[CTRL] The Wisdom of the Parasite

2003-09-11 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

The Wisdom of the Parasite:
Growth Through Misfortune

Randy Lavello
September 8 2003

Every time a catastrophe strikes a people, a government seems to gain from it.  The 
very instinct to form a government is guided by a desire for safety from outside 
enemies and domestic problems.

It logically follows that any time the people are endangered or inconvenienced, the 
government corporate entity currently in command will always reap the benefits.

Blackouts and energy privatization have gone hand in hand both in Californian and 
South America.  We're now being told, here in the Northeast, that the electrical grid 
needs to be updated; with Bush Jr. squatting in the Oval Office, we'll likely see the 
same results he allowed to transpire in Texas while governor.  Bush Jr. deregulated 
emissions for energy consortiums based in Texas while governor and allowed his friends 
at Enron to do as they pleased.   Should we expect a different result while he 
occupies the White House with every sort of parasitic energy baron?  What lesson was 
sent to energy corporations by the Enron case?  Why would they cease in pillaging when 
they can always escape justice?

The corporations, with price gouging on the horizon, are not the only beneficiaries of 
this blackout; our government was able to test for a Civil Preparedness Emergency.  
Director of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge said of the Blackout, on Tuesday, August 
19th, "Let's just call it an initial test of our relationship, and I think it worked 
pretty well."  Every Police Officer in New York State was on duty, patrolling every 
street, and guarding "potential targets."   Now, when a State of Emergency is 
declared, and when we'll all be arrested for merely leaving our houses, they know just 
how many cops they can place on just how many corners.  In White Plains, New York, the 
police exercised their ability to institute laws on a whim by forcing all bars to 
close.  While they didn't say it was illegal, they said the owners couldn't sell 
alcohol to people during a blackout.  I guess there was no such thing as a pub in New 
York State prior to Edison's invention of the light bulb.

All those who believed oil had nothing to do with our adventure in Iraq can now say 
with conviction that they were correct, as they hand their money over at the gas 
station attendant.  The logic being that, had this been a war for oil, we wouldn't be 
paying over two dollars a gallon.  The oil companies will pounce on the slightest 
excuse to gouge prices; we now can see that it makes no difference to consumers 
whether oil comes from foreign oil companies or U.S. based oil companies.  Though, it 
seems they're all agents of foreign powers these days:  whether it's corporate 
chairmen or government officials!

When societies are struck with calamities and inconvenience, it is viewed by the 
people as a misfortune and a bad thing.  However, to the wealthy men manipulating 
events, these are always the greatest opportunities.  Every horrible event in modern 
history has benefited the globalists, bankers, and governments.  Were the wealthy men 
who control our government committing suicide during the Great Depression?  To them it 
was the time to buy - truly a time for consolidation!  FDR allowed the tragedy at 
Pearl Harbor to happen; what seems like a disaster to us is actually a lever of power 
to others.  The World Trade Center was obviously demolished by bombs at the bases of 
the structures, yet the people are made to believe that the diversion of the airliners 
brought the towers down…all to force us to accept larger, more corrupt and tyrannical 
government!   What seemed to us like the greatest tragedy in our nations history was 
made to happen in order to reap the immense benefits of th
 e dis
solution of the Bill of Rights and wartime profits.  This blackout, which logic tells 
was likely invented, is only another step in corporate consolidation of our income, 
our rights, and, finally, ourselves.

These men, who scurry through the corridors of our nation, are truly the lowest form 
of human life yet to dwell upon this earth.  There is nothing so lowly and disgraceful 
as the parasite - as that which dwells upon the misery and misfortune of others.  The 
lowest type of person manipulates life on earth - what a sad, sorry time!  At least, 
in times long past, tyrants were visible and the hand of oppression was seen.  These 
unseen parasites, not even noble enough to show their rotten faces, have plagued 
humanity for hundreds of years… but their time is coming.  These ticks and leeches, 
these defects of the gene pool, these who actually believe the parasite is the highest 
type of man, their time is nearing it's end.  As the clasp tightens, a reaction draws 
ever nearer.

Randy Lavello welcomes your comments at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites 
living on the lab

[CTRL] Should We Have Government Schools?

2003-09-11 Thread iNFoWaRZ
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Should We Have Government Schools?

By Debbie O'Hara
September 2, 2003

As America's kids head back to government schools, officials are scrambling to figure 
out how to get "their kids" to meet the new federal guidelines under President Bush's 
"No Child Left Behind" school bill. Their very survival depends on it as schools are 
being threatened with closure if they are unable to meet them. While billions more 
dollars are poured into this system, children keep getting dumber and school campuses 
are becoming ever more dangerous places to be. Can this really be accidental, or is 
there a more sinister plan for the "state's children"? By threatening schools with 
closure, the government is very serious about having these new guidelines followed. Do 
you know what these guidelines are? Do you realize that their intent is to change your 
child's attitude, values and beliefs, especially if they are Christian, so that they 
will better fit into their state-approved job in the new global workforce? It is time 
to stop handing these people money and find out what
  is h
appening to your children in these schools! Is it really the job of "the state" to 
shape your child's religious views to serve state interests? This is a battle to the 
finish for the souls of America's kids.

