to get three federal judgeships approved.
He said about the Thomas decision, "It's a vote I'm not proud of'."

Given these concerns about McCain, it is difficult to understand how Gary
Bauer can support him "with great pride and with absolutely no reservation."
This statement is not intended to imply Dr. Dobson's endorsement of anyone
else's candidacy for the presidency - simply to clarify his lack of support
Senator McCain.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I am also reprinting a 

[CTRL] News Views - February 19, 2000

2000-02-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Clinton Countdown

Today is February 19, 2000.  There are only 336 days remaining in the Clinton

Gittin’ Out While the Gittin’s Good

“When I joined the military it was illegal to be homosexual - then it became
optional. I'm getting out before it becomes mandatory."

- Anonymous colonel, USAF (Ret.), forwarded by our friend Tom Adkins of the
“Common Conservative” e-magazine

The Tinkle Defense

“Republican National Committee Chairman Jim Nicholson today challenged Al
Gore to quit stalling and explain his ‘Tinkle Defense.’  ‘When the FBI
confronted Al Gore with notes of a White House meeting proving he’d
volunteered to make illegal fundraising phone calls, he said he must have
been on a ‘restroom break’ because he ‘drank a lot of iced tea’ during the
meeting,’ Nicholson charged, citing notes of an FBI interview with Gore which
have recently been made public.  ‘Considering that he used the words ‘I
recall’ or ‘I don’t recall’ 23 different times during the interview, either
he drank an awful lot of iced tea or it’s a case of ‘no controlling BLADDER
authority!’  Either way, it’s up to Al Gore to flush out the facts (and)
stalling.  His phony alibi just doesn’t hold water.’  Al Gore first told the
FBI that his fundraising calls weren’t even discussed at a White House
meeting on November 20, 1995.  Then, when confronted with notes proving that
he was lying, he changed his story - and all of a sudden, he had a bladder

- RNC news release, 2/17/00

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Coronation

As the polls open today in South Carolina, it might be instructive to
remember that the so-called campaign “professionals” often can’t hit the
broad side of a barn with their predictions.  Case in point.  Immediately
after the Iowa caucuses, Donald Lambro of the Washington Times wrote the
following:  “George W. Bush’s win in Iowa will give him the momentum he
to quickly finish off John McCain - if not in New Hampshire, then in the Feb.
19 primary in South Carolina, Bush strategists said last night.  ‘After New
Hampshire, it looks pretty clear for us.  It’s hard to find a state where
McCain is ahead of us in any of the exit polls except for his home state of
Arizona, and we’re close even there,’ said a top Bush adviser.  Mr. Bush
holds a 51-29 percent lead in South Carolina polls over the Arizona senator.”
 Oops.  Most polls this week have now say the South Carolina race is “too
close to call.”

Guess Who’s NOT Coming to Dinner

“Backers of George W. Bush's presidential campaign have been unable to beat
rival John McCain and his candor, so they have opted for a new tactic: Try
silencing him.  At the urging of Gov. Bob Taft's office, the Cuyahoga County
(Ohio) Republican Party decided to ‘uninvite’ McCain as the Lincoln Day
dinner speaker this year, county officials said. ... ‘It kills me to quite
possibly not be able to feature him [McCain],’ said Kathi Paroska, finance
director of the Cuyahoga County Republican Party and a McCain supporter.
‘He's a hero, and we have not had a hero in many, many years.’

“Yesterday morning, Paroska said she expected the fund-raising dinner to go
on as planned Feb. 26, with McCain as the keynote speaker, 10 days before the
Ohio primary.  By afternoon, Matt Cox, executive director of the county GOP,
said the dinner was being moved to mid-March - after the primary - with Taft
as the speaker. Taft chairs Bush's Ohio campaign. ... McCain spokesman Todd
Harris said the Arizona senator planned to campaign often, and hard, in Ohio,
despite the rebuff from Cleveland.  ‘We're not going to be deterred by the
governor's bullying tactics,’ Harris said. ‘The fact that he's not willing
let Republicans in his own state even see John McCain is ample testimony to
his lack of confidence in his own candidate.’"

- The Plain Dealer, 2/18/00

Bush Resorting to Threats to Thwart Mass Defections

“With the GOP presidential candidates facing a showdown vote in South
Carolina this weekend, a senior House Republican lawmaker is trying to whip
up support for Texas Gov. George W. Bush heading into a series of critical
March primaries.  The mobilization push by Chief Deputy Whip Roy Blunt
(R-Mo.) in states such as New York and California comes as Bush and one of
the governor's senior aides warned that the campaign won't forget, or
forgive, any GOP lawmakers who desert them now.  ‘Those Members who are
weak-kneed, we notice those things,’ said a Bush aide, repeating a message
first voiced by the candidate himself last week. ‘Members who start to cut
and run, 

[CTRL] Gore sensitive about Hammer connection

2000-02-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

"Gore sensitive about Hammer connection/A

Gore sensitive about
Hammer connection


A gossip columnist for MSNBC suggests Al Gore is being cagey about his middle
name because of his family's long-time association with a billionaire Soviet
In her Feb. 15 column, Jeanette Walls reveals the vice president usually
gives only his middle initial -- A -- when asked about his middle name. When
pressed upon by a fifth grader recently, Gore asked the kid to give his full

In other words, the vice president won't even give a straight, direct answer
to the question: "What's your name?"

Does this remind you of any recent presidents?

On his tax return, Gore lists his middle name as Albert. I always thought
that was his first name. According to the Wall Street Journal, his birth
certificate lists the middle name as simply the initial "A."

Very strange. Why the hypersensitivity?

A source told Walls that his parents gave him the initial as a middle name
because they wanted their friend and benefactor, Armand Hammer, to believe
their child was named for him. An official spokesman for the vice president
questioned the veracity of the report.

With good reason the campaign wants to divert attention from the Hammer-Gore

Hammer used to boast that he had Sen. Al Gore Sr. "in his back pocket." As I
have reported here before, Hammer set up Gore Sr. in business before he
ventured into politics, stayed close to him throughout his political career
and hired him after he left office.

"Throughout the whole of his life, Al Gore Sr. and his family depended on
pay-outs, kickbacks and subventions from Hammer," wrote Neil Lyndon, who
worked for Hammer. "Like his father before him, Al Gore Jr.'s political
career was lavishly sponsored by Hammer from the moment it began until Hammer
died, only two years before Gore Clinton in the 1992 race for the White

Who was Hammer? He was a personal friend of V.I. Lenin. He was known as
Lenin's "path" to America's financial resources. He was the first of a long
line of Western businessmen to participate in KGB-controlled joint ventures
in the Soviet Union. He was the son of Julius Hammer, a founder of the
Socialist Labor Party and later the Communist party USA and who served time
in Sing Sing for performing illegal abortions. Armand Hammer was called the
"Capitalist Prince" by the KGB. He dutifully served the Soviets for seven
decades and became the first -- and only -- "American capitalist" to be
awarded the Order of Lenin.

According to Edward J. Epstein's "Dossier: The Secret History of Armand
Hammer," Lenin told Stalin about this so-called "industrialist": "This is a
small path leading to the American 'business' world, and this path should be
made use of in every way."

In other words, Hammer was a part-time spy, part-time money-launderer,
part-time "industrialist" -- but a full-time traitor to the United States of

To the Soviet Union in his day, Hammer was a figure with much in common with
the contemporary spy-cum-billionaire Mochtar Riady -- doing the bidding of
socialist tyrants and making a bundle in the process.

It was Al Gore Sr. who stopped the FBI from pursuing an investigation of
Hammer as a Soviet agent of influence. And the cozy relationship with the
family continued when Al Gore Jr. -- whatever his real name is -- was elected
to the Senate in 1980. Hammer was the guest of honor in the "senators only"
section during President Reagan's inauguration.

The Hammer connection continued to define Al Gore's political career. He
serves as co-chairman of a Russian-U.S. commission intended to help the next
generation of Armand Hammer-style "Capitalist Princes" develop contacts with
businesses that are little more than foreign intelligence fronts. In 1994,
the vice president established U.S.-Russian Joint Commission on Economic and
Technical Cooperation, better known as the Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission. The
purpose of the commission is to help establish join ventures in space
exploration, science and technology, defense conversion, environmental
initiatives, public health issues, agribusiness and economic development. The
Russian side of this equation is littered with shadowy figures with one foot
in the intelligence community and the other in mob-related activities.

Now you see why Al Gore Jr. is the perfect candidate to continue the Bill
Clinton tradition. He's been groomed for it his whole life -- from the very
day he was born.

So, at the next Democratic party town hall meeting, some one should ask the
simple, straightforward question -- once again -- of candidate Al Gore: 

[CTRL] AF News 19 Feb 00

2000-02-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

000246.  DOD officials disagree with House report on anthrax

by Army Staff Sgt. Kathleen T. Rhem
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- DOD officials said they have no intention of ending
their program of mandatory anthrax vaccinations for service members, despite
a House of Representatives panel's recommendation that the program should be

"The Department of Defense is very confident in the anthrax program that we
have undertaken," said Dr. Sue Bailey, assistant secretary of defense for
health affairs, at a Pentagon briefing Feb. 17.  "We have a very safe and
effective vaccine against a very deadly biologic agent that we know to be in
the hands of many of our adversaries.

"Were (service members) not vaccinated and exposed to this agent, they would
die a horrible death.  It is our mission to protect those forces," Bailey

A critical report released Feb. 17 by the Government Reform Committee's
National Security subcommittee stated the military's program to inoculate
all 2.4 million troops against anthrax was based on "dangerously narrow
scientific" evidence.  The panel recommended the vaccination program be
suspended and the vaccine be considered experimental.

The Pentagon's top bio-defense official, Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Randy L.
West, said he was disappointed by much of what was in that report.  West is
the special advisor to the secretary of defense for anthrax and bio-defense

"There are a lot of allegations in there that I believe were appropriately
answered during the seven hearings that we had on this issue last year,"
West said, referring to congressional hearings on the anthrax vaccination
program held in September and October.  "I believe if you take many of the
negative comments that are made in the report and go back and bounce them
against the testimony that was given, you'll find many of those concerns
were adequately addressed."

However, West said, he's glad that the committee called DOD's program a
well-intended effort and that the members recognized there is a legitimate

"I would champion their proposal that we aggressively seek a better
vaccine," he said.  In fact, the general said, there's currently a funded,
aggressive program under the supervision of the Centers for Disease Control
in Atlanta to do just that.

"We also believe anything that we can do to improve the shot protocol would
be a good thing," West said.  "If you can give this vaccination in less than
six shots, you're probably going to have fewer reactions, and the fewer
reactions we have the better it is."

West said DOD budgeted $20 million in 1999 to work with the CDC and
determine ways to improve the program.  He said those efforts are in four
areas: shot regimen, gender differences, method of delivering the vaccine,
and determining the amount of immunity gained from the regimen.

But, he said, pending improvements shouldn't prevent DOD from using the best
measures currently available.  "We should always want better medicine. We
should always want to find a better vaccine.  We should always want to find
ways to administer it that are less invasive," West said.  "But those things
take time.  Those are months or years away, and we've got troops that are in
danger of aerosolized, weaponized anthrax today.  We can't wait until we've
got a new-and-improved vaccine to give them the protection they need."

Bailey agreed.  "(Anthrax) is as deadly as ebola," she said, explaining that
anthrax is almost 100 percent deadly if not treated before symptoms develop.

She explained DOD requires service members to receive many vaccines that
aren't voluntary.  "It is not only to protect the troops but to protect the
effectiveness of the mission," Bailey said.  She used the example of tetanus
vaccine being required during World War II.  "Although there were millions
of wounds and casualties, we only had 12 cases of tetanus," she said.  "It's
that kind of protection that medicine can afford to our troops, and we are
intent upon providing that to them."

000251.  Crew gathers critical data for airborne laser program

by Staff Sgt. Karin Wickwire
51st Fighter Wing Public Affairs

OSAN AIR BASE, Republic of Korea (AFPN) -- Preparations for future
warfighting are happening now as a C-135E aircraft from Kirtland Air Force
Base, N.M., flies sorties from here to gather atmospheric measurements vital
to the Airborne Laser program.

Once operational, the ABL's primary mission will be to destroy theater
ballistic missiles during their boost phase, which occurs during initial

How will the ABL work?  According to Maj. Pedro Oms, Airborne Laser System
Program Office deputy director, management operations, at Kirtland, the
system fires a laser with enough power to cause a 12-inch crack to form on a
missile's housing.  Once the crack occurs, internal 

[CTRL] Date: 18 February 2000 Federalist #00-07.dgst

2000-02-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

* Veritas Vos Liberabit *
The Internet's Conservative Journal of Record

Date: 18 February 2000
Federalist #00-07.dgst

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"I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too
many parasites living on the labor of the industrious." --Thomas


In the news this week, it's the eve of the South Carolina primary,
and, though Mr. Bush has a statistical lead, columnist Don Feder
surmised, "What began as a coronation is starting to look like a
decapitation." If the fact that both the Bush-McCain2000 and
McCain-Bush2000 Internet domain names have already been locked up is
any indication, this promises to be a close race!

Mr. Bush did pick up an important endorsement from American
Conservative Union leader David Keene. "Our message is clear. There is
only one viable choice left for conservatives in this election, one
man who we believe will fight for the key aspects of our agenda, such
as smaller government, tax relief, a strong national defense and the
sanctity of human life. That man is George Bush. Many of the positions
[McCain] has staked out in recent years and on the campaign trail
should be considered for what they are -- outright assaults on the
conservative Reagan agenda."

The endorsement from Mr. Keene -- a true Reagan conservative -- should
not be confused with that collection of crowning endorsements Mr. Bush
hailed from establishment Republicans in Congress. The latter has
boomeranged, as voters consistently say Congress is one of the least
trusted American institutions -- just behind government in general.
Many of Mr. Bush's themes, which he has spent about $50 million
delivering, echo those that Congress has repeatedly failed to deliver
-- especially that "fairer flatter tax."

Memo to Mr. Bush: Kill the "compassion" thing. It is analogous to the
" kinder, gentler wimp" thing. Bury it quietly. If you possess
leadership qualities like courage and strength -- and we have it on
good authority you do -- show it! And as for your political tactics
thus far, this is not your father's campaign ground.

Mr. John McCain picked up the endorsement of Gary Bauer, who like
McCain, calls himself a "conservative" but promotes government
policies and programs rather than free enterprise and liberty as
solutions to the day's ills. "Right now, Bauer would be more at home
in the Democratic primary than the Republican," notes Cato Institute's
Mike Tanner. Mr. Bauer quoted Ronald Reagan at length in his
endorsement of McCain but should know that McCain's momentum is
totally rooted in his "anti-Clinton/anti-establishment" persona. He is
not a member of President Reagan's legacy team.

The Family Research Council, an excellent advocate of many
conservative issues upon which Mr. McCain has equivocated, issued this
bulletin following Bauer's endorsement: "Gary Bauer resigned as
President and Chairman of the Board of Family Research Council in
January 1999, and he is not an employee of Family Research Council."

On Mr. McCain -- whom we dubbed McCain-Feingold in honor of his
obsession with campaign finance "reform" (cosponsored by another one
of those infamous Demo Rhodes Scholars, Russ Feingold) -- let's set
the record straight.

First, Bush or McCain will defeat Al "Yes-I-Believe-Bill-Clinton"
Gore.  As we noted in January, "Put straight-talkin' McCain mano a
mano with Clinton's enabler, and Gore will look like a convict at a
parole board hearing." Both candidates shine next to Gore.

Though McCain is an attractive candidate, "charming," in fact, he is
bent on using government as an instrument of reform, rather than
reforming government. In other words, Mr. McCain, like many of his
Potomac brethren, subscribe to the Reagan antithesis: Government is
the solution, not the problem. His legislative agenda has been all
over the board, for reasons known only to John McCain. He does not
offer a clear perspective on the role of government.

Despite his charm, McCain should drop the "war hero" thing. This is,
after all, the man who had the audacity to produce a campaign ad at
National Cemetery, using this hallowed ground dedicated to those who
made the ultimate sacrifice, as a backdrop for political fodder.
Rather than acknowledge his arrogance, McCain said, lamely, that he
just didn't know it was against National Park Service regulations --
then blamed the whole affair on his handlers. We were not impressed!

McCain does certainly deserve our respect for his considerable

Re: [CTRL] McCain, Bush Mind Control (WashPost)

2000-02-19 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

This year, more than ever before, your VOTE really counts.

So do it. Get registered and VOTE.


On 19 Feb 00, at 7:23, Colleen Jones wrote:

 Back in late 70 and early 80 period, my friend who was MI6 had an old
 friend who was former OSS then CIA agent.he was on the run, for
 someone was out to kill him.

 This man was not sure whether it was the CIA or the KGB.my friend
 said he knew too much but at time oldliners were all in trouble it would

 There was a place in Cincinnati Area,  called Beverly Hills.big
 meeting space for spies.that weekend, a  Memorial Day weekend, this
 man was there when John Davidson the singer appeared and the place was
 hit by fire...he survived, but did not contact my old friend for
 some time.

 Often wondered what happened to him; but, one thing when CIA and FBI and
 KGB and Mossad all in same family, we have a problem.FBI supposed to
 be domestic,but Freeh meets with KGB and they send out FBI/BATF to
 incinerate AmericanCitizens at Waco, murder little kid at Ruby Ridge
 with his dog, and then look at KGB Putin and the little kid with his
 legs amputated as a lesson who was denied medical treatmentfor Putin
 said show them out in the open what will happen.

 If the truth be known, remember the so called Walker spies?   KGB got
 into KKK and Walker ran this KKK?  KGB sent out letters and stuff done
 to make look like work of Aryan Nations?

 So now death penalty for Buford?  Wonder why death penalty for a mental
 who rant like homing pigeon to FBI only hired a taxi cab to make
 trip.he failed to self destruct.

 So CIA and KGB in bed together for long time; old line was being
 murdered offremember when Kissinger let pictures be taken of
 overseas CIA agents and Agent Welch brought hom in coffin draped with
 USA flag?

 National Enquirer exposed this and took picture of list that Kissinger
 left out, for they were on to him.Bob Pope headed up Enquirer at
 that time and was loyal CIA agent evidently, for my old friend worked
 for him at the time for bread and butter money ovr herethen went to

 Poor Kissinger..then like Clionton his telephone he said had been
 tapped by Russians the old 2nd party routine,like Mossad tapped the
 President of the United States telephone throught Monica
 Lewinsky...my they say our security is threatened?

 What Security..they ought to fire all the bastards - Cohen telling
 Americans we have to give up our privacy for Security?
 Whose securitytheir security?   For that bunch it is not safe for
 them to eat a loaf of read during passoverold trick, poison bread
 and water.

 Country only as good as President; these Zionists have blackmailed their
 way into control and destroy us from within.

 I would like to see McCain/Buchanan ticket..now those guys play
 rough.each could watch dog the other,but I say this,get those
 traitors out of our government,and remember the cyanide in the Blue
 Danube.and the murder of the children at Waco and Ruby Ridge.and
 the little boy in Chechnya whose legs were cut off because Putin want an
 example.butchers all of them.






