[CTRL] The cure for an ailing democracy

2002-11-04 Thread thew
Title: The cure for an ailing democracy 
-Caveat Lector-

It’s after One A.M. on election night eve, and rather than either doing any of the things I probably ought, or just hauling my ass to sleep, I’m sitting here ruminating on the upcoming election and the state of Democracy in America in 2002.

I know that, as an American, it is my sacred duty to have no memory of any events that occurred more than 6 months ago, but in a radical pique I’m thinking back to the mist shrouded bygone days of the last election. Remember how you felt for those thirty some odd days between election day and the enthronement of his appointed-ship? (hey I didn’t say these were bi-partisan ruminations) Remember the way we watched the news, our hearts raced, we thought about politics, and, damn it, for one brief shining moment, cared? 

That’s the feeling democracy is supposed to bring. Think back – they were giddy times, heady with possibility.

It was quite a ride. George Bush’s cousin, John Ellis, calling the election for FOX before the polls were closed. Election “irregularities” in a state controlled by a candidates brother. Systematic denial of the right to vote via intimidation, fraud, creative legislation, out and out lying, erroneous lists of felons (sold to Florida by a company GW was cozy with back in his home state in Texas), and various nefarious moustache twirling manipulations. The decision was handed over to the woman who ran the entire Fla. elections process – the totally impartial chairperson of the Bush election committee. When that didn't work, without a worry of what such a partisan opinion based on unsound legal principle would do to the stature, perception, and purity of the Supreme Court, in exchange for some lovely appointments for needy judicial relatives, GWB was declared president.

Since then the current administration has been gutting America, eliminating freedom and diversity in the name of a good business climate (the tanking economy notwithstanding) beat the drums of war, and generally treated the Constitution like one of those long trailing bits of toilet paper stuck to your shoe, that you plan on getting rid of as soon as no one is looking.

Remember the Hope?
Feel the Outrage?

There is a cure for an ailing Democracy. Strangely enough - it is MORE Democracy.

Get out there and vote. If there is a Senate race in your state, if your congressional district has a seat in contest, make your voice heard. It makes a difference. Imagine a senate, congress, president, and supreme court whose entire political philosophy is ” If it’s good for Exxon, it’s god for America.”

If there are no federal races, and only state races where you are – Vote. Florida has taught us how important control of a state can be. Ask yourself – if Jeb wasn’t Gov in 2000, would George be Prez now? If Jeb isn’t Gov in 2004...?  Let them know you don’t support usurpation, by your choice in your state senate, your governor, your congressperson and your senator.

Vote. It ain’t illegal yet.



To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. 

Theodore Roosevelt

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Accepting the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"

2002-11-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum 
Accepting the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" 
Posted By: HMakow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, 4 November 2002, 10:09 p.m. 

Creating Jewish-Arab Trust 
Accepting the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" 
By Henry Makow, Ph.D. 

Under the 1935 Nuremberg Laws, only two flags were permitted in Nazi Germany. One was the swastika. The other was the blue and white banner of Zionism. 

According to Lenni Brenner's online book Zionism in the Age of Dictators (Ch.7), the Zionist party was the only other political party in Nazi Germany that enjoyed a measure of freedom, and could publish a newspaper. The reason: Zionists and Nazis had a common interest, making German Jews go to Palestine. (http://www.marxists.de/middleast/brenner/ch07.htm) 

History is not always what you'd expect. 

There are more shocking examples in Brenner's book (Chapters 24 & 25). 

For instance, in November 1942, Rabbi Michael Dov-Ber Weismandel, a Jewish activist in Slovakia approached Adoph Eichmann's representative, Dieter Wisliceny: "How much money would be needed for all the European Jews to be saved?" Wisliceny went to Berlin and returned with an answer. For a mere $2 million they could have all the Jews in Western Europe and the Balkans. Weismandel sent a courier to the World Zionist Organization in Switzerland. His request was refused. The official, Nathan Schwalb sent enough money to save only Weismandel and his cadre. He wrote: 

"About the cries coming from your country, we should know that all the Allied nations are spilling much of their blood, and if we do not sacrifice any blood, by what right shall we merit coming before the bargaining table when they divide nations and lands at the war's end? for only with blood shall we get the land." (p.237) 

Brenner writes that Zionism had come full turn. "Instead of Zionism being the hope of the Jews, their blood was to be the political salvation of Zionism" (p.238). 

In Chapter 25, Brenner relates how Zionist leader Rezso Kasztner made a deal with Adolph Eichmann to save a few thousand hand -picked Zionists and wealthy Jews in return for deceiving and leading more than 750,000 Hungarian Jews to their doom. In 1954, when Kasztner was accused of collaborating, the Israeli government sprang to his defence. 

Brenner documents how the Zionist and World Jewish leadership prevaricated and obstructed all efforts to save the Jews of Europe who apparently were worth more to them dead than alive. 

I am Jewish and my family suffered from Nazi persecution. When I first heard this information, I immediately rejected it. It boggles the mind. However, as I learned more about the Illuminati's ancient plan for world domination with its satanic overtones and Masonic plan for rebuilding Solomon's Temple, I became more receptive. 

I came to the conclusion that Jews must be sceptical of Zionist leaders who have used the holocaust to gain undeserved moral authority, and to bludgeon Jews and others into hysterical, unthinking conformity. 

It is possible that Israel was set up for purposes that have nothing to do with the Jewish people, and that Israelis and Jews in general are being duped. 

This is by way of introduction to a current controversy, which cuts to the heart of Jewish-Arab mistrust. It is over a lavishly produced 14-part television series based on the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." It will be aired nightly during the peak viewing period of the Muslim Ramadan by the state-run Egyptian station, and a private satellite channel. 

For Jews, the series entitled "A Rider Without a Horse" is proof of the Arabs' inveterate anti Semitism. For Jews, the "Protocols" is an anti Semitic booklet written in 1905 by Czar Nicholas II's secret police which describes an imaginary Jewish plot to take over the world. 

For Arabs, the "Protocols" are confirmation of a Jewish desire to spread materialist values, destroy Islam and colonize the Middle East. 

According to Hebrew University professor Meir Litvak, "Many Arab and Muslim writers see globalization as a threat to Arab culture and identity and fear that it will increase Western control of their economies and political systems." Associating globalization with "Jewish intrigues" makes it easier for the Arabs to explain why they lag behind in economics, technology and science, says Litvak. (Haaretz, Oct. 29,2002) 

Calls from the US government to cancel the program on the grounds that it stokes hatred and bigotry were rebuffed by Cairo. So too were appeals to Arab leaders to condemn the anti-Semitism rife in the Egyptian media. A protest demonstration by Jewish organizations took place outside the Egyptian embassy in Washington Monday, November 4. 

An Arab League spokesman rejected Israeli charges that the series is a violation of Cairo's commitment und

[CTRL] Into the Dark: The Pentagon Plan to Provoke Terrorist Attacks

2002-11-04 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

Two articles here (links included), the first is mentioned (and was the
source of) the second.  Read carefully and absorb their meaning fully. 
What they are saying is that ALL our lives are now on the line.
From the LA Times:
The Secret War
Frustrated by intelligence failures, the Defense Department is
dramatically expanding its 'black world' of covert operations
By William M. Arkin
William M. Arkin is a military affairs analyst who writes regularly
for Opinion. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
October 27 2002
SOUTH POMFRET, Vt. -- In what may well be the largest expansion of covert
action by the armed forces since the Vietnam era, the Bush administration
has turned to what the Pentagon calls the "black world" to press the war
on terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.
The Defense Department is building up an elite secret army with resources
stretching across the full spectrum of covert capabilities. New organizations
are being created. The missions of existing units are being revised. Spy
planes and ships are being assigned new missions in anti-terror and monitoring
the "axis of evil."
The increasingly dominant role of the military, Pentagon officials say,
reflects frustration at the highest levels of government with the performance
of the intelligence community, law enforcement agencies and much of the
burgeoning homeland security apparatus. It also reflects the desire of
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to gain greater overall control of
the war on terror.
Insulated from outside pressures, armed with matchless weapons and technology,
trained to operate below the shadow line, the Pentagon's black world of
classified operations holds out the hope of swift, decisive action in a
struggle against terrorism that often looks more like a family feud than
a war.
Coupled with the enormous effort being made throughout the government
to improve and link information networks and databases, covert anti-terror
operations promise to put better information in the hands of streamlined
military teams that can identify, monitor and neutralize terrorist threats.
"Prevention and preemption are ... the only defense against terrorism,"
Rumsfeld said in May. "Our task is to find and destroy the enemy before
they strike us."
The new apparatus for covert operations and the growing government secrecy
associated with the war on terrorism reflect the way the Bush administration's
most senior officials see today's world:
First, they see fighting terrorism and its challenge to U.S. interests
and values as the 21st century equivalent of the Cold War crusade against
communism. Second, they believe the magnitude of the threat requires, and
thus justifies, aggressive new "off-the-books" tactics.
In their understandable frustration over continued atrocities such as
the recent Bali attack, however, U.S. officials might keep two points in
Though covert action can bring quick results, because it is isolated
from the normal review processes it can just as quickly bring mistakes
and larger problems. Also, the Pentagon is every bit as capable as the
civilian side of the government when it comes to creating organization
charts and bureaucracy that stifle creative thinking and timely action.
The development of the Pentagon's covert counter-terror capability has
its roots in the 1979 Iran hostage crisis. The Army created a highly compartmentalized
organization that could collect clandestine intelligence independent of
the rest of the U.S. intelligence community and follow through with covert
military action.
Known as the Intelligence Support Activity, or ISA, when it was established
in 1981, this unit fought in drug wars and counter-terror operations from
the Middle East to South America. It built a reputation for daring, flexibility
and a degree of lawlessness.
In May 1982, Deputy Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci called the ISA
"uncoordinated and uncontrolled." Though its freelance tendencies were
curbed, the ISA continued to operate under different guises through the
ill-starred U.S. involvement in Somalia in 1992 and was reportedly active
in the hunt for Bosnian Serbs suspected of war crimes.
Today, the ISA operates under the code name Gray Fox. In addition to
covert operations, it provides the war on terrorism with the kind of so-called
"close-in" signals monitoring -- including the interception of cell phone
conversations -- that helped bring down Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar.
Gray Fox's low-profile eavesdropping planes also fly without military
markings. Working closely with Special Forces and the CIA, Gray Fox also
places operatives inside hostile territory.
In and around Afghanistan, Gray Fox was part of a secret sphere that
included the CIA's paramilitary Special Activities Division and the Pentagon's
Joint Special Operations Command.
These commands and "white" Special Forces like the Green Berets, as
well as Air Force combat controllers and commandos of eight different nations
report to a mind-boggling arr

[CTRL] Fwd: First Interview with Saddam Hussein in Twelve Years

2002-11-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Special Dispatch - Iraq
November 5, 2002
No. 437

To view this Special Dispatch in HTML format, please visit:

First Interview with Saddam Hussein in Twelve Years

The Egyptian opposition weekly Al-Usbou' published yesterday an interview with Saddam 
Hussein. According to Al-Usbou', which has a very strong pan-Arab orientation, this 
was the first interview given by Saddam to any media outlet in the last 12 years.(1) 
In a lengthy preface to the interview, Sayyid Nassar, the Al-Usbou' journalist who 
conducted the interview, noted: "not everything a journalist hears is reported, he 
reports what is allowed and what does not harm the national Arab security. Therefore, 
I ask the readers forgiveness for not reporting part of the interview". Following is 
the interview:

"We Do Not Ask of the Arab Leaders More than They Can Deliver"

Nassar:   "I would like to ask you first: 'How do you analyze the Arab position 
towards Iraq, the sanctions that it has to deal with, and the threat of aggression and 

Saddam:  "We do not ask of the Arab leaders more than they can deliver. We evaluate 
the conditions of each country, its position on the political map, and its ability to 
sacrifice. The sacrifice is relative and is the result of historical conditions, 
personal capabilities, and the personal viewpoints of its leader. Anyway, we are 
satisfied in general. The positive factors are increasing, and the negative factors 
are decreasing. In general, the [Arab] position is changing in the direction of Iraq's 
interests. Let me tell you frankly that we are progressing with the positive factors, 
and are letting the negative ones diminish by themselves, as the right viewpoints 
become clearer and dominate the political arena."

Nassar:"Still, Mr. President, you must have some comments here and there about the 
positions of a few Arab countries towards Iraq. We understand that there is some 
failure on their part in supporting Iraq."

Saddam:   "I am interested only in the positive factors. As I said, the negative 
factors will diminish on their own when everyone understands our real intentions and 
the sensitivity of our circumstances, and what is being hatched against us and against 
them. Iraq is not the only country subjected to conspiracies. The U.S. wants to impose 
its hegemony on the region, and to do so it has to direct its hostilities towards the 
Arab countries, especially the pivotal ones. All this serves the Israeli Entity and 
International Zionism."

On U.S. Conspiracies Against the Arab World

Nassar:   "Mr. President, what exactly does the U.S. want from Iraq?"

Saddam:  "The U.S. wants to destroy the centers of power in the Arab world, regardless 
of whether the center of power is in Damascus or Baghdad! Look around you and see what 
is happening in the region. See what is happening in southern Sudan, efforts to 
separate the south from the north and to influence our big sister Egypt, its national 
security, and the overall national security of the Arab nation!!"

"Look and see what is happening in Algiers, see what happened and is still happening 
in Somalia and all the countries in the Horn of Africa. See what is going on in 
Palestine and what Sharon is doing to our Palestinian brothers. All this exposes the 
scope of the conspiracy against our Arab nation."

Nassar:   "Mr. President, if we go from the general to the specific, what does the 
U.S. want from Iraq?"

Saddam:  "The U.S. wants to impose its hegemony on the Arab world, and as a prelude it 
wants to control Iraq and then strike the capitals

[CTRL] Live from Basra: Iraq's Oil Belt Prepares for War

2002-11-04 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-


Published on Sunday, November 3, 2002 by CommonDreams.org

Live from Basra: Iraq's Oil Belt Prepares for War

by Jeremy Scahill

BASRA—Iraq's southern oil-belt is preparing for what many here see as
an inevitable massive attack by Washington. Small military bunkers,
equipped with sandbags, barbed wire fences and machine guns line the
long stretch of highway heading north out of Basra, Iraq's second
largest city. Army soldiers stand guard on large concrete walls,
stretching around military garrisons.

For hundreds of years, Basra was called the Venice of the East.
Sinbad the Sailor's adventures were launched from its shores. The
city is connected by a web of footbridges and canals that empty into
the Shatt Al Arab, a focal point of the Arab sea trade for more than
1300 years. It endured both Ottoman and British occupation and, more
recently, 20 years of war.

>From morning until night, the waterfront is crowded with the hustle
and bustle befitting the country's main port. Fishermen and ships
line the boardwalk that houses 101 towering, individual bronze
statues, each representing an Iraqi Army soldier killed during the
Iran-Iraq war. Each of the figures is unique and contains intricate
details on the faces of each of the men. They stretch down the
boardwalk for a mile, all of them with their arms raised, fingers
pointing accusingly toward the Iranian border, some 6 miles to the
east. Over the last few months, amid threats from Washington, the
soldiers have been given a new coat of black paint.