While the term "separation of church and state" is not in any of our country's 
founding documents, it is still a valid statement. God gave different duties to each 
of those bodies and it would be disastrous having either the church running the state 
or the state running the church. However, that does not mean keeping religion out of 
politics because as I stated in a recent article [Could Democide Come To America?] all 
thought is religious. The laws in our respective states and for our country as a whole 
are made according to the religious faith of those people in our legislative bodies. 
So, if all thought is religious, then that must mean that all teaching is religious 
and should lead us to the logical question, "should we have government schools at 
all?" Whose religion is being taught as the foundation of learning in those schools 
and whose job is it to teach religion anyway?

Though at one time the religion that government promoted in America was Christianity, 
it was never our founders' intent that there be government control over the schooling 
of America's children. Not a single mention is made in the Constitution regarding 
education. Education falls under the Tenth Amendment leaving it to the individual 
states and the people. Though government was not to regulate religion or control the 
education of American children, government money was used to buy Bibles as textbooks, 
some schools using them up to as late as the early 1950's. There is clear 
documentation that the founders' intent was to mix the Christian religion with 
education, law, government and society in general. After all, Christianity was the 
base on which their liberty stood without whose knowledge the freedom for future 
generations would be lost. In a free country, pluralism was tolerated, but only 
Christianity was encouraged. Those who came here knew it was a Christian nation and th
they themselves may not have been Christians, they appreciated the freedom they found 
here to worship in their own way. Today, Christianity seems to be the only religion 
allowed to be ridiculed in the government schools. Why would this be?

Those whose intent it has been to destroy the freedom America once enjoyed know that 
changing the religious beliefs of the young through mass education would erase the 
knowledge required to perpetuate their system of freedom. In ignorance we sold 
ourselves into slavery through our own tax dollars that have been used to fund the 
un-Constitutional federal government school system that benefits only an elite few. 
U.S. policy now embraces a state-planned economy where federal law forms a new 
structure that opposes free enterprise and representative government. 
(www.edwatch.org) As Adolph Hitler said, "Let me control the textbooks and I will 
control the state." That is how important the education of our children is and yet so 
many of us don't even give it a second thought as we send our children out the door 
each morning.

What is the religious faith being taught to our children in the government schools 
now? They are taught that our universe made itself and that man appeared on earth 
through the process of evolution. Evolution is the basis for the Satanic ideology of 
Karl Marx, the founder of our new system of government, democratic socialism. It is 
the basis for racism and the murder of millions of people considered inferior or 
problematic to their governments around the world. How many children realize that the 
word universe literally means "one word"? God spoke and the world came into being! 
History is taught as just a bunch of disjointed names and dates. As we Christians 

[CTRL] When Lawbreakers Rule A Nation

2003-09-11 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

When Lawbreakers Rule A Nation

By David Brownlow
September 9, 2003

Think back to those nostalgic days when the Republicans pretended they were fighting 
to "reduce the size of the federal government." I don't know about you, but they had 
me hook, line and sinker. I really believed in them. It was maddening that with all 
the effort and energy we spent trying to rein in the growth of the federal government, 
it only continued to grow (up over a million federal employees since 1999!). But we 
hung in there with the Republicans, failure after failure, because we were sure the 
Democrats were the reason nothing was ever accomplished.

Well, it turns out that "big government" was never the real problem. It also turns out 
the Republicans had no more intention of "reducing the size of government" than the 
Democrats did. All the talk and all the partisan fights were just a diversion to keep 
us preoccupied, while the real damage was being done behind the scenes.

There is no doubt our federal government is a huge problem that has grown into an 
enormous behemoth, chewing up the last few remaining pieces of our freedom. And there 
can be no argument that our government has gotten bigger every year, no matter which 
faction within the one-party system is in charge. But, big government is not the 
problem. Big government is only a symptom of the problem.

The real problem is that we are being ruled by a group of elitist politicians who 
absolutely refuse to obey the law. We can fight the symptoms all we want, but until we 
deal with the core issue - that lawbreakers are ruling our nation - we have no chance 
of getting this mess straightened out.

There are so many of our leaders breaking the law on a continual basis that our 
government has come to more closely resemble a criminal enterprise than it does a 
legitimate government. And whenever lawbreakers rule a country, chaos and loss of 
freedom will always result. Exploding budgets, tyrannical courts, rampant abortion, 
undeclared wars, elaborate income transfer schemes, a debased currency, $450 billion a 
year deficits and a burgeoning federal police state are only the most obvious 
indications that we are being swindled out of the very lifeblood of our country.

How have we gotten ourselves into this situation? It is because we have allowed 
criminals and lawbreakers to rule us.

The very first sentence of the Constitution essentially defines the entire structure 
of our government. "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a 
Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of 
Representatives." The rest of the Constitution lays out "All the legislative powers" 
in great detail, which consist of the limitations and restrictions that were to be 
placed on the federal government. It is obvious that our founders were determined to 
grant Congress only very limited, narrowly defined powers.

How far we have veered off that path!

The powers vested to Congress are specific, non-ambiguous and were intended to be a 
comprehensive enumeration of the powers of Congress. They were not intended to be a 
set of guidelines or a list of suggestions. The limitations of power were designed 
into our government because the framers of the Constitution were very aware (with 
brilliant foresight) that power consolidated at the federal level would lead to an 
eventual loss of our freedom.

Please take a moment to look at a summary of the vested powers of Congress. Aside from 
these, Congress has no other powers. All other powers belong to the states and the 
people. Any encroachment by the Congress into state and individual powers (which is 
nearly everything they do!) is an illegal usurpation of power.

