[CTRL] Pallas Athena

2000-10-20 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-



Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo
October 20, 2000
If the Kosovo war, the bombing of the USS Cole, and the growing hatred of the
US around the world is not enough to give American conservatives second
thoughts about our policy of global intervention, then surely Hillary Rodham
Clinton's recent attack on "isolationism" ought to clinch the case for the
America Firsters. The US, said Hillary in a speech given at the Manhattan
headquarters of the prestigious Council on Foreign Relations, must "avoid
isolationism" and follow a doctrine of "international engagement." What does
this mean? The Hill, as the New York Post likes to call her, did not get very
specific: instead, she sternly addressed the (presumably) Republican opponents
of global meddling:

"To those who believe we should become involved only if it is easy to do, I
think we have to say that America has never and should not ever shy away from
the hard path if it is the right one. I believe America needs a renewed
internationalism, not an old isolationism."

Old is bad, of course, and new is good. Having abandoned (indeed, reversed)
their onetime antiwar stance, today's liberals have at least retained their
loyalty to the newfangled. But, hey, wait a minute: what's so "new" about
internationalism, anyway? The American people have been handed this line since
1914, for god'ssakes, ever since Woodrow Wilson dragged us into a European war
that soon led to another. Heck, the Roosevelts, both Teddy and Franklin,
derided non-interventionists as cowards, sissies, traitors, and worse – and the
same line of guff was handed out during the cold war, this time by
conservatives. In the post-cold war era we are hearing it from the left again,
straight from the pursed lips of the First Lady Herself. In her most extensive
treatment of foreign policy issues to date, Hillary Rodham greeted her fellow
warmongers at the CFR by thanking the Council "for what you have done and stood
for over the last century.

To challenge the forces of isolationism and champion internationalism,
reflecting both in our enduring values and our strategic interest." In short,
there's nobody here but us interventionists, so let's get down to brass tacks.

God, how ungrammatical and deadly dull a speech it was! Filled with
malapropisms – "But these are albeit a necessary, but not sufficient
understanding of the world in which we live and lead" – the speech was the
verbal equivalent of a startled squid secreting a protective cloud of murk. The
murk, however, was lit up with strings of bright code words and catch-phrases:
"This new internationalism must be shaped, of course, to meet new challenges,"
and "Second, new challenges require new thinking about national interest and

But of course. Our "core values" determine that we must "stand by Israel"
during the current Middle East crisis. Ad infinitum, ad nauseum. The  effect
was to give Hillary's talk a hectoring and sloganeering style, as if it had
been written in some Orwellian Newspeak of her own invention, an abbreviated
staccato language known only to internationalists.

Why is it that us isolationists always have the best orators? One thinks of
Senator William C. Borah ("the Lion of Idaho"), William Jennings Bryan, and
Patrick J. Buchanan. The other side hasn't had a star performer since Franklin
Delano Roosevelt went on to his just reward: one thinks of the pipsqueakish
Harry Truman (a terrible speaker), the tin-mannish Al Gore, and, worst of all,
the grim harridan Hillary Rodham Clinton. But the interventionists rarely
address the people directly, and so they don't have to worry so much about the
niceties of style: just as long as politicians like Hillary get their message
across to the people who really matter – don't worry, guys, I'm with you all
the way.

The Council on Foreign Relations is, of course, the organizational incarnation
of the foreign policy establishment, a bipartisan alliance of big business,
big government, and bigtime academia that traces its roots back those well-born
Anglophiles and New York banking circles so eager to get us into World War I.
Sizing up her audience, like any New York City ward-healer, Hillary told them
what she thought they wanted to hear: she attacked the "refrain" that "that we
should intervene with force only" in the cases of "wars that we surely can win,
preferably by overwhelming force in a relatively short period of time." Clearly
presenting herself as the Joan of Arc of a newly militant internationalism,
she pronounced anathema on those evil "isolationists" and scolded them for
their lack of her own terrible righteousness:

"To those who believe we should become involved only if it is easy to do, I
think we have to say: America has never and should not ever shy away from the

[CTRL] Mind Control And Cults -- Pt. 1 of 2

2000-10-20 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

[note : I am *not* the author of this article] M.F. Abernathy 10/20/00


How the Cult Programs People

Author: Svali /profile.cfm/svali

Published on: June 15, 2000

How the Cult Programs People Part one

This article, consistent with others I have written, is a very difficult one
personally. Why? Because it touches on some of the things that I am most
ashamed of in my own life. I used to be a cult programmer, or "trainer" as
they are called, and here I will share some of what I did or witnessed while
in that role. I also went through these things as a child, so this article is
also quite autobiographical as well. Autobiography can be a moment of
boasting, of quiet joy, or intense pain. Mine falls in the latter category,
to say the least. But I am hoping with all of my heart that sharing my pain
will help others avoid this pain, or will help society better understand what
survivors go through.
This article will in no means be a complete treatment of the subject. Cult
programming is a complex subject, one that would fill volumes and volumes if
dealt with beyond a surface description. Also, I can only write from my own
experiences with the Illuminati, which is one of several groups operating
today, and about the techniques used in the Washington, DC area and in San
Diego, Ca. Other localities might use very different techniques.
This article does NOT take the place of advice from a qualified therapist,
and is meant to be informative only. If you are a survivor of cult abuse,
please be aware that this article and the subject it covers could be
extremely triggering, and keep yourself safe.

Why does the cult train or program people? In earlier articles, I have
mentioned the goals they have of:

making money
unquestioning loyalty in their members

Programming, or training, is one method that the cult has found that will
ensure that these goals are met. In the Illuminati, the programmers are
called "trainers" because the belief is that they are not abusing, but
"training" the future generation. The trainers actually believe that they are
doing a good thing, "strengthening" the children, helping them to get in
touch with their "potential."
Some of these methods have been around for hundreds, perhaps thousands of
years. I will divide cult programming into five major categories, and address
each one separately:

1. training to be silent
2. training to be strong
3. training to be loyal
4. training for jobs in the group
5. spiritual training

The first category, training to be silent, begins at a very young age,
frequently preverbal. This is accomplished in several ways, depending upon
the child and the trainer, and can include:
Being asked after a ceremony what the child saw and heard. The very young
child may just say "bad things", and is punished severely and brutally, and
told that no, they didn't really see those things. This is repeated at
frequent intervals, until the child learns to block the ceremonies. Often, a
"protector" or "guardian" alter will be created from the abuse, whose job is
to ensure that the child will not remember what is seen. This protector is
told that if the child does remember, brutal punishment will follow.

Another method involves electroshocking the child, and placing them into a
deep hypnotic trance, where they are told that they will not remember what
they have seen or heard, that it is all "just a bad dream." The child WANTS
to forget, and will be eager to agree.
Psychological torture may be used: mock burials, being placed in cages,
abandonment, being hung over a bridge, with the child later being "rescued"
and told that if they ever tell, they will be returned to the punishment.

Being forced to watch mock or real punishment or killing of a traitor who
"told". When I was four years old, I was forced to watch a woman be skinned
alive. Her crime: she disclosed to an outside person "family business".
Talking to those outside the group is considered one of the worst crimes or
betrayals a person can commit. A "traitor's death" is one of the most
horrifying imaginable, and will vary from crucifixion upside down, to other
gruesome scenarios. Young children do not forget seeing these things, and
they become convinced that not disclosing is the safest way to continue

These set ups are done to ensure that a young child will not disclose the
criminal activities that they are seeing in the course of group activites, or
even as an adult, when they are more actively engaged in them.

Another set up also is frequently done: The "no one will believe you
scenario" (this is usually done with school age children). The child is told
repeatedly that even if they DO disclose that no one will believe them. The
child is taken by a mental hospital, or even taken to visit an inmate
briefly. Later, the child is told that people who disclose are considered
"crazy" and sent to institutions, where they are punished severely and can

[CTRL] Mind Control And Cults -- Pt. 2 of 2

2000-10-20 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Ritual abuse: the under-recognized problem

Author: Svali /profile.cfm/svali

Published on: March 8, 2000

**If you are a survivor of ritual abuse, please be aware that reading about
it may be triggering. Please take care of yourself, and be in a safe place
before reading.

Ritual abuse. The word conjures up images of people in robes, chanting, or
perhaps a grade D horror flick. But what is the reality?

First, let's look at a definition of ritual abuse:

Ritual abuse is the systematic, repetitive abuse of both children and adults
by either an individual or a group. It may involve psychological, sexual,
physical and/or spiritual abuse, and the effects are devastating on the
individual who undergoes it. Often survivors of this type of extreme abuse
cope by dissociating, and as adults may continue the cycle of amnesia and
abuse. The key word here is : repetitive. Ritual abuse is done repetitively,
in a consistent pattern, over time. This may be done in the name of a
religious belief, or simply out of patterned cruelty. Any idealogy can and
has been used to justify the pattern of abuse. Most of the victimization
begins in early childhood, and is done by adults who were themselves abused.
The cycle continues because people often do not realize that they can stop
it; often, they feel "trapped" in the pattern of abuse. What is the incidence
of ritual abuse today? Statistics vary, depending upon the source. When I
lived in a large metropolitan city in the Southwest, population close to
2,000,000 , the group that I was affiliated with, known as the Illuminati,
had 24 sister groups. Each group had roughly 50 members, so they had
approximately 1,200 members in this area. These numbers are reflected across
the United States and European countries. And this was only one group.

In the next few months, I will be sharing different perspectives on the
reality of ritual abuse. I hope to address the following questions:

1. What kinds of groups engage in what is known as ritual abuse? What
motivates them?
2. How do these groups maintain their "cloak of secrecy?" How do they
operate? What kind of security do they use?
3. How do they program their followers? Why? How does a person break free
from this kind of programming?
4. What is the opinion of experts in the field?
5. Has there been documented, physical evidence that ritual abuse occurs?
What evidence? 6. What about spouses and friends: what can they do to help
survivors of ritual abuse? What is helpful, and what isn't?
7. What can the general public do to help?

These are all valid points that need to be addressed in order to understand
ritual abuse. As a survivor of ritual abuse myself, as well as a former cult
programmer, or trainer, I have a vested interest in sharing both from my own
experience, and the wealth of published information about ritual abuse that
is available now.
I also hope to be able to share some survivor stories (with names changed to
protect the people involved) about the reality of ritual abuse, and the
ongoing effects that it causes in the life of the survivor, as well as things
that have helped them in their healing journey.

I will be sharing internet links that relate to the topics that I have
addressed. They are there, and are well worth reading for the person who
desires to learn more, and is willing to approach this subject objectively.

Best wishes,


Why the cult doesn't get caught

Author: Svali /profile.cfm/svali

Published on: April 26, 2000

Why The Cult Doesn't Get Caught

When confronted with the possibility that ritual abuse may occur, one of the
first questions people ask is: "But if it's real, why aren't they caught?".
In other words, how can an organized society meet and execute rituals in
secret, yet not leave any incriminating evidence which may lead to a
conviction? How can such secrecy possibly be maintained in this day and age?
Surely they would leave behind a 'trail' that would alert others as to what
was happening.
I will address these questions from my own experience with one cultic group
and also provide a link to articles about other ritually abusive groups who
HAVE been 'caught in the act' and subsequently convicted in court. I would
first, however, like to discuss one other secret society that has continued
to operate in the US since the early 1920s (approx.). A secret society that
commits acts of brutality including not only physical beatings, but also cold
blooded murder. A criminal group that engages in a variety of illegal
activities. An organization with members who are born into it and thus can be
termed 'generational'. One who prior to the 1970s enjoyed the official FBI
position of non-existence, despite those who were reporting its reality
(sounds much like ritual abuse today!). I am referring, of course, to 'La
Cosa Nostra' aka 'The Mafia'.
In 'Who Is The Mob Today?' (2/25/1996), Peter Maas quotes FBI Director Louis
J.Freeh admitting the terrible past mistake 

[CTRL] Israeli polls.

2000-10-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Friday Polls - 20 October Netanyahu leads Barak 21 points

Aaron Lerner  Date: 20 October, 2000

Gallup - Ma'ariv

The following are the results of a survey of a representative sample
of 620 adult Israeli (both Jews and Arabs) carried out by Gallup on
the evening of Wednesday 18 October. Sampling error +/-
4.3 percentage points:

If elections were held today:

18 Oct. 2000 Barak 27% Netanyahu 48%
11 Oct. 2000 Barak 30% Netanyahu 46% [Israel burning/before lynch]
4 Oct. 2000 Barak 32% Netanyahu 41% [Israel burning]
27 Sept 2000 Barak 38% Netanyahu 42% [case closed on Netanyahu]
13 Sept 2000 Barak 38% Netanyahu 39%
6 Sept 2000 Barak 41% Netanyahu 38% De’eri jail,Min.Religion closing
16 Aug 2000 Barak 38% Netanyahu 43%
2 Aug 2000 Barak 40% Netanyahu 43%
26 Jly 2000 Barak 43% Netanyahu 38% [talks fail]
19 Jly 2000 Barak 39% Netanyahu 40% [talks in stalemate]
12 Jly 2000 Barak 36% Netanyahu 39%
5 July 2000 Barak 39% Netanyahu 41% [talks announced]
28 Jun 2000 Barak 36% Netanyahu 44%
21 Jun 2000 Barak 40% Netanyahu 42% [middle of resignations]
14 Jun 2000 Barak 46% Netanyahu 39%
31 May 2000 Barak 41% Netanyahu 41%
24 May 2000 Barak 42% Netanyahu 37% [just left Lebanon]
19 May 2000 Barak 45% Netanyahu 38%
15 Apr 2000 Barak 42% Netanyahu 39%
05 Apr 2000 Barak 40% Netanyahu 37%
31 Mar 2000 Barak 42.5% Netanyahu 42.4%
1 Mar 2000 Barak 50% Netanyahu 34%
9 Feb 2000 Barak 42% Netanyahu 37%
2 Feb 2000 Barak 45% Netanyahu 36%
19 Nov 1999 Barak 50% Netanyahu 33%
8 Oct 1999 Barak 56% Netanyahu 26%
14 Aug 1999 Barak 50% Netanyahu 29%
25 Jun 1999 Barak 59% Netanyahu 27%

18 Oct 2000 Barak 31% Sharon 41%
11 Oct 2000 Barak 36% Sharon 36%
4 Oct 2000 Barak 37% Sharon 32%
27 Sept 2000 Barak 39% Sharon 34%
13 Sept 2000 Barak 39% Sharon 32%
6 Sept 2000 Barak 43% Sharon 31%
16 Aug 2000 Barak 41% Sharon 38%
2 Aug 2000 Barak 41% Sharon 35%
26 Jly 2000 Barak 45% Sharon 30%
19 Jly 2000 Barak 44% Sharon 36%
19 Jly 2000 Barak 44% Sharon 36%
12 Jly 2000 Barak 42% Sharon 33%
5 July 2000 Barak 44% Sharon 31%
28 Jun 2000 Barak 41% Sharon 37%
21 Jun 2000 Barak 43% Sharon 34%
14 Jun 2000 Barak 50% Sharon 35%
31 May 2000 Barak 44% Sharon 35%
24 May 2000 Barak 43% Sharon 35%
19 May 2000 Barak 43% Sharon 36%
15 Apr 2000 Barak 43% Sharon 31%

Three way race:
Netanyahu 44% Peres 21% Barak 18%

Do you support continuing the peace process with the Palestinians?
Yes 62% No 33% Do not know 5%

What do you think will happen in the end?
50% The conflict with the Palestinians will worsen
32% The crisis will end and an agreement will be signed
18% Do no know

Do you fear that as a result of the conflict with the Palestinians
that a regional war will break out?
Yes 70% No 26% Do not know 4%

