Re: [CTRL] Endless bullshit from

2000-08-27 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

On Thu, 24 Aug 2000 20:15:49 -0400 Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The modern economist is the equivalent of the ancient shaman. If anything
sensible comes out of the mumbo jumbo, it is purely coincidental.

I like the 'trickle down' effect. That's where all the rich people tend to live in big 
houses on top of hills, and all the poor people ive in the low-lying areas. Now 
becasue the rich people have so much money, invariably they will drop some of it, the 
wind will blow it away etc and it will 'trickle down' to the poor people.

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[CTRL] Reform Convention report

2000-08-27 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
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From: "Lloyd Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Reform Convention report
Date: Friday, August 18, 2000 11:03 PM

Delegates and Conventions

by Burton S. Blumert

Delegates to political conventions rank amongst the lower forms of animal life. They 
are mindless adherents who fit Lenin’s description of movement followers as "the 
swamp." They know nothing of the struggles around them, and are never part of the true 
decision process. They are viewed with contempt by the real party operatives, who keep 
them at arm’s length except when soliciting their labor.

In real world political conventions, the delegates, aside from the prestige they feel 
at winning the assignment, are rewarded with gifts, favors, celebrities, and – best of 
all – sumptuous parties.

All that is required of the delegate is that they follow orders and bring an ample 
supply of adulation to the combination revival meeting and rock concert they call a 
convention. In this environment, the delegate, like a moth to flame, seeks out every 
TV camera. Unfortunately, they are generally uglier than the population at large.

All of the above was true for the Reform Party delegates at the recent presidential 
nominating convention in Long Beach except that gifts, favors, celebrities, and 
sumptuous parties were missing. Still, the Buchanan delegates brought plenty of 
adulation for the candidate.

With hardly a whimper, the patient Buchanan delegates endured the entire first day of 
the convention jammed together, first in the vestibule outside the main hall and then 
in different rooms awaiting delegate certification. The air was foul as the air 
conditioner succumbed to the torrid heat outside. Without full comprehension, these 
worthies knew that their suffering was related to the presence of the "rival faction."

One sad soul described the ten hours as being in one of "Dante’s lower circles of 

As a Buchanan delegate from California, I marched in lockstep understanding the need 
for the painstaking care as the courts or the FEC were likely to review the 

Much of day two was devoted to the one-sided parliamentary struggle between the 
Buchananites and their triangle of enemies. Finally, with all secure, it was time for 
the convention program

Snapshots and Soundbites

Prior to Buchanan’s nomination, and the four "keynote" endorsers, the program could 
not have been more dismal. My personal low point was the appearance of "Granny D." 
Granny is the nonagenarian who trekked across the country promoting campaign finance 

That seemed safe enough, but she used her 70 minutes (!) of prime time to harangue us 
all with a commie interpretation of the history of the reform and progressive 
movements in the United States.

After forty-five minutes she began to extol the greatness of the evil Teddy Roosevelt, 
and how he smashed uncontrolled corporate power. I broke ranks.

"Put the commie back on the highway," I mumbled.

It got worse. She was mouthing every socialist platitude. By now, out of control, I 
rose, fist in the air, shouting: "Throw this old windbag out."

Just as I seemed to be gaining support from the California delegation, other delegates 
physically subdued me as the California state chairman muttered through clenched 
teeth, "Don’t create a scene. The C-SPAN cameras are covering everything."

As they pinned me to the ground, I relished the headline that might have been: 
"Buchanan delegate beats up 90-year-old woman."

Overheard in the Pennsylvania delegation:

"Which one is Justin Raimondo?"

"He’s standing to the right of the podium."

"Good lord, he looks like Madeline Albright."

"No, no, that's a convention clerk. Justin is the nice looking, slim fellow next to 

Poor Justin. His anti-war, pro-Pat speech was a barnburner. As he neared the crescendo 
that would have pushed the delegates to frenzy, convention chairman Gerry Moan frog- 
marched him from the podium.

Why was Justin yanked? Theories abound, but my insider says that a KLA operative 
disguised as an ex-journalist issued the order.

In the hotel elevator, I found myself with a fellow delegate laden with "Go Pat Go" 
buttons and pitchfork.

Cowering in the elevator’s corner was a Natural Law Party devotee clearly attempting 
to put the pitchfork in transcendental terms.

"Hah!" I shouted to the miserable, terrorized clump. "What do you say about Pat’s bold 
move in selecting a black woman as his VP?"

"Your Buchanan is a repressed slave master," he hissed.

"Huh?" was my best response.

"He covets our black women. First Lenora Fulani, now Ezola Foster, and maybe Maxine 
Waters next."

And from the Buchanan Brigadier, the burning question: "If Pat dies, and she’s 
president, where will her loyalties 

[CTRL] potty training men

2000-08-27 Thread J Taylor

US News

John Leo on More PC Folderol (8/21/00)

An excerpt

Now sit, Ingvar, sit.

 Young women in Sweden, Germany, and Australia have a new cause: They want

men to sit down while urinating. This demand comes partly from concerns

hygiene- avoiding the splash factor- but, as Jasper Gerard reports in the

English Spectator, "more crucially because a man standing up to urinate is

deemed to be triumphing in his masculinity, and by extension, degrading

women." One argument is that if women can't do it, then men shouldn't

Another is that standing upright while relieving oneself is "a nasty macho

gesture," suggestive of male violence.

A feminist group at Stockholm

University is campaigning to ban all urinals from campus, and one Swedish

elementary school has already removed them. In Australia, an Internet

shows that 17 percent of those polled think men ought to sit, while 70

percent believe they should be allowed to stand. Some Swedish women are

pressuring their men to take a stand, so to speak. Yola, a 25-year-old

Swedish trainee psychiatrist, says she dumps boyfriends who insist on

standing. "What else can I do?" said her new boyfriend, Ingvar, who sits.


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[CTRL] Brief exposure to nicotine makes lasting mark on the brain

2000-08-27 Thread J Taylor

University of Chicago Medical Center

Brief exposure to nicotine makes lasting mark on the brain

Brief exposure to low levels of nicotine, as little as that provided by a
single cigarette, can cause lasting changes in the brain's "reward" areas,
report two University of Chicago scientists in the August 2000 issue of the
journal Neuron [ ]. The finding is a major advance
understanding the process of nicotine addiction.

The researchers discovered that nicotine uses a mechanism responsible for
learning and memory to enhance the connections between one set of nerve
that are sensitive to the drug and other nerve cells that register
They also demonstrate that the first exposure to nicotine can induce an
enduring "memory trace," which amplifies the pleasing effects of the
drug --
and boosts the desire to repeat the exposure.

By uncovering the precise cellular mechanisms of nicotine's effect, this
suggests new and more precise targets for drugs designed to block this

"This appears to be the crucial first step in the process of addiction,"
neurobiologist Daniel McGehee [ ], Ph.D.,
professor in the department of anesthesia and critical care at the
of Chicago and director of the study. "Now that we know how this happens,
can begin to search for better ways to intervene."

The reinforcing effect [ ] of nicotine is the
primary reason people cannot quit smoking, despite widespread awareness
smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, emphysema, bronchitis,
disease, cataracts, impotence and many other health problems. Nicotine
dependence has been estimated to cause 70 times more deaths in the United
States than all other types of drug dependence combined. Nearly 25 million
Americans alive today will die prematurely from smoking-related illnesses.

"Nicotine addiction makes millions of people suck carcinogens into their
over and over again, day after day," said McGehee. "If this knowledge leads
new ways of helping people quit successfully, it will be an important step
public health worldwide."

The brain reward areas serve to acknowledge and reinforce beneficial
for example eating when you're hungry. The system encourages the body to
pleasing behaviors by releasing dopamine, the neurotransmitter associated
the pleasant feelings, in the reward areas. "That was good," is the basic
message of increased dopamine levels. "Do it again."

Unfortunately, drugs of abuse, such as nicotine, can usurp those pathways,
providing the same sort of encouragement for some very harmful actions,
such as
smoking. They also do this by stimulating the release of dopamine.

McGehee and his colleague, post-doctoral researcher Huibert Mansvelder,
working with brain tissue from rats, demonstrated how nicotine takes
control of
the reward pathways. Nicotine alters the connections between neurons using
process that is similar to the cellular mechanisms underlying the creation
memory. "In this way," Mansvelder said, "the brain erroneously learns that
intake of nicotine was good and remembers the sensations it caused."

The ability to remember things, such as pleasant sensations, is thought to
depend on the strengthening of links between neurons. Nerve cells
with each other at synapses, junction points where chemical signals mediate
communication back and forth. When a synapse is used a lot, there is a
persistent strengthening of the communication. In effect, the more that one
side of the synapse 'talks,' the better the other side 'listens,' and the
effective the communication becomes.

Nicotine appears to cause addiction by strengthening the excitatory connect
on the neurons that make dopamine, which are found in the Ventral Tegmental
Area (VTA) of the brain reward center. Thus, the neurons are more excited,
which means that more dopamine is released within the reward areas.

This cellular locus of addiction is farther "upstream" in the reward
than anticipated. McGehee and Mansvelder demonstrate that nicotine's
effects result from the drug's interaction with a receptor on the synaptic
endings, the part of the cell that sends the signals. When these endings
exposed to nicotine, there is a direct increase in the excitatory signal
transmitted onto the dopamine neurons, which then increases dopamine

Nicotine stimulates neurons by attaching to a specific structure on the
known as the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. There are many different
of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, performing various roles throughout
body. The addictive process fortunately appears to involve only one
acetylcholine receptors containing the alpha7 

Re: [CTRL] potty training men

2000-08-27 Thread Bob Stokes

Maybe if a guy has to sit to do his thing, then he isn't a guy, or is so politically 
correct that he's going to take orders from women ... maybe he's just a wimp.  Maybe 
what this is really about is pure penis envy.  Maybe next they'll want men to shave 
their legs, what bullshit.

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Re: [CTRL] The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

2000-08-27 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

Dear Michael,

What did Cohn write, what are his arguments?

I would say, that the protocols appears to be plan, which have been followed very well.

Some have argued, that it really is the plan of the Illuminati, and that they pretend 
it is a jewish plan, to deceive the public.

What do you think of that?

Love, Ole Gerstrom, Denmark

- Original Message -
From: Michael Pugliese [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2000 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

See Norman Cohn, "Warrent for Genocide, " for the definitive debunking of
 the Protocols. Was republished a few years ago.
  Michael Pugliese

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Re: [CTRL] Court Rules Cross-Dresser Can Stay in the U.S. on Asylum Claim

2000-08-27 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 One day walking across the lot this man came at her, a young black,
 dressed in a woman's dress and wearing lipstick - he stabbed her in the
 stomach 3 or 4 times - she did survive but at home had two children,
 quite small.

Would the stabbing have been more palatable had the attacker been dressed 'normally'?

Indeed, I think statistics would bear out that in most such attacks, the attacker is 
NOT a cross-dresser.

So what's your point?

 These people also try to latch on networks involving care of juvenile
 delinquents - for I  personally saw this this queer in
 our town the son of a millionaire and he had a million who virtually
 bought three kids from an alcoholic fatherI had the great pleasure
 to turn that creep and worked for the Court where he was then sent away
 for the first time i his life.might add he ran with the Jewish Mafia
 killers, one of which was also a big queer and hung around with Meyer
 Lansky when he came to town.

There is a world of difference between pedophiles and gay men, as there are between 
gay men as a whole and

Many cross-dressers are heterosexual.

And adult men who sexually molest little boys have no more to do with adult male 
homosexuality than adult men
who sexually molest little girls have to do with adult male heterosexuality.

Are you saying that the men who sexually molested Jon Benet Ramsey are representative 
of all adult male

If not, then why do you equate men who sexually molest male children to the whole of 
the adult male homosexual

 So these kind of people if this is what you want, fineto each his
 own.I hope you do not feel compelled to now repeat your story about
 what queers do in your usual sick and disgusting manner.

Actually I'm not the one who has posted details of homosexual sexual practices, it's 
one of your alternate
personalities who has...  What I have posted is the FACT that homosexuals have no 
sexual practice that is
uniquely their own, that every single sex act participated in by gays are also 
practiced by heterosexuals.

It's not our fault that you find the act of sexual intercourse sick and disgusting, 
Aleisha.  You should seek
professional help for your hangups

 Jesus was a real man; and of course the sign of a revolutionary, was and
 still is long hair according - and further June, hard to tell what you
 are, man, woman, or an it.   Not that I give a crap.

Well, if you didn't care, you wouldn't have brought it up, would you?


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Re: [CTRL] potty training men

2000-08-27 Thread Tenorlove

The subject heading of this email is an oxymoron snort

who thinks "morning wood" is a cop-out

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

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2000-08-27 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 08/20/2000 4:16:19 PM Central Daylight Time,

  This, too, is reminiscent
 of Vietnam, where President John F. Kennedy engaged the U.S. without
 consulting the handful of officials who actually knew something about
 Hanoi, Dien Bien Phu, Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Cong.

Don't blame John Kennedy for the war in Viet Nam.
President John Kennedy did not "engage the U.S." in Vietnam.
The U.S. was "engaged" by President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
starting at least by the time France was defeated at the battle
of Dien Bien Phu in 1954.
The so-called "French Connection".the opium and heroin trafficking
from the "golden triangle" of indochina became the "American Connection",
following the French defeat.
That's what Air America was all about.

U.S. engagement in Vietnam continued to grow for at least 7 years
before John Kennedy became President.
In November 1963, Kennedy issued a National Security Action Memorandum
which ordered all Americans out of Viet Nam by the end of 1964.
At the time of this Presidential Order, there were less than 16,000 Americans
in Viet Nam.
John Kennedy was assassinated just 20 days after he gave that order.
Lyndon Johnson cancelled Kennedy's order (NSAM), and eventually
ordered more than half a million U.S. military personnel into the
quagmire in Viet Nam.

 Regards to All

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Re: [CTRL] The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

2000-08-27 Thread Tenorlove

--- Ole_Gerstrøm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Some have argued, that it really is the plan of the Illuminati,

Not Illuminati. Rosicrucian. They were based on a satirical attack on
Napoleon III, called Dialog in Hell between Machiavelli and
Montesquieu, by Maurice Joly. Joly was imprisoned for this tract. It
was later picked up by people intent on discrediting the esoteric
enclave which surrounded Tsar Nicholas II. When that didn't work, one
Sergei Nilus re-wrote the piece into its current form. The original
upon which the PLEZ was based was first published in 1884, thirteen
years before the Zionist Congress in Basle from which the Protocols
allegedly issued. And the original satire was written in French. The
Basle conference did not include any French delegates. Why Rosicrucian?
Joly was allegedly a Rosicrucian. He was also a close friend of Victor
Hugo. Hugo exhibited Rosicrucian tendencies in his writings, and was
allegedly a Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, a Rosicrucian-type
secret society. Even AMORC, the modern Rosicrucian organization based
in California, lists Hugo as a "Rosicrucian." Questions? Let me know,
time to leave for work.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

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[CTRL] Anti-Buchanan Conspiracy in Long Beach

2000-08-27 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Lloyd Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Anti-Buchanan Conspiracy in Long Beach
Date: Saturday, August 19, 2000 8:04 AM

- Original Message -
From: "Jim Condit Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2000 6:23 AM
Subject: [NA] Battle in Long Beach

Step onto the Stage of History at
The Citizens for a Fair Vote Count Convention
Go to: to register today!

Asthma? Sinus? Prone to colds? Sore Neck? Back goes out and needs adjustment? You may 
find help in "Electric C" -- Go to: http// -- for details.

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

August 8, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

Battle in Long Beach

Today is the National Committee Meeting which had been brilliantly
called by Robert Bowes, Reform Party Chairman of Maryland, and his
allies -- in a pre-emptive strike to take the offensive against the
disruptive Verney Wrecking Crew which was and is trying to destroy the
Reform Party, -- now that it has been transformed from an insincere
third party “blind alley” to a constructive force run by grassroots
patriotic Americans.

By gathering the signatures of a percentage of the National Committee (I
think it was 51 out of the 162, or about 30% of the Nat-Com delegates
that were needed to call the special meeting) -- a national committee
meeting could be called whether or not the leadership went along with it
or not. It was called, and this was the day.

The point man for the Verney wrecking crew was the loud-mouthed
Buchanan-hater Jim Mangia. Mangia, for some reason, felt that he should
“come out of the closet” as a homosexual activist right before he kicked
into his high-gear efforts to destroy the Reform Party which he had been
part of for the 8 years since its inception in 1992.

The doors were closed to the press and observers until the national
committee was completely seated, including legitimately disputed
delegations. This was probably a mistake, as it would have been
instructive for all to see the absurd Mangia antics. The closing of the
doors gave the impression of secrecy and that the Buchanan forces had
something to hide, which was not the case.

Eye-witnesses inside told this reporter exactly what happened.

Mangia, the Secretary of the Party, tried to take over the entire
proceedings. He filibustered for two hours. Gerry Moan, the Reform Party
Chairman, let this go – probably to make every attempt to be fair to the
woefully outnumbered dissidents.

Outside the closed doors, where your reporter was standing with about
500 others, Russ Verney, Perot’s point man, showed up with his
contingent of “Perot Systems” body guards – complete with arm patches to
let everyone know for sure who was backing the Verney Wrecking Crew.

Verney also had an earpiece through which he was listening to the goings
on inside the meeting through sophisticated Perot-provided radio

Verney had been ousted a week or so earlier by the Texas Reform Party,
so he wasn’t even allowed in the meeting. As the Mangia harangue dragged
on inside, at one point, Verney, the former Democratic operative in the
state of Connecticut, theatrically pushed his way toward the doors
through a sea of microphones and cameras booming that he had every right
to be in the room, and he would be arrested if necessary to gain
entrance. In fact, he then retired to the back of the fray; obviously he
had no intention of being arrested, but was merely providing a sound
bite for the media.

At several points, a Mangia spokesman would come out of the meeting and
make an announcement to the locked-out press – and at one point Mangia
came out and screamed at the top of his lungs, making the sound bite and
scene that has been used on every newscast covering the Reform Party
Convention in the Big Newsmedia’s attempt to convey “disorder” in the
Reform Party.

Inside, Mangia was making a totally childish argument. Fifty state
Reform Party National Committee delegations came to this August 8th
meeting as recognized as “legitimate” by the Reform Party and listed as
such on the Reform Party website. The “basis” of Mangia’s harangue was
that the Verney wrecking crew had made frivolous challenges against
about half of these recognized delegations. Mangia was holding – per the
absurd -- that because of these last minute frivolous challenges, all
the challenged delegations were automatically unseated, and that
therefore it was impossible to get a quorum, so the meeting could not

By this puerile logic, 50 Democrats (one from each state) could still
file frivolous challenges against the 50 seated Democratic Party
delegations about to meet in Los Angelus at 

[CTRL] Fwd: Report: Violent Entertainment Aimed At Young

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

Report: Violent Entertainment Aimed At Young

No way.

I can't believe it.

A year-long study by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has found--BIG
SURPRISE!--that movie studios, record companies and video game producers
have aggressively marketed violent entertainment products to children.

This is something it takes about five minutes to figure out but the FTC
needed a year. They just gotta spend our money...

A draft report says movie studios pitched R-rated movies during
television shows with predominately teen-age audiences, despite warnings
that such movies may be inappropriate for young people, according to
sources familiar with the FTC's findings.

NO! It just can't be true...

The report ALSO concluded that producers of violent video games
advertised their products for mature audiences in magazines aimed at
young teen-agers, the sources said.

Are they SURE about this?

Investigators for the FTC reportedly also found that children under 17
were often sold tickets to R-rated movies, which are restricted to
adults unless children are accompanied by their parents or guardians.


An FTC spokesman declined to comment on the report prior to its public release.

The report is expected to be released next month and the Senate Commerce
Committee is planning to hold a hearing on its findings. The Senate
ordered the FTC to conduct the study last year after the series of
school shootings across the U.S.

A poll conducted by the FTC showed parents, understandably, wanted more
information about the content of movies beyond what is now provided by
the Motion Picture Association of America's rating system.

[CTRL] Fwd: Norman Evan Thomas, Newsweek and the CIA

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

Norman  Evan Thomas, Newsweek and the CIA

  Newsweek's Evan Thomas ‹ the grandson of Norman Thomas, a '60s
"Socialist" on the CIA payroll exposed by the NY Times as an agent who did
the Agency's bidding (see below) ‹ recently published a biography
downplaying the significance of Robert Kennedy's career, character and
political convictions. The message seems to be that Kennedy was overrated, a
deeply flawed political hack with charisma and an inferiority complex whose
death is of no real consequence. The following is background on Norman and
Evan Thomas, pointing up some serious conflicts of interest between the CIA
and the public interest in the latter's "reporting.":


Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 22:48:48 -0500 (CDT)
From: Steve C Zeltzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] (by way of Michael Eisenscher
Subject: The CIA, Irving Brown  The AFL-CIO
Article: 67667

Ben Rathbun, The Point Man: Irving Brown and the deadly post-1945 struggle
for Europe and Africa

 ... There is nothing new in Berman's panegyric. He sees himself as the
ideological heir of the Shankerite wing of the CIA's working class
collaborators. Democratic Socialists of America evolved out of the Socialist
Party, known for decades for its perennial presidential candidate, Norman
Thomas, and it gives out Debs-Thomas awards. However Thomas was exposed as
on the take from the CIA in a 2/22/67 Times. article, "Thomas Upholds
CIA-Aided Work." This was later confirmed by Sidney Hook in the July 1982
Commentary. He had been Thomas's colleague in the American Committee for
Cultural Freedom. "When it was unable to pay its rent...Thomas...telephoned
Allen Dulles of the CIA and requested a contribution."  ‹ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE

Book Review: Covert Network: Progressives, the International Rescue
Committee, and the CIA
Author(s): Eric Thomas Chester

Description: The International Rescue Committee was founded by socialists in
the 1930s to aid the victims of fascism. The IRC attracted the support of
prominent figures such as Eleanor Roosevelt, Norman Thomas, and Reinhold
Niebuhr, as well as that of the Ford Foundation. It also became intimately
entangled with the CIA during the most volatile days of the Cold War. The
story of the IRC is a fascinating and little-known aspect of recent U.S.

[From Ralph McGehee's CIABase]



3. EVAN THOMAS Interview

Author: Evan Thomas
Title: The Very Best Men: Four Who Dare - The Early Years of the CIA
Air Date: December 17, 1995

BRIAN LAMB: Evan Thomas, why the title, "The Very Best Men"?
EVAN THOMAS: Well, it's slightly ironic. They were the very best men in the
sense that they were bright, bold, brave men who did the very best they
could to conquer communism for the CIA in the early 1950s. But things didn't
turn out as well as they'd hoped. And it's a bit of a play on the best and
the brightest. A lot of what they tried to do didn't turn out so well. But
they were the very best in the sense that they were the smartest around and
the boldest around and the most daring.
LAMB: Who were they?
THOMAS: They were a group of four senior officials at the CIA who ran what's
called the clandestine service, the part of the CIA that carries out covert
action, espionage, the sexy part of the CIA, if you will. They were the
covert action specialists. Richard Bissell, who was the most famous,
probably, of the group who ran the Bay of Pigs -- or ran the CIA into the
Bay of Pigs; Frank Wisner, who began it all in the late 40s; Tracy Barnes,
who never ran it but was assistant for all the big operations like Guatemala
and the Bay of Pigs; and Desmond Fitzgerald, who ran the covert action part
of the agency in the mid-'60s and was a sort of swashbuckling, glamorous
LAMB: Where did you get the idea for the book?
THOMAS: I got it from writing "The Wise Men," which was a book that came out
about 10 years ago about the old foreign policy establishment. Two of the
wise men were Chip Bohlen and George Kennan. They were senior foreign
policymakers after the war, and one of their friends was Frank Wisner. Frank
Wisner killed himself in 1965, and I thought, "Boy, there's got to 

Re: [CTRL] Endless bullshit from

2000-08-27 Thread Robert F. Tatman

The only thing that trickles down from mansions on hilltops is raw sewage...