Young boys sit at the base of the statues, selling cigarettes and
imitation Pepsi and 7-up. Old men play dominoes on cardboard boxes,
as ships move along the canal. But the statues serve as a haunting
reminder that Basra has long ceased to be thought of as anyone's
Venice. The city's strategic location at the mouth of the Shatt Al-
Arab, one of the most ancient and busiest trade routes of the Middle
East, has doomed the city.

Basra has been one of the most fought-over areas in the world. It's a
stones throw from both Iran and Kuwait and suffered tremendously
during both the Iran-Iraq War and the Gulf War. Many buildings along
the boardwalk remain riddled with bullet-holes.

Though war has not been declared on Iraq, Washington's warplanes
regularly bomb in and around the city under the guise of so-called no-
fly zones. Officially, the Bush administration says the planes are
there to protect the Shi'ite Muslims from the forces of the central
government. But no one in Basra says the missiles make them feel
safer. These zones have no basis in international law and were never
authorized by any body of the United Nations. Baghdad says that more
than 1,300 civilians have been killed in these attacks.

Throughout Basra, people are paying very close attention to what is
happening at the UN Security Council in New York. Many a street
corner houses a gathering of older men huddled around transistor
radios. In addition to the state radio broadcasts, they also get BBC,
Radio Monte Carlo and other Arabic language foreign broadcasts. This
is certainly true throughout Iraq as well, but in Basra people know
that they are likely to be living in a major frontline of any "new"
war. This, coupled with the regular sound of air-raid sirens and
bombings, has caused many residents to have nervous breakdowns.
Several people we spoke with, particularly women, reported having
severe emotional and psychological problems sparked by the sound of
American and British jets. While people are generally well informed
on the current developments and haggling at the UN, no one rules out
a surprise attack from Washington.

Throughout Iraq, Disaster Preparedness Teams are training for
responding to a US attack. An Iraqi who is working on these teams in
the south told Iraqjournal.org that weekly meetings are being held
and "pick-up" routes are being plotted to gather members of the
disaster teams in various areas in the event of
bombings. "Disseminators" from the teams are holding workshops in
factories, schools and union halls to educate people on such things
as how to cope with a total absence of clean drinking water in the
event that water treatment plants are targeted as they were in 1991.
Separate from this, several people said that courses are also being
conducted in "civil-defense" to prepare for the possibility of a
ground invasion.

Indeed, in several rural locations outside of Basra, we saw what
appeared to be armed civilian militias. Men riding on trucks or
gathered on roadsides, dressed in traditional Iraqi garments carrying
automatic weapons. Already, most Iraqi households have guns—and not
just pistols. Several non-military people have boasted to us that
they have M-16s or other machine guns in their homes.

This would seem to contradict the Bush administration's assertion
that the Iraqi government sees its own population as a great threat.
The weapons are certainly in circulation 

[CTRL] Fwd: Petition to Impeach George Bush 14,000 + names already

2002-11-04 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Please help get this petitition to impeach George Bush distributed


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Attack Iran the day Iraq war ends, demands Israel

2002-11-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

November 05, 2002 
Attack Iran the day Iraq war ends, demands Israel
>From Stephen Farrell, Robert Thomson and Danielle Haas

ISRAEL’S Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has called on the international community to target Iran as soon as the imminent conflict with Iraq is complete. In an interview with The Times, Mr Sharon insisted that Tehran — one of the “axis of evil” powers identified by President Bush — should be put under pressure “the day after” action against Baghdad ends because of its role as a “centre of world terror”. He also issued his clearest warning yet that Israel would strike back if attacked by Iraqi chemical or biological weapons, no matter how much Washington sought to keep its controversial Middle Eastern ally out of any war in Iraq. He made clear that western Iraq would be one of the first areas targeted by the US in any invasion, saying that lessons had been learnt from strategic mistakes of the 1991 Gulf War when Iraq successfully fired 39 Scud missiles into Israel. Mr Sharon, 74, was speaking as he conducted high-level negotiations to keep his Government afloat after the desertion of his centrist coalition partners. Last night he survived three no-confidence votes, giving him more time to forge a coalition with small right-wing parties. He rejected calls for early elections. The Knesset also approved the appointment of Shaul Mofaz, the hawkish former Israeli Army chief, as Defence Minister. But even as the Knesset voted, a Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up inside a shopping centre in central Israel, killing at least one other person and injuring 20. In other significant changes of tone and policy, Mr Sharon told The Times that: 
Yassir Arafat, the Palestinian leader, could have an ongoing role as a “symbol”, but could not have a role overseeing financial or security functions. This was a departure from previous statements that Mr Arafat was entirely “irrelevant”. 

Mr Sharon himself would continue to lead the country, elections willing, for up to five years. There had been widespread speculation that he would retire within two years. 

The Israeli Government is considering an unprecedented crackdown on the Islamic movement within its own borders, fearing that a “small minority” of Israeli Arabs are turning against the country. He asserted that while Washington was inevitably focusing on Saddam Hussein — whom he called “insane” — the White House shared his concern that Iran was also seeking weapons of mass destruction, and developing missiles capable of striking Israel and even Europe. 

“I talked about these things with Vladimir Putin a few days ago and I have been to Washington and one of the things I talked about was what will be (sic) later, if Iraq is going to be disarmed. 

“One of the things I mentioned is that the free world should take all the necessary steps to prevent irresponsible countries from having weapons of mass destruction: Iran, Iraq of course, and Libya is working on a nuclear weapon.” 
He accused Tehran of sponsoring the Lebanese Shia militia, Hezbollah, which he claimed had up to 10,000 short-range missiles stationed in Lebanon ready to strike Israeli towns, of smuggling weapons to the Palestinian Authority, and of trying to turn Israel’s one million Arab citizens against the Jewish state. “Iran is a centre of world terror and Iran makes every effort to possess weapons of mass destruction on the one hand and ballistic missiles,” he said. “That is a danger to the Middle East, to Israel and a danger to Europe. 

“They are working now on a ballistic missile of 1,300km. They have almost reached this range already. They were talking in the past about 2,500km and even 5,000km.” 

Mr Sharon made it abundantly clear that he would not hold back from retaliating, as Israel did at Washington’s behest in 1991, if his nation came under serious attack. “First, we understand the sensitivity. We are living here, we were born here. Israel will make every effort not to interfere,” he said. 

But he warned: “If Israel, and I made it very clear, is attacked by weapons of mass destruction . . . Israel will react. Is it clear? I believe that they understand that Israel will not be able not to defend itself.” 

Mr Sharon reiterated that he was willing to work toward the eventual creation of a Palestinian state, but demanded that progress toward it be measured by concrete improvements in security on the ground. 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum o

[CTRL] The Prieure de Sion: A Star-studded Cast Of Grand Masters

2002-11-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Prieure de Sion: A Star-studded Cast Of Grand Masters
by, Edouard de Legionairre

"The Candidate must renounce his personality in order to devote himself to a higher moral apostolate" 
- Article 7, Prieure Statutes

The Prieuré de Sion (Priory of Zion) was a secret society created in medieval France with the purpose of preserving the Merovingian bloodline and returning them to the throne of France. They were officially founded as the Order de Sion by Godfroi de Bouillon, in either 1090 or 1099. This was just prior the the First Crusade, which was also headed by de Bouillon. Their official headquarters was the Abbey of Notre Dame du Mont de Sion in Jerusalem. In March 1117 they had Baldwin I, King of Jerusalem (who, it is said, owed his throne to them due to their efforts on his behalf) negotiate the constitution of the Order of the Temple, A.K.A. the Knights Templar, as the military and administrative arm of the Order de Sion. The Templar order, which had already been around more than a decade, was headed by Hughes de Payen, who was also a founding member of the Order de Sion. They are not mentioned again in history until 1152, when King Louis VII of France brought them 95 new members and gave them the prory of Saint-Samson at Orléans.

In 1188 there was a rift between the Order of Sion and the Order of the Temple. The Templars' current Grand Master, Gerard de Ridefort, had recently lost the Holy Land to the Saracens.and had also committed some kind of unspecified "treason." So in that year, during a ceremony called "The Cutting of the Elm", the Order of Sion officially disavowed the Templars and cut themselves off from them. The Templars went on to become more closely allied with the Stewarts and the Scottish branch of the Grail bloodline. The Order de Sion selected a new Grand master, Jean de Gisors, changed their name to "Prieuré de Sion", and adopted an odd nickname, "Ormus", with the "M" written as the sign for Virgo and the other four letters inside of the symbol. "Ormus" is also the name of an Egyptian sage from Alexandria, who in A.D. 46 created an initiative order with the Rose Cross as its insignia. It is significant, then, that in that same year of 1188, the Prieuré de Sion also adopted the subtitle "Order de la Rose-Croix Veritas." They kept that bizarre nickname, Ormus, until 1306, the year before the downfall of the Knights Templar in France. In that year, 1307, Sion's Grand Master, Guillaume de Gisors, received the golden head called Caput LVIIIr from the Order of the Temple. Apparently then, there was still some degree of cooperation between the two orders.

In 1619, the Prieuré de Sion was evicted from their house at Saint-Samsom. They had incurred the wrath of the Pope and the King of France for spending extravagantly, boycotting Catholic services and being generally irreverent towards all authority, both religious and secular. From that point on, they disappear from the pages of history, not to reappear until 1956, or so it seemed, when someone claiming to be the Prieuré de Sion began to release a flood of apparent propaganda, the best of which was deposited in Paris' Biblioteque Nationale. Often it would be released under obvious pseudonyms of symbolic significance, such as "Marie-Madeleine" (Mary Magdalen) and "Antoine l'Ermite" (St. Anthony the Hermit.") Other times it was published under the names of actual people, (some of whom died mysteriously shortly after publication) - for instance, Dossiers Secrets (Secret Dossiers), a strange collection of purported data pertaining to the Merovingians and the Prieuré de Sion. It contained geneologies, letters, newspaper clippings, and other scraps all thrown together, along with commentary from the author, "Henri Lobineau", and some other unnamed commentator. However, within the Dossiers themselves it is revealed that "Lobineau" is a pseudonym, and claimed that the real author was one Leo Schidlof, who died in 1966. The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail talked to his daughter, who denied that he had written the Dossiers, but said that during his life and especially on the day of his death a number of people had tried to contact him on the subject, which he claimed to no nothing about. Yet Dossiers Secrets asserts that he had not only written or compiled most of the material in the book, but had also possessed a leather briefcase filled with secret documents pertaining to the Rennes-le-Chateau between 1600 and 1800. The Dossiers claim that shortly before his death M. Schinlof passed the briefcase onto a courier named Fakhar ul Islam, who was supposed to meet in East Germany with an "agent delegated by Geneva" in February 1967 in order to transfer the briefcase to him. However, it is claimed that Fakhar ul Islam was expelled from East Germany before this could occur, and went back to Paris to "await further orders." His body was found on February 20 on the railway t

[CTRL] Hasidim laundered 1.7M for Colombian gangs

2002-11-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bust drug money ring 
Say Hasidim laundered 1.7M for Colombian gangs


An international money-laundering ring run by New York Hasidim washed millions of dollars in cocaine proceeds for the Colombian cartels, prosecutors disclosed yesterday.

The group laundered at least $1.7 million for the druglords, holding secret meetings with the Colombians in Miami and midtown Manhattan, according to papers filed by Manhattan U.S. Attorney James Comey.

The suspects were brazen - up to $500,000 would be laundered at a time.

One of the suspects, Avraham Zaltzman, allegedly bragged that he "could pick up money anywhere and wire it anywhere," according to FBI affidavits accompanying the arrests.

Zaltzman was so brazen that he allegedly picked up drug money himself in Madrid in April and flew to London, where he was detained by British Customs. They found $460,000 concealed in his vest.

Yesterday, FBI and Customs agents arrested Zaltzman and Aaron Bornstein, both of Borough Park, Brooklyn.

Ringleader hunted

Bornstein runs an interior design business there, and Zaltzman is a part-time printer who spends most of his time in Israel, officials said.

A third man who was believed to be the ringleader, Akiva Apter, remained a fugitive. Three others were named as unindicted co-conspirators.

The case came together in April after agents busted one of the co-conspirators - a man who speaks Yiddish and Spanish - and got him to cooperate.

The informant agreed to secretly record hundreds of conversations with his partners. He told the agents that between early 2001 and the day they caught him, he had delivered $1.7 million in drug proceeds.

The informer began recording his calls, more than 400 in all. He also recounted his involvement in the group, starting with one of his first meetings in Manhattan's Diamond District early last year, an affidavit filed by FBI Agent Michael McGarrity states.

The informant said he had traveled to Miami, where he learned the group was involved in delivering cash from drug sales in the United States back to the kingpins in Colombia.

Cash flow

Seven times, the informer helped move the cash through businesses and bank accounts, in amounts up to $500,000, he told the FBI. He recorded a June 13 talk with Bornstein in which Bornstein instructed him on how to deposit cash in amounts of less than $10,000 to avoid scrutiny, the affidavit states.

At the same time, the bureau began bugging conversations of other conspirators. In one April 21 talk, the informer discussed a shipment of cocaine with one of the unnamed co-conspirators.

Yesterday, Bornstein appeared before U.S. Magistrate Douglas Eaton and was released on $500,000 bond to be secured by $200,000 in cash. About a half-dozen Hasidim showed up for the arraignment.

His lawyer, Paul Schectman, declined comment, as did prosecutors.

Zaltzman was jailed pending a bail hearing next week. He requested a prayer book and prayer shawl while behind bars.

At least two other ring members have pleaded guilty to money laundering and are cooperating in the probe in the hopes of winning lighter jail time. 

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[CTRL] Jailed JDL Terrorist Attempts Suicide

2002-11-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Jailed JDL leader Irv Rubin attempts suicide, undergoes surgery 

SANDRA MARQUEZ, Associated Press Writer 
Monday, November 4, 2002 

(11-04) 11:45 PST LOS ANGELES (AP) -- 

Jailed Jewish Defense League leader Irv Rubin attempted suicide and was hospitalized Monday as he was about to be brought to court for a hearing on charges of trying to bomb a mosque and an Arab-American congressman's office, federal authorities said. 

"Irv Rubin attempted suicide this morning," U.S. marshal's service spokesman Bill Woolsey said. 

Rubin had come out of surgery by 11:30 a.m., Woolsey said. 

"As of 10 minutes ago, Mr. Rubin is still alive," he said. Authorities did not disclose where he was being treated. 

Rubin used a razor blade in the 6 a.m. suicide attempt, Woolsey said. 

There were immediate conflicting reports about Rubin's condition. His wife, Shelley, and son, Ari, told The Associated Press that Rubin's lawyers told them he had died in surgery. 

Bryan Altman, one of Rubin's attorneys, refused to confirm that account but said he would issue a statement later. 

Fellow attorney Mark Werksman told reporters that Rubin slashed his neck with a razor and jumped over a railing as he was called out of his cell at the federal Metropolitan Detention Center. Rubin fell up to 18 feet, Werksman said. 

Laura Bosley, FBI spokeswoman, said agents were investigating it as a "crime in a government property" and hadn't confirmed whether it was a suicide attempt. 

"He sustained serious injuries," she said, but declined to provide details. 

