2001-11-24 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-



The FBI, COINTELPRO and Far-Right Vigilante Networks
By Tom Burghardt, BACORR-North

Over the years, our approach to investigative
problems in the intelligence field has given rise to a
number of new programs, some of which have been most
revolutionary, and it can be assumed that with a
continued aggressive approach to these problems, new
and productive ideas will be forthcoming. These ideas
will not be increased in number or improved upon from
the standpoint of accomplishments merely through the
institution of a program such as COINTELPRO which is
given another name, and which in fact, only
encompasses everything that has been done or will be
done in the future. J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Director,
Memorandum, July 15, 1964 [1]

Now that the Christian Right's anti-abortion,
national cultural and holy war2 has evolved into a
campaign of arson, murder and terror, mainstream
feminist groups tied to the capitalist Democratic
Party -- NOW, NARRAL, and The Feminist Majority
Foundation -- are demanding that the FBI investigate
anti-choice violence.

In the wake of Rev. Paul Hill's assassination of Dr.
John Bayard Britton; clinic escort, James Barrett; and
the wounding of clinic escort, June Barrett, July 29
in Pensacola, FL, the drumbeat for federal
intervention has reached deafening proportions.

Armed U.S. Marshals, FBI agents using special
investigative techniques, and police SWAT teams,
however, will neither defend women seeking
reproductive health care nor abortion providers;
rather, such intervention will transform women's
clinics into armed camps. The net result of such a
massive show of firepower by the State will not
guarantee women's safety at clinics. Neither will such
intervention increase women's access to reproductive
health care.

Rather, police intervention on such a grand scale,
plays into the hands of anti-choice terrorists. They
believe that such displays of State power only assist
their own propaganda efforts and tend to buttress
their assertion that abortion is murder, and that
women who control their bodies are doing something

Despite U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno's statement
that clinic violence, is a problem throughout the
nation and that it is appropriate to address an
issue of deep concern,3 two more women's clinics have
been fire-bombed since Rev. Paul Hill's murderous

A clinic in Falls Church, VA sustained more than
$10,000 in damage, July 30, while a Planned Parenthood
facility in Brainerd, Minnesota, was burned to the
ground on August 10; the Minnesota facility did not
perform abortions. During the same period these two
clinics were attacked, a right-wing vigilante was
arrested in Philadelphia outside a women's clinic; six
molotov cocktails were seized from the trunk of his
car. Reports of death threats against patients,
doctors and health care workers since the Pensacola
murders have skyrocketed.

While the State is poised through the Freedom of
Access to Clinic Entrances Act (the FACE law), to
legitimize anti-abortion thugs who sidewalk counsel
and engage in other forms of harassment against women,
gangsters such as convicted clinic bomber, Rev.
Michael Bray, an endorser of Hill's Defensive Action
Declaration insist:

Anyone who truly believes that the slaughter of
innocent children is what we have with abortion could
go out and shoot an abortionist.4

Similarly, other supporters of the justifiable
homicide position, go further. According to the Rev.
David Trosch, even pharmacists might eventually become
targets. I would see no problem with shooting a
pharmacist, who provided a morning after pill to
women who seek to terminate their pregnancies.5
Trosch, in a July 16 letter that predicted the
massive killing of abortionists and their staffs,
pointedly warned that clinic defenders and
reproductive rights activists will be sought out and
terminated as vermin are terminated.6

Rev. Trosch and C. Roy McMillan, Executive Director of
the Christian Action Group in Jackson, Mississippi,
believe that clinic escorts and clinic defenders act
as accomplices, and therefore, are fair game for
right-wing, anti-abortion vigilantes.

McMillan, a weapons specialist who served two tours of
duty in Vietnam, believes that, Twenty five years
later I have not changed my opinion as to the
justification of the U.S. intervention in Vietnam...I
assume the enemy I killed were not Christian like

Today, McMillan believes that the killing of unarmed
escort, James Barrett, was no more than so-called
collateral damage.8 Apparently, McMillan's
ideological fervor will come in handy as he, and other
zealots wage cultural civil war on the home front.

Recent protests in Jackson/Gulfport, Mississippi
targeted Black physician, 


2001-11-24 Thread Chris Case
-Caveat Lector-


Fearing a barrage of press corps questions that the White House does not
want to answer, the Bush Administration has installed a high-tech
anti-question shield to protect Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, sources
confirmed today.

The multi-billion dollar shield is designed to shoot down questions that
could address what the White House feels is classified or sensitive
information. The first test of the new shield was successfully employed
today during a press briefing, intercepting and destroying a question
related to what constituted classified or sensitive information.

