[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Scientology connection to drug war

2003-09-04 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-


Was the founder of Scientology and the drug rehab program Narconon a  
user of Drugs and a Practitioner of Black Magic? Was L. Ron Hubbard  
working for Naval Intelligence and involved in the drug induced mind  
control predecessors of MK Ultra? Are Scientologists planning to take  
over the world and make it Drug-Free?

L. Ron Hubbard was given Vistaril by Dr. Gene Denk in his final days,  
by intramuscular injection in the right buttocks. Vistaril is a  
psychiatric drug, used to calm frantic or overly anxious patients. He  
died on January 24th, 1986, eight days after the fatal stroke  
reminiscent of the final days of Howard Hughes Hubbard's fingernails  
and toenails were long and unkempt. His hair was long, thin and  
receding on his forehead

Considering that Church of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard himself  
left behind a doped corpse when he left for the next level it is indeed  
curious to note that Scientologists are to encouraged to be drug-free  
and the Drug Treatment facility he began, Narconon has been in  
existence for over 30 years expanding to over 24 countries and taught  
in thousands of prisons and schools world wide.

L.R. Hubbard was taking a powerful psychopharmaceutical drug when he  
died. But according to the Scientology scriptures, that he composed  
evil space aliens control and manipulate Earth's psychiatrists via  
mental telepathy, and psych drugs are used by these space aliens to  
control and enslave humanity. This leaves one asking, if Scientology  
scripture is true, how did the space aliens finally get at Hubbard?  
Or is there some other explanation for this hypocricy?

Born Layfatte Ron Hubard in 1911, the first indications of his  
greatness was established in 1924 when he became the youngest boyscout  
to be promoted to Eagle Scout. It is doubtful that his pack leader at  
that time recognized that the young over achiever would one day be the  
center of a whole religion, a religion that's wealth is in the same  
category of many Fortune 500 International coroporations.

Although he liked to claim it was from a vision inspired from a near  
death expereince It may have been L. Ron's strange relationship with  
drugs that initiated his first Sci-fi fantasy, a book which he believes  
laid the ground for his later philosophical achievments
Hubbard had experienced a peculiar hallucination in 1938, while under  
nitrous oxide during a dental operation. He believed that he had died  
during the operation and while dead been shown a great wealth of  
- Tony McClelland, The Total Freedom Trap
He told me it was going to revolutionize everything: the world,  
people's attitudes to one another. He thought it would have a greater  
impact upon people than the Bible.
- Art Burks
streams/gnosis/magick.html ron hubbard marijuanahl=enie=UTF-8

Sometime after allegedley trying to bilk the navy out of permanent  
disability funds for ulcers he developed well in Naval Service, Hubbard  
met and befriended pioneering rocketeer and occultist Jack Parsons.  
Besides being one of the founders of Cal Tech, Jack Parsons has the  
dubious honor of being the only pot head with a crater on the moon  
named after him.

Hubbard and Parson's shared adventerous and creative spirits, the two  
apparently shared another facination, that being a taste for the occult  
works of Aliester Crowley, the English magician who fancied himself the  
Beast 666 of the Bibles Book of revelation.. L. Ron Jr. records that  
his father had first been made aware of the works of Crowley in his  
teenage years, when well visiting the library of congress in washington  

