[CTRL] A Debate Over U.S. 'Empire' Builds in Unexpected Circles

2003-08-11 Thread Fred Woeckener
-Caveat Lector-

 A Debate Over U.S. 'Empire' Builds in Unexpected Circles

By Dan Morgan
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, August 10, 2003; Page A03

At forums sponsored by policy think tanks, on radio talk shows and around
Cleveland Park dinner tables, one topic has been hotter than the weather in
Washington this summer: Has the United States become the very "empire" that the
republic's founders heartily rejected?

Liberal scholars have been raising the question but, more strikingly, so have
some Republicans with impeccable conservative credentials.

For example, C. Boyden Gray, former counsel to President George H.W. Bush, has
joined a small group that is considering ways to "educate Americans about the
dangers of empire and the need to return to our founding traditions and values,"
according to an early draft of a proposed mission statement.

"Rogue Nation," a new book by former Reagan administration official Clyde
Prestowitz, president of the Washington-based Economic Strategy Institute,
contains a chapter that dubs the United States "The Unacknowledged Empire." And
at the Nixon Center in Washington, established in 1994 by former president
Richard M. Nixon, President Dimitri K. Simes is preparing a magazine-length
essay that will examine the "American imperial predicament."

The stirrings among Republicans are still muted. Most in the GOP -- as well as a
large number of Democrats -- support bigger military budgets and see no
alternative to a forceful U.S. role abroad. But those leading the debate say it
is, at the very least, bringing in voices across the ideological spectrum for a
long overdue appraisal of what the nation's role should be.

After World War II, the United States was instrumental in setting up a web of
international economic, military and political organizations founded on American
principles of democracy and free markets. To combat communist influence, real or
imagined, the United States also used covert operations to undermine or topple
governments in Iran, Guatemala, Congo, Chile and other countries.

While U.S. influence was vast, many scholars deny that it constituted an
"empire," which the dictionary defines as a group of countries or territories
under a single sovereign power.

The U.S. invasion of Iraq with few allies may be the immediate cause of
heightened interest in the topic of empire. But there is broad agreement that
the United States' drift toward empire -- if it has occurred -- long predates
the Bush administration.

According to Christopher A. Preble, director of foreign policy studies at the
Cato Institute, which espouses libertarian views, the United States should have
faced this issue when the Soviet Union collapsed.

"That's when we should have had a discussion," he said. "Instead, we maintained
all our Cold War commitments and added new ones, without much of a debate at

The United States retained its worldwide network of spy satellites, ballistic
missile submarines and aircraft carriers, and stationed several hundred thousand
troops in dozens of countries. After dipping sharply in the early 1990s, the
military budget began rising after Bill Clinton was reelected president in 1996.

Between the end of the Cold War and the start of the current presidency, the
U.S. military intervened in Panama, Haiti, Somalia, Bosnia and Kosovo. In Panama
and Haiti, the United States ousted dictators and installed its handpicked
successors. In Somalia, a humanitarian mission to protect relief supplies for
famine victims became a hunt for a warlord that led to U.S. deaths and
withdrawal. In the former Yugoslavia, the United States intervened on
humanitarian grounds but has remained to keep order and provide civic stability.

Preble considers the U.S. ouster of the Taliban from Afghanistan a legitimate
response to the terrorist threat after Sept. 11, 2001. But the longer the United
States remains in Afghanistan and Iraq, he says, the more it looks like an
"occupier" -- a term associated with imperial powers.

For ideological conservatives, the United States' vast global commitments should
pose a difficult philosophical dilemma, Preble said. "You cannot be for a system
of limited government at home and for maintaining military garrisons all over
the world," he said.

Not so, say many "neoconservatives," members of an amorphous political group
that has its origins in the defection of left-wing Democrats to the GOP during
the Cold War. Neoconservatives tend to favor the use of U.S. power to spread
American political values, preempt hostile nations' ability to threaten the
United States with weapons of mass destruction, and rebuild nations in America's

Max Boot, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, has put forward
the idea of a U.S. "empire of liberty" to spread democracy around the world. On
National Public Radio's "Diane Rehm Show" last month, Boot called for a doubling
of U.S. military spending to carry out America's global commitments.

The label o

Re: [CTRL] Anti-Gay Hate Messages

2003-08-11 Thread Zuukie
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-

June, my goodness, just how 
does one separate out those laws you think are based on superstition?  Do 
we just see which laws you like and call the rest off as based on 
superstition?  If it's a basis for civilized society but is mentioned in a 
religious text are we supposed to discard it based on what you consider 
contamination of source?  Do we each follow our own laws or do we let 
some sort of leader make the decision?  Are their certain superstitions 
which are acceptable?  And just how do you define a superstition?  Do 
expand on your ideas otherwise they look like third grade name calling.  

  -Original Message-From: Conspiracy 
  Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
  RevCOALSent: Monday, August 11, 2003 11:36 AMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [CTRL] Anti-Gay Hate 
  Messages-Caveat Lector- 


>It is also written in the bible that women are 
unclean and should cover their heads.
Not to mention that the Old Testament condems 
masturbation as vehemently as homosexuality, and the same passage from 
the New Testament (Romans) that the homophobes like to quote 
also mentions thieves and liars -- one wonders why the homophobes 
aren't getting their panties in a knot over masturbators, thieves, and 
liars as they do over homosexuals?
>However, these are words of men. Everything in the 
Bible cannot be taken literally.
Hear!  Hear!
Even *if* the Bible originally WAS 'the infallible 
word of God', one can't ignore the fact that it's gone thru numerous 
translations by fallable men; even the writers of the King James Bible 
put a caveat in their forward to that Bible stating that 
The bottom line is, the homophobic community has a 
perfect right to practice whatever flavor of superstition it wishes, but 
they do NOT have the right to impose their superstitious agenda upon the 
rest of society...