"This is a huge step forward in the White House communications defense
system," said an administration source who explained that the system
automatically responds to questions that attempt to penetrate the shield by
launching a series of pat, repetitive and purposefully vague responses.

The defense shield can respond immediately to any question fired off by
reporters by launching standard, defensive non-answers, such as "I believe
the president has made himself clear on that issue," "You'd have to talk to
the DOD (Department of Defense)," or "I'm not going to talk about
operational matters."

Critics maintain that the shield may not be foolproof and that some tough
questions could get through. Asked whether President Bush had concerns that
a serious question could penetrate the shield, Fleischer said, "I believe
the president has made himself clear on that issue."


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[CTRL] Taliban Flee Kunduz by the Hundreds

2001-11-24 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Taliban Flee Kunduz by the Hundreds

Updated: Sat, Nov 24 8:27 PM EST

By ELLEN KNICKMEYER, Associated Press Writer
BANGI, Afghanistan (AP) - A trickle of surrendering Taliban became a flood
Saturday, and those laying down arms were greeted like brothers by northern
alliance fighters besieging Kunduz. It was unclear whether a hard core of
foreigners loyal to Osama bin Laden would opt to fight to the finish.

By nightfall Saturday, alliance officials said more than 1,100 Taliban and
foreign fighters - mostly Arabs, Chechens and Pakistanis - had surrendered
under a deal negotiated with the Islamic militia's senior commanders. Some
Taliban fighters crossed the front and promptly joined the alliance.

However, thousands of other fighters were believed still in the city,
including members of bin Laden's al-Qaida terrorist network. When the siege
began Nov. 12, alliance commanders estimated about 10,000 Taliban and 3,000
foreigners were defending the city - the last Taliban stronghold in northern

The surrenders did not always go smoothly.

In the alliance-held northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif, a prisoner awaiting a
search detonated a hand grenade, killing himself and two other Taliban
soldiers and seriously injuring an alliance officer, according to Britain's
ITN News and CNN.

ITN reporter Andrea Catherwood, who was hit in the knee with shrapnel, said
the attacker was among some 500 foreign fighters, mostly from Pakistan, who
had driven overnight from Kunduz across the desert and were met by a key
northern alliance commander, Rashid Dostum.

They were disarmed, or so we thought. A lot of heavy arms were taken away in
a truck, she said.

A former Taliban deputy interior minister who defected - the most senior
Taliban defector thus far - on Saturday held a news conference to say he
blamed bin Laden and his foreign fighters as well as hard-line Taliban for
bringing on the U.S-led war.

I have being saying for a long time that the foreigners have to leave our
country, that they have plans of their own and are destroying our country,
Mullah Mohammed Khaqzar said in Kabul.

Khaqzar said he warned Taliban supreme leader Mohammed Omar that he should
tell the terrorists to leave or they would destroy our country. But Omar
fell under the influence of bin Laden, he said.

Under the surrender agreement near Kunduz, Afghan Taliban fighters are
guaranteed safe passage out of the city but the foreigners will be arrested
pending investigation into possible ties to bin Laden.

The United States had strongly opposed any agreement that would allow the
foreign fighters to go free. President Bush launched airstrikes against
Afghanistan on Oct. 7 after the Taliban refused to hand over bin Laden for
his alleged role in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

On Saturday, U.S. jets bombed an area near the eastern city of Jalalabad,
where bin Laden maintained camps. Anti-Taliban officials in the area said bin
Laden was near Jalalabad when the bombing campaign began and may be hiding
near his Tora Bora camp in the mountains.

Alliance commanders had expected the surrender of Kunduz to take place this
weekend - and as the day passed, more and more Taliban fighters appeared
along front line positions to give themselves up.

Along the eastern front, alliance soldiers shouted welcome and embraced and
kissed Taliban fighters after they rolled across the Bangi bridge in a convoy
of tanks, armored personnel carriers and even taxis - smeared with mud and
dust to camouflage them against prowling U.S. jets.

We gave up to the northern alliance, said a smiling Taliban fighter, Shah
Mahmoud. They are our brothers, and this is our country. The foreigners will
never surrender, I think.

Mahmoud, his Taliban-issued Kalashnikov still slung over his shoulder,
remained at the front to join the fight against the hard core Taliban and
al-Qaida holdouts.

On Friday, Dostum said he expected Kunduz to surrender by the end of the
weekend. In preparation, alliance troops moved Saturday within 1.5 miles of
the city limits, spokesman Ashraf Nadeem said by satellite telephone.

It has almost collapsed, Nadeem said of Kunduz.

