2003-07-12 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
I've been wondering why no one ever saw fit to discuss truth with the NY Times before this. Doesn't anyone recall that it took the reporters/editors at the Times only a couple of days to completely discount the years of investigative reporting on the CIA drug connection in Los Angeles. What shortcut did they use? Then there was the matter of that amazing Clinton scandal which Harper's Magazine proved was total gunk. Harper's had a C-SPAN program on it, but the Times refused to attend the party. The Times has its own agenda, and has never let truth get in the way. Prudy
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Re: [CTRL] Black ring in the sky

2003-07-12 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 7/11/2003 2:48:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Fehlis' photos were forwarded to the National
Weather Service in New Braunfels, and at first it
was thought that the ring in the sky was the sun,
with light bouncing off the clouds to create a halo

But after receiving several calls from people who
witnessed the lightning and the ring in the sky, the
weather service changed its assessment.

Does anyone remember what that business was about a Hopi prophecy that read as follows: 

"When the start of the Age is near, we will see a HALO OF MIST around the heavenly bodies. FOUR TIMES IT WILL APPEAR AROUND THE SUN as a warning that we must awake, telling us that PEOPLE OF ALL COLOUR MUST UNITE AND ARISE for survival, and that we must UNCOVER the CAUSES of our dilemmas." 

I clipped that and put it in my phone flip, but I did not keep a reference. Interesting isn't it? Prudy
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[CTRL] Article: Monsanto Sues Dairy in Maine Over Label's Remarks on Hormones

2003-07-12 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from
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A few years back, Monsanto quashed a Fox New article about the hazards of BGH. The 
reporters who were fired over the incident sued, and won.


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Monsanto Sues Dairy in Maine Over Label's Remarks on Hormones

July 12, 2003

CHICAGO, July 11 - In another sign of how contentious food
labeling issues have become in recent years, the Monsanto
Company has sued a small milk producer in Portland, Me.,
over the labeling of its dairy products.

Monsanto has accused Oakhurst Dairy Inc. of engaging in
misleading and deceptive marketing practices by carrying
labels that seem to disparage the use of artificial growth
hormones in cows.

Monsanto is the maker of the only major artificial growth
hormone, Posilac. It has been on the market since 1994 and
is used in about a third of the nation's nine million dairy

The company, which also pioneered the development of
genetically modified crops, says its product was approved
for use by the Food and Drug Administration. It also says
that the Oakhurst labels suggest that milk that comes from
cows treated with artificial growth hormones is somehow
unsafe or lower in quality.

Since they were introduced nearly a decade ago, artificial
growth hormones have come under vigorous attack from some
consumer groups, organic farmers and other critics because
of concerns that they are harmful to cows, that they make
cows produce milk that is chemically and nutritionally
different from natural milk and that they could induce
higher rates of cancer in humans.

Many scientists, however, say those claims are largely
fabricated and fictional. And Monsanto says its product,
which is intended to bolster milk production, is derived
from a natural protein produced in cattle.

Still, consumers have grown concerned about the use of the
artificial hormones, which are banned from the market in
Canada and the European Union.

Oakhurst Dairy and other New England dairy producers say
that years ago they responded to consumer concerns by
labeling their dairy products free of artificial growth
hormones. Indeed, the state of Maine says that for dairy
producers to use the state's quality seal of approval on
their packages, the dairy processors must receive signed
affidavits from dairy farmers who have pledged not to use
artificial growth hormones on their cows.

Oakhurst's products carry the state's quality seal, and the
company's milk cartons say, Our farmers' pledge: no
artificial growth hormones.

Stanley T. Bennett II, the president of Oakhurst Dairy, a
family-owned company with sales of about $85 million a
year, said today, in a telephone interview: We don't feel
we need to remove that label. We ought to have the right to
let people know what is and is not in our milk.

Other New England dairy producers say they use similar

In Maine and Vermont our farmers agree not to provide us
with milk from cows treated with artificial growth
hormone, said Lynne M. Bohan, a spokeswoman at HP Hood, a
large, privately held regional dairy distributor based in
Chelsea, Mass.

And Ben  Jerry's Homemade, the popular ice cream maker in
Vermont, also carries a label on every pint of ice cream
that says its farmers pledge not to use artificial growth

We've been vocally opposed to bovine growth hormone for a
long time, said Lee Holden, a spokesman for Ben  Jerry's,
now an independent subsidiary of the giant food maker
Unilever. One of the concerns is the health of the cows,
but also there's the effect on family farmers.

But Monsanto, the maker of agricultural seeds and
chemicals, has a reputation for responding strongly to
critics of its biotech seeds and its artificial growth

The company has been pressing government officials in Maine
to get Oakhurst to change its labels and tone down its
marketing. On July 3, Monsanto filed its suit against
Oakhurst in the United States District Court in Boston,
seeking an injunction preventing Oakhurst from using the

Monsanto says not only are the labels misleading to
consumers but also that there is no way to distinguish
between milk that comes from cows treated with artificial
growth hormones and milk that comes from cows not treated.

In a statement released after the suit was filed, Monsanto
said that these misleading representations directly
disparage Monsanto's Posilac bovine somatotropin product
and the milk from cows supplemented with bovine

The National Dairy Council also says Monsanto's Posilac
drug has been repeatedly proven safe, according to Regan
Miller Jones, a dietitian with the trade group.

The Center for Global Food Issues of the Hudson Institute
has also become concerned 

Re: [CTRL] Ron Paul Speech - Neo-conned

2003-07-12 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Congressman Ron Paul addresses the U.S. House of
 Representatives  July 10, 2003

Without a special event, they realized the difficulty
in selling their policy of preemptive war where our
own military personnel would be killed.  Whether it
was the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin or
the Maine, all served their purpose in promoting a war
that was sought by our leaders.
   U.S. Representative Ron Paul
Nakano comments:
9-11 certainly qualifies as a SPECIAL EVENT
guaranteed to start a war.
To Ron Paul's list could be added a footnote.
Bush Sr. knowingly invited Saddam to invade Kuwait in
order to sucker punch him. U.S. Ambassador to Iraq,
April Glaspie, told Saddam Hussein it would be OK if
he invaded Kuwait back in 1990. She said in a meeting
with Saddam that the U.S.viewed the Kuwait-Iraq
situation as an Arab matter.  In other words,
go ahead boys, this is not a matter of U.S. concern.
When Saddam took the invitation and invaded,
Bush declared: This shall not stand!
You know the rest of the story.