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Re: [CTRL] Anti-Gay Hate Messages -was- WARNING: U.N. Group in 'showdown' with religion

2003-08-11 Thread Nessie SFBG
-Caveat Lector-

The wrongs you list are perversions of the gospel preached by Jesus
Where exactly did Jesus condemn homosexuality? Be specific. Cite the
chapter and verse.
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Terrorism, Methodism, Saudi "Wahhabism" and the Censored 9-11 Report

2003-08-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

August 8, 2003
Saudis on the Defensive
On Terrorism, Methodism, Saudi "Wahhabism" and the Censored 9-11 Report

Two scandals unfold simultaneously: the larger, centering on administration lies concerning the threat posed by Iraq, and concerning Baghdad's supposed connections to al-Qaeda; the smaller (which might be a tempest in a teapot) on alleged connections between al-Qaeda and Saudi officialdom. They may well impact one another as Congress resumes its investigations next month. While it seems implausible that Riyadh would deliberately promote terrorist attacks on the U.S., the neocons running the show in Washington have asserted propositions equally improbable, and (so far) gotten away with it; and they would very much like to see regime change in Saudi Arabia. Conceivably, as they feel the heat of investigations and mounting public concern about the results of the war on Iraq, they will feel the need to create a distraction. What better way to do that than to whip up fears about Saudi Arabia, which some of them consider the real "kernel of evil" in the Middle East?

Saudis on the Defensive

These must be uneasy times for the House of Saud. Since the meeting between King Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman al-Saud and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in February 1945, the regime in Riyadh has been closely allied to the U.S. and extremely friendly to U.S. oil companies. The U.S. is Saudi Arabia's leading trading partner, and a key military supplier; it has, since the first Gulf War, and with huge political risk to itself, hosted U.S. military bases on Saudi soil. President Bush has referred to the "eternal friendship between the two countries." On the other hand, powerful figures in and around the Bush administration have made no secret of their hostility to Riyadh, and their desire for "regime change" there as throughout the Arab world. The royal family is under pressure, and receiving conflicting signals from Washingon. Meanwhile the American people are being told alternately, "These are our friends," and "These are the real terrorists."

Last week Congress released its 9-11 report, with 27 or 28 (out of 858) blacked-out pages purporting to damn the Arab kingdom for high-level complicity in global terror. The study has led some in the Senate to demand anti-Saudi sanctions. A key article covering the report, by Josh Meyer, was published in the Los Angeles Times August 1. Its gist is that the report implicates the Saudi regime itself in financial support for al-Qaeda; a U.S. official quoted by Meyer says, "not only Saudi entities or nationals are implicated in 9/11, but the [Saudi] Government." More on this below, but let's place the Congressional report in context.

Although the White House has not hyped the fact (given its politically useful if rationally indefensible decision to impute more blame for the tragedy on Iraq than on the Saudis), 9-11 was essentially a Saudi enterprise. The U.S. government has identified fifteen of the nineteen hijackers as Saudi nationals. So at the official level, although Riyadh denied any involvement, the attacks were a terrible Saudi embarrassment.

It is, in fact, difficult to imagine that the government of a U.S. client state, with a history of close cooperation with U.S. foreign policy (in the joint anti-Soviet war in Afghanistan in the 1980s, for example), and with a security apparatus trained and equipped by the Pentagon, would willfully involve itself in a terror attack on its longtime friend and benefactor. It just doesn't make sense. Yet however implausible this scenario might be, some among Washington's Straussian policy wonks have been peddling this line for some time. (It will surely serve their interests if a faction of those disillusioned with the disastrous Iraq project concludes, "Iraq was the wrong target! The real problem's those Saudis!") They apparently intend to exploit the widespread tendency among Americans to conflate all Arabs, to construct enemies in simple racial terms, and to view Islam (which originated in what is now Saudi Arabia) with suspicion or disdain, as they proceed with their world-changing agenda.

The Neocons' Anti-Saudi Campaign

Operation Vilify the Saudis began in earnest last summer. As usual, official thinking was first articulated in non-official think tanks. On June 6, 2002 the Hudson Institute (its mission: "to be America's premier source of applied research on enduring policy challenges"), which includes on its Board of Trustees such well-connected figures as Richard Perle, Max Singer, Donald Kagan, and Dan Quayle, sponsored a seminar entitled, "Discourses on Democracy: Saudi Arabia, Friend or Foe?" Among the participants was one Laurent Murawiec, RAND policy analyst, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute, and author of the (apparently forthcoming) book Taking Saudi Out of Arabia. On June 19, the Institute hosted a discussion of the best seller H

Re: [CTRL] Anti-Gay Hate Messages -was- WARNING: U.N. Group in 'showdown' with religion

2003-08-11 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

You are so certain of your beliefs. What is a belief? What if you are wrong? I guess 
one day see.

I for one am not in fear of death. I know my soul will likely live on just fine, 
Heaven, Hell, or even God. Just a lot of other souls doing the best we can in the
hereafter. That is my belief. Is that OK?


On 10 Aug 2003 at 20:51, Bob Cooper wrote:

> Unfortunately for your hardened and rebellious heart towards God you've
> already paved your way to spend eternity with the father of lies, Satan.
> Clearly you've elected not to accept or believe in God, through God's
> gift to all mankind... "free will to choose".   Scripture tells us "do
> not cast pearls (wisdom) to swine for they will trample them under
> foot".  God's Word also tells us that "the wisdom of man is but folly to
> God".  Enough said.


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[CTRL] Shhh! Big Brother might be reading

2003-08-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Shhh! Big Brother might be reading 
Monday, Aug. 11, 2003

By RON HAYES, Palm Beach Post Staff Writer 

Is Big Brother watching what you read? 

Don't ask. He won't tell. 

And he can arrest anyone who does. 

Area librarians are pondering a request from the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida, urging them to post signs warning patrons of the USA Patriot Act's power to spy on their reading habits. 

"When you can get the records of people who are not suspected of any wrongdoing, we're giving the U.S. attorney general too much power toward walking us down the road to a police state," said Howard Simon, the state organization's executive director. 

At the beginning of this month,8/1 the civil liberties watchdog group mailed the signs to the state's 67 county librarians and 11 university libraries. 