Congress has the vested power to:

· Provide for the common defense · Raise, fund and regulate the Army and the Navy · 
Borrow money on the credit of the United States · Declare war · Approve treaties, 
Cabinet-level appointments, and appointments to the Supreme Court (Senate only) · 
Regulate the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court · Impeach (House only) and try (Senate 
only) federal officers · Introduce Constitutional amendments, call a convention · 
Override presidential vetoes · Regulate commerce with foreign countries and between 
the states · Establish rules for citizenship · Coin money and regulate the value of 
currency, determine punishment for counterfeiting · Define and punish crimes committed 
at sea · Establish federal courts · Create all bills for raising revenue (House only) 
· Levy and collect taxes, duties. · Pay all debts · Organize and arm the state 
militias · Exercise exclusive jurisdiction over the District of Columbia. · Establish 
post offices and postal roads · Create bankruptcy laws · Regulate pa
 and copyrights · Assemble at least once in every year on the first Monday in December 
· Establish times for elections · Discipline it's own members · Oversee all federal 

[CTRL] Did The Founders Understand The Constitution?

2003-09-11 Thread iNFoWaRZ
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Did The Founders Understand The Constitution?
By Dorothy Anne Seese

Is the above just a stupid question? Did our founders, the ones who hammered out the 
Constitution of the United States, several of whom became presidents, fail to 
understand the Constitution of the United States of America? Why would anyone even ask 
a question like that?

Because either the Founders misunderstood the Constitution they drafted and the states 
ratified, or the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals is clueless as to the meaning and 
intent of the Constitution and our founders, as is evidenced by the order to Roy 
Moore, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama, to remove the Ten Commandments 
from public premises.

That makes the title question valid. Either the Founders had no idea what they meant, 
or the federal courts and the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has invented 
another document out of what our forefathers wrote, and meant when it was written!

It has been stated over and over by administrations, congressional representatives, 
lawmakers in various states and lawyers across the land that the Constitution of the 
United States is the supreme law of the land. That would include the Bill of Rights 
and all subsequent amendments. According to past SCOTUS rulings, the Constitution is 
indeed the supreme law of the land, including all ten articles of the Bill of Rights. 
Now, enough commentary, it is time to offer the proof.

"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury vs. 
Madison 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)

"We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of 
government, far from it. We have staked the future of all of our political 
institutions... upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to 
control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."
- James Madison, 1778

The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth -- That God governs 
in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, 
is it probable that  an empire can rise without His aid? . . . I therefore beg leave 
to move that henceforth prayers be held imploring the assistance of Heaven . . . in 
this assembly every morning.
--Benjamin Franklin

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, 
not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus 
Christ! For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, 
prosperity, and freedom of worship."
-- Patrick Henry (1736-1799), American Patriot, Founder, Lawyer & Politician

If we work upon marble, it will perish. If we work upon brass, time will efface it. If 
we rear temples, they will crumble to dust. But if we work upon men's immortal minds, 
if we imbue them with high principles, with the just fear of God and love of their 
fellowmen, we engrave on those tablets something which no time can efface and which 
will brighten to all eternity.
--Daniel Webster

It is any wonder, then, in light of the statement made in the landmark decision 
establishing the authority of the Supreme court, Marbury v. Madison, and the 
statements of the founders of this nation, that Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore 
contends that placement of the Ten Commandments within his courthouse is not a 
violation but an adherence to the Constitution and within his constitutional rights?

Judge Moore is correct. It is the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals that is overriding 
the Constitution by their unconstitutional opinions. They are in violation of the law 
of the land that they are supposed to uphold and the laws that are repugnant to the 
Constitution are illegal.  Thus the rulings of numerous United States Supreme Courts 
and federal courts are actually in violation of the supreme law of the United States 
because such decisions, rulings and opinions are in violation of the written words of 
the Constitution and its intent.

Such subverted justices and judges have committed impeachable offenses. They have 
twisted the First Amendment to their own prejudices rather than adhering to the law of 
the land, and as such, are guilty of creating case law that is repugnant to the 

Such violators of our foundational laws and the supreme law of the land should be held 
guilty of impeachable offenses against the Constitution in keeping with the judicial 
finding in Marbury v. Madison.

Rightly did the late Barry Goldwater, in his book Conscience of a Conservative state:

"I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for 
I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to 
extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them. It is not to 
inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution 
or that have failed their purpose

[CTRL] Will NeoCons Drive The Decent From The GOP?

2003-09-11 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Will NeoCons Drive The Decent From The GOP?
Alton Raines

Following the malaise of the Clinton years, it is very evident that a little less than 
half the voting populace wanted an administration considerably more conservative, and 
placed great faith and hope in George W. Bush, mostly for lack of anything better 
offered. They figured anything was better than a walking orgasmatronic Elvis-mutant as 

The very thought of Al Gore as President was simply not something that could be 
stomached, while clearly a little more than half the voting populace was willing to 
turn the reins over to the hapless Golem Gore rather than see yet another Bush take 
the office of President. It began a civil war of conscience and lesser evils and 
settling for crap, but despite this, people from both sides felt a sense of urgency 
and ire -- especially after the vote count fiasco in Florida and watching Bush 
basically get elected by the Supreme Court in one of thhe shadiest deals of the 
century. It truly made anything Nixon did pale by comparison.