Rubin and associate Earl Krugel were arrested Dec. 11 on charges of plotting to bomb the King Fahd mosque in suburban Culver City and an office of Rep. Darrell E. Issa, R-Calif. 

Rubin and Krugel were arrested after an FBI informant delivered an explosive powder that authorities believed was the last component in making pipe bombs. The charges carry up to 40 years in prison upon conviction. 

Rubin, who by his own account has been arrested more than 40 times, joined the JDL early in the 1970s and quickly moved up, becoming chairman in 1985. 

In 1989, the leader of the rival Jewish Defense Organization was charged with firing shots at Rubin and wounding three others in New York. Mordechai Levy was convicted of assault. 

According to his biography, Rubin learned to fight anti-Semitism while growing up in Montreal, "where some hotel owners and other business people hung signs reading 'No Dogs or Jews Allowed' on their doors and where French Canadian schoolchildren taunted him because he was Jewish." 

His family emigrated in 1961 and he became a U.S. citizen and joined the Air Force in 1966, serving four years. 

In 1973 he served in Israel's civil defense corps during the Yom Kippur War. 

The JDL, whose symbol is a raised fist inside a Star of David, has the motto "Never Again," referring to the World War II murder of 6 million Jews. It was founded in 1968 by Meir Kahane to mount armed response to anti-Semitic acts in New York City. 

The group was suspected in a 1985 bombing in Santa Ana that killed Southern California Arab anti-discrimination leader Alex Odeh, but no arrests were ever made. 

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[CTRL] Bush's Life of Deception

2002-11-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bush's Life of Deception
By Sam Parry
November 4, 2002

The Washington press corps has come grudgingly to the recognition that George W. Bush is “malleable” with the truth, as the Washington Post delicately put it. Pressing for war with Iraq, Bush has been exaggerating his case so much that even CIA analysts are complaining, as a number of newspapers have now reported.

But the underlying reality about Bush’s honesty is far worse. Throughout his adult life, Bush has dodged the truth along with personal responsibility for his actions. Indeed, a remarkable feature of his presidency is the gap between Bush's public image as a straight-talking everyman and the behind-the-curtain Bush whose imperial impulse sometimes flashes into public view. 

Like a boy emperor convinced of his infallibility, Bush rarely admits errors, ‘fesses up to misstatements or apologizes for inappropriate behavior. 

Especially since the Sept. 11 attacks and his soaring “united-we-stand” poll numbers, Bush has behaved as an imperious leader, treating others rudely when he’s crossed. In a recent example, at a summit in Los Cabos, Mexico, Bush cut short a press conference with Mexican President Vincente Fox before the Mexican-to-English translation of Fox’s last answer was completed. 

Upset over Fox’s refusal to get behind the Iraq war, the U.S. president “glowered during Fox’s windup and looked annoyed at the unruliness of the camera crews,” the Washington Post reported. “The last straw was when a cell phone went off, which infuriates Bush … In a breach of protocol, Bush cut off the translator before Fox’s answers could be rendered into English” and walked away. [Washington Post, Oct. 27, 2002] 

Bush displayed his pique again when he felt frustrated over a legislative dispute on the homeland security bill. In a campaign speech, he declared that the Democratic-controlled Senate "is not interested in the security of the American people" and stuck by that charge although a number of Democratic senators had served their country in war and two, Daniel Inouye and Max Cleland, were maimed in combat. Bush rebuffed calls for an apology. 

Bush’s self-certainty appears unshaken despite obvious and costly misjudgments, including his failure to heed warnings about the al Qaeda terrorist threat in the first months of his presidency and his rejection of advice that his tax cut would throw the government into deficit. Rather than admit to flaws or reassess situations, Bush digs in his heels (as with the tax cut) or moves to block public disclosure of the full story (as with stopping the proposed independent commission on the Sept. 11 attacks). 

Iraq Exaggerations 

While the signs of Bush’s imperial presidency have been growing for months, only recently have his tendencies to exaggerate, cover up and lie come into sharper focus for much of the national news media. 

For instance, it's now recognized that Bush tried to scare the American people with notions that Iraqi drone aircraft might fly to the United States despite their range of only a few hundred miles. In a national address, he also cited a brief medical stay of an al Qaeda operative in Iraq as proof of an Iraqi-al Qaeda connection, though there’s no evidence the Iraqi government even knew of the man’s presence. 

"Iraq could decide on any given day to provide a biological or chemical weapon to a terrorist group or individual terrorists," Bush said in his Oct. 7 speech in Cincinnati. But what Bush left out of his one-sided risk equation was the possibility that his administration’s actions may increase the danger to Americans, not reduce or eliminate it.

On the day of Bush’s speech, the CIA made that exact point in a letter to Congress. CIA analysts judged the likelihood of Iraq attacking the United States without U.S. provocation as "low" but rising dramatically if the U.S. prepared for a preemptive strike. "Baghdad for now appears to be drawing a line short of conducting terrorist attacks with conventional or C.B.W. [chemical or biological warfare] against the United States," wrote CIA director George Tenet. "Should Saddam conclude that a U.S.-led attack could no longer be deterred, he probably would become much less constrained in adopting terrorist actions." [See Consortiumnews.com’s “Misleading the Nation to War.”]

While the CIA analysis might seem obvious – when someone's threatened, they'll take counter-measures – Bush reacted like an ancient monarch who despises contradiction. He authorized a special intelligence group under Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to find evidence that would support the president's conclusions. 

Still, when Bush’s recent false statements about Iraq are mentioned in the U.S. press, they are couched in euphemisms and placed in rationalizing context. In the Post’s story entitled “For Bush, Fact Are Malleable,” the subhead reads

[CTRL] Al Martin: How George Bush Sr. Almost Got Indicted for Fraud

2002-11-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

How George Bush Sr. Almost Got Indicted for Fraud
by Al Martin

(November 4) This is the untold story of Bush Cabal Fraud and how the Clinton Regime delayed the collapse of the United States economy.

  Having received some old documents recently from a Democratic committee member, I wanted to tell this story. These were documents that obviously escaped the shredder. Documents from Democrat controlled committees get boxed up. Then they get duct taped and put in various storage rooms in the Rayburn Office Building on the fourth floor. They then sit there forever until they fall apart, and then somebody will either throw them out or will actually look at them.

  The documents from Republican investigating committees generally get shredded afterwards. On the other hand, documents from the investigative staff and general counsels of Democrat controlled committees haven't been able to unveil any truth anyway, so why bother waste the time shredding them.

  These documents I received were essentially transcripts of personal notes made by a Democratic congressman who was very friendly with Bill Clinton and had conversations with him during the first several months of his first term in 1993. This congressman had attended a luncheon for congressional Democrats with the President and the President had mentioned that he, Bill Clinton, was aware that the economic numbers that the Reagan-Bush Regime had put out were all wrong, particularly when it came to the size of the annual budget deficits and the accumulated national debt.

  In fact Clinton admitted that he had no idea of the size of the fraud and malfeasance committed against the American people during the previous 12 years of the Bushonian Cabal.

  When Bush left the White House, the last debt numbers published by the Bush Regime was $5.66 trillion, when, in fact, the actual size of the debt was about $14 trillion. In other words, the national debt was about three times the stated numbers.

  Clinton got very nervous because one of the things he had done very early in the regime was try to get his people to figure out how much the nation was in debt and what the actual size of the then current budget deficit was. Nobody in the Clinton Administration knew. They knew they were inheriting a federal budget deficit.

  The Bush Administration had publicly stated that the federal budget deficit for fiscal 1992 was $360 billion. As it turned out, the fiscal budget deficit for 1992 going into calendar year 1993 was over $700 billion.

  Realizing the enormity of the fraud he had inherited, Clinton actually started thinking about indicting George Bush Sr. on charges of fraud and malfeasance.

  It isn't stated in the documents who had encouraged him to do this or whether this was one of his own ideas, but Clinton was getting very nervous by this time and he told a group of Democratic congressmen that there was no money left. He was concerned about what was going to happen.

  It must have been a shock. Clinton thought he was inheriting a $360 billion federal budget deficit when it was in fact twice as much. He thought he was inheriting a nation with a $5.6 trillion debt and it turns out to be a $14 trillion debt.

  By April he had learned of the Grand Bushonian Fraud -- how the Bush Cabal denuded the Social Security General Trust Fund and 43 other public trust funds out of $5 trillion and then stuffed them full of worthless non-marketable US Treasury securities. This is the time when Clinton began to talk extensively with Alan Greenspan. He understood that something had to be done because we were virtually in a crisis.

  Like most people in Washington, Clinton understood that Ronald Reagan was a figurehead and that it was really the Bush Cabal, which was running things for all of those 12 years. He also understood that the Bush Cabal had perpetrated the greatest fraud ever committed against the American people and that the Bush Cabal had essentially destroyed the economy of the United States - which in fact they had.

  It was his opinion therefore that the Clinton Administration should take the unprecedented move of indicting the former vice President for fraud and gross malfeasance against the people of the United States. This decision was heavily augmented by the information he learned in March and April (it's not clear how he learned this) about what the Bushonian people had done.

  Then he found out what the Democrats had always suspected -- that from 1980 on, the CIA annual assessment report of the Soviet Union was being doctored and that essentially two different reports were being produced. There was a real CIA document, which was called the Annual Assessment Report of the Economic and Military Strength of the Soviet Union. The Democrats had suspected even as early as 1979 that the last real CIA assessment report they had when Carter was still pr

[CTRL] The Battle America Lost in 1913: the Federal Reserve Act

2002-11-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Battle America Lost in 1913: the Federal Reserve Act
By Michael Edwards
November 3, 2002

I don't imagine many people have read The Coming Battle -The International Monetary Conspiracy Against The United States, by M.W. Walbert, written in 1899. It isn't required reading in our government school system. This book details the attempts by the big European banking families to control the resources of this country by controlling the government via control of the Treasury...

The First and Second Banks of the United States were their early attempts at forming a National Bank, privately owned, to oversee our money supply. President Andrew Jackson crushed the Second Bank of the United States in one of the most heroic stands ever taken by an American citizen. He is treated like a villain in modern history classes.

These international "banksters" finally succeeded in 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. This bill, previously orchestrated by Nelson Aldrich, was soundly defeated under President Taft. In order to defeat Taft, the banking community backed Woodrow Wilson, and, to ensure his victory, encouraged ex- President Teddy Roosevelt to run again in order to siphon votes from the popular Taft. Wilson won by the nearly identical margin (42%) as Bill Clinton (43%), when Ross Perot took votes from George Bush. Wilson then slipped the Act through a bare quorum of Congress on December 23, 1913 after most of the opposition had gone home for the holidays.

Throughout the 1800's, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) had steadily declined except for two temporary increases during the War of 1812 and the Civil War. By 1912, the cost of living was incredibly low. Since 1913-present, after over 100 years of failing, the CPI, along with inflation, has steadily increased. Twenty years later (I 933), during the deliberately engineered Great Depression, the U.S. government was bankrupt, while bankers absconded with 30% of the farmland in this country.

Now, the banksters were poised to foreclose on the Federal Government and have been dictating policy ever since. Or, to quote FDR, from a letter to Colonel House (Wilson's top advisor/handier), "The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson." Former New York mayor John Hylan, in 1922, summed it up this way: "The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation ... At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as the international bankers [who] virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes."

The important point for our times is that these banksters and corporate giants prefer doing business with governments that are not accountable to their citizens. Controlling governments by controlling the money supply makes exploitation of a country's citizens and resources so much easier. 'That is why these powerful families have worked so hard since the birth of this nation to centralize power (they play our "leaders" like a fiddle) and wealth (which they siphon off via their Federal Reserve Bank money-laundering operation) in government. Eight banking families own about 80% of the shares in the Federal Reserve Bank. The Rockefellers own 33%. As for our elected leaders, Republican or Democrat makes no difference - the same big money finances all of their campaigns. For example, NAFTA and GATT, which allow corporations to circumvent local environmental laws when operating in foreign countries, were supported and implemented and will be expanded by both parties. Our leaders in both parties all belong to the same Council on Foreign Relations/Trilateral Commission club whose controlling head is a collection of mostly banking family reps known as the Bilderburger Group. Virtually all of these people are New World Order globalists. Just think how controllable and exploitable the world will be when the desired "global village" is fully established and there is only one government to control.

When local governments pass ordinances that place further controls on persons and property, they are playing right into the hands of the money powers, i.e. cities control the people, the states largely control the cities, the Feds largely control the states (by holding out the carrot of federal funding), and the money powers control the Feds behind the scenes. The more power is centralized in government, the greater the potential for abuse of power (they're only human and we frequently see how power corrupts our leaders). Our controlled mainstream media (guess who?) and government education system with its "approved" versions of history, sociology, politics, etc. have been insidiously spreading s

[CTRL] Israel goes fascist? It could happen.

2002-11-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

November 4, 2002

Israel goes fascist? It could happen.

When I was a little boy, no more than ten years old, I steadfastly refused to go to sleep at night without first putting the theme from the movie Exodus, by Ernest Gold, on the old record player. The soaring chords, the majestic crescendos, the uplifting arpeggios were my introduction to the heroic sense of life, and to the Romantic spirit in the arts. To this day I cannot even think of that music without feeling a catch in my throat. The movie Exodus, of course, was based on the novel by Leon Uris that tells a highly romanticized version of the struggle to establish Israel, starring Paul Newman, and the opening words of Gold's heroic anthem are likewise burned in my brain:

"This land is mine,

God gave this land to me!"

The untrammeled beauty of the music is sullied, these days, by the reality of what Israel has become – and is becoming. For if recent political developments are any indication, that country is on the road to fascism, and worse. Far worse….

Whenever anyone invokes God, or His will, as a rationale for action, the specter of violence and bloodshed looms large. It's only natural, therefore, that it should loom even larger in that part of the world designated "the Holy Land," most of which is today the nation of Israel. It should also come as no surprise to anyone that Israel is witnessing the rise of a politicized form of fundamentalism, what I have called Israel's Taliban. Its political expression has been not only the meteoric growth of the Likud party, and of that party's extreme right wing, which is now grasping for power, but also the development of a "settler" movement of right-wing extremists who are the successors to the outlawed Kach movement founded by the late Rabbi Meir Kahane.

If you thought Ariel Sharon was an extremist, take a look at his probable successor – a man who, it seems, has already been promised the Prime Minister's post in the not-so-distant future, if only he will agree to step in and save Sharon's government from imminent collapse by accepting the Foreign Ministry for the time being. 

Whatever the eventual outcome of the frantic maneuvering within the Likud party, only one man stands to benefit, and that is Benjamin Netanyahu. And that means trouble, and plenty of it, for the United States and the region. His prior stint as Prime Minister was marked by a consistent effort to undermine the Oslo agreements in every way possible. The settlements were rapidly and aggressively expanded; a housing complex for Jewish immigrants was built on seized land in traditionally Arab East Jerusalem; and, even more provocatively, a tunnel was dug underneath the Arab section of Old Jerusalem. At the end of the rioting, dozens were dead, and the prospects of a peaceful solution were shattered. When militant right-wingers occupied a house, in a different section of East Jersusalem, Netanyahu's police stood by and nodded approvingly: it wasn't long before the IDF was standing guard at the doorway, defending what the militants had won. 