What do you prefer?
Emergency government 47% New elections 42% Do not know 11%

How do you describe yourself?
32% Supported Oslo in 1993 support now
24% Supported in 1993 oppose today
30% Opposed in 1993 oppose today
3% Oppose in 1993 support today
11% Do not know

Do you think today that the Oslo agreements were a success or
Success 16% Failure 67% Do not know 17%
Barak voters: Success 27% Failure 50%

Are you satisfied with the outcome of the Sharm summit?
Yes 35% No 39% Do not know 26%

Do you feel this week fear for your personal and family safety?
Yes 68% No 32%

Do you feel this week fear for the future of the state?
Yes 75% No 25%

After the Hizbullah kidnapping on the Northern border, what do you
think Israel should do in response?
35% Respond with force even if it endangers the lives of the
53% Negotiate even if it means hurting Israel’s deterrent strength
12% Do not know

In light of the kidnapping, and in retrospect, was the unilateral
withdrawal from Lebanon a mistake?
Yes mistake 31% Not mistake 60% Do not know 9%

Ma'ariv 20 October 2000
Dahaf - Yediot Ahronot

The following is a Dahaf Poll of a representative sample of 505 adult
Israelis (both Jews and Arabs) the week of 20 October 2000. Survey
error of +/- 4.5 percentage points -

Week 20 Oct.2000: Barak 38% Netanyahu 50% Undecided/No reply 12%
Week 6 Oct. 2000: Barak 39% Netanyahu 48% Undecided/No reply 13%
Day  29 Sept 2000: Barak 43% Netanyahu 47% Undecided/No reply 10%
Week 25  Aug 2000: Barak 43% Netanyahu 47% Undecided/No reply 10%
Week  4  Aug 2000: Barak 42% Netanyahu 46% Undecided/No reply 12%
Week 23 June 2000: Barak 45% Netanyahu 45% Undecided/No reply 10%
Week  8 June 2000: Barak 44% Netanyahu 39% Undecided/No reply 17%

Week 20 Oct.2000: Barak 45% Sharon 41% Undecided/No reply 14%
Week 6 Oct. 2000: Barak 43% Sharon 39% Undecided/No reply 18%
Day  29 Sept 2000: Barak 48% Sharon 41% Undecided/No reply 11%

Do you support returning to negotiations of a peace agreement?
Yes 62% No 35% Do not know 3%

How would you rate the personal safety of the residents of the
Good 22% Bad 78%

In another 10 days the winter session of the Knesset opens.  Would
you like the government to fall in a no confidence vote?
Yes 47% No 47% No reply 6%

Re: [CTRL] Site Gone - City Limits, New York

2000-10-20 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "ThePiedPiper" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 When I went looking for this story, I found
 that the whole site seems to be gone.
 Are they just temporally down?  I do not have
 the resources to ping them.

Try spelling it 'citylimits' and not 'cityliomits'...when I corrected the site name I 
was able to access it
with no problem...

 Insanity Pleas from the City Limits: New York's Urban Affairs News


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[CTRL] OT-Humor- Bill Al's special adventures

2000-10-20 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Subject: Bill  Al's special adventures

Al Gore's Life Story

 Good afternoon.

 I'm Al Gore, and I'd like to tell you about myself.   I know a lot about
 hardship, because I came into this world as a poor black child in a tiny
 town in the backwoods of Tennessee.  I was born in a log cabin that I
 with my own hands.  I taught myself to read by candlelight and helped
 my 16 Brothers and sisters by working summers as a deck hand on a
 Mississippi River steamboat.

 My mother taught me the value of education,  so every day, I would walk 5
 miles to a one room schoolhouse.  I was a mischievous, fun loving scamp,
 I never dreamed that one day, my youthful escapades would serve as the
 inspiration for "Huckleberry Finn."

 Back then, black folks in the south were second-class citizens.  One day,
 traveling minister came through town, and I asked him if anyone was going
 to do something to guarantee civil rights for all Americans.  Well, I
 I made an impression.  You see, the minister's name was Martin Luther

 My father was a United States Senator.  He once perched me on his knee and
 said, "Son, if you work hard and listen to your mama, someday you can live
 in a hotel in Washington, D.C., and go to an exclusive prep school."  But
 life of privilege was not for me.

 After getting my high school diploma, I took a job in a hot, dirty textile
 mill.  I was so appalled  at the treatment of the workers there that I
 organized a union. Later, that experience inspired a movie - which is why,
 to this day, my close friends at the AFL-CIO call me "Norma Rae."

 When word got out what an 18 year old factory worker had done, Harvard
 called and offered me a scholarship. I captained its hockey team to four
 consecutive national championships, but I also played football and was
 enough to win the Heisman Trophy. During my college years, I lived in a
 housing project and moonlighted playing lead guitar for a little rock
 You may have heard of it--the Rolling Stones.

 But there was a war going on, and I felt I had to serve my country.  So I
 enlisted in the U. S. Army and went to Vietnam.  I was deeply opposed to
 war, but I did my duty as a soldier and came back home with the Medal of
 Honor and the Croix de Guerre.  When I got back, I took a long journey
 across  this great land of ours.  I've crossed the deserts bare, man, I've
 breathed the mountain air, man,  I've traveled, I've done my share, man,
 I've been everywhere.

 And the people I met at truckstops and campgrounds and homeless shelters
 that journey all said the same thing: "Al, we need you in Washington."  I
 knew they were right, but first I had to take care of some other
 business---building the World Trade Center, founding the Audubon Society,
 doing the clinical research that proved smoking caused cancer, and coming
 with the recipe for Mrs. Field's chocolate chip cookies.

 Finally, I deferred to the demands of the people of Tennessee and allowed
 them to elect me to the House of Representatives and the Senate, where I
 established the US Strategic Oil Reserve.

 And then one winter day nearly eight years ago, for no particular reason,
 answered the call of the people once again and took the oath of office as
 Vice President of the United States. Since then, I've been part of the
 successful administration in American history.

 And, in my spare time, I invented the Internet.

 Many times, Bill Clinton has pondered some grave decision and has asked me
 what to do.  And when I gave him my thoughts, he would invariably say, "Of
 course!  That's brilliant.  Why didn't I think of that?"  During the
 days of the impeachment battle, the president told me he dearly wished he
 had listened when I told him to stay away from that portly pepperpot of an

 So after I decided to run for president, I sat down with him and asked if
 had any suggestions about how to conduct my campaign.  And Bill Clinton
 me a few simple words of advice -- words I'll never forget. He looked me
 the eye and he said, "Al, just tell the truth.   It's always worked for


   The Bill Clinton Monument Committee

 We have the distinguished honor of being the Lincoln Bedroom
 "Sleep-Over" Committee to raise five million dollars for a monument to

 We originally wanted to put him on Mt. Rushmore until we discovered
 there was not enough room for "two" more faces. We then decided to erect a
 of Bill in the Washington, DC Hall of Fame.

 However, we were in a quandary as to where the statue should be
 It did not seem proper to put it beside the statue of George Washington,
 never told a lie, or beside Jesse Jackson, who never told the truth, since


2000-10-20 Thread Amelia

They were doing this this Tuesday over the Tennessee Valley, working east to
Amelia cough, cough! Even the terriers are sneezing now!



[CTRL] Fwd: [news] Reagan-Bush Spill China Secrets

2000-10-20 Thread Kris Millegan

consortiumnews.com - http://www.consortiumnews.com

The Washington Post reported on Thursday that recently translated Chinese
intelligence documents show that communist China accessed sensitive U.S.
strategic secrets during the Reagan-Bush administration.

"During the 1980s, Beijing had gathered a large amount of classified
information about U.S. ballistic missiles and reentry vehicles," the
article said, citing the documents.

One month ago, Consortiumnews.com reported on the background behind this
hemorrhaging of U.S. nuclear secrets from the Reagan-Bush administration
to communist China.

Investigative reporter Robert Parry detailed how little-noticed records
from the Iran-contra files exposed the origins of this collaboration, as
the Reagan-Bush White House shared secrets with China that were so
sensitive that they were kept even from the U.S. Congress.

[ For that story, go to http://www.consortiumnews.com/091800a.html ]

Although any serious examination of the evidence always pointed to the
Reagan-Bush administration, the Republicans and the major media have
teamed up over the past several years to blame the loss of these secrets
on the Clinton-Gore administration.

Conservatives have gone so far as accusing President Clinton and Vice
President Gore of treason. But the new evidence indicates that if any
treason occurred, it happened in the 1980s, when President Reagan and the
father of the current Republican presidential nominee were in charge.

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[CTRL] OEN 10/20/00

2000-10-20 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin

Spy vs. Spy

CIA's Venture Capital Firm

Follow the investments.

WASHINGTON -- Christopher Tucker is an unlikely spook.
Just 27, outfitted with a disarming grin, a blue Oxford shirt, and a
houndstooth jacket, Tucker looks more like the Ivy League graduate student he
recently was than the chief strategist of the Central Intelligence Agency's
venture capital arm.

The name of the CIA-chartered, nonprofit firm -- In-Q-Tel -- evokes James
Bond imagery. Its offices even boast a signed photo of the late actor Desmond
Llewelyn, who played gadgetry expert Q in the films.

But Tucker says the technologies In-Q-Tel considers potential investments are
far less exciting than anything Bond would ever use. No exploding watches,
rocket-equipped BMWs, or booby-trapped suitcases. "Our job is defense. We
don't touch offense," Tucker said.

Even in the clandestine world of the nation's intelligence agencies,
defending sensitive information against interception by determined
adversaries starts to look a lot like the problems businesses face every day.

"If I'm (a CIA agent) in my hotel room, I need to be able to do my work,"
said Tucker.
What that translates into is In-Q-Tel's plan to invest largely in software
technologies such as computer security, anonymity and privacy; tamperproof
data storage; and clever search engines that return results based on the
authorization level of the person requesting the information.
But that's just for now.

The true mission of In-Q-Tel, which opened its doors last year and has
offices in Washington, D.C. and Silicon Valley, is even more ambitious: To
tap the best minds in the technology sector and spur the development of
products the CIA desperately needs and doesn't have the time or expertise to
develop itself.

"The CIA is not a technology company. It is an espionage company. It does not
develop products," said Tucker, who completed a PhD in political science at
Columbia University. If In-Q-Tel succeeds, other agencies of the U.S.
government are likely to follow suit.

The Defense Department, for instance, appears particularly interested in the
CIA's spin-off-a-nonprofit-corporation approach to applied research.

But In-Q-Tel is hampered by one seemingly insurmountable obstacle: its

Congress appropriated $28 million from the CIA's 1999 budget to create the
organization, then deposited an extra $34 million in the fledgling In-Q-Tel's
bank account.

That's not a trivial amount -- except in the high-priced world of venture
capital. Venture capitalists spent approximately $19.6 billion on about 1,400
U.S. companies in the second quarter of 2000, $7 billion of that going to
firms in the Bay Area alone.

In-Q-Tel hopes to spur development of CIA "priority" technologies by becoming
a minority investor in development deals and through close relationships with
much larger firms, like Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield, and Byers.

"The deal flow's actually key to this, and key to extending the agency's
reach," Tucker says. "We want to be a minority investor in a company. We
would also like not to be the lead investor. We stay below 20 percent,
somewhere like that." Key to staying in the deal flow is connections,
something that In-Q-Tel hopes CEO Gilman Louie can provide. Louie, a
game-designer-turned-executive, is a veteran of companies such as Spectrum
HoloByte and Hasbro Interactive.

Connections inside the hacker community also help. In-Q-Tel counts a "white
hat" hacker among its roughly 30 staff members -- the bulk are in suburban
Virginia, not far from the CIA's Langley headquarters -- and took the bold
step of sending recruiters to the Defcon party-cum-convention this year.
About seven employees work out of In-Q-Tel's Palo Alto, California, office.

Only about 10 employees have security clearances, some rated "top secret"
with codeword access. But it's a sure bet that the 10 or so CIA employees
working at what's called the In-Q-Tel Interface Center inside Langley do.

The center has the unenviable job of making sure the technology In-Q-Tel
finds and funds is adopted by the so-called power users inside the agency.

Although some Silicon Valley types fret that the CIA has come to town to spy
-- with good reason, given the federal government's history of pressuring
firms to include backdoors in security and telecommunications products --
In-Q-Tel seems to have made a fair attempt to put such concerns behind it, at
least for now.

It's invested $1.2 million in Graviton, a San Diego startup that's developing
"micro-electromechanical systems" -- aka tiny, smart sensors that can be used
to record and transmit information wirelessly. And Science Applications
International Corp., which has close ties to the spook community, got $3
million in In-Q-Tel cash to develop a product called Neteraser.

Neteraser is reportedly designed to help CIA agents conceal 

[CTRL] Packeteer Component of Carnivore Suite

2000-10-20 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://cryptome.org/packeteer.htm"Packeteer Component
of Carnivore Suite/A
19 October 2000

Packeteer is one of three programs, with Carnivore and COOL Miner, which
constitute the FBI's DragonWare suite. More papers on Packeteer's technology

For COOL Miner, by iMergence:

For an overview of Carnivore and DragonWare see:

TCP/IP Bandwidth Management Series, Number 1 of 3
The Packeteer Technical Forum

PacketShaper White Paper

Controlling TCP/IP Bandwidth

The Bandwidth Challenge
Bandwidth Management Approaches
How PacketShaper Works
The PacketShaper Advantage

PacketShaper provides a unique technology that differentiates it from other
network devices. Using PacketShaper, you can identify specific traffic types,
guarantee bandwidth to applications that need it, and prevent non-essential
traffic from taking bandwidth away from business-critical applications
To appreciate how PacketShaper can guarantee quality of service, you need to
understand the way it manages Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) packets and
traffic flows. This white paper describes bandwidth-management issues,
typical solutions, and how PacketShaper uses TCP mechanisms to pace traffic
and prevent packet retransmissions.

TCP provides connection-oriented services for the Internet Protocol's
application layer--that is, the client and the server must establish a
connection to exchange data. TCP transmits data in segments encased in IP
datagrams, along with checksums, used to detect data corruption, and sequence
numbers to ensure an ordered byte stream. TCP is considered to be a reliable
transport mechanism because it requires the receiving computer to acknowledge
not only the receipt of data but its completeness and sequence. If the
sending computer doesn't receive notification from the receiving computer
within an expected time frame, the segment is retransmitted. TCP also
maintains a flow-control window to restrict transmissions. The receiver
advertises a window size, indicating how many bytes it can handle.
In summary, TCP provides the following reliability checks:

*   Acknowledges receipt of packets; retransmits when dropped packets are
*   Re-sequences segments if they arrive out of order.
*   Tosses packets if data became corrupt during transmission.
*   Discards duplicate segments.
*   Maintains flow control to manage a connection's transmission rate.

TCP/IP was designed primarily to support two traffic applications--FTP and
Telnet. Network applications and user expectations changed with the growth of
the Internet. Today--with more high-speed users and bursty, interactive web
traffic--greater demands are placed on networks, causing delays and
bottlenecks that impact a user's quality of service.
Many of the features that make TCP reliable, contribute to performance

*   Retransmitting when the network "cloud" drops packets or delays

*   Backing off when it infers that congestion exists

Conventional TCP bandwidth management uses indirect feedback to infer network
congestion. TCP increases a connection's transmission rate until it senses a
problem and then it backs off. It interprets dropped packets as a sign of
congestion. The goal of TCP is for individual connections to burst on demand
to use all available bandwidth, while at the same time reacting
conservatively to inferred problems in order to alleviate congestion.
TCP uses a sliding window flow-control mechanism to increase the throughput
over wide-area networks. It allows the sender to transmit multiple packets
before it stops and waits for an acknowledgment. This leads to faster data
transfer, since the sender doesn't have to wait for an acknowledgment each
time a packet is sent. The sender "fills the pipe" and then waits for an
acknowledgment before sending more data. The receiver not only acknowledges
that it got the data, but it advertises how much data it can now handle--that
is, its window size.
TCP's slow-start algorithm attempts to alleviate the problem of multiple
packets filling up router queues. Remember that TCP flow control is typically
handled by the receiver, which tells the sender how much data it can handle.
The slow-start algorithm, on the other hand, uses a congestion window, which
is a flow-control mechanism 

[CTRL] Euro falls to all-time low against dollar

2000-10-20 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here: A

rvspg=/et/00/10/20/cneur20.html"Euro falls to all-time low against
SSUE 1974   Friday 20 October 2000

Euro falls to all-time low against dollar
By David Litterick

THE euro succumbed to fresh bouts of selling yesterday, falling to an
all-time low of 83.95 cents against the dollar in London.