But I wonder if even the most conservative conservatives with a still functioning 
conscience and some knowledge of the facts are comfortable with what the Bush 
administration has done and continues to do in the name of "patriotism." We've watched 
as he gutted the Constitution with both executive orders and the development of a 
KGB-style CIA-FBI conglomerate called 'homeland security' backed by what is truly the 
right-wingers version of "politically correct" thinking (payback plus?) enacted into 
law with the wicked Patriot Act. We've watched while he used the tragedy of 911 and 
international terrorism to polarize the nation even further, vexing us with fears, 
while his mindless minions and yes-men from Ashcroft right down to commercial 
automatons like Fox's smarmy, imbecilic Sean Hannity, blaspheme the grand traditions 
and Constitutional institutions of this nation in order to wrestle everything from the 
flag to love of country to being holy relics of the GOP alone.

We've seen McCarthy-istic tactics of persuasion and perversion of truth, 
guilt-by-association and character assassination on a scale like never before, riding 
the blood-tide of a completely illegitimate war and its ability to sway both hearts 
and minds as a tool of grand social manipulation. Those who remember Vietnam don't 
want it repeated. Clearly, many in the administration seem perfectly comfortable with 
reruns of that hell, so long as Haliburton & company and its spiders nest of 
subsidiaries of "good ole' boy" network corps are chewing the fat of Iraq (for 
starters) and swigging the oil, while basking in reconstruction bids for everything 
we've blown up in the process.

Human rights be damned, we've got work to do! Better schools for Iraq! Better 
electrical grid! Better water and sanitation! Hey... It's on us!

Meanwhile the US is crumbling away under a massive deficit, growing unemployment and 
the aforementioned dissolution of its Constitution and heritage.

George Bush is, after all, nothing more than an oil man. Let's get real, here. Like 
grotesque little imperialist mosquitoes, these bastards just zip around the earth 
plunging their thirsty proboscii into the earth's flesh sucking it dry, and if it 
takes a war, or IMF extortion/manipulation of third world countries or devastation of 
the rain forest and its indigenous peoples to get it done, they simply don't give a 
damn. So long as the Texas Tea keeps flowing and Jed's a millionaire.

Saudi Royals behind Islamic fundamentalist terrorism? Means nothing. It's much easier 
and beneficial to chase the little runts you know you can clobber, and hoist like a 
string of bass for the photo-op than to take on the real deal. Same thing the DEA does 
in busting small timers while working with the CIA on covert projects that actually 
protect and sustain the drug lords and their cartels. That way every year they can 
belly up to the congressional troft and ask for more money to keep "progress" in the 
drug war in tip-top shape. Want to defeat a drug cartel? BE a drug cartel.


And behind it all is this revolting collection of NeoCons and Zionists who appear to 
have almost absolute control over the Bush administration, like a master puppeteer -- 
though in this case it seems the puppet is perfectly willing to dance without strings 
thanks to some bizarre "judeo-christiian" mentality which defies all reason and 
theological merit. These immoral, opportunistic slugs have no respect for liberty, no 
regard for the Constitution, international law, human or civil rights.

PAUL WOLFOWITZ: "You know, the more other countries are prepared to contribute, the 
more they are absolutely entitled to share in control over how resources are used. 
When countries are giving money, they're certainly entitled to saying how that money 
is spent." (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/middle_east/july-dec03/iraq_09-09.html)


[CTRL] Grasso Handpicked Pay Panel

2003-09-11 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-


Grasso Handpicked Pay Panel Structure at NYSE 
Called Unusual 
By Ben WhiteWashington Post Staff WriterFriday, 
September 12, 2003; Page E01 

NEW YORK, Sept. 11 -- New York Stock Exchange chairman and chief executive 
Dick Grasso says he has no input over his own pay but simply leaves that 
decision up to the exchange's board of directors.
Those directors, however, are largely selected by Grasso.
"I'm very proud to say that I've been very well compensated," Grasso said at 
a news conference on Tuesday, defending his compensation, which included a $140 
million lump-sum payment this month. "But I'm equally and perhaps more proud to 
tell you that I've never had a two-way dialogue" with either the compensation 
committee or the full NYSE board over the amounts he would be paid.
He did not mention that most of the compensation committee members who 
approved his packages -- and awarded him millions more he declined to take -- 
were put there by Grasso himself.
The exchange does maintain a separate nominating committee to fill board 
vacancies, but it operates based on recommendations from the chairman. "Dick 
gives the nominating committee ideas, and they tend to take them," NYSE General 
Counsel Richard Bernard said in an interview today.
Since taking over the chairmanship in 1995, Grasso has recommended every 
member of the compensation committee that sets his pay, according to Bernard. 

