[CTRL] Researchers Already Whining for MORE Stem Cell Lines

2001-08-17 Thread Amelia
Title: Re: [CTRL] Researchers Already Whining for MORE Stem Cell Lines

You did not say racial minorities but minority 
only. Could be from ethnic or political reasons that one is a 
minority.But as I said, I am learning daily from some on this very list 
how this applies.

I was using irony on the plight of those 
sentenced to capital punishment, which BTW, I do not support. I see it was 
lost on you as was most of what I said.When calculators first cam out, I 
bought a nice one, Texas Instruments, for $75.Everybody is aware that SOME 
technology becomes cheaper and that is a general rule but it does not apply to 
health care for that only increases. The cost of some basic drugs has 
lowered but not the majority of health care. Check it out for that is how 
the majority of my family earns their living and each year, costs are higher, 
not less. eve on older technology and very basic stuff. Compare and 
contrast the cost of something so old as an EEG, the technology for which has 
been around for decades. It is NOT cheaper. Health care is so labor 
intensive that costs are not likely to decrease.

I made my point perfectly clear. How can 
people adopt minority babies as you suggest pro-life people should be doing when 
they cannot receive approval for adopting a child of ANY race? The very 
example that I gave as of a white adopting not one but TWO Asians but she had to 
go to China to do it. I have seen women in South America (white ones) who 
have located Hispanic babies for adoption weeping because they could not get a 
visa to bring them home. How many have you personally reared from such 
adoption?I only listen to those who walk the walk and not just 

No, dear, I am not saying one human life form has 
more rights than another. Irony. NO ONE considers China an example 
on human rights. But neither do I think one human life form has LESS 
rights than another.

You have your opinion and are welcome to it. 
I also have mine on which you commented. I was merely trying to 
clarify. I do not think I have succeeded for faith is a gift and many do 
not understand it. I have not arrived at my beliefs lightly nor without a 
great deal of thought and at my age, am not likely to alter them. Nor do I 
expect others to do so. But I do resent financing the beliefs of others 
but some of that is inevitable to all of us. I still resent it.

- Original Message - 
From: thew 
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 12:38 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Researchers Already Whining for MORE Stem Cell 
"It is not the function of our government to keep thecitizen from 
falling into error; it is the function of the citizento keep the government 
from falling into error." JusticeRobert H. Jackson-- 
http://home.earthlink.net/~thew  From: Amelia 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 00:08:13 
-0500 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [CTRL] Researchers 
Already Whining for MORE Stem Cell Lines  -Caveat 
Lector-  Now I can remember thinking this very same way as a 
teenager when Roe v Wade and all of that was new but fortunately I kept 
thinking on the matter and got beyond the simplistic solution and 
hollow platitudes and TV sound-bite mantras and learned to think 
for myself, at least a little bit. I suppose any embryos convicted 
of capital offenses are subject to death penalties the same as 
any others. Never said cells were 'people' for people is not the 
issue for me but rather human life which does not have to equal 
'people.' I said it was human and it was alive and it is. I do not care 
one bit what anyone believes I hold sacred but I do care greatly 
about being forced to finance the beliefs of others.I also think 
for myselfwe just come to different conclusions  
And why are we not harvesting the organs and tissue for stem cells from 
those sentenced to capital punishment the way that China does? We might 
have such a surplus considering the high number of executions here that 
we, too, could sell them all over the world. Look at all those healthy, 
young specimens! And the way we coerce them into donating blood 
now, although a high rate of it is contaminated--we could expand on what 
they are forced to donate. Are you sure you want to hold up 
china as an example how to behave?are you saying a collection of 100 odd 
undifferentiated cells has more rights than someone in prison?right to 
life applies to blobs of protoplasm that you need a microscope to see, but not 
to people who commit crimes?do you see a contradiction , the very one I 
mentioned, that you are railing about now?(just ion case you forgot - here 
it is again)
  I'd like to see some of these people complaining 
about life sacred nature do something about all the 
un-adopted minority babies out 

[CTRL] Godwins Law

2001-08-17 Thread Amelia
Title: Pius XII - The forgotten victims of the Holocaust

I think ALL name-calling is very negative and a bad 
thing to do. Calling people Nazis is especially offensive and not just to 
Jewish people. I think that is a misconception because so many of our 
parents fought the Nazis as did their siblings. I always remember how sad 
my Grandmother was on holidays, still grieving for the three sons she lost in 
WWII. I have listed below an article which breaks down the 'Forgotten 
Victims" of the Holocaust, the other 6 million non-Jewish people who died in the 
death camps and villages of Europe, victims not of fighting but 

I think this is one of the more slanderous and 
vicious names a person can be called yet it has become very, very common. 
Of course Neo-Nazis exist but I do not think there is one behind every bush and 
I wish people would think before using that particular name because, like you, I 
have seen it used mostly just to silence people with whom one may not 

For anyone curious about the other 6 million who 
were executed, there is an article following with some statistics on those 
people. Imagine calling a person a Nazi because they are blonde/blue whose 
Polish grandparents were Holocaust victims. It just is not a nice thing to 
do without absolute proof which one is not likely to obtain from an email 
Just MHO.

From: "Tenorlove" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Godwins law

-Caveat Lector-There's a fellow on another list I subscribe to, 
everyone who disagreeswith his theories, is a Nazi. This includes Jews -- I 
know of 3 Jewswhom he has called Nazi and anti-Semitic. Godwin is right, but 
doesn'tgo far enough: on a list that is not well-established (like this 
one),very large (like Priory-of-Sion) or heavily moderated (like EEJH, 
aJewish history list), the Nazi sobriquet will ignite a flame war 
thatcauses the list to fold.By Jesus J. Chao
7 of 10

The persecution of Catholics.
Without belittling the unspeakable horrors suffered by Jews, we should not 
ignore the fact that millions of Catholics were also victims of the Holocaust, 
as were gypsies, homosexuals, and in much less scale, Orthodox and Protestants. 
Poland had the biggest Jewish population in Europe and was the only country 
where there was a mandatory death penalty for those hiding Jews. Many, who were 
caught sheltering Jews, were killed in a gruesome manner, such as being publicly 
burned as a warning to others. Although not every Catholic was a victim of 
the Nazis, it is certain that all the Jews were victims of Hitler’s 
We should keep in mind the prevailing situation of complete despair 
throughout Europe at the beginning of the forties. The Germans already occupied 
Poland, France, Belgium, Holland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, and Norway; and the 
invasion of the Soviet Union was going on while England was being bombed daily 
in preparation for the eventual invasion. The United States stayed out of the 
war until December 7, 1941, when the Japanese attacked the American naval base 
in Pearl Harbor. The neutral nations, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden and 
the Vatican, were the only temporarily remaining free territories. Without any 
military force, all the Pope had was his powerful moral pulpit to encounter the 
all powerful and victorious German troops. Although the Vatican was neutral, The 
Church and its flock were being brutally attacked and decimated in the Nazi’s 
occupied countries.
According to historian William J. O’Malley,S.J., "to the genocide of six 
millions Jews we have to add nine to ten millions Slavic victims (Poles, Czechs, 
Slovaks, Yugoslavs) who were eliminated-not in war, not as saboteurs, not as 
guerrillas, but sorely because they were Slavic." The Nazi’s genocide, based 
on race, should also include half a million gypsies who, just as the Slavs, were 
executed because they were not member of the superior race, the Aryans. The 
Nazis in Poland alone murdered more than 3 million Catholics together with over 
3 million Jews. (13)
About 2,800 clergymen were interned between 1940 and 1945, at Dachau, the 
infamous Nazi concentration camp. Among them, 2,579 were Catholic clergymen, 109 
Protestants, 30 orthodox and two Moslem clergymen. The Catholics came from 38 
nations; 1,780 were Polish, 447 German and Austrian, 109 Czech and Slovaks, 50 
Yugoslavs, 156 French, 63 Dutch. The auxiliary Polish Bishop of Wladislava died 
of typhus while imprisoned at Dachau. At least 1034 died in the camp, some 
victims of medical experimentation by the infamous Dr. Rascher. In 1940, 800 
priests died in Buchenwald, 1,200 in 1942 and 3,000 in 1943. And that was just 
in Buchenwald. 
As O’Malley, pointed out, "That figure, surprising as it might be, does 
not include the clergy or nuns who were shot, beheaded or tortured to death in 
squares and 

[CTRL] (Fwd) The State vs. Doctors by Congressman Ron Paul, MD

2001-08-17 Thread Theodor Parada, MD

-Caveat Lector-

Note: Dr. Ron Paul was the June 2001 commencement speaker at the
University of Texas-Houston Medical School.

The State vs. Doctors

by Congressman Ron Paul, MD

Being invited to address you today is indeed a particular honor for
me. In seeking advice about my speech I was told to observe three

1.) Be brief; no one remembers graduation speeches and too often they
are boring. Being brief is not the easiest request for a politician to
fulfill. But I did decide not to read the 80-page speech I'd written.

2.) Be positive; don't dwell on the problems medicine faces; this is
to be an upbeat event. Now that's a little more difficult for one who
titles his weekly legislative report: Texas Straight Talk.

3.) Be non-controversial; well, that's just asking too much of a

My task today is to remark on the relationship of medicine to society
from my perspective as a physician and legislator. To me this is a
very interesting task, but difficult to accomplish in a short period.

Before I begin, let me reassure you that I will try hard not to
offend anyone, but that's probably not completely possible. If I do
offend, I apologize. But you need not worry too much about a
disagreement you might have with what I say, because I'm an advocate
of a political philosophy that believes social and economic problems
should not be solved by passing more laws and using force, but
instead, solutions should come through freedom and persuasion.

The same events that early on motivated me to go to medical school
later motivated me to participate in politics. Clear memories of the
horrors of World War II and the Korean War and the reports of loss of
life of family, friends, and neighbors had an impact on me. I knew
very early on I never wanted to carry a gun in a war and, with the
draft in place, I realized the odds were overwhelming that I would be
called up to serve. I definitely knew at an early age that I preferred
a medical bag to a gun, healing to maiming, life to death.

I'm sure all of your reasons to become physicians vary, but most young
people deciding on the medical profession share the noble goals of
promoting health, healing, and life.

There are two short stories I want to tell, one medical, the other
political and economic.

First, when George Washington got a serious illness, the best
physicians in the country were called in. Three of the best consulted
and agreed that bloodletting was the treatment of choice, and the
leeches were put in place. Washington's weakened condition that was
the result of a serious respiratory infection promptly worsened and he
soon died. (There was no malpractice lawsuit filed.)

Good intentions and conventional wisdom were not helpful in saving the
life of the father of our country. Medical care involves more than
good intentions.

Second, in 1620 the Pilgrims, under the guidance of Governor Radford,
landed at Plymouth Rock. For the first two years the guiding principle
was from each according to ability, to each according to need - and
by force. Starvation ensued and the colony neared extinction.
However, in the third year, Radford, in consultation with the adults
of the community, agreed on a system of private plots and
self-reliance. Results the next summer were astounding. Productivity
shot up, and a community spirit of voluntary sharing replaced the
harsh laws that guided the first two years.

Freedom solved the problem of starvation.

The second story reminds me of one of my early lectures in medical
school. We were told that Kwashiorkor was the most common illness in
the world, killing more persons than any other. Immediately, with
delusions of grandeur, I dreamed of being the physician to find a cure
for this devastating malady. But later in the lecture I learned that
Kwashiorkor was a different kind of illness - it is the end result of
starvation. Later it dawned on me that the solution to this problem
was more political than medical.

Because we in this country have enjoyed the benefits of the freest
society ever known, true famine has never existed here. But a headline
a few weeks ago read: Rickets on the rise in the U.S. I wondered at
the time, could this be an early sign that something is wrong? Have we
undergone a reversal back toward the philosophy that nearly destroyed
the Plymouth colony?

Currently the method of distribution of medical care in the United
States is coming under attack by politicians, bureaucrats, hospitals,
labs, service providers, doctors, and patients. More laws and more
money are demanded from all quarters. But could it be possible that
distribution of medical care is now being criticized because of a
return to a system of government similar to the early rules of the
Plymouth colony? Or is it possible that freedom combined with
self-reliance no longer works? A basic understanding of economics
helps one to understand why distribution of medical care today is
becoming more difficult; quality is down while costs are 

[CTRL] (Fwd) The State vs. Doctors by Congressman Ron Paul, MD

2001-08-17 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Thanks for this lovely article.  I am going to forward it to my
youngest son who had his White Coat Ceremony on August 3 of this

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Destruction of America - Part I

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

Dear Neuromaniac or whatever:

Here is someone's rendition of the life of the Illuminati as related to
Jacob Schiff and most of the contributors have been labeled jewish, but
I am inclined to think all those involved are not necessarily all Jewish
but all are Zionists from Adolph Hitler to Jacob Schiff and strike out
the crap about JFK being CFR and Illuminati for someone has added his
name in error.

John Birch Society few years ago apologized for reporting JFK was
Illuminati, for HE WAS NOT; he was a Catholich Irish Hiberniannow
when one reads this the old line comes to mind that while all Molly
McGuires were Hibernians, not all Hibernians, were Mollies..

So different strokes for different folksthe Masons also have their
own little daily bible reading calendar and a little black code book
that I once was given to go over - but this stuff to me, is kid stuff -
like buying the old code rings with a box of cereal which was popular
during certain wartimes.

Masonic cyphers - some omit the letter K - but every origin of any
masonic order may be fund in the bible and that includes the Knights of
Malta (or Melita) into which St. Paul may have been initiated?   St.
Paul twice was accused of being a member, by innuendo, of the Ancien
Order of your Whatever Assassins?   And the Knighths Templar formed a
Pact with, the old Assassins.

Today I believe the Ancient Order of the Assassins - the hashish eaters
- lives in the form of the suicide bombers in Israel as they did in the
teachings of the kamakazee pilots of Japan - for most are drugged up
before they self destruct like Mission Imossible tape.

Now latest big time killer was Timothy McVeigh, and a Scotsman at that
which I find rather strange for someone sure got a hook into that
kid..had all the markins and stripes of a Minutemanwho beat a
load of fertilizer into a big bomb.   With a lot of help for I doubt he
ever pulled a plough.

So here it is and Joshua dear - I know how very sensitive you are
reading all th is stuff which might appear to be anti Jewish but then,
we all cannot be Irish - can we?   This is not directed at you but some
of the wording has been changed in this stuff - for JFK was NEVER a
member of the CFR Illuminati.

So you little twerp, pull in your little horns and feel free to read all
these terrible words and determine what is true and what is not ture.

JFK was killed as a result of this conspiracy - rather there are those
who believe JFK murdered himself - you know, like the Davidians are said
to have done?

One item Morgan and a few of these butchers (and I should not say that
about J P Morgan, for as a Pierpont he was in our family through the
women)so have fun Nueropsychotic and hope you enjoy REREADING all
this material for it is legion..pull up story under Fagan, who wrote
The White Rose who was in with Joseph Kennedy as a servant, not the



[CTRL] Fwd: The End Days -- Catholic Prophecy and Doctrine: Mystery of Iniquity

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

More for Neuropsychotic - interesting item and remember I am just the

International Order of the Irish Mafia
Tribe of Dan You Find US.


Re: [CTRL] To die for.

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Say June you mean they never got you those new shoes?

Poor little thing.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Federal Research Rat Hole (fwd)

2001-08-17 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

New from JunkScience.com, http://www.junkscience.com

Federal Research Rat Hole
By Steven Milloy, Fox News
August 17, 2001

Opponents and supporters of medical research involving embryonic stem cells may not 
agree on the ethics of embryo destruction, but they should be able to find common 
ground — albeit for different reasons — on another point: The federal government's 
role in the research should be reconsidered...

The full column is at  http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,32304,00.html

Steve Milloy

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] For the Children? (fwd)

2001-08-17 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

For the Children?


The National Education Association says it's dedicated to educating
children, so why is it so busy promoting abortion, homosexuality and a host
of other liberal causes?

By Dick Carpenter

The teacher union boss was not happy.

Bob Chase, president of the National Education Association, had invested
much of his political and professional capital in advancing homosexuality
through the schools. He gave a controversial keynote address at the October
2000 convention of the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Educational Network. 1 He had
written a pro-gay open letter this year to U.S. Secretary of Education Rod
Paige. 2 And he pushed for passage of a resolution at the NEA's annual
convention in early July that would have called for the involvement of
gay educators in developing educational material, and holding up gay,
lesbian, bisexual, and transgender education employees as role models. 3

So it was a bitter pill for Chase to swallow when, in the face of mounting
opposition by NEA delegates and a rally outside the convention hall
sponsored by Focus on the Family and the California-based Capital Resource
Institute, the contentious resolution never made it to the floor for a
vote. Instead, the resolution was tabled and a task force created to
explore the issue in a thorough and meaningful way. 4

Just how unhappy was Chase? According to one delegate, the NEA president
pounded on the podium and said he wanted all of the picketers outside and
all of the press to know that we will not back away from this issue.

But if the sidetracked resolution proved to be a bitter pill, other NEA
actions at the annual convention were the sugar to help the medicine go

The NEA and Abortion

Remarkably, an organization that claims to be for the children spends an
inordinate amount of time off the education message, some with disastrous
consequences. One of the most troubling is the union's unequivocal support
of the killing of millions of unborn babies. First adopted in the
mid-1980s, the NEA's Resolution I-12 supports family planning, including
the right to reproductive freedom, meaning abortion. Moreover, [t]he
Association urges the government to give high priority to making available
all methods of family planning to women and men unable to take advantage of
private facilities. 5

As if this were not bad enough, the resolution calls for such services to
be provided in schools. The Association also urges the implementation of
community-operated, school-based family planning clinics that will provide
intensive counseling by trained personnel. 5

Some NEA members see this resolution as unconscionable, and each year they
attempt to eliminate or undermine it. Such attempts are routinely shot down
by NEA delegates. This year, pro-life NEA members attempted several
different strategies, including the introduction of an amendment scuttling
Resolution I-12 and two new business items. As in years past, their
efforts were crushed.

