[CTRL] Moon Landing A Hoax?

2001-02-26 Thread p

This has probably been a well 
discussed topic before, being new to the list please excuse this post if it is 
overkill...thought this was interesting. Interested in some of the thoughts of 
you list veterans.

MadSci Network: 

Re: Is 
it impossible to travel to the moon, because of the Van Allen 

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Re: [CTRL] Moon Landing A Hoax?

2001-02-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

How many people remember the Apollo - that 27th day of January, 1967
where three brave men died burnt alive and he cause?

Sabotage and my research points directly to the KGB/Russian
Mafia.keeping in mind also it was the 28th of January the Challenger
explosed mid air as friends and family watched the astronauts deaths.

I remember the English with their headline story Oh What a Flopnik when
our first attempt failed - these parasites on the back of the American
public dared to ridicule our space program but boy on the other hand,
quick to ask the Yanks to go over and lay themselves doon a dee for the
bastards..look to Ireland and see the evil face of the English and
note how much money these parasites take from this country each year?

Today now the propaganda machine moves to say we did not go to the moon
- I had a brother in law that worked with the genius von Braun - we got
their okay and at considerable cost in lives and in money...now who
would not want us to get to the moon first?   For it was mandatory we so

Well the Russians had a propagandist out who was a phoney psychic named
Jean Dixon who had been proclaimed a "divine prophetess"..who stated
Russia Will Beat Us to the Moon - and oh, this was a flopnik ..

Her evil went unchecked until I nailed the old bat for soothsaying and
practicing astrology without a liciense and suddenly her divine status,
was challenged..later she was caught stealing money from her
Children to Chidren "foundation"   and you know those foundations are
often fronts for drugs, and are tax dodges, etc.

So the charge is made we did not go to the moon?   Why, because a German
genius by the name of von Braun made this dream of JFK's possible?

The day the Challenger went down Russian trawlers suddenly left the area
just before the explosion which was noted by those in the area..why
does our government keep this secret that our Apollo and Challenger were
destroyed by KGB/Russian Mafia?

So I have their timetable - and anyone with a driving curiosity and a
brain can see connections in their communications for this is what it is
all about communications and codes and sabotage - all time to the
Communist Timetable, as it was once called - today just call it the
Russian Mafiaand then check out their connection to the Mossad -

Apollo - the Craft that Came to Naught.check out Albert Speer's
Diary for a clue as to what this bible calendar code is all about - for
the Rusian guard took away this code from the Baron while in

So today these lying bastards say we did not go to the moon - what was
the movie with Barbara Streisands husband and O.J. Simp[son - where the
space program was made to look corrupt - let us say by their fruits you
shall know them all.

By the garbage and trash you see on your tv today you shall know them

I sitll remember when America's dream was to go to the moon but there
are those who would put our children's eyes to the cess pools where
sodomy and AIDS go hand in hand with Rosie O'Donnell on Sesame

Garbage is as garbage doesthere was once a day when we looked to the
stars - now daily this garbage in Hollywood and in the news media pushed
the faces of little children in the mud and the cess pools of their own

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-02-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

If you are objectivei and read this story you will find Marc Rich  aka
Reich who may have helped fund this Fourth Reich - odd his real name is
Reich but I am inclined to think there is yet another name involved

Note the connection to The 300 and to Kissinger; to tell the truth, what
I remembre most about the 300 (Gideon and his 300 No Doubt namesakes
from the Judges - it was Gideon who stole the gold and no doubt today
would steal the oil, from the Ishmalites).

So this 300 a week prior to the shooting of Ronald Reagan, the front
page of the Columbus Dispatch had a story that the 300 or the 400 they
sometimes are called, told the President of the United States to change
his ways, or elseand tahe threat was there.

Then a day or two later, front page of the Columbus Dispatch said Castro
planned to assassinate Reagan and it was then I screamed out My God they
are going to shoot Reagan and blame Castro - bringing out two of my
"bosses", one retired FBI and the other a 33rd degree Mason Judge.

So - within a week Reagan was gunned down and worse yet, timed to a
bible code used by the 300,.even Walter Lippman, the obnoxious
jouornalist who warned us once "surely the democrats will be punished
and their offices taken away"...straight out of 109th psalm...and
poof - Teddy Kennedy was nearly murderer - again, for this was the 2nd
attempt - seems some do have the luck of the Irish.

Conspiracy - this is all conspiracy - this Marc Rich was he EVER US
Citizen?   Now some profess not to know.

But I say this - this Jewish Mafia in Columbus back in 70 and 80 period
had ties to Meyer Lansky who was scouting oil and gas fields in Ohio and
in Kentucky and West Virginia .he would stay on a farm owned by a
Dr. Donald Plotnick, who had spent one year in same prison cell as Jimmy
Hoffa, whom it was alleged saved him from attack of the Italian
Mob.later was told this doctor spirited Hoffa up to Canada - and I
hope he did it, but the FBI tracked Hoffa to this man's farm and they
believed he was murdered there.

So these are nice people?   But what I found most interesting is this -
these bastards had neo nazi literature in the basement of this
restaurant which I "accidentally" found - there were certain police too,
who brought up whisky from Kentucky - moonshine - and put in regular
bottls for the managerrip off number 2.

Then the murders beganbut the securities scams resulted in one
lawyer ending up in prison who got involved - and all this interest in
coal and gas and oil in Ohio and area by Lansky.eventually the
doctors got into trouble with the Mafia Hit Man, and went on trial for
murder...oh but none dare say J-ewish Mafia out loud..that is

So this is interesting item - but part I like at the end link to
Kissinger and the fact that these evil people hire journalists to scream
neo nazis, etc., at anyone who would come out against them.

Neo Nazis?   Hey look the right direction - you think the Zionists care
about the jews - no way, just the very wealthy jews for look what they
have planned in the Holy Land to get the oil - kill them all, pave way
for the ZZionists - Neo Nazis of Past, Present and Future - i.e., Waltr
Lippman as classic example of a reallly good propagandist until he made
that one little slip - timed to the Communist Timetable.

These are the pigs at the trough and it seems to me now that Richie Rich
aka Marc Rich aka Marc Reich has his Hollywood propaganda machine out
paving the way for his martyerdom.

Remembre who it was who took the money to get this bastard off the
hook..tell me how someone gets a pardon from US President if he is
not US Citizenlook at Osama bin Laden - best they could do would be
to put 5 million dollar price on his head.

This little state of Israel consists of murderers and see how they
suppressed the murder of our men on the USS Liberty and same old tactics
used on the USS Cole in my opinion


   George Soros and the Rothschilds Connection
By Jan Von Helsing ("Secret Societies and their Power in the 20th
 Special Note : The author of this book is German. He claims he has
several jewish friends and is
not racist or prejudice, but often cites the Talmud as a guide book for
certain Jews and discusses a
Jewish Conspiracy that involves elements of Zionism and other conspiracy
issues as well. I do not
agree wholeheartedly with the author's entire beliefs, however alot of
the research on a variety of
other topics is VERY GOOD. We are seeking truth here and not Hatred or
prejudice, as a matter of
FACT, I was raised Jewish myself. For my views on the Jewish Conspiracy,
you will have to go Here
to find out, this is not the forum.
The now 64 year old Hungarian with a U.S. passport is the
superstar amidst the great speculators.
When the last "Forbes" list of the best paid managers and financiers was
published, Soros was in the
lead by a huge margin. In the last year he earned 550 

[CTRL] Fwd: Labor Party Press - How Workers Won at Ravenswood (Book Review)

2001-02-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

Ever hear of the Unions knocking this Marc Rich aka Reich aka who knows?

Here is brief outline of his activities in America pertaining to workers
at Ravenswood.

This man Rich IS NOT a US Citizen but he sure wants his foot back in the

The property of his wife (former) maybe should be consficated as without
a doubt this money was virtually stolen from the American people - she
is a song writer?

Reminds me how the mob used to let Frank Sinatra win at the tables in
Vegas - when you owed something to someone, such as a favor, let them
win at the tables.

This Rich is Jewish Mafia - and one thing I will NEVER forget is the
Jewish Mafia's Black Hand in the murder of JFK and no doubt, little JFK
Jr. and Princess of Walesnotice how conveniently those who would
oppse these evil ones are murdered?

Am still wondering why David Duke was so welcomed in the Soviet Union
considering it was the KGB who formed a KKK for the Walker spies?
Nothing much reported on this is there - another case which can only
make one wonder futher what Jewish Mafia is doing with neo nazi
literature??   Like little red arrows leading to scene of crime?

Might add David Duke, Denise Rich and Marc Rich have one thing in comman
- nose jobs.and face work...but I wonder, steel copanies in Ohio
closing down now and this BASTARD Marc Rich playing games with American
working men's lives?

There should be open season on this Rich and his ugly floosie
wife.these are two ugly people and alla the face work in the world
cannot change this ugliness which sheds its dim light.



Book ReviewHow Workers
Won at
1999 Michael Kaufman,

Impact VisualsBack in 1990, a few months after the Ravenswood Aluminum
Company had locked out 1700 Steelworkers Union members, the women of
Ravenswood, West Virginia, started to behave in unexpected ways. For
instance, they'd get up in the middle of the night and dress in black
from head-to-toe, including ski masks. Then they'd slip out of the house
bearing cans of spray paint.

And that's how all those references to the bosses — "Sugar Booger" and
"Rat Face" — started appearing in huge graffiti letters on the sides
of barns along the roadsides of Ravenswood.

That was only the beginning of what turned out to be one of the most
creatively fought and most successful labor struggles in recent history.
The whole story is recounted with style and wonderful detail by Kate
Bronfenbrenner and Tom Juravich in their new book  Ravenswood: The
Steelworkers' Victory and the Revival of American Labor.

A Joy to Read
It always seems like a great idea to write down the details of a
fascinating labor struggle like the one at Ravenswood. Unfortunately
it's not always such a wise impulse. Many such accounts are dust dry,
conveying none of the thrill of a union battle.

Not this book. Starting and ending with workers themselves, enriched by
scads of funny and moving quotes, it's a joy to read. And thankfully,
although these two seasoned labor activist/academics underlay their
story with clear-eyed analysis, their theories and observations aren't
the centerpiece. This is an earthy story about what a bunch of tenacious
workers did to get their jobs back — with the help of some of the
labor movement's craftiest warriors.

SABA NOTE::see Marc Rich Here

Granted, Bronfenbrenner and Juravich have a lot of material to work
with. There's Marc Rich, the secretive billionaire fugitive from justice
who controls Ravenswood from a mountaintop mansion in Switzerland.
There's the eight-foot puppet of Mother Jones, which had to be sawed in
half to fit on the plane to Switzerland. There's the nerve of workers
handing out "wanted" posters of Marc Rich at high-society London
cocktail parties.

Back at home, workers kept a close eye on the Ravenswood plant by
dressing up as fishermen and floating up and down the Ohio River on
their boats, reporting suspicious activities back to the local.
Meanwhile, the union nailed the company for pouring cyanide into the
river and mobilized thousands of people to come to "Fort RAC" to be
entertained by the Paw Paws, a bluegrass band made up of union-militant
—Laura McClure

Ravenswood is published by Cornell University Press, Sage House, 512 E.
State Street, Ithaca, NY 14850; 607-277-2211. Copies are $29.95 each;
postage is $3.50 for the first book, an additional 75 cents for each
additional book. You can also order copies from online

Top of Page • January 2000 Labor Party Press


Re: [CTRL] Moon Landing A Hoax?

2001-02-26 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

 How many people remember the Apollo - that 27th day of January, 1967
 where three brave men died burnt alive and he cause?

According to Dr. Fred Bell in a lecture given in St. Paul, MN in May 1998,
there were fires on the Apollo launching pad EVERY DAY leading up to the
death of the three astronauts.

At the time Bell was working directly with Wernher Von Braun and complained
to the German genuis about the lack of safety measures. Von Braun brushed
him off because of the rush to get to the moon. Bell quit NASA shortly
before the disaster.

In his recent book former astronaut L. Gordon Cooper described von Braun as
a great guy and the one most responsible for saving our space program.
However, Fred Bell says von Braun was pissed about the way he was treated
after he surrendered to U.S. forces at the end of World War II. "He still
had an attitude about that," said Bell.

Bottom line: we went to the moon. However, that does not mean all the "moon"
photographs NASA has made available are genuine. Some of the ones I have
seen have more than one source of light: either the moon has an additional
sun that is hidden from earth, or artificial light was used. It's no big
deal actually. If the pictures didn't turn out NASA simply may have done a
"reenactment" like TV does to get better photos.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Moon Landing A Hoax?

2001-02-26 Thread Carl Amedio
In a message dated 2/26/01 7:33:45 AM Central Standard Time,

If the pictures didn't turn out NASA simply may have done a
"reenactment" like TV does to get better photos.

Pictures are doctored. We went to moon. we found alien artifacts NASA covered
it up.


Re: [CTRL] In search of Mary Magdalene Part 1

2001-02-26 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

For the record, nowhere in the Bible does it specifically say MM was a
prostitute. She is described as either a "sinner" without the specific
sinner named, or as "out of whom went seven devils." This could mean
she was a member of a pagan cult before she met Jesus. Whether or not
her cult included sacred prostitution is still a matter of speculation.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] In search of Mary Magdalene Part 1

2001-02-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Remember Rahab was supposedly a "harlot" which also had a very different
meaning in biblical times  - for she was an innkeepers daughter.

She was also the one who hid the spies - also once some guy out of
Dallas kept sending me a red cord - always thought he was trying to say
something - for he was a preacher.

And then when you look at the last supper always remember Judas, has the
bag - the evil kiss of death - da Vinci in his painting portrayed them

7 devils?   Maybe they were Irish?

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Moon Landing A Hoax?

2001-02-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Way back it was reported that CBS and maybe some of the other major
networks (only 3 at the time in our area at least) had used simulated
pictures - and gotten caught and admitted to same.

As for von Braun (and that little v designates nobility) he had a choice
- for he could have gone to the Russian cause but chose America.

He was a German and not a Nazi; further,  during WWII he once said he
would rather go to the moon than win the war  - fpr von Braun was a real
nobleman and not a nazi peasant.

Today we have those who would attempt to destroy the image of the space
program and the first to so do was a Civil Rights movement who wanted
money spent on the ground as if welfare was not already draining this
country dry.

I would rather go to the moon and stars and leave the ones who want to
wallow in the mud to so do.

This Cold War was a very vicious war; I know of one former CO and
Andrews AFB and his wife both drug off a train who escaped using the
underground in Europe; this same thing happened to my sisters who
traveled once to Slpain - in France hostile forces who knew who they
were pretended not to speak English though once, they had.

This Bell had hostilities - these astronauts were trained well and were
loyal to their country and more than just the three, died for same.

Maybe they were not as well known as those who died on the USS Liberty -
here we see the enemy face to face - and the men who later then died on
USS Cole regardless it has been sabotage and/or murder.

My brother in law forbid me to say the Apollo was sabotaged keyed to
this bible timetable I have (Acts 19 and throw in Acts 16 for a clue to
works of propagandists)...all timed date wise and two forces at work
- the KGB caused the murder ofo the astronauts in cahoots with the
Mossad or this thing called Jewish Mafia

Later I was told that a highschool in Huntsville had been named in honor
of othe three Astronauts.Now as for the Challenger - round up the
ususal suspects...these people are good at sneak attacks.

When I got into deep water was when I stated a member of the Teamsters
Union had been involved - and boy it hit the fan - Frank Fitzsimmons was
then told by J. Edgar Hoover that I had cleared a security check, that I
was getting information on my own and not satisfied with that - this
hoodlum sent out two Teamster hoodlums with shoulder guns to attempt to
intimidate mehowever, the one was a mason, so he said he was also
Mafia..golly gee.

So I hit the truth when I ran across this very curuous Gideon Bible
timetable - we now reign supreme in the heavens - no need for soldiers
anymore to fight the dirty ground wars.

And these bastards - these people out to make a fast buck - claiming we
did not go to the moon?   Ought to take the bastards up there and dump
them with their little cameras.   One way tickets.

As for von Braun, he died right before he was scheduled to come into the
area in which I livie; my brother in law made it possible that I would
get to meet him - but he did not live to make the trip.

I always loved the Red Baron and I have his photograph and von Braun -
both were aristocrats and of the nobility - which has nothing to do with
great wealth, but a way of life.

A man such as von Braun who wanted to go to the moon should not be
judged with the Nazi Zionists who murdered their own - at least the ones
who did not have the money to buy themselves a one way ticket to Zion

This planet is dying.but the one thing it will leave behind are
memories of what it could have been..people hated von Braun for his
genius - his great intellect..compare von Braun to this jewish
assassin and low class hoodlem Marc Rich aka Reich of the so called 4th
Reich who attempted to destroy the US Steelworkers - and wonder why
there is not a certain amount of hatred directed at him and at his
floosie wife - class tells.

Take another good look at Jonestown, and those were Jewish Nazi Doctors
at Jonestown who got away while the American doctors died - this was
according to my old MI6 friend who had the scoop on the entire matter.

About Jonestown - Mark Lane (real name Levy) he alone virtually escaped
to write the book and tell the truth, his authorized version - he tries
to pass himself off as CIA but the man has a way to be there when - well
let us say he was with Larry Flynt, Dorothy Kilgallon, etc., at
Jonestown, and connection through a gentleman in Michigan to Heaven's

Why no big memorial to von Braun - and yes, why no big memorial to our
boys in WWII who died - they were told they were dying for freedom?
they died because zionism laid the traps.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Final Election Results]

2001-02-26 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Final Election Results
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 22:38:50 -0600 (CST)
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Institute for Public Accuracy
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
(202) 347-0020 * http://www.accuracy.org * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Friday, January 19, 2001


Al Gore: 50,996,116

George W. Bush: 50,456,169

In the nationwide popular vote, Gore received 539,947 more votes than Bush.

Source: The Associated Press

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Burma protects Drug Cartel, Asia's largest Bkk post

2001-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Ok so here we have it from the horse's mouth.

Now the thing is that if I had just a few contacts I could take a whole
lot of Akha villages out of this game.

One of the things that I am doing here to do that is the establishment
of a full on village route.  Now have 250 villages in the circuit with
30 to 50 more to go.  For this I am working on raising funds for special
built hummer that will cost around $20,000 US, just a little more than a
4 wheel drive toyota.

So I am looking for any contact from the west who wants to put their
money where their mouth is in getting the Akha out of the drug equation.

One last thing, if this is the case, the the burma blockade is the best
thing the burmese and the cartel could hope for because with the
blockade there are gobs of hilltribe poor enough to keep growing opium.


Cartel security seen to be
 Burma's goal

 Fighting meant to help Wa traffickers

  Thai and foreign security
officials are now
  convinced the primary goal of the
fighting in
  northern Burma is to protect and
allow the
  expansion of Asia's first
effective drug cartel.

  The Burmese army and their United
Wa State
  Army allies are clearly prepared
to exchange a
  brief drop in cross-border
trafficking during
  the fighting for the expectation
of greater
  freedom to make and move bigger

  "They will cut back smuggling for
  moment, by necessity," said a
  source yesterday. The fighting has
  security by the Thai military and
police, and
  closed off some regular
trafficking routes
  from Burma into Thailand.

  "They are betting that when this
is all over,
 they will have better control in Burma, and get back to the business of
making and marketing
 heroin and speed pills, only more than ever."

 In recent weeks, India has joined Thailand and China in protesting the
huge cross-border
 trafficking of drugs.

 Not only have these three countries become major transit points, drug
use, abuse and
 addiction has also risen rapidly to epidemic proportions in their
border regions and cities.

 "Synthetic drugs are coming into India in a major way through Burma,"
said R.
 Sundaralingam, a drugs consultant to the Interpol Secretariat. C.
Chakrabarty, an Indian
 member of the UN International Narcotics Control Board, said India has
turned from transit
 point to heroin consumer.

 Experts who met on the sidelines of last week's regional meeting of
Interpol in Bangkok said
 that initial reports indicated the Burmese offensive against the Shan
State Army was critically

 "The opium crop was picked and in their (Wa) hands, just before the
border fighting started,"
 said a Western source. In addition, they had sent a huge flood of
methamphetamine and
 similar pills to China, India and Thailand, so that a short break in
trafficking will hardly be
 noticed by drug pushers and abusers.

 When the fighting ends, Burma expects the Shan to be defeated or at
least in disarray in
 provinces of the northeast. The Wa army-which is to say the drug
cartel-will be far more
 secure, in control of a much greater geographical area.

 The military campaign increases the pressure on the new Thaksin
Shinawatra government.
 Thailand seeks to stop drug trafficking from Burma, which is the
country's top security threat.
 Burma has tolerated-some believe encouraged-the massive drug smuggling
by the Wa in
 order to gain the group's political support. It does not seem possible
to reconcile the policies.
 Thailand is diplomatically hobbled, because it must not openly
encourage the SSA-even
 though it is the only group which can harass the drug trade inside
Burma itself.

 Before the latest fighting, Burma was already in the process of forcing
Shan natives out of the
 northeast, so ethnic Wa could move into the opium-growing area. The
Shan are being forcibly
 relocated further south.

 The combination of amphetamine factories and effective control of most
 highlands means the USWA is by far the biggest, and most diverse drug
cartel in Asia's



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Re: [CTRL] Moon Landing A Hoax?

2001-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/26/01 7:06:44 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

He was a German and not a Nazi;

 yea, sure, he just wore the uniform for pictures and parades . . .

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] von Braun not a Nazi?

2001-02-26 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

 -Original Message-
 From: Aleisha Saba [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 9:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Moon Landing A Hoax?