Note: Ron Paul is my Congressman. He is a man of
  rare honesty and integrity. If only there were
  300 more like him in Congress.

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[CTRL] Give Rumsfeld And Wolfowitz The Boot

2003-07-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Give Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz the boot
By H.D.S. Greenway, 7/11/2003

SECRETARY OF Defense Donald Rumsfeld stands at the head of the table. He has outmaneuvered all his Cabinet rivals and taken over many of the functions that used to belong to the State Department, the CIA, even the Justice Department. He dominates the Cabinet as no secretary of defense has done since Robert McNamara. He is also articulate, refreshingly if undiplomatically blunt, with a no-nonsense approach that is at times both witty and exactly to the point. 

His deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, is often mentioned as the most brilliant person in government. He is perhaps the most influential deputy in modern times, at the top of his game. He has seen his vision of toppling Saddam Hussein fulfilled, and he is an intellectual force behind a whole new way of looking at US foreign policy. 

But for all of that, both should be fired. Here's why. 

The Iraq campaign, of which they were in charge, has been grossly mishandled. I use the word campaign because the overthrow of Saddam's army and regime was only the opening phase in what has to be, if this country is to maintain any credibility, an open and democratic society in Iraq. This may yet happen, but the current leadership of the Pentagon, through a fatal combination of hubris and incompetence, has so far bungled the job. If there were any accountability in the Bush administration, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz would be asked to resign. 

First, the Pentagon civilians ignored advice early on from military men that more troops would be needed for the operation. This miscalculation of necessary troop strength left the lines of supply dangerously unguarded as American troops sped toward Baghdad. Once Baghdad fell, it was painfully obvious that there were not enough troops to maintain order. 

Second, what policing was done had to be done by combat troops who are trained to kill, not police, so when demonstrations started, their only response was to shoot into the crowd. Rumsfeld dismissed the horrendous post-combat looting as just something that comes along with freedom - a comment that will remain around his neck like an albatross as the political and security situation in Iraq deteriorates. As the respected International Crisis Group said in a recent report: ''Even senior American civilians in Baghdad express consternation at the near-total absence of advance preparations for dealing with postwar needs.''

The Pentagon seems to have believed that Iraqi army units and policemen would come over to the American side with their forces intact and begin working for the Americans. It seems not to have occurred to them that another scenario might unfold, that the soldiers and police would simply melt away and that chaos would take over. The great failure of Pentagon planning was that there was no Plan B if Plan A failed. After trying to run Iraq on the cheap, Rumsfeld this week doubled his estimates for the cost of maintaining troops in Iraq.

It is not as if the Pentagon was not warned. In the lead-up to war, there were many voices from experienced experts and think tanks warning that the United States would need a substantial military police force to go in right after the troops. All were ignored, just as Robert McNamara ignored all advice about Indochina, only to say years later that he never knew. 

Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz presided over what one diplomat calls a ''colossal miscalculation'' that may have more impact on this country than did the miscalculation at the Bay of Pigs four decades ago. All the effort that the armed forces took not to destroy vital civilian infrastructure went for naught because all was destroyed by postcombat looting. Although American soldiers quickly secured the Oil Ministry in Baghdad, nothing was done to protect museums, hospitals, vital offices - even nuclear facilities where radioactive material might have fallen into terrorist hands. Vital records that might have led us to weapons of mass destruction were also destroyed. 

The damage done is incalculable, and not just in material terms. The political damage has been worse and will be far more lasting in its consequences. The Pentagon civilian leadership has squandered much of the good will that Iraqis felt after the yoke of the Ba'ath Party was lifted. Policy is in drift. Forces that are inimical to American interests are rushing in to fill that vacuum. A guerrilla war is gathering.

As America's first proconsul in Iraq, General Jay Garner, was fired when it was clear that his team had failed, so should his bosses at the top of the Pentagon civilian leadership be held accountable for this stunning failure to anticipate and plan ahead for a postwar Iraq. It is said that after the Bay of Pigs, President Kennedy told Richard Bissell, the CIA man in charge of the project, that under a parliamentary system it would be he, Kennedy, 

[CTRL] (no subject)

2003-07-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Crossing the Rubicon
by Jacob G. Hornberger, July 11, 2003

Have you noticed how many Americans get upset over the comparisons that are increasingly being made between the United States and National Socialist Germany? After all, its not as though were living in a police state, right? 

Well, if U.S. officials could somehow assure us that the U.S. governments treatment of accused terrorists isnt moving in the same direction in which Nazi Germany treated accused traitors, maybe that would help to put those comparisons to rest. 

Habeas corpus 

Contrary to popular opinion, the cornerstone of a free society lies not with the freedoms enumerated in the First Amendment. Theyre important, but much more important is what very well could be considered to be the lynchpin of a free society  the right of habeas corpus  a right that is guaranteed within the original Constitution itself. 

Assume that a government has the power to seize anyone it wants within the country and execute him the next day, without any trial whatsoever. Ask yourself: What difference would it make if people in that society had freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion? What difference would it make if they had the right to peaceably assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances? 

Having those rights would mean nothing at all, if the government had the omnipotent power to seize any person, including people exercising those rights, and execute him the very next day. Indeed, how many people would exercise those intellectual, political, and religious freedoms without government permission after a few well-publicized executions? 

