[CTRL] MP child rapist

2000-10-23 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

Here's one for David Icke (I know he has posted information about it in the past, this 
case was a really hot political potatoe after the coverup lifted slightly a few years 


Former MP raped girl in front of class, court told

Source: AAP|Published: Monday October 23, 4:34 PM

Former Queensland Labor MP Bill D'Arcy raped a young girl in front of a whole 
classroom of primary school children he was teaching, a court was told today.

D'Arcy, 61, of Raby Bay in bayside Brisbane, pleaded not guilty in the Supreme Court 
in Brisbane to 18 child sex charges against three girls and one boy between January 
1963 and July 1965.

The 11 counts of indecent dealing with girls under 12, four of indecent dealing with a 
boy under 14 and three of rape, relate to his time as the only teacher at the primary 
school in the tiny rural town of Yalleroi, in central Queensland.

The alleged rape victim was aged between seven and nine at the time D'Arcy was 
teaching at the school, and remembers referring to him as 'Sir'.

Prosecutor David Bullock told the jury in his opening address that D'Arcy had called 
the girl out to the front of the classroom and lifted her onto his lap so that she was 
facing him.

Mr Bullock described how D'Arcy penetrated the girl while she was on his lap.

'She didn't look at the other students as this was going on, she just looked at a 
painting at the back of the room.'

The girl eventually felt a wet sensation, he said.

D'Arcy made her remain on his lap for a few minutes and then sent her back to her desk.

Mr Bullock said in a previous incident D'Arcy called the girl out to check a story she 
had written, told other students to keep working and then undid his pants and had her 
masturbate him, showing her how to do it.

D'Arcy also allegedly called the girl into a storeroom, where he touched her, breathed 
into her ear and forced his tongue into her mouth.

'She remembers it feeling slimy and awful and (it) hurt her mouth,' Mr Bullock said, 
adding that D'Arcy fumbled with his hands in her pants.

This sort of incident allegedly happened to her all the time at the hands of D'Arcy, 
he said.

Mr Bullock said that in another incident they were again in the storeroom when D'Arcy 
put the girl on the desk and raped her while he breathed very heavily.

He then used his handkerchief to wipe himself and her vagina before saying, 'that 
didn't hurt did it'.

Mr Bullock said there were peep holes in the storeroom door and students recalled 
looking through and seeing D'Arcy place his hand on the girl's thigh, her dress up 
around her waist, but couldn't see anymore because the table was in the way.

Another alleged female victim was aged from nine to 11, and D'Arcy had a pattern of 
rubbing his penis against her stomach and vaginal area and giving her the warning that 
'if you tell anyone you'll be caned'.

Mr Bullock said D'Arcy would rub himself up against the male victim who was aged 
between 11 to 13, but stopped after a few encounters, because the boy began rebelling 
against him.

Another female victim was aged between six and nine when D'Arcy allegedly molested her.

She can allegedly recall D'Arcy molesting her as she stood next to him behind his desk 
at the front of the class.

Other charges relate to him making her lie down on a bench with her pants down in an 
empty classroom and him sliding along her until ejaculation.

Mr Bullock said these events occurred repeatedly, as did him sitting the girl on his 
knee while he molested her.

None of the children complained at the time of the alleged events at the tiny school - 
which had a maximum student population of 32 - because of the prevailing culture of 
the 1960s when teachers were treated with unquestioning respect.

The complainants only began making statements against D'Arcy after they were contacted 
by police in September 1998.

'Mr D'Arcy was a strict disciplinarian,' Mr Bullock said.

'The crown will suggest to you in this climate that Mr D'Arcy could commit the 
offences on the complainants and in reality do little to conceal what he was doing.'

In many of the alleged incidents with the students, D'Arcy would have girls masturbate 
him and then place his handkerchief over his penis before ejaculation.

A jury of seven men and five women plus two reserves have been empaneled for the trial 
which is expected to continue for up to one month before Justice Bob Douglas.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no 

Re: [CTRL] Uncovering the Dark Side of the world wide web

2000-10-23 Thread Richard Sampson

-Caveat Lector-

How did Buchanan International obtain data like this without having full
to password protected sites?

Buchanan International appears to be either the world's largest pornography
patron or the most prolific hacker.  If I had a porn site I would be
legal action.

Kris Millegan wrote:

 The programmers found that more than 20,000 new hosts for pornography sites
 were being created daily. The average site contained just 43 images, and 98
 per cent held almost no original material. However, some sites had more than
 100,000 images.

 The porn-viewing public - which forms just 2.5 per cent of the database -
 cannot keep up: the number of sites is growing exponentially but the number
 of visitors to them only linearly, says Whitelaw. Child pornography, much of
 it now originating in eastern Europe, is a big growth industry, he adds.

 For the past decade, Buchanan has provided security software and
 criminal-tracking services to the police, security services, banks, the RUC
 and utilities such as airports and oil rig operators. Recently, it was
 involved in tracing the international tentacles of the vast Wonderland
 paedophile ring, which led directly to hundreds of arrests. One password used
 by the ring took 35 days for Buchanan to crack.

   1stUp.com - Free the Web
   Get your free Internet access at http://www.1stUp.com

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] RadTimes # 78

2000-10-23 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 78 - October, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--Crackdown On "Democracy Now!" [Pacifica]
--'Big Brother' Could Soon Ride Along in Back Seat
--147 arrested at parade standoff [Columbus]
--Tribes, activists can use Columbus dispute to teach their history
Begin stories:
Crackdown On "Democracy Now!"

By Amy Goodman

Introductory Note from Michael Albert:

I received a long letter today sent by Amy Goodman to the
Pacifica Board. The letter, included below in full, reveals
Pacifica's efforts to curtail Democracy Now. For those who
don't know her, Amy Goodman's work embodies meticulous care,
huge talent, outrageous courage, and tireless audacity. The
show she hosts, Democracy Now!, is one of the few effective
sources of honest analysis and reporting in the United

Over the past few years Pacifica's authorities have
coercively transformed a people's network into a nearly
mainstream structure. They have claimed to be trying to
increase Pacifica's progressive outreach, but even Pacifica'
s authorities can't expect anyone to believe that attacking
Democracy Now! is progressive. Cutting off Democracy Now
will sunder Pacifica's ties with its progressive
listenership and its current donor base. The intent of the
actions can only be to replace Pacifica's progressive
audience with a more upscale and mainstream one. In short,
Pacifica's leadership wants radio content that will get them
invitations to hobnob with CEOs of the Los Angeles Times,
the Washington Post, and the New York Times.

So what should be done?

Amy Goodman and Democracy Now should be supported to the
full extent that their listening public and the entire
progressive community can manage. Whether this means
inundating Pacifica's board members with dissenting opinions
by email and faxes, organizing together to demonstrate at
Pacifica stations or affiliates, or even organizing at the
board members' dwellings and workplaces, is up to you. But
the point is to make crystal clear to these people that
mainstreaming Pacifica is not going to increase its "owners"
status and power, but will instead bring misery and shame
upon them.

Pacifica's dissolution is sordid and impermissible. It
should call forth whatever dissent is required to convince
the Pacific Board to change its tune. For a start, if you
are in the area, please attend protests outside local
Pacifica stations in support of "Democracy Now!" (Details
at: http://www.mediademocracynow.org Then, consider
communicating with the folks listed below...

Pacifica National Board

Bessie Wash, Pacifica executive director
phone: (toll free) 888-770-4944 x348,

David Acosta, chair
Phone: (713) 926-4604, FAX: (713) 921-2780,

Ken Ford, vice chair
Phone: (202) 822-0228, FAX: (202) 822-0369,

Lynn Chadwick, former executive director, now "consultant"

Dr. Mary Frances Berry, former chair, now Board member
Phone: (202) 337-0382, FAX: (202) 376-7558,

June Makela, at-large member
Phone: (212) 673-9225 or (212) 768-1831, Fax (212) 673-9225,

Frank Millspaugh, WBAI
Phone: (212) 741-0839, FAX: (212) 924-7409,

Bob Farrell - KPFK
Phone: (323) 299-3800 X 255, FAX: (323) 299-3896,

Lee, Bertram M
Phone: (202)965-6223, 965-6224

John M. Murdock
Phone: 202-861-0900, FAX: 202-296-2882,

Michael Palmer, KPFT
Phone: (713) 840-6646 or (713) 960-8583, FAX: 713-960-8583,

Karolyn Van Putten, at large member
Phone: (415) 771-1160,

Wendell L. Johns, WPFK
Phone: (202) 752-8193,

Andrea Cisco, WBAI

Pete Bramson, KPFA

Rabbi Aaron Kriegel, KPFK

Tomas Moran, KPFA

Rob Robinson, WPFW

Leslie Cagan, WBAI

Beth Lyons, WBAI

Valerie Chambers, KPFT

Amy Goodman's Letter
To: Pacifica Executive Director Bessie Wash and Board of
From: Amy Goodman
Cc: Personnel File
Date: 10/18/00

A few days ago, I was given a shocking memo
from Pacifica Program Director Stephen Yasko and Pacifica
attorney Larry Drapkin. In the 3-page memo, Yasko listed a
series of Pacifica policies and work rules that I was
ordered to immediately adhere to or face "disciplinary
actions up to and including termination." Yasko handed me
the memo during a meeting in the law offices of my union,
AFTRA, at a gathering that my union representatives and I
had been led to 

[CTRL] OS: [Not] dying in defense of freedom

2000-10-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Not) dying in defense of freedom

By Charley Reese Commentary

Published in The Orlando Sentinel on October 22, 2000

Every time American military personnel are killed, someone
inevitably trots out the cliché: "They died in defense of

If we are ever to construct a peaceful world and to save the
lives of our military personnel, then we are going to have to
stop lying.

The 17 young Americans killed by a bomb in the harbor of Yemen
were brave and loyal Americans.  We mourn their loss.  But they
did not die in defense of freedom.

They died to protect contracts British and American oil companies
have in the Persian Gulf.  They died to maintain a cruel embargo
against the people of Iraq.

They most likely died because of America's one-sided support of

What country in the Persian Gulf is a threat to American freedom?

Not one.  The very idea is absurd on its face.

The Americans who lost their lives in Somalia did not die in
defense of freedom.  Somalia was in a state of anarchy.  They
died trying to enforce the meddling by the United Nations in the
internal affairs of Somalia.  They died because some jerk of an
admiral decided he would play sheriff and arrest one of the very
competent warlords in Somalia. They died because the Clinton
Administration refused to send the backup America's military men
on the ground had requested.

But they did not die in defense of freedom.  There was no freedom
in Somalia.  Somalia's competing warlords were not a threat to
anyone but their own people.

You have to go back to the Vietnam War to find Americans who died
in defense of freedom, and even in that war, they died in defense
of someone else's freedom, not Americans'.

It is interesting to note that the American left bitterly opposed
that war and never hesitated to slander American soldiers and
even harass their families. Apparently the left, which now
occupies Washington, doesn't like wars against communists.
Oddly enough, as long as it doesn't have to fight them, the left
seems eager to make war on non-communist countries.

Since Vietnam, no American serviceman has died in defense of
freedom. They have died to carry out the imperialistic policies
of the central government in Washington.  Often soldiers have
died to protect or advance economic interests of which they were
not even aware.  The U.S. government has worked hard to turn the
American armed forces into a mercenary force.

And that is something that the American people should not
tolerate.  One area where I part company with libertarians is
that I believe that all American males should take a turn in the
military.  An army of citizen-soldiers is the best protection
against political leaders turning the army against its own

No American fighting man should ever die except in defense of his
own country.  No American force should ever attack any country
that is not attacking or preparing to attack the United States.
And no American serviceman should ever, under any circumstances,
serve under the command of foreigners.

Wars and acts of terrorism are born out of America's unjust
foreign policy.  Unless we change that policy, Americans will
face a new century of wars, large scale and small scale.  Unless
we change that policy, Americans will continue to die in places
where they have no legitimate reason to be and killed by people
who, were it not for American injustice, would have no reason to
wish us harm.

We owe it to the men and women of the armed forces to give them a
government and policy worthy of their sacrifice.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


[CTRL] OT: USNWR: Saving a Crippled Ship

2000-10-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Saving a Crippled Ship

The first account of how the crew of the USS Cole kept their ship

By Richard J.  Newman
U.S. News and World Report

Even at ground zero, there was widespread confusion about just
what had happened to the USS Cole after a terrorist bomb ripped a
40-foot gash in its side on October 12.  In her stateroom, Lt.
Ann Chamberlain, the ship's navigator, was preparing a PowerPoint
briefing on the next leg of the journey.  Without warning, she
says, there was "something like a bang." The ship began to quake.
Smoke billowed, and alarms started ringing.  "I thought it was
something that had hit the ship, that something had gone wrong
with the refueling," she says.  "I was just confused."

Topside, sailors seemed to be moving in fast forward.  Crew
members raced back and forth, tending to dozens of wounded
comrades and shifting into damage-control procedures they had
rehearsed ad nauseam.  Several of the Cole's armed lookouts
jumped onto the fueling pier in the Yemeni port of Aden that was
filling the ship's tanks.  With guns drawn, they shouted at the
half-dozen pier workers to put their hands in the air. The
workers complied, but begged to turn off the fuel nozzles before
a fire erupted.  The guards agreed.

As the dust settled, sailors were beginning to grasp the severity
of the damage done to their ship.  As Chamberlain scrambled to
the bridge, she first realized something disastrous had occurred
when a chief petty officer crawled out from below decks, his head
heavily bandaged, and told her that "it was much worse" for
others still trapped down there. She soon saw sailors with severe
burns, multiple fractures, and other alarming injuries.

Within hours, of course, American officials had begun to piece
together what had happened.  A small boat posing as one of
several harbor craft tending to the 505-foot warship had puttered
up to the Cole's port side.  Two men on the boat then ignited a
bomb that destroyed several of the ship's major compartments,
killed 17 sailors, and injured nearly 40 more.  Yet the early
accounts of the bombing still fail to capture the damage done to
the ship, and the horrors faced by the crew, according to
eyewitness reports that are beginning to filter home from Aden
Harbor. "It looked so much worse than I had imagined," said one
sailor who viewed the Cole shortly after the attack.  It was
"unbelievable really, with debris and disarray everywhere, the
ship listing, the hole in her side."

Contrary to the Navy's official reports, the Cole was in the
midst of refueling when the explosion happened.  Tariq Affara of
Arab Investment Manufacturing and Trading Co.–the firm the Navy
had hired to provide fuel–told U.S.News that the Cole began
mooring procedures at 8:45 a.m. local time on October.  12.  A
number of harbor boats operated by a different Yemeni firm called
Al-Mansoob Commercial Group–unaffiliated with Arab
Investment–began hauling the Cole's huge mooring lines out to
stationary buoys.  By 9:23 the ship was "all fast"–solidly
moored.  Pier workers sent over two fueling lines.  At 10:25,
sailors on the Cole gave the "order to receive" and the pier
workers turned on the fuel flow. Nobody aboard the Cole or the
fueling pier seems to have noticed anything unusual until the
small boat approached the Cole about an hour later.  It is even
likely that nobody on the Cole noticed the two men on the boat as
they dropped the lines they were handling and stood up–as
eyewitnesses on shore reported--evidently preparing for the
blast.  By that time, the boat was probably so close to the Cole
that it was underneath the decks that slope up and outward from
the ship's centerline.

The explosion occurred at about 11:20.  To people nearby, it was
rapidly apparent that something catastrophic had happened.  The
blast knocked the 17 million-pound warship into the fueling pier.
Windows on a small office on the structure shattered, injuring
workers. On land, about half a mile away, two American
missionaries reported that their house shook from the blast.
Their small adjacent church filled with dust.

Inside the Cole, the damage was far more extensive than even a
40-by-45-foot hole would suggest.  "The pictures on the news do
absolutely no justice to the damage caused to the ship," says
another sailor who has seen the Cole.  One of the ship's two main
engine rooms–a three-story compartment about 66 feet wide and 50
feet long–was virtually destroyed by the blast.  Flooding reached
to the upper level of the compartment.  One reason it took the
Navy a week to recover the remains of all 17 sailors killed is
that divers initially were unable to disentangle bodies from the
twisted wreckage.  Ultimately, they had to use underwater power
tools to cut the bodies free.  The blast also demolished at least
two mess halls.  One was pancaked so severely that the floor and
ceiling became almost inseparable.  "What used to be a distance
of about 10 feet is now a matter of inches, 

[CTRL] ET: Bush pledges to pull troops out of Balkans

2000-10-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Electronic Telegraph-Sunday 22 October 2000

Bush pledges to pull troops out of Balkans

By David Wastell in Washington

GEORGE W BUSH plans to pull the United States out of all
peacekeeping operations in Bosnia and Kosovo if he gets to the
White House, a close aide said yesterday. His action would, to
the dismay of Britain and other European allies, force a
fundamental rethink of Nato.

 With the Texas governor edging ahead in the final stages of the
presidential campaign, his senior national security aide,
Condoleezza Rice, said that Mr Bush wants peacekeeping in the
Balkans to become the sole responsibility of the Europeans as
part of a "new division of labour" within the Atlantic alliance.
It was time for the Europeans to "step up to their
responsibilities", Miss Rice said. "Unless we set this as a firm
goal we will never get it done."

 Mr Bush has said repeatedly that he wants America's European
allies to shoulder more of the burden in the Balkans, despite the
fact that the 11,400 US troops on the ground make up less than
one-fifth of the 65,000-strong Nato force in the region. Miss
Rice's remarks are the first indication that he plans to go
further, restricting America's role to providing air and
logistics support and holding its 120,000-strong force in Europe
in reserve for wars elsewhere.

 The move could lead to pressure within America to scale back the
number of troops in Europe, although Miss Rice insisted that it
was not a prelude to withdrawal. Miss Rice said in an interview
with the New York Times: "The United States is the only power
that can handle a showdown in the Gulf, mount the kind of force
that is needed to protect Saudi Arabia and deter a crisis in the
Taiwan Strait. Extended peacekeeping detracts from our readiness
and these kinds of global missions."

 Mr Bush's thinking is in sharp contrast to Al Gore, the
Democratic candidate, who favours a wider role for American
troops in preventing conflicts. Most European members of Nato,
including Britain, want the US to continue to share the risks of
operations in the Balkans. Wesley Clark, the retired US Army
general, who commanded Nato in the Kosovo campaign, said: "If we
want to have any influence on Nato in the Balkans we are probably
at the bottom line . . . If we want to be part of this we can't
do much less."

 Mr Bush scents electoral victory after weeks of uncertainty over
whether he or Mr Gore would break first for the finishing tape at
the end of their year-long marathon. With little more than two
weeks to go until the election, a grinning Mr Bush waggled his
eyebrows and gave a silent thumbs-up when asked if he liked the
latest poll numbers, the best of which put him 10 points ahead.

From a man who doggedly insisted the previous evening that he
paid little attention to opinion polls, it was the nearest he
would come to declaring: "You bet!" The Bush campaign hopes that
his slight lead will open up as the Democrats' supporters lose
interest in Mr Gore, especially once they see him as the loser.

 Mark McKinnon, Mr Bush's media strategist, said: "I've always
believed that if this thing is even going into the election we
are going to win, because our people are excited and theirs are

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Fwd: Gulf War Syndrome Still A Mystery

2000-10-23 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 10/23/00 3:07:09 AM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Gulf War Syndrome Still A Mystery
 Date:  10/23/00 3:07:09 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Gulf War Syndrome Still A Mystery

 ABILENE, Texas (AP) - Despite a firm grip on his ever-present walking cane,
Chris Yarger has trouble getting around his home. Household chores can take
the Gulf War veteran hours and leave him exhausted. His memory has grown
weak, and he hasn't held a job in some five years

 For the full text of this story, A
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100R6n5.5286995.656755589"click here/A.

 To edit your profile, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:NewsProfiles"
 For all of today's news, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:News"News/A. 

Gulf War Syndrome Still A Mystery

ABILENE, Texas (AP) - Despite a firm grip on his ever-present walking cane, Chris 
Yarger has trouble getting around his home. Household chores can take the Gulf War 
veteran hours and leave him exhausted. His memory has grown weak, and he hasn't held a 
job in some five years

For the full text of this story, A 
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100R6n5.5286995.656755589"click here/A.

To edit your profile, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:NewsProfiles"NewsProfiles/A.
For all of today's news, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:News"News/A.

[CTRL] UFO Disclosures By Insider Russian Major General

2000-10-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

From: 'alt.paranet.ufo'.

 Original Message 
Subject: Verified: Russian Military Admits UFO Reality! // State
Debunker O-Borg Has Egg On His Face!
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 19:26:03 GMT
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dr. Richard X. Frager, A.S.A.)
Organization: Brotherhood of Galactic Science
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic

Russian General Speaks Out!

Interview with Major-General Vasily Alexeyev of the Russian Air
Force. Space Communications Centre, Moscow, 1997

from http://hesemann.m-n-d.com/alexejev.html

On behalf of 2000 FILM PRODUCTIONS, Michael Hesemann's
internationally active company, our Russian co-worker and
correspondent Valery Uvarov interviewed one of the most
knowledgeable Russian/Ex-Soviet Generals, Major General Vasily
Alexeyev, on the subject of UFOs. The text was released
exclusively in the German edition of MAGAZINE 2000plus in May
2000. Here we publish, for the first time, its full text in
English. A video recording of the full interview is available for
interested TV stations.

VU - Valery Uvarov, VA - Major General Vasili Alexejev

VU: As a military man when did you first hear about or have to do
with UFOs?

VA: If we are speaking about my military capacity, it was in the
1980s when I happened to be serving not in a regular unit, but in
the central staff. Work in the central staff entails close links
with the units in the field and a large amount of travelling.
There were many reports from unit level regarding a large number
of observations of unexplained phenomena. You should bear in mind
that at that time much was simply denied. The subject was to a
large extent a closed one. On the ground, however, people wanted
to find out what was what, to separate truth from fiction. In
that period a lot of things were presented in such a way that you
lost the desire to believe. Accordingly an attitude to the
subject became established, where not only was there no desire to
believe, it was even undesirable to believe.

Nevertheless the information coming in from the bases was of
interest if only because it was not merely talk and rumours;
there were eye-witnesses to phenomena and that was reflected in
specific documents and the reports of officials. At times this
information was of such a fascinating nature that it was
impossible not to believe it. Later the question no longer seemed
so fantastic and began to be examined at the level not only of
the Defence Ministry, but of other government departments as
well. This interest specifically expressed itself in certain
experts being sent to investigate, especially to those places
where UFOs, let's call them that, appeared quite frequently.

I know a whole number of military bases in that category. As a
rule they are objects of strategic significance, rocket
complexes, scientific test establishments, in other words the
places where there is a high concentration of advanced science
and, to some degree, danger. Because every nuclear rocket, every
new airforce installation represents a breakthrough both in
science and in military terms; it is first and foremost a peak,
the summit of human achievement. And that is where UFOs appeared
fairly often. Moreover, individual officers and commanders on the
spot who knew about the phenomenon and had no official
instructions on the matter, acted on their own initiative to
investigate UFOs, recording data, and so on. I know that in some
places they even learned to create a situation which would
deliberately provoke the appearance of a UFO. A UFO would appear
where there was increased military activity connected, say, with
the transportation of "special" loads. It was enough artificially
stimulate or schedule such a move for a UFO to appear. In other
words, some kind of conditional relationship emerged. And they
detected it.  We're an intelligent nation, nothing escapes us. I
know that at certain testing ranges - I won't name them, although
it's no longer a secret - they even learnt to make contact of a

What did that consists of? First the UFO appeared; in most
instances it was a sphere, but there were other kinds. Contact
was achieved with the help of physical indications of behaviour -
pointing your arms in various directions, say, and the sphere
became flattened in the same direction. If you raised your arms
three times, the UFO flattened out in a vertical direction three
times as well. In the early 1980s, on the instructions of the
then Soviet leadership, experiments using technical devices
(theodolites, radar stations, and others) were carried out as a
result of which the unidentified objects were firmly recorded as
instrumental data.