The amendment to I-12 called for the removal of the phrase reproductive
freedom from the resolution. But immediately after the amendment's
introduction, another delegate led the fight against it by calling for
opposition to consider. NEA rules require a two-thirds majority to not
consider proposed amendments, and overwhelmingly, the delegates voted not
to consider it.

One of the new business items called on the NEA to educate its members
about the need to anesthetize pre-born children, once sensitivity to pain
has been established, before an abortion procedure begins. The other item
would have required the NEA to  educate its members about the need for
life-preserving measures to be used when a child is aborted alive.
Delegates voted not to consider either item. 6

As one pro-life delegate said, It was devastating.

National Everything Association

And the sugar for Chase's medicine just kept coming.

Delegates were given a report on the NEA's current legislative efforts,
which include liberal positions on the National Endowment for the Arts,
energy policy, environmental protection, fair housing, immigration,
military affairs, native lands, public welfare, and trade agreements. 7
During the convention delegates also voted on nuclear relations with
Russia, reparations for the descendents of slaves,8 sickle cell anemia, the
2008 Olympics,9 reinstatement of full citizenship rights for felons who
complete their sentences, and President Bush's plans to deploy a national
missile defense system, which they opposed. 6

The degree to which the union has strayed from education issues was not
lost on delegates. One teacher from Illinois complained, We're the
National Education Association not the National Everything Association. 10

New Mexico special education teacher Safi Lee Harnett agreed. There's a
lot of stuff the NEA is into which we should not be involved in.

Yet, into them they are. And it's a huge war chest of funds 

[CTRL] World's Fastest Computer Unveiled

2001-08-17 Thread Peat

World's Fastest Computer 
(Reuters) - A U.S. government laboratory unveiled on Wednesday the most 
powerful computer in the world, programmed to simulate the explosion of a 
nuclear bomb.



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[CTRL] License PC Users? It's a Thought

2001-08-17 Thread Peat

License PC Users? It's a Thought

By Michelle Delio WIREDIn a connected world, we suffer from 
the consequences of other people's computer ignorance. This summer, inboxes have 
been filled to overflowing with SirCam-infected e-mails, a hassle even if you 
don't click on the attachments. And well-protected networks continue to be 
whacked by constant scans from Code Red-infested computers. Most security 
experts lay the blame for the widespread virus and worm attacks on sloppy 
hardware and software design, and say that systems are designed with far too 
many unneeded fancy features intended to woo the reluctant buyer but skimp on 
basic "boring" security.



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[CTRL] Racial Gang Rape: Another Diversity Disaster

2001-08-17 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Sam Francis Archive

Racial Gangrape: Another Diversity Disaster

   By   Sam Francis

No doubt because of the influence of xenophobia and nativism in this
   country, America has not yet had an opportunity to welcome a new sport
 that the glorious multiracial diversity of the new millennium has
  already created. But in more cosmopolitan centers like Paris and
   Australia, the game is blossoming. It consists in the ritual gang rape
  of white women by non-white immigrants.

 Back in April, 11 young black males went on trial in Paris for the
gang rape of a 14-year-old white girl seven years ago. Rapes happen
   all the time, of course, but this one was unusually notable. It turned
  out to be a ritual for initiation into a gang. (VDARE note: The
Guardian story on this case refers to the rapists as French youths.
   See Peter Brimelows review of Paved with Good Intentions for a
   discussion of this media phenomenon.)

 The ritual is known as a tournante, meaning Take your turn, and it
 consists of a black male becoming friendly with (seducing) a white
 female, preferably a teenager. Once theyve become chums, the male
   lures the girl to a location where his buddies in the gang take their
   turns with her. In the case on trial in Paris, it was no fewer than 14
 buddies. Unlike many victims of such fun, this young lady lodged a
 complaint with the police. As a result, she was gangraped a second
  timethis time, allegedly, by the 11 who went on trial in April.

The incident is not isolated. Police investigations of similar rapes
   were underway in three other French cities, and one French magistrate
  says the game has been going on since at least the 1980s. Their
 technique was to pick up a young girla white girland once she had
   become the girlfriend of one of the members, he would allow his mates
 to make use of her, magistrate Sylvie Lotteau told the press last
   spring. (VDARE: Click here to read it in the French language. Computer
 translation here.)

   But France isnt the only nation to experience the pleasures of
   diversity. Reports from Australia reveal that racially motivated rapes
   of white women are catching on there as well.

The Australian Sun-Herald reports that police data show that some 70
   racially motivated rapes of young white girls, one as young as 13, by
 Middle Eastern immigrants have taken place in the last two years.
 Fifteen youths and men have so far been charged with more than 300
 offenses relating to matters since mid-2000 alone. They are all of
   Middle Eastern extraction. None of those involved is presently before
  the courts. Their alleged victims have all been Caucasian, aged
 between 13 and 18.

   Unlike the French white rape sport, those in Australia dont seem to be
part of a gang initiation, but they are nonetheless clearly racially
driven. Before being brutalized, the Australian paper reports, other
   victims have reportedly been questioned about their Australian
 heritage or forced to endure taunts about their attackers prowess.
 But, like the rapes in France, those in Australia follow a similar
 pattern in which one non-white male becomes intimate with a white
  girl, whom he then delivers to his friends for sexual violation,
  beating and humiliation.

   As I remarked, these particular sports, rather like soccer a few years
   ago, have just not caught on in the United Statesat least not yet. But
 a recent report from Sacramento suggests that times are changing.
  There four men who are immigrants from Fiji are facing trial for
   kidnapping and rape as part of a gang initiation, and they are part of
   a group of 11 suspects facing similar charges of kidnapping and raping
at least nine women, most of them prostitutes. Theres no word in the
Sacramento Bee story that reported these facts as to the race of the
 victimsno doubt because race just isnt important, you know. (VDARE
  note: The Sacramento Bee did a year-long project on rape in the
 Sacramento area. Both their breakdown on the details of Sacramento
area rapes, and their profile of a rapist avoid any mention of race,
   culture, or citizenship. They do use the word macho, but with
  reference to Americans.)

  And that of course is the whole point, isnt it? In the glorious
  diversity of the new millennium the brutal truth is that race is
   importantso important that non-whites who know this truth will commit
   rape against white women because of it. Importing millions of
   non-whites into what for centuries have been majority white countries
  doesnt diminish 

[CTRL] The U.S. of e

2001-08-17 Thread Peat

The U.S. of e


The feds are online, and they've got the 
confiscated goods--just name your price.By DAVID COLKER, LA TIMES 
STAFF WRITER Pssst. Want to buy a donkey? No? How about a helicopter, 3-carat 
diamond, pickup truck, four-bedroom house in Burbank, Lamborghini, Texas 
convenience store or Coast Guard cutter? 


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Available http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Diversionz/messagesThe 
U.S. of e The feds are online, and they've got the confiscated goods--just name 
your price.By DAVID COLKER, LA TIMES STAFF WRITER Pssst. Want to 
buy a donkey? No? How about a helicopter, 3-carat diamond, pickup truck, 
four-bedroom house in Burbank, Lamborghini, Texas convenience store or Coast 
Guard cutter? 

[CTRL] German Zeppelin Takes to Skies

2001-08-17 Thread Peat

Zeppelin Takes to Skies

By Burt HermanAssociated Press WriterBERLIN –– 
A new zeppelin that took to the skies this week over Germany carrying passengers 
– the first commercial zeppelin flights since the Hindenburg disaster – could 
bring new life for the spurned form of air transport.



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[CTRL] Shakedown at the USDA

2001-08-17 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


   Shakedown at the USDA

   By James Lubinskas

   FrontPageMagazine.com | August 15, 2001

   IN DECEMBER 1996, a small group of black farmers held a demonstration
   outside the White House complaining about supposed discrimination in
   the United States Department of Agricultures (USDA) massive lending
   program. Blacks comprise less than one percent of the farmers in the
   United States, yet they account for 3.2 percent of the USDAs loans.
   This would suggest that the USDA, like every other government agency,
   bends over backwards to favor blacks. Of course, the press did not
   mention this in its coverage of the protest, and as a result the USDA
   is paying settlements to black farmers which could cost taxpayers up
   to $4 billion dollars.*

   There is no statistical evidence to support the view that the USDA
   discriminated against black farmers and none was even offered. Sources
   inside the USDA claim former President Clinton told then-Agriculture
   Secretary Dan Glickman to keep the black farmers out of my backyard.
   Glickman did as he was told, and within days announced he had
   discovered massive discrimination in the agency he had headed for
   almost two years, and that black Democrat Mike Espy had led before
   him. Though he offered no evidence of discrimination he set up a
   series of taxpayer-financed listening tours across the U.S. Not
   surprisingly there was no shortage of blacks ready to relate tales of
   how they were discriminated against and put-upon by the USDA. Some did
   not even allege they were denied loans, but claimed that white
   bureaucrats did not do enough to help turn them into productive

   After the listening tours Glickman ordered a review of all 956
   pending discrimination complaints. The USDA spent millions of dollars
   to bring in field workers to review each complaint. After poring
   through 956 cases the workers found that only five cases had potential
   merit. According to USDA employees who wish to remain anonymous, the
   findings were suppressed, the notes were destroyed and the reviewers
   were accused of covering up for their colleagues. **

   Not to be dissuaded by the inconvenient findings, Glickman came up
   with a new strategy to prove that his own agency was racist. In 1997,
   two black farmers in North Carolina, Cecil Brewington and Timothy
   Pigford, filed suits against the USDA. Pigford had already filed three
   claims against the USDA, none of which was found to have merit.
   Indeed, one of his suits had been dismissed with prejudice, which
   means legally he should not have been allowed to file another suit
   making the same charges. The complaints did not even cite any evidence
   of discrimination other than Glickmans own statements that his agency
   was rife with discrimination. The USDA did not bother to challenge the
   complaint and the case ended up with U.S. District Judge Paul

   If Judge Friedmans name sounds familiar it should. A Clinton
   appointee, he presided over several politically sensitive Clinton-era
   cases including ones involving Charlie Trie, Maria Hsia of
   Buddhist-temple fund-raiser fame, Democratic fund-raiser Pauline
   Kanchanalak and Sidney Blumenthals slander suit against Matt Drudge.
   In each case, Judge Friedman ruled for the Clinton cronies and in each
   case a higher court reversed his ruling. In October 1998, he certified
   class-action status for the discrimination suit despite the fact that
   the statute of limitations had run out for most of the plaintiffs. The
   Congressional Black Caucus drafted legislation waiving the statute of
   limitations and it passed as an attachment to the Agriculture
   appropriations bill for fiscal year 1999. Interestingly no one
   mentioned that this is a clear violation of ex post facto laws and
   hence unconstitutional.

   In April 1999, the government and the plaintiffs entered into a
   consent decree approved by Judge Friedman. The process for getting
   compensation was ludicrously easy and essentially amounted to being
   black, believing you were denied a loan because of race, and having
   filed a discrimination complaint on or before July 1997. Incredibly,
   if a claimant could not produce evidence of having filed a complaint,
   he could prove he filed one by having a declaration from a
   non-family member that he did file one! Also under the consent decree,
   the statement of any claimant is accepted as true unless the USDA can
   refute it with documentation. Since the USDA only keeps records of
   unsuccessful loan applications for three years, there is no evidence
   from before 1994. Essentially, any farmer who alleges to have been
   denied a loan from 1981 to 1994 will be paid at least $50,000 even
   without evidence.

   Another condition in the consent decree was that the USDA had to spend

[CTRL] Vidal Hails McVeigh and to drop the other shoe

2001-08-17 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Vidal praises Oklahoma bomber for heroic aims
Writer applauds executed killer McVeigh and his Revere-like message
that 'the Feds are coming'

Special report: Timothy McVeigh

The writer Gore Vidal yesterday compared the executed Oklahoma bomber
Timothy McVeigh to Paul Revere, the hero of American independence.

In a withering address at the Edinburgh book festival, the liberal novelist
and elder statesman of the Gore political dynasty, said the former soldier
decorated for bravery in the Gulf war wanted to send out a warning that the government 
had been bought by
corporate America and its secret police,
the FBI, were out of control. What McVeigh was saying was, 'The Feds
are coming, the Feds are coming' 

In his strongest identification yet with the man who confessed to blowing
up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995, killing 168 people in
retaliation for the FBI's slaughter at Waco, Vidal described him as a
Kipling hero with an overdeveloped sense of justice who did what he
did because he was inflamed by the massacre, the FBI's subsequent cover-up,
and the way it had shredded the bill of rights and the constitution. He was
the man who would be king.

Vidal, whom McVeigh asked to witness his execution in June after the pair corresponded 
for three years,
insisted McVeigh did not actually carry out
the bombing, and hinted he was now close to revealing the names of those
who did.

I am about to drop another shoe. I have been working with a researcher
who knows at least five of the people involved in the making of the bomb
and its detonation. It may well be that McVeigh did not do it. In fact, I am
sure he didn't do it. But when he found out he was going to be the patsy,
he did something psychologically very strange. He decided to grab all
credit for it himself, because he had no fear of death.

Vidal maintained this was because McVeigh saw himself as John Brown
of Kansas, the anti-slavery campaigner who was executed after leading
a raid into the south which sparked the American civil war.

Vidal alleged that the FBI not only knew about the plot, it was involved
in it. Having infiltrated the rightwing militia group that planned it, it did
nothing because it wanted to pressure President Clinton into pushing
through dracon ian anti-terrorist legislation he was refusing to sign.
Within a week of the bombing, Clinton signed it for 'the protection of
the state and of persons', using the exact language that Adolf Hitler
used after the Reichstag fire of 1933.

America was in the grip of what he called a revolution ary situation
because wealth had become concentrated in the hands of only 1%
of the population. The truth is that 80% are not doing well, and many
of those are farmers out in the mid-west who have been driven off their
land by big business. They are the backbone of the militia movement.
Many of them are as crazed as you can find. But they number over
4m, 300,000 of which are active.

Vidal revealed that having had his last meal of mint ice-cream with
chocolate sauce, McVeigh spent his last hours watching the Coen
Brothers' film Fargo on a black and white TV. It's a great film but
bloody, a body is shredded and suchlike, and not quite what he wanted
to see, poor fellow.

He saved his greatest venom for Janet Reno, the attorney general
during the 52-day Waco siege, for persecuting a perfectly harmless
 bunch of religious nuts and for presiding over the lies and cover-up
that followed it. Her mother was a very famous alligator wrestler in
Florida, a family profession she herself should have pursued.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001

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[CTRL] US And Other Activists Back Palestinians

2001-08-17 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

AUGUST 17, 06:17 EDT
Foreign Activists Back Palestinians

Associated Press Writer

AL KHADER, West Bank (AP) - As a 13-year-old Palestinian boy bulldozed
an Israeli roadblock in the center of his town, three dozen foreign sympathizers
stood guard.

Israeli soldiers watched from a hilltop Thursday as Sultan Khaled
Mousasbiah jerked the gears of the rusting yellow bulldozer and pushed
down an unmanned barrier, made of a hollowed out city bus and heaps
of dirt, rock and cement.

For the Palestinians of this town south of Bethlehem, it was a small
victory. For the international group of demonstrators, it was mostly a
symbolic one. Like the last time they helped demolish the roadblock,
they understood that Israeli soldiers were likely to put it back up.

Among them was Heidi Arraf, a 25-year-old Palestinian-American
who moved to Jerusalem a year ago and has helped put together
an umbrella group of activists called the International Solidarity
Movement. The group supports Palestinians in their struggle for statehood
and hopes to help end nearly 11 months of violence.

``Our governments are calling for the same thing - you must take
action to end the violence. But no one is taking action. We are,'' Arraf
said, using her hand to shield her eyes from the setting sun as she
watched Israeli soldiers on the hillside.

About 80 activists from the United States, Germany, Italy, France,
England and other European countries responded to mass e-mail calls to
come to the region this month to join local activists for two weeks of
semi-spontaneous demonstrations.

For the last two weeks they have scuffled with Israeli police who took
over the unofficial Palestinian headquarters in east Jerusalem after a
bloody suicide bombing attack in the Jewish section of the city, spent
the night with Palestinian families in nearby Beit Jalla during firefights
with Israelis and held demonstrations.

As the demonstrators marched through Al Khader, a small Palestinian boy,
a blue T-shirt wrapped around his head showing only eyes, ran into the
street, holding a toy machine gun he made out of black tape and cardboard.

Irene Siegel, 36, a student at the University of California at Berkley,
expressed concern.

``Who are their role models? What do they aspire to be? Where are
they going to go to get their education?'' she said.

Siegel, one of 20 Americans in the group, is a Jew who came from Cairo,
where she is participating in an Islamic studies program.

Standing next to her was Linda Bevis, 40, a history teacher at Renton
High School in Seattle. She and her husband spent a night with a
Palestinian family in the divided West Bank city of Hebron, where
there are almost daily exchanges of fire as Palestinians shoot at
Jewish enclaves and soldiers fire back.

``At a certain point, when people are being shot and killed on a regular
basis the only way to nonviolently stop it is to put your bodies in between
the shooters and the people who are being shot,'' she said.

After members of the group tried to act as human shields in front of
Palestinians during an exchange of fire, an Israeli official wondered why
they weren't protecting the Israelis.

Fighting broke out last September after peace talks broke down. Israel
charges that Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat is using the violence to try
to wring further concessions out of Israel. The Palestinians counter that
Israel is using excessive force. Their main argument is that Israel's 34-year
occupation of the West Bank and Gaza is the primary cause of the violence.