[CTRL] Let's get down to facts

2003-09-04 Thread Zuukie
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-

I brought this over from Hank 
Roth's site. It was needed to provide "the other side of the 
There are FIVE parts to this set of articles on the Road Map, 
which is really much more than that. While it details aspects of a platform, it 
also includes reasons why Ariel Sharon has shown so much restraint and why it 
appears he isn't going to take it anymore and George Bush is pissed. Sharon has 
discovered, a bit belatedly, that George W. Bush has been putting the screws to 
It is a good idea to read this on the WEB because of the inline 
links to resources.
What Israeli leader has not tried to negotiate with Palestinians 
and failed? Now it is Ariel Sharon's turn. He talked to the new Palestinian 
Prime Minister, Mamoud Abbas, who has shown himself to be as irrelevant as 
Yasser Arafat has become irrelevant to any peace process. Meanwhile there has 
developed a widening rift in the relationship between Sharon and George Bush. 
Following the Bush "line of march" has been very costly for Israel economically 
and in Jewish lives. George Bush has not been good for Israel.
There has also been diplomatic pressure on Israel ever since the 
United States declared it's war on terrorism. In order to establish an alliance, 
countries supporting the U.S. have insisted that there be linkage with pressure 
on Israel, to pull out of the territories and establish a Palestinian 
(1) http://pnews.org/art/11art/1ROADMAP.shtml
Islam and the Jews have had a very unsteady and troubled coexistence since 
the Prophet Muhammad began his rule of Islam at Madina in A.D. 622, at which 
time he had very few supporters. He tried to induce the Jews to adopt Islam and 
failed. He adopted Jewish customs intended to attract Jews to Islam. He included 
the facing of Jerusalem during daily prayer, which he later changed, and ordered 
his converts to face Mecca instead, when the Jews refused to accept Islam. He 
introduced fasting for Ramadan to coincide with fasting for Yom Kipper. Still 
the Jews refused to convert.
(2) http://pnews.org/art/11art/2ROADMAP.shtml
Israels' rights in the land are greater than anyone elses. Jews never left. 
They were there for thousands of years. While they have been expelled, many 
stayed against all odds, and they always returned. Most Arabs who live in the 
region do not hold legitmate title; nothing which is continuous or can be 
established by any kind of abstract of title or deed. Many Arabs acquired land 
from the Jews by stealing it and then when Jews purchased land from rich land 
owners, it was often their own land that they were paying for and buying back. 
Israel's rights in the land was eloquently described by U.S. Senator James 
Inhofe in an address to the Senate in March - (2002).
(3) http://pnews.org/art/5art/ZIONghetto.shtml
There has been among most Jews a commitment to "Klal Yisrael", the unity of 
the Jewish people. This has been an inherent and essential component of the 
Zionist ideal. And many Jewish people stand firmly behind this idea. Some 
non-Jews attempt to define Zionism for Jews and Anti-Zionists like to assume 
that Judaism is only just a religion. If Zionism was only a religion Eretz 
Yisrael and Klal Yisrael would not have endured for 2,000 years. Jewish unity 
lasted for that period of time because Jews were committed to the idea of 
"Jewish peoplehood." Zionism is the fulfillment of Jewish unity and it is the 
preservation of Jewish peoplehood in the State of Israel where Jews have always 
lived in spite of expulsions and persecution by waves of conquerors in that 
(4) http://pnews.org/art/10art/DECEIT.shtml
From "The History of Islam" (Another good reference from this same author: 
"The Arabs in History") - by Robert Payne, Payne writes: "By sabotage, by 
deceit, by the terror of Muhammad' s name, [Mecca] had been weakened, and it 
fell into his hands... like a ripe plum" (The History of Islam).
(5) http://pnews.org/art/10art/HUDNA.shtml

Hank Roth

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Agent Souljah Smiley's Last Stand

2003-09-04 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-


About five years ago, a relative nobody had a great
idea, though at the time he had no idea what a great
idea it was. Jam Echelon Day came about when I, Eric
Stewart (going as Robert Kemp), while listening in on
the Hacktivism listserv (something that DeClan
McCullough had nothing to do with, contrary to his
statements), offered to the group that we encourage
the world to hit the internet with a bombardment of
keywords supposedly in the Echelon dictionary, all in
one day, globally.

This landed me a certain degree of fame, and infamy.
Today, according to the Homeland Security Act, this
would be classified, legally, as terrorism.

Jam Echelon Day was a great success, in that it
brought Echelon from the depths of rightist
conspiranoia theory straight onto the set of Sixty
Minutes. It was a huge bane for myself in that during
the following five years I would be subject to every
type of harrassment imaginable both digital and

Much more at:


About five years ago, a relative nobody had a great
idea, though at the time he had no idea what a great
idea it was. Jam Echelon Day came about when I, Eric
Stewart (going as Robert Kemp), while listening in on
the Hacktivism listserv (something that DeClan
McCullough had nothing to do with, contrary to his
statements), offered to the group that we encourage
the world to hit the internet with a bombardment of
keywords supposedly in the Echelon dictionary, all in
one day, globally.

This landed me a certain degree of fame, and infamy.
Today, according to the Homeland Security Act, this
would be classified, legally, as terrorism.

Jam Echelon Day was a great success, in that it
brought Echelon from the depths of rightist
conspiranoia theory straight onto the set of Sixty
Minutes. It was a huge bane for myself in that during
the following five years I would be subject to every
type of harrassment imaginable both digital and

Much more at:


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The New World Order elite has big plans for Arnold

2003-09-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The New World Order elite has big plans for Arnold
Alex Jones September 4 2003 

Most American's think of Arnold Schwarzenegger as a charismatic bodybuilder who became a famous Hollywood actor and then married into the Kennedy clan. Just beneath the surface of Arnold's façade lies intricate web of evil including Nazi war criminals, occult rituals, a Rothschild rendezvous, a friendship with once head of the UN and known Nazi, Kurt Waldheim, Warren Buffett (the oracle of Omaha) and many others.

Before we cover the details of Arnold and his sordid backers it is important to understand that on one level the California recall election is a giant diversion, providing a smoke screen that obscures hundreds of pertinent developments in our world every day. The media circus feeding frenzy that has ensued is similar in scope to the O.J. Simpson and Monica Lewinsky red herrings of the past. 

At the same time, the California recall of 2003, when examined from a larger perspective, reveals many of the dark workings inside the New World Order. It is important to note that even if Gray Davis stays in office or if Cruz Bustamante is elected the end result will remain the same. Whether they are Republican or Democrat, all of the candidates being given serious media attention, are anti gun, pro abortion, and promoters of big centralized government. 

The giant Recall sideshow serves the elite by creating the illusion that California's problems have been caused by bad fiscal policy alone. In reality, California is an admitted beta testing model for elite social engineers. 