VU: Can you say on what level those researches took place? While
studying the material from those observations and the contents of
certain documents I formed the impression that the prime reason
for circulars and orders on this matter in the armed forces was
that they most likely considered UFOs a new sort of weapon

[CTRL] Go to Israel, stay in 5 star hotel, get shot at, all for only $875

2000-10-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[I'd go in a heart beat...*IF* I was supplied a mini-Uzi, helmet,
body armour, and gas mask as I departed the plane, and only if I
was to incur NO OUT OF POCKET EXPENCES, PERIOD (I'd eat peanut
butter and jelly sandwiches and sleep in a tent at/near the
lines, even).  --MS]

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 10:55:25 -0400
To: Virtual Jerusalem News [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: VJ News: An Offer from our Sponsors

Virtual Jerusalem.com

October 20, 2000


"For the sake of Zion I will not be silent; for the sake of Jerusalem
 I will not be still." (Isaiah 62:1)

 The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations,
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 to Israel.

 From Sunday, October 29 to Thursday, November 2, American Jewry will
 travel to Israel to show support for the Jewish state and its people.

 We cannot allow Israel to be isolated from the rest of the world, and
 its people forgotten. We write you today to ask that you join us in
 standing in unity with the people of Israel. We cannot allow violence
 and terrorism to have a stranglehold on Israel and her economy.

 Stand up for Israel's soldiers, citizens and communities.  Show your
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 Join organizations from across the United States and meet with
 Israel's top political and military leadership and learn from them
 what is truly happening on the ground.  Meet with high-level American
 diplomats, Israeli and American journalists and organizational
 leadership.  Rally with Israelis in support of the State of Israel.
 Visit the Western Wall, the Kotel -- the enduring symbol of Israel's
 capital, Jerusalem.  Visit the sites of arson in Israel's forests,
 where "environmental terrorism" threatens the roots of Zionism.

 For only $875*, JNF Travel  Tours will fly you to and from Israel
 from New York; provide two nights of 5-star hotel accommodations at
 the Sheraton Plaza Jerusalem; some meals; and help you make a
 statement in unity with Israel.

 To register for this singular opportunity to stand in unity with
 Israel and show your support for our Homeland, you can:
 *  call JNF Travel  Tours in the US Toll-Free at (877) 749-8444
 with your information
 *  e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with all of the information requested
 on the registration form

 *Based on double occupancy ($125 single-supplement).  Business class
 and extensions are available for an additional fee.  All arrangements
 are being provided by JNF Travel  Tours.  For questions and
 reservations, contact JNF Travel  Tours directly.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WP: China Spy Probe Shifts to Missiles

2000-10-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

China Spy Probe Shifts to Missiles

By Walter Pincus and Vernon Loeb
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, October 19, 2000; Page A01

A new review of Chinese military documents provided by a defector
in 1995 has led U.S. intelligence agencies to conclude that
Chinese espionage has gathered more American missile technology
than nuclear weapons secrets, senior U.S. officials said.

The conclusion was reached only this year because the CIA and
other intelligence agency linguists did not fully translate the
huge pile of secret Chinese documents, totaling 13,000 pages,
until four years after the agency obtained them, according to a
senior law enforcement official, who described the delay as a
major blunder.

The belated translation and analysis has prompted a major
reorientation of the FBI's investigation into Chinese espionage.
From 1996 until late last year, the FBI probe centered on the
suspected loss of U.S. nuclear warhead data, and quickly narrowed
into an investigation of Wen Ho Lee, a researcher at Los Alamos
National Laboratory in New Mexico. Now, however, the FBI--which
never found evidence that Lee spied for China--has shifted its
focus to the Defense Department and its private contractors.

That is because the documents provided by the defector show that
during the 1980s, Beijing had gathered a large amount of
classified information about U.S. ballistic missiles and reentry
vehicles. The missile secrets are far more likely to have come
from defense officials or missile builders than from Los Alamos
or other U.S. nuclear weapons labs, officials said.

The shift in the investigation's focus follows several years of
highly public and controversial efforts by the FBI, CIA and
Energy Department to determine whether China stole the designs of
advanced nuclear warheads from the United States, and if so,
whether Beijing was aided by U.S. spies.

Plagued by internal disputes between agencies, partisan pressures
from Congress, and an apparently mistaken decision to focus on
Lee, counterintelligence investigators were slow to review the
full 13,000 pages that originally sparked the inquiry.

The CIA concluded several years ago that the defector who
supplied the documents was a Chinese double agent, casting doubt
on the information he delivered and delaying its translation from
Mandarin to English. But the FBI, which has interviewed the
defector in the United States, believes that he is legitimate.
The CIA now says the evidence about the defector is
"inconclusive," but agrees that the information he handed over
has proven accurate, a senior government official said this week.

The FBI, officials said, pressed for translating more of the
document and, to support its case, began to question directly the
Chinese informant, a former Chinese missile specialist whom the
bureau brought to the United States. Although the FBI refused to
say where he is now living, a senior intelligence official said
earlier this week, "We know his whereabouts."

Because the informant was a volunteer who approached the United
States with an unsolicited offer to provide Chinese secrets, he
is known in intelligence jargon as a "walk-in." He smuggled the
documents out of China through DHL, the private delivery company,
according to a former intelligence official who has reviewed much
of the translated material. The documents appear to be a
five-year "strategic plan" for development of China's new
generation of missiles, the former official said.

Another intelligence expert familiar with the material described
it as "an embarrassment of riches."

When the walk-in first delivered the documents, a senior U.S.
official said, the CIA read and translated the titles of each
major portion, then ordered a full translation of a 76-page
section dealing with "nuclear" information--data on U.S.
warheads, including the most advanced weapon in the U.S. arsenal,
the W-88.

One nuclear weapons official familiar with the process said the
CIA had Chinese linguists read the documents for "intelligence
purposes," to see whether they contained valuable information
about Chinese missiles and warheads, and decided they did not.
The agency did not perform a "counterintelligence review" to
determine whether they contained classified information about
U.S. missiles and warheads, the official said.

Because of the CIA's belief that the walk-in was a double agent,
a full translation of the documents seemed less pressing. "He
failed an agency polygraph," one intelligence official explained.
The CIA's suspicions about the informant also slowed the FBI's
already limited investigation at Los Alamos of Wen Ho Lee.

Another reason for the FBI's limited inquiry at Los Alamos in
1996 and 1997, a former FBI agent said, was that the bureau's
Chinese counterintelligence agents were "already swamped" by
highly publicized allegations of Chinese campaign contributions
to the 1996 Democratic presidential campaign.

One official who did pay attention to the 

[CTRL] NM: Hunt for Gertz's Moles at the CIA

2000-10-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2000

Hunt for Gertz's Moles at the CIA

Washington Times reporter Bill Gertz has ignited several major "mole
hunts" at the agency to find leakers.

Gertz is the trailblazing reporter who has uncovered the
Clinton-Gore administration sellout of America's national
security during the past eight years.

 Just this month Gertz broke the story of Gore having worked with
the Russians to keep the transfer of nuclear technology secret
from the U.S. Congress.

Gertz's revelations show that the once highly regarded
intelligence agency has been politicized by the administration at
almost every level.

CIA source tells NewsMax.com that only about 10 percent of the
agency staff oppose President Clinton's efforts to politicize the
agency. Internal CIA buzzwords like "team players" and "team
work" mean just one thing: the CIA is to advocate Clinton-Gore
foreign policy no matter what.

Still, some stalwarts at the CIA don't like the drift of the
agency from an independent intelligence and analysis operation to
one that "advocates" foreign policy positions.

CIA source says the agency has made a full-time effort to find
leakers, including inventorying telephone calls of CIA employees
to find a Gertz connection.

Also a new procedure at the agency has employees sign logs before
looking at classified data in hopes of catching the Gertz moles.

Too bad the same procedure wasn't instituted with the FBI files
taken by the White House in a "bureaucratic snafu."

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Palestinian Child Sacrifice

2000-10-23 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

  [imra-l] Prof. Gerald M. Steinberg: Palestinian Child Sacrifice
  Mon, 23 Oct 2000 12:36:20 +0200

Prof. Gerald M. Steinberg: Palestinian Child Sacrifice

Monday, October 23, 2000

According to the Palestinians, over 40 children have been killed in
waves of violence and confrontations that began at the end of
September.  They have been killed in the front lines, providing cover for
the armed Palestinian militias with machine guns and other weapons seeking
to overwhelm isolated Israeli guard posts.  The outnumbered Israeli
soldiers, defending the civilians behind these outposts, cannot see the
children through the small slits and openings (as was clearly the case at
the Netzarim crossing in Gaza).  The tragic images of these young victims
provide first-rate propaganda to use against Israel.
Interviewed by journalists after these tragedies, some parents of
young victims refer to their children as "shaheeds" (martyrs), whose lives
were given willingly and proudly to the Palestinian cause in fighting the
hated Zionist enemy.  In a scene that was unbelievably shocking, one mother
boasted that she bore her son precisely for this purpose, and the father
proudly claimed credit for providing the training.  (The parents will also
receive a sizeable financial "reward" from the Palestinian Authority.)
For a people who count Abraham (or Ibrahim) among their ancestors,
willful child sacrifice violates the fundamental tenets of morality and
ethics.  The message of Abraham's non-sacrifice of Isaac was and remains
first and foremost the absolute rejection of such practices.  This
prohibition, for the children of Abraham -- Jews, and later Christians, and
Moslems -- stands in sharp contrast to the paganism and idolatry that
existed at that time, and apparently still exists in some cultures.  Child
sacrifice was the most fundamental expression of idolatry, and forms the
basis for the central Biblical message, prohibiting any contact with or
tolerance for such practices.  That the Palestinian leadership could
encourage such behavior as part of their political and military campaign
against Israel, or for any other purpose, is beyond belief or explanation.
After first buying into the Palestinian propaganda, the forces of
in the world are beginning to confront this horrible reality.  Sweden's
Queen Silvia was among the first voices of conscience outside of Israel to
raise this issue.  In a meeting of the World Childhood Foundation that took
place at the United Nations, she strongly criticized Palestinian parents
for abusing their children in this way.  "As a mother I'm very worried
about this. I'd like to tell them to quit. This is very dangerous. The
children should not take part." While the Palestinian leaders were
cynically pursuing their political efforts to isolate Israel in a special
meeting of the UN General Assembly, the Swedish Queen placing the
responsibility precisely where it belongs, declaring, "The Palestinian
leaders are exploiting them and risking their lives in a political fight."
Queen Silvia's is not the only voice to be raised against this
practice.  A few journalists have begun to ask difficult questions to the
Palestinian spokesmen whose presence on interview programs in newspaper
reports is so ubiquitous.  There are, of course, no good answers, and the
questions themselves, as well as the very visible discomfort of the
Palestinians, speak for themselves.  The dispatch of children to the front
lines, in a brutal war that has no purpose or justification, will haunt
Palestinian society for generations.
Indeed, there are also an increasing number of Palestinians who are
by the high price of Arafat's adventures, and, in particular, the cynical
exploitation of their children.  As these young victims are buried, and the
war produces only more suffering, primarily for the Palestinians
themselves, the promise of martyrdom seems less appealing.  Suddenly, the
game of provoking the Israeli soldiers and playing before the news cameras,
while Palestinian gunmen fire from behind, has become deadly.
Eventually, enough of these parents, and the children themselves,
bring the sacrifices for Arafat's war to a stop.  They will need the
support from many other parents and voices of morality around the
world.  Instead of investigating politically based charges of Israeli human
rights violations, Mary Robinson, the commissioner responsible for human
rights for the UN can save the lives of Palestinian children by following
the lead of Queen Silvia.  The committee for the Defense of Children
International (DCI), based in Geneva, has an important role to play as
well. The Palestinian branch of DCI, which is supported by donations
designed for protecting children, uses these funds for propaganda attacks
against Israel, while ignoring the abuses of children by the Palestinian

[CTRL] Soul-searching doctors find life after death

2000-10-23 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

The Electronic Telegraph

 Sunday 22 October 2000

 Soul-searching doctors find life after death
 By Jonathan Petre

   THE first scientific study of "near-death" experiences has found new
   evidence to suggest that consciousness or the "soul" can continue to
   exist after the brain has ceased to function.
 The findings by two eminent doctors, based on a year-long study of
 heart attack survivors, could provoke fresh controversy over that most
 profound of questions: is there life after death?

 Reports of "near-death" experiences, in which people close to death
 have vivid encounters with bright lights and heavenly beings, date
 back centuries, but the phenomenon has been treated with scepticism by
 most academics.

 The new study concludes, however, that a number of people have almost
 certainly had these experiences after they were pronounced clinically
 dead. This would suggest that the mind or consciousness can survive
 the death of the brain - a conclusion that was hailed by clerics last
 night as supporting religious faith.

 Bishop Stephen Sykes, the professor of theology at Durham University
 and chairman of the Church of England's Doctrine Commission, said the
 findings were "absolutely fascinating". He added: "I do not find them
 surprising, however, as I believe life is much more mysterious than we
 usually think it is. For theologians, the soul is far more than
 consciousness or the mind. But these findings challenge the crude idea
 that when a person's brain dies, that, as far as the person's
 existence is concerned, is that."

 The Bishop of Basingstoke, the Rt Rev Geoffrey Rowell, another
 commission member, said: "These near-death experiences counter the
 materialist view that we are nothing more than computers made of

 Based on interviews with survivors of heart attacks at Southampton
 General Hospital's cardiac unit, the new study is to be published in
 the respected medical journal Resuscitation next year.

 The study's authors, Dr Peter Fenwick, a consultant neuropsychiatrist
 at the Institute of Psychiatry in London, and Dr Sam Parnia, a
 clinical research fellow and registrar at Southampton hospital, stress
 that more research is needed.

 Dr Parnia said: "These people were having these experiences when we
 wouldn't expect them to happen, when the brain shouldn't be able to
 sustain lucid processes or allow them to form memories that would
 last. So it might hold an answer to the question of whether mind or
 consciousness is actually produced by the brain or whether the brain
 is a kind of intermediary for the mind, which exists independently."

 Dr Fenwick said: "If the mind and brain can be independent, then that
 raises questions about the continuation of consciousness after death.
 It also raises the question about a spiritual component to humans and
 about a meaningful universe with a purpose rather than a random

 During the study period, 63 cardiac arrest patients survived and were
 interviewed within a week. Of those, 56 had no recollection of their
 period of unconsciousness, a result that might have been expected in
 all cases.

 Seven survivors, however, had memories, although only four passed the
 Grayson scale, the strict medical criteria for assessing near-death

 These four recounted feelings of peace and joy, time speeded up,
 heightened senses, lost awareness of body, seeing a bright light,
 entering another world, encountering a mystical being and coming to a
 "point of no return". Three of them described themselves as
 non-practising Anglicans while the fourth was a lapsed Roman Catholic.

 By examining medical records, the researchers said the contention of
 many critics that near-death experiences were the result of a collapse
 of brain functions caused by lack of oxygen were highly unlikely. None
 of those who underwent the experiences had low levels of oxygen.

 Researchers were also able to rule out claims that unusual
 combinations of drugs were to blame because the resuscitation
 procedure in the hospital unit was the same in every case.

 Dr Parnia, who was trained at the Guys and St Thomas' medical school,
 University of London, said: "I started off as a sceptic but, having
 weighed up all the evidence, I now think that there is something going
 on. Essentially, it comes back to the question of whether the mind or
 consciousness is produced from the brain. If we can prove that the
 mind is produced by the brain, I don't think there is anything after
 we die because essentially we are conscious beings.

 "If, on the contrary, the brain is like an intermediary which
 manifests the mind, like a television will act as an intermediary to
 manifest waves in the air into a picture or a sound, we can show that
 the mind is still there after the brain is dead. And that is what I
 think these near-death experiences indicate."

 Christopher French, a reader in psychology at Goldsmiths College,
 University of 


2000-10-23 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

-Caveat Lector-

 McDonald Family


 When one thinks of the name McDonald one immediately thinks of the fast
 food hamburger chain which has francises all over the world. The McDonald's
 Corp. has been rumored for years to be connected to Satanism. In fact a book
 which tries to debunk belief in a Satanic conspiracy entitled Satan Wants
 You reported the rumor that Mc Donald's owner Ray Kroc tithed to the Church
 of Satan. (see Satan Wants You, pg. 140). Ray Kroc does spend time with NWO
 elites and is a member of the Bohemian Grove. There is no doubt that the
 McDonald's Corp. has an inside track with the Illuminati, because the U.S.
 government has given according to one source 40 million dollars in public
 tax money to McDonalds to help them set up McDonald Restaurants in foreign
 countries under the disguise that this was money spent on foreign policy. In
 1991, the total of McDonald outlets (restaurants) in the 3 primary European
 nations of Britain, France and West Germany totalled 959 restaurants.

 In spite of the millions of dollars of tax dollars the U.S. has given to
 McDonalds Corp., the money doesn't seem to be directly connected to the
 McDonalds family, because the McDonalds family (Richard and Maurice McDonald
 known as 'Dick" and "Mac") which started the restaurants in 1937 were bought
 out by Ray Kroc around 1954. By the time Ray Kroc had bought out the
 McDonald brothers, they had a very successful business going. The McDonald
 brothers lived in the rich section of San Bernadino, and had around 11
 McDonald restaurants. The brothers made about $100,000 profit a year and
 were quite content. The McDonalds had designed the golden arches and had put
 together the tast food concept and had been selling franchises. However, the
 McDonalds were too content. The McDonalds didn't want to expand, and when
 Ray Kroc formed McDonald's System. Inc. on Mar. 2, 1955 after buying out the
 brothers with borrowed money, he vigourously went to work to develop
 Mconalds into the International Francise that it is. Ray Kroc (bn.
 10/5/194)2 in Oak Park. Chicago) lived frugally for many years putting his
 whole life into building up the McDonald's francise. It was his drive that
 took a good idea and changed it from a success in Hollywood and San
 Bernadino into an international success. Ray Kroc knew a good idea when he
 saw it, and developed other people's good ideas into a great success.

 James A. Collins, chairman of Collins Foods International, now the
 largest Kentucky Fried Chicken franchisee and the operator of Sizzler
 Restaurants talked about his time with the McDonalds in 1952, 'There was a
 fraternity of us, and every one of us saw the McDonald's in San Bernadino
 and basically copied it after the boys

 [the McDonald brothers gave us a tour." "We all took our lessons from
 the Mcdonald brothers," Collins remembers. The concepts that francises pay
 for the McDonald brothers were giving out free, and Collins turned around
 and began getting $100 a day training people from Carnation, with the
 concepts that the McDonalds had shared. Henry's Drive Ins and Ken's were
 McDonald look-alikes that started from people trained by Collins. Glen Bell
 who started Taco Bell, who patronized the McDonald's main restaurant in San
 Bernandino started Taco Bell from ideas from McDonalds. The first year
 Collins imitated McDonalds with his own fast food restaurant, Collins made
 $80,000 a year take home pay. The McDonald brothers became a part of the
 local elite of San Bernadino, CA along side such rich local families as
 Guthrie, Stater, and Harris. Readers are reminded of all the articles in my
 newsletters about how San Bernadino is a major headquarters for the
 Illuminati and Satanic Hubs because there are so many thousands of
 practicioners of black magic in the area. I do know from working with
 survivors of the Illuminati that the McDonald family has part of their
 people in the Illuminati. How far back does the McDonald family go in the
 occult? The McDonald family was a Scottish clan that was part of Druidism.
 Many of the McDonald have gone on to serve Christ. However, there is still a
 large powerful contingent of the McDonald family which is connected to the
 Mystery Religions, and which has family members who are part of the
 Illuminati. Each of the major Scottish clans had an area that they
 controlled of Scotland. The McDonalds controlled the islands and coastal
 areas on the west coast of Scotland. When the Knights Templars tied
 persecution, in order to escape the various british fleets, they sailed a
 route that took them to western Scotland. During the time of King Philippe
 IV of France. the McDonalds were involved in the movement of the Knights
 Templars. The Knights Templars had adopted gnostic/satanic practices during
 the centuries they guarded the pilgrims in the Middle East. The Order had
 also become 


2000-10-23 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

-Caveat Lector-

 McDonald Family


 When one thinks of the name McDonald one immediately thinks of the fast
 food hamburger chain which has francises all over the world. The McDonald's
 Corp. has been rumored for years to be connected to Satanism. In fact a book
 which tries to debunk belief in a Satanic conspiracy entitled Satan Wants
 You reported the rumor that Mc Donald's owner Ray Kroc tithed to the Church
 of Satan. (see Satan Wants You, pg. 140). Ray Kroc does spend time with NWO
 elites and is a member of the Bohemian Grove. There is no doubt that the
 McDonald's Corp. has an inside track with the Illuminati, because the U.S.
 government has given according to one source 40 million dollars in public
 tax money to McDonalds to help them set up McDonald Restaurants in foreign
 countries under the disguise that this was money spent on foreign policy. In
 1991, the total of McDonald outlets (restaurants) in the 3 primary European
 nations of Britain, France and West Germany totalled 959 restaurants.

 In spite of the millions of dollars of tax dollars the U.S. has given to
 McDonalds Corp., the money doesn't seem to be directly connected to the
 McDonalds family, because the McDonalds family (Richard and Maurice McDonald
 known as 'Dick" and "Mac") which started the restaurants in 1937 were bought
 out by Ray Kroc around 1954. By the time Ray Kroc had bought out the
 McDonald brothers, they had a very successful business going. The McDonald
 brothers lived in the rich section of San Bernadino, and had around 11
 McDonald restaurants. The brothers made about $100,000 profit a year and
 were quite content. The McDonalds had designed the golden arches and had put
 together the tast food concept and had been selling franchises. However, the
 McDonalds were too content. The McDonalds didn't want to expand, and when
 Ray Kroc formed McDonald's System. Inc. on Mar. 2, 1955 after buying out the
 brothers with borrowed money, he vigourously went to work to develop
 Mconalds into the International Francise that it is. Ray Kroc (bn.
 10/5/194)2 in Oak Park. Chicago) lived frugally for many years putting his
 whole life into building up the McDonald's francise. It was his drive that
 took a good idea and changed it from a success in Hollywood and San
 Bernadino into an international success. Ray Kroc knew a good idea when he
 saw it, and developed other people's good ideas into a great success.