This is a unusual practice that governance and shareholder activists say 
creates an obvious conflict of interest, both because Grasso could theoretically 
select directors he thinks are likely to pay him the most and because the 
directors are beholden to Grasso for their assignments, which generally include 
payments in addition to normal directors' fees.
In addition, many of the directors came from big securities firms that the 
NYSE is supposed to oversee in its role as a federally chartered self-regulatory 
The chairman of the compensation committee from 1999 to 2003, years in which 
Grasso earned his biggest paydays, was Kenneth G. Langone, a friend of Grasso's 
and founder and board member at Home Depot. Grasso has served on Home Depot's 
board but agreed in June to step down.
This governance structure, critics of the exchange say, has created an 
organization whose chief executive exerts greater dominance over his board than 
does the CEO of almost any other public company in the United States. "The 
standard wisdom is that over the past several years, Dick Grasso has run the 
NYSE with an iron first, picking directors and making all decisions, large and 
small, himself," said Sarah Teslik, executive director of the Council of 
Institutional Investors and a frequent critic of the exchange.
In the face of mounting criticism, the NYSE has moved to change some of its 
governance policies. But critics say it has not gone far enough. 
In June, the NYSE announced that the governance committee would vet nominees 
for the compensation committee. But Grasso will still be allowed to recommend 
candidates. Many other companies have taken all authority to select compensation 
committee members away from the chief executive.
NYSE General Counsel Bernard said today that no thought had been given to 
taking this authority away from Grasso.
H. Carl McCall, the former New York state comptroller who became chairman of 
the compensation committee in June as part of NYSE's corporate governance reform 
effort, defended the $139.5 million payout to Grasso on Tuesday. He said it "is 
not a one-time event and represents the years of his chairmanship and represents 
reasoned decisions by compensation committees and by the New York Stock Exchange 
board over that time."
The NYSE is still conducting a review of its governance practices and plans 
to submit a report to the SEC later this fall. SEC Chairman William H. Donaldson 
has made governance reform at the exchange a priority and has said through 
spokesmen that he will not have any more comment on Grasso's pay until that 
report is submitted.
In a letter to the exchange last week, Donaldson said Grasso's pay raised 
"serious questions" about the NYSE's governance. And Grasso's comments Tuesday 
that he views himself as two-thirds businessman and one-third regulator raised 
questions about the effectiveness of the NYSE as a securities industry regulator 
and an enforcer of corporate governance standards on the 2,800 companies that 
list on the exchange.
Under federal law, the NYSE is charged with conducting annual reviews and 
consistently monitoring its 400 member firms, both large securities brokers that 
deal directly with the public, such as Merrill Lynch & Co. and Morgan 
Stanley, and smaller specialist firms that conduct trading on the exchange 
floor. The exchange enforces its own set of rules, designed to protect 
investors, as well as federal securi

[CTRL] Fwd: In the Crosshairs, Neocons Look for Someone Else to Blame

2003-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd
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Architects Of Iraq War Put On The Defensive 

By Howard LaFranchi and Gail Russell Chaddock
Sept 11, 2003

WASHINGTON - The neoconservative policymakers who helped spur George W. Bush toward war in Iraq may not be on the way out, but their influence is undergoing its greatest test since Sept. 11.

This week, Congress has grilled key promoters of the idea of transforming the Middle East, and spreading American values, through regime change in Iraq. Gone is the self-assuredness - some say arrogance - that typified Bush administration testimony through the end of "major hostilities." Gone, too, are claims that Americans would be greeted as liberators and then soon leave, or that Iraqi oil would quickly defray reconstruction costs.

Instead, Washington is witnessing a course correction on Iraq that signals a number of shifts with long-term repercussions, including:

A wider door to the international community that includes acknowledgment of other countries' interests.

Heightened congressional scrutiny exemplified by a tighter clutch on the purse strings and more aggressive oversight.

Less ideology-driven policy, which, among other things, means moving more quickly to encourage Iraqi dominance of Iraq's affairs, even if the results aren't fully in America's image.

Whether the neoconservative dream of Iraq as a beacon of democracy to the region is fulfilled is still up in the air, and won't be determined in the short-term, analysts say. But a more pragmatic approach means the chances of that happening may be brighter, some experts believe.

"At last we're beginning to do what we did with Afghanistan and about Al Qaeda: We're highballing the challenge ahead," says John Hulsman, a foreign-policy expert at the Heritage Foundation in Washington. It was a mistake for the administration to "low-ball" the challenge, he adds, because "it left them open to charges and exposed a fair amount of hubris. But the president's acknowledging [in his speech Sunday] that things aren't going well tells me that's going to change."

The clearest sign of such a change is seen in the administration's reaching out to the UN to get more troops and financial help from other countries. 

That effort shifts into high gear this weekend as Secretary of State Colin Powell meets with the foreign ministers of the four other members of the UN Security Council at a rare summit in Geneva.

The administration's shift began when things didn't go in postwar Iraq as the administration had anticipated: Troops were supposed to have begun coming home by now, while no guerrilla war threatening Iraq's security and stability was planned for.

Congress's questions

The impact of that hit Congress this week, where Democrats and some moderate Republicans questioned planning for the postwar period. Some went so far as to suggest that certain policymakers -- read primarily idealistic neoconservatives -- pushed America to war by deliberately underestimating the postwar challenge.

One result is that in acting on the president's request for $87 billion for Iraq next year, Congress is expected to easily pass the $66 billion portion of the request for military action, since it translates into support for the 150,000 troops on Iraqi soil. 

But at the same time, some in Congress want to use the request for $21 billion for postwar reconstruction as a lever for extracting a clearer picture of the administration's strategy for winning the postcombat phase of the war. 

Sen. Edward Kennedy (D) of Massachusetts is proposing an amendment that would in effect hold that part of the bill hostage until more answers are provided.

Questioning Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz - an architect of the administration's Iraq policy and the highest-ranking official from the neoconservative forces in Washington - Senator Kennedy 

[CTRL] Assassination Chic Prevails in Jerusalem

2003-09-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

Sept. 11, 2003 

Was Sweden's Foreign Minister Murdered because she was "Guilty" of 
"Unrestrained Incitement of the Jewish State"?