Thats why Thomas Macaulay, in his History of England, described the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 as the most stringent curb that ever legislation imposed on tyranny. Its why the Framers included the following language in the Constitution: The privilege of the writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it. Its why the U.S. Supreme Court in 1969 described the writ of habeas corpus as the fundamental instrument for safeguarding individual freedom against arbitrary and lawless state action. 

Consider the words of the great 19th-century legal scholar A.V. Dicey: 

There is little difficulty, and there is often very little gain, in declaring the existence of a right to personal freedom. The true difficulty is to secure its enforcement. The Habeas Corpus Acts have achieved this end, and have done for the liberty of Englishmen more than could have been achieved by any declaration of rights. 

How does habeas corpus work? Suppose the executive branch of the federal government takes someone into custody without charging him with a crime. That person has the right to file a petition for writ of habeas corpus in a federal district court  that is, within the judicial branch of our federal government. 

If the federal judge issues the writ, it is a judicial order commanding the executive branch to produce the body of the person it is holding and show cause why that person is being held against his will. (If he refuses to issue the writ, that order can be appealed to the federal court of appeals.) Assuming the writ is issued, a prompt hearing is scheduled, and if the executive branch is unable to provide adequate grounds for holding the person, the judge orders his immediate release. Under our system of government, the executive branch must comply with the judges order. 

Obviously, then, the purpose of habeas corpus is to ensure that someone is not being held (and punished) for no good reason. By precluding the incarceration and punishment of an innocent person, habeas corpus provides the cornerstone for the exercise of all other freedoms, without fear of being arrested and punished for exercising them. It is one of a free societys most powerful checks against the exercise of dictatorial and tyrannical power. 

Civil liberties and due process of law 

Habeas corpus, however, obviously isnt enough to secure peoples freedom from arbitrary and tyrannical government. Suppose the government is able to provide evidence that a person has committed a criminal offense. Then the question arises: Under what circumstances and under what standards will the person be tried, convicted, and punished? Thats what civil liberties and due process of law are all about. Thats why our ancestors added the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments soon after the enactment of the original Constitution. 

Ever since our countrys founding, it has been well established that every person who is accused of a crime by the federal government  foreigner and citizen alike  must be tried under the principles of due process of law, which are enumerated in the Bill of Rights. Those due process principles include trial by jury, the right to counsel, the right to confront witnesses, and the right 

Re: [CTRL] Ron Paul Speech - Neo-conned

2003-07-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 7/12/2003 9:42:59 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Note: Ron Paul is my Congressman. He is a man of
 rare honesty and integrity. If only there were
 300 more like him in Congress.

As one who has been stuck with Henry Hyde since forever I can say that you are indeed lucky! 

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Re: [CTRL] Give Rumsfeld And Wolfowitz The Boot

2003-07-12 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Give Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz the boot.
 Both should be fired.
Nakano comments:
This colossal miscalculation means that a few heads
must roll in order to save the King. It's an old
Enough people finally realize their children have been
killed in a needless war (such as the Crusades or this
one in Iraq). So the King tells the people his
advisors betrayed him and he orders a few of them
beheaded. The people are thus satisfied and they tell
themselves their King is righteous and that he loves
his people.
This gives a whole new meaning to the words:

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2003-07-12 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector-
  "...[Before 1971], no [political party] had ever set out to take over the entire federal court system. The plan was breathtaking in its reach ... Generously funded by banking and oil fortunes, the plan unfolded with huge success for to decades.
 "Now that the federal courts are dominated by right-wing judges, right-wing extremists in Congress are trying to pass the "Class Action Fairness Act," requiring all class-action suits to be heard only by "their" judges [--federal judges appointed by the President without need for Congressional approval--], not by state court judges who are elected by the people and therefore less likely to espouse extreme legal theories."
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-

---May 1, 2003---
(Published July 10, 2003)


July 10, 2003 -- Sometime during July, right-wing extremists in Congress
expect to achieve another major milestone in their radical revamping of the U.S.
court system.  If they attain their goal, successful environmental class-action
lawsuits will become as rare as Dodo birds.

Class action lawsuits are the only effective remedy when large numbers of
people are harmed but each person sustains relatively small damages, making
individual lawsuits inefficient or impossible.

An example would be the current lawsuit being pursued by 6000 residents of
Louisiana who say that a Mobil Oil refinery discharged 3.4 million gallons of
untreated industrial wastes that contaminated their drinking water.  No
individual plaintiff could take on Mobil alone, but the total damage may be large, so
a class action is the right vehicle for pursuing a remedy.

Class action suits are an essential component of a balanced legal system that
is supposed to provide a check on the misdeeds of the powerful, such as oil
corporations, by raising the threat of substantial financial penalties.

With large numbers of right-wing extremists now sitting in Congress,
corporations see an opportunity to derail class actions.  So the elected
representatives of the insurance, medical, chemical, oil, and automobile corporations 
pushing a new law intended to stifle class actions.  The proposed Class Action
Fairness Act has already passed the U.S. House of Representatives (H.R. 2115)
and is expected to come up for a U.S. Senate vote (S. 274) during July.

If the proposed law passes, it will severely restrict, if not totally derail,
class-action lawsuits on behalf of the environment, workers, consumers, and
civil rights plaintiffs such as people of color, people with 

[CTRL] A Good Book rabbi recommended

2003-07-12 Thread magnetic_field
-Caveat Lector-

I found this on this morning in case you 
didn't see it
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] child abuse conference in August

2003-07-12 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for conference information

Hi !

Information about our conference this summer in August is at 
Ritual Abuse Conference - 2003 

People who register for the conference before July 8, will get a two day registration for only $150, one day $75.00. This includes lunches. We will be extending this date until July 15, but please mention this e-mail when sending in your reply. 

Jeannie Riseman MSW, the editor of Survivorship's Quarterly, and Carol Rutz will be leading a discussion group at the conference. 