 James A. Collins, chairman of Collins Foods International, now the
 largest Kentucky Fried Chicken franchisee and the operator of Sizzler
 Restaurants talked about his time with the McDonalds in 1952, 'There was a
 fraternity of us, and every one of us saw the McDonald's in San Bernadino
 and basically copied it after the boys

 [the McDonald brothers gave us a tour." "We all took our lessons from
 the Mcdonald brothers," Collins remembers. The concepts that francises pay
 for the McDonald brothers were giving out free, and Collins turned around
 and began getting $100 a day training people from Carnation, with the
 concepts that the McDonalds had shared. Henry's Drive Ins and Ken's were
 McDonald look-alikes that started from people trained by Collins. Glen Bell
 who started Taco Bell, who patronized the McDonald's main restaurant in San
 Bernandino started Taco Bell from ideas from McDonalds. The first year
 Collins imitated McDonalds with his own fast food restaurant, Collins made
 $80,000 a year take home pay. The McDonald brothers became a part of the
 local elite of San Bernadino, CA along side such rich local families as
 Guthrie, Stater, and Harris. Readers are reminded of all the articles in my
 newsletters about how San Bernadino is a major headquarters for the
 Illuminati and Satanic Hubs because there are so many thousands of
 practicioners of black magic in the area. I do know from working with
 survivors of the Illuminati that the McDonald family has part of their
 people in the Illuminati. How far back does the McDonald family go in the
 occult? The McDonald family was a Scottish clan that was part of Druidism.
 Many of the McDonald have gone on to serve Christ. However, there is still a
 large powerful contingent of the McDonald family which is connected to the
 Mystery Religions, and which has family members who are part of the
 Illuminati. Each of the major Scottish clans had an area that they
 controlled of Scotland. The McDonalds controlled the islands and coastal
 areas on the west coast of Scotland. When the Knights Templars tied
 persecution, in order to escape the various british fleets, they sailed a
 route that took them to western Scotland. During the time of King Philippe
 IV of France. the McDonalds were involved in the movement of the Knights
 Templars. The Knights Templars had adopted gnostic/satanic practices during
 the centuries they guarded the pilgrims in the Middle East. The Order had
 also become 


2000-10-23 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Ray Kroc does spend time
 with NWO
  elites and is a member of the Bohemian Grove.

It's terribly difficult to give any credence to the rest of the article
when they can't get a small detail straight, such as this. They speak
of Mr. Kroc in the present tense. It would be truly miraculous if this
were true today, as Ray Kroc has been dead since 1984.

  Mconalds into the International Francise that it is. Ray Kroc (bn.

Kroc was born in 1902. Another example of sloppy research. Those little
details will get you every time.

Readers are reminded of all the
 articles in my
  newsletters about how San Bernadino is a major headquarters for the
  Illuminati and Satanic Hubs because there are so many thousands of
  practicioners of black magic in the area.

 I do know from working
  survivors of the Illuminati that the McDonald family has part of
  people in the Illuminati. How far back does the McDonald family go
 in the


When the Knights Templars tied
  persecution, in order to escape the various british fleets, they
 sailed a
  route that took them to western Scotland.

Again, sloppy research. The Templars were fleeing the French King, not
the English.

 During the time of King
  IV of France. the McDonalds were involved in the movement of the
  Templars. The Knights Templars had adopted gnostic/satanic
 practices during
  the centuries they guarded the pilgrims in the Middle East. The
 Order had
  also become the International Bankers of Europe and large
 landowners in
  Europe. The King of France twisted the Pope's arm (so to speak) to
 get him
  to go along with a campaign to eliminate the Knights Templars.

Philippe's motivation was financial. He was heavily indebted to the
Templars and wanted their treasure for himself. He didn't get it.

  then on to Amsterdam. Many of the Knights Templars lied to
 Scotland, where
  they helped Bruce, the King of Scotland. When the English invaded
  they were defeated by Bruce in an important battle named
  Bannockburn kept Scotland free from England for the next 289 years.
  Knights Templars fought with Bruce in the battle under the command
 of Angus
  Og McDonald,

This has been rumored for centuries. Has new evidence come up to
substantiate the rumor?

  The Sinclair family has been part of the Prieure de Sion,
 Freemasonry and
  the Illuminati.

Just like "Prince" Michael of Albany, "Count" R.A. Guelfi, and "Prince"
Michael Hohenzollern, to name a few of the dime-a-dozen noble wannabes.
As long as Niven Sinclair insists on keeping the family archives a
secret, then his true genealogy is doubtful.

snip, no need to belabor the point

I'm sure there are some facts in this article, but the author needs to
pay more attention to detail in order to establish credibility. I'm not
shooting the messenger here, that's why I left off the name of the
person who posted this; I know he didn't write it. He may wish to
clarify whether he believes this or not.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] [Fwd: Golden Triangle, opium harvesting, heroin and solutions]

2000-10-23 Thread Kris Millegan




Donations by check or money order may be sent to:

The Akha Heritage Foundation
PO BOX 6073
Salem OR 97304  USA

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The UNDCP has been up here for years.  There is very little evidence that
they do anything.

My question and point was regarding US involvement.

There is a large US drug war going on, large DEA office in Chiang Mai,
D.A.R.E. programs, Billion or better for Columbia, etc etc, and yet no money
spent in one of the most obvious places to spend it, at one of the sources
here, though Thailand is being promised night vision equipment.

Isn't this the kind of blindness that makes governments notorious?

The US is a leader everywhere but in this category?

Why is that?

Matthew McDaniel

"Schmidt, Guy" wrote:

 In response to your request;

 You could try to contact the United Nations International Drug Control
 Program (UNDCP). It consists of the United Nations International Drug
 Control Program and the United Nations Center for International Crime
 Prevention, is established to enable the Organization to focus and enhance
 its capacity to address the interrelated issues of drug control, crime
 prevention and international terrorism in all its forms. Contact

 United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention
 Vienna International Center
 PO Box 500
 A-1400 Vienna

 Telephone: +43 1 26060 0
 Fax: +43 1 26060 5866
 Telex: 135612 UNO A
 Cable: unations vienna
 Web Site: http://www.undcp.org/

 Thank You,

 ONDCP Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse
 P.O. Box 6000
 Rockville, MD 20849-6000
 For more information on the Clearinghouse visit

 -Original Message-
 From: Matthew McDaniel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 5:37 AM
 Subject: Golden Triangle, opium harvesting, heroin and solutions

 Dear Sir:
 The White House,

 I am an American working with the Akha Hill Tribe in Thailand now for
 ten years.

 There are 282 Akha villages in Thailand, not to mention Burma, and in
 the case of the villages in Thailand many of these villages are directly
 located against the border with Burma in Chiangrai Province.

 I have also noted that Cobra Gold 2001 is going to have a Chiangrai
 Province Joint Drug Interdiction effort?

 The point is this.  Nothing is being done to alleviate the poverty in
 these many villages. The Akha are loosing land to the forestry
 department, which is ruthless, and they do not have enough food or
 medicine. Usually they do not have Identification Cards that would allow
 travel and employment.

 It seems very strange to be fighting a drug war, when a group of people
 who used to be punished for not growing their quota of opium just a few
 years ago, a legacy of the fine British, are now not even considered
 part of the equation.

 Certainly some basic aid in the way of land security, land rights and
 nutrition for children would alleviate much need to be involved in any
 aspect of opium production or meth trafficing.

 Seems odd that this has been overlooked, here in the Golden Triangle,
 center of at least half the world's heroin supply and now a huge
 production area of speed pills.

 United Wa Army says that this month they are dumping 300,000,000 speed
 pills into Thailand.

 All this has to come past Akha villages.  The Akha see the chemicals
 come in, the pills go out, and naturally, like you and I, wonder what is
 going on.

 Aid into the villages would be very useful in offering security to the
 Akha regarding nutrition.  Currently the Akha are caught in a
 hammerlock. Drug lords who will gladly kill them, which I have
 witnessed, police, army and forestry who will gladly put them in prison.

 In an age when millions of dollars are being spent on the drug war, why
 are these key people being overlooked?

 Awaiting your kind reply,

 Matthew McDaniel
 Maesai, Chiangrai, Thailand




 Donations by check or money order may be sent to:

 The Akha Heritage Foundation
 PO BOX 6073
 Salem OR 97304  USA

 By Visa Card Secure Site:




Donations by check or money order may be sent to:

The Akha Heritage Foundation
PO BOX 6073
Salem OR 97304  USA

By Visa Card Secure Site:

[CTRL] Fwd: USS Cole Security Detail Relieved Before Bombing

2000-10-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 Bothersome Introductory Note: The USS Cole moors in Yemen, and the
security detail is called off duty. Of course. Only a conspiracy theorist
would find it significant that a battle ship docks at a location in the
Middle East not too far from a desert hellhole where hostilities have
escalated to shooting war status, known to harbor terrorists, AND THE

   ³ ... many armed crew members who had patrolled the decks on lookout for
trouble during the mooring had been relieved of duty.²

 What the Hell is up with THAT??? Of course, I'm no conspiracy theorist
(sniff), but sometimes you just HAVE to wonder. ‹ Alex

Times of London

Bombers waved to crew before being blown up

THE US Navy has significantly altered its account of the sneak attack on the
USS Cole, raising new questions of how the suicide bombers foiled Navy
security in Aden harbour.
According to the revised version, the explosion that caused extensive
damage, killing 17 American sailors and injuring 39, occurred nearly two
hours after the destroyer was moored to a fuel dock and not during the
mooring operation. 
This means that the terrorists who detonated the explosive did not use a
flotilla of small mooring craft as cover, thereby making the attack all but
impossible to prevent, as the Navy had previously claimed.
It is unclear how the attacking boat Ñ now described as a white fibreglass
skiff, rather than a rubber dinghy Ñ could have circled the shipÕs bow and
sailed along its port side without arousing suspicion.
Another unanswered question is how many armed crew members who had patrolled
the decks on lookout for trouble during the mooring had been relieved of
Some of the crew waved to the two men on the boat, who waved back before
standing to attention and being blown apart by the blast, which is now
thought to have involved 500lb of powerful plastic explosive. It tore a
huge, jagged hole in the destroyerÕs hull.
The Navy admitted that its earlier statements were erroneous only after an
independent newspaper that covers naval affairs reported a timeline of
events that contradicted the official account. Explaining its revisions, the
Navy said it had relied on initial reports relayed from the ship that were
either wrong or misunderstood at the Pentagon.
Either way, the change of story caused enough embarrassment and confusion
for senior officers to be granted more time to prepare before testifying to
the Senate Armed Services Committee.
The committee is investigating possible security lapses. It also wants to
know why the Navy refuelled in Aden, which, by the admission of General
Anthony Zinni, former US commander of the region, was in an area known as a
ÒratsÕ nestÓ of terrorists. The general, now retired, told the committee
that he decided to use Aden as the least dangerous of several poor choices,
adding: ÒI pass that buck to nobody.Ó
Another mystery, only now emerging, is why the Cole needed to refuel in Aden
when its oil tanks were about half-full. The Navy refuses to say if the ship
could have reached Bahrain, its destination, without refuelling, leading to
speculation that it could.
As for suggestions that a refuelling tanker should have accompanied the Cole
and remove any risk of anchoring in a hazardous port, the Pentagon said that
cuts have left the Navy with only eight tankers on active duty worldwide, an
example of reduced defence resources that have been criticised by the
Republican presidential ticket of George W. Bush and Richard Cheney.
In Aden, American investigators have established that the bombers, both in
their late 20s, pushed off from a boat ramp under a bridge in Little Aden,
six miles across the bay from the Cole. They had lived in the neighbourhood
for about six weeks, using a Òsafe houseÓ, where they put together the boat
and bomb. This much was traced after a 12-year-old boy said that two men had
tipped him to watch their car and boat trailer. They never came back.


2000-10-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Santos was "in bed" with a lot of folks. What I have been curious about
many years is WHY, if he was in bed with Castro, did Castro's people 'hold
hostage' in Cuba in the mid 40's?  What could have prompted that?

There was a rescue mission planned to retrieve him and one of his cohorts
a military facility where they were being held, with plans to take out those
guarding them of course -- but the mission was interrupted by the US
(who had initiated it and assisted in the planning).
A relative was involved in this "mission...but never answered this
question.   WHAT could have prompted them to bail out?  Other than Castro
learning about it, or the gov being ticked off with Santos for collaborating
with Fidel -- if that were true -- I haven't been able to come up with any
answers. And WHAT would they have been in bed together on that would have
the gov so much they'd bail out and risk his life?  Do you think the
thing could have been a hoax?

So many of the participants are now deceased, and the ones who are alive
still witholding information (considering their lives and those of their
families had been threatened, witholding info is understandable). I doubt it
was a hoax, although things could have certainly gone so wrong that they'd
had to bail for reasons of National Security. wink

Anyone got any ideas?

On Monday, October 23, 2000 12:33 AM, Brian Downing Quig [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
This is to be expected in the war profits business. Yes, the CIA contracted
with the Mob because they did not want to use their own for through aways as
assassination plot was discovered at the last possible moment. I am glad
someone besides me sees it that way.

One part of the Gary Webb book DARK ALLIANCE gave Frank Kelso's account of a
in Costa Rico where those of the 2 waring factions used to drink together
between battles. And the battles are not with each other but against the non
combatants. More than 90% of the casualities in these low intensity conflicts
are non combatants. The military conflict is just an excuse to use massive
brutality against pesants so that they will leave their ancestrial land.

Nothing will end the incessant warefare on this planet other than a sober
understanding that all sides are being financed by the same war profiteers.

Brian Downing Quig

Dan Russell wrote:
 This sort of goes to my point about money being the basis of military power,
 and prohibition artificially making drug dealing the basis of military
 power. That is, when you look at the FARC arms import system, as revealed
 by the Montesinos scandal, you see the same m.o. employed by Castro with
 Trafficante, or Alberto Sicilia Falcon, a CIA-Cuban, who armed any and all
 throughout Latin America, right, left or outlaw. In fact I wouldn't be in
 the least surprised to learn that Fidel was in bed with the "CIA's"
 Montesinos - he was in bed with Trafficante - that's why Trafficante's own
 very expert hit teams always missed - as Scott Breckinridge, the CIA's
 analyst of this, concluded. There simply is no way around the power of
 money. The vast coca plantations owned by the Colombia army's financiers
 are never touched by those antidrug CIA cropdusters.

 A childhood friend of mine, now a journalist who has lived in Colombia for
 the past 20 years, wrote to me, 10/99, ""A friend of mine, who works for
 national parks, just came back from the zone which the government handed
 over to the guerrilla to realize the peace negotiations. I have been reading
 a lot of newspaper reports about their terrorist rule there. What my friend
 tells me is that there is a kind of tense calm. What people are really
 worried about is that if the guerrilla withdraw, the place will be shot up
 by the paramilitaries, which happens all the time, just these random
 slaughters of civilians in zones controlled by the guerrilla (and vice
 versa) on the theory that if you are not with us, you are against us. But
 the interesting thing is this: just outside
 this zone is another town, only about fifteen miles away, where the
 paramilitaries are gathering and waiting to strike. But the paramilitaries
 rarely have groups of more than 200 armed men, where the guerrilla have
 thousands in this demilitarized zone. So what the hell is going on? Although
 the two are supposedly bitter enemies, you rarely hear of a combat between
 the paras and the guerrilla. This is just to give you some idea of how weird
 the situation is."
 Dan Russell

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS]Mafia caught attempting online bank fraud

2000-10-23 Thread Kris Millegan

The Mob and their friends at the Vatican Bank could certainly purchase a LOT
cocaine with 465 MILLION dollars...

Mafia caught attempting online bank fraud  by Philip Willan, IDG News
Service\Rome Bureau  October 03, 2000, 11:44
(10/03/2000) - Italian police have arrested 21 people accused of
in a massive online banking fraud that could have cost the Sicilian regional
government more than 1 trillion lire (US$465 million), Italian authorities
Members of a criminal group with links to Cosa Nostra allegedly succeeded in
"cloning" an online branch of the Banco di Sicilia and were preparing to
funds from an account belonging to the Sicilian regional government,
With the complicity of two bank employees and using stolen computer files,
codes and passwords, the organization managed to penetrate the bank's
information systems, said Mario Bo, director of the organized crime unit of
Palermo police mobile squad.
"They carried out successful technical trials a few days ago" and were able
enter the bank's system, Bo said in a telephone interview. The accomplices on
the bank staff would switch off the bank's personal computer at a prearranged
time so that the "clone" could take over its role, he said. Technicians of
national carrier Telecom Italia also assisted the criminals, police said.
group allegedly was planning to steal 264 billion lire from the bank,
said. The account contained European Union structural funds for regional
development, and the money was to be transferred to a bank in the Bologna
and from there, to bank accounts abroad, investigators said in a prepared
One of the possible destinations of the stolen money was the branch of a
Portuguese bank, the Banco Espirito Santo e Comercial of Lisbon, in Lausanne,
Switzerland, according to the Italian news agency AGI.  Another foreign bank
involved was the Vatican's Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR).
intercepts indicated that the group was looking for accomplices on the staff
the Vatican bank to help them conceal the stolen money, officials said. "They
wanted to transfer funds into accounts at the Vatican bank, in which case it
would have been impossible for the Italian state to recover them," Bo said.
"The final destination of the money was abroad," said Francesco Gratteri,
of the police Central Operational Service (SCO) in Rome, which coordinated
investigation. "Members of the group spoke of several banks, including
institutions in Portugal and Belgium," Gratteri said in a telephone
 Police reportedly learned of the operation from informants who heard rumors
that a criminal gang was seeking the assistance of dishonest bank directors
help them pull off their virtual heist. An undercover police officer posing
a bank manager obligingly offered his services.  Police initially intended to

 monitor the first part of the criminal operation without making arrests but
decided to intervene when they learned from telephone taps that the gang was
planning to follow it up with a series of simultaneous online raids on the
Banco di Sicilia, which could have netted more than 1 trillion lire, SCO
director Gratteri said.
The operation has implications for the security of online and telephone
services, although it could not have been carried out successfully without
complicity of the Banco di Sicilia staff, officials said. "Security experts
will have something to reflect on," said Bo, of the Palermo police.  Police
identified the ringleader of the gang as Antonio Orlando, 48, described as
being close to one of Palermo's leading Mafia families and with previous
arrests for fraud, money laundering and receiving stolen property. "The
operation was certainly authorized by the Mafia, because here in Sicily any
operation of economic importance requires the Mafia's permission," Bo said.
 "The Mafia definitely had an interest in it."
"The new economy must be protected so that it can grow in complete legality,"
Giuseppe Lumia, chairman of the parliamentary anti-Mafia commission, said in
prepared statement. "The recent creation of a register of current accounts
banking operations is the best indication of this. If with a simple touch of
button one can transfer huge sums online, with the touch of another button
judiciary and the police will be able to follow the movements of suspect
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[CTRL] Fwd: The World Bank and the Attack on Pensions in the Global South

2000-10-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Useful to integrate with the role of drug trafficking, arms sales and
creation of their world debt by sales like Halliburton and Brown and Roots..



  The World Bank and the Attack on Pensions in the Global South

Susanne S. Paul and James A. Paul

Published originally as a Research Paper by Global Action on Aging and
Global Policy Forum in July, 1994. WEED, a research association in Bonn,
published excerpts in German in late 1994 and the Instituto del Tercer Mundo
published it in book form as Asalto a las jubilaciones in Montevideo in
October, 1995. The present revised version was published by the
International Journal of Health Services [Vol. 25, No. 4 , 697-725] in
December 1995.

1. Introduction
2. Early Growth of Pension Systems
3. The Gathering Storm
4. The Great Pension Crisis
5. Pension Plans Come Apart
6. Attack on Pensions
7. State Pensions and the Alternatives
8. Links to Privatization and the Role of Foreign Firms
9. Pension Outlook in China
10. "Reforms" Worldwide
11. Family Support as an Alternative to Pensions
12. Income Support and Family Planning
13. Old-Age Poverty versus Children's Poverty
14. Means-Tested Welfarism
15. Provident Funds
16. Pensions, Income Security and the Very Poor: Alternatives
17. The "Dependency Ratio" Issue snd the Unemployment Trap
18. Pensions and the Future

1. Introduction

Seventy-three-year-old Paula Duarte lived in a small rooming house on the
Avenida de Mayo in downtown Buenos Aires. When the Argentine government
slashed pensions in early 1992, she began looking desperately for work. On
August 20, 1992, still unemployed, she hanged herself with a nylon cord from
a tree outside the University of Buenos Aires Law School. In her purse were
just two pesos. (1)(2)

In the weeks that followed, news of other elder suicides shocked Argentina.
In Rosario, Maria del Carmen Castillo, 67, and her sister Maria Josefa, 59,
killed themselves in the Parque Independencia; in Mar del Plata, Manuel
Adolfo Calvo, 83, and Amadeo Natalio Montero, 76, shot themselves in the
head; in the capital, a man of 70 hanged himself from the crossbars of a
swing in the Parque Patricios; Juan Labagarre, 77, and Juana Suarez, 77,
threw themselves under railroad trains; and in Rosario, Lionel Maniero, 65,
walked into the headquarters of the government Program for the Elderly and
shot himself in the bathroom. Twenty-three elder suicides of this kind in
less than two months. (2)

Bowing to pressure from the World Bank, the government of President Carlos
Menem had cut payments for most of Argentina's three million pensioners to
just $150 per month -- less than half the minimum needed for food and
shelter in a country where urban prices are close to those in the United
States. Even the country's middle class elderly--former teachers, government
workers, corporate employees--found themselves suddenly among a "new poor,"
on the very margins of survival. (3) "They have seen their whole life
expectations dissolve," commented Nélida Redondo, a writer on aging. "This
is a very hard reality." (1)

The Menem government's action reversed a long tradition of support for older
citizens in Argentina, dating back to the early 1900's. Eva Peron, legendary
wife of President Juan Peron, championed social security in the late 1940's,
winning the hearts of the poor descamisados. Later governments built on her
legacy, improving levels of support and extending pensions to nearly every
citizen, even in the countryside. But in 1989, under pressure from
international lenders, the government imposed a strict austerity program,
setting the stage for the pension crisis three years later. By mid-1992,
pensions had fallen to one sixth of their former level. "My husband and I
paid into social security for forty-two years," commented angrily pensioner
leader Norma Pla. "Where is that money now that we have reached old age?"

Similar cutbacks destroyed the incomes of millions of other pensioners in
the South in the 1980's and early 1990's -- mainly in the industrialized
countries of Latin America, where retirees had previously enjoyed the
broadest and best-funded programs. Mexico's pension fund reserves collapsed
to half their former level in the decade from 1977 to 1987. During the
1980's, pensions in Venezuela fell to just a sixth of their former value.
Deep cuts and austerity-based reforms hit retirees in Uruguay, Chile,
Brazil, Colombia, and Peru, reversing decades of pension growth.

2. Early Growth of Pension Systems

Industrializing Latin American countries set up government pension systems
decades ago. Brazil established pensions for national railway workers in
1888 and broadened pensions to many others sectors in the 1920's. Argentina
started a pension 

[CTRL] Fwd: Israel's Democratic Independent Media Center.

2000-10-23 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-

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[CTRL] Millegan audio from 9/23/00 in LA up at cia-drugs.org

2000-10-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

The begining is missing and it ain't the best I done, but here tis.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] OEN 10/23/00

2000-10-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin
US Stocks

Bottom Fishing

by Alan Abelson

Now, that's the proper way to mark an anniversary.

Not with a simper but a bang. And we couldn't be more proud of Wall Street.
It had every reason to hang out the crepe and fill the neighborhood with
keening and lamentation. It had suffered a terrible mauling, and the bears,
red in tooth and claw, were rearing up to wreak more havoc.