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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Christian Leaders Arent

2000-02-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Christian Leaders Aren’t
By Chuck Baldwin

February 18, 2000

The "Washington Post" ran an interesting story earlier this week. In a
nutshell, the article reported that conservative Christian activism has
"gone cold." Where thousands of evangelicals and conservative Catholics had
before rallied to the cause of the Republican Party, today they sit dormant
and uninvolved. There is a very simple reason for this: Many Christian
leaders have failed to provide the kind of principled leadership necessary
for such activism to continue.

Perhaps we were spoiled with the success of Ronald Reagan. Today’s
Christian activists cut their teeth on the Reagan campaigns. The Carter
years had left America weak and vulnerable. Thousands of clergymen and
millions of Christians stood in the gap for principle and truth. Throwing
aside a Republican Party full of stale and lifeless country club fat cats,
millions of conservatives and hundreds of Christian leaders took a
principled stand for faith, family and freedom. The result: two landslide
presidential victories.

Suddenly, Christian leaders were politically powerful. They were sought out
by the media and by the political elite. Their names became household
words. They brought Christian influence from the back street to Main
Street. Cameras and microphones followed us wherever we went. We were
somebody. Why? Because we won!

Since we were now on the inside, we had the advantage of listening to well
educated and intelligent experts tell us how to keep winning. We attended
and conducted seminars and conferences on how to win. We learned how to
organize. We learned how to take opinion polls.

The first thing we learned was that winning is the most important thing.
From that moment on, winning was all that mattered. Winning was fun.
Winning was exciting. Winning took us places. At all costs, therefore, we
must win!

The second thing we learned was that in order to win we must compromise.
Compromise, we were told, was the only way to keep our influence and power.
Besides, it was the smart thing to do. Imperceptibly, pragmatism replaced

The Waterloo for Christian leadership came in 1996 when it openly rejected
the burgeoning candidacy of the principled conservative candidate, Pat
Buchanan, for the known compromising candidate, Bob Dole. Voting for Dole
was considered the smart thing to do, however. It was the pragmatic thing
to do. Only Bob Dole could win, we were told. So, we threw Buchanan to the
Dumpster. Something went wrong, though. Dole lost!

More than Bob Dole lost, however. Christian leaders lost their principles
and their courage. They had been effectively neutered. We were now part of
the establishment. We acted like the establishment. We thought like the
establishment. We compromised like the establishment. The things that
caused us to win before had been totally forgotten.

I say they have been forgotten because we are still making the same fatal
mistake. We continue to reject principled candidates like Alan Keyes who,
we are told, cannot win, in favor of compromising candidates who, we are
assured, can.

The result is millions of frustrated, uninspired, turned-off conservatives
who feel betrayed. And they have been! There is one more result: another
GOP defeat at the polls in November!

Maybe sooner or later, Christian leaders will again awaken to the
fundamental principles that first gave them victory. Maybe they will
eventually get over the perfidious puffery heaped on them by disingenuous
politicos and once again stand courageously for truth and righteousness,
win or lose! Absent such courage, a Republican victory means not a victory
for the country.

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] McCain, Bush Mind Control (WashPost)

2000-02-19 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


Please define 'Zionists'.


On 19 Feb 00, at 7:23, Colleen Jones wrote:

 Country only as good as President; these Zionists have blackmailed their
 way into control and destroy us from within.





A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Saturday #1

2000-02-19 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000219a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* The latest bulletin is now viewable at: http://www.sonic.net/~ric/x.htm
* No UFOlogists went zombie during production of this bulletin. Probably.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Terribly wrong: http://users.net2000.com.au/~shankara/Evolution.jpg
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# There's a PC in My Salt Shaker. (Wired) Don't blink! Very soon there
  may be a computer in your Coke bottle, your wristwatch, or even your
  sheets. http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,34464,00.html

# Spacecraft learn to DIY. (BBC) Nasa scientists are developing equipment
  for deep space travel that mimics living organisms' ability to think and
  act for themselves. Set me free! http://newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9404679

: Do you want computers in everything you use, wear, eat, touch? Should you
be wrapped in computers? Will they become alive? Will they devour you? When?

# Ironing Robot: How do you get a robot to do the ironing? We asked one
  of the UK's top robotic firms to build us one. Next: robo-prostitutes.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  HOVERS - HELICOPTER GAMES: http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/filer2000.htm

: Has your physical evidence of abductions been stolen by spies lately? Who?
Did they drug/abuse/abduct you? Did you leave a camcorder running? Why not?

# Mystery Contrails: Poison From the Sky! Weather modification or
  biowar over America? http://www.islandnet.com/~wilco/investsky.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# FBI's Internet Cases Quadruple. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Internet attacks
  originally aimed at e-commerce sites are continuing this week and even
  cropping up abroad, so federal investigators are looking into whether
  copycats are targeting less well-known Web sites. Caseload quadruples:

# FBI: Control Crypto: http://www.theregister.co.uk/000217-06.html
# US: Double Hacker Penalties, Give Cops More Power, Prosecute 15-Yr-Olds:
# DotComs Hack Each Other: http://www.theregister.co.uk/000218-18.html

: Should net.enterprises be free to hack each other as long as they leave
the rest of us alone? Should hackers/cops/spies unionize? Is organized power
always greater than individual power? How much power do you have/want/need?

# Hackers Plant Bogus Corporate Merger News - Stocks Rise; Probe Launched:
# ONION To Buy NY TIMES: http://www.upside.com/David_Bunnell/38ac492d0.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Zombies. He enabled them to take samples of the zombie powder, and film
  the rituals creating a zombie, feeding zombies, and other "secrets" of
  the zombie society. http://web.mit.edu/mbarker/www/writers/t021568.txt

@ Get Out the Blowgun, We're Going to Have Some Fun. Voodoo and Neurons:
# Eye of NEWT, Skin of TOAD, Bile of PUFFERFISH - neurotoxins and zombies:
# ZOMBI - Did the Taino Indians make the first zombies?
@ STRAIGHT DOPE - How do I go about creating a zombie?

@ ZOMBIE POWDER. In this world, there is a powder called the
  Zombie Powder that brings the dead back to life and gives the
  living eternal life. http://www.ex.org/4.6/26-manga_jump1.html

: Are you a zombie? Is it dreary? Are there better, more humane forms of MC
[mind-control]?? What's your favorite MC? D'ya prefer drugs, magic, CIA rays
 tasers, tachistoscopes / subliminal suggestion / hypnosis, alien implants?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Genetically engineered food could be lifeline for developing world. Is it
  ethical for well-fed Westerners to ignore the potential of biotechnology
  to feed hungry people worldwide, particularly when the same technology is
  being used to extend life expectancy by producing pharmaceuticals? Improve
  the quality 

Re: [CTRL] FW: What Monsanto does not want you to know.......

2000-02-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 2/18/00 5:43:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Kinda' like YOUR homeopathic crapola???
Makes ya' wonder!!!


 Howdy Bill,
Can we please tone the level down a bit. We need to be able to speak to each
other, and this type rhetoric isn't really productive.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 2/19/00

2000-02-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin

Digital Society

Ecash 2.0

Let's see. The usual undefined, misunderstood terms: "real thing", "money",
"ecash", etc.

Digital currencies are sprouting all over the Internet. But virtual money
does not yet pose a serious threat to the real thing.

MONEY has always been a sexy topic. As has technology. So the hype that
greeted the arrival in the mid-1990s of several digital kinds of cash should
not have been surprising. Some predicted that private electronic currencies
would swiftly compete with dollars or D-marks. Central bankers began to worry
that—perish the thought!—they might become obsolete.

The reality has proved much less exciting: for electronic cash has flopped
badly. Its issuers either went bankrupt (DigiCash), dropped the product (Cyber
Cash) or moved into another business (First Virtual Holdings, now MessageMedia
). On the Internet, almost all payments are still made by unsexy credit
cards. In fact, digital cash was always a long shot. Around the world, money
brings out a conservative streak. Even in America, it took decades to
establish the credit card. And the first generation of e-cash was hardly an
attractive proposition. Consumers had to install special software. Worse,
they could spend their e-cash in only a very few places.

Despite that sobering experience, a second generation of financial firms is
now giving e-cash another go, online. Hardly a week passes without a start-up
venture—usually American—announcing a new form of electronic money. And this
time, the prospects look rather better.

There appears now to be genuine demand for an online alternative to credit
cards, which the rapid growth of e-commerce is bound to fuel. Sometimes,
consumers will wish to remain anonymous. Many, particularly outside America,
have no access to plastic money. Some are too young. And auctions and other
sorts of consumer-to-consumer e-commerce have created a need for online
payment between individuals.

A survey carried out by Jupiter Communications last year found that consumers
are dissatisfied with the way they spend their money online (see chart).
Jupiter predicts that the hegemony of credit cards online will wane—but not
much. It forecasts a drop from 95% to 81% of the value of such transactions
by 2003.

Merchants, for their part, might welcome digital cash—after all, credit-card
costs take a hefty bite out of their revenue. That is a particular problem
for the growing number of websites that sell cheap items—single songs, say.
Most of the new financial firms working on e-cash are looking at
“micropayments”—meaning purchases costing from a tenth of a cent to $10. One
way to make such tiny sales worth a merchant’s while is to store value in an
online account and deduct small purchases. 1ClickCharge pioneered this
approach. Two big computer firms, Compaq and IBM, have developed similar
technology. Other firms, such as Qpass, make no initial charge, but
accumulate payments and deduct the balance from a credit card.

Useful as these services may be, they are little more than an extension of
existing payment systems. Another group of firms is trying to go further.
Robert Levitan, chief executive and founder of a company called flooz.com,
blames the failure of the first generation of e-cash on its lack of a
compelling application. Flooz’s answer is gift certificates. Consumers need
them, says Mr Levitan, because they often lack time and gift ideas. And
merchants like them, because consumers tend to spend them more readily than
cash. In this system, present-givers, using a credit card, pay money into an
account. They then e-mail it to the recipient, who can spend it at any of 68
merchant “partners”. $5m-worth of flooz certificates are “in circulation”.

Another company, Beenz.com, is taking a different approach. What Philip
Letts, its chief executive, calls its “big gotcha” is that consumers can earn
“beenz” simply by being online. About 50 websites use them to pay people for
visiting, filling in online surveys or shopping. Beenz can be spent at other
websites. The firm sells its currency to partner merchants at a rate of 100
to the dollar, of which half is its commission; so one beenz is worth half a
cent. A similar scheme, run by Cybergold, even allows “cyberdollars” to be
converted into real bucks.

A more significant source of competition may come from the offline world.
Starting in May, the 38m members of American Airlines’ frequent-flyer
programme will be able not only to earn mileage points by purchasing goods
and services on AOL, the world’s largest online service. They will also be
able to spend them there. To keep their mileage programs attractive, other
airlines may have to follow suit. This could unlock considerable buying
power. Frequent Flyer Services, a consultancy, estimates that there are

[CTRL] e-gold questions and answers

2000-02-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.e-gold.com/unsecure/qanda.html"e-gold
questions and answers/A

What is e-gold?
e-gold is the first electronic currency that unleashes the potential of
worldwide e-commerce. From Azerbaijan to Zaire, e-gold is the largest,
fastest growing, privately issued currency in the world.

e-gold is World Wide Money.
more about e-gold...
What makes e-gold unique?
e-gold is 100% backed with gold (silver, platinum, or palladium).
more attributes of e-gold...
Why should I create an e-gold account now?
The moment you create an account, anyone in the world who has e-gold can
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Click here to create your account.
What does it cost to create an e-gold account?
Nothing. There are nominal fees for transactions and storage.   e-gold fees pa
How do I obtain e-gold?
Once you've created an e-gold account, you obtain e-gold by performing an
InExchange from the account manager. (The InExchange transaction locks in
your exchange rate). Then send your funds to GSR via Western Union QuickPay,
check, bank wire or money order. Your e-gold will be issued to your account wh
en your funds clear. (Other ways to obtain e-gold are to have another account
holder spend some to you, or bail in your own precious metal.)  InExchange pay
ment options page
What can I do with my e-gold?

*   Receive payment - settle up last night's dinner tab, or sell your beanie
babies at an online auction.

*   Buy stuff over the web, or click a few grams of gold as a graduation gift.

*   Pay your phone bill - even if the phone company doesn't take e-gold yet.

synopsis of transactions
Does my e-gold account hold dollars?
No. Your account stores value denominated in weight units of gold, silver,
platinum, or palladium. For example, you might have 1.45 troy ounces of gold
in your account. For convenience, your balance also displays equivalent value
in terms of dollars (yen, etc.). This equivalent value fluctuates with
exchange rates. e-gold account manager
Where is the gold?
Coined metal is held in the US by a storage contractor who also fulfills
Redemption orders. Larger bullion bars, in the form of Mocatta Delivery
Orders, are held in allocated storage (audited, and insured by Lloyds of
London) in Switzerland.
Use Examiner to view the breakdown of specie held for each metal in the
system. more about location of metal...
Who is e-gold?
The e-gold system has been online since 1996. GSR currently administers the
e-gold system. GSR was founded by Dr. Douglas Jackson, Florida Medical Lic.
ME0062574, and Barry Downey, a practicing attorney. more about GSR...
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] PayPal - About

2000-02-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=about"PayPal -

PayPal.com is the world’s first email payment service. PayPal.com allows you
to send money instantly and securely to anyone with an email address. You can
also send personal bills to a friend or group of friends, who can then pay
you quickly and easily online. PayPal.com makes sending and collecting money
as easy as email.
PayPal.com integrates seamlessly with existing financial networks, allowing
you to beam money to friends from your credit card or bank account. Equally
important, you can now accept credit card payments from anyone.
Use PayPal.com to settle debts and collect money from friends. Or use
PayPal.com to buy and sell items at online auctions, classified sites and
personal web sites. PayPal.com is always fast, free and secure.
PayPal.com is currently available to email users in the U.S. and will
introduce its service to international users soon.
PayPal for Mobile Devices
PayPal for the Palm extends the basic PayPal.com features to your Palm or
Handspring organizer, allowing you to beam money anytime, anywhere. In the
coming months, PayPal will extend its service to web-enabled cell phones,
two-way pagers and other web-connected devices.
Company Background
Confinity, Inc. was founded in December 1998 with a team of experts in
finance, encryption, telecommunications, and the Internet. Confinity is
backed by the venture arms of industry leaders Nokia, idealab, Goldman Sachs
and Deutsche Bank. In addition to our investment partners, Confinity also has
an impressive team of advisors, led by Bill Melton, CEO of CyberCash and
Martin Hellman, inventor of public key cryptography.

.  HOME  .  ABOUT   .  NEWS  .  JOBS  .  CONTACT  .  SIGN UP  .
Copyright © 2000
Confinity, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Privacy and Security.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Burien's blueprint for Mr. Putin

2000-02-19 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Linda Minor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't pretend to know how to figure out this mess.  But I do have a small
idea about how the political system works.  It is operated by networks under
a masonic structure--all the way from the brain trust down to the lowly
ditch digger.  The name of the game is jobs.  That's why people don't speak
out against the little things they see in their work that they feel
instinctively are wrong; they have a family to support.  Because the system
is entrenched in this way, it is thoroughly pervasive within the government.
The men who did understand how the system got started tried to put a
structure of protection into the legal framework to prevent this type of
looting to take place.  But the brain trust is always there devising ways
around it.  In order to fight the end result, we have to understand how laws
are written and interpreted--on a piecemeal basis.  Courts do not look at an
overview or a theory.  They must isolate the facts to one situation and
determine whether that scenario conforms to the statute creating it.  They
analyze the enabling legislation for the governmental entity--such as the
Port Authority--and all court cases interpreting that or similar statutes.

In my opinion, all legislation involving port authorities--whether in New
York, Boston, Baltimore, New Orleans, Houston, etc.--is very political.
Historically, that was the first bastion of the drug cartels--before
railroads, airplanes, and any other form of transportation.  The
international trade in commodities, slaves and drugs knew they had to
control the ports.  They used profits to bribe officials to appoint their
people to the boards of the authorities that controlled them.  They then
were able to control the bond issues and the revenue stream.

The only way to defeat this system is for more people to learn how these
financing schemes work.  The politicians want money to finance campaigns.
The people with the money are there to create money for the politician as
long as they are given the control over these types of governmental
authorities.  If you read Pete Brewton's book, you can see how he connected
Ned Holmes, chairman of the Houston Port Authority, to the county judge, Jon
Lindsay, who made sure Holmes got the appointment.  Then Holmes chaired
Lindsay's reelection committee every year.  Brewton also tied Holmes into a
secret investment group, that I have attempted to follow up on.  It leads to
the PO shipping company.  If you look at Dope, Inc., you can follow PO
back to Jardine, Matheson, the original bond company for opium.

Linda Minor

However, any governmental agency that was a profit center (the Port
Authority for New Jersey, the New Jersey Turnpike, and investment accounts,
etc.) that generated no-tax revenue was "restricted by statute from being
reported in the Annual Budget.   Why? Because the state legislature passed
laws to prevent reporting the income from profit center on the Budget.
Instead, income from these profit centers was disclosed only on the CAFR.

But that disclosure was not immediately apparent.   For example, when Mr.
Burien looked for New Jersey’s 1989 "gross cash receipts" in the CAFR, he
found the figure buried on page 174, under the "Waste Water Treatment Trust
Fund."   It showed the amount of the total cash receipts for 1989 from all
69 autonomous state agencies and departments was almost $87 billion.   In
other words, New Jersey was charging $87 billion to provide $17 billion in
public services.   New Jersey citizens were paying $5 for every $1 in
services they received, and the state was pocketing the other $4 as

The CAFR also reported the state owned $32 billion in common stocks - but
this figure was footnoted.  The footnote revealed that the stocks were
valued according to their original purchase price, not the current market
value.   In other words, if the state bought a stock in 1968 at $1.25 a
share and it’s worth $3,000 a share now, they still report it on the CAFR as
worth $1.25 a share.   Burien determined that the true market value for the
"$32 billion" in stocks reported on the New Jersey CAFR was actually about
$70 billion.

-Original Message-
From: Brian Downing Quig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, February 19, 2000 8:42 AM
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Burien's blueprint for Mr. Putin

From: Brian Downing Quig [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We are watching in real time the destruction of a system
that was foundationed on the assumption that common people
would never be able to communicate well enough to figure
this out.