Assassination Chic Prevails in Jerusalem

by Michael A. Hoffman II
Copyright (c) 2003 by hoffman-info.com

Earlier today the Israeli armed forces bombed a crowded family home in 
Gaza. The target was Hamas spokesman Dr. Mahmoud Zahar, who was wounded 
slightly. His 29-year-old son, Khaled, was killed. Dr. Zahar's wife, 
Sumiya, was critically injured. A total of 26 Palestinian civilians were 
injured by the Israeli bombing.

This Israeli terror attack on a civilian residence was not even accorded 
a main headline in today's NY Times. The Times' account of the 
"airstrike" (only Arabs bomb) appeared under the misleading headline, 
"Queri Accepts Palestinian Premier Post." A smaller sub-heading read, 
"Parliament Speaker Takes Job After Israel Attacks Hamas Leader."

If Hamas had attacked the home of an Israeli leader with the leader's 
family inside, the NY Times would have banner-headlined the report 
something like, "Home of Israeli Leader Terror Bombed." 

On the same page 6, to the left of the brief account of the attack by 
Israeli "warplanes," was a lengthy article continued from the front 
page, celebrating the life of one of the Jewish victims of the latest 
Hamas bombing, the American physician Dr. David Applebaum. 

Like a Steven Spielberg war melodrama, where the audience is only 
introduced to the humanity of the Allied soldiers, while the opposing 
troops remain a cipher, the NY Times has decided to profile, with each 
Palestinian resistance attack, only a Jewish victim, who is memorialized 
as a great human being or humanitarian. Dr. Applebaum, whose photo 
appears on the front page of the Sept. 11 edition of the Times, followed 
by two more photos on p. 6 of mourners at his funeral, rates the 
"humanitarian" designation, while a New York woman killed by Hamas (if 
indeed the bomber was from Hamas), was celebrated as a great human being 
in a Times news story last month.

They're aren't many great human beings or humanitarians among Amalek 
(the Palestinians), apparently, and that is why news of their death and 
injury today at the hands of an Israeli bomber, doesn't rate a fifth of 
the space accorded to Dr. Applebaum in the Times.

Stalinist Ilya Ehrenburg's motto, "Kill, kill, kill!" is now the 
watchword in Jerusalem: "We must kill as many of the Hamas and Islamic 
Jihad leaders as possible, as quickly as possible...And we must kill 
Yasir Arafat, because the world leaves us no alternative." --Jerusalem 
Post, Sept. 11, 2003 

Dr. Zahar, the intended victim of today's Israeli bombing was said to be 
involved in terror attacks against Israelis. This was a pretext. Zahar 
is part of the political wing of Hamas. I draw your attention to the 
allegedly secondary motive given for the attempt on his life:

"Israel accused Dr. Zahar of...'unrestrained incitement' against the 
Jewish state." (NY Times, Sept. 11, 2003).

"Incitement" is an Israeli euphemism for telling the truth.

In this vein, two reporters for Al-Jazeera satellite television were 
roughed up and arrested by US Forces today, just a few days after 
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld stated publicly that Al-Jazeera 
Satellite News was making it tough for the US in Iraq (by reporting 
truths which constitute "incitement"). 

Facts and independent information are branded as "incitement" in Israeli 
thought cop jargon. Howard Dean, the presidential candidate who counsels 
neutrality in the Middle East, has, rather ominously, been accused of 
this very crime of "incitement" by an Israeli-American Congressman.

One wonders if there is any connection between the Israeli attempt on 
the life of Zahar and the successful murder in Sweden of Foreign 
Minister Anna Lindh, who died today after being stabbed by a "disheveled 
looking man" prior to a national referendum in Sweden on acceptance of 
the Euro currency. The media are suggesting that Lindh was killed by an 
anti-Euro zealot, or a deranged man addled by the heated debate over the 
proposed new currency. Perhaps.

But since the Israelis admit to having attempted the assassination of a 
political leader in Palestine because of his information campaign 
spotlighting Israeli atrocities (a campaign which constitutes the 
capital crime of "unrestrained incitement against the Jewish state"), 
let us recall that Lindh, whose political fortunes were on the rise and 
who was viewed as likely to be the next Prime Minister of Sweden, could 
also be considered guilty of "unrestrained incitement":

"She was an outspoken critic of Ariel Sharon's policy towards the 
Palestinians. 'Our stand is firm and clear,' she said in a recent 
interview. 'Israeli settlement in the West Bank must go; t

[CTRL] US eugenics, Burton describes ritual abuse

2003-09-11 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Ethnic Cleansing in Connecticut - Our state's role in the Nazi eugenics movement by Edwin Black - 9/11/03 "But the concept of a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed master Nordic race was not Hitler's. The idea was created in the United States, and cultivated in Connecticut, two to three decades before Hitler came to power, the product of the American eugenics movement. Hartford and indeed the state of Connecticut played an important albeit unknown role in this country's campaign of ethnic cleansing. What's more, Connecticut was an important player in America's eugenic nexus with Nazi Germany." http://hartfordadvocate.com/gbase/News/content?oid=oid:32556

Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821 - 1890) "Burton's next move was to the Foreign Office, which appointed him consul in Fernando Po, a Spanish island off the coast of West Africa. During his three years there, he gathered enough material for five books that described tribal rituals - including ritual murder, cannibalism and sexual practices - in explicit detail." http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/burton_sir_richard_francis.shtml
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Controlling the News Part 18

2003-09-11 Thread William Shannon

Controlling the News.  Part 18  

In-House Memos on Television And Print Media News Presentations

To see prior Installments of "Controlling the News" click here

During the middle of March, 2003, tbrnews received an email from a man who claimed to be a mid-level executive with a major American television network. He stated in this, and subsequent, emails that he was in possession of “thousands” of pages of in-house memos sent from his corporate headquarters in New York City to the head of the network’s television news department. He went on to say that these memos set forth directives about what material was, and was not, to be aired on the various outlets of the network.