This underscores the ideological essence of the man, rooted, many believe, in the mindset of his famous father, Benzione Netanyahu, a Israeli historian. As a 1997 PBS News Hour profile pointed out:

"The elder Netanyahu has written that Israel owes its independence from the British in 1948 not so much to diplomacy but to the armed attacks, sabotage, and bombings carried out by Israel's underground, called the Irgun."

Which brings us back to Exodus, the movie, wherein a subplot dealt with the internal struggle within the early Zionist movement between the two rival underground organizations fighting for a Jewish state in Israel. In the Uris novel, the Haganah, which practiced a policy of restraint and didn't attack the Brits, were the good guys, and the Irgun was accurately depicted as a gang of homicidal nut-balls whose terrorism engulfed one-and-all and whose dominance would have proved a disaster for the nascent Israeli state. Paul Newman, in the lead role as Haganah chief, had to fight not only the surrounding Arab states, but also the internal enemies who practiced terrorism and discredited the cause. But the heroic theme of Exodus, the ebullient anthem of American support for Israel, has now been drowned out by the sour note of Netanyahu, who looks to the dark side of Zionism for inspiration. 

It is, indeed, to the dark side that Prime Minister Sharon is turning, in desperation – and also, it seems, heaving a sigh of relief – upon the collapse of the Likud-Labor government of "national unity." What provoked the collapse of the government is often described as a disagreement over the budget, but and this is true, but it doesn't tell the whole truth. For the particular budget item that provoked the Labor walk-out was about $147 million in subsidies for Jewish settlements. Naturally, the social

[CTRL] Fyutczher pResidence Politishuns

2002-11-04 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



Cocaine use soars among state youth, survey finds

By Stephen Smith, Globe Staff, 10/30/2002

Cocaine use tripled among Massachusetts middle school students and doubled among high
school students in the past three years, according to a report issued yesterday, 
the resurgence of a drug that counselors believed had been in decline for a decade.

The Department of Public Health surveyed more than 3,000 adolescents earlier this year
and found that 5.6 percent of middle school students and 5.8 percent of high school
students had used cocaine during the preceding month, figures that spurred an immediate
reaction from the report's authors.

''Once I got these numbers,'' said Teresa Anderson, director of statistics in the 
Bureau of Substance Abuse Services, ''the first thing I did was walk down the hall to 
office of the director of prevention and talk about how we can turn this around.''

Counselors and treatment specialists interviewed yesterday said cocaine has been
reappearing at the street level as teenagers pursue a quicker - and often cheaper - 
high. In
many respects, they say, the surge in cocaine use is a classic case of market-driven
economics: As designer ''club drugs'' such as Ecstasy flooded the streets and 
commanded a
growing share of the drug business, cocaine dealers responded by slashing the price on
their product. The result was a buying binge by adolescents.

''It's climbing in use, all right - going off the roof, really,'' said Bill Phillips, 
program director
for New Beginnings, a drug prevention initiative in Framingham. ''It's like guns and 
butter. If
a drug is there for the right price, it's going to be taken and if it's not, they'll 
go to
something else. Cocaine is just easier to get now.''

The same study reported decreases in use of alcohol and club drugs and found that while
marijuana use has risen among middle school students since 1999, it dropped in high

The survey, which included students at 50 middle schools and 50 high schools across the
state, found that the average middle school student began drinking alcohol at a 
older age than in 1999, between the ages of 11 and 12 rather than between 9 and 10.

Still, one in five middle school students reported that they'd had a drink during the 
before they were surveyed, while half of the high school students reported that they 
consumed alcohol during the same period.

In almost every major category, Massachusetts adolescents were more likely to engage in
substance abuse than their peers nationally or elsewhere in the Northeast. Anderson
attributed that, in part, to the state being on a well-identified drug trafficking 

The most striking findings in the report involved cocaine use - findings that 
believe may, paradoxically, result from more stringent enforcement of alcohol laws.

''It's much harder for a kid these days to walk into a liquor store and get booze,'' 
said Coco
Wellington, director of dual diagnosis and addiction recovery services at Advocates
Community Counseling in Marlborough and Framingham. ''But you can just walk up to any
dealer on the street for cocaine or your buddy has it. Cocaine is simply the drug of 
right now.''

Specialists such as Wellington, as well as law enforcement authorities, said yesterday 
drug use is often cyclical, with price and availability influencing which substance is 
ascendance. Several counselors said that this year's cocaine use closely mirrors that 
in the late 1980s and early 1990s, during the heyday of crack.

The preferred form of cocaine - powder or crack - appears to vary among geographic
regions in the state. In Waltham, a drug counselor said the drug is more commonly 
as a powder, whereas in Springfield it is generally smoked as crack. Whatever the form,
counselors said, a perception persists among adolescents that cocaine is safer, and 
addictive, than other drugs, especially injected drugs such as heroin.

Stephen Smith can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This story ran on page A1 of the Boston Globe on 10/30/2002.
© Copyright 2002 Globe Newspaper Company.

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[CTRL] SF Gate: Jailed JDL leader Irv Rubin attempts suicide, undergoes surgery

2002-11-04 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

This article was sent to you by someone who found it on SF Gate.
The original article can be found on SFGate.com here:
Monday, November 4, 2002 (AP)
Jailed JDL leader Irv Rubin attempts suicide, undergoes surgery
SANDRA MARQUEZ, Associated Press Writer

   (11-04) 11:45 PST LOS ANGELES (AP) --
   Jailed Jewish Defense League leader Irv Rubin attempted suicide and was
hospitalized Monday as he was about to be brought to court for a hearing
on charges of trying to bomb a mosque and an Arab-American congressman's
office, federal authorities said.
   "Irv Rubin attempted suicide this morning," U.S. marshal's service
spokesman Bill Woolsey said.
   Rubin had come out of surgery by 11:30 a.m., Woolsey said.
   "As of 10 minutes ago, Mr. Rubin is still alive," he said. Authorities did
not disclose where he was being treated.
   Rubin used a razor blade in the 6 a.m. suicide attempt, Woolsey said.
   There were immediate conflicting reports about Rubin's condition. His
wife, Shelley, and son, Ari, told The Associated Press that Rubin's
lawyers told them he had died in surgery.
   Bryan Altman, one of Rubin's attorneys, refused to confirm that account
but said he would issue a statement later.
   Fellow attorney Mark Werksman told reporters that Rubin slashed his neck
with a razor and jumped over a railing as he was called out of his cell at
the federal Metropolitan Detention Center. Rubin fell up to 18 feet,
Werksman said.
   Laura Bosley, FBI spokeswoman, said agents were investigating it as a
"crime in a government property" and hadn't confirmed whether it was a
suicide attempt.
   "He sustained serious injuries," she said, but declined to provide
   Rubin and associate Earl Krugel were arrested Dec. 11 on charges of
plotting to bomb the King Fahd mosque in suburban Culver City and an
office of Rep. Darrell E. Issa, R-Calif.
   Rubin and Krugel were arrested after an FBI informant delivered an
explosive powder that authorities believed was the last component in
making pipe bombs. The charges carry up to 40 years in prison upon
   Rubin, who by his own account has been arrested more than 40 times, joined
the JDL early in the 1970s and quickly moved up, becoming chairman in
   In 1989, the leader of the rival Jewish Defense Organization was charged
with firing shots at Rubin and wounding three others in New York.
Mordechai Levy was convicted of assault.
   According to his biography, Rubin learned to fight anti-Semitism while
growing up in Montreal, "where some hotel owners and other business people
hung signs reading 'No Dogs or Jews Allowed' on their doors and where
French Canadian schoolchildren taunted him because he was Jewish."
   His family emigrated in 1961 and he became a U.S. citizen and joined the
Air Force in 1966, serving four years.
   In 1973 he served in Israel's civil defense corps during the Yom Kippur
   The JDL, whose symbol is a raised fist inside a Star of David, has the
motto "Never Again," referring to the World War II murder of 6 million
Jews. It was founded in 1968 by Meir Kahane to mount armed response to
anti-Semitic acts in New York City.
   The group was suspected in a 1985 bombing in Santa Ana that killed
Southern California Arab anti-discrimination leader Alex Odeh, but no
arrests were ever made.

Copyright 2002 AP

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[CTRL] Scoop: The Thomas E. White Affair – The Documents

2002-11-04 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


>>>Note: Many hot linques at the site with documents and other goodies<<<

The Thomas E. White Affair – The Documents
Tuesday, 5 November 2002, 11:15 am
Article: Jason Leopold

The Thomas E. White Affair – The Documents

A Scoop Exclusive
By Jason Leopold & Scoop Editor Alastair Thompson

The Enron Energy Services Customer List


The following are the source documents (emails, charts and spreadsheets from Enron
Energy Services) which were used by freelance journalist Jason Leopold for his expose
about U.S. Army Secretary Thomas E. White’s direct involvement in crooked accounting
deals at the energy giant.

These documents were used to authenticate the allegations in the article “US Army
Secretary Helped Cook Enron's Books” on Salon.com. This article was later spiked by
Salon’s editors in controversial circumstances described in detail in… “Jason Leopold –
Shafted By The New York Times”.

In the following article and accompanying linked documents readers are being provided 
unusual opportunity to look into the working documents which are poured over by
investigative journalists when working on their scoops.

These confidential Enron documents are revealed publicly here for the first time as
evidence that the central allegations in the Salon.com article remain as valid today 
as they
were on the day they were first made.

It is hoped that through publishing these documents other investigative journalists 
will be
empowered to pick up on this story, and complete the work of exposing the U.S. Army
Secretary’s direct involvement in the crooked accounting deals of Enron that cost U.S.
shareholders and Enron employees billions of dollars.

At a time when Enron executives were publicly assuring employees and stock holders that
their investments and pensions were safe- from June 2001 through to February 2002 -
Thomas White was one of many Enron executives who was busy cashing in his own

A Graph at The Memory Hole (link) details these sales. In all White received $12.1 
from his sales of Enron stock over this period.

In coming months U.S. Army Secretary Thomas White will be responsible for supporting an
expected 130,000 U.S. troops deployed in the Gulf in preparation for a war against 
Meanwhile he has also recently announced his intention to supervise the massive
privatisation of 214,000 army jobs.

Is he a suitable person to be responsible for either task?

It is Scoop’s contention that the following documents prove that he is not.

- Alastair Thompson, Scoop Editor

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[CTRL] Church finds its root

2002-11-04 Thread Euphorian
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>From http://www.sundaymirror.co.uk/homepage/news/page.cfm?objectid=12333510


PORNOGRAPHY will be beamed from the bell towers and spires of churches across the
country next year in a £25million deal with a mobile phone company.

Transmitters hidden in Church of England parishes will send out a video stream' of 
sport, advertisements and porn to be viewed on new mobile phones with bigger screens.
Around 1,500 parishes - 10 per cent of the churches in England - have already signed up
for the deal with transmitter company Quintell.

Church officials say the present Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey has been "kept
informed of the situation but has not interfered." His successor Dr Rowan Williams 
says he
knows nothing about the deal.

Outraged retired army officer Ian Dobbie is set to raise the issue at the next meeting 
of the
Church's ruling body the General Synod later this month. He said: "I'm shocked that 
could be worshipping in their churches while pornography is being streamed out of the
spire above them. It's as if the Church has sold out in a pact with the devil."

Church spokesman Alexander Nicholl said: "We don't accept it's a pact with the devil. 
We all
have TV licences but that doesn't make us responsible for output after the watershed."
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

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[CTRL] From the Ecstacy to the Agony

2002-11-04 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.nydailynews.com/news/story/32079p-30448c.html

New York Daily News - http://www.nydailynews.com

Bust drug money ring
Saturday, November 2nd, 2002

An international money-laundering ring run by New York Hasidim washed millions of 
in cocaine proceeds for the Colombian cartels, prosecutors disclosed yesterday.

The group laundered at least $1.7 million for the druglords, holding secret meetings 
the Colombians in Miami and midtown Manhattan, according to papers filed by Manhattan
U.S. Attorney James Comey.

The suspects were brazen - up to $500,000 would be laundered at a time.

One of the suspects, Avraham Zaltzman, allegedly bragged that he "could pick up money
anywhere and wire it anywhere," according to FBI affidavits accompanying the arrests.

Zaltzman was so brazen that he allegedly picked up drug money himself in Madrid in 
and flew to London, where he was detained by British Customs. They found $460,000
concealed in his vest.

Yesterday, FBI and Customs agents arrested Zaltzman and Aaron Bornstein, both of
Borough Park, Brooklyn.

Ringleader hunted

Bornstein runs an interior design business there, and Zaltzman is a part-time printer 
spends most of his time in Israel, officials said.

A third man who was believed to be the ringleader, Akiva Apter, remained a fugitive. 
others were named as unindicted co-conspirators.

The case came together in April after agents busted one of the co-conspirators - a man
who speaks Yiddish and Spanish - and got him to cooperate.

The informant agreed to secretly record hundreds of conversations with his partners. He
told the agents that between early 2001 and the day they caught him, he had delivered 
million in drug proceeds.

The informer began recording his calls, more than 400 in all. He also recounted his
involvement in the group, starting with one of his first meetings in Manhattan's 
District early last year, an affidavit filed by FBI Agent Michael McGarrity states.

The informant said he had traveled to Miami, where he learned the group was involved in
delivering cash from drug sales in the United States back to the kingpins in Colombia.

Cash flow

Seven times, the informer helped move the cash through businesses and bank accounts, in
amounts up to $500,000, he told the FBI. He recorded a June 13 talk with Bornstein in
which Bornstein instructed him on how to deposit cash in amounts of less than $10,000 
avoid scrutiny, the affidavit states.

At the same time, the bureau began bugging conversations of other conspirators. In one
April 21 talk, the informer discussed a shipment of cocaine with one of the unnamed co-

Yesterday, Bornstein appeared before U.S. Magistrate Douglas Eaton and was released on
$500,000 bond to be secured by $200,000 in cash. About a half-dozen Hasidim showed up
for the arraignment.

His lawyer, Paul Schectman, declined comment, as did prosecutors.

Zaltzman was jailed pending a bail hearing next week. He requested a prayer book and
prayer shawl while behind bars.

At least two other ring members have pleaded guilty to money laundering and are
cooperating in the probe in the hopes of winning lighter jail time.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; I don't believe everything I read or send
(but that doesn't stop me from considering it; obviously SOMEBODY thinks it's 
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"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

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[CTRL] Almost Got Indicted

2002-11-04 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.almartinraw.com/column78.html

by Al Martin

How George Bush Sr. Almost Got Indicted for Fraud

(November 4) This is the untold story of Bush Cabal Fraud and how the Clinton Regime
delayed the collapse of the United States economy.

   Having received some old documents recently from a Democratic committee member, I
wanted to tell this story. These were documents that obviously escaped the shredder.
Documents from Democrat controlled committees get boxed up. Then they get duct taped
and put in various storage rooms in the Rayburn Office Building on the fourth floor. 
then sit there forever until they fall apart, and then somebody will either throw them 
out or
will actually look at them.

   The documents from Republican investigating committees generally get shredded
afterwards. On the other hand, documents from the investigative staff and general 
of Democrat controlled committees haven't been able to unveil any truth anyway, so why
bother waste the time shredding them.