Stronger than expected trade figures in the US and a drop in confidence among
German businesses helped push the currency down 0.84 cents on the day from
84.79 cents at the previous close. It was also not helped by Tony Blair's
comments that the time wasn't "right for Britain to join the euro".

European Central Bank president Wim Duisenberg shrugged off comments made
earlier this week when he appeared to rule out further intervention, saying
it remained "a tool in our toolbox" and reiterated his belief that the euro
was fundamentally undervalued.

He was talking in Paris after announcing the ECB's decision to keep interest
rates on hold at 4.75pc. Acknowledging that eurozone inflation would remain
above the 2pc target for some time he said: "There is a misalignment in the
currency markets and there will come a moment when it will be corrected. We
expect growth to continue above 3pc this year, next year and maybe even the
year after."

He added that he had been under no pressure to resign following his earlier
remarks. Jean-Claude Trichet, Bank of France governor and the man widely
tipped to succeed Mr Duisenberg at the ECB, said the bank's governing council
was "unanimously behind the president".

However, the reassurances yesterday did little to support the embattled euro,
which was hit after the IFO index of German business sentiment dipped for the
fourth consecutive month and unexpectedly strong figures from the US
suggested that its trade gap was narrowing. Against sterling the euro also
fell, closing down 0.14p at 58.22p, although it remains above its historic
low of 57.07p.

Catherine Lee, currency analyst at Royal Bank of Scotland, said: "I have
followed the deutschmark and the euro for more than 10 years and in that time
I have never seen anything like what has happened to this currency. It is
terribly difficult to see what is going to come along to push it up, when
growth in the US next year will still be higher than that in Europe. People
in the City have started referring to the euro as toilet paper."

Stephen Englander of Schroder Salomon Smith Barney said: "Although the euro
was initially depressed by capital outflows out of Europe and into the US,
that has largely dried up. What it is now suffering from is a lack of

Analysts said the risk of further intervention had not completely
disappeared, but said that the US economy would have to be in real danger
before it occurred. Mr Englander said: "They couldn't intervene just because
Duisenburg made a gaffe."

Japanese firm OKI, which makes computer printers at a plant in Cumbernauld,
near Glasgow, said yesterday it was shedding 340 jobs because the strength of
the pound was hitting exports to Europe, which accounts for 90pc of the
company's sales.

© Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2000

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Israeli Massacres

2000-10-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

The more I read of Hitler and Ashke-nazi Jews of the European descent,
the more I see a greater truth than WWII...this item shows how
Israelies blew up hotels and slaughtered  the innocents and when you
read the Judeo-Christian Bible, you see the not so hidden history of
what is to be by premeditated murder by prophecy - for none dare call
this propaganda and a master plan for Zionism to take over the world?

So who and what are the Zionists?   Who and what are these Ashke-nazi
jews who create havoc in the holy land at the expense of the jews and
moslems, for they are all semites - and who would blow them off the face
of the earth for the Oil "in God's name"

So Joshua you think I am like Hitler?   Read the story attached herewith
and see the real Hitler for he took all his attiributes from the bible
from his genocide of 55 million people essentially - for there were 55
million people who died in that war.remember the USS Liberty and
take another look at the World Trade Center and wonder..look at the
USS Cole and remember Ehud Barak aka Brug (for Barak was name he took
from the bible - see Song of Deborah where more murder is

Take a good look at Littleton and Klebold and Harris and remember,
Klebold was Jewish and like all Jews in Holyland - in particular the
men, they all carry Uzzis and big guns around to murder children - the
idea is to aim for the eyes and head and to maim and blind - like David
blinded Goliath only today with  a slingshot the Palestinians are truly
making a mark at the truth.

and one wonders why Sirhan Bishara Sirhan assassinated Robert F.
Kennedy?   This little Rosicrucian of the Order of the Lily and the
Rose?   A crackpot hypnotized killer under hypnotic drugs looking into
dark mirrors..

So this item is very interesting - the war was over, Hitler lost but the
Israelies fought on did tthey not...so many got away, Albright,
Kissinger - seems like the Ashke-Nazis including the German Jewish
Doctors at Jonestown, they all got away?

So genocide is the name of the game and the origin is in the Jewish
Bible is it not, for surely the New Testament is just an expose of the

But if you want to continue to call names Joshua 2 whatever your real
name is - take another look at Littleton and Jonestown where the Nazi
Jewish Doctors were, and at Meyer Lansky who engineered the murder of
JFKtake a good look at the billions of dollars we have sent to the
Israelies and how they returned our generosity with bombing the USS
Liberty and napalming our sailors while 34 lay dead and 170 were wounded
on deck for 45 minutes.of course the Egyptians were to be blamed but
the bastards got caught.

Then remember the USS Cole and Ehud Barak dressing like a woman - say a
Song of Deborah with Barak as they murdered..and then wonder why
Ehud changed his name from Brug to Barak.

They are assassins - and they should be treated as war criminals
beginning with Dayan and ending with Barak...they murder their own to
create a climate of hatred - but in the end are so stupid they usually
get caught.

From Hitler to Barak.


A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [news] Reagan-Bush Spill China Secrets

2000-10-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

This they will find these secrets came from MITfor MIT had
"students" some of them old enough to be grandfathers parading about
with top security badges, etc., and it was then the Chinese - the
"students" got access to many secrets.

I sent an item out on this some time back - and at the time there were
those who wondered why MIT was permitted to let the enemy within the
gate and then on to Los Alamos?

MIT is a think tank some believe to be traitors to this country having
entered the World Traveler Citizen status - serving many masters and
loyal to none.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Interesting Calendar of Events

2000-10-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

The murders by Rockefeller are covered and the words of Oscar Wilde with
the Judas  always ending up writing the biography are written
here.interesting item - including when Waler Reuther who HATED
communism was shot (more Rockefeller type union busters) only to die
later in a very mysterious plane crash - like Jock Yablotski murdered
with his wife and daughter while the FBI had 24 hour watch on house.


Our Daily Bleed...

Great Catalan painter, sculptor, prolific printmaker, bon-vivant.

121 -- Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD) lives. Roman Emperor, Stoic, author
of Meditations of Writings to Himself in twelve books. First printing
appeared in English in 1634. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/aurelius.htm
1494 -- Antinomian religious Protestant Johannes Agricola lives.
1534 -- Execution of Elizabeth Barton, the "Nun of Kent"

1777 -- Anti-American Ingrates: New York adopts new constitution as an
independent state.
1795 -- Johan Kellgren dies in Stockholm. The last years of his life he
was associated with the influential literary journal "Stockholmsposten."
1810 -- Richard Sheridan writes his wife: "there is no Person who has
been near to me . . . that has not been confirmed or improved in
principle  integrity in his views  transactions . . . it may be
egotism but it is Fact."
1812 -- George Clinton, fourth US Vice President, dies at 73. The first
VP to die in office.
1841 -- First detective story, Poe's "Murders in the Rue Morgue")
1857 -- Herman Bang lives, the island of Als. Novelist/playwright/short
story writer/memoirist. Denmark's most important literary Impressionist.
His first novel, naturalistic Haablose Slaegter (Hopeless Generations,
1880) was confiscated for "immoral contents". He died during a lecture
tour of the US.
1859 -- First volume of Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities appears.
1887 -- Oscar Wilde writes:
"Every great man nowadays has his disciples,  it is usually Judas who
writes the biography."
1889 -- Adolph Hitler Braunau, Austria, dictator of Nazi Germany, lives?
At 6:30 p.m. he was born in the small Austrian village of Braunau Am Inn
just across the border from German Bavaria.
His father, Alois, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber
 her unknown mate, who may have been from the neighborhood or a poor
millworker, Johann Georg Hiedler. It is also remotely possible Adolf
Hitler's grandfather was Jewish.
Maria Schicklgruber was said to have been employed as a cook in the
household of a wealthy Jewish family named Frankenberger.
There is speculation their 19 year old son got her pregnant  regularly
sent her money after the birth of Alois.
Adolf Hitler would never know for sure just who his grandfather was.
1893 -- Catalan artist Joan Miró lives, born in the family apartment
at 4 Passatge del Crèdit, Barcelona, Spain.
'Miró: A single line, a definition inspired by the Catalan landscape.'
--- Abridged Dictionary of Surrealism (1938).
See Daily Bleed Saint's Gallery page,
1912 -- Gothic novelist Bram Stoker dies. None achieves the popularity
of his Dracula.
1912 -- Oscar Parland (1912 - 1997) lives, Kiev, Ukraine.
Finnish-Swedish writer/psychiatrist.
1914 -- US: Ludlow Massacre of Striking miners  families by National
In an attempt to persuade strikers at Colorado's Ludlow Mine Field to
return to work, company "guards," engaged by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. 
other mine operators -- sworn into the State Militia just for the
occasion -- attacked a union tent camp with machine guns, then set it
Five men, two women  12 children died as a result.
The Cleveland Leader, echoing the sentiments of much of the US press,
"The charred bodies of two dozen women  children show that Rockfeller
knows how to win!"
John D. Rockefeller's company "guards" machine-gun  set fire to a union
tent camp during a strike at Colorado's Ludlow Mine Field. In all, 26
people die in what is known as the Ludlow Massacre.
The attack starts today after a miner  company guard get into a fight.
When strike leader Lou Tikas approaches the company gunmen for a cease
fire, he's shot dead. Tomorrow a telephone lineman going through the
ruins finds a shallow pit beneath a cot with the charred remains of two
women  11 children.
After burying their dead, armed miners take to the hills  begin
destroying mines  killing guards. The Colorado governor will ask for
federal troops , a few months after the army arrives, the strike is
1917 -- Russia: The April Days (April 20 - 21.) Opposition to the
Foreign Minister Milyukov boils over due to his refusal to renounce
annexations. Milyukov will resign in May. Members of the Mensheviks 
the Socialist Revolutionaries join the government.

[CTRL] Fwd: Health Workers Fight Ubandan Ebola

2000-10-20 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 10/20/00 12:10:33 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News

 Subj:Health Workers Fight Ubandan Ebola
 Date:  10/20/00 12:10:33 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Health Workers Fight Ubandan Ebola

 GULU, Uganda (AP) - Fully equipped and staffed for the first time, health
workers from around the world set about taming a deadly Ebola outbreak
Friday, hoping to end the epidemic within a month. The highly contagious
virus has already killed 47 people and infected as many as 75 others

 For the full text of this story, A
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100Qxu6.5244715.656416012"click here/A.

 To edit your profile, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:NewsProfiles"
 For all of today's news, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:News"News/A. 

Health Workers Fight Ubandan Ebola

GULU, Uganda (AP) - Fully equipped and staffed for the first time, health workers from 
around the world set about taming a deadly Ebola outbreak Friday, hoping to end the 
epidemic within a month. The highly contagious virus has already killed 47 people and 
infected as many as 75 others

For the full text of this story, A 
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100Qxu6.5244715.656416012"click here/A.

To edit your profile, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:NewsProfiles"NewsProfiles/A.
For all of today's news, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:News"News/A.

[CTRL] The Curious Origins of the American Space Program

2000-10-20 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://zolatimes.com/V2.17/jpar10.html"Jack Parsons:
Part 10/A

For easier reading and printing, this version is in six files linked together.

Jack Parsons

The Curious Origins of the American Space Program

by The Magician

Part 10: The Cult of Intelligence

After leaving the Pasadena Public Library, I drove to Orange Grove Blvd. and
then down into the Arroyo Seco near the Colorado overpass. I circled the Rose
Bowl then exited on the Arroyo's far side. I continued to Oak Grove Park and
parked by the equestrian trail.
I walked down the trail, the sandy soil clinging to my Adidas running shoes.
I reached the edge of Devil's Gate Dam and stood looking out over the
Arroyo's bed, which was formed of a lumpy mixture of sand and small brush. I
listened for the explosions, the test firings of Parsons' small rockets. I
sat on a large rock, the breeze blowing in my face, and thought of the
apartment on the other side of the canyon, down a couple of miles on South
Orange Grove, where Parsons had lain with his limbs shattered, methodically
directing his rescuers.
I drove on up Foothill through La Crescenta to the Glendale freeway, and
headed south to Glendale. On Glendate Avenue I passed a sign that read
"Virgils Glendale Hardware--Eggs 99 cents a dozen." I turned right on Chevy
Chase and came back up Brand past the Alex Theater. There I discovered a
private office whose business was supplying postal lock boxes.
The office catered to people and organizations who wished to receive mail
under another name, or who wished to keep their real locations private.
Organizations like the Jack Parsons Memorial Society. I rechecked the address
on the flier I had gotten from Professor David Wilson. I was at the right
spot alright. Nowhere.
I suddenly felt tired. I drove back to Pasadena and the Hilton. In my room, I
turned on the TV, on my usual theory that you've never visited a place unless
you've sampled the same electromagnetic noise the locals experience. Then I
stepped into the shower.
When I got out of the shower, a poignant image on the screen caused me to
turn up the TV volume. It was an aerial view of a vast triangular plain.
"The Plain of Esdraelon," explained the voice, "the Greek name for the
biblical Valley of Jezreel, which means `God sows'. This was the most famous
battlefield in ancient Israel. Here Thutmose III of Egypt fought the
Canaanites. Here Gideon, who you can read about in the Old Testament Book of
Judges, defeated the Midianites, as did Deborah and Barak the Canaanites. And
Saul, the first king of Israel, battled here with the Philistines.
"More recently, in 1917, the British army under General Allenby faced the
Turks in this same valley."
You might have thought it was a military documentary, but I recognized the
voice as that of Oral Jerry Swagger, the evangelist.
The voice continued: "The principal North-South route through this plain goes
through the pass of Megiddo, named after the ancient city. From Mount
Megiddo, or `Har Megiddo' in the Hebrew, we get the name Armageddon.
"The Bible tells us this valley will be the scene of the final apocalyptic
battle between the Armies of Man and the Armies of God, between Christ and
Antichrist. In the Book of Revelation, chapter 16, verse 16, you read, `And
he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue
Armageddon.' Here occurs the seventh vial of the seventh trump. Here the
`Kings of the East', as it explains earlier in chapter 16, will be gathered
with their armies. East of Israel are the great oriental hordes--the Chinese,
probably assisted by Japanese technology, and allied with their Communist
cohorts the Russians. The latter are the Gog and Magog we read about in
Ezekiel 38. Verse 1 in Ezekiel 38 tells us Gog was the chief prince of
Meschech. Historically, the Assyrians called the children of Meschech
`muska,' which is similar to `Moskva,' the Russian name for Moscow. In
addition, `chief' is Hebrew `rosh,' and Rosh is an ancient name for Russia.
"These Communist forces from the east will join together with the Beast
Power, which is the union of ten European nations allied under a common
political leader that the Bible calls `the beast,' and a religious leader
that the Bible calls the `false prophet,' or the Antichrist. See Revelation,
chapters 13 and 17. This European combine will be a revival of the ancient
Roman Empire, and--like the ancient Roman Empire--will be under the spiritual
leadership of a church called the `great whore' in Revelation, chapter 17.
"These two great contenders for world power, armed with the latest in atomic
weapons, will, under the guidance of the Antichrist and assisted by Satan and
his demons, join forces against Jerusalem and the invaders from space. What
invaders from space? The returning Jesus Christ and all his angelic hosts,
when he returns to reign on this 

[CTRL] Israel Sells our Secrets to our Enemies who sell to their Enemies?