Jeannie is the content owner of the "Ritual Abuse, Ritual Crime, and Healing" home page ( and a Board member of Survivorship (

Partial fee waivers are also available. Please feel free to write me if you have any questions. Thanks.
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Halliburton unit expands war-repair role

2003-07-12 Thread sky watcher
-Caveat Lector-

Halliburton unit expands war-repair role

By Stephen J. Glain and Robert Schlesinger, Globe
Staff, 7/10/2003

BAGHDAD -- They travel like foreign dignitaries, their
SUVs escorted by two US Army Humvees and a security
detail led by a master sergeant. No Iraqi official is
too busy to meet them and when it comes to Iraq's most
precious resource, oil, they are granted total and
instant access.

Officials from Kellogg, Brown  Root Services, a
subsidiary of oil-services giant Halliburton Co., are
using a broadly worded contract to evaluate and repair
Iraq's petroleum infrastructure, ''as directed'' by
the US government, to gain a huge head start over
potential competitors in redeveloping the country's
vast, outdated oil industry. With much of Iraqi
reconstruction bogged down by sabotage, chronic
looting, and bureaucratic mire, KBR -- which also is
supposed to repair war-damaged oil wells and provide
general logistical support to the US Army -- has
expanded its role to include everything from gasoline
imports to laundry services.

Some Iraqi oil officials say KBR is using what appears
to be an open-ended mandate to effectively corner a
market coveted by its rivals and to win business
Iraqis can do themselves.

''We don't need KBR,'' says Dathar Al Khashab, general
manager of Baghdad's Daura Refinery Co., which like
Iraq's other refineries badly needs new equipment
after a generation of sanctions. ''I can work with any
other company to do this job.''

KBR's work in Iraq comes under two different
contracts. In 2001 the company was awarded a 10-year
contract under the Army Logistics Civil Augmentation
Program, known as Logcap, that calls for the company
to provide a wide range of logistical services to the
US Army. By the end of May, KBR had received $425
million under that contract, according to
correspondence between Representative Henry A. Waxman
of California, the ranking Democrat on the House
Government Reform Committee, and the Department of the

Through that contract, KBR had prepositioned personnel
and equipment in the Iraq region -- deployments that
in the Army's eyes made the company the logical choice
for an oil infrastructure contract that was awarded
soon after the war in Iraq began.

That KBR contract -- according to Waxman, who is
investigating the deal -- has ''no set time limit and
no dollar limit and is apparently structured in such a
way as to encourage the contract to increase its costs
and, consequently, the costs to the taxpayer.''

It took Waxman's investigation to uncover key details
of the KBR contract, which was awarded by the Army
Corps of Engineers as part of a secret process by US
government agencies charged with rebuilding postwar
Iraq. Several of the companies involved in the
closed-door bidding, allowed in times of a national
crisis under federal procurement laws, have close ties
to the White House or were major contributors to the
Bush presidential campaign.

In addition to KBR, the winning bidders included San
Francisco-based Bechtel/Parsons Brinckerhoff, which
was awarded a $780 million contract to supervise Iraqi
reconstruction. Bechtel, together with Halliburton,
donated more than $2 million in campaign
contributions, primarily to Republican candidates,
according to the Center for Responsive Politics. From
1995 to 2000, Halliburton was headed by now-Vice
President Dick Cheney.

KBR, according to an Army Corp of Engineers official
responding in early April to Waxman's written queries,
was awarded a two-year, $7 billion contract to put out
oil well fires and evaluate the state of petroleum
fields in postwar Iraq.

By early July, five ''task orders'' had been issued
under the infrastructure contract worth more than $282
million, according to a website set up by the Army
Corps of Engineers. The orders included training and
advice for safely shutting down equipment and
assessing damage, repairing facilities, building base
camp facilities, and bringing oil into Iraq while
indigenous distribution systems are still being

The contract was designed to cover a ''worst-case
estimate'' of possible damage, wrote Lieutenant
General Robert Flowers, and ''those services necessary
to support the mission in the near term.''

Flowers gave Waxman his written assurance that ''no
other contractor could satisfy the mission

That's not how many Iraqis see it. They say KBR's
preponderant role in postwar reconstruction reinforces
local suspicion that the invasion of Iraq was more
about promoting American corporate interests than
removing Saddam Hussein. At a time when US officials
in Iraq have been criticized for employing American
companies to do what Iraqis are capable of doing on
their own, KBR manages laundry services and a hair
salon at US occupation headquarters.

''KBR is performing tasks as directed by our clients
to provide for the continuity of 

[CTRL] Lockheed in $10 billion race for NASA Space Plane

2003-07-12 Thread sky watcher
-Caveat Lector-

Rocky Mountain News's new business space writer, Gargi
Chakrabarty, has started with a bang.  In one day,
Chakrabarty had two interesting articles in the
Business section:

Lockheed in $10 billion race for NASA Space Plane:,1299,DRMN_4_2098909,00.html

Colorado Could Become the Place for Space:,1299,DRMN_4_2098910,00.html

The latter article discusses possible Colorado
portions for the National Reconnaissance Office's
Transformational Communications Architecture, and for
NRO/DARPA's Space-Based Radar.  Anyone wishing more
info on TCA or SBR, feel free to email me.

Loring Wirbel

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[CTRL] Major VAFB contract may change hands

2003-07-12 Thread sky watcher
-Caveat Lector-

sheila baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Major VAFB contract may change hands
By Janene Scully/Times Staff Writer

VANDENBERG AFB - After more than four decades
operating the Western Range here, ITT Industries
appears to be on its way out, having reportedly lost
in the latest round of bidding for a $440 million

Friday, Air Force and other officials are scheduled to
sign the contract for the Western Range, a vast
network of sensors and radars that monitor
just-launched rockets and missiles.

Vandenberg Air Force Base and industry representatives
remained mum about the winner of the Western Range
Operations Communication and Information, or WROCI,
contract, which is valued at $55 million annually over
eight years.