 Way back it was reported that CBS and maybe some of the other major
 networks (only 3 at the time in our area at least) had used simulated
 pictures - and gotten caught and admitted to same.

 As for von Braun ...He was a German and not a Nazi; further,  during WWII
he once said he
 would rather go to the moon than win the war  - fpr von Braun
 was a real
 nobleman and not a nazi peasant.

 This Bell had hostilities - these astronauts were trained
 well and were
 loyal to their country and more than just the three, died for same.

Yes, Fred Bell dislikes German Nazis; according to the book The Promise by
Brad Steiger, about the life of Fred Bell, his father was killed in Egypt by
Nazis before Fred was born in 1943. They also made several attempts on
Fred's life because he was given access to artifacts inside the pyramids
that the Nazis badly wanted. However, Bell has had "special protection"
throughout his life by others interested in the outcome of such power

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] What Hath Women Wrought? (Final Version)

2001-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/boodleboys/wrought.html"What Hath
Women Wrought?/A

"My senior year, I joined Skull and Bones, a secret society, so secret I
can’t say anything more. It was a chance to make fourteen new friends."
—George W Bush, Adjudicated 43rd President of the United States

What Hath Women Wrought?

RA Kris Millegan

Georgie, Porgie, pudding and pie,
Kissed the girls and made them cry.
When the boys came out to play,
Georgie, Porgie ran away.

KA-THUNK! The sound brought my attention to the very building which brought
me to New Haven in the first place, "The Tomb," an expanded mausoleum,
housing Yale's oldest senior secret society, The Order of Skull and Bones.

Out came a young, serious coed leaving the building into the cold afternoon
snowscape. That started me wondering, what hath the ladies wrought? What had
been the effect of allowing females into that venerable male bastion?

In 1991, the 15 outgoing members "tapped" 6 gals and 9 guys in early April as
their replacements. Retribution came fast, the locks were changed on the
heavy doors at High Street and board spokesman Reverend Sid Lovett (SB 1950)
declared, "There was no election. There is no society [next year]."

The "disagreement" caused more mainstream ink about the secret group's
activities ever. There were stories in Time, Newsweek and The Economist. Even
People magazine ran a 2-page spread about the Bones tiff in May, '91, whilst
Bonesman GHW Bush(SB 48) sat in the Oval Office . . . with no comment.

Walking around today at Yale, one can see and feel a strong feminine
presence. Yale has been coed since 1969, the year after George W Bush (SB
1968) graduated. By 1991 the undergrads were 45% female and a feeling on
campus was that "gender differences between friends of different sexes is not
a dominant issue." The Bones crowd, as was Yale by 1991, a diverse group of
races, creeds and sexual orientation. Also the "Tomb" had become a bone of
contention with feminists and there had been a break-in by some determined
ladies, who took pictures and spread "rumors."

The board had offered an early compromise of separate his and hers secret
societies but that was rejected by the then seniors, who went ahead, "tapped"
the ladies and were locked-out of their High Street hideaway.

The "locked-outs" vowed to continue and they were soon offered the use of
another senior society's [Manuscript] secret clubhouse. A then senior
Bonesman contended, "It makes sense to be co-ed because the world is co-ed."
One view on the other side a Patriarch DC lawyer felt "the admission of women
would lead to ‘date rape’ in the ‘medium-term future’."

A vote-by-mail by the 800+ strong Bones alumni produced a narrow vote in
favor of the admittance of the co-eds. The "old guard" cried foul, filed
charges that the "mail vote" was against "Bones-by-law" and scuttled the
September ’92 plans to initiate the ladies. Finally in November a second vote
was taken, with members having to either appear in person or send a proxy by
another Bonesman, at the "Tomb" and another slim decision was made to admit t
he gals. The 2000 senior group, outed by Rumpus, Yale’s tabloid, included at
least six women and maybe more. The Rumpus printed two different lists and
some names could be either male or female. And it seems, judging from a list
of Wolf Head’s members for the year 2001, that Wolf’s Head the last all-male
senior secret society at Yale, has also gone co-ed.

What has been the effect? Do the women tapped for Bones follow the "old
guidelines" of captains of ball teams, a Yale Lit editor, maybe a radical
(for excitement?), some old-blood money with a few minorities tossed in now
and then? Is there a new sexual element? What about the sexual confession
times? Is there a hot time on High Street now? Has the "nude mud wrestling"
in the basement changed to "playtime in the dungeon?" Does the narrow vote
show a political change at stodgy Bones? Will Bones be taken-over by
radical-amazons? What hath the women wrought?

"My senior year, I joined Skull and Bones, a secret society, so secret I
can’t say anything more. It was a chance to make fourteen new friends."
George W Bush, Adjudicated 43rd President of the United States

RA Kris Millegan

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Hidden Wars of Iraq-gate

2001-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Iraq-gate and Iran-Contra share aspects of Bush-Harari
strategic weapons pipeline, Op Watchtower, a permutation
of guns/drugs drugs/guns and Victory Redefined Another
Vietnam Another Golden Triangle. -Bob
Behind the Scenes in the Beltway
by Al Martin
Why Iraq Was Recently Bombed  A Blast from the Past
According to the Friendly Colonel, the real
motivation behind the recent bombing of Iraqi
missile installations was an attempt to destroy certain
weapons systems the US had sold to Iraq through
Russian arms dealers via the Redstone Arsenal at
Huntsville, Alabama. (See "Fraud-As-Usual at
Redstone Arsenal")
In fact, these weapons systems were sold in order
to help Iraq maintain tension and thus justify the
continuing US military buildup in the Middle East,
particularly US ground forces.
The word is that UN teams were about to launch
another inspection of Iraqi military sites. If they
found US military technology there, they would be
bound to ask embarrassing questions.
Thus the air strikes and bombing were simply a
way to destroy the evidence.
The US is selling weapons essentially to maintain
tension in the Middle Eastern theater -- to justify
increases in the US defense budget, and to divert
attention from congressional and other
investigating committees which are investigating
not only what is going on the Redstone Arsenal, i.e.
illegally selling weapon systems to other nations, but
also investigating the Department of Defense
regarding their expenditures.
As Senator Byrd noted and the GAO Report
stated quite clearly, there is $2.3 trillion of DoD
spending that could not be accounted for during
the past 10 years.
Regarding the Middle East, the US military
wanted to get bases in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. It
wasn't Desert Storm that made it possible to do so.
The only reason that was possible was leaving
Saddam Hussein in power. It gave the US the ability
to build military bases on Saudi and Kuwaiti
territory. Saddam was kept in power because of the
larger US geo-economic and geo-military interests.
In order to exercise those interests, the United
States had to have the ability to base ground troops
in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, or the Arab
Emirates. They had to have a rationale. This would
also de-emphasize Israel, which is what the
Republicans have wanted to do. The Republicans
pay lip service to Israel only because of the American
Jewish vote.
Behind the scenes, the Republicans have always
wanted to back away from Israel. They have long
since felt that Israel has too much influence in the
region and the US is forced to rely too much on
Israel. Ergo, Israel is able to extract $2 billion of US
aid every year plus a whole panoply of other gifts
and grants. It's not the money. It's the influence
itself which was becoming a problem. There is a
large anti-Jewish sentiment within the Republicans
particularly within the conservative wing of the
Republican Party.
Regarding the Gulf War, the Bush Sr.
Administration said that the reasons the US didn't
go in and get Saddam is because the American
people were beginning to complain about the
number of casualties we were inflicting on the Iraqis.
It was a cover story pure and simple.
The truth is that the United States wanted
Saddam to remain in power because there was only
one shot to take Saddam out. He had to be
liquidated. He couldn't be captured even though he
was under indictment in the United States for a
variety of charges and also under indictment in the
World Court. But the United States couldn't afford
to have Saddam a prisoner and thus be able to talk
about his relationship with the Reagan-Bush
The only prisoner of war in the United States,
Manuel Antonio Noriega, isn't really a parallel
either. The government had a long time to cover its
bases before going after Noriega. That's why they
waited so long. By the time they went after Noriega
in 1989, the Reagan-Bush Regime was able to
distance itself from Noriega before going after him.
A lot of documents had been shredded. A lot of the
key interlinks between Noriega and the
Reagan-Bush Regime had been hushed up or paid
off or liquidated or imprisoned or discredited.
There was enough cover that the US could
launch an invasion in order to seize Noriega. Then
the government has the ability to put him before
whomever they wanted They made sure they got a
Republican judge. They made sure they got a judge
who would deny Noriega the ability to put on a CIA
Noriega attempted to claim that he had a long
standing relationship with the CIA vis-a-vis using
Panama as a trans-shipment point CIA-sponsored
guns and drugs operations, including Oliver North's
guns-for-drugs operation.
There had to be vindictiveness against Noriega to
justify the over $200 million that was spent going
after him and the 36 American casualties. It was
framed as a military maneuver, but it was actually
the most expensive and costly extradition in the
history of the United States -- $236 milion of

[CTRL] Is This The Bible Calendar Code the Oh So Secret Communist Timetable

2001-02-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

It seems strange to me that one never reads of this bible calendar code
- nor does one read of the bible watchword codes - nor does one read of
the Communist Timetable of events.

Today in searching web for any information to do with calendars, I came
up with this one reference that is so close to the truth of the matter -
considering the calendar code I have came from the Gideon Bible - you
know, Gideon and his 300 who stole the golden earrings from the
Ishmalites and now goes after their oil?

This year we were to have Gore and Lieberman as President and Vice
President and using the astrologers mark of doom and gloom, Gore would
have been let us say removed from office by some accident or illness or
maybe worse - and Lieberman, the Holy Man, the Zionist, would be
President for this is the Millennium

Above the signature line - in the last paragraph you see veiled what
this bible calendar code is.it is a masonic calendar, keeping in
mind that Bnai Brith is Masonic...and if these people have their way
every voice questioning murders, assassinations, the acts of pushing
sodomy on our children, etc., would result in imprisonment no doubt, for
those daring to seek knowledge.

So there are those who want George Bush (and he is not a Jr.) to look
back and wallow in the works of the Sodomites - he does the right thing
- go straight ahead - and protect the Boy Scouts and the Children of
America from the Sodomists who have infiltrated Chidren's Programing now
- we all remember PeeWee Herman arrested in a sleazy sex house whom they
tried to push off on the children - you could tell that guy was sick by
looking at him - and now we have Rosie O'Donnell dressed like Cat in Hat
- all part of a master plan.

But the bible is their master plan - and here is a clue as to who does

If the National Council of Churches is in on this, or this World Council
of Churches - they should be exposed.

But our three astronauts, like Shadrach, Meschent and Abenego thrown
into the fiery furnacekeep wondering why Jack Rubenstine also known
as Jack Ruby of Jewish Mafia, said over and over again in his prison
cell "Shadrach, Meschenk and Abenego"over and over again..John
Glenn seemed to understand me when I spoke to him once on telephone for
over 45 minutes - and such a gentleman to listen to me for so long, but
before he hung up he said "remember, I was with Bobby when he was
killed"and you know, I had forgotten that but now I remember it was
said he left a solitary figure - then I remembered the Lindburgh baby
and this is how we treat heros in this country?

As for that 6 million jews dying in WWII I am so sick of that crap for
55 MILLION PEOPLE DIED IN THAT WARdi.d the jews ever build a shrine
to them ?No too busy getting reparations and then we have Marc
Rich aka Reich who runs 4th Reich?   Well we already knew didn't we hat
Hess and Hitler were Aske-nazi jews - called Zionists?


Christians Are Starting to Eat the Lions (Part 3)
One of the greatest tools of a "misinformation" artist is the "Racist"
label. If someone attacks your platform and questions your motives
just call him a racist and the majority of his audience tunes out what
he has to say. One of the masters of this are the "Jews". Contrary
to the "public" line, the majority of the people that have "occupied"
Isreal are not real Jewish people.  Consider the following article
from Norio Hayakawa.
Here is an interesting quote from Jack Bernstein from his short but
informative booklet entitled THE LIFE OF AN AMERICAN JEW (The Noontide
Press, 1991):
"It is important for us to understand that Jews are not one race of
people. There are two distinct groups of Jews in the world and they come
from two different areas of the world - the Sephardic Jews from the
Middle East and North Africa, and the Ashkenazi Jews come from Eastern
The Sephardic is the oldest group and it is they, if any, who are the
Jews described in the Bible. They are blood relatives to the Arabs..-
the only difference between them is religion. The Ashkenazi Jews, who
now comprise 90% of the Jews in the world, had a rather strange
beginning. According to historians, many of them Jewish, the Ashkenazi
Jews came into existence about 1200 years ago. It happened this way:
At the eastern edge of Europe, there lived a tribe of people known as
the Khazars. About the year 740 A.D., the Khazar king and his court
decided they should adopt a religion for their people. So,
representatives of the three major religions, Christianity, Islam and
Judaism, were invited to present their religious doctrines. The
Khazars chose Judaism, but it wasn't for religious reasons. If the
Khazars had chosen Islam, they would have angered the strong Christian
world. If the Khazars had chosen Christianity, they would have angered
the strong Islamic world. So, they played it safe: They chose Judaism.
It wasn't for religious 

[CTRL] Fwd: GroomWatch : Home Page for Norio Hayakawa

2001-02-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

A LITTLE BACKGROUND ON NORIO HAYAKAWA.who seems to know more than he
can say - but he is into Area 51 and obviously has a few

This bible calendar code - this Communist Timetable - went into full
force in 1963 with the slaughter of JFK in the streets of Dallas.it
went into force also right before Korea when the plan was to
"mongrelize" the black and white race - even the Great Farrakhan knew
thatthe idea was to absorbe the "colored race" but in so doing,
destroy the white race.

The biggest piece of garbage they ever pulled was the  marriage of
Michael Jackson to the daughter of Elvis Presley and their first kiss
was something to behold for lititle Lisa almost choked on what was
obviusly their first kiss - oh this marriage made in heaven -


Groom Lake Facility and Area 51 Researcher
Courtesy of EagleNet : Citizens Against the New World Order


Norio now has a new personal website which can be reached at the
following URL.

You can also reach Norio at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
as his old email address no longer exists.

Norio has retired from doing more research on Area 51. If you are
still interested in finding more up to date information about Area 51
and Groom Lake please visit The DreamLand Resort Website. Norio has
handed over his research to them.
If you would like a copy of his old files you can still get them at the
URL below, but Norio does not know when if ever he will make any more
updates to the internet. Thanks again.

From Norio Hayakawa and his webmaster, Todd Jumper.


[CTRL] Conservative Democrats: Drop gun control bills

2001-02-26 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Sunday, February 25

Conservative Democrats: Drop gun control bills

By Eunice Moscoso, Palm Beach Post Washington Bureau
Sunday, February 25, 2001

WASHINGTON -- Some conservative Democrats have three words of
advice for their party leaders: Drop gun control.
"This is not an issue that helps the Democratic Party, particularly in
rural America," said Rep. Jim Turner, D-Texas. "Those of us who believe
in the Second Amendment and the right of gun ownership have been
pretty outspoken in telling our friends this is an issue they need to leave
Turner and fellow House Democrats and Texans Ralph Hall and Max
Sandlin are concerned about renewed efforts to push gun control in
Two powerful senators -- Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., and John McCain,
R-Ariz. -- are working on a bill that would increase background checks
at gun shows and provide additional money to enforce existing laws.
In addition, Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., plans to introduce a measure that
would mandate background checks for all buyers at gun shows and
expand the definition of a gun show to include events, such as flea
markets and swap meets, where firearms are not the main product sold.
The Texas lawmakers say gun control efforts have hurt Democrats,
including former Vice President Al Gore.
"If the Democrats and the Gore campaign had not been so strident in
opposition to gun rights . . . there's absolutely no doubt that Vice
President Gore would be president," Sandlin said. "It cost him a
tremendous amount of support across the South."
Sandlin said that passing any gun control bill will be difficult, especially
in the House.
In the last Congress, with the Clinton White House clamoring for gun
control, a bill never made it out of a conference committee.
The measure started out strong in 1999, when gun control took the
spotlight in Congress after the shooting tragedy at Columbine High
School in Littleton, Colo.
A month after the shooting, the Senate stunned the powerful gun lobby
and voted for a juvenile justice bill that included provisions such as
increasing background checks at gun shows.
But the measure never made it through the House, and efforts to
incorporate it into a joint House-Senate juvenile justice bill failed.
With President Bush in the White House, chances for a gun control bill
could be even more bleak.
As governor of Texas, Bush generally sided with the National Rifle
Association, signing bills that allow people to carry concealed weapons
and prevent municipalities from suing gun makers.
But supporters of gun control say that the issue has momentum
because of increasing public support.
"The gun issue works in different places in different ways," said Joe
Sudbay, public policy director for the Violence Policy Center, a gun
control group based in Washington.
Women across the country strongly support gun control, as do urban
and suburban voters, he said.
Sudbay disputes that supporting gun control cost Gore the White
The swing states of Pennsylvania and Michigan voted for Gore despite a
strong anti-Gore campaign there by the NRA, he said.
Some conservative and moderate Democrats, including Hall, say they
are willing to listen to ideas about further regulation of gun shows and
trigger lock requirements.
"I understand that handguns are a problem. People get killed with them.
Children get killed with them. And I think we ought to continue to pursue
something on it," Hall said.
But Hall also said he would have a hard time voting for "anything that
violates or dents the Second Amendment" because the ultimate goal of
gun control proponents is to outlaw possession, as the nation's capital
has done.
"I'm here in Washington, D.C. -- probably the most dangerous city in the
northeastern part of the country after darkness falls -- with a painted
glass between me and the outside world . . . and I can't have a gun in
my home. Give me a break," he said.
Turner said he hopes his party will focus on other matters. "The
Democrats desperately need to unite behind issues that have a broad
base of support within our caucus," he said. "There's a large number of
Democrats who are strong supporters of the Second Amendment."

Copyright  2001, The Palm Beach Post. All rights reserved.
2001 Cox Interactive Media

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2001-02-26 Thread Outlawlady

-Caveat Lector-


Connect the Dots: Clinton, Hoover, Ford, FBI, CIA,  JFK


Vietnam  The POW/MIAs


Part IVd

The Joshua Report

Michael  The Outlawlady
The Joshua Report

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] The New Imperialism

2001-02-26 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-

@ http://www.antiwar.com/nagle/pf/p-n022301.html

At The End of History
by Chad Nagle
  23, 2001
  On The New Imperialism and Post-Western World Government
  I finish up this rather long and rambling piece, I’m sitting in the Caf
  Odeon in Zurich, where Lenin used to drink coffee when he lived here before
  returning to Russia in 1917. I’m getting ready to fly to Chisinau, Moldova, via
Budapest this evening, and although that trip should produce a more down-to-earth
  piece for this column, at the moment I feel inspired to write about imperialism
  and the demise of the West. A vision has haunted me lately, so I hope Antiwar
  readers will indulge me while I try to crystallize it in an article with a little
  less vitriol than usual.
  after the New Year, at the home of an old friend in Georgetown, I met a young
  woman whose husband worked in Clinton’s White House. She had that super-cheery,
  complacent demeanor I always associate with the younger Washingtonian set. She
  wasn’t too keen on Bush’s victory, obviously, because Clinton had done so many
great things for everybody and Gore would have carried right on making the world
  a better place. But everything was going to be all right for her and her tired,
  disheveled, disillusioned-looking spouse, no matter who was in office in
  after her husband had gone to a DC nightclub for a Clintonian farewell bash,
  the conversation turned to promoting democracy abroad. This somehow led me to
  comment in an ominous tone on how the world was ever more rapidly shaping up
  into north-south, as opposed to east-west. She scoffed condescendingly: "Oh,
  everybody knows tha-at."
  "socializing" is not my forte. The temptation to snap at smug fellow
  Americans can be overwhelming at times, and this was a time when decorum failed
  me. I asked this woman whether she had ever been anywhere in the "East"
  and, of course, she said no. Then I asked her how she could be so matter-of-fact
  about the prospect of – basically – the end of the "West." As she
  tried to formulate an answer, clearly incredulous that anyone could inject such
  unnecessary gravity into the cozy little scene, I told her I’d been across the
  sewer of capitalist corruption we now call the former Soviet Union. And I said
  that even if she was happy about globalization ultimately meaning a merger with
  Eurasia’s vast dump, I wasn’t.
  the uncomfortable silence that briefly followed, it was understood by all present
  that I had poisoned the air. I remembered Blake’s words – "A truth that’s
  told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent" – and felt a brief
  pang of remorse. That’s the problem with these little social gatherings. It
  always seems better to make a scene than to be bored.
  was easier to identify the West when political and economic influence backed
  by projectable military power was divided between two "superpowers,"
  just as it’s always easier to define yourself by what you’re against than by what 
you’re for. The Russians now have a "market economy," a "civil
  society" (non-governmental organizations), a "parliamentary democracy,"
  and a written constitution, so things are in a definite gray zone where defining
  the West in relation to Russia is concerned. So what if a bunch of ex-nomenklatura 
are in charge in Russia? No different in NATO member Poland, where the West
  has accepted two election results in five years as proof that gray and dull
  President Alexander Kwasniewski – a former minister of Communist Poland – is
  overwhelmingly popular even though 70% of the population lives below the poverty
  line. Never mind that Kwasniewski was schooled in a system that used the results
  of sham elections as evidence of popular support, just like the rest of our
  client heads of state. From the beginning, Putin pledged his support for "free
  market" democracy and "reform," and that was good enough for
  our great leaders. Amid Western leaders’ fidgety responses to Putin’s early
  public suggestion that the Russian Federation might one day join NATO, the portentous
  question loomed: "Why not?"
  images most Westerners probably summon to mind when they think of the West are
  things like decency, duty, loyalty, justice, honor, courage, and so forth. But
  these notions aren’t much good for distinguishing the West from other civilizations
  because every civilization will ultimately lay claim to such features. Going
  back to the Papal Revolution of the 11th Century and talking about
  a division of legal jurisdictions between secular and ecclesiastical authorities
  doesn’t seem especially helpful in the modern era either. So better to define
  the West today by one overriding characteristic everybody can agree on – a profusion
  of "legal fictions."
  self-interest," a cornerstone of the rule of 

Re: [CTRL] In search of Mary Magdalene Part 1

2001-02-26 Thread JJ Jones

-Caveat Lector-

Thank you for helping to clear the issue up about Mary Magdalene.  I have
been doing some research and find nothing of such reference in the Bible
about her "profession".   If memory serves me right, it was her mother who
approached Jesus and asked him if he could help her daughter who suffered
from demon possession.  Therefore,  in conclusion,  being demon possessed is
Mary Magdalene's only and greatest sin,  according to the Biblical account.
Also, it is interesting to note that Mary Magdalene was the first Apostle.
The word Apostle meaning,  "one sent forth".  She was the first one sent
forth with a message to the followers of Christ that he was alive and had
been resurrected.  Therefore,  I would speculate that the person who
originally dubbed Mary Magdalene as a prostitute was incensed upon realizing
that a woman could possibly have been the first Apostle.

with regards,

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Da Triple Crown

2001-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


| New on this site! "Blast to the Future: Iraqgate" |
| Must Read! Attorney Mark Levine's QA on the Supreme Court Ruling |
| Bush attorney Ted Olson -- self-proclaimed Right Wing Conspirator |
| The Florida Coup Guide |
| Dan Moldea's "Bushology Interactive" |
| How Bush Sr. raised funds, and the crooked company Katherine Harris hired
to manage the voter registry |
| FOIA Evidence! Was George W. Bush AWOL from the Guard? |

(Updated 1/16/2001)

Left crown: House Maj. Whip Tom DeLay(b/w)
alt. with Senate Maj. Leader Trent Lott(color);
Middle Crown: George W. Bush; Right Crown: Supreme Court Justice Antonin
Graphic  Layout compliments of Kathy at "We Will Remember" Org

With Contempt For Our Democracy And The American People
The Right Wing Elite That Tried To Bring Down Clinton
Have Now Manipulated The "Coronation" Of George W. Bush

Table of Contents
Part I (This page):
1. America's First Families (Updated 7/2/2000)
2. Answering Nixon's Call (7/2/00)
3. A Shadow Government (9/1/00)
4. A "Liberal" Media? (4/6/00)
5. Pushing the Right on the Campuses (3/16/00)
6. The Federalist Society (3/16/00)
7. Newt's Impeachment Plans New! (9/23/00)
8. The "Coronation" of George W. Bush (2/29/00))
9. Links related to this page (1/16/01)
Part II (Next page):
The Iran-Contra Gang Rides Again,
the Council for National Policy
 the frightening power of Reverend Moon
within the GOP.
PLUS! Great collection of Bush Links!