2000-10-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Oh what a tangled web they weave when first they practiced to deceive?
Today the Israelie government wants Pollard (Jonathan, the Navy traitor
to US Spy with dual citizenshp who was spy for Israelies) released - no
wonder - for dead men tell no tales, but that guy knows too much.   So
read about our friends selling our stole secrets to our enemies - but in
turn our enemies sell the stuff to Israels enemies?

So the great Trojan Horse guided by Herr Kissinger Ashke-Nazi has
entered our government?   KGB and Mossad now destroy us from within?
Is communism now socially acceptable?


This article is one of the best of the current issue of The Jubilee
Newspaper. Feel free to print and share them with your friends and
associates. To get all of the current issue with many more HOT stories
simply subscribe today! Enjoy!

Strange Bedfellows:
China and Israel

Eric S. Margolis The first-ever visit by a Chinese head of state to
Israel seemed at first glance rather curious.

 China, a longtime political and military supporter of the Arabs and
Iran, used to denounce Israel as a 'running dog of US imperialism' and
'a racist-fascist state?'

So what was President Jiang Zemin doing hobnobbing in Israel?

Jiang had two objectives: a. deepen the secret 20-year military
relationship between China and Israel; b. by openly befriending Israel,
counteract growing anti-Chinese feeling in Congress that threatens both
China's exports to the US, and its admission to the World Trade
Organization. . .

The normally pro-Israeli Clinton Administration, however, is not
pleased.  William Cohen, the US Secretary of Defense, recently
unleashed an unprecedented public blast at Israel for selling advanced
military technology to China that could threaten American forces in the
event of a clash with China over Taiwan.

Cohen demanded Israel cancel the US $1-2 billion sale of 3-5 AWACS
airborne radar aircraft to China. Israel refused, though it may only
sell China one of the Russian aircraft equipped with an Israeli
'Phalcon' advanced radar/electronic warfare system, developed from the
US 'Hawkeye' AWACS system, at least until the heat subsides.

Former CIA Director James Woolsey testified Israel has covertly sold
'several billions' of dollars worth of top-secret US technology to China
since 1983.  The Inspector General of the US State Department found,
in a 1992 report, a 'systematic and growing pattern' of Israel selling
American military technology in direct violation of US law.  That
report concluded Israel was supplying arms based on restricted American
technology to China, Chile, Ethiopia, and South Africa, all of whom then
under US arms embargo.

The Pentagon has claimed since the mid-1980's that Israel simply copies
or reverse engineers secret US defense technology and then exports it
— even on occasion, it is whispered, to Russia.  Until now, Israel's
influential friends on Capital Hill managed to downplay or cover up
these serious charges.

The transfer of billions worth of advanced US military technology to
Israel, under the innocuous title of 'Technical Data Packages,' was
arranged by Israel's American supporters, beginning in 1970. This
massive infusion of secret US weapons and electronics technology — the
largest ever to another nation — allowed Israel to develop
state-of-the art military industries that exported some $1.5-2 billion
annually (40% of its total exports by the late 1980's), and which became
the nation's largest employer. Israel is now the world's sixth largest
arms exporter.  In some cases, Israel improved on US weapons and
electronics systems.

Pentagon sources charge Israel 'backdoored'  US technology to China
for the Patriot AA missile, other surface-to-air missiles; the PL-8
air-to-air missiles; C-802 anti-ship missiles; advanced composite tank
armor and tank guns; aircraft avionics and ground radar systems; and the
J-10 fighter, which is based on secret US technology used in Israel's
cancelled 'Lavi' fighter.  Israel denies these charges. A Pentagon
investigation of the Patriot sale, cleared Israel. Critics charged it
did so under intense political pressure from Israel's supporters.

Israel insists its high-tech arms exports are all 100% of Israeli
origin. But American defense claim the Israelis often only make minor
modifications to basic US-supplied technology and weapons, then sell
them clandestinely.

 Israeli intelligence agents are known to have targeted specific
advanced US defense technology.

Israel has also sold considerable quantities of arms, electronics, and
US technology to Taiwan, including a reverse-engineered US Lance
missile, and   anti-ship missiles.

Singapore is another major recipient of Israeli arms and discreetly
co-produces weapons with Israel. Israel has become a major military
supplier to India, including nuclear weapons and missile technology.

Ironically, some of Israel's arms and technology sales have returned to
haunt the Jewish state.

This columnist learned 

Re: [CTRL] Site Gone - City Limits, New York

2000-10-20 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-

Thank You to everyone that replied, here is the repaired
link.  Now, I need to repair my web page at

 Insanity Pleas from the City Limits: New York’s Urban Affairs News

to give a hint of my web page 

it seems as if
"The next links seem to show that school medication could
become standardized and made into a law.
Speculation:  At that time the school nurse or principal
could recommend the child be medicated.  The child or parents
would not have legal recourse, and if a teacher
did not agree, the teacher could be replaced."

When I repair and proof
it the page will be clearer - but it is posted.
Thank You,
Laura Lee Lanning~Shipton

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson brbr

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

ICQ 14484977

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Unprecedented Palestinian Dying and Bleeding Today

2000-10-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\   http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]




MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 10/20:
   Israeli helicopter gunships are firing at Beit Jala, the neighboring city
to Bethlehem, this afternoon.  The Israeli army attempted to enter the Arab village
of Anabta and at least 5 soldiers were injured before retreating.  Israeli snipers
have stepped up their carefully calculated murder campaign continuing to target
Palestinians in the head and heart.
   The following urgent appeal from The Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees
late today from Ramallah:



October 20, Ramallah, 4:00 PM:
Israeli forces are injuring unprecedented numbers of Palestinian civilians
while using extreme force against demonstrators in the West Bank and today.
So far, at least four Palestinians have died from their wounds.

One death and forty-one injuries have been reported in Ramallah already.
UPMRC First-Aid teams helping the wounded near Ramallah have not seen so
many injuries in such a short time.  18-year-old Sa'ir Mahmoud from Am'ari
refugee camp died after an Israeli high-velocity bullet passed through his
head.  A 20-year-old Palestinian is in critical condition after he was hit
in the neck with a high-velocity bullet.  If he survives, he will be a

UPMRC teams in Nablus have just reported that three Palestinian civilians
have been killed and 25 injured in clashes with the Israeli army.  One of
those killed was shot with high-velocity ammunition in the head.  Another
was shot in the heart.  Witnesses report that the third was killed by
Israeli soldiers who continued shooting at him after he was already injured.

Heated confrontations are also taking place in Tulkarem.  We will update
you on the situation in the West Bank as we receive more information from
our teams in the field.

Another UPMRC First-Aid volunteer was injured today, along with two injured
yesterday bringing the total number of UPMRC staff and volunteers injured
by Israeli fire to twelve.  Today in Ramallah, Atef Shbeita, a 37-year-old
public health specialist from the Health, Development, Information and
Policy Institute, was wounded by a high-velocity sniper bullet while
assisting UPMRC First-Aid teams.  The bullet grazed his scalp, barely
missing his brain.  Yesterday in Nablus, Yousef Qatanani, age 30, was shot
in his hand with a high-velocity bullet while helping the injured.

MiD-EasT RealitieS  -  www.MiddleEast.Org
Phone:  202 362-5266Fax:  815 366-0800

To subscriibe email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with subject SUBSCRIBE
To unsubscribe email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with subject UNSUBSCRIBE

[CTRL] WND: CIA Official: Gore Compromised by Secret Past (1/2)

2000-10-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[In MY continuing effort to remain (and post) impartially, I
submit the following for your consideration.  Remember, however,
that ANY BODY, I repeat, ANYBODY, is better than a Bush;-)  --MS]


Monday, October 16, 2000

CIA Official: Gore Compromised by Secret Past

Says Russia has dossiers on VP's former drug use, Hammer connection

By Charles Thompson and Tony Hays
© 2000, WorldNetDaily.com, Inc.

Editor's note: The following report on Vice President Al Gore's
alleged past drug use, as well as his deep connections with
Soviet operative Armand Hammer, was researched and written by
native Tennessee reporters Charles C. Thompson II and Tony Hays.
Thompson is a long-time veteran of network news, having been a
founding producer of ABC's "20/20," as well as Mike Wallace's
producer at CBS's "60 Minutes." His most recent book, "A Glimpse
of Hell: The Explosion on the U.S.S. Iowa and Its Cover-Up," was
released by W.W. Norton in Spring 1999. Hays is a veteran
journalist who has written extensively on political corruption in
Tennessee. Recently his 20-part series on narcotics trafficking
received an award from the Tennessee Press Association.

According to a former high-ranking official in the CIA, Russian
intelligence agencies possess thick dossiers concerning Al Gore's
heavy usage of drugs three decades ago as well as his father's
questionable dealings with Armand Hammer, a dedicated Soviet
operative for 70 years.

The CIA source, speaking to WorldNetDaily on condition of
anonymity, has since the 1970s routinely advised American
presidents, including President Clinton, on Russian intelligence.

There is credible evidence, says the source, that these dossiers
have already been employed to alter Gore's behavior on issues
affecting Russia. As an example, he cited Gore's acquiescence to
the corruption of former Russian Prime Minister Viktor
Chernomyrdin, who co-chaired a commission with Gore to encourage
Americans to do business in Russia. Chernomyrdin accumulated from
one to five billion dollars in personal assets from the
systematic looting of the Soviet state treasury during the time
he co-chaired the commission with Gore.

Republican presidential candidate Gov. George W. Bush brought
this exact point up during last week's second debate with Gore.

"We went into Russia," said Bush. "We said, 'Here's some IMF
money,' and it ended up in Viktor Chernomyrdin's pocket and
others. And yet we played like there was reform."

As WND has reported previously, American businessmen, who were
threatened with death by the Russian mafia and/or had their
assets expropriated by these gangsters, say their complaints were
brushed aside by Gore and his aides while the vice president
chaired the committee meant to help them.

"Chernomyrdin didn't have to show Gore the incriminating
dossiers; Gore knew he had them. It's akin to blackmail and
extortion, but it's really using highly embarrassing information
on a sustained basis," said the source, who has been associated
with America's foreign policy elite for three decades as a chief
adviser on intelligence matters.

"The situation will get much worse if Gore's elected president.
Russian president Vladimir Putin [a former KGB colonel who has
mob connections] will tell Gore, in effect, 'I've got the files
and this is what we want you to do.' And Gore will do it," he

Earlier this year, John C. Warnecke Jr., a former Tennessean
newspaper reporter in Nashville, told Newsweek reporter Bill
Turque that he and Al Gore had spent many a night together nearly
30 years ago imbibing cognac and smoking opium-laced marijuana.
Warnecke worked with Gore in 1971 and remained a good friend
through 1976. Ken Jost, another former reporter for the
newspaper, backed up Warnecke's account after Turque's biography,
"Inventing Al Gore," was published.

In years past, The Tennessean had treated Warnecke as if he were
royalty due to the fact that his father has close connections to
the Kennedy family, as did John Seigenthaler, the former editor
and publisher of the paper. Seigenthaler considered himself to be
a king-maker and recruited both Warnecke and Gore to join the
paper's staff, largely because of their respective fathers'
political clout. Seigenthaler was the one who first convinced Al
Gore Jr. to run for Congress.

Even so, after his revelations about Gore's alleged drug use, the
paper didn't waste any time training its editorial guns on the
53-year-old Warnecke.

It was quick to bring up the fact that he had once suffered from
depression. Warnecke admitted he had been depressed 20 years ago,
but said he had obtained treatment then and was fine now. The
paper cited 31 former Tennessean staffers who had worked with
Gore and Warnecke in the early 1970s who said they had never seen
Gore smoke marijuana. Three others deferred comment.

Gore called the story "old news" and said he used 


2000-10-20 Thread Mack White

-Caveat Lector-

Worldwide Newslink Exclusive

Bio-Terrorism in Austin, Texas?

by Mack White

This morning, for the third time this week, a possible biological attack
occurred in Austin, Texas.

Emergency workers were again called to a Department of Public Safety (DPS)
building in North Austin after several persons complained of chest pain,
sore throat, headache, and nausea.  At last report, four persons were

In yesterday's incident, 19 persons were hospitalized, and 160 treated at
the scene.

Yesterday, a live local tv newscast from DPS was disrupted by radio talk
show host Alex Jones.  Using a bullhorn, he accused the government of
contriving these incidents to bring about more federal control.

"This is psychological warfare," he said.

The apparent biological attacks began Monday, when University of Texas
police officer Tom Owens stopped a Pontiac Grand Prix with diplomatic
license plates at the intersection of 15th and Lamar.

This intersection is at least ten minutes' drive from the UT Austin campus.

Three other UT officers (including Chief Jeff Van Slyke) were also on the
scene, along with an Austin Community College officer.  News reports have
not made it clear when these other officers arrived on the scene, or why
there were no Austin Police Department officers on the scene.

Owens claimed he stopped the car because the plates were expired. However,
this later proved not to be the case.

While searching the trunk of the vehicle, Owens went into a seizure. The
four other officers became sick with headache, nausea, and sore throat.
Owens was hospitalized; the others treated and released.

A Channel 8 news reporter broadcasting live from the scene said she and
others experienced the same symptoms when they first arrived.

The Hazardous Materials Unit was called to the scene, then Lamar Street was
shut down for several blocks.  Two large blue tents were set up on the
street, and men in protective suits worked for three hours.

Then, when it was all over, the authorities announced that no substance had
been found, and that Owens' symptoms were due to a pre-existing medical

However, nothing was said about the symptoms experienced by the other persons.

The young man who had been driving the car was handcuffed, taken to jail,
and later released.

Police would not release his identity or nationality.  However, two sources
have informed this writer he was Sudanese.

A photograph of a policeman holding the diplomatic license plates appeared
in an Austin American-Statesman photograph.  The last four figures on the
plate are clear in the photograph; however, the first two are partially

It may be safely concluded that the license plate is one of the following:
028-KXD, Q28-KXD, 078-KXD, Q78-KXD.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] DMN: Report: Panel Faults Reno, Clinton on Waco

2000-10-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Dallas Morning News

Panel Faults Reno, Clinton on Waco

Justice Disputes Public Was Misled

By Lee Hancock and Michelle Mittelstadt / The Dallas Morning News

A congressional report released Thursday alleges that President
Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno misled the public for
years with claims that military experts endorsed the "flawed" FBI
tear-gas attack that ended the Branch Davidian siege.

Waco Reports: • Committee on Government Reform report on Waco
http://www.dallasnews.com/texas_southwest/wacoreport1.pdf • Draft
minority report by Democrats on the committee
http://www.house.gov/waxman/pdf/wacorptviews.pdf (Requires Adobe
Acrobat Reader)

"President Clinton and Attorney General Reno have deceived the
American people for over seven years by misrepresenting that the
military endorsed, sanctioned or otherwise approvingly evaluated
the plan," stated the report by the Republican-led House
Government Reform Committee.

The report also vigorously criticizes the Justice Department's
response in the aftermath of the tragedy, contending that the
agency's actions "were consistent with an organization that was
not eager to learn the full truth about what happened on April
19, 1993."

Justice Department officials took issue with the report's main
thrusts: That Ms. Reno misled the American people about whether
the military had approved the FBI tear-gas plan and that she was
less than vigorous in ordering an internal investigation of the
Waco tragedy or rushed it for political reasons.