   These documents I received were essentially transcripts of personal notes made by a
Democratic congressman who was very friendly with Bill Clinton and had conversations 
him during the first several months of his first term in 1993. This congressman had
attended a luncheon for congressional Democrats with the President and the President 
mentioned that he, Bill Clinton, was aware that the economic numbers that the Reagan-
Bush Regime had put out were all wrong, particularly when it came to the size of the
annual budget deficits and the accumulated national debt.

   In fact Clinton admitted that he had no idea of the size of the fraud and 
committed against the American people during the previous 12 years of the Bushonian

   When Bush left the White House, the last debt numbers published by the Bush Regime
was $5.66 trillion, when, in fact, the actual size of the debt was about $14 trillion. 
In other
words, the national debt was about three times the stated numbers.

   Clinton got very nervous because one of the things he had done very early in the 
was try to get his people to figure out how much the nation was in debt and what the 
size of the then current budget deficit was. Nobody in the Clinton Administration 
knew. They
knew they were inheriting a federal budget deficit.

   The Bush Administration had publicly stated that the federal budget deficit for 
fiscal 1992
was $360 billion. As it turned out, the fiscal budget deficit for 1992 going into 
calendar year
1993 was over $700 billion.

   Realizing the enormity of the fraud he had inherited, Clinton actually started 
about indicting George Bush Sr. on charges of fraud and malfeasance.

   It isn't stated in the documents who had encouraged him to do this or whether this 
one of his own ideas, but Clinton was getting very nervous by this time and he told a 
of Democratic congressmen that there was no money left. He was concerned about what
was going to happen.

   It must have been a shock. Clinton thought he was inheriting a $360 billion federal 
deficit when it was in fact twice as much. He thought he was inheriting a nation with 
a $5.6
trillion debt and it turns out to be a $14 trillion debt.

   By April he had learned of the Grand Bushonian Fraud -- how the Bush Cabal denuded 
Social Security General Trust Fund and 43 other public trust funds out of $5 trillion 
and then
stuffed them full of worthless non-marketable US Treasury securities. This is the time 
Clinton began to talk extensively with Alan Greenspan. He understood that something 
had to
be done because we were virtually in a crisis.

   Like most people in Washington, Clinton understood that Ronald Reagan was a
figurehead and that it was really the Bush Cabal, which was running things for all of 
12 years. He also understood that the Bush Cabal had perpetrated the greatest fraud 
committed against the American people and that the Bush Cabal had essentially destroyed
the economy of the United States - which in fact they had.

   It was his opinion therefore that the Clinton Administration should take the 
move of indicting the former vice President for fraud and gross malfeasance against the
people of the United States. This decision was heavily augmented by the information he
learned in March and April (it's not clear how he learned this) about what the 
people had done.

   Then he found out what the Democrats had always suspected -- that from 1980 on, the
CIA annual assessment report of the Soviet Union was being doctored and that 
two different reports were being produced. There was a real CIA document, which was
called the Annual Assessment Report of the Economic and Military Strength of the Soviet
Union. The Democrats had suspected even as early as 1979 that the last real CIA
assessment report they had when Carter was still presiden

[CTRL] Tuesday’s “Anti-War” Vote

2002-11-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday’s “Anti-War” Vote
Memo: To Karl Rove
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: Sending a Message

The national elections tomorrow for Senate and House are said to be on a knife edge, Karl, with both Senate and House races a toss-up. If it happens that the numbers do not change, of course nothing changes much in terms of policy direction. If it happens that Democrats do much better than the prognosticators are prognosticating, I think you should do a serious post-election poll to find out how many voters took an Iraq war into their calculations. President Bush continues to have a very high rating in the polls for his personal performance, but so far he has been doing well in holding back the Dogs of War at the Pentagon. I’m still a Bush supporter because I see that short leash in his hand. You know better than almost anyone how distressed the Republican Warriors were with 9-11, in the sense that it interrupted their timetable on regime change in Baghdad. They were really upset when Saddam Hussein last month announced an open-door policy to UN weapons inspectors, another kink in their imperial war plans. The boom on Wall street in October was of course a celebration of Baghdad’s decision, worth a thousand points on the Dow Jones Industrial Average. 

Over the course of October, you must also have noticed a steady slide in the optimistic forecasts of the GOP political operatives about taking back control of the U.S. Senate. All of the garden variety political commentators, who are almost never right from first to last, look at the polls that show the electorate concerned first and foremost about the economy. That’s what must be causing the drift to Democrats, they say. Yet a breakdown of that polling indicates a fairly narrow margin between those who say the Democrats are best at dealing with the economy and those who think the Republicans are superior. Both are in the low 40's, with the rest undecided. If you look down the list, though, you will find that Iraq is at the top of the list for 9% of the voters. I have not seen a breakdown of those Americans who, like Paul Wolfowitz, want to send 250,000 troops to Iraq as soon as possible and those who do not. But I’ll wager that 99.99% of those who put Iraq at the top of the list do NOT want a war. The other 0.01% are Wolfie and his pals. 

As a political operative yourself, Karl, you have to see my point. There is a huge chunk of the American people who will either get themselves to the polls and vote AGAINST Republicans who are beating the tom toms with the Pentagon chicken hawks... or who normally vote Republican and this time will stay home. That 9% is not evenly divided. And it is not passive. If all the other hot issues facing the national electorate are a toss-up – prescription drugs?, Harvey Pitt? homeland security? – the antiwar voters do have more weight in deciding the outcome than you seem to have reckoned upon. 

Of course I may be wrong. I have been wrong many, many times in my own prognostications. But I did worry in 2000 when you decided to have Governor George W. Bush spend his last weekend campaigning with Paul Wolfowitz at his side. All I heard that last weekend was talk of war and the need to build a national missile defense system. On Friday he was ahead by three points, and when the Supreme Court finally decided, the President became President without the popular vote. Remember? Of course, if things go badly this week, there will be plenty of excuses offered up by Bill Kristol and the Wall Street Journal editorial page. I’m already hearing the voters of South Dakota may vote for the Democratic dove instead of the Republican hawk because they want the senior Senator, Tom Daschle, to remain the Majority Leader of the Senate. Ha ha ha ha. Can you really imagine a Dakotan driving to the polls, determined to vote Democratic to keep Daschle at the top of the heap, when he/she really would like to get rid of Harvey Pitt? What do I hear this weekend? The front page of the NYTimes tells me the Pentagon is already flying PRACTICE bombing missions over Iraq, with live targets!! Do you think I could possibly cast a vote for a Republican of any sort after I have read that? 

The reason I direct all this to you, Karl, is that it is your job as the President’s top political operative to interpret the wishes of the electorate so he might have a shot at re-election, first, and then perhaps a happy slot in history. Do not kid yourself and the Commander-in-Chief if that 9% disappoint you in your expectations for Senate control. I think there should be Cabinet changes, but if I were you, I would start at the Pentagon.   

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[CTRL] Irgunistas

2002-11-04 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.antiwar.com/justin/j110402.html

November 4, 2002

Israel goes fascist? It could happen.

When I was a little boy, no more than ten years old, I steadfastly refused to go to 
sleep at
night without first putting the theme from the movieExodus, by Ernest Gold, on the old
record player. The soaring chords, the majestic crescendos, the uplifting arpeggios 
my introduction to the heroic sense of life, and to the Romantic spirit in the arts. 
To this day
I cannot even think of that music without feeling a catch in my throat. The movie 
Exodus, of
course, was based on the novel by Leon Uris that tells a highly romanticized version 
of the
struggle to establish Israel, starring Paul Newman, and the opening words of Gold's 
anthem are likewise burned in my brain:

"This land is mine,

God gave this land to me!"

The untrammeled beauty of the music is sullied, these days, by the reality of what 
has become – and is becoming. For if recent political developments are any indication, 
country is on the road to fascism, and worse. Far worse….

Whenever anyone invokes God, or His will, as a rationale for action, the specter of 
and bloodshed looms large. It's only natural, therefore, that it should loom even 
larger in
that part of the world designated "the Holy Land," most of which is today the nation of
Israel. It should also come as no surprise to anyone that Israel is witnessing the 
rise of a
politicized form of fundamentalism, what I have called Israel's Taliban. Its political
expression has been not only the meteoric growth of the Likud party, and of that 
extreme right wing, which is now grasping for power, but also the development of a
"settler" movement of right-wing extremists who are the successors to the outlawed Kach
movement founded by the late Rabbi Meir Kahane.

If you thought Ariel Sharon was an extremist, take a look at his probable successor – 
a man
who, it seems, has already been promised the Prime Minister's post in the 
future, if only he will agree to step in and save Sharon's government from imminent
collapse by accepting the Foreign Ministry for the time being.

Whatever the eventual outcome of the frantic maneuvering within the Likud party, only 
man stands to benefit, and that is Benjamin Netanyahu. And that means trouble, and 
of it, for the United States and the region. His prior stint as Prime Minister was 
marked by a
consistent effort to undermine the Oslo agreements in every way possible. The 
were rapidly and aggressively expanded; a housing complex for Jewish immigrants was
built on seized land in traditionally Arab East Jerusalem; and, even more 
provocatively, a
tunnel was dug underneath the Arab section of Old Jerusalem. At the end of the rioting,
dozens were dead, and the prospects of a peaceful solution were shattered. When 
right-wingers occupied a house, in a different section of East Jersusalem, Netanyahu's
police stood by and nodded approvingly: it wasn't long before the IDF was standing 
at the doorway, defending what the militants had won.

This underscores the ideological essence of the man, rooted, many believe, in the 
of his famous father, Benzione Netanyahu, a Israeli historian. As a 1997 PBS News Hour
profile pointed out:

"The elder Netanyahu has written that Israel owes its independence from the British in 
not so much to diplomacy but to the armed attacks, sabotage, and bombings carried out 
Israel's underground, called the Irgun."

Which brings us back to Exodus, the movie, wherein a subplot dealt with the internal
struggle within the early Zionist movement between the two rival underground
organizations fighting for a Jewish state in Israel. In the Uris novel, the Haganah, 
practiced a policy of restraint and didn't attack the Brits, were the good guys, and 
the Irgun
was accurately depicted as a gang of homicidal nut-balls whose terrorism engulfed one-
and-all and whose dominance would have proved a disaster for the nascent Israeli state.
Paul Newman, in the lead role as Haganah chief, had to fight not only the surrounding 
states, but also the internal enemies who practiced terrorism and discredited the 
cause. But
the heroic theme of Exodus, the ebullient anthem of American support for Israel, has 
been drowned out by the sour note of Netanyahu, who looks to the dark side of Zionism 

It is, indeed, to the dark side that Prime Minister Sharon is turning, in desperation 
– and
also, it seems, heaving a sigh of relief – upon the collapse of the Likud-Labor 
government of
"national unity." What provoked the collapse of the government is often described as a
disagreement over the budget, but and this is true, but it doesn't tell the whole 
truth. For
the particular budget item that provoked the Labor walk-out was about $147 million in
subsidies for Jewish settlemen

[CTRL] Ready for any... no thing

2002-11-04 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?

Half of Britain's warships in dock
By Michael Smith, Defence Correspondent and George Jones, Political Editor
(Filed: 01/11/2002)

Almost half the Royal Navy's 36 warships will be
unavailable for operations in the Gulf because of the firemen's strike, accidents, 
refits and attempts to save money.

The Government admitted yesterday that seven destroyers and frigates would have to be
kept in dock because crew members will be standing in for striking firemen.

Click to enlarge
That alone means the Government will be unable to fulfil its commitment, made in the 
Strategic Defence Review, to keep 26 destroyers and frigates available for operations 
at all

But a further five destroyers and frigates are also out of action, as are two of the 
three aircraft carriers and Ocean, the helicopter carrier which carried elements of 3
Commando Brigade during the war in Afghanistan. The news follows the decision to pay 
the Type-22 frigate Sheffield, which has returned to Devonport for the last time, and 
plans to axe up to five more frigates and destroyers as well as four minehunters.

In response to questions from Gerald Howarth, the Tory defence spokesman, Adam
Ingram, the Armed Forces minister, admitted that seven destroyers and frigates would be
withdrawn during the firemen's strike.

Mr Howarth said the "mainstay" of Britain's maritime force was laid up and the 
duties of other ships were being disrupted because of the strike threat.

"The Government has made no allowance for the unexpected," he said.

"If there is a sudden requirement for a British naval presence how could we possibly
respond? Would it be a choice between saving lives at home or fighting a war on 

The seven ships forced to remain in dock because of the strike are the Type-42 
Exeter, Manchester and Newcastle and four Type-23 frigates: Kent, Lancaster, Norfolk 
Portland. Two more of the Navy's 11 destroyers are out of action. Nottingham, crippled
after hitting a rock off Australia, is being brought home prior to a decision on 
scrapping her
and Gloucester is being refitted.

The Type-23 frigates Monmouth and Montrose, are also undergoing refits while St Albans
was put out of action when it was hit by a ferry during the weekend storms. Sheffield 
been paid off to save £20 million a year. A Navy spokesman insisted that the fact that 
seven destroyers and frigates were in port for the firemen's strike did not mean they 
not available for other operations.