California's border with Mexico is being dissolved. The Ford Foundation and Federal agencies have been pumping billions of dollars into California and Mexico for decades promoting racist liberation theology, through groups like Mecha and La Raza. These groups claim that the entire southwest belongs to Mexico and that third world populations are simply retaking what was usurped from their ancestors. 

Groups like Mecha are designed to balkanize the population using the tried and trusted system of "Divide and Conquer." The official plan of UNESCO, a colossal UN agency, is to destroy all western nation states and the tiny independent middle class that is protected by them. The people of California are panicking as they watch factories be shut down and their jobs being shipped overseas. Their mouths are hanging open as millions of illegal aliens are given amnesty. 

It is important for the puppet masters to create the illusion that they still have a choice. By blaming a scapegoat like Governor Gray Davis, the people will never actually force the system to enact real reforms.

Total Hypocrisy

The head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Rabbi Marvin Hier has defended Schwarzenegger saying that Arnold had no connection to Nazis. Of course the fact that Arnold has tithed a percentage of every film he has starred in (reportedly over 5 million dollars) in the last eighteen years to the Simon Wiesenthal Center does a lot to explain why the Simon Wiesenthal Center gave him their highest award (The National Leadership Award) in 1997. 

The facts speak for themselves. Arnold's father, Gustav Schwarzenegger volunteered to join the Austrian Nazi party when it was still illegal to do so in 1938. His father went on to be the Police Chief in the town of Graz where Arnold grew up. 

The media has skillfully focused on his father and away from all the real Nazi connections and said "Arnold can't help what his daddy did." But what they don't tell you about is that Arnold is a self proclaimed follower of Kurt Waldheim. Kurt Waldheim was a favorite of the United Nations and served as Secretary General from 1972 to1982. When Waldheim ran for the Presidency of Austria in 1986, Arnold was Waldheim's biggest supporter and campaigned across Austria and was even featured on campaign posters. 

During the campaign it emerged that he had been a wanted war criminal for atrocities he had commanded as an officer in the dreaded Nazi SS. Waldheim had written and approved posters and leaflets that read among many things, "enough of the Jewish war, kill the Jews, come over." 

Later the whole world learned that the United Nations had known all along that Kurt Waldheim was a Nazi and a wanted war criminal and helped cover it up. It makes sense, anyone with a command and control background fits in well with the UN. 

The Waldheim story that broke in 1986 was a sensation and dominated news cycles for months. In the midst of the fire storm Arnold Schwarzenegger stood up at his wedding with Marie Shriver in front of a crowd of east coast blue bloods and said, "My friends don't want me to mention Kurt's name because of all the recent Nazi stuff and the UN controversy, but I love him and Marie does too, and so thank you, Kurt."

Arnold continues to be friends with Waldheim and in 1998 was photographed with him at the 

[CTRL] Senators Question Why NASA Failed to Assess Blame

2003-09-04 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

That's why Gehman was picked. He didn't assess any blame in the USS Cole 
investigation either when it was obvious the US Ambassador to Yemen 
(Barbara Bodine)amajor culprit. - JR



  September 4, 2003
  Senators Question Why NASA Failed to Assess 

  ASHINGTON, Sept. 3 — In the first Congressional 
  hearing since the release of the independent report into the loss of the 
  space shuttle Columbia and its seven astronauts, NASA's administrator came 
  under hard questioning today from senators who criticized the agency for 
  not holding specific people accountable for the disaster.
  Lawmakers also pressed the administrator, Sean O'Keefe, on how soon the 
  agency could carry out the report's recommendations to become more 
  Mr. O'Keefe said the agency had begun to transform its safety culture, 
  which the report had called "broken," and added that evidence of 
  fundamental change should emerge in six months to a year. 
  But he conceded that deep down, lasting reform would take time. "This 
  is going to be a long, long haul," he said.
  Senator Ernest F. Hollings of South Carolina, the senior Democrat on 
  the panel, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, 
  praised the report for finding the cause of the accident and recommending 
  sweeeping changes within the space agency. But he criticized the 
  investigators and NASA for not fixing the blame for the accident.
  Adm. Harold W. Gehman Jr., who led the investigation panel, said the 
  committee did believe in accountability, but decided that naming 
  individuals who made mistakes was not its job. NASA's current difficulties 
  in ensuring safety and following procedures go back many years, Admiral 
  Gehman said, and are bigger than any individual. The report provided 
  enough detail, he added, for other authorities to fix blame if they 
  Mr. Hollings noted that the report paid much attention to problems with 
  NASA's "culture" of doing things, which including flawed decision making, 
  incomplete safety procedures and poor communications. "I'm trying to break 
  through this `culture' finding and fix responsibility," Mr. Hollings 
  "As an admiral," he told Admiral Gehman, "you would immediately find 
  responsibility, and whoever was captain of that ship would be cashiered. I 
  don't find that in the report, the fixing of responsibility."
  Mr. O'Keefe said that as head of the space agency, he was ultimately 
  accountable. But Admiral Gehman defended Mr. O'Keefe, noting that the 
  systemic problems that led to the disaster began a few years after the 
  shuttle Challenger exploded in 1986, when vigilance stemming from that 
  accident began to wane.
  "It didn't happen under his watch," Admiral Gehman, who is retired, 
  said of Mr. O'Keefe, who had been NASA administrator for only a year 
  before the accident.
  Mr. O'Keefe noted that most of the management of the space shuttle 
  program had been replaced since the accident, but he refused to publicly 
  judge the actions of individual managers involved in the ill-fated 
  "Does that mean that those who are replaced are accountable?" asked 
  Senator John McCain, the Arizona Republican who is chairman of the 
  Mr. O'Keefe replied: "The folks who are in positions today will lead in 
  the future and be accountable for this activity. Those who are not there, 
  I think you can draw the conclusion from that."
  Admiral Gehman said responsibility for conditions leading up to the 
  Columbia accident must be shared by all those responsible for space 
  policy, including NASA, the White House and Congress. NASA has been 
  starved for money for years, he said, and shuttle program managers were 
  forced to divert money from shuttle upgrade programs to do other things, 
  like supporting the International Space Station.
  "Over a decade, the spending power of the NASA budget was reduced by 
  over 40 percent," Admiral Gehman said. The pressure of budgets grew to 
  influence how the management system worked throughout the agency, he 
  The board's report noted that NASA did not have a clear vision for the 
  future of human spaceflight. Admiral Gehman said after the hearing that 
  there needed to be a public policy debate on the trade-offs between 
  sending humans into space and using robotic spacecraft.
  "Now, NASA is operating without a clear, nationally accepted mandate," 
  he said.
  Admiral Gehman noted that his panel had 