"ATTENTION," the 10-by-16-inch placards read. "Under Section 215 of the federal USA Patriot Act (Public Law 107-56) records of the books and other materials you borrow from this library may be obtained by federal agents. That federal law prohibits librarians from informing you if records about you have been obtained by federal agents." 

The signs were announced as the national ACLU sued Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller to have Section 215 declared unconstitutional on First and Fourth Amendment grounds. That suit was filed in Michigan on behalf of six organizations whose members believe they have been investigated because of their ethnicity, religion and political associations. 

Under Section 215, the FBI can obtain "any tangible things," as long as it specifies they are wanted for "an authorized investigation .Ê.Ê. to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities." 

The warrants are issued by a three-person Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court appointed by the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. The court, which meets in the basement of the Justice Department, requires no evidence of wrongdoing, as required by the Fourth Amendment, and the targets are not allowed to have attorneys present to argue that the warrant should not be issued. 

Further, the person served with the order -- a librarian, for example -- is prohibited from disclosing that fact to anyone else. 

"The Justice Department is pretending that having to go to this court for the warrant is judicial oversight, but it's not," Simon charged. "It's a rubber stamp." 

At the Delray Beach Public Library, where the FBI seized two computers a research librarian identified as having been used by three of the Sept. 11 terrorists, director John Callahan said he had no objection to displaying the ACLU's sign. 

"This is something people should be aware of," he said. "The library board would have to approve the display of the sign, but I can't imagine they wouldn't." 

But Callahan noted that his library purges all records as soon as a book, video or compact disk is returned. If the FBI wanted to investigate a specific borrower, it could find out only currently checked-out books. 

"I believe only libraries for the blind and legally handicapped keep records of users' transitions," Callahan said, "and that's to help them in ordering books for their users' special needs." 

Librarians in Palm Beach, Martin and St. Lucie counties echoed Callahan. 

"We have no record of anything checked out after it has been returned intact and on time," said Jerry Brownlee, director of the Palm Beach County library system. "As long as there's no obligation, there's no record." 

Like the county libraries, the West Palm Beach Public Library also keeps no records of a borrower's reading list once the books are returned. "I think we would probably lean toward putting them (the signs) up," said Chris Murray, its assistant director. "It's a terrible, terrible law. It's hunting season." 

So once a book is returned, librarians delete the borrower's name and keep no record they could turn over to authorities. However, Detective Tom McCauley, the West Palm Beach Police Department's computer specialist, notes that law enforcement could "probably" recover the information if it wanted it. 

In St. Lucie County, director Susan Kilmer said she believes the public has a right to know about the Patriot Act's provision but would speak to the county attorney's office before displaying the placard. 

Jean Coberly, operations manager for the Martin County's six library branches, said she has tried to emphasize the strength of privacy rights not connected with the Patriot Act. 

Not long ago, Coberly recalled, a woman apparently suffering from Alzheimer's disease was found, clearly disoriented. She couldn't identify herself but was carrying a library book, so police asked the librarian to reveal who had checked it out. 

The librarian refused but found a novel way of helping. "Someone on the staff knew the person who had checked it out a

Re: [CTRL] You must see this new WTC 911 video!

2003-08-11 Thread Bob Cooper
-Caveat Lector-

After downloading the video the visual image does not appear in
RealVideo.  What's the problem?

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Fedor Jurkovic
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 11:25 AM
Subject: [CTRL] You must see this new WTC 911 video!

-Caveat Lector-


please check this nice movie. Size is only 33 ;) MB.
I'm sure you will really like it.


Please feel free to spread this divx video worldwide.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Support The Troops: Send Them Home

2003-08-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Support the troops:
Send them home

by Leon Fisher     
August 11, 2003

Once again our military forces are being used for the political and financial gain of a government whose interests are not those of the majority of Americans. Despite the "support the troops" rhetoric being thrown at us daily by the corporate-controlled media, members of our military are being killed and wounded almost every day in Iraq and Afghanistan.

While the chickenhawks in Washington call our men and women in uniform heroes, they are voting to cut back veterans benefits etc. All this while multi-billion dollar contracts go to companies like Kellog, Brown & Root, a subsidiary of Vice President Dick Cheney's company, Halliburton.

Let's not forget that the entire basis for this "war" is based on outright lies. No weapons of mass destruction have been found by UN inspection teams or by US military teams to date. Nor has any delivery systems been discovered to attack our country with as we were told by the President and other high ranking government officials. Nor has any evidence surfaced that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was even remotely involved with Al Queda and 9/11. Then will someone tell us why our troops are there?

It is time some hard questions start being asked by our representatives in Congress and in the press. They should stop being the cowards that they've become and stand up like men and demand an end to this criminal enterprise in Afghanistan and Iraq!

Bring our troops home. Now! 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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[CTRL] Lew Rockwell on the "Rice Doctrine"

2003-08-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Rice Explains Why You Should Support the Occupation
by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. 

Not too many months after Donald Rumsfeld told us how he and Bush were like the founding fathers except of Iraq, Condolezza Rice, national security adviser, has weighed in to further explain how the bloody and destructive occupation figures into American political history. She says that there is an analogy between Iraqi politics in 2003 and US race politics in the 1960s. 

Let's see how this might work. Just as the civil rights protestors resisted the police, Iraqis are resisting the U.S.? No, that's not it. Just as the segregationist resorted to violence, including most notoriously blowing up the church in Birmingham, the US is bombing and killing in Iraq? No. that's not it. Just as blacks had to fight for voting rights, Iraqis fight for the right to select leaders in their own country and not have them imposed by a powerful elite? No, that's not it. 

See if you can follow Rice's rationale: "We must never, ever indulge the condescending voices who allege that some people in Africa or in the Middle East are just not interested in freedom, they're culturally just not ready for freedom or they just aren't ready for freedom's responsibilities. That view was wrong in 1963 in Birmingham, and it is wrong in 2003 in Baghdad and in the rest of the Middle East."