Brian Quig

Bob wrote:

  a sample:

 "CAFR reports indicate that the composite totals for all
 government (Federal, state, county and city) ownership
 of publicly traded stocks exceeds $32 TRILLION (53%
 of the total ownership of all listed stocks), $8 TRILLION
 in insurance company equity (should we be surprised by
 high priced mandatory auto insurance or unaffordable

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Saturday #2

2000-02-19 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000219b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* The latest bulletin is now viewable at: http://www.sonic.net/~ric/x.htm
* No malaria victims orgasmed during production of this bulletin. Too bad.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Lagoon Nebula Detail: http://ftp.seds.org/messier/Pics/Jpg/m8detail.jpg
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# California  Nevada Face Serious Radiation Risk:

# High tides threaten Tuvalu. (BBC) The island nation of Tuvalu in the
  Pacific Ocean is being threatened by record high tides this weekend.
  Much of the main island, Funafuti, may be flooded for up to six hours.
  One of the lowest-lying countries in the world, Tuvalu would be most
  at risk from rising sea levels were they to result from a major warming
  of the planet. http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9403336

@ links: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: http://www.ipcc.ch/
@ South Pacific Regional Environment Programme: http://www.sprep.org.ws/
@ CIA - Tuvalu: http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/tv.html

: How much global warming is enough? D'ya have a boat? Which nations/coasts/
islands are expendable? Which would you like to drown? Would you rather be
flooded, irradiated, smothered in volcanic ash, abducted by aliens, bored?

# Will Yellowstone Blow As A Supervolcano In 2070? (BBC) If this giant were
  to stir, the United States would be devastated and the world would be
  plunged into a catastrophe which could push humanity to the brink of
  extinction. http://www.bbc.co.uk/horizon/supervolcanoes_script.shtml
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Episodic memory...without it human civilization would not have evolved.
  We ARE evolved, right? http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9403411

@ A VOYAGE TO KNOWLEDGE OF THE AFTERLIFE. Do the many levels of conscious-
  ness that we can access in 'out-of-body' travels, prove the existence of
  life beyond this one? Really? http://www.altnews.com.au/nexus/bmoen.html

@ The Larger Part of Each of Us: The Physiology of Religion:
@ Microtubules: http://cellbio.utmb.edu/cellbio/microtub.htm
@ Quantum Brain: http://www.reed.edu/~rsavage/qbrain.html

: How is your consciousness working today? IS it working? Did you surrender
your will to anyone lately? When you get "out-of-body" do they let you back
in? Do they let you remember the past, present, future? Do they take bribes?

# Burandanga. (WSJ) If you thought cocaine was bad news, wait until you hear
  about Burandanga. Burundanga is a kind of voodoo powder obtained from a
  Colombian local plant of the nightshade family, a shrub called barrachera,
  or "drunken binge". Used for hundreds of years by Native Americans in rel-
  igious ceremonies, the powder when ingested causes victims to lose their
  will and memory, sometimes for days. But don't all religions do that?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

No Connexions, No Questions:

# Tribe demands meteorite at center of new planetarium. NEW YORK (AP) A
  group of American Indians says a 16-ton meteorite that will be the main
  attraction at the Museum of Natural History's new planetarium is a holy
  tribal object and should be returned to Oregon. The meteorite gives holy
  water and songs: http://abcnews.go.com/wire/US/ap2218_1579.html

# Taking on the malaria bug. At the start of the 21st Century, malaria kills
  more people than Aids. The world's top medics have been unable to stop the
  humble mosquito from transmitting the deadly disease. Now BillGates throws
  money at the dilemma: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9403581
@ Malaria Foundation International: http://www.malaria.org/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# REMOTE VIEWING: ESP Spies: www.altnews.com.au/nexus/ESPionage.html
# The True Adventures of a Psychic Spy. Former military intelligence
  remote viewer David Morehouse shares his insights into accessing
  multi-dimensional reality, and reveals disturbing details on the
  downing of TWA Flight 800. http://altnews.com.au/nexus/psispy1.html

# TWA 800 Probe Rips Government's Story To Shreds: http://www.twa800.com/
# THE ORIGINAL MEN-IN-BLACK: http://altnews.com.au/nexus/meninblack.html
# The Biggest Govt Scam:

: Have you psychically spied on any persons/firms/churches/nations/armies/me
lately? Have you watched any airliner crashes? Have you psychically caused
any crashes? Is it rewarding work? Is it easier than building/using rockets?

# Missile can hit US, says defector. SEOUL. A North Korean defector claims
  Pyongyang has finished building a missile that 

[CTRL] More info: WAVE program

2000-02-19 Thread The Extremist

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Below is more info, phone numbers, URL's on the NC Nazi WAVE program:
Sign the petition, Jam the phone lines, let Big Brother know we are watching.

We have a new Big Brother Program here in NC and it appears there
are plans to implement it in other states.  It's called WAVE (Working
Against Violence Everywhere).

It urges kids to call in and report threats, prejudiced statements, info
on GUNS, etc. The state of NC is turning our kids into little snitches,
tattletales and spies for the state. It's another attempt by the state to
take away parental authority. What's interesting is that the corporate
private Nazi group, Pinkerton Services, INC. is running the program.
If you look at there web site you can see that Pinkerton is very
interested in expanding this program into other states.  Let's stop this
cancer in NC before it spreads across the nation.

The WAVE website is:

The Anti-WAVE website is:

The Anti- WAVE PETITION is at:
Sign it!!!

The WAVE toll-free rat-on-your-fellow students, parents and
neighbors line:

Please get this info out to your contacts, and request that folks go sign
the petition and flood the toll- free WAVE line with complaints.  Let's
Jam their line in protest of Big Brother turning our kids into spies.

Tamera Park is in charge of public relations, Please contact her with
your thoughts!!

You can e-mail Tamera Park and let her know your thoughts on this
OUT OF CONTROL program, her email is:

You can call Tamera Park at :

"WAVE" Program director: Jody Strange needs your calls on what
you think of the "WAVE" Contact number:

1-888-960-9600 "WAVE" (children's snitch  spy) HOTLINE
(Call Now tell them what you think) Jam the lines, write down this
number, call often, let them know what you think.

Governor Jim Hunt's office (no email available):



If you look at the web site for the WAVE program you will see this is
a plan that Hitler used in his rise to power. Please help us with this
fight, the program is in effect NOW in North Carolina, but I promise
they do have plans for all states in the future.

You can send your thoughts and help to my email address at:
"...There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our
overthrow. Our destruction, should it ever come at all, will be from
another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of
their government, from their carelessness and negligence."
- Daniel Webster
[EMAIL PROTECTED] The Patriot Resource Center:
**Live Free or Die!**

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:



2000-02-19 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Linda Minor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The law firm of Hawkins, Delafield  Wood, founded in 1892, specialist in
municipal-bond certification, had a trust and estate division headed by
Louis Auchincloss, cousin of Gordon Auchincloss, who was the secretary and
son-in-law of Col. E.M. House.  See. Paul Hoffman, Lions in the Street, p.
24, and New York Times obituaries, January 17, 1977.  Another cousin was
Hugh D. Auchincloss, Washington, D.C. stockbroker and stepfather of
Jacqueline Kennedy.  Jackie's father, Jack Bouvier, had inherited his
uncle's Wall Street brokerage firm.

Billy Mellon Hitchcock had first worked for Bobby Lehman at Lehman Brothers,
but quit in 1967 to become a partner in Delafield and Delafield, based on
the institutional account he brought in from IOS.   It was the Delafield
bank which handled the stock for the conversion of Mary Carter Paint to
Resorts International. In 1969 Hitchcock left Delafield.  By then he was
living in Sausalito, California and already enmeshed in operations to spread
the use of LSD among the youth of California.  One year after returning from
his "training" at Lazard Brothers in England, he met Timothy Leary and
leased him the Mellons’ 2,600-acre estate in Upstate New York which had once
belonged to Walter Teagle, W.S. Farish’s predecessor as chairman of Standard
Oil of New Jersey. W.S. Farish III was George Bush's trustee on his blind
trust; his grandfather had been chairman of Jersey Standard when Prescott
Bush at Brown Brothers Harriman had helped to merge it with I.G. Farben.

I have believed instinctively for quite some time that the marriage between
JFK and Jackie was a merger of two drug families.  After Jack was killed for
refusing to go along with the agenda, she married another drug mogul.  The
Auchincloss group was in league with Col. House (whose railroads were
financed by bonds issued by  Kuhn, Loeb).  House also was the administrator,
along with his protege Felix Frankfurther, behind FDR--who was a Delano
through and through.  That is the essence of the Democratic Party, which as
you may recall, was founded by August Belmont and his crowd.

Billy Mellon Hitchcock was, on the other hand, working for Republicans,
along with George Bush.  Whether they are all part of the same Hegelian
construct or actually competing, who can say?

Linda Minor

-Original Message-
From: Brian Downing Quig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, February 19, 2000 10:13 AM

From: Brian Downing Quig [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There sure are alot of Hookers in the background of George Bush!

This Janet Bouvier is married an Aukincloss, where the real mony in the
resided.  This is the home where the step children Jackie Kennedy and Gore
were raised.

Brian Quig

Linda Minor wrote:

 From: "Linda Minor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 George Bush was born in 1924.  So in 1942 he would have been 18.  He
 the Navy in June 1942, on his 18th birthday, moving from one naval base
 another until December 1944.

 Here's what Adamson says:

 "On the subject of the roommate that Bush made referent to [this is a
 non-sequitur], there are more ties between Bush and de Mohrenschildt than
 meets the eye.

 "The roommate at Andover was Edward Gordon Hooker.  Both Bush and Hooker
 served on three student groups together at Andover, including the student
 year book the Pot Pourri.  His mother, Cartwright 'Betty' Hooker, married
 Mohrenschildt's brother Dimitri in January of 1937.  De Mohrenschildt
 be actually Hooker's 'step-uncle,' and not an uncle like George Bush made
 out, as if he didn't know de Mohrenschildt well.  [footnote--FBI document
 #100-32965-154, p. 67; Student year book Pot Pourri, at Andover.]
 "It was through the friendship of George Bush and Edward Hooker that
 and George de Mohrenschildt came into contact with the future President,
 George Bush.  For both Bush and Dimitri and his brother George had
 with the CIA and Allen Dulles.

 "Dimitri is now over 91 and may be living in an Ashram in India, gave
 author the following information in a recent piece of correspondence:
 you apparently know, it was probably through my stepson Edward Hooker
 my brother met George Bush,'  Professor Von Mohrenschild wrote.  'He and
 George Bush were together at Andover [Phillips Academy], Yale and during
 war were again together at the flying school.  They were both dive-bomber
 pilots during the war.  Later Edward worked for George Bush in his Texas
 [Zapata Oil] firm.'

 "Pressed for more information in subsequent correspondence, Dimitri Von
 Mohrenschildt said, 'he was not sure,' but 'vaguely remembers de
 Mohrenschildt mentioning that he did some work for G. Bush's firm in
 Texas--but I can't confirm it.  I know that he [his stepson, Edward
 was in Texas for some time after the war,' Dimitri wrote.

 "Edward Hooker 

[CTRL] Zogby Final Poll: Bush 51%, McCain 42%, Keyes 7% (fwd)

2000-02-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

[Had the Stupid Party not hit upon the bright idea of letting
Democrats pick the Republican candidate, McCain wouldn't even be
in the race.  However, and as Steve W. has pointed out, as things
ARE, turnout will be EVERYTHING, so get up and VOTE!  --MS]



Released: February 19, 2000

Reuters/Zogby South Carolina tracking poll final results: Bush
51% - McCain 42%

Final Four Day Tracking Results

Texas Governor George W. Bush has moved further ahead of Arizona
Senator John McCain (51%-42%), a new Reuters/Zogby tracking poll
of the South Carolina Republican primary showed.

Former Ambassador Alan Keyes polled 7.0% in the final poll of 605
likely Republican primary voters polled Thursday and Friday.

Pollster John Zogby: "Bush pulls ahead by virtue of strong
support among Conservative voters, Very Conservative voters,
Born-Again Christians and Republicans.

"McCain is doing well among Moderates and first-time Republican
Primary voters, Independents and Democrats. But it is Bush's
overwhelming support among Republicans that has allowed him to
open up a wider lead. Turnout again is the key. If there is heavy
turnout in the Coastal area and the Columbia suburban area,
McCain can tighten the race or even win. But if vote is heaviest
in the Western part of the state, Bush should hold on to

The tracking survey had a margin of error of +/- 4%. The surveys
were daily tracking polls which feature a rolling average of two
days sampling. Approximately 300 likely voters were sampled each
day with the earliest day's sample eliminated, thus creating a
new daily sample of 600.

South Carolina Republican Primary (Four-day tracking results)

Final Results

George Bush

Feb. 16  Feb. 17  Feb. 18  Feb. 19 Final Results

 42.7  43.4 43.3 47.2  51.0

John McCain

 39.6  42.0  39.5 39.4  42.0

Alan Keyes

 4.34.0   5.4  6.5   7.0

Copyright 2000 by Zogby International.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] It's not votes which count, it's investors.

2000-02-19 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Thomas Ferguson's
Golden Rule.  That is, it is not "votes" which matter.  It is
investors.  Investors have shifted both parties to the right
(see, for
supporting evidence, Ferguson and Rogers *Right Turn* or
*Golden Rule*).

*Golden Rule: The Investment Theory of Party Competition and the
Logic of Money-Driven Political Systems* (University of Chicago
1995), pp. 381-3:

 The Myth of the Median Voter

Let us begin, however, with the investment theory's bedrock
what might be termed the general failure of control by the
median voter (the voter whose strategic position exactly in the
of a distribution of voters guarantees a candidate one more vote
he or she needs to defeat all comers).

The argument can be developed with any degree of detail and
vigor. But it is perhaps most easily and convincingly outlined in
terms of a single concrete example designed to demonstrate with
clarity of a laboratory experiment just how money-driven
systems can thwart the will of even overwhelming majorities of

Imagine a world in which labor-intensive textile producers
virtually all pecuniary resources beyond those necessary for
wage earners to live (a world, that is, in which the so-called
"classical savings function" popularized by Kalecki, Kaldor, and
Robinson applies). Such a situation is perhaps most conveniently
pictured along the lines of some company town of the early
Revolution, but as will shortly be evident, conditions long ago
far away are not the essence of the problem. A fortiori, neither
the classical savings function.

Suppose, further, that an election is being staged, in which
votes for one of two political parties. There is only one issue,
everyone agrees on what it is: passage of legislation that is
to lead to 100 percent unionization of the labor force. All wage
earners agree that the law is desirable. All textile magnates (3
percent of the total voting population) vehemently disagree.

What stance do the political parties take?

Analysts impressed by the familiar spatial models of party
will of course reply that the parties must head immediately to
median position at the far right of [the figure below], where
virtually all voters are located.

|   * 97%
|   *
|   *
|   *
|   *
|   *
 %Voters|   *
|   *
|   *
|   *
|   *
|   *
|* 3%   *
|*  *
|*  *
 0 100

 Desired % Union

The investment theory, however, spotlights a detail that leads to
dramatically different expectation: *When money matters
importantly to
mounting campaigns*, no party can afford to take up the median
position that represents the views of the vast majority, if
disagree. The mere fact that votes are out there does not imply
any party can afford to campaign for them, even if its message is
they would want to hear.

In this instance, all parties depend on textiles for funding. The
textile industry, of course, will not pay to undermine itself. It
subsidizes only candidates opposed to passage of the law.
(Readers who
have been exposed only to the median voter model are often
inclined to
object: But wouldn't the textile party improve its chances of
by embracing unionization? The all-but-irresistible tendency to
mistaken inference illustrates perfectly how a bad model can
social scientists --- and many ordinary people, who intuitively
better --- to the harsh realities of money-driven political
systems. The short answer is that if the cost of winning the
really were sponsoring unionization, textiles would,
lose by adopting the "winning" strategy.)

Given that the textile industry is the only source of campaign
all parties must comply with the industry's demand for a
environment, or else they cannot afford to compete at all.
collusion or "conspiracy" of any kind, accordingly, each party
*independently* discovers that available funds constrain it to
champion the very same rate of unionization as 

[CTRL] Antony Sutton

2000-02-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/sutton/index.html"Antony Sutton/A
Welcome to an endless journey, one man's life and its wake.

This site is new and under construction more to follow . . .
For a recent email interview
'W', SB—and the truth . . . shall set us free
Some of Antony Sutton's works may be orderd from:
Liberty House Press
P.O. Box 80650
Billings, MT 59108-0650
Including his ground-breaking study of the secret society Skull  Bones.
America's Secret Establishment

Mr. Sutton currently offers a Future Technologies Intelligence Report
Future Technology Intelligence Report
P.O. Box 40162
Reno, NV 89504
Some Future Technologies Intelligence Reports are available from:
R. A Kris Millegan
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] U.S. armed Pol Pot, say eyewitnesses

2000-02-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A
d_p.shtml"U.S. armed Pol Pot, say eyewitnesses/A

U.S. armed Pol Pot,
say eyewitnesses
Expert: 'They had to be fair
to both sides of the conflict'

Editor's note: WorldNetDaily international correspondent Anthony C LoBaido
has traveled extensively in Cambodia during the past nine months. His reports
on Cambodia's notorious Killing Fields have included examinations of Pol
Pot's Nazi-style experiments, the U.N. harboring the would-be assassin of
Cambodia Prime Minister Hun Sen, and the alleged British SAS involvement in
training the Khmer Rouge.
In this update, LoBaido shows how U.S. anticommunist forces unwillingly were
tricked into arming and training the Khmer Rouge.
By Anthony C. LoBaido
© 2000, WorldNetDaily.com

THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE, Burma -- In a dark sideshow to the ongoing United
Nations Conference on Trade and Development in Bangkok, Thailand, U.N. chief
Kofi Annan has met twice with Communist Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen to
hammer out the final details of the upcoming trials of the Khmer Rouge
genocidal killers.

Pol Pot and his cadres were responsible for the murder of 1.7 million
Cambodians in the Killing Fields genocide perpetrated between 1975 and 1979.

Yet, in the ensuing quarter century, not a single Khmer Rouge soldier or
leader has been brought to trial or justice. Pol Pot died in 1998.

Pol Pot in 1994, four years before his April 15, 1998 death.

Now, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen -- a former Khmer Rouge leader who
defected to the Vietnamese side -- is negotiating with the U.N. in an effort
to get the world body to approve of Cambodia's handling of the upcoming
trials of two Khmer Rouge leaders.

The U.N. wants to place its own lawyers and other legal experts on the panel
that will try the 74-year-old, one-legged ex-Khmer Rouge Gen. Ta Mok -- known
as "The Butcher" -- as well as "Duch," a professed born-again Christian who
ran the infamous S-21 prison in Phnom Penh.

Hun Sen, whose son recently graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West
Point, is reluctant to give operational control of the trials to the U.N. He
points out that the U.N. gave Pol Pot a seat in exile during the 1980s, after
Hun Sen's Vietnamese Communist government invaded Cambodia and overthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Hun Sen wants a trial, "run by Cambodians to judge Cambodian

While Hun Sen and Annan spar over legal minutiae at the United Nations
meetings in Bangkok, WorldNetDaily continues to piece together the
involvement of the British Special Air Service and the U.S. Special Forces in
supplying and training the Khmer Rouge.

Between 1985 and 1989, the British SAS trained anti-Vietnamese Cambodians in
sabotage and other soldiering skills -- yet never trained any Khmer Rouge
killers. Indeed, the British soldiers trained only those Cambodians loyal to
the former deposed Cambodian King.