[CTRL] Controlling The News (Part 17)

2003-09-04 Thread William Shannon

Controlling the News. Part 17  

In-House Memos on Television And Print Media News Presentations 
To see prior Installments of "Controlling the News" click here 

During the middle of March, 2003, tbrnews received an email from a man who claimed to be a mid-level executive with a major American television network. He stated in this, and subsequent, emails that he was in possession of thousands of pages of in-house memos sent from his corporate headquarters in New York City to the head of the networks television news department. He went on to say that these memos set forth directives about what material was, and was not, to be aired on the various outlets of the network. 

This individual claimed he was developing serious doubts about the strict control of media events and decided that he would pass this material along to someone who might make use of it. 

There was the question of his job security. If someone published his name, it would be certain he was not only fired but blackballed throughout his profession. 

If tbrnews.org would agree to protect his identity, he would send us these alleged thousands of pages of notes, going back to 2001. 

The proof of the pudding is in the eating so we accepted his caveats and he then sent to us by disk the pages he spoke of. All are on corporate stationary, signed or initialed by the senders and again, signed or initialed by the recipients in the news division. 

It was always possible that this material consisted of a very involved hoax or was something designed for the news site to use and then have it revealed that it was not original. It would not be the first time that spurious disinformation had been sent to us in the hopes that it would be used. 

There were not thousands of pages of memos but a total of 1,497 separate pages involved. Many of them consisted of short memos while others ran to a larger format. 

Naturally, someone could easily have obtained correct in-house network letterheads, made copies of them and prepared false memoranda but the sheer size and depth of the collection was impressive. 

If these memos were true, they showed with a terrible clarity that at least one part of the American mass media was strictly controlled and that the news was so doctored and spun that it might as well be official news releases from the White House and Pentagon. 

The best way in which to ascertain whether or not these documents contained original information was to check the dates of issuance and compare the information with subsequent news stories. 

This was a terrible, time-consuming chore but by selecting random memos and looking through the archives of various national newspapers, checking AP releases and so on, the results indicated that indeed, news was being managed. 

However, it was also possible that someone else did this and was preparing these after the fact and making the memos conform to published material. 

That having been said, we insisted on absolutely current memos so that we could then check these against future publications. If, for example, a corporate fiat was to show certain pictures or spin a story in a certain way, it would be relatively simple to simply read the press or watch television news to see if these suggestions were implemented. 

It was both shocking and gratifying to note that this proved to be the case in a preponderance of cases and so we began to put these up, either in toto or, more often, in excerpt and watch as ordained news was created before our eyes. 

When a corporate order states, for instance, that certain pictures should be shown with accompanying commentary and the memo predates a published story by a week or more, then it is more than likely that the memos are not inspired guesswork but genuine. 

When tbrnews put up the first two pages, there were two basic forms of public response. One was to thank us for exposing something many people believed; that the American media was controlled and not free. (That much can easily be ascertained by reading the websites of various reputable foreign publications such as the Swiss NZZ, the British Guardian, the Canadian Toronto Globe and Mail, Reuters News Service and the Jerusalem Post. What any viewer can see on these sites is certainly not reflected in the American media.) 

The second response consisted of irate, and literate, statements to the effect that all of these items were just stupid hoaxes and should not be believed. I believe, one writer who claimed to be a Professor of Journalism at an Ivy League college said, these are just disinformation designed to discredit American journalists whose reputation for honesty and integrity is certainly beyond question. You are performing a great disservice in repeating these politically-motivated fictions 

This is certainly a true statement because if it became generally accepted that the American media was only a mechanical parrot for various political organizations, 

[CTRL] Lavon II Coming?