"We wish it would have reflected a more balanced and objective
view of the facts," said Justice Department spokesman Myron

An opposing report by the committee's Democratic minority also
disputed the Republican majority's criticism of Ms. Reno.
Committee Democrats contended that the attorney general acted
properly during and after the siege and said the committee had
wasted more than a year of investigative resources on the Waco

Democrats said that the committee's findings duplicate earlier
investigations or were unsupported.

Both reports cap a yearlong investigation by the same committee
that conducted highly partisan hearings in 1995 on the Waco

Inquiry reopened

The committee reopened its inquiry in September 1999 after FBI
and Justice officials were forced to reverse years of public
denials and acknowledge that military pyrotechnic tear-gas
grenades had been used at the end of the siege.

That admission and a federal prosecutor's warnings to the
attorney general of a possible cover-up of the use of pyrotechnic
tear gas prompted Ms. Reno to appoint Waco special prosecutor
John C. Danforth.

Mr. Danforth issued a preliminary report in July exonerating the
government of "bad acts" and clearing Ms. Reno of wrongdoing.

About 80 Branch Davidians died April 19, 1993, when their
compound burned. The fire broke out about six hours after FBI
agents began ramming the building with tanks and spraying in tear
gas to force an end to a 51-day standoff.

The siege began when a gunfight broke out as federal Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents tried to search the Davidian
complex and arrest leader David Koresh on weapons charges. Four
ATF agents and six Branch Davidians died.

The committee inquiry that led to Thursday's report began with
intense partisan sniping. Ranking minority member Henry Waxman,
D-Calif., chastised chairman Dan Burton, R-Ind., in September
1999 after the chairman accused Justice Department officials of
withholding from Congress parts of an FBI report that identified
one tear gas round used at Waco as a military device. Mr.
Waxman's staff discovered last fall that several copies of the
report, including the reference to the military rounds, were
given to the committee before its 1995 hearings.

Probe called flawed

On Thursday, Democrats renewed their criticism, charging that the
committee's investigation was flawed because of its beginnings
with that "false accusation."

But the committee's majority noted that those documents were
"dumped" on the committee three days before the start of the 1995
hearings "in an apparent hope that ... no one would have the
opportunity to find these documents and ask relevant questions."

"Justice Department officials were more concerned in 1995 with
their own political self- preservation than their duty of full
disclosure to the American people and the Congress," the report

The report includes accounts from an Army general and colonel of
how they refused Ms. Reno's request to evaluate an FBI plan to
assault the Davidian compound when FBI officials were seeking her
approval for the final tear-gas operation. The two special forces
officers, who were never interviewed by Justice officials
assigned to review government actions in Waco, said they told Ms.
Reno that federal "posse comitatus" limits on military
involvement in domestic law 

[CTRL] AP: House Committee Criticizes Reno

2000-10-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Thursday October 19 7:31 PM ET

House Committee Criticizes Reno

WASHINGTON (AP) - A divided House Government Reform Committee
concluded Thursday that Attorney General Janet Reno retained
control of a campaign fund-raising investigation to protect
President Clinton, Vice President Al Gore and the Democratic

The Republican-run committee, with Democrats in opposition,
approved a report that said Reno ``acted politically'' in the
probe of Democratic fund raising in 1996, first by opposing an
independent counsel and then by failing to pursue wrongdoing
vigorously after keeping control of the probe.

Approved on a voice vote, the report is a compilation of
often-repeated conclusions by Chairman Dan Burton, R-Ind., in
dozens of hearings on improper contributions to the 1996
Clinton-Gore campaign.

Justice Department spokesman Myron Marlin called the findings
``just another partisan report that raises the same old
allegations. It's too bad he (Burton) spent so much time and
money over the past six years engaged in a fishing expedition.''

The report said it was a conflict-of-interest for Reno's Justice
Department to conduct the investigation, especially after FBI
Director Louis Freeh and leaders of the department's campaign
finance task force have urged that an independent counsel be

``The principal beneficiaries of the campaign finance scandal of
1996 were President Clinton and Vice President Gore,'' the report
said. ``In insisting that she retain control, ... Reno has failed
to exercise a minimally acceptable standard of judgment required
of the custodian of federal law enforcement.''

The committee said it was ``hard to escape the conclusion that
the attorney general has acted politically to benefit the
president, the vice president and her own political party.''

Accusing Reno of failing to conduct a thorough investigation, the
report said that until this year, Clinton ``was not asked a
single question about foreign money'' donated to his campaign.
Gore was not asked until this year about a notorious fund-raiser
at a California Buddhist temple, the report said.

The report said Reno negotiated in ``bad faith'' by resisting
committee requests for documents with the contention surrendering
them would harm investigations. These explanations ``have almost
universally turned out to be pretexts to cover up
embarrassment,'' the report said.

Copyright © 2000 The Associated Press.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

*Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] LAT: Husband's Business Ties to China Dog Feinstein

2000-10-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Husband's Business Ties to China Dog Feinstein

As he vows to have no personal stake in the nation, the senator
expresses frustration that the issue remains under constant scrutiny.

LATimes Staff Writers

For years, international financier Richard C.  Blum's vast
business portfolio has persisted as a nettlesome issue for his
wife, Sen.  Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), a vocal proponent of
increased China trade.

Three years ago, he vowed to turn over any profits from his China
investments to charity.

Last year, as Feinstein prepared to run for reelection, Blum
says, he disposed of his remaining personal investment in
mainland China to avoid any hint of impropriety.

Even so, Blum continues to manage a partnership that has invested
in China, records and interviews show.  And he, his partnerships
or accounts he manages have major interests in an airline seeking
U.S. government approval to expand its China business and in a
South Korean bank that operates a joint venture in China.

After inquiries about his China-related business, Blum pledged
this week that he "will not invest in mainland China or Hong Kong
as long as Dianne Feinstein is a U.S.  senator to avoid even the
appearance of conflict."

He said profits from Hong Kong investments, like those from the
mainland, would go to charities he established to benefit
impoverished Himalayan people.  He specifically committed about
$400,000 from a Hong Kong real estate investment sold this year.

Through a spokesman, Blum said any money he receives from
managing the investments of others in China also will go to
charity.  "We have done everything we possibly can," Feinstein
said in exasperation.  "I can't tell my husband to die.  I can't
tell him to give up what he does.  . .  .  I don't know what more
I can do.  I mean, get divorced and live in sin, I suppose."

Blum's finances have drawn scrutiny in part because his holdings
and the funds he manages are so extensive and complex that
government-required disclosure forms do not show precisely where
the money is invested.

His China investments have become a target because Feinstein long
has been active in promoting U.S.-China relations and recently
supported the congressional vote to grant China permanent normal
trade relations.

Questions about Blum's financial affairs illustrate the
difficulties facing any candidate whose spouse has large
financial interests.  The issue was raised this year by Rep.
Tom Campbell (R-San Jose), Feinstein's opponent in the Nov.  7
election.  When there was speculation that Feinstein could be
Vice President Al Gore's presidential running mate, political
analysts cited her husband's investments as a potential

"All candidates with rich and powerful spouses are walking in the
shadow of Geraldine Ferraro," said John J.  Pitney Jr., associate
political science professor at Claremont McKenna College,
referring to the 1984 Democratic vice presidential candidate
whose husband's business became a political albatross.

Blum says he has never benefited from his wife's positions on
China.  "I can't think of one single reason why the Chinese
leadership would be wanting to help us with investment
opportunities," Blum wrote to The Times, calling himself an
outspoken critic of China's human rights record and a supporter
of Tibet's exiled religious leader, the Dalai Lama.

Blum declined to be interviewed, but he responded in writing to
questions through a spokesman, who emphasized that "Sen.
Feinstein does not participate in Mr.  Blum's business in any

Feinstein grew angry when asked about her husband's investments.

"There's no conflict of interest," the senator said in an
interview. "I take what I do very seriously.  It's my lifeblood.
I'm not going to jeopardize my public trust."

Feinstein provided The Times a letter showing that she consulted
the Senate Ethics Committee before the vote on China trade.  The
letter said the committee did not consider her vote a conflict
because it could benefit all people doing business in China, not
just Blum.

Gary Ruskin, director of the Congressional Accountability
Project, a government watchdog group in Washington, said he
sympathizes with the desire of public officials to keep parts of
their lives private.

But with the hundreds of millions of dollars handled by Blum and
his firm, Feinstein and Blum must "bend over backward in order to
convince voters that they're not profiting from her governmental
actions," Ruskin said.  That means, he said, fully disclosing
Blum's holdings.

Feinstein's disclosure statement--which runs 84 pages and
indicates that she and Blum had at least $27 million in assets at
the end of 1999--lists Blum's partnerships but not all the
investments of those partnerships.

The couple made available their 1999 tax return, showing they
paid $1.7 million in taxes on almost $9.3 million in income while
donating $1.9 million to charity.

Extensive Ties to Asia

Blum, 65, 

[CTRL] OT: Sullivan: In defense of Drudge

2000-10-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Intersting stuff.  Personally, I find it hard to dislike
this guy.  --MS]


For more commentary by Andrew Sullivan, visit

The New Republic

by Andrew Sullivan

If you're an American romantic, it's hard to beat the story of
Matt Drudge. Paperboy in Takoma Park, Maryland. High school
dropout. 7-Eleven shelf stocker for ready cash. Never makes it to
college. Moves to California. Spends his days working in the CBS
studio gift shop; spends his nights listening to talk radio and
police scanners. Picks up advance TV-ratings reports from the
trash cans of Hollywood executives, posts them in Internet
newsgroups, gets a following, starts his own website:
drudgereport.com. Helps almost bring down the president of the
United States.

Why hasn't Hollywood rushed a biopic into the movie theaters?
Beats me. They did it with Watergate, elevating Bob Woodward and
Carl Bernstein to superhero status for parlaying a source's leak
into the resignation of Richard Nixon. Woodward and Bernstein, of
course, were liberals, and therefore heroic. They were also
employees of The Washington Post, anointed sons in an old medium,
and so had instant credibility. Watergate was also a different
category of scandal than the Monica Lewinsky affair. But
still Drudge is not only uncelebrated. He's vilified. The
Lewinsky mess, whether or not you think it merited impeachment,
was a massive story. And Drudge was a key player, making history
from his basement apartment with a Radio Shack computer and no
journalistic training or institutional support against a White
House almost as ruthless as Nixon's. I tip my fedora to him.

You can tell the phoniness of the anti-Drudge consensus by its
blustering incoherence. Former White House spokesmen Joe Lockhart
and Mike McCurry often refused to answer press questions that
emanated from rumors circulated by Drudge. It was, they averred,
beneath them. Did it ever dawn on them that for almost a year
Drudge was telling the truth and the president was telling
grade-A, USDA-approved whoppers? You'd think the man who helped
break the Lewinsky story would have gained some level of respect
in its wake. But no. In the official wisdom of Washington, the
hacks who rewrite White House press releases day after day are
far more distinguished than the man Bill Clinton once referred to
as "Sludge." (Full disclosure: Drudge's site has carried a link
to my work for months, along with links to dozens of other

When Drudge's ill-conceived TV show was canned last year, his
critics salivated. Frank Rich, a reliable barometer of
bien-pensant liberalism, unloaded this bizarre opinion:
"Journalistic watchdogs should be overjoyed at their nemesis's
ignominious exit from the tube. We should be thrilled that he no
longer has the power to terrorize the nation's news cycles with
his apocalyptic bulletins." The pooh-bahs of journalism schools
were equally dismissive. Marvin Kalb, Harvard's chief press
chin-stroker, has called Drudge a "conveyor of gossipy
information." Joan Konner, big macher at the Columbia Journalism
School, has said Drudge is "by no reasonable measure working in
the public interest." Give me a break. You can understand why the
White House or Hillary Clinton might be happy to see Drudge take
a fall. But fellow journalists? "Thrilled" that the man who was
the first to air the Lewinsky story might be silenced?
"Overjoyed" that a lone hack with a phone and a modem might be
quashed? Here's a brief list of stories Drudge has aired first:
the intern, the dress, the cigar, the MSNBC merger, Jack Kemp's
vice presidential nomination, Seinfeld's $1 million-per-episode
salary, Kathleen Willey's trauma, Princess Diana's death. In
recent months, Drudge has pioneered the story of Dick Cheney's
openly lesbian daughter and Hillary Clinton's hospitality in the
White House for her campaign donors. I don't know why Rich and
Konner think airing these stories is not in the public interest,
but it seems to me that hypocrisy, law-breaking, and
corner-cutting among our political leaders are subjects worth

Hasn't Drudge gotten lots of things wrong? Yes, he has. The worst
was the vile rumor that White House aide and TNR alum Sidney
Blumenthal was a wife-beater. But Drudge was contrite--more
contrite than The New York Times was after it virtually convicted
Wen Ho Lee of espionage; he withdrew the story and issued an
apology within 24 hours. He's gotten other things wrong, too. But
his site is transparent and accountable, and it doesn't pretend
to be the finished version of the news. I see no problem with
different news sources having different levels of reliability.
And no one in their right mind thinks they're getting The New
York Times when they read Drudge. On the other hand, the
difference between Drudge and the "mainstream" media is subtler
than the press establishment would like to 

[CTRL] NYT: Al Gore's Journey: Once Close to Clinton, Gore Keeps a Distance

2000-10-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


The New York Times
October 20, 2000

Al Gore's Journey: Once Close to Clinton, Gore Keeps a Distance


Vice President Al Gore is keeping his distance from President Clinton,
to what is said to be the puzzlement and consternation of the president.
The photo above was taken during a White House ceremony in 1998.

Al Gore's Journey

Uneasy Alliance

This is the 17th article of a series about the lives of the presidential
candidates. Future installments will look at Al Gore and religion and
George W. Bush's decision to seek the presidency.

Paul Hosefros/ The New York Times

Since the Clintons and Gores last appeared together on Aug. 15,
at a ``torch-passing'' rally in Monroe, Mich., Mr. Gore has
spoken with the president only a few times.

fter eight years together, here is the state of the relationship
between President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore: Mr. Gore
won't pick up the phone. He doesn't call, and Mr. Clinton doesn't
know why.

Until the recent crisis in the Middle East, the two had spoken
only a handful of times since the week of this summer's
Democratic convention.

Mr. Clinton is both hurt by the personal rebuff and bewildered as
to why his political heir won't come to him for the advice he is
itching to give — advice the president feels the candidate needs,
according to two friends who have discussed this with Mr. Clinton

After Mr. Gore's second debate with Gov. George W. Bush, the
president was irate. He told one friend that the vice president
was getting bad advice from consultants, especially Carter Eskew
and Robert Shrum, who seemed to Mr. Clinton to have coached all
the fight out of him. But when the friend said, "Why don't you
just call him?" the president said he didn't feel he should

The buddy movie that began when these two young Southern
centrists started off on a high-energy bus tour across America in
the 1992 campaign wasn't supposed to end like this. At the time,
story after story about "Bill and Al's Excellent Adventure"
highlighted their complementary strengths and campaign trail
"double dates" with blond wives who seemed to be hitting it off
famously, too.

At least, that was how it looked as the two women hugged each
other while jumping up and down in time with the campaign theme
song, Fleetwood Mac's "Don't Stop (Thinking About Tomorrow)."
There were striking images of the running mates tossing a
football around and huddled alone in the back of their bus at 2
in the morning, beat but apparently unable to stop yakking.

Former Clinton aides have said that one big reason Mr. Clinton
chose Mr. Gore as his running mate was that he had a lot in
common with his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Paul Begala, a former aide, recalled that Mr. Clinton said when
he picked Mr. Gore, " `He reminds me of Hillary in that when he
gets hold of something he never lets loose.' He saw a constancy
that he's been accused of lacking."

But now, Mr. Clinton is left to wonder why Mr. Gore can't be more
like his wife, who appeared with the vice president at a campaign
event in New York yesterday. As a candidate, she does listen to
his advice — and not coincidentally, in the view of several
Clinton aides, seems to be doing better in her race than the vice
president is in his.