All the ugly things that had spooked investors -- the molten mess in the
Middle East, gushing oil prices, a rush of earnings disappointments by the
once-charmed techs, an economy starting to evince a bit of a tremor -- if
anything seemingly had grown even uglier. And into the bitter brew the
calendar tossed a noxious potion: it was 13 years to the day that the market
took its worst drubbing ever.

Yet rather than slink about shadowed by memories of the terrible crash of
'87, brave investors boldly chose to do something absolutely wild: Thumb
their noses at fate and stage a rowdy anniversary celebration. And it worked
-- boy, did it ever!

Nasdaq, which at one miserable moment this month was down nearly 40% from its
March high, went ballistic on Thursday, racking up its second-largest
percentage gain and the third-biggest point gain for a session in the roughly
three decades since the index was created. What a grand sight: Microsoft
leading the charge and hard on its heels were most of the old tech gang,
having burst out of the intensive care ward, their hospital gowns and IV
trollies trailing merrily after them.
A visitor from Mars unfamiliar with Street lingo might be forgiven for
thinking, as the rally took off in earnest, the giddy crowd had pretty much
gotten out of control, filling the air with salacious cries of "bottoms."
We'd hate to have the little green man with antennae protruding from his
forehead go back to his planet carrying the wrong impression. So if by chance
you run into him, spring for a drink and gently explain to him the facts of
investment life.

Did we get a bottom Wednesday morning when the Dow cratered 435 points and
then resolutely clawed its way back, recouping roughly three-quarters of the
ground lost and setting the stage for the next day's rocket rise? The answer
is unequivocally "yes!" We got a bottom, no question -- at least for the rest
of last week.

Beyond that, we can offer an equally unequivocal "Who knows?" Although we
wouldn't want it to get around, since market strategists are human beings,
too, with mouths to feed and big mortgages and the unremitting expense of
constantly having to buy a new crystal ball, predicting the market is
strictly a mug's game. And this mug's guess is that the lows should hold for
a spell, maybe through the end of the year.

But we don't think the market has made more than a temporary bottom and a
precarious one at that. Understand, we have absolutely no quarrel with the
impulse of investors to dump stocks the past couple of months; truth be
known, we heartily endorse it. However, they've done a lot of unloading in a
short space; indeed, hauling all those shares to the dumpster has made them
plumb tuckered out and they plainly need a breather.

Mutual funds, moreover, have just about exhausted their ritualistic October
selling to establish tax losses to offset gains (yes, Virginia, hard as it is
to believe, mutual funds sometimes really do have gains) and the mood
hereabouts always lightens when that depressing business is over.
However, even when the Dow broke 10,000 on the downside and Nasdaq was
flirting with doing the same to 3,000, the market was still flagrantly
overvalued and all the more so with the economy losing momentum and earnings
estimates way too high.

Besides, bear markets don't end and lasting bottoms aren't made when seasoned
pros are fully invested and learned analysts still wait for a stock to drop
from 60 to 4 before deciding it's not worth buying.

If only there were an alchemist in the house who could turn complacency into
oil, gasoline would be going for 50 cents a gallon and investors wouldn't
need to ask if we'd seen the bottom.
What we remember most vividly about the crash of '87 apart from the buckets
of blood and gobs of gore (no exaggeration), was the fact that everyone
claimed to have seen it coming. Which elicited a wonderful commentary, which
we will eternally cherish, written by the incomparable Ben Stein and duly
printed in this magazine a fortnight after the catastrophe.

"The stock market's collapse of Oct. 19 and its aftermath," wrote Ben, "has
left me and my wife the richest persons in the world and we got there without
doing a thing! Here's how it happened:
"According to various reports, the crash erased about $1 trillion in
valuation on U.S. markets alone. But as far as I can tell, my wife and I were
the only persons still invested in the stock market anywhere in the world as

[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Gore, Bush, and the new economy, by Paul Krugman

2000-10-23 Thread Kris Millegan


The New York Times
October 22, 2000

Unsound Bytes?

Last week George W. Bush accused Al Gore of "analog thinking in a digital 
age." It's a terrific line; my compliments to whoever wrote it. It's also a 
bit unfair.

True, Mr. Gore didn't invent the Internet — but then, he never said he had. 
What he did say was, "During my service in the United States Congress, I 
took the initiative in creating the Internet." That was a deeply 
unfortunate sentence — but what makes it so unfortunate is that now it is 
impossible for Mr. Gore to get the credit he actually deserves. Declan 
McCullagh, the Wired writer who first played up Mr. Gore's remark, puts it 
this way: the vice president "was one of the first politicians to realize 
that those bearded, bespectacled researchers were busy crafting something 
that could, just maybe, become pretty important."

For what it's worth, tech-sector C.E.O.'s seem to be divided about evenly 
between Messrs. Gore and Bush. That is a sharp contrast with C.E.O.'s at 
large, who overwhelmingly favor Mr. Bush — a preference cynics might 
attribute to the large personal gains that people with seven- or 
eight-figure incomes would receive from that tax cut.

Still, Mr. Bush is right: Mr. Gore doesn't know how to manage the new 
economy. But then neither does Mr. Bush. And neither does anyone else.

The big difference between the new economy and the old is the changed 
nature of investment. In the past, businesses primarily invested in the 
tangible means of production, things like buildings and machines. The value 
of a company was at least somewhat related to the value of its 
physical  capital; to grow bigger, a business had to build new factories 
roughly in proportion to the increase in its sales. But now businesses 
increasingly invest in intangibles. And once you've designed a chip, or 
written the code for a new operating system, no further investment is 
needed to ship the product to yet another customer.

One consequence of the changed nature of investment is a strong tendency 
for markets to develop into temporary monopolies. Why monopolies? Because 
when the required size of investment doesn't depend on how much you sell, a 
bigger market share is definitely better. Why temporary? Because sooner or 
later, and usually sooner, new technology makes your old investment worthless.


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[CTRL] Interview with English author David Icke by Kenneth Burke

2000-10-23 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

THE BIGGEST SECRETAn Interview with 
English author David Icke by Kenneth Burkehttp://www.leadingedgenews.com/secret.htm
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: In The Biggest Secret, 
David Icke reveals in documented,sourced detail how the same interconnecting 
bloodlines have controlled theplanet for thousands of years. How they 
created all the major religions andsuppressed the spiritual and esoteric 
knowledge that will set humanity freefrom its mental and emotional prisons. 
It includes an exposé of the trueorigins of Christianity and the other major 
religions and documents thesuppressed science which explains why the world 
is facing a time ofincredible change and transformation. As a kid, says 
Icke, I always wonderedhow a few islands which you can hardly see on the 
globe could have an Empirethat spanned the world. Now the reason is obvious. 
It was not the GreatBritish Empire at all. It was the empire of the 
Babylonian Brotherhood. Formore on The Biggest Secret, see the display ad on 
Page 28 in The LeadingEdge Newspaper.LE: David, I realize that 
creating a thumbnail sketch of connecting the dotsthat are in your new book, 
"The Biggest Secret," is difficult, but could youconnect a few dots for our 
readers, so they'll at least understand the basicpremise of your 
work?DI: Yes, I can, actually. "The Biggest Secret" is 550 pages 
with 60illustrations and over 40 pictures. I really pushed the boat out with 
it.It's in great detail, and the material is tremendously sourced as much 
aspossible. I can actually summarize the story very simply. What my 
researchand my unbelievably synchronistic life in terms of the research have 
shownme, explained in great detail in the book is that, if you go far 
enoughback, you pick up not just one extraterrestrial race, but 
extraterrestrialraces, which interbred with humanity. There is one 
particular group, withinan extraterrestrial race, which operates within the 
physical world(certainly from within the Earth), and its primary place of 
focus is thelower fourth dimension, which people call the astral level. This 
is thereptilian race. I suggest strongly in the book that, those we call 
theAnanaki (in the Sumerian Tablets) are actually a reptilian race. I am 
notalone in this. Dr. David Arthur Horne has written a book, 
"Humanity'sExtraterrestrial Origins", and has made the same connections that 
I have. Imake these connections, not just from intuition, but from a 
tremendousamount of ancient and modern evidence that shows that this 
reptilianconnection travels right through these thousands of years to the 
presentday. Some of these references to serpents and dragons are 
obviouslysymbolic, not the least, the Kundalini energy and other things, but 
when youlook at the evidence, there is a tremendous number of literal 
references toserpent people - serpent gods. When you do the research, again, 
into thearea where this seems to have happened in the Caucasus Mountains, in 
what wenow call Turkey, Iran and Iraq, which we called Sumer and Babylon, 
and intothe plains of Egypt (the area particularly around the Caucasus 
Mountainsseems to be the place where these bloodlines came out). This 
interbreedingoccurred between the human race and this reptilian group within 
a race. Now,I don't see the reptilian genetic stream as negative in itself - 
quite theopposite - it's just this particular group within it. The Sumerian 
Tabletsand many other accounts,all over the world, talk about the fact 
that these hybrids became thedemigods, the middle men and women between the 
gods and humanity. If youlook at some of the history of Iran, the earliest 
kings were called theserpent kings, and they became kings as a result of 
their genetic structureand their family bloodlines. This is where the Divine 
right of kings comesfrom. Where we lost the plot is that it didn't refer to 
god - if you like,everything that exists - it referred to the GODS.Now, 
around 2200 B.C., something emerged in Egypt, called the Royal Court ofthe 
Dragon. That is still going strong, today, 4000 years later, and it'sbased 
in England, which is, for me, the epicenter of global control - theepicenter 
of the network that controls the world - not Tony Blair'sgovernment 
(although he is a big front-man for them) - but the epicenter ofcontrol is 
in the area, which we call the city of London - the financialdistrict and 
the other interlocking areas. As you probably know, London isthe great 
sprawl of London and, within it, is an area, which is called theCity of 
London. That's the financial district, basically, where the Bank ofEngland 
is. Basically, the control of the world financial markets is there.So, when 
you do the genealogy, and I've done quite a bit already, as well asthe 
history, you can follow this basically Aryan race of people, who 
cameoriginally to Britain by ship under the name of the Phoenicians, who are 
avery significant part of history, which conventional history pushes to 
thesidelines. I show in the book 

[CTRL] Israeli troops injured (satire alert)

2000-10-23 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Israeli Troops Injured
By Tom Rainey

Jerusalem, Oct. 5--Israeli officials agreed today to withdraw heavy
armaments from the West Bank and Gaza after troops complained of
paint chips on their armored personnel carriers caused by rocks
thrown by Palestinians. With 60 Palestinians killed by Israeli
soldiers in the last five days, Israeli officials denied excessive
use of force, citing the heavy toll upon their side as well. In the
West Bank town of Beituniya, officials reported that Israeli army
medics were busy treating severe blisters on the trigger fingers
of many Israeli soldiers. "Those anti tank rockets we're firing at
the ambulances really hurt your ears." reported one member of the
Israeli Defense forces. "I hold the Palestinians directly
responsible for my headache."

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Israeli troops injured (satire alert)

2000-10-23 Thread Stopforth, Jamie
Title: RE: [CTRL] Israeli troops injured  (satire alert)

Yeah, it's all the Israeli's fault isn't it...??? Geez.

-Original Message-
From: Mark McHugh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 1:18 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Israeli troops injured (satire alert)

-Caveat Lector-

Israeli Troops Injured
By Tom Rainey

Jerusalem, Oct. 5--Israeli officials agreed today to withdraw heavy
armaments from the West Bank and Gaza after troops complained of
paint chips on their armored personnel carriers caused by rocks
thrown by Palestinians. With 60 Palestinians killed by Israeli
soldiers in the last five days, Israeli officials denied excessive
use of force, citing the heavy toll upon their side as well. In the
West Bank town of Beituniya, officials reported that Israeli army
medics were busy treating severe blisters on the trigger fingers
of many Israeli soldiers. Those anti tank rockets we're firing at
the ambulances really hurt your ears. reported one member of the
Israeli Defense forces. I hold the Palestinians directly
responsible for my headache.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please! These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.htmlArchives of


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[CTRL] Fwd: Aspartame and GW Bush

2000-10-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Is a Vote for BUSH a Vote For ASPARTAME?  10.23.00

For Immediate Release
Contact ACSN: 214-352-4268
Website: http://web2.airmail.net/marystod

October 23, 2000

Is a Vote for BUSH a Vote For ASPARTAME?
You decide...

First, came the inaction of an unethical Federal Prosecutor in the late

 Samuel Skinner is the U.S. Attorney  taking G.D. Searle,
[inventors of aspartame] officials to court on behalf of the Food and
Drug Administration, for lying about aspartame's deadly results in the
falsified lab tests -  a grave Federal offense.
  Prosecutor, Samuel Skinner  then "defected" - left his government
post and crossed over - to work for those same people he was taking to
court, G.D. Searle's lawfirm, Sidley  Austin.
He later left Sidley  Austin to insinuate his way back into government
as head of the U.S. Department of Transportation [over the FAA 

Where did the former U.S. Attorney/Dept. of Transportation Dir. go next?

The following is a brief excerpt from the feature magazine
article in Washington D.C.'s SPOTLIGHT April 6, 1992 pg 14-15 -- also
this and more was discussed on the January 21, 1992 broadcast on The
Spotlight's nightly call-in talk forum, Radio Free America, hosted by
Tom Valentine:

Headline: "Media Ignores Scandals Close to President Bush's Campaign"

"It was President Bush's son, George W. Bush who suggested
Samuel Skinner be named White House chief of staff. Son, George W. Bush
said Skinner was so capable, yet if you look at Skinner's record . . .
you'll find several cases where he wasn't looking out for the
protection of the American people.
Photo with article captioned: George W. Bush . . . High on Skinner."
  Also in the report: "While her husband served as President Bush's
White House chief of staff, Mrs. Samuel Skinner remained employed by
Sidley  Austin, G.D. Searle pharmaceutical's lawfirm.
Major conflict of interest? Read on . . .

  Two examples of Bush's arrogant actions leading up to his
nomination as a Presidential Candidate:

In 1995, ignoring approximately 50,000 phone calls from
consumers to his Austin office,  asking him to "Veto" the notorious
"Agricultural Anti-Defamation Act" [the one which allowed the Beef
Industry in Texas to sue Oprah Winfrey], Texas Gov. George W. Bush
refused to support his constituents, and allowed the unjust law to go
into effect without his signature or veto.

Dallas-based Aspartame Consumer Safety Network and Pilot
Hotline, [the grassroots multi-national organization formed by former
State Judge, Mary Nash Stoddard and Washington consumer advocate,
James Turner, Esq. in 1987 to promote food safety and consumer
awareness] blitzed the media, in the spring of 1995, with interviews
exposing this bill for being not only unnecessary
[existing libel laws in Texas are more than adequate], but also
dangerously un-Constitutional - taking away our Freedom of Speech.
[Mainstream Media was on ACSN's side in this battle, calling it
primarily a First Amendment  / Freedom of the Press issue.]

 Texas Gov.George W. Bush ignored the public outcry, and
allowed the law  [jeeringly referred to in the press as the
"Bush Veggie Bill"] to go into effect, September 1, 1995.
When the Beef Industry tried to sue Oprah under this law in
Amarillo, Texas, they lost their case.

Recently reported by the national media, are these George W.
Bush statements [made in the debates and elsewhere during his campaign]:

"I am responsible for Tort Reform in my state."
-- Candidate George W. Bush

[Explanation: Correct, but no cause for boasting. Bush is responsible
for some frightening new Texas laws which effectively tie consumer's
hands when it comes to filing lawsuits against a corporation - by
putting unrealistic "caps" on amounts of money that may be awarded to a
wronged individual, forcing the filer to pay all court costs if tthe
case is lost, etc. This creates a chilling climate of injustice and
frustration on the part of the hardworking public.]

And, there's more . . .

"Judge Clarence Thomas, in my opinion is the best Judge on our
Supreme Court, along with Justice Scolia." -- Candidate George W. Bush

[Explanation: Judge Clarence Thomas is a former attorney for Monsanto,
the maker's of aspartame. Thomas has been said to be Monsanto's
"Gatekeeper" on the U.S. Supreme Court, because of
strong ties/loyalties to his former employer.
And, like the mighty tobacco industry, the
makers of aspartame will be forced to someday answer in court, claims
that aspartame, aka NutraSweet/Equal,
is creating havoc with the public's health.]

   Given these additional truths, how do YOU feel about
Presidential Candidate George W. Bush's ethics, veracity and leadership
qualities?  Share this information with others who care.

  Don't forget to vote!

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: John Stossel, Junk Journalism the Poison Peddlers

2000-10-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-- eGroups Sponsor -~-~
FONT COLOR="#99"eGroups eLerts
It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

 John Stossel, Junk Journalism  the Poison Peddlers
 by Barbara Keeler and Robert Sterling

 "Science is highly politicized  Beware of science that feeds political
 John Stossel, 20/20 reporter, "Junk Science: What You Know That May Not Be

 The 20/20 hit piece on organics by John Stossel is old news to readers of
alternative publications. Long a controversial voice in journalism, Stossel
became more so after his February 4, 2000 20/20 report, "The Food You Eat."

 Stossel's main hatchet man on the segment, Dennis Avery, was not identified
as an employee of the Hudson Institute. Agribusinesses such as Dow, Monsanto,
ConAgra, and Novartis are leading funders of the Hudson Institute.

  Represented on Hudson Institute's board is the biotech industry's PR firm,
Burson-Marsteller, involved in a massive PR campaign to counteract the
escalating global anti-GE movement in the US and abroad. Those familiar with
Avery and the Hudson Institute were not surprised that he was eager to smear
the organic food industry on 20/20.

 The unanswered question about the segment was why Stossel chose a mouthpiece
for pesticides, biotech, chemical fertilizers, and agribusiness as 20/20's
expert on organics. Moreover, why would a respected journalist create a
segment calculated to mislead his audience about organic food?

 We cannot say for sure, and maybe the question will never be answered for
certain. We have, however, connected the dots from Stossel and ABC back to
Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, ConAgra and others with vested interests in
discrediting organic foods.

 As the segment was produced, ABC was receiving a percentage of sales from
"Stossel in the Classroom," educational materials published by the Palmer R.
Chitester Fund and based on Stossel's ABC reports. The Chitester Fund is a
conservative foundation dependant on contributions from the likes of the John
M. Olin Foundation. The Olin Foundation was created and is still controlled
by the Olin Corporation, a top producer of agricultural chemicals.

 On the Board of Associates of the Chitester Fund sits Herb London, the
President of the Hudson Institute. London also holds the John M. Olin
Professorship of Humanities at New York University.  The Hudson Institute
received grants from the Olin Foundation of $125,000 in 1993 and $300,000 in

 All of the above suggests an inbreeding of interests between two
conservative foundations, a conservative think tank, and a supposedly
independent journalist. Add the funding Hudson receives from chemical and
agribusiness companies and the inbreeding appears potentially corruptive,
even before factoring the representation of a biotech PR firm on its board.

 The interlinks go further. The Olin Corporation was, along with Occidental
Chemical and Dupont, one of the major firms involved in the Love Canal
environmental scandal in Niagara Falls, NY.  Here is Stossel's comment during
a January 9, 1997 special report, titled "Junk Science: What You Know That
May Not Be So":

 "What happens when government policy is based on junk science? Billions of
dollars are misspent, and people's lives altered forever. Love Canal. Times
Beach. Defoliant Agent Orange. These names arouse fear because of the
chemical dioxin. Dioxin is very poisonous. We know that from animal tests.
Tiny amounts kill guinea pigs. That's why our government's spending hundreds
of millions of dollars to protect us from dioxin."

 "But is that good science? Just because a chemical hurts animals, does that
mean it's harmful to us?"

 Stossel proceeds to argue that dioxin isn't harmful, and that cases such as
Love Canal are based on faulty science. The Environmental Protection Agency
begs to differ. A draft of a long-overdue EPA report concludes that dioxin is
indeed a dangerous and persistent "human carcinogen." Along the way, he
manages to smear a variety of other supposed cases of "junk science,"
including breast implant lawsuits, during his report.

 Apparently, Stossel hasn't learned his lesson: on July 15, he did another
dishonest slam piece of the story behind the film ERIN BROCKOVICH. Though the
giant utility company PGE admits to illegally releasing the carcinogen
chromium-6 in Hinkley, CA (they settled for $333 million with local
residents), Stossel claimed there is no proof that chromium in drinking water
can cause cancer. PGE's own documents concede "the material is toxic," and
covered up the fact that they had released high concentrations of the


2000-10-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-- eGroups Sponsor -~-~
FONT COLOR="#99"eGroups eLerts
It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

From Rumor Mill News:

10.23.2000 10:00 PST

The plane carrying Laura Bush, Lynn Cheney and Cyndi McCain had to make an
emergency unscheduled landing in Tulsa this morning.

No one was injured, but the three women missed the Milwaukee "W Stands for
Women" rally where they were scheduled to speak.

Knowing how the game is played at this level, Rumor Mill News wonders is a
'not so subtle' hint was fired at the three top men in the Republican Party.
Was "W" and the rest told that if they didn't start "losing" this election,
they would definitely LOSE -- i.e.  meaning their families.

If this WAS a veiled threat at Bush, Cheny and McCain, then I would hate to
be in the shoes of the people who made that threat. While the Clintonistas
made "Political Murder" appear "normal", this kind of "opponent containment
process" was created and perfected during the Reagan/Bush years.

If someone in the Gore Campaign, or on behalf of the Gore campaign,  made an
attempt to kill the wives of the three top Republicans -- or send them all a
message -- then I expect that we will see a "quid pro quo" very soon. And
since the Reagan/Bush people were never known for the kid glove approach, I
expect the ripples of what they do will cause quite a reverberation.

They might return the "threat" in the same manner or they could use another
vehicle, such as the economy. By crashing the economy, they can sink all the
elected Democrats. I would guess they would choose this method.

Things are beginning to get interesting.


In case you haven't checked the front page of Rumor Mill yet, there are some
major breaking stories.

Barry Chamish has written an article in which he makes the claim that an
Italian reporter filmed Arafat at the murder of the Israeli soldiers.

There is also and article posted in THE READING ROOM about the New Treasury
Bank. It is written by "gigi" who is a Source from Italy.

It is difficult to read due to the translation from Italian to English, but
you will see that it is written by someone who definitely has inside
information. Don't miss this one.

I have posted a response to 'gigi's' article called "The National Economic
Stabilization And Recovery Act". This article gives you the link to a new
webpage that has just gone up. It tells about the new banking system. Rumor
Mill has been alerting you that something is going on in the financial and
banking world for months now.

And don't forget to take a look at the photos of the Armada of UFOs that are
invading and about to attack earth!!!

Have a great week!


RMNews, The Uncensored National Rumor

P.O. BOX 1784
APTOS, CA 95001
TELFAX 831 462 3949



2000-10-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Halliburton Corporation's Brown and Root is one of the major components of


[Lead story in the October 24, 2000 issue of "From The Wilderness"]


Michael C. Ruppert

(c) Copyright 2000, Michael C. Ruppert and "From The Wilderness"
Publications, P.O. Box 6061-350, Sherman Oaks, CA 91413, 818-788-8791,
www.copvcia.com. All Rights Reserved. - Permission to reprint for non-profit
only is hereby granted as long as proper sourcing appears. For all other
permissions contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FTW  October 24, 2000 - The success of Bush Vice Presidential running mate
Richard Cheney at leading Halliburton, Inc. to a five year $3.8 billion
"pig-out" on federal contracts and taxpayer-insured loans is only a partial
indicator of what may happen if the Bush ticket wins in two weeks. A closer
look at available research, including an August 2, 2000 report by the Center
for Public Integrity (CPI) at www.public-i.org, suggests that drug money has
played a role in the successes achieved by Halliburton under Cheney's tenure
as CEO from 1995 to 2000. This is especially true for Halliburton's most
famous subsidiary, heavy construction and oil giant, Brown and Root. A
deeper look into history reveals that Brown and Root's past as well as the
past of Dick Cheney himself, connect to the international drug trade on more
than one occasion and in more than one way.