Until the contract has been publicly released on
Friday, we can't confirm any of the information you
have heard, said Maj. Stacee Bako, a 30th Space Wing

The new contract, which becomes effective Oct. 1, also
consolidates several other small pacts covering
communications, electronic security and technical
support computer services, according to federal

The signing ceremony is set for 2 p.m. Friday at
Vandenberg. Most Pentagon contract announcements occur
after the Stock Market closes to avoid impacting a
firm's share price.

But word of the team that won - plus the team that
lost - has circulated around Vandenberg Air Force Base
and the local communities since late last week.

Speaking on the condition their names wouldn't be
used, several sources confirmed the contract will go
to a team led by InDyne Inc. partnered with Northrop
Grumman Corp.

InDyne's win means a loss for the team that included
current range operator, ITT Industries. ITT had joined
with a smaller firm, MCA Engineers, to try to hang on
to the contract it has held for decades.

It's a big deal, said one worker.

A decision to designate this contract for small
businesses for the first time eliminated ITT from
winning the bid alone. That's why it linked up with
MCA Engineers.

ITT, which thanks to mergers and acquisitions had
different names through the years, held the contract
an unprecedented 44 years. Typically, it has ranked
among the largest employers at the base. It's the only
firm that had operated the range since its start in

Officials with both ITT and InDyne declined to comment
on the pending contract announcement. A majority of
the current employees will transfer to the new firm,
but some layoffs are likely, sources said.

While officials wouldn't say an exact number, the
contract likely affects approximately 800 employees,
according to sources familiar with the base. ITT
reportedly has about 400 employees under its current
contract; down from the 1,100 people the firm had when
it won a new contract 12 years ago.

InDyne, a privately held company that formed in 1984,
has received primarily NASA contracts, including the
joint base operations contract at Kennedy Space
Center. The firm has 900 employees at various
locations across the country, and has its headquarters
in McLean, Va.

* Staff writer Janene Scully can be reached at
739-2214 or by e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

July 10, 2003

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[CTRL] Extreme Threat to Class-Action Lawsuits

2003-07-12 Thread sky watcher
-Caveat Lector-
Rachel News [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 16:39:47 -0500 (CDT)From: Rachel News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Rachel's #768: Extreme Threat to Class-Action LawsuitsTo: undisclosed-recipients:;If you find the Rachel newsletter useful or interesting,please forward it to a friend suggesting that they starttheir own free E-mail subscription.To stop receiving the Rachel newsletter, send E-mail to[EMAIL PROTECTED] with two words in the body of themessage (not in the subject line): UNSUB RACHEL-NEWS===Electronic Edition. .. RACHEL'S ENVIRONMENT  HEALTH NEWS #768 .. ---May 1, 2003--- .. (Published July 10, 2003) .. HEADLINES: .. EXTREME THREAT TO CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS .. == .. Environmental Research Foundation .. P.O. Box 160, New Brunswick, N.J. 08903
 .. Fax (732) 791-4603; E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. == .. All back issues are on the web at: .. in text and PDF formats. To subscribe (free), send E-mail .. to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the words .. SUBSCRIBE RACHEL-NEWS YOUR FULL NAME in the message. .. The Rachel newsletter is also available in Spanish; .. to learn how to subscribe in Spanish, send the word .. AYUDA in an E-mail message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .=EXTREME THREAT TO CLASS ACTION LAWSUITSJuly 10, 2003: Sometime during July, right-wing extremists inCongress expect to achieve another major milestone in theirradical revamping of the U.S. court system. If they attaintheir goal, successful environmental class-action lawsuits willbecome as rare as Dodo birds.Class action lawsuits are the only effective remedy when largenumbers of people are harmed but
 each person sustainsrelatively small damages, making individual lawsuitsinefficient or impossible.An example would be the current lawsuit being pursued by 6000residents of Louisiana who say that a Mobil Oil refinerydischarged 3.4 million gallons of untreated industrial wastesthat contaminated their drinking water. No individual plaintiffcould take on Mobil alone, but the total damage may be large,so a class action is the right vehicle for pursuing a remedy.Class action suits are an essential component of a balancedlegal system that is supposed to provide a check on themisdeeds of the powerful, such as oil corporations, by raisingthe threat of substantial financial penalties.With large numbers of right-wing extremists now sitting inCongress, corporations see an opportunity to derail classactions. So the elected representatives of the insurance,medical, chemical, oil, and automobile corporations are
 pushinga new law intended to stifle class actions. The proposed ClassAction Fairness Act has already passed the U.S. House ofRepresentatives (H.R. 2115) and is expected to come up for aU.S. Senate vote (S. 274) during July.If the proposed law passes, it will severely restrict, if nottotally derail, class-action lawsuits on behalf of theenvironment, workers, consumers, and civil rights plaintiffssuch as people of color, people with disabilities, and women.Few in the environmental community have been paying attentionas this bill has made its way through the legislative process.Corporations, on the other hand, know exactly what's at stakeand they have poured money and resources into this fight.At last count, corporations had 475 paid lobbyists working topush this bill through the Senate -- nearly five corporatelobbyists for each U.S. senator. The insurance industry alonehas 139 lobbyists promoting the bill.
 Health maintenanceorganizations have 59 lobbyists pressing their case; banks andconsumer credit corporations have 39; automobile corporationshave 32; the chemical industry has 20 and the oil corporationshave another 19. If this proposed law didn't matter, wouldcorporations field such an army?To inform yourself about this proposed law, you can check withPublic Citizen at For details, you can read their 95-page report,"Unfairness Incorporated: The Corporate Campaign AgainstConsumer Class Actions" (June, 2003), available at .You can also learn about the proposed law from the U.S. Chamberof Commerce at .If you decided you wanted to weigh in on this issue, you couldcall
 both of your U.S. senators and give them an earful. (Tofind your senators and their phone numbers, go to .) Proponents of the bill reportedlyhave at least 55 senate votes in the bag already, so the onlyway to stop this juggernaut would be a filibuster. (Extremistsin Congress are working to revise the filibuster rule, too.)Essentially the proposed law moves all class action lawsuitsout of state courts and into federal courts, which are alreadyclogged and fraught with delays, and where 