Other articles on this web-site:
| New on this site! "Blast to the Future: Iraqgate" |
| How did the Bush Campaign raise all that money? |
| The Attempted Overthrow Of Bill Clinton |
| Flyer: The Bush (Criminal) Family History |

Banners/Bumper Sticker Designs:
Click here: Free and Fun!

America's First Families

In the nearly three decades since the New Right movement began, the main
objective has been for the Right Wing Elite to extend their influence
throughout the higher levels of our society. These leaders of the New Right
include (notorious Clinton hater) Richard Mellon Scaife, Paul Weyrich and the
Coors, DeVos (Amway), Hunt (Oil), Koch (Oil), Krieble (Loctite), Noble, Olin
 Van Andel (Amway) families. In fact, oilman George Bush Sr. comes from this
very same class of people. His tenure as CIA Director is but a small part of
a long history with the Intelligence community, which has included Richard
Mellon Scaife, and the other New Right leaders. It is highly unlikely that
Bush would have been appointed CIA Director, without some prior experience
within the Agency. Indeed, there have been reports that Bush was possibly a
CIA operative since at least 1960.

What's more, the Bush Family's CIA affiliation appears to originate with the
OSS, the WWII Agency that preceded the CIA. Robert Lovett, the business
partner of Bush's father Prescott, was an OSS Officer, along with Mellon
Scaife's father Alan and their Mellon relatives. In fact, Paul Mellon was the
OSS Station Chief in London. Prescott could not (officially at least) be
involved in the OSS, since he was a Director of Union Banking. It was a major
embarrassment for the Bush Family, when in 1942 Union Banking's assets were
seized under the Trading With the Enemy Act, for collaborating with Nazi
industrialists. [1] . (A few weeks later, another Bush venture had its assets
seized as well).

After the war, Prescott's partner Lovett headed a Committee bearing his name
that recommended the creation of the CIA as the descendant of the OSS.
Averell Harriman, another of Prescott's partners at "Brown Brothers
Harriman", was likewise directly involved with the CIA. Given that many of
Prescott Bush's cronies enjoyed a long association with the Agency, it is
likely that Prescott was involved with the CIA as well. (Those interested in
looking more deeply into the elite roots of the OSS and the CIA should read
about Yale's "Skull and Bones" society -- a.k.a "the Bonesmen" [2] ).

In the seventies, while George Bush Sr. was in the wings for the CIA
Directorship, Richard Mellon Scaife ran Forum World Features, a CIA front for
a European propaganda operation. There are also reports that Scaife was
likely involved in the Heritage Foundation's funding of Iran-Contra, along
with Heritage President Edwin Feulner. Contrary to what he still declares to
this day, then-Vice President Bush Sr. was clearly "in the loop" of
Iran-Contra, as Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger's notes demonstrated.
Furthermore, Admiral John Poindexter claimed that he conferred directly with
Bush about the Iran-Contra scheme. Also, Bush and his assistant Donald Gregg
communicated regularly with Felix Rodriguez, the notorious ex-CIA agent at
the heart of the Contra Supply operation [See Lawrence Walsh's "Firewall",
W.W. Norton  Co., 1997; pp. 271-272]. In recent years, the CIA Inspector
General's Report confirmed that the Contras were trafficking in cocaine,
under the watch of Oliver North and the CIA [3] . 

[CTRL] bush

2001-02-26 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-



 A STUNNING PLAYBOY MODEL has unleashed the opening salvo in a campaign
 George W. Bush - claiming she had a torrid 18-month affair with him that
ended last June.
 Political experts say her sordid tale is just the beginning of a campaign
 will be aimed at the front-runner during his run for the White House.

 "He's going to be vulnerable all the way up to the election," Dr. Larry
Sabato, professor of
 government and foreign affairs at the University of Virginia, told The

 Former Watergate conspirator and radio talk show host G. Gordon Liddy
"You look for a candidate's vulnerabilities -- and Gov. Bush has made
statements like,
 'I was young and foolish' that give credibility to a story of sexual

 Already the Internet is awash with rumors about Bush's personal life,
 including allegations of womanizing.

 However, the Republican contender is a genuine family man, say  insiders.
 He married his wife Laura in November 1977, after knowing her 90 days.
 But with less than eight months to go to the 2000 election, the first big
sexual broadside
 has been fired at the Bush bandwagon by 35-year-old Tammy Phillips,
 a partner in a gym in Carrollton, Tex.

 Tammy is a former stripper, who began dancing in clubs when she was only 14.
 She claims she was introduced to Gov. Bush by her uncle, a prominent
 in early December 1997 during a political function at a hotel in Midland,

 "I was wearing a tiny miniskirt -- and it was instant combustion," she told
 Tammy alleges that she and Gov. Bush made passionate love that very first
 And her story becomes even more lurid.

 The next day, she says, the Texas Governor called her cell  phone and made a
date for
 a few days later -- asking her to wear the same red panties she'd worn when
they first met.

 This time their rendezvous took place in the unlikely setting of the men's
room at a Best Western
 in Houston, claims the torrid temptress. After it was over, she says, they
went their separate ways
 -- with Gov. Bush allegedly taking her red panties with him as a sweet

 Six other similarly clandestine liaisons took place before their
 final one in San Diego last June, asserts Tammy.

 She stops short of claiming a great romance with the governor.
 "It was simply sex," she says. "It was the cheapest relationship you can

 Tammy -- who posed for Playboy lingerie and swimsuit issues between 1989 and
1992 -- told
 The ENQUIRER she was holding the "smoking gun" proof of the relationship:
 a handwritten note from Gov. Bush in which he mentions the red panties.

 Asked to produce the Bush note, Tammy would only say, "Not yet!"
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] In search of Mary Magdalene Part 1

2001-02-26 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- JJ Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would speculate that the person who
 originally dubbed Mary Magdalene as a prostitute was incensed upon
 that a woman could possibly have been the first Apostle.

Based on what I've read in the Nag Hammadi Gospels
http://www.gnosis.org the most likely culprit is Peter.

You might also be interested in http://www.magdalene.org which is
devoted to MM's spiritual role, and also has a mailing list.


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Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] PC privacy

2001-02-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

   According to www.stopcarnivore.org/ there are only
   two (2) internet service providers
   in the US which have publicly stated that they will
   not permit the FBI's illegal
   carnivore equipment to be used to spy upon their
   customers: Earthlink.net and RMI.net

That's what they say, anyway.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: [FreePalestine] Re: [Spy News] Syria was behind killings at Sabra and Chatilla.

2001-02-26 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Well, I just read your rebuttal. Such as it is.
If your intent was to convince that this story
is a Mossad hangout, and untrue, you didn't convince
me. As a matter of fact, you seem to corroborate the
basic points.

I wasn't sure as to the validity of the original story,
but you sure helped firm it up. Even if that was not
your intent.

Keep your day jobs.

 Re: [FreePalestine] Re: [Spy News] Syria was behind killings at
 Sabra and Chatilla.
 Mon, 26 Feb 2001 02:41:08 +0100



This operation was mounted by the SECOND DESK of syrian secret services and
the "MAKTAB el-KHAS", who are attached to the ministry of interior. They
where, and they still, specialy mounted and trained for psycological
operations and underground killing activities.

Ali Dhadha WAS the boss of 2nd DESK and still now in the Syrian head of
Secret Service.

He was the brain of this operation to destabilize ISRAEL.


SHARON was NEVER implicated in those masacres.

Jean-Paul NEY
Journalist / Autor
Webmaster of intelink.fr.st
Site: http://www.intelink.fr.st
Intelink.fr.st, tout sur le monde
de l'espionnage, du renseignement,
de la dfense et du contre-terrorisme

Site du mois:
iSecureLabs.com, tout sur la scurit
informatique en franais


Mashney wrote:

 Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 1:37 AM
 Subject: [FreePalestine] Re: [Spy News] Syria was behind killings at
 Sabra and Chatilla.

  --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Mashney" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Dear Nurev Ind Research,
   It seems that you need to do more research since the article below
 is a carefully planted Zionist-disguised-as-Lebanese wash designed to
 clean the blood-dripping butcher image of the true perpetrator of  the
 massacres, the newly-elected prime Minster of the so-called "only
 democracy in the Middle East."
   BTW, the name "Frias" (below) is not Lebanese. Did you mean to
 write Firas or Faris? Take a pick :-)
  sami, all- this article is even worse than how you describe it.
 please scroll down for my reply.

   Sami B. Mashney
   From: "Nurev Ind Research" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 11:33 AM
   Subject: [Spy News] Syria was behind killings at Sabra and
   Subject:  Syria was behind killings at Sabra and Chatilla.
   Date:  Sat, 23 Sep 2000 03:26:48 -0700 (PDT)
   From:  Frias ED [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Syria was behind it 100 percent. New info shows it
   An LFP Exclusive
   (Lebanese Foundation for Peace)
   Direct Submission
   The Truth Behind
   Source: A retired Lebanese intelligence officer who is willing to
   testify at a trial of Elias Hobeika, if it takes place at an
   international court.
  of course, the name of this "Lebanese intelligence officer" is not
 provided. maybe he is shy by nature.
   Perceived as the driving force in the murders at Sabra and
   General "Arik" Sharon has been condemned and discarded by accepted
  no. by an ISRAELI inquiry comission.
  No matter that he is now the leader of the Likud party in
   Israel, no matter that he is the hero of manycampaigns that
  preserved Israel in the face of overwhelming odds, history's
  destroys his viability as deserving of the highest office of
   The truth is that the massacre did indeed happen;
  all kneel in owe for the carrier of the "truth"
  however, the perpetrator's were neither Israeli nor Lebanese rioters
 as reported.
   they were not "lebanese rioters". they were members of a fascist
  political organization, and they were high on cocaine.
   The entire operation was masterminded by Syrian intelligence, as
 reported by a
   number of witnesses, and was carried out ruthlessly and
  by a Lebanese stooge of Syria named Elias Hobeika.
  what "witnesses"? how did they witness the syrian intelligence
  mastermind the operation?
  elias hobeiqa only aquired his "stooge" status in the late 80's,
  after the tri-party agreement (al ittifaq al thoulathy) between the
  lebanese forces, amal, and the jumblattis. the accord was aborted
  when an uprising against hobeiqa took place in east beirut; it was
  organized by samir geagea, who later became the "leader maximo".
  furthermore, during the 1982 israeli invasion, the syrian army in
  beirut was the first to leave; the city was succesfuly defended by a
  coalition of left wing parties and palestinian organizations.
   The most 

Re: [CTRL] SK: Did humans hunt giant mammals to extinction,orgive them lethal desease?

2001-02-26 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  If this were true, the mega fauna of Africa would have been
 exterminated long ago. Mankind has been in Africa longer than it has
 been anywhere.

This sentence is only true about Negroids. Not necessarily about the
other races. Black Africans are indisputably the oldest of the modern
Homo Sapiens.

 You're only HALF right. The second sentence is theoretical speculation.

 Until more data come in, it's the only theoretical speculation with an
 empirical basis. But, yes, we should withhold final judgement. Th data
 are not all in. No one knows what might turn up.

New discoveries in Australia seem to indicate that the ' out of Africa '
model is turning out to be untrue. Apparently ' mankind ' or our immediate
ancestors developed in several places several places simultaneously.

I was never really convinced of the Out of Africa theory. It didn't account
for the physical differences of the races in the time frames given.

What do you think?


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Re: [CTRL] von Braun not a Nazi?

2001-02-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

 As for von Braun ...He was a German and not a Nazi; further,  during
WWII he once said he would rather go to the moon than win the war  - fpr
von Braun was a real nobleman and not a nazi peasant.

Von Braun was an avid Nazi. He was an officer in the SS. He was also a
Class-A  war criminal. He used slave labor to build V-2s and Camp Dora.
Every morning von B's SS crew hung twenty slaves at random with piano
wire to "encourage" the others to work harder. For an eyewitness
account, read Dora by Jean Michel   ISBN 0-03-055596-5

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] SK: Did humans hunt giant mammals to extinction,orgive them lethal desease?

2001-02-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

What do you think?

There aren't enough data in yet to draw a valid conclusion. But humanity
is a lot older, and has been getting around the planet for a lot longer
time, than most people are willing to admit. 

The Sundra straight cannot be crossed by chance drifting. The current
won't let you. You have to row or sail. There are 60,000 year old
hearths in Australia. Ergo, boats go back at least that far. Then
there's Lucia, a skull from Brasil that is clearly of Australian origin
and predates the "Indian" population by several thousand years.

Probably the best solution is to redefine sapiens to include erectus,
and to radically reevaluate erectus's capabilities. 

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] In search of Mary Magdalene Part 1

2001-02-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

I would speculate that the person who originally dubbed Mary Magdalene
as a prostitute was incensed upon realizing that a woman could possibly
have been the first Apostle.

There's another explanation. The pagans who lived in the area practiced
ritual prostitution as part of their religion. The money went to temple
maintance and to charity. She could have been a practitioner, or even a

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] Militarized Media

2001-02-26 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


February 23, 2001
What if they sank an American ship?

Imagine our outrage if a Russian submarine had smashed into a
Japanese fishing trawler while surfacing and killed nine people, including
four high-school students! Imagine if the Russians had then made no
attempt to save survivors! Suppose further that it was revealed that the
accident took place not during a military exercise but during a joyride to
show off Russian military prowess to wealthy chums of President
Putin. Acres and acres of newsprint, hours and hours of airtime
would be given over to self-satisfied condemnations of the Russians
for their recklessness. How could they have been so irresponsible
as to allow civilians into the control room, to encourage them to
get their hands on the controls and even to pull the levers during
a particularly dangerous submarine maneuver? William Safire would
weigh in with profound reflections, doubtless over a series of columns,
about the low value Russians seem to place on human life –
a legacy of their oriental despotic past, so unlike our own happily
individualist one. We would be told that Russians are just downright
lazy and irresponsible. There would be innumerable smug laments
about the current sorry state our once formidable adversary. Anne
Applebaum would sternly admonish the Russians to give up their
imperial ambitions and simply let Americans come in and carry out the
thoroughgoing "Westernization" that they need so badly.

However, even though the destruction of the Ehime Maru was merely
the most recent instance of US military recklessness towards
civilians – and particularly foreign ones – editorial writers and columnists
have been extraordinarily sparing in their indignation. To be sure, there
have been the pro forma demands for a full "inquiry" as well as
earnest advice to the Bush Administration to do whatever is necessary
to soothe Japanese ruffled feathers. But, with few exceptions, the
pundits have been quiet. No one has even raised the issue of the
vaunted professionalism and effectiveness of the US military. When it
comes to the military, the media can always be relied on to act as

During the bombing of Yugoslavia journalists did not think it unusual that
we bombed a refugee convoy, pulverized a passenger train in broad
daylight, blew up the offices of Serbian state television, and even
destroyed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. Preposterous NATO
claims that it was only hitting military targets were accepted at face

 So why should journalists now trouble themselves over the
deaths of a handful of Japanese fishing students? While the New York
Times fulminated for months about the lascivious groping at Tailhook
demanding court-martials all round and mass dismissals, the loss of life
as a result of the US military failing to follow standard safety procedures
elicits little more than a yawn.

The facts in the Ehime Maru case are shocking enough: The 16
civilians who were aboard the USS Greeneville during the emergency
surfacing maneuver were major contributors to the USS Missouri
Restoration Fund – a group dedicated to restoring the battleship on
which Japan surrendered in 1945. The pointless emergency surfacing
exercise was carried out not in the middle of the ocean but in a busy
area of the Pacific – 10 miles south of Honolulu. The USS Greeneville
was two miles outside the Navy submarine training area, which is
marked on navigation charts. The submarine was not operating the
active sonar at the time of the collision. (National Transportation Safety
Board officials say that for more than 10 years the Navy has rejected
recommendations that submarines utilize active sonar when operating in
coastal waters.) One civilian sat at the helm of the submarine and
another pulled the levers during the sudden ascent.

According to NTSB official John Hammerschmidt, the submarine had
detected the Ehime Maru 71 minutes before smashing into it. One crew
member now admits that the civilians were distracting him as the
submarine was preparing to surface. The fire control technician, who
plots the submarine’s position using sonar contacts in order to prepare
to fire at targets, told investigators his duties were interrupted less than
an hour before the collision. "He ceased this updating of the CEP
(Contact Evaluation Plot) because of the number of civilians present,"
said Hammerschmidt. He also says that the submarine’s sonar room
should have been staffed with two qualified sonar operators and a
supervisor. Instead, there was only one trainee, an operator and a
supervisor. In addition, the submarine’s sonar repeater was not working.
(This device allows the submarine’s top officers to watch nearby sonar
contacts on a monitor as they work at the periscope.) Hammerschmidt
incidentally is also the man who came up with this prize quote: "The
accident certainly is unusual. In terms of civilians being in those

[CTRL] The torture trade spreads while governments fail to act

2001-02-26 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

 * News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty
 International *

 26 February 2001
 ACT 40/009/2001

 Torturers are arming themselves with increasingly sophisticated
 equipment, and -- according to a new report released today by
 Amnesty International  -- the trade in these devices is growing.
 The equipment includes high voltage electric shock stun weapons
 and chemical crowd control devices, while torturers continue to
 abuse old-style equipment such as restraint devices.

  Amnesty International's report, "Stopping The Torture
 Trade", reveals that the international trade in high voltage
 electro-shock batons, shields, stun guns, and stun belts has been
 expanding throughout the 1990s. This includes 'tasers', which can
 shoot 'fishhook' darts on wires into victims up to thirty feet
 away, and stun belts, which are strapped to prisoners and
 operated by remote control devices. The belts have been known to
 set off accidentally thrusting about 50,000 volts through the
 prisoners' kidneys for up to eight seconds. This technology began
 in the United States, and has spread to Asia, Europe and South

  "In the 1970s there were only two companies known to
 market high voltage electro-shock stun weapons, and now there are
 over 150 world-wide," said Brian Wood, one of the Amnesty
 International researchers who worked on the report.

  "In the absense of stringent controls to prevent this
 equipment ending up in the hands of torturers, responsible
 governments must ban its export immediately," he added.

  In the last two years, over 150 companies operating in 22
 countries have been making or marketing electro-shock weapons.
 Now, Taiwanese, South Korean and Chinese companies probably
 manufacture more electro-shock stun weapons than companies in the
 USA.  German, French and Israeli companies are also amongst the
 key manufacturers, and recently Polish, Russian, Czech, Mexican,
 Brazilian, and South African firms have joined in.  The German
 government does not allow the weapons to be used in German
 prisons or by German police on German residents, but allows
 German companies to market and sell them for use abroad. The
 South African government is now actively promoting the sale of
 electro-shock belts in Asia, as well as using them on prisoners
 at home.