Precisely who among the war's opponents says that Iraqis are not ready for freedom? She doesn’t say. If anyone does believe that it is the US war planners, who have scuttled elections, hampered free _expression_, censored the press, and blocked private enterprise. It's hard to say what Rice means by "freedom." Seven thousand dead civilians and 20,000 wounded? The US hasn't seen carnage like that on its soil since the Civil War. 

The analogy she makes is so preposterous that it hardly needs refutation. Why would she even attempt it? Because an essential if ridiculous aspect of American political culture is that all political controversies must eventually reduce to race and racial history (just as all foreign policy issues must be discussed by way of Hitler analogies). The goal in this game is to position your beliefs within the spectrum of conventional race history by being on the side of the angels, which is to say, the civil-rights movement. 

This is what Bill Clinton would do whenever he was hounded. It is what Clarence Thomas did when his Supreme Court nomination was in trouble. It is what the Christian Right does all the time in defending their assertion that they should have a voice in public affairs (no back of the bus for them). A host of race hustlers have made a living at this. Yes, the rhetorical strategy grows tedious, but it has never been as less plausible than when used as a defense of an utterly indefensible military occupation of a foreign government. 

And yet perhaps there is a case for trying to interpret her analogy in a way that makes some degree of sense. Rice clearly views the US presence in Iraq as a force for freedom. Let's leave aside the reality and pretend she is right. Let's just define occupation by the federal government as the embodiment of "freedom" by just redefining the term itself to mean any imposition by the US central government. 

With that little change of understanding, the analogy begins to work. Unless we are satisfied with the public high-school version of postwar racial history, we need to see that the struggle over racial integration and racial segregation is part of a larger issue that goes back to the founding generation. That struggle was between decentralization and centralization, between local control and leviathan control. 

The left-liberal habit is to dismiss all historical pleas for states rights as mere excuses for racist public policies. But this only shows their lack of appreciation for the essential role that federalism and decentralism have played in the long struggle for freedom itself. The need for smaller government doesn't just refer to its functions and the scope of its power. It also refers to its locus of control. A large state with unified sovereignty is more likely to violate the rights and liberties of people than governments of divided sovereignty ruling over smaller territories. 

Those who resisted the expansion of federal power in the 1950s and 60s had a strong case rooted in history. The consolidation of power is always a bad idea, even when it is done in the name of granting people freedom and rights. The so-called integrationists, for example, weren't just against local laws that separated public restrooms, transportation, and schools by race. For them, it wasn't enough to lobby against these laws at the state and local level. Above all else, they wanted federal government intervention, via the Supreme Court and executive edict, to abolish local control over schools and public services. 

Not only th

Re: [CTRL] U.N. Group in 'showdown' with religion (Bacon)

2003-08-11 Thread Lyn Milnes
-Caveat Lector-

I am puzzled about how the Roman Catholic Church can speak out as though
opposing gays, when 10% of its own priests are leading active gay lives.

The 10% figure comes from married ex-priest and university lecturer in
psychiatry W. Richard Sipe, who is a sexual counsellor of catholic priests.

His books say 10% of priests are gay, 30% of priests are leading lives of
heterosexual relationships, and 6% are sexually oriented towards children.

Is the Pope's real objection to gay marriage that it might put extra
pressure on the church to let all priests marry, which would mean they have
to pay priests salaries?  This might send the church bankrupt.

In the USA alone, if all RC priests had to be paid a salary of $35,000 a
year, a minimum so they could marry and support a family, this would cost
the Roman Catholic church $1.57 billion a year.


> Subj: U.N. group in 'showdown with religion'
> Date: 8/7/03 11:51:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time
> Sent from the Internet (Details)
> U.N. group in 'showdown with religion'
> Gathered homosexual leaders to sharpen 'rights' strategy worldwide
> http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=33984
>© 2003 WorldNetDaily.com
>   Buoyed by growing political acceptance of homosexuals worldwide, a
> United Nations group promoting "gay" and lesbian rights met in New York
> to sharpen a multi-pronged strategy that includes a "showdown with
> religion."
> The meeting was sponsored by the U.N. Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual
> Employees, known as UNGLOBE, a group officially recognized by the
> worldwide body in 1996.
> At a forum Monday, attended briefly by U.N. Secretary General Kofi
> Annan, panel members singled out Roman Catholics and evangelical
> Protestants as opponents, according to the New York-based Catholic
> Family and Human Rights Institute.
> Speakers included U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., who urged Congress
> to withhold support for a free trade agreement with Muslim-majority
> Egypt because of its treatment of homosexuals.
> Paula Ettelbrick, executive director of the San Francisco-based
> International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, or IGLHRC,
> announced a coming "showdown with religion" and vowed Pope John Paul
> II's "call to arms" against homosexual marriage would be successfully
> combated.
> Another panel member, Princeton University professor Anthony Appiah,
> wondered whether or not religion should be limited, as it poses a
> "challenge" to the homosexual agenda.
> To thunderous applause, Svend Robinson, a member of the Canadian
> parliament, told the Catholic Church to "clean up your own house"
> before criticizing the morality of homosexuals.
> Robinson criticized Roman Catholic Bishop Frederick Henry of Calgary,
> calling his actions in defense of traditional marriage "unbelievable."
> The deputy mocked "born again" Christians, asking, "Did they have to
> come back again as themselves?"
> As WorldNetDaily reported, Robinson is the sponsor of a bill that would
> add sexual orientation as a protected category in Canada's genocide and
> hate crimes legislation. Opponents believe it would criminalize public
> expression against homosexual behavior, including making quotations
> from the Bible.
> The U.N. group that hosted the event is pressing the United Nations to
> recognize same-sex couples and treat their partnerships as equal to
> traditional marriages.
> Carol Bellamy, executive director of the U.N. Children's Fund, or
> UNICEF, sent a message of support to the conference.
> Annan told panel members the world should become "much more tolerant
> and compassionate."
> "I think what is important is that we should stress those positive
> aspects in our society, the things that bring us together, and move
> away from discrimination and persecution," the secretary general said.
> At a news conference last week, the Atlantic Monthly reported, Annan
> was asked to comment on the debate over what constitutes a family.
> "I believe that individuals should be allowed to make their own choices
> and that we should be careful not to draw conclusions or adopt
> prejudicial attitudes towards people for their choices and
> preferences," he said. "That's not something I think this organization
> should get involved in."
> Mark Malloch Brown, administrator of the U.N. Development Program, sent
> a statement to the organizers, stating, "Discrimination based on sexual
> orientation not only violates basic human rights but also hinders
> development by immobilizing human capital, stifling expression and
> limiting freedom of choice."
>   U.N. Human Rights Commission meeting
> The panel discussed ways to ensure the success of a resolution at
> introduced at this year's U.N. Human Rights Commission to expand the
> world body's definition of discrimination to include "sexual
> orientation."
> Robinson blamed the Vatic