2003-09-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

PM handing over Iran portfolio to Mossad chief  
By Aluf Benn

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon plans to hand over
responsibility for coordinating and leading
Israel's effort to prevent Iran from acquiring
nuclear weapons to Mossad chief Meir Dagan. 

Sharon's office believes it is
logical for the mission to move
to the Mossad, which can gather
intelligence, analyze and
assess it and, in the future,
perhaps conduct operations. 

Israel regards the emerging
Iranian nuclear threat as the
most critical to its national

security. According to Israel Defense Forces
Military Intelligence assessments, Iran will
cross the point of no return in another year,
at which time it will be able to create
fissionable material for bombs. By 2006, it
will have operational nuclear weapons. For the
last six years, Israel has been conducting a
diplomatic campaign, primarily with the help of
the United States, to block or at least delay
the Iranian project. 

Sharon plans a discussion with senior security
and diplomatic officials, at which time the
plan will be finalized. So far, the National
Security Council has handled the interministry
coordination and the "leakage committee" that
coordinated the political contacts with the
U.S. aimed at foiling Iran's nuclear weapons
program. With the retirement of NSC Chairman
Ephraim Halevy, Sharon decided to reconsider
the distribution of responsibility. The
discussion was postponed because of the bus
bombing in Jerusalem two weeks ago, and was
postponed again today because Sharon fell ill. 

According to the plan, Dagan, who was appointed
Mossad chief by Sharon, will coordinate the
interministry forum and other bodies will
operate according to his instructions and their
expertise. The foreign ministry will handle
diplomatic contacts, Military Intelligence will
help collect intelligence and assess it, and
the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) will provide
professional-technical support in nuclear
affairs and handle contacts with the
International Atomic Energy Agency. 

Sharon's plans to hand over the Iranian
portfolio to the Mossad has raised intense
opposition in other government bodies. The
opponents believe it is a sensitive diplomatic
issue that the Mossad, as a security
intelligence agency, is not built to handle,
and therefore it should focus on its
professional sphere rather than dealing with
diplomacy. Furthermore, the Mossad has no
specific expertise in nuclear matters. The
"leakage committee," which coordinated efforts
to block Russian and other technology transfers
to Iran, is currently headed by Yisrael
Michaeli, deputy head of the NSC, who played a
key role at the AEC in the past. 

The IAEA board of governors is meeting in Vienna
next Monday, and will discuss suspicions that
Iran has violated its commitments and is hiding
experiments in enriched uranium from
international inspectors. The U.S. is demanding
a declaration be made about Iranian violations
and that the matter be moved to the UN Security
Council, which is empowered to impose political
and economic sanctions. However, the
inspectors' report prepared for the meeting
next week seeks more time to complete testing,
and it is doubtful that the Americans will
manage to win agreement in the governors'
council for more aggressive steps against

Tehran, which insists it is not developing
weapons, is now trying to gain time. It
announced last week that it would meet
international demands and sign the "additional
protocol," which expands the authority of
inspectors inside Iran. The Iranians announced
they are ready to begin negotiations for that
signature after the Vienna meeting, saying they
need time to persuade conservative elements in
the Tehran regime that it is worth Iran's while
to sign the protocol. 

European Union foreign policy coordinator Javier
Solana said this week in Israel that he heard
from Iranian President Mohammed Khatami that
the protocol will only be signed after
negotiations, and not before. Solana said he
expects Iran will find it difficult to supply
explanations for the discovery of high levels
of enriched uranium at one of its facilities.
Meanwhile, the Iranians are admitting to
purchasing the enrichment centrifuges on the
black market when they were already
contaminated with enriched uranium. Solana told
his Israeli hosts, "Iran cannot be allowed to
achieve nuclear capability other than for
civilian purposes." 

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, 

[CTRL] The Ambassador Wilson Affair: The End Of Karl Rove - And Bush?

2003-09-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Ambassador Wilson Affair:
The End of Karl Rove - 
And George Bush?
By Al Martin

This is the hottest and most explosive story behind the scenes in Washington in terms of how it could affect the Bush administration.   

Ambassador Joseph Wilson has been turning up the heat in this situation. He revealed on Friday August 29 in a symposium in Washington the person in the Bush administration, who had leaked it out to the Washington Post that Wilson's wife is a CIA agent of 26 years. As a consequence of this leak, her entire team of overseas assets were liquidated.   

The leaker, it turns out, was none other than the notorious Karl H. Rove, Bush's so-called White House advisor. Ambassador Wilson identified him as Karl Roverer, with the umlaut over the "o."   

According to reliable sources, as well as our own Al Martin Raw.com investigation, Karl Rove is, in fact, the grandson of Karl Heinz Roverer, the gauleiter of Mecklenburg, who was also a partner and senior engineer of Roverer Sud-Deutche Ingenieurbüro AG. They built Birchenau, the concentration camp in Nazi Germany.   

So Karl Rove has been identified as the leaker responsible for the deaths of more than 70 CIA assets overseas (See previous story "Will the Real Chemical Ali Please Stand Up? The Curious Case of Ambassador Joseph Wilson)   

When Ambassador Wilson was asked how he knew it was Rove, he had documents in his possession identifying Rove as the leaker from a secret investigation of the State Department's Internal; Security Unit. It was a from a small clique, four Clinton holdovers in that department of the State Department that were sympathetic to what had happened to Wilson.   