- Original Message -
From: "Johannes Schmidt III" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2000 4:43 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Endless bullshit from

 On Thu, 24 Aug 2000 20:15:49 -0400 Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The modern economist is the equivalent of the ancient shaman. If anything
 sensible comes out of the mumbo jumbo, it is purely coincidental.

 I like the 'trickle down' effect. That's where all the rich people tend to
live in big houses on top of hills, and all the poor people ive in the low-lying
areas. Now becasue the rich people have so much money, invariably they will drop
some of it, the wind will blow it away etc and it will 'trickle down' to the
poor people.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 8/27/00

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin

Big Brother

Come Back Soon (or Else)

by J. Orlin Grabbe

One of the evils of regulation is that regulated industries all eventually
become arms of the Big Brother State. We've seen it happen in banking. Now it
seems to be infecting airlines as well. Soon you won't be able to get there
from here.

Heading home to Costa Rica recently at the end of a trip to the Land of the
Free, I showed up at the American Airlines desk to pick up a boarding pass on
my electronic ticket.

"That's funny," the agent said, "I can't seem to find the return segment of
your flight."

"This is the return segment," I said helpfully. "I live in Costa Rica."

"You live in Costa Rica?" She read her computer terminal for a bit. "Do you
have some document that shows you live in Costa Rica?"

"No," I said, but made a mental note to take a picture of my house sometime,
and have it notarized by the Ministry of Jesus.

She read some more. "Do you have a visa?" she asked.

"Nope. Don't need one."

"I'm just going by what it says in the computer," she apologized. I shrugged.

She punched and probed, and after a while called over a supervisor. "He
doesn't have a return ticket. He says he lives in Costa Rica." The supervisor
didn't look at me. He also looked to see what it said in the computer.

"Do you have a tourist card?" they finally asked.

"No, don't need one."

"But you are only allowed to stay in Costa Rica for 90 days. So how can you
be living there? You have to have a return ticket."

Now it was my turn to be puzzled. What business was all this of American
Airlines? Who was to say I wasn't going on to Panama in another week? And if
I was indeed returning to the US, who said I had to book my return flight
through American Airlines? However, nice guy that I am, I skipped over these
considerations and told them the simple truth:

"I'm too restless to stay anywhere for 90 days. So it's not a problem."

The supervisor whispered: "See if he has a security passport." They punched
buttons in the computer for a while, and eventually satisfied themselves I
didn't have a security passport (whatever that was).

They looked at me. "I don't care," I said. "Book me a return flight 90 days
from how." While the agent did this I pointed out: "You realize why you're
just wasting your own time, don't you? I'm simply going to change the
reservation later."

Confession time on her part. "Well, if there is not a return flight booked,
we get fined."
"You get fined by whom?" I asked.

"By the government." I pondered this. Did Costa Rica require a return ticket
as a condition for landing rights, to avoid being buried in an immigrant wave
of gringos?

"By which government?" I asked. "The Costa Rican government or the US
"The US government," she said.

So there you have it: American Airline administers a non- existent US law
that you can't go to Costa Rica without a return ticket. I didn't bother to
further point out how idiotic this was, nor did I inquire as to the reasons
for the new rule. I suspected (speculated) it had something to do with the
lack of an extradition agreement between the US and Costa Rica. After all,
Janet Reno had come down recently and, when she was not sleeping or shaking
in public, threatened all the expatriate Americans she was going to get them.

So I flew home to Costa Rica, and promptly cancelled my "return" flight to
the US. After all, I'll soon be out of here again, on my way to Brazil to
investigate the national security implications of the demise of the thong
bikini. And I won't be taking American Airlines.
Liberty, September, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [1] All The Gore: A Little Background/Democracy Intervention in Haiti

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF=""Readren's Report/A
All The Gore (Part 1): A Little Background
This Expose' is the first of six installments. When presented in it's
entirety, the full picture of how Financial Leaders and Politicians use
NoN-Profit Organizations to further line their pockets. This Report will name
the corrupt Politicians, Financial Leaders, and Orginization Leaders. It will
provide documentation to substantiate the report. And finally, this report
will provide bank names and account numbers of where the illegal gotten
monies were deposited.  There will be nothing left to question.
Click Here: A HREF=""Democracy
Intervention in Haiti/A
On The Net

All The Gore
(Part 1)

Research Notes for the Serious Investigator

Follow the Money

Democracy Enhancement  refers to collaborative, systematic efforts by an
array of
U.S. government agencies to further U.S. political and economic interests in
countries -- regardless of grossly negative impact on the poor majorities in
those countries --  under the banner of building democracy.  Democracy
"enhancement" is more properly termed democracy intervention.

The primary agencies openly involved in democracy intervention are the Nationa
Endowment for Democracy (NED), the Agency for International Development (AID)
U.S. Information Agency (USIA), working in concert with the National Security
Council, the State Department, the CIA, and a complex network of organizations
clustered around NED.

Promotional materials describe NED as "a private nonprofit organization
in 1983 to strengthen democratic institutions around the world through
nongovernmental efforts."  NED is not a nongovernmental organization: it was
established by USIA and receives 99% of its funding from the U.S. government.
Its "private" facade, however, means it is not subject to Congressional
oversight.  NED might be termed "the group that took the 'C' out of covert
interference in foreign elections"  its first president stated, "A lot of
what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA."  (The CIA's first
covert operation was interference in Italy's elections in the late 1940s.)

AID is commonly perceived as a nonpolitical, benevolent, international
agency which provides foreign aid to poor countries and helps them learn from
United States' superior economic, technological and agricultural power.  This
perception is inaccurate.  First,  "foreign aid" money goes largely into
pockets, funding American-owned businesses and U.S. agencies rather than
benefiting poor people in foreign countries.  Second, AID is anything but
nonpolitical: its own mission statement defines it as a foreign affairs
agency of
the U.S. government committed to "continued American economic and moral
leadership."  Third, many foreign "nongovernmental organizations" (NGOs) which
receive AID and NED funding are not nongovernmental at all: they are founded
sometimes openly, sometimes covertly -- and controlled by U.S. government

Finally, the key U.S. "private voluntary organizations" (PVOs) involved in
democracy enhancement clearly have conservative and right-wing political
not charitable or development agendas, behind their bipartisan masks.  Many
have histories of active involvement in covert political activities in
El Salvador and elsewhere.

The complex flow of funds among AID, NED and USIA defies analysis.  It is
clear, however, that these monies are U.S. taxpayer dollars serving to
genuine democracy in poor countries.  The kind of "democracy" sought is not
which reflects self-determination, popular participation, or the interests of
poor majorities in Third World countries.

The Democracy Enhancement Project in Haiti In May 1991, AID received
Congressional authorization to spend $24.4 million on a four-year Democracy
Enhancement Project in Haiti.  The following month, AID invited ten U.S.
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to apply for AID  funding to carry out
certain functions of the project.  Washington Office on Haiti first summarized
the AID Invitation for Application and its several attachments in July 1991.
While various amendments have been made since then, the original documents
the purposes and structures of current "democracy" activities in Haiti.

Following this introduction, this report contains five sections:

Section 1  Summary of AID Democracy Enhancement Project

Section 2  Summary of AID Post-Coup Status Report to Congress

Section 3  Summary of AID September 1993 Status Report ("Democracy Factsheet")

Section 4  Background on Key U.S. PVOs (NGOs)

Section 5 Attachments:  The Democracy Offensive (Resource Center, Fall 1989)
Freedom of Information Act sheet AID Project Paper (#521-0236), June 1991

[CTRL] How a law-less 'data haven' is using law to protect itself

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A
ml"THE TIMES: LAW :   How a law-less 'data haven' …/A

Tuesday August 8 2000LAW

Previous: Contents page | Other links | Next: Do civilian casualties of war
have any rights?
A tiny, man-made island is causing an international incident, says Gary
How a law-less 'data haven' is using law to protect itself

When is a state not a state? When it is a playground on stilts in 30ft of
water, some might say, looking out at Sealand, the world's newest
self-proclaimed state, off the Suffolk coast.
The Government has apparently allowed itself to be painted into a corner over
an intriguing issue of international law. A story that began in an apparently
risible way in September 1967, and was nothing much more than a minor item of
local news about a small eccentric family, has metamorphosed into an
international incident.

For at the very time when Parliament has just passed the Regulation of
Investigatory Powers Act, which allows private computer information to be
monitored where serious crime or breaches of national security are involved,
a putative state without any such laws or concerns is threatening the
interests of the Government off the port of Felixstowe.

During the Second World War, Britain established an artificial island on the
high seas. It was equipped with radar and heavy armaments and was occupied by
200 servicemen. Their task was to guard the approaches to the Thames Estuary
where convoys of shipping were assembled.

After the war the island was abandoned. Then in the winter of 1966, a former
major, Roy Bates, took possession of the outpost known as Roughs Tower. On
September 2, 1967, Bates and his family hoisted their own flag and later
declared the existence of the Principality of Sealand.
The island was outside the then existing three-mile territorial waters of
Britain. The juridical status of the Principality of Sealand is now the
subject of heated legal and political controversy.

The island could become the first offshore data haven beyond the gaze of the

A group of American business entrepreneurs, led by Sean Hastings, 31, is
setting up the world's first offshore "data haven" on the island. The
computer experts come from the Anguilla-based firm HavenCo Ltd and are keen
to launch the only place in the world that can offer almost complete
anonymity and privacy to anyone who wants to conduct e-business beyond the
gaze of the authorities. Clearly, this matter is of grave concern to the
police, the Inland Revenue and the intelligence services. The son of Roy
Bates, Prince Michael, 47, has been reported as saying: "It is about freedom
and liberty and making it easier for people to do business in private and to
express themselves freely."

The commonly accepted criteria among jurists for determining whether an
entity is a state are taken from the jus gentium - the law of nations. This
law is derived from the Institutes of Justinian, the major treatise written
by the command of the Roman Emperor Justinian and published in AD 533. One
thorny problem for the Government is that according to the three major
criteria of statehood, Sealand does appear to have a good claim.

The requirements are: a national territory; a people coming together as a
nation; and a sovereign state authority. It does not matter that it is only
932sq yd in size because there is no minimum area legally articulated for
something to be a state. Vatican City is classified as a state even though it
is minuscule. Neither is there a requirement that the population rises above
a certain minimum. Nor is it an argument that the structure was created by
the Government as it was legally terra nullis - abandoned land - when it was
taken over.

Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States, signed
in 1933, itemises the same criteria as the jus gentium, plus the capacity to
enter into relations with other states. Sealand appears also to have
satisfied this criterion. If Sealand is an independent state, it could
legitimately claim its own coastal waters and regulate its own airspace. The
Government is also in difficulties over this because on two occasions it has
appeared to endorse the idea that Sealand is both beyond its jurisdiction and
has the status of a state.

In 1968 the Royal Navy expressed concern over Bates's presence on Sealand and
sent in some boats. Bates fired warning shots at them and was then prosecuted
in a Crown Court. He argued that the newly named Sealand was beyond British
jurisdiction and this was accepted by the 

[CTRL] Serious Bug in PGP - Versions 5 and 6

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF=""Serious Bug in PGP -
Versions 5 and 6/A
25 August 2000: Add Ralf Senderek's important corrections to CERT
24 August 2000

Subject: Serious bug in PGP - versions 5 and 6
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 08:09:07 +0100
From: Ross Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ralf Senderek has found a horrendous bug in PGP versions 5 and 6.
It's of scientific interest because it spectacularly confirms a
prediction made by a number of us in the paper on `The Risks of Key
Recovery, Key Escrow, and Trusted Third-Party Encryption' that key escrow would make it
much more difficult than people thought to build secure systems.

He's written a paper on his work and it's at

Since NAI joined the Key Recovery Alliance, PGP has supported
"Additional Decryption Keys" which can be added to a public key.  The
sender will then encrypt the session key to these as well as to your
main public key. The bug is that some versions of PGP respond to ADK
subpackets in the non-signed part of the public key data structure.
The effect is that GCHQ can create a tampered version of your PGP
public key containing a public key whose corresponding private key is
also known to themselves, and circulate it. People who encrypt traffic
to you will encrypt it to them too.

The problem won't go away until all vulnerable versions of PGP are
retired, since it's the sender who is responsible for encrypting to
the ADKs, not the recipient.

In the meantime there might be a nasty denial-of-service attack in
which bad guys upload tampered versions of everybody's public keys to
all the public keyrings.


 PS: my student Steve Early has trawled the PGP-6.5.1i-beta2 source
 code and found the bug:

 In file libs/pgpcdk/priv/keys/keys/pgpRngPub.c, I see two functions:
 one called ringKeyFindSubpacket(), which finds a subpacket from a
 self-signature packet, and ringKeyAdditionalRecipientRequestKey(),
 which uses ringKeyFindSubpacket() to search for ADK subpackets.

 ringKeyFindSubpacket() is declared as follows:

 PGPByte const *
 ringKeyFindSubpacket (RingObject *obj, RingSet const *set,
 int subpacktype, unsigned nth,
 PGPSize *plen, int *pcritical, int *phashed, PGPUInt32 *pcreation,
 unsigned *pmatches, PGPError *error);

 In particular, the "phashed" parameter is used to return whether the
 subpacket was in the hashed region. Now, looking at the call in
 ringKeyAdditionalRecipientRequestKey() I see this:

 krpdata = ringKeyFindSubpacket (obj, set,
 critical, NULL, NULL, matches, error);

 ...the "phashed" value isn't checked (or even asked for)!

 Fixing the bug, and generating BIG WARNINGS when ADKs are found in the
 non-hashed area, should be trivial.

From: "Brian Morrison" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 10:13:32 +0100
Subject: Re: Serious bug in PGP - versions 5 and 6

On Thu, 24 Aug 2000 08:09:07 +0100, Ross Anderson wrote:

Ralf Senderek has found a horrendous bug in PGP versions 5 and 6.

The problem won't go away until all vulnerable versions of PGP are
retired, since it's the sender who is responsible for encrypting to
the ADKs, not the recipient.

The key issue from my point of view is which PGP versions exhibit this
bug. Is there a list by OS for instance? Might this exist within
products that use the PGP SDK?

If list members can point to a resource to find out, that would be very

Brian Morrison  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  do you know how far this has gone?
   just how damaged have I become?
  'Even Deeper' by Nine Inch Nails

Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 11:21:40 +0100 (BST)
From: Stephen Early [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Serious bug in PGP - versions 5 and 6

Brian Morrison writes:
 On Thu, 24 Aug 2000 08:09:07 +0100, Ross Anderson wrote:
 The problem won't go away until all vulnerable versions of PGP are
 retired, since it's the sender who is responsible for encrypting to
 the ADKs, not the recipient.

 The key issue from my point of view is which PGP versions exhibit this
 bug. Is there a list by OS for instance? Might this exist within
 products that use the PGP SDK?

Yes - the bug I found was within the PGP SDK from NAI.

At a guess (i.e. without finding and checking the source code to all
available versions) I would say that the bug exists in all versions of
PGP and the PGP SDK from NAI since the ADK feature was 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Russian economists predict World economic Crisis to begin November 2000

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

I lifted this article from the GATA website.  It is an intriguing insight
for several reasons.  One of those is their view that the involvement of the
US in the Yuogolsavian war in 1999 was to stave off an economic collapse at
that time.  Another is that the collapse will immediately increase the price
of gold - an asset that has been price depressed for years resulting from
the purposeful manipulation of leading US  European banks, while physical
gold has been privately acquired in large volumes in off-market transactions
by those same banks.  But the most important point, I think, is the authors
view that the EURO will step into the breach as the new global currency
following the collapse of the dollar.  There has long been a plan to
introduce a global electronic currency and the EURO is it.  Note also that
the two Russian economists indicate that Russia should elect Germany as
their principal Western partner.


Eric Von Baronov
The Washington Insider
26 August 2000
Will the United States Manage to Bring on the Apocalypse?
"Will the United States Manage to Bring on the Apocalypse? The World
Economic Crisis Should Begin in November of This Year," is the title of an
extraordinary article, published in the July 24 issue of Ekspert, a
prominent Russian economics and business weekly. The authors, Oleg Grigoryev
and Mikhail Khazin, former high-level economic advisors to the Russian
government, during 1994-1998, now work as independent consultants.
Significantly, the two authors and Ekspert magazine could be characterized
as having a "liberal" economic policy orientation.
Taking the so-called New Economy and its relation with industrial
production, the authors argue that the bubble in asset prices in the New
Economy will be one critical factor in unleashing the coming collapse.
Unlike previous technological revolutions, which had led to broad increases
in productivity and living standards in the real economy, "as yet, there has
been no observable impact by the new, information sector, on the traditional
sector, with respect to any significant increase of labor productivity and
rates of profit." This situation, however, "undermines the New Economy
itself, which too much resembles a financial pyramid scheme, the stability
of which largely depends on strictly psychological factors." The authors
emphasize that "the persistent and steady decline of profitability of the
old, real economy, primarily industry" will be the other "trigger of the
future global economic crisis."
The New Economy has "flourished just in time to attract any excess financial
resources, making possible a repetition of the phenomenon of 1920s - rapid
growth, with practically no inflation - and to postpone the stage of
overheating for approximately ten more years. Now, this time is up."
Following the economic and financial collapse of Asia in 1997-98, Khazin and
Grigoryev argue, "the only remaining possibility to postpone the crisis in
the United States itself, was to employ non-economic mechanisms," like the
1999 war in Yugoslavia.
Referring to the internal dynamic of the US economy, the Russian economists
write that there has been a "decrease of US citizens' savings rate. They
began to spend more, while also increasing their debt obligations. With
rising interest rates, this process had to provoke inflation. The first
signs of inflation appeared in 1998 But, for a long time the
inflationary processes were not reflected in prices on the [goods] markets,
thanks to the skilled and competent efforts of the Federal Reserve system.
By the end of 1999, however, the Federal Reserve could no longer contain
inflation. The critical point was reached in March-April 2000, when the
annual rate of inflation in the United States, reached the average
profitability level of industrial production."
Referring to the increasing daily volatility on the major US stock markets,
the Russian economists see this as a sign of "how close the United States is
to the onset of the collapse." Then, pointing to the politics of the US
election process, they outline two scenarios: The first one plays out in the
event that the US "financial oligarchy" keeps control over the two major
parties. In this case, nothing will happen before the elections; but
immediately thereafter, the truth about the real state of affairs, will
necessarily appear in the mass media by early November, when the balances
from two quarters of the business year begin to be published, likely
triggering the dumping of shares of industrial companies.
Thw second scenario would unfold, if the leadership of the US Republican
Party were to behave relatively independently and push to accelerate the
crisis - firstly, in order to guarantee victory in the election, and,
secondly, to force the Clinton Administration to take the first and most
unpopular measures after the crisis broke out.
Noting that such a collapse in the US stock markets would wipe out "some $10
trillion" in paper assets, "this 

[CTRL] [1] Preserving The Legacy

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF=""In Memory of JFK Jr.,John F. Kennedy,
Preserving The Legacy
By Mat Wilson

Chapter 6: NEW ORLEANS
Chapter 7: VIETNAM


Splendid Contrasts

Chapter 1

October 3, 1960 -one of the most fateful days in the lives of both Lyndon B.
Johnson and John F. Kennedy. Kennedy defeated Johnson's bid for the
Democratic nomination and went on to run for the presidency. Johnson received
the consolation prize and was Kennedy's running mate in the bid to take the
White House. The odd collusion produced the winning ticket. Kennedy became
the 35th President of the United States and Lyndon Johnson became his Vice

Lyndon Johnson didn't leave any memoirs about the stressful relationship he
shared with Kennedy while he was Vice President. Kennedy planned to write his
when he retired... Regardless, the secrecy and deceit that Johnson and
cohorts maintained and promoted in the deliberate effort to mask the truth,
cannot credibly cover up the inevitable tension produced by two personalities
as different as Johnson and Kennedy. Ted Sorensen, White House adviser and
Special Council to the President (1961-64) aptly described the stark contrast
in the following terms: "It is hard to imagine a man more different from
Kennedy than Lyndon Johnson. His success in the ways of Capitol Hill had made
him cunning where JFK was candid, secretive instead of open, preferring the
process of manoeuvre to the substance of decision."1 As Kennedy's term
progressed, he "grew more and more concerned about what would happen if LBJ
ever became President."2

Sorensen-bashers revel in the claim that the contrast between Kennedy and
Johnson was more imagined than real. They like to promote the claim that the
sole interest of the so-called "Kennedy loyalists" was to paint a larger than
life image of President Kennedy. But Ted Sorensen is first and foremost, an
intelligent, competent historian, and the historical record regarding the
stark contrast between Kennedy and Johnson is absolutely indisputable. There
is indeed no legitimate way to dispute the simple fact that Kennedy and
Johnson drifted further and further apart as the Kennedy administration
progressed. In particular, Johnson retreated behind a wall of silence while
Kennedy became more and more convinced that secrecy discouraged freedom,
damaged credibility and challenged democratic ideals. Seeking to apply the
belief that freedom and peace demanded accommodation rather than
confrontation, Kennedy began to forge a foreign policy that challenged the
impending lunacy of the Cold War. In the eyes of paranoid zealots, the real
"lunacy" was the openness that Kennedy encouraged. The Cold War had defined
an unchallengeable course of action and anyone who questioned the direction
of the journey was fiercely opposed. At the start of his Administration,
Kennedy rode the ideological Cold War tide and blindly approved what has been
often branded the ill-timed and ill-planned invasion of Cuba. In actual fact,
the hopeless plan to launch a successful invasion through a band of Cuban
revolutionary exiles, was neither ill-fated, nor ill-planned. In the face of
disclosure, it did not take a military genius to determine that the plan was
doomed from the start. But zealots within Kennedy's administration had sought
to coax the President into declaring an all-out military assault on Cuba and
had deliberately lied to President Kennedy who had made it clear that the Bay
of Pigs operation "must be carried through without any combat action by the
USA military forces". The real significance behind the Bay of Pigs is not the
so-called miscalculation, but the manipulation or the deceptive intelligence
which caused Kennedy to go along with the scheme. CIA Director Allan Dulles
conceded the manipulative effort to commit Kennedy to war over Cuba when he

We felt that when the chips were down -when the crisis arose in reality, any
action required for success would be authorized rather than permit the
enterprise to fail.3

The plan to provoke a Cuban invasion failed. Kennedy refused to let the
"enterprise" dictate policy and Allan Dulles was promptly fired. And so,
while the President had approved an invasion by Cuban revolutionary exiles,
he had rejected a Cold War scheme to "Americanize" the military effort.