This June the lead Washington, D.C. attorney for a major Russian oil company
connected in law enforcement reports to heroin smuggling and also a
beneficiary of US backed loans to pay for Brown and Root contracts in
Russia, held a $2.2 million fund raiser to fill the already bulging coffers
of presidential candidate George W. Bush. This is not the first time that
Brown and Root has been connected to drugs and the fact is that this "poster
child" of American industry may also be a key player in Wall Street's
efforts to maintain domination of the half trillion dollar a year global
drug trade and its profits. And Dick Cheney, who has also come closer to
drugs than most suspect, and who is also Halliburton's largest individual
shareholder ($45.5 million), has a vested interest in seeing to it that
Brown and Root's successes continue.

Of all American companies dealing directly with the U.S. military and
providing cover for CIA operations few firms can match the global presence
of this giant construction powerhouse which employs 20,000 people in more
than 100 countries. Through its sister companies or joint ventures, Brown
and Root can build offshore oil rigs, drill wells, construct and operate
everything from harbors to pipelines to highways to nuclear reactors. It can
train and arm security forces and it can now also feed, supply and house
armies. One key beacon of Brown and Root's overwhelming appeal to agencies
like the CIA is that, from its own corporate web page, it  proudly announces
that it has received the contract to dismantle aging Russian nuclear tipped
ICBMs in their silos.

Furthermore, the relationships between key institutions, players and the
Bushes themselves suggest that under a George "W" administration the Bush
family and its allies may well be able, using Brown and Root as the
operational interface, to control the drug trade all the way from Medellin
to Moscow.

Originally formed as a heavy construction company to build dams, Brown and
Root grew its operations via shrewd political contributions to Senate
candidate Lyndon Johnson in 1948. Expanding into the building of oil
platforms, military bases, ports, nuclear facilities, harbors and tunnels,
Brown and Root virtually underwrote LBJ's political career. It prospered as
a result, making billions on U.S. Government contracts during the Vietnam
War. The "Austin Chronicle" in an August 28 Op-ed piece entitled "The
Candidate From Brown and Root" labels Republican Cheney as the political
dispenser of Brown and Root's largesse.  According to political campaign
records, during Cheney's five year tenure at Halliburton the company's
political contributions more than doubled to $1.2 million. Not surprisingly,
most of that money went to Republican candidates.

Independent news service "newsmakingnews.com," also describes how in 1998,
with Cheney as Chairman, Halliburton spent $8.1 billion to purchase oil
industry equipment and drilling supplier Dresser Industries. This made
Halliburton a corporation that will have a presence in almost any future oil
drilling operation anywhere in the world. And it also brought back into the
family fold the company that had once sent a plane - also in 1948 - to fetch
the new Yale Graduate George H.W. Bush, to begin his career in the Texas oil
business.  Bush the elder's father, Prescott, served as a Managing Director
for the firm that once owned Dresser, Brown Bothers Harriman.

It is clear that everywhere there is oil there is Brown and Root. But
increasingly, everywhere there is war or insurrection there is Brown and

Re: [CTRL] Israeli troops injured (satire alert)

2000-10-23 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/23/2000 3:17:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Yeah, it's all the Israeli's fault isn't it...???  Geez. 

This time--probably.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] SNET: 1 of 2 Executive Order 12919 - Bonfire to the Constitution. (fwd)

2000-10-23 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

Yet another unconstitutional action by President C**

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 07:51:06 -0700
Subject: SNET: 1 of 2  Executive Order 12919 - Bonfire to the Constitution.

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

EO #12919

Vigo Examiner

Here is Executive Order #12919 in its entirety.  When you get to the
bottom, just see what Slick has done !!!   And the worst of it??

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release June 6, 1994


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the
laws of the United States of America, including the Defense Production Act
of 1950, as amended (64 Stat. 798; 50 U.S.C. App. 2061, et seq.), and
section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and as Commander in Chief of
the Armed Forces of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 101. Purpose. This order delegates authorities and addresses
national defense industrial resource policies and programs under the
Production Act of 1950, as amended ("the Act"), except for the amendments
to Title III of the Act in the Energy Security Act of 1980 and
telecommunication authorities under Executive Order No. 12472. Sec. 102.
Policy. The United States must have an industrial and technology base
capable of meeting national defense requirements, and capable of
contributing to the technological superiority of its defense equipment in
peacetime and in times of national emergency. The domestic industrial and
technological base is the foundation for national defense preparedness.
The authorities provided in the Act shall be used to strengthen this base
and to ensure it is capable of responding to all threats to the national
security of the United States. Sec. 103. General Functions. Federal
departments and agencies responsible for defense acquisition (or for
industrial resources needed to support defense acquisition) shall: (a)
Identify requirements for the full spectrum of national security
emergencies, including military, industrial, and essential civilian
demand; (b) Assess continually the capability of the domestic industrial
and technological base to satisfy requirements in peacetime and times of
national emergency, specifically evaluating the availability of adequate
industrial resource and production sources, including subcontractors and
suppliers, materials, skilled labor, and professional and technical
personnel; (c) Be prepared, in the event of a potential threat to the
security of the United States, to take actions necessary to ensure the
availability of adequate industrial resources and production capability,
including services and critical technology for national defense
requirements; (d) Improve the efficiency and responsiveness, to defense
requirements, of the domestic industrial base; and (e) Foster cooperation
between the defense and commercial sectors for research and development
and for acquisition of materials, components, and equipment to enhance
industrial base efficiency and responsiveness. Sec. 104. Implementation.
(a) The National Security Council is the principal forum for consideration
and resolution of national security resource preparedness policy. (b) The
Director, Federal Emergency Management Agency ("Director, FEMA") shall:
(1) Serve as an advisor to the National Security Council on issues of
national security resource preparedness and on the use of the authorities
and functions delegated by this order; (2) Provide for the central
coordination of the plans and programs incident to authorities and
functions delegated under this order, and provide guidance and procedures
approved by the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
to the Federal departments and agencies under this order; (3) Establish
procedures, in consultation with Federal departments and agencies assigned
functions under this order, to resolve in a timely and effective manner
conflicts and issues that may arise in implementing the authorities and
functions delegated under this order; and (4) Report to the President
periodically concerning all program activities conducted pursuant to this
order. (c) The head of every Federal department and agency assigned
functions under this order shall ensure that the performance of these
functions is consistent with National Security Council policy and

Sec. 201. Delegations of Priorities and Allocations.
(a) The authority of the President conferred by section 101 of the Act to
require acceptance and priority performance of contracts or orders (other
than contracts of 

[CTRL] SNET: BEATING THE LIBERAL MEDIA! (Here's hope folks) (fwd)

2000-10-23 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 21:45:14 -0700
From: Christopher Ruby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: SNET: BEATING THE LIBERAL MEDIA!  (Here's hope folks)

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

BEATING THE LIBERAL MEDIA!  (Here's hope folks)

NOTE:  This is good news and a cautionary warning.  This is a clear "shot
across the bow" of the power elite's ship of state.  They are losing
control (mind control) through their controlled media.  There's a
grass-roots global revolution going on, thanks to the instant/everywhere
telecomm technology that began with faxes and e-mails which breached the
Berlin Wall (and brought it down) and is now taking wings on the Winds of
Aquarius (Freedom  Opportunity)... and is bringing down the walls in the
mind in all the "M-5" elite-controlled institutions (Media, Mentoring,
Medical  Management in all major Markets).
 There is a mass revolt brewing in the hearts and mind of the
masses.  The effete elite are up against the wall that's crumbling on
them.  Their time is short and are mad as hell, the realms they too often
operate from. Like cornered animals, their self-preservation instincts
would just as well "wag the dog" on a global biowar scale, creating
provocateur terror they can conveniently blame on scapegoats while they
ramp up draconian crisis management tactics to limit our freedom in the
name of safety until we have neither freedom nor safety.  The Net is loaded
with insider expose's of these sinister agendas.
 This is a VERY dangerous time.  The last dregs of the 25,800 Dark
Cycle (Kali Yuga) is going physical. The "Fourth Reich" of the power elite
could very quickly move from Psy-Ops (Psychological Warfare Operations) in
the media to much more emotional (terror) and physical (war) tactics.  As
long as they could consolidate power behind the scenes via media and
economic divide-to-conquer modalities, they could operate in stealth mode.
But their cover has been blown, the sheep "masks" are being stripped from
these wolves, and the sheeple are waking up to the history of war-making
and murder of millions by this callous elite whose god is power and control
above all.
  Now is the time prophesied when there are many Christs and
Antichrists.  The Christed ones take full responsibility and TAKE COMMAND
in this dense octave with fiery invocations to Almighty God in the full
force of Ruby Fire (GOD-LOVE) that is the judgment on the forces of anti-Love.
  This is it beloved!  The test that's best.  There may never be a
better time to win stripes for your Ascension now that the Ruby Fire in
your hearts is so greatly needed.
 So set your Ruby Rayguns to full-power, name the names, and "Have
a Blast"!

Always Victory in the Christic Wisdom that Conceives, Believes and Achieves
(Invokes) the Power of God-Love,
PS - The Word-made-flesh via your fiery invocations has always been the
most powerful technology for good.

- article follows:

 Now, this is real campaign reform
   by Richard A. Viguerie, President, ConservativeHQ.com

Have you ever wondered the following?

(1) The establishment media with few exceptions declared Gore the winner of
the first debate.  College debate professors declared Gore the clear winner.
Instant overnight polls gave Gore a strong victory.

(2) In the 14 days since the first debate that "Bush lost" he's gone from
about five behind to about five points ahead.

How could Bush gain 10 points in 12 days if he lost the first debate? The
answer lies in the non-establishment media.

Today in America there are two types of media:

First, that which is "above the radar" - the media outlets owned by the
establishment and talked about by establishment -approved pundits.
Examples: The New York Times, CBS, CNN, Newsweek, etc.

Second, "below-the-radar" media - those outlets not owned by the
establishment and talked about the establishment - approved pundits.
Examples: Talk radio, direct mail, the Internet, cable TV, religious radio
and TV.

Now, for the first 24 hours after the first debate, the establishment media
crowed loudly about Gore's superior knowledge and Bush's inability to defend
his tax cut proposals.  But by the second day after the debate, the
below-the-radar media was operating in full force.  Gore's expressions,
misstatements, off-putting sighs, condescending looks and mannerisms when
Bush was speaking - all that began to get traction on national, state, and
local talk radio, on cable TV, and on the Internet.

Three days after the debate, the establishment media could no longer ignore
the direction the debate discussion was going around America's watercoolers
and kitchen tables.  The new and alternative media almost single-handily
forced the establishment media to 

[CTRL] NP: Guess who is trying to wrangle Yemeni assets from its joint venture?

2000-10-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

"...Since arriving 12 years ago to explore an area with no known oil
reserves, CanOxy has created a geyser of black gold that, at 208,000 barrels
a day, contributes nearly half the Yemeni government's revenue...

"...Small wonder that Occidental Petroleum of Los Angeles, which
holds a 29% stake in CanOxy, is trying to wrangle the Yemeni
assets away from the Calgary-based company; and equally small
wonder that CanOxy is resisting these advances.

"...Oil production began in 1993.  Civil war broke out in 1994.
CanOxy evacuated its ***Aden complex*** just before the North
shelled the port... CanOxy and the state are deeply dependent on
one another. Oil sales -- more than half from the CanOxy project
-- will bring in $900-million this year, more than two-thirds the
nation's budget. Still, many complain the money does not flow
back from the government to the people. The prime minister
himself admits that corruption is rife in the public service."


A Calgary firm finds wealth for a poor Middle Eastern nation
CanOxy's blue army helps a desert bloom (November 1999)

- Canadian Occidental

In the village of Ressib, dozens of barefoot boys and girls --
the girls in brightly embroidered black dresses, the boys in
futas (skirts) -- come running down the rocky trail to the three
Toyota Land Cruisers. The bedouin of the Al-Jabbry tribe, whose
tall houses of mud-plastered rocks crowd this desert valley,
don't get much traffic.

From the shiniest truck steps Kevin Tracy, the Calgarian who is
operations manager of Canadian Occidental Petroleum Yemen, the
wholly owned subsidiary of Canadian Occidental Petroleum Ltd.
Accompanying him is a four-man military escort armed with
Kalashnikov machine guns.

The children stare as Mr. Tracy, dressed in bright blue overalls,
pulls off his work boots. He and the others sit cross-legged on
the floor of their host's mufraj, a big living room empty but for
some blankets and lots of flies. A boy passes out tiny glasses of
sweet red tea.

"I should slaughter a goat," Mohammed Omar Al-Jabbry, the host,
mutters in Arabic. He is unprepared for such guests. "We are
losing our customs."

His guests are here to check on CanOxy's work in bringing running
water and electricity to Ressib. The projects, financed by the
firm, make the Canadians very popular. Since arriving 12 years
ago to explore an area with no known oil reserves, CanOxy has
created a geyser of black gold that, at 208,000 barrels a day,
contributes nearly half the Yemeni government's revenue.

Small wonder that Occidental Petroleum of Los Angeles, which
holds a 29% stake in CanOxy, is trying to wrangle the Yemeni
assets away from the Calgary-based company; and equally small
wonder that CanOxy is resisting these advances.

Today the "blue army," CanOxy's operations group in blue
overalls, is perhaps the the most powerful tribe in all of Yemen.

It's not always easy. CanOxy's staff have weathered two
evacuations by warships, a civil war, and a 2 a.m. blast in
August. The explosion killed a guard when it levelled a
supermarket across the street from the firm's head office in
Sana'a, the capital.

The blast blew out most of CanOxy's windows and many heavy wooden
doors. The company says it was not the target. While U.S. and
other firms face repeated kidnappings and sabotage, no CanOxy
staffer has been kidnapped. The firm's oil flow has never

CanOxy ascribes its success to negotiating skill, good geological
work and experienced staff. But most of all, the mild-mannered
Canadians just seem good at getting along. They train Yemenis
then give them top operating jobs. They have a special centre in
Sana'a with a luxurious mufraj. Here, CanOxy executives smoke
scented tobacco in hookah-type pipes and chew qat -- the mildly
narcotic plant on which much of Yemen is hooked -- while
negotiating with government officials.

CanOxy builds water and power lines, and roads. Sure, some locals
complain the company does not do enough. But most acknowledge it
does more for them than just about anybody else.

"The role of CanOxy in social development is the best of any
company. That gives them good public relations," says Dr. Abdul
Kareem Al-Iryani, the Yale-educated prime minister, in an
interview at the government house in Sana'a. He says the
Canadians' strength is their calm manner. To get along here, "you
have to be flexible, you have to be modest."

Walid Abdulaziz Al-Saqqaf, editor of the Yemen Times that often
criticizes the government, also praises CanOxy. "CanOxy is the
biggest factor in helping the economy grow and they offer
scholarships to study in Canada [10 a year]. They help people in
the region where they work."

Yemen is a mountainous country, about the size of Alberta, on the
southern tip of the Arabian peninsula surrounded by the Indian
Ocean and Red Sea. It has a rich trading history. The biblical
kingdom of the Queen of Sheba, it was 

[CTRL] WTC: US Seeks Base in Yemin

2000-10-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Monday, October 23, 2000

CAIRO — The United States intends to establish a military base at
the entrance to the Red Sea.

Arab diplomatic sources said the Pentagon has been quietly
negotiating with Yemen to build a military base at Bab Al-Mandeb.
The base would comprise thousands of troops, aircraft carriers
and warplanes.

The sources said the discussions have been proceeding for more
than a year but were accelerated in the wake of the bombing of
the USS Cole earlier this month. The bombing was said to have
been the work of suicide attacks based in Yemen. Seventeen U.S.
sailors were killed in the attack.

Two suspects have been identified, the sources said.

Earlier, Pentagon officials acknowledged that the United States
and Yemen were discussing the establishment of a listening post
off the coast of the Arabian Gulf. The listening post was meant
to monitor ships that travelled in the Red Sea and in the
adjacent Indian Ocean.

Officials said they were pleased with Yemen's cooperation in the
bombing investigation and expressed the hope that this would lead
to further expansion in the defense relations between the two

Monday, October 23, 2000

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Alquds Intefada Update- 10/23/00

2000-10-23 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Alquds Intefada UPDATE every 30 min.
Time: 20: 00
Heavy fire from 'Gilo' Jewish Settlement targeting nearby Palestinian houses
causing sever damages to Palestinian properties.
The number of casualties in Bethlehem reached 20 cases of which 3 cases are
critical. Reports of large numbers of children admitted to Bethlehem
hospitals as a result of tear gas grenades fired by Israeli soldiers at
children schools.
Time: 19: 30
Biet Jala city is under heavy fire at this time by Israeli occupation force.
The confrontations are still going on in Araba' village district of Jenin.
The number of casualties has resin to 20.
Jewish settlers are assaulting Ya'bed village district of Jenin and attacking
passing by Palestinian cars.
Time: 19: 00
Israeli forces opened fire randomly at demonstrators in Biet Hanoon crossing
in Gaza. As a result 26 Palestinians were injured and transferred to Shefa'
Time: 14: 30
Israel on Monday closed Gaza international airport for the second time,
Palestinian civil aviation officials said.
"The Israelis informed us that they have closed the airport," airport
director Suleiman Abu Halib said.
The Palestinian airport at Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip was first closed
October 8 but flights resumed on October 19 following the Sharm el-Sheikh
summit in Egypt.
Time: 13:30PM
Four Jewish families have forcefully occupied four homes belong to
Palestinian families in Bab Alsahera and Alsadia localities under the
protection the Israeli soldiers.
Israeli soldiers assaulted six Palestinian workers at Alram checkpoint as
they were going to work.
Confro0ntations are renewed in Bethlehem, resulted in 15 casualties in the
vicinity of Belal Ben Rabah mosque.
Mass demonstrations started from Aldehaisha camp to the Red Cross HQ in
condemnation of Israeli aggression and bombing of Beit Jala city and Ayda
refugee camp.
A group of settlers attempted to assault Abu Baker Alsedieq mosque in Hussam
village and the Palestinian villagers prevented them from doing so.
Occupation forces surrounded the schools in Alkhader village, district of
Bethlehem and did not allow the students from entering the schools.
Time: 13:00PM
Violent confrontations are taking place in Halhoul and Saer, district of
Hebron. This resulted in five casualties.
Twenty-three trucks carrying food supplies to the Palestinian people are
stationed at Rafah crossing. Israel did not allow the trucks to enter Gaza
Strip despite its claim of reopening the crossing.
Time: 12:30PM
The lady Nada Sa'dy Alserouji, 52 years old, fallen martyr due a severe heart
attack caused by the Israeli soldiers who were chasing her near Altaiba
checkpoint, south of Tulkarem.
Israel declared Gaza Strip and West Bank a closed military zone.
Mass demonstrations in Bani Naiem, Halhoul and Alsamoa' districts of Hebron.
Israeli occupation forces used bulldozers and destroyed tow nurseries
Qalqilia city, near the southern checkpoint. Losses were estimated at forty
thousand dollar.
Time: 12:00PM
Violent confrontations are taking place near the Industrial zone at Beit
Hanoun crossing, northern Gaza. On e the Israeli occupation forces injured
Situation in Jenin is getting worse, particularly after the injury of 27
years old youth. Israeli forces detained four wounded youth and fired a tear
gas bomb at an ambulance. In addition, the Israeli soldiers opened fire at
women while picking olives.
A state of anger and resentment is noticeable at Almaqdisy Street due to the
restricted siege being imposed on different villages and towns in Jerusalem
amid a wide-range arrest campaign. Detainees' families said that they don't
know where about their sons are being detained. Special Israeli military
units along with border police are deployed in all parts of the city.
Time: 11:30AM
Jenin city will witness a mass demonstration at 12:00PM.
Jewish settlers are provoking Palestinian farmers
Taxi drivers in Hebron will hold a car procession in the streets of Hebron in
remembrance of driver martyrs.
Time: 11:00AM
The Israeli occupation forces are deploying more fokrces at Salah Eldin main
road, Gaza Strip.
Time: 10:30AM
The district of Nablus witnesses a deployment of heavy military forces and
placement of military checkpoints around Nablus aiming at imposing a
wide-range siege on the city.
The curfew imposed on the old city of Hebron is still going on. The Israeli
occupation forces has completely closed the town Samoa' along with other
neighboring villages.
Time: 10:00AM
Martyrdom of the boy Ashraf Habaieb aged 15 years old from Askar camp in
Nablus as he was in a state described as clinical death due to wounds he
sustained since last Friday.
In the wake of last night's bombing of Beit Jala city, ten Palestinians were
wounded. The Israeli forces continue deploying more forces in order to in
Force a siege around the city in preparation for a direct assault on the
A general strike and a day of 

[CTRL] The Framing Of Geronimo Pratt

2000-10-23 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Published Sunday, October 22, 2000



Inside an FBI frame-up: story of a Black Panther
'Geronimo ji Jaga' Pratt served 27 years for a Santa Monica murder committed
while he was in Oakland
By Dan Reed



MORGAN CITY, La. -- Amid the worn shanties and shops in this humid, buggy
bayou town lives a revolutionary and future multimillionaire -- a man once
accused of such vile crimes as the Charles Manson-led "Helter Skelter"
massacre, of the kidnapping of newspaper heiress Patty Hearst, of conspiring
to hijack a school bus and behead the children on board, and of the
cold-blooded killing of a woman on a Santa Monica tennis court.

His name is Elmer Pratt, now Geronimo ji Jaga. The highly decorated Vietnam
veteran spent 27 years -- just over half his life -- in a penitentiary, where
he withstood years of abuse.

He was a Black Panther, a group labeled "the greatest threat to the internal
security of the country," in a memo by J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI
when Pratt was arrested.

And, he was framed.

The story of how Pratt became the victim of a secret government
"counterintelligence" campaign is told in a just-published biography, "Last
Man Standing: The Tragedy and Triumph of Geronimo Pratt," by the noted writer
Jack Olsen.

In July, the Los Angeles City Council approved its share of a $4.5 million
settlement for his wrongful incarceration in the tennis court case. The rest
came from the FBI, which hid evidence as it waged a now-well-documented
campaign against players in the civil rights, anti-war and other movements
considered politically radical in the late '60s and early '70s. Pratt has yet
to see the money, although it will come.

Now, three years after winning his release, the former officer in the
Oakland-based Black Panther Party is back home in swampy Morgan City, caring
for his frail 97-year-old mother, who had prayed daily for his release, and
trying to build a social center from the town's old "colored" high school and
denouncing injustice as he sees it.

These days, he often longs to slip away into the bayous for a calming day of
bass fishing, trying to make bad memories fade. But always, he's under
pressure as a spokesman, as a symbol of the fight against government

"He went into prison a revolutionary and came out a revolutionary," said
Olsen, who spent long hours with Pratt while researching his book.