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[CTRL] The Schlund Affidavit - 17/17

2001-08-17 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
Because of my torture by the government I'm mentally disabled during the
and the torture is used against me any time I try to talk or write about my
case. The
heavier torture has been terminated at times like when I'm on the phone. 
can be no justice while one side is using torture against the other side. All
the below letters except the one about Judge Copple and Sheriff Joe Arpaio
mailed to the addressed people using certified mail. (On second thought, I
not release those two letters at this time because I never mailed them.) 

I wrote these letters on the dates on the letters, and I believe these
letters are
truthful and correct. It was not my job to prove all the information contained
in these letters. I would have never released these letters if the government
hadn't used torture to force me to defend my self. My only way of defending my
self was to set up the people and agencies listed in the files and prove what
could to the FBI and others. I was then injected and tortured in the most
satanic ways possible and I still am being tortured horribly. I wrote many of
these letters under threat of death by my government and under torture.

The writing of these letters was my way of fighting back against the corrupt
officials that were listed in the files I read in 1977. I have mailed out
of copies of letters I have written. I have been writing these letters since
1991. Before 1991 it would have been impossible for me to write letters like
this and live through the process. It first became possible for me to be able
write these letters when the FBI started watching and the DEA had to back off
and stop controlling and torturing me. I hope these letters will help the
understand where I'm coming from. The government has refused to even answer
of the letters. I did receive one reply from civil or human rights, which
informed me that they could not help me. This reply I believe was about four
years ago.

I would like to inform the court of what my wife told me before we were
divorced. She told me that there was no way that I could win because the DEA
and her had framed me so well that it would be impossible for me to win. I
totally disagree. I not only believe I can win but I also believe I can stop
these Human Rights Violations that are occurring under the cover of law and
protect future generations of Americans. The damage to me is so bad that I
cannot personally win. The FBI assured me I could win in the beginning but I
told them at that time that they did not understand and that no one had ever
been able to defeat the DEA in the way I was about to try. I informed the FBI
and others that they could win for me. They have all been very courageous and
have done great damage to the forces of evil in this battle. It is slowly
becoming safe to walk down the street in the inner cities of America again.
When I would inform the FBI of corruption in their ranks, they would attack
corruption. When I would inform the DEA of corruption in their ranks, they
would attack me.

I do not want the court to misunderstand me. Kathy, my ex-wife, is no longer
directly one of them. She helped the FBI by talking to me about some things
even warned me when corrupt agents tried to get their people into the
investigation to misdirect and control the investigation to discredit me. She
is also under torture by the DEA as are most of my witnesses making it
impossible for her or the others to talk, testify freely or even defend
themselves without being tortured. She is under threat of death by the DEA
has control over the implants in her. Many of my witnesses are being
and tortured in the cover-up of this case. All of this is being done under
cover of law and color of authority as an investigation. All chances of any
real investigation stopped when the DEA tortured my witnesses and me. 

An investigation is the collection of information. Torture is the infliction
pain and suffering. They are not compatible with each other and any chance of
any real investigation stops when torture begins. I have taken two lie
tests whether I'm a drug dealer and if the information is correct and I passed
both Lie Detector tests. I also paid to have Dan Pomeroy take a lie detector
test and he also passed. All of my witnesses are willing to take lie detector
tests and all of my witnesses will pass. I have offered the DEA all of the
information thousands of times and they have refused to accept the information
from my witnesses and me. All of their witnesses are allowed to supply the
with fabricated information and commit perjury in the framing of my witnesses
and me. An investigation is when you accept information and then investigate
that information to find out if it is true. A cover-up is when you refuse any
information and then attack and torture the people trying to supply you with

There is no real investigation of me but there is a massive 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Destruction of America - Part I

2001-08-17 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote:
So here it is and Joshua dear - I know how very sensitive you are
reading all th is stuff which might appear to be anti Jewish but then,
we all cannot be Irish - can we?

I'm Irish, on my father's side, and I find your posts an insult to the
Irish people, Sabaor is it Max now?

This is not directed at you but some
of the wording has been changed in this stuff - for JFK was NEVER a
member of the CFR Illuminati.

The hell he wasn't...


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Re: [CTRL] To die for.

2001-08-17 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote:
Say June you mean they never got you those new shoes?

No, and that's why my Irish grandmother always commented on my and my
sister's bare feet when she came to visit...not that she ever volunteered
to buy us slippers, let alone shoes...


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Godwins law

2001-08-17 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Godwins lawI think this is something this list could use:
Godwin's Law prov.
[Usenet] As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a
comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one. There is a tradition
in many groups that, once this occurs, that thread is over, and whoever
mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever argument was in
progress. Godwin's Law thus practically guarantees the existence of an upper
bound on thread length in those groups.

Hmm. Nazis have been held up us the paragon of total evil.
Even more so then the Stalinist Communists (who murdered
even more millions then Nazis - guess cause they were around

The greatest cause of unnatural death in the world in the past 100 years
has been Death by Government or death by rampant statism which
has literally killed 100's of millions of people.

Nazism is a state of mind. Nazism occurs through incrementalism.
Incremental incipient Nazism (and Stalinism) is alive and well throughout
the world. As some victims of statism have proclaimed Never again.
We should constantly be on the alert for incremental Nazism.

What is quite disturbing is that so many today who decry historical
Nazism are the same folks who encourage or favor dangerous, incremental
statism...the path leading to Nazism and Stalinism. These same Nazi
enablers also encourage tribalism, racialism, ethnocentrism.

It is the duty of all people everywhere to be on constant alert for
the insidious signs of Deadly Statism.

Godwin is a foolish ass.

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Re: [CTRL] Godwins law

2001-08-17 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

 -Caveat Lector-

 Godwins lawI think this is something this list could use:
 Godwin's Law prov.
 [Usenet] As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a
 comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one. There is a tradition
 in many groups that, once this occurs, that thread is over, and whoever
 mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever argument was in
 progress. Godwin's Law thus practically guarantees the existence of an
 upper bound on thread length in those groups.

Godwin's law must have been formulated by the Nazis on Usenet who
couldn't stand up under public scrutiny.

Best wishes

I think you should defend to the death their right to march, and then go
down and meet them with baseball bats.
-Woody Allen (Born 1935), on the KKK

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Godwins law

2001-08-17 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

its because stalin did it against his own people, which is somehow seen as
more acceptable than taking it on the road

but if you are looking for real killers, go no further than pol pot
-- -- --  -- --
Planet spins - so do I
   neo-sufi wisdom

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 10:14:44 -0400
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Godwins law

 Hmm. Nazis have been held up us the paragon of total evil.
 Even more so then the Stalinist Communists (who murdered
 even more millions then Nazis - guess cause they were around

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] NEW! PART II - WASHINGTON, E.T.- Extraterrestrial Politics Clinton White House

2001-08-17 Thread Ecotoday

-Caveat Lector-

NEW! PART II - WASHINGTON, E.T. - Extraterrestrial Politics in the Clinton
White House (1993 - 2001)

FULL STORY AT: http://www.ecologynews.com/cuenews35.html

Part I

Thank you.

EcoNews Service: Always online for Ecology, Consciousness, and Universal
EcoNews: http://www.ecologynews.com
Vancouver, BC V6M1V8

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Barefoot Boy

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

John Greenleaf Whittier


Blessings on thee, little man,
Barefoot boy with cheek of tan!

With thy turned-up pantaloons,
And thy merry whistled tunes;
With thy red lip, redder still
Kissed by strawberrys on the hill;
With the sunshine on thy face,
Through thy torn brim's jaunty grace;
From my heart I give thee joy,--
I was once a barefoot boy!

Prince thou art,--the grown-up man
Only is republican.
Let the million-dollared ride!
Barefoot, trudging at his side,
Thou more hast more than he can buy
In the reach of ear and eye,--

Outward sunshine, inward joy:
Blessings on thee, barefoot boy!

Oh for boyhood's painless play,
Sleep that wakes in laughing day,

Health that mocks the doctor's rules,
Knowledge never learned in schools,

Of the wild bee's morning chase,
Of the wild-flower's time and place,

Fight of fowl and habitude
Of the tenants of the wood;

How the tortoise bears his shell,
How the woodchuck digs his cell,
And the ground-mole sinks his well;

How the robin feeds her young,
How the oriole's nest is hung,
Where the whitest lilies blow,
Where the freshest berries grow,
Where the ground-nut trails its vine,
Where the wood-grape's clusters shine;

Of the black wasp's cunning way,
Mason of his walls of clay,
And the architectural plans
Of gray hornet artisans!

For, eschewing books and tasks,
Nature answers all he asks;
Hand in hand with her he walks,
Face to face with her he talks,
Part and parcel of her joy,--
Blessings on the barefoot boy!

Oh for boyhood's time of June,
Crowding years in one brief moon,
When all things I heard or saw,
Me, their master, waited for.
I was rich in flowers and trees,
Humming birds and honey-bees;
For my sport the squirrel played,
Plied the snouted mole his spade;

For my taste the blackberry cone
Purpled over hedge and stone;
Laughed the brook for my delight
Through the day and through the night,
Whispering at the garden wall,
Talked with me from fall to fall;

Mine the sand-rimmed pickerel pond,
Mine the walnut slopes beyond,
Mine, on bending orchard trees,
Apples of Hesperides!

Still as my horizon grew,
Larger grew my riches too;
All the world I saw and knew
Seemed a complex Chinese toy,
Fashioned for a barefoot boy!

Oh for festal dainties spread,
Like my bowl of milk and bread;
Pewter spoon and bowl of wood,
On the door-stone, gray and rude!

O'er me, like a regal tent,
Cloudy-ribbed, the sunset bent,
Purple-curtained, fringed with gold,
Looped in many a wind-swung fold;

While for music came the play
Of the pied frogs' orchestra;
And, to light the noisy choir,
Lit the fly his lamp of fire,

I was a monarch: pomp and joy
Waited on the barefoot boy!

Cheerily, then, my little man,
Live and laugh, as boyhood can!
Though the flinty slopes be hard,
Stubble-speared the new-mown sward,

Every morn shall lead thee through
Fresh baptisms of the dew;
Every evening from thy feet
Shall the cool wind kiss the heat;

All too soon these feet must hide
In the prisons cells of pride,
Lose the freedom of the sod,
Like a colt's for work be shod,
Made to tread the mills of toil,
Up and down in ceaseless moil:

Happy if their track be found
Never on forbidden ground;
Happy if they sink not in

Quick and treacherous sands of sin.
Ah! that thou couldst know thy joy,
Ere it passes, barefoot boy!

Back to Corey's Page...


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Destruction of America - Part I

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

June come out of hiding for now we have you lurking on Conspirinoia
using what name perhaps - well let someone else figure that one out.

John F. Kennedy was Not Illuminati and he was NOT CFR.   Period.

The Bnai Brith would be more to your liking June right?

Then toss in the ADL for you make such a good censor for thembut
never tell me you are Irish unless you would be like Broscoe - Jewish
Irish perhaps?


Hey Amelia - June is lurking on Conspiranoia..must be very difficult
for this fat OX to wear her muzzle on that listwasn't she just
tossed out or tell me  is she the one sending the annon letters?

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] State of Siege

2001-08-17 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Israel beset by siege mentality
Suicide bomb attacks have affected all aspects of daily life, from running a
shop to putting on a rock concert, writes Suzanne Goldenberg in Jerusalem
Special report: Israel and the Middle East
Suzanne Goldenberg
Friday August 17, 2001
The Guardian
First it was the Red Hot Chili Peppers, next British Airways. The sense of
isolation among Israelis deepened this week as airline crews and pop stars
made it clear they do not feel safe in the Holy Land.
Many Israelis share their fears - especially this weekend. The security forces
have warned that another suicide bomber is on the loose, and will try to
strike at Jerusalem, or in northern Israel within the next day or two.
Meanwhile, the Israeli army announced this week that the violence between
Israel and the Palestinians could go on for another five years. Many Israelis
just feel safer staying at home.
After last week's bombing of a pizza restaurant in Jewish west Jerusalem
killed 15 Israelis, Tel Aviv taxi drivers are reluctant to take fares to the city.
Some Jerusalemites complain their own relatives will not come to
visit them from other Israeli towns.
In the Jewish western part of the city, restaurants, cafes - even small family-owned 
chemist shops - have taken on private security guards to scrutinise customers for 
suspicious looking parcels and body packs.
Some cafe owners park their own cars in front of their establishments to block the 
space off from car bombers. Choosing a table has become much more complicated. In case 
of attack, is it safer to sit by the window - which
 is large and plate glass - or at an inside table?
Takings at shops in the centre of Jerusalem dropped by nearly 70% after the suicide 
attack. Jewellers and other shops depending on tourist traffic saw their trade drop by 
92%, according to the Jerusalem Merchants' Associa
Meanwhile, Jewish youth groups visiting the city from Britain had to make do with a 
simulated visit to the city's pedestrian mall. Instead of roaming around the shops on 
their own for T-shirts and other souvenir tat, the
shopkeepers came to the teenagers, who were safely installed in a hall on the edge of 
the city. Back home, their parents received daily email reports on their activities.
Such responses to suicide bomb attacks are seen as internal, family matters. But, for 
Israelis, who are acutely sensitive to their international image, it is another thing 
entirely when the rest of the world begins voting
 with its feet.
According to Israeli press reports this week, the appearance of the Red Hot Chili 
Peppers was seen to be of such symbolic importance that the former US president Bill 
Clinton was enlisted to plead with the group to conque
r their fears about suicide bombers, and keep the concert date.
However, on Monday, the group's manager called the concert off for good; the Israeli 
promoters said the appearance was postponed until a later date.
A day later, there was another blow when British Airways announced that its flight 
crews - like those of other European airlines - would no longer sleep in Tel Aviv, but 
overnight in Athens.
Swiss Air and KLM took similar decisions last June, after a suicide bomber killed more 
than 20 Israelis at a Tel Aviv disco, across the road from the high-rise hotels where 
many airline crews stay. Air Canada sent its fli
ght crews to a suburb north of the city.
Israeli travel agents complained BA was surrendering to panic, and that the stayaway 
would further hurt a tourist industry damaged by 11 months of violence.
The country's own national carrier, El Al, lost $83m (£57m) in the first six months of 
this year, as traffic dropped by 21% from last year. Many hotels have closed off 
floors, or shut down entirely.
The only people profiting from the sense of dread are the private security firms - who 
say they have a crazy amount of work.
Even people who are having private parties call us up to get security services, and 
this is something new, Avi Bareket, the director of one private security firm told 
the Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv. Every youth recently
 released from the army can find security work.
That is one piece of welcome news. The Labour ministry reported this week that the 
unemployment rate in July was the highest in Israel's history, with 186,400 people out 
of work.
Related articles
17.08.2001: Why Jenin's gentleman jailer lit the fuse
17.08.2001: No ban on British arms to Israel
Interactive guide
Where are the flashpoints of violence?
Useful links
Israel Defence Forces
Government of Israel
Palestinian National Authority
Palestinian ministry of information
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not 

[CTRL] John F. Kennedy was NOT CFR Illuminati

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

I have he original recordings by Myron Fagan and the documents put out
on the web today, are in part let us say improved upon?

For Fagan knew the conspiracy behind JFK - the same secret society who
murdered JFK and his family, murdered Lincoln.

The John Birch Society apologized for calling JFK a member of the CFR -
so check the facts June before you open your big mouth?   CFR
memberships - you do not find Jimmy Hoffa or JFK or Walter Ruether on
any list - and my aren't they conspicuous by their absense.
Ronald Reagan was never a member either and he almost - well he did make
the hit list but their little programmed assassin was not too good a

John F. Kennedy was a patriot and a Catholic and well all know who hates
the Catholics don't we - for the right wingered neo nazi literature put
out about JFK being a Catholic and other hate material like the black
bordered ad was put out by ADL and other jewish neo nazi groups in
disguse but remember, the Walker Navy Spies got caught up using a KKK
which the KGB organized specially for them.

This real KKK is something the likes you will never see for they are
still the invisible empire...not skin heads running the streets or like
the woman involved in Oklahoma with swatstikas tattoed on her arms and
ass as mode of identification who turned out to be FBI informer - for
you see there is more FBI in the honey KKK, than KGB in the FBI?