Ironically, the aborted 

[CTRL] [2] Preserving the legacy

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

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Chapter 2

Possessed by the determination to reverse the foreign policy course that
Kennedy was charting as President, Johnson did not entertain a single doubt
about the need to assassinate Kennedy. The tragic fact of the matter is that
Lyndon Johnson simply lacked the capacity to envision a future for the United
States unless John F. Kennedy and his plans to withdraw from Vietnam were put
to rest. Deluded by the irrational belief that withdrawal from Vietnam would
trigger World War III, Johnson mobilized lockstep ideologues and plotted the
assassination of John F. Kennedy.

The substantive facts that directly implicate Lyndon Johnson are very clear
and indisputable. The calm and deliberate hive of activity that Johnson
unleashed as soon as John F. Kennedy died was so elaborate and so flawlessly
executed that it betrayed an extraordinary degree of pre-assassination
planning and forethought. As Kennedy's Vice President, Johnson "publicly"
languished in a state of impotence. As soon as Kennedy was shot, Johnson
executed a superhuman agenda which was as deliberate and as well thought out
as any carefully planned Johnsonian "dictat". On the day of the
assassination, despite the state of grief, disarray, shock and confusion,
Lyndon Johnson was so fiercely determined to get his own way that he
personally ordered Kilduff to disregard immediate demands to take-off for
Washington and to keep the plane on the ground until Federal Judge Sarah
Hughes arrived to swear him in, made certain that the oath was typewritten
correctly, calmly dictated notes to his secretary, fed a press release to
Merriman Smith of UPI, arranged to have full press coverage upon landing,
called Robert Kennedy to plant the suggestion that the Attorney General of
the United States advised him to take the presidential oath immediately,
summoned Kennedy loyalists and asked them to remain in government because he
allegedly needed them more than the late President ever did, told Merriman
Smith and Charles Roberts of Newsweek that he intended to retain the entire
Kennedy Cabinet and Kennedy White House staff, used the radio-telephone to
call the late President's mother, phoned the wife of the wounded Texas
Governor to comfort her, placed calls to Washington and ordered a meeting
with legislative leaders, informed the press about upcoming meetings, called
McGeorge Bundy to arrange an additional bipartisan meeting before Kennedy's
funeral, issued the ignored order that upon landing in Washington, the
"casket would be followed by Mrs. Kennedy on the arm of President Johnson",
-the list of Johnson's instant rejuvenation goes on and on.1 In retrospect,
the evidently pre-planned manoeuvres reflect the fact that Lyndon Johnson was
so well prepared to meet the news of Kennedy's assassination that he was
undoubtedly motivated by foreknowledge about the plot to murder Kennedy. The
behaviour of Lyndon Johnson is quite consistent in betraying the fact that he
evidently knew exactly what had happened to Kennedy and why. For example,
when Johnson ordered Kilduff to keep the plane on the ground following the
Kennedy assassination, he inadvertently exposed the fact that the murder of
Kennedy triggered a plot to cover up the truth rather than the panic, grief
and confusion that Johnson alluded to. Recall that on the day of the
assassination, Johnson was so anxious about the need to promote the belief
that he was caught off guard that he had allegedly contemplated the fear that
he was the next target of a wider conspiracy. If that were true however, if
Johnson had in fact feared for his own safety on the day Kennedy was
assassinated, the obsession to leave Texas would have overwhelmed the demand
to keep the plane on the ground so that Johnson could be sworn in as
President. In retrospect, it is easy to distinguish the self-serving lies
from the genuine, obsessive motivation to seize power and to cover up the
truth about the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

To belabour the neglected point, the deliberate, instantly dispatched
manoeuvring reflects an extraordinary degree of diligent, pre-assassination
preparation. The intense but calmly delivered course of action that Johnson
unleashed as soon as Kennedy died was anything but spontaneous and leads to
the inevitable conclusion that Lyndon Johnson was clearly aware of the fact
that Kennedy would not survive past November 22, 1963. Emotional human beings
initially respond to unexpected pressure, they do not unleash deliberate,
flawless political performances. Granted, Lyndon Johnson was a manipulative
genius, his strength was a product of strategic planning and purposeful
deception, not on the spot thinking.

The assassination of John F. Kennedy caught everybody off guard -except the
people who knew that Kennedy was going to be shot. Most people were so
stunned by 

[CTRL] [3] Preserving the legacy - Framing the Patsy

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

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the legacy/A
Framing the Patsy

Chapter 3

In a normal environment under normal conditions, the claim that J. Edgar
Hoover is ultimately responsible for framing Lee Harvey Oswald sounds like a
bizarre conspiratorial fantasy. But in the hysteria-driven Cold War
environment that motivated J. Edgar Hoover, the fact that Oswald was "just a
patsy" is not subject to serious dispute. An expert at perverting the law,
Hoover survived the horrendous abuse of power he routinely practised through
the enforcement of a Mafia-like code of silence. Indeed, the degree of
secrecy that he ruthlessly enforced was so extreme, that sheer luck is
ultimately responsible for exposing the illegalities that Hoover routinely
promoted. In 1971 for example, it was not an unusual lapse in security but
the burglary of an FBI office in Pennsylvania, that exposed the otherwise
unrecorded fifteen year stretch of FBI sponsored fraud. The substance of the
illegal, covert operations, routinely discharged between 1956 and 1971,
involved fraud, forgery and disinformation campaigns, but the so-called
counterintelligence operations (Cointeipro) were fiercely shrouded in such
extreme secrecy that the public was never even aware of their existence prior
to the 1971 burglary. The illegal operations ultimately reflect the fact that
Hoover's FBI practised an unabashed pattern of fraud and forgery and
routinely managed to get away with it. The astounding scope of undetected
corruption clearly reflects Hoover's extraordinary capacity to pervert the
American legal system. The unchallengeable autocrat had in fact trained his
FBI to discredit his enemies through "disruptive-disinformation operations"
and to use Police Department or FBI stationery to subtly distort documentary
evidence or to create "entirely fabricated documents".1 In the final
analysis, the 1971 burglary exposed the "split personality" of the FBI -on
the one hand, it had the resources and the capacity to solve crime and on the
other, it practised the art of deceit. The initial Kennedy assassination
investigation [the Warren Report], dominated entirely by Hoover's capacity to
promote fraud, reflects absolutely nothing beyond the art of deceit.

It is simply not possible to be a reasonable person and to accept Hoover's
fraudulent assertion that Lee Harvey Oswald is singlehandedly responsible for
the Kennedy assassination. The evidence is too abundant and too consistent,
to ignore the fact that the case against Lee Harvey Oswald is obviously
fraudulent and reflects absolutely nothing beyond a Hoover-directed
disinformation campaign. Even pure common sense dictates that the Warren
Report ultimately implicates J. Edgar Hoover in the Kennedy assassination
cover up. Clearly, if we stretch the imagination to the point where we accept
the Warren Report claim that Oswald is responsible for the Kennedy
assassination, then why did Hoover let it happen? Recall that Hoover claimed
that Oswald was a known Communist subversive, and given his alleged status,
J. Edgar Hoover would have invariably positioned himself to monitor every
move, every phone call, and every letter that Lee Harvey Oswald received. The
surveillance imposed on alleged subversives like Lee Harvey Oswald was too
comprehensive to grant them the opportunity to murder the President of the
United States.

Like the fabricated disinformation campaigns that Hoover routinely promoted,
the phoney "mail-order" case that fraudulently implicates Lee Harvey Oswald,
is absolutely disingenuous. Clearly, if Lee Harvey Oswald, a genuine
Communist sympathiser had tried to shoot Kennedy, then J.Edgar Hoover, who
boasted the claim that "there is an FBI agent behind every mailbox", would
have had his men storm the Texas School Book Depository and would have
thwarted the so-called Communist plot to undermine America's national
security.2 Indeed, J. Edgar Hoover had declared war on Communism, and loyal
FBI agents did little beyond track and discredit anyone who was perceived to
be Communist inclined. Monitored around the clock by Hoover's army of loyal
FBI agents, genuine Communist sympathizers were simply targets of covert,
illegal plots, they were not "mail-order" assassins.

Under the circumstances, Hoover's pompous claim that the case against Oswald
was air-tight, reflects little beyond the deliberate fraud that he ultimately
controlled. The absurd assertion that Communist sympathiser Lee Harvey Oswald
used a cheap mail-order rifle to singlehandedly fire a rapid, crossfire
succession of deadly accurate shots, merits ridicule. Beyond the simple fact
that it is physically impossible for a single man to fire the same gun almost
simultaneously, from two separate directions, it is also not possible for Lee
Harvey Oswald, the "magic bullet" sharpshooter, to posthumously cover up the
Kennedy assassination conspiracy. Clearly, that 

[CTRL] [4a] Preserving the legacy - HOOVER AND THE MAFIA

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

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the legacy/A

Chapter 4

The astonishing degree of control that Hoover exercised over the Warren
Commission gave him the capacity to dictate the "truth" about the
assassination of John F. Kennedy. The "infallible" Director of the FBI even
managed to convince the Warren Commission to keep from publishing the fact
that Jack Ruby had been an FBI informant in 1959. Imagine that! Jack Ruby,
the organized crime operative who murdered Lee Harvey Oswald had actually
developed a secret alliance with Hoover's FBI and Hoover dominated the Warren
Commission so absolutely that he managed to hush it up. The secret
relationship between Jack Ruby and Hoover's FBI is one of the links in a long
chain of events which connects J. Edgar Hoover and the Mafia to the point
where it is practically impossible to distinguish one from the other. Indeed,
when Hoover fraudulently insisted that there was no significant link between
Jack Ruby and organized crime, the absurd claim was obviously self-serving
-Hoover desperately denied Ruby's obvious links to organized crime in order
to conceal his own covert relationship with the Mafia.

The Mafia owed its very existence to the capacity to corrupt law enforcement
officials. Indeed, as long as law enforcement officials like J. Edgar Hoover
fraudulently claimed that organized crime did not exist, the Mafia was free
to grow and to prosper. Jack Ruby certainly embodied the fact that the Mafia
and its violent cohorts were repeatedly provided the opportunity to break the
law without consequence. If common criminals and thugs like Jack Ruby were
not in jail, it is ultimately due to Warren Report-style deceptions which
perverted justice by ignoring the significance of simple facts like Ruby's
obvious Mafia connections. Despite Hoover's fraudulent denials, Jack Ruby's
relationship with organized crime was the product of a lifelong commitment.
Mob justice effectively defined the normal course of Ruby's affairs. In 1947,
Ruby settled in Dallas, where friends like Mafia enforcer Paul Roland Jones
helped him consolidate the interests of the mob and corruptible police
officers. Jones was a convicted murderer who bragged about his coast to coast
syndicate contacts. Since 1947, he and Ruby cultivated friendships with the
Dallas Police at the behest of the Mafia, and Jack Ruby's strip clubs proved
invaluable in the effort. Ruby reserved the best booze and the best girls for
"his boys" and it was only a matter of time before the initial Mafia plan to
corrupt the police began to pay dividends. As relationships developed, Ruby
became an informant who provided the police with information about low-level
vice and narcotics operations, and the Mafia with the opportunity to carve
out an exclusive, competition-free territory. The "sweetheart" deals that
Ruby deliberately cultivated are well documented. Former Dallas County
Sheriff Steve Cuthrie indicated that as early as 1947, Jack Ruby was the
designated frontman for Chicago mobsters who planned to control gambling and
police payoffs.1 Luis Kutner, a Chicago attorney and a former staff lawyer
for the Kefauver Committee that investigated organized crime in 1950,
testified before the Warren Commission and indicated that Jack Ruby was "a
syndicate lieutenant who had been sent to Dallas to serve as a liaison for
Chicago mobsters."2 The fact that Jack Ruby was the payoff man for the Dallas
Police is not subject to serious dispute. Ruby had evidently penetrated the
payoff-riddled Dallas police, and experts who are well acquainted with the
power structure that organized crime develops describe Ruby's links in the
following terms:

Most simply think that, say, a gambler exchanges money to the cop in return
for protection of his interests. And that's as far as the relationship goes.
Really, it goes one step further. The criminal will also give the policeman
information about his underworld competitors. The cop goes out and busts
them, allowing his illicit source of income to develop nothing less than a
'privileged sanctuary.' With all these other arrests under his belt, the cop
compiles a respected reputation while his other relationships grow.3

There is nothing about Jack Ruby's life that does not tie him to the world of
political corruption and organized crime. Friends like Mafia enforcers Paul
Roland Jones and Dave Yaras certainly illustrated the measurable benefits of
corrupt political influence. In 1931, Jones murdered a state witness in
Kansas, received a life sentence, but resumed his criminal career after
Governor Husman pardoned him. Ruby associate Dave Yaras, also a well known
killer who planned and executed murder contracts for the Mob, shared the
habit of murdering witnesses who were in a position to testify against him.
Ruby's friends had made a career out of getting away with murder, and that

[CTRL] [4b] Preserving the legacy - HOOVER AND THE MAFIA

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

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the legacy/A

There is one thing that John Mohr and I would disagree on. I think the truth
should go out to the American public, no matter how ugly and no matter how
unpleasant, if for no other reason than to prevent another J. Edgar Hoover
from ever gaining that much power again, and always abusing it the way he
did. 1 don't think he'll tell you the whole ugly truth on it.39

In 1977, Sullivan was in the process of completing a book on his 30 year
career inside Hoover's FBI. In November of 1977, press reports indicated that
he was accidentally shot in the neck by a man who was hunting with a rifle
equipped with a telescopic sight. Sullivan's posthumously published book
reads like a rather trivial narration for a veteran insider who, according to
common knowledge within the FBI, had a whole bunch of confidential files
within his possession after his retirement in 1971. The battle-scarred, FBI
critic fortunately survived two motor vehicle accidents but the consequence
of a third accident, a bullet in the throat, proved impossible to swallow.

When Sullivan reached the FBI, Hoover was already an institution that defied
every authority except his own. Hoover became a national hero early in his
career when his famous C-men targeted notorious criminals like Machine Gun
Kelly, Pretty Boy Floyd and Baby Face Nelson. The pursuit of disorganized
hillbilly gangsters established Hoover's reputation as a relentless
crimebuster. Since then, Hoover maintained the image through the Crime
Records Division of the FBI. The Division was simply a publishing house that
produced crime-fighting books and articles credited to America's so-called
top crimebuster, J. Edgar Hoover. The best writers within the FBI worked for
the Crime Records Division, and the propaganda effort was honed to the point
where FBI agents submitted reviews of their own books to friendly newspapers
for publication. According to Sullivan, the Crime Records Division was a
"huge public relations and propaganda operation which no government Bureau
should have."40 Theoretically, the FBI was the investigative arm of the
Justice Department, but as long as Hoover was in charge, the FBI was
essentially a private army that combated Communism. Indeed, Hoover was even
the investigative force behind Senator Joseph McCarthy's vulgar crusade.
According to William Sullivan: "We were the ones who made the McCarthy
hearings possible. We fed McCarthy all the material that he was using".41
Sullivan is unequivocal about FBI involvement: "I know what we were doing, I
worked on it myself. At the same time, we were telling the public that we had
nothing to do with it."42 McCarthyite witch-hunts millions of faultless
Americans who were victims of illegal FBI intrusion. And while the lives and
careers of ordinary American citizens were disrupted, dislocated and
destroyed without cause, Hoover fraudulently maintained the image that he was
fighting crime. Sanford Ungar, who has meticulously analyzed Hoover's FBI,
exposed the charade in the following terms:

For nearly half a century headquarters was run as J. Edgar Hoover's
showpiece, his personal 'seat of government' which tended to confuse law
enforcement with policymaking. Sometimes consciously and sometimes not,
headquarters was the master of the charade. In military fashion, it
overstaffed the Bureau's rolls in order to have enough manpower available for
when a real crisis occurred. But it never said it was doing that; it
justified the overload with artificial "cases" that consisted only of pieces
of paper but looked good in the statistics. It created rules to govern
everything, rules that were intended more to anticipate and answer criticism
than to help agents with their work.43

The campaign to promote an infallible image was exhaustive. Indeed, Hoover
recruited hand-picked, clean-cut, small-town American boys whose mainstream
values inspired uncritical admiration. Trained to be loyal and obedient to J.
Edgar Hoover, new recruits were closely watched and monitored to assure
compliance. Hoover demanded absolute obedience and even "assumed the right to
set standards for his agents' personal lives, and sexual taboos... Not only
would young unmarried male and female clerks be dismissed if it were learned
that they had illicit sexual relations, but the same punishment would be
dealt to a fellow clerk who knew about any such indiscretion and failed to
report it."44 Hoover essentially established a built-in spy network where
every single FBI agent was assigned the responsibility to keep an eye out and
to report even the slightest sign of dissent from within. Anyone who refused
or failed to adapt to Hoover's excessive demands resigned, was fired or
committed suicide, save for the probability that all the hushed up suicide
verdicts were more likely the disguised murders of "dissidents."

According to 

[CTRL] Need Some Aspirin

2000-08-27 Thread Alamaine



China Puts 700,000 Troops on Alert in Sudan
Sunday, Aug. 27, 2000

In a stunning revelation, London's Sunday Telegraph is reporting in today's
editions that China has as many as 700,000 troops in the Sudan and is preparing
to enter that country's civil war.

According to the British paper, for the past three years China has been
bringing Chinese nationals into the Sudan by cargo jets and boats.
Ostensibly, the Chinese were to serve as guards at oil fields and facilities
controlled by the China National Petroleum Corporation.

The introduction of Chinese troops comes in the wake of the military success of
the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) headed by Col. Johnny Garang.
Garang's forces, largely Christian, have been battling Sudan's Islamic regime
which controls the country's oil region in the Upper Nile.

SPLA troops are reported to be just 10 miles from these oil fields.

The Islamic regime has made an emergency request that China crush the SPLA
forces and end the country 17-year-old civil war.

Oil production began in Sudan just last year, and since then arms have been
flowing in from Libya, Qatar and China.

The Telegraph cites an internal document from the Sudanese military indicating
that "as many as 700,000 Chinese security personnel were available for action."
Baroness Caroline Cox, the leading human rights activist for Christians in
Sudan, criticized Western governments for their complacency and complicity.

She said: "If with foreign help the NIF regime crushes all opposition we will
have entrenched in the heart of Africa a militant Islamist regime aimed at
spreading terrorism throughout the continent. It's unbelievably serious for the
future of democracy in Africa and could happen in the next few weeks."
British companies, and Canada's Talisman Energy, have joined the Chinese to
help develop its oil production facilities and pipelines.

Human rights activists have criticized Western governments for backing the
militant Islamic regime in Khartoum, one that has killed civilians to clear
areas for oil production.

Christian groups have also publicized the regime's use of slavery.
China's involvement in the ongoing civil war may prove to be the most unusual
twist, and may represent the largest movement of one army into another country
that went completely undetected by other nations.

A Western aid worker in southern Sudan told the Telegraph, "Everyone knows what
is going on. We've all seen the Chinese being brought in and can only pray
about what's going to happen next."

The use of Chinese "workers" as a military force may raise serious concerns
about the growing number of Chinese illegals detected in Central America and
the Caribbean.

Chinese influence in Panama which controls the Panama Canal has already raised
serious warning froms military experts, including Adm. Thomas Moorer, former
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Read Christopher Ruddy's special report on China's new air and sea base just 60
miles from Florida in the Bahamas. Click Here to Read Report.

Read more about China's growing influence over the Panama Canal – Click Here.

Also: Panamanian Officials Worry About Chinese Aliens.

Read more about China in Hot Topics.



Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its 


2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 8/27/00 7:46:16 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 08/20/2000 4:16:19 PM Central Daylight Time,

  This, too, is reminiscent
 of Vietnam, where President John F. Kennedy engaged the U.S. without
 consulting the handful of officials who actually knew something about
 Hanoi, Dien Bien Phu, Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Cong.

Don't blame John Kennedy for the war in Viet Nam.
President John Kennedy did not "engage the U.S." in Vietnam.
The U.S. was "engaged" by President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
starting at least by the time France was defeated at the battle
of Dien Bien Phu in 1954.
The so-called "French Connection".the opium and heroin trafficking
from the "golden triangle" of indochina became the "American Connection",
following the French defeat.
That's what Air America was all about.

U.S. engagement in Vietnam continued to grow for at least 7 years
before John Kennedy became President.
In November 1963, Kennedy issued a National Security Action Memorandum
which ordered all Americans out of Viet Nam by the end of 1964.
At the time of this Presidential Order, there were less than 16,000 Americans
in Viet Nam.
John Kennedy was assassinated just 20 days after he gave that order.
Lyndon Johnson cancelled Kennedy's order (NSAM), and eventually
ordered more than half a million U.S. military personnel into the
quagmire in Viet Nam.

 Regards to All

 That is quite true, please remeber just because i foward a post doesn't mean
I endorse all as true, but do post some to see different views, know
full-well that the "truth" does tend to rise to the top on the internet.

Thanks, Nakano


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [24] Agency of Fear - Opiates and Political Power in America

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

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Political Power/A
Agency of Fear

Opiates and Political Power in America

By Edward Jay Epstein

Chapter 24 - The Liddy Plan

 Our behavior in the midst of the bureaucratic jungle will be purely
defensive, unless we have a "direct line" to one or another of the security
agencies. If that is the case, the security agency concerned would provide an
ideal "cover"for our activities.


Richard Nixon's battle with the Central Intelligence Agency began in 1958. He
was then vice-president, and (he CIA was secretly financing and supporting an
armed Insurrection against the Sukarno regime, in Indonesia. When the CIA
effort collapsed, to the embarrassment of the United States government,
President Eisenhower ordered his vice-president to purge those in the CIA
involved in the fiasco. Nixon personally arranged for Frank Wisner, the
highly respected deputy director of plans for the CIA, and other top
officials of the agency to be brusquely relieved of duty, according to
Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, then liaison officer between the CIA and the Air
Force. Prouty notes in his book The Secret Team:

Since the Indonesian campaign was ... highly classified, most other
government workers did not know why all these nice people (in the CIA] had
been fired, and since they were cool to Nixon anyhow, they arose in unison to
damn him when he ran for President in 1960.

Indeed, Nixon reportedly believed that the CIA was responsible for providing
the press in 1960 with very damaging data on a "missile gap" between the
United States and Russia-which turned out to be questionable, if not wholly
fictitious. He held the agency's leaks to be at least partly responsible for
his defeat in the close 1960 election. When he ran again for election, in
1968, it developed that the CIA was keeping his national security advisor-at
that time,, Richard Allen-under some sort of surveillance, and Nixon
suspected that CIA officials were again trying to compromise him by finding
embarrassing information (this time about his efforts to block a peace
settlement in Vietnam). This suspicion did not end entirely when he was
elected president: at an early meeting of the National Security Council,
which superintends the Central Intelligence Agency, Nixon asked Richard Helms
to brief the council and then leave. Helms, a Harvard-educated aristocrat of
the intelligence community, could not believe that Nixon would break the
long-standing practice of having the director of Central Intelligence attend
National Security Council meetings.