This individual claimed he was developing serious doubts about the strict control of media events and decided that he would pass this material along to someone who might make use of it.

There was the question of his job security. If someone published his name, it would be certain he was not only fired but blackballed throughout his profession.

If tbrnews.org would agree to protect his identity, he would send us these alleged thousands of pages of notes, going back to 2001.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating so we accepted his caveats and he then sent to us by disk the pages he spoke of. All are on corporate stationary, signed or initialed by the senders and again, signed or initialed by the recipients in the news division.

It was always possible that this material consisted of a very involved hoax or was something designed for the news site to use and then have it revealed that it was not original. It would not be the first time that spurious disinformation had been sent to us in the hopes that it would be used.

There were not “thousands of pages” of memos but a total of 1,497 separate pages involved. Many of them consisted of short memos while others ran to a larger format.

Naturally, someone could easily have obtained correct in-house network letterheads, made copies of them and prepared false memoranda but the sheer size and depth of the collection was impressive.

If these memos were true, they showed with a terrible clarity that at least one part of the American mass media was strictly controlled and that the news was so doctored and spun that it might as well be official news releases from the White House and Pentagon.

The best way in which to ascertain whether or not these documents contained original information was to check the dates of issuance and compare the information with subsequent news stories.

This was a terrible, time-consuming chore but by selecting random memos and looking through the archives of various national newspapers, checking AP releases and so on, the results indicated that indeed, news was being managed.

However, it was also possible that someone else did this and was preparing these after the fact and making the memos conform to published material.

That having been said, we insisted on absolutely current memos so that we could then check these against future publications. If, for example, a corporate fiat was to show certain pictures or spin a story in a certain way, it would be relatively simple to simply read the press or watch television news to see if these suggestions were implemented.

It was both shocking and gratifying to note that this proved to be the case in a preponderance of cases and so we began to put these up, either in toto or, more often, in excerpt and watch as ordained news was created before our eyes.

When a corporate order states, for instance, that certain pictures should be shown with accompanying commentary and the memo predates a published story by a week or more, then it is more than likely that the memos are not inspired guesswork but genuine.

When tbrnews put up the first two pages, there were two basic forms of public response. One was to thank us for exposing something many people believed; that the American media was controlled and not free. (That much can easily be ascertained by reading the websites of various reputable foreign publications such as the Swiss NZZ, the British Guardian, the Canadian Toronto Globe and Mail, Reuters News Service and the Jerusalem Post. What any viewer can see on these sites is certainly not reflected in the American media.)

The second response consisted of irate, and literate, statements to the effect that all of these items were just stupid hoaxes and should not be believed. “I believe,” one writer who claimed to be a Professor of Journalism at an Ivy League college said, “these are just disinformation designed to discredit American journalists whose reputation for honesty and integrity is certainly beyond question. You are performing a great disservice in repeating these politically-motivated fictions…” 

This is certainly a true statement because if it became generally accepted that the American media was only a mechanical parrot for various political organizations, it wou

[CTRL] Folly Taken To A Scale We Haven't Seen Since WWII

2003-09-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Folly Taken To A Scale We Haven't Seen Since WWII
Robert Fisk – The Independent September 11, 2003 

When the attacks were launched against the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon two years ago today, who had ever heard of Fallujah or Hillah? When the Lebanese hijacker flew his plane into the ground in Pennsylvania, who would ever have believed that President George Bush would be announcing a "new front line in the war on terror" as his troops embarked on a hopeless campaign against the guerrillas of Iraq? 

Who could ever have conceived of an American president calling the world to arms against "terrorism" in "Afghanistan, Iraq and Gaza"? Gaza? What do the miserable, crushed, cruelly imprisoned Palestinians of Gaza have to do with the international crimes against humanity in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania? 

Nothing, of course. Neither does Iraq have anything to do with 11 September. Nor were there any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, any al-Qa'ida links with Iraq, any 45-minute timeline for the deployment of chemical weapons nor was there any "liberation". 

No, the attacks on 11 September have nothing to do with Iraq. Neither did 11 September change the world. President Bush cruelly manipulated the grief of the American people - and the sympathy of the rest of the world - to introduce a "world order" dreamed up by a clutch of fantasists advising the Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld. 

The Iraqi "regime change", as we now know, was planned as part of a Perle-Wolfowitz campaign document to the would-be Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu years before Bush came to power. It beggars belief that Tony Blair should have signed up to this nonsense without realising that it was no more nor less than a project invented by a group of pro-Israeli American neo-conservatives and right-wing Christian fundamentalists. 