[CTRL] test

2003-08-11 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

Access denied to this site.



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[CTRL] Operation Black Dog - The Gulf War Story That No One Would Publish

2003-08-11 Thread William Shannon

The Gulf war story that no one would publish
By David Guyatt


Source "B" was shaken but not stirred when we first met.  The odour of fear and uncertainty was palpable - a fact that was no surprise in view of what I was about to be told.   This wasn't my first 007 Bond-like covert rendezvous, but it would certainly be my most startling.  We had agreed to meet in order that the source could tell me about a highly secret and even more highly sensitive US operation known as "Black Dog."  Neither of us trusted electronic communication and, therefore, a face-to-face meeting was essential. 

 It was a sunny day and our encounter was in a seamy pub somewhere in the countryside of England.  I had watched my back the entire journey - just in case.  The meeting followed a story I had written on Gulf War Illness, when I had cautiously been told about a top secret US mission known as "Black Cat."  This, I was told, involved a "black" US B52 bomber launching from Offut AFB in Nebraksa, and flying a round-trip to the Persian Gulf.  

 The hulking bomber carried one bomb packed with VX nerve agent, the most potent chemical weapon in the US CW armoury.  The bomb was dropped on elements of the Republican Guard in Southern Iraq, I was informed.  Heavy casualties apparently resulted.  The operation, directed by the Central Intelligence Agency, was a counter-strike, following an Iraqi Scud that fell on Israel.  The missile had contained Sarin and drove the Israeli government almost apoplectic with rage.  Fuming, the Israeli's had readied to detonate a nuclear warhead high above Baghdad.  Only the swift intervention of President George Bush forestalled what would have been a cataclysmic move destined to unravel the carefully wrought Arab backed Coalition lined-up against Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. 

 To avoid any of the nerve agent being blown back towards coalition troops, the mission involved the launch, from Dhahran of a C130 Hercules carrying one, possibly two, massive five ton Fuel Air bombs.  These were detonated above ground zero - the location of the VX chemical agent strike - to ensure all traces of the nerve agent were destroyed.  Quite possibly, the Fuel Air Device destroyed all evidence of the illegal counter-strike too, by incinerating bodies.  Cleansing by fire is as old as warfare itself. 

 This information led me to speak to various sources as I searched for corroboration.  I was advised to contact Tim Sebastian, former BBC correspondent and well-known author.  During a brief telephone call, Sebastian confirmed he also had the same information as I, as recommended I contact the Countess of Mar - a House of Lords representative with a special interest in Gulf War issues.  I met Margaret Mar one evening in late summer 1997.  A charming and honest individual, she confirmed she had taken Sebastian's information to the Ministry of Defence in private.  They later informed her that following consultation with the US Department of Defense officials, no record of the mission had been found.  Clearly this was no denial. 

 Moreover, their explanation didn't gel in other significant ways.  The official who responded to the MOD enquiry was Bernard Rostker, the Special Assistant for Gulf War Illness.  Hardly, I thought, the person one would expect to be privy to top secret information on a sensitive CIA operation.  Besides, I was to later learn that Black Cat almost certainly was subject to a "compartmented" mission name.  This simply means that at different levels of the command structure the mission would have been assigned a different name.  This nifty device - not dissimilar from Admiral Horatio Nelson holding a telescope to his blind-eye and observing he "sees no ships,"  - caters nicely to instant deniability, but also helps to identify the level that leaks originate from.  Clever.  In any event, months later, in December 1997, Tim Sebastian told me that he had fully corroborated Black Cat during a month-long trip to the USA.  This was good news but not surprising. 

 In any event, Source B was concerned not with Black Cat - which I learned he knew about in some detail - but a second, far more sensitive mission known as "Black Dog."  This mission had occurred around 25 February 1991 and involved Biological weapons, I was told.  Specifically the weapon was a bacterium that resulted in those contaminated drowning in their own bodily fluids.  Black Dog involved an aircraft launched from a US carrier in the Red Sea that was targeted on an Iraqi CB weapons plant.  The bomb was designed to spread its load via an aerosol spray.  Source B provided additional information that cannot be revealed for fear of identifying the individual and other sources.  

 My first meeting with Lady Mar was predominantly to discuss this second mission.  Both she and Tim Sebastian were aware of a second mission that they both knew as "Black Cat 11," but possess

[CTRL] Evolution and Conspiracy -was- Anti-Gay Hate Messages

2003-08-11 Thread Mark S Bilk
-Caveat Lector-

In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; from [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 
09:26:41AM -0700

On Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 09:26:41AM -0700, Nessie SFBG wrote:
>>  >When did they (the so-called scientists) find the missing link?
>Long ago, and they keep finding more. The fossil record, though still
>not complete, is more than complete enough to demonstrate the
>validity of the theory to any who examine the evidence objectively.
>This, of course, leaves out all those too befuddled by primitive,
>superstitious delusions.
>More complete is the record of mitochondrial DNA.
>Believe is what stupid people do instead of find out the truth for themselves.