As president, Nixon fully understood that those who opposed him in the
executive branch of the government had the power to undercut any of his
programs, projects, or appointees by leaking embarrassing information-or
misinformation-to the press or to Congress. William Safire, a chief speech
writer for President Nixon, has pointed out:

... the press has been frequently used by the bureaucracy to build its
protective shell. An adept bureaucrat, his domain threatened by a cutoff of
funds, is able to alert those interest groups about to be adversely affected
and to zero them in to the appropriate newsmen. A judicious leak, a horrendous
 prediction of the homelessness, starvation, pestilence the cutback would
cause, a follow-up reaction story about the interest group, a letter campaign
by them to influence congressmen, a severe editorial or two, and the public
interest [as represented by the president) gives way to the bureaucracy
focused interest.

Since bureaucrats are entrenched in their positions by the traditions and
tenure of civil service, or protected directly by powerful congressional
subcommittees, a president has little power to countermand this
insubordination unless he can first pierce the veil of anonymity provided to
the bureaucrats by the press (or the staff of congressional committees). In
order actually to rule over government, rather than merely reigning as a
figurehead for the independent fiefdoms in the executive branch, Nixon needed
to control at least one federal agency with investigative powers. As his
staff quickly found out, this was no easy requisite to fill. Nixon feared not
only the Central Intelligence Agency but also the Federal Bureau of
Investigation while it remained under the directorship and control of' J.
Edgar Hoover. He told close associates in the White House that he believed
that Hoover had used information he had acquired through wiretaps and to
blackmail Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, according to Krogh.* Although early
in the administration, in 1969, Nixon had sought Hoover's help in wiretapping
newsmen - and government officials (after the attempt to wiretap a newsman's
phone by John Caldwell, a private detective hired by the White House with
campaign funds, was thought to produce very quick results), the president's
concern that Hoover would use 

[CTRL] [25] Agency of Fear - Opiates and Political Power in America

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF=""The Architecture of Modern
Political Power/A
Agency of Fear

Opiates and Political Power in America

By Edward Jay Epstein

Chapter 25 - The Secret of Room 16

On June 13, 1971, the meticulously planned scenario promulgating a national
emergency over the putative heroin epidemic was rudely interrupted by the New
York Times's publishing an archive of national defense documents which became
known as the Pentagon Papers. In-the weeks that followed, the controversy
over the publication of these classified documents dominated the covers of
the national newsmagazines and the choice time on network television.
Meanwhile, the disclosures from the White House about the drug menace, the
recalling of ambassadors from France, Turkey, and other countries, the
cabinet-level meetings to deal with narcotics, the agreement to suppress
opium, -production in Turkey, and other highlights of the heroin crusade were
relegated to the back pages of newspapers and newsmagazines and given only
minor coverage on television. While the timetable for creating a White
House-controlled office with unprecedented investigative powers moved slowly
ahead under the direction of G. Gordon Liddy and Egil Krogh, the president
demanded immediate action to remedy the massive leaking ofthe Pentagon
Papers. When Krogh returned from an inspection of the drug problem in Vietnam
in late June, he was summoned to the Western White House, at San Clemente,
California, and told by Ehrlichman that the president wanted him to work on a
special project. The president's assistant for domestic affairs explained
more fully the next day that this project involved investigating the
background of Daniel Ellsberg, a former Rand Corporation employee who had
provided the New York Times with the Pentagon Papers. Ehrlichman stressed
that this was a joint undertaking of his Domestic Council and Henry
Kissinger's National Security Council, and that Kissinger, then a national
security advisor to the president, was supplying a top investigator on his
staff named David Young, who along with Krogh would direct this new
investigative unit.

Krogh and Young established their Special Investigations Unit, which Young
nicknamed "the Plumbers," in room 16 of the Executive Office Building,
conveniently located on the ground floor near the narrow underground
passageway leading directly to the White House. Since Krogh had little
experience in spy work, he brought his more experienced assistant on the
Domestic Council, Gordon Liddy, into room 16 as his deputy. Liddy, then
working to develop a more permanent investigative capacity in the White House
under the cover of a narcotics office, seemed to Krogh "a natural choice" for
the Plumbers, who would engage in "all sorts of national-security work."
Since the White House assumed that the FBI would not cooperate fully in
investigating what was then thought to be a possible conspiracy of
"establishment Democrats" involved with Ellsberg in the distribution of the
Pentagon Papers, the Plumbers assumed that they would need the special
services of the Central Intelligence Agency. The deputy director of the CIA, G
eneral Robert Cushman, whom Krogh had worked with in developing international
narcotics programs, agreed to provide Krogh with financing for "narcotics
work," but held that the CIA could not get involved in a domestic
investigation of this sort. Krogh did manage, however, to obtain the services
of E. Howard Hunt, a former CIA official who reportedly had helped Allen
Dulles. the most illustrious of the CIA directors, to write his book The
Craft of Intelligence, and who officially had been detached from the CIA
several months before going to work for Robert R. Mullen and Company, a
public-relations firm at times serving as a front for CIA operatives. At the
time, Hunt seemed to Krogh to be a logical candidate for the Plumbers and a
possible member of the more permanent organization then being planned: Hunt
had been in the CIA more than twenty years and had specialized in the
distribution of "black," or misleading, information. He also had headed the
CIA station in Uruguay and was involved at a high level with the successful
CIA coup d'etat in Guatemala and the unsuccessful Bay of Pigs invasion in
Cuba, he therefore could be expected to have wide-ranging contacts with other
CIA agents, executives, and independent contractors for various services.
Furthermore, he came with the strong recommendation of Charles Colson, the
special counsel to the president who specialized in dealing with political
"enemies." Hunt saw the possibility of using black information in, the
Ellsberg case, to denigrate as traitors a whole class of Democratic opponents
to the war in Vietnam. While retaining his $25,000-a-year public-relations
job at Mullen and Company, and still receiving his $24,000-a-year CIA
pension, Hunt was put on the White House payroll as a $130-a-day 

[CTRL] [26] Agency of Fear - Opiates and Political Power in America

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF=""The Architecture of Modern
Political Power/A
Agency of Fear

Opiates and Political Power in America

By Edward Jay Epstein

Chapter 26 - Executive Order

Just before he left for his Christmas vacation in 1971, Attorney General
Mitchell turned over to Leo Pellerzi, his assistant attorney general for
administration, a White House plan for a new narcotics enforcement office. He
instructed Pellerzi that the White House wanted this office to be
administratively incorporated in the Department of Justice, but actually it
would operate out of the executive office of the president. When Pellerzi, a
careerist in the Department of Justice, read the details of the plan, he
became decidedly alarmed. It called for a series of special strike forces to
be formed around the country, each staffed with selected agents from the
Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, the Bureau of Customs, the Alcohol.
Tobacco and Firearms unit, and the Internal Revenue Service, as well as
several state police officers. Each strike force would be empowered to use
court-authorized wiretaps and no-knock warrants in making arrests of
narcotics pushers around the country. Special grand juries would then be
convened to indict the arrestees. Both the strike forces and grand juries
would be under the direct control of Myles Ambrose, who would operate both
from the Justice Department and from the president's executive office and
report directly to the president.* What alarmed Pellerzi most about this new
organization was that it Would temporarily detached from the agency, employ a
group of CIA agents, for domestic-intelligence purposes, which in his opinion
was clearly illegal. (This was never carried out.) Pellerzi also doubted the
propriety of a provision in the plan which gave the new office the authority
to assign grants from the Law Enforcement Administration Agency to local
police departments that cooperated with the new federal strike forces.
Pellerzi read the proposal over several times and then decided to take it to
Henry Petersen, who was then the assistant attorney general for the criminal
division of the Department of Justice, in which the new office would
ostensibly be located.

* In fact, the White House staff. which was loosely called the Executive
Office of the President and had grown from less than 100 persons when Nixon
was vice-president to more than 1,200 by the time he had become president,
was housed in a number of buildings, including the old Executive Office
Building, the new Executive Office Building, and a row of brownstones,
restored by Kennedy, on Jackson Street.

Petersen, who had worked his way up from a messenger boy to an assistant
attorney general, was equally dismayed by this new White House plan. He told
Pellerzi that he suspected it was no more than "political crap" designed to
help the Nixon administration in the 1972 election, and he suggested that
Pellerzi use his special talents in administrative procedures to slow down
the implementation of this new office. He also said that he would attempt to
select a deputy director for this new office, if it were finally approved,
who would resist political pressures. As for the possible illegalities,
Petersen assured Pellerzi that he would take them up with Richard
Kleindienst, then the deputy attorney general, since Mitchell had left on his
Christmas vacation.

Upon hearing the suggestion that this new office would employ CIA liaisons,
Kleindienst called Richard Helms and told him what the White House was now
proposing. Helms categorically rejected the proposal as a violation of the
Central Intelligence Agency's charter, as Kleindienst had assumed he would
do, and Kleindlenst then suggested that they work together to kill this
particularly disturbing part of the proposal. Eventually they succeeded in
eliminating CIA agents from the plan. Meanwhile, Pellerzi and Petersen
managed to restrict the funds that could be used for special grand juries and
to limit the White House takeover of the drug program was imminent. He
immediately called Attofney General Mitchell, who was vacationing in Florida,
and asked what this televised "presidential meeting" meant to his agency.
Mitchell replied that he had not been told about any White House actions, but
Ingersoll was not reassured. (The same evening, at the Playboy Plaza Hotel in
Miami, Liddy, who drafted the original presidential option paper for this new
office, and Hunt, a consultant on the plan, met with Jack Bauman, a former
CIA agent and specialist in surreptitious entries, to discuss other
operations that they claimed would function under the aegis of the White

In the next month the White House strategists easily overrode the combined
opposition of Assistant Attorneys General Pellerzi and Petersen, Ingersoll,
and Rossides. In early January, Krogh told Ingersoll in no uncertain terms
that since the BNDD had refused to 

[CTRL] [27] Agency of Fear - Opiates and Political Power in America

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF=""The Architecture of Modern
Political Power/A
Agency of Fear

Opiates and Political Power in America

By Edward Jay Epstein

Chapter 27 - Dangerous Liaisons

 The White House finally succeeded in 1972 in creating a private police force
in the form of the Office of Drug Abuse Law Enforcement. The office reported
directly to the president through its head, Myles Ambrose, who simultaneously
served as special consultant to the president. ODALE bypassed most of the
traditional bureaucratic restraints on its operations: nevertheless, the plan
to utilize the intelligence assets of the Central Intelligence Agency was
stymied by the opposition of career officials at the Department of Justice
CIA. This, however, was only a temporary setback. The struggle at the FBI to
succeed J. Edgar Hoover provided the House strategists with an opportunity to
take over at least part domestic-intelligence operation at the FBI by playing
on the ambitions of its associate director, William C. Sullivan.

During the Johnson administration Sullivan had designed the FBI's
counterintelligence program, which among other things harassed Martin Luther
King and civil rights organizations and which gave the Nixon White House some
leverage over him. In the early years of the Nixon administration he realized
that his rise to Power in the FBI was being blocked by Cartha "Deke" DeLoach,
who was third in command at the FBI. In light of this opposition Sullivan
could succeed Hoover only if he was the personal candidate of President
Nixon, he thus went to great lengths, according to his associates in the FBI,
"to play ball with the White House." He worked with John Dean on drafting the
ill-fated Huston Plan, even though Hoover and the FBI executives opposed it.
And when the White House wanted to wiretap members of the National Security
Council staff and journalists, Sullivan arranged for the FBI to undertake
these "national security" tasks for the president. The procedures for the FBI
required that such White House requests be routed through the office of Deke
DeLoach and Inspector George Quinn, but Sullivan arranged it so that the
White House requests would be processed personally by him, and both DeLoach
and Quinn would not have direct knowledge of the very unorthodox wiretap
operations requested by the White House. DeLoach feared that this arrangement
would effectively give the White House control over Sullivan's
domestic-intelligence division and demanded that Sullivan return to the more
normal procedures of the bureau. Sullivan, who was now working closely with
such White House strategists as John Dean, then an assistant to Attorney
General Mitchell, and Robert Mardian, the head of the Department of Justice's
internal-security division, managed to get Henry Kissinger and Alexander Haig
to intervene directly and write mernoranda which supported the special
arrangement between Sullivan's division and the White House. In the wake of
these memoranda Hoover acquiesced and permitted Sullivan to limit the access
to the transcripts and authorizations of wiretaps to a few highly placed
officials in the domestic-intelligence division, which excluded DeLoach.

In effect, then, Mardian, Dean, and Sullivan controlled a bureau within a
bureau which could install "national security" wiretaps for the president.
When the White House strategists feared that Hoover might attempt to use the
transcripts of these wiretaps to blackmail the White House, Mardian arranged
through Sullivan to transfer them from the FBI to John Ehrlichman's safe in
the White House. When Hoover found out about this maneuver, he locked
Sullivan out of the office (by having his locks changed while he was on
vacation). Realizing that his days with the FBI were numbered, and believing
that the present administration of the FBI had become inefficient, if not
corrupt, Sullivan pressed Dean and Mardian to create another
domestic-intelligence unit. Dean fully realized that the White House could
use this ambition of Sullivan's for its own purpose. He later explained to
the president, "What Bill Sullivan's desire in life is, is to set up a
domestic national security intelligence system, a White House program. He
says we are deficient. He says we have never been efficient, because Hoover
lost his guts several years ago." The problem was simply to find a cover
under which such a White House intelligence system could be created for
Sullivan. The war on heroin conveniently served this purpose.

The idea of creating a small intelligence unit as part of the White House's
narcotics program was first suggested by Egil Krogh in the summer of 1971.
Krogh explained to his staff assistants working on the narcotics problem at
the Domestic Council that the only organization in the government capable of
"tracking the narcotics traffickers" was the CIA, but that agency was
reluctant to become involved in a law-enforcement 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Grail Quest Part V-g: The Priory of Sion

2000-08-27 Thread Aleisha Saba

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

[CTRL] Fw: Evangelism Outlawed -- Proposed French Law

2000-08-27 Thread J Taylor

Evangelism Outlawed -- Proposed French Law

  PARIS, France (BP) July 3 -- Missionaries and laypersons who share
faith in Jesus could be imprisoned for up to two years under a proposed
French law that accuses religious proselytisers of 'mental manipulation'
of the public.

  French Justice Minister Elisabeth Guigou last week called the bill "a
significant advance giving a democratic state the legal tool to efficiently
fight groups abusing its core values." (©2000, Baptist Press).

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Re: [CTRL] Endless bullshit from

2000-08-27 Thread Damian B. Cooper

At 12:00 PM 8/27/00 -0400, "Johannes Schmidt III"

- - - snip - - -

 I like the 'trickle down' effect. That's where all the rich people tend to
live in big houses on top of hills, and all the poor people ive in the
areas. Now becasue the rich people have so much money, invariably they will
some of it, the wind will blow it away etc and it will 'trickle down' to the
poor people.

Thanks to the miracle of modern socialism,  the "trickle down" effect has
been replaced by the
"scumming up" effect.

In a welfare state, where the government steals from the productive and
gives to the lazy, the
indolent, and the anti-social, the "underclass" can squat wherever they
damn well please
and be supported in socialist affluence.

That's why the historically desirable places to reside in order to be free
of the parasite classes are
being taken over by the parasites.  Places that the public once perceived
as upper class "garden spots"
are now hangouts for panhandlers and hustlers because the welfare system
and liberal "tolerance"
allows them to live there.

If you're going to be on the dole, San Francisco, Berkeley, Santa Monica
are more preferrable climes for
collecting your free money than Dubuque, Peoria, or Anchorage.

If you like the smell of fresh urine or wine vomit on your morning walk,
San Franciso Union Square is your
cup of tea.


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[CTRL] The Round Table - Bilderberg Network

2000-08-27 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "CyberDude" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  The Round Table - Bilderberg Network
Date: Monday, August 21, 2000 5:07 AM

by David Icke

One of the first parts of the Illuminati network that new
researchers discover is the group of organisations which
connect into the British-based secret society called The
Round Table.

These include the Bilderberg Group, the Royal Institute of
International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the
Trilateral Commission, and the Club of Rome.

This network is not the most powerful expression of the
Illuminati. There are many more elite groups within it's
web, but these "Round Table" organisations are a key part of
its day to day manipulation of politics, banking, business,
the military (especially NATO), "education", and so on.

You can read about all this in great detail in my books, And
The Truth Shall Set You Free and The Biggest Secret. But
briefly, the network was created to advance through the 20th
century and beyond the Illuminati agenda for the centralised
control of Planet Earth.

The Round Table was created in London (the Illuminati's
operational centre) in the latter years of the 19th century.
Its first official "leader" was Cecil Rhodes, the man who
mercilessly manipulated Southern Africa and took those lands
from the black peoples. Although, in theory, black people
are back in political control of Africa, the real decisions
are still made by the European and American elites via their
black puppet presidents and leaders. "Independence" is an

Rhodes played tribe against tribe until they destroyed each
other in war, so allowing Rhodes and the British to take
over. The same is happening today in the continuing wars in
Africa, details of which you will find on this site. Rhodes
said the goal of the Round Table was to create World
Government controlled by Britain (the Illuminati based in

When he died in 1902, he left money in his will to fund
"Rhodes Scholarships" in which overseas students had their
expenses paid to study at Oxford University - the centre of
the Illuminati's manipulation of "education". The ratio of
these "Rhodes Scholars" who go back to their countries to
enter positions of political, economic, and media power is
enormous compared with the general student population. They
act as Illuminati agents. The most famous Rhodes Scholar in
the world today is Bill Clinton, the two-times President of
the United States. But while Rhodes was the official front
man for the Round Table, the real controllers and funders
were, and are, the House of Rothschild, the banking dynasty
which is at the heart of so much of the global conspiracy.
This is not an anti-Jewish remark because the Rothschilds
claim to be Jewish. The Rothschilds have manipulated Jewish
people more than any other!!

The inner elite of this Round Table in the US and UK were
the key members of their government's war administrations
before and during the First World War.. As is provable with
documentation, they worked together to engineer the
circumstances that led to that global conflict. Through
their technique of
create-the-problem-then-offer-the-solution, they wanted to
destroy the global status quo with that war and therefore
have the opportunity to re-draw the world in their agenda's
image when the conflict was over. This is precisely what
they did.

Power in the world was in far fewer hands after the war than
before, and this was advanced even further when they
engineered the Second World War also. This has continued to
this day and, indeed, is getting quicker all the time.

In 1919, came the Versailles Peace Conference near Paris
when the elite of the Round Table from Britain and the
United States, people like Alfred Milner, Edward Mandel
House, and Bernard Baruch, were appointed to represent their
countries at the meetings which decided how the world would
be changed as a result of the war these same people had
created. They decided to impose impossible reparations
payments on Germany, so ensuring the collapse of the
post-war Weimar Republic amid unbelievable ecomonic collapse
and thus create the very circumstances that brought Hitler
(a Rothschild, see related article) to power. It was while
in Paris that these Illuminati, Round Table, members met at
the Hotel Majestic to begin the process of creating the
Bilderberg-CFR-RIIA-Trilateral Commission network. They also
decided at Versailles that they now all supported the
creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. As I show in my
books, EVERY ONE of them was either a Rothschild bloodline
or was controlled by them.

The American President, Woodrow Wilson, was "advised" at
Versailles by Colonel House and Bernard Baruch, both

[CTRL] The Wire -Book: Nixon Took Drugs, Beat Wife

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF=""The Wire - Breaking News from the
Associated Pr…/A

Book: Nixon Took Drugs, Beat Wife

WASHINGTON (AP) — A new biography asserts that Richard Nixon over many years
took a mood-altering drug without a prescription and that he beat his wife at
times of personal crisis — a claim a Nixon intimate calls ``inconceivable.''

``The Arrogance of Power'' by Anthony Summers will be published Monday. It
chiefly concerns the aspects of Nixon's life ``that he and his supporters
have preferred to conceal,'' writes Summers, a BBC journalist and author of
biographies of J. Edgar Hoover and Marilyn Monroe.

The author named his sources for most of the book's assertions. But many of
those he quotes got their information second-hand. Some of the book's claims
have been made in the past but in less detail.

The book said that in 1968 Nixon was given 1,000 capsules of the drug
Dilantin, an anti-convulsant used to counter epileptic seizures, by Jack
Dreyfus, founder of an investment firm and an enthusiastic promoter of the
drug. Dreyfus later supplied another 1,000, it said.

White House physician Dr. Walter Tkach, ``a compliant doctor who would do
exactly as a patient asked,'' was also a user of the drug himself, the book
said, citing Nixon aide John D. Ehrlichman as its source.

When asked later if Nixon was still taking the drug, Tkach replied, ``I don't
know, but the amount of pills in the bottle in his bathroom is reducing in
size, so I suppose he is,'' according to Summers.

``The Physicians' Desk Reference'' lists a number of adverse reactions to
Dilantin, including slurred speech, decreased coordination and mental

Summers wrote that the relationship of Nixon and his wife was one of
``prolonged marital difficulty, of physical abuse, of threatened divorce.''
But that view was contested by John Taylor, Nixon's chief aide in his
retirement years, now director of the Richard M. Nixon Library and Birthplace
in Yorba Linda, Calif.

Summers' claims that Nixon abused his wife came from secondary sources. Among
others, he cited journalist Seymour Hersh, who said he learned of three
instances of Nixon wife beatings but did not identify his sources; retired
Washington lawyer John Sears, who was a campaign consultant to Nixon; and the
late Bill Van Petten, a Los Angeles area reporter, who years later told a
friend, not identified by Summers, that just before or after his 1962 loss to
Brown Nixon beat Mrs. Nixon ``so badly she could not go out the next day.''

Summers said Sears told him that he had been told ``that Nixon had hit her
(Pat Nixon) in 1962 and that she had threatened to leave him over it. ... I'm
not talking about a smack. He blackened her eye.'' Sears said he had been
told of the beating by two lawyers, both now dead, Walter Taylor and Pat

Twenty-two years later, after he resigned in disgrace over the Watergate
scandal, Nixon ``attacked'' his wife at their home in San Clemente, Calif.,
and she had to be treated at a hospital, Summers wrote, citing Hersh as his
secondary source.

The New York Times, which carried a story about the book Sunday, quoted
Taylor, the former Nixon retirement aide, as responding on behalf of Nixon's
daughter, Julie Nixon Eisenhower.

``It cannot possibly be true,'' Taylor told the Times. ``It is utterly
inconceivable. Anyone who knows and worked with President Nixon knows first
of all that he could not have done it, second of all that he would not have
done it and third of all that had he done it there are innumerable people who
would not have spoken to him and yet remained active in his life and in Mrs.
Nixon's life until their deaths and beyond.''

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Evangelism Outlawed -- Proposed French Law

2000-08-27 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 8/27/00 1:43:55 PM Central Daylight Time,

   PARIS, France (BP) July 3 -- Missionaries and laypersons who share
 faith in Jesus could be imprisoned for up to two years under a proposed
 French law that accuses religious proselytisers of 'mental manipulation'
 of the public. 

Well it IS a form of mental manipulation...but then again so is it utopian to want a society free from both??