These investigations could not have possibly been made without at least the tacit acquiescence of Secretary of State Colin Powell.   

Wilson has announced that he will have his private attorneys petition the Department of Justice demanding that Roverer a/k/a Karl Rove be prosecuted under the 1982 Intelligence Identity Protection Act . 

This law specifically supposed to prevent what has happened in this case and that is the Bush administration attempting to retaliate against a senior government official who tells the truth about that administration by revealing the identities of intelligence members within their own families.   

This is a law that was specifically designed to prevent this from happening. It is a law that was proffered by the Democrats in 1982 that the Republicans fought and could not defeat. The law carries an automatic mandatory 10 years to life imprisonment as punishment.   

And where would Rove go? Karl Rove, it should be noted, is a dual citizen of the United States and Germany. Because of his position he has special diplomatic status. The idea is that if its absolutely necessary he could go to Switzerland where he couldn't be extradited.   

The law specifically states in this case (and this depends on how much Secretary of State Colin Powell is prepared to get involved, if he signs a formal complaint from the State Department, then the Attorney General has no choice but to prosecute. He is required to prosecute, even if he doesn't want to do so.   

This is very explosive and what makes it so explosive is that this Intelligence Identity Act, if it can be proved, and Rove can be successfully prosecuted and if Rove reveals that the president George Bush told him to institute this leak, then the President's automatic shield of immunity is removed and the president himself can be prosecuted for murder if any deaths of any US intelligence agents or assets resulted from the leak. This is the only legal statute that has this provision.   

The Bush Administration is exerting enormous pressure on Colin Powell because he is the real linchpin. They are exerting pressure on him NOT to proceed to file a formal complaint with the Department of Justice.   

Wilson's problem is that he has no greater legal standing than that of a private citizen. The Department of Justice, unbeknownst to anybody, has had a lot of communications with Wilson's attorney and they're claiming that Wilson has no special status, that he's just an everyday citizen, so that any demand he would make for prosecution would carry no more weight than a private citizen or OFU.   

(OFU is George Bush Senior's term to describe the average American citizen. It stands for "One Fodder Unit.")   

Wilson is saying, however, that when Rove leaked this out, he was still formally employed by the State Department. Wilson, it should be remembered, was the former ambassador during the Clinton Regime, was formally rehired, and he received a paycheck from the Department of State. When these leaks took place he still had another three weeks left on his contract. Therefore he was still a United States Ambassador and that apparently is also a key legal point.   

When this goes before the US Court of Appeals in Washington and if the 

[CTRL] Iran - The Next Israeli Domino

2003-09-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Iran - The Next Israeli Domino 
By Terrell E. Arnold

According to Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, "Iran is fast approaching the point of no return in its efforts to acquire nuclear weapons capability," and as reported September 2 by AFP, he considers this a "nightmare scenario". That could be so if, as Shalom appears to assume, the most likely target for an Iranian nuclear weapon is Israel. His solution is to call on the world community to use the processes of the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency to pressure Iran into systematic inspections by IAEA of the country,s nuclear facilities with the goal, of course, of deterring Iranian weapons development.   

The whole world should view with concern the possible development of nuclear weapons by any new country, including Iran, as well as the possession of nuclear weapons by any country, including the United States. But the Israeli posture on the matter is a supreme irony. Beginning immediately after World War II and the founding of Israel, the Israelis began a nuclear weapons development program. Under President Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace program they acquired knowledge and technology that, contrary to the Atoms for Peace rules, they parlayed into a nuclear weapons program. With the help of the French they developed a reactor and, it is said, with the help of South Africa, the Israelis successfully tested a weapon in the late 1960s.   

They have since accumulated a stockpile variously estimated at 250 weapons, how many nuclear and how many thermonuclear is not clear. Their nuclear facilities at Dimona in the Negev Desert are off limits to all visitors.   

They admit nothing to the international community. They have not joined the Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). With their not so secret weapons stockpile they have become the driving energy for nuclear weapons development programs by Iraq, Iran, Egypt, and others.   

It is now obvious, if not admitted by Washington,s neo-conservative hawks, that much of the so-called intelligence about Iraq,s nuclear program under Saddam Hussein was based on Iraqi exile and Israeli, meaning Mossad, reports. On the basis of such tenuous truths the United States launched an unprovoked war against another nation and put 150,000 young Americans and others in harm,s way in Iraq. At the present rate, the US will spend many billions of dollars and thousands of American, Iraqi and other lives to clean up the resulting mess. Given the Iraq record, the neo-conservatives would be complete fools to attack Iran based on Israeli or Iranian exile information.   

Since its acquisition of nuclear weapons, Israel has stalked aggressively behind a double standard. While refusing to take a position one way or the other on its own weapons and ignoring international criticism, Israel has successfully used its considerable influence in US and European affairs to get any development of such weapons by its would be enemies on an international taboo list. The problem is that Israel has the weapons; everybody knows it; other governments accept the possibility that provoked, Israel may use such weapons against them; those governments seek to develop such weapons at least in their own defense; and this is the operative formula for the long-term Middle East arms race.   