And I got my neo nazi literature published by local Jewish Mafia - used
to - well say when they planned to castrate this black doctor but the
little hitman dressed like county sheriff got carried away - did not
have time to plant the neo nazi literature for they ran for their lives
but still got caught and guess who got the scoop on this story?  Yours


The CFR is a branch of an international group of coconspirators called
the Round Table Group. This group has been controlling public opinion
throughout the world for over 100 years.
Council on Foreign Relations
Let's start with the smoke, and mirrors furnished by the CFR in several
of their Annual Reports. Then we will provide the
other-side-of-the-coin, as observed by quite a number of independent
researchers, and writers.
The CFR's Annual Report for July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994, page 4, states:
The Council on Foreign Relations is a nonprofit, and nonpartisan
membership organization dedicated to improving the understanding of US
foreign policy, and international affairs through the exchange of ideas.
The Council was founded in 1921 shortly after the end of World War I.
Several of the American participants in the Paris Peace Conference
decided that it was time for more private American citizens to become
familiar with the increasing international responsibilities, and
obligations of the United States. This decision led to the creation of
an organization dedicated to the continuous study of US foreign policy
for the benefit of both its members, and a wider audience of interested
The New World Order, by Pat Robertson, Copyright 1991, by Word, Inc.,
Dallas, Texas. All rights reserved, page 66-67, states:
This august body of 'wise men' has effectively dominated the making of
foreign policy by the United States government since before World War
II. The CFR has included virtually every key national security, and
foreign policy adviser of this nation for the past seventy years. Page
96: In government policy, the most visible expression of the
Establishment is the Council on Foreign Relations, and its publication,
Foreign Affairs. Out of some twenty-nine hundred members, at least five
hundred are very powerful, another five hundred are from centers of
influence, and the rest are influential in academia, the media,
business, and finance, the military, or government. A few are token
Page 97: According to a man who had been a member for fifteen years,
Rear Admiral Chester Ward, former judge advocate general of the navy
from 1956 to 1960. 'This purpose of promoting disarmament, and
submergence of US sovereignty, and national independence into an
all-powerful one-world government is the only objective revealed to
about 95 percent of 1,551 members [in 1975]. There are two other
ulterior purposes the CFR influence is being used to promote; but it is
improbable that they are known to more than 75 members, or that these
purposes ever have even been identified in writing.'
The goals of the Establishment are somewhat strange, and we will discuss
them in detail. At the central core is a belief in the superiority of
their own skill to form a world system in which enlightened monopolistic
capitalism can bring all of the diverse currencies, banking systems,
credit, manufacturing, and raw materials into one government-supervised
whole, policed of course by their own world army. (Could this be the
army of the United Nations?)
CFR membership is made up of present, and past Presidents, Ambassadors,
Secretaries of State, Wall Street investors, international bankers,

[CTRL] Hey Get a load of this - UN at big trough of plenty

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

Talk about chickens coming home to roost - look at the pigs at the
trough of plenty - the big cornicopia of revenuelook at the pension
plans set up and the allowances and wonder why the USA - why the hell do
we pay these pigs to sit back and attempt to make demands on the US

Take away our guns - HELL NO - for the ones we have no doubt are ready
and waiting to take on this bunch - why don't they move to the land of
their creation South Africa?   Or hey better yet let their flag fly over
the little State of Israel and let the Palestinians take care of them.

Not much difference between flag of Zion and flag of UN for they fly the
same identical colors - an oh so innocent baby blue and white?

So never could find out actual salaries but read this garbage and be
shocked.   Then the UN should be picketed for as people starve and
people are genocided, these pigs sit back and live off fat of land?

Move over Henry Kissinger - maybe we are in the wrong racket and it is
time to take over that place for it is such a rewarding experience to
participate in the UN - head pig, the Secretariat, wears $1,200
suits..and USA has ONE vote in this great creation of people some of
whom still swing from trees and murder white farmers, slaughtering them,
while UN eggs the bastards on

Time to egg this UN until they like Humpty Dumpty take the big fall =
cut off the money and AID to Israel and watch peace be restored to a
friendly world that once segregated by choice but now we see Paris
burning and it could not happen to a nicer bunch.



[CTRL] Scientists Block Prions that Cause Mad Cow Disease

2001-08-17 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-


Scientists Block Prions that Cause Mad Cow Disease

LA JOLLA, California, August 15, 2001 (ENS) - Scientists working at
The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) and at the University of
California, San Francisco, have found a promising treatment for the
dreaded mad cow disease and one form of the same disease in humans,
called variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.

A malformed prion protein is the agent of infection. Not a virus or
a bacteria, but instead transmissible spongiform encepalopathies
such as mad cow disease, are caused by a malformed prion protein
that is chemically the same as normal human proteins.

If fed grain contaminated with prion protein, cattle can develop
bovine spongiform encepalopathy (BSE) or mad cow disease. (Photo
courtesy Freefoto.com)
Pronounced (PREE-on), prions are known to cause new variant
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, as well as numerous other rare
neurodegenerative diseases in animals and humans.
Infection can occur from ingestion of prion-contaminated meats,
contamination through biological and pharmaceutical products and,
as seen in the past, from cannibalism.

In the current issue of the scientific journal Nature Professor
Dennis R. Burton, Ph.D. describes an antibody that, in cell culture
at least, clears prion infection. This finding may point the way to
a treatment for mad cow disease and its human equivalent.

One antibody this group designed seems to halt the prion infection
all together. The antibody - called Fab D18 - binds to the normal
form of the prion protein and prevents the infectious form from
binding in cell culture.

The normal cellular machinery degraded whatever infectious prions
remained, suggesting that the antibody has the potential to cure
established infection.

Dr. Burton says the antibody provides a potential therapeutic
target, a highly effective human drug might be designed to bind to
the same place as Fab D18.

Prions, says investigator Anthony Williamson, Ph.D., have a
Jekyll and Hyde personality.

Burton and Williamson, who are both in the Department of Immunology
at TSRI, explain that infectious prions from an animal with mad cow
disease will initially cause normal prion proteins in the brain of
a healthy cow to misform into the infectious form.

Then these prions will act on more normal prion protein to produce
more and more misfolded protein that accumulates and eventually
leads to brain damage with a sponge-like appearance, Williamson

Stanley Pruisner, 1997 Nobel Prize in Medicine (Photo courtesy The
Nobel Foundation)
The research article, Antibodies inhibit prion propagation and
clear cell cultures of prion infectivity, appears in the August 16
issue of the British journal Nature and is authored by David
Peretz, R. Anthony Williamson, Klotoshi Kaneko, Julie Vergara,
Estelle Leclerc, Gerold Schmitt-Ulms, Ingrid Mehlhorn, Gluseppe
Legname, Mark Wormald, Pauline Rudd, Raymond Dwek, Dennis R.
Burton, and Stanley Prusiner, a Nobel Prize winner honored for his
work in identifying the prion.
The research was funded in part by the National Institutes of
Health and is a collaboration between TSRI and the Prusiner
laboratory at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).

In a related development, other UCSF researchers have determined
that two drugs currently approved to treat either malaria or
certain psychotic illnesses are effective in treating mouse cells
infected with the infectious protein known as the prion.

Because the drugs have long been used, they are known to cross the
difficult to penetrate blood-brain barrier,

The UCSF researchers have observed what they call a dramatic
response in the cells to the two pharmaceuticals, quinacrine and

Carsten Korth, MD and his team report their findings and their
recommendation for clinical trials in the August 14 issue of
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. Korth is one of
three founding scientists of Prionics Inc. a spin-off research
company at the University of Z|rich, Switzerland.

Korth advocates the immediate establishment of clinical trials to
investigate the efficacy of the drugs in patients dying of prion
diseases. He calls prion diseases relentless and uniformly fatal.

It's a big leap from findings in cell culture to those in humans,
and we do not know if we will see a favorable response in humans.
But the results we saw, in a cell model we consider valid, make
this lead worth pursuing immediately, said Dr. Korth.

Korth is a postdoctoral scholar in the UCSF laboratory of senior
author Stanley Prusiner, MD, UCSF professor of neurology and
biochemistry and director of the UCSF Institute for
Neurodegenerative Diseases.

UCSF neurologists, together with the researchers, are in the final
stages of developing a clinical trial to test the efficacy of the
two drugs in the treatment of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and
other prion diseases. The two drugs, quinacrine and

Re: [CTRL] US And Other Activists Back Palestinians

2001-08-17 Thread Joe Gillaspie

-Caveat Lector-


 AUGUST 17, 06:17 EDT
 Foreign Activists Back Palestinians

 Associated Press Writer

 AL KHADER, West Bank (AP) - As a 13-year-old Palestinian boy bulldozed
 an Israeli roadblock in the center of his town, three dozen foreign sympathizers
 stood guard.

 Israeli soldiers watched from a hilltop Thursday as Sultan Khaled
 Mousasbiah jerked the gears of the rusting yellow bulldozer and pushed
 down an unmanned barrier, made of a hollowed out city bus and heaps
 of dirt, rock and cement.

 For the Palestinians of this town south of Bethlehem, it was a small
 victory. For the international group of demonstrators, it was mostly a
 symbolic one. Like the last time they helped demolish the roadblock,
 they understood that Israeli soldiers were likely to put it back up.

 Among them was Heidi Arraf, a 25-year-old Palestinian-American
 who moved to Jerusalem a year ago and has helped put together
 an umbrella group of activists called the International Solidarity
 Movement. The group supports Palestinians in their struggle for statehood
 and hopes to help end nearly 11 months of violence.

 ``Our governments are calling for the same thing - you must take
 action to end the violence. But no one is taking action. We are,'' Arraf
 said, using her hand to shield her eyes from the setting sun as she
 watched Israeli soldiers on the hillside.

 About 80 activists from the United States, Germany, Italy, France,
 England and other European countries responded to mass e-mail calls to
 come to the region this month to join local activists for two weeks of
 semi-spontaneous demonstrations.

 For the last two weeks they have scuffled with Israeli police who took
 over the unofficial Palestinian headquarters in east Jerusalem after a
 bloody suicide bombing attack in the Jewish section of the city, spent
 the night with Palestinian families in nearby Beit Jalla during firefights
 with Israelis and held demonstrations.

 As the demonstrators marched through Al Khader, a small Palestinian boy,
 a blue T-shirt wrapped around his head showing only eyes, ran into the
 street, holding a toy machine gun he made out of black tape and cardboard.

 Irene Siegel, 36, a student at the University of California at Berkley,
 expressed concern.

 ``Who are their role models? What do they aspire to be? Where are
 they going to go to get their education?'' she said.

 Siegel, one of 20 Americans in the group, is a Jew who came from Cairo,
 where she is participating in an Islamic studies program.

 Standing next to her was Linda Bevis, 40, a history teacher at Renton
 High School in Seattle. She and her husband spent a night with a
 Palestinian family in the divided West Bank city of Hebron, where
 there are almost daily exchanges of fire as Palestinians shoot at
 Jewish enclaves and soldiers fire back.

 ``At a certain point, when people are being shot and killed on a regular
 basis the only way to nonviolently stop it is to put your bodies in between
 the shooters and the people who are being shot,'' she said.

 After members of the group tried to act as human shields in front of
 Palestinians during an exchange of fire, an Israeli official wondered why
 they weren't protecting the Israelis.

 Fighting broke out last September after peace talks broke down. Israel
 charges that Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat is using the violence to try
 to wring further concessions out of Israel. The Palestinians counter that
 Israel is using excessive force. Their main argument is that Israel's 34-year
 occupation of the West Bank and Gaza is the primary cause of the violence.

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
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 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] Campaign for Disclosure - Vancouver - Sept 9, 2001

2001-08-17 Thread Ecotoday

-Caveat Lector-

Campaign for Disclosure - Vancouver  -  Sept 9, 2001

STORY AT: http://www.ecologynews.com/cuenews36.html

Please distribute far and wide.  Thanks!

EcoNews Service: Always online for Ecology, Consciousness, and Universal
EcoNews: http://www.ecologynews.com
Vancouver, BC V6M1V8

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [NA] Film of Stalin Voting Shown on AMC

2001-08-17 Thread Kris Millegan

PREThose who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything.
attributed to Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

{All of our archived messages starting Jan 10, 2000 are at votefraud.org -- if you are 
new, there are directions on where to find more information after today's message. . . 
. On another matter, we believe in funding our efforts from the real economy when 
possible. If you already use food supplements or vitamins, we believe you will find 
some of the most important scientific developments and breaktroughs in this field at 
A HREF= http://newlife.electriclife.net http://newlife.electriclife.net/A -- 
more information on this subject also immediately follows today's message.}

August 16, 2001 NA (Network America) e-wire

Film of Stalin Voting Shown on AMC

One line of argumentation advanced to discredit the Stalin quote (“Those
who cast the votes decide nothing; those who count the votes decide
everything.”) is that Stalin could not possibly have said this because
there were no elections in Communist Russia.

This is not true. There were elections under Stalin, although there was
only on Party, the Communist Party. If Stalin or any other Party
approved candidate had a challenger, he was a de facto patsy who was not
allotted enough resources to have a ghost of a chance. It has been said
that Stalin would allow his opponent to print 2000 pamplets – and he
would print 100,000.

Of course, if all else failed, Stalin’s men were counting the ballots in
secret without any citizen checks and balances – just like our votes are
“counted” by the two (wink, wink) major parties in power in the United
States today.

It has been called to our attention that on August 11th, 2001 AMC
(American Movie Classics, which is one of the old movie channels on many
cable networks) would play a newsreel film made circa 1954 entitled,
“The Hoaxsters.” This film equated all peddlers of Totalitarian
ideologies with carnival hucksters. In this film was shown film footage
of Josef Stalin VOTING in Russia along with many other citizens. Stalin
had a paper ballot in his hand, and he dropped it through the slot of a
ballot box. With the new internet software invention, “Snappy”, it would
be possible to get a copy of this newsreel film and take a picture of it
to be put on the internet or in printed material.

Even Stalin knew it looked better if the people appeared to be electing
him. His counterparts in the USA just figured out that the election-scam
is infinitely more effective and convincing if you have TWO candidates
from The Party really vying for top dog in any given election. His
counterparts in the USA are now trying to perfect the technological scam
by which they use every trusting voter as a prop in their electoral

Someone sent us an email a while ago which described the modern day
electoral process this way. I may have carried it once – but here it is

The American election process circa year 2000 is like a car driving down
the highway. The adult (those controlling ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, the
New York Times wire service, the AP wire service, etc. along with the
several dominant major computer software companies which supply the
hardware and software for elections in the USA) is the person actually
driving the car in the drivers seat. The little toddler (the American
voter) is in the passenger’s seat smiling and steering the “play”
steering wheel which is part of his car seat. Every once in awhile the
adult, who is really steering the car, tells the little guy what a great
job he’s doing steering the car. Turning the little plastic wheel built
into his little car seat gives the toddler the illusion that he has
something to do with steering the car; nothing could be further from the

And, ladies and gentlemen, to quote Walter Cronkite, “That’s the way it
is, August 14th, 2001.”

End of this e-wire.

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director, Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

PRE[One option available to help Citizens for a Fair Vote Count fund 50 organizers 
to rescue America -- to restore honest elections and teach Americans how to become 
active and effective in the 300,000 precincts across the nation -- is to do yourself a 
favor by going to  A HREF= http://newlife.electriclife.net 
http://newlife.electriclife.net/A and see the information there regarding the 
strangest nutritional secret -- electric nutrition. In the age of processed foods, if 
the body doesn't get enough food with the proper electrical matrices, then it cannot 
generate enough energy to keep you healthy, and the body will then progressively break 
down in some way, ending in degenerative disease. The new product, Factor One, helps 
detox major filter organs and the body everyday -- the most important factor in 
continued health into and beyond middle age.]

All Network America e-wire messages are archived at the votefraud.org website. These 
archived messages can be found by going to red hot news, then news by 

[CTRL] The Pedophocracy, Part VI: Finders Keepers

2001-08-17 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/pedo6.html;pedo6/A
The Pedophocracy, Part VI:
Finders Keepers

By David McGowan

August 2001

Little girls have to learn that their fathers are off limits when it comes
to gratification of sexual feelings”

Dr. Richard Gardner, another vocal member of the False Memory Syndrome
Foundation, explaining how children are to blame for their molestation (in
The Toronto Star, February 4, 1996)

Just a few years later, yet another case broke in the state of Florida. On
February 7 of 1987, not long before the Franklin and the Spence cases broke,
the Washington Post ran an interesting story that did not at the time seem to
have any particular national significance. The article concerned a case of
possible kidnapping and child abuse, and read in part as follows:

“Authorities investigating the alleged abuse of six children found
with two men in a Tallahassee, Fla., park discovered material yesterday in
the Washington area that they say points to a 1960's style commune called the
Finders, described in a court document as a 'cult' that allegedly conducted
'brainwashing' and used children 'in rituals.'

“D.C. police, who searched a Northeast Washington warehouse linked to
the group removed large plastic bags filled with color slides, photographs
and photographic contact sheets. Some photos visible through a bag carried
from the warehouse at 1307 Fourth St. NE were wallet-sized pictures of
children, similar to school photos, and some were of naked children.

“D.C. police sources said some of the items seized yesterday showed
pictures of children engaged in what appeared to be 'cult rituals.' Officials
of the U.S. Customs Service, called in to aid in the investigation, said that
the material seized yesterday includes photos showing children involved in
bloodletting ceremonies of animals and one photograph of a child in chains.

“Customs officials said they were looking into whether a child
pornography operation was being conducted ... Their links to the D.C. area
have led authorities into a far-reaching investigation that includes the
Finders - a group of about 40 people that court documents allege is led by a
man named Marion Pettie - and their various homes, including the duplex
apartment building in Glover Park, the Northeast Washington warehouse and a
90 acre farm in rural Madison County, Va. ...

“The children, identified in a court document only by the first names
of Honeybee, John, Franklin, Bee Bee, Max and Mary, were described as 'dirty,
unkempt, hungry, disturbed and agitated.' They had been living in the rear of
the van for some time, the document said. Yesterday, police spokesman Hunt
said one of the children, a 6 yr. old girl, 'showed signs of sexual abuse'

“Five of the children were uncommunicative, according to police, and
none seemed to recognize objects such as typewriters and staplers. However,
the oldest was able to give investigators some information. She said that the
two men 'were their teachers,' according to Hunt ...

“Before their arrests in the park, [the two adult caretakers] had
told police that they were teachers from Washington 'transporting these
children to Mexico and a school for brilliant children,' according to Hunt.
When police asked the men where the children's mothers were they said they
were being weaned from their mothers.” This was just one of many such
stories that emerged across the country in the late 1980s, a phenomenon that
would quickly be denounced as a ‘witch hunt’ and as a ‘satanic panic.’ It
would be nearly seven years before the press would revisit this particular
manifestation of what would come to be regarded as a modern-day case of mass

It was the U.S. News and World Report that would ultimately provide
the follow-up to the Finders story, but this was certainly not in the
interest of shining any light on the earlier allegations. Most likely, the
strange saga of the Finders would have disappeared forever if not for the
rumors surrounding the case that just wouldn't seem to go away.