Johnnie Cochran, the attorney for O.J. Simpson who represented Pratt for
years, said recently it was his most important case ever.

If the U.S. Supreme Court had not temporarily suspended capital punishment as
unconstitutional in the early 1970s -- the era in which Pratt, originally
accused of a death penalty offense for the tennis court killing, was tried --
the government likely would have executed an innocent man, said several

On this day in Morgan City, Pratt is particularly agitated, fuming into his
cell phone about an apparently racially motivated fire bombing in Selma,
Ala., the site of the "Bloody Sunday" voting rights march. "It's the same old
racism, the same thing as in 1965," he said.

Soon, he and his coterie -- like-minded friends in the civil rights movement
-- would be on a flight there, talking to locals, trying to buoy their
spirits. A few days later, he would be off to Washington, D.C., testifying
before the Congressional Black Caucus about the FBI's dirty tricks campaign
called Cointelpro -- counterintelligence programs -- to determine whether
others are wrongly still behind bars because of it.

In Pratt's case, the FBI tried to undermine the Black Panthers by planting
letters that convinced the group's already-paranoid leaders -- namely the
Huey Newton faction -- that Pratt was against them. So, they refused to
testify he was in Oakland -- he was there for a leadership meeting -- the
night of the tennis court murder. The FBI wiretapped Panther meetings,
documents later released under the federal Freedom of Information Act show,
but the logs for that one night are mysteriously missing.

Yet Wes Swearington, a former FBI agent interviewed by Olsen, remembers
seeing the transcripts, and says they proved Pratt was in Oakland -- not
Santa Monica -- the night of the killing.

Though Olson refers to him as a "peaceful" revolutionary, Pratt was never
much a supporter of the aggressive non-violence of Martin Luther King Jr.
Instead, he took to the teachings of Malcolm X, believing armed struggle may
be necessary to rebuff racial oppressors. He has killed, firing in heavy
combat in his two tours in Vietnam. He is only now talking about how he put
his military training to use back home -- secretly traveling to cities,
teaching black groups how to use weapons in case they came under attack.

Now, given the perspective of years, the man with skin the 

[CTRL] The Toughest Foriegn Story

2000-10-23 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Toronto, Friday, October 20 2000



The toughest foreign story

By Rick Salutin

For half a century, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been the most
distorted area of our foreign news coverage. Yet it's not that confusing; no
more so than, say, South Africa during apartheid. It, too, was complicated,
but the political and moral issues involved seemed clear. Not so with the
Mideast. Let me give some examples.

War. As in, "Is this war? It certainly feels like it." (Marcus Gee in The
Globe and Mail). No it doesn't. Wars occur between countries with armies.
Here you have one country and one army: Israel. Palestinians run local
government and police; they have no tanks, army or air force. They don't even
control the airport. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak said what Israel has
done so far "doesn't amount to anything. It is not one in a million of what
we can do if we are really at war." Exactly. His "nothing" is incomparably
more than the best Palestinian effort. The equation is absurd. The National
Post said "Israel could easily win an all-out war with the Palestinians."
They could easily win an all-out war with my local Starbucks, too.

Ceasefire. As in endless calls for. Between who? Kids throwing stones and
helicopters firing rockets?

Geography. An audience member on CBC's Counterspin asked why Palestinian
parents let their kids out on the streets, implying Israeli parents wouldn't.
But, hey, the reason you don't see Israeli kids throwing stones at tanks is
that no streets in Israel are occupied by a foreign army. The more than 100
deaths have been on Palestinian territory.

The UN. American columnist George Will sums up the United Nations as "that
nest of anti-Israeli regimes" because, I suppose, General Assembly votes on
the Mideast tend to run about 150-2, the two being Israel and the U.S. The
National Post says "the Palestinians prefer to deal with the UN . . . while
the Israelis trust only the Americans." That's another weird equation: One
country equals the whole UN? The very notion of the U.S. as mediator is
bizarre. When the recent violence broke out, both presidential candidates
robotically declared support for Israel.

Whose point of view? CBC Radio's Dick Gordon asked an Israeli, "Do you ever
think it might get out of control?" But for Palestinians, it's always out of
control. The New York Times' David Shipler said Arab leaders "reportedly"
make "private remarks" disputing historical Jewish ties to Jerusalem's Temple
Mount, which "touches the deepest Israeli fear." About being seen as
legitimate inhabitants of the land in Arab eyes. That doesn't equate, either:
anxiety over having your emotional attachment questioned versus actual daily
checkpoints, expulsions, kidnappings, demolitions . . .

Peace. As in the Oslo accords, or Camp David. This is peace in a very narrow,
negative sense. Even after many years of bloody intifada,Palestinians did not
get a state, or the right to return to their homes, or restitution for
property. They got "the mere scrap of a sham state" (Edward Said); a
Bantustan, like the puppet black states South Africa set up to try to retain
control, "cantonized" into four or five parts with Israeli land and forces in
between, controlling movement, borders and water resources; with Israeli
colonists remaining on the best land. Still, most of them accepted this mingy
peace and even rejoiced: It was a victory, and could lead to something
better. But the follow-up to the initial agreement was grim. Under
governments both left and right, Israel sent hundreds of thousands of new
settlers, delayed withdrawals or reneged and confiscated more land. The
element of hope that underpinned a crappy peace eroded.

Concessions. As in "Can Barak make any more concessions than he already has?"
(CBC Radio's Michael Enright), or "the superlatively generous offers made by
Mr. Barak" (National Post). This is the most imaginative and distorted term
in recent coverage. It's true at the end that Israel offered concessions on
Jerusalem, but they were minor: a few suburbs, one of which could be called
Palestine's capital, instead of Israel's earlier insistence on an utterly
"undivided" city. It's as if Palestinians had first demanded all of
Jerusalem, then "conceded" to Israel a few neighbourhoods. He gave in, in
some small measure, on Jerusalem, but in the context of a hideously one-sided
"peace" to start with, followed by years of Israeli reneging, then reneged a
bit on the reneging, and is hailed as the great conceder. It would have taken
something at least a little grander to swallow all the rest. The last straw,
wrote a Palestinian, was not Ariel Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount on the
anniversary of the 1982 Beirut massacre for which he was responsible, but the
huge Israeli force that fired on those protesting against his visit. 

[CTRL] Hitchens On Democratic Centralism

2000-10-23 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

COLUMN | November 6, 2000
Democratic Centralism: Minority Report

"When the ax came into the woods, the trees all said, 'Well, at least the
handle is one of us.'" There is more intellectual content in this old Turkish
folk warning than in the entire output of the "lesser evil" school. Here
comes Albert Gore Jr., striding purposefully toward us with a big chopper
resting easily on his shoulder. He is pumped and ready; his handlers have
been making him up to look like a cross between Ronald Reagan and Arnold
Schwarzenegger, and he actually does resemble a bronze condom stuffed with
walnuts. In advance he announces his fealty to the corporate state order, his
deference to the military, his eagerness to please authority and his
commitment to Star Wars, the war on drugs and the ownership of politics by

But aaah...look at the handle on the guy! If we vote for him, you can hear
them simpering, he might extend family and medical leave. He might be
generous about the minimum wage. He might allow us to carry on terminating
pregnancies. Leave out the abortion bit, and you get an idea of what life
under Juan Perón was like. It is the task of the Leader to provide (as
evidenced by the degrading applause for Kim Bill Sung and his cornucopia
speech in Los Angeles), and it is the duty of the audience to remember, small
attentions and hope for small mercies. Incidentally, this works both
"bipartisan" ways. You didn't care for Nixon? But he went all the way to
China on your behalf! Such ingratitude after all they've done for us. (Robert
Scheer is the most conspicuous of those who have argued for both Clinton and
Nixon, in these pages, thus promoting lesser-evilism to its unfalsifiable or
transcendental level, beyond the reach of reason.)

The Nixon point reminds me to give a whack in passing to Eric Alterman, who
resuscitated the hoary myth of 1968 in his October 16 Nation article, "Bush
or Gore: Does It Matter?" According to this liberal sob-story, the dogmatic
and fanatical types who wouldn't vote for Hubert Humphrey were the ones who
gave us Watergate and Cambodia. This is nonsense on stilts. In late 1968 the
Johnson Administration discovered that Nixon was engaged in secret dealings
with the South Vietnamese junta. Nixon told them that if they sabotaged the
Paris peace talks by pulling out at the last minute--they pulled out two days
before the vote--they would get a better bargain from the incoming

You can read most of this story in Chapter 23 of Anthony Summers's new book,
The Arrogance of Power, but it's been told before by senior Democrats like
Clark Clifford, Richard Holbrooke and William Bundy. All accounts agree; the
tapes and the evidence of Nixon's treason were put in front of Humphrey. If
he had gone public he could have delivered an annihilating counterblow. But
he decided that this would be uncivil and partisan, and that it would also
shake people's confidence in their leaders. So he put bipartisanship
first--and was justly humiliated. His fault. I am goddamned if I'll be blamed
for a surreptitious diplomacy and an unspoken political handshake that were
both state secrets at the time.

But then, if you can "objectively" blame dissenters for bringing us Nixon,
you can easily overlook the group named Democrats for Nixon, which actually
campaigned for the guy, and campaigned for him after his first evil four
years. Don't tell anyone, but Democrats for Nixon became the neoconservative
Democratic Leadership Council, which incubated Clinton, Gore and Lieberman.
Lieberman even unseated, with right-wing money, the hated Republican Lowell
Weicker, who had favored Nixon's impeachment.

From this parodic, contented, amnesiac perspective the next lazy step is
almost automatic: You can't do anything about the powers that be, the Gores
and Bushes who are insulated from democracy in a "lockbox." But you can take
a high and righteous tone with those who might spoil everything by voting for
Nader. It's not enough that the two-party machine has all the money at its
disposal and all the press and media, too. It still needs courageous
volunteers to ram its message home. These unctuous surrogates seek to
persuade us that, though we have no power, we can and should still be held

Oddly enough, this worn out and discredited recommendation is offered us in
the name of "realism." How realistic is it, how hard-boiled and tactical and
grown-up, to tell a political party, in advance, that it owns your vote? To
tell it this and then to tell it that it may use your vote for "evil"
purposes? (The reservation or stipulation that the evil must of course be
"lesser" is a mental exercise on your part alone. You have already conceded
the evil; you leave it to the party to determine if it's "lesser" or not. Now
imagine how interested the machine is in your petty casuistry.)

This surrender involves, when you 

[CTRL] SPECIAL ON HBO TONIGHT AT l0:00 on hate crimes, etc.

2000-10-23 Thread Birds

-Caveat Lector-

Looks pretty good.  They will be talking about web sites and etc organizations.  That 
is l0:00 for us, but HBO may be the same time?
Ours is PST.  Check out your tv guides.  Also if anyone has the history channel, at 
8:00 pst there is going to be talk of the
mkultra project.

Private Mail Welcome

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: Release: More Guns, Less Crime

2000-10-23 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-


2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: October 20, 2000
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

Shocking study: 25 million more guns
helped produce a 40% drop in crime

WASHINGTON, DC -- Gun-related crime has plunged 40% in
years while the number of guns in circulation has reached an all-
high, according to a new study by the U.S. Department of Justice --
and that's terrible news for supporters of gun control, Libertarians

"The message is clear: More guns equal less crime," said

Browne, the Libertarian Party's presidential candidate. "The biggest
threat to your safety isn't guns; it's politicians who want to
restrict gun ownership.

"That's why we need to do everything we can to keep
gun laws out of the hands of politicians like Al Gore and George W.

Data released last week by the FBI shows that gunshot
inflicted during crimes dropped to 39,400 from 64,100 nationwide
between 1992 and 1997 -- a decrease of 40%.

But during the same five years, the number of guns in America
surged to 230 million from 205 million, according to the National
Association of Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers.

"Even street thugs understand what gun-banning politicians
don't: Guns deter crime," Browne said. "Americans went on a gun-
binge from 1992 to 1997, purchasing 11 million new handguns and
million new rifles and shotguns -- and crime continued to decline.

"Imagine how much further crime would fall if politicians made

it easier for more law-abiding citizens to buy guns by repealing
of the 20,000 gun laws currently on the books."

One immediate target for repeal: State laws preventing
Americans from carrying concealed weapons.

"The three most violent cities in America -- New York,
and Los Angeles -- all have something in common: Gun control," Browne
said. "According to the FBI figures, these three cities led the nation
in murder, armed robbery, and assault. And no wonder. In those cities,
it's illegal to carry a concealed weapon. Democrats and Republicans
who refuse to repeal these laws are painting a target on the backs of
innocent Americans."

Browne conceded that other factors -- such as demographic
changes, longer prison terms, and an improved economy -- may have
played a role in the drop in crime rates.

"But a dramatic increase in the number of guns didn't cause an

increase in crime -- which is what politicians routinely claim when
they spout off about the so-called need to reduce easy access to
guns," he said. "In fact, giving ordinary Americans easy access to
guns is apparently what criminals fear most."

Another shocking truth about gun control laws, Browne said,

that even politicians don't favor them -- for themselves.

"Visit the Capitol building in Washington, DC, and notice how
many guards are carrying guns," he said. "Politicians say you have
be disarmed to make America safer, but they don't disarm
employees. Senators and Congressmen may have a compelling
need to
defend themselves, but is it really more compelling than your need
defend your home and your family against criminals?

"Of course not. That's why if I'm elected president I will
immediately sign an executive order disarming every single guard
Capitol Hill -- until Congress fully restores your right to carry a

During the presidential debates, both Bush and Gore

their support for background checks, taxpayer-financed trigger
and enforcing current gun laws, noted Browne.

"Gore and Bush are both promoting the dangerous utopian
that criminals will suddenly decide to follow whatever laws they
manage to pass," he said.

"But more laws are not the answer. The best solution is to
repeal every existing gun control law on the books. The number of
in the hands of criminals will not change, but more Americans
recover the right to defend themselves -- which will probably inspire
many more criminals to seek a safer line of work."

Version: 2.6.2


- The Libertarian Party
http://www.lp.org/ 2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100
voice: 202-333-0008 Washington DC 20037
   fax: 202-333-0072

[CTRL] Sticks And Stones Vs. Bullets

2000-10-23 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Israelis condemn language of threat as troops kill four
ISRAELI Prime Minister Ehud Barak threw in the towel on the peace process on
Sunday, blaming Arab leaders for speaking the "language of threats" as his
troops shot dead four more people.

While Palestinians condemned the emergency Arab League summit in Cairo for
going soft on Barak, declaring it a "whimper rather than a bang" for its
failure to take decisive punitive action against Israel, the Prime Minister
complained that the meeting had been too heavy on the rhetoric.

The summit's declaration of support for the Palestinian uprising and refusal
to reign- in violence merited a "time-out" on the peace, he said.

Meanwhile, his soldiers killed another four Palestinians yesterday, including
a 14-year-old stone-thrower. The killings brought the death toll in 25 days
of violence to 122, all but eight of the victims Arabs.

But Barak blamed the Palestinians, saying: "Israel totally rejects the
language of threats that came out of the summit and condemns the call, folded
into the decisions, for continued violence.

"We will continue to view peace ... as the eventual goal, but not a peace
that is achieved at any price while surrendering to violence." In an official
statement, Barak was quoted as telling his cabinet that he was suspending the
peace process started under the Oslo accord of 1993.

"We will have to take a time-out, whose purpose is to re-assess the peace
process in response to the events of recent weeks," he stated.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said Barak's move came as no surprise.

"I expected this from him," he shrugged. "It's not the first time."

As the language of diplomacy crumbled, he reaffirmed his quest for a
Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, adding that if Barak didn't
like the idea, he could "go to hell".

Amid a continuing war of attrition, a propaganda war was raging, too. Posters
appeared around the occupied territories showing a photograph of Barak in his
earlier career as a member of an elite military unit, bending over the
bloodied body of a dead Palestinian.

In the occupied territories the bloodshed continued unabated.

Among those killed by Israeli gunfire was 14-year-old Wael Mahmoud, who
witnesses said was one of 300 schoolchildren to hurl rocks at an army post in
the Gaza Strip.

"My son was a man who defended Jerusalem and I am ready to sacrifice more,"
said the boy's defiant father Imad, 52, who has nine other sons and eight
daughters. "At least he died with a stone in his fist."

In Cairo, the Arab summit closed after two days of fierce words but little
action. Stopping short of severing ties with Israel, Arab leaders
nevertheless threatened it and gave their backing to the Palestinian

It stated: "The pure blood of the martyrs is a precious foundation for the
liberation of land, establishment of the state and achievement of peace. The
summit welcomes the Intifada of the Palestinian people in the occupied
territories which has expressed clearly the bitterness and frustration after
long years of waiting and anticipation.

"The Arab leaders hold Israel responsible for returning the region to an
atmosphere of tension and violence due to its practices, aggression and
complete siege of the Palestinian people, in violation of its obligations
under the fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 ... and for dealing lightly with
the issue of Jerusalem in a way that pleases its desire for irresponsible
showing-off and deliberate provocation built on racism."

The Israeli government at first commended the summit's outcome as a "victory
of wisdom", praising Arab leaders for not succumbing to militant demands for
the severing of all ties with Israel.

Hours later, however, Barak changed his mind.

Across the Middle East, the Arab League was denounced for what many saw as
weaselwords which failed to go far enough. Militant group Hamas said the
declaration "wasn't worth the ink it was written in".

And in Egypt, thousands of students staged demonstrations, urging Arab
leaders to boycott Israeli and American products and to cut all ties with
Israel."Rulers of countries, open the door for holy war," they chanted.
© Express Newspapers, 2000

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] China Prepares U.S. War Scenarios

2000-10-23 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Sunday October 22 12:28 PM ET
China Prepares U.S. War Scenarios

By JOHN LEICESTER, Associated Press Writer

BEIJING (AP) - In word and deed - namely its biggest military show in 35
years - China has made clear that it views the United States as potential
enemy No.1.

Besides blowing up targets, test-firing missiles and driving tanks, the
military displays at four land and sea sites in northern China in the middle
of this month proved new capabilities to attack stealth warplanes and cruise
missiles, state media reported.

Meanwhile, a Chinese defense policy paper issued last Monday once again
raised threats of force against Taiwan and pointed to the United States as
chief troublemaker.

Should Beijing's communist leaders order the People's Liberation Army to
recover the island that split from China 51 years ago, Chinese generals are
planning against expected U.S. military intervention.

``Do they prepare against the United States? My answer is very clear: yes,''
said Yan Xuetong, an expert in international security at Beijing's
prestigious Tsinghua University.

Yan believes war with Taiwan is inevitable. Others are less pessimistic. In a
report Thursday, the London-based International Institute for Strategic
Studies said China is preoccupied this year with domestic issues, among them
preparing to enter the World Trade Organization (news - web sites). It
forecast only ``a remote possibility'' of confrontation over Taiwan.

Moreover, China-U.S. relations have improved this year and their militaries
have expanded contact through reciprocal ship visits and trips by Chinese
officers to the United States.

Beijing itself says it wants to peacefully recover Taiwan through
negotiations - a goal repeated in the defense policy paper.

But talks are stalemated, and the paper said the situation ``is complicated
and grim.'' It reiterated that China would ``adopt all drastic measures
possible, including the use of force'' if Taiwan formally splits from China
or continues indefinitely to refuse to negotiate unification.

China's generals have to assume an attack on democratic, capitalist Taiwan
might provoke an American military response. That is why they are preparing
for the worst.

Chinese fears were sharpened by NATO (news - web sites)'s air war on
Yugoslavia last year to protect ethnic Albanians in Kosovo. Beijing saw
unsettling parallels with its own restive minority regions, like Tibet, and
felt NATO's intervention on human rights grounds set a dangerous precedent
for meddling over Taiwan.

The scenario seems highly dubious right now. Unlike Yugoslavia, such a
conflict could at worst go nuclear, and even if it didn't, it could wipe out
U.S.-China trade worth nearly $95 billion last year, according to U.S.
figures, and trigger global economic catastrophe.

Still, Chinese suspicions have been heightened by Washington's efforts to
develop anti-missile shields, by congressional attempts to expand military
ties with Taiwan, and by continued U.S. arms sales to the island. Yan said
the Pentagon (news - web sites) was moving more submarines to the Pacific and
stockpiling cruise missiles on the Pacific island of Guam.

What should China's leaders conclude from that? ``That the U.S. military has
prepared for war against China,'' Yan insisted.

The Chinese defense paper was peppered with criticisms of the United States,
among them that U.S. support has emboldened Taiwan's anti-China camp.

With prospects for a peaceful unification of Taiwan and China ``seriously
imperiled'' and because of ``hegemonism and power politics'' - Beijing's code
words for U.S. meddling - ``China will have to enhance its capability to
defend its sovereignty and security by military means,'' said the paper.

But it also sought to allay foreign concerns by saying the military buildup
was ``purely for self-defense,'' and that this year's defense budget of $14.6
billion is just 5 percent of Washington's. Overseas analysts, however,
believe China spends up to five times more than it says it does.

The Gulf War shocked Beijing by exposing its technological inferiority. It
has since focused attention on the importance of air power in modern wars.
Military experts say Chinese generals have studied how Yugoslav forces hid
equipment from NATO attacks, have installed Russian-made surface-to-air
missiles on the coast opposite Taiwan, and have improved air defenses around
big cities.

But analysts say the Chinese military would be hard-pressed to take Taiwan,
and lags far behind the United States.

``The gap is enormous. They're just not in the same league,'' said Robert
Karniol, Asia-Pacific editor for Jane's Defense Weekly.

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[CTRL] Baloney Face On Mars - Skeptical Inquirer

2000-10-23 Thread NSA

-Caveat Lector-


 CONTACT: Kevin Christopher
 Ph: (716) 636-1425 ext. 224
 Fx: (716) 636-1733

  Amherst, NY (October 17, 2000)-Gary Posner, a consultant for the Committee
for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) and
executive director of Tampa Bay Skeptics, probes the credentials and claims
of Richard C. Hoagland in the November/December issue of Skeptical Inquirer.
Hoagland, a science writer, is the author of the 1987 book "The Monuments of
Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever"-a book that lays out his vision of an
ancient Martian metropolis, an idea based on images of supposed "ruins"
in a 1976 NASA Viking mission photo.

 The "Face on Mars" is an outcropping of rock in the Cydonia region of Mars.
The Viking 1 Orbiter photographed an image of this geographic feature in
1976. Catalogued as Plate #035A72, it shows a formation with the vague
appearance of a human face. When the photo was released to the public, there
was a surge of speculation that the image revealed an artificial structure
built by intelligent life. In 1998 NASA released a Mars Global Surveyor
of the same outcropping. With different lighting and much higher resolution,
this image clearly shows that the "Face on Mars" is nothing more than a
natural geographical feature. Nevertheless, the wild claims persist, along
with accusations of a NASA cover-up.

 Richard Hoagland has been a lighting rod in this charged atmosphere of
anything-goes speculation and innuendo. But unlike many who see an ancient
extraterrestrial culture and a cosmic message to humanity in the Cydonian
rock, Hoagland is not easily dismissed. After all, he seems to have the ear
of NASA and a list of accomplishments in the history of space exploration.
has given two talks to NASA employees following the space agency's own
investigation of the "Face on Mars," he was the first to conceive of a
possible ocean beneath the crust of the Jovian moon Europa, and he was
responsible for the Pioneer 10 and 11 plaques-humanity's calling card to any
intelligent beings who might stumble on these probes in interstellar space.
All of this adds a lot to Hoagland's credibility-if you take the
interpretation of the above-mentioned events at face value.