"If the chips are down you get the crew back and get the ship out of port."
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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--- Ernest Hemingway

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[CTRL] Israel Committed War Crimes in West Bank, Rights Group Says

2002-11-04 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Published on Monday, November 4, 2002
by the Washington Post

Israel Committed War Crimes in West Bank, Rights Group Says
by John Ward Anderson

JERUSALEM, Nov. 3 -- There is "clear evidence" that Israeli soldiers and
their commanders committed war crimes against Palestinian civilians --
including unlawful killings and torture -- during a three-month campaign
last spring in two Palestinian cities in the West Bank, the human rights
group Amnesty International charges in a report to be released Monday.
In a study of Israeli army operations in the cities of Jenin and Nablus from
April to June, the human rights group cites the killing of Palestinian women
and children, the "wanton" destruction of houses, the torture of Palestinian
prisoners and the use of Palestinian civilians by Israeli soldiers as "human
shields" during military operations. The group says in the report these
constitute violations of the Geneva Conventions.
The report is the most recent of several new studies by human rights
organizations on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Human Rights Watch last
week issued a report calling Palestinian suicide bombings against Israeli
civilians "crimes against humanity" and asserting that the Palestinian
leader, Yasser Arafat, bore "significant political responsibility" for not
stopping them. Amnesty, in a July report, also described the Palestinian
suicide attacks as crimes against humanity and war crimes.
The incidents investigated for the latest report occurred during Operation
Defensive Shield, an Israeli military incursion into Palestinian cities and
towns in the West Bank that Israel said was aimed at uprooting an
infrastructure of Palestinian terrorism. The Israeli offensive began March
29, two days after a suicide bombing at the Park Hotel in the resort of
Netanya, in which 29 Israelis were killed during a Passover celebration.
A spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry tonight rejected the report as
"one-sided," saying it "ignores the fact that Israel is in the midst of an
armed conflict that was imposed on her."
"Israel is struggling to defend her citizens against the Palestinian terror
campaign, which is deliberately being conducted behind the back of the
civilian population, including the use of children and the use of ambulances
to smuggle arms and explosives," the spokesman said.
The 76-page Amnesty report says that the Israeli government prevented
reporters, diplomats and others from visiting Jenin and Nablus to
investigate charges of unlawful killings during the first weeks of the
military campaign, and that Israel never adequately investigated the charges
"This failure on the part of the Israeli authorities has helped create a
climate where some members of the IDF [Israel Defense Forces], aware that no
action will be taken against them, continue to carry out unlawful killings,"
Amnesty International said in a statement.
The report found that more than half of the 54 people killed in Jenin in the
opening two weeks of the Israeli campaign were not involved in fighting.
They included seven women, four children and six men over the age of 55. In
the first three weeks of the Nablus offensive, it says, at least 80
Palestinians were killed, including seven women and nine children.
At least 16 people died when Israeli bulldozers razed their homes without
giving them enough time to evacuate, and they were crushed by rubble,
according to the report. In the Jenin refugee camp, the homes of 800
families were destroyed -- most after the fighting had stopped -- leaving
4,000 people homeless, the report says.
In August, the United Nations published a report on operations in Jenin,
saying that it uncovered no evidence to support Palestinian charges that
Israel massacred civilians, but cited allegations that Israeli forces used
excessive force and prevented sick and wounded Palestinians from obtaining
medical treatment. Twenty-three Israeli soldiers were killed in the fighting
in Jenin. Human Rights Watch put the Palestinian death toll in Jenin at 52,
including 22 civilians.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon today continued to attempt to
reassemble a governing coalition. Former prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu,
a leading hawk in Sharon's Likud Party who has been a tough critic of the
Sharon government, agreed today to serve as Sharon's foreign minister, on
the condition that new elections are called as soon as possible, which could
be by January. Sharon's office said it was studying Netanyahu's terms.
If he assumes the post, Netanyahu would replace Shimon Peres, an architect
of the 1993 Olso peace accords with the Palestinians. Peres had served in
Sharon's cabinet, but resigned with five other Labor Party ministers on
Sharon has appointed Shaul Mofaz, the army chief of staff during the spring
offensive in the Palestinian territories, to be the new defense minister.
Officials said they expect Mofa

[CTRL] Americans in Baghdad Protest U.S.

2002-11-04 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Americans in Baghdad Protest U.S.

By Associated Press

November 3, 2002, 10:47 AM EST

BAGHDAD, Iraq -- Nearly two dozen Americans protested outside a Baghdad
university Sunday against U.S. threats to attack Iraq.

About 20 Americans from the Christian Peacemaker Team and Voices in the
Wilderness carried banners demanding an end to U.N. sanctions and urging a
halt of U.S. war plans.

"We are here to stop the war before it begins," said Quinn Brisben, 68, of

He said the group, which has spent a week in Baghdad, does not support
President Saddam Hussein nor excuse his atrocities. However, Brisben said
the group does not view the people of Iraq as enemies and opposes American
attacks against Iraq to destroy weapons of mass destruction, which the U.S.
administration maintains Saddam has developed in violation of U.N. orders.

The Iraqis deny they have such weapons.

"If this country is attacked, Saddam will probably be the safest person
here," Brisben, a poet and retired history teacher, said. "We are here to
protect the children of Iraq and to tell Iraqis that Americans are not their

Only a few people, mostly reporters, gathered at a large courtyard of the
Al-Mustansiriya Islamic University to watch the protest.

Peggy Gish, 60, of Athens, Ohio, said the peace group told the Iraqis that
"our country is not united" behind Bush over the Iraq issue.

"I'm here because I can't sit idly as my government wants to start a war
here," she said.

The group, which is leaving Iraq on Monday, visited Baghdad hospitals and
orphanages and talked to Iraqi officials. Members of the group have traveled
around the world to promote peace.

Copyright © 2002, The Associated Press

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[CTRL] Amnesty Intern. calls for arrest of Israelis for war crimes

2002-11-04 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Amnesty calls for arrest of Israelis for war crimes

Chris McGreal in Jerusalem
Monday November 4, 2002
The Guardian

Amnesty International has called on Britain and other signatories to the
Geneva conventions to put on trial Israeli soldiers "responsible for war
crimes" in Jenin and Nablus earlier this year.

In a report published today, Amnesty says Israeli forces were guilty of
unlawful killings, torture and the use of Palestinian civilians as human
shields. It says that among other "grave breaches" of international law
were ill-treatment of prisoners, wanton destruction of hundreds of homes,
sometimes with the residents still inside, and the blocking of medical help
to the wounded.

Amnesty says the months-long investigation is the most thorough to date and
provides the spade work for war crimes trials by documenting five separate
grounds for prosecution.

Kathleen Cavanaugh, the professor of international law who researched the
report, says Amnesty has asked the Israeli government to act on the
evidence and try those responsible, although it does not name them.

If Israel does not, then the human rights group wants foreign governments
it accuses of shielding Israel from accountability, particularly the United
States, to apply political pressure and to stop the sale of weapons to the
Jewish state.

If Israel still refuses to act, then Amnesty says those implicated in war
crimes should be detained and tried when they travel abroad.

"If you have an army commander ... who takes a holiday in a country that is
a high contracting party [to the Geneva conventions] like the UK, then the
UK can launch an investigation and hold a trial if it chooses. It has a
legal obligation under international law to do so," said Ms Cavanaugh.
"It's not a mystery who was in charge. The names of those responsible are
known and they travel regularly to Europe and the United States."

Among the potential candidates for prosecution is Israel's new defence
minister, Lieutenant General Shaul Mofaz, who is already under
investigation by Scotland Yard. Lawyers representing Palestinian families
presented a dossier of the general's alleged crimes to the director of
public prosecutions in the hope that he would be detained during a visit to
the UK last week. But Gen Mofaz returned to Israel without being

Among the cases cited by Amnesty is that of Jamal Fayed, a 38-year-old
severely disabled man living in Jenin refugee camp where it says 54
Palestinians were killed during the army operation in April which resulted
in the destruction of the homes of about 4,000 people. Many died as the
army bulldozed their houses.

"The family had shown Jamal Fayed's ID to the soldiers who were preparing
to demolish the house to prove he was paralysed and could not get out of
the home without their help. The soldiers refused to help and soon after a
bulldozer approached the house. The family yelled at the driver to stop. He
didn't and Jamal Fayed, still trapped inside, was killed," the report said.

It also identifies two boys, aged six and 12, who were killed by Israeli
tank fire as they went to buy sweets after the army announced that the
curfew had been lifted. The military promised an investigation but, as
often happens, the results are not known.

Amnesty said it has been trying to meet the Israeli government since June
but without success.

Yesterday, the Israeli army said it was still studying the report and would
comment later.

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[CTRL] David Rockefeller Quote

2002-11-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

New World Order Terrorist
by David Rockefeller

"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." 
-David Rockefeller

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." 

David Rockefeller... Baden-Baden, Germany 1991

Time to wake the fuck up! People.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Jesuits

2002-11-04 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/3/02 6:19:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>I'm trying to get past the traditional BS mentality I've been burdened
>The more I read, the more incredible it gets. It's not just the Jesuits,
>Jews, or the Bankers. It's some creepy, evil that pervades our lives. I've
>sneaking suspicion it's our own human nature.

 Man's free-will is most definitely the largest variable in the equation.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fw: 1941 / 2002: Bulgaria Joins Neue Welt Ordnung/New World Order

2002-11-04 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: blagovesta 
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 6:41 AM
Subject: Re: 1941 / 2002: Bulgaria Joins Neue Welt Ordnung/New World 

For information 
Recently a Bulgarian daily "Trud" carried out something like a referendum on 
the eventual NATO membership and the result was about 77% AGAINST. 
Official persons shamelesly declare that they reject the idea about 
referendum on that issue because they know that the answer will be "crystal 
clear" NO. 
The important thing is to ask Solomon Passi - who is even NOT  a 
Bulgarian! - and his likes but not the Bulgarian people re critical issues like 
this one. 
You have an example of "democracy - US style". 
Blagovesta Doncheva 
The Balkans 
 mart-remote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2002 08:38:21 -0800 (PST)From: Rick Rozoff 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: 
  1941 /  2002: Bulgaria Joins Neue Welt Ordnung/New World 
  GlobeNovember 3, 2002   Bulgaria prepares move to a new 
  campBy Robert G. Kaiser, Washington Post, 11/3/2002SOFIA, 
  Bulgaria - In August 1990, a member of the newBulgarian 
  parliament, Solomon Passy, proposed thatBulgaria leave the Warsaw Pact, 
  the military allianceof the Soviet Union and its sat! ellites, and join 
  theNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization. 
   ''The idea was absolutely scandalous,'' Passy saidrecently. His 
  own party disowned him. The Communistswho ran the country dismissed his 
  suggestion.Passy told this story in the office of the Bulgarianforeign 
  minister - which he now happens to be. Hespoke with a smile, knowing that 
  next month, NATO willinvite Bulgaria into the alliance.
  This fact, still astounding to Passy and to many otherBulgarians, was 
  one reason for the smile. Itconstitutes a happy tale for a country of 7.6 
  millionthat is about to become a member of a reassuring club,one that 
  promises to defend members' security. 
  Bulgaria's transformation from loyal Soviet satelliteto disastrously 
  unsuccessful democracy to prospectivemember of NATO shows how quickly 
  history has moved. Not that the invitation happened by chance. Passy 
  isone of numerous Bulgarians who worked hard over manyyears to qualify 
  the country for NATO membership.Until last year there was no clear sign 
  that theirefforts were about to succeed.
  Acting on the proposition that ''if you want to becomea member of NATO, 
  behave as if you are one,'' as Passyput it, Bulgaria quickly offered the 
  United Stateswhatever help it could provide after the 
  terroristattacks. US tanker planes refueling aircraft for 
  theAfghanistan campaign used a Bulgarian air force baseat Burgas on 
  the Black Sea for two months, a realcontribution to the war effort, 
  according to Americanofficials.
  The Bush administration voiced gratitude. ''We that weneed as many 
  allies as we can get'' for the war onterrorism, a senior US official said. 
  Bulgaria and itslarger neighbor to the north, Romania - which sent 
  abattalion to Afghanistan - soon found themselves movedfrom doubtful 
  to likely candidates for the next roundof NATO enlargement, which will be 
  formally announcedat a summit meeting on Nov. 21 and 22 in 
  Prague.Bulgaria had been on the doubtful list because itstransition 
  from communism to democracy and freemarkets had been painful and, for most 
  of the firstdecade, unproductive.
  As recently as early 1997, Bulgaria was on the vergeof economic 
  collapse; inflation in February of thatyear was 243 percent. The gross 
  domestic product wasplummeting and Bulgarians were lining up to buy 
  bread.A government elected that April put Bulgaria on a pathtoward 
  stability. An independent currency boardcontrolled inflation. New 
  leadership began a radicalreduction in the size of the armed forces and 
  pushedSoviet-era commanders into retirement.
  Not that the country's problems have been solved.Bulgaria remains a 
  struggling democracy, and itspeople are profoundly discouraged by a 
  persistentlylow standard of living and high unemployment. Politicsare 
  wildly unpredictable, corruption and organizedcrime are common, and the 
  ghosts of communism hover.One symbol of Bulgaria's situation is this: Its 
  lastczar, Simeon II, is the current prime minister, underthe name 
  Simeon Saks Koburgotski. His appears to bethe only case of a former king 
  winning election tobecome prime minister of his country.
  Saks Koburgotski is a Bulgarization of his real name,Simeon 
  Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. His family, originallyGerman, is related to almost all 
  the royal families ofEurope. As Simeon, he sat on the Bulgarian throne 
  from1943 to 1946, between the ages of 6 and 9; his reignbegan when 
  Bulgaria was an ally of Nazi Germany.Exiled for the entire Communist 
  period, he married awealthy Spanish woman and lived in Madrid, 
  raisingfive c

[CTRL] Fwd: Bush's Life of Deception

2002-11-04 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

The major news media has finally reached the conclusion that George W. Bush can be 
"malleable" with the truth, especially in his comments about Iraq. But the problem of 
Bush's dishonesty is far deeper, tracing back through his privileged life in which 
there has been little accountability for lies and deception. 

For the full story, go to Consortiumnews.com at http://www.consortiumnews.com

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Ventura picks independent as interim senator

2002-11-04 Thread Dale Stonehouse
-Caveat Lector-

My governor does it again - up theirs.


Ventura picks independent as interim senator

The Associated Press

ST. PAUL, Minn. -- Gov. Jesse Ventura named fellow Independence Party member
Dean Barkley as interim senator Monday, leaving the Senate split 49-49 with
two independents.

The announcement came as Republican Norm Coleman and Democrat Walter Mondale
appeared in a televised debate in the race to succeed the late Sen. Paul

Ventura made clear he was angry that his party's Senate candidate, Jim
Moore, was excluded from the debate.

"Today, three very powerful institutions, the Republican Party, the
Democratic-Farmer-Labor-Party, and the Minnesota media are conspiring to
limit the hard-earned rights of ordinary citizens," Ventura said.

Barkley, who describes his philosophy as a mix of social libertarianism and
fiscal conservatism, ran for the U.S. Senate from Minnesota in 1994 and
1996. He did well enough in one race to win the then-Reform Party major
status in Minnesota. The party was later renamed the Independence Party.

Barkley becomes a critical swing vote in the Senate in the lame-duck
session. The breakdown is 49 Democrats and 49 Republicans, with one
independent, Jim Jeffords, who usually votes with Democrats.

Barkley said he didn't know how he would vote, promising to speak with both
parties. He also said he would seek out Jeffords.

"He was a moderate Republican spurned by his own party," Barkley said,
adding. "I can get along with moderate Democrats and moderate Republicans."

During the debate, Coleman vowed to work for the citizens of Minnesota and
said it would help the state to have a senator with a good relationship with
President Bush.

But Mondale said the race "is a question about the future, but the basic
question is, which future?"

After Wellstone was killed in a plane crash Oct. 25, Ventura first said he
preferred to appoint a Democrat to hold the seat since Wellstone was a
Democrat. After a memorial service for Wellstone turned raucously partisan,
though, Ventura said angrily that he would consider appointing an
independent instead.

It was unclear how long the temporary appointee would serve. Last week,
Ventura's office and the state attorney general were examining laws and
Senate rules. Although officials initially said the person would serve until
election results are certified in mid-November, some now believe the term
would run into early January.

Polls show Mondale and Coleman running very close. Coleman, the Republican,
trailed Wellstone slightly before the plane crash. Mondale, the former vice
president and senator, entered the race at the pleas of Democrats, including
Wellstone's surviving family members.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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[CTRL] FW: [TechGnosis] Election Selection: Are we using the worst voting procedure?