These rumors were addressed in the U.S. News report as follows: “One
of the unresolved questions involves allegations that the Finders are somehow
linked to the Central Intelligence Agency. Customs Service documents reveal
that in 1987, when Customs agents sought to examine the evidence gathered by
Washington, D.C. police, they were told that the Finders investigation 'had
become an internal matter.'

“The police report on the case had been classified secret. Even now,
Tallahassee police complain about the handling of the Finders investigation
by D.C. police. 'They dropped this case,' one Tallahassee investigator says,
'like a hot rock.' D.C. police will not comment on the matter. As for the
CIA, ranking officials describe allegations about links between the


2001-08-17 Thread Ecotoday

-Caveat Lector-


Open Letter: http://www.ecologynews.com/cuenews37.html

EcoNews Service: Always online for Ecology, Consciousness, and Universal
EcoNews: http://www.ecologynews.com
Vancouver, BC V6M1V8

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Re: [CTRL] God Forsaken in US Senate

2001-08-17 Thread Carl Amedio
In a message dated 8/17/01 1:19:59 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There's something about Paul Weyrich or any of his ilk telling me about God
that I find really disgusting. Prudy

well some ones got to get you the message.
MUUHAA... sorry couldn't pass up a good straight line


Re: [CTRL] Radio journalist assassinated in Costa Rica

2001-08-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/08/2001 2:00:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 His search for truths that were hardly ever reported by mainstream media
 led him to work on the latest case he had uncovered at the time of his
 death. The exposure of the problems of Radio María, a two-year old Catholic
 radio station headed by the renowned fundamentalist priest, Father Minor
 Calvo, who´s radio station had amassed large sums of money, supposedly
 donated by believers and followers.

 Parmenio further exposed the hypocrisy of the priest who persecuted gays
 when the priest himself was found in a park of San José, late at night,
 with a young boy. The priest alleged that he was teaching the young man to
 drive. It was later proven by Parmenio that the adolescent had a
 two-year-old driving license. The scandal was so big that the head of the
 Catholic Church in the country had to close down the radio station and send
 Minor away in meditation. 

Now isn't this interesting.  Perhaps there has been a separation of church
and state.  It appears the church is going to hell.  No, I don't think the
priest is going for being gay.  It's the hypocrisy that should do him in and
all his cohorts and leaders as well.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Larry Summers can run but he can't hide from GATA

2001-08-17 Thread Kris Millegan

Lawsuits Continue To Pursue Summers After Leaving D.C.

By David H. Gellis
Crimson Staff Writer
The Harvard Crimson
Cambridge, Mass.

Currency bearing University President Lawrence H. Summers'
signature isn't the only lingering reminder of his time as
Treasury secretary. This week a U.S. District Court judge
in Boston scheduled an October 9 hearing on a motion to
dismiss a lawsuit that names Summers as a defendant.

The suit is fallout from Summers' time as a public official --
and only one of many suits targeting him.

And one of the motions to be debated at the hearing is
whether Summers can continue to be held liable as a
private citizen. Current Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill
automatically replaces his predecessor when charges
are leveled against Summers in his official capacity, but
the plaintiff in this suit maintains that he is suing Summers
as an individual.

The suit, filed by Reginald H. Howe (Class of '62) in Boston
last December, accuses the defendants, who in addition
to Summers include Federal Reserve Chair Alan Greenspan,
officials of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and
four major banks, of manipulative activities in the gold
market and of violating the Sherman Anti-Trust and Security
Exchange Acts.

The suit stems from a shareholder buyout by the BIS. But
Howe said he's using this primary complaint as a platform
from which to allege price fixing of the gold market -- the
claim that he said implicates Summers. The suit says that
as Secretary, Summers acted improperly to suppress gold

The suit is being funded by the Gold Anti-Trust Action
Committee, a group founded in 1999 by financial
commentator Bill Murphy to advocate legal action against
the key U.S. players in the gold market.

If we're right, it will be much bigger than Watergate,
Murphy said.

Summers has not responded to the suit, and could not be
reached for comment.

Motions to substitute O'Neill and dismiss the suit are being
handled by the U.S. Attorney's office in Boston.

Arguments to dismiss the lawsuit vary among the defendant
parties, and include arguments about jurisdiction as well as
the merits of the case.

Judge Reginald Lindsay will hear debate on the motions at
the October hearing.

In a press release, Howe noted the timing of the hearing --
three days before Summers is officially installed as university
president at inauguration ceremonies -- heightens the drama
of the case.


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[CTRL] Fwd: [SGRA ENews Dispatch!] TWA 800 Case File Reopened

2001-08-17 Thread Kris Millegan

TWA 800 Case File Reopened
August 17, 2001

 By unanimous vote on
August 16, 2001, the Smoking Gun Research Agency has decided to reopen its case
file on the crash/downing of Trans World Airlines (TWA) Flight 800 after the
recent acquisition of new evidence and witness reports. 

 On August 12, the SGRA's main
offices in Westport, Connecticut, received a phone call from a woman on Long
Island who claimed to have witnessed the entire events of July 17, 1996 from her
backyard porch. She had been passed the SGRA's contact information from a friend
on the Internet who was aware of our previous investigation into the case. She
was hoping that her testimony could be added to that case file. 

 After speaking with Jon
Nowinski, Director of the SGRA over a period of three days, her information and
detailed account seemed to match many other witnesses who had reported observing
the fiery demise of TWA 800 over the Atlantic Ocean that night. The most
interesting fact about her testimony is that it matches the reports of observing
a "brilliant streak of light" in the air onlya few seconds before seeing
the fire ball which was TWA 800. 

 The theories that TWA 800 was
brought down by missile fire (be it Friend or Foe) have mostly been put to rest
by official government investigators. Unfortunately, the final conclusions for
those theories given from the government don't seem to conclude them at all. In
fact, the question is still being posed "why is the government not taking these
theories seriously?" Official suggestions have been everything from faulty
wiring to problematic fuel pumps, but despite hundreds of witnesses stating
information about the observation of a missile or missile-like object in the air
the government has all but looked these people over. 

 Among the recent contacts with
former witnesses the SGRA also received a number of conversations on both audio
tape and in transcripts from other aircraft in the area of the TWA 800 event
prior to and after the accident. This second
investigation of the TWA 800 event was sparked by the contact with these former
witnesses who, since 1996, have not changed their stories. None of the witnesses
that came forward to the SGRA have ever attempted to get money or fame from what
they saw. They have all simply wanted to add their observations to the report.

 The SGRA will be conducting this
follow-up investigation of the new sources and information as well as
recontacting the old witnesses and sorting through the documents collected with
the first investigation. For more information on the case or how you can help
please contact the SGRA at [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Also keep checking www.sgrahq.com for a new
updated page of this current investigation. 

The Smoking Gun Research Agencywww.sgrahq.com ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]Official world member of
the Universal Parapsychological and Metaphysical Association

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Re: [CTRL] God Forsaken in US Senate

2001-08-17 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

 There's something about Paul Weyrich or any of his ilk telling me about God
 that I find really disgusting.  Prudy

Why? I mean what specifically about Weyrich and his ilk is disgusting?


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Re: [CTRL] [neah] US Citizen Reported Missing in the West Bank

2001-08-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/09/2001 2:16:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

   The ADC Legal Department has contacted the State Department regarding
  Adnan and  is also working closely with Partners for Peace, an
  organization that has worked extensively on cases of human rights abuses
  by Israel against American citizens of Arab origin.  Both ADC and
  Partners for Peace have contacted Kim Richer,  the Overseas American
  Citizens Services Officer for Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, who has
  stated that the State Department in conjunction with the American
  Embassy in Tel Aviv and the American Consulate in Jerusalem have been
  doing everything they can to locate Adnan.  However, the State
  Department is unwilling to issue an official letter of protest to the
  Israeli government, a common practice in a situation such as this one.

And just think, it was money from America that allows the Israeli to have
such nice jeeps and such effective weapons.  Say goodbye to Adnan.  I'm sure
they decided to eliminate him.  Such a nice country--a real Democracy.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] The CIA The Ben Barka Affair

2001-08-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/09/2001 7:02:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Ahmed Boukhari remembers every detail of the acid tank they used to dissolve
 Ben Barka's body.

 It was Boukhari, then a young officer in the Moroccan intelligence service,
 who ordered the tank from the company that made boilers for Moroccan
 railways. A Col Martin of the CIA highly recommended the system to his
 trainees in the north African kingdom, saying it had worked well for the
 Iranian SAVAK. 

This sort of thing allows one to have such respect for the CIA.  Won't it be
wonderful if the people are right about reincarnation?  Just think, it seems
that whatever we do in one lifetime is done to us in the next.  It's that
karma thing.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Masonic Facility to Repay Medicaid

2001-08-17 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

Masonic facility to repay Medicaid

Aug. 17 - HARTFORD --

One of the state's largest health providers improperly billed the state for
$12 million over nine years in Connecticut's largest case of Medicaid
negligence, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal charged Thursday.
But the president and CEO of the company, Masonicare of Wallingford, said
fraud was not an issue and there were no allegations of substandard care in
its 548-bed geriatric, acute-care and psychiatric complex.  Masonicare is an
affiliate of the Ancient Free  Accepted Masons of Connecticut.

Blumenthal, however, said there was evidence of widespread malfeasance and
has referred the case to state and federal authorities for possible criminal

In this Medicaid abuse case, they literally threw everything, including the
kitchen sink, into their wrongful claim report, when they asked for
reimbursement of apartment renovations, Blumenthal said during a morning
news conference.  It certainly was abusive, improper and probably
fraudulent in many respects.

The nonprofit Masonic Geriatric Healthcare Center of Wallingford improperly
claimed about $12 million in state Medicaid funds administered by the state
Department of Social Services.

About $3 million in property improvements and renovations should never have
been part of the reimbursement requests, according to Blumenthal and the DSS

From July 1992 through June of this year, DSS made about $11 million in
payments that were either prohibited by Medicaid or should have been
reimbursed under other programs.

Deputy DSS Commissioner Michael Starkowski said, It remains among our
highest priorities to ensure the integrity of state-funded health-care
payments to facilities charged with caring for our most vulnerable
populations.  Today's settlement, which represents almost $12 million in
restitution for wrongly expended state funds, not only acknowledges that we
will catch abusive and negligent practices, but it's worth the effort.

Under the settlement, MGHC will return the $10,886,000 in Medicaid
overpayments and pay an additional $1,014,000 for costs associated with the
inquiry conducted by the Attorney General's Office and DSS.

The Wallingford complex also will have to establish a corporate integrity
program in cooperation with the state's Medical Assistance Program.

In a statement issued Thursday, Barry M. Spero, Masonicare's president and
CEO, said the company has taken steps to ensure all future cost reporting
meets complex state regulations.

He admitted that the firm takes full responsibility for any errors that may
have been made.

Spero indicated that with the company's rapid expansion into a variety of
services, from cemeteries to psychiatric care, staff administrators may have
been overwhelmed.

We know through our own internal review and the state's audit that although
Masonicare's delivery of care was of the highest standards, our business and
information systems were not able to keep pace, Spero said.

The company has hired a new financial staff, purchased a new computer system
and hired consultants to oversee future integrity, he said.

Blumenthal said that, over the last four years, state Medicaid fraud
investigators have succeeded in retrieving about $33 million in payments
from a variety of state contractors.

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Re: [CTRL] Paper Flag Irritates Israelis

2001-08-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/14/2001 9:51:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 THE ARABS called it a day of rage but the Israelis were the ones
 demonstrating their rage outside Orient House yesterday. The
 Palestinian youth who dared to hold up a Palestinian flag made of
 paper was seized by six border guards and plain-clothes police,
 kicked, beaten, punched in the face and back and then kneed in the
 groin in front of us all. 

And God forbid that any Israeli should be irritated.  Prudy

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[CTRL] [PalestineDiary] Israeli army warns of all-out war/News-Telegraph/UK (fwd)

2001-08-17 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Israeli army warns of all-out war
By Alan Philps in Jerusalem
(Filed: 17/08/2001)

THE violence of the intifada, or Palestinian uprising, could last for
five years or lead to a full-scale war, according to an assessment by
the Israeli army.

The general staff believe that the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat,
is in such a weak position that he is not able to impose anything
more than a lull in the violence, and could lose control completely.
The prediction is contained in the army's annual strategic
assessment, being prepared for the chief of staff, Lt-Gen Shaul Mofaz.

After 10 months of clashes, the newspaper Ha'aretz, which published
excerpts of Israeli military thinking, said the two fronts - against
the Palestinians and along the northern border with Lebanon -
were stable but fragile. But an incident such as a bombing with
heavy casualties could tip the region into war.

Israel's most respected military commentator, Ze'ev Schiff, said the
army was turning the clock back to the 1950s, when retaliatory
raids against Arab countries were the norm.

If raids continued against Palestinian towns and the number of
Palestinian casualties rose, he wrote, the situation will continue
to deteriorate until it finally reaches all-out war.

An equally pessimistic view of the prospects for diplomatic progress
comes from the Anglo-Palestinian academic Dr Yezid Sayigh, who
predicts that the current conflict will last until the end of this
year, and probably at least through 2002.

Dr Sayigh says Mr Arafat bears much of the responsibility for the
catastrophic situation in the Palestinian territories, because of
the absence of a clear purpose he has shown in the past 10 months.

Although successive Israeli governments served to bring down the
peace process, Arafat is guilty of strategic misjudgment, with
consequences for the Palestinians of potentially historic
proportions, Dr Sayigh writes in Survival, a publication of the
International Institute for Strategic Studies.

The intifada has shifted the political ground in Israel to a more
hardline position. To reverse the damage would require discipline
and political vision, and Mr Arafat would have to act in a manner
alien to him.

Dr Sayigh predicts three possible scenarios: a continuing guerrilla
campaign, the destruction by the Israelis of the Palestinian
Authority or the disintegration of the authority under Israeli

Benedict Brogan, Political Correspondent, writes: The British
Government refused yesterday; to suspend arms sales to Israel and
rejected calls for a European arms embargo as a response to the
worsening violence in the occupied territories.

Amnesty International backed an appeal from the Palestinian Authority
and the Liberal Democrats for a ban on the sale of military
equipment, claiming that it was being used as part of Israeli efforts
to enforce its control of the territories.

But Ben Bradshaw, the Foreign Office minister, said Britain accepted
Isreali assurances that exports were not being used against the
Palestinians. He told the BBC's World and One programme that military
sales to Isreal were miniscule and added: Basically, America arms

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Re: [CTRL] suffer the little children

2001-08-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/14/2001 12:27:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 The blood of these innocents stains all our hands but the hands that
 it stains the most are Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, American
 President George Bush, and all the Arab leaders who are either drunk or
 might as well be because they seem to be completely oblivious to the
 Palestinian Holocaust that is going on right under their upturned noses. 

One can deplore this situation, but nothing will change except it will become
easier to kill children.  I believe one gets used to it.  In Rio de Janairo
they hunt them down in the streets like stray dogs.  It's a kind of sport.
Obviously the Israeli enjoy the same sport.  Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] PERFECT ECONOMY - Mathematic PROOF Federal Reserve CAUSED Great Depression, Lou

2001-08-17 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

A very good site for Federal Reserve information.AKE


begin 666 PERFECT ECONOMY - Mathematic PROOF Federal Reserve CAUSED Great Depression, 
Louis T. McFadden's Congressional Address.url
M6T1%1D%53%1=#0I05-%55),/6AT=' Z+R]W=WN5R9F5C=5C;VYO;7DN
M8V]M+W!R:6YC:7!A;TM+69E95R86PMF5S97)V92US7-T96TN:'1M; T*

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Israeli Police And Routine,Organized Cruelty

2001-08-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/15/2001 3:14:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 The inhabitants of Palestine come from many places, but nearly all of
 them are Semitic/Arabic. Such peoples are universally understood to be/have
 been nomadic.

Yes, well most of the ones who had enjoyed life in Palestine before the
Israeli came along (you know the Israeli who had traveled quite a distance to
get there) were living on farms and had olive trees which take eons to bear
fruit.  They had been resident for generations, apparently getting over their
errant nomadic ways in the long distant past.  Still I can understand what
you say.  They've been pretty much forced to become nomadic again, since the
Israeli have bulldozed their homes, farms and cut down their orchards, even
ruined the water supplies.  Kind of keeps them on the move, doesn't it?  Oh
well, whatever the Israeli do is just fine.  They must worship a somewhat
different God than I do, but as long as their's approves, they can just keep
on truck'in.  Prudy

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] suffer the little children

2001-08-17 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 08/14/2001 12:27:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  The blood of these innocents stains all our hands but the hands that
  it stains the most are Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, American
  President George Bush, and all the Arab leaders who are either drunk or
  might as well be because they seem to be completely oblivious to the
  Palestinian Holocaust that is going on right under their upturned noses. 

 One can deplore this situation, but nothing will change except it will become
 easier to kill children.  I believe one gets used to it.  In Rio de Janairo
 they hunt them down in the streets like stray dogs.  It's a kind of sport.
 Obviously the Israeli enjoy the same sport.  Prudy

I just want to clarify that you are saying that Israelis kill children
for sport. Is that right Prudy?


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Capitalism at work: Human Stem Cells ALREADY PATENTED. Owning life and health.

2001-08-17 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Human Stem Cells ALREADY PATENTED -- US Officials in Bind
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 11:15:26 -0500 (CDT)
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP)
Tel: 212-595-8974  FAX: 212-595-9086

It may come as a shock to most folks, but the University of Wisconsin has
cornered the market, it owns the sole patent rights to primate and human
stem cells, patent # 6,200,806. The dynamic of the stem cell research debate
now moves to its inevitable commercial arena--where neither science nor
philosophy or religion have any influence.