It took last week's outbreak of violence in the Middle East to
bring Mr. Gore and Mr. Clinton together. The vice president left
the campaign trail to attend White House briefings on the crisis.
It was the first time Mr. Gore had set foot in the White House
since a state dinner on May 22, and he seems to be going out of
his way to avoid appearing with the president. His office was
even reluctant to release a photo taken last week of the two of
them together — and initially instructed the White House not to
put it out, either.

One Democratic fund-raiser who knows both men said, "It's worse
than you think, worse than it was last year." Even then, things
weren't so hot. On the day Mr. Gore formally declared his
candidacy in June 1999, ABC News broadcast an interview with the
vice president in which Mr. Gore repeatedly distanced himself
from the president, voicing disappointment over Mr. Clinton's
behavior with Monica S. Lewinsky, the White House intern with
whom he had an affair.

Mr. Clinton feels frustrated, eager to help but unwilling to
insert himself where he's not wanted, say the friends who have
discussed this with him. It's beyond him why Mr. Gore can't
manage to relate to an audience in the way that comes so
effortlessly to him. And he's convinced that Mr. Gore moved too
slowly to capitalize on his successful convention performance —
in the president's view, running away from him when he ought to
be running on their record.

Yesterday, at a meeting of the House Democratic caucus, Mr.
Clinton responded to Mr. Bush's remarks in the last debate point
for point and seemed to 

[CTRL] WJLA: I-Team Exclusive: Larry Flynt

2000-10-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

I-Team Exclusive: Larry Flynt

Reported by Del Walters
Produced by Suleiman Wali
Thu 10/19/00

WJLA-TV Script
TV Channel 7, Washington,  D.C.







President Clinton: “I did not have sexual relations with that
woman … Miss Lewinsky.”



Sen.  Joe Lieberman: “Such behavior is not just inappropriate, it


Del Walters: “Do you believe that, in essence, that you took a
bounty—a full page bounty—in the Washington Post with members of
Congress as the targets?”

Larry Flynt, Hustler publisher: “Well the word ‘bounty’ seems a
little harsh. What I was really asking for was information and
letting people know that we were willing to pay for it.  … Well,
it (the ad) didn’t say ‘dead or alive.” [laughs]




Flynt: “It was like bash Clinton night … every night.”


Walters: “Are you currently seeking information or do you have
information on him (G.W.  Bush)?”

Flynt: “Yes we do.  … It depresses me to see this nation get so
excited about somebody like him.  We know a lot about Bush, some
may be coming out before the election, but I don’t know.”

Walters: “But people are gong to say, ‘How do we really know you
have the goods on George W.  Bush and how do we know you’re not
just posturing for publicity.”

Flynt: “Okay, first of all, when we nailed Livingston, he did an
interview in the New York Times the next day and referred to me
as a bottom feeder and they called me for a comment and I said,
‘That’s right, but look what I found when I got down there.”


Flynt: “I don’t think anyone would question Al Gore.  I think
he’s a pretty straight-laced guy.”

Walters: “A lot of people are going to ask, ‘Should sex have
anything to do with the presidential election?”

Flynt: “Absolutely, because ‘cause there’s nothing more political
than sex.  … Sex is the most political thing in the world.”




 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

*Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives 

[CTRL] UPINT: Navy changes Cole bombing timeline; new questions raised

2000-10-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Navy changes Cole bombing timeline; new questions raised

Friday, 20 October 2000 15:54 (ET)

Navy changes Cole bombing timeline; new questions raised

WASHINGTON, Oct.  20 (UPI) - The USS Cole had been refueling for
about an hour on Oct.  12 when a bomb exploded nearby, according
to the Navy, a small change in the timeline that significantly
changes the Navy's account of the presumed terrorist attack.

The change will also open the Navy to even more criticism and
second-guessing: The question the Navy must now answer is how the
small boat believed responsible for the bombing was able to get
so close to the warship without being challenged or intercepted.

Initial reports indicated the bombing was carried out by port
employees or people posing as port employees, who were helping
the Cole tie up to a floating fueling station in the port of Aden
in Yemen.

The Navy's initial account of the bombing was based on a single
witness, an Army major attached to the U.S.  embassy in Yemen.

The witness said a small craft, apparently part of the harbor
tender's fleet, helped tie one of the Cole's lines to a buoy and
then approached the port side of the Arleigh-Burke class
destroyer.  At that point, 12:15 p.m. local time, a huge
explosion rocked the Cole, according to the Navy's initial

But Friday, the Navy said the Cole had been refueling for nearly
an hour when the bomb exploded, destroying popular theory that
the attack was almost certainly carried out by an insider who
worked for the private company that was contracted to refuel the
$1 billion ship.

"According to ship records, the explosion occurred at about 11:18
local time in Yemen, not 12:15 as previously reported.  USS Cole
had completed mooring operations at 9:30 am.  Refueling
operations commences at approximately 10:30 and were ongoing at
the time of the terrorist attack," the Navy said.

The Navy reviewed the timeline in response to a query from the
weekly Navy Times, which had a source in Aden that said the
Navy's initial account of the bombing was incorrect.

The Navy said the earlier report was incorrect because it was
based on initial voice and relayed reports from the ship.

The ships communications system and power was disabled by the
blast, which killed 17.  Ship records were not available earlier
last week.

"As is often the case, these initial relayed reports contained
some errors, and in some cases were misunderstood back here,"
stated the Navy.

"To have people think it was all one big event, they were pulling
in to refuel and the explosion happen, is wrong," Lt.  Cdr.
Greg Smith, a Navy spokesman, told UPI.

The Navy is not releasing other details about the attack.

"(Given) the coverage of the initial reports, the Navy felt it
was necessary to provide the correction as soon as possible,"
stated the Navy.

According to a Navy Times' source, the port of Aden is sprawling
and made such an attack easy, even without the cover of a harbor
tender craft.

"The idea that a mooring boat was involved just doesn't hold
water," said the source in Yemen, who spoke on condition of
anonymity.  "There simply weren't any mooring boats around the
ship at the time."

"There are so many points of access where people can get in," the
official said.  "It's a big, sheltered bay, and you can disappear
two miles around the corridor and more or less do what you like,"
said the source, according to the Navy Times

Navy Times

New Attack Timeline Surfaces in Cole Investigation

By David Brown

The attack on the destroyer Cole came an hour earlier than
originally reported, and in the midst of the ship’s refueling
operation, nearly two hours after it moored, not as it was being
tied to the refueling pier, Navy Times has learned.

The Cole had been refueling for about 45 minutes when, at 11:18
a.m. local time Oct.  12, an explosive-laden boat pulled
alongside and blasted a hole in its port side, according to a
timeline obtained by Navy Times.

Rear Adm.  Stephen Pietropaoli, chief of naval information,
confirmed the timeline, which was provided by a source associated
with the Port of Aden in Yemen.

The FBI declined to comment.

The timeline changes the face of the attack, which was initially
viewed as an “inside job” that sucker-punched the ship as it was
being tied to the refueling pier.

The blast killed 17 sailors and injured 39.

Pietropaoli said the original timeline provided by the Navy was
based on early reports from the ship, via the chain of command,
at a time when the crew was fighting to keep the ship afloat and
virtually all communications systems were down.

Following a query from Navy Times, the Navy went back to the
ship’s records and concluded that its timeline was incorrect,
Pietropaoli said.

He added that the timeline was not corrected because other
federal agencies took over investigation of the blast and the
Navy focused on the welfare of the ship and 


2000-10-20 Thread Kris Millegan

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (dana redding)
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 10:18:08 -0500 (CDT)


Pacifica management turns against free speech October 19, 2000

According to a leaked October 18 memo from "Democracy Now!" host Amy
Goodman to the Pacifica Radio network's Board of Directors, Pacifica
presented Goodman with a new set of "rules" on October 16 which
drastically curtail her freedom to decide what stories to cover and how,
and even attempt to restrict her free speech rights. (The memo was not
given to FAIR by Goodman or any other member of the "Democracy Now!"
"Democracy Now!," produced at New York City Pacifica station WBAI, is
Pacifica's most popular and influential show. Hosted by award-winning
journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, the daily newsmagazine is on
the cutting edge of American journalism, bringing the public stories and
voices too often shut out of mainstream media and standing out, as the
show's motto declares, as "the exception to the rulers." Over the last
year, the national management of Pacifica has become increasingly
hostile to the crew of the show "Democracy Now!", and in particular to
Goodman. Goodman's leaked memo reveals that after fruitless attempts at
good-faith negotiations, Goodman has been forced to file formal
grievances against Pacifica's management charging "harassment, gender
harassment and censorship," along with other violations of her union

In a violation of Goodman's freedom of speech, Pacifica's new "rules"
threaten to fire her if she does not clear any and all speaking
engagements with Pacifica management. In addition, the network threatens
to fire Goodman if she does not provide Pacifica Program Director Steve
Yasko each Friday with "a list of possible shows the following week" and
"determine the topics of at least three shows the preceding week."
"Essentially, these rules make it impossible for Goodman to continue to
produce the hard-hitting, breaking news stories 'Democracy Now!' is
famous for," says FAIR senior analyst Steve Rendall. "It seems clear
that Pacifica is trying to force Amy out of her job." Background: The
Crisis at Pacifica Most Pacifica listeners first became aware of the
growing conflict within the network when in March 1999, Pacifica fired
Nicole Sawaya, station manager of Berkeley station KPFA; a few days
later, veteran reporter Larry Bensky was also fired from KPFA for
discussing on-air his concerns about the network's autocratic
management. In the wake of the firings, as many as 2,000 listeners took
to the streets of Berkeley to protest the actions of Pacifica's
management and demand greater accountability to the community.

As a media watch group dedicated to promoting greater diversity in the
press, FAIR has followed with distress the deepening crisis at the
country's first listener-supported community radio network. Over the
last year and a half, Pacifica's management has increasingly
orchestrated censorship-- including of FAIR's own radio show,
CounterSpin-- retaliatory personnel moves and the disenfranchisement of
listeners and local advisory boards in order to impose its often
regressive decisions on the network.

The latest moves against "Democracy Now!" are a sad indication that
Pacifica's management is making a final break with the progressive core
values laid out by Pacifica founder Lew Hill. Save "Democracy Now!"

"'Democracy Now!' is quite simply one of the most important shows on the
radio today," says FAIR's Rendall. "Goodman's journalism is exemplary.
Pacifica has rewarded her for years of dedicated work with threats,
daily harassment and intimidation."

Goodman is a 1998 recipient (with "Democracy Now!" correspondent Jeremy
Scahill) of the George Polk Award for the radio documentary "Drilling
and Killing: Chevron and Nigeria's Military Dictatorship." She has also
won numerous awards for the radio documentary "Massacre: The Story of
East Timor" (co-produced with journalist Allan Nairn), including the
Robert F. Kennedy Prize for International Reporting, the Alfred I.
DuPont-Columbia Silver Baton, the Armstrong Award and the
Radio/Television News Directors Award.
Pacifica's actions against "Democracy Now!" come at a time when the show
has been doing a remarkable amount of groundbreaking work. During the
protests at the Democratic and Republican national conventions, the
show's 2000 election project, "Breaking With Convention: Power Protest
and the Presidency," was simulcast live via satellite on community radio
and public access TV stations across the country. This unprecedented
collaboration generated the largest expansion of audience in Pacifica's

In addition, "Democracy Now!" has recently broken major stories on a
host of issues, including Chevron's role in Nigeria, the Lori Berenson
case and East 

[CTRL] Many Large U.S. Companies Paid No Taxes -- Study

2000-10-20 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Friday October 20 6:35 PM ET

Many Large U.S. Companies Paid No Taxes -- Study

By Kristin Roberts

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Some of the largest U.S. companies paid no
income tax between 1996 and 1998 despite earning billions of dollars
during those years, according to a recent study.

Drugs giant Pfizer Inc., banking group J.P. Morgan  Co. and automaker
General Motors Corp. were among the 41 companies that not only paid
zero tax but received $3.2 billion in rebate checks, the study found.

The study, released this week, was done by the Institute on Taxation and
Economic Policy, a nonprofit organization based in Washington. The
institute is associated with the Citizens for Tax Justice, another nonprofit
organization that supports tax reform and says the U.S. tax system favors
the wealthy.

``With significant help from Congress, corporations appear to be finding
ways around the tax reforms adopted in 1986,'' said Robert S. McIntyre, a
principal author of the study, in reference to an overhaul of the U.S. tax
system 14 years ago meant to close many loopholes.

The study analyzed 250 companies, their profits and the amount of taxes
paid during the years of 1996, 1997 and 1998 -- a period when U.S.
corporate profits grew more than 23 percent, according to government

Under the federal tax code, corporations pay 35 percent of their profits in
income tax. The average tax rate, or the ratio of taxes to profits, is often
much lower due to tax credits and write-offs allowed under law.

The average tax rate in 1996, for example, was 25.8 percent, according to
data from the Treasury Department (news - web sites)'s Office of Taxation.

The study found that the 41 companies reported $25.8 billion in pretax U.S.
profits. With a 35 percent tax rate, they would have paid some $9 billion in
taxes. Instead, they received rebates, the group said.

More than half of the companies, or 133, of those studied paid less than
half the statutory tax rate in at least one of the three years, the institute said.

Some of the companies named in the group's report took issue with the
study's methodology. But industry and policy analysts on Wall Street noted
that companies often pay lower tax bills thanks to allowances that have
been under federal law for ages.

General Motors said did not take into account the taxes corporations paid
years ago that put them in a credit position during the period of the study.

``You're in a credit position not because somebody's giving you something
but because you've already paid,'' said Mark Tanner, spokesman at GM.

``The key point to make about GM is that we pay taxes,'' Tanner said,
noting GM paid $2.4 billion in taxes in 1999. ``We have a positive account
balance with the IRS, which consists of tax prepayments that were paid in
prior years as well as tax credit carryforwards.''

Indeed, industry and policy analysts on Wall Street noted that companies
often pay lower tax bills thanks to allowances that have been under federal
law for ages that include credits for things such as research and

One example is a long-standing provision in the tax code allowing
companies to deduct gains from employee stock options. A corporation
will, for instance, issue employees options that vest over three years. After
that period, the employee can exercise those options at the previously
agreed price.

The difference between the price actually paid and the price of that stock
on the market is recorded as compensation by the corporation.

``That's a major compensation deduction for companies without the cash
outflow. That will certainly lower your tax base,'' said Kevin Johnson, partner
at accounting firm Silverman Linden Higgins LLP.

Of the 250 companies studied, the institute said it found 233 of them had
received stock-option benefits over the 1996-1998 period, lowering their
taxes by $25.8 billion.

}}} ANOMALOUS RADIO {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Talk (33k+)

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Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Florida will temporarily cease citrus tree cutting

2000-10-20 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Florida will temporarily cease citrus tree cutting

The Associated Press

MIAMI (October 20, 2000 6:16 p.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) -
Faced with a homeowner revolt, Florida agriculture officials said they will
stop cutting down residents' backyard citrus trees for two days while they
train workers to help soothe residents' feelings.

The state will train the 100 additional workers on Monday and Tuesday to
talk to those whose trees are infected with a crop-destroying strain of
bacteria, Agriculture Commissioner Bob Crawford said.

The announcement comes after numerous complaints and at least two
armed standoffs between work crews and homeowners in recent weeks.

The crews are trying to destroy citrus canker, a type of bacteria that causes
oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes and other fruits to fall prematurely. The
outbreak, confined mostly to the southern part of the state, poses a major
threat to Florida's $8.5 billion citrus industry.

There is no chemical that will kill canker in plant tissue. As a result, more
than 750,000 trees have been cut down and burned since 1995 in
residential areas of three Miami-area counties.