[CTRL] Bombshell: Shuttle had been shot at

2003-07-12 Thread sky watcher
-Caveat Lector-

Here is footage of the Columbia exploding. Tell me there don't seem to be flashes of electricity around the shuttle after it ignites and tell me you don't see a small light, or craft, rocketing by or at the shuttle after the initial ignition. Tell me - I dare ya! The Tesla electrostatic weapons seem to be in full swing, attracted to the ionic signature of the shuttle I believe, i.e. its electrostatic field. I always said it was strange that the shuttle went down in Bush territory just as the full scope of the very successful U.S. space program was beginning to emerge, with info coming out about King Fahd's ventures into the imaging satellite business and the info on Mitre Corp. Fake infancy to mask maturity, in the space program that is.Conspiracy - Did one of Buffet's Jets shoot down Flight 93? - Sunday, January 19, 2003

Corruption - 9-11: Mitre Corp., Warren Buffet, Global Hawk, and September 11, 2001 - Thursday, January 16, 2003

Questions - 9-11: Did Flight 77 even hit the Pentagon? - Monday, January 13, 2003

Robotics - 9-11: Electronically Hijacking the World Trade Center Attack Aircraft - Monday, January 13, 2003

Space - Conspiracy: Bringing it all together - Thursday, January 09, 2003

Crypto - 9-11: Was September 11, 2001 a hack? - Thursday, January 09, 2003

Censorship - Mitre Corp. and Total Information Awareness - Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Censorship - Mind Virus: Total Information Oppression: Now my mailing list has been killed! - Thursday, December 19, 2002

Science - Memes: Chemtrails, HAARP, September 11, and the Aurora - Friday, December 13, 2002

Warfare - Government: MILITARY RESEARCH AGENDAS FOR THE FUTURE - Thursday, December 12, 2002

Engineering - 9-11: SDI, NASA , and September 11 - Monday, December 09, 2002

Warfare - Government: Global Hawk, Artificial Intelligence, Boeing, DARPA, and September 11 - Monday, December 09, 2002


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[CTRL] [U-S-A] Re: Come up to Jerusalem (fwd)

2003-07-12 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 11:53:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Richard Niemela [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [U-S-A] Re: Come up to Jerusalem

Israel and Jersusalem are surely SPIRITUAL in nature before MATERIAL. In
Revelation we have the imagery of a spiritual Jerusalem manifested
materially. There is no doubt that to the extent that this material
manifestation is literal rather than metaphorical, we have a kind of space
craft from beyond the outermost rim of the universe described to us.
Meanwhile, back on Planet Hell, what would Kiryat Joel, the Orthodox
Jewish Village in New England be like if it were expanded into a
city-plus-surroundings with plans set out according to a faith-based
public works grant? Would it be a light to the nation of U-S-A or just
cast foolishly as a pearl to swine?

(Learned Elder of Zion)

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U-S-A = Usurers, Sodomites, Abortionists.
The U-S-A Cult is the ruling power over America-the-Good and now seeks to a establish 
One World Government of Evil-Doers via the Afghanistan-Iraq domino effect.

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Re: [CTRL] Ron Paul Speech - Neo-conned

2003-07-12 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Note: Ron Paul is my Congressman. He is a man of
   rare honesty and integrity. If only there were
   300 more like him in Congress.

As one who has been stuck with Henry Hyde since forever I can say that you are
indeed lucky!

Yes indeedee. He is the only Congressperson I contribute $$ to. I guess Hyde is
just as bad as Bernie Sanders, another phony socialists.
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[CTRL] right-wing coup d'etat, Bohemian Grove, Bush Knew Iraq Info Was False

2003-07-12 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

What Is Happening in America?
By Eliot Weinberger This article was written for "Vorwarts," the official magazine of the German Social Democratic Party. 1 June 2003 
"It is unquestionably the most radical government in modern American history, one whose ideology and actions have become so pervasive, and are so unquestionably mirrored by the mass media here, that the population seems to have forgotten what "normal" is. George Bush is the first unelected President of the United States, installed by a right-wing Supreme Court in a kind of judicial coup d'etat. He is the first to actively subvert one of the pillars of American democracy: the separation of church and state. There are now daily prayer meetings and Bible study groups in every branch of the government, and religious organizations are being given funds to take over educational and welfare programs that have always been the domain of the state. Bush is the first president to invoke the specific "Jesus Christ" rather than an ecumenical "God," and he has surrounded himself with evangelical Christians, including his Attorney General, who attends a church where he talks in tongues. It is the first administration to openly declare a policy of unilateral aggression, a "Pax Americana" where the presence of allies (whether England or Bulgaria) is agreeable but unimportant; where international treaties no longer apply to the United States; and where-- for the first time in history-- this country reserves the right to non-defensive, "pre-emptive" strikes against any nation on earth, for whatever reason it declares. It is the first-- since the internment of Japanese-Americans in World War II-- to enact special laws for a specific ethnic group. Non-citizen young Muslim men are now required to register and subject themselves to interrogation. Many hundreds have been arrested and held without trial or access to legal assistance-- a violation of another pillar of American democracy: habeas corpus."  

Activists prepare for counter-Bohemian Grove ritual July 11, 2003 By Jeremy Hay the Press Democrat "Activists are gearing up to protest the annual summer retreat of San Francisco's Bohemian Club, saying what happens in secret amid the 2,700 acres of privately owned redwoods in Monte Rio influences policies that shape people's lives around the world."
Editor's Note | On Thursday, ran an article entitled 'Bush Knew Iraq Info Was False.' By Friday afternoon, both the headline and the content of the article had changed several times. Below is the original content of the first CBS article. A 'screen-grab' of that first CBS article can be seen here.
This is not the first time a major online publication has manipulated the text of an article after it was published. An article I wrote 12 February 2003 entitled Osama Rallies Muslims, Condemns Hussein describes a series of dramatic changes made to the text of a profoundly important article. Screen-grabs of those changes are available within the article. - wrp
Bush Knew Iraq Info Was False
CBS News
Thursday 10 July 2003
Senior administration officials tell CBS News the President's mistaken claim that Iraq tried to buy uranium from Africa was included in his State of the Union address -- despite objections from the CIA.Before the speech was delivered, the portions dealing with Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were checked with the CIA for accuracy, reports CBS News National Security Correspondent David Martin.