Israeli nuclear weapons are at the center of this problem. It will not be resolved by efforts to suppress weapons development in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt or any other regional country. It might be disrupted by an absolute ban on the export of nuclear related technologies to any of those countries, but do not count on agreement to or enforcement of such a ban. If Israel succeeds in conning the United States, the European Union, perhaps the UN, and of course the Iranians into stopping weapons development in Iran, the next Israeli domino will be Pakistan, a Muslim country that already has tested weapons that, like the Israelis, are outside the purview of the non-proliferation treaty. The Israeli weapons are at their very least an attractive nuisance, and they will remain so unless destroyed.   

The grown up elephant in the room is the existence of nuclear weapons anywhere. Israeli weapons represent a grown up offspring, because with 250 or more weapons, Israel at least rivals China for pride of place in the nuclear club. But the newest driving forces are the plans of the main nuclear power, the United States. Far from acquiescing in the destruction of nuclear weapons, the United States already uses UN-banned depleted uranium weapons and has announced plans to upgrade and develop new battlefield nuclear weapons, including bunker busters to take out the deepest enemy safe-havens. As the history of arms races has shown for millennia, that plan will inspire others to the same excesses.   

Israel,s plan to keep its own weapons while using the international system to keep 

[CTRL] Banned Israeli Spymaster Back in U.S.

2003-09-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

American Free Press September 1, 2003
Banned Spymaster Back in U.S.  

Despite having been ordered to never again enter the United States, a notorious Israeli spy boss is here again - and FBI agents are unable to touch him.

By Gordon Thomas

Israel's legendary spymaster, Rafi Eitan, has made several secret trips to the United States in the past month. But FBI agents tracking him admit they are unable to question Eitan - the former Mossad chief who "ran" Jonathan Pollard - because he travels on an Israeli diplomatic passport.

Pollard is now serving a life sentence in a federal prison for stealing "every worthwhile intelligence secret this country had," CIA Director George Tenet has said.

Eitan's most spectacular operation in the United States was the theft of the highly sophisticated software known as Promis from Inslaw, the specialist computer company based in Washington.

It involved Eitan assuming a false identity and traveling on a diplomatic passport to ensure his untroubled transit through U.S. airports.

Eitan had Israeli experts deconstruct the Inslaw version of Promis and insert a "trapdoor." This enabled Israel to monitor all those who purchased its version of Promis.

Through Eitan, the super snooping software was sld worldwide, including to a number of select intelligence services.

Enraged U.S. intelligence chiefs finally forced the Israeli government to allow Eitan to be questioned in Tel Aviv on his activities.

"He talked his way out of trouble," recalled on of his interrogators. "But he was warned not to step foot into the United States again.

On his recent trips to the United States, Eitan has traveled in his capacity as "adviser on security and counter terrorism" to Israel's prime minister, Ariel Sharon.

Each time Eitan has flown into the Columbus, Ohio airport. From there, FBI agents have fallowed him to various cities, including New York and Los Angeles.

Eitan has remained a close friend of Sharon.

After leaving Mossad, where he was director of operations, Eitan founded the Israeli Bureau of scientific Liaison, known by its Hebrew acronym as LAKAM. Its mandate remains the same: to penetrate classified U.S. defense programs and obtain top-secret technologies.

In 1986, Eitan created a special unit to increase Israel's penetration of U.S. economic, scientific and technology data. It was code-named "AL" - Hebrew for "above" - and its brief was to prowl through California's Silicon Valley and Boston's Route 128 for high-tech secrets.

In the past month, Eitan is reported to have visited both areas. AL is still operating. But even more alarming to his FBI trackers is that Eitan has also visited the Los Alamos area - home of America's cutting-edge nuclear technology.

In 1985, Eitan arranged to sell to Los Alamos's Sandia Laboratories a copy of the Israeli version of the Promis software. The program's "trapdoor" enabled LAKAM to learn about Sandia's top-secret work in providing U.S. nuclear submarines with the latest advanced computer technology.

At one recent meeting in Washington, Eitan met Earl Brian.

The former head of Hadron - the specialist computer software company Brian founded - had recently ben released from prison after serving part of a five-year sentence for fraud.

In a remarkable document, another former Israeli agent, Juval Aviv, who now runs a world-wide international security and investigations firm based in Manhattan, claims that Eitan has "obtained a copy of the latest version of Promis that Inslaw has created."

The document bears Aviv's company name, Interfor, and is dated Aug.8, 2003.

In it he claims that Eitan is "in the United States right now, traveling to Las Vegas, L.S., Los Alamos and then back to Columbus."

Details of his travels have been sent to FBI headquarters in Washington. No one knows what happened to the report, but a credible intelligence source said that "given the good relationship between the U.S. and Israel, it is likely Eitan's travel will result in no action.

Aviv, who signs himself as president and CEO of Interfor - the company claims to have offices in 23 countries - has refused to take calls to discuss his document. Hit is best known for his claims to have been a Mossad agent and a "consultant" to the FBI for over 10 years on "anti-terrorism matters."