  In one case cited in the report, Mohammed Naguib
 Adu-Higazi was arrested in Alexandria, Egypt, in 1997 by a State
 Security Investigations officer.  While held at the SSI office,
 he was stripped of his clothes and given electro-shocks from a
 "cylinder-shaped stick with a spiral metal wire." He was
 reportedly deprived of food for three days, kept blind-folded
 throughout his nine-day detention, and threatened with sexual
 assault. Between 1997 and March 2000, the United States approved
 the export to Egypt of shock batons, stun guns and optical
 sighting devices valued at more than $40,000.

  "Stopping the Torture Trade," one of a series of reports
 to be released in Amnesty International's year-long campaign to
 Stop Torture, also highlights the trade by more than 40 companies
 in more conventional security devices that can be used for
 serious abuse of human rights, such as mechanical restraints and
 chemical sprays. A British company, Pains-Wessex, made tear gas
 grenades used on peaceful demonstrators  -- many of them women
 and children -- in Zambia in 1997. Despite this, the UK
 Government's most recent annual report on arms exports reveals
 that in 1999 the UK granted licences for the export of CS
 grenades and tear gas/irritant ammunition to Zambia.  When UK
 tear gas was misused in Kenya and its supply was suspended, the
 Kenyan police were supplied from France. Some chemical weapons
 such as pepper gas sprays have been associated with many deaths
 in the USA and  their international transfer must be suspended
 pending proper independent tests. A US company has supplied
 police with bursting pepper gas projectiles, used for the first
 time on protesters in Seattle in 1999.

  Military, security and police expertise taught
 internationally has also been used for torture, according to the
 new report.  Hundreds of graduates of the US School of the
 Americas have been implicated in human rights violations in South
 America.  This military school is one of over 150 centres in the
 USA and abroad where foreign officers are trained.  Public
 information on the human rights content of the training is

  Amnesty International's report also cites French security
 training used in Togo for torture and intimidation of the
 civilian population. A high-ranking officer in the Togolese
 gendarmerie, accused by Togo's National Commission for Human
 Rights of ordering the torture of four people in August 1990, was
 subsequently awarded the decoration of the National Order of
 Merit by the French government.  In another case, Israeli
 security officers paid and 

[CTRL] The Bush Propaganda Machine Strikes Again in Florida

2001-02-26 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

The Bush Propaganda Machine Strikes Again in Florida


by Bob Fertik

On November 7, Al Gore defeated George W. Bush by over 540,000 votes
nationally. In Florida, the results on election day were simply "too close
to call." And that remains true 107 days later  regardless of the
widely-publicized report that a recount in Miami-Dade would not have given
Gore enough votes to win Florida.
George W. Bush occupies the White House as the result of a powerful effort
to manipulate public opinion through the news media, led by chief
strategist Karl Rove. This propaganda campaign continues to this day, and
will not stop until it has convinced Americans that Bush "won"
Florida  regardless of the facts.
Bush's propaganda campaign began at 8 p.m. on November 7, immediately after
the TV networks projected Al Gore as the winner in Florida. Karl Rove's
team went into action, and the networks quickly reversed themselves and put
Florida in the "undecided" column. Bush himself made a few calls to his
cousin John Ellis at FOX News, and within a few hours FOX and the other
networks declared Bush the winner in Florida.
Since Election Day, we have learned of numerous ways in which corrupt
Republican election officials prevented Democratic votes from being cast or
counted, including a fraudulent "felon purge" that removed thousands of
qualified black voters from the rolls. We have also learned how error-prone
machines and poorly-designed ballots cost Gore tens of thousands of votes
among black and elderly voters.
But the media's role in declaring Bush the winner - before all of the votes
were counted - was just as important in stealing the Presidency. The main
role of the TV networks was to deny Gore the opportunity for a fair and
accurate recount. As soon as the networks declared Bush the winner in
Florida, Gore was permanently on the defensive.
First, the projections by the networks persuaded Gore to call Bush and
privately offer his concession. Gore was just about to concede publicly
when he discovered that the election was much closer than the networks were
reporting. So Gore did what any candidate would do - he withdrew his
concession and asked his opponent to wait until the vote count was
completed and a true winner was declared.
Karl Rove's propaganda machine switched its focus from the vote count to Al
Gore. Suddenly, Gore was portrayed as a "sore loser" who refused to concede
even though he had lost. Day after day, the media sided with the Bush
campaign in attacking Gore for asking for the most basic principle of
Democracy - that every vote should be counted.
This propaganda campaign continues to this day.
On February 26, the Miami Herald declared "Undervotes Support Bush Win."
USA Today said "Recount Study: Gore Still Loses." Once again, the public
could hear the unmistakable sound of the corporate media slamming the steel
door shut on Gore's chances of finally proving that he won Florida.
The essence of the Herald/USA Today story is that their recount of 10,644
undervotes produced a net gain of only 49 votes for Gore. So if the Gore
campaign had succeeded in persuading Katherine Harris to wait for the
completion of recounts of undervotes in four counties - Miami-Dade,
Broward, Palm Beach, and Volusia - Gore would not have gained enough votes
to overcome Bush's 537-vote lead, according to the Herald and USA Today.
But this is simply false. On January 27, the Palm Beach Post completed a
recount of 4,513 uncounted votes in Palm Beach and reported a net gain of
682 votes for Gore. Combined with the 49 votes from Miami-Dade, Katherine
Harris would have had to certify a Gore victory by 194 votes.
But this argument is largely pointless, because Katherine Harris refused to
wait for those recounts. As a result, the election ended up in the hands of
the Florida Supreme Court. And after listening carefully to the argument
from both sides, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that the only fair and
accurate way to determine the winner was to recount the votes in EVERY county.
The Florida Supreme Court did two things: first, they ordered Harris to
include the partial recounts in Miami-Dade and Palm Beach, which added 383
votes to Gore's total and reduced Bush's lead to 154. Then they ordered all
of Florida's counties to start counting.  And as the nation watched,
election workers in all of Florida's counties began reviewing every
uncounted vote.
This was the moment when the U.S. Supreme Court threw a thunderbolt from
the sky. Violating every principle of Anglo-American law, a narrow partisan
Republican majority declared that a fair and accurate recount would cause
"irreparable harm" to George W.  Bush. They overruled the Florida Supreme
Court and ordered a halt to Florida's recount. As the nation watched in
shock, election workers throughout Florida stopped counting and went home.
This injunction by the U.S. Supreme Court has been universally denounced. A
group of law 


2001-02-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


**World Exclusive**

Ready, set... action!

Home videotapes made by DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe of Bill
Clinton's final days and hours as president may become new
evidence in red-hot congressional investigations, the DRUDGE
REPORT has learned.

Clinton's best friend captured intimate unscripted moments of the
president, according to insiders, and congressional investigators
now suspect McAuliffe's tapes may contain insights into the
controversial last day presidential pardons!

"McAuliffe had unlimited access during the time pardons were
being issued," a top congressional source said late Sunday. "We
have reason to believe that Mr. McAuliffe had a camera rolling."

Photographs have emerged
s/clintonlastdays/images/sat6.jpg] showing McAullife videotaping
Clinton on his last day in office.

MacAullife could not be reached for comment on Sunday.

"This will become a big issue if any of McAuliffe's tapes are
destroyed after there are photos showing filming going on," warns
one insider.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-02-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

"Bill Clinton's brother-in-law Hugh Rodham ...spoke to lawyers in
the counsel's office about Nora Lum and her husband, Eugene Kung
Ho Lum, who had also been convicted of tax fraud."

Platts Oilgram News
May 1, 1998;

BYLINE: James Norman

Alleged political money-laundering through the oil and gas
business is a potentially explosive land mine buried in the
morass of investigations swamping the Clinton Administration.
Republican Congressional probers now seem determined to pursue
allegations of bribery, hush-money payments and foreign
influence-buying through a tiny, failed Oklahoma gas-gathering
company caught in the scandals: Dynamic Energy Resources.

That resolve showed up Apr 28 when GOP House Speaker Newt
Gingrich accused the Clinton Administration of a concerted
cover-up and vowed to obtain immunity for four key witnesses to
testify before Rep. Dan Burton's House Government Reform and
Oversight Committee.

Democrats on that committee, led by Henry Waxman, blocked the
needed two-thirds immunity vote last week. But Gingrich said he
may get it from a more heavily Republican panel.

Among the four witnesses is Larry Wong, who Gingrich said Apr 28
could have "relevant information regarding conduit contributions"
from Dynamic, controlled by Democrat fundraisers Gene and Nora
Lum. Wong was a director of Dynamic and close friend of the Lums.

Wong is said to be intimately familiar with activities of the
Lums, who pleaded guilty last May to funneling about $50,000
through "straw donors" to the 1994 Senate campaign of Edward
Kennedy and unsuccessful House campaign of their ex-partner in
Dynamic, Stuart Price.

The Lums were sentenced in September to 10 months of community
confinement and home detention, with $30,000 fines, and are
supposedly cooperating with an ongoing Justice Dept probe. But
their plea agreement lets Justice use their information to pursue
new charges against them, raising doubts about their cooperation.
They have demanded immunity to testify before Congress.

Dynamic has been a focus of Burton's investigation over its Nov
9, 1993, purchase of private Tulsa-based Gage Corp and its Creek
Systems gas gathering system. That was one day before a public
trial was to start on Gage's claim it had suffered from unfair
rulings by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. The claim was
quickly dropped.

Gage's state claim, and a $40-mil federal civil suit, had been
bolstered by the October 1992 revelation that OCC commissioners
had collected bribes from lobbyist Bill Anderson. Anderson,
former OCC general counsel, had represented such big-name utility
clients as Gage's chief nemesis, Oklahoma Natural Gas, the main
operating arm of Oneok Inc and the state's biggest gas
distributor. Anderson had also represented Southwestern Bell and
Arkla Gas, a unit of Arkla Inc, which from 1985 until 1992 was
headed as CEO by Thomas (Mac) McLarty. Arkla's successor, NorAm
Energy, was bought last fall by Houston Industries.

McLarty, now in his early 50's, is a kindergarten friend of
President Clinton and became Clinton's chief of staff in 1992. He
remains a special counsel and special envoy to the Americas
pending his resignation June 30, announced Apr 24, to return to a
family business.

The Gage trial threatened to reveal possible links between
Anderson and McLarty and their alleged meeting one day before a
1991 wiretapped conversation in which Anderson and a law partner
conspired to thwart an FBI investigation. Anderson was indicted
for obstruction of justice in 1993 and convicted in 1995 along
with former OCC commissioner Robert Hopkins on bribery charges,
based partly on conversations taped by fellow commissioner Robert
Anthony, who agreed to be wired in a four-year FBI sting

There is no indication McLarty's departure from government now is
linked to the Dynamic probe. Indeed, the Dynamic matter is
probably one of the least of the simmering scandals surrounding
McLarty's 18-month stint as Clinton's chief of staff in 1993 and
1994. A Jan 20, 1997, story by Business Week, like Platt's part
of The McGraw-Hill Cos, noted McLarty's appointment as Special
Envoy came after Senate Democrats warned the White House McLarty
could not be confirmed for the higher posts he sought, Commerce
Secretary or Ambassador to Mexico. McLarty's lawyer at that time
denied his Arkla activities were any hindrance to Senate

In a Sep 5, 1997, deposition to Burton's investigators, McLarty
repeatedly denied knowing or meeting Gene or Nora Lum, though
they were listed as attending a fund-raising breakfast McLarty
attended in Seattle Nov 15, 1993. The breakfast was sponsored by
APAC, the Asian Pacific Advisory Council set up in California and
run by the Lums to organize fund-raising events mainly for the
Democratic National Committee.

Among those McLarty did recall meeting at the breakfast was
controversial Democratic money-raiser 

[CTRL] FAVISH: Schippers on the Vince Foster Case (fwd)

2001-02-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 21:00:45 -0800
From: Allan Favish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Schippers on the Vince Foster Case

Tonight I spoke with David Schippers on a radio talk show and
asked him to elaborate more on his comment of a few weeks ago
that perhaps some Secret Service agents will be coming forward
with new information on the Foster case.

Schippers said tonight that a source that he trusts told him that
the Secret Service may have information about some notes that
Foster wrote that have not been made public.

That's all I was able to get.

Schippers was also under the impression that part of the problem
with the Foster case was that the FBI was kept out of it to a
large extent and too much of the investigation was done by the
Park Police.  I told him that the FBI was involved, but did not
have time to engage in the type of long discussion necessary to
correct his apparent misunderstanding.

Allan J. Favish

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Moon Landing A Hoax?

2001-02-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Carl Amedio wrote:

 Pictures are doctored. We went to moon. we found alien
 artifacts NASA covered it up.

Carl, I think there is a case for us finding A LOT MORE than just
ET artifacts.  It's possible that we may have been thrown off,
and warned not to ever come back.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [radtimes] # 167

2001-02-26 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 167

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
How to assist RadTimes-- (See ** at end.)

--Biotech Firms Examine Legal/Ethical Implications
--Prepare for bioterrorism attack, military doctor warns
--Next stop for anti-globalization march: Hawaii
--The Golden Age Of Surveillance
--U.N. report makes dire predictions on climate change
--Revolutionary Anarchism and the Anti-Globalization Movement


Biotech Firms Examine Legal/Ethical Implications


Atlanta Business Chronicle
by Nancy Groves
16 February 2001

The process of deciphering the human genome is leading to legal and
regulatory changes as well as ethical dilemmas, and there's plenty of
activity in this unique intersection of science, law, and business,
according to local attorneys in the biotechnology sector.

"It's a huge can of worms," said David Perryman, an attorney with Needle
 Rosenberg. "There's a ton of stuff going on."

The biotech industry is studying the potential impact of changes enacted
earlier this year by state and federal agencies, said David Huizenga
with Needle  Rosenberg.

Issues that may affect biotech companies include several related to
discoveries in genetics, such as the patentability of genetic
information, the conduct of clinical trials involving gene therapy, the
approval process for new drugs developed from genes, proteins and other
biological components and cloning. Other issues include tissue
engineering, fetal tissue research, confidentiality of patient health
information, bioengineered food, conflict of interest disclosure
requirements for researchers and the transferability of tax credits for
research and development.

Changes in the way the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office reviews patent
applications could translate into good news for biotech companies and
investors. Early this year, the patent office issued finalized
guidelines that are more specific on the way in which the "utility," or
value, of the application is evaluated, said Bill Warren, a biotech
patent attorney with Sutherland Asbill  Brennan LLP.

"It provides more certainty for companies to know what is patentable and
what is not," Warren said.

A company seeking, for example, to patent a fragment of genetic material
would have to provide more proof of the utility of that fragment, such
as its potential role in the treatment of a particular disease. The
fragment could not be patented simply because scientists had been able
to isolate it and believed it could be useful in some
as-yet-undetermined way, Warren said.

This change will affect university research centers and scientific
organizations and could encourage the spinoff of companies designed to
bring products resulting from genetic discoveries to market, Warren
said. Because a patent will signify that the discovery has proven
utility, investors are more likely to take a chance on funding companies
that have secured patent office approval.

The patent office also has new guidelines on the publication of patent
application claims. Damages for infringement can now be collected dating
from the time of publication of the claims, rather than from the date
the patent itself was issued, Perryman said.

At the federal and state levels, changes in the current method of
issuing research and development tax credits have been discussed, said
Phil Moise of Sutherland Asbill  Brennan. Federal legislation
authorizing tax credits has been in existence for several decades, but
only as a measure that must be periodically renewed, Moise said. An
effort has begun to make the RD tax credit a part of the permanent tax

The state of Georgia also rewards organizations for investing in RD,
and there may be legislative action to allow the transfer of tax
credits, Moise said. The goal would be to allow organizations that don't
generate enough profits to benefit from their credits to transfer them
to companies that could use them, he said.

Flood of applications
The Food and Drug Administration regulates biotechnology developments
such as those stemming from the Human Genome Project. This massive
scientific effort could give rise to an unprecedented number of
"blockbuster drugs" aimed at specific diseases, said William Kitchens,
managing partner with Arnall Golden Gregory LLP and head of the firm's
food and drug law division.

The FDA will need to be prepared for the balancing act of ensuring the
safety and effectiveness of the volume of new drugs submitted to it for
approval while getting them into the market without undue delays,
Kitchens said.

Fast-track approval processes are already 

[CTRL] NM: Roger Clinton Refused to Deny Vignali Payoff

2001-02-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

For the story behind the story...

Sunday, Feb.  25, 2001 11:54 p.m.  EST

Roger Clinton Refused to Deny Vignali Payoff

In his only interview since he came under suspicion in the
Pardongate scandal, former first half-brother Roger Clinton
denied that he accepted money for trying to arrange pardons for
his friends - but pointedly refused to discuss his role in any of
the 36 commutation requests granted by his brother Bill Clinton.

The omission takes on new significance with a Time magazine
report, due to hit newsstands Monday, which cites sources who say
Roger was paid off for helping to commute a jail sentence for
California drug dealer Carlos Vignali, who was convicted in 1994
of conspiring to sell 800 pounds of cocaine.

On Friday, Roger Clinton told the Los Angeles Times that he
intervened with his brother on pardons for six of his friends but
explicitly denied taking money for the effort:

"I didn't get any money for any kind of pardons," Roger said.
"Not only did I not get any money, but none of them got pardons."

But, noted the Times, "He declined to identify his friends, or to
say whether he had been involved with any clemencies that were

Forty-eight hours later, Time magazine reports:

"Two sources tell TIME that Horacio Vignali told associates he
paid Roger $30,000 to work on the commutation of his son's
sentence.  A spokesman for Roger Clinton said he claims never to
have accepted money from Vignali; an attorney for Vignali had no

Could Roger Clinton's spokesman be misinformed, just as Denise
Rich's was when he intially denied that she had asked the
president to pardon her husband?

Roger "The Dodger" Clinton avoided the subject of commutations
with the L.A.  Times for some reason.

Perhaps that reason is spelled Vignali.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Moon Landing A Hoax?

2001-02-26 Thread Carl Amedio
In a message dated 2/26/01 6:50:13 PM Central Standard Time,

Carl, I think there is a case for us finding A LOT MORE than just
ET artifacts. It's possible that we may have been thrown off,
and warned not to ever come back.

I won't dispute that. Aliens popped Apollo 13 and later killed the Mars
probes.any one remember the Russian picture of the Martian mood showed it to
be cylindrical. That probe was destroyed as well.



2001-02-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

  2/26/2001 Press Office


Case Law Establishes That Pardons of Braswell, Roger Clinton,
Henry Cisneros, Susan McDougal and Others Are Void and Invalid

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, Inc., the public interest
watchdog that investigates and prosecutes government abuse and
corruption, has joined with Congressman Bob Barr to pursue
justice in the Pardongate scandal. With Judicial Watch's
assistance, on February 20, 2001, Congressman Barr wrote this
letter to Attorney General John Ashcroft:

  The Honorable John Ashcroft
  Attorney General
  United States Department of Justice
  950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
  Washington, D.C. 20530

  In Re: Review of Former President Clinton's January 20, 2001
Clemency Grants

  Dear Mr. Attorney General:

  Thank you very much for taking my call today, and agreeing to
look into this matter. As I indicated, on February 9, 2001, I
wrote to you about former President Clinton's attempt to grant
pardons for the 44 persons set forth in the attached letter dated
February 6, 2001 from the Department of Justice Office of
Legislative Affairs to the House of Representatives Government
Reform Committee Chairman Dan Burton (Exhibit 1). As I pointed

Contrary to long-established and consistent precedent, former
President Clinton did not issue separate clemency grants for each
individual. Instead he signed a single document entitled,
'Executive Grant of Clemency,' listing 138 persons by name, under
the following statement:

  AFTER CONSIDERING THE REQUESTS for executive clemency of
the following named persons, I hereby grant full and
unconditional pardons to the following named persons for those
offenses against the United States described in each such

  As a result, and as further explained in my February 9, 2001
letter, these 44 persons "could not" - and did not - receive
pardons." While the Department has not responded to my letter of
February 9, 2001, on February 14, 2001 Chairman Dan Burton was
advised by Acting Assistant Attorney General Sheryl L. Walter
that the Department of Justice was proceeding to prepare and
issue warrants to effect the attempted pardons (Exhibit 2).
Incredibly, in her letter, Ms. Walter admits that the Department
of Justice is unable to determine the nature and scope of the
pardon for each individual based upon President Clinton's failure
to describe the acts subject to pardon. Instead, much like
Florida canvassing boards during the 2000 Presidential election,
the Department has set out to "divine" Mr. Clinton's intent. This
is patently - and constitutionally - improper.

  Well-established case law demonstrates that presidential
pardons are - and can only be - effective to the crimes specified
in the President's pardon, here his "Executive Grant of
clemency." See, e.g., Ex Parte Weimer, 29 F.Cas. 597, 598
(C.C.E.D. Wisc. 1878) (No. 17,362); Stetler's Case, 22 F.Cas.
1314, 1315-16 (C.C.E.D. Pa. 1852) (13,380) (Exhibit 3). Further,
the law is clear that a pardon does not take effect until the
warrant is issued, delivered and accepted.  U.S. v. Wilson, 32
U.S. 150 (1833); In re DePuy, 7 F.Cas. 506 (D.C.S.D.N.Y.  1869)
(3,814) (Exhibit 4). In this case, a warrant cannot be issued and
delivered without knowing what was the express basis of the
pardon. Finally, until the pardon is delivered, the President may
cancel it. This applies even to a pardon issued by a President's
predecessor in office. See, Id.