The commercialization of human life is now taking center stage as patent
rights--intellectual property rights and contracts, not human values,
determine who and what research goes forth, be it government or
privately-funded research. The Times reports that the University's research
foundation is already suing the very biotech company that it had contracted

Does patent law override all other laws as well as our natural birthright?
Where are the ethicists ?




AUG 17, 2001
Patent Laws May Determine Shape of Stem Cell Research

ASHINGTON, Aug. 16 - As they carry out President Bush's plan for government
financing of embryonic stem cell studies, federal health officials confront
a daunting challenge: United States patent 6,200,806, a claim to the human
embryonic stem cell.

The patent, held by a foundation at the University of Wisconsin, is
apparently the only one of its kind in the world, leaving the university in
such a powerful position that next week the health officials will begin
negotiations in hopes of reaching an agreement to allow federally financed
scientists broad access to the cells.

The patent, which covers both the method of isolating the cells and the
cells themselves, gives the Wisconsin foundation control over who may work
in the United States with stem cells, and for what purpose. In turn, the
foundation has granted important rights to a biotechnology company, the
Geron Corporation of Menlo Park, Calif., giving that company considerable
say over who ultimately profits from stem cell therapies.

This complex tangle of intellectual-property rights and contracts is now a
pressing concern at the National Institutes of Health, the agency charged
with putting President Bush's plan into effect. Next week, representatives
from the foundation, the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, or WARF, are
to meet with officials at the institutes to take the first steps toward
negotiating access to stem cells.

I don't want people to see us as an 800-pound gorilla, Carl Gulbrandsen,
the foundation's managing director, said. We will work very hard with the
government to make sure that there is access to this technology and that our
patents are not an impediment to researchers.

But many scientists fear that the foundation's restrictions might hinder
research on cells that hold promise for treating and curing some of
mankind's most devastating diseases. And though legal experts say it could
be challenged in court, the Wisconsin patent could help push stem cell
science overseas.

Mr. Bush said that 60 lines, or self- sustaining colonies, of stem cells
exist in laboratories around the world, and said that under his program,
government scientists would be free to work with any of them.

But the government does not have control over whether those cell lines get
to researchers, according to Mr. Gulbrandsen, federal health officials and
patent law experts. If the cell lines match the description in the broadly
worded Wisconsin patent, these experts say, their owners must obtain
approval from the foundation before distributing them.

That has scientists worried.

The whole point of this, surely, is to get good cells into the hands of
researchers, said Dr. Ron D. McKay, who has conducted promising research on
mouse embryonic stem cells at the National Institutes of Health and is eager
to work with the human cells. I think that it is unclear, in practice, how
easy it will be to get these cells.

As far as experts know, the United States is the only nation to have issued
a patent on human embryonic stem cells. The patent is valid only in this
country; the foundation has also applied for patents in Europe. And at least
two foreign biotechnology companies say their cell lines may fall outside
Wisconsin's claim and have applied for patents of their own in the United
States and elsewhere.

A patent gives its owner the right to exclude other people from making,
using, selling or importing their invention. So researchers in other
countries have a double advantage, said Rebecca S. Eisenberg, an expert in
biotechnology and patent law at the University of Michigan. Other nations,

[CTRL] It's time to kill off these persons.

2001-08-17 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-


Corporate Irresponsibility? Predatory Behavior? Blame the Charter -- and
Rewrite it

Jonathan Rowe is a fellow at the Tamales Bay Institute and a contributing
editor of the Washington Monthly.

Editor's Note: This piece originally appeared in the Washington Monthly. It
is reprinted with permission.

It is a sign of immersion that the thing immersed doesn't notice. The fish,
famously, is not aware of water. Dick Cheney and George W. Bush cannot see
past their allegiance to the oil industry because it's all they know --
their water.

So it is with the corporation. Over the last century and a half, the
corporation has become the dominant institution of American life, the
envelope of existence, as one writer put it. It defines work,
entertainment, politics, transportation, the way people think about their
bodies and the world. Increasingly it dominates the cognitive environment
daily life. For all the kvetching about government, the corporation
permeates our lives in much more basic ways.

Yet the more pervasive the corporation becomes, the less we seem to notice.
It's just the way things are, the new normal, and rapidly it is becoming
norm for the entire world. This has been the subtext of recent trade
agreements, and the implicit agenda that has inspired the opposition to the
World Trade Organization. Protestors in Seattle and elsewhere have not been
opposing trade per se. One might as well oppose the morning. The issue
rather is who controls this trade, under what terms and to what ends.

As it has evolved over the last 150 years, the American corporation is more
than just a mode of business. It is an agenda, the organizing principle for
an entire society -- the embedding in the institutional matrix of the
single-minded quest for monetary gain. Apologists may protest to larger
aims, or at least effects. But the soul of the corporation is the charter,
and corporate charters speak for themselves. They say that the company
exists to make money and for no other reason. The question today is whether
that governing concern is large enough to serve as organizing principle for
the entire world.

The question may seem eccentric, even naove, in these economically
triumphant times. Yet back in the days when the corporation was still new
and its impact clear, the question was of obsessive concern. President
Lincoln expressed this in a 19th-century version of Eisenhower's
military-industrial complex speech. Corporations have been enthroned,
Lincoln said. An era of corruption in high places will follow ... until
wealth is aggregated in a few hands ... and the Republic is destroyed.

Lincoln knew a thing or two about threats to the Republic. The question
continued as farmer-populists and Progressives led the drive for
and restraints. Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson all called
for federal chartering of large corporations, as Madison, with unusual
foresight, had urged at the Constitutional Convention. Roosevelt even
created a Federal Bureau of Corporations because of these concerns.

But soon enough the corporate economy became simply the economy in the
majestic singular. It was helped greatly by a fledgling advertising
industry, which cast it in friendly and even patriotic terms, and by an
economics profession that served as apologist and booster. Most important
all, prosperity had a quieting effect -- the sedation of Huxley's Brave New
World as opposed to the statist oppression of Orwell's 1984. The 1990s were
such a time, of course. But as regularly happens, the wheel is turning once
again. The stock market is no longer a money machine for the masses, and
jazzy new technology -- the microchip -- is becoming a bit old hat.

The energy situation, moreover, has brought dirty old industries such as
and coal back to center stage. After Clinton's off-and-on embraces, the
administration has seized the role of Monica to the suits. At the same
corporations are showing a degree of raw aggression that is unsettling to
say the least. They are claiming new territory in virtually every dimension
of existence, from the personal space that is assaulted by huckstering and
cell phones to the Star Wars initiative, which will stake a commercial
to the farthest reaches of outer space. They are taking control of the
for knowledge at universities, and are moving even to claim the gene pool
and the processes of life itself.

Perhaps this helps explain why the looming invasion of oil companies into
the nation's parks and wilderness areas has become so symbolically charged.
It captures in a single image what is happening already in American life.
Put all this together, and it is not surprising that there are efforts to
revive the debate that was aborted a century ago and to inquire into the
nature of the institution that the United States is seeking to launch into
global role. The 

Re: [CTRL] US And Other Activists Back Palestinians

2001-08-17 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 AUGUST 17, 06:17 EDT
 Foreign Activists Back Palestinians

Didn't see YOUR name there buddy. Didn't see Prudy's or Colleen's

Don't disappoint us now guys. Put you ass where your mouth is and head
on down to the Holyland. Show those Israeli Nazis what you can do.

My cousin Moshe-the-Masher is REALLY looking forward to seeing you Colleen.
He's been dulling his blunt instrument in anticipation and reciting the
Jewish prayer for god to send under medicated psychopaths from the trailers
of the heartland.

Oooh baby.


 Associated Press Writer

 AL KHADER, West Bank (AP) - As a 13-year-old Palestinian boy bulldozed
 an Israeli roadblock in the center of his town, three dozen foreign sympathizers
 stood guard.

 Israeli soldiers watched from a hilltop Thursday as Sultan Khaled
 Mousasbiah jerked the gears of the rusting yellow bulldozer and pushed
 down an unmanned barrier, made of a hollowed out city bus and heaps
 of dirt, rock and cement.

 For the Palestinians of this town south of Bethlehem, it was a small
 victory. For the international group of demonstrators, it was mostly a
 symbolic one. Like the last time they helped demolish the roadblock,
 they understood that Israeli soldiers were likely to put it back up.

 Among them was Heidi Arraf, a 25-year-old Palestinian-American
 who moved to Jerusalem a year ago and has helped put together
 an umbrella group of activists called the International Solidarity
 Movement. The group supports Palestinians in their struggle for statehood
 and hopes to help end nearly 11 months of violence.

 ``Our governments are calling for the same thing - you must take
 action to end the violence. But no one is taking action. We are,'' Arraf
 said, using her hand to shield her eyes from the setting sun as she
 watched Israeli soldiers on the hillside.

 About 80 activists from the United States, Germany, Italy, France,
 England and other European countries responded to mass e-mail calls to
 come to the region this month to join local activists for two weeks of
 semi-spontaneous demonstrations.

 For the last two weeks they have scuffled with Israeli police who took
 over the unofficial Palestinian headquarters in east Jerusalem after a
 bloody suicide bombing attack in the Jewish section of the city, spent
 the night with Palestinian families in nearby Beit Jalla during firefights
 with Israelis and held demonstrations.

 As the demonstrators marched through Al Khader, a small Palestinian boy,
 a blue T-shirt wrapped around his head showing only eyes, ran into the
 street, holding a toy machine gun he made out of black tape and cardboard.

 Irene Siegel, 36, a student at the University of California at Berkley,
 expressed concern.

 ``Who are their role models? What do they aspire to be? Where are
 they going to go to get their education?'' she said.

 Siegel, one of 20 Americans in the group, is a Jew who came from Cairo,
 where she is participating in an Islamic studies program.

 Standing next to her was Linda Bevis, 40, a history teacher at Renton
 High School in Seattle. She and her husband spent a night with a
 Palestinian family in the divided West Bank city of Hebron, where
 there are almost daily exchanges of fire as Palestinians shoot at
 Jewish enclaves and soldiers fire back.

 ``At a certain point, when people are being shot and killed on a regular
 basis the only way to nonviolently stop it is to put your bodies in between
 the shooters and the people who are being shot,'' she said.

 After members of the group tried to act as human shields in front of
 Palestinians during an exchange of fire, an Israeli official wondered why
 they weren't protecting the Israelis.

 Fighting broke out last September after peace talks broke down. Israel
 charges that Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat is using the violence to try
 to wring further concessions out of Israel. The Palestinians counter that
 Israel is using excessive force. Their main argument is that Israel's 34-year
 occupation of the West Bank and Gaza is the primary cause of the violence.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


2001-08-17 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-


by Stan Goff

[Stan Goff is a Retired U.S. Special Forces Master Sargent, an
author, Organizer for the North Carolina Alliance for Democracy
and a member of the International Committee to Defend Slobodan
Milosevic. (ICDSM)]

What do you call someone who pays officials to break the law,
threatens people with violence if they don't do what he demands,
spreads outrageous lies to impugn people's reputations, and
participates in a plot to illegally take an unwilling person out
of the country in captivity?

Guilty of bribery, extortion, slander and kidnapping.

What do you call a government which does precisely those things?

The United States in Yugoslavia.

Let's get something straight here. The International Tribunal at
the Hague is no more an impartial judiciary (1) than Geraldo Rivera
is a neurosurgeon, and Slobodan Milosevic is no war criminal. These
are just simply facts, and the thing that--even at 50--still amazes
my ass is the sheep-like, gullible, we-just-fell-off-the-turnip-truck
acceptance of the capitalist media's horse-manure by comfortable
fellow Americans.

United States military troops are occupying the Balkans, many of
them with relatives who might read this, and very few people seem
the least bit inclined to find out what's really going on there.
So they listen to CNN, read the 'New York Times' or the 'News and
Observer,' watch PBS, or listen to NPR, brought to you by... name
your favorite agribusiness or weapons contractor... and believe

I've got a news flash for you, folks. The media lie. They lie early
and often, and they keep on telling the same lies over and over,
apparently in the well-founded hope that we will simply and finally
equate repetition with accuracy. (2)

Slobodan Milosevic is no war criminal. Nor was he a dictator. (3)

Until the US started a massive campaign of extortion, bribery and
election rigging in Serbia, he won his elections fair and square--unlike
the current de facto President of the United States. Nor did
Milosevic ever lead the non-existent movement for Greater Serbia.
Nor do Serbs collectively share any blame for whatever
flavor-of-the-day atrocity is being invented by the IMF, the State
Department, NATO Headquarters in Brussels, or that fake Tribunal.

Serbs are as fractious and pluralistic as any group, especially
about politics, deeply split even today between nationalists and
socialists. What they are not, contrary to the recent resurgence
of Serb-bashing, is self-pitying and paranoid. They are one of the
most stoic, and tolerant, people in Europe.

The distortions that underwrite this latest violation of Yugoslav
and International law--the veritable kidnapping of a former head
of state--would make Joseph Goebbels blush. Crimes were invented
to fit the punishment of the Serbs. Allegations were reported as
facts, then referenced later as if they really were facts. The
mounting evidence of a giant hoax in almost every case has been
completely ignored by capitalist media. The effect--intended I
think--is to create an impression so overwhelming of Serbian guilt
that to question it is to be regarded as a miscreant holocaust
denier. Guilt by analogy. Milosevic equals Hitler, therefore
defending Serbians equals defending Nazis (a huge irony here, since
Serbs were tenacious and fearless fighters against the Third Reich).
There's only one little rub. The Holocaust has been well documented
by the physical evidence. The Serbians' guilt, and that of Milosevic,
has not.

But skepticism, fact-checking, and logic have become forbidden
foreign languages in the United States, especially our (laugh track
here) free press.

The overwhelming evidence is that there was never any coordinated
campaign of genocide or ethnic cleansing by Serbs, no massacres at
either Racak or Srebrenica, and never any such thing as Serbian
rape camps. The Kosovo violence was initiated by Albanian
heroin-gangsters, who named themselves the Kosovo Liberation Army
once they started to get weapons and training from German and US
Intelligence. The mass exodus out of Kosovo was not triggered by
Serb violence, but by NATO bombing. The reports of 100,000 Kosovar
Albanians killed has yet to be corroborated with bodies, and is
being quietly scaled ever downward as the bodies fail to appear.
Racak was shown to be staged. The bodies from the Srebrenica
massacre were never located either, and in fact many of the
missing later turned up alive and accounted for in Bosnian Muslim
combat units outside Srebrenica. The US and the pseudo-Tribunal
have an answer for the missing evidence, those tens of thousands
of corpses, that is.!  R!  ight under the noses of US surveillance
satellites--and I have seen imagery from them that can spot a
motorcycle and rider--the crafty Serbs, undetected, moved thousands
of decomposing bodies to other locations... still to be discovered.


The break-up of 

[CTRL] Our leaders are wrong. Globalisation is not delivering for the poor

2001-08-17 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

radman pull quote:

If we are to confront the real threat of anarchy, let us begin
with anarcho-capitalists inside the cordon sanitaire, rather than the victims

Our leaders are wrong. Globalisation is not delivering for the poor

Special report: globalisation - http://www.guardian.co.uk/globalisation/

Alan Simpson
Wednesday August 15, 2001
The Guardian

You have to take a deep breath before deciding to publicly fall out with a
national leader, a cautious chancellor and an economics nobel
laureate all at the same time. But the fact that Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and
Amartya Sen share a consensus of confusion about globalisation, does not make
their infatuation sensible, equitable or sustainable.

A widening chasm divides public protesters from free trade fantasists. With or
without the permission of world leaders, a mixed bag of
political challenges and ethical alternatives is beginning to force its way
into public debate. The pace is being set by those who have
decided they cannot go any further down the path of neo-liberalism that
corporations, the World Trade Organisation and compliant
politicians would have us believe is the road to salvation.

Over the last year, some 3m people in over 20 countries have protested against
globalisation. Tony Blair may have lavished praise on
Brazil's privatisation programme, but his view is not shared by the Brazilian
population, caught in the middle of a colossal energy crisis.
American energy giant AES has threatened to block a #2bn investment programme
unless Brazil deregulates energy prices, while the
government has announced surcharges of up to 200% on electricity consumers.

Nor did the prime minister see fit to mention that in neighbouring Colombia
workers have been so ecstatic about the privatisation
programme imposed as a condition of US aid that they have retaken control of
the major supplier of water, electricity and
telecommunications in Cali, the country's second city.

In New York, it might be understandable for Gordon Brown to enthuse about a
possible $350bn gain from a fully open trading and
commercial relationship between Europe and America. American executives - many
of whom represented corporations queuing up for the
guaranteed profit stream from privatised public services - loved it. None would
have read the devastating critique by Allyson Pollock and her
colleagues from University College London, showing that privatised markets in
public services cost us more, deliver less, bequeath huge
debts and generally walk off with the public's assets.

That wouldn't have bothered the chancellor's audience. But Amartya Sen would
have cared, and it is within the contradictions of his
analysis that we find the most hopeful seeds for a counter-thesis to

Sen's great achievement is to have written an economics for the poor. He has
never given up on the politics and economics of
redistribution. The trouble is that his approach has not moved on from
economics as it was, nor caught up with climate changes that will
rewrite economics as it will become.

None of the protesters in Genoa would disagree with Amartya Sen's comments here
last month that even though the world is
incomparably richer than ever before, ours is a world of extraordinary
deprivation and of staggering inequality. The problems begin with the
reasons for this, and whether globalisation makes it worse.

Sen accuses the opponents of globalisation of wanting to deny the poor access
to the great advantages of contemporary technology. But
it was the pharmaceutical companies, not free-trade protesters, that ganged up
to prevent Southern Africa from manufacturing its own
anti-Aids drugs.