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Re: [CTRL] Endless bullshit from

2000-08-27 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
n a welfare state, where the government steals from the productive and
gives to the lazy, the

indolent, and the anti-social,

In a capitalist economy the lazy, indolent, parasitic rich leech off the
ordinary workers (like you and me) who do the actual pruduction and
distribution of goods and services. The rich produce nothing. They suck on
our neck.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Alex Constantine v. David Horowitz

2000-08-27 Thread flw

 flw wrote:
  Subject: Alex Constantine v. David Horowitz
  A nonevent between Dueling Drivelers.
  Horowitz = Corporate Shill
  Constantine = Sophomoronic Statist.

 flw = Libertarian Loony


Ha Ha.

Anyone who doesn't embrace Statism (the most murderous theology
masquerading as political thought of the 20th century) is "loony" to these
strange folks. Poor J2 still thinks there is a "difference" between Nazism and
Communism -  between Hitler and Stalin. Earth to J2. There is a difference!
Hitler only killed 10 million, Stalin killed 50 million...because he was around

I have to give credit its due though. J2 does make some (limited) sense
when he exposes Corporatism. However like all Leftists, he suffers from
terminal Cognitive Dissonance.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Al Fayed Claims Fresh Diana Info

2000-08-27 Thread William Shannon

Al Fayed Claims Fresh Diana Info

Mohamed Al Fayed today announced he will make fresh allegations about the
death of Diana, Princess of Wales, and his son Dodi.

The move seems sure to anger those close to Diana's sons, Princes William and
Harry, who have repeatedly pleaded with the Egyptian tycoon to spare the two
young men further public allegations.

Diana and Dodi Fayed died when a Mercedes provided by Mr Al Fayed and driven
by his employee, Henri Paul, ploughed into the 13th pillar in the Alma tunnel
in Paris on August 31 1997.

French police found that Paul, deputy head of security at Mr Al Fayed's Paris
Ritz hotel, had been drinking heavily and was speeding when the accident

But Mr Al Fayed has refused to accept the French findings, repeatedly
alleging that British security services engineered the crash and even trying
to implicate the Duke of Edinburgh. John Macnamara, Mr Al Fayed's director of
security, would give new information on his employer's claims at a press
conference in the United States on Wednesday, the eve of the anniversary,
according to a news release issued by Harrods. Mr Al Fayed's spokesman today
declined to discuss details of what will be disclosed at the news conference,
at the National Press Club in Washington.

But the news release said the Egyptian tycoon would announce legal action
against the United States Government over the accident, and make a videotaped
statement about the crash.

Mr Al Fayed has repeatedly called for CIA files relating to the accident to
be made public, and the legal action may be a fresh attempt to obtain them.

The release said videotapes of Diana's last minutes would be distributed. The
news conference would also given details of what Mr Al Fayed claims was an
attempted 20-million-dollar fraud involving claims about CIA files said to
prove that the pair were murdered.

Mr Macnamara would also give up-dates on the British and French
investigations into the tragedy, the announcement added.

© Associated Newspapers Ltd., 25 August 2000

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[CTRL] New Davidian evidence discovered

2000-08-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

From:  The Waco Tribune Herald

New Davidian evidence discovered

By TOMMY WITHERSPOON Tribune-Herald staff writer

A federal judge in Waco who presided over criminal and civil
trials involving the 1993 Branch Davidian tragedy has ordered
that unspecified newly discovered evidence in the case be turned
over to his court.

The two-sentence order, issued Friday afternoon by U.S. District
Judge Walter S. Smith Jr., does not specify what new evidence was

"In this case, the court has learned that the Waco division
United States Attorney's Office has discovered new evidence that
may be relevant to this case, and that the United States Attorney
may be reluctant to follow the Court's previous order and deliver
such evidence to the Clerk of the Court," Smith wrote in his

The judge directed the U.S. Marshals Service to take possession
of the evidence and deliver it to the clerk of the court.

Two members of the judge's staff declined to discuss the order,
as did Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Durbin of the San Antonio
U.S. Attorney's office.

Bill Blagg of San Antonio, the U.S. attorney for the federal
Western District of Texas, did not return phone messages to his
office. The Waco U.S. Attorney's office is part of the Western
District of Texas. Attorneys in the Waco office also did not
return phone messages Friday afternoon.

Smith's order comes six weeks after an advisory federal court
jury in Waco cleared the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco
and Firearms of wrongdoing in the April 19, 1993, fire at Mount
Carmel that killed David Koresh and 75 of his followers. The
ruling also cleared federal agents in the failed Feb. 28, 1993,
raid that started the 51-day standoff.

Michael Caddell of Houston, lead plaintiffs' attorney in the $675
million wrongful-death lawsuit, was out of town Friday and did
not return phone messages to his office.

Michael Bradford of Beaumont , U.S. Attorney for the Eastern
District of Texas who represented the government in the civil
lawsuit, also did not return phone messages left with his office.

Thom Mrozek, a Justice Department spokesman, declined comment on
the order, saying he had not had an opportunity to review it.

The plaintiffs had alleged that the ATF used excessive force when
76 agents riding in cattle trailers stormed Mount Carmel to try
to arrest Koresh on weapons violations. The suit also alleged
that FBI agents accelerated a Justice Department-approved plan to
demolish the building without authorization while inserting tear
gas on April 19, 1993, and fired into the compound during the
fire, trapping Branch Davidians inside.

Smith has yet to issue a final judgment in the lawsuit. He has
set a hearing for Sept. 18 at which he intends to hear evidence
concerning the results of a re-creation at Fort Hood to test
whether gunfire can be detected on aerial infrared videotape.

Experts appointed by the court have said that the flashes on the
FBI infrared tape are sunlight reflecting off debris around Mount
Carmel and not flashes from gunfire.

Most of the plaintiffs have indicated that they no longer wish to
pursue the gunfire issue, so the hearing might be canceled.

Tommy Witherspoon can be reached at:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] or at 757-5737.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Arutz-7 News: Sunday, August 27, 2000

2000-08-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Arutz Sheva News Service

Sunday, August 27, 2000 / Av 26, 5760


   3. ABU HUNUD C.V.


Efforts to capture one of the most-wanted Palestinian terrorists
failed last night, when three members of an elite IDF unit were
fired on and killed, apparently by the terrorist himself.  In an
attempt to soften the blow of the botched mission, Deputy Defense
Minister Ephraim Sneh said that several weeks ago, the army did
confiscate tons of explosives in a laboratory overseen by the

The incident began at 9:45 Saturday night, when IDF troops
arrived in Kfar Atzira, north of the Shomron town of Shechem;
the mission was to apprehend arch-terrorist Mahmoud Abu-Hunud,
who was hiding in one of the houses there.  For reasons not yet
clear, Abu-Hunud was able to spot the unit, and shot at the
soldiers from the rooftop of his house, killing three of them.
Other IDF soldiers returned fire, lightly injuring Abu-Hunud, who
then fled.  "After a difficult chase through orchards and
terraced farms near the village, Abu-Hunud reached an Arab-run
hospital in Shechem, and soon turned himself into the Palestinian
Authority paramilitary police,"  reports Arutz-7 correspondent
Haggai Huberman. "It was during the pursuit through those
orchards that a fourth soldier was injured, it seems, from
'friendly IDF fire.'"  Surgeons at the Sheba-Tel Hashomer
Hospital operated on the soldier and he is now fully conscious,
and "feeling fine."  IDF forces inspected the house and its
environs throughout the night and into the morning, after which
it was razed.  In the process, they apprehended another
Palestinian, named Nidal, who had been in the house with

The dead soldiers are: Twenty-one year-old Staff Seargents Ro'i
Even Fielsteiner of Hod Hasharon; Liron Sharvit, 20 of Moshav
Beit Hashmonai;  and Nir Yaacobi of Tel Aviv.  Liron Sharvit was
buried at 4:45 PM this afternoon in the Ramla military cemetery,
while Nir Yaacobi will be interred in the Kiryat Shaul cemetery
at 6:45 PM.

Prime Minister Ehud Barak issued a statement this morning,
offering his sympathies for the deaths, and expressing
understanding for "the deep mourning of the families who lost
their sons in the incident."  He said that "despite the high
price, Israel will continue to fight terrorism with all its
strength. The terrorists and those who dispatch them will not
escape. The IDF and the security forces will continue to stand
guard and defend the State of Israel and its citizens."


By mid-morning, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Shaul Mofaz had
convened a press conference to discuss the background of the
unsuccessful mission.  He told reporters that he has appointed a
special commission of inquiry to identify the causes of the
debacle.  During his review of the incident, Mofaz indicated that
"very grave" errors by one of the support units led to the
tragedy. Despite the initial IDF reports that the terrorist had
shot the soldiers, Lt.-Gen. Mofaz did not rule out the
possibility that the soldiers were killed by "friendly fire."

IDF sources dismissed early rumors that PA paramilitary police
had leaked information about the mission to Abu Hunud.
Arutz-7's Huberman explained that, as a matter of routine, the
IDF establishes contact with the PA forces in a given village
shortly before launching such a mission: "The reason for this is
simple: the area is categorized as 'Area B-plus' - joint Israeli
and PA control, with the addition of a PA police station. If we
were not to warn them that we are entering, we risk being shot at
by the PA forces," Huberman said.  "The army spokesman felt it
was unlikely that the PA gave Abu Hunud advanced warning of the
mission.  Israeli security officials believe that the PA has an
interest in fighting terror at present, to ensure international
support for the declaration of a Palestinian state. Secondly,
such missions are accompanied by a careful monitoring of local
telephones and cellular phones by the IDF; the army did not
pinpoint any calls to Abu Hunud's house.  They also said that
coordination with the PA began 'only at the last second,' and
that it 'is hard to believe that information was conveyed to Abu
Hunud so quickly.'"

Correspondent Huberman then turned to what army sources suggest
was a more likely cause:  "Some have noted that the hour - around
10 PM - was a miscalculation.  At that time, villagers are still
up.  This town is a hotbed of Hamas activity.  It was widely
known that Abu Hunud was hiding out there, and that he was being
sought by Israel. So it is possible that villagers had identified
the forces 

[CTRL] NM: Reed Irvine Carried Out of NTSB's TWA 800 Meeting

2000-08-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Saturday August 26, 2000 2:25 PM EST

Reed Irvine Carried Out of NTSB's TWA 800 Meeting

Accuracy in Media chairman Reed Irvine appears to really have
gotten under the skin of the National Transportation Safety

This past Tuesday in Washington the NTSB offered its final report
on the July 1996 crash of TWA 800.

For some time Irvine and AIM have been critics of the government
conclusion that an explosion in the center fuel tank caused the
downing of the jumbo jet.

 Irvine says all the evidence points to a missile. Irvine helped
form a new group called the "TWA Eyewitness Alliance."

 The alliance, with AIM's help, took out two large ads in the
Washington Times denouncing the government conclusion.

The ad points to the fact that by the FBI's own count 260
individual eyewitnesses saw a streak of light before the
explosion, and 96 witnesses saw something rise from the surface
before the explosion - evidence Irvine says indicates a missile
was fired at the jet.

Just before the NTSB meeting this past Tuesday Irvine decided to
hand out copies of the ad in the lobby outside the meeting hall.

 A security guard quickly told Irvine he would have to stop.

Irvine explained that this was public property and there was a
little thing called the First Amendment that allowed him to do

Minutes later the guard came back and said the building was
leased by the government, and that he would have to quit handing
out copies of the ad or be escorted out of the building.

 "The only way I will leave is if you carry me," Irvine told the

Irvine went limp and laid on the floor.

The guards picked the 150-pound media critic and deposited him

Several TV cameras were there, including ABC News, which aired
the footage of Irvine being forcibly removed.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2000-08-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

New York Post-August 27, 2000



AL GORE promises to fight for the little people against "powerful

But for some little people who happen to be desperately poor, the
"powerful interest" crushing their hopes is the politicized U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Blighted communities in key political battleground states stood a
much greater chance of getting a redevelopment grant this year
from the HUD under its Hope VI program, which is aimed at helping
the nation's most troubled neighborhoods.

Of the $513 million in grants recently announced by HUD under the
program, $341 million in revitalization money went to states
where Al Gore has a shot at beating George W. Bush this fall.

Close to home, swing-state New Jersey got a cool $35 million from
the agency.

An additional $50 million in grants targeted at removing run-down
buildings was heavily distributed to swing states where Gore
could benefit by a boost.

If you are among the urban poor whose congressional
representative happens to be a Democrat - well, gosh, HUD
Secretary Andrew Cuomo is a regular Regis Philbin.

Over 80 percent of the grants, some $420 million worth, went to
impoverished areas represented by members of Gore's party.

But if you're poor, urban and living in a non-swing state, or,
God forbid, represented in Washington by a Republican - well,
better luck next year, bub.

So what, that's politics in an election year, eh? Easy to say if
you're not Joe Johnson.

Johnson, who heads the Baton Rouge, La., public-housing agency,
has been working day and night for months to win a Hope VI grant.
The federal money would have been used to revitalize a severely
depressed minority neighborhood between downtown and Louisiana
State University.

It's the second time Johnson's agency has applied for a Hope VI
grant. After failing the first time, Johnson huddled with civic,
corporate and community leaders to improve the application for

For every HUD dollar requested, Johnson had lined up four dollars
in matching pledges from local and state government, and private

The grant proposal was turned down.

"We felt it was a sure thing. I guess that's what makes it so
difficult at the end," sighs Johnson.

Lori Burgess, who represents the area on the city council, said
the Hope VI grant was the ailing neighborhood's best hope to get
flat off its back.

"Unfortunately, we got caught in an election year," she says with
a dejected, "what do you expect?" air in her voice.

Rep. Richard Baker, Baton Rouge's man in Congress, is not as
sanguine about HUD's decision. Baker, a safe-seat Republican from
a state firmly in the Bush column, finds the distribution of Hope
VI money cause for alarm.

In an Aug. 18 letter to HUD's congressional liaison, Baker
requested a "thorough explanation" of the grant-selection
process, and suggested that the process was partisan, at the
expense of his impoverished constituents.

Yet Baker stopped short of demanding an investigation, pending a
response from the agency. A HUD spokeswoman did not return The
Post's call Friday seeking comment.

Republican Party chairman Jim Nicholson wasn't as cautious as
Baker, alleging that Gore "has turned HUD into his de facto
campaign headquarters.

"This is a gross misuse of precious taxpayer dollars at the
expense of people who truly need it," Nicholson says.

The apparent HUD fiasco is another piece of mounting evidence
that the Clinton-Gore administration is baldly manipulating the
levers of government to help the vice president's campaign.

For his part, Joe Johnson doesn't have time to speculate about
the administration's election-year shenanigans that appear to
have cost dearly the poor black people his agency serves.

Says Johnson, "I'd rather have the money than an explanation."


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Evangelism Outlawed -- Proposed French Law

2000-08-27 Thread Robert F. Tatman

In one of his books, the late Robert A. Heinlein had a character observe that
"evangelism consists of beating your words into a man's ears until they come out
of his mouth."  That could equally well apply to advertising, which is after all
part of the evangelical apparatus of corporate capitalism...and which could also
be described perfectly well as capitalist mind control.

- Original Message -
From: "William Shannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2000 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Evangelism Outlawed -- Proposed French Law

 In a message dated 8/27/00 1:43:55 PM Central Daylight Time,

PARIS, France (BP) July 3 -- Missionaries and laypersons who share
  faith in Jesus could be imprisoned for up to two years under a proposed
  French law that accuses religious proselytisers of 'mental manipulation'
  of the public. 

 Well it IS a form of mental manipulation...but then again so is it utopian to want a society free from both??


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Alex Constantine v. David Horowitz

2000-08-27 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Before I consign flw to the "Blocked Senders" list, I have to observe that he is
clearly a victim of capitalist mind control, which can always be identified by
the knee-jerk response of its victims to anything even vaguely seeming to attack
The Marketplace.

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2000 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Alex Constantine v. David Horowitz

  flw wrote:
 I have to give credit its due though. J2 does make some (limited) sense
 when he exposes Corporatism. However like all Leftists, he suffers from
 terminal Cognitive Dissonance.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2000-08-27 Thread Aleisha Saba

Nice to see Al Gore taking such an interest in "the little
people"..Hud Money is always nice, but I keep remembering Gore as a
Slum Landlord who refused to keep his property in reasonable
order..and he cares about "the little people".   He should have
deeded the property over to that old lady and he could have gotten 5
million votes.instead, the Goliath chose to take on the "little"

Someday these little people will realize that united they are 6 billion
strong and in the USA it is the little people, these "faceless,
nameless" people who put that idiot in office.

Gore is such an imposter; everything he does is planned even to the big
sloppy kiss he planted on his wife at the convention..he is still
about as sexy as Quasimoto the Bell Ringer and has the appeal of a
vampire bat.

So Clinton said his wife is too fat;  has he taken a look at his wife's
big rear end as of late?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Blocked Senders and who the hell cares

2000-08-27 Thread Aleisha Saba

FLW - have you noticed a couple of these idiots on this list when
someone writes something with which they disagree or shows much more
intelligence than do they - you aroe "block" or they will try to get you
kickd off this list so people are stuck with reading their dull, stupid,
mundane outlooks, none of which to date has been the least original.

So FLW:  Welcome where the elite meet - and my, how I feel for you being
blocked from whatshisnames list?

How earth shattering - and just plain disgusting.

Note who these people are who try to censor you on list by ridicule or
just low insults.then read the crap they send, and judge

I call them the CTRL Rodent;s he beats his wife into
submission every night for fun.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Secret Torpedo Test Doomed The Kursk

2000-08-27 Thread William Shannon

August 27 2000 RUSSIA

Secret torpedo test 'blew sub apart'

Nicholas Rufford and Stephen Grey

TWO civilian experts from a Russian military plant were conducting secret
munitions tests aboard the Kursk submarine, which sank after the hull was
ripped apart in an accident, it emerged last night.
The final moments of the doomed craft have been pieced together by Western
military experts, who believe a test firing went disastrously wrong, igniting
highly inflammable propellant and detonating missile and torpedo warheads.

The resulting explosions blew a huge hole in the right-hand side of the
Kursk's nose, where the torpedo room is located. Water flooded in, causing
the pride of the Russian submarine fleet to sink in seconds.

Any members of the crew who may have survived had no time to close watertight
doors, or to send distress signals. Self-sealing emergency hatches failed
because the submarine's control systems were knocked out.

Military experts said they believed the crew of the Kursk were testing one of
two weapons systems: an anti-submarine missile that fired from a torpedo tube
out of the sea, then re-entered it to attack submarines; or an upgraded
version of a fast and silent torpedo called the Squall.

Accidental ignition of the propulsion system of either weapon before they
launched would have had devastating consequences for the Kursk.

Rustam Usmanov, head of the Dagdizel military plant on the Caspian Sea, told
The Sunday Times that his chief engineer had been on the Kursk to monitor
weapons tests. Mamed Gadzhiyev, a veteran weapons designer with Dagdizel, and
Arnold Borisov, another employee of the plant, were among the 118 men who

Usmanov denied, however, that the two men were working on a "secret weapon"
for the Russian navy. "Mamed Gadzhiyev and Arnold Borisov were supervising a
regular test launch of torpedoes on the Kursk," he said. "The task of our men
was to supervise and check if the torpedo was working as it should. Our
specialists were not dealing with any new or modernised torpedoes."

Western experts say they believe the Russian navy was upgrading the Squall, a
torpedo that can reach speeds of 200 knots. It is unique because it travels
in a gas capsule, which reduces friction with the surrounding water.

"The weapon is very clever; it uses propellers to boost it out of the sub,
then a rocket kicks in at a safe distance, burning liquid propellant," said
one British expert. "The danger is if the second stage fires inside the
submarine. Then you can say goodnight."

Russian military strategists describe the Squall as a rocket rather than a
torpedo, and insist there were no rockets on the Kursk. However, a letter
written by a crew member to his mother, which arrived the day the vessel went
down, said: "We are sitting in port, loading up rockets."

Further support for the "secret weapon" theory came last week from Alexander
Rutskoi, governor of the region from which many of the submarine crew were
recruited. Rutskoi, a former Russian vice-president, said he had been told by
two high-ranking military officers that civilian experts were aboard the
Kursk to test new torpedoes, but declined to give any further details.

American experts believe that one of the Kursk's rocket- propelled
anti-submarine weapons - an SSN15 or an SSN16 - could have become stuck in
its launch tube and exploded.

According to the Russians, the last contact with the vessel was on August 11.
Gennady Lyachin, the Kursk's commander, had successfully test- fired a
missile during a military exercise. He asked permission to fire again on
Saturday morning. Admiral Vyacheslav Popov gave the go-ahead from his
nuclear-powered flagship, Peter the Great. There was no further contact.

"The submarine's objective was to launch a cruise missile, and then, in a
certain area, to identify missiles and hit the main target with a torpedo
salvo," said Igor Sergeyev, the Russian defence minister. "The commander
reported having fulfilled the first task and, by 1800 (1400 GMT on August
12), he was expected to report the fulfilment of the second task. The
submarine failed to establish a communication link."

What had happened in the meantime remains a matter of dispute between Russian
and Western military experts. Sergeyev was still insisting yesterday that the
most likely cause of the disaster was a collision with a foreign submarine.
The Russians have produced no evidence to back this claim, however, and
Sergeyev also admitted it was difficult to say what time the accident
occurred, because the exercise involved maintaining radio silence for
extended periods.

Western experts have almost unanimously rejected the Russian version. A
collision certainly could not account for the explosions detected by a
Norwegian seismic institute at 11.28am and 11.39am Russian time (0728 and
0739 GMT) on August 12, the second of which registered 3.5 on the Richter
scale. "This was the single most powerful explosion we have ever registered

[CTRL] EU Adopts Strong New Secrecy Rules

2000-08-27 Thread William Shannon

EU Reported to Adopt Strong New Secrecy Rules
Saturday, 26 August 2000 6:19 (ET)

EU Reported to Adopt Strong New Secrecy Rules

 BRUSSELS, Belgium Aug. 26 (UPI) -- The International Herald Tribune
reports European Union governments have quietly adopted new secrecy rules.

 In an article published Saturday, The Herald Tribune said the new rules
apparently limit the public's right to know what EU officials are doing in
several different areas of both military and civilian activities.

 According to the news report, the rules were adopted at the urging of
Javier Solana, the EU's high representative for foreign and security

 Taking the action were the European ambassadors to the EU in Brussels who
then made it known only in an unpublicized written procedure in Brussels
while the European Parliament was on vacation.

 According to some "unnamed" EU officials, the action is expected to
provoke a political uproar when the Parliament returns next month.

 The European Parliament and the relatively new European Council have both
been struggling to increase - not lessen - openness on EU matters.

 As described in the Herald Tribune, the new rules impose the same kind of
secrecy on various European matters as the military secrecy directives
employed by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).  Solana was NATO
secretary-general until last year.

 As spelled out in the unpublicized memo, the new rules assert information
may be withheld from the European public on a vast number of security
issues, including "public security, the security and defense of the Union or
one of its member states, military or nonmilitary crisis management,
international relations, monetary stability, court proceedings, inspections
and investigations."

 The news report also describes rules "so restrictive" that even the fact
that certain classified documents exist may not be disclosed.