  For all of these reasons, I urge you to reject the attempted
pardons by President Clinton for the 44 enumerated individuals,
particularly under the circumstances, where pardons were issued
for political purposes and possibly in exchange for campaign
contributions and other forms of remuneration (Exhibit 5). Also,
insofar as it would be impossible to "divine" President Clinton's
intent from the pardon document he issued, your staff would in
effect be unconstitutionally exercising the pardon power by
substituting the judgment of an inferior government official for
that of the only person constitutionally empowered to grant a
pardon - the President himself. If the President does not
properly exercise a power only he possesses, another official
cannot step in and correct his mistakes.

  For the above reasons, and with all due respect, if you allow
these pardons to proceed and warrants to issue and be delivered,
a great injustice will have been done, and an unfortunate
precedent will have been set. If the Office of the Attorney
General does not act to prevent this, further steps may be
initiated to prevent this result.

  Thank you for your interest, and an early response to my
inquiries, before the Department of Justice issues and serves the
warrants for the attempted pardons at issue.

  With warm regards, I remain,

  very truly yours, BOB BARR
  Member of Congress

Judicial Watch trusts that Attorney General John 

Re: [CTRL] In search of Mary Magdalene Part 1

2001-02-26 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I would speculate that the person who originally dubbed Mary Magdalene
 as a prostitute was incensed upon realizing that a woman could possibly
 have been the first Apostle.

 There's another explanation. The pagans who lived in the area practiced
 ritual prostitution as part of their religion. The money went to temple
 maintance and to charity. She could have been a practitioner, or even a

Extremely unlikely. Jesus was a practicing Jew. He would not even have had
access to such a person. There were no Pagan temples in Jewish Jerusalem.
One of the reasons for the first Jewish revolt was because the Romans
displayed their shields and eagles in Jerusalem's holy areas where graven
images were particularly offensive.

There is really no way to know who MM was. The OT is notoriously unreliable
with names and characters. Much of this was intentional. The compilers of
the OT ( 300 years after the death of Jesus ) did not want Christians to
know that Jesus had many siblings. They obfuscated names and used several
names for the same people, as well as giving the same people different
roles in the mythology.

Mary could have been his sister.


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Re: [CTRL] Moon Landing A Hoax?

2001-02-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

killed the Mars  probes.

If I lived on Mars, and I heard that the Earthlings were coming
(especially Russians or Americans), I'd shoot 'em down as soon as they
came into range. Otherwise they'd kill me, rape my wife, and steal
everything I owned. Then my grand children would find themselves living
on reservations and selling trinkets to tourists for a living. It's

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Re: [CTRL] In search of Mary Magdalene Part 1

2001-02-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

He would not even have had access to such a person. There were no Pagan
temples in Jewish Jerusalem.

Jesus grew up in the boondocks, not the capital. Pagans were common,
even after nearly a millennium of Jewish repression. All the Jews did
was drive out the temples. The pagans remained. Many Jews themselves
were pagans or still practiced elements of pagan religion (as do we
today). They also married pagans. 

 Mary could have been his sister.

Indeed. She could also have been his wife. Some people say that the
miracle of the wine and the water was at Jesus’ own wedding feast.

Jewish culture as well as Jewish religion so strongly supported marriage
that it is inconceivable that a man could reach thirty, still be
unmarried, and not be utterly rejected by the other people of the
culture. He certainly couldn’t have gained a following.

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[CTRL] NW: Ashcroft may investigate Pardongate

2001-02-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Ashcroft Eventually Might Have No Choice But to Name Special
Counsel In Clinton Pardon Investigation, Source Tells Newsweek.

FBI Director Freeh Took Personal Interest in Roger Clinton Case,
But Was Rebuffed by Justice Department Officials

NEW YORK, Feb. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- While Attorney General John
Ashcroft isn't yet eager to name a special counsel in the
investigation of former President Bill Clinton's pardons, a legal
source close to the White House tells Newsweek that eventually he
may have no choice. This is now a sprawling legal matter that may
require investigation in several states, report Chief Political
Correspondent Howard Fineman and Investigative Correspondents
Mark Hosenball and Michael Isikoff in the March 5 issue (on
newsstands Monday, February 26).

[Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20010224/NEWSWEEK]

In another development in the investigation, Newsweek has learned
that FBI Director Louis Freeh took a personal interest in a case
involving Clinton's half-brother Roger, whom FBI agents heard
talking about how he could arrange clemency for a felon in jail
for SL fraud. Freeh was rebuffed by Justice Department
higher-ups. The FBI is said to remain interested, Newsweek
reports. ``Somebody needs to take a look at this.''

Newsweek also reports that Hillary Clinton's brother Hugh Rodham
and a third sibling, younger brother Tony Rodham, tried to set up
a hazelnut-export business in the former Soviet Republic of
Georgia -- until the State Department told them to stop. The
brothers traveled to Taiwan and South Korea prospecting for
business. During one visit, according to local press reports,
they brought a gift and personal letter from Hillary to the
Korean First Lady, Lee Hee-ho.

[A spokesman for Mrs. Clinton says she does not recall the

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] UPI: Clinton lawyer receives contempt threat

2001-02-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Monday, 26 February 2001 13:53 (ET)

Clinton lawyer receives contempt threat


 WASHINGTON, Feb. 26 (UPI) -- Congressional investigators told
former President Clinton's personal attorney Monday to allow
access to donor records for Clinton's presidential library or
face contempt of Congress charges, United Press International has

 Attorney David Kendall has been sent a letter from House
Government Affairs Committee investigators that threatens to hold
him in contempt unless he allows committee investigators to
examine the records that detail large donations to the library
effort. Last week, Kendall refused a similar request to turn over
records of donations exceeding $5,000, citing Constitutional
protection of free association.

 Clinton library Chairman Skip Rutherford has been asked by
committee Chairman Dan Burton, R-Ind., to testify on Thursday
about donations made to the library that might have influenced
Clinton's decision to pardon fugitive financier Marc Rich on his
last day in office.

 Burton used to letter to explain the rationale for demanding the
lists of donors, saying that besides donors that might have tried
to help Rich, or his partner Pincus Green, the committee wants to
check to see if any other pardon recipients might have made
donations to the fund.

 Unless Kendall allows committee staff to examine the list of
donors who gave at least $5,000, Burton threatened to have a vote
charging him and the library organization in contempt of
Congress. He also said that would question Rutherford on Thursday
and would subpoena the library's records of its accounts with
Regions Bank and Bank of America unless the donor list is

 Committee investigators were waiting for rulings from the State
Department on whether Rich was a U.S. citizen and from
intelligence agencies on whether they can declassify and release
any files they have on Rich.

 Earlier it had been reported in The Washington Post that
Clinton's brother-in-law, Hugh Rodham, contacted White House
attorneys in an effort to gain pardons for a couple convicted of
making illegal campaign contributions to Democrats. Rodham, a
Florida attorney, acknowledged last week that he received about
$400,000 to help with two successful clemency applications. He
said he returned the money.

 The Post, in a report in its Monday editions, said Rodham spoke
to lawyers in the counsel's office about Nora Lum and her
husband, Eugene Kung Ho Lum, who had also been convicted of tax
fraud. The report quoted a source close to the counsel's office.
However, the Lums, prominent Democratic fund-raisers at one time,
did not receive a pardon or commutation of their sentences.

 Other sources familiar with the case and requesting anonymity
said that legal materials supporting the Lums' request were sent
to Rodham personally at the White House. Rodham's work on the
Lums' pardon application shows that he was more involved in the
clemency process than previously known and that he took advantage
of his frequent and easy access to the White House, the newspaper

 Rodham's attorney, Nancy Luque, denied that her client was
representing the Lums, The Post said. "He did not represent them
in any way, shape or form in connection with any pardon request,"
she said. "He did not advocate on their behalf."

 Rodham was paid $400,000 in "success fees" by convicted drug
smuggler Carlos Vignali and A. Glenn Braswell, who was convicted
of perjury and mail fraud. The Clintons both said last week they
had been unaware of the financial arrangement and demanded that
Rodham return the money. -- Copyright 2001 by United Press
International. All rights reserved.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] America Cluster Bombs Iraq

2001-02-26 Thread William Shannon
America Cluster Bombs Iraq 

By William M. Arkin
Special to Washingtonpost.com

Monday, February 26, 2001; 12:00 AM 

News media reports last week that 50 percent of the weapons fired at Iraqi 
military installations missed their so-called aimpoints obscures a more 
disturbing facet of the Feb. 16 attack: The U.S. jets used cluster bombs that 
have no real aimpoint and that kill and wound innocent civilians for years to 
This is not merely some insider detail. The choice of cluster bombs, still 
unnoticed by the American media, is likely to prove controversial. The weapon 
that was used in Iraq is formally known as Joint Stand-off Weapon 
(JSOW,pronounced jay-sow). It was first used in combat in Iraq on January 25, 
1999, when Marine Corps F-18 Hornet's fired three weapons at an air defense 
The missile is described by the Navy, its primary developer, and Raytheon 
Systems, its manufacturer, as a long-range glide bomb. Acting Pentagon 
spokesman, Navy Rear Admiral Crag Quigley primly calls it an "area munition," 
doggedly avoiding the scattershot reality conveyed by the term “cluster bomb.”

Weapon of Choice

Twenty eight JSOWs were fired by Navy aircraft in the in the Feb. 16 attack, 
along with guided missiles and laser-guided bombs. Pentagon sources say that 
26 of the 28 JSOWs missed their aimpoints. 
The 1,000 pound, 14-foot-long weapon carries 145 anti-armor and 
anti-personnel incendiary bomblets which disperse over an area that is 
approximately 100 feet long and 200 feet wide. In short, this weapon, which 
Quigley describes as a "long-range, precision-guided, stand-off weapon," 
rains down deadly bomblets on an area the size of a football field with six 
bombs falling in every 1,000 square feet. So much for precision.
The JSOW has quickly become a top weapon of choice for Navy and Marine Corps 
airplanes in the no fly zone mission for at least four reasons. It has as a 
range of more than 40 nautical miles when delivered from high altitude 
(20,000 feet about ground level). The dispersal of bomblets inflicts more 
lasting damage than a small warhead on an anti-radiation missile. Pilots can 
reprogram target coordinates right up to the moment of launch. And because 
the JSOW is guided by satellite, the delivering aircraft can "launch and 
"With JSOW we can attack SAMs [surface-to-air missiles] from well outside the 
threat rings and destroy rather than suppress" the target, a Navy document 
notes. In other words, years of bombing in Iraq have had less than 
spectacular results of Iraq’s air defenses and the U.S. military is looking 
for some way of causing more permanent damage to the country's military 

Launch and Leave

Pilots may launch and leave, but the JSOW, like other cluster bombs, is 
unforgiving once aircraft deliver them. The JSOW releases its sub-munitions 
about 400 feet above its target. These bomblets are also used in the most 
prevalent modern U.S. cluster bomb, the CBU-87. But unlike the CBU-87, the 
JSOW does not spin to disperse its bomblets. Rather the JSOW uses a gasbag to 
propel the sub-munitions outward from the sides. Once ejected, the bomblets, 
each the size of soda can, simply fall freely at the mercy of local winds. A 
few almost always land outside of the center point of the football field size 
main concentration. On average 5 percent do not detonate. These unexploded 
bomblets then become highly volatile on the ground. 
Recently, U.S. Air Force engineers in Kuwait found an entire unexploded 
CBU-87 at an airbase that had been attacked during the Gulf War. The weapon 
had apparently malfunctioned and ripped open upon impact, burying bomblets up 
to six feet deep in the vicinity. To destroy them in place, a series of 
10-foot high barriers had to be built inside a 700-foot wide safety cordon. 
Already this month, there has been one Iraqi civilian death and nine injuries 
from unexploded cluster bomblets, presumably all left over from the 1991 Gulf 
War. On Feb. 20, Agence France Press (AFP) reported that a shepherd was 
wounded near Nasiriyah in southern Iraq when an unexploded bomblet detonated. 
On Feb. 15, Reuters said two Iraqi boys in western Iraq, also tending sheep, 
were injured by a cluster bomblet. On Feb. 9, AFP reported a child was killed 
and six others were wounded by sub-munitions near Basra. 
February, it seems, is a fairly typical month for cluster bombs inflicting 
damage on innocent civilians. 

A Degrading Policy

"What we have to do is make sure we continue to tell the world that we are 
not after the Iraqi people," Secretary of State Colin Powell told CNN on Feb. 
12. That is a tough task given the use of a weapon which has unique civilian 
Saddam Hussein relishes the cat and mouse game in and around the "no-fly" 
zones, almost welcoming bombing and civilian casualties if they will 
contribute to Baghdad's strategy of breaking the international consensus on 
sanctions and inspections. The use of 

[CTRL] Ashcroft opponents targeted on taxes!

2001-02-26 Thread William Shannon

Ashcroft opponents targeted on taxes
Bill Berkowitz -


02.20.01 - Mark R. Levin, head of the Landmark Legal Foundation, is mad as
hell and he's not shy about it. Who is this middle aged balding guy with an
attitude angry at? Just about anyone to the left of Attila the Hun. Now, he's
going after some of the 200 or so organizations that lined-up to deny Sen.
John Ashcrof this "righteous" spot heading up the Justice Department. Some
Democrats claim that the 58-42 Senate vote that confirmed Sen. Ashcroft was
meant to be read as a warning to President Bush. Something like, "If you come
around here with an ultraconservative judicial appointment, you're gonna be
in trouble." Seriously though, how much more of an ultra can Bush find -
perhaps a member of the Council of Conservative Citizens? It's obvious to
many observers that if the Dems couldn't summon the backbone to defeat, or at
least filibuster, the Ashcroft nomination, what kind of response can be
expected of them regarding Bush's tax proposal and cuts in domestic programs,
not to mention future nominations. During the first week in February, it
became apparent that Mark Levin's Landmark Legal Foundation wasn't going to
just settle for winning the Ashcroft battle. They had bigger fish to fry.
First, Landmark announced the formation of its "501-C Project" which intends
to "ensure that liberal nonprofit organizations that lobby against
presidential appointments comply with U.S. tax and lobbying laws." The
Unification Church-owned Washington Times reported that Landmark has asked
the Internal Revenue Service "to investigate accusations that several civil
rights groups and other nonprofit organizations violated their federal
tax-exempt status by participating in lobbying efforts against the nomination
of John Ashcroft as attorney general." According to Levin: "Published reports
reveal that scores of liberal, 501(c)tax-exempt groups spent the last month,
and hundreds of thousands of dollars, in a well-coordinated and highly
organized lobbying campaign against the Ashcroft nomination. They have also
announced that they will lobby against future nominees who they consider too
conservative. The IRS must look at these activities very carefully to ensure
that these organizations are not skirting the law or failing to pay their
taxes." Levin pointed to a January 9 meeting of organizations opposed to
Ashcroft's nomination, held at the headquarters of the American Association
of University Women. Called by the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights,
among the groups Levin identified as in attendance were the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the Sierra Club,
Planned Parenthood, the National Organization for Women's Legal Defense and
Education Fund, the National Education Association and the National Black
Women's Health Project. This was just one of several complaints with federal
agencies that Landmark has filed in the past few months. They also filed a
complaint with the IRS and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against one
of the right's perennial targets, the National Education Association. Over
the years, Landmark has butted heads with the NEA especially around the issue
of school vouchers in Wisconsin, where Landmark provided legal support for
pro-voucher organizations. Levin says the teachers union is using millions of
dollars in unreported tax-exempt funds to influence the outcome of political
races. According to Landmark's website (http://www.landmarklegal.org), the
complaint, part of the its Quality Schools 2001 initiative, claims that "the
last several NEA Form 990 federal tax returns, submitted to the IRS under
penalty of perjury, disclose no political expenditures whatsoever. The NEA
and several of its affiliates have also failed to disclose the full extent of
their political activities to the Federal Election Commission (FEC)."
Landmark is asking these government agencies to "initiate comprehensive
investigations of the NEA's political activities and expenditures to
determine whether it has violated federal tax and campaign laws. Landmark is
also asking the IRS to consider whether the NEA's tax-exempt status should be
revoked, and whether the IRS and the FEC should impose fines and penalties on
the NEA." Landmark was founded in 1976, as the Great Plains Legal Foundation
with an office in Kansas City, Mo. (it also has an office in Herndon, Va.)
Its mission is to provide litigation and legal aid to conservatives and
conservative causes. In 1995, taking advantage of the Republican takeover of
the House, Landmark stitched together a plan called "Beyond the First 100
Days: A Legal Reform Plan for the 104th Congress," which put forward strict
conservative ideas in several areas including antitrust, civil justice,
criminal justice, and private property rights. For the past eight years,
beginning with the so-called Travelgate scandal, Mark R. Levin 

[CTRL] WP: Grabbing the Headlines: The National Enquirer

2001-02-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Grabbing the Headlines: The National Enquirer

By Howard Kurtz
Staff Writer
Washington Post
Monday, February 26, 2001; Page C01

The hottest publication in America right now is the National
Enquirer -- and no one in the establishment press is snickering.

One month after scooping the world with the tale of Jesse
Jackson's out-of-wedlock child, the supermarket tabloid did it
again last week, discovering that Hillary Rodham Clinton's
brother had been paid big bucks for helping secure a presidential
pardon for a businessman convicted of mail fraud and perjury.

"We have been slowly swinging toward politics in the last three
years -- since Monica, really," says Enquirer Editor Steve Coz.
"What's the difference between Hollywood and Washington?
Politicians are so much better known now, which is good for
magazine sales. Tom and Nicole getting divorced might be a very
good story to read, but when you uncover a Bill Clinton pardon
scandal, that does have an impact on people's lives."

A Los Angeles Times reporter had been banging on Hugh Rodham's
door in Florida, and Associated Press writer John Solomon
independently broke the story Wednesday, including a statement
from the Clintons that smelled of damage control. But it was the
Enquirer that had a copy of a $200,000 wire transfer from felon
Almon Braswell's Canadian bank to Rodham's firm. Coz admits he's
"miffed" that the story popped before the Enquirer, not yet at
the newsstands, could leak the revelations to its favorite
outlet, the New York Post.

Coz acknowledges that the Enquirer used its checkbook in the
Rodham inquiry, though he says "this story was more dependent on
investigative reporting than anything else." Similarly, some
payments were made on the Jackson story, but not to the
reverend's mistress.

More telling, perhaps, is the paper's firepower -- a dozen
Enquirer reporters were chasing 10 of Clinton's most questionable
pardons. As in the Jackson story, the Enquirer's "CLINTON PARDON
PAYOFF EXPOSED" was so solid that the principals had little
choice but to quickly confirm the details, with Rodham returning
his $400,000 fee under pressure from the former first family.

While not abandoning the celebrity world -- last week's cover was
"Arnold  Maria Divorce Blowup" -- Coz says he's been beefing up
his East Coast staff, in part by hiring Richard Gooding, who
broke the 1996 story about Dick Morris's call girl for the rival
Star. (The Enquirer, Star and Globe are now owned by a firm
headed by former Treasury undersecretary Roger Altman.)

Enquirer circulation is a healthy 2.1 million -- down from a 1977
high of 5 million -- and the Harvard-educated Coz has toned down
its sleaze content. Clearly, the tab has come a long way since
the New York Times kicked up a fussby deigning to quote from one
of its O.J. Simpson stories. "They are, if you think about it,
the newspaper of record of the Clinton years," Newsweek's Howard
Fineman declared on the Imus show.

Coz says the Enquirer's interest in national affairs (so to
speak) is driven by one man: "Clinton is the Tom Cruise of
politics, a larger-than-life character." So what happens when
Clinton fades and the paper is left with the Bush administration?

"That is a huge question," says Coz. Of course, there's always
Tom and Nicole.

snip balance

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] China speeds up weapons development -- Thank You Bill Clinton

2001-02-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

China speeds up weapons development
Top military commission seeks readiness for 'war of annihilation'



By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

China's Central Military Commission has decided to speed up the research and
development of new weapons and quicken the pace of modernizing the People's
Liberation Army, while warning its military force to "be vigilant in
peacetime" while preparing for future war scenarios.

The Hong Kong-based Tai Yang Pao newspaper said the decision was made among
the CMC's leadership during its second meeting this year Feb. 2-3 in Beijing.

Specifically, the committee chose three main tasks for the armed forces in
the coming months and years:

Speed up modernization programs currently underway while safeguarding
national sovereign and "territorial integrity" -- a statement clearly aimed
at Taiwan, analysts said;
"Deepen" reforms within the PLA while focusing modernization efforts on
"fighting a successful high-tech war;"
Step up arms modernization programs by quickening research, development and
production of "the new generation of deterrent weapons."
The paper quoted sources who said President Jiang Zemin, who is also chief of
the CMC, noted that while the "current international situation" on whole is
easing, "the factors for war still exist" -- a condition that should
determine the level of Chinese "national defense" construction. Zemin, the
paper said, pointed out that the level of construction "must meet the needs
of the [international] situation."

Meanwhile, the CMC's vice chairman, Zhang Wannian -- in Russia this week to
sign a new series of defense, military technology and mutual economic
agreements -- provided details of the mainland's current combat readiness in
regard to building PLA forces, developing new armaments and the research and
development of high technology weapons.

The paper said Zhang emphasized that all modernization efforts "must suit the
situation of fighting a successful modern war," which includes "partial,
short and high-tech destructive war; all-around medium and long term war[s]
of attrition; and a war of annihilation fought with non-conventional

He said China should cooperate with "friendly nations" and pool manpower and
resources to concentrate on a number of projects based on "new breakthroughs,
deterrent strength and world-leading status," the paper said.