In other developments Saturday:

- At least eight U.S. bombs exploded on Pakistani territory during a raid on
Taliban positions along the mountainous frontier with Afghanistan, witnesses
and local officials said. There were no deaths or injuries on the Pakistan
side but at least 13 Afghans were killed and two others injured on their side
of the border, a local resident said. The reports could not be independently
confirmed and the Pentagon had no immediate comment.

- Afghan factions meeting in Germany on Tuesday will try to set up a
15-member council as the basis for a new interim government, German special
envoy Hans-Joachim Daerr said. The meeting is considered the 

Re: [CTRL] Sharon to ask for warning re Iraq

2001-11-24 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-



PM to ask for U.S. warning in case of action against Iraq
By Aluf Benn, Nathan Guttman and Daniel Sobelman


In his upcoming meeting with U.S. President George Bush, Israeli Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon will discuss the next phase of America's war against
terror, in particular the possibility of action against Iraq.

.. The prime minister will request stronger diplomatic and strategic
coordination with Washington in the event of U.S.-led action against Iraq.
(please visit site for full article)


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Re: [CTRL] China closes 17,000 Internet cafes

2001-11-24 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


China closes 17,000 Internet cafes
by Bobson Wong, Digital Freedom Network

(November 21, 2001) Chinese officials have reportedly closed more than 17,000
Internet cafes and ordered thousands more to install Internet surveillance
software as part of a major offensive against unsupervised use of the

Shanghai's Wen Hui newspaper said today that Chinese police and commercial
officials have examined over 94,000 Internet cafes in the last seven months.
Last April, the government announced it was imposing a three-month ban on the
opening of new cybercafes. All registered Internet cafes were required to
renew their licenses, and those operating illegally would be shut down.

Only about half the country's Internet cafes have installed the required
filtering software, according to Wen Hui. About 28,000 cafes have been
ordered to install it. In February, the Ministry of Public Security announced
that it released Internet filtering software called Internet Police 110 that
allegedly can also monitor Web traffic and delete or block messages from
sources deemed offensive.

Only half of China's Internet cafes have had their licenses renewed.

About 15 percent, or four million, of the country's Internet population rely
on cafes as their main source of access, according to the China Internet
Network Information Center. Most of these users are in the country's smaller

While China has always tried to discourage pro-democracy or dissident
material from being circulated on the Internet — at least 19 individuals in
China are currently being detained for using the Net for religious or
political purposes (see the complete list at
http://dfn.org/focus/china/netattack.htm) — it is far more concerned about
the impact that an unregulated Internet will have on the nation's young
people. China's Internet population is much younger than the rest of the
population. Over half of the country's Internet users are under age 25. Many
parents have complained that their children were becoming addicted to
pornographic Web sites or computer games.

Growing loss of online privacy

The intense focus on cybercafes will be a big loss for Chinese users who want
to maintain their privacy online. Before the government's April announcement,
Internet cafes were not closely regulated. For example, many cafes did not
log who was using their computers.

And in an unrelated move, the U.S.-based company SafeWeb quietly closed its
free Web proxy service last week. A SafeWeb spokesperson said that the
service, in which users could go to SafeWeb's site and surf the Web
anonymously, was shut down because it cost too much to maintain. According to
the company, many of the proxy service's users were based in China.

There is some hope for SafeWeb users, though. The company recently signed a
contract with the International Broadcasting Bureau, parent agency of the
Voice of America (VOA), for a pilot program in which the bureau would provide
money for new computers to run SafeWeb software specifically tailored for
people in China.

Courtesy Digital Freedom Network (http://dfn.org). Material may be
reproduced or redistributed for online not-for-profit use without prior
written consent as long as the Digital Freedom Network is credited.


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Re: [CTRL] Patriotism slows inquiries into intelligence failures

2001-11-24 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


Patriotism slows inquiries into intelligence failures
War on Terrorism: Investigation
By David Usborne in New York
24 November 2001

The political inquests into the failures of US intelligence agencies before
the 11 September attacks, which are certain to embarrass Republicans and
Democrats alike, are to go ahead. But do not tune in for a while yet.

(Please see site for full story)

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Re: [CTRL] Death Tourism - Euthanasia Holidays

2001-11-24 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


11:23 2001-11-20


An Italian firm transports the terminally ill to the Netherlands, where they
undergo euthanasia.