 A spokesman at the European Council Secretariat, which Solana heads, has
declined to describe how much information can be kept from the public. But
he did say restrictions likely would be limited to operational details about
EU military or nonmilitary engagements in places like the Balkans.  European
ombudsman Jacob Sodemanhas, who has most vocally and openly campaigned for
greater transparency in the EU, according to the herald Tribune has attacked
the new secrecy code as unnecessary, saying that covering military and
nonmilitary issues with similar rules only confuses the issue.

 He earlier told the the newspaper Aamulehti in Tampere, Finland, that
Solana's appointment had been a "serious mistake." Until now, the code of
practice adopted in 1993, permitted EU citizens to request any EU document,
and EU institutions were obliged to justify refusals on a case-by-case

 The herald Tribune says this has now been amended.  The EU reports it
received 6,700 requests for public documents lastr year - in general
requests from lawyers, academics and journalists.  The EU says it refused in
only 900 occasions. In many of those cases, the matter was appealed to the

Copyright 2000 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.

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Re: [CTRL] Court Rules Cross-Dresser Can Stay in the U.S. on Asylum Claim

2000-08-27 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

I notice Aleisha refused to answer my question, to whit:  what sexual practices do 
homosexuals engage in that
heterosexuals also don't engage in?

Also, she has refused to answer the question as to whether she regards adult men who 
sexually molest little
girls indicative of adult male heterosexuals as a whole...

Inquiring minds wish to know...  ;-)


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Court Rules Cross-Dresser Can Stay in the U.S. on Asylum Claim

2000-08-27 Thread Aleisha Saba

June - I have been sitting here watching PBS and a man who is an alleged
homosexual, and who played one in a movie, do a routine - he is a little
boy, and he has a little bed - he is a Peter Pan and a Michael Jackon
and a Barney Frank all in one.

This cross dresser that stabbed this youg girl (and she married into a
family of famous movie star who is still around - her father was a
friend of mine)this cross dresser, tried to kill her for one reason
- this sicko dressed like a woman wearing slimey lipstick hated her
because she was a woman.   A few weeks prior to this incident her
husband had been killed in an accident.her new husband is a kind and
gentle man...strange, the newspapers hardly carried a few lines on
this one.But then working for  a US Congressman at the time - and
later, well one of this congressman's aides was in a phone booth and
shot by who knows what.I know that guy didn't like perverts anymore
than I did - and was retired FBI.

Queers usually do play role plays mommy and the other they want little kids to play with like Barbie dolls.

This creep on TV like Rosie O/Donnell and Michael Jackson like to
portray themselves as having a following of children.this man in our
town did to, but when you live in a half million dollar home guess you
can buy most anything.

When this guy was murdered ini his home by his lover, he played the
woman I understand for he loved children so - evreybody gave a sign of
relief.He got away with a lot, and his friends got away with murder
too..this kid that murdred him, was just that - a kid, who was
attracted to his wealth.

So we have Rosie dressing like a little elf in Santa's workshp; this
creep tonight in a little kids bed playing little kid surrounded with
little kids, like Michael what is Jackson.   I saw him
once in a trashy bar for 2 minutes and I left;  my friends wanted to see
him, but the place was foul and run by organized crime figure later
involved in murder also...he was little kid then, with this huge
Afro Cut and who would ever dream he would turn out to be such a
whatever it is.

So you think queers are cute and cross dressers acceptable?   I do not.
Work for a court sometime - see a case where a perverted twisted man
slammed a baby's head against a wall until it was mush, so his playmate
would come back out and play.

So let them stay in their own yard..but it seems these twisted
people are trying to get into your childs play area to destroy their
childhood and dreams.

I have had 3 years abnormal psychology in college..I know what these
people are like, and if it is normal now, something is wrong.

Perhaps you think it is alright for a pedophile/homosexual, playing the
role of the mother, molests 3 little kids? I do not and I judge this
man as I would the others..if you could call that a man.

His father offered to have him castrated; and I thought gee whiz, that
is what this Jewish Mafia Doctor wanted to do to the black doctor - the
one with the neo nazi literature, for he was a fag also.   Hoffa
protected him from the Italian mob in prison...while othrs said this
man was CIA which was ludicrous.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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Re: [CTRL] The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

2000-08-27 Thread NSA

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

More than once in the course of the last two centuries, anti-Masonry has
been fused with an older hatred, hatred of the Jews, that is to say
anti-Semitism. Probably, the irrational nature of both phobias facilitates
their juxtaposition. Be that as it may, from the middle of the 19th Century,
we are witnessing an increasing wave of simultaneously anti-Semitic and
anti-Masonic propaganda. Possibly, the paradigmatic work of this class of
"literature" is an opuscule entitled "The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion"
sometimes also known as "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

This is one of the most well-known literary falsifications in history, based
on plagiarism and fraud from the very beginning of its gestation.
Nevertheless, this swindle has captivated the imagination of many people who
are sensible in other respects, and it has been transformed into the "source
of indispensable information" in the baggage of all the anti-Semites and

In this work, we will examine the history of this fraud, will demonstrate
its absolute falsification and we will take a look at the lamentable
consequences that it has had in modern history, as much of the point of view
of the Jewish people, as of Freemasonry.

Sources of information

In the preparation of this work, I depended mainly on the works of three
investigators: Professor Jose Antonio Ferrer Benimeli, who in his book "The
Judeo-Masonic-Communist Conspiracy"1 dedicates a long chapter to the subject
that occupies us (pp. 135-210); Norman Cohn, author of "Justification for
Genocide"2, where it makes a history of the antecedents of the Protocols,
its evolution and its consequences; and Herman Bernstein, author of "The
truth on the 'Protocols of Zion'"3, where it not only relates the history of
the mystification, but reproduces the complete text of the book of Joly (pp.
75-258), the text of the news articles that appeared in the London Times
(pp. 259-264), the complete text of the Protocols (pp. 295-359), and other
authentic documents.

Also, I consulted other works to clarify or to add certain details, as the
book "Must men hate?" of the North-American lawyer Sigmund Livingston4, who
was the first President of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai-B'rith, and
who in his book adds an interesting personal testimony (pp. 39-49) to the
meticulous relation presented by the authors mentioned before. All these
works are included in detail in the notes at the end of this work.


The connection of anti-Masonry and anti-Semitism does not begin with the
Protocols. Already on the occasion of the Dreyfus affair, that began in 1894
and continued intermittently until 1906, the French press and also that of
other countries5 connected the Judaism of Dreyfus with the Freemasonry of
many of his more loyal defenders. Still earlier, Father Agustin Barruel in
his "Memory to serve the History of Jacobinism,"6 blamed Freemasonry
(confusing it with the Illuminati of Bavaria) of being instrumental of the
French Revolution (and also of being the heirs of the Templars). Although
Barruel did not find historical data to allow him to extend his attack
including the Jews (between the famous French revolutionaries there were no
Jews), other later authors were not so punctilious, and did not have
scruples in inventing what did not exist in reality.

Numerous books published before and after the Protocols maintain that
Judaism is at the origin of Freemasonry. We will mention Monsignor Leon
Meurin, Archbishop of Port-Louis, Mauritius, who published in 1893 a book
entitled "La Franc-Maçonnerie, Synagogue de Satan." The author says on page
260: "Everything in Freemasonry is fundamentally Jewish, exclusively Jewish,
enthusiastically Jewish, from the beginning to the end."7

The historical truth, that can be found in any serious work on the history
of Freemasonry, is that lodges were exclusively Christian in their origin,
and only with the creation of the Grand Lodge of London (1717) began the
process of de-Christianization, that culminated in 1813. At the time of the
union of the two rival Grand Lodges of England, when the United Grand Lodge
of England and Wales was created and rituals were again revised, eliminating
from them the last remaining Christian symbolisms, the institution
transformed into the universal vocation that we now know.

It is worthwhile, as a side commentary, to remember that until today some
Grand Lodges (especially in the Scandinavian countries that practice the
Swedish Rite) do not allow to admit people who do not profess the Christian

Furthermore, even in those countries where Jews and members of other
religions are welcome in Masonic lodges, other Masonic bodies are closed
before them, exclusively reserved to Christian Masons. As examples (there
are many others), I will mention the "high degrees" of the York rite, such
as the Red Cross of Constantine, the Knights of Malta and the Knights


Re: [CTRL] Alex Constantine v. David Horowitz

2000-08-27 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

Hitler only killed 10 million,

Hitler's troops killed a bare minimum of 20 million Russians. They
Russians say it may have as high as fifty million. Another thirteen
million people died in the Lager system alone.

This doesn't excuse the depredations of Stalin, but let's be real about
Hitler's numbers.

Statism (the most murderous theology masquerading as political thought of
the 20th century)

Statism predates the 20th century. And murderous as it is, it's not as
murderous as Nazism or Bolshevism. But it runs a very close third. The
American state, for example, has murdered half a million Iraqis in the
last ten years, almost all of them women and children. Murdering people
with darker skins in order to make a profit, is an old American tradition.
It even predates the rise of the American state. America's very land mass
itself was looted from the corpses of millions. America owes its existence
to genocide. So any American, myself included, must be very careful as to
how we go about criticizing the genocides committed by other people,
because it almost always makes us look like supreme hypocrites.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

2000-08-27 Thread NSA

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

More than once in the course of the last two centuries, anti-Masonry has
been fused with an older hatred, hatred of the Jews, that is to say
anti-Semitism. Probably, the irrational nature of both phobias facilitates
their juxtaposition. Be that as it may, from the middle of the 19th Century,
we are witnessing an increasing wave of simultaneously anti-Semitic and
anti-Masonic propaganda. Possibly, the paradigmatic work of this class of
"literature" is an opuscule entitled "The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion"
sometimes also known as "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

This is one of the most well-known literary falsifications in history, based
on plagiarism and fraud from the very beginning of its gestation.
Nevertheless, this swindle has captivated the imagination of many people who
are sensible in other respects, and it has been transformed into the "source
of indispensable information" in the baggage of all the anti-Semites and

In this work, we will examine the history of this fraud, will demonstrate
its absolute falsification and we will take a look at the lamentable
consequences that it has had in modern history, as much of the point of view
of the Jewish people, as of Freemasonry.

Sources of information

In the preparation of this work, I depended mainly on the works of three
investigators: Professor Jose Antonio Ferrer Benimeli, who in his book "The
Judeo-Masonic-Communist Conspiracy"1 dedicates a long chapter to the subject
that occupies us (pp. 135-210); Norman Cohn, author of "Justification for
Genocide"2, where it makes a history of the antecedents of the Protocols,
its evolution and its consequences; and Herman Bernstein, author of "The
truth on the 'Protocols of Zion'"3, where it not only relates the history of
the mystification, but reproduces the complete text of the book of Joly (pp.
75-258), the text of the news articles that appeared in the London Times
(pp. 259-264), the complete text of the Protocols (pp. 295-359), and other
authentic documents.

Also, I consulted other works to clarify or to add certain details, as the
book "Must men hate?" of the North-American lawyer Sigmund Livingston4, who
was the first President of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai-B'rith, and
who in his book adds an interesting personal testimony (pp. 39-49) to the
meticulous relation presented by the authors mentioned before. All these
works are included in detail in the notes at the end of this work.


The connection of anti-Masonry and anti-Semitism does not begin with the
Protocols. Already on the occasion of the Dreyfus affair, that began in 1894
and continued intermittently until 1906, the French press and also that of
other countries5 connected the Judaism of Dreyfus with the Freemasonry of
many of his more loyal defenders. Still earlier, Father Agustin Barruel in
his "Memory to serve the History of Jacobinism,"6 blamed Freemasonry
(confusing it with the Illuminati of Bavaria) of being instrumental of the
French Revolution (and also of being the heirs of the Templars). Although
Barruel did not find historical data to allow him to extend his attack
including the Jews (between the famous French revolutionaries there were no
Jews), other later authors were not so punctilious, and did not have
scruples in inventing what did not exist in reality.

Numerous books published before and after the Protocols maintain that
Judaism is at the origin of Freemasonry. We will mention Monsignor Leon
Meurin, Archbishop of Port-Louis, Mauritius, who published in 1893 a book
entitled "La Franc-Maçonnerie, Synagogue de Satan." The author says on page
260: "Everything in Freemasonry is fundamentally Jewish, exclusively Jewish,
enthusiastically Jewish, from the beginning to the end."7

The historical truth, that can be found in any serious work on the history
of Freemasonry, is that lodges were exclusively Christian in their origin,
and only with the creation of the Grand Lodge of London (1717) began the
process of de-Christianization, that culminated in 1813. At the time of the
union of the two rival Grand Lodges of England, when the United Grand Lodge
of England and Wales was created and rituals were again revised, eliminating
from them the last remaining Christian symbolisms, the institution
transformed into the universal vocation that we now know.

It is worthwhile, as a side commentary, to remember that until today some
Grand Lodges (especially in the Scandinavian countries that practice the
Swedish Rite) do not allow to admit people who do not profess the Christian

Furthermore, even in those countries where Jews and members of other
religions are welcome in Masonic lodges, other Masonic bodies are closed
before them, exclusively reserved to Christian Masons. As examples (there
are many others), I will mention the "high degrees" of the York rite, such
as the Red Cross of Constantine, the Knights of Malta and the Knights


[CTRL] Controversial book reports Nixon beat wife, took drugs

2000-08-27 Thread Steve Wingate

Controversial book reports Nixon beat wife, took drugs

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (August 27, 2000 7:23 p.m. EDT - A new biography asserts that Richard Nixon
over many years took a mood-altering drug without a prescription and that
he beat his wife at times of personal crisis - a claim a Nixon intimate calls

"The Arrogance of Power" by Anthony Summers will be published Monday.
It chiefly concerns the aspects of Nixon's life "that he and his supporters
have preferred to conceal," writes Summers, a BBC journalist and author of
biographies of J. Edgar Hoover and Marilyn Monroe.

The author named his sources for most of the book's assertions. But many
of those he quotes got their information second-hand. Some of the book's
claims have been made in the past but in less detail.

The book said that in 1968 Nixon was given 1,000 capsules of the drug
Dilantin, an anti-convulsant used to counter epileptic seizures, by Jack
Dreyfus, founder of an investment firm and an enthusiastic promoter of the
drug. Dreyfus later supplied another 1,000, it said.

White House physician Dr. Walter Tkach, "a compliant doctor who would
do exactly as a patient asked," also was a user of the drug, the book said,
citing Nixon aide John D. Ehrlichman as its source.

Summers said that when Tkach was later asked if Nixon was still taking the
drug, he reportedly replied, "I don't know, but the amount of pills in the bottle
in his bathroom is reducing in size, so I suppose he is."

"The Physicians' Desk Reference" lists a number of adverse reactions to
Dilantin, including slurred speech, decreased coordination and mental

Summers wrote that the relationship of Nixon and his wife was one of
"prolonged marital difficulty, of physical abuse, of threatened divorce." But
that view was contested by John Taylor, Nixon's chief aide in his retirement
years, now director of the Richard M. Nixon Library and Birthplace in Yorba
Linda, Calif.

Summers' claims that Nixon abused his wife came from secondary
sources. Among others, he cited journalist Seymour Hersh, who said he
learned of three instances of Nixon wife beatings but did not identify his
sources; retired Washington lawyer John Sears, who was a campaign
consultant to Nixon; and the late Bill Van Petten, a Los Angeles area

The book reports that just before or after his 1962 loss to former California
Gov. Pat Brown, Nixon beat Mrs. Nixon "so badly she could not go out the
next day."

Summers said Sears told him that he had been told "that Nixon had hit her
(Pat Nixon) in 1962 and that she had threatened to leave him over it. ... I'm
not talking about a smack. He blackened her eye." Sears said he had been
told of the beating by two lawyers, both now dead, Walter Taylor and Pat

Twenty-two years later, after he resigned in disgrace over the Watergate
scandal, Nixon "attacked" his wife at their home in San Clemente, Calif.,
and she had to be treated at a hospital, Summers wrote, citing Hersh as
his secondary source.

In a statement Sunday, Taylor, the former Nixon retirement aide, said he
had not seen the book but had read accounts of it in the press and said the
allegations were untrue.

"Richard Nixon never raised a hand to Mrs. Nixon," he said. "Their affection
and respect for one another is well known to all who knew them. It is
inconceivable that he would have struck her for any reason. ... The book
contains no evidence, only rumor and second- and third-had hearsay by the

Steve Wingate

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Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] One in 20 Texans in trouble with the law, study says

2000-08-27 Thread Steve Wingate

One in 20 Texans in trouble with the law, study says

 Copyright © 2000 Nando Media
 Copyright © 2000 Scripps Howard News Service

By LANCE GAY, Scripps Howard News Service

(August 27, 2000 2:08 p.m. EDT - Texas'
prison population has surpassed California's, with one out of every 20
adults in the Lone Star State behind bars, on probation or under some form
of criminal control, Justice Department statistics show.

Until last year, California led the nation in prison population. Texas moved
ahead this year.

The study of the Texas criminal justice system was released by the Justice
Policy Institute, which favors rehabilitation over imprisonment.

The institute, which used Justice Department figures for the study, said the
high incarceration rate in Texas has not had a parallel effect on crime rates.
From 1995 to 1998, Texas' crime rate fell 5.1 percent, a much slower pace
than the 10 percent decline in crime nationwide and the lowest among the
five largest states.

By comparison, California reported a 23 percent decline in crime over
those years, while New York's crime rate declined 21 percent, Illinois' by 9
percent and Florida's by 5.9 percent.

Justice Policy Institute director Vincent Schiraldi said the Texas prison
system is growing faster than any other in the country, with 163,000 people
in prison and another 537,000 under control of the criminal justice system
through probationary orders, bail or other sorts of justice control. Texas has
a population of about 20 million. The institute figured the incarceration rates
on the adult population of 14 million.

If Texas were a country, Schiraldi said, it would have the highest
incarceration rate for its population in the world.

Larry Todd, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice,
disputed the group's conclusions. "I wonder how many came down here to
interview," he said. "We're running a fairly humane and efficient system

Todd said the increased prison population is a direct result of get-tough
policies Texas voters approved in a series of elections over the last
decade rather than any administrative decisions made by Texas Gov.
George W. Bush.

"They've voted two bond issues for $4 billion in new prison construction,
and the same taxpayers have asked legislators to strengthen laws to
incarcerate prisoners," Todd said. "We're dealing with issues on the grass
roots here, where taxpayers said they're tired of crime."

Todd said Texans are satisfied that crime rates are dropping. "If you use
your good old gut common sense and logic, if the crooks are being locked
up, the crime rates are going to be going down."

Justice Department statistics show that over the last decade, the Texas
prison population has been growing at the rate of 11.8 percent a year - the
greatest increase in the country.

Contact Lance Gay at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve Wingate

R A D I O  A N O M A L Y - techno, jazz, ambient (56K +)
(in Winamp, hit CTL-L, then enter , bookmark! :)

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] SNET: One in 20 Texans in trouble with the law, study says

2000-08-27 Thread Steve Wingate

On 27 Aug 00, at 18:30, Steve Wingate wrote:

 Justice Department statistics show that over the last decade, the Texas
 prison population has been growing at the rate of 11.8 percent a year - the
 greatest increase in the country.

That means that if the Texas prison population grows a the present rate,
everyone currently living in Texas will be in prison in 169 years. In Florida
where Bush's brother is governor, it it will probably take even less time.

Thank satan for underground collection facilities.  :-0


Steve Wingate

R A D I O  A N O M A L Y - techno, jazz, ambient (56K +)
(in Winamp, hit CTL-L, then enter , bookmark! :)

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Rare Tropical Disease Confirmed In 21 States

2000-08-27 Thread William Shannon

Media Contacts:
Dr. Edward Breitschwerdt, 919/513-6234
Greg Thomas, News Services, 919/515-3470 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Aug. 25, 2000

Canine Leishmaniasis Cases Are Confirmed in 21 States
Results of DNA and blood tests obtained by scientists at North Carolina State
University's College of Veterinary Medicine and the National Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have confirmed cases of visceral canine
leishmaniasis -- a rare, often fatal tropical disease that can be transmitted
to humans and other animals -- in 21 U.S. states and southern Canada.

The test results suggest leishmaniasis is substantially more widespread in
North American canine populations than originally thought.

"We have a very serious disease that leads to chronic debilitation and kidney
failure in dogs, and can lead to their death. Unfortunately the disease is
extremely hard to diagnose," says Dr. Edward Breitschwerdt, professor of
small animal internal medicine at NC State, who helped lead the research
effort to facilitate more widespread testing for leishmaniasis after
diagnosing the disease at a New York hunt club last spring.

Until researchers determine how leishmaniasis is transmitted in the United
States, the threat to human health is not completely known, Breitschwerdt
says. Direct contact transmission would pose a far smaller risk than
transmission by insects like sand flies or ticks. That mode of transmission,
Breitschwerdt says, could create a public health concern.

Leishmaniasis is a parasitic infection and most often occurs in rural areas
of the tropics and subtropics, where the most common species of the parasite
is transmitted by the bite of an infected female sand fly. Symptoms of
leishmaniasis include skin lesions, nose bleeds, swollen lymph glands, weight
loss, seizures, hair loss, kidney failure and swollen limbs and joints.

The disease is potentially fatal in humans, but can be treated. While there
is no cure for leishmaniasis in dogs, it can be put into remission.

Breitschwerdt says leishmaniasis is prevalent in southern Europe, India and
South America, but, until very recently, was not thought to be present in the
United States. "I think there is the possibility that there could have been
human cases in the United States that weren't diagnosed," he says. Ongoing
research efforts should allow scientists to determine the source of the U.S.
canine Leishmaniasis, how it's being transmitted, and if the cases in
different states come from the same strain of the organism.

Breitschwerdt and his colleagues implemented the new diagnostic tests at the
College of Veterinary Medicine last spring in response to a disease outbreak
among foxhounds at a New York hunt club. When foxhounds at the club began
losing weight and suffering from skin lesions, seizures, swollen limbs and
joints, and in most cases fatal kidney failure, the clubs attending
veterinarian turned to veterinary medicine researchers at NC State for help.
Using the DNA and blood tests, Breitschwerdt and his team were able to
confirm that the disease was canine leishmaniasis.

The NC State team has been collaborating with the CDC, the Walter Reed Army
Institute of Research and the Dutchess County (New York) Department of Health
to investigate the New York Leishmaniasis outbreak.

In conjunction with the CDC, they've tested foxhounds from other regions and
identified canine leishmaniasis in 21 other states, including North Carolina,
and southern Canada. "So we’ve gone from an outbreak in New York to literally
a national epidemic that's probably been smoldering for 15 to 20 years,"
Breitschwerdt says. It's still not clear how the dogs in New York became

Breitschwerdt's research and testing team is made up of more than a dozen NC
State students, clinicians, pathologists and other researchers, including Dr.
Michael Levy, professor of parasitology; Dr. Amanda Gaskin, internal medicine
resident; Dr. Adam Birkenheur, graduate student; and Lindsay Tomlinson,
pathology instructor.