Also, Zhang said that laser and neutron weapons, among others, would be the
deterrent weapons in a future conflict. The paper said he recommended that
"armaments should be simultaneously researched and developed, tested in
actual combat, enhanced and improved, [then] put into production and used to
equip" the PLA.

The CMC said its armed forces -- the PLA, the People's Liberation Army Air
Force and the People's Liberation Army Navy -- should be "vigilant in
peacetime," but clearly "perceive that future wars may include … a war to
oppose national separatism and rebellion, a war to opposed armed aggression
and intervention in other countries by hegemonist military blocs or a
military conflict (war) to oppose a sudden strike by hegemonist military

In earlier reports, China has used the term "hegemonist" as a pejorative
against expected U.S. and NATO intervention in case Beijing would launch an
assault against Taiwan. The terms "national separatism and rebellion" refer
directly to Taiwan's democratic government.

Also, the paper quoted Chinese sources as saying that because of the new
directives, an "upsurge" of "actual combat exercises" would likely be
undertaken by PLA forces this year, and that a "number of new technology
deterrent weapons will make their appearance in the northwest, southwest, and
Yellow Sea theaters."

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[CTRL] Billy Clinton - All Mobbed Up

2001-02-26 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

From Undernews 2/26/01


THE PARDON SCANDAL has brought to some media and political circles the first
glimmer of comprehension of the deep and corrosive connections between WJ
Clinton and the criminal underworld. These connections have been apparent
from the start to those who bothered to look behind the patina of the
Clinton myth. Clinton was raised by mob-connected relatives and backed in
his campaigns by members of the Dixie Mafia - including major drug
traffickers. He used their cocaine, appointed them, covered for them, looked
the other way for them, partied with them, cut deals with them, and now has
pardoned some of them.

The Marc Rich pardon opens one window on this little covered, sordid side of
the Clinton saga, as does the commutation of Carlos Vignali's sentence.
Vignali was sent to jail in 1994 for conspiring to sell 800 pounds of
cocaine. He has said that the word was out in prisons that the White House
was open for pardon business. Now the word is out elsewhere that the war on
drugs means little if you have a line to the White House.

But the pardon that perhaps offers the best insight into the real Bill
Clinton is that of his half-brother Roger. Roger is being falsely presented
as a small time user who got caught. In fact, when his case was coming to
trial, the US attorney, Asa Hutchinson, described him as one of the
"tentacles of the drug distribution system" in Arkansas.

Roger early developed a four-gram, 16 times a day cocaine habit, getting his
stuff from New York and Medellin suppliers, based (as one middleman would
later testify) on "who his brother was." According to federal drug probe
testimony, Sharlene Wilson, one of his dealers, began selling cocaine to
Roger as early as 1979. A therapist would testify later that Roger had been
getting close to a "lethal dose."

Meanwhile the Clinton boys' mother was hanging out at the race track with
mobsters and other local figures, including Dan Lasater who bred race horses
in Kentucky and Florida and had a box at the track next to hers. Mrs.
Clinton introduced Lasater to Roger Clinton. Lasater gave Roger work and
later loaned him $8,000 to help pay off a $20,000 drug debt. Lasater was a
colorful character who made his early money with his Ponderosa steak house
operation.  His later sources of income would become far less clear, but he
had plenty of money to throw around. According to FBI reports cited by
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, he lost a Lear jet in Colombia in 1977 after
authorities there seized it on suspicion of narcotics trafficking. Among the
passengers on the jet was Jamiel "Jimmy" Chagra, a major American mob boss.
Evans-Pritchard reports that the DEA opened a file on Lasater in 1983.
Lasater was tipped off at once by one of his friendly sources in law
enforcement. On another occasion he bailed out the governor of Kentucky,
John Y. Brown, delivering $300,000 in cash in a paper bag to Brown at the
Lexington airport. He also offered New Mexico governor Tony Anaya a job at
the end of his term. The governor declined, but built - with taxpayer's
funds - a 8,900 foot runway at Lasater's Angel Fire Ski Resort. Later, a US
Customs investigative report would note that the resort was being used for
drug operations and money laundering. The state attorney general
investigated Lasaster for suspected "narcotics trafficking via aircraft with
possible organized crime ties." Lasater also bought a ranch in Belize that
was reportedly used for drug trafficking. One drug pilot described to
Evans-Pritchard the trip from Belize to Arkansas, including having once been
met by his pickup - an Arkansas trooper in a marked car. Said the pilot,
"Arkansas was a very good place to load and unload."

Sharlene Wilson partied with both the Clinton boys. She told the London
Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in 1995 that she sold two grams of
cocaine to Bill Clinton at the Little Rock nightclub Le Bistro: "I watched
Bill Clinton lean up against a brick wall. He was so messed up that night,
he slid down the wall into a garbage can and just sat there like a complete
idiot." Wilson also described gatherings at Little Rock's Coachman's Inn
between 1979 and 1981, where she saw Clinton using cocaine "quite avidly"
with friends. State drug prosecutor Jean Duffey said that she had no doubt
that Wilson was telling the truth.

The stories were confirmed by others. Two Arkansas state troopers swore
under oath that they had seen Clinton "under the influence" of drugs when he
was governor. Historian Roger Morris, in his book "Partners in Power,"
quoted several law enforcement officials who claimed to have seen and knew
of Clinton's drug use. One-time apartment manager Jane Parks said that in
1984 she would listen through the wall as Bill and Roger Clinton, in a room
adjoining hers, discussed the quality of the drugs they were taking as they
partied with numerous women noisily enough that neighbors 

[CTRL] Poll: New Yorkers Don't Believe Hillary on Pardons

2001-02-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Sunday February 25 9:40 AM ET
Poll: New Yorkers Don't Believe Hillary on Pardons

Reuters Photo

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Most New Yorkers did not believe Sen. Hillary Rodham
Clinton (news - web sites) when she denied knowing her brother was being paid
for helping secure presidential pardons for two convicted felons, according
to a poll published on Sunday.

The Zogby International poll in the New York Post showed 58 percent of
respondents did not believe Clinton when she spoke in public Thursday about
her brother Hugh Rodham's work for a convicted drug dealer and a baldness
cure scammer.

The pardons were just two by President Clinton (news - web sites) during his
final hours in the White House that have come under public scrutiny and
marred Mrs. Clinton's first weeks as a U.S. senator.

The U.S. Attorney in Manhattan has opened criminal probes into Clinton's
pardon of fugitive billionaire financier Marc Rich -- whose ex-wife gave
hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Democratic Party -- and whether four
men from a Hasidic Jewish village in New York were pardoned in exchange for
the community's overwhelming vote for Mrs. Clinton in last November's Senate

Zogby's poll showed that 33 percent of respondents believed Mrs. Clinton when
she said she knew nothing about her brother's efforts, for which he was
reportedly paid $400,000. The poll also revealed that fewer New Yorkers had a
favorable opinion of the senator than they did before the pardons controversy.

Clinton, the only first lady to be elected to national public office when she
won a U.S. Senate seat out of her adopted state of New York, said Thursday
she was ``shocked and disappointed'' by the payment and her brother had
returned the money.

The poll of 502 New Yorkers was conducted Friday and Saturday and had a
margin of error of plus or minus 4.5 percentage points, the newspaper said.

The pollster said 51 percent had a favorable opinion of Clinton while 46
percent had an unfavorable opinion of her. Last month, her
favorable-unfavorable rating was 56 percent to 39 percent.

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[CTRL] Conservative Democrats: Drop gun control bills - The True Democrats

2001-02-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Conservative Democrats: Drop gun control bills

By Eunice Moscoso, Palm Beach Post Washington Bureau
Sunday, February 25, 2001

WASHINGTON -- Some conservative Democrats have three words of advice for
their party leaders: Drop gun control.

"This is not an issue that helps the Democratic Party, particularly in rural
America," said Rep. Jim Turner, D-Texas. "Those of us who believe in the
Second Amendment and the right of gun ownership have been pretty outspoken in
telling our friends this is an issue they need to leave alone."

Turner and fellow House Democrats and Texans Ralph Hall and Max Sandlin are
concerned about renewed efforts to push gun control in Congress.

Two powerful senators -- Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., and John McCain, R-Ariz.
-- are working on a bill that would increase background checks at gun shows
and provide additional money to enforce existing laws.

In addition, Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., plans to introduce a measure that would
mandate background checks for all buyers at gun shows and expand the
definition of a gun show to include events, such as flea markets and swap
meets, where firearms are not the main product sold.

The Texas lawmakers say gun control efforts have hurt Democrats, including
former Vice President Al Gore.

"If the Democrats and the Gore campaign had not been so strident in
opposition to gun rights . . . there's absolutely no doubt that Vice
President Gore would be president," Sandlin said. "It cost him a tremendous
amount of support across the South."

Sandlin said that passing any gun control bill will be difficult, especially
in the House.

In the last Congress, with the Clinton White House clamoring for gun control,
a bill never made it out of a conference committee.

The measure started out strong in 1999, when gun control took the spotlight
in Congress after the shooting tragedy at Columbine High School in Littleton,

A month after the shooting, the Senate stunned the powerful gun lobby and
voted for a juvenile justice bill that included provisions such as increasing
background checks at gun shows.

But the measure never made it through the House, and efforts to incorporate
it into a joint House-Senate juvenile justice bill failed.

With President Bush in the White House, chances for a gun control bill could
be even more bleak.

As governor of Texas, Bush generally sided with the National Rifle
Association, signing bills that allow people to carry concealed weapons and
prevent municipalities from suing gun makers.

But supporters of gun control say that the issue has momentum because of
increasing public support.

"The gun issue works in different places in different ways," said Joe Sudbay,
public policy director for the Violence Policy Center, a gun control group
based in Washington.

Women across the country strongly support gun control, as do urban and
suburban voters, he said.

Sudbay disputes that supporting gun control cost Gore the White House.

The swing states of Pennsylvania and Michigan voted for Gore despite a strong
anti-Gore campaign there by the NRA, he said.

Some conservative and moderate Democrats, including Hall, say they are
willing to listen to ideas about further regulation of gun shows and trigger
lock requirements.

"I understand that handguns are a problem. People get killed with them.
Children get killed with them. And I think we ought to continue to pursue
something on it," Hall said.

But Hall also said he would have a hard time voting for "anything that
violates or dents the Second Amendment" because the ultimate goal of gun
control proponents is to outlaw possession, as the nation's capital has done.

"I'm here in Washington, D.C. -- probably the most dangerous city in the
northeastern part of the country after darkness falls -- with a painted glass
between me and the outside world . . . and I can't have a gun in my home.
Give me a break," he said.

Turner said he hopes his party will focus on other matters. "The Democrats
desperately need to unite behind issues that have a broad base of support
within our caucus," he said. "There's a large number of Democrats who are
strong supporters of the Second Amendment."

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[CTRL] Breast Biter Involved In Pardons

2001-02-26 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

JAMES RIDGEWAY, VILLAGE VOICE: The mystery man in the Hugh
Rodham pardon scandal may turn out to be Kendall Coffey, another Florida lawyer.
The current coverage is focusing on Rodham, Senator Hillary Clinton's brother,
and the $400,000 he was paid after President Clinton pardoned and commuted
the sentences of two men, convicted herbalist swindler A. Glenn Braswell and
drug smuggler Carlos Vignali.  . . . But the man who actually prepared the
testimonials and applications was Kendall Coffey, a former US attorney
appointed by Clinton and lead attorney for the White House in the Elián
González case . . . Coffey lost his US attorney job for biting a stripper.
He is remembered for having lost a key drug case against two smugglers who
had been accused of importing 75 tons of cocaine, said to be worth $2
billion. It was the biggest drug-smuggling case ever lost by federal
prosecutors. On a February 1996 evening Coffey was at Lipstik, a Miami nude
bar, where he had a private session in which stripper Tamara "Tiffany"
Gutierrez danced naked for him. Inexplicably, Coffey lunged for her breast
and missed, biting her on the arm. He was escorted out of the establishment.
Coffey had put his tab on a credit card. When exposed, Coffey resigned. Most
recently, Coffey was in the news as one of the attorneys working on the
recount for the Gore campaign in Florida.

VILLAGE VOICE http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0108/ridgeway2.shtml

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[CTRL] Nat'l Guard Teams Found Unprepared

2001-02-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Sunday February 25 12:55 PM ET
Nat'l Guard Teams Found Unprepared

By MATT KELLEY, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - After three years and $143 million, the Army National Guard
has no anti-terrorism teams ready to respond to nuclear, chemical, or
biological attacks because of defective safety equipment and poor training,
an internal Pentagon (news - web sites) review found.

The Pentagon inspector general report said preparedness is so bad that Guard
members at one point were given mobile labs with air filters installed
backward and gas masks with incompatible parts.

``The (team) commanders and personnel lack confidence in the unknown,
untested and unsubstantiated reliability of the equipment that they were
issued,'' investigators said.

Pentagon officials are ``moving as fast as we can'' to fix the problems, said
Charles L. Cragin, who oversees the National Guard.

``All I can say is, everyone is working with great perseverance to resolve
all the issues that the inspector general has identified,'' said Cragin, the
acting assistant secretary of defense for reserve affairs.

Pentagon planners authorized 10 teams in 1998 with a goal that they be ready
for duty in 2000. But the National Guard so badly bungled preparations that
none met last year's deadline, the report said.

An additional 22 teams authorized by Congress in 1999 and 2000 are in various
stages of formation.

After investigators presented their preliminary findings last fall, the
Pentagon transferred management of the teams and launched an official review.
Many of the problems arose because officials tried to get the teams ready
very quickly, Cragin said.

The National Guard units, each with 22 full-time members, are supposed to
help local authorities respond to a terrorist attack by identifying what
nuclear, chemical or biological agents were used.

But Pentagon investigators concluded that defective safety equipment could
put team members at risk of succumbing to the very weapons they were meant to

Investigators found that air filters had been installed backward in the
teams' mobile laboratories and team members were given gas masks with parts
that were not designed to work together.

One team commander, referring to the gas masks, told investigators, ``It
probably would work. I'm just not willing to bet my life on it.'' Cragin said
that problem has been fixed.

Plans originally called for the teams to be stationed near Air National Guard
bases so they could be flown to the site of a terrorist attack. A second
draft of those plans, however, called for team members to drive their
personal cars to attack scenes, which could be hundreds of miles away. The
guidelines have not been completed.

Coinciding with the recent release of the Pentagon report, a congressional
commission recommended focusing the National Guard on protecting U.S.
territory from weapons of mass destruction.

President Bush (news - web sites) last week said he would like to see the
Guard and Reserve ``more involved in homeland security.''

Frank Hoffman, a researcher for the U.S. Commission on National Security,
said the problems with the National Guard response teams show the Pentagon is
not paying enough attention to terrorist threats.

``Everyone knows we're not prepared,'' said Hoffman, an officer in the Marine
Corps reserves.

Cragin said all safety problems identified by the inspector general will be
fixed before he recommends that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld certify the
teams ready for duty. Cragin said he did not know when he that would be.

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[CTRL] More Stats On The Jailer In Chief Of Negroes

2001-02-26 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

A REPORT RELEASED by the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice's
Justice Policy Institute scores former President Bill Clinton for a "prison
legacy... more punitive than those of former Presidents Ronald Reagan and
George Bush combined." The report finds that during former President
Clinton's first-term 148,000 more state and federal prisoners were added
than during President Reagan's first term, and 34,000 more than were added
during President George Bush's four-year term. The study also showed that
the incarceration rate of African Americans continued to rise substantially
under Clinton. In other findings, the study reports: In total, 673,000
inmates were added to state and federal prisons and jail during President
Bill Clinton's two terms in office, compared with 343,000 under Bush and
448,000 under Reagan. For African-Americans, the incarceration rate
continued to increase by an average rate of 100 per 100,000 per year during
the Clinton years. This comes on top of an already rapid increasing
incarceration rate during the previous 12 years. Between 1980 and 1999, the
incarceration rate for African Americans more than tripled from 1,156 per
100,000, to 3,620 per 100,000 -- nearly nine times the rate for all US
citizens. Under President Bill Clinton's eight years, the number of
prisoners under federal jurisdiction doubled (from 80,259 to 147,126), and
grew more than it had under the previous twelve years of Republican rule.

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[CTRL] French find US war pilots body

2001-02-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

French find US war pilot’s body

Susan Bell in Paris

THE remains of a US Second World War pilot discovered near the wreckage of
his fighter plane over 55 years after he crashed into a field in northern
France may belong to a relative of General George Patton, it emerged

The airman’s remains were found by a local farmer and dug out of a clay field
at La Longueville, between Maubeuge and Bavay where they had apparently lain
undisturbed since his Mustang P51 plunged from the sky in 1944 or 1945.

Metal identity tags found next to the body enabled gendarmes to name the
young pilot as William Patton. Personal effects, including the airman’s tie
and leather jacket, complete with the insignia showing his rank of lieutenant
were also found almost perfectly preserved.

The discovery was made on Thursday by local farmer Luc Druet, who recently
decided to drain the clay soil in his field and had called in a team of
experts to carry out the work. He was joined by Arnaud Bourriez, a
29-year-old local who had became obsessed with rumours that a fighter plane
had crashed in the area towards the end of the war.

"I knew, because several people had spoken to me about it, that a plane had
crashed behind the old railway station," said Mr Bourriez.

Mr Bourriez and Mr Druet first discovered a machine gun, before digging up
pieces of the wreckage. "Then suddenly I saw white material, cords... it was
the parachute," Mr Bourriez told the local paper, La Voix du Nord.

Nothing had burned during the crash and debris from the fuselage, the engine,
propeller and the radiator were uncovered virtually intact. Armed with six
machine-guns and powered by a V12 engine, the Mustang P51 only had room for
the pilot. The police said US experts would try to determine whether the
pilot was related to Gen George Patton.

The crash is surrounded by mystery. What caused the plane to plunge to the
ground? Was the Mustang a victim of enemy fire or did it crash because of
engine trouble or pilot error? The authorities want to find out if there were
witnesses, did anyone go to the site of the crash, was the pilot’s body
visible and if so, why was he not given a burial?

Further digging is planned to find out whether other objects belonging to the
pilot are buried beneath the soil of La Langueville. Gendarmes are hoping the
arrival of a US army delegation next week will help them find the answers.
The US authorities are consulting air force archives in order to trace
William Patton’s flight plan and the date of his disappearance.

While the date of March 1944 is clearly marked on the parachute found next to
the pilot’s remains, elderly residents of the village remember a plane
crashing nearby while there was snow on the ground, leading gendarmes to
believe that the Mustang probably crashed sometime that winter.

Following last week’s discovery, a local historian specialising in aviation,
Jack Guillemin, has found that La Voix du Nord, in its edition of 17 January,
1945 carried a report of a US plane which had crashed in the region two days

"On 15 January, at about 11:30am, at about 500 metres from the railway
station at La Longueville, an American fighter plane, apparently lost in fog,
crashed to the ground," read the article.

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[CTRL] Is the party over for Chelsea?

2001-02-26 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Is the party over for Chelsea?

Robert Tait

Amid the maelstrom that continues to envelop them, a major landmark will be
passed in the Clinton family tomorrow; Chelsea comes of age. The only
daughter of the still compulsively newsworthy ex-president and the recently
elected senator for New York will turn 21. In normal circumstances, it should
be a matter for raucous rejoicing. The once gauche teenager with the gaudy
brace is but a memory, ready to strike out into a fully-fledged state of

But for Chelsea the auguries could hardly be grimmer. With the raging pardons
controversy casting as thick a pall over the former first family as anything
they ever encountered during their scandal-plagued White House years, the
mood of celebration will be decidedly dampened. Her father’s reputation is
now in unmitigated disrepute; her mother’s political career is tarnished,
perhaps beyond repair.

For Chelsea, who was a model of public decorum throughout the Clinton
presidency, these troubling considerations may be lightened by the knowledge
that she is now old enough to celebrate her birthday by legally imbibing
alcohol (21 is the legal drinking age in America). But what does it say about
the say about Chelsea's long-term future? How will she be affected by the
experience of witnessing her parents’ lives assailed by an unremitting
avalanche of allegations, denunciations and revelations?

The lifetime track records of the offspring of presidents present a
predictably mixed picture. Some fade into obscurity; Others reappear to
experience a brief 15 minutes of fame (or infamy) in their own right; very
occasionally, still others will be cast by their father’s aura into a
lifetime of reflected celebrity; and just once in a blue moon, along will
come one so impressed by their father’s former job that they decide to seek
it for themselves.

There are no obvious clues as to which category Chelsea will fall into.
During the Clinton White House years, she was assiduously protected from
media intrusion. Interviews were out of the question; Chelsea, in fact, was
barred by her parents from speaking to the press. The sound of her voice
remains a mystery to the public.

Nor does history necessarily offer a guide. There is simply no precedent for
the child of a president having to watch the strains in their parents’
marriage being aired in public.

That experience may have shaped her beyond measure. At the time of the Monica
Lewinsky scandal, psychologists speculated on the toll the revelations of her
father’s misdeeds might be taking on the first daughter.

The abiding public image of Chelsea was provided when the saga was at its
zenith. It was August 1998. Her father had at last brought himself to openly
admit his "inappropriate" relationship. The first couple were estranged,
irreconcilably so it seemed at the time. The media ogled for evidence of a
marital break-up. But when the President and First Lady emerged from the
White House, on their way to the presidential helicopter taking them to their
summer vacation on Martha’s Vineyard, there was Chelsea plonked strategically
between them, holding on to the hand of each parent, a living symbol of
familial unity. It was an intensely political gesture, the mark of a young
woman willing to step into the breach when her parents were emotionally

Bearing that incident in mind, the newly mature Chelsea seems an unlikely
candidate for a future of anonymity. For all her parents’ protection, she has
been close to the spotlight since she was 12. Fame and attention won’t feel
unnatural to her. Nor does the glow of celebrity surrounding the Clintons
show any signs of fading, even if their reputation is now in freefall. So now
that she is old enough to escape the protective parental cocoon, Chelsea may
become fair game for a media that was only just managing to restrain itself
while her father was in office.