Aviv was also employed by Pan-Am to investigate the Lockerbie bombing. His 27-page report made remarkable claims about the downing of Flight 103 in the air over Scotland.

In mid August Libya settled $7.5 million on each family who had lost relations in the crash.

Aviv had accused U.S. intelligence agents of allowing Flight 103 to be used as a heroin-smuggling route into the U.S. - through Frankfurt and Heathrow airports - in return for the smugglers' help in freeing American hostages held in Beirut by the Hezbollah in the 1980s.

The U.S. government denied the allegations. 

[CTRL] Poland - Europe's First 'Zionist State'?

2003-09-04 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Poland - Europe's First 'Zionist State'?
From Abraham Cohen 

Dear Mr Rense,   

Poland has now become a Zionist state within Europe.   

Poland is setting a new record as a nation which is being totally bought and controlled by the NWO Zionists.   

The Polish government already proved themselves as assassins for hire when they agreed to send their military to join the 'coalition' forces to continue the 'liberation' of the ravaged people of Iraq. See these stories:     http://www.thedailystar.net/2003/09/04/d3090401.htm http://www.sltrib.com/2003/Sep/09042003/nation_w/89558.asp   http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3078684.stm   

Poland, trying to be 'more Catholic than the Pope', is selling itself for hire to the highest bidder, the NWO.   

Their soldiers are assassinating Iraqi civilians at this very moment.   

Most people have forgotten the illegal weapons smuggling by Poland:   http://mailer.fsu.edu/~akirk/tanks/pol/PolandFT17.htm   

People forget that Poland today is a creation of Rumsfeld:   http://www.cybertime.net/~ajgood/forces.html   

And today, Poland allowed the Israeli Air Force to fly over it, too, ignoring the objections of the Auschwitz Museum to let the dead rest in peace...   http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/3079016.stm http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/336801.html http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/news/breaking_news/6690696.htm   Sincerely. Abraham Cohen London   

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Poland - Europe's First 'Zionist State'?

2003-09-04 Thread Zuukie
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-

If that's what it takes to 
become a Zionist state, then Poland will know what it feels like to be in the 
midst of the Arab network called the European Union.

  -Original Message-From: Conspiracy 
  Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
  William ShannonSent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 7:39 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [CTRL] Poland - 
  Europe's First 'Zionist State'?-Caveat Lector- http://www.rense.com/general41/eur.htmPoland 
  - Europe's First 'Zionist State'?From Abraham Cohen 
  London9-4-3 Dear Mr Rense,  Poland has now 
  become a Zionist state within Europe.  Poland is setting a new 
  record as a nation which is being totally bought and controlled by the NWO 
  Zionists.  The Polish government already proved themselves as 
  assassins for hire when they agreed to send their military to join the 
  'coalition' forces to continue the 'liberation' of the ravaged people of Iraq. 
  See these stories:   http://www.thedailystar.net/2003/09/04/d3090401.htm 
   Poland, trying to be 'more Catholic than the Pope', is selling 
  itself for hire to the highest bidder, the NWO.  Their soldiers 
  are assassinating Iraqi civilians at this very moment.  Most 
  people have forgotten the illegal weapons smuggling by Poland:  http://mailer.fsu.edu/~akirk/tanks/pol/PolandFT17.htm 
   People forget that Poland today is a creation of Rumsfeld: 
   And today, Poland allowed the Israeli Air Force to fly over it, 
  too, ignoring the objections of the Auschwitz Museum to let the dead rest in 
  peace...  http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/3079016.stm 
   Sincerely. Abraham Cohen London www.ctrl.org DECLARATION 
   DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange 
  list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot 
  soap-boxingplease! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with 
  its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright fraudsis used 
  politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout 
  the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to 
  the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you 
  read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply. 
  Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. 
  Archives Available at: 
  http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ A 
  subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email: SUBSCRIBE CTRL 
  To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email: SIGNOFF 
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Banned Israeli Spymaster Back in U.S.

2003-09-04 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

Still networking with those New Agers Shannon?  I had a suspicion that
it's still going on, so I went and checked out the site where I learned
I could master Occult Laws and all kinds of New Age things.  New Age is
antisemitic.  All fits in.

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-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of William Shannon
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 7:31 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Banned Israeli Spymaster Back in U.S.

-Caveat Lector-

American Free Press September 1, 2003
Banned Spymaster Back in U.S.

Despite having been ordered to never again enter the United States, a
notorious Israeli spy boss is here again - and FBI agents are unable to
touch him.

By Gordon Thomas

Israel's legendary spymaster, Rafi Eitan, has made several secret trips
to the United States in the past month. But FBI agents tracking him
admit they are unable to question Eitan - the former Mossad chief who
ran Jonathan Pollard - because he travels on an Israeli diplomatic

Pollard is now serving a life sentence in a federal prison for stealing
every worthwhile intelligence secret this country had, CIA Director
George Tenet has said.

Eitan's most spectacular operation in the United States was the theft of
the highly sophisticated