The firm, called EXIT, based in Turin, takes groups of terminally ill
Italians to the Netherlands, where they check into a hospital. After a
complete medical check, which must obey certain parameters, they can be
declared fit to be placed on the list for a voluntarily assisted death –

Timofei BYELO

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2001-11-24 Thread Chris Case

-Caveat Lector-

Current events are making many of the insights and attitudes of the
Cyberpunk movement of the early 90s seem as prophetic now as they seemed
then. Here is an article I published (more an editing job than anything,
really, excising such phrases as Prigoninic cathexis) in 1990.
Wade through the pretentious language and perhaps you'll see what I mean...




The following is composed of extracts from an article by MARK DOWNHAM on
Cyberpunk which appeared in London's VAGUE magazine . A disorganized
mixture of clear apercus and tortuous prolixity, it lends itself to
rearrangement and  bowdlerisation. Here are a few of his more interesting



 Cyberpunk began as a loose generational nexus of writers swapping
letters,  manuscripts, ideas.

 Cyberpunk crunches together neuro- and physical chemistry, genetic
biology,  structural linguistics, cybernetics, bio-technology and cyborg
engineering into a  fantastic series of fictions.

 There is no typical cyberpunk, although the general project does have
central  themes, tenets, and topics. I'd say it is an eighties milieu -
nineties, post-2001 would  equally do - it is a product of the interzone
between hard technologies/sciences and  nihilo-romanticist surrealism. Its
precursors are Michael Moorcock, Langdon Jones,  Harlan Ellison,  Samuel
Delaney, Norman Spinrad, Brian Aldiss, John Varley,  Philip. K. Dick,
Alfred Bester,  the strange pulsing entropies of Thomas Pynchon,  the
panic-theory of Baudrillard, the Situationist International,  Larry Niven,
Roger  Zelaney,  H.G. Wells,  the programming phenomena control-data buzz
of Guy  Debord,  and the seminal genius of J.G. Ballard.

 Cyberpunk was essentially initiated by J.G.Ballard in The Atrocity
Exhibition.  Ballard details the collapse of a landscape through which lines
of deterritorialisation  have proceeded to absolute tolerances, fractal
zones in which sheer contiguity  replaces syntax...

 Ballard's work is an attempt to grasp the contradiction of
representational  analysis of the future directly. These inundated
near-futures transform our own  present into the recognisably determinate
past of something yet to come.

 Cyberpunk, as Philip K. Dick's novels and the films of David Cronenberg,
deals  with a near-future world congested with the coming technologies of
everyday life  and pushes the thresholds to the point where the psychoses
rip through and the  Metrophage gets ugly...

 Thomas Pynchon in Gravity's Rainbow explores the obliteration of
outdated  territories, languages, affiliations, of any boundaries or forms
that have impeded the  installation of cybernetics--the theory of messages
and their control is here  intermeshed with the hegemony of what Pynchon
calls the mega-cartel, the  zaibatsu, the multinationals.

 Cyberpunk is the literary incarnation of this colliding of fictional
worlds, between  the high-octane five star fantasies of the multi-nationals
and the junk-cult feral  scams of the street guerillas living off their
products, but fantastically mutating  them.

 Certain central themes spring up repeatedly in Cyberpunk. Firstly, the
theme of  body invasion, the target vehicle: prosthetic limbs, implanted
circuitry, cosmetic  surgery, cyberspace, DNA, genetic alteration. Secondly,
the real hard edge of mind  invasion: brain-computer interfaces, artificial
intelligences, neuro-chemistry--all the  techniques radically redefining the
nature of humanity, the nature of the self.

 Cyberpunk is gorged with detail-it uses carefully constructed intricacy
and  readily extrapolates into daily life. It goes for crammed or condensed
prose: rapid,  dizzying, skidding bursts of novel information, sensory
overload, a special brilliant  feeling that makes you crisp at the
edges--submerging the reader in the equivalent  of a titanic blast of
information, great gulfs of linguistic intensity as the vasopressin  hits.

 Cyberpunk has a strong garage-band aesthetic. It grapples with the raw
core of  the near future--its myths, its ideas, its coming practices. It is
a pop culture which is  theorizing itself into a more cohesive and
self-determined existence.


 Blade Runner is really about Roy Batty/Rutger Hauer/method actors in

 The Cyberpunk must allow him/herself to be swept into the multiple
currents  that cross the city and beckon at random, to clear a path through
a deliberately  confused atmosphere of this fictive metropolis and
distinguish the real from the  irreal even in the most indiscernible cases.

Roy's murder of Tyrell is the most meaningful statement in the whole of
Cyberpunk : It is a fearful thing to meet your maker.

Of the Media-Induced Experience: THE SPECTACLE:

 For Baudrillard, television--chief purveyor of the Spectacle--is a
paradigm of  failed escape combinations, of implosive effects, of remembered
codes that make  you