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Re: [CTRL] Forfeiture

2000-08-27 Thread tenebroust

Yet another article on the evils of Asset Forfeiture.  The propaganda surrounding this 
issue is adequately stated in the article.  The idea that "drug dealers" and "hard 
core criminals" are the ones that are being affected is ludicrous.  There have been a 
lot of good people who have been adversely affected by this law.  It is about time 
that it be scrapped, if it isn't for the innocents who are negatively affected then it 
should be for those who may in fact be guilty but who have nonetheless been deprived 
of due process anyway.

On Fri, 25 August 2000, Donald Park wrote:

 Request Sample Issue

  Government on the Take
  by John Perna
  Private property falls victim to forfeiture laws
  The Drug Enforcement Administration means business! Big business! As a matter
  of fact, the DEA
  and other agencies have made government into a "one-stop shopping"
  headquarters for almost
  anything of value. Do you need a car? A boat? An airplane? How about the whole
  airstrip? A house? A
  mobile home? A hotel? A motel? An apartment building? A ranch? A store? A
  laboratory? There is
  literally no limit to what government has for sale.
  The reason for this is simple: According to the Comprehensive Forfeiture Act
  of 1984 the government
  may now seize -- without a warrant -- any property which it suspects has been
  used, or is intended to
  be used, to commit a crime. The property may then either be auctioned off,
  with the money going to the
  agency making the seizure, or retained by the agency for its own use. Cars,
  yachts, houses, and other
  property are made available to individuals who work for the agencies, many of
  them undercover agents
  who have to be able to blend in with the millionaire drug kingpins and
  racketeers they are trying to nab.
  Since 1989, the federal government has reported receiving more than $2.2
  billion in forfeited assets.
  It is a misconception that government agencies only seize property from drug
  dealers and criminals.
  According to the Comprehensive Forfeiture Act of 1984, the government may
  seize property without
  even alleging that a crime has been committed. About 80 percent of all
  property taken is lost by people
  who are never even charged with a crime. The allegation that the property was
  intended to be used in
  criminal activity is often sufficient.
  There are two types of forfeiture: civil and criminal. Criminal forfeiture
  operates in personam, meaning
  against the criminal defendant, while civil forfeiture operates in rem,
  meaning "against the thing." The
  guilt of a property owner is of no relevance in determining the outcome of a
  civil forfeiture case. The
  legal theory behind civil forfeiture cases operates upon the fictional premise
  that the property itself has
  committed a crime. These kinds of cases give prosecutors an obvious advantage,
  since the property
  has no rights.
  If the owner wishes to retrieve his property, he must take the government to
  court in a civil action, and
  thus bear the burden of proof. In the case where a crime has not been
  committed, the owner is
  required to demonstrate that he had no intent to use the property in a
  criminal act. In essence, the
  forfeited property is deemed "guilty" until the owner can prove it is
  innocent. The government
  dispenses with the procedural protection that is afforded in criminal matters
  by calling such a case a
  "civil" matter.
  The seizures can be done without any pre-seizure judicial review and without
  probable cause.
  However, by thoroughly searching the property they have seized, law
  enforcement officials can
  sometimes find probable cause for the issuance of a warrant. The
  constitutional protection against
  "unreasonable searches and seizures" has been cast aside.
  In fact, one crime might create two separate cases. One's car, plane, boat, or
  house may be "under
  arrest" in a criminal investigation. The owner may also be under arrest, but
  not necessarily. If
  someone other than the owner of the property commits the crime, this would
  still make the property
  "guilty," and thus subject to seizure from the innocent owner.
  Lucrative Business
  Seizure of private property has become so lucrative that competition has
  become fierce among
  agencies. In a given case, there may be agents of the DEA, the IRS, and
  Customs all vying for the
  seized goods. The defendant becomes the "only bone in a pen full of hungry
  dogs." Bounties are paid
  to informers. State and local agencies are cut in. Even the Judicial system
  can get a cut.
  When a group benefits, all of the members of the group benefit. A government
  agency is no different.
  The chain reaction in the civil forfeiture scheme causes a "trickle down" of
  prosperity throughout an
  agency. Give an individual a way to benefit himself, make it legal, and he
  will never run out of reasons
  why it is good and proper.
  Prior to the 


2000-08-27 Thread tenebroust

Quite true.  The connection in Vietnam devolved to the drug business which the CIA had 
a major hand in.  The death of JFK had more to do with our escalation in Vietnam than 
his being in office did.  The war served as excellent cover for drug smuggling and 
huge profits by our so-called intelligence agencies and the Big Businesses which back 

On Sun, 27 August 2000, "[to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote:

 In a message dated 08/20/2000 4:16:19 PM Central Daylight Time,

   This, too, is reminiscent
  of Vietnam, where President John F. Kennedy engaged the U.S. without
  consulting the handful of officials who actually knew something about
  Hanoi, Dien Bien Phu, Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Cong.

 Don't blame John Kennedy for the war in Viet Nam.
 President John Kennedy did not "engage the U.S." in Vietnam.
 The U.S. was "engaged" by President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
 starting at least by the time France was defeated at the battle
 of Dien Bien Phu in 1954.
 The so-called "French Connection".the opium and heroin trafficking
 from the "golden triangle" of indochina became the "American Connection",
 following the French defeat.
 That's what Air America was all about.

 U.S. engagement in Vietnam continued to grow for at least 7 years
 before John Kennedy became President.
 In November 1963, Kennedy issued a National Security Action Memorandum
 which ordered all Americans out of Viet Nam by the end of 1964.
 At the time of this Presidential Order, there were less than 16,000 Americans
 in Viet Nam.
 John Kennedy was assassinated just 20 days after he gave that order.
 Lyndon Johnson cancelled Kennedy's order (NSAM), and eventually
 ordered more than half a million U.S. military personnel into the
 quagmire in Viet Nam.

  Regards to All

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Re: [CTRL] Endless bullshit from

2000-08-27 Thread tenebroust

I must agree with Nessie here.  Whatever welfare trickles down to the truly needy in 
this country is far outstripped by the corporate welfare paid to big business.  The 
rich and big business are the leaches on society as it exists in this country today.  
That's not to say that there aren't people collecting money who could just as easily 
get a job, but what makes them any worse than the corporate bigwigs who take advantage 
of the same thing?

On Sun, 27 August 2000, nessie wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
 n a welfare state, where the government steals from the productive and
 gives to the lazy, the

 indolent, and the anti-social,

 In a capitalist economy the lazy, indolent, parasitic rich leech off the
 ordinary workers (like you and me) who do the actual pruduction and
 distribution of goods and services. The rich produce nothing. They suck on
 our neck.

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 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

2000-08-27 Thread NSA

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

More than once in the course of the last two centuries, anti-Masonry has
been fused with an older hatred, hatred of the Jews, that is to say
anti-Semitism. Probably, the irrational nature of both phobias facilitates
their juxtaposition. Be that as it may, from the middle of the 19th Century,
we are witnessing an increasing wave of simultaneously anti-Semitic and
anti-Masonic propaganda. Possibly, the paradigmatic work of this class of
"literature" is an opuscule entitled "The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion"
sometimes also known as "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

This is one of the most well-known literary falsifications in history, based
on plagiarism and fraud from the very beginning of its gestation.
Nevertheless, this swindle has captivated the imagination of many people who
are sensible in other respects, and it has been transformed into the "source
of indispensable information" in the baggage of all the anti-Semites and

In this work, we will examine the history of this fraud, will demonstrate
its absolute falsification and we will take a look at the lamentable
consequences that it has had in modern history, as much of the point of view
of the Jewish people, as of Freemasonry.

Sources of information

In the preparation of this work, I depended mainly on the works of three
investigators: Professor Jose Antonio Ferrer Benimeli, who in his book "The
Judeo-Masonic-Communist Conspiracy"1 dedicates a long chapter to the subject
that occupies us (pp. 135-210); Norman Cohn, author of "Justification for
Genocide"2, where it makes a history of the antecedents of the Protocols,
its evolution and its consequences; and Herman Bernstein, author of "The
truth on the 'Protocols of Zion'"3, where it not only relates the history of
the mystification, but reproduces the complete text of the book of Joly (pp.
75-258), the text of the news articles that appeared in the London Times
(pp. 259-264), the complete text of the Protocols (pp. 295-359), and other
authentic documents.

Also, I consulted other works to clarify or to add certain details, as the
book "Must men hate?" of the North-American lawyer Sigmund Livingston4, who
was the first President of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai-B'rith, and
who in his book adds an interesting personal testimony (pp. 39-49) to the
meticulous relation presented by the authors mentioned before. All these
works are included in detail in the notes at the end of this work.


The connection of anti-Masonry and anti-Semitism does not begin with the
Protocols. Already on the occasion of the Dreyfus affair, that began in 1894
and continued intermittently until 1906, the French press and also that of
other countries5 connected the Judaism of Dreyfus with the Freemasonry of
many of his more loyal defenders. Still earlier, Father Agustin Barruel in
his "Memory to serve the History of Jacobinism,"6 blamed Freemasonry
(confusing it with the Illuminati of Bavaria) of being instrumental of the
French Revolution (and also of being the heirs of the Templars). Although
Barruel did not find historical data to allow him to extend his attack
including the Jews (between the famous French revolutionaries there were no
Jews), other later authors were not so punctilious, and did not have
scruples in inventing what did not exist in reality.

Numerous books published before and after the Protocols maintain that
Judaism is at the origin of Freemasonry. We will mention Monsignor Leon
Meurin, Archbishop of Port-Louis, Mauritius, who published in 1893 a book
entitled "La Franc-Maçonnerie, Synagogue de Satan." The author says on page
260: "Everything in Freemasonry is fundamentally Jewish, exclusively Jewish,
enthusiastically Jewish, from the beginning to the end."7

The historical truth, that can be found in any serious work on the history
of Freemasonry, is that lodges were exclusively Christian in their origin,
and only with the creation of the Grand Lodge of London (1717) began the
process of de-Christianization, that culminated in 1813. At the time of the
union of the two rival Grand Lodges of England, when the United Grand Lodge
of England and Wales was created and rituals were again revised, eliminating
from them the last remaining Christian symbolisms, the institution
transformed into the universal vocation that we now know.

It is worthwhile, as a side commentary, to remember that until today some
Grand Lodges (especially in the Scandinavian countries that practice the
Swedish Rite) do not allow to admit people who do not profess the Christian

Furthermore, even in those countries where Jews and members of other
religions are welcome in Masonic lodges, other Masonic bodies are closed
before them, exclusively reserved to Christian Masons. As examples (there
are many others), I will mention the "high degrees" of the York rite, such
as the Red Cross of Constantine, the Knights of Malta and the Knights


[CTRL] Kosovo death toll may climb to be between 4,000 and 5,000

2000-08-27 Thread Richard Sampson

 Sunday, August 27, 2000

  Kosovo death toll
  as KFOR finds more

  By Gregory Piatt
  Stars and Stripes

   PODUJEVO, Kosovo — Graves are still
  being unearthed by investigators, scientists
  and forensic experts sent to put the puzzle
  together of how many people were killed
  during last year’s ethnic cleansing of

   Perhaps thousands of corpses remain in
  graves scattered around the Yugoslav
  province. Still others were reportedly
  cremated in haste or carted back to Serbia
  before the NATO-led KFOR peacekeeping
  troops entered Kosovo.

   War crimes investigators and forensic
  experts, who delicately strip inches of soil
  from these graves with backhoes and garden
  tools, may never find every body, but are
  putting together evidence for war crimes

   “It’s physically and emotionally
  demanding work,” said Billy Fulton, the
  crime scene coordinator for the British
  forensic team working on behalf of the
  tribunal  here. “Quite often we work in view
  of the relatives.”

   Since forensic experts started last year,
  they have found nearly 3,000 bodies in mass
  graves, down wells and in shallow ponds.

   On Thursday, Fulton’s forensic team
  unearthed eight bodies in the Podujevo
  Cemetery as relatives watched. The seven
  Muslim men and one woman whose
  remains were exhumed allegedly were
  killed during last year’s ethnic cleansing

   Scientists are investigating the sites for the
  International Criminal Tribunal for the
  Former Yugoslavia. With only a few months
  before the ground freezes and their work
  halts until spring, they expect the body
  count to grow.

   This year, forensic teams have examined
  200 grave sites, found 700 bodies and know
  of at least 400 more sites, said Paul Risley,
  spokesman for the tribunal’s prosecutor,
  Carla del Ponte.

   “Every week KFOR reports more grave
  sites,” Risley said in a telephone interview
  last week.

   Many of those found are ethnic Albanians,
  who allegedly were killed by the Yugoslav
  Army or Serbian paramilitaries. But the
  tribunal is also investigating grave sites
  where Serbs may have been killed by the
  Kosovo Liberation Army, the disbanded
  guerrilla group that fought against the Serbs
  for independence.

   So far, the tribunal has publicly indicted
  Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic,
  Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister Nikola
  Sainovic, Yugoslav Interior Minister Vlajko
  Siejiljkovic, former Yugoslav Army chief of
  staff Ojdanic Dragoljub and Serb President
  Milan Milatinovic on war crimes charges for
  last year’s ethnic cleansing.

   As for the KLA, the tribunal is still
  investigating what part the guerrilla
  organization had in the deaths of Serbs. So
  far, no indictments have been issued. But
  del Ponte has said the tribunal’s
  investigation is focusing on the KLA’s top

   North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  Secretary-General Lord George Robertson
  said recently that when the indictments are
  completed, alliance troops will arrest
  wanted war criminals inside Kosovo.

   Graham Blewitt, deputy prosecutor at The
  Hague Tribunal, said recently he expects the
  final toll of confirmed killings to be between
  4,000 and 5,000 bodies.

   NATO officials, notably former Supreme
  Allied Commander Europe Gen. Wesley K.
  Clark, put the figure of ethnic Albanians
  killed by the Serbs at 10,000 after NATO
  peacekeeping troops entered the Yugoslav
  province. During last year’s Yugoslav
  bombing campaign and the refugee crisis
  that ensued, U.S. Secretary of Defense
  William Cohen said the number could be as
  high as 100,000 dead.

   Since then, NATO has been accused of
  exaggerating the number of killings as part
  of a propaganda campaign to justify the 78
  days it bombed Yugoslavia.

   As for the fluctuating numbers during the
  bombing campaign, KFOR spokesman U.S.
  Army Maj. Scott Slaten said there was no
  way NATO knew what was going on in
  Kosovo during the bombing. Many people
  were reported missing and were found alive
  later, Slaten said.

   “We were bound and determined to keep
  the mass killings that happened in Bosnia
  [and Herzegovina] from happening in
  Kosovo,” Slaten said. “Whether the final
  number comes out to 3,000 or 7,000, there are
  still graves.”

   When the tribunal started its exhumations,
  Risley said, it put the final figure of those
  possibly dead at 11,000 because that was
  how many people are reported missing. But,
  he added, many bodies probably were
  burned or taken back into Serbia for

   “There will be no way to find all the
  people killed,” he said.

NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and

[CTRL] Fwd: More Inslaw--Sunday Toronto Star

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

  Nothng in the Sunday Times, but a third piece in the Toronto Star...looks
like the Star has not archived the previous stories yet.

The Toronto Star News Story
   Mail this story to a

August 27, 2000

  American claims pirated software sold to

Mounties probe possible breach of security

   Ex-Israeli agents back ``trap door''

Tale of spies and conspiracies

Founder of computer software firm pins hopes on the RCMP

  By Valerie Lawton
   Toronto Star Ottawa Bureau

WASHINGTON - Bill Hamilton has spent the last decade
telling a bizarre story about
spies, computer software and conspiracies.

Now he hopes Canada's Mounties will prove his tale is
actually true.

`It's the first time that there has been the
possibility of a credible criminal
investigation of this.'

``It's the first time that there has been the
possibility of a credible criminal
investigation of this,'' Hamilton, owner of the tiny,
Washington-based Inslaw Inc.
software company, said yesterday in an interview.

The Star revealed last week that the RCMP are
investigating the possibility foreign
spies used doctored software to hack into highly
sensitive intelligence files.

The Mounties have since confirmed they are looking into
a possible breach of
national security.

Hamilton's stranger-than-fiction story - in brief - is
the following:

He sold software he'd developed to the United States
justice department in the early
'80s. The software, called Promis, was used by
prosecutors to keep track of their

Not long afterwards, the justice department stopped
making payments on the
$10-million contract.

Hamilton alleges the U.S. government stole the software,
then - along with the Israelis
- sold pirated versions to intelligence agencies around
the world.

He also believes those stolen versions were equipped
with a hidden ``trap door'' that
allowed spies to peek into top-secret databases and
download any information they

The U.S. justice department has suggested the claims are

From this point, the Inslaw story can spiral into an
octopus of other odd-sounding
conspiracy theories and allegations.

Hamilton, 60, tells it all methodically. He remembers
precise dates and details, and
points to corroborating evidence for his claims.

But part of the problem for Hamilton is that many key
pieces of that evidence come
from a cast of unusual characters.

Two shadowy ex-Israeli spies have confirmed the basics
of the story. An American
computer whiz, who claims CIA ties, has said he was
involved in modifying Promis
software for use in Canada. (He's now in prison serving
time for what he claims are
trumped-up drug charges.)

Hamilton sounds like he hasn't quite figured out how he
landed in the middle of this

``My wife and I are from the Midwest and it's the least
conspiratorial-minded place.
You take people more at face value,'' he said.

He has doggedly been fighting for compensation from his
government - and trying to
prove his stranger-than-fiction tale.

The RCMP investigation could be what he needs to do
that, he said.

In the interview at Inslaw's offices in downtown
Washington, Hamilton said the
Mounties first called him earlier this year. He has
spoken with the chief investigator
on the case ``probably dozens'' of times since then. He
refused to talk about exactly
what the Mounties want to know from him. He has a lot at
stake in the probe and
doesn't want to jeopardize it.

His marathon fight has come with a huge financial and
emotional cost.

Hamilton owes creditors 


2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A

The following CIA-related ("secret government") and organized crime fronts
were plying San Francisco Bay waters and substantially controlled the docks
during the Iran-Contra era.  Were these fronts ever dismantled?  They weren't
prosecuted by local or federal  authorities.  Are they in place today? The
names have deftly changed, but the players remain the same. The FBI in San
Francisco, headed by US Attorney Mueller, a Bush factotum, has yet to
prosecute any mob activity in Northern California.  Mueller continues the
tradition of former U.S. attorneys Joseph Russoniello (Rudi Guiliani's
college roommate) and Michael Yamaguchi.  Federal and State judges and local
D.A.s  take their cue from the local DOJ and FBI who all grease the way for
drug, money laundering, kiddie porn and blackmail operations throughout the
Bay Area.  If anyone litigates against this low cabal or takes them on in any
way, the low cabal arrogantly believes it  can "destroy" that person or
family.  Such delusional and grandiose thinking is barely masked by the
sickened faces of these federal and local judges and district attorneys who
are so blackmailed by their pervert handlers that they dance for them like
marionettes.  And then there's the Bohemian Club, which is meeting this
August near Santa Rosa, California

The Fronts:

1. Buttes Gas  Oil was headed by Kermit Roosevelt, Chairman of the Board
(deceased 7/00), who led the coup installing the Shah in Iran.  Buttes
operated barges, tankers, and offshore rigs, headquartered in Oakland, CA.
Buttes also operated citrus and other farms in Fresno and Napa counties. John
Boreta was the President of Buttes. In other operations, Roosevelt was a
partner with John B. Anderson in the ownership of 100,000 acres of land in
Gila Bend, Arizona during the Iran-Contra period. Anderson in turn served as
a front for Moe Shenker in the Nevada Dunes Resorts  Casino operations from
1983 and through its take-down of Eureka Federal Savings and Loan in the late
1980's, defaulting on $60 million in loans.

2. Cargill conducted significant business via Leslie Salt using  barges and
docks on the West Coast and Hawaii, and extended its reach internationally.
Cargill operated in Sonoma County, Napa County, Alameda County, Contra Costa
County and almost reached to San Jose.  Cargill's Fresno operations were

3. Dillingham, in a managerial role, operated barges, ocean and port tugs and
docks via Basalt  other subsidiaries.  Dillingham's operations extended to
Hawaii and all west coast ports.  In Honolulu, Dillingham provided rent free
offices to the Bishop, Baldwin group, and operated as a "successor" to Nugan
Hand which had associations in Napa through the Dickinson law firm which
representing Gene Trefethen of Kaiser.   Dillingham was acquired by KKR and
its true ownership is obscure after February 1983.

4. Kaiser which has aluminum, marine and engineering divisions in Oakland, is
connected to Gene Trefethen.  Kaiser operated barges, pipe, steel and
aluminum works and conducted engineering projects in Oakland.  In Napa, James
Magetti was an associate of Kongsgaard and the Dickenson law firm. Magetti
was the President of Kaiser Aluminum and served on the board of Napa Valley
Bank throughout the Iran-Contra era.

5. The Pacific Far East Lines, owned by Joseph Alioto, Senior, now deceased,
operated ocean freighters docking at  all west coast ports, Hawaii and
throughout the world.  Attorney Keker "prosecuted" key Iran Contra figures
and failed.  Keker held back important information about the Iran Contra
operations in the Bay Area, and kept vital information from Independent
counsel Walsh.  Willie Brown subsequently appointed Keker as the San
Francisco Police Commissioner.  When Keker and two of his cronies rejected a
FBI Strike Force Request in approximately 1997, Keker suddenly resigned.

6. Lazio Fish, in its 1978 union with Mitsui (Yakuza), worked in ocean
fishing, and bought up nearly all west coast canneries from L.A. to Alaska,
plus Hawaii. Also Alioto through the International Fish Company, also worked
as a front with Tom Lazio Fish Company to exert  mob related controls over
San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf.  Joe Alioto, Sr. co-owned International
Fish Company since the 1930s with S.F. crime bosses Francesco and Joseph

7. Bank of American and BCCI engaged in the movement of money to support the
crime syndicate and Iran Contra money/drug flow through tentacles in the Napa
Valley Bank, Napa National Bank, and First Republic Thrift  Loan in Napa
County.  These banks set up huge money laundering mills into Napa County
which included high end real estate and businesses (wineries).

All of the above-named  business entities have various shells and


2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A

After serving as Secretary of Defense for President Bush, Cheney reaped the
financial rewards of the revolving money door between the military and
industry. Cheney became a member of the board of directors of Morgan
Stanley.  the Union Pacific Corp., Procter  Gamble Co. and Electronic Data
Systems Corp. But, most important, in 1995 Cheney became the CEO of
Halliburton (owner of Brown and Root) (Click.)  Cheney, the chairman of the
board, holds a $45.5 million stake as Halliburton's biggest individual
stockholder. Brown and Root reaped multi-millions from the Bosnia war. (Click.

In 1998 Richard Cheney got the idea that Halliburton should purchase Dresser
Industries, for $8.1 billion (creating the world's largest oil-drilling
services company) while on a quail hunt with Dresser chair Bill Bradford.
Dresser and Halliburton merged.  Dresser Industries was owned and operated by
Brown Brothers Harriman. Prescott Bush (George H.W.'s father) was a partner
of Brown Brothers and on the board of Dresser for decades until he became a
U.S. Senator.