However, recent interviews and research in regard to alleged American
involvement with the Khmer Rouge have brought new developments to this
twisted tale of genocidal insanity.

American soldiers speak out
"I served with the 374th Tactical Airlift Wing following the 1973 cease-fire
in Vietnam," said Tom Berta in a recent interview with WorldNetDaily.

"I went to Utapao RTAFB Thailand in June of that year. We had seven C-130
aircraft, and by mid-July we had 20 and were doing the bulk of the 374th's
airlifts. We ran guns into Cambodia, lots of guns, 50 flights a day in July
and August.

"I was there in Thailand and watched the C-130's get loaded every day from
June through Sept 1973. I personally flew with our aircraft on many
occasions, at least 20. The CIA exercised what it called the 'Third Option'
and sold arms to the Khmer Rouge," said Berta.

Nina Morrison, a former pilot with the CIA front company Air America, refused
to undertake any flights to arm and supply the Khmer Rouge.

"The SAS were there doing training in Cambodia all right," Morrison told
WorldNetDaily. "Just like they were involved recently in East Timor."

Mr. Nol at the Memorial Stupa at The Killing Fields. His brother was killed
by Pol Pot's henchmen.

"The world in general has become a lot more complicated. As such, journalism
must also adapt and become more thorough and complex to put all of the
missing pieces together. In regard to the Khmer Rouge, this is dangerous work
indeed," said Morrison. "True history has a way of disappearing into the

In regard to the alleged American involvement with the Khmer Rouge, Morrison
added, "I do not have words to express my 

[CTRL] T.W.A. Flight 800 Skeptics Paying a Heavy Price

2000-02-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:596224"Excellent TWA 800
Subject: Excellent TWA 800 Article
Date: Fri, Feb 18, 2000 4:18 PM
Message-id: 88knft$ptp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

THE NEW YORK OBSERVER - Week of February 21, 2000

A HREF="http://www.observer.com/pages/frontpage6.htm"http://www.observer.com

T.W.A. Flight 800 Skeptics Paying a Heavy Price

  by Philip Weiss

  J. Bruce Maffeo came out of Federal District Court at 40
Centre Street on Feb. 9 after arguing the appeal of his client,
investigative reporter James Sanders, and looked around to see
how many journalists had shown up. Just three: me, Allan Wolper
of Editor  Publisher and Mr. Wolper’s student at Rutgers, Tina Bui.

  Mr. Maffeo got a disgusted look. "The press marginalized Jim as a
kook," he said. "And now they walk by him like he's a dog run over by a

  Back in 1997, Mr. Sanders got two swatches of seat material
from a disgruntled source inside the investigation of Trans World
Airlines Flight 800 to test for rocket fuel. The test backed his theory
that a Government missile brought the plane down, he
reported, thereby enraging the Government, which prosecuted him
and his wife, Liz, for aiding and abetting the removal of parts
from a crash site, a law aimed at scavengers. Since then, the
couple has lived a journalist's nightmare. They had to sell their
house, their son had to leave college. Mrs. Sanders lost a beloved job.

  Their case has what her attorney Jeremy Gutman calls
"totalitarian" overtones: The Government has repeatedly characterized
the couple's crime as putting out "misinformation" or, as NBC put
it, "what the [F.B.I.] calls a plot to rewrite the history of T.W.A.

  That should have been a wake-up call, said Eve Burton, deputy general
counsel for the New York Daily News, but she couldn't get other news
organizations to support a friend-of-the-court brief. "I regret to say
there was not a lot of enthusiasm," said First Amendment lawyer Victor
A. Kovner. "I thought the Reporters Committee was filing something."
No, the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press said it didn't
know about Mr. Sanders' appeal in time. "They never stepped up to the
plate," Mr. Maffeo grumbled.

  The truth is the press never liked Jim Sanders. "He's a little bit of
a wacko and belligerently antigovernment," said a media source.

  What's fascinating about this case is not whether Mr. Sanders is
right or wrong (though I think he's mostly right). It's how the media
exercises self-censorship. The same year Mr. Sanders was
indicted, two women in important jobs whom he worked with in
challenging the official story on T.W.A.800 left their jobs
following painful ordeals: Kelly O'Meara, administrative assistant to
Representative Michael Forbes, whose district was nearest to
the crash, and Kristina Borjesson, a producer for CBS News.

  Their stories point up a deep divide in our public life between a
highly paid institutional press that instinctively trusts
Government and a segment of the public educated by Waco and the
Clinton scandals that doesn't. In the old Soviet Union, critics
were put in psychiatric hospitals. Now the media merely labels
them "wacky" and ignores them.

  IN JULY 1996, T.W.A. FLIGHT 800 crashed in the Atlantic Ocean off
Long Island, killing all 230 aboard. Jim Sanders, then a 51- year-old
former cop who'd published books on conservative causes, was a natural
to write about it. His wife, Elizabeth, was a
longtime T.W.A. employee who knew that many at the airline had
doubts about the official investigation.

  Mrs. Sanders called Terrell Stacey, a top T.W.A. pilot who had flown
the plane the day before it crashed and was a member of the National
Transportation Safety Board investigation. Captain Stacey was
disturbed. He knew that a veteran pilot who had witnessed the crash
from the air had been warned not to use the word "missile" to describe
what he saw to the press. He felt that the F.B.I. was not sharing
information and had lagged in testing a suspicious
red residue on some seats.

  The author and pilot met secretly, and in January 1997 Captain Stacey
removed two two-inch swatches of foam from two seats and
sent them by Federal Express to the journalist at his Virginia
home. Mr. Sanders said he felt he was acting legally. All he
wanted were "scrapings." There was plenty of material left.

  He had one strip tested at a California lab. He said the test
revealed high percentages of magnesium and calcium, consistent
with solid rocket fuel, and he shared the findings with an old
friend, David Hendrix. A seasoned reporter at the Riverside,
Calif., Press-Enterprise, Mr. Hendrix had investigated T.W.A.
800 for months for a simple 


2000-02-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:596228"INTERNET SPYING -

Date: Fri, Feb 18, 2000 5:07 PM


Submitted for your approval, building in Big Brother in Russia, China, and

RUSSIA: New KGB Takes Internet by SORM (1)

The Russian government has just authorized itself to spy on everything its
citizens do on the Net -- and to punish ISPs that won't help. So much for
post-Soviet civil rights.

MOSCOW www.motherjones.com 2/4/00-- Human rights activists were outraged
when Russia's KGB successor agency, the FSB, launched a grand project --
code-named SORM -- to spy on its citizens' Internet transmissions. But as
if that weren't disturbing enough, last month acting President and ex-KGB
agent Vladimir Putin gave the Orwellian project a momentous but
little-noticed power boost: Now, not only is the long-feared FSB allowed
to implement the spy technology and use it at will, but so are seven other
federal security agencies, including the tax police and interior ministry

The new SORM technology, opponents charge, allows security agencies to
bypass the legal requirement to obtain a warrant before monitoring private
correspondence, and will put an end to privacy and to the Internet as an
instrument of democracy.

It was a significant decision for an acting president's first week in
office, and one that may be a sign of where Putin is taking Russia's
fledgling democracy.

"This means Russia has officially become a police state," said Yelena
Bonner, human rights activist and wife of the late Soviet dissident Andrei
Sakharov, in a telephone interview from Boston.

The chairman of Citizens' Watch human rights group in St. Petersburg,
Boris Pustintsev, called the move "the end of all email privacy."

"It was bad enough that the FSB had unlimited control over confidential
correspondence, and now it is multiplied seven times," Pustintsev said.
"You can't fight a monster with eight heads."

The 1995 Law on Operational Investigations gave the FSB the authority to
monitor all private communications, from postal correspondence to
cell-phone calls and electronic mail, provided the security service first
obtained a warrant from the court.

SORM, which in Russian stands for System for Operational-Investigative
Activities, is a regulation intended to provide the FSB with the technical
means to put these monitoring powers into action. According to original
drafts of the SORM regulation, Internet service providers themselves are
required to foot the bill for the expensive technology and even train FSB
officers to use the equipment to spy on their clients.

The regulation requires all ISPs to install a little "black box" rerouting
device, and to build a high-speed communications line, which would
hot-wire the provider -- and necessarily, all Internet users -- to FSB

By rerouting all transmissions in real time to FSB offices, the agency can
readily skip the legal obstacle of first obtaining a warrant and gain
unfettered access to all communications conducted by clients of Russian

In theory, a warrant would be needed to actually read any of the
documentation piling up in the FSB's hands. But in practice, critics say,
the FSB is unlikely to worry about such legal niceties when the
information it wants is just a mouse-click away.
The memory of the state's powerful control over the population is still
fresh in most minds.

"You remember the KGB, don't you?" said Yury Vdovin, deputy chairman of
Citizens' Watch. "They're used to collecting dossiers on citizens, just in
case. They collected, collect and will continue to collect information on
us," he said.

The FSB says SORM will help law enforcement track and capture criminals
ranging from "tax evaders to pedophiles" because such people may conduct
or discuss their business electronically.

"SORM is a normal system for locating criminals and tax evaders. The
United States has such a system -- every country does," said Yelena
Volchinskaya, a consultant for the State Duma Security Council, which is
charged with evaluating the progress of SORM.

The US government does indeed have an email=monitoring program -- and one
that also circumvents the courts. The US National Security Agency's
Echelon project, though still highly secretive, is reportedly used to
monitor and store email and other electronic communications around the

Nonetheless, some US Internet and privacy experts find SORM-2 more
disquieting than Echelon.

"Echelon and its allied systems in the UK, Canada, Australia and New
Zealand take the technology as it finds it -- 

[CTRL] Sen. Tower Crashed the Day After Sen. Heinz Crashed

2000-02-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:596084"Sen. Tower Crashed
the Day After Sen. Heinz Crashed/A
Subject: Sen. Tower Crashed the Day After Sen. Heinz Crashed
Date: Fri, Feb 18, 2000 8:33 AM

BASE HREF="file:///G|/SenHeinzSenTowerCrashCoincidence.htm"

  META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Adobe PageMill 3.0 Mac"
  META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
  META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.05 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
  TITLEHeinz archive/TITLE



CENTERJanuary 7, 1998/CENTER





CENTERBy Robert Schlesinger/CENTER

CENTERand Jock Friedly/CENTER


  When Sen. John Heinz
  III (R-Pa.) died in a tragic plane crash in 1991, one task his
  family and staff faced was the disposition of the 1,200 cubic
  feet of files he left behind.
  Nearly seven years later, researchers across the globe can
  read the bulk of those documents on the World Wide Web, thanks
  to Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz Archive - probably the
  largest on-line archive in the world - which could become the
  standard for political figures who want to leave historical legacies.
  quot;We've done
  everything we would normally do in an archival thing,quot; said
  Archivist Edward Galloway. quot;But in conjunction, we proposed
  to digitize.quot;
  The result is breathtaking in its scope.
  When the digitizing process is completed later this year,
  more than 350 boxes of Heinz's congressional records, one million
  pages all told, will be available on-line in image and searchable
  text form. As of the first of the year, the Archives had already
  scanned over 680,000 pages, with nearly half that currently available
  on the Web.
  quot;As far as I know, this is the most ambitious digital
  imaging project out there,quot; said Galloway, the boyish, bearded,
  bespectacled archivist who oversees the effort.
  So far, the world's most-developed digital imaging project
  is the Archives of the Indies in Seville, Spain, with roughly
  two million pages. Unlike the Seville project and the National
  Archives, the Heinz records are available on- line, have higher-quality
  images, and are fully searchable.
  quot;For an (on-line) archival project, this is the biggest,quot;
  said Peter Hirtle, assistant director of the Cornell Institute
  for Digital Collection. quot;The Heinz project is a very interesting
  project. It has the advantage of being high resolution and being
  available over the Internet.quot;
  The records in the Heinz archives provide an understanding
  of the inner workings of a Senate office - from mundane administrative
  tasks, such as vacation requests, to legislative assistant memos
  detailing policy development. Many of the documents contain marginal
  scribblings of Heinz and his aides, providing insight into their
  One particularly eerie document is a 1978 letter from then-Republican
  Policy Committee chairman Sen. John Tower (R-Texas) to his colleagues
  after Virginia Republican Richard Obenshain (died in a plane
  crash while campaigning for a Senate seat. quot;There are certain
  minimum (safety) standards which I consistently follow that are
  based on the advice of seasoned professional aviators,quot;
  Tower wrote to Heinz. The two men would be killed in airplane
  accidents 13 years later, Heinz on April 4, 1991, and Tower the
  following day.
  Organization of the collection follows the archival tradition,
  with subgroups such as Legislative Records, Personal/Political
  Records, Press Relations/Media Activity Records, Constituent
  Service Records and Office Administration Records.
  On top of that, the Heinz archives developed a special search
  engine for the files. quot;We have built an incredible archival
  management tool,quot; Galloway said, referring to the custom-designed
  Heinz Electronic Library Interactive On-line System (HELIOS),
  which was developed in conjunction with the Claritech Corp.
  According to Karen Paul, the Senate's archivist, the search
  system and on-line accessibility places the project quot;on
  the cutting edgequot; of technology. quot; The kind of searching
  and the kinds of access points that that software allows the
  researcher to have, (are) fairly incredible,quot; she said.
  quot;You (can) go in and trace a 

Re: [CTRL] signing off for a while

2000-02-19 Thread Kathy Strucke

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 2/18/2000 10:20:06 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 I'll see you all soon.


Godspeed, Andrew.  And best wishes for a comfortable resolution of your
Love, Kathy

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[CTRL] [prj] Down With the Presidency

2000-02-19 Thread lloyd

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/A -Cui Bono?-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Mark A. Smith 
Subject: [prj] Down With the Presidency
Date: Friday, February 18, 2000 9:59 AM


Shop for Cars On-Line:  http://a-albionic.com/ads/srch.html

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
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Re: [CTRL] Jesus And The Grail (2)

2000-02-19 Thread jim boyle

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


I have a few quick questions and comments relevant to the posts concerning
Gardner and his studies...

First... he mentions the Book of Jasher is this available in translation
anywhere? If so, how reliable are these source insofar as how accurate are
they to the orignal?

Second... in the passage below, Gardner mentions the Celtic Church. I heard
in passing for some source I cannot recall that in addition to canonizing
more people saints, Pope John Paul II has also stripped sainthood from more
people than any other pope in history. In most cases, the person from whom
siatnhood was taken was a member of the early Celtic Church. Does anyone
have any additional evidence regarding this???

Somewhere after the Crucifixion, Peter and his friend Paul went off to
Antioch, then on to Rome, and they began the movement that became
Christianity. But as recorded in the other annals, Jesus, his brother James
and the majority of the other apostles continued the Nazarene movement and
progressed it into Europe. It became the Celtic Church. The Nazarene
as a Church is documented within the Celtic Church records as being formally
implemented as the Church of Jesus in AD 37, four years after the
Crucifixion. The Roman Church was formed 300 years later, after Paul and
Peter's Christians had been persecuted for three centuries.

I'd appreciate any input you might have. Thank you

jim boyle

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[CTRL] ABE: Brennan: Occult Reich

2000-02-19 Thread lloyd

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Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Simon Westall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ABE: Brennan: Occult Reich
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2000 6:29 AM

Nothing heard since my firm order with Visa payment 14 February. Please clarify.

Simon Westall
Island Books

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[CTRL] Soviet Cosmonauts See Angels in Space (fwd)

2000-02-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

[And now for a change of pace.  --MS]

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 14:51:58 +0100
From: Tom de Munck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Soviet Cosmonauts See Angels in Space

Repost by Tom de Munck (Tommy(M)

Soviet Space Missions, Angels in Space and the Vatican Connection

  Something occurred with the Soviet Cosmonauts in the Salyut
7 that orbited the earth in 1985. This is a rather hushed secret
that has been leaked to the west . . .

The six Soviet Cosmonauts in 1985 saw "celestial beings" on the
155th day aboard their orbiting space station. This was first
reported by Cosmonaut Vladimir Solevev and Oleg Atkov as well as
Leonid Kizim. This is what they said, "What we saw were seven
giant figures in the form of humans, but with wings and mist-like
halos as in the classic depiction of angels."

As the Cosmonauts were performing medical experiments in Salyut 7
high above the earth, a brilliant orange cloud enveloped them,
blinding them temporarily, and when their eyes cleared, they saw
the angels.

The heavenly visitors, they said, followed them for about 10
minutes and vanished as suddenly as they had appeared. However,
12 days later, Cosmonauts Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk, and
Vladimir Dzhanibevok, who had just joined the others on the space
station, also saw the beings.

 "They were glowing," they reported. "We were truly overwhelmed.
There was a great orange light, and through it, we could see the
figures of seven angels. They were smiling as though they shared
a glorious secret, but within a few minutes, they were gone, and
we never saw them again."

Now, Doctors, keep the above in abeyance as we discuss the second
thing. But first, keep in mind the crux of the matter: what is
the Vatican connection. Then, I will bring this all together for

As you know, the Hubble Telescope has been operating for a while.
One of the things that certain officials or scientists connected
to/or in your government are not telling you, and that the
Vatican now knows, also, and has known longer than the United
States Government, the Soviet Government, and the French
Government, is that the Hubble Telescope in space has sent back
the pictures of ethereal beings, bathed in this orange glow seen
by the occupants of Salyut 7.

These "angels," according to scientists and astronomers, would
cause a world panic and confusion because the Vatican knows that
they - - AND HERE'S THE VATICAN CONNECTION - - are truly, "beings
of light." But, these computer enhanced images have convinced
scientists and astronomers alike that they are real, live angels.
The Vatican's interest in the Hubble Space Telescope is that
these beings are real, are being seen, but they are not the
benign, friendly angels watching over us that the scientists
think they are.

Scientists first thought they were a newly discovered star
cluster because of the magnitude and brilliance of their colors.
It became obvious, with the omputer enhanced pictures, "that
these were creatures we were seeing," according to one scientist
at NASA. They--now get this--were, "a group of 7 angels flying
together," in the NGC-3532, (CARINA) three-billion-year-old star

The scientists showed these pictures to the Vatican, and there
were, "seven giant figures. All had wings and mist-like halos,"
reports one engineer. "They were about 80 feet tall and had
wing-spans as large as airplanes. Their faces were round and
peaceful, and they were all beaming. It seemed like they were
overjoyed at being photographed by the Hubble Telescope. They
seemed to be smiling at each other as if they were letting the
rest of the universe in on a glorious secret."

NASA finally revealed to the Vatican that this was not the first
time such a thing has occurred through the Hubble Telescope. In
the Souz 8 mission a few years back, after 120 days into the
mission, Soviet cosmonauts of that flight also encountered
similar smiling angels.

The Vatican's interest, as they have told the three governments
in secret meetings above, is that these "angels" are truly those
that are assuming he guise of an "angel of light" as spoken of by
the Apostle Paul. The figure "7" represents the 7 churches of
Asia and their problems that will soon come upon us. It also
represents The Seven Periods of the Church, of which we are now
into the Fifth Period. This is the bad period, the period of
pain, suffering, and destruction. The Period to follow, the Sixth
Period, will be a period of consolation.