That's quite interesting -- all that evidence in our mitochondria!
Of course God arranged it all 6,000 years ago when He created
the Earth. It just shows the lengths He's willing to go in order
to test our faith!  He seems to do that a lot.  On the other hand,
maybe He created fundamentalists as horrible examples to show us
that faith can be taken much too far!

Here is a wonderful website with a huge amount of evidence
for evolution, including various missing links, and some actual
observations of the evolution of new species:

The Talk.Origins Archive:
Exploring the Creation/Evolution/Intelligent Design Controversy

And here are some great articles by Nessie:


Have you written more after 11/5/2001?

Are you _that_ Nessie, writing from a waterproof terminal in
Scotland?  No wonder you're interested in evolution!

This is the best description of the world situation that I've
ever seen:

"Conspiracy is as natural as breathing. Everyone does it,
everyone. When we spell rather than use words in front of
our young children, we are conspiring. When we agree to
distract mommy so our siblings can raid the cookie jar, we
are conspiring.

"When we imagine that the powers that be are somehow "above
all that," we are sadly deluded. That's how they came to
power. To them, we are livestock, nothing more. The ruling
class, the so-called "elite," are pastoralists by trade. They
herd us. They fleece us. They sell us. They rustle us. They
breed us. They experiment on us without our knowledge or
consent. They slaughter us at will. They own us and they own
our land. That's how it is. That's how it's going to be, at
least for as long as we play along. _Husbandry_ it's a verb. Look
it up. Then look up _cull_."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] You must see this new WTC 911 video!

2003-08-11 Thread Fedor Jurkovic
-Caveat Lector-


please check this nice movie. Size is only 33 ;) MB.
I'm sure you will really like it.


Please feel free to spread this divx video worldwide.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Convicted Felons Calling Shots In White House

2003-08-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Masters of deceit 
Convicted felons responsible for thousands of deaths are calling the shots at the White House 

Isabel Hilton
Thursday August 7, 2003
The Guardian 

The announcement that Admiral John Poindexter's latest brainwave - to encourage betting on the likelihood of a terrorist attack - had been terminated was characteristically bland. It began: "The Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced today that DARPA's participation in the Futures Markets Applied to Prediction (FutureMAP) program has been withdrawn" The language does not betray the repugnant nature of the project, but then Poindexter is expert at disguising repugnant projects in bland language. He came to prominence in the Reagan administration, where the word "freedom" was used to justify renewed support for Latin American military dictatorships guilty of some of the most egregious human rights abuses on the planet. President Jimmy Carter had frozen them out, but Ronald Reagan's election meant a renewed round of invitations to Pentagon cocktail parties for Latin American torturers. 

The tiny, impoverished countries of central America were, to the Reagan White House, the most pressing threat to the United States, through their impertinent insistence on trying to change their internal political arrangements, first through the ballot box and later through resort to arms. But in those days, even a president was not free to do exactly what he wanted. The US constitution gave the right to declare war to Congress, and Congress was cramping the Reagan administration's style in central America. 

In El Salvador, there was a leftwing insurgency that needed to be repressed, but there were congressional restrictions on the numbers of US military personnel the president could send. Old friendships, though, are worth a lot. The Argentine generals were happy to lend some spare killers to help out in El Salvador. (Washington was so grateful that the generals thought it would not object to their invading the Falkland Islands - but that's another story.) 

In Honduras a local band of killers was doing a good job under the protection of John Negroponte, then US ambassador in Tegucigalpa, now US ambassador to the United Nations. In Nicaragua, the Sandinistas had overthrown the US-backed Somosa dictatorship and had gone on to consolidate their power by winning an election. The problem was that Congress had voted the Boland amendment, which banned the administration from funding their favourite Nicaraguan terrorists, the Contras, who had been engaged to overthrow the Nicaraguan government. 

Poindexter, by then national security adviser, proved his worth with a breathtakingly simple scheme. The administration would sell arms to Iran and divert the proceeds to the Contras. Since both ends of the operation were highly illegal - Iran was also under a US arms embargo - it had to be secret. 

It worked for a while. The euphemistically named Office of Public Diplomacy planted articles in the US press depicting the Contras as democrats and freedom fighters and put the frighteners on any one who tried to report otherwise. But still journalists reported on the affair. By late 1986, it had begun to leak. 

In September 1996, President Oscar Arias of Costa Rica - a small central American country noted for its decision to abolish its army - found that the US was using his country as a supply base for the secret Contra operations. When he decided to call a press conference, Oliver North, a marine working for Poindexter, swung into action. As he reported to Poindexter in an email they later tried to destroy, North called President Arias to "tell him that if the press conference were held, Arias [one line deleted] wd never see a nickel of the $80m that McPhearson had promised him earlier on Friday". Oliver Tambs, another conspirator, "then called Arias and confirmed what I had said and suggested that Arias talk to Elliott (Abrams) for further confirmation. Arias then got the same word from Elliott. [one line deleted ] At 0300 Arias called back to advise that there wd be no press conference and no team of reporters sent to the airfield." 

But just a month later the Nicaraguans shot down a CIA supply plane. A month after that, a Lebanese newspaper reported Reagan's arms deals with Iran. A frenzy of shredding and the destruction of emails broke out, and it took a congressional investigation - during which Poindexter, Elliott Abrams, Caspar Weinberger, Colin Powell (now secretary of state) and Richard Armitage (now deputy secretary of state) lied - and a specially appointed independent counsel to get the full story. By then, though, as the independent counsel reported, the administration's web of deceit had achieved its objectives - to protect Reagan, vice-president George Bush and the rest from the consequences of their conspiracy. As the independent counsel put i

Re: [CTRL] A Politically Correct War?

2003-08-11 Thread magnetic_field
-Caveat Lector-

Hey, it's a full moonwhat do you 

  - Original Message - 
  William Shannon 
  Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 9:17 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] A Politically Correct 
  -Caveat Lector- In a message dated 8/11/2003 9:09:38 AM 
  Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I did just that but that’s how I get 
the error messages that the address is incorrect! 
  I believe you need to put the words SIGNOFF and CTRL 
  into the body of the email.Did you do that? If so try substituting the 
  word UNSUBSCRIBE for SIGNOFF.If all else fails, ask Jesus to help 
  you.Bill. www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER 
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  different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum 
  of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity 
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Re: [CTRL] Anti-Gay Hate Messages -was- WARNING: U.N. Group in 'showd...