PERMINDEX was a corporate front, headed by Major Louis M. Bloomfield of
Canada.  Clay Shaw operated a division of PERMINDEX in New Orleans at the
International Trade Mart. The connections between Clay Shaw, David Ferrie and
Lee Harvey Oswald have, at this time, been proven by documentary and
photographic evidence, despite myriad attempts to discredit the Garrison

Halliburton was one of the financiers of PERMINDEX. George and Herman Brown
of Brown and Root were also financiers. Halliburton acquired Brown and Root
after 1963.  In the Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal (Click to read the
entire document), William Torbitt, states:

The principal financiers of Permindex were a number of U. S. oil companies,
H. L. Hunt of Dallas, Clint Murchison of Dallas, John DeMenil, Solidarist
director of Houston, John Connally as executor of the Sid Richardson estate, H
aliburton Oil Co., Senator Robert Kerr of Oklahoma, Troy Post of Dallas,
Lloyd Cobb of New Orleans, Dr. Oschner of New Orleans, George and Herman
Brown of Brown and Root, Houston, Attorney Roy M. Cohn, Chairman of the Board
for Lionel Corporation, New York City, Schenley Industries of New York City,
Walter Dohrnberger, ex-Nazi General and his company, Bell Aerospace, Pan
American World Airways, its subsidiary, Intercontinental Hotel Corporation,
Paul Raigorodsky of Dallas through his company, Claiborne Oil of New Orleans,
Credit Suisse of Canada, Heineken's Brewery of Canada and a host of other
munition makers and NASA contractors directed by the Defense Industrial
Security Command.

PERMINDEX was the operator of death squads in Europe, Mexico, Central
American, the Caribbean and the United States.  The persons and corporations
who worked with PERMINDEX took over the government of the United States of
America on November 22, 1963.  The perpetrators have never been brought to
justice, and now Halliburton, a Permindex backer, thus and financer of the
ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY, has one of its own, Dick Cheney,  trying
to be the Vice President of the United States.

Picture of the motorcade at Dealy Plaza.  When a President's head is blown
off in the streets, and the Department of Justice, FBI, military intelligence
and the government can't solve the case, Justice is dead in the streets of
America. The assassination team and their progeny and selected puppets
control America.   (For more information about the assassination teams,
PERMINDEX and the fascist behind them, see "The Nazi Connections to the
Assassination of John F. Kennedy" by Mae Brussell. Click.)


Researchers of the JFK assassination have tried since 1963 to determine if
George H.W. Bush had any intelligence role in November 1993.  Efforts to
conclusively prove that George H. W. Bush was a CIA agent at that time have
been futile. Efforts to conclusively prove that he was directly involved with
the Cuban exiles have also been futile. This is so, despite the close
proximity of the Zapata oil platform to Cuba and the naming of boats for the
Bay of Pigs invasion, notably the "Barbara."  However, the financial and
corporate structures which have financed George H.W. Bush and now his son,
can be conclusively proven by documents.

The following article by Linda Minor is an analysis of these financial and
corporate roots of the Bush family political and financial fortune.  Note how
these roots lead to the 


2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A
DEF 14A filed on 4/26/95

Dick Cheney

Mr. Cheney, age 54, has been a senior fellow of the American Enterprise
Institute, a public policy research organization, since January 1993. He
served as Secretary of Defense of the United States from March 1989 to
January 1993 and as a member of the United States House of Representatives
from January 1979 to March 1989. Mr. Cheney is also a director of IGI, Inc.,
The Proctor  Gamble Company, Union Pacific Corporation, and U.S. West, Inc.
Mr. Cheney has been a director of the Company since June 1993.

The other nominees for election as directors and a brief biography of each
nominee are listed
below. There are no family relationships among any directors, executive
officers or nominees.

Richard B. Fisher

Mr. Fisher, age 58, has served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the
Company and Morgan Stanley since January 1991. From January 1984 through
December 1990, he served as President of the Company and Morgan Stanley. He
has been a director and a Managing Director of the Company since July 1975
and a director and a Managing Director of Morgan Stanley since July 1970. He
was a partner in Morgan Stanley  Co., the predecessor of Morgan Stanley, from
July 1970 through June 1975.

John J. Mack

Mr. Mack, age 50, has served as President of the Company and Morgan Stanley
since June 1993. He has been a director and a Managing Director of the
Company since December 1987 and was a director and a Managing Director of the
Company from January 1979 to March 1986. Mr. Mack has been a director and a
Managing Director of Morgan Stanley since January 1979.
Barton M. Biggs

Mr. Biggs, age 62, has been a director and a Managing Director of the Company
since May 1991 and a director and a Managing Director of Morgan Stanley since
July 1973. He was a director and a Managing Director of the Company from July
1975 to March 1986. He was a partner in Morgan Stanley  Co. from June 1973
through June 1975. Mr. Biggs is also chairman of the board of directors of
The Latin American Discovery Fund, Inc., Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Fund,
Inc., Morgan Stanley Africa Investment Fund, Inc., Morgan Stanley India
Investment Fund, Inc. and Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Debt Fund, Inc.

Peter F. Karches

Mr. Karches, age 43, has been a director and Managing Director of the Company
since February 1994. He has also served as director and Managing Director of
Morgan Stanley since January 1985.

Sir David A. Walker

Sir David Walker, age 55, has been a director of the Company since November
1994, a director of Morgan Stanley since February 1995 and a Managing
Director of Morgan Stanley since November 1994. Before joining the Company,
Sir David was Deputy Chairman of Lloyds Bank PLC in England. From 1988 to
1992 he was Chairman of the Securities and Investments Board, the British
authority that regulates the securities markets. From 1982 to 1988 he was the
director of the Bank of England and remained as a non-executive director at
the Bank until early 1993. Sir David is also a director of Reuters Holdings
Daniel B. Burke

Mr. Burke, age 66, is retired. He served as chief executive officer of
Capital Cities/ABC, Inc. from 1990 until February 1994. He also served as
president and chief operating officer of that corporation from 1986 until
February 1994 and has been one of its directors since 1967. Mr. Burke is also
a director of Avon Products, Inc., Consolidated Rail Corporation, and Rohm and
Haas Company. Mr. Burke has been a director of the Company since February

S. Parker Gilbert

Mr. Gilbert, age 61, is retired. He served as Chairman of the Board of
Directors of the Company and Morgan Stanley from January 1984 through
December 1990. He was President of the Company and Morgan Stanley from
January 1983 through December 1983. He was a Managing Director of the Company
from July 1975 through December 1990 and a director and a Managing Director
of Morgan Stanley from May 1970 through December 1990. From January 1969
through June 1975, Mr. Gilbert was a partner in Morgan Stanley  Co. He has
been a director of the
Company since July 1975. Mr. Gilbert is also a director of Burlington
Inc., ITT Corporation, and Taubman Centers, Inc.

Allen E. Murray

Mr. Murray, age 66, is retired. He served as chairman of the board of
directors and chief executive officer of Mobil Corporation from February 1986
until March 1994 and as one of its directors from May 1977 until March 1994.
Mr. Murray also served as president and chief operating officer of that
corporation from November 1984 until March 1993. He is also a director of
Lockheed Martin Corporation, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and
Minnesota Mining  Manufacturing Company. Mr. Murray has been a director of

[CTRL] Fwd: Above Top Secret Newsletter #24

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan

Above Top Secret Newsletter -

Number 24 - 26th August, 2000



I apologise for the long time that you have not received any news from
myself on behalf of the Above Top Secret website. I will do my best to
keep you informed of information I come across.

It has also been some time since I have updated the website, also due to
the fact I have been busy with other matters. I want to try and improve
the website by rewriting many of the reports in my own unbiased words. I
feel that it would be better having one document as opposed to five all
giving different "versions" of information.



The following was reported at Yahoo's BizWire

Monday July 31, 4:08 pm Eastern Time
Company Press Release
Digital Angel Breakthrough Technology Goes Live

Applied Digital Solutions will unveil an operational prototype of its
revolutionary Digital Angel(TM) technology ...

Chairman sees multi-billion dollar market potential via licensing and
services integrated with Web-enabled wireless devices

The prototype... to be unveiled at an invitation-only, New York City event
this October... represents a major communications technology breakthrough
-- the first-ever operational combination of bio-sensor technology and
Web-enabled wireless telecommunications linked to GPS location-tracking

Applied Digital Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ:ADSX) today announced that it will
host a special, invitation-only event in New York City this coming October
to demonstrate an operational prototype of its revolutionary "Digital
Angel"(TM) technology.

As previously announced, the prototype of the device was to be ready by
the end of this year. But Applied Digital's Chairman and CEO, Richard J.
Sullivan, said today that the development of the technology had progressed
well ahead of schedule.

In his comments announcing the October event, Richard Sullivan stated:
"We're extremely heartened by the remarkable progress made by Dr. Peter
Zhou and his entire research team, including professors and their
associates at Princeton University and the New Jersey Institute of
Technology. This technology relates directly to the exploding wireless
marketplace. We'll be
demonstrating for the first time ever that wireless telecommunications
systems and bio-sensor devices - capable of measuring and transmitting
critical body function data - can be successfully linked together with GPS
technology and integrated with the Internet.

"This is a gigantic leap forward, one that also links directly to our
Computer Telephony Internet Integration (CTII)(TM) strategic focus. At its
heart, Digital Angel involves integrating the very same communications
technologies into a working system. We'll soon be ready to move ahead to
production-design phase of Digital Angel geared to specific marketplace
applications. The key message right now is this: Digital Angel isn't a
blue-sky technology. This is real. Digital Angel breakthrough technology
is here. It's live!"

While estimates of Digital Angel's marketplace potential vary, there is
little doubt that the technology will enable Applied Digital and its
partners to tap into a multi-billion dollar market via various licensing
arrangements, Web-enabled wireless services and data transactions handled
by Applied Digital's ASP (Application Service Provider) center.

Those attending the event in New York City will see a working, multimedia
demonstration of Digital Angel's technological building blocks. A
miniature sensor device -- smaller than a grain of rice and equipped with
a tiny antenna -- will capture and wirelessly transmit a person's vital
body-function data, such as body temperature or pulse, to an
Internet-integrated ground station. In addition, the antenna will also
receive information regarding the location of the individual from the GPS
satellite. Both sets of data -- medical information and location -- will
then be wirelessly transmitted to the ground station and made available on
Web-enabled desktop, laptop or wireless devices. This demonstration
represents the first time these technologies have been united into one
functioning system.

The New York City event - at a time, date and location to be announced
later -- will feature live presentations from top Applied Digital
executives, including Richard Sullivan, Chairman and CEO; Dr. Keith
Bolton, Chief Technology Officer; and Dr. Peter Zhou, President and Chief
Scientist at Digital Inc., Applied Digital's wholly owned
subsidiary that has been spearheading the drive to develop Digital Angel.
Those attending the event will be a handpicked group of potential joint
venture partners, as well as senior-level players in the e-commerce,
wireless and Internet
industries. Key stock analysts and media representatives will also be
invited. Attendees will learn about the history of 

[CTRL] [endsecrecy] NYC Teach-In on NWO

2000-08-27 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

To: "endsecrecy list" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [endsecrecy] NYC Teach-In on NWO
Date: Monday, August 21, 2000 9:22 AM

From:  donna green dgreen
Subject:  Invite to the IFG Teach-In on the UN and Globalization, Sept 5,
New York Town Hall
Date:  Fri, 18 Aug 2000

The International Forum on Globalization Presents a Teach-In on
Globalization and the Role of the United Nations
Can the United Nations Be Salvaged?

September 5, 2000   ~   1 p.m. - 11 p.m.
The Town Hall, 123 West 43rd Street, New York, NY

For tickets call: 1-888-629-9269
Ticket Prices: IFG Members/Students - $10.00, General Admission - $20.00
Some scholarships and group rates available.

   Unlike the Bretton Woods Iron Triangle-the World Trade Organization,
World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund-the United Nations was not
created to be an engine for corporate globalization. The UN mandate was
always broader, and was designed to place peace, human welfare, the
environment, social justice and democracy above profit motives of
corporations. But in recent years, the UN mission has been challenged by a
growing advocacy of the same corporate free trade model that motivates the
Bretton Woods Triad. Many believe that the UN's potential to serve the
needs of peace, security and the interests of the global poor has been
seriously undermined. Others believe that it's worth trying to re-excite
the UN vision and empower UN agencies to place some checks and balances on
global corporations.

   This event will explore the full range of arguments about the UN, as
well as launch a new set of ideas for alternative economic models and
institutions that give primacy to values favoring human welfare and the
natural world over global corporate interests.

   Co-sponsors include: Institute for Policy Studies, Transnational
Resource and Action Center, The Nation Institute, and the New York Open


1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
  Fifty thousand protestors in Seattle against the World Trade
Organization proved that what was once thought inevitable is not.
Nonetheless, corporate globalization continues to advance on many fronts
through institutions, trade agreements, governments, and corporate action.
This panel will offer views and analyses of Seattle and more recent
developments in the battle against globalization. Panelists will also
discuss some potential distinctions between the role of the UN and the
Bretton Woods institutions.

Jerry Mander, International Forum on Globalization, U.S.
Maude Barlow, Council of Canadians, Canada
Lori Wallach, Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch, U.S.
Kevin Danaher, Global Exchange, U.S.
Yao Graham, Third World Network, Ghana

3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
  Despite growing opposition, global corporations continue to
consolidate their powers over governments and to plunder the natural world.
Through mergers and technological advances, an even smaller number of
gigantic corporations are controlling global economic activity with
devastating effects upon the environment, human rights, public health,
livelihoods, and democracy. This panel reports on "corporate rule,"
including highly questionable collaborations between corporations and the
UN, and how activists are attempting to fight it.

Tony Clarke, Polaris Institute, Canada
Vicky Tauli-Corpus, Indigenous Peoples' Int'l Centre for Policy
Research  Education, Philippines
Danny Kennedy, Project Underground, Australia/U.S.
Randy Hayes, Rainforest Action Network, U.S.
Kenny Bruno, Transnational Resource  Action Center/ Corpwatch, U.S.
Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies, U.S.
Richard Grossman, Program on Corporations, Law  Democracy, U.S.

6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
  Recent changes at the UN bring grave doubts about its ability to
serve as a bastion of peace, human rights and environmental sustainability.
The UN Center on Transnational Corporations was eliminated in the early
1990s due to corporate pressure, and a recent proposal for the UN
Development Programme to launch a collaborative partnership with a group of
global corporations was dropped only after hundreds of organizations
vigorously protested such a move. Some believe that the UN is still the one
global body with the theoretical potential of serving a different hierarchy
of values than the WTO and other Bretton Woods institutions - but can it
survive without caving into the corporate globalization agenda?

Anuradha Mittal, Institute for Food 

[CTRL] Fwd: United States - Presidential Campaign

2000-08-27 Thread Kris Millegan's Weekly Global Intelligence Update - 28 August 2000

We knew it before it was news.

Washington Chases Oil

Communists Temper Vietnam's Trade Agreement

The Next President
Part Four: A Gore Foreign Policy


The fourth part of our series on the future of U.S. foreign policy,
the Next President, examines the Democratic foreign policy that
would propel Al Gore should he be elected the next president of the
United States.  Gore may continue Bill Clinton's foreign policy.
Yet he will be facing a more hostile world than the current
administration, and tensions over trade and power will arise.


Without the overriding enemy of the Soviet Union and the struggle
of the Cold War, the Clinton administration has been able to pursue
a foreign policy free of the intrigue that previous presidents have
used abroad.

Instead, the Clinton years have seen the United States pursue
collective security and set new thresholds for the use of military
force. Vice President Al Gore, in his campaign for the presidency,
is the heir to this foreign policy.

But if he wins the White House, Gore is likely to face two
complications that, in turn, will alter U.S. foreign policy. First,
there are signs that he will have to face great powers with
interests that are divergent from those of the United States. Gore,
unlike Clinton, may not have the luxury of avoiding cold,
geopolitical calculations. Second, there is the long-term question:
Can free trade and its consequences continue to coexist with a
Democratic foreign policy of internationalism?

Over the past eight years, the Clinton administration has departed
from the history of Democratic-led foreign policy. Without the Cold
War, the president has been able to dispense with the
Machiavellianism that could be found in previous Democratic
administrations, such as Kennedy's and Roosevelt's.  Instead, the
Clinton years saw the United States:

1. Elevate collective security to the status of operational
principle, by using the United Nations, NATO and other instruments
to carry out interventions;

2. Resurrect and re-engineer the Vietnam problem. From Haiti to
Kosovo, U.S. foreign policy used military power to restructure

3. Reconcile anti-military sentiments with intense interventionism.
Clinton managed to increase international involvement while cutting
the defense budget.

In short, President Clinton has used the collapse of the Soviet
Union to create an integrated foreign policy that reconciles two
strains: the experiences of the Vietnam War, and those of Franklin
Delano Roosevelt. What was left out was realpolitik.

For more Global Intelligence Updates on North America, see:

There are two great layers underlying Democratic foreign policy.
The first is the heritage of Roosevelt and his management of World
War II. The second is the Vietnam experience. Gore inherits more
than a foreign policy, but one that is historically split. On one
side are those who would return to the FDR model of
internationalism; on the other are those who take their bearings
from the failure of force in Vietnam and recoil from power

At one level, Roosevelt's legacy was his routing of isolationists.
He managed the transition of the United States from a country that
saw itself as insulated from the international system to a role as
major guarantor of its stability. But the story is more complex.

Roosevelt was one of history's great geopoliticians. Beneath the
veneer of humanitarianism, he conducted a cunning foreign policy
based on extracting maximum benefits. He traded aid to Great
Britain during the dark days of the war in exchange for all British
naval facilities in the Western Hemisphere. Similarly, Roosevelt
allowed the Soviets to bleed the Germans dry before landing in
France.  The United States emerged from the war occupying Western
Europe, setting the stage for stripping the European powers of
their empires.

At the same time Roosevelt believed deeply in the doctrine of
collective security. He was the creator of and a genuine believer
in the United Nations. He seems to have genuinely hoped that he
could create a global entente with the Soviet Union after the war.
But that effort failed. The resulting institutionalization of
foreign policy:

1. An America-centric worldview with brilliant tactical maneuvering
of enemies and allies alike.

2. A system of collective security in which allies bore the burden
of exposure while the United States served as the final guarantor
of security.

3. A dependency on institutional frameworks designed to formalize
risk-sharing and decision-making.



2000-08-27 Thread Aleisha Saba

Years ago I had a sister who took a job at Dresser - back in 50
periodshe had to take IQ test.

She was a beautiful blue eyed blonde, and suddenly when she was hired
people wanted to see what she looked like.   She was also very shy.   As
it turned out, she had a higher IQ than even the President of the

She later went to work for TV station, but in high school she made top
3% IQ this means a lot of people were way under that,
including the Presdient.

She was the type people drained of ideas and intellect, but she did

So this Cheney had to be how old back in the early 60 period?   Gordon
Novel was only 23 or 24 when he was involved in CIA robbery of
Schlumberger..Anyway my sister had the highest IQ to hit that dump
and Gore and Cheney and Bush and Lieberman are idiots; with Clinton,
they have a well trained mouth.

But he is NOT that bright; for he, is expendable.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NATO lied over Yugoslav 'mass killings'

2000-08-27 Thread nexusmagazine

In light of the recent KFOR 'news' announcements that the Kosovo death
toll is climbing  maybe some sanity can be found below.
NATO and the UN lied through their teeth to get the west into the war.

In WWI - it was Germans eating babies.
In WWII - it was Germans eating babies again.
In Desert Storm - it was Iraqis microwaving babies and mass raping some
In Yugoslavia it was 'mass killings' and ethnic cleansing.

All ended up proven lies, lies used to get emotional/public support
behind the war effort.

Remember the next time, truth is the first casualty of war.


Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Aug.  31, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper

It was all a lie

By John Catalinotto

On Aug. 17 NATO officials conceded that the figures they released in
1999, allegedly a count of the people killed by Yugoslav forces in
Kosovo, were much higher than the actual number of people killed there.
Findings by forensic teams from the International Criminal Tribunal for
the former Yugoslavia in the Hague forced NATO's admission.  The ICTY
exhumed 3,000 bodies and examined them.
While they have not yet released a report, ICTY spokespeople said that at
most 3,000 people were killed.  They said there was no evidence of
mutilations.  And they said that not all the dead can be proved to be
victims of murder or execution.
Last year NATO had charged that Yugoslav forces massacred at least 10,000
people.  NATO spokespeople implied that 500,000 supposedly "missing"
people also had been killed.
They used these claims to justify NATO bombings that had no basis in
United Nations treaties or NATO's own charter.
NATO has now been forced to admit in effect that it waged a lying
propaganda war to win support for its own illegal intervention that
killed over 3,000 Yugoslavs, about one-third of them children.
Washington and NATO have no hard evidence that Yugoslav forces carried
out even a small-scale massacre of civilians, let alone the "genocide"
they were charged with.
The ICTY‹itself created and funded by the NATO powers‹has exposed this
"Big Lie" of NATO's.
According to a report in the Aug. 18 British Guardian, Mark Laity, the
acting NATO spokesperson, said:  "NATO never said the missing were all
dead.  The figure we stood by was 10,000."  Laity even tried to claim
that NATO's intervention stopped further killing.
The truth is that since NATO occupied Kosovo, right-wing Albanian forces
have killed some 1,000 people, mostly Serb and Romani, while pushing all
non-Albanian peoples out of the region.

While this exposure of NATO's lies came too late to stop last year's
bombing, it should be kept in mind by anyone evaluating NATO leaders'
current statements regarding Yugoslavia.
On Aug. 14, French and British forces occupying the Serbian province of
Kosovo and Metohija seized the smelter at the Trepca mines near Kosovo
Mitrovica.  These are the richest nickel and lead mines in Europe.
Corporate forces in the United States, Britain and France want these
mines in their hands and not in the hands of the Yugoslav government.
This time the excuse for the action was that the smelter was "polluting"
the environment.  Compared to the pollution caused by NATO's deliberate
bombing of Pancevo and other Yugoslav chemical complexes, not to mention
the use of radioactive depleted uranium weapons, this pollution is minor.
 In any case, Yugoslav authorities reported that steps had already been
taken to reduce the smelter's pollution.
The United States, Britain and France‹the major NATO powers‹are again
using a lie to justify an unwarranted and illegal seizure of Yugoslav
property, just as they lied to justify the war in the first place.
The NATO powers and Washington in particular have been attempting to
intervene in the Yugoslav election scheduled for Sept. 24.  They have set
up an office in Budapest, Hungary, to deliver funds to parties in
Yugoslavia that oppose the current elected president, Slobodan Milosevic.
Seizing the Trepca smelter must be seen as part of this election
strategy.  By taking this step before the election, NATO hopes to put the
blame for the "loss of Trepca" on Milosevic rather than on his opposition.
This strategy was spelled out last fall in a study prepared by a think
tank funded by multi-billionaire George Soros.  The report suggested that
NATO use the excuse of pollution to seize the Trepca mines, and to do it
before the election.
Besides trying to undermine the Yugoslav government by meddling in the
national election, NATO forces have been supporting a pro-Western
leadership in Montenegro, the republic that with Serbia makes up
present-day Yugoslavia.  British officers have been training the
Montenegrin police to combat the Yugoslav Army.
This was underlined when Yugoslav forces caught two British officers who
were doing this training, along with two Canadians who had