Pope John Paul II is well apprised and advised of the above and
has been for some time. He feels that we will see UFOs landing
soon across the orld. He further feels that these are not the
benevolent beings they have been made out to be.

All this information is coming to you from sources in the
Vatican. Doctors, read and use at your own discretion!


[CTRL] Another DARK Chemtrail Hypothesis !!

2000-02-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


RMNews Agent's Forum



Posted By: Ghost_Writer
Date: Thursday, 17 February 2000, at 11:36 p.m.

Another Dark Chemtrail Hypothesis This is from Icke's E-mag:



So, you haven't yet figured out the airborne conditioning-agent
release program that is being operated by the government. I'll
give you some hints, but first I'll give you a little information
about myself. I'm a retired government scientist with an advanced
degree in one of the health-related disciplines. I do not use my
real name for fear of retaliation, either against me, or against
members of my family. I always try to route my e-mail
communications so that they appear to come from another source,
usually from one somewhere within the government. Sometimes I use
the internet resources of the public library - whatever it takes
to hide my true identity and confuse those who don't want the
sort of information I possess to fall into the public's hands.

 I have a small circle of friends who are, or were, in key
positions within our military and several government agencies.
These are not the very top level personnel, but mid to upper
mid-level people, scientists and analysts, who are in positions
where they can see the day-to-day activities of what's going on,
who are charged with implementing the details, but who are never
quite privy to the schemes behind the work they do. Each of my
contacts has been able to supply me with a portion of the puzzle,
but separately, none of them understands the whole story. I'll
tell you what I've pieced together so far. But I have to admit
that this information frightens me because there is no place I
can go with it. What am I supposed to do - write my congressman?
I believe that would be like signing my own death warrant.

 This whole chemtrail issue is related to the plan for decreasing
the world population to around 450-500 million -- and starting
with the US first. Why? The people of the US are the only ones
with even the remotest chance of stopping this. That is, if they
knew about it. That's why the US has to be the first to go. You
have to understand that the world's elite covet the US for its
geographic diversity - and they would love to return this country
to its condition as it existed prior to Columbus setting foot
here, but without the Native Americans this time of course. 20

 You may have already heard how several national parks have been
designated as world biospheres - that's the plan for all of North
America, a giant nature park and playground that will be devoid
of annoying human beings (that would be us). And the people
actually involved in doing the spraying, as well as those who
will take part in the rest of the plans, are being duped into
believing they will be spared, that is, permitted to live and
remain on this continent as administrators and caretakers of this
vast nature preserve. I understand that about 150 to 200 thousand
people are projected as necessary for maintenance purposes. But
it's likely these people will not be Americans. Those in charge
wouldn't want to risk the possibility of some sort of revolt, so
the workers will probably be brought in from Europe and Asia.

 There are rumors floating about the internet that the chemtrails
are part of some sort of secret program the government is doing
to protect the US from future biological attacks. Nothing could
be further from the truth. The plan is to sensitize, or
condition, the US population to being wiped out by influenza A.
Over the past few years, people have been encouraged to get flu
shots to protect them against the generally non-lethal strains
that circulate through the population during flu season. 20

 Each year the US government has guessed which strains were most
likely to spread. They seem to always guess right - don't they?
This flu season, the government protected people with a trivalent
vaccine that included the A/Beijing/262/95-like (H1N1) and the
A/Sydney/5/97-like (H3N2). It also contained the
B/Beijing/184/93-like hemagglutinin antigens. For those not
familiar with virology, the H and N refer to proteins on the
outside of the virus, the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, which
are responsible for the virus attaching to, and then invading, a
host cell. The public has been quite pleased with the success of
the vaccines offered so far. But that will change in the future.

 Researchers at the US Army Medical Research Institute of
Infectious Diseases (or USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick in Frederick MD
have reconstructed and modified the H1N1 Spanish Flu virus,
making it far more deadly than it ever was back when it was
responsible for the 1918-1919 flu pandemic that killed over 20
million worldwide and over 500,000 here in the US. Consider that
it could have killed many more, but back then, people 

[CTRL] On Smart Guns (fwd)

2000-02-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

EDITORIAL • February 16, 2000

Risky gun safety

 The Maryland legislature will consider funding research for
"smart gun" technology today. It should not bother.

 "Smart gun" technology is the new, sophisticated-electronic
lock that promises to distinguish between authorized and
unauthorized gun users. It is also the newest form of gun
control. Gov. Parris Glendening is asking the legislature for $3
million over three years to pay for its development.

 Under his proposed legislation, the research money would be
paired with a mandate that all new handguns be sold with smart
locks after May 2003. Before the mandate kicks in, an 11-member
commission would report to the governor on the availability of
the technology. Following that, Mr. Glendening would likely
implement the mandate as one of his last acts in office.

 Mr. Glendening thinks "smart gun" technology would save
children. Certainly, saving innocent children is an admirable
goal, and it is doubtful that any lawmaker would want to stop
children from being saved.

 Consider how many children accidentally shoot themselves —
or other children — in a given year. According to statistics
provided by Yale Law Professor John Lott Jr., who will be
testifying before the Maryland legislature today, 42 children
under the age of 10 died nationwide as a result of an accidental
shooting in 1996. For children under the age of 15 the nationwide
number grows to 136, in 1996.

 In a nation of 270 million people, the number of accidental
shootings seems a relatively minor risk given, say, automobile
accidents. But each child's death is a tragedy. What can be done?

===  Unfortunately, the answer is not as simple as paying
=== for new technology and then mandating it. When the
=== nation faced a similar safety question with children
=== and medicine, child safety caps were mandated. It
=== turned out that many parents were lulled into a false
=== sense of security and depended on those caps to
=== keep the medicine from their children. They relaxed
=== their vigilance, and, as a result, more children were
=== poisoned than before the mandate.

 Similarly, some states mandated trigger locks on firearms.
The General Accounting Office discovered that children older than
7 were smart enough to defeat that safety precaution — and again
parents were wrong to count on on those locks for security.

 The lesson clearly is that adults have to be mindful of
children. They must design a set of safety procedures that fit
that family and that child. Those safety precautions can include
gun safes, locks and "smart gun" technology, but the key
ingredient remains personal responsibility. If parents do not
instruct their children in the proper respect for a firearm —
impressing upon children that like a car, if wielded
irresponsibly, a gun can be dangerous — then more children are
going to be hurt. No technology and no government check will
change that.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Defining Zionism.

2000-02-19 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

On Sat, 19 Feb 2000, Steve Wingate wrote:


 Please define 'Zionists'.


If I can jump in here, I will define Zionism as ANY attempt to establish a
theocracy or "Godly Nation" in this world.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 10 Reasons to Dismantle the WTO

2000-02-19 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

 forwarded message 
 From: Robert Weissman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999
 Subj: 10 Reasons to Dismantle the WTO

 10 Reasons to Dismantle the WTO
 By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

 Add a new constituency to the long list of World Trade Organization
 (WTO) critics which already includes consumers, labor,
 environmentalists, human rights activists, fair trade groups, AIDS
 activists, animal protection organizations, those concerned with
 Third World development, religious communities, women's
 organizations.  The latest set of critics includes WTO backers and
 even the WTO itself.

 As the WTO faces crystallized global opposition -- to be manifested
 in massive street demonstrations and colorful protests in Seattle,
 where the WTO will hold its Third Ministerial meeting from November
 30 to December 3 -- the global trade agency and its strongest
 proponents veer between a shrill defensiveness and the much more
 effective strategy of admitting shortcomings and trumpeting the
 need for reform.

 WTO critics now face a perilous moment.  They must not be
 distracted by illusory or cosmetic reform proposals, nor by even
 more substantive proposals for changing the WTO -- should they ever
 emerge from the institution or its powerful rich country members.
 Instead, they should unite around an uncompromising demand to
 dismantle the WTO and its corporate-created rules.

 Here are 10 reasons why:

 1.  The WTO prioritizes trade and commercial considerations over
 all other values.  WTO rules generally require domestic laws,
 rules and regulations designed to further worker, consumer,
 environmental, health, safety, human rights, animal protection or
 other non-commercial interests to be undertaken in the "least trade
 restrictive" fashion possible -- almost never is trade subordinated
 to these noncommercial concerns.

 2.  The WTO undermines democracy.  Its rules drastically shrink the
 choices available to democratically controlled governments, with
 violations potentially punished with harsh penalties.  The WTO
 actually touts this overriding of domestic decisions about how
 economies should be organized and corporations controlled.  "Under
 WTO rules, once a commitment has been made to liberalize a sector
 of trade, it is difficult to reverse," the WTO says in a paper on
 the benefits of the organization which is published on its web
 site.  "Quite often, governments use the WTO as a welcome external
 constraint on their policies: 'we can't do this because it would
 violate the WTO agreements.'"

 3.  The WTO does not just regulate, it actively promotes, global
 trade.  Its rules are biased to facilitate global commerce at
 the expense of efforts to promote local economic development
 and policies that move communities, countries and regions in
 the direction of greater self-reliance.

 4.  The WTO hurts the Third World.  WTO rules force Third World
 countries to open their markets to rich country multinationals,
 and abandon efforts to protect infant domestic industries.  In
 agriculture, the opening to foreign imports, soon to be imposed on
 developing countries, will catalyze a massive social dislocation of
 many millions of rural people.

 5.  The WTO eviscerates the Precautionary Principle.  WTO rules
 generally block countries from acting in response to potential risk
 -- requiring a probability before governments can move to resolve
 harms to human health or the environment.

 6.  The WTO squashes diversity.  WTO rules establish international
 health, environmental and other standards as a global ceiling
 through a process of "harmonization;" countries or even states and
 cities can only exceed them by overcoming high hurdles.

 7.  The WTO operates in secrecy.  Its tribunals rule on the
 "legality" of nations' laws, but carry out their work behind
 closed doors.

 8.  The WTO limits governments' ability to use their purchasing
 dollar for human rights, environmental, worker rights and other
 non-commercial purposes.  In general, WTO rules state that
 governments can make purchases based only on quality and cost

 9.  The WTO disallows bans on imports of goods made with child
 labor.  In general, WTO rules do not allow countries to treat
 products differently based on how they were produced --
 irrespective of whether made with brutalized child labor, with
 workers exposed to toxics or with no regard for species protection.

 10.  The WTO legitimizes life patents.  WTO rules permit and in
 some cases require patents or similar exclusive protections for
 life forms.

 Some of these problems, such as the WTO's penchant for secrecy,
 could potentially be fixed, but the core problems -- prioritization
 of commercial over other values, the constraints on democratic
 decision-making and the bias against local economies -- cannot,
 for they are inherent 

[CTRL] DoD Contractor Killed in Parking Lot Mishap

2000-02-19 Thread Cathy Laughlan

Parking Lot Device Kills Motorist TAMPA, Fla. (AP) -- Investigators at 
MacDill Air Force Base were trying to determine Saturday how a parking lot 
security device malfunctioned, causing an accident that killed a retired 
reservist.  Donna Jo Norder, 46, was driving 
into a lot at U.S. Special Operations Command on Friday when a 3-foot barrier 
popped up underneath her car.  Norder, a 
retired lieutenant colonel reservist and a Department of Defense contractor, had 
used a clearance card to access the lot, said Master Sgt. Greg Bade, a MacDill 
spokesman.  The windshield of her car was 
smashed, both airbags deployed and the front end of her car was perched on top 
of the barrier when rescue workers arrived. She died at the scene, officials 
said.  The device is designed to retract into 
the ground when an electronic security card is used. The barricades are used to 
control traffic flow at secure installations such as MacDill. 
 "Everybody was definitely shocked at what 
happened,'' Bade said. "Our sympathies go out to family members. We've lost one 
of our own.'' 
19-Feb-00 18:54 EST Copyright 2000 The 
Associated Press. All rights reserved. The information contained In this news 
report may not be published, broadcast or otherwise distributed without the 
prior written authority of the Associated Press. 

[CTRL] The Roosevelt-Astor Espionage Ring

2000-02-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

New York History JULY 1981

The Roosevelt-Astor
Espionage Ring


The little-known story of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's spies, who were often
effective and always high in the social register. Jeffery Dorwart teaches
history at Rutgers University in Camden, New Jersey, and is writing a book on
Naval Intelligence between the world wars.

FROM THE BEGINNING, the names Roosevelt and Astor symbolized New York
history. Both families traced their roots to colonial times, prospered
through local real estate transactions, moved in exclusive society circles
and maintained homesteads along the banks of the historic Hudson River. The
Roosevelt farm at Hyde Park stood a short distance to the south of the Astor
estate at Rhinebeck, and these Dutchess County gentry formed close
associations and considered themselves part of the same intimate little
group. During the early part of the twentieth century Franklin Delano
Roosevelt and his neighbor William Vincent Astor promised to perpetuate these
earlier ties and maintain family connections. But the warm friendship and
special relationship between the two men in the decade before the second
world war developed outside the natural course of affairs and in an
unexpected and mysterious manner.[1]

FDR's relationship with Vincent Astor developed slowly. Eight years Astor's
senior, Roosevelt pursued a career in New York politics and then went to
Washington in 1913 as Assistant Secretary of the Navy in Woodrow Wilson's
administrations. The previous year, Astor's father, John Jacob Astor IV, died
suddenly in the sinking of the ocean liner Titanic, forcing the young man to
leave Harvard and manage his father's multiminion-dollar estate. Astor and
Roosevelt met briefly during World War I to discuss organization of a Naval
Reserve Force composed of yachts and powerboats, but then Astor went to sea
on convoy duty while Franklin remained at his desk in Washington. Not until
Roosevelt's crippling polio attack in 1921 did the two Hudson River
aristocrats begin to visit each other regularly, especially since FDR sought
relief for his paralyzed limbs in Astor's heated indoor swimming pool at

 As Roosevelt convalesced quietly, leaving his political fortunes in the
hands of hard-working private secretary Louis Howe and wife Eleanor, an
active Vincent Astor moved to the forefront of New York's fast-paced society
world. Wealth meant to Astor not only sleek yachts, powerful motor cars and
his own airplane, but also vigorous participation in social reforms,
scientific explorations and in groups advocating strong American air and
maritime services. The latter interests brought Astor together with a select
group of like-minded New Yorkers such as the Long Island Roosevelts—Kermit
and Theodore Jr., naturalist C. Suydam Cutting, world explorer and journalist
Marshall Field III, philanthropists Duncan Stewart Ellsworth and Barklie
Mckee Henry, mining expert Oliver Dwight Filley, Wall Street lawyer Henry G.
Gray, airplane engine inventor Charles Lanier Lawrence, banker Robert Gordon
McKay and stockbrokers Grafton Howland Pyne and Kenneth Schley.

The usual organizations such as the Knickerbocker and New York Yacht Clubs
were not appropriate to these interests. Astor and his friends required a
retreat where they could gather in private to discuss current political,
financial and international topics. Thus in 1927 they formed a secret society
called The ROOM, which met monthly in a nondescript apartment at 34 East 62nd
Street in New York City, complete with unlisted telephone and mail drop. The R
OOM's founders kept the existence of their little gathering from everyone
except a few select friends. New membership was restricted to men who shared
all the attributes and ideas of the original organizers, including banker
Winthrop W. Aldrich, reformist Judge Frederic Kemochan, philanthropist
William Rhinelander Stewart, Assistant Secretary of War for Air F. Trubee
Davison, Andrew Mellon's son-in-law and sometime diplomat David K. E. Bruce,
national tennis champion Reginald Fincke, Dr. Eugene Hillhouse Pool of
Columbia University Medical School, publisher Nelson Doubleday, archaeologist
Clarence L. Hay- and Kermit's close English friend, Captain H. Nugent Head of
the Fourth Hussars, a frequent visitor to his wealthy wife's New York

At their monthly meetings, ROOM members gathered for dinner and conversation.
When members returned from their continual series of world travels, they
reported observations to The ROOM. "It is hoped to learn from Suydam
[Cutting] what  he has been doing in China," Kermit noted before one session.
Occasionally a special guest such as polar explorer Commander Richard E. Byrd
would be invited to discuss his experiences. The visit to The ROOM of British
author and veteran intelligence officer Somerset Maugham evoked the most
enthusiasm. because many members 

[CTRL] Joke

2000-02-19 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

At a medical doctor's convention in Europe, a conversation took place in a
pub after an enthusiastic midday lecture. Four doctors from different
countries (one of them from the US) shared a table.

The first doctor said "In my country, health care is so good that we can
take a kidney out of one person, put it in another, and have him looking
for work in six weeks."

"That's nothing", said the second doctor, "in my country, we can take a
lung out of one person, put it in another, and have him looking for work in
four weeks."

"Well", the third doctor boasted, "in my country, we can take half a heart
from one person, put it in another, and have them both looking for work in
two weeks."

The American doctor, not to be outdone, exclaimed, "Hah! In the US we are
about to take an asshole out of Texas, put it in the White House, and have
half the country looking for work the next day!"

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: This Is NASTY - EEEeeeoooow !!

2000-02-19 Thread William Shannon

 Date:  2/19/00 10:31:04 AM CST
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Byron Weeks)

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 DL Time (16800 bps):  1 minute

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David Icke

   by David Icke

   The following list has been compiled from the wealth of research I have
put together over the last ten years. I would suggest that all of these are
reptilian bloodline, but I only mention shapeshifting where it has been

   It is only an initial list and will be added to. If you can add names, and
give the supporting evidence, that would be most helpful in exposing these
horrors. By "Satanists", of course, I mean those involved in human sacrifice.

   David Icke

   William F. Buckley Jr: Head of the elite JANUS mind control operation
based at NATO headquarters in Belgium which trains mind-controlled psychic
assassins; child killer, Satanist, shapeshifter

   George Bush: US President and Vice President, head of the CIA, and a
stream of other leading roles in the Illuminati. Satanist, mind controller,
torturer of children and adults, paedophile, shapeshifting reptilian, and
major drug runner. Serial killer. Nice man.

   George W. Bush, Jr. - front-runner to be next President of the United
States. Son of his father.

   Bill Clinton, President of the United States. Satanist, serial killer,
based on orders he has issued for assassinations, sexual abuser of mind
controlled slaves.

   Hillary Clinton, wife of President and now running for political office in
New York. Announced her intention to run at a place called Pindar. This is
the code-name of one of the foremost Illuminati human sacrificers and
operatives (See The Biggest Secret). High Illuminati witch and Satanist.
Abuser of mind controlled women.

   Al Gore, Vice-President to Clinton, and front runner to be the
"Democratic" candidate "opposing" George W. Bush. Illuminati, Satanist,
serious blood drinker. Reptilian shapeshifter.

   Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, Lyndon B.
Johnson. Presidents of the United States. Satanists. Users of mind-controlled

   John F. Kennedy, assassinated President of the US. User for sex of mind
controlled slaves. Probably a lot more we have yet to know.

   Ted Kennedy: US politician, and head of the Kennedy clan currently. Brutal
abuser of mind controlled slaves.

   Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State under Richard Nixon, and one of
the Illuminati's foremost master minds of the agenda. Satanist, mind
controller, child torturer, creator of wars of mass murder and destruction.
Shapshifter. Works closely with the UK's Lord Carrington.