2003-08-11 Thread Nessie SFBG
-Caveat Lector-

 >When did they (the so-called scientists) find the missing link?

Long ago, and they keep finding more. The fossil record, though still
not complete, is more than complete enough to demonstrate the
validity of the theory to any who examine the evidence objectively.
This, of course, leaves out all those too befuddled by primitive,
superstitious delusions.
More complete is the record of mitochondrial DNA.



Believe is what stupid people do instead of find out the truth for themselves.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Homosexuality by W.E.Best

2003-08-11 Thread Nessie SFBG
Title: Re: [CTRL] Homosexuality by
-Caveat Lector-

is unnatural.

Then how come so many animals do it?



>Homosexuality is
not new, but its acceptance by heterosexuals as another lifestyle is

Then how come most heterosexuals never thought twice about it,
one way or the other,  until the Christians came along?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Anti-Gay Hate Messages -was- WARNING: U.N. Group in 'showdown' with religion

2003-08-11 Thread Nessie SFBG
Title: Re: [CTRL] Anti-Gay Hate Messages -was- WARNING:
-Caveat Lector-

>In II Timothy 3:16 we are told all
scripture (Old Testament) is breathed of God (comes from God). Since
Jesus is God (John 1.1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word
was with God and the Word was God. - John 1:14 The word became flesh
and made his dwelling among us.) he is the author of the
condemnations of homosexuality in the Old Testament. This should
answer your question. If it doesn't it must be because you don't
believe the Bible. If so, why bother asking for chapter
and verse?

That's a petitio principii.



CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Sodomites

2003-08-11 Thread Nessie SFBG
Title: Re: [CTRL] Sodomites
-Caveat Lector-

>Sodom and Gomorrah was for real and God
destroyed it, just as he
punish all sodomites for thier activities

If you take the bible literally, then the "sin" for
which Sodom was destroyed, was inhospitality.

But then, if you take the Bible literally, you'd better not round
the corners of your beard or wear cloth made from two different
fibers, or else you're going to Hell.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Anti-Gay Hate Messages -was- WARNING: U.N. Group in 'showdown' with religion

2003-08-11 Thread Nessie SFBG
Title: Re: [CTRL] Anti-Gay Hate Messages -was- WARNING:
-Caveat Lector-

>Much of
the Old Testament merely records what men did in violation of God's

Much of the Old Testament merely
records what men did in *obedience* to God's laws.





Compiled by Donald Morgan

NOTE: These lists are meant to identify possible problems in the
Bible, especially problems which are inherent in a literalist
or fundamentalist interpretation. Some of the selections may be
resolvable on certain interpretations--after all, almost any problem
can be eliminated with suitable rationalizations--but it is the
reader's obligation to test this possibility and to decide whether it
really makes appropriate sense to do this. To help readers in this
task, these lists are aimed at presenting examples where problems may
exist given certain allowable (but not always obligatory) assumptions.
It should be kept in mind that a perfect and omnipotent God could,
should, and likely would see to it that such problems did not exist in
a book which s/he had inspired.

Note: In the Bible, words having to do with killing significantly
outnumber words having to do with love.

3:1-7, 22-24 God allows Adam and Eve to be deceived by the Serpent
(the craftiest of all of God's wild creatures). They eat of the
"Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil," thereby incurring
death for themselves and all of mankind for ever after. God prevents
them from regaining eternal life, by placing a guard around the
"Tree of Eternal Life." (Note: God could have done the same
for the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" in the first
place and would thereby have prevented the Fall of man, the necessity
for Salvation, the Crucifixion of Jesus, etc.)

4:2-8 God's
arbitrary preference of Abel's offering to that of Cain's provokes
Cain to commit the first biblically recorded murder and kill his
brother Abel.

34:13-29 The
Israelites kill Hamor, his son, and all the men of their village,
taking as plunder their wealth, cattle, wives and children.

6:11-17, 7:11-24 God is unhappy with the wickedness of man and decides
to do something about it. He kills every living thing on the face of
the earth other than Noah's family and thereby makes himself the
greatest mass murderer in history.

19:26 God
personally sees to it that Lot's wife is turned to a pillar of salt
(for having looked behind her while fleeing the destruction of Sodom
and Gomorrah).

"... whenever he lay with his brother's wife, he spilled his
semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother.
What he did was wicked ..., so the Lord put him to death."

2:12 Moses
murders an Egyptian.

7:1, 14, 9:14-16, 10:1-2, 11:7 The purpose of the devastation that God brings to the
Egyptians is as follows:
to show that he is Lord;
to show that there is none like him in all the earth;
to show his great power;
to cause his name to be declared throughout the earth;
to give the Israelites something to talk about with their
to show that he makes a distinction between Israel and Egypt.

9:22-25 A
plague of hail from the Lord strikes down everything in the fields of
Egypt both man and beast except in Goshen where the Israelites

12:29 The
Lord kills all the first-born in the land of Egypt.

17:13 With
the Lord's approval, Joshua mows down Amalek and his people.

21:20-21 With
the Lord's approval, a slave may be beaten to death with no punishment
for the perpetrator as long as the slave doesn't die too quickly.

"Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate
to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every
man his companion, and every man his neighbor.

32:27-29 With
the Lord's approval, the Israelites slay 3000 men.

26:7-8 The
Lord promises the Israelites that, if they are obedient, their enemies
will "fall before your sword."

26:22 "I
will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your

26:29, DT 28:53, JE 19:9, EZ 5:8-10 As a punishment, the Lord will cause people to eat
the flesh of their own sons and daughters and fathers and friends.

27:29 Human
sacrifice is condoned. (Note: An example is given in JG

11:33 The
Lord smites the people with a great plague.