2002-11-04 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

All the thoughts of a turtle are turtle

  Emerson, Journals, 1855

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

-- Forwarded Message

> Subject: [TechGnosis] Election Selection: Are we using the worst voting
> procedure?
> http://www.sciencenews.org/20021102/bob8.asp
> Science News, Week of Nov. 2, 2002; Vol. 162, No. 18
> Election Selection
> Are we using the worst voting procedure?
> Erica Klarreich
> As Election Day approaches, voters must be feeling a sense of déjà vu. With
> recent reports of malfunctioning voter machines and uncounted votes during
> primaries in Florida, Maryland, and elsewhere, reformers are once again
> clamoring for extensive changes.
> But while attention is focused on these familiar irregularities, a much
> more serious problem is being neglected: the fundamental flaws of the
> voting procedure itself, say various researchers who study voting.
> Nearly all political elections in the United States are plurality votes, in
> which each voter selects a single candidate, and the candidate with the
> most votes wins. Yet voting theorists argue that plurality voting is one of
> the worst of all possible choices.
> "It's a terrible system," says Alexander Tabarrok, an economist at George
> Mason University in Fairfax, Va., and director of research for the
> Independent Institute in Oakland, Calif. "Almost anything looks good
> compared to it."
> Other voting systems abound. One alternative is the instant runoff, a
> procedure used in Australia and Ireland that eliminates candidates one at a
> time from rankings provided by each voter.
> Another is the Borda count, a point system devised by the 18th-century
> French mathematician Jean Charles Borda, which is now used to rank college
> football and basketball teams.
> A third is approval voting, used by several scientific societies, in which
> participants may cast votes for as many of the candidates as they choose.
> Unlike these procedures, the plurality system looks only at a voter's top
> choice. By ignoring how voters might rank the other candidates, it opens
> the floodgates to unsettling, paradoxical results.
> In races with two strong candidates, plurality voting is vulnerable to the
> third-party spoiler — a weaker candidate who splits some of the vote with
> one of the major candidates. For instance, in the hotly contested 2000 U.S.
> presidential race, Republican George W. Bush won the state of Florida—and,
> consequently, the presidency—by just a few hundred votes over Al Gore, the
> Democratic candidate.
> Green Party candidate Ralph Nader won 95,000 votes in Florida, and polls
> suggest that for most Nader voters, Gore was their second choice. Thus, if
> the race had been a head-to-head contest between Bush and Gore, Florida
> voters probably would have chosen Gore by a substantial margin.
> Should Nader have withdrawn from the race, as many angry Democrats
> asserted? Certainly not, says mathematician Donald Saari of the University
> of California, Irvine. "We live in a democracy, and anyone should be able
> to run for any office," he says. "The problem was the bad design of the
> election."
> Mathematics can shed light on questions about how well different voting
> procedures capture the will of the voters, Saari says. In ongoing work, he
> has been using tools from chaos theory to identify just which scenarios of
> voter preferences will give rise to disturbing election outcomes. "With the
> muscle power of mathematics, we can address these questions and finally get
> some results," he says.
> Singular plurality
> In elections with only two candidates, plurality voting works just fine,
> since the winner is guaranteed to have been the top choice of more than
> half the voters. But as soon as three or more candidates are on the ballot,
> the system can run into trouble.
> In races with a large slate of candidates, plurality voting dilutes voter
> preferences, creating the possibility of electing a leader whom the vast
> majority of voters despise.
> In the French election last April, with 16 candidates on the ballot,
> extreme right-wing candidate Jean-Marie le Pen—widely accused of racism and
> anti-Semitism—managed to place second with just 17 percent of the vote. He
> then advanced to a runoff against the top candidate, incumbent President
> Jacques Chirac.
> Political analysts scrambled to explain le Pen's success, putting it down
> to voter disenchantment and a surge in right-wing fervor across Europe. But
> the real reason, voting theorists say, is that the plurality vote distorted
> the preferences of the voters.
> "The fact that le Pen was in the runoff had nothing to do with what the
> people wanted," Saari says. The runoff election, in which Chirac trounced
> le Pen with 82 percent of the vote, suggests that while le Pen was at the
> top of a few voters' lists, he was near the bottom of 

[CTRL] FW: [TechGnosis] Election Selection: Are we using the worst voting procedure?

2002-11-04 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-


Wandering in a vast forest at night, I have only a faint light to guide me.
A stranger appears and says to me: ' My friend, you should blow out your
candle in order to find your way more clearly.' This stranger is a

c. 1762

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

-- Forwarded Message
> From: Kurt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 04 Nov 2002 18:57:21 +1100
> Subject: [TechGnosis] Election Selection: Are we using the worst voting
> procedure?
> http://www.sciencenews.org/20021102/bob8.asp
> Science News, Week of Nov. 2, 2002; Vol. 162, No. 18
> Election Selection
> Are we using the worst voting procedure?
> Erica Klarreich
> As Election Day approaches, voters must be feeling a sense of déjà vu. With
> recent reports of malfunctioning voter machines and uncounted votes during
> primaries in Florida, Maryland, and elsewhere, reformers are once again
> clamoring for extensive changes.
> But while attention is focused on these familiar irregularities, a much
> more serious problem is being neglected: the fundamental flaws of the
> voting procedure itself, say various researchers who study voting.
> Nearly all political elections in the United States are plurality votes, in
> which each voter selects a single candidate, and the candidate with the
> most votes wins. Yet voting theorists argue that plurality voting is one of
> the worst of all possible choices.
> "It's a terrible system," says Alexander Tabarrok, an economist at George
> Mason University in Fairfax, Va., and director of research for the
> Independent Institute in Oakland, Calif. "Almost anything looks good
> compared to it."
> Other voting systems abound. One alternative is the instant runoff, a
> procedure used in Australia and Ireland that eliminates candidates one at a
> time from rankings provided by each voter.
> Another is the Borda count, a point system devised by the 18th-century
> French mathematician Jean Charles Borda, which is now used to rank college
> football and basketball teams.
> A third is approval voting, used by several scientific societies, in which
> participants may cast votes for as many of the candidates as they choose.
> Unlike these procedures, the plurality system looks only at a voter's top
> choice. By ignoring how voters might rank the other candidates, it opens
> the floodgates to unsettling, paradoxical results.
> In races with two strong candidates, plurality voting is vulnerable to the
> third-party spoiler — a weaker candidate who splits some of the vote with
> one of the major candidates. For instance, in the hotly contested 2000 U.S.
> presidential race, Republican George W. Bush won the state of Florida—and,
> consequently, the presidency—by just a few hundred votes over Al Gore, the
> Democratic candidate.
> Green Party candidate Ralph Nader won 95,000 votes in Florida, and polls
> suggest that for most Nader voters, Gore was their second choice. Thus, if
> the race had been a head-to-head contest between Bush and Gore, Florida
> voters probably would have chosen Gore by a substantial margin.
> Should Nader have withdrawn from the race, as many angry Democrats
> asserted? Certainly not, says mathematician Donald Saari of the University
> of California, Irvine. "We live in a democracy, and anyone should be able
> to run for any office," he says. "The problem was the bad design of the
> election."
> Mathematics can shed light on questions about how well different voting
> procedures capture the will of the voters, Saari says. In ongoing work, he
> has been using tools from chaos theory to identify just which scenarios of
> voter preferences will give rise to disturbing election outcomes. "With the
> muscle power of mathematics, we can address these questions and finally get
> some results," he says.
> Singular plurality
> In elections with only two candidates, plurality voting works just fine,
> since the winner is guaranteed to have been the top choice of more than
> half the voters. But as soon as three or more candidates are on the ballot,
> the system can run into trouble.
> In races with a large slate of candidates, plurality voting dilutes voter
> preferences, creating the possibility of electing a leader whom the vast
> majority of voters despise.
> In the French election last April, with 16 candidates on the ballot,
> extreme right-wing candidate Jean-Marie le Pen—widely accused of racism and
> anti-Semitism—managed to place second with just 17 percent of the vote. He
> then advanced to a runoff against the top candidate, incumbent President
> Jacques Chirac.
> Political analysts scrambled to explain le Pen's success, putting it down
> to voter disenchantment and a surge in right-wing fervor across 

[CTRL] FW: They don't want you to vote.

2002-11-04 Thread thew
Title: FW: They don't want you to vote.
-Caveat Lector-


To be nobody but yourself, in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle that any human being can fight--and never stop fighting.

-  e.e. cummings

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

-- Forwarded Message

From: The Executive Committee Against Uppity Citizens
Sent: Monday November 03 7:37 AM
To: MoveOn.org
Subject: Please don't vote.

Dear friend,

On behalf of Shell, Mobil, and Exxon; Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, and GE;all the Enrons, Halliburtons, and Harkens; President Bush, VicePresident Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and the other CEOs of the Cabinet;and thousands of us who are working for a better life for the wealthiestAmericans, we have one simple request: Could you please just stay hometomorrow?

See, we have things to do.  Nations to invade.  Wetlands to destroy.Oil to drill.  Courts to pack.  Corporate taxes to cut.

What's frustrating for us is that we're coming up against some prettystiff resistance.  We've spent hundreds of millions of dollars to securethe Senate, but it looks like we just may lose it.  Heck, we may evenlose the House.  We don't quite get what it is about our agenda that youpeople don't like, but it's clear that this time, you may be upsetenough to actually do something about it.

That's why we're writing this message to you today.  Please don't vote.Ask your friends not to vote.  What could the harm be in sitting thisround out?  If you could just stay home on Election Day, we can get back to the important business of running the nation for you, and we won'thave to bother you again.

Thank you,
The Executive Committee Against Uppity Citizens

-- End of Forwarded Message

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A Confederacy of Cronies

2002-11-04 Thread Dale Stonehouse
-Caveat Lector-

It's plain to see the Bush Administration is staffed by those who are certain 
anything, including personal security and safety, can be purchased with money or 
weapons or both.

A Confederacy of Cronies

Ruling by corporate fiat is no way to run a democracy.

by George Packer

November/December 2002

 The world that produced George W. Bush did not collapse in 2002, but it trembled 
and revealed the flawed foundation beneath hisÉit can't be called a philosophy, but it 
amounts to a set of unexamined assumptions about his world. And what is that world, 
what are those assumptions?
 Too much ridicule of a fake-populist strain is heaped on Bush's pedigree; being 
the scion of aristocrats would be the best thing about him if only that tradition 
hadn't decayed and lost its noblesse oblige. He's neither an individualist in the 
Hoover grain nor an enlightened patrician like Theodore Roosevelt. What made Bush is 
crony capitalism: business as an end in itself, not as a way of furthering any larger 
goals, and conducted on the basis of personal connections, so that what matters is 
trust between "good men," not good institutions (none of this is changed by the fact 
that as a businessman, Bush wasn't a very good one). Unlike Hoover, whose opposition 
to government intervention in the economy was so rigid it cost him his job and his 
reputation, Bush has nothing in principle against it. In fact, his career in both 
business and politics has been built on a willingness to blur the distinction between 
public and private spheres -- not to further public goals, but alwa!
ys for private interest.
 Ronald Reagan presented unbridled capitalism as a fulfillment of the freedoms 
promised in America's founding documents. But conservative ideology has deteriorated 
in the years since Reagan, and for Bush the free market has no higher purpose than 
self-assertion and stock options. His public inarticulateness has less to do with 
intelligence, which comes in many different varieties, than with the fact that he's 
against ideas. The most accurate historical comparison is with the president under 
whom Hoover served as commerce secretary, Warren G. Harding, who said, "This is 
essentially a business country," before his administration sank in a cesspool of 
 The business scandals of this past summer have edged close to the White House, 
but it's a mistake to focus on possible securities violations committed 14 years ago 
or potential misconduct by the vice president when he ran Halliburton. What matters 
isn't so much whether Bush or Cheney did something illegal -- it's the outlook implied 
in their legal activities.

  The complete version of A Confederacy of Cronies can be read in the 
November/December, 2002 issue of Mother Jones magazine.
Purchase this issue of the magazine
Subscribe to Mother Jones Magazine today

@2002 The Foundation for National Progress

Read the article online:


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Quasi-OT: the E-Quake Machine

2002-11-04 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

Earthquake causes panic as Italy's Mount Etna spews more lava
Strong new tremors rattle southern Italy...
Hawaii's Mauna Loa volcano inflating again...
Volcano Erupts in Ecuador

Bush: "Saddam is doing it. Honest! With his Earthquake machine. Really!"
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; I don't believe everything I read or send
(but that doesn't stop me from considering it; obviously SOMEBODY thinks it's 
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"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Voters deliver landslide

2002-11-04 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,825488,00.html

Islamic party sweeps Turkish poll

Voters deliver landslide victory to movement whose leader is banned from becoming prime

Owen Bowcott in Ankara
Monday November 4, 2002
The Guardian

Turkey's secular establishment was bracing itself last night for sweeping changes as it
became clear that a moderate Islamic party under threat of closure would win a 
election victory and an outright majority in the national assembly.

Seat projections at 1am Turkish time showed that the Justice and Development party 
won about 35% of the vote and would probably take around 364 seats in the 550-seat

The centre-left Republican People's party (CHP) was running at about 19%, putting it on
course for 177 seats.

Only one other party, the rightwing True Path party, was close to breaching the 10%
threshold parties must reach to win seats in the assembly. If it passes the crucial 
barrier it
will reduce the AKP lead.

The AKP - whose leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was disqualified as a candidate and 
therefore become prime minister - will be the first Islamic party to come to power on 
own since the foundation of the Turkish republic in 1923.

The size of the popular mandate, however, may only add to suspicions among traditional
parties and the military establishment that the AKP is hiding its true Islamist agenda 
intends to undermine the secular state.

Changes to the country's constitution can be passed by the assembly - without the need 
a referendum - if supporters muster 360 votes, around two-thirds of deputies.

Outside the AKP's headquarters in Ankara last night crowds of chanting and cheering
supporters filled the streets. Turkish pop music mingled with drumbeats and Arabic 

"It's a wonderful result," shouted one supporter. "We are not an Islamist party, we 
are for
democracy, good economics and social justice.

"We want to sort out the issue of headscarves which has been so divisive in Turkey. If 
can go to college in mini-skirts, they ought to be allowed to wear headscarves, too."

Another supporter, Dr Dagestan Altug, said he hoped they would be able to sort out the
confusion over who would be the next prime minister. "It's crazy not to be able to 
have Mr
Erdogan as prime minister, but if we have won about two-thirds of the seats in the
assembly, then maybe we can change the regulations and let him in."

An ebullient older man declared: "England has nothing to worry about from our party. 
live Yusuf Islam, or Cat Stevens as you call him."

The last Islamic-led coalition government, which had a far smaller majority, was 
forced out
of office by Turkey's generals in 1997.

AKP politicians, who deny it is a religiously motivated party and describe themselves 
"conservative democrats", have sought to reassure Turkey's allies that they re main 
western, committed to Nato and pushing forward the country's application for membership
of the EU.

All three outgoing governing parties were losing heavily in a popular backlash against
incumbent politicians who have presided over Turkey's sharpest economic downturn for
decades. The result also reflects growing resentment of centrist politicians who 
in hanging on to power for decades by deft coalition manoeuvrings.

The elections board banned Mr Erdogan from standing as a candidate because of a jail
sentence he served in 1999 for publicly reading a poem that a court said was 

A prosecutor is also trying to close the AKP down, saying that Mr Erdogan cannot lead 
party because of that sentence.

Last week the president, Ahmet Necdet Sezer, insisted he would choose which deputy to
appoint. But AKP politicians and Mr Erdogan have said they will choose their leader, 
Abdullah Gul, the AKP's deputy chairman.