}}} ANOMALOUS RADIO {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Talk (33k+)

}}} RADIO ANOMALY {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Jazz (Cable, DSL)

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 'Mad cow' fears prompt Britain to recall polio vaccine

2000-10-20 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

'Mad cow' fears prompt Britain to recall polio vaccine

Agence France-Presse

LONDON (October 20, 2000 9:42 a.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) -
Britain's health ministry announced Friday a recall of a polio vaccine now in
use because of fears that the vaccine could transmit the human variant of
'mad cow' disease.

But health chiefs said the risk of transmission of bovine spongiform
encephalopathy (BSE) through the Medeva vaccine given to British
children and travelers was "incalculably small."

Britain's Department of Health said the recall affected only one brand of
polio vaccine, which was scheduled to be replaced, but did not specify the
quantity of vaccine that is being recalled.

"As the national supply of polio vaccine has already switched to a different
manufacturer, the impact of the recall on the polio vaccination program is
likely to be minimal," a spokesman said.

Britain's Chief Medical Officer, Liam Donaldson, wrote to all family doctors
Friday to tell them about the recall.

He said the risk to humans of catching CJD - the human form of BSE which
appeared in Britain in 1986 - was "incalculably small."

Medeva manufactures the vaccine being recalled. SmithKline Beecham will
provide a replacement vaccine.

The BBC reported that the recall is linked to the presence of calf fetuses in
the vaccine. European rules say oral medicines should not use bovine
materials from countries in which there are known cases of BSE.

}}} ANOMALOUS RADIO {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Talk (33k+)

}}} RADIO ANOMALY {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Jazz (Cable, DSL)

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Albert Pike and the Illuminati

2000-10-20 Thread Eagle 1

-Caveat Lector-


Albert Pike

Albert Pike also of Newbury Port moved to Arkansas where he became a
prominent member of the secessionist movement. He was chosen by Mazzini to
head the Illuminati operations in America and moved to Charleston, South
Carolina, in 1852. During the war he was made a brigadier general and placed
in charge of raising an army of Indians. Pike's reign of terror was so
despicable that foreign governments intervened to put an end to his
savagery. Mazzini was not only the head of the Illuminati, he was the
leading revolutionist in Europe. He was determined to establish a New World
Order on the rubble of the old order and created a plan to accomplish his
goal. He detailed his plan for world domination in a letter to Pike on
January 22, 1870: "We must allow all the federations to continue just as
they are, with their systems, their central authorities and their diverse
modes of correspondence between high grades of the same rite, organized as
they are at the present, but we must create a super rite, which will remain
unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall
select. With regard to our brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledges to
the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all
Freemasonry which will become the one international center, the more
powerful because its direction will be unknown. Lady Queensborough, pp.

This secret rite is called "The New and Reformed Palladian Rite." It has
headquarters in Charleston, S.C., Roma Italia, and Berlin Germany. Pike
headed this rite in the Western Hemisphere while Mazzini headed it in the
East. Pike wrote about his beliefs and goals in 1871 in "Morals and Dogma of
the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry." In this massive
volume he explained that the "blind Force of the people is a Force that must
be economized, and also managed... it must be regulated by intellect. "To
attack the citadels (Institutions) built up on all sides against the human
race by superstitions (religion), despotisms, and prejudices, the force must
have a brain and a law (the Illuminati's). Then its (Force) deeds of daring
produce permanent results, and there is real progress. Then there are
sublime conquests... When all forces combined, and guided by the Intellect
(Illuminati), and regulated by the Rule of Right, and Justice, and of
combined and systematic movement and effort, the great revolution prepared
for the ages will begin to march... It is because Force is ill regulated
that revolutions prove failures" MORALS AND DOGMA OF THE ANCIENT AND

Even though Pike was a confederate general who committed the most heinous
atrocities of the war his tomb is located just 13 blocks from the Capitol
Building. He was a high ranking member of the Illuminati who is still
revered by the New World Order Gang. The god of the Illuminati and the New
World Order Gang is Lucifer. "The Masonic religion should be, by all of us
initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian
doctrine... Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay (Jesus) is also
God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty
without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as
two Gods: darkness being necessary to light to serve as its foil as the
pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive..."The
doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophic religion
is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay (Jesus); but Lucifer, God of
Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of
darkness and evil." "La Femme et l'enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie
Universelle," A.C. De La Rive, p. 588; Lady Queenborough, pp. 220-221.

Pike designed a plan for world conquest and wrote of it in a letter to
Mazzini dated August 15, 1871. He said three future world wars would prepare
the world for the New World Order. In the third world war "we shall unleash
the Nihilists and atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social
cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the
effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody
turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against
the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of
civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose
deistic spirit will from that moment be without a compass (direction),
anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration,
will receive the pure light through the universal manifestation of the pure
doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation
which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow
the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and 


2000-10-20 Thread Justine Blake

-Caveat Lector-

The last time the Pacifica board tried to change and censor the programming,
the people themselves came out and demanded their station be left alone. I
KNOW the people will come out again and fight for the station.

WBAI-FM, 99.5, New York is having it's pledge drive this week. It's the only
thing worth listening to on radio, forget television, to get alternative

I have every hope both Pacifica and WBAI on the East Coast will ALWAYS
remain just as they are, because there is enough awareness at the grass
roots level for both stations that the people will come out and fight.

Both stations are having such an impact, I'm sure people in high places are
getting nervous. God forbid either station goes, because NOTHING will ever
change if they do.

As a media watch group dedicated to promoting greater diversity in the
press, FAIR has followed with distress the deepening crisis at the
country's first listener-supported community radio network. Over the
last year and a half, Pacifica's management has increasingly
orchestrated censorship-- including of FAIR's own radio show,
CounterSpin-- retaliatory personnel moves and the disenfranchisement of
listeners and local advisory boards in order to impose its often
regressive decisions on the network.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Bin Laden U.S. Ally - Special Forces, Fort Bragg

2000-10-20 Thread Kris Millegan

Bin Laden U.S. Ally - Special Forces, Fort Bragg

Guilty Plea in Embassy Bombing
Former Army Sergeant Admits Link
to Osama bin Laden 

Former U.S. Army sergeant Ali Mohamed, 48, became the first person to plead
guilty in connection with the bombings of U.S. embassies in Africa two years
ago that killed 12 Americans and 212 others. (AP Photo)
N E W   Y O R K, Oct. 20 ‹ A former U.S. Army sergeant pleaded guilty today
to conspiring with suspected terrorist kingpin Osama bin Laden in a sweeping
plot to ³attack any Western target in the Middle East.²
Ali Mohamed pleads guilty to charges. RealVideo
(download RealPlayer)
As part of a plea agreement with prosecutors, the 48-year-old Egyptian-born
man, Ali Mohamed, who served in the Army for three years in the late 1980s,
admitted to conspiring with bin Laden and others to murder Americans all
over the world.
 Mohamed pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges related to the 1998
bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed more than 200 people,
including a dozen Americans.
 He is the first person to plead guilty in connection with the bombings
and is an important element in the Justice Department¹s efforts to build a
case that bin Laden and others were responsible for the attacks.
 He said he conspired along with bin Laden and others to attack the U.S.
military in Somalia and Saudi Arabia, to kill Americans at unspecified
embassies, and to conceal the conspiracy.
 He was led into the courtroom in leg shackles, and stood in his prison
blue uniform as he pleaded guilty to five counts.
 ³The objective of all of this was to attack any Western target in the
Middle East,² Mohamed said during his plea, according to The Associated
Worldwide Terrorism Conspiracy
Mohamed said bin Laden plays a key role in a massive conspiracy by members
of an Islamic jihad to target U.S. military installations and embassies
 U.S. officials said they have evidence Mohamed had ties to bin Laden
within a year or two after he was honorably discharged from the Army in
 Mohamed also admitted he helped move bin Laden from Pakistan to Sudan
and trained members of a terrorist organization linked to bin Laden, al
 He was among 17 people named in an indictment that resulted from the
Aug. 7, 1998, bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, which
the United States accuses bin Laden of masterminding.
 Five other persons listed in the indictment are in federal custody,
three more are undergoing extradition proceedings in Britain, and eight
others are still at large, including bin Laden.
 Mohamed faces a maximum sentence of life in prison without possibility
of parole. 
Was in Army Special Forces
The former sergeant, ironically, had taught U.S. Special Forces troops
at Fort Bragg, N.C. A former Egyptian military officer, Mohamed was living
in the United States as a resident alien when he joined the Army.
 His duties included teaching soldiers in the special forces about
Muslim culture.
 Mohamed was taken into custody in October 1998 on charges of lying to
federal agents investigating bin Laden¹s network.
 He had lied about his connections to bin Laden and associated
organizations and to the Department of Defense about his previous
associations and travel history, according to charges filed by the Justice
Department in 1998.
 Investigators have said videotapes of Mohamed training at a special
warfare center at Fort Bragg and classified military documents he had access
to turned up in some very suspicious places.
 The FBI found them in the home of Sayyid Nosair, a suspected terrorist
later convicted in a plot to blow up American landmarks.

ABCNEWS¹ John Miller contributed to this report.

Re: [CTRL] Many Large U.S. Companies Paid No Taxes -- Study

2000-10-20 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 03:57 PM 10/20/00 -0700, Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Caveat Lector-

Friday October 20 6:35 PM ET

Many Large U.S. Companies Paid No Taxes -- Study

By Kristin Roberts

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Some of the largest U.S. companies paid no
income tax between 1996 and 1998 despite earning billions of dollars
during those years, according to a recent study.

Why is anyone surprised?  This is the inexorable result when the government
buggers with the tax system to give "incentives" (or threats) to  taxpayers
(both corporate and individuals) to do things the government's way.

Those corporations that made profits and "paid no taxes" simply redirected
the tax money they would have sent to the government directly to some end
that the government wanted the money to be spent on anyway.

In economic terms, corporations don't really pay taxes, anyway.  They are
merely a convenient mechanism for the government to collect tax money which
is ultimately paid by consumers.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] www.taxclarity.com

2000-10-20 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-


Conveniently calculates for you your projected price surcharge for living
(if you can call it living) under a Gore administration.

Caution.  May be disturbing or upsetting to persons who object to being
deprived of their money by armed IRS agents, armed BATF agents, armed
federal marshalls, armed bailiffs of the federal court system, or other
armed robbers.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] WND: CIA Official: Gore Compromised by Secret Past (1/2)

2000-10-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Please post part 2.

You put out a lot of good stuff.
I appreciate your efforts.



 -Caveat Lector-

 [In MY continuing effort to remain (and post) impartially, I
 submit the following for your consideration.  Remember, however,
 that ANY BODY, I repeat, ANYBODY, is better than a Bush;-)  --MS]


 Monday, October 16, 2000

 CIA Official: Gore Compromised by Secret Past

 Says Russia has dossiers on VP's former drug use, Hammer connection

 By Charles Thompson and Tony Hays
 © 2000, WorldNetDaily.com, Inc.

 Editor's note: The following report on Vice President Al Gore's
 alleged past drug use, as well as his deep connections with
 Soviet operative Armand Hammer, was researched and written by
 native Tennessee reporters Charles C. Thompson II and Tony Hays.
 Thompson is a long-time veteran of network news, having been a
 founding producer of ABC's "20/20," as well as Mike Wallace's
 producer at CBS's "60 Minutes." His most recent book, "A Glimpse
 of Hell: The Explosion on the U.S.S. Iowa and Its Cover-Up," was
 released by W.W. Norton in Spring 1999. Hays is a veteran
 journalist who has written extensively on political corruption in
 Tennessee. Recently his 20-part series on narcotics trafficking
 received an award from the Tennessee Press Association.

 According to a former high-ranking official in the CIA, Russian
 intelligence agencies possess thick dossiers concerning Al Gore's
 heavy usage of drugs three decades ago as well as his father's
 questionable dealings with Armand Hammer, a dedicated Soviet
 operative for 70 years.

 The CIA source, speaking to WorldNetDaily on condition of
 anonymity, has since the 1970s routinely advised American
 presidents, including President Clinton, on Russian intelligence.

 There is credible evidence, says the source, that these dossiers
 have already been employed to alter Gore's behavior on issues
 affecting Russia. As an example, he cited Gore's acquiescence to
 the corruption of former Russian Prime Minister Viktor
 Chernomyrdin, who co-chaired a commission with Gore to encourage
 Americans to do business in Russia. Chernomyrdin accumulated from
 one to five billion dollars in personal assets from the
 systematic looting of the Soviet state treasury during the time
 he co-chaired the commission with Gore.

 Republican presidential candidate Gov. George W. Bush brought
 this exact point up during last week's second debate with Gore.

 "We went into Russia," said Bush. "We said, 'Here's some IMF
 money,' and it ended up in Viktor Chernomyrdin's pocket and
 others. And yet we played like there was reform."

 As WND has reported previously, American businessmen, who were
 threatened with death by the Russian mafia and/or had their
 assets expropriated by these gangsters, say their complaints were
 brushed aside by Gore and his aides while the vice president
 chaired the committee meant to help them.

 "Chernomyrdin didn't have to show Gore the incriminating
 dossiers; Gore knew he had them. It's akin to blackmail and
 extortion, but it's really using highly embarrassing information
 on a sustained basis," said the source, who has been associated
 with America's foreign policy elite for three decades as a chief
 adviser on intelligence matters.

 "The situation will get much worse if Gore's elected president.
 Russian president Vladimir Putin [a former KGB colonel who has
 mob connections] will tell Gore, in effect, 'I've got the files
 and this is what we want you to do.' And Gore will do it," he

 Earlier this year, John C. Warnecke Jr., a former Tennessean
 newspaper reporter in Nashville, told Newsweek reporter Bill
 Turque that he and Al Gore had spent many a night together nearly
 30 years ago imbibing cognac and smoking opium-laced marijuana.
 Warnecke worked with Gore in 1971 and remained a good friend
 through 1976. Ken Jost, another former reporter for the
 newspaper, backed up Warnecke's account after Turque's biography,
 "Inventing Al Gore," was published.

 In years past, The Tennessean had treated Warnecke as if he were
 royalty due to the fact that his father has close connections to
 the Kennedy family, as did John Seigenthaler, the former editor
 and publisher of the paper. Seigenthaler considered himself to be
 a king-maker and recruited both Warnecke and Gore to join the
 paper's staff, largely because of their respective fathers'
 political clout. Seigenthaler was the one who first convinced Al
 Gore Jr. to run for Congress.

 Even so, after his revelations about Gore's alleged drug use, the
 paper didn't waste any time training its editorial guns on the
 53-year-old Warnecke.

 It was quick to bring up the fact that he had once suffered from
 depression. Warnecke admitted he had been depressed 20 years ago,
 but said he had obtained treatment then and was fine now. The
 paper cited 31 former 

[CTRL] Hunt begins for corn linked to biotech scare

2000-10-20 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Hunt begins for corn linked to biotech scare

October 20, 2000

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The company that developed a variety of gene-
altered corn linked to a nationwide recall of taco shells is trying to recover
nine million bushels of the grain that may be headed to food companies.

The corn, known as StarLink, was not approved for human consumption
because of questions about its potential to cause allergic reactions.
Federal officials describe the health risk as remote; Starlink is approved
only for animal food or industrial uses.

"We're doing everything we can that's humanly possible to try to track that
corn down," Aventis CropScience spokesman Rick Rountree said

The missing grain represents about 10 percent of this year's crop of the

Mills nationwide are starting to test incoming corn and unshipped flour for
signs of Starlink, said Betsy Faga, president of the North American Millers
Association. She was unaware of any positive tests.

Archer Daniels Midland Co., a leading grain handler and processor, began
testing deliveries at its elevators a week ago and has turned away "a
handful of trucks out of hundreds," said company spokesman Larry

ConAgra Foods Inc., one of the nation's biggest food makers, stopped
making corn flour at a mill in Kansas on October 11 because it may have
received some of the StarLink.