CIA officials warned members of the President's National Security Council staff the intelligence was not good enough to make the flat statement Iraq tried to buy uranium from Africa.
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[CTRL] Behind rense? New Age everywhere

2003-07-12 Thread Zuukie
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-


  Roy Masters: Foundation of Human Understanding 
  Roy Masters, founder and director, was born Reuben Obermeister to a 
  Jewish family in London, England. At age 15 he worked at his uncle's 
  diamond-cutting factory in Brighton after his father died.
  As a young boy he became interested in hypnotism. He added 
  to his hypnotism techniques after studying African witchdoctor rites 
  during his apprenticeship at South African diamond mines when he was 
  He came to America in 1949, at age 21, to lecture on diamonds. He 
  legally changed his name to Roy Masters in 1954 (yet never acquired 
  American citizenship) and eventually became a professional hypnotist 
  claiming he could "save people by teaching them self-sufficiency 
  meditative hypnosis."
  The American Medical Association pressed charges against him for 
  practicing medicine without a license. He was sentenced to 30 days in 
  jail. He likens this "persecution" to the persecution Jesus suffered.
  He is a self-described "Christian mystic" combining Eastern mysticism 
  and Gnosticism 
  with Christian 
  jargon, yoga, 
  hypnotism and self-help principles.
  As with other Eastern-oriented cults, The Foundation of 
  Human Understanding teaches that God is both personal and impersonal, 
  advocating an almost pantheistic 
  In lieu of dependence on Jesus Christ for 
  salvation, Masters teaches dependence on his meditation techniques. He 
  teaches that mankind is inherently good, thus there is no need for 
  salvation or a savior.
  All problems man encounters can be resolved through self effort.
  "No form of outer assistance can substitute for inner direction. 
  Direction must come always from within. Moved by the spirit of intuition, 
  we move without excitement, effort or strain. The more we exercise our 
  dependency upon the Within, the stronger this relationship becomes, and we 
  know it to be Grace," (How To Keep Your Mind Well, p. 165, 
  Foundation Press, 1971).
  Though he claims to have been saved by the blood of Christ, he states that 
  "one of the biggest curses in Christendom is the false idea that Jesus is 
  According to the late Dr. Walter Martin, the Foundation does not 
  mention the Holy Spirit in any of its publications (The New Cults, 
  p. 310).
  Instead of relying on the Holy Spirit for comfort and guidance, 
  followers are taught to rely on themselves (made possible through 
  successful meditation).
  During the meditative process, subjects are taught to surrender all 
  disbelief and to relinquish control to Masters.
  The Foundation of Human Understanding headquarters is in Los Angeles, 
  California where Masters' self-help brand of religion is offered to an 
  audience of 3 million people via his national radio program, "How Your 
  Mind Can Keep You Well."
  In 1982, about 2,000 disciples followed Masters to a 378-acre ranch in 
  Oregon. He holds seminars and weekend retreats at the ranch and is 
  currently establishing Evelyn Street School, a Foundation institute for 
  kindergarten through 12th grade there.
  In 1989, Masters claimed to have 150,000 people on his mailing list. 
  Over 100,00 have purportedly participated in his courses. His meditation 
  exercise is taught on three cassettes and a book for a total cost of 
  Participants in his week-long seminars pay $1,200 and $50 for one-day 
  seminars held across the country. Masters says he wants to be remembered 
  in the same category as Moses, Jesus, the apostles, Buddha, Gandhi, Martin 
  Luther King and John F. Kennedy.

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Fellowship, Inc.. All rights reserved. Address all technical questions and 
comments to our webmaster.
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[CTRL] Rense and Savage...a combo

2003-07-12 Thread Zuukie
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-

From a 

  I did a little more research about the parent network company 
  (Foundation of Human Understanding that syndicates 
  Rense, and it does appear at the very least kind of weird. Some 
  critics have tried to draw analogies between Michael Savage (whom is 
  also syndicated through them) and their cultishniss. Personally, I 
  see a much, much stronger connection between Rense's new ageism/anti- 
  semitism and the parent company's cultishniss. Here is the research 
  that I have gathered:
  The parent company (and Savage) are known for aggressive lawsuits, 
  even if the offender is clearly within their free _expression_ rights 
  and is diligent about "fair use". Many web pages have already been 
  forced off of the net, so you'd better check these out soon before 
  they disappear. Attached is one that was taken off but the web 
  master was kind enough to email it to me. Scroll down the web page 
  to "His Master's Voice".
  As I said, I think those that use the Savage/FHU are missing the 
  much stronger and closer relationship between Rense/FHU. Please let 
  me know what you think.
  I think someone ought to keep a count the number of anti-semitic 
  articles and count the number of pro-semitic articles on Rense and 
  publish the results. I can hear JR rebutting now- "OOOhhh, I'm not 
  anti-semitic.", like he always 
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Re: [CTRL] Rense and Savage...a combo

2003-07-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 7/12/2003 8:00:18 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

see a much, much stronger connection between Rense's new ageism/anti- semitism and the parent company's cultishniss. Here is the research 

that I have gathered:

Funny, Rense is no more an "anti-semite" than you are Dorothy and Savage is Jewish. 

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Why Did The Bush Admin REALLY Decide To Invade Iraq?