Even if the handover goes smoothly, the outgoing government, led by Bulent Ecevit, who
has been prime minister five times, is likely to remain in office for some time. The 
election board may not confirm the final result until November 10 and the national 
will not convene for a further five days.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; I don't believe everything I read or send
(but that doesn't stop me from considering it; obviously SOMEBODY thinks it's 
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"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will

[CTRL] Higher than a kite

2002-11-04 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.guardian.co.uk/enron/story/0,11337,825401,00.html

Bad company

Its testosterone-fuelled traders were fixtures in Houston's strip clubs. One division 
of the
company spent $2m a year on flowers alone. And its executives used the firm's corporate
jets as taxis. In the first extract from his remarkable new book on the rise and fall 
of Enron,
Robert Bryce describes the heady mix of greed, sex and arrogance that produced 
most spectacular financial scandal

Robert Bryce
Monday November 4, 2002
The Guardian

J R Ewing never talked about pipelines. Jett Rink was interested in drilling for oil, 
shipping it through a maze of unseen steel tubes. Real men - particularly fictional 
ones like
Ewing and Rink - find oil and gas. Lesser mortals navigate the maze of engineering,
metallurgical and legal wrangles that are needed to get those hydrocarbons delivered 
to the
nearest refinery or storage terminal. Face it, there's no sex in laying pipe.

Yet pipelines are the conduit for the American Dream. Every year, pipelines carry some 
billion gallons of crude and petroleum products to refineries, airports, rail yards 
and other
locations. Trillions of cubic feet of natural gas are moved through some 2 million 
miles of
interstate, intrastate and local pipelines. Pipelines are the largely invisible, 
dangerous, infrastructure that allows America to consume more energy than any country 
earth. By the early 1990s, when Jeff Skilling, a former McKinsey consultant, began his 
to power within Enron, the company and its leaders were, says one veteran gas man, "the
kings of the American pipeline business". Enron owned the greatest collection of 
steel infrastructure ever assembled in one company. It was transporting or selling 
17.5% of
all the gas consumed in the United States.

Those pipelines were profitable but they were, and still are, heavily regulated by 
authorities. With all of the federal regulations on pricing, the pipeline business is 
more akin
to the utility business than the energy business. Pipelines carry a product from one 
spot to
another, and the owner of the pipe gets paid a fee for the service. It's a 
profitable business. As one former Houston Natural Gas executive said of pipelines: 
"All they
do is make money. It's boring, but it's dependable."

Perhaps that's why Skilling hated them so much. Skilling's brain was too big for 
He was always thinking big thoughts. And big thoughts have no place in the pipeline
business. Pipeline companies demand solid managerial skills from people who show up
every day and stick to their business. Skilling was not a manager, he was a deal-maker.
Exotic financing schemes and the deals that came with them excited Skilling. Collecting
nickels, dimes and quarters from what was essentially a new-fangled toll road that no 
could even see, did not. The only thing that mattered to Skilling about Enron's 
pipelines was
that they kept providing him with cash that he could use elsewhere.

For Skilling, elsewhere meant only one place: the trading business. Skilling may have
disliked pipelines, but he was an absolute genius at figuring out how to trade the 
commodity that moved inside them.

As soon as Skilling moved on to the 50th floor, he began a hiring binge that didn't 
stop until
the company went bankrupt. But give him credit: he attracted the best and the 
Harvard, West Point, Rice, University of Chicago - every prestigious school in the 
began feeding their best MBAs, engineers and maths wonks to Enron. At the same time,
Skilling began raiding Wall Street, stealing traders, investment bankers, information
technology whizz kids, programmers and every other skill-set that Enron needed.

The fleet of newly hired hotshots were never short of confidence or the belief that 
were working at the best, smartest, fastest-moving company in the world. One longtime
Enron employee (who held a PhD from the University of Maryland) said: "There's no
question that Enron people arrogantly thought they were smarter than everybody else.
There's no excuse for that. But they were smarter than everybody else."

By mid-2000, Skilling had achieved his goal: almost all vestiges of the old Enron, the 
slow-growing pipeline-based entity that transported gas and generated a bit of 
were gone. In its place, Enron had become a trading company. And with that change came
a rock-'em, sock-'em, fast-paced trading culture in which deals and "deal flow" became 
driving forces behind everything Enron did.

Traders ran the place. All of the company's top executives - particularly those close 
Skilling - were either traders or had helped run trading operations. And all of them 
in Skilling's vision of Enron as a trading company. Chief financial officer Andy 
Fastow (who
was last week charged with 78 counts of fraud and money-launderi

[CTRL] 7 protesters arrested

2002-11-04 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.sptimes.com/2002/11/03/TampaBay/7_protesters_arrested.shtml

7 protesters arrested; ticketholders kept out


© St. Petersburg Times, published November 3, 2002

TAMPA -- Seven protesters were arrested Saturday outside the USF Sun Dome, where
President Bush was speaking at a political rally for his brother, Gov. Jeb Bush.

TAMPA -- Seven protesters were arrested Saturday outside the USF Sun Dome, where
President Bush was speaking at a political rally for his brother, Gov. Jeb Bush .

In an unrelated event, several Bill McBride supporters who had tickets to the rally 
denied entrance because they were wearing McBride buttons.

Between 150 and 175 people demonstrated at the rally, according to University of South
Florida police, although most stayed in a designated area for protesters on Fowler 
hundreds of yards away.

One of the seven protesters arrested and charged with trespassing was Tampa nude-club
mogul Joe Redner, 62. He and two friends -- Jeffrey Marks, 31, and Adam Elend, 25 --
stood outside the Sun Dome with a video camera and signs reading, "Why do you let these
crooks fool you?" and "War is good business. Invest your sons."

Hillsborough County sheriff's deputies told Redner and his friends three times to go 
to the
official protest zone, but they refused, Redner said.

"I went down there to exercise my right to protest knowing that these people would try 
take that right away," said Redner, who has been arrested repeatedly during his 
career. "If the result was being arrested, then I knew I was going to be arrested."

The seven people were charged with trespassing after warning, obstructing without
violence and disorderly conduct.

Designated "First Amendment zones" for protesters are common nationwide during 
conferences and presidential visits.

Last year, when three demonstrators were arrested during a rally for President Bush at
Legends Field in Tampa, a protest zone had been set up a half-mile away. The 
charges against those three protesters were eventually dropped.

Free tickets to Saturday's rally at the Sun Dome were available at local Bush-Brogan
campaign offices.

At least six volunteers for the McBride campaign said they obtained tickets to the 
Bush rally
because they wanted to hear the president speak. However, they said, Republican
organizers confiscated their tickets and turned them away at an entrance gate because 
the McBride buttons they were wearing.

"I'm a USF student. That's a public university. I don't see how they can deny us 
when the tickets were free," said John Dutty, 37, of Tampa. "I could understand if we 
causing a commotion inside the event, but we weren't being disruptive."

A spokeswoman for the Jeb Bush campaign said Saturday night that the campaign had the
right to turn McBride supporters away because the rally was a private event.

The McBride volunteers said they hadn't been planning to protest inside the arena.

"We just wanted to hear the president talk," said Patty Jay, 61, of Town 'N Country. 
just had those little round pins on, and that's all it took."

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"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Saudi Arabia Says Will Not Help Any U.S. Strike on Iraq

2002-11-04 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Saudi Arabia Says Will Not Help Any U.S. Strike on Iraq

November 03, 2002 03:37 PM ET

By Ghaida Ghantous

DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia, a key U.S. ally in the Middle East, said
Sunday it would not allow the United States to use facilities in the country
to attack neighboring Iraq, even if a strike was sanctioned by the United

"We will abide by the decision of the United Nations Security Council and we
will cooperate with the Security Council. But as to entering the conflict or
using facilities ... that is something else," Foreign Minister Saud
al-Faisal said.

"Our policy is that if the United Nations takes a decision on Chapter 7, it
is obligatory on all signatories to cooperate but that is not to the extent
of using facilities in the country or the military forces of the country,"
he told CNN.

Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter makes it mandatory for member states to
implement any measure immediately as part of international law.

The remarks were the strongest rejection by Saudi Arabia -- which was a
launchpad for the U.S.-led 1991 Gulf War that drove Iraqi troops out of
Kuwait after a seven-month occupation -- of any assistance to a possible
U.S. attack on Iraq.

The rejection comes in the midst of strained relations between the strategic
allies over last year's Sept. 11 attacks on the United States, in which 15
of the 19 men believed to be the suicide attackers were Saudis, and Saudi
anger at what it sees as U.S. bias toward Israel in the Middle East

Saud said there was no crisis in ties between the U.S. and the kingdom, the
largest oil exporter to the United States.

Washington could launch an attack on Iraq without using bases inside Saudi
Arabia, but the air campaign would be more difficult if it could not use
Saudi air space.

Mary Matalin, counselor to Vice President Dick Cheney, told CNN's "Late
Edition" program following Saud's comments that the United States had many
other allies it could depend on.

Asked if Saud's comments marked a serious military setback to any U.S.-led
effort against Iraq, she said: "We have many friends and allies in the
region and we have many friends and allies around the world ... We would
never engage unless we were sure that we could get the job done well."

White House spokesman Ari Fleischer told reporters aboard Air Force One as
President Bush flew to Illinois on a domestic political trip: "I don't talk
about operational issues or basing issues" and declined further comment.


Prince Saud has in the past indicated the United States could use bases in
Saudi Arabia for an attack on Iraq if it was sanctioned by the United
Nations. It was not clear what prompted the apparent shift in the Saudi

Faced with Riyadh's possible refusal to be a launch pad for strikes on Iraq,
the United States has spent $1.4 billion to expand Qatar's Al Udeid facility
into a major air base and military staging ground.

Washington has several Gulf bases, mainly in Bahrain, Kuwait and Saudi
Arabia, and Qatar is increasingly becoming a key base for U.S. military
operations in the region. The U.S. used Udeid base last year after Riyadh
refused to let U.S. planes and troops heading to Afghanistan use its Prince
Sultan base.

Gulf power Saudi Arabia and its tiny neighbor Qatar are currently locked in
a diplomatic row over several issues, including Doha's decision to allow
U.S. access to Udeid base.

Western diplomats say Riyadh, which recalled its ambassador from Doha in
September, was incensed at what it saw as Qatar's efforts to present itself
as Washington's main regional ally, a role Saudi Arabia has had for decades.

Saud told CNN the kingdom wanted a political resolution to the Iraq crisis
and that Baghdad had made a "very clear and unambiguous promise" to Arab
states that it would abide by U.N. resolutions. "We think the road is set
for that."

Washington wants to end Baghdad's alleged pursuit of weapons of mass
destruction and has threatened military action. The United Nations is
seeking a resolution to allow U.N. weapons inspectors back into Iraq after a
four-year absence.

Iraq denies U.S. weapons charges and has agreed to the return of arms

"Saudi Arabia's position is a position to support the political settlement
of this issue because we think it is feasible," Saud said.

The oil-rich Gulf region is bristling with U.S. troops and weaponry, Saudi
Arabia alone has 5,000 U.S. troops, and Washington has said it would require
regional military help for any offensive against Iraq.

Saud said the Iraqi people should decide the fate of their president and
warned against a long-term U.S. military presence in Iraq in the event of an
attack. "You can never make a permanent change through occupation by foreign
forces," he said.


[CTRL] Amnesty Accuses Israel of Committing War Crimes in Jenin

2002-11-04 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Amnesty Accuses Israel of Committing War Crimes in Jenin

Israeli war crimes in Jenin are still on

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, November 4 (IslamOnline & News Agencies) - Israel on
Sunday, November 3, rebuked Belgian ambassador for criticizing Israel’s
policies against the Palestinians, as Amnesty International Accused Israel
of War Crimes.

Israeli Cabinet Secretary Gideon Saar scolded Belgian ambassador Wilfred
Geens that his comments branding a hard line cabinet minister "a fascist"
were "false and revolting."

In an interview with the Israeli Arab daily Kol el-Arab, widely quoted in
the Hebrew press Sunday, Geens called Israeli Infrastructure Minister Effi
Eitam "a fascist", and said "the Palestinian territories are the biggest
prison camp in the world."

Saar, in his talks with Geens, stressed "the gravity of the comments
attributed to the ambassador about the infrastructure minister," a statement
from the prime minister's office said.

Saar told him the remarks were "grave, false and revolting" and "demonstrate
a misunderstanding of the right and fundamental duty of Israel to defend the
lives of its citizens in line with international law," it added.

In the interview, Geens attacked Israel's policies at checkpoints and
roadblocks in the West Bank.

"I have seen how the Israeli soldiers humiliate the Palestinians at the road
blocks. It is contrary to international law and human values," he was quoted
as saying.

The Israeli statement added the ambassador had "denied certain remarks
attributed to him, stressing they had been contorted because of translation
problems, and said he was planning to publish a correction and write a
letter about the issue to the infrastructure minister."

Geens was also summoned to the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

Meanwhile, Amnesty International accused Israel Sunday of committing war
crimes during its invasion of the West Bank towns of Nablus and Jenin
between April and June 2002.

An Amnesty report, entitled "Shielded from Scrutiny: IDF (Israeli occupation
forces) violations in Jenin and Nablus", demanded that Israel and the
international community investigate those responsible, no matter how high
their position in power, Agence France-Presse (AFP) said.

It said that between last April and June the Israeli army killed civilians,
tortured prisoners, used civilians as human shields, destroyed homes and
blocked humanitarian aid to Palestinians.

"Amnesty International believes that some of the acts by the IDF (Israeli
army) described in this report amount to grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva
Convention and are war crimes," it says.

The rights watchdog called for "a full, thorough, transparent and impartial
investigation into all allegations of violations of international human
rights and humanitarian law."

Javier Zuniga, Amnesty's international director of regional strategy, said
Israel should accept responsibility for its actions and cooperate with an
investigation into the army's conduct during the spring offensive.

"The culpability goes from the soldier who shot somebody with no necessity
to those in the line of the command who ordered or condoned or covered up
and to the highest authority of the state because they are politically
responsible -- that would be the prime minister," said Zuniga.

But Zuniga, one of the authors of the report, added: "We are not a court of
law ... The first thing that has to happen is a proper judicial
investigation and this has not happened yet."

The report comes out just two days after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
named as his defense minister former army chief of staff Shaul Mofaz, who
headed the military's six-week occupation of the West Bank.

The report is sharply critical of the UN probe into the fighting in Jenin,
which began when the army entered the town and barred access to humanitarian
groups from April 4 to 15.

The 31-page UN report released by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan on August
1 claimed no widespread killing occurred in Jenin, after the Jewish state
blocked an on-the-scene investigation.

In April, Palestinian officials accused Israel of massacring between 300 to
500 people. However, Amnesty says 54 Palestinians were killed in the
fighting in Jenin, many of them civilians.

The Jenin toll includes "seven women, four children and six men over the age
of 55. Six people had been crushed by houses," it added.

About the UN probe, Amnesty said: "This report was written without a visit
to Jenin or any other Palestinian cities.

"Israel did not respond to any request by the UN undersecretary general for
political affairs to provide information for the report ... The secretary
general's report on Jenin can not be a substitute for a full, independent,
impartial and thorough investigation or inquiry," it added.

In Nablus, Amnesty said at least 80 people were killed last April, including
seven women and nine children under the age of 15.