The setting for this could be in Britain. Chelsea is due to graduate from
California’s prestigious Stanford university in the spring. She is said to
have expressed a desire to follow a path trod by her father more than 30
years ago by studying at Oxford on a Rhodes scholarship.

In a sense, that would follow a pattern. Bill and Hillary seem to have been
grooming their daughter to follow in their footsteps into a life of
high-profile public service. Last year, while the teenage twin daughters of
George Bush scarcely made an appearance on the campaign trail, Chelsea
assumed a greater visibility than ever. With Mrs Clinton campaigning in the
New York senate race, she took on the role of an ersatz First Lady,
accompanying her father on numerous diplomatic trips abroad and on a visit to
US troops in the Balkans. She was at the president’s side at the United
Nations global summit in New York last September. When Clinton was locked in
intensive talks 

[CTRL] Pardon probe rows worsen

2001-02-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Pardon probe rows worsen
Monday, 26 February 2001 20:00 (ET)

Pardon probe rows worsen

 WASHINGTON, Feb. 26 (UPI) -- As the next round of congressional hearings
about former President Clinton's last minute controversial pardons
approaches, a flurry of activity Monday saw one witness invoke her Fifth
Amendment right not to testify, and another receive a letter threatening
contempt proceedings.

 Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., chairman of the House Government Reform Committee
and fierce Clinton critic who is leading the inquiry into the pardons,
denounced a key Democratic fundraiser for invoking her constitutional right
against self-incrimination. He also told the former president's lawyer David
Kendall that the refusal of the Clinton library to release its donor records
could result in a contempt of Congress finding.

 Beth Dozoretz, a former top fundraiser for the Democratic National
Committee and close Clinton friend, told the committee that she would not
testify at a March 1 hearing. Burton had wanted to question Dozoretz about
fundraising she conducted for the DNC and the Clinton library, and whether
it was connected to the pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich. Denise Rich,
Mr. Rich's ex-wife, who gave more than a million dollars to democratic
causes, has already refused to testify at an earlier hearing.

 "The committee has just been informed that Beth Dozoretz will exercise her
Fifth Amendment rights against self incrimination, and that she will refuse
to testify on March 1, 2001," Burton said. "I am extremely disappointed. She
now joins Denise Rich, who has already taken the Fifth. It is my hope that
when she comes before the committee on Thursday, she will change her mind
and answer the committee's questions. It is very troubling that Beth
Dozoretz and Denise Rich, both close friends of former President Clinton,
who discussed the Rich pardon with him, would refuse to testify."

 The Burton inquiry is one of three probes investigating a number of
pardons issued by the former president on his final day in office,
especially that of Marc Rich and his partner, Pincus Green.

 The U.S. Attorney's office in New York is conducting a criminal probe into
the pardons of the two men, who failed to return to the Unites States from
Switzerland 17 years ago to avoid prosecution on more than 50 counts of
racketeering, wire fraud and income tax evasion arising from a
sanctions-busting oil deal with Iran. And the Senate judiciary committee is
also looking into the matter.

 The three parallel investigations are looking into allegations that
pardons were sold in exhange for cash given to democratic causes, including
the Clinton library and Mrs. Clinton's senatorial campaign.

 Last week, they expanded to cover allegations that Clinton's half-brother
Roger lobbied on behalf of at least a half-dozen close friends who did not
receive pardons, and a $400,000 fee received by Hugh Rodham, Florida-based
lawyer and brother of former first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, from the
families of two men he represented who did receive clemency.

 Clinton Attorney David Kendall was also sent a letter Monday from the
committee that threatens to hold him in contempt unless he allows committee
investigators to examine the records that detail large donations to the
library effort. Last week Kendall refused a request to turn over records of
donations exceeding $5,000, citing the constitutional protection of free

 Clinton library Chairman Skip Rutherford has been asked by Burton to
testify on March 1 about donations made to the library that might have
influenced Clinton's decisions on pardon matters in the dying moments of his

 Burton used a letter to explain the rationale for demanding the lists of
donors, saying that besides donors that might have tried to help Rich, or
his partner Pincus Green, the committee wants to check to see if any other
pardon recipients might have made donations to the fund.

 Burton also offered a compromise: Rather than turning over the whole list
to the committee, the library could simply make the list available to
congressional staff, who would eliminate any names they agreed were
irrelevant, before handing it over to the committee.

 Unless Kendall allows committee staff to examine the list of donors who
gave at least $5,000, Burton threatened to hold a vote charging him and the
library organization in contempt of Congress. He also said that would
question Rutherford on Thursday and would subpoena the library's bank
records unless the list is turned over.

 Also subpoenaed to testify at the hearing are three former Clinton aides:
White House counsel Beth Nolan, chief of staff John Podesta and adviser
Bruce Lindsey.

 Committee investigators are still waiting for rulings from the State
Department on whether Rich is still a U.S. citizen and from intelligence

Re: [CTRL] Moon Landing A Hoax?

2001-02-26 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 As for von Braun (and that little v designates nobility)

Bull!  It means nothing more than 'from' or 'of', the same as 'van' means in 
Dutch...plenty of non-noble
Germans have 'von' names, just as many non-noble Dutch have 'van' names...

'van Dyke' means 'of Dyke' or 'from Dyke'...'von Braun' means of, or from, Braun...

You should listen to Tom Paxton's Ode to Werner Von Braun


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Re: [CTRL] Is This The Bible Calendar Code the Oh So Secret Communist Timetable

2001-02-26 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- we all remember PeeWee Herman arrested in a sleazy sex house

Actually he was arrested in a movie theater...

and now we have Rosie O'Donnell dressed like Cat in Hat
- all part of a master plan.

Heck, I remember Richard Burton playing the hookah-smoking catepillar in "Alice in 

Was that part of 'a master plan'?


keep wondering why Jack Rubenstine also known
as Jack Ruby of Jewish Mafia,

I'm still waiting for your tidbits of wisdom regarding Richard Nixon...

After all, when Nixon was senator, Jack Rubenstein was one of his best 'informants', 
and Nixon intervened on
Rubenstein/Ruby's behalf to prevent the Kefauver Hearings from subpoening 
Rubenstein/Ruby to give evidence...

And according to "Arrogance of Power", Nixon was being paid off by the Meyer Lansky 
faction of the
mafia...Nixon in fact often went to Cuba in pre-Castro days to gamble in Lansky's 
casinos, and also had a
suite in one of Lansky's hotels (managed by one of Lansky's henchmen) for which he 
(Nixon) never had to

You have plenty to say about other politicos of the era, but you are strangely silent 
regarding Nixon...


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Re: [CTRL] In search of Mary Magdalene Part 1

2001-02-26 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

 Thank you for helping to clear the issue up about Mary Magdalene.  I have
 been doing some research and find nothing of such reference in the Bible
 about her "profession".   If memory serves me right, it was her mother who
 approached Jesus and asked him if he could help her daughter who suffered
 from demon possession.  Therefore,  in conclusion,  being demon possessed is
 Mary Magdalene's only and greatest sin,  according to the Biblical account.
 Also, it is interesting to note that Mary Magdalene was the first Apostle.
 The word Apostle meaning,  "one sent forth".  She was the first one sent
 forth with a message to the followers of Christ that he was alive and had
 been resurrected.  Therefore,  I would speculate that the person who
 originally dubbed Mary Magdalene as a prostitute was incensed upon realizing
 that a woman could possibly have been the first Apostle.

According to an article I read in Bible Review, Mary Magdalene enjoyed much honor and 
respect in the early
church, and indeed was elevated to a status not unlike that accorded "Sophia", the 
Goddess of Wisdom...

It was only when Rome imposed its rules, regulations, and customs (carried over from 
pagan days) -- customs
which did NOT allow for women to attain high office -- was the Magdalene painted with 
the slur of being a


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Re: [CTRL] In search of Mary Magdalene Part 1

2001-02-26 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 He would not even have had access to such a person. There were no Pagan
 temples in Jewish Jerusalem.

 Jesus grew up in the boondocks, not the capital.

Even so, I doubt that boonie towns were integrated.

 Pagans were common,
 even after nearly a millennium of Jewish repression.

Poor Pagans. I guess the I guess the Jews gave them a hard time about
burring their children and other human sacrifices.

 All the Jews did
 was drive out the temples. The pagans remained. Many Jews themselves
 were pagans or still practiced elements of pagan religion (as do we

If you mean Hellenism. Yes. If you mean something else, then not likely.

 They also married pagans.

I doubt it.

  Mary could have been his sister.

 Indeed. She could also have been his wife. Some people say that the
 miracle of the wine and the water was at Jesus’ own wedding feast.

That's my point. She either did or didn't exist, or if she did exist,
she could have been anybody.

 Jewish culture as well as Jewish religion so strongly supported marriage
 that it is inconceivable that a man could reach thirty, still be
 unmarried, and not be utterly rejected by the other people of the

This is a good observation, but consider this. James, Jesus' brother was
a NAZIR. A Nazir is the ONLY instance in Jewish culture where it is permitted
to put aside the commandment to be fruitful and multiply. In other words,
if one dedicates his life to the service of god, he may be a monk. James
was a Nazir and second in line after Jesus in the leadership of the early
movement. It would not be a leap to presume that Jesus was a Nazir too.
Nazir, Nazarene, Nazareth have gotten jumbled in the translations of the
Jesus legends.

A Nazir abstained from sex, did not cut his hair, and was bound by strict
rules of purity.

 He certainly couldn’t have gained a following.

He could and he did. He apparently got some part of John the Baptist's

This of course ALL speculation. But it's speculation within the correct


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[CTRL] Fwd: Sharon Triumps, Peres Slithers, Zionism Shakes?

2001-02-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

Now throw in Marc Richie Rich aka Reich for added delight and see how
the taxpayers in the United States are being drained of their money by
the Jewish Mafia.ah, but none dare call it Mafia, do they -

Like Bnai Brith, Jewish Masonry - is there a difference?


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/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


   "You're Giving Him [Sharon] The World!"

MID-EAST REALITIES  - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 2/26:
For those who still needed proof of the cravenness and duplicity of Israel's
Labor Party, the party that spawned "Peace Now" and "Oslo" among other gross
deceptions, it came today.  Even top officials in the party can't stand it
any more and are crying out in desperation and shock.
"Slithering on its belly" says the former Foreign Minister, Ben-Ami.  "You're
giving him [Sharon] the world," former Justice Minister Beilin cried out, now
faced with making good on his pledge to bolt the party after 30 years of acting
as a lemming and stooge for Peres his mentor.
   Now the truth is finally seeping out.  Peres and Sharon we now learn have
been friends all these 30 years; all the while Peres claiming to the world's
media to be ideologically close to Beilin, his protege who according to his
own convictions is the total antithesis of Sharon.
   The party founded by Israel's godfather, David Ben-Gurion, is now proving
that the supposed differences with the military Revionists, with the Jabotinskyites,
has been mere window dressing all along, deception piled on top of prior deception.
 Now Labor seems to be showing its true colors -- indeed it's been a good cop/bad
cop routine for decades now with so many, possibly Beilin among them, so terribly
abused and mislead all along.  And in turn Arafat and crowd have been taken
for such a bad ride, though actually they mostly have themselves to blame since
they were repeatedly warned that they didn't know what they were doing, that
they didn't know whom they were dealing with, that they didn't realize where
they were being taken and why.  And in turn of course the Arafat crowd -- with
their fancy homes, lavish tastes, VIP passes, foreign bank accounts, and corrupted
personalities -- took their people into the greater bondage of today via the
route of what was formerly known as "the peace process".
   If ever the enemies of Zionism needed any further vindication for their
refusal all these years to believe anything either major wing of the Zionist
movement was trying to sell them on, now they have it.  "Nauseating", indeed.
 "Slithering on their bellies", true enough.  If Beilin and Ben-Ami want to
redeem themselves now they will have to do more than leave the Labor party;
they and those who have professed to stand for an ideology divergent from oppression,
torture, bondage, ocupation, and apartheid, should realize their moment of
truth has come...as well.


TEL AVIV (Reuters - 26 February) - Israel's Labor Party has agreed to join
Prime Minister-elect Ariel Sharon in a unity government which supporters hailed
as a bid to keep peacemaking alive and opponents condemned as a sham.

"The country has a chance for peace and the party has a chance for renewal,"
Labour's Shimon Peres, a former prime minister who could become Israel's next
foreign minister, said after the center-left party's Central Committee voted
on Monday for the partnership.

The vote, after a particularly stormy debate, paved the way for hawkish Likud
leader Sharon to finalize coalition details with right-wing and religious allies
and take office by an end-of-March deadline.

"You're giving him the world," outgoing Justice Minister Yossi Beilin, a leading
Labor dove opposed to the coalition, told the 1,600-member committee, which
voted by a margin of 67 to 33 percent in favor of a unity government.

"It's a bonanza: a Nobel prize winner in a government with 'Gandhi'," Beilin
said, referring to peace laureate Peres and using the nickname of Rehavam Zeevi,
whose National Union party advocates expelling Palestinians from the West Bank
and Gaza.

Outgoing Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami told Labour's Central Committee meeting
he was "nauseated" by the spectacle of the party "slithering on its belly"
to join up with Sharon.

Labor has been in disarray since Sharon crushed Ehud Barak in a February 6
prime ministerial election hastened by a Palestinian uprising that erupted
after the Likud leader 

[CTRL] Foot In Mouth

2001-02-26 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


This is only a glowing example of what has been heretofore a subtle imposition on
the world.  This is what you wind up with when you run out of imperialism.


Return to Article |  Print this Page
Fears over foot-and-mouth spark riots in Brussels
By FT.com staff - Feb 26 2001 11:17:18
Farmers in Brussels clashed with police on Monday outside European Union
headquarters amid growing fears foot-and-mouth disease would spread to continental
Europe from the UK.
The riots came as the UK reported two more cases of foot-and-mouth in the south-west
of England.
Any arrival of the disease on the continent would be a severe setback to farmers
already struggling with the emergence of BSE in cattle.
The threat of an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in Europe added further tension
to the planned protest over the BSE crisis being held ahead of Monday’s meeting of
agricultural ministers at EU headquarters. Police fired water cannons to disperse
the farmers.
Foot-and-mouth and BSE, or mad cow disease, were expected to dominate the agenda of
Monday's meeting.
Nick Brown, UK agriculture minister, warned the European Commission that foot-and-
mouth disease might have been shipped across the channel from infected areas in the
Mr Brown is expected to outline to fellow ministers measures to curb the spread of
foot-and-mouth, including the killing and incineration of thousands of livestock
carcasses. The UK has halted all exports of live animals, meat and dairy products.
Germany has started slaughtering livestock imported from Britain as a precautionary
measure to prevent an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease spreading to German cattle.
In Holland, more than 3,000 animals were slaughtered over the weekend after the
ministry of agriculture ordered an investigation of 18 farms.
Related stories
Special report: Foot-and-mouth outbreak
 Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2001.

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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[CTRL] Rurope Panics!!!!!!

2001-02-26 Thread Carl Amedio

Re: [CTRL] Rurope Panics!!!!!!

2001-02-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Might add Captain Ahab, that in Germany McDonalds was coming out with
porkburgersnow the pigs are diseased.

Still nobody seems to believe this is sabotage and the biggest pig of
all Henry Kissinger is at it again trying to deprive the public of cheap

Something wrong here.you have Tony Blair in office who thrives on
disaster as did Clinton who loved to dwell in ashes of Waco and
Littleton but that is right, he did not attend the funerals of the
little babies of Waco did he?

So who is trying to destroy McDonalds and next comes what, Wendys - two
of othe cleanest operations in the world?

Slaughter of cows - saw picture of one being hung upside down and drug
to ground to be burned this is sabotage and look to Tony Blair and
Clinton who are serial killers for after all who was it tht sold the
AIDS blood to canada which went to England and Ireland and who spreads
Aids with Love and Kisses from the Sodomists fo which both Blair and
Clinton claim membership - who spreads their love with AIDS about the

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: The German Nobility

2001-02-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

So let me make a better reproductioni here and note the LITTLE V STANDS


Re: [CTRL] Rurope Panics!!!!!!

2001-02-26 Thread Carl Amedio
In a message dated 2/26/01 11:57:52 PM Central Standard Time,

Might add Captain Ahab, that in Germany McDonalds was coming out with
porkburgersnow the pigs are diseased.

Still nobody seems to believe this is sabotage and the biggest pig of
all Henry Kissinger is at it again trying to deprive the public of cheap

When you have total control of the food supply you have total control the
population. all hail big brother


[CTRL] [Check this out] Alaska Tundra pattern

2001-02-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Check this out:




 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Glib of Foot

2001-02-26 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


Quarantine?!?  The whole island(s)?!? AYR 

The making of an epidemic

Special report: Foot and mouth disease
John Vidal, Paul Brown, Peter Hetherington,  and  Kate Connolly  in Berlin
Tuesday February 27, 2001
The Guardian
The impossibly tangled web which Ministry of Agriculture staff began to unravel last
week now extends across three animal species, five countries and many British
counties as foot and mouth disease carried by British sheep threatens to spread
though Europe and even further afield.
But as mainland Europe continued yesterday to try to identify and quarantine or kill
those animals which they suspect may have come into contact with infected British
sheep, it was becoming clear that the continental meat trade is so complex that a
sheep born in Aberdeenshire could be trucked 1,600 miles before being slaughtered as
far away as Beirut.
The detective story starts, for the moment, when 40 sheep were sent from Ian
Williamson's Prestwick Hall farm at Ponteland near Newcastle airport to Hexham
market on February 13. It is known that more than 3,500 animals were sold that day
and all the buyers and sellers have to be traced and their animals monitored. The
ministry hopes to complete tracing them in the next 24 hours.
More than a week later, foot and mouth disease was confirmed among cattle at
Prestwick Hall farm shortly after Burnside farm at Heddon-on-the-Wall - barely four
miles away - was pinpointed by the Ministry of Agriculture as the likely source of
the national outbreak. Vets believe the virus was carried from infected pigs by wind
to Prestwick Hall farm, and then to a neighbouring farm at Westerhope, near
Newcastle - confirmed yesterday as th
e 10th outbreak.
They believe that the 40 sheep from Prestwick were sold to Willy Cleave, a Devon 
dealer who has 11 farms in the west country where he keeps sheep before sending them 
on to British abattoirs or for export. The 40 were then
 shipped on February 15 to Longtown market, Carlisle, which is one of the largest 
sheep markets in Europe and also acts as a holding centre. However the ministry still 
does not know for certain whether these sheep were th
e infected ones.
What is known is that the Longtown 40 were collected shortly afterwards and taken to 
Mr Cleave's Highampton farm in Devon. Cattle there developed foot and mouth but it was 
not known at the time they had caught it from she
On February 21, some sheep from Highampton were trucked to Bromham slaughterhouse in 
Wiltshire, where they developed foot and mouth. The next day sheep from the same farm 
were sent to Northampton and sold at the local auc
tion. Normally, about 85% of the 1,500 sheep sold that day would go for export but 
because the export route had been closed on February 17, these sheep would have been 
held by dealers. All are now being traced.
Separately Mr Cleave had, on February 12, trucked 348 sheep from Devon to Germany via 
Dover on the Cap Afrique, Britain's only dedicated livestock export ferry. Since then 
according to the ministry, he had sold other batc
hes of sheep to British dealers intended for export. All these are also being searched 
The last sheep exports from Britain to the continent were at 2am on February 17. The 
Cap Afrique left Dover loaded with hundreds of animals bound for Dunkirk. Farmer's 
Ferry, the company which owns it, said it had exporte
d about 30,000 sheepin the two weeks before the ban. The ministry is having to trace 
all sheep exported on the Cap Afrique in the past three weeks.
Yesterday, the German authorities traced the 348 sheep sent directly by Mr Cleave to 
Germany on February 12 and killed them as a precautionary measure.
The Cap Afrique suspended all operations within hours of   the first confirmed 
outbreak, but the European authorities say it may have been too late to prevent the 
disease spreading through Europe.
After long journeys from as far away as Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and the west 
country, animals are known to be highly susceptible to disease. If any of those 
exported in the past few weeks had already been infect
ed, they could easily have passed it on.
Most live sheep exported from Britain are taken first to   any one of more than 60 EU 
registered "holding stations" where they are kept, often with many thousands of other 
animals, for up to several days. British exporter
s favour a handful of large stations in Belgium and Holland.
However, according to Gilles Frojet of the major French holding station La Gatevinire 
at Argenton L'Eglise, there are many unofficial holding stations in mainland Europe 
which could also have received infected animals an
d could   possibly duck the authorities' investigations.
Tracing livestock movements in Europe is difficult, said Mike Gooding of Farmers 
First, a British sheep exporter. British animals have full documentation, but many 
animals in continental 

[CTRL] Fwd: Seven Deadly Sins

2001-02-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

So this sounds like Profile of Hill and Bill with well toss in Marc Rich
aka Reich and that lard ass brother of Hill...who returned how much
was it $400,000?

Reproduce this story and wonder what an exocist could do to relieve this
country of this evil element and none of these people use their right
names do they - like Legion - My Name is Legion for I am many?

And throw in that glutton Hennry Kissinger too, for by now he probably
takes two seats at the dinner table and eats the crumbs on the floor he
would give to the kiddies?