12:1-10 God
makes Miriam a leper for seven days because she and Aaron had spoken
against Moses.

15:32-36 A
Sabbath breaker (who had gathered sticks for a fire) is stoned to
death at the Lord's command.

16:27-33 The
Lord causes the earth to open and swallow up the men and their
households (including wives and children) because the men had been

16:35 A fire
from the Lord consumes 250 men.

16:49 A
plague from the Lord kills 14,700 people.

21:3 The
Israelites utterly destroy the Canaanites.

21:6 Fiery
serpents, sent by the Lord, kill many Israelites.

21:35 With

[CTRL] A Real Look At The GDP & The War Economy

2003-08-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

A Real Look At GDP
And The War Economy 
Safe Money Report.com

Wall Street and the mass media have a habit of only highlighting the positive when it comes to economic news. We dig deeper past the sugary coating.   

Take, for instance, the latest gross domestic product (GDP) report. Washington claims the economy grew at a 2.4% annual rate in the second quarter. That's still pretty lousy when you consider that the economy must grow at a rate of over 3% in order to create jobs. But it's even worse when you look at the details.   

Defense spending contributed more than three-quarters of the 2.4% growth rate. Without defense spending, the economy barely grew at all.   

Consumer spending on durable goods was up slightly but it was clearly because of bargain shopping. Zero-percent financing, no-money-down offers, and fire sales have allowed businesses to clear out some inventory, but that doesn't do much to boost profits nor does it mean that consumers are willing to spend on anything but deeply-discounted merchandise. And as consumers snap up these deals, they're debt levels are climbing higher and higher. This is a recipe for disaster, not a recipe for recovery.   
For more evidence that Wall Street and the mass media gloss over the bad stuff, just take a look at some of the latest earnings reports. Here's the rest of the story ...   

General Motors: Profits at the biggest automaker in the world fell 30% in the second quarter versus the year-ago period. In the meantime, profits at the company's massive North American auto operations plummeted 94% as price wars tore into profits.   

Dow Jones: Earnings at the Wall Street publishing beacon plunged 43% in the second quarter as advertising revenues from the company's flagship Wall Street Journal tumbled.   

Maytag: The commercial and home appliance giant's second quarter net income sank 63% -- to just $25 million from $68 million in the year-ago period. The culprit: Lousy market conditions and a dismal performance by the company's floor-care products division.   

Boeing: The world's largest aerospace company swung to a loss of 24 cents a share in the second quarter (from a profit of 94 cents a share a year earlier) and lowered its earnings outlook for 2003 AND 2004! That's not all: The airplane making behemoth plans to shed another 4,000 to 5,000 jobs by the end of the year ... and that's on top of the approximate 34,735 jobs it cut so far.   

Bottom line: Things aren't as rosy as Wall Street says at many of the nation's largest companies.   

Take a look at some of the other developments in the economy and the markets ...   

* The housing market is sinking fast. Refinance applications plunged an astounding 32.9% for the week ending July 25. Mortgage rates are rising and it's knocking the wind out of the housing industry.   

* Consumer confidence is fading. The Conference Board's consumer confidence index for July fell to its lowest level in 4 months. The war is over, the economy is supposedly rebounding, and stocks are supposedly in a new bull market. So why are consumers so pessimistic?   

* MORE bankruptcies. Mirant Corporation recently became the 11th largest company to file for bankruptcy protection in US history. And we suspect that there are hundreds of other companies still on the verge.   

For all of these stories, visit:   



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[CTRL] Is Israel Using Nerve Gas Again?

2003-08-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Is Israel using nerve gas again?
Jennifer Loewenstein and Angela Gaff, The Electronic Intifada, 
9 August 2003

Here is a disturbing ordeal that has not yet been mentioned in any mainstream US papers or media. It exposes some shocking aspects of Israel's treatment of Palestinian political prisoners, including the use of nerve gas. It should be noted that Israel has denied using nerve gas against Palestinians, even though one account of its use has already been documented in James Longley's searing film, "Gaza Strip."

The source of the following information, Muhammad Burgal, a Palestinian lawyer and member of the Israeli Bar who lives in London, but is currently visiting East Jerusalem, is reliable. His brother Mukhles, a prisoner, was one of the victims of a nerve gas attack in Ashkelon prison last week. (Muhammad was able to visit his brother in prison on August 4th.)

Mukhles Burgal was sentenced to life in 1988. He had recently been moved from Shatta to Ashkelon prison. There, he was kept in a crowded room with 14 other prisoners. The guards kept conducting unnecessary searches every five minutes. There may have been other accompanying forms of harassment, which Muhammad can clarify.

In response, the prisoners mounted a protest and put a mattress against the door to minimize the guards' harassment. Alarmed by this act of defiance, about 50 guards forced their way into the crowded cell, spraying two canisters of nerve gas. Some of the 14 prisoners passed out. Mukhles did not lose consciousness. They were all beaten with long sticks, including the ones who had lost consciousness.

Muhammad reports that his brother Mukhles has 16 stitches in his head following the gassing and beating. He has been moved to Ramle prison for medical treatment. One of the other prisoners has a similar number of stitches in his head, and another prisoner has a very bad injury to his eye. According to Muhammad, there is a risk that he may lose it.

The effects of the nerve gas were severe muscle spasms and an overwhelming sensation of not being able to breathe.

Of the 14 prisoners attacked by the guards, four have life sentences. Apart from Mukhles, there was 'Emad Asfour, Mahmoud Zaghal, and Yahia Ramadan. 

Journalists or human rights organizations seeking more information about this incident can reach Muhamamd Burghal in East Jerusalem at 00972 54 211-031.

Angela Gaff is a British lawyer and human rights activist; Jennifer Loewenstein is a writer and human rights activist. They filed this report from London.

Related Links:

Transcripts of interviews, Khan Younis IDF February 2001 gas attack. Interviews with patients, doctors, ambulance drivers and others describing this incident in detail. These interviews were recorded by James Longley during production of his documentary film, Gaza Strip.   

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