 Gary Posner decided to investigate these accounts of Hoagland's
contributions to astronomy and space exploration, looking to place
own image into higher resolution.

 As for his NASA appearances, a March 1990 appearance at the NASA's Lewis
Research Center in Cleveland, OH, Posner found that Hoagland was asked to
talk as part of an "employee perk" presentation series, not because NASA was
seriously examining his ideas. Posner's questions to NASA also revealed that
a later appearance  in September also seemed to be more for novelty and
entertainment than forging ahead in space science.

 In July 1990 on the "For the People" radio program Hoagland proclaimed that
"Carl [Sagan] for many years has been taking public credit for the Pioneer
plaque which, of course Eric Burgess and I conceived." In November of that
year he claimed that "Carl. was involved with Eric Burgess and me in the
design of [the] message." But according to Posner in 1990 correspondence
between him and Carl Sagan, Sagan stated that "Eric Burgess and Richard
Hoagland did no more than suggest to me that a message be put aboard Pioneer
10 and 11.Frank Drake and I. did the design, and I was responsible for
getting it through the White House and NASA approval process."

 As for the hypothesis that there are oceans beneath the surface of Europa,
none other than Arthur C. Clarke states in his 2010: Odyssey Two that the
idea "was first proposed by Richard C. Hoagland in the magazine Star  Sky
("The Europa Enigma," January , 1980)." However, Clarke himself seems to
been mistaken. John S. Lewis first proposed the idea in 1971 and several
other scientists published articles in agreement during the 1970s. Posner
found that Ralph Greenberg, a professor of mathematics at the University of
Washington in Seattle has been trying for years to convince Hoagland to set
the record straight-without success.

 Founded in 1976 by Dr. Paul Kurtz of the State University of New York at
Buffalo, the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the
Paranormal (CSICOP) encourages the critical investigation of paranormal and
fringe-science claims from a responsible, scientific point of view and
disseminates factual information about the results of such inquiries to the
scientific community and the public. It also promotes science and scientific
inquiry, critical thinking, science education, and the use of reason in
examining important issues.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are

[CTRL] Fwd: [update] More shooting in Gilo

2000-10-23 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 10/23/00 4:21:36 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Subj: [update] More shooting in Gilo
 Date:  10/23/00 4:21:36 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Trimm)

 -- eGroups Sponsor -~-~
 It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!
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 Forwarded from SANJ VP and ISraeli citizen Mikhael ben Moshe
 in the Gilo area of Jerusalem:


 At 9:30 PM (1:30 PM in Denver) more Tanzim infiltrated
 Beit Jala and Beit Lechem, and open fire on Gilo, our
 southern Jerusalem neighborhood.
 IDF commanders have already ordered the firing of a
 tank shell at the origin of the automatic weapons
 shooting. The tank has already fired. In addition,
 machineguns mounted on tanks stationed in Gilo are
 also firing in response to the shooting attack. It
 remains unknown at this time if there are injuries in
 Bet Jala.
 At least four streets were targeted in the Monday
 night shooting attack. It is being reported at this
 time that there are no casualties in Gilo.
 Earlier in the day, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Shaul
 Mofaz ordered the autonomous area of Bet Jala
 encircled to enable IDF forces to better control the
 area and perhaps facilitate a response in the event of
 additional shooting attacks.
 Military officials on Monday added that the Tanzim
 forces perpetrating the shooting attacks against Gilo
 are most likely coming to the area from other

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Forwarded from SANJ VP and ISraeli citizen Mikhael ben Moshe
in the Gilo area of Jerusalem:


At 9:30 PM (1:30 PM in Denver) more Tanzim infiltrated
Beit Jala and Beit Lechem, and open fire on Gilo, our
southern Jerusalem neighborhood.

IDF commanders have already ordered the firing of a
tank shell at the origin of the automatic weapons
shooting. The tank has already fired. In addition,
machineguns mounted on tanks stationed in Gilo are
also firing in response to the shooting attack. It
remains unknown at this time if there are injuries in
Bet Jala.

At least four streets were targeted in the Monday
night shooting attack. It is being reported at this
time that there are no casualties in Gilo.

Earlier in the day, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Shaul
Mofaz ordered the autonomous area of Bet Jala
encircled to enable IDF forces to better control the
area and perhaps facilitate a response in the event of
additional shooting 


2000-10-23 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Once Supported by Holy See, a U.N. Group Has Changed Its Focus

NEW YORK, OCT. 22, 2000 (ZENIT.org).- Millions of children
this Halloween in the United States will be toting little donation boxes,
asking for money for the U.N. Children's Fund to help poor children of the

What they don't know is that they will be helping to fund abortion,
contraception and sterilization programs in the Third World.

So says the National Catholic Register in its Oct. 22-29 edition. It
highlighted the lesser-known work of UNICEF, which is famous for providing
food, water and basic medical care to children in the developed world.

Controversy simmering in El Salvador this month over a sex-education
program sponsored by UNICEF is adding to what critics say is an anti-
pro-abortion image of UNICEF foreign aid, the Register said.

Archbishop Fernando Saenz Lacalle of San Salvador has from the pulpit
denounced a 170-page sex-education booklet designed by UNICEF and El
Salvador's Ministries of Health and Education for training adolescents on
sexuality issues including contraception, homosexuality and abortion, the
Register reporter.

"The dignity of people, institutions such as marriage and the rights of the
family are all practically demolished with this document," he told Catholic
News Service Oct. 6.

The archbishop described illustrations in the manual intended for training
6,000 El Salvador youth to instruct their peers as "insinuating and

"I haven't seen it," Liza Barrie, a UNICEF spokeswoman in New York, said
of the manual entitled "From Adolescents to Adolescents," the Register

Two thousand copies of the manual were printed last year and "about 1,000"
were distributed before "objections were raised to some of the content,"
she told the Register. It covered topics including homosexuality,
bisexuality and masturbation, she told the newspaper.

Further distribution of the guide was temporarily halted in August as a
result of public opposition to it, Barrie said, and the text is "being
revised," the Register said.

Barrie downplayed the role of UNICEF in the sex-education program, however,
claiming it was one of more than a dozen collaborators and distributors of
manual, along with groups such as World Vision, Save the Children, the
Health Organization and the U.N. Fund for Population Activities.

"UNICEF and Planned Parenthood are two of a kind," Winifride Prestwich, a
founding member of the Canadian political pro-life lobby Campaign Life
Coalition, told the Register.

She authored a 1995 booklet, "UNICEF: Guilty as Charged," which documents
the agency's cooperation with population-control groups including
International Planned Parenthood Federation, the World Health organization,
the U.N. Fund for Population Activities and the Population Council to
contraceptive, abortion and sterilization campaigns.

"UNICEF was formed [by the United Nations in 1946] to take care of the
war-torn children of China and Europe," Prestwich told the Register. "It
began as a very noble, worthy cause but it was swept up during the '60s in
the old Malthusian theory that overpopulation is leading to world doom, and
strayed very far from its original mandate."

Over the years, UNICEF has participated in the distribution of millions of
abortifacient IUDs and contraceptives in countries such as Pakistan and

In 1987, UNICEF formally endorsed a recommendation that "legal, good
abortion services should be made easily accessible to all women."
By 1992, UNICEF was lobbying for abortion in some countries where it is
still illegal, the Register said.

Carol Bellamy, UNICEF's executive director since 1995, is a former New York
senator with an old voting record demonstrating her pro-abortion views. In
1974 she opposed a measure declaring that a fetus that survived an abortion
and was born alive is entitled to the same care as other infants born

UNICEF's current Web page features a "family planning" page titled,
"Progress of Nations : Dwindling families." A series of bar graphs
illustrate how some developing countries fertility rates have been "halved
in one generation," the Register reported.

"UNICEF is pro-abortion," said Prestwich. "They put it so nicely. They
don't want poor children coming into the world. It's not hidden It's a
publicly acknowledged agenda that is documented in public records, but most
people are unaware that is what UNICEF is about."

John Klink, adviser to the Holy See mission to the United Nations, agrees.
Until recently, he attended UNICEF board meetings to monitor their
activities for the Vatican.

"The Holy See used to give a symbolic contribution of $2,000 each year to
UNICEF," he told the Register. "It was a sort of imprimatur that other
Catholic individuals and organizations could give to the 

Re: [CTRL] MP child rapist

2000-10-23 Thread Zuukie1

-Caveat Lector-

Must we get this kind of pornographic details from this list.  Whether it is
written from a pervert's point of view or a reporters point of view, it is
still disgusting and very offensive.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] ABC: Threat Condition Delta

2000-10-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Threat Condition Delta

ABC News

W A S H I N G T O N, Oct.  23 — ABCNEWS has learned that U.S.
military personnel in three critical locations have been put on
the very highest state of alert after being warned of potential
terrorist attacks.

At the U.S.  Air Force installation at Incirlik, Turkey,
officials say “credible” and “specific” warnings have been
received.  The level of credibility about the warning is so high,
that “even the Turks believe it,” one source told ABCNEWS,
indicating the threat was very visible and believable.

Details surrounding the warnings are being closely held, but
officials say the information generally involves surveillance of
U.S. personnel and plans for a specific attack.  The threat has
grown in the last few days following initial concerns last week
when U.S.  military personnel said they were under surveillance.

Officials are particularly concerned that the base at Incirlik is
a potential target because it is from that base that Operation
Northern Watch is conducted over Iraq.  About 3,400 Air Force
personnel participate in that monitoring of the northern “no fly”
zone over Iraq — a mission that would make the base a logical
target for the terrorist network said to be headed by Osama bin
Laden.  The network has the avowed goal of forcing the U.S.
military to leave the region.

Schools Closed

In the Persian Gulf nations of Bahrain and Qatar, U.S.  military
forces have now been put on the very highest state of alert,
known as “Threat Condition Delta.” This alert condition is
imposed on forces in two circumstances: when a terrorist attack
has occurred, or intelligence has been received that action
against a specific location is likely.

In Bahrain, there are just fewer 1,000 military personnel
assigned to the headquarters for the U.S.  Central Command’s
naval component.  In Qatar, there are fewer than 100 U.S.
military personnel who run an equipment depot, also on the
highest state of alert.

Concern is so high in both Persian Gulf nations that the local
international schools have been closed due to fears they could be
targets.  These schools are run for the children of U.S.
military personnel as well as dozens of children from families of
embassy delegations.

Officials are still trying to verify the threats against forces
in Bahrain and Qatar.  The information includes plans against
U.S. military targets and even details that terrorists may have
“identified” locations of explosives in the region that they
could use in an attack.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: Bad Days for Black Cats

2000-10-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Cape Cod Times

Bad days for black cats

BREWSTER - Planning to get an all-black, or all-white, cat as a present or
surprise for Halloween?
 While animal shelters on Cape Cod do not have a blanket ban on releasing
black or white cats to individuals or families over Halloween weekend, staff
will take a closer-than-normal look at potential cat owners before releasing
a feline for adoption.

 The reason is that solid black, and especially solid white, cats are
targets of some extreme occult groups which may practice animal sacrifice or
animal mutilation as part of cult rituals over All Hallows Eve, which runs
from Oct. 30 through Nov. 1.
 Almost as bad, cats bought or adopted to be an attraction at a Halloween
party can end up abandoned when the scary festivities end.
 "Yes, we do take a very careful stance on adopting black or even more,
white cats, the symbol of purity," said Capt. Thomas White, director of
criminal investigations for the Animal League of Boston, which operates a
shelter and adoption facility in Brewster.
 Black cats, White said, are often regarded as a connection to the
supernatural world, and are not harmed.
 But white cats, as a symbol of purity, can be hideously mutilated.
 "It used to be we would not adopt out black cats, and we also made it be
known we would not adopt out white cats over the Halloween weekend," he
 Now, the policy is that with added awareness of potential problems, local
shelter directors make final decisions on whether to let an animal go.
 That is also the policy of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals, which maintains an office and shelter in Centerville.
 "We used to have a blanket rule to hold all adoptions (of white or black
cats) the week before Halloween, but we no longer do that, particularly on
the Cape," said Carter Luke, the society's vice president of humane
 "What we try to do is, trusting our adoption counselors, to match their
families up with animals. Now perhaps we are a little more careful with
solid white or black cats, but we don't want Halloween to be an obstacle to
adoption," he said, adding, "We are all aware some people do weird things to
cats this time of year."
 "It is a problem, a national problem. There has been an abnormal amount of
cats stolen from homes, sacrificed and then dumped back on the owner's
doorsteps. It's all over," White said.
 "It's no laughing matter. Some say it's only a cat. But a cat is a living,
breathing creature, and it feels pain. Why should it have to suffer more
than anyone else?" he said.



2000-10-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[From Free Republic and I am going to assume it is true.]

Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 5:42 AM

Subject: USS Cole info

Thought you folks might appreciate this info:


John, Your friend said it all.  We too are on station and I will
be going over there in the morning to provide a lunch.  I wanted
to grill steak for them on their deck, but there is still too
much oil and fuel, not to mention every square foot of deck is
now their living space, to set up a grill.  Their requests have
been simple, hot food, cold drinks and dry coveralls and boots.
The ships here are all taking turns doing their laundry and
cooking their meal.  The Cole's crew has been offered repeatedly
to take RR on another ship but most have refused.  They refuse
to leave their ship.

The details of their shipmates having to be cut from the
bulkheads and descriptions and photos of the description have
filtered to our ship. It is amazing that more were not killed.
It is equally amazing that it is still afloat.  The keel is
ripped apart and at present cannot even be towed to open water to
be placed on a dry-dock vessel.  The #1 engine room is flooded
solid, as is AUX 1.  The Messdecks deck is now pressed against
the overhead.  The entire galley was pushed to the starboard side
and the equipment is unrecognizable.  This is where many crew
members died.  The ship was very nearly lost.  They are truly

We all have a lot to do to save this vessel but the crew of the
Cole has endured the brunt of it so far.  I have vowed myself and
my department to offer any comfort, large or small that we are
capable of providing, to the Cole.  None of my guys have once
complained and all have volunteered to help in any way.  The
Cole's Suppo was injured and flown home.  The disbo is now
running things.  I will assess his needs when I go over.  The
Suppo on the Hawes has been controlling the efforts but now that
the Tarawa is on station they seemto be taking the rains, but I
think I can at least provide him some insight.

Let there be no doubt that this is a hostile land.  It took days
before we were even allowed to enter territorial waters and still
we are heavily restricted in flights and must maintain a constant
vigil against additional hostile actions.  The Yemen government
is still not being very helpful and we are trying to place all
personnel onboard the ships that are currently staying at the two
hotels in town.

The Cole's crew remains emotionally and physically drained I'm
told. So, since you have experienced Navy life, try relay to
those back home the sacrifices we make, hardships we endure, and
the dangers we face in an effort to keep those Stars and Stripes
flying high over a ship 10,000 miles from home.

Take care and sleep well knowing the US Navy is on watch tonight,
but say a prayer for the 250 members of the Cole who must wake
tomorrow to another day of fighting for their ship.

John Cassani

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] CNN: U.S. forces put on highest alert because of 'specific terrorist threat'

2000-10-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


U.S. forces put on highest alert because of 'specific terrorist
threat,' Pentagon says

U.S. officials believe associates of Osama bin Laden are poised
to carry out a terrorist strike on U.S. interests

October 23, 2000
Web posted at: 8:13 p.m. EDT (0013 GMT)

From Chris Plante
CNN National Security Producer

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. forces in Bahrain, Qatar and Turkey have
been placed on the highest possible state of alert after learning
of a "specific threat that is considered credible" against U.S.
"citizens and facilities" in those countries, Pentagon officials
told CNN on Monday.

Officials said the threat is believed at this time to be linked
to associates of alleged terrorist kingpin Osama bin Laden.

The officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said
Pentagon planners are again "looking at" the option of a
"pre-emptive strike" against bin Laden's organization if a firm
link can be established and it's determined such a strike could
be effective in "disrupting his ability to attack us."

File photo of the U.S. attack on the Al Shifa Pharmaceutical
Industries factory in Khartoum in 1998

"But we've been looking at that since the strike on the (USS)
Cole," one official said. "People are thinking about it."

The forces in the area are now at "Threat Condition Delta" -- the
highest state of military alert, or equal to "a war footing," the
official said. "Delta" is normally reserved for situations where
an attack is believed to be imminent.

The official said that the decision to strike bin Laden's
terrorist training camps in Afghanistan and a Sudanese
pharmaceutical plant in August of 1998 was made "in part because
there was information at that time that he was about to strike at
(U.S. interests) again," after he was suspected of responsibility
for the bombings of two U.S. embassies in east Africa.

"Operation Infinite Reach," as it was called by the Pentagon,
struck at bin Laden bases in remote areas of Afghanistan and also
leveled a facility in Sudan that U.S. officials claimed was used
to produce or store chemical weapons.

The United States stands by the decision to strike at the plant,
citing the presence of a chemical weapons "precursor" called

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] DJ: White House Denies Mideast Troop Movement Rumor

2000-10-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


White House Denies Mideast Troop Movement Rumor

Source: FW - Dow Jones International News Service
Oct 23 16:14

  WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--The White House on Monday denied a
rumor of unusual troop movements in the Middle East that emerged
in the U.S. bond market.

  Earlier in the day, market participants said they had heard
that Syria had allowed Iraq to send troops into Syria toward the
border with Israel.

  "There is no truth to the rumor," White House spokesman P. J.
Crowley said.

-By Alex Keto, Dow Jones Newswires; 202 862 9256; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(END) Dow Jones Newswires 23-10-00

U.S. calls Arab communique "harsh and unhelpful" (1)

Source: RTR_NA - Reuters North American Securities News
Oct 23 14:53

WASHINGTON, Oct 23 (Reuters) - The White House on Monday
called "harsh and unhelpful" an Arab summit communique that
condemned what it called "massacres committed by Israeli
occupation forces" in the worst Middle East violence in years.

White House spokesman Jake Siewert also again urged the
Israelis and the Palestinians to end the violence in which at
least 127 people have died since Sept. 28.

Siewert urged both sides to carry out an accord brokered by
President Bill Clinton in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, last week
designed to put an end to the violence that has all but killed
off the Middle East peace process.

"We understand that there's a lot of frustration that's built
up on both sides now. Our priority, our focus now is on ending
the bloodshed," Siewert told reporters.

"We think it's important for both sides to implement the
security provisions at Sharm el-Sheikh. That's the only real way
to end the violence there," Siewert added, saying Clinton had
made this point in separate weekend calls to both sides.
"In the end ... the only solution is going to be one that's
reached at the negotiating table through a political process and
not through violence," he added.

Barak on Sunday announced a pause in peace talks with the
Palestinians in the wake of the Arab summit, which condemned
Israeli "barbarism" in a deadly wave of violence sweeping the
West Bank and Gaza Strip.

"I think the language of the communique was harsh and
unhelpful, but at the same time it did reaffirm the necessity for
a peaceful solution," Siewert said.

Sporadic fighting continued on Monday in the West Bank and
Gaza, and the Israeli army threatened to surround a town near
Bethlehem to stop Palestinian gunmen from firing at the Jewish
settlement of Gilo on the outskirts of Jerusalem.


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] DJ: Israel Weighs Economic Sanctions Against Palestinians

2000-10-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Israel Weighs Economic Sanctions Against Palestinians

Source: FW - Dow Jones International News Service
Oct 23 10:52

By David Rosenberg

  JERUSALEM (Dow Jones)--Israel's declared "time-out" from Middle
East peacemaking is likely to be accompanied by economic
sanctions that will leave Israel unscathed but take a heavy toll
on the battered Palestinian economy.

  A government panel is now considering measures to create what
officials say will in effect be an "economic border" between
Israel and Palestinian-ruled areas. Newspapers said
recommendations are likely to include severely limiting the
number of Palestinians working in Israel, restrictions on
Israeli-Palestinian trucking movements, and limiting trade to a
few crossing points.

  But there isn't much enthusiasm in the business sector for
tightening the screws on the Palestinians. "The Israeli business
sector doesn't like the idea of separation very much. They don't
want any barriers to free trade," said Mandy Barak, an official
at the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce.

  Nor is there any support on either the Israeli or Palestinian
side for complete economic separation in the future, said Yoram
Gabbay, who was deeply involved in the economic provisions of
Israel's peace accords with the Palestinians and today heads Bank
Hapoalim's Pi'ilim portfolio management group. Economic and
political imperatives would force the two sides to maintain close
economic ties, Gabbay said.

  The "economic separation" that the Israelis are weighing means
"strengthening the closure of the Palestinian areas. It's not
separation, but sanctions," he said.

  After violence between Israelis and Palestinians broke out more
than three weeks ago, Israel blocked off nearly all traffic
between Israeli territory and the Palestinian-ruled West Bank and
Gaza Strip.

  While the proposals sound mostly technical, they would strike
at the heart of the Palestinian economy's reliance on Israel.
Some 25% of Palestinian gross domestic product is generated by
day laborers crossing into Israel to work on building sites, and
in farm fields, hotels and restaurants.

  Virtually all Palestinian imports are Israeli products or
third-country imports bought off the shelf from Israeli

  By tightening the flow of labor and goods, Palestinians would
lose a sizable chunk of their income and face considerably higher
costs for imported products, if not outright shortages. The
impact on the Israeli economy if the measures are implemented
would be minimal.

  Many economists are starting to downgrade their forecasts for
Israeli GDP growth in 2000 and 2001, but that is because of the
indirect impact of the unrest in the form of fewer tourists,
slackening consumer confidence and a falloff in construction.

  But only between 1% and 5% of Israeli company sales come from
the Palestinian areas, said the Federation of Israeli Chambers of
Commerce's Barak. Israel exports some $2 billion worth of goods
to the Palestinian Authority annually, less than 2% of GDP.

  Palestinians account for only about 5% of the Israeli labor
force, far less than 13 years ago when the first Palestinian
uprising against Israeli rule broke out. Foreign workers now take
up most of the slack.

  Jonathan Katz, chief economist at Nessuah Zannex Securities,
said the closure could even give a small boost to Israel's
economy. "Israelis have been doing their shopping and getting
better deals in the Palestinian areas, but now more of their
spending on furniture and car repairs will stay in Israel," he

  Although Palestinians find their reliance on the Israeli
economy distasteful, they have few alternatives for the
foreseeable future. Two-thirds of the Palestinian Authority's 2.5
billion shekel ($1=ILS4.1210) budget comes from tax revenues
transferred to it from Israel.

  The border between Israel and the PA is winding and porous,
enabling both goods and people to cross over with enough ease
that even the limited sanctions Israel is weighing won't be
entirely effective.

  "I'm a Jerusalemite, I know...there are workers coming from
(the West Bank city of) Ramallah...everybody goes up to the
crossing point by car and then takes a detour and crosses over by
foot," Gabbay said.

  Complete separation would require sealing the border and
evacuating many West Bank settlements to prevent smugglers from
exploiting differing tax rates, customs and product standards,
Gabbay said.

  Erecting a fence would cost Israel an estimated $2 billion to
$2.5 billion - and present it with the politically explosive
problem of where exactly to site it.

By David Rosenberg
Dow Jones Newswires

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [CTRL] MP child rapist

2000-10-23 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-


 Must we get this kind of pornographic details from this list.  Whether it is
 written from a pervert's point of view or a reporters point of view, it is
 still disgusting and very offensive.