   Mikail Gorbachev, former President of the Soviet Union, now working in the
US for the Illuminati Gorbachev Foundation which campaigns for World
government, world army, etc., etc. Satanist and shapeshifting reptilian.

   House of Rothschild. Satanists, child sacrificers, mind controllers,
torturers of children and adults. Guy de Rothschild heads the dynasty and he
is one of the top trauma-based mind controllers in the world. They are
shapeshifting reptilians.

   Habsburgs: See Rothschilds.

   Rockefellers: See Rothschilds.

   Astors: See Rothschilds.

   Du Ponts: See Rothschilds.

   Mellons: See Rothschilds.

   Dick Cheney, Defence Secretary under President Bush. Satanist, torturer of
children and adults. Mind controller.

   Robert C. Byrd, "Democrat" senator for West Virginia. Satanist and brutal
torturer of adults and children. Mind controller.

   Bob and Bill Bennett, well-known US political figures closely connected to
George Bush. Satanists, mind controllers, torturers of children and adults.

   Lt Col Michael Aquino, US Military Psychological Warfare Department:
Satanist (founder of the Church of Set), torturer of children and adults in
trauma-based mind control projects.

   Kris Kristopherson, actor and singer. Works with Aquino. Torturer, mind

   Boxcar Willie, country music singer. Satanist, paedophile.

   Bob Hope "comedian". Life-time asset of British Intelligence,
mind-controlled slave handler, and manipulator of the "entertainment
industry" on behalf of the Illuminati. The "Rat Pack", including Frank
Sinatra, Sammy Davis Junior, and Dean Martin were all heavily involved with
Hope and others in the same line of work.

   Billy Graham, "Christian" hero who has been funded from the start by the
top Illuminati families and operatives like the Rockefellers and newspaper
tycoon, William Randolf Heast. Satanist, involved in mind control projects,

[CTRL] Secret Citadel

2000-02-19 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Hidden Party Room Found at Citadel
Contents Included Empties and a Racial Slur
Feb. 18, 2000

CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) -- Eight Citadel cadets face disciplinary action for
using a secret party room under an old barracks where cadets drank in
defiance of school rules against alcohol, authorities said.

"They've got some explaining to do," said retired Brig. Gen. Emory Mace, the
commandant of cadets.

The eight will appear before a disciplinary board next week. Punishment could
include up to 360 "tours" and confinement to campus until the tours are
completed. A tour is 50 minutes marching in the barracks while carrying a

School officials said Thursday the room was found earlier this month.

Christmas lights were strung in the underground utility room, and a beanbag
chair and an old mattress were used for seating. Officials found four empty
liquor bottles and a racial slur on a piece of cardboard on the wall.

"We don't know who did it and probably never will," said Mace, who refused to
say what the slur was.

Cadets found a 2-foot trap door beneath a desk that led to the
200-square-foot room, which had a dirt floor and walls.

No one knows exactly how long cadets had been using it, but college
spokeswoman Heather Anderson said it may have been used for years.

The Padgett-Thomas barracks, the oldest on campus, was built in 1922, and the
trap door and underground rooms were once used for access to pipes and
mechanical equipment, she said.

The rooms had been sealed off years ago, and maintenance crews Thursday
permanently sealed the trap door, Anderson said.

Mace said the room was discovered during a night inspection to make sure
cadets were all in their rooms.

The cadet making the inspection knocked on the barracks room door but did not
immediately receive an answer. A few minutes later, five or six cadets came
running out. The other cadets came forward later.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Defining Zionism.

2000-02-19 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 On Sat, 19 Feb 2000, Steve Wingate wrote:

  Please define 'Zionists'.

 If I can jump in here, I will define Zionism as ANY attempt to establish a
 theocracy or "Godly Nation" in this world.

Well there you go. This may be Poley's definition of Zionism, but
like everything
else Poley pronounces upon, it's utter non-sense not at all
related to reality.

If you want to know what a word means look it up in a dictionary,
then compare
that to Poley's brain farts and see what you come up with.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Memo to W

2000-02-19 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

snipMemo to Mr. Bush: Kill the "compassion" thing. It is 
analogous to the " kinder, gentler wimp" thing. Bury it quietly. If you possess 
leadership qualities like courage and strength -- and we have it on good 
authority you do -- show it! And as for your political tactics thus far, this is 
not your father's campaign ground

snip...The Family Research Council, an excellent advocate of many 
conservative issues upon which Mr. McCain has equivocated, issued this bulletin 
following Bauer's endorsement: "Gary Bauer resigned as President and Chairman of 
the Board of Family Research Council in January 1999, and he is not an employee 
of Family Research Council." Firewall!

snip...In other words, Mr. McCain, like many of his Potomac 
brethren, subscribe to the Reagan antithesis: Government is the solution, not 
the problem. His legislative agenda has been all over the board, for reasons 
known only to John McCain. He does not offer a clear perspective on the role of 
DIGEST, The Internet's Conservative Journal of Recordhttp://www.Federalist.com,18 February 2000

--A.C. Szulhttp://www.erols.com/mack97"There is 
no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." -- Bruce Thornton, 
"Plagues Of The Mind"

[CTRL] Fw: The latest issue of MediaNomics

2000-02-19 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.


- Original Message - 
The latest MediaNomics is now on 
the Web, with two new stories:

As Oil Prices Rise, Free Market Ideas Are Left Out in the 
For a while this week, the nightly news could have been "That 70s 
Show," as consumers griped about skyrocketing oil and gasoline prices, and TV 
journalists wondered what the Democrat in the White House would do to fix the 
situation. But unmentioned by any network was the fact 
thatthe Clinton administration had welcomed OPECs decision to slash 
production last spring,the move which led to depleted inventories and 
higher prices this winter.
The 1980s, According to Mort
In this weeks issue, U.S. News owner and editor-in-chief Mort 
Zuckerman advises Republicans to drop their advocacy of tax cuts and embrace 
Clintonomics. Thats not an argument likely to persuade 
GOP tax-cutters to change their minds, nor is Zuckermans assertion that the 
Republican Party "is still hooked on nostalgia for Ronald Reagan and the sense 
that he won in 1980 by promising tax cuts."

If you know someone elsewho'd like to read 
MediaNomics, please forward this e-mail. If you'dlike to receive notices 
when new MediaNomics articles are published (or to stop getting additional 
notices), send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED].

[CTRL] CAAF Update - 2/2000 Editorial by Daniel New

2000-02-19 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

CAAF Update - 2/2000
Editorial by Daniel New

Newspaper and television coverage has widely reported that SPC4 Michael New
was in the Court of Appeals of the Armed Forces (CAAF) with his attorneys
LTC Henry Hamilton, AUS (Ret.) and appointed Army Captain Norm Zamboni, on
4 February, 2000, in the District of Columbia.  There are numerous articles
to which the reader may refer, including some on our website at

This is to elaborate and expand upon those articles and to keep you, the
Support Team, well informed about what's happening and what it means.  It
also contains more editorial content than most of our publications.

This is the final appeal of the original-court martial, which was held over
four years ago, in Schweinfurt, Germany.  (So much for "a speedy
trial.")  The merits of our case were not before this court.  The only
question argued was whether the original court-martial was flawed when the
judge, LTC Gary Jewell, refused to allow the evidence to be shown to the
seven man panel (military equivalent to a jury).

Presenting one's evidence is, technically speaking, an "element of
defense."  When an element of defense is denied a defendant, then justice
is not served, according to the Supreme Court in 1995, just months before
this trial, by a 9-0 vote!  (The Gauden Case.)  So argued LTC Hamilton, and
eloquently.  He was outstanding in his presentation.

To the first-time viewer, this court (CAAF) like the Army Court of Criminal
Appeals before it, are more like a free-for-all than a trial.  While
decorum is maintained, the carefully worded speeches of the lawyers are
generally trashed within 60 seconds as one justice or another will ask a
question, probing a weak point, trying to get clarification or even
challenging each lawyer in turn.  It's a very tense arena, in which each
attorney must be on his toes, and which quite often turns devastating when
an unanticipated question "ambushes" an otherwise prepared attorney.

So it seemed on February 4 with the Army's attorney, Captain Haywood, who
is no doubt a competent attorney and a fine officer.  But she seemed
unnerved by the attack upon her contention that "life of the mission (of
the Army) depends upon total obedience."  Almost immediately a justice
asked her to clarify the government's position with, "What about an illegal
order?"  After listening to some waffling, he repeated the question in very
pointed terms and she admitted, "Yes, your honor.  All orders must be
obeyed."  (Words to that effect.  I'm quoting from memory here.)

LTC Hamilton, in his rebuttal, made it very clear that this question was
settled at Nuremburg, and that while German soldiers had to take an oath to
the Fuehrer, American soldiers take an oath to support and defend the
Constitution, not an oath of obedience to the Commander in Chief!  The
President is subject to the same Constitution that the Citizen Soldier is.

It sort of went downhill for the Army after that, and the dozens of
military personnel who were in the room to observe, saw the brilliant
"Hammerin' Hank Hamilton" at his finest.  Hamilton is a legend in the
making, and we're proud to have him represent Michael New.

If CAAF rules for the Army, upholding the court-martial, then the door is
opened for Michael's attorneys to file a petition of certiorari to the
Supreme Court, which is not obligated to accept it.  This appears to be the
only way this threshold case can be tried on its merits.

If CAAF rules against the Army, reversing or vacating the court-martial,
then any number of options are available to them.  First, they can order a
new court-martial, and start all over. (Do NOT bet the farm on this
option!)  Or, they can just kick SPC New out of the Army for any reason,
give him any type of discharge they want (but not worse than the original
Bad Conduct Discharge) and completely dodge the fundamental legal issues
that Michael New raised when he refused to be pressed into mercenary
service under a foreign power.

One of the great ironies of this entire debacle which the Army brought upon
itself, by denying SPC New a transfer, is that he is defending the
integrity of their uniform and they are prosecuting him for it.  As Col
Ronald Ray (USMC, Ret.) put it, "SPC New is the first American ever to be
court- martialed for wanting to serve his country exclusively."

Most soldiers resent being forced to go on United Nations deployments, but
they resign themselves to their fate, rationalizing that they are getting
extra money, and they can always use that!  Many of them know it is
fundamentally wrong, but don't have what it takes to "just say no" to
tyranny.  There are a couple of words that come to mind when people do that
which they think is wrong for money.

This issue cuts across all political party lines and across the political

[CTRL] US secret agents work at Microsoft: French intelligence

2000-02-19 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Well Netscape and AOL also read your computer online!

US secret agents work at Microsoft: French intelligence

Source: AFP | Published: Saturday February 19, 7:44 AM

PARIS, Feb 18 - A French intelligence report today accused US secret agents
of working with computer giant Microsoft to develop software allowing
Washington to spy on communications around the world.

The report, drawn up by the Strategic Affairs Delegation (DAS), the
intelligence arm of the French Defence Ministry, was quoted in today's
edition of the news-letter Le Monde du Renseignement (Intelligence World).

Written by a senior officer at the DAS, the report claims agents from the
National Security Agency (NSA) helped install secret programmes on Microsoft
software, currently in use in 90 per cent of computers.

According to the report there was a 'strong suspicion' of a lack of security
fed by insistent rumours about the existence of spy programs on Microsoft,
and by the presence of NSA personnel in Bill Gates' development teams.

The NSA protects communications for the US government, and also intercepts
electronic messages for the Defence Department and other US intelligence
agencies, the newsletter said.

According to the report, 'it would seem that the creation of Microsoft was
largely supported, not least financially, by the NSA, and that IBM was made
to accept the (Microsoft) MS-DOS operating system by the same

The report claimed the Pentagon was Microsoft's biggest client in the world.

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[CTRL] AIDS destroying families across Africa

2000-02-19 Thread Carl Amedio

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of this window.

AIDS destroying families across Africa

By Kieran Murray

NAMAVE, Uganda, Feb 20 (Reuters) - Joyce Nasuuna still has a grandmother's
glint in her eye, a sign of amazing strength for someone who has had to bury
so many children.

Even in a continent devastated by AIDS, Nasuuna's story is tragic. Nine of
her 12 children have died, at least six of them victims of AIDS, and five of
her grandchildren have also been killed by the disease.

She now lives in a miserable mud home outside the Ugandan capital Kampala
that literally crumbles whenever heavy rains roll through, and she has been
left alone to look after nine remaining grandchildren.

The children are regularly sick and doctors suspect at least two are infected
with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

But Nasuuna, 63, still finds a few things to smile about.

``Sometimes I feel happy, especially when we have something to eat, when the
children are happy and playing,'' she says as some of the children scamper
around the small plot of land next to the tiny one-room hut where all 10 of
them sleep, curled up together on the dirt floor.

``I would have been living here alone but, because of my grandchildren, I
keep busy all the time and that makes me happy,'' she says with a smile, her
two-year-old granddaughter Kisakye -- which means Mercy in Luganda --
sleeping on her lap.

Nasuuna admits, however, she can keep her spirits up only by blocking out
much of the past, and part of her future too.

``I have to forget about the dead ones and concentrate on the orphans. I have
to find their food and make sure they are safe,'' she says, although 'making
sure they are safe' does not mean finding out whether they are healthy or

``I am afraid of getting them tested,'' she says. ``I am not sure which ones
are HIV-positive. I was advised by the medical people not to have them tested
because there will be bad news and it will bring me a lot of bad thoughts.''

It would also make very little difference to their chances of survival.

While many patients in the West have benefited from drug cocktails that slow
down the progression of AIDS, such treatment is way too expensive for
virtually all Africans.

Instead, doctors able to deal with lethal AIDS-related illnesses like
tuberculosis or diarrhoea only when they occur. Almost no HIV-positive
pregnant women are given drugs to prevent them passing the virus on to their


In the past, the effects of poverty, unemployment, illness and death were
mitigated by the strength of extended families across the continent --
relatives would help each other through short-term crises with food and
shelter, and take in orphaned children as their own.

But now AIDS is tearing holes even in that last line of defence, simply
because it is killing so many would-be providers and the remaining adults of
working age already have their hands full looking after their own children.

The United Nations estimates that about 11.2 million children have been
orphaned by AIDS worldwide with 95 percent of them in sub-Saharan Africa, and
the number will rise to above 13 million by the end of this year.

Women like Nasuuna are increasingly being left to look after their
grandchildren and the number of households headed by children is also rising

``The safety net is traditionally aunts and uncles but they are now saying
'We are struggling and we have our own children. If we take in more, our own
will suffer','' says Geoff Foster, a paediatrician who works with a
church-based charity helping AIDS orphans in the Mutare region of eastern

``When the aunts and uncles are unwilling or unable to help, the children are
going to grandparents...and when that final safety net fails you see more and
more child-headed households.''


John Buule's family in the central Ugandan village of Lweza lives in a
four-room brick home and was relatively comfortable before AIDS took its

His father died in 1997 after spending the last two years of his life in bed,
and his mother followed him three months later, leaving John alone to raise
his seven brothers and sisters, aged between seven and 14.

John, now 19, gets up every morning at five, makes breakfast for everyone,
sends them off to school, goes out to work and rushes home to make sure they
are all fed and washed before bed.

Lively and jovial, John says he likes the role of parent, playing with the
children and cajoling them to study hard and keep the house clean, but the
pressure of doing it all by himself without help from relatives sometimes
gets to him.

``No one wants to help us. When my father died, my mother was already sick
and couldn't get out of bed. But they told me they had their own problems.
And now they never come to see us,'' he says, tears welling up in 

[CTRL] TIMES:How MI5FBI spied on Lennon

2000-02-19 Thread DIG alfred webre

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/A -Cui Bono?-

London Times 2/20/00:

THE secrets of how MI5 spied on John Lennon
  are to be revealed after a ruling by a Los !-- -- A
  Angeles federal court cleared the way for the

  release of British intelligence reports held   TARGET="_new"IMG
  by the FBI, write John Harlow and Nicholas


  The 10 packages of documents, which are held
  at Washington's FBI headquarters, are  Next: Secret Barclays report
  how banks rip off customers
  believed to expose how Lennon gave money to
  the Irish Republican Army before its split
  between the Official and Provisional wings.
  They also show that he paid £46,000 to
  left-wing groups including the Trotskyist
  Workers' Revolutionary party (WRP) and Red
  Mole, a Marxist magazine edited by Tariq Ali,
  the student protest leader.

  Some of the information came from an MI5
  "deep throat" inside the WRP who passed on
  details of Lennon's donations to the
  Americans and, bizarrely, a handwritten
  transcript of the lyrics to Lennon's song
  Working Class Hero, which he is thought to
  have sent to the WRP as a gift.

  The WRP achieved fame through its leading
  lights, the actors Vanessa and Corin
  Redgrave, but the movement has since fallen
  apart as a result of of internal rows.

  MI5 passed material from its own files to the
  FBI in the early 1970s after Lennon moved to
  America and began campaigning against the
  Vietnam war.

  Advisers to Richard Nixon, the former
  American president, ordered J Edgar Hoover,
  then director of the FBI, to find information
  to help deport Lennon.

  Following receipt of the MI5 intelligence,
  the FBI stepped up its surveillance of the
  singer. Lennon and Yoko Ono, his wife, were
  followed to Irish bars in New York that were
  fundraising for the IRA. The FBI even
  transcribed the lyrics of songs that Lennon
  performed at demonstrations.

  It is thought that Lennon's attraction to the
  republican cause dated back to his
  Liverpudlian roots, where he was surrounded
  by Irish expatriates.

  In 1971, when internment without trial was
  introduced in Northern Ireland, he held a
  sign at a London rally that read "Victory for
  the IRA against British imperialism". After
  the 1972 Bloody Sunday shootings, he
  proclaimed: "If it's a choice between the IRA
  and the British Army, I'm with the IRA."

  The FBI and CIA have released hundreds of
  pages of highly censored versions of
  documents relating to their own
  investigations but they have refused to make
  public papers passed to them by MI5 without
  permission from Britain. MI5 held back some
  information from the FBI, fearing - correctly
  - that it would eventually become public.

  Yesterday's court ruling makes it difficult
  for the American government to resist a
  further request for the release of the
  British files. The decision follows a 20-year
  campaign by Jon Wiener, a history professor
  at the University of California and author of
  a new book about the Lennon files, Gimme Some

  Wiener first applied for the files to be
  released only a few weeks after Lennon was
  murdered in New York in December 1980.

  "I find it disappointing that Tony Blair's
  government, with its commitment to freedom of
  information, continues to block 30-year-old
  information about a dead rock star," Wiener

  Rupert Allason, the former Conservative MP
  and espionage historian, said yesterday that
  he was not surprised by the reluctance of the
  British government to release such documents.
  "Tony Blair is as trapped by institutional
  secrecy as his predecessors," he said.

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[CTRL] FW: [ncnculture] Austria's Message To Seattle

2000-02-19 Thread Dave

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Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Heidrun Beer
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2000 1:57 PM
Subject: [ncnculture] Austria's Message To Seattle

Today we are watching a huge demonstration against the new government
in Austria - estimates go from 120.000 to 300.000 people, who just now
gathered together in "Heldenplatz", the historical square where Austria
welcomed Hitler a few decades ago.