Old Murderer's Bible once had written "First let the kids be killed",
rather than filled.the publisher I believe was executed on that
onethe other error was just as deadly in translation.


LUST -- were preached in medieval sermons as a learning device to
illustrate what could distract worshipers from being faithful.
The "sins" appear in numerous international literary works, including
the religious writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274); The Divine
Comedy of Dante Alighieri -- Purgatorio; Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
-- The Parsons Tale; and Spenser's The Faerie Queene.
They are also graphically depicted in two striking paintings by medieval
artist Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) -- "The Seven Deadly Sins" and "The
Garden of Earthly Delights." Dictionary and biblical definitions follow:
Gluttony: The habit or act of eating too much. For the drunkard and the
gluttonous shall come to poverty; and drowsiness shall clothe a man with
rags. Proverbs 23:21
Greed: Excessive desire, especially for wealth; avarice. Yea, they are
greedy dogs that can never have enough, they are so wicked that they
cannot understand; they have all turned aside to their own way, every
one for his own gain and his own advantage. Isaiah 56:11
Sloth: Disinclination to work or exert oneself; laziness. Slothfulness
casts into a deep sleep; and a proud man shall suffer hunger. Proverbs
Pride: An overhigh opinion of oneself. Disgrace goes before destruction,
and pride before misfortune. Proverbs 16.18
Lust: Bodily appetite; especially excessive sexual desire. Abstain from
fleshy lusts, which war against the soul. Peter 2:11
Envy: Discontent and ill will over another's advantages, possessions,
Wrath is cruel and anger is outrageous; but who can stand before envy?
Proverbs 27:4
Wrath: Intense anger; rage; fury; any action of vengeance. He who cools
down his anger is a healer of his own heart; but wrath is the rottenness
of the bones. Proverbs 14: 30
 Return To Se7en

Ah but as the Song of Solomon reads for jealousy - many waters cannot
quench it for it is as cruel as the grave...and the look I remember
on the evil Blair and Clinton when JFK Jr with his beautiful wife had to
attend the moon anniversary occaision - that kid felt their hatred of
him and backed away from them for he felt repelled by their very

And then he too, died..but von Braun whom Kennedy befriended - was
this another reason why the Jejwish Mafia murdered them all?

What abut all those German Scientists who went to Russia and in on
saboage of our space program.why nobody seems to care do they that 3
astronatus were murdered in the Apollo and then the little matter of the
Challengerand do not think the astronauts do not know what happened

Never found any Kenned guilty of the 7 Cardinal crimes but boy that
Clinton sure fits the profiles here.   His Name Is Legion - we do not
even know that guy's real name.



[CTRL] Fwd: SBC - Saint Mary Magdalen

2001-02-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

Thought if you had not read this you might enjoy it Tenorlove.I
wondered if the 7 Cardinal Sins were not part of the Exorcists Ritual
and perhaps the woman Mary Magalen who came from a noble family was
considered too proud and did not debase herself enoughnow vow of
poverty yet?

But the way this is written I thought was fantastic..an example of
these times a sultan might hae what he called a haram, but we would call
it a cat house.

If you read Numbers in the bible ask yourself why Number5 to 29 would be
missing from a masonic bible = looks like a planned divorce to meoh
those Masons.

Used to all them the battering rams.


Saint Mary Magdalen, the Beautiful Penitent
By the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
In order to know what great love is, one should study , the beautiful
penitent, who washed the feet of Jesus with the water of her tears, and
dried them with the towel of her hair.
Saint Mary Magdalen's audacity, her courage, her eagerness, gave
Christian love a true impetus in all the saints that followed her. She
was an outstanding girl, the love-flamings of whose heart, the
love-anguishings of whose soul, consoled Our Lord when He needed comfort
most  when His feet were pierced by nails, His head by thorns, and
His heart by man's ingratitude.
God would gladly make the world for the love one girl can give. Our
Blessed Lady is God's perfect maiden. But next to Our Lady, Saint Mary
Magdalen is the girl in the life of Our Lord whom He most loved. She was
His overwhelming favorite, because her love was the kind that never
counts the costs. Her bright eyes were always full of tears  for
Jesus alive and sitting at a feast, for Jesus dead and laid in a tomb.
How Saint Mary Magdalen first met Jesus, we are told in the Gospel of
Saint Luke. Saint Mary Magdalen learned that Jesus was dining, one
night, at the house of Simon, a Pharisee, and without waiting for an
invitation or an introduction of any kind, she burst through the guests
to get to Him. Her only thought was to show Jesus how thorough her love
had made her sorrow and her repentance, for Mary Magdalen, the daughter
of a rich and noble family, was reputed a great sinner.
Never once did she think of the reproaches and rebukes which the Jews
would heap upon her, in the house of a Pharisee. The Pharisees believed
that all sinners remained sinners; they believed that all except
themselves were sinners. Unmindful of their scorn, Saint Mary Magdalen
knelt behind Our Lord while He was seated in this house full of bearded
misogynists, and washed His feet with her tears and dried them with her
hair. And, kissing His feet, she anointed them with precious ointment.
Tears and kisses, the highest priced oils that money could buy, and hair
which was her crown  these were her substitutes for words. And they
were a thousand times more eloquent.
When Simon, the Pharisee who had invited Jesus to dinner, complained
within himself saying: "This man, if He were a prophet, would surely
know who and what manner of woman this is that toucheth Him, that she is
a sinner," Our Lord quickly defended Saint Mary Magdalen.
"Simon," He said, "I have something to say to thee. . . . I entered into
thy house, thou gavest Me no water for My feet, but she with tears hath
washed My feet, and with her hair hast wiped them. Thou gavest Me no
kiss; but she, since she came in, hath not ceased to kiss My feet."
And then Our Lord uttered His glorious tribute: "Wherefore I say to
thee: Many sins are forgiven her because she hath loved much." And
turning, Jesus said to Saint Mary Magdalen, "Thy sins are forgiven
Saint Mary Magdalen is the queen of penitents. Her special title is
Penitent. That is the way she is referred to in the Church's liturgy,
and that is the way we lovingly remember her. And so beautiful is
penitence in the eyes of God, that He is willing to have this girl 
who loved Him with every breath of her being, and whom He loved with a
most special tender love  known throughout all the Christian ages by
a word which reveals afresh, for every new generation, the story of her
sins. Men and women, whose own lives should cause them to hang their
heads before the beauty of her love and dedication, know only her shame
and the casting out from her of seven devils. And they think her akin to
themselves, in some familiar way.
What so few realize is that Saint Mary Magadalen, because her gratitude
and humility are equal to her unparalleled love, is delighted to bear,
through all Christian centuries, the title Penitent in order that
through her the mercies of her Lord might be made manifest. For
actually, in all the days of her life that followed upon her anointing
the feet of Jesus in the house of Simon, the Pharisee, she grew in love
and prayer and contemplation to such a height that, except for Our
Lady's  whose life transcends in holiness that of the lives of all
the saints together  Saint Mary Magdalen's life may be said to be the
holiest of all the 

[CTRL] From the Desk of Hugh Rodham

2001-02-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


* A number of readers have e-mailed Mullings looking for more
information on the shadowy Pincus Green. After a significant
(albeit hardly exhaustive) search, the most I could find out was
that Green's full legal name apparently is "Marc Rich And His
Former Business Partner Pincus Green."

* Because Pincus has been living in Switzerland, we also looked
for the French version of his name, RosÈ Verte. And the German:
Rosa Gr¸n. Not much there, either.

* In one of those rare paroxysms of real reporting (which regular
readers know we are loathe to do here at Mullings) a person close
to the Congressional investigations told us that he is known in
some circles as "Poor Pinky" ("Pauvre RosÈ") because his former
partner Marc Rich is getting all the ink.

* "He is known, even by the people who have been trying to get
these guys back to the U.S., as a pretty good guy, 'a mensch',"
we were told. He apparently was not involved in all of Rich's
activities, and may even have offered to return to the U.S. to
face trial, but did not in order to support his friend.

* An insight into why The MSS Hillary defense screen was set up
so quickly last week is found in a Zogby poll published by the NY
Post over the weekend. According to the paper 58% of New Yorkers
polled don't believe the Senator when she said she knew nothing
about her brother's role in the pardons. Only 33% said they did
believe her.

* The MSS Hillary said in that press conference "When it became
known, around Christmas, that the President was considering
pardons Ö" What? "When it became known?" Did they do a lit drop?
A phone bank? Was this in a direct mail piece?

- -

From the Desk of Hugh Rodham
December 26, 2000

Dear Felon:

Merry Christmas! If you were one of those who took the time to
vote in Florida in last month's Presidential election, let me add
a very special thank you for going not only above and beyond, but
also around, your civic duty.

As you may have heard around the yard, my brother-in-law,
President Bill Clinton, is currently considering an undetermined
(but not unlimited) number of Presidential pardons and
commutations between now and the unfortunate end of his term at
noon on January 20th.

If you believe you are deserving of a pardon - or know someone
who is - please contact me as quickly as possible so I can review
your case and, if you meet certain criteria, arrange to have your
case taken DIRECTLY to President Bill Clinton.

Hollywood superstar Harry Thomason has already taken advantage of
this wonderful offer. As have wealthy New York socialites, Los
Angeles Businessmen, and many, many others.

In your initial letter or e-mail please include the name and
phone number of the person who will be responsible for handling
the billing. If this is an off-shore phone number, please advise
them to expect a collect call.

Don't delay! Time is short!

Contact your "Pardon Partner" today, walk out tomorrow!


Hugh Rodham (Hillary's Brother)
Pardons 'R Us, LLP
Miami, Florida

- -


(1) The words "in-law" in the phrase "brother-in-law" may keep
many inmates from reading any further. Can we substitute
something like "my brother by marriage?"

(2) Do we think the phrase "Time is short" is appropriate in a
letter to people in prison?]

* Roger Clinton (now clearly identified as Bill's HALF brother)
has had his fingers in the Pardon Pie as well. He said to the LA
Times in response to a question about being paid for his pardon
work, "Nobody on my list, which consisted of only my best friends
I've known for 20 years or more. Not only did I not get any
money, but none of them got pardons."

* I'm pretty certain I can make a list of all of the people I
would consider to be friends over the past 20 years and none of
them, to my knowledge, needs a pardon. All - ALL - of Roger's
"best friends" needed pardons.

* And, he went oh-for-six. Hugh went two-for-two. Roger Clinton:
Sings as well as he lawyers. And vice versa.

-- END --

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to 

[CTRL] AP: Outrage in Colombia Over Clinton's Commutation of Drug-Money Launderer's Sentence

2001-02-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Feb 26, 2001 - 07:53 PM

Outrage in Colombia Over Clinton's Commutation of Drug-Money
Launderer's Sentence

By Andrew Selsky
Associated Press Writer

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) - Colombians were stupefied and outraged
Monday by former President Clinton's decision to commute the
sentence of an American lawyer convicted of laundering money for
Colombian drug traffickers.

Colombians learned of the commuted sentence for Harvey Weinig -
and of the lawyer's links to traffickers - from local news
reports this weekend, and it prompted complaints of a double
standard in the drug war.

The issue comes as President Bush and Colombian President Andres
Pastrana are to meet in the White House on Tuesday to discuss
strengthening the U.S.-backed drug war in this South American

Weinig was sentenced in New York in 1996 to 11 years in prison
for laundering tens of millions of dollars in drug proceeds and
failing to report a kidnapping.

U.S. prosecutors said he was associated with the Cali drug cartel
and one of the heads of a major international ring operating in
New York and other cities, including in Germany, Switzerland,
Italy, Puerto Rico and Colombia.

In his final days in office, Clinton commuted the American
lawyer's sentence to just under six years, U.S. officials said.
He is scheduled to be released from federal prison on April 16,
the U.S. Bureau of Prisons said.

Alfonso Valdivieso, Colombia's U.N. ambassador who as top
prosecutor during the mid-1990s oversaw efforts to put drug
traffickers behind bars, called Clinton's action "sordid."

"For Colombia, this situation is quite disappointing and delivers
the wrong message," Valdivieso said on national RCN radio.

Colombians - who have endured a bloody drug war and seen some of
the country's drug kingpins extradited to the United States for
long prison sentences - often complain that their country is
making all the sacrifices while drug-consuming nations don't do

"This gives us the notion that the anti-drug fight is
asymmetrical," former Foreign Minister Rodrigo Pardo told The
Associated Press. "The United States demands more from Colombia
than it is disposed to do itself."

The Justice Department in Washington confirmed that due to
Clinton's decision, Weinig's sentence was commuted on Jan. 20 to
five years and 270 days. The congressional committee
investigating the series of pardons Clinton made in his last days
said its probe encompasses the Weinig sentence commutation.

"We are aware of the situation and we are looking into it," said
Mark Corallo, a spokesman for the House Government Reform

Gustavo de Greiff, who preceded Valdivieso as prosecutor general
when the Colombian government fought a bloody war against the
ruthless Medellin cocaine cartel, said Colombia should reconsider
its policies regarding drug trafficking in light of Clinton's

De Greiff, during his tenure as prosecutor general, was accused
by Washington of "coddling" drug traffickers because of his
policy of negotiating sentences with traffickers who surrendered
and turned in cohorts.

"This now all seems incredible to me," de Greiff said on national
radio. "What President Clinton has done, they criticized us for.
And we offered sentence reductions to those who had not been
captured yet, while the United States offers this to people who
have already been caught."

Pastrana's administration has called for tougher U.S. action
against money laundering, particularly involving U.S. banks.

AP-ES-02-26-01 1953EST

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] REU: Denise Rich Visited White House Night Before Pardon

2001-02-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Monday February 26 11:26 PM ET

Denise Rich Visited White House Night Before Pardon

By John Whitesides

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Denise Rich, former wife of fugitive
financier Marc Rich, visited the White House with Democratic
fundraiser Beth Dozoretz the night before former President
Clinton granted her ex-husband a pardon, sources said on Monday.

Denise Rich, whose donations of more than $1 million to
Democratic causes and $450,000 to Clinton's library fund have
raised questions about the pardon, visited the White House at
least 13 times during Clinton's presidency, the sources said.

The final visit came in the early evening hours of Jan. 19, just
hours before Clinton granted the controversial pardon to Marc
Rich on Jan. 20, his final day in office.

The sources said the two women arrived at the White House about
5:30 p.m. and possibly attended a party for close friends of
Clinton. It was not known when they left.

Dozoretz, a friend of Clinton's and the former finance chairwoman
of the Democratic National Committee, told congressional
investigators on Monday that she would not testify at a hearing
on the pardon.

Like Denise Rich earlier this month, she cited her constitutional
right against self-incrimination in refusing to appear before the
House Government Reform Committee.

The panel, one of two congressional committees examining widening
allegations of influence peddling and possible illegal payments
linked to the pardons for Rich and others, had subpoenaed
Dozoretz to appear at the hearing on Thursday.

Dozoretz was recruited by Marc Rich's attorney Jack Quinn to
lobby Clinton on the pardon, and Quinn has testified to Congress
that she spoke to Clinton at least twice on the issue.

``Because of the pendancy of other investigations, Ms. Dozoretz,
upon advice of counsel, has elected to invoke her constitutional
privilege not to testify,'' her attorney, Thomas Green, told the
House committee in a letter.

The U.S. Attorney's office in New York is conducting a criminal
probe into Clinton's pardon of Rich and his partner Pincus Green,
who fled to Switzerland 17 years ago to avoid prosecution on more
than 50 counts of racketeering, wire fraud, income tax evasion
and illegal oil trading with Iran.

Investigators are looking for links between the pardon and
donations from Denise Rich, who gave more than $1 million to
Democratic causes and $450,000 to help build Clinton's proposed
presidential library.

House investigators have searched White House visitor logs
obtained last week to determine when and how often Denise Rich,
Dozoretz and others visited the White House in the final weeks
and months of Clinton's presidency.

The parallel congressional and criminal investigations have
expanded to cover allegations about other pardons, including
charges that Clinton's half-brother Roger lobbied on behalf of at
least a half-dozen close friends who did not receive pardons.

Also being investigated is a $400,000 fee given Hugh Rodham,
lawyer brother of former first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, by
the families of two men he represented who did receive clemency.

Sen. Clinton, a New York Democrat, said last week she was unaware
of the payments to her brother, which were subsequently returned.

House Committee Chairman Dan Burton of Indiana, who sent a letter
to Clinton library officials on Monday threatening contempt
charges if they do not make their donor lists available, said he
was ``disappointed'' with Dozoretz's decision not to testify but
she must still appear.

``It is my hope that when she comes before the committee on
Thursday, she will change her mind and answer the committee's
questions,'' he said.

Burton said the refusal of the two women to testify and the
library's refusal to turn over its donor lists, subpoenaed by the
panel earlier this month, were signs of ``stonewalling tactics''
on the investigation.

``It is beginning to seem that the reason people aren't answering
questions is because they are hiding something,'' Burton said.

Burton's panel has subpoenaed lists of all donors who contributed
more than $5,000 to the Clinton library fund, hoping to find
evidence of possible payments funneled from Rich through conduits
or other donors with links to the pardons.

Clinton attorney David Kendall has rejected the request, calling
it an ``an unprecedented intrusion.''

Burton, one of Clinton's harshest congressional critics, offered
a compromise to Kendall on Monday in which investigators would
view the lists and eliminate those names that were not pertinent
to the investigation before they were handed over to the panel.

The Thursday hearing in the House is expected to focus on how the
controversial pardon of Rich was handled by White House staff in
the frantic final days before it was granted.

Testimony and e-mails at the first House and Senate hearings
indicated an intense debate raged among White House

[CTRL] WP: Denise Rich Late Visitor to White House

2001-02-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Denise Rich Late Visitor to White House

Dozoretz Also Present On Eve of Pardons

By Susan Schmidt and Peter Slevin
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, February 27, 2001; Page A01

Denise Rich and former Democratic Party finance director Beth
Dozoretz were at the White House on President Clinton's final
night in office when he was deciding on a raft of controversial
pardons, including one for Rich's ex-husband, Secret Service
records show.

The two women arrived together around 5:30 p.m., according to
knowledgable sources. It is not clear what they were doing at the
White House residence that evening, and they could have been
among numerous guests at a late-night party attended by close
Clinton friends and family. But the Secret Service logs provide
the first evidence that the women were actually in the White
House on the night that the controversial pardon was being

The records also show that Rich had been to the White House at
least 13 times before, and Dozoretz had been there dozens of
times over the years, according to sources familiar with a House
committee investigation of the pardon of fugitive commodities
trader Marc Rich.

Yesterday, Dozoretz said that she will invoke her Fifth Amendment
privilege rather than testify Thursday before the House
Government Reform Committee, which is investigating the pardon of
Rich along with other questionable pardons.

By asserting her right against self-incrimination, Dozoretz would
join her friend Denise Rich, a major Democratic campaign
contributor and pardon advocate for her former husband, in
refusing to detail the intensive lobbying efforts on behalf of

Committee Chairman Dan Burton (R-Ind.), who has subpoenaed
records of White House visits by Denise Rich and Dozoretz,
suggested that the two women -- along with Clinton, Marc Rich and
the Clinton library foundation -- are "stonewalling." Yesterday
he threatened library chief Skip Rutherford with a contempt
citation if he does not give committee staffers access to donor

"Unfortunately, the facts are not coming out," Burton said in a
written statement. "It is beginning to seem that the reason
people aren't answering questions is because they are hiding
something. This is unacceptable."

Attorneys for Dozoretz and Denise Rich did not return calls last
night for comment on their White House visits. The Secret Service
logs show Rich visited between 13 and 19 times during the course
of the administration.

On Jan. 19, when Clinton was up most of the night weighing
pardons, there was a White House party whose guests included
several other people who have been linked to the pardon
controversy. Among those who attended to socialize and watch
movies was Hugh Rodham, the first lady's brother, who was paid
nearly $400,000 for advocating pardons for a convicted cocaine
dealer and for a marketer of herbal remedies who was convicted of
fraud and perjury. Hollywood producer Harry Thomasson, a Clinton
friend from Arkansas who was also there, sent two hometown
friends to Hillary Clinton's campaign treasurer for help
obtaining a pardon.

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that two of every three
Americans believe the Clinton pardons are an important issue.
Only 16 percent consider the matter "not important at all"; about
half believe Congress should hold further hearings, with half

Despite the political skirmishing and the heavy media coverage,
however, the pardons issue has not significantly affected public
perceptions of Clinton's presidency. In all, 59 percent of the
1,050 randomly selected respondents said they approve of
Clinton's performance as president, with 37 percent saying they

The Rich pardon is the subject of two inquiries on Capitol Hill
and a criminal investigation by the U.S. attorney in New York,
where Rich was indicted in 1983 on charges of tax evasion and
trading with the enemy. Prosecutors are examining whether the
Rich pardon and the commutation awarded to four convicted
swindlers in New Square, N.Y., are the product of

While Dozoretz was closely involved in the Rich case, Burton's
committee is more interested in the testimony of three senior
Clinton aides who consulted with the former president as pardon
decisions were made.

Committee Republicans are worried that Clinton White House
counsel Beth Nolan, chief of staff John D. Podesta and counsel
Bruce Lindsey will decline to answer some questions by citing
executive privilege or attorney-client privilege. The committee
asked the former president to waive the privileges. His lawyers
are considering the request, informed sources said.

The Burton committee butted heads for years with the Clinton
White House in the panel's aggressive inquiries into the
financing of the 1996 Clinton-Gore campaign. Republicans on the
committee frequently alleged that the White House was
coordinating an effort to discourage cooperation with the
congressional probes.

Burton suggested