Not one of the most exciting technological advances is being offered freely to
the poor. All demand the protectionism of patents and the
payment of royalties. In its most grotesque form, this even charges the poor
for access to the parts of their own biodiversity that have been

To some extent, Amartya Sen's faith in the malleability of the market economy
hinges on longstanding economic views about the
significance of the nation state in international trade. Theories of
comparative advantage - in which all countries gain by focusing on
production and trade in goods they have a relative cost advantage in - depended
on assumptions about capitalism that are long past their
sell-by date.

 From Adam Smith through to Keynes, there was a reasonable presumption that
capital was essentially national in character, rooted in the
ownership of land and production of goods. Capitalist entrepreneurs were
assumed to play largely within national rules.

The second half of the 20th century saw a transformation in capitalism itself.
Its shift from productive capital to finance capital went along
with its loss of interest in the nation state. Land could not move offshore,
but money could. Capital demanded to be bribed to come and
exploit your labour rather than pay 

Re: [CTRL] To die for.

2001-08-17 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 8/16/01 10:39:51 PM Central Daylight Time,

You DO know that Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad agent don't you?

Are you suggesting that this possibility is absurd?

Why exactly are you on this list if not only to parrot the ADL/Zionist line?


[CTRL] 10000 AA Shells Missing From Russian Storage SIte

2001-08-17 Thread William Shannon

Updated 16.08.2001 at 18:42:41

Thousands of Anti-Aircraft Guns' Shells Disappear from Storage

Some 10,000 shells for anti-aircraft guns have disappeared from a military
storage site in the Russian Far East following floods, Interfax news agency

The floods destroyed the site near the village of Boyec Kuznetsov and dragged
out in the river 300 boxes containing shells.

Police and emergency situations ministry's officers failed to find the boxes
in the river area.

The military prosecutor office is investigating the loss.

Neither the police, nor officials of the ministry of emergency situation, or
the head of the local administration were allowed to enter the storage site
itself, the agency said.

[CTRL] Bush Should Insist Israel Comply W/ UN Res. 242

2001-08-17 Thread William Shannon

Bush should insist Israel comply with UN Resolution 242  

by Bassam Abu-Sharif 

In my last article in the London based Arabic language paper, Asharq 
Al-Awsad, I mentioned that I have access to credible Israeli sources that 
indicate that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has ordered the implementation of 
an updated version of Field of Thorns Item D, so-called "lightning 
penetration". The plan outlines the invasion of cities, villages and refugee 
camps under Palestinian Authority control. In that publication I stated that 
this decision was not related to any response to operations Palestinians may 
direct at Israel, but is an active part of Sharon’s plan to reinstate the 
iron fist of Israeli occupation in all areas controlled by the PA. This plan, 
no doubt, follows from the belief by the Israeli government that the West 
Bank and Gaza are part of the land of Israel. 

Sharon’s gambit of retaliations relies on a "chicken and egg" portrayal of 
Israeli attacks—Israeli reactions to Palestinian actions caused by Israeli 
repressive actions in the first place. In this scenario, there can never be 
the "absolute calm" he deems necessary for the implementation of the Mitchell 
Recommendations and he is allowed to continually delay any negotiations. 
Thus, Sharon will be able to annex as much territory and found as many new 
settlements as possible in the meantime.

It is worth mentioning that despite some programmatic disagreements between 
the Israeli Labor and Likud parties, the differences between the two schools 
of Israeli thought are negligible when it comes to the basic rights of the 
indigenous population of Palestine.

Sharon’s tactics, much like those of his labor predecessor Ehud Barak, are 
based on the incremental digestion of Palestinian land accompanied by gradual 
ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian population. It is a straight-forward and 
modern expression of similar policies used by the classical colonial powers 
of the last century such as the brutal white settler colonists of South 
Africa and Zimbabwe. The League of Nations largely banned these practices in 
Geneva following World War II and adopted laws and conventions to support the 
right of all human beings to self-determination. Needless to say, with the 
end of South African apartheid, Israel is the only world power still freely 
abrogating human rights in order to colonize another people’s land.

This morning, the Israeli occupation army savagely and brutally re-occupied 
the city of Jenin in the northern West Bank for five hours. Israeli troops 
destroyed buildings and houses and terrorized civilians in an act clearly 
contravening international law, the Geneva Convention and the agreements 
signed by the PLO and Israel.

Earlier this week, the London Independent’s Robert Fisk described Monday’s 
brutal display by Israeli soldiers and policemen who attacked a peaceful 
demonstration of European, Israeli and Palestinian activists protesting the 
occupation of the Orient House in Jerusalem. Fisk shocked by the apparent 
savagery of the Israeli police, wonders why Israelis chose to reveal such 
barbarity in front of a watchful international community. "How can the 
Israelis do that to themselves?", he asks. We can provide the response to the 
question Fisk is unable to answer. The officers and soldiers, trained by 
disciples of the classical British, French and German colonists have 
inherited all the tactics of torture and brutality which the latter used to 
capture other lands and enslave their populations.

These facts of Israel’s occupation of Palestine are largely unknown by the 
international community. Reporters are routinely prevented from accessing the 
scenes of atrocities and human rights violations by the very Israeli military 
which has committed them.  Recently, an Egyptian television crew that 
attempted to cross a roadblock at Qalandia on the Ramallah-Jerusalem road 
were thoroughly beaten by Israeli soldiers for their journalistic effrontery. 
The Israeli military has received hundreds of complaints of similar treatment 
from the world’s press agencies and has responded to none of them. Reporters 
from news networks such as BBC World and CNN, on the other hand, rarely have 
such problems, depending completely on a diet of PR handouts from Israeli 
governmental sources. They are rarely motivated to visit the scenes of their 
news stories since an Israeli spin-doctor will most likely call them with the 
"official" version of the story soon enough, perhaps even before the events 
in question have actually occurred. 

Thus, for the benefit of those who remain ignorant concerning the nature of 
Israeli human rights violations, I will cite the following practices: 

* Israeli military roadblocks and closures multiply daily and violate the 
right of all peoples to freedom of movement, an essential right which has 
repercussions on all levels of human life. Israeli closures and 

[CTRL] Barricades

2001-08-17 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


August 2001

Latin America: the 30 years' dirty war *
Presidents under pressure
Malls aren't us *
France: his master's voice *
Benin: a free press does not come cheap *
The Kurds: a fragile spring *
Who will be the next pope? *
Immigrant Islam *
The watchers and the watched *
End of the beginning for the internet
Argentina: hello again *
Berlin: walking the wall *
Being really there
Goodbye to human identity
search the site:  to receive our free monthly summaries, please fill in your e-
mail address

(*) Star-marked articles are restricted to subscribers only. See subscription

Democracy at the barricades
Heads of state were besieged in July in Genoa. They talked trade and money
inside a guarded, if luxurious, compound, while outside the Italian carabinieri
confronted demonstrators, only a few of whom were violent. Results: news
footage of handshakes and governmental agreements, their details already
forgotten - and of an unwarranted death, 600 injuries, beatings and
frustration. The next talks will be in the safe enclave of Qatar.
After the disgrace of Genoa, multinationals and European and international
institutions targeted by anti-globalisers have a recurrent problem: how to
discredit, weaken, manipulate and, if possible, annihilate the international
citizens' movement which has disturbed the gatherings of the masters of the
universe since Seattle. Police retaliation and direct repression are the most
obvious weapons in the anti-anti-globaliser armoury. This April spring in
Quebec smelled of tear gas: the official figure for the number of canisters
fired against anti-FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas) [1]demonstrators
was 4,707 - excessive according to a committee set up by the government
of Quebec [2]. Asked by doctors about chemical components and propulsion
agents, the authorities professed ignorance: We only do testing in terms of
how effective the gas is on people [3].
In Europe, too, the use of force and manipulation has reached new extremes.
In Gothenburg, during the demonstrations at the summit meeting of heads of
state and government of the European Union in June, the Swedish police
used live ammunition. In Barcelona, on 22 June, where forums and
demonstrations went ahead although the World Bank had retreated from
holding its new economics conference, plain clothes police infiltrated the end
of the march, vandalised property and attacked uniformed officers to provoke
them into violent reprisals against demonstrators and journalists.
In Genoa, the Italian police went further: one dead, more than 600 injured,
hundreds of arbitrary arrests and a real political plot. There is evidence of
complicity between the authorities and gangs of Black Block agents
provocateurs that damaged parts of the city [4].
But force seems to have little effect, so the authorities are resorting to legal
harassment. A leading member of the Ruckus Society [5], known for its
training sessions in non-violence to prepare for occasions like Seattle, was
picked up on the streets of Philadelphia the day after demonstrations at the
Republican Party convention. He was questioned for six hours by an officer
who cheerfully admitted that he had orders to dump a bunch of shit on his
booking papers [6], indicted on 13 counts and (unprecedented for such
minor offences) required to put up bail of $ 1m.
Wrongful arrest, intimidation and ill-treatment of detainees, and closing meetings as 
a preventive measure, are common wherever opponents of globalisation meet. For 
evidence, visit one of the independent, decentralised
Indymedia websites [7] that are causing headaches in Washington. On the day of the big 
demonstration in Quebec, FBI and US secret service agents appeared at the Indymedia 
office in Seattle with court orders requiring it t
o disclose the names and email addresses of everyone who had visited the site in the 
previous 48 hours - several thousand people. This was in flagrant breach of rights 
guaranteed under the US constitution [8]. In Genoa, o
n the night of 21-22 July, carabinieri raided the alternative media centre without a 
warrant, beat and arrested people, and claimed they were looking for evidence of 
infiltration by rioters.
In Europe too, governments have no compunction about taking liberties with the law. In 
December 2000 an attempt was made to reduce the scale of the demonstrations against 
liberal policies pursued by the EU. At a European
Council meeting in Nice, 1,500 Italian nationals were held at the Franco-Italian 
border although they had valid tickets and passports. In January 2001 Swiss 
authorities blocked all access roads to Davos, transforming the
region into a military stronghold. The Italian government suspended the Schengen 
agreement for four days in a vain attempt to prevent demonstrators from other 
countries congregating in Genoa.
The backlash
There is a serious ideological backlash, too. How can 

[CTRL] Keystroke Logging The Plan

2001-08-17 Thread William Shannon



DAN K. THOMASSON: A new means of snooping

Scripps Howard News Service

(August 16, 2001 04:44 p.m. EDT ) - Given the never-ending electronic
developments that make it easier and easier to pry into the personal lives of
Americans, basic privacy is probably a thing of the past. Someday even our
thoughts may be vulnerable and actionable if they aren't politically correct.

Federal law does provide us with a modicum of security from unwarranted
snooping by U.S. agents on fishing expeditions. That protection is called a
court order. It requires probable cause for installing a wiretap or
electronic bug.

But that protection may be inadequate now because of a new technology that
thoroughly confuses the issue of what is and isn't a wiretap. It allows
law-enforcement authorities - mainly the FBI, but presumably other agencies
as well - to use something called a keystroke logger to find out what you
have written on your computer, and to find out before the words are sent over
a telephone line. It is when the sending takes place that the law requires a
warrant for interception.

The FBI has developed such a device and, to the horror of personal-privacy
advocates everywhere, the FBI has used it in a current case. The bureau has
refused to reveal how the gadget works. While the current controversy centers
around the activities of organized crime, it has the making of an
old-fashioned constitutional clash between civil libertarians and those who
claim certain exceptions are necessary to guard the overall public welfare.

The entire issue of whether such evidence is admissible in court can be
expected to end up in front of the nation's highest tribunal, and probably
will come bouncing back to Congress for modification of the law one way or

In the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to remember this name: Tom Charles Houston.

Houston was a very young presidential aide in the tumultuous days of the
Vietnam protest movement when White House paranoia was at an all-time high
and aides to Richard Nixon were convinced the anti-war activists, including
some pretty nasty bomb throwers, were being financed by our overseas enemies.
Houston proposed a solution. Suspend most of the civil protections, including
warrants for wiretaps and other electronic means of spying on Americans, in
the name of national security and go after the kids.

Unbelievably, the "Tom Charles Houston Plan," or just "The Plan," as it was
known, received the approval of top authorities throughout the intelligence
community, the National Security Council and the White House higher echelon.
Only one man refused to sign off and the failure to convince him doomed the
plan. J. Edgar Hoover saw it as both as an unprecedented attack on civil
liberty and a threat to his own control of counterintelligence.

Minus the support of the FBI director, the Nixon White House did not dare to
move forward, and so Tom Charles Houston became just another of those
misguided figures who haunted Washington during the Watergate era and weren't
heard from afterwards. His aborted plan was a short sensation at a time of
great sensationalism.

But it also served as a dramatic reminder of how frail and always close to
extinction our personal privacy and individual rights remain, particularly in
an age of never-ending electronic improvements. Before, we were dealing with
only the telephone lines over which we all communicate even with our
computers. Now we are faced with devices that can capture our words at the
instant we stroke the keys to write them.

Without the checks and balances and restrictions placed on those we trust to
protect us, no matter how well-intentioned they are, almost anything can be
abused in the name of public good and too often has been. During debate on an
anti-crime bill some years back, when there was a move to dilute the courts'
role in electronic surveillance, a wise congressman warned that it could
produce a disaster. He said that every proposed law should be examined from
the standpoint of the worst thing that could happen under it. The removal of
even some judicial restraint, he said, could result in your being arrested
for having a Saturday night poker game with the boys.

The point he was making is that we always should err on the side of
protecting our most precious liberties. If, in the process, someone takes
advantage of that, it is the price we pay for our freedom. We should require
a court order before a law-enforcement agency is allowed to use this latest
device to intercept our communications. If that is an impediment to law
enforcement, we would all still be able to sleep better at night.

[CTRL] Onion Routing The Pentagon

2001-08-17 Thread William Shannon

Pentagon Hides Behind Onion Wraps
By Declan McCullagh 

2:00 a.m. Aug. 17, 2001 PDT 

Onions may be the secret ingredient in protecting the Pentagon's classified

During an afternoon presentation at the Usenix Security conference on
Thursday, a researcher at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory described a
technology known as "Onion Routing," which preserves anonymity by wrapping
the identity of users in onion-like layers.

"Public networks are vulnerable to traffic analysis. Packet headers identify
recipients, and packet routes can be tracked," said Paul Syverson, who works
at the NRL's Center for High Assurance Computer Systems. "Even encrypted data
exposes the identity of the communicating parties."

Even if you bother to scramble the contents of your message, someone snooping
your e-mail or Web-browsing habits can still see your Internet address and
the address of the person or website with whom you're communicating. In other
words, if you're a CIA or military intelligence agent, you don't want to
visit the website of an underground group and risk revealing you're coming
from a dot-mil network.

The Onion Routing solution, which follows much the same recipe as Zero
Knowledge's Freedom software and cypherpunk-developed mixmaster remailers, is
to forward communications through a complicated network that bounces Internet
packets around like pinballs and hides the origin and destination from all
but the most determined eavesdroppers.

Syverson said that the U.S. government was awarded patent number 6,266,704
for Onion Routing on July 24.

That announcement prompted an angry reaction from Usenix attendees, many of
whom are programmers, security consultants and system administrators, who
aren't big fans of software patents -- especially in the area of anonymous
communications, where there's been so much prior work before the Navy ever
got involved.

Mathematician David Chaum, for instance, wrote an article titled "Untraceable
Electronic Mail, Return Addresses and Digital Pseudonyms" for Communications
of the ACM as far back as 1981. Lance Cottrell, who now runs anonymizer.com,
wrote part of the mixmaster system in the early 1990s, and similar techniques
were discussed on the cypherpunks mailing list even earlier.

Syverson, who is listed on the patent with co-inventors Michael Reed and
David Goldschlag, defended the government's move. "It is a necessary step for
those of us working for the government to bring technology to the public,"
Syverson said.

The patent describes Onion Routing, which has been the subject of analysis at
previous security conferences, as providing "an electronic communication path
between an initiator and a responder on a packet-switching network comprising
an onion routing network that safeguards against traffic analysis and
eavesdropping by other users of the packet switching network" such as the

Onion Routing works though a complex system of several routers that wrap data
in successive layers of public key encryption to prevent anyone from
identifying what is in the packet. The trick is that the original sender of
the packet and the packet's destination are wrapped up within these layers of

"The originating proxy server knows the routing topography and picks the
route the packet will take at random," Syverson said.

This year's Usenix Security confab -- the next one is in San Francisco -- was
most notable for a packed presentation Wednesday, where Princeton University
professor Ed Felten and his co-authors presented a paper describing how they
broke a digital watermarking scheme.

Music industry groups, including the Recording Industry Association of
America, had warned at one point of a possible lawsuit under the Digital
Millennium Copyright Act if Felten described the paper at a previous
conference in April. They now say that they never threatened the research

Another paper presented was titled "Inferring Internet Denial-of-Service
Activity," which describes a novel technique to learn the frequency of
denial-of-service attacks.

Typically denial-of-service attacks work with an attacking computer forging a
return Internet protocol (IP) address. By tracking how often bounced messages
return to a certain range of IP addresses during a three-week test period,
the researchers reported they were able to observe over 12,000 attacks
against more than 5,000 targets.

The technique, called "backscatter analysis," was developed by authors David
Moore, of the San Diego Supercomputer Center, and Geoffrey Voelker and Stefan
Savage at the University of California at San Diego.

Andrew Osterman contributed to this report


[CTRL] Proof Social Security Is Unnecessary

2001-08-17 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Whip-round for prostitute, 82

POLICE in Taiwan have raised money to keep a prostitute aged 82 off
the streets. They have collected £400 for the woman, identified only as
Chiu but known in Taipei, the capital, as Grandma.