The corn found in taco shells was traced to a single mill in Texas.

Most of the seed for the corn was sold by an Iowa-based company, Garst
Seed, and 40 percent of it was planted in the state, the Des Moines
Register reported Friday.

This means huge problems for Iowa's more than 150 grain elevators.
They're bulging with freshly harvested corn, but so far it's not clear how
much of it may have been commingled with StarLink.

"The vast majority of this corn is controlled," Agriculture Department
spokeswoman Susan McAvoy said. "We're working with Aventis and
vigorously attempting to locate the remainder."

Aventis has canceled its government license to market the crop and
agreed to reimburse the Agriculture Department for the cost of buying up all
of this year's harvest.

Aventis' inability to find all of the corn leaves food processors up in the air,
said Gene Grabowski, a spokesman for the Grocery Manufacturers of
America. "Everyone understands that consumer sensitivity on this issue is
highly important even if there is no evidence of harm," he said.

Among the corn products in grocery stores are taco shells, corn chips, and
breakfast cereals.

Aventis was required by the Environmental Protection Agency to make
sure that farmers did not sell the corn for food use. Company officials now
acknowledge some farmers either were not told of the restriction or forgot
about it.

Farmers did not buy the seed directly from Aventis but from seed
companies that sold it under license from Aventis, based in Research
Triangle Park, North Carolina. Rountree said there was a "breakdown in
communications" between the farmers, Aventis and the seed companies.

About 2,000 farmers this year grew StarLink, which is expected to account
for about 0.4 percent of the nation's total corn harvest.

Each of the growers was contacted by the company and given the option of
selling the corn to the government or keeping it on their farm. The grain that
has been sold is being tracked through the elevator that purchased it.

"You have a lot of guys who are so mad they don't want to deal with USDA
or Aventis, and they don't know what they're going to do about those
farmers," said Tom Jennings, an official in the Illinois Agriculture

Iowa's attorney general, Tom Miller, said he is trying to get Aventis to
reimburse farmers who lost money on grain that was mixed with the
StarLink corn.

StarLink is one of several varieties of corn that contains a bacterium gene
that makes it toxic to insect pests.

Copyright 2000 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material
may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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2000-10-20 Thread James Hayman

-Caveat Lector-

Mack White wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Worldwide Newslink Exclusive

 Bio-Terrorism in Austin, Texas?

 by Mack White

 This morning, for the third time this week, a possible biological attack occurred in 
Austin, Texas.

   I have only incidental proof of what I'm about to say. I think
these stories are bogus. Twenty people yesterday and now six today
with the government quarantining Breckinridge hospital after these
"victims" are admitted then released. This has all the earmarks
of an "exercise". Austin municipal government got $200,000 from
the feds for counter-terrorism training and prevention. Shortly
after that IH-35 South is closed down for what was called a
hazardous spill then later admitted it was only an exercise. They
closed the major north-south artery for four hours. Next comes
the report that there has been a biological/chemical attach in
downtown Austin just as the noon lunch rush starts closing down
the streets around most of the downtown restaurants again for four
hours. Later we find out it was "just an exercise." Now we are hearing
reports of these "attacks" on DPS. Now I don't doubt that those
26 people thought they were under chemical attack but their symptoms
disappeared at the hospital. Someone is playing a sick game with
the people of Austin Texas with the full knowledge and cooperation
of somebody in city government.
   Who do we have to thank for this money? Why Dubya of course and
of course Clinton and Gore who keep pushing their community policing
initiative. Apparently the more cops you have the more crime there is.
I and others have decided its time to make an issue of this federal
municipal bonding going on and try to sweep every incumbent from office.
Don't be too surprised if your city is next. The press is no where to be
seen or heard on the toxic spill (by the feds) travelling down the Ohio
River but they have time to report these bogus "terrorist attacks" in
Austin Texas. What a world we live in.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Report: Biotech possibly already widespread in food supply chain

2000-10-20 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Report: Biotech possibly already widespread in food supply chain

October 19, 2000

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Millions of bushels of genetically engineered corn
approved only for animals may have already reached the human food
supply chain and could show up in a wide range of foods, The Washington
Post reported Thursday.

Industry and federal officials are trying to find the corn to buy it back before
it is made into more taco shells, chips, corn flakes and other corn products.

"We're getting it out of the food chain," John Wichtrich, vice president and
general manager of Aventis FoodSciences of Research Triangle Park,
North Carolina, the developer of the corn, told the Post.

The corn was not approved for humans because of fears it might trigger
allergic reactions, but officials do not think its presence in food poses an
imminent health risk.

About 260 grain elevators have received the corn this year, Aventis officials
told the Post. Wichtrich estimated that about 88 percent of the Aventis corn,
called StarLink, was being stored on farms or used for animal feed. But an
additional 9 million bushels had already left farms this year. That is the
missing corn company officials are tracking and trying to buy back.

Meanwhile, groups opposed to genetically engineered crops accused the
government of violating the Endangered Species Act in considering
whether to renew licenses for gene-altered crops that are toxic to insects.

The groups, which notified the Environmental Protection Agency on
Wednesday of their intent to sue the agency, said the crops may harm a
number of endangered insects such as the Karner Blue butterfly,
sometimes found near corn fields.

Registrations for several varieties of genetically engineered corn and
cotton are due to expire next year.

The EPA has been gathering research data and consulting with a panel of
scientists about the impact of the crops on human health and the

In a preliminary assessment released last month, the agency concluded
there was little risk to butterflies or any other insects which the toxin is not
supposed to harm. A three-day meeting by the agency's scientific advisory
panel began Wednesday in Arlington, Virginia.

Under the Endangered Species Act, the EPA would be required to consult
with the Fish and Wildlife Service and to take actions to protect the
threatened species from the crops.

"We're certainly open to new scientific information and will take that into
consideration as we complete our review," said Steve Johnson, a senior
EPA official.

A Cornell University study released last year raised concerns about biotech
corn after finding that the pollen was toxic to Monarchs in the laboratory.
The butterfly feeds on milkweed, which often grows in and around corn
fields in the Midwest.

"EPA has had its head in the sand since it learned that genetically
engineered corn could be killing Monarch butterflies," said Charles
Margulis of Greenpeace, one of the groups planning to sue the EPA.

Although pollen from biotech corn can kill Monarch butterflies, there is
probably little risk to them around corn fields, based on the latest research,
according to the EPA study.

The agency said some scientists even believe the corn may even turn out
to be beneficial to the butterflies because farmers are using less chemical

The corn and cotton contain a bacterium gene that is inserted into the plant
to produce a toxin that kills a major pest, the European corn borer.

The EPA has been concerned that the corn borer and other pests may
become resistant to the toxin, which is also used in an insecticide popular
with organic farmers.

So far, there has been no evidence of resistant insects, although some
insects have shown a temporary tolerance to the toxin, agency scientists
said Wednesday.

To prevent the development of resistant insects, the agency requires
farmers to plant sections of non-biotech crops within or around the gene-
altered varieties

Copyright 2000 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material
may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no 

[CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] Isreal vs. Palestine Go Israel!

2000-10-20 Thread Amelia
Title: Isreal vs. Palestine Go Israel!

Arafat used to be considered a terrorist on the scale of Bin 
Laden fifteen years ago. Remember it was this month 15 yrs ago the Achille 
Laurel was hijacked and the elderly man in the wheel-chair thrown overboard, all 
traced to Arafat. In a few years will we we treating Bin Laden as some 
sort of revered elder statesman the way this former terrorist is now 
treated? Why was Arafat never brought to justice for any of his terrorist 
activities? How can be pursue bin Laden as a criminal and yet Arafat is 
now a statesman. I only mention this because so many are too young to 
remember when his name was on the lips of the newscasters nightly as the most 
evil of humans possible and the innocent blood he had shed the stuff of frequent 
media coverage. Politics change and evil becomes good and good becomes 
evil.I was very young but will always remember the screams of the Isaeli 
athletes being tortured and finally killed, mercifully.The definition of 
words also changes with the times and what was once reprehensible behavior 
becomes perfectly acceptable. So I suppose when the world said "Never 
again" it really meant "Never again unless something important like oil comes 
into play."

- Original Message - 
From: Stopforth, Jamie 
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 3:11 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Israel vs. Palestine Go Israel!

Hal Lindsey© 2000 WorldNetDaily.comThe 
considerable outrage being expressed by the uninformed on the daily talk shows 
is getting plenty of attention. Everyone, it seems, feels that the Palestinians 
are the injured party in the current explosion of violence.For those 
blinded by the current wave of misplaced political correctness, it would be hard 
to imagine a scenario in which Palestinians might seek protection in an Israeli 
police station and be turned over to a waiting Jewish mob to be brutally beaten 
to death. Yet, in the Ramallah situation, two Israelis did exactly that -- they 
sought protection and refuge from the Palestinian police. Instead of protection, 
the police looked the other way as the mob seized the two Israeli reservists, 
stabbed them repeatedly and threw at least one of the soldiers out a second 
floor window into the arms of the waiting mob.The scenes were horrific, 
yet in some people's minds, justified, since the plight of the Palestinians is 
"hopeless" -- victims of Israeli oppression -- economically, politically and 
socially. What nobody seems to understand is that the Palestinian people have 
their own government to blame.Yasser Arafat and his cronies live in fine 
villas, drive expensive German automobiles, wear Armani suits to the various 
summit meetings, and wax eloquently about the plight of their oppressed 
constituency at Israeli hands. It is quite a contrast to the image projected by 
the Israeli negotiating teams who arrive in four-door Chevys wearing suits with 
shiny elbows and fraying shirt collars. And none of the Israeli leaders live in 
Mediterranean villas. Who's the oppressor here?Two days after the murder 
of the two Israeli soldiers at the hands of a blood-crazed mob, Palestinian 
state TV broadcast the comments of a Muslim cleric. The cleric exhorted his 
flock to "kill the Jews and to kill the Americans, wherever they may be found." 
This is the true nature of the Israeli peace partnership as envisioned by Yasser 
Arafat. Again, the question: who is the oppressor, here?Palestinians who 
hold Israeli citizenship do not share the hopeless condition of their brothers 
living under the tender mercies of the Arafat government. Indeed, life for an 
Israeli Arab is so much better than for their Palestinian counterparts that a 
majority of Arabs in a recent poll indicated that, given the choice 
betweenliving under an Arab administration or under Israeli rule, they would 
prefer the Israeli brand of "oppression."The Arab position appears to be 
that it's all Israel's fault because they are using bullets to respond to rocks. 
But nobody, not even the most articulate apologists for the Arab side, has any 
reasonable alternative to suggest. Should the Israelis throw rocks back? Or 
maybe they should just go home? Yasser Arafat, at the summit on Monday, insisted 
the Israelis withdraw first, and then the violence would stop. Who in their 
right mind is going to believe that, given the number of broken promises charged 
to his account in just the last three weeks?Any argument that advances 
the case that the Israelis are to blame for the violence in the Middle East 
ignores the salient truth that it is the Palestinians who are behind the unrest 
-- not the Israelis. If the Palestinians stopped throwing rocks, the IDF would 
go home. Simple. The PA claims it has legitimate reasons for the violence. Fine. 
Then why deny that they are the authors of the violence in the first place? Ehud 
Barak offered a settlement more generous than anybody ever expected. He offered 
them all 

[CTRL] US Air Force Aerial Spray Home Page

2000-10-20 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

 Air Force Aerial Spray Home Page


 Photo of USAF spray plane

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[CTRL] Aerial Spray Regulations

2000-10-20 Thread Amelia
Title: Aerial Spray Regulations

This is mostly discussing 
pesticides but proves that they do have such spraying regs in 


The Secretary of the Air Force shall maintain a large-area, 
fixed-wing aerial pesticide application capability to control disease vectors, 
pest organisms, and vegetation and to treat oil spills in combat areas, on DoD 
installations, or in response to declared emergencies and shall provide 
sufficient training for aerial pesticide application air crews and ground 
support personnel. Documentation for aerial application projects shall 
be in accordance with DoD and Component environmental requirements including 
compliance with the requirements of NEPA. The DoD Components shall ensure that a 
designated pest management consultant at the major command level or higher, who 
is certified in the aerial application pest control category, approves all 
proposed pest management projects that involve the aerial application of 
pesticides. Approval shall be obtained before aerial application operations 
commnence. DoD Component pest management consultants shall collaborate, as 
appropriate, with the 910th Airlift Wing (Air Force Reserve) during the review 
and approval process for aerial spray projects to be completed by the 910th. 
Installation cormmanders shall ensure that installation personnel update 
documentation for project approval if subsequent aerial application operations 
are planned. 


a. Project Approval Sequence:
(1) Pest Management Professional Validation Statement
(2) Environmental Assessment
(3) Installation Commander's Request Letter
(4) Maps with proposed spray area outlined (preferably Geological Survey 
1:24,000 Scale).
(5) Submission of items a, b, c  d up chain of command until the project 
can be approved by an Aerial Spray (EPA Category 11) Certified Pest Management 
Professional (PMP) as follows:
(a) Major Command PMP
(b) Component PMP
(c) Armed Forces Pest Management Board PMP
(6) Legal waivers of claim if spraying non-government lands
(7) Copies of approved Aerial Spray Packages for projects requesting Air 
Force Aerial Spray capabilities are sent to:
(a) AFRC/DOOM, Robins AFB GA 31098
(b) 757 AS/DOS, YARS Vienna OH 44473-0910 
(c) Service Component PMP
b. Spray Coordination:
(1) Request spray by message to HQ AFRC Robins AFB GA//DOOM// (DSN 497-1171) 
with info copies to HQ AFRC Robins AFB GA//DOTM// 22 AF Dobbins ARB GA//DO//, 
and 910 AW Youngstown ARS OH//DOS// (DSN 346-/1178). Message must include 
the following information:
(a) Approval status of Installation's Aerial Spray Package.
(b) Dates spray requested.
(c) Pest to be controlled.
(d) Acres to be sprayed.
(e) Availability of pesticide, diluent and flush to be used.
(2) Items to be arranged or furnished by the user installation: (Final 
Coordination by telephone).
(a) Pesticide, diluent and flush.
(b) Aviation fuel, JP-8 or equivalent.
(c) Ground transportation.
(d) Quarters.
(e) Maps certifying the spray boundaries.
(f) Legal waivers of claim if spraying non-government lands.
(g) Public notification and news releases.
(h) Aircraft parking area where possible away from storm drains.
(i) Hazardous materials disposal associated with the loading and cleanup 
required for an aerial spray mission.
(j) Range closures during aerial spray operations.
(k) Weather forecasting support. 
(l) Air space priority over the spray area during an aerial spray 
(3) Set up a pre-spray briefing with representatives of the following 
installation agencies (for first spray of the season):
(a) Installation Commander
(b) Project Officer
(c) Legal Officer
(d) Medical Service
(e) Environmental Coordinator
(f) Public Affairs
(g) Civil Engineering
(h) Base Operations/Flight Facilities
(i) Fire Department
(j) Weather
(k) Range Control Officer

a. Make pre- and post-spray collections of medically important target 
insects to determine spray effectiveness.
b. The Medical Officer of the Day and the Emergency Room should be 
notified of the period that 757 AS Aerial Spray personnel will be at your 
installation. We will be using a concentrated organophosphate Dibrom Concentrate 
(naled) or the carbamate Sevin 4- Oil (carbaryl).
c. These pesticides are cholinesterase inhibitors. The Pharmacy and 
Emergency Room should be equipped with sufficient quantities of the following 
antidotes for three people:
(1) Organophosphate Pesticides. Atropine sulphate and protopam chloride are 
(2) Carbamate Pesticide. Atropine sulphate is antidotal. DO NOT USE 
protopam chloride for carbamate pesticide poisonings.