All organizators have asked the demonstrators to use no violence.

It is interesting to see what the police is doing against those violent
demonstrators who passed the borders from Germany and other countries -
the so-called "demo tourists", who get a kick from creating trouble
in otherwise peaceful demonstrations (as we have seen them mess up
the scene in Seattle).

Austrian police is systematically confiscating the weapons from
these people, but allow them to participate in the demonstration
after they have no more equipment left which could be used to hurt
anybody. All construction sites in the demonstration area are
especially guarded, so that demonstrators cannot acquire pavement-
stones from there and use them as weapons.

TV-pictures show that the police people must have been individually
trained to not lose control of their temper, and always act in a
careful way without hurting anybody.

So far it looks all very constructive.

Is Austria setting examples again?

Heidrun Beer

Workgroup for Fundamental Spiritual Research and Mental Training

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[CTRL] FW: How Long do we Have?

2000-02-19 Thread Dave

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/A -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2000 4:58 PM
Subject:  How Long do we Have?


In the 1770s, before the Fabians, and after the failure of the Knights
Templar to establish a global oligarchy, here in the soon-to-be good ole
there were "Committees of Correspondence," and "Sons of Liberty." They
communicated with each other about their distrust of the Crown. They
complained about their lack of representation in Parliament. And they
a revolution.

Is that what we are? Sometimes it feels like it. If so, how long do we have?
In other words, how long will it be before the feds try to shut us down?
Looks like they've already monkeyed around with Mike Ruppert's website.
next? All of us?

I think many of the things we hear about and see in the news packaged for us
by the mainstream media, is designed to help the government increase its
power over our private lives. Is it not remotely possible that the recent
hacking which shut down Yahoo, CNN.com, and some other popular websites and
search engines, was engineered by our friends at the FBI? CIA? NSA? Think
about it. Would it not behoove them to CREATE a problem, so that they could
fix it?

That's one of the oldest ruling-class tricks in the world. I once posted an
anecdote about the man whose father was head of the MacArthur Foundation in
Manila. He said Marcos had engaged in "surgical bombing" before wresting
control of the government. The people were so frazzled they were ready to
follow anyone who had a plan. Of course, since Marcos was controlling the
bombing in the first place, his plan worked.

I think I'll go to my grave believing that the feds CREATED a situation in
Waco in 1993. And it's clear that the FBI knew Sheik Omar's followers had
targeted the World Trade Center weeks before the bombing. Isn't it also
interesting that when Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas, he called on
National Guard and the ATF to shut down a "Christian Identity" cult compound
in the northern Arkansas? And was Ambrose Evans Pritchard correct when he
reported that Clinton had remarked on Air Force One, the day after his
re-election, "If it hadn't been for the Oklahoma City bombing, we wouldn't
have made it in"? Funny; Carol Elizabeth Howe (ATF informant) told her
handlers, weeks before the bombing, that the bad guys had been casing the
Murrah building?

How long do we really have?

Tempus fugit,

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Re: [CTRL] PsyOps:U.S. may fight to keep letters about Lennon secret

2000-02-19 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

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/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 02/18/2000 11:28:33 PM Eastern Standard Time,

   Wiener, relying on information from a former MI5 officer named David
 Shayler, believes
   that that the documents refer to the murdered Beatle's financial support of
 left-wing groups
   in the 1960s. 

Well, you know how it is.  I'm in the same boat.  I didn't realize how awful
I was until Dick Armey and Virginia Thomas let us know that The Nature
Conservancy was "leftist."  That's how it is, though.  You never know when
being a commie pinko just sneaks up on you.  Prudy

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[CTRL] (MC) McCain, Bush Mind Control (WashPost)

2000-02-19 Thread DIG alfred webre

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/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 00-02-19 08:52:50 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It is unfortunately more realistic, imo, to also see these *public* forums
 and them being allowed to continue, in terms of communicating a simply
 "Do as you are told or this can happen to you."

 Once again I am seduced into using: "Many of us are walking, breathing
 advertisements of what can happen if "you" don't tow the line."
 We are made public examples of the potency of "non-lethal" weaponry.


Similar thoughts occur to me, as I now read "I Will Bear Witness" a 3rd Reich
You know, Urban legend says US Presidents elected in '0 years are either
assassinated, shot, or die in office..So now make McCain Bush's
Veep..No, , man all this political stuff is pathological..;)

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Al Gore: Second Class Male

2000-02-19 Thread Bill Kingsbury

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 Al Gore: Second Class Male

 Lowell Ponte
 FrontPagemag.com | November 10, 1999

 "BILL CLINTON IS NOT AN ALPHA MALE." Dr. David Barash spoke these
 words clinically, matter-of-factly, as we discussed Vice President
 Al Gore on my national radio show. Gore had hired feminist author
 Naomi Wolf last January for $180,000 per year -- a consulting fee
 far higher than his own salary -- to teach him how to appear
 man-like, appeal to women, and create the illusion of being a
 leader. Ms. Wolf reportedly advised Mr. Gore to let his "inner
 oddness out," and to break out of his "Beta male" inferior status
 by publicly confronting the "Alpha male" in the Oval Office, the
 man he hopes to succeed, President Clinton.

 Barash is an expert at comparing animal and human behaviors. A
 Ph.D. in zoology, he is Professor of Psychology at the University
 of Washington in Seattle. He is author of more than twenty books,
 including Making Sense of Sex and, most recently, The Mammal in the
 Mirror. Dr. Barash's articles have appeared in Psychology Today and
 Playboy. No wonder he brings deep insight to the strangeness of
 President Clinton and his understudy Mr. Gore.

 "Alpha-male status is conferred by the other males in a group, not
 by the females," explained Dr. Barash. "But Mr. Clinton became
 president through the support of females, not males."

 The Clinton-Gore ticket won two minority victories -- 43 percent in
 1992, 49 percent in 1996. In both cases, Clinton lost the male vote
 but carried far more than half the votes cast by single and
 divorced (but not married) women. Watching the latest PBS agitprop,
 Not For Ourselves Alone, about suffragettes Elizabeth Cady Stanton
 and Susan B. Anthony, who could forget that without female votes
 Bill Clinton and Al Gore would never have reached the White House?

 Researchers have found that when a man perfumed with the pig-mating
 pheromone chemical androsterone goes into a bar, he is more
 attractive to women. He is also much more likely be punched in the
 face by men, the subliminal scent triggering a reaction opposite
 that in women.

 Bill Clinton seems to elicit a similar response, almost
 biochemically attracting the passion of immature women but also the
 deep, visceral contempt of mature men. True Alpha males, by
 contrast, are respected and followed by other males in their group,
 gaining access to females as a byproduct of this status. Females,
 the sociobiologists tell us, are genetically predisposed to give
 themselves sexually to whomever attains this power status conferred
 by the group's males.

 Perhaps the clearest indicator of President Clinton's true stature
 among males is that whenever, as Commander-in-Chief, he appears
 before any unit of the military (he once boasted of "loathing"), he
 insists that all soldiers be disarmed or have all bullets removed
 from their weapons. No other president in history, Republican or
 Democrat, has exhibited such insecurity about being in the presence
 of his own loyal warriors. Clinton also had a warning issued to all
 soldiers that they will be punished if they voice their feelings
 about him to the press. This is not the behavior of a confident
 leader of a free society, nor of a true Alpha male.

 So why do so many unfulfilled women support Bill Clinton? He is a
 seducer, not just individually but also en masse. He is empathetic,
 attuned to feelings rather

 than ideas. My wife Ellen believes that Clinton's appeal is even
 more basic: he is seen by women as someone completely under the
 control of a woman, Hillary. He may sneak around behind her back,
 but Clinton will use his political power exactly as Hillary
 commands. (Alpha males, by the way, always do what they do boldly
 and openly. Sneaking moments of cheap oral sex in hidden back
 passageways is the behavior of subordinate Beta or even
 lower-ranking males. Likewise, Mr. Gore's sneaky and smarmy efforts
 to pay Naomi Wolf under the table, keeping her position hidden from
 the Federal Election Commission and public, and to prevent her
 appearance last Sunday on ABC's This Week were Beta or lower, not
 the way of a legitimate leader or Alpha male.)

 Author Toni Morrison described Bill Clinton as "America's first
 Black President," manifesting "every trope of Blackness," from his
 broken home upbringing to his choice of musical instrument, the
 saxophone. I suspect that Bill Clinton is also our first "female"
 President, manifesting "every trope of womanliness" -- from
 emotional seductiveness and quivering lip to submissiveness before
 a stronger mate.

 Al Gore is not as polarizing as Clinton. Men perceive him as more
 or less male, but also as someone who, because of an overbearing
 strong father, never quite attained full manhood. To help his
 senator father win reelection during the Vietnam War, Gore put on
 the uniform, 

[CTRL] Gore attacked over Colombia oil project

2000-02-19 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


 Gore attacked over Colombia oil project
 By Matthew Jones

Environmentalists and human rights
activists are accusing Al Gore, the
US vice-president and candidate for
the Democratic party presidential
nomination, of hypocrisy over his
shareholding in an oil company
prospecting in Colombian rainforests.

 Mr Gore has targeted the environmental and human rights
 vote as part of his election campaign and was last week
 rated "the most knowledgeable" presidential candidate on
 green issues by the influential League of Conservation

 But the U'wa Defense Working Group, which represents the
 U'wa indigenous tribe from the north east of Colombia,
 says Mr Gore is inextricably linked with Occidental
 Petroleum, the US oil group which plans to start
 drilling on its ancestral lands in the next few months
 in search of an estimated 1.5bn barrels of oil.

 According to Mr Gore's official Public Financial
 Disclosure Report for 1998, the latest information
 available, the vice-president owned between $250,000 and
 $500,000 in Occidental stock inherited from his father,
 Albert Gore Sr, who died in 1998. Mr Gore Sr became a
 board member of Occidental Petroleum after losing his
 Senate seat in 1970.

 According to the Centre for Public Integrity, a
 non-profit organisation that analyses ethics in
 politics, Ray Irani, the Occidental chief executive,
 made a donation of $100,000 to the Democratic National
 Committee in the early 90s following a stay in the
 Lincoln Room of the White House.

 The campaign group is urging environmentalists not to
 vote for Mr Gore and to protest about his links to
 Occidental on the campaign trail.

 Neither the White House nor Mr Gore's campaign team has
 responded to requests for comment.

 Stephen Kretzmann, U'wa campaign co-ordinator for Amazon
 Watch, a California-based environmental group, said:
 "This will not look good for Al Gore in the midst of an
 election campaign. It is clear that he could stop the
 drilling with a phone call and if he doesn't do
 something about this he will lose the environmental and
 human rights vote."

 The U'wa, who number 5,000, first hit the headlines in
 1996 when they threatened to commit collective suicide
 if Occidental's drilling plans were not halted.

 The drill site falls 600m outside the legally recognised
 U'wa Unified Reserve but the tribe claims it is within
 larger, traditional ancestral territory.

 The UDWG claims development of the site would be
 damaging to the tribe and the environment because of the
 likely increase in oil-related violence between
 different armed factions in the politically unstable

 It says Occidental's existing pipeline has been attacked
 more than 600 times in the last 12 years leading to 2.1m
 barrels of crude oil spilling into the soil and rivers,
 and that U'wa members and humanitarian workers have been
 killed or injured in the cross-fire.

 Occidental said earlier this month that it planned to
 start building roads to the test site at the end of
 January and would sink the first test well at the site
 in May.

 Ken Hufmann, Occidental's vice-president of investor
 relations, refused to comment on Mr Gore's stock holding
 in the company or any political donations that it had

 He would say only: "We're moving ahead with plans to
 drill the well but I have no specific dates."

 © Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2000.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-02-19 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-



by Charles R. Kelley, Ph.D.

Reprinted from The Creative Process
Vol. II Nos. 23 September 1962, pp.58-79

Copyright © 1962 Charles R. Kelley

13715 SE 36th Street
Vancouver, WA 98683-7770, USA
Tel  Fax: 360/896-4004;



 Charles R. Kelley

 Franz Anton Mesmer called it animal magnetism; Charles von
 Reichenbach called it odyle. To Henri Bergson it was the elan
 vital, the "vital force;" while to Hans Driesch it was the
 entelechy. Sigmund Freud observed its functioning in human
 emotions and termed it libido. William MacDougall, the great
 British- American psychologist of a generation ago, labeled it
 hormic energy. Dozens, if not hundreds, of lesser- known
 scientists have recognized its presence and have given it a name
 to characterize its special properties. Among the 20th-century
 proponents of the concept are, for example, Doctors Charles
 Littlefield and his vital magnetism and George Starr White and his
 cosmo-electric energy. Mechanistic science in the 17th through
 19th centuries embraced many of its essential qualities in the
 concept of the ether, while mystical human beings have embraced
 other essential qualities of it in the concept of god.

 Orgone energy is Wilhelm Reich's name for the substratum from which
 all nature is created. The best definition this author can provide
 for it is this: Orgone energy is the creative force in nature. This
 article will discuss briefly the history of the discovery of orgone
 energy by Reich and will describe its properties. It will then
 summarize the evidence for and against the concept and, finally,
 will undertake to explain why it is that the concept meets such
 great resistance.

  1 From a public lecture by the author on May 9, 1962,
  at the Hewitt Auditorium, Cooper Union, New York City.
  The lecture was the first of a series of six lectures
  entitled An Introduction to Orgonomy, which were
  sponsored by the Interscience Research Institute.

 Reich's Discovery of Orgone Energy

 Orgone energy was originally discovered by Wilhelm Reich in his
 psychiatric work. As a psychoanalyst and student of Freud, Reich's
 point of departure was, quite naturally, Freud's concept of
 "libido."  "Libido" is life energy, desire, the source of human
 striving. Reich developed the libido concept, concentrating on its
 physical expression and simultaneous psychological content, until
 he was able to show the relation of bodily attitude and emotion.
 This he described in CHARACTER ANALYSIS, a book which went further
 than any work in history in solving the mystery of the relation of
 mind and body. In this great book Reich also described the mass
 pathology of the animal man, This pathology consists of a chronic
 rigidity of the musculature which blocks the movement of energy
 underlying emotion and hence blocks the emotion, thus providing the
 psychic or emotional underpinning of mankind's universal sickness.

 Reich's initial work on orgone energy was done, then, in depth
 psychology. From this it spread, quite naturally, into sociology
 and political science, for Reich saw quite clearly that the
 sickness of man was socially or culturally transmitted. His books,
 IN TROUBLE deal with this enlargement of his depth psychological
 discoveries to the social and political scene.

 It was natural for a mind like Reich's to generalize and deepen his
 understanding of libidinal energy, and as he did his medical work
 expanded beyond the field of psychiatry into more general areas of
 medicine and biology. The concept of libidinal energy developed
 into the more concrete concept of "bioelectricity," which soon
 proved not to be electricity and in time was renamed "orgone
 energy." Books dealing with this phase of Reich's discoveries are
 constitute Volumes 1 and 2 of THE DISCOVERY OF THE ORGONE, Reich's
 presentation to the world of the discovery of orgone energy.

 Although orgone energy was first discovered in the human body,
 Reich learned through painstaking observation and experiment that
 it existed in free form in the atmosphere. With this finding,
 Reich's work transcended the boundaries of biology and entered the
 realm of meteorology and atmospheric physics. These developments
 a series of articles which are covered under the general title 

Re: [CTRL] Jesus And The Grail (2)

2000-02-19 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

At 02:56 PM 2-19-2000 -0500, you wrote:

First... he mentions the Book of Jasher is this available in
translation anywhere? If so, how reliable are these source insofar
as how accurate are they to the orignal?

use a search engine.



was linked on this page, April 1998:


(This may, or may not, be the "real" Book of Jasher,
 but it is the only one that exists today, AFAIK.)


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] EWAR:Pt Magu-Alaska Air 261 connection

2000-02-19 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

This is a researched update of the Pt Magu-Alaska Air 261 connection.
It raises many questions, answers some. Alfred
NewsHawk® Inc.

Agencies of the U. S. Government, in particular those agencies which
administer, operate and staff the Navy's China Lake Weapons Testing Center
and Pt. Mugu Naval Air Station/Pacific Missile Test Center, are
directly responsible for murdering all 88 people who perished in the
crash of Alaska Airlines Fl. 261. (The locations, though separated
by over a hundred miles, function literally as one single operational
unit, as HARD documentation proves incontestably--a operations link
facilitated by massive underground tunnels linking the subterranean
portions of these two Navy bases.)

There can be NO doubt of the responsibility of the China Lake/Pt. Mugu
operators for the crash and the 88 murders.

Why do we state this?

Well firstly, the most PLAUSIBLE scenario about the crash is that the
plane was struck by either a more conventional explosive/ballistic missile
device or an electromagnetic weapon of some kind from Pt. Mugu. This
could have been either an INTENTIONAL or an "accidental" strike;
though given the highly advanced state of technology an "accidental"
strike seems virtually impossible.

However, there is also a SMALL chance that onboard sabotage of some kind
initiated the craft's handling and maneuverability problems.

Now, to continue: Anthony Hilder of the Free World Alliance and myself
have been in contact with a representative of Alaska Air. As a result
we have now CONFIRMED that not only were there NO potentially
catastrophic mechanical problems with the aircraft prior to the crash,
the actions being attributed to pilots Ted Thompson and Bill Tansky--
you know, the OUTRAGEOUSLY ABSURD contentions made by lying sacks
of filth like Jim Hall and the rest of the federal government's legions
of front-men and apologists, to the effect that the pilots were going to
turn their barely controllable plane "around" and fly it back to L.A.
when they could have landed at Pt. Mugu within about TWO MINUTES--are
simply, totally and absolutely INCONCEIVABLE and cannot POSSIBLY be correct.

Of course, this entire matter has NOW become the subject of lawsuits filed
on behalf of victims' families--who, understandably, WANT TO KNOW THE SAME
THING: WHY did the pilots--"SUPPOSEDLY", according to those KNOWN purveyors
of pure truth in the federal government--bypass a number of possible
landing sites, in PARTICULAR Pt. Mugu Naval Air station only 2-3 MINUTES
away to their right, and instead supposedly turn the plane around and head
back to LAX, roughly 45 or more miles away?

WHY, WHY and WHY again!?

Well, people at Alaska Air want to know, too.

During our conversations with the airline representative it was conveyed
to us that MANY people in this company are extremely troubled and
distressed by what the federal government is trying to pretend happened
to the plane, and realize that the wretched, miserable tapestry of lies
and disinformation cannot POSSIBLY be the truth.

(Shades of the web of PROVEN lies spewed by NTSB garbage-mouths about
supposedly "suicidal" copilot Gameel Batouty of EgyptAir's Fl. 990.
Remember THAT ONE?!)

However, top-level officials at Alaska Air have suddenly become notably
un-forthcoming about the entire matter towards other company personnel
who've realized that actions being attributed to Fl. 261's pilots are
literally impossible to rationally comprehend and accept.