Chiu, arrested on Thursday for taking a 52-year-old man to her flat,
stayed in business by charging as little as £6 a time. Police said they
had also asked social workers to find free or cheaper lodgings for Chiu,
a prostitute for 40 years.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] To die for.

2001-08-17 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/16/01 10:39:51 PM Central Daylight Time,

   You DO know that Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad agent don't you?

Are you suggesting that this possibility is absurd?

Why exactly are you on this list if not only to parrot the ADL/Zionist line?


I was on this list long before you started doodling here cowboy. I have
done more in defining and developing the REAL conspiracy of our era than
just about anyone else. And not just here either. I don't deal with Jewish
subjects unless they are racist crap like yours.

I don't care if you support the Palestinians or not. But if you do, and
post drivel I'll call you on it.

I'll say it again so that even a clown like you can understand. I am not
a Zionist and never was. I don't even like the ADL because I hate establishment
elites. What you in your pathetic Saba like ignorance call the ADL/Zionist line
is simply what we all have in common. It makes no difference if you like that
or not.

And yes the Lewinsky thing is absurd.(Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.)
And so are you and your looney reptilians.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Greenpeace worried by 'mystery DNA' (fwd)

2001-08-17 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

That does not surprise me in the least, William.  It is people with points of
view that make Greenpeace necessary, and give many of us even more
reason to generously support these worthwile environmental causes as much
as possible.   :-)


On 17 Aug 01, at 18:42, William Bacon wrote:

 You know what? I don't care one bit what greenpeace thinks! And Idon't
 even give a flying f*** what this this marxist/leninst/socilaist
 Greenpeace is allegedly worried about

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Jonah Goldberg in the Washington Times

2001-08-17 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 Jonah Goldberg
  A Mexican suicide bomber walked into a pizza restaurant in a
 Santa Fe,
 N.M., mall this morning, killing at least 15 people, mostly children.
 Up to a
 hundred others were wounded.
  The bodies of two young boys who had been playing hooky from
 school were
 found in a cave outside of Phoenix. They had been beaten to death,
 and their
 bodies mutilated. Authorities are looking for Navajo separatists they
 are responsible.
  Militia in Tijuana, Mexico, fired rocket grenades into downtown
 Diego, killing 20, wounding 50 and, once again, snarling morning
  It's more than a little uncomfortable ascribing such barbarous
 crimes to
 completely innocent folk. Still, imagine if such things happened here
 of in Israel on an almost daily basis. How do you think the United
 would respond?
  Indeed, the comparison is less outlandish than you might think.
 all, the United States took land from American Indians. It took land
 Mexicans. In a sense, we even took land from the British. And, no
 how you slice it, America's claim to Texas and the Southwest is
 certainly far
 less morally compelling than Israel's is to its land.
  When the European Jews not already living in Palestine arrived
 after World War II, the area was largely empty. What is today called
 was the historic home of many Palestinians. And, after all, even
 the most
 militant Muslim must concede that the Bible places the land as the
 home of the Jews.
  Meanwhile, when European colonists came to North America, they
 had no
 historical claim to the land whatsoever and, besides, it was
  But for the sake of argument, imagine if Mexican irredentists or
 militants took it upon themselves to routinely blow up innocent
 America, conventional wisdom dictates, couldn't handle watching young

 (italics) soldiers (end italics) being killed in Vietnam. How would
 handle seeing young girls shopping for the prom being blown to
 bits outside the Gap? Or US Army Reservists being killed by mobs of
 day-workers? Or old ladies being shot by sniper fire?
  My guess is that most Americans would see, with abundant
 clarity, that
 such violence would have to be stopped. Unfortunately, Israel doesn't
 get the
 same consideration.
  Last week, when a suicide bomber blew up a Sbarro restaurant in
 Jerusalem full of kids, killing 15 people and wounding 100, Israel
 by seizing control of some Palestinian military installations.
  Secretary of State Colin Powell's response? I hope that both
 sides will
 act with restraint, Powell said. They both have to do everything
 they can
 to restrain the violence, restrain the provocation and the
 to the provocation.
  This is the equivalent of saying that if someone sucker-punches
 you, you
 are just as wrong for punching him back in self-defense.
  In fact, it's worse than that because Israel never (italics)
 (end italics) to kill innocents. When terrorists kill Israeli
 Israelis attack terrorist strongholds, military targets and
  Sometimes, they've even used rubber bullets. But even when the
 is unambiguously severe, it is always delivered to grown-up, declared

 combatants. Hence, when Palestinian innocents die it is virtually
 always an
 unfortunate byproduct of Israeli action. When Palestinians kill,
 are the target.
  And yet, night after night, the American media feel compelled to
 Israel's unintended casualties alongside Yasser Arafat and Hamas'
 casualties. For example, when two Jewish boys (one of them American)
 beaten to death in a cave last May, press reports linked it to the
 death of a
 Palestinian baby killed by accident in a crossfire two days earlier.
  ``In a region seemingly numb to violence, the deaths of both
 and Israeli youngsters have struck nerves on both sides of the
 reported a CNN correspondent.
  But the baby was shot by accident when Israeli soldiers were
 fire on mortars. The baby was, tragically, in the way. But the two
 kids were simply murdered. If an American cop shoots a kid by
 accident in a
 crossfire, would it then be OK to go out and shoot two kids because
 parents are police officers? Well, that's precisely the moral
 we've established for the Middle East.
  Israel offered a stunningly generous peace settlement to Yasser
 in the last days of the Clinton Administration. I thought it was
 foolish at
 the time, but it turned out to be fortunate, because it showed that
 Palestinians cannot accept peace.
  When Arafat turned down the ultimate land-for-peace deal, even
 doves knew, finally, that Israel is the only party willing to take

[CTRL] Fwd: PANUPS: DuPont Convicted of Racketeering in Benlate Case

2001-08-17 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 P A N U P S
 Pesticide Action Network Updates Service

 DuPont Convicted of Racketeering in Benlate Case

 August 17, 2001

 A Florida jury has found DuPont Co., makers of the fungicide Benlate
 (benomyl) liable for racketeering, negligence, fraud and defective
 product claims in a lawsuit filed by two Costa Rican-based plant
 nurseries. DuPont was ordered to pay US$78.3 million to the
 but announced that it would appeal the decision.

 This is the latest in a long line of cases against DuPont that have
 resulted in litigation and settlement charges totaling approximately
 US$1.3 billion to the company over the last ten years. In April 2001,

 DuPont announced that it would phase out sales of Benlate around the
 world by the end of 2002. (See PANUPS: DuPont Withdraws Benlate from
 Market, May 7, 2001 at

 The racketeering charges were based on information gathered from
 internal DuPont documents showing that the company conducted tests in

 Costa Rica in 1992, but destroyed the records as claims against
 mounted. The growers' attorney maintained that DuPont had launched a
 corporate damage control program by assigning an attorney to
 the testing, skewing some results and discarding those that were

 A plant pathologist from Pennsylvania State University, testifying
 the growers, stated that DuPont documents dating back to 1980
 Benlate as an unstable product prone to deterioration in hot, moist
 conditions. According to his testimony, some plants treated with
 grew to only 10% of their expected height, miniature roses in Florida

 dropped all of their leaves within two days of treatment, and
 orchids treated with Benlate were too malformed to sell. The plant
 pathologist attributed the problems to a natural byproduct of the
 breakdown of Benlate that, in his opinion, turned the fungicide into

 DuPont's attorney stated that after U.S. testing in 1992, DuPont
 reached the conclusion, the inescapable biological conclusion, that
 Benlate could not be the cause of the damage. According to DuPont,
 problem was due to a one-time incident of herbicide contamination at
 Benlate mixing plant. However, growers' complaints about crop damage
 continued long after the contamination occurred.

 In a related story, attorneys representing growers in another Benlate

 case five years earlier made a side deal with DuPont as part of the
 settlement. The attorneys, who represented 20 farmers and nurseries
 suing DuPont for Benlate damage, personally collected US$6.4 million
 return for agreeing to never bring another Benlate case against the
 company. The growers accepted a settlement of US$59 million from
 but were not told about the side agreement with their lawyers, who
 received US$20 million in fees for the case.

 Some of the growers have since filed a malpractice suit against the
 lawyers and are also seeking punitive damages. DuPont defends the
 payment to the lawyers saying that the company didn't feel it was in
 interest to bankroll the additional cases that these attorneys were
 threatening to pursue. DuPont maintains that while the side agreement

 was confidential, the confidentiality did not apply to the lawyers'
 clients. Attorneys for the plaintiffs are in the discovery phase and
 trial date has been announced.

 Sources: DuPont hit with $78.3 million fine, ditches Benlate,
 August 13, 2001. Costa Rican farmers seek $29 million in Miami
 Associated Press, August 8, 2001. DuPont suffers blow as Benlate
 racketeering trial gets under way in Miami, Associated Press, July
 2001. Clients sue over secret agreement, Miami Herald, February 22,


 Contact: PAN North America.

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Re: [CTRL] To die for.

2001-08-17 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 8/17/01 9:45:26 PM Central Daylight Time,

I was on this list long before you started doodling here cowboy. 

I'll grant you that pardner'.

I have
done more in defining and developing the REAL conspiracy of our era than
just about anyone else. And not just here either. 

Perhaps you have...say, was that under the Billy Schwartz monniker??

I don't care if you support the Palestinians or not

I'm not especially fond of that lot, but I AM offended by racist pograms that
OUR government supports...sue me!

I'll say it again so that even a clown like you can understand.

Ouch!!! Insulting me...typical I s'pose...

I am not
a Zionist and never was. 

Methinks you protest too much...

What you in your pathetic Saba like ignorance call the ADL/Zionist line
is simply what we all have in common. 

You lost me there Seth...er I mean Joshua...

And yes the Lewinsky thing is absurd.(Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.)
And so are you and your looney reptilians.

Oooh! More insults!!! Go figure!!!
Did I touch a nerve there Abe?? Er, "Josh"

You need to chill out!!

Take a lil' trip to Virginia, breathe some fresh air, take that yarmulke off
and expose that nekkid bald spot, shave them outdated sideburns...take yer'
shoes off and just kick the F back baby!!!
Stress kills! You don't wanna' die before WW3, do ya'?

And Moises, er ooopsie I mean Bill, er is that Joshua...this is all in good
fun, like shootin' Palestinian children (you know!!!) so relax and just enjoy
the ride!


Prolly o'er me limit onlist...but ya' n'er know!

[CTRL] Atlanta woman dies of West Nile

2001-08-17 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-


Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 11:40 PM
SubjectAtlanta woman dies of West Nile

Note the part about six others being tested.  One reason this is
very serious in the South is that we can have mosquitoes all year
'round.  Even in areas where it does get cold, it is usually for a
short period of time and then warms back up, causing the mosquitoes
to become active.

Atlanta woman dies of West Nile

First fatality in United States this year


ATLANTA, Aug. 17 - A woman who lived near downtown Atlanta has died
of the West Nile virus, the first reported death from the disease
outside the Northeast since the virus emerged on the East Coast in

THE 71-year-old woman was treated at a hospital 12 days for
encephalitis before she died Aug. 11 - the first West Nile-related
fatality in the United States this year. Tests done by the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control confirmed the cause of death Friday.
   The virus, which can cause deadly swelling of the brain, has
killed nine people in New York and New Jersey since 1999. The
disease appeared last month in a Florida man, and in dead birds in
Florida, Georgia and Virginia. Mosquitoes can carry the virus from
birds to humans and other animals.
   Six other people in Atlanta hospitals with similar symptoms
are being tested but no other human cases in Georgia have been
confirmed, said Dr. Adewale Troutman, director of the Fulton County
Department of Health and Wellness.
   The woman was identified only as Miss Hill by authorities
who said they would not release her full name to protect her family
's privacy.
   Mayor Bill Campbell and health officials urged residents to
be vigilant about mosquito bites, wear long sleeves and use
mosquito repellent.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Aleisha Saba recommends this ADL article

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

Note the ADL has a perpetual Beg A Thon and they write letters and it
only costs them a budget of $50,000,000 - that is right, 50 million
dollars.what a lovely laundering front this could be or is it and
consider one of their biggest contributors was Marc Rich and Meyer
Lansky and Moe Dalitz and numerous other notorious murder inc.
figures..maybe Joshua's JDL Mosha the Masher is one of them but
then, my friends all have fly swatters to take care of those little loud
mouthed twerps.

This item is interesting and note pull up about their beg a thon for
they write letters - and a stamp only costs 37 cents.All this tax
free money to fight anti semitism and who are they taking on - the Arabs
- they have called the Arabs anti-semites for the assholes evidently do
not know that i.e. The Palestinians are the rea semites and the Zionists
are murdering them for they are the Nazi anti semites in disguise - and
here we go again.


From:  Aleisha Saba
ADL Beg-a-Thon

The Winrod Legacy of Hate Background of Bigotry

Just click on the link above.

[CTRL] : Geomagnetic Storm Alert

2001-08-17 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Maybe Steve would send the link to the graph.  Anyone know what
HAARP is doing?

- Original Message -
To: SpaceWeather.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 3:44 PM
Subject: Geomagnetic Storm Alert

Space Weather News for August 17, 2001

An interplanetary shock wave hit Earth's magnetosphere on August 17
approximately 10:30 UT (3:30 a.m. PDT) and triggered an ongoing
geomagnetic storm.  High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for
Friday night and Saturday morning.  Visit SpaceWeather.com for

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: I Want to Support ADL in its Fight Against the Haters

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

ADL is holding its daily Beg A Thon and needs your pennies and nickels
for hey they blew that 50 million bucks they had last year (and all they
could steal and blackmail from Marc Rich and most of their Mafia familes
are in slammer - and to tell the truth, people are just beginning to be
a little concerned with their present image.

Marc Rich gave them $250,000 and got his parole but still cannot come
back in USA for the New York office out to get him ...and Clinton is
also being sued over some bribes he took and then did not make good -
amounting to a few million dollars and by the way ALL OF THE
Flynt gives big bucks here too and of course he is the Smut Peddlar
backed by ADL and Murder Inc.front for big time drugs.

Nice people but take the time to hear them beg for money, money, money -
for the foxes need new holes?



[CTRL] Fwd: Text of Letter ADL sent to NBC

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

Now here is where your pennies and nickels will go for the ADL has to
earn that 50 million bucks they took in.

So now they knock the Great Farrakhan - one man who drew over 1 million
people without the use of rock bans and worn out aging movie stars as a
lure -

So the Great Farrakhan is on the ADL hit hate list along with the Miliia
and well, Joshua2 by now has put the black trailer trash on his hate
list to be submitted to the ADLHey Joshua, still spying on the
Michigan Militia?

As for that jewish slaughterman, your friend Moshe the Masher - my
friends have a bit Swat Team and here we are you little twerp.

Saba - an now more from the ADl Beg A Thon - wonder how they get away
with this highway robbery -they are worse than Jesse Jackson who, has
always counted on the kindness of others.

ADL BEG A THON - Remember us in your Will.

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ADL Expresses Shock at Farrakhan Interview on Meet The Press
ADL Letter to the NBC
 October 19, 1998
Mr. Bob Wright
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112
Dear Mr. Wright:
  We recognize the right of NBC to choose
the guests to be interviewed on the network's news programs. At the same
time, we feel obligated to express our shock at seeing Minister Louis
Farrakhan being interviewed again by Tim Russert on Meet the Press, on
Sunday, October 18. While an interview with Minister Farrakhan at the
time of the Million Man March could be deemed a legitimate and timely
news item, featuring him as a moral authority on national issues on such
a prestigious program is as ironic as it is outrageous.
  Our point is not censorship, but
  Responsible people concerned about serious
public issues cannot ignore Farrakhan's consistent and unrepentant
record of anti-Semitism and hate targeting whites, gays, and mainstream
Black leaders. On yesterday's program, true to form, Farrakhan blamed
Jews for controlling and oppressing Blacks, saying, they are the
greatest controllers of Black minds, Black intelligence.
  If ever there was a demonstration of how
marginal the need for Farrakhan is on Meet the Press, it was on Sunday's
show in his response to Mr. Russert's question about Jews, Zionists, and
the Clinton case. Farrakhan repeated some of his worst anti-Semitic
ravings and his lunatic conspiracy theories.
  Interviews such as yesterday's give
unwarranted status to Farrakhan as a Black leader while offering him an
opportunity to propagate his message of hate which we have all heard
before. By now the public knows who Farrakhan is and what he stands for,
and so does Meet the Press which has interviewed him three times.

Abraham H. Foxman   
National Director 
Related Link(s):
  Farrakhan/Nation of Islam
  Khalid Muhammad
ADL On-line Home | Search | About ADL | Contact ADL | Privacy Policy
© 2001 Anti-Defamation League

SABA Note:   Now I don't think I would want to make the Great Farakkhan
or his million man march too angry..


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Destruction of America - Part I

2001-08-17 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

June come out of hiding for now we have you lurking on Conspirinoia
using what name perhaps

Definitely not Max...

The Bnai Brith would be more to your liking June right?

Not particularly...

Then toss in the ADL for you make such a good censor for thembut
never tell me you are Irish unless you would be like Broscoe - Jewish
Irish perhaps?

Nope, Orange Irish.  My father and his parents made it a point to wear
orange every St. Pat's day.  Along with the family Scottish tartan...

OTOH, to this very day some of my mother's Dutch relatives will never wear
orange or buy an object that is orange...

And if you don't understand why, I suggest you go back and study your
history, specifically the William  Mary period...

If there's any Jewish ancestry it would be on my mother's Hungarian side,
because no one spoke much about the history of that family; my mother was
Catholic, as was her mother and her grandmother, but that is as far back as
we can go, and who knows, perhaps somewhere along the line the Hungarian
ancestors were forced to convert from Judaism...


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---Original Message---

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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