Actually, I agree.  It is a terrible article, indeed, and today I
thought long and hard about it.  There is the right to know what is
happening in your community, the right of free speech, the necessity of
having fair and open criminal trials, which includes being able to
report and publish on the details of cases - but all I could think of
was that this type of reporting is unnecessary, perhaps.  All it did for
me was read like a Guide to Raping a Child, a sleazy reporting of a
horrific event.  I only saw a dark side when I read this article.  I
thought that it would be saved by pediophiles as a fantasy they could
jerk off to.

It is articles like this that are, to me, borderline and despicable. I
can think of reasons to justify it, but it just makes my heart cry.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Names of the Jews

2000-10-23 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 You say I am an idiot Joshua2 takes one to know one, you idiot.

 A. Saba
 Dare To Call It Conspiracy

OUCH !!! - J 1+1

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Ecuador - Drugs

2000-10-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Stratfor.com's Global Intelligence Update - 24 October 2000

We knew it before it was news.

Also on Stratfor.com

With violence in Israel escalating and Palestinian leader Yasser
Arafat refusing to rein in violent factions of his ruling Fatah
party, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak has now taken the hardline
and intensified efforts to form a national emergency unity


Ecuador:  Seeking the Benefits of a Plan Colombia


Ecuador is first in line to suffer the likely consequences of the
U.S.-financed military offensive against drug traffickers in
southern Colombia. The United States has offered Ecuador $20
million to manage the spillover, but President Gustavo Noboa wants
much more. In fact, Noboa wants a Plan Colombia for Ecuador. If the
U.S. government ignores demands for a much bigger commitment to
Ecuador, the Noboa government may reconsider its tenuous support
for Plan Colombia, including the use of Ecuador's Pacific Coast by
U.S. anti-drug aircraft.


The United States allotted Ecuador $20 million of the $1.3 billion
U.S. aid package for Colombia's coming military offensive against
drug traffickers, including $12 million in counter-narcotics aid
and $8 million for development projects along the border with
Colombia. However, President Gustavo Noboa wants much more. For
starters, he wants between $250 million and $300 million for
military material, including helicopters and river-patrol boats.
Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Heinz Moeller outlined Noboa's proposal
Oct. 19 in Washington, D.C. at meetings with officials of the State
Department, National Security Council and Agency for International

Noboa also wants large-scale U.S. funding for economic development
in northern Ecuador. In effect, he wants Washington to underwrite a
Plan Colombia for Ecuador, including economic development
assistance and military aid to keep the coca trade out of Ecuador.
Washington will balk, but Noboa has a compelling argument:
Ecuador's soils are suitable for cultivating coca and opium poppy,
and its impoverished northern region is fertile ground for a drug-
fueled insurgency.


For more on Latin America, see:

Ecuador is an important trans-shipment route for Colombian and
Peruvian cocaine, but was bypassed in the 1990s when coca
cultivation shifted to Colombia from Peru and Bolivia. However, the
Noboa government fears the anti-drug military offensive in southern
Colombia will push the drug trade and violence into northern
Ecuador, where the inhabitants are largely members of nationalist
indigenous groups who oppose the government's adoption of the U.S.
dollar and privatization of state enterprises.

Noboa was vice president last January when a military coup that
removed President Jamil Mahuad triggered a mass national protest by
Ecuador's Quechua Indians. The United States and other countries
condemned the coup, but a large majority of Ecuador's citizens
supported the armed forces.

Noboa is Ecuador's seventh president in four years. His
government's stability depends on the continued support of the
military and indigenous groups united under the Confederation of
Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE). To keep that support,
however, Noboa has to produce results, starting with economic
growth, infrastructure and better living standards for Ecuador's
12.4 million people, the majority of whom are poor Indians.

High oil prices and adopting the U.S. dollar as Ecuador's national
currency have stabilized the economy and defused political
tensions. Inflation is under control at last, and oil will account
for about 45 percent of Ecuador's export earnings this year,
compared with about 20 percent in 1999. However, the crisis in
Ecuador is far from over. Right now Noboa has some breathing room,
but oil prices will fall eventually, and the risk of renewed
political unrest is high. According to Augusto de la Torre,
director of the World Bank's office in Ecuador, adopting the U.S.
dollar has made Ecuador's economic system more corrupt, more

The military supports Noboa's endorsement of Plan Colombia and the
use of Ecuador by U.S. anti-drug aircraft, but the country's
indigenous leaders do not. If the drug trade and violence spill
into northern Ecuador from Colombia, the spreading conflict could
spark more mass protests by Ecuador's Indians. In January's
protests, junior- and mid-level officers joined the Quechua
protesters who toppled Mahuad. To reduce the risk of his ouster
under similar circumstances, Noboa has to keep the military and
indigenous groups happy.

Meanwhile, the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Pioneer Fund/Secret Military Genetic Experiments

2000-10-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Pioneer Fund/Secret Military Genetic Experiments

 ³Long before cloned sheep, egg donors and sperm banks, a group of
wealthy Northeastern conservatives embarked on an experiment with the help
of the U.S. Army Air Corps to find a way to improve the human race²
August 17, 1999

More on The Pioneer Fund

A Breed Apart: A Long-Ago Effort to Better the Species Yields Ordinary Folks

Pioneer Fund Tried to Spread `Natural Endowments' of Top Air Force Fliers

'Sound and Desirable Stock'


WARE, Mass. ­ Tomorrow, Ward and Darby Warburton, twin brothers born on Aug.
18, 1940, will celebrate their 59th birthdays with cake and a crowd of
grandchildren gathered at the home of their 86-year-old mother near this
picturesque New England mill town.
The brothers' shared birthday marks something more than another milestone in
the lives of two World War II-era babies. It also marks the start of their
involvement in an odd experiment six decades ago of which the Warburton
family was a mostly unwitting subject.
Long before cloned sheep, egg donors and sperm banks, a group of wealthy
Northeastern conservatives embarked on an experiment with the help of the
U.S. Army Air Corps to find a way to improve the human race. The group,
formed in 1937, called itself the Pioneer Fund. As is spelled out in
hundreds of pages of documents and letters by its founders and their
associates, the Pioneer Fund, alarmed by the declining U.S. birth rate and
rising immigration, was at the forefront of the eugenics movement. Like many
other prominent leaders of the time, the fund's directors were particularly
concerned that "superior" Americans were not reproducing enough to pass on
their "natural endowments."
So they set out to spur procreation among a group they regarded as superior
indeed -- military pilots and their crews. With the support of Franklin D.
Roosevelt's secretary of war, Harry H. Woodring, the group offered $4,000,
about $46,000 in today's dollars, for the education of additional children
born during the year 1940 to any officer who already had at least three
The Air Corps ­ precursor to the U.S. Air Force ­ promoted the program and
provided the fund's psychologists extensive records on its officers,
including training, parentage, race and religion, according to various memos
and letters written among Pioneer Fund leaders and records of the
experiment. By the end of 1940, a dozen qualifying infants ­ seven boys and
five girls, including two sets of twins ­ had been born. The Pioneer Fund
had expected bigger numbers. Looming war clouds seemed to have trumped the
fund's financial incentives. The Pioneer Fund quietly made arrangements for
the children to receive their scholarships, and never contacted the families
The Pioneer Fund, which today remains a controversial funder of research
into the roots of intelligence, says the 1940 effort was a legitimate
experiment to gauge attitudes toward family size, and nothing more. The Air
Force declines to comment.
But how did the kids turn out?
The Wall Street Journal was able to track down eight of the 12 born in 1940.
One died as an infant. But the other seven grew up to be moderately
successful citizens. Some didn't know the background behind the payments
received long ago and were vaguely troubled to learn the details. Among the
seven children who survived into adulthood, there are no ranking generals
and no war heroes. No criminals, either.
"My dad told me they were trying to create more fighting men," jokes Ward
Warburton. "Well, I did get into a lot of fights coming up. And I could
always take care of myself pretty well."
Today, the Warburton brothers are air-conditioning repairmen, each with his
own successful small business here in Ware, a town of 10,000 about 25 miles
from Springfield, Mass.
"I doubt we're superior," says John F. Rawlings, an affable Seattle
homebuilder, whose father became one of the first four-star generals in the
Air Force and later the chairman of General Mills Inc. The younger Mr.
Rawlings joined the Air Force but was too nearsighted to fly. He says he
inherited the bad eyes from his mother.
The stories of the Pioneer Fund children and the largely routine lives they
have led underscore the naivete of such a clumsy effort to sculpt the human
race. But they also are reminders of sinister racial assumptions prevalent
in mainstream America just a generation ago.
All officers in the Air Corps were white; African-Americans were barred from
the Air Corps until 1941, and even then were shunted into all-black
squadrons. Many early genetic researchers believed that race-mixing would
damage the white race's "germ plasm" ­ a human component that early
scientists believed carried a race's hereditary traits. Leaders in Nazi
Germany fervently embraced such eugenic theories.
The pilot procreation plan was endorsed by an array of high-ranking military

[CTRL] Fw: [firebase-news] Re The testing goes on

2000-10-23 Thread Amelia

American Gulf War Veterans AssociationP.O. 
Box 85, Versailles, MO 650841-(800) 231-7631 * FAX (573) 
378-5998 * http://www.gulfwarvets.comFOR IMMEDIATE 
RELEASE: October 19, 2000Contact: Joyce Riley, R.N., B.S.N.Capt. 
USAF inactive reserve(573) 378-6049NEWS RELEASEBIOLOGICAL AGENTS 
and surrounding states are outraged to find thatbiological materials have 
been released into the open air on a regularbasis at Fort Leonard Wood this 
past year in "training exercises."Informed consent of the general population 
has not been obtained in anyof these releases. The biological agent 
utilized in these exercises is"Bacillus subtilis," also known as "Bacillus 
globigii" (BG), and isbeing used because it closely resembles anthrax and 
can be detected bythe Biological Integrated Detection System (BIDS) units at 
Fort LeonardWood. According to Robin Byrom, with the Chemical School 
Materiel andCombat Development Department at Ft. Leonard Wood, "There 
have beenfour courses, they started in.I believe January of this year and 
thereis ongoing a class at Fort Leonard Wood right now!"Although Army 
officials claim that these simulants are "virtuallyharmless," Congressional 
records report there is no such thing as a safebiological simulant. BG is 
known to cause spontaneous abortions in sheepand cattle, upper respiratory 
infections, eye infections, and can affectthose with compromised immune 
systems such as the elderly, thechronically ill and the very young. Senate 
reports entitled "BiologicalTesting Involving Human Subjects, 1977" and 
"Human Drug Testing by theCIA," establish a clear and consistent track 
record by the Department ofDefense of deceiving and manipulating the general 
public in regard tothe development and use of biological and chemical 
agents. TheDepartment of the Army, is invited to attend.An emergency 
public "Town Hall" hearing will be held at the VersaillesMiddle School in 
Versailles, MO. on Thursday, October 26, 2000, at 7PMto address the release 
of these pathogens and what action must be takento immediately stop the 
Department of the Army from continuing thispractice.PUBLIC OFFICIALS, 
VERSAILLES MIDDLE SCHOOL!Citizens of Missouri and surrounding states are 
outraged to learn thatFort Leonard Wood has been releasing biological agents 
into theenvironment in "training exercises" for biological detection 
sinceJanuary, 2000! The simulant used is "Bacillus subtilis" also known 
as"Bacillus globigii" (BG) because it closely resembles anthrax. 
Thisbiological agent is known to cause spontaneous abortions in sheep 
andcattle, upper respiratory infections, eye infections, and can 
affectthose with compromised immune systems such as the elderly, 
thechronically ill and the very young.The general public has not 
been informed of these "training exercises"nor have they given their consent 
to be exposed to these pathogens! Thebacteria being released can travel for 
hundreds of miles and the sporescan remain active for decades! The 
Department of the Army is invited toattend.Could this be why we have 
such an increase in upper respiratoryinfections in Morgan County and the 
state of Missouri?All public officials, law enforcement, medical personnel, 
livestockranchers and concerned citizens are urged to attend! This 
affectseveryone!Where: Versailles Middle School, Hwy 52, Versailles, 
MO. When: 7PM,Thursday, October 26, 2000Information: Joyce Riley vonKleist, 

[CTRL] Dems try to sneak amnesty for illegal aliens through Congress

2000-10-23 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

  Democrats try to sneak amnesty for illegal aliens through Congress

  October 20, 2000

  Virtually unknown to (and unwanted by) most Americans, Congress
  may soon vote to grant a mass amnesty to more than 3 million illegal
  aliens.  The reasons the impending vote is virtually unknown are
  obvious enough: The backers of the amnesty hope to push it
  through before anyone notices, and its opponents are afraid of the
  consequences of voting against it.

  Unable and unwilling to seek an up-or-down vote on the measure,
  the amnesty lobby is trying to sneak it through by attaching it to an
  appropriations bill that few congressmen would vote against and
  President Clinton would sign.  Drafted by left-wing Democrat John
  Conyers, the amnesty is estimated to add some 3.4 million people --
  mostly already in this country as illegal aliens -- to the national

  The illegal aliens to be included under the measure are more than
  one million Central Americans from El Salvador, Guatemala, and
  Honduras, but some 40,000 Liberians here because of "temporary"
  refugee status are also covered, as well as any and all illegal aliens
  who have lived in the United States since 1986.  As the Immigration
  and Naturalization Service estimates, the latter category constitutes
  a whopping 1.9 million illegals.

  The measure is manifestly unfair to legal immigrants who obeyed
  U.S. immigration laws to come here and who have waited in line to
  gain entry and citizenship.  But the injustice to legal immigrants
  shrivels compared to the smack in the face to Americans

  The illegal aliens to be legalized under the amnesty would be able to
  compete with native Americans for jobs, education and access to
  welfare. They would join the ever-swelling army of immigrant lobbies
  that pressure politicians for favors.  They would increase the burden
  on the national infra-structure and natural resources.  Once they
  became citizens, they could then import their own relatives into the
  country as legal immigrants. Moreover, since Congress will have
  granted one amnesty, why shouldn't future illegals expect more to
  come?  All they have to do is sneak across the border and wait.

  The INS, in a new study of the effects of amnesty, concludes that
  the last amnesty for illegals in 1986 almost certainly increased illegal
  immigration in the years that followed.  Amnesties don't solve illegal
  immigration.  Before the 1986 amnesty, the illegal alien population
  was estimated to be about 5 million; today, despite the amnesty 14
  years ago, it's estimated to be about the same number.

  The Democrats are pushing the amnesty because they know very
  well that the new citizens will swell their own voters at the polls, that
  more immigrants mean more excuses for demanding more welfare,
  more spending on social programs to help them "assimilate" and
  more education.  The Republicans are either in favor of the amnesty
  because they support Big Business's bottomless appetite for more
  cheap labor or because they're terrified of alienating Hispanic voters
  on the eve of the presidential elections.

  House Speaker Dennis Hastert is supposed to be in favor of the
  Democrats' amnesty proposal.  So are President Clinton and Vice
  President Gore.  So is the AFL-CIO, which has decided to dump
  American working people in favor of supporting foreign workers.
  So, of course, are the immigrant lobbies, which are holding sizeable
  rallies in support of the amnesty measure in cities across the
  country.  George W. Bush's position is not known, and since the
  subject of immigration policy never came up in the presidential
  debates, there's no reason he should take a position at all.

  The arguments against amnesty are largely the same as those
  against illegal immigration and more legal immigration in general, but
  the issue is no longer settled by argument or facts.  Sentiment,
  ideology, special interests and sheer political expediency are what
  determine whether the United States enforces its own laws against
  illegal immigration and indeed whether it continues to have any laws
  controlling immigration at all.

  The larger point of the INS study cited above is not so much that it
  shows that amnesties fail to solve the immigration problem as that
  the federal government is simply not serious about controlling
  immigration at all.  If today we have the same number of illegal
  aliens inside the country as we did before 1986, that means that
  everything the government has done in the last fourteen years has
  been a flop.

  You probably didn't need the INS study to know that, but then you
  probably won't learn about the proposed amnesty from your
  congressman.  If you'd like to stop the amnesty and put a little
  pressure on Congress to do something serious about immigration
  control, you can contact an effective and well-informed organization

[CTRL] The New Science of Character Assassination

2000-10-23 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

The New Science of Character Assassination

Phil Agre

15 October 2000

You are welcome to forward this article electronically to anyone for
any noncommercial purpose.

The past ten days will go down as a turning point in American history.
This is what it's like when the far right is taking over your country:
the people support Al Gore's policies, but the polls are shifting toward
George W. Bush because the media is filled with false attacks on Al
Gore's character.  A story in today's (10/15/00) New York Times states
openly what has been clear all along, that this campaign of character
assassination has been planned and executed over a long period by the


Character assassination is, of course, nothing new for Republicans, who
mastered the art in the days of Richard Nixon.  What's new is that the
press constantly repeats the lies.  Not just once or twice, not just the
occasional slip, but over and over and over.

Let us consider the New York Times story in detail.  Written by Alison
Mitchell, it describes Al Gore's abject apology for two trivial and
much-exaggerated errors in the first debate as "the culmination of
a skillful and sustained 18-month campaign by Republicans to portray
the vice president as flawed and untrustworthy".

The New York Times discerns four landmarks in this campaign, and
landmark number one is as follows:

  ... in December 1997 ... the [Republican National] committee announced
  it had started a contest to come up with a slogan for Mr. Gore after
  he told reporters that the hero and heroine in the novel "Love Story"
  were modeled after him and his wife, Tipper.  (Erich Segal, the
  author, soon said that his protagonist, Oliver Barrett IV, was only
  partly based on Mr. Gore, while Jenny Cavilleri had nothing to do with
  Tipper Gore.)

In this case, the RNC's claim was false.  Gore had not told anyone that
Love Story was based on him and his wife.  Rather, he had mentioned a
newspaper article that had inaccurately said that, and was carefully to
say that he only had the article's word to go on.  Observe that Mitchell
repeats the RNC's false account, and then (following the longstanding
convention) makes it sound as though Segal was contradicting Gore, when
in fact he was defending him.  The false "Love Story" store continues to
be repeated to the present day.


Landmark number two:

  So when Mr. Gore said in an interview with CNN in March 1999
  that "during my service in the United States Congress, I took
  the initiative in creating the Internet", Senator Trent Lott of
  Mississippi, the majority leader, issued this mocking statement:
  "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the
  initiative in creating the paper clip".

The problem, of course, was that Gore's claim was correct.  As the
Internet's scientific leaders attest, often heatedly, Gore recognized
the significance of the Internet very early, and took the initiative
in doing the political work and articulating the public vision that
made the Internet possible.  His sentence, which is often not quoted
in its entirety, makes perfectly clear that he was talking about the
work he did in the context of his Congressional service, and that he
is not claiming, ridiculously, to have done the technical work as well.
Mitchell shades the story by omitting the Republicans' (and media's)
most common distortion of the matter, that Gore claimed to have invented
the Internet.  This falsehood has been repeated on literally hundreds of
occasions, and George W. Bush routinely uses it in his speeches.


Landmark number three:

  On the day Mr. Gore announced his candidacy in Carthage, Tenn., his
  family's hometown, Jim Nicholson, the chairman of the Republican
  National Committee, had a more elaborate stunt.  He rode in a wagon
  pulled by mules to the hotel on Embassy Row in Washington where
  Mr. Gore lived for much of his youth.

  "He has tried to pass himself off as this hardscrabble, homespun
  central Tennessee farm boy and that is not what he is", said
  Mr. Nicholson, playing off the fact that Mr. Gore had told The Des
  Moines Register that he had learned to slop hogs and clear land on the
  family farm.  Friends later told reporters that Mr. Gore's father had
  kept him on a backbreaking work schedule during summers on the family

The problem, again, is that Gore's claim was true.  He did work on his
family farm as a child.  This time, Mitchell admits that the Republicans
were making it up.  But she still shades the story by making it sound as
though the truth hadn't come out until later, and as though 

[CTRL] (Fwd) Release: More Guns, Less Crime

2000-10-23 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 23 Oct 2000 16:35:37 -0400 (EDT)
Subject:Release: More Guns, Less Crime
From:   Libertarian Party Announcements [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: October 20, 2000
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

Shocking study: 25 million more guns
helped produce a 40% drop in crime

WASHINGTON, DC -- Gun-related crime has plunged 40% in recent
years while the number of guns in circulation has reached an all-time
high, according to a new study by the U.S. Department of Justice -- and
that's terrible news for supporters of gun control, Libertarians say.

"The message is clear: More guns equal less crime," said Harry
Browne, the Libertarian Party's presidential candidate. "The biggest
threat to your safety isn't guns; it's politicians who want to restrict
gun ownership.

"That's why we need to do everything we can to keep dangerous
gun laws out of the hands of politicians like Al Gore and George W.

Data released last week by the FBI shows that gunshot wounds
inflicted during crimes dropped to 39,400 from 64,100 nationwide
between 1992 and 1997 -- a decrease of 40%.

But during the same five years, the number of guns in America
surged to 230 million from 205 million, according to the National
Association of Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers.

"Even street thugs understand what gun-banning politicians
don't: Guns deter crime," Browne said. "Americans went on a gun-buying
binge from 1992 to 1997, purchasing 11 million new handguns and 14
million new rifles and shotguns -- and crime continued to decline.

"Imagine how much further crime would fall if politicians made
it easier for more law-abiding citizens to buy guns by repealing many
of the 20,000 gun laws currently on the books."

One immediate target for repeal: State laws preventing
Americans from carrying concealed weapons.

"The three most violent cities in America -- New York, Chicago,
and Los Angeles -- all have something in common: Gun control," Browne
said. "According to the FBI figures, these three cities led the nation
in murder, armed robbery, and assault. And no wonder. In those cities,
it's illegal to carry a concealed weapon. Democrats and Republicans who
refuse to repeal these laws are painting a target on the backs of
innocent Americans."

Browne conceded that other factors -- such as demographic
changes, longer prison terms, and an improved economy -- may have
played a role in the drop in crime rates.

"But a dramatic increase in the number of guns didn't cause an
increase in crime -- which is what politicians routinely claim when
they spout off about the so-called need to reduce easy access to guns,"
he said. "In fact, giving ordinary Americans easy access to guns is
apparently what criminals fear most."

Another shocking truth about gun control laws, Browne said, is
that even politicians don't favor them -- for themselves.

"Visit the Capitol building in Washington, DC, and notice how
many guards are carrying guns," he said. "Politicians say you have to
be disarmed to make America safer, but they don't disarm government
employees. Senators and Congressmen may have a compelling need to
defend themselves, but is it really more compelling than your need to
defend your home and your family against criminals?

"Of course not. That's why if I'm elected president I will
immediately sign an executive order disarming every single guard on
Capitol Hill -- until Congress fully restores your right to carry a

During the presidential debates, both Bush and Gore emphasized
their support for background checks, taxpayer-financed trigger locks,
and enforcing current gun laws, noted Browne.

"Gore and Bush are both promoting the dangerous utopian idea
that criminals will suddenly decide to follow whatever laws they manage
to pass," he said.

"But more laws are not the answer. The best solution is to
repeal every existing gun control law on the books. The number of guns
in the hands of criminals will not change, but more Americans would
recover the right to defend themselves -- which will probably inspire
many more criminals to seek a safer line of work."

Version: 2.6.2