In fact, information provided to Hilder and NewsHawk indicates STRONGLY
that severe pressure is being brought to bear upon upper-level officials at
Alaska Air by various and sundry fed spooks, goons, shadow-men and

There are clear indications that company higher-ups are being threatened
with "corporate death"--with having their business completely sabotaged,
devastated, decimated and annihilated through implementation of any of
a number of different tactics if they don't shut up and play along with
the fed cover-up.

Indeed, this must explain all those additional stabilizer/jackscrew
"problems" which so mysteriously and CONVENIENTLY began plaguing Alaska
Air and OTHER airlines within a DAY of the Fl. 261 crash. It's a
"message" from the feds that Alaska Air or any other airline can be
quite quickly put out of business if need be.

In fact, whatever "message" has been relayed to Alaska Air higher-ups
has undoubtedly been sent to corresponding parties at other major
airlines too.

(Alaska Air may have further upset feds by sending their own "message" in
replacing #261 as a designation for their Seattle-San Francisco-Puerto
Vallarta flight with #289--the SAME NUMBER used on
navigational/aeronautical charts to designate Pt. Mugu's "Warning Area

We've also been informed that Alaska Air's mechanics are literally
UNANIMOUS in their opinion that any possible problems with the horizontal
stabilizer mechanism 

Re: [CTRL] DoD Contractor Killed in Parking Lot Mishap

2000-02-19 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

At the risk of sounding extremely cynical, what did Donna Jo Norder do
to anger the Clintons?
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CONGRESS ACTION: February 20, 2000

2000-02-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

CONGRESS ACTION: February 20, 2000


POLITICS OF REFORM: Election year politics can be strange indeed. Especially
when the Executive is a shameless partisan, more concerned with building a
legacy that will befog his record of impeachment and as the first president
ever to be fined by a federal judge for obstruction of justice; and when the
Legislature of the opposite party is afraid of its own shadow, hoping that if
it doesn't rock the boat nobody will notice and it can retain its grasp on

Expect the usual months of wrangling between Congress and the President over
the latest Clinton budget, which proposes to spend $1.84 trillion (with
precious few tax cuts), and includes plums for every special interest group
under the sun including, not inconsequentially, special spending of taxpayer
money to help boost the election prospects for would-be president Gore and
would-be Senator Hillary (proving once again the foolishness of McCain-style
campaign finance reform). A National Taxpayer's Union analysis concluded that
Clinton proposed adding $126 billion in over 100 new or expanded programs
during the course of his 89 minute State of the Union speech, over $1.4
billion every minute (the Bureau of Engraving can only print about $1 billion
a minute). As with any election year budget, much of what was proposed was
aimed less at serious legislation than at creating issues over which the
candidates can argue. Republicans have already reprised the democrats'
refrain whenever Reagan sent one of his budgets to Congress, and have
declared Clinton's last budget "dead on arrival". Devotees of limited
government that complies with the Constitution -- a dying breed -- can only
hope that this is more than just empty election-year rhetoric from Congress.

But the arcane fracas over the budget shouldn't obscure other issues that
could be even more important in this last Year of Bill. As reported two weeks
ago, Senator James Inhofe put a hold on all of Clinton's future judicial
nominees because of the president's abuse of his recess appointment power.
Last week, Majority Leader Trent Lott undercut Inhofe's plans, by allowing a
Senate vote on the confirmation of two Clinton nominees in exchange for
Clinton's agreement to appoint a republican nominee to the Federal Election
Commission. Filling FEC posts is usually a routine matter, 3 appointees are
nominated by each party and presidents usually defer to congressional
recommendations. But this particular republican nominee, Bradley Smith, has
been a lightening rod for a hot election-year issue, campaign finance reform,
ever since he was nominated a year ago by the chief opponent to the
McCain-Feingold "reform", Senator Mitch McConnell. Smith believes that the
best reform is repeal of contribution limits, along with full disclosure of
contributions. Naturally, this idea has the so-called "good government" types
appalled. Common Cause president and former Massachusetts Attorney General
Scott Harshbarger promised a fight against Smith's confirmation, whining that
Clinton has ".caved in to an increasingly extreme faction.who actually
believe that big money in politics should be increased, rather than reduced."
But so what? Why isn't that also called "reform"? Why is an assault on the
First Amendment the only thing called "reform" these days? After all, to
"reform" means to improve. Reducing individual contributions would only
increase the media's already obscene influence over politics, and that is
certainly no improvement. Why does the media think that they are the only
ones protected by the First Amendment?

The dream of the big government reform types is, eventually, complete
taxpayer financing of election campaigns. For decades, taxpayers have had the
option of choosing publicly financed campaigns, by checking off the box on
their income tax returns that diverts some of their tax payments to the FEC
for that purpose. At its highest in 1978, only 29% of taxpayers checked the
box. By 1996, that number had fallen to a mere 13% -- meaning that more than
7 out of every 10 taxpayers do not want taxpayer financed election campaigns.
So what do the so-called "good government" types want to implement? Taxpayer
financed election campaigns. No longer would you have the choice of deciding
which candidate to support, government will take your money in taxes and some
bureaucrat will make that decision for you. Leave it to democrats and other
leftists to pick the one "solution" that provides a maximum of government
coercion and a minimum of free choice. The net result of the Clinton-Lott
deal is that Clinton gets to portray himself as reasonable and "bipartisan"
by nominating a GOP choice who will be only one vote among six; who has only
a six year term in office; who, presumably, will feel obligated to follow the
existing law, 

[CTRL] Softly moving in the dark of night

2000-02-19 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Burma is one of the leading producers of opium / heroin, and is moving into
production of many other drugs. Burma is controlled by a military "junta"
(SLORC) which (like the U.S.  most other countries) is "officially
anti-drug" (spurious "War on drugs") while ACTUALLY engaged in Hundreds of
BILLIONS of dollars annually in drug-trade.
Predictably, Klinton and his "Just-US" Department are using political
subterfuge in coming down on the side of international DRUG DEALING,
supporting a repressive military dictatorship ("junta") which has been in
place since 1962 (!) and is keeping the legally elected head of Burma
government under house arrest, and at the same time striking a blow against
individual, municipal, and state's rights in the incessant quest for
"globalisation" - which can be briefly translated into Corporate Dominance.
Whose freedom is for sale to the highest bidder ? ... just-us..


Drugs  CIA ( "Just-US")

Chronologies of Organized crime in government
http://www.trufax.org/chrono/crm.html reading/reference link for chronology

Dave Hartley

WASHINGTON, Feb 16 (IPS) - In a major boost for the forces of economic
globalisation, US President Bill Clinton has decided to back multinational
corporations in a key court challenge to a Massachusetts law designed to
promote democracy in Burma.

In a brief quietly filed with the Supreme Court Tuesday, Clinton's Justice
Department charged that cities and states which make it more difficult for
companies doing business in repressive countries to win procurement
contracts "impermissibly intrude into the national government's exclusive
authority over foreign affairs."

Joining a coalition of some 600 major multinational corporations, the
European Union (EU) and Japan, the administration asked the Supreme Court,
which will hear oral arguments on the case March 22, to declare the
Massachusetts law unconstitutional. A final judgment by the nine-member
court is expected in June.

The case, called "Natsios versus the National Foreign Trade Council
(NFTC)," has major implications for grassroots human rights and other US
activist groups, which over the past 25 years have used state and local
"selective-purchasing" laws to influence the behaviour of multi-national
corporations abroad.

Selective-purchasing laws are designed to force companies to choose
between continuing to do business with repressive foreign governments and
bidding on often-lucrative state or local government contracts. The
Massachusetts law, for example, adds 10 percent to any bid by a target
companies - foreign and domestic - on a state procurement contract.

Such laws were used most successfully during the late 1970s and 1980s to
force scores of US multinationals - including such giants as Coca-Cola,
IBM, and General Motors - to withdraw from South Africa because of
apartheid. The resulting divestment, according to most experts, played a
crucial role in bringing about majority rule.

Similar laws in New York, California, Pennsylvania and other states and
cities targeting Swiss banks and insurance companies which had failed to
adequately account to Nazi Holocaust victims and their families helped
prompt a settlement of outstanding claims in 1998.

Some two dozen states and cities, including New York, Los Angeles, and San
Francisco - which each year put hundreds of millions of dollars in
contracts up for bids - have enacted selective-purchasing laws against
companies doing business in Burma, where a military junta has repressed
the democratic opposition led by Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi.

Multinationals naturally oppose these initiatives because they curb their
freedom to do business where they like. But until now, they were reluctant
to challenge the laws in court due to the negative publicity that could
result from a company claiming a right to do business with abusive

In 1998, however, the NFTC filed a case in federal court challenging the
1996 Massachusetts law on the grounds that it violated US constitutional
provisions which gave the federal government the power to regulate foreign
commerce and foreign policy. In an unprecedented step, the EU and Japan
filed amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs on the NFTC's behalf.

At the same time, Brussels and Tokyo also filed their own challenges to
the law with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in Geneva. They 


2000-02-19 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Hi All - Cloudrider's analysis ( a veritable tour de force) is supported
by a recent, well-researched book, The Stargate Conspiracy by Lynn
Picknett  Clive Prince (1999:Little, Brown). More later...

(Subject e-mail/post follows CloudRider's commentary.)

February 19, 2000  -- [Permission granted to repost and/or use

Attached is an important if inadvertant disclosure by "one of them." Is this
guy part of an "alien fifth column" inside the American military? Or is he
just helping to keep the lid on abuses by rogue military and intelligence
elements, aided by some powerful philanthropists and criminal defense
contractors so deeply involved in "UFOs" and "mind control?" It's not up to
us to figure that out. All we have are "Just the facts."

He is an important link to military/government involvement with "UFOs"  some
of the underlying "mind influence" and illegal public  political
manipulation inherent in the "UFOs are E.T." gambits, advocated by
generations of disinformation agents in this field. Whatever is "really"
going on in terms of supposed contacts with "others" not human, what these
guys are doing has NOTHING to do with anything like that!

The signer of this forwarded item bills himself as "Official Military
Advisor" to C-SETI (Stephen Greer's group to make "contact" and establish
"diplomatic ties" with purported E.T.s visiting Earth). He is Commander Will
Miller, United States Navy Reserve. Cdr. Miller first made a contact with Dr.
Greer and his C-SETI group in part through Commander C. B. "Scott" Jones, in
1993. I was present when Cdr. Miller first visited our Human Potential
Foundation's offices in Falls Church, VA, when we were "sole-source" funded
by Laurance S. Rockefeller and in the throes of supporting Rockefeller's
purported "UFO Disclosure Initiative" to the Clinton White House, (which has
been discussed length variously online and off). As HPF's Director of Project
Development I met privately with Cdr. Miller. Later, Miller met with Dr.
Jones. My meeting consisted mostly of pleasantries; my role was to
"background" him in what HPF was doing publicly, as I'd been recruited to
help ("unwittingly" Jones had believed) craft the non-profit charitable
"cover" of activities for what Jones and his benefactors were actually up to.
But that's another story, a la "the Trojan Horse."

[Inserted Identifier Follows: Cross-refs.: "Starseed Transmission  Bird
(There are ugly rumors that I'm some kind of "spook." I'm not; not to my
knowledge anyway. And more than one credible psychic has suggested that I'm
really a kind of "walk in," hosting a visiting entity who "parachuted" onto
Earth to help humans fend off an "invasion" by the "bad aliens." I kind of
like that one better than simply being a free-lance journalist with a
low-tolerance for human rights abuses and government cover-ups, so let's go
with that one if you need a "handle" for the ol' CloudRider, eh? I always
have had a fascination with space travel. I've got a few memories from my
childhood that I can't explain, all of them positive. I am a West Virginian,
to boot.

If you need a place to put me, let me just be: "Special Agent CloudRider, he
of the Interdimensional and Colonial Operations Directorate, Starfleet
Command; working out of the Arcturus Midway Station of the Galactic
Federation. It is a legend in our directorate that Thomas Jefferson, Tom
Paine and even some well-known (if grossly misinterpreted) "religious
figures" in Earth's history came out of our department. And I am certainly no
"Lone Ranger" down here, as there are quite a few of us, operating
independently but occasionally linking up; like on this list, when it is

We're assigned to chasing the cosmic pond-scum agents of the fascist Council
of Nine, who for at least a century of Earth's time have been "subliminally"
influencing planetary politics and governance policies, and who most lately
rode in on "Noetics Astronaut" Edgar Mitchell, during his Moon visit.
Associated with them are other "alien intelligences," some of whom have
violated the Prime Directive and associated themselves with powerful, greedy
Earthlings who are selling out their fellow species-mates in hopes of keeping
their power after conquest. If that makes you happy then let's go with that.
Whatever it takes for you to THINK FOR YOURSELVES is OK!

If the "aliens" are actually "viruses of the mind," as senior CIA
neuro-shrinks think, or "mind parasites" as some veteran "UFOlogist" quietly
believe, no matter. What IS clear is that the anti-dote is our sense of humor
we human beings have, even in the face of paralyzing fear and seemingly
insurmountable adversity. So DON'T give up!
Now, back to the "bad guys" with their terrestrial acolytes and "dupes." [
Wink ;-) ]
Cdr. Miller, a Naval Reserve officer who had been called up to assist the
Navy with its management 

[CTRL] Gun Owners Bush Over McCain

2000-02-19 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Weldon Clark 
Subject: Gun Owners Bush Over McCain
Date: Saturday, February 12, 2000 10:33 AM

Gun Owners Bush Over McCain

Now it's just Bush vs. McCain

Feb. 9 Neal Knox Report -- After a third-place finish in
yesterday's Delaware contest, Steve Forbes is withdrawing
from the Republican Presidential contest.

With pro-gun stalwart Alan Keyes hanging by a thread, the
GOP nomination is now a two-man race.

George W. Bush is rated a B by the Arizona State Rifle and
Pistol Association, while their own senator, John McCain is
rated a C-minus.  I concur with those ratings.

Bush has taken a lot of heat from the press over his signing
the Texas concealed carry licensing law, improvements to
that law, and signing the law prohibiting Texas cities from
suing gunmakers for acts by criminals.

Though a lot of gunowners aren't fond of him (perhaps
remembering the betrayal by his father), his support for gun
show background checks and other gun bills are basically in
line with NRA's positions.

McCain is generally described by the media as "opposed to
gun control" but when the Senate was considering the
Juvenile Justice bill last May it was McCain who threatened
Senate gun rights leaders with leading four other Senators to
vote for the original Lautenberg gun show bill if they failed to
bring up a mandatory gun show background check bill.

The Republicans did, throwing their party into disarray and
causing eventual passage of a slightly softer version of
Lautenberg's gun show bill.

McCain also was chief co-sponsor of a "campaign finance
reform" bill that would have destroyed the ability of NRA and
other pro-gun groups to inform gunowners of a candidate's
gun record during the last two months of a campaign.  He
thanked now-NRA Vice President Sandra Froman and me for
what NRA accomplished in the 1994 Arizona elections.
"Unlike most politicians, I will never forget."

Yet his bill would have prevented NRA from doing that which
so pleased him.

Since my old friend Alan Keyes has shown no ability to win
any primary, if I were voting in the South Carolina primary it
would be against McCain -- which means for George W.

To paraphrase that great lawman Bill Jordan, in gunfights
and politics there are no second place winners.

Letter from Bush Campaign signed by Jeff Young the
legislator who sponsored concealed carry in South Carolina
and others.

As fellow sportsmen, we are writing to you about the
Republican presidential primary on February 19th.  We
strongly support Governor George W. Bush and encourage
you to do so as well.

George Bush has demonstrated a strong commitment to
sportsmen's issues.  He has shown himself to be a leader in
the fight to protect the Second Amendment and an advocate
for wildlife, land preservation and conservation.

As Governor of Texas, George Bush has proven himself to
be a champion of the right of law-abiding Americans to keep
and bear arms.  In 1995, Governor Bush signed legislation
allowing law-abiding Texans to carry concealed weapons
after passing a background check and handgun training.

While other Governors and municipal officials bowed to the
pressure of gun-control advocates and the liberal media to
sue the firearms industry, Governor Bush not only stood firm,
he signed legislation prohibiting frivolous lawsuits against gun
manufacturers.  He sent a very clear message that gun
manufacturers and law-abiding citizens are not responsible
for crime.  Criminals are!

Governor Bush believes that the criminals who use a gun in
the commission of a crime should be severely punished.
That's why he helped launch "Texas Exile," an initiative
aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of criminals through
the enforcement of existing Texas laws.  Convicted criminals
caught committing a crime with a gun are prosecuted under a
statute which provides for a mandatory five-year sentence in
a federal prison.

Governor Bush opposed the Clinton-Gore Administration's
push for government mandated registration of private
firearms and he would reverse the Clinton-Gore manipulation
of the Brady law to maintain a registry of gun owners.

Make no mistake:  As president, George W. Bush will do
everything in his power to ensure that criminals and children
do not have access to handguns.  At the same time, his
commitment to our Second Amendment rights, our heritage
and our freedom is unwavering.  He will never bow to the
knee-jerk hysteria that the anti-gun lobby and its forces in the
media periodically create.

It's no accident that the Republicans who know John McCain
best -- his colleagues in the United States Senate --
overwhelmingly back Governor Bush.  

[CTRL] Media/Clinton Hype Hits Home

2000-02-19 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

snip...HACKER HYSTERIAWhile the White House and the media 
were going into full panic alert over what they called "denial of service 
attacks," i.e. a few hours interruption in the business of a few big 
cyber-corporations, the virus fighters at the McAfee company took things more in 
stride. In a message to subscribers, theyexplained how the attacks were 
accomplished using computers of the unsuspecting:"A hacker breaks into 
someone else's computer, and places a special program (called a "Zombie") on 
that computer. The hacker activates the Zombie program, which begins sending 
data to the computers of one or more major Web sites. These "packets" of data 
mimic the signals sent by a legitimate user requesting information from the Web 
site. The Zombie program sends out somany data packets so quickly that the 
Web site servers are overloaded, and are unable to respond to requests from 
legitimate users. At no time during this kind of attack does the hacker actually 
break into the data stored on the Web site's computers. Therefore, there is very 
little danger that any personal users' information is at risk of being stolen. 
The reason the hacker breaks into a third party's computer ~~ is to use it as a 
launching pad for their attack. If not for the fear of getting caught, they 
could just as well launch their attack from their own computer. The Zombie 
program, by itself, does no damage to its host computer.Unlike the 
political elite, however, McAfee did not call for new repressive legislation, 
retrofitting the Internet, or beefing up the police. Instead, pointing out that 
the hackers mainly used computers that have "always-on" connections such as DSL 
or cable modems, McAffee proposed that "the simplestpreventive measure in 
this case is to turn off the computer when not in use."These folks had 
better stick to computers. They'll never make it as politicians or 
 -- UNDERNEWS, February 18, 2000, http://www.prorev.com/
--A.C. Szulhttp://www.erols.com/mack97"There is 
no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." -- Bruce Thornton, 
"Plagues Of The Mind"