2003-07-12 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


By: David T. Pyne

Three months after US military forces smashed the last major Iraqi resistance to the US invasion and captured Baghdad and in view of the fact that no weapons of mass destruction have yet been found, Americans are starting to wonder what really motivated the Bush Administration to take the nation into a war against a country like Iraq. This is particularly the case since it has become increasingly clear in retrospect that Iraq did not pose anything resembling the imminent threat to the United States that President Bush repeatedly alleged that it did prior to the US invasion.

The Administrations motives for the war were several. First and foremost was the President's desire to avenge his father's failure to achieve a lasting victory over Saddam and more particularly his desire to get back at Saddam for an alleged assassination attempt against former President Bush Sr. in 1993. 

Second, the Bush Administration neoconservatives invaded Iraq in furtherance of their grand plan to remake and democratize the Middle East by the force of arms in an attempt to make it safer for Israel. Of all the members of the axis of evil for the Bush Administration to wage war against, Iraq was the most "doable", owing to the incessant demonization of Iraq stemming from 1990 onward by both Bush Administrations and the Clinton Administration. In addition, Iraq, which once boasted the fourth largest army in the world had seen its armed forces decimated to only forty percent of its pre-Gulf War One military strength by US military action in that just conflict fought to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation.

What the neo-conservatives in the Bush Administration fail to realize is that Iraq and Iran are majority Shiite and Syria majority radical Sunni so that if these countries were to become true democracies they would elect anti-American tyrants and terrorists as their leaders. In fact, Iran is a democracy today and has done precisely that. Moreover, Iran is a far greater threat both in terms of their nuclear capability, IRBM capability and support of terrorists including Al Qaeda, which is far more pronounced than was ever the case with Iraq. 

Realist conservatives opposed the neo-conservative internationalist plan to invade Iraq out of fear that our invasion would merely serve to transform it into a carbon copy of 9-11 terrorist supporting Iran that would truly threaten the US homeland as secular Baathist-led Iraq never could or would. Now, the United States is faced with a no-win scenario. If the US withdraws from Iraq as it is in its national interests to do, it will leave behind a country dominated by supporters of international terrorism against it where one did not exist before. If the US continues to occupy Iraq with 150,000 troops, it will begin losing an increasing number of soldiers as recent news headlines have indicated and waste billions without any real hope of achieving a pro-Western democracy as the population continues to radicalize against those they perceive, rightly or wrongly, to be foreign occupiers and invaders.

Third, the Administration invaded Iraq in an attempt to re-empower the United Nations by forcing it to enforce its resolutions even more aggressively than it wanted to. Far from opposing the UN like all conservatives should, the Bush Administration consistently used Iraq's alleged violation of eighteen UN sanctions as their prime justification for the war. Furthermore, the Administration initially attempted to avoid getting approval from Congress, the only constitutional authority on whether the US can or cannot initiate the use of military force against another country, which has not first attacked us. 

The Bush Administration attempted to use every possible justification they could come up with in the hopes of obtaining greater popular support for the war both at the national and international level. They needed to do so because Saddam and Iraq had committed no aggression or act of provocation to justify an all-out attack against it by the United States. In a dozen years since Gulf War One nothing had changed. Saddam was firmly in the box and everyone knew it. In fact, in 1998 there was tremendous international pressure to drop UN sanctions against Iraq due to their prior large-scale compliance with UN mandates. Almost immediately following 9-11, neo-conservatives in the Bush Administration led by Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Vice President Dick Cheney and others tried to create the illusion of a connection between Iraq, a secular socialist state and Al Qaeda, an Islamist extremist terrorist group. In this attempt they were almost entirely unsuccessful.

Secretary Wolfowitz actually admitted that the WMD justification was "the only one that stuck" despite scanty evidence of a continuing Iraqi WMD 

Re: [CTRL] Rense and Savage...a combo

2003-07-12 Thread Zuukie
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-

New Age 
hasfooledmanyinto siding or even just accepting or going along 
withit's beliefs. It happened in Germany and it is happening 
now.Whether Horowitz or Savage are taken in or whether they are 
desperate for an outlet is somethingI can't answer. I knew Limbaugh 
was going to pull his punches when I learned who sponsored his program, Phil 
Donahue's company.Rense is more in line with New Age Masters in his 
outlook however, so he'll havea long media life. Chamish lets his 
material go thru Rense. Chamish attacks Israeli politicians, so Rense lets 
his material thru. Whatever. It's important to know the Rense and 
Masters are in fact linked just as the others on talkradionetwork 
are.Savage crossed the New Age line, so he was booted on NBC. 
Horowitz may do the same. New Agecomes in thru both the right and 
theleft, but once it's in, percentage wise, there is no deviation 
allowed. Just as inthe Nazi period,no deviation from New Age 
thinking is allowed. Analyzing what is happening is not a 
matter of knowing who is on the right or the left. Analyzing, exposing or 
fighting New Age ideas is more difficultthan most want to 

-Original Message-From: 
Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
William ShannonSent: Saturday, July 12, 2003 8:22 
PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [CTRL] Rense and 
Savage...a combo
-Caveat Lector- In a 
  message dated 7/12/2003 8:00:18 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  see a much, much stronger connection between Rense's new 
ageism/anti- semitism and the parent company's cultishniss. Here is the 
research that I have gathered:Funny, Rense is no more 
  an "anti-semite" than you are Dorothy and Savage is Jewish. DECLARATION  DISCLAIMER == 
  CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing 
  propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease! 
  These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, 
  mis- directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups 
  with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and 
  thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, 
  and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no 
  credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply. 
  Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. 
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Rense and Savage...a combo

2003-07-12 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

The New Age movement is not very well-defined. It is hard to imagine anyone marching 
step with New Age philosophy. There are however, many cults, and many religions that
require this kind of obedience.


On 12 Jul 2003 at 21:30, Zuukie wrote:

  New Age comes in thru both the right and the left, but
 once it's in, percentage wise, there is no deviation allowed.  Just as
 in the Nazi period, no deviation from New Age thinking is allowed.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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