But even now, we are fed more fantasy. Afghanistan - its American-paid warlords raping and murdering their enemies, its women still shrouded for the most part in their burqas, its opium production now back as the world's number one export market, and its people being killed at up to a hundred a week (five American troops were shot dead two weekends ago) is a "success", something which Messrs Bush and Rumsfeld still boast about. Iraq - a midden of guerrilla hatred and popular resentment - is also a "success". Yes, Bush wants $87bn to keep Iraq running, he wants to go back to the same United Nations he condemned as a "talking shop" last year, he wants scores of foreign armies to go to Iraq to share the burdens of occupation - though not, of course, the decision-making, which must remain Washington's exclusive imperial preserve. 

What's more, the world is supposed to accept the insane notion that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - the planet's last colonial war, although all mention of the illegal Jewish colonies in the West Bank and Gaza have been erased from the Middle East narrative in the American press - is part of the "war on terror", the cosmic clash of religious will that President Bush invented after 11 September. Could Israel's interests be better served by so infantile a gesture from Bush? 

The vicious Palestinian suicide bombers and the grotesque implantation of Jews and Jews only in the colonies has now been set into this colossal struggle of "good" against "evil", in which even Ariel Sharon - named as "personally" responsible for the 1982 Sabra and Chatila massacre by Israel's own commission of inquiry - is "a man of peace", according to Mr Bush. 

And new precedents are set without discussion. Washington kills the leadership of its enemies with impunity: it tries to kill Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar and does kill Uday and Qusay Hussein and boasts of its prowess in "liquidating" the al-Qa'ida leadership from rocket-firing "drones". It tries to kill Saddam in Baghdad and slaughters 16 civilians and admits that the operation was "not risk-free". In Afghanistan, three men have now been murdered in the US interrogation centre at Bagram. We still don't know what really goes on in Guantanamo. 

What do these precedents mean? I have a dark suspicion. From now on, our leaders, our politicians, our statesmen will be fair game too. If we go for the jugular, why shouldn't they? The killing of the UN's Sergio Vieira de Mello, was not, I think, a chance murder. Hamas's most recent statements - and since they've been added to the Bush circus of evil, we should take them seriously - are now, more than ever, personally threatening Mr Sharon. Why should we expect any other leader to be safe? If Yasser Arafat is driven into exile yet again, will there be any restraints left? 

Of course, America's enemies were a grisly bunch. Saddam soiled his country with the mass graves of the innocents, Mullah Omar allowed his misogynist legions to terrify an entire society in Afghanistan. But in their absence, we have created 

[CTRL] 35 USAF Bases Within Range On 911

2003-09-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

35 USAF Bases Within Range On 911

The 7 Air Stations On Full Alert Covering The Continental United States
And 28 More Air Stations That Were In Range Of The 4 Airliners On 911

The following list were the seven Air Stations that were armed and on full alert to protect the continental United States on Tuesday September 11, 2001. 

The Air National Guard exclusively performs the air sovereignty mission in the continental United States, and those units fall under the control of the 1st Air Force based at Tyndall Air Force Base (AFB) in Panama City, Florida. The Air National Guard maintains seven alert sites with 14 fully armed fighters and pilots on call around the clock. Besides Tyndall AFB, alert birds also sit armed and ready at; Homestead Air Reserve Base (ARB), Homestead, Florida; Langley AFB, Hampton, Virginia; Otis Air National Guard (ANG), Falmouth, Massachusetts; Oregon ANG, Portland, Oregon; March ARB, Riverside, California; and Ellington ANG, Houston, Texas. http://www.af.mil/news/airman/1299/home2.htm

Beside the 7 Air Station on full alert covering the continental United States, here are 28 more Air stations that could have done something -- if they were left to do their job. 

The following happened on September 11, 2001; At 10:01 a.m. the FAA ordered the 180th Fighter Wing out of Swanton, Ohio to scramble their F-16 fighters. Although the base has no fighters on stand-by alert status, it manages to put fighters in the air 16 minutes later, a "phenomenal" response time - but still 11 minutes after the last hijacked plane has crashed. 

One interesting aspect is that NORAD has explained that it didn't scramble fighters from bases nearer to the hijacked planes because they only used bases in the NORAD defensive network. Yet the 180th Fighter Wing out of Swanton, Ohio wasn't part of that network, so why weren't planes at other bases scrambled at 8:20 or 8:40 or 8:43 or 8:46:26 or 9:02:54 or 9:24 or at the very least at 9:37? 

Maybe some of these Air station could have managed to get fighters up just as fast as the 180th Fighter Wing. Why weren't they? Stand Down.

Andrews AFB 11 miles SE of Washington D.C.

Bolling AFB 3 miles south of US Capitol

Dover AFB Dover, DE

Hanscom AFB 17 miles northwest of Boston, MA

McGuire AFB 18 miles southeast of Trenton, NJ

Wright-Patterson AFB Dayton, OH

Cape Cod, MA AFS

New Boston, NH AFS

Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve Bases

Atlantic City Airport, NJ 10 miles west of Atlantic City

Barnes Municipal Airport, MA 3 miles northwest of Westfield

Bradley International Airport, CN Windsor Locks

Byrd Field, VA 4 miles southeast of Richmond

Eastern West Virginia Regional Airport 4 miles south of Martinsburg

Frances S. Gabreski Airport, NY Westhampton Beach

Greater Pittsburgh International Airport, PA 15 miles nw of Pittsburgh

Harrisburg International Airport, PA 10 miles east of Harrisburg

Martin State Airport, MD 8 miles east of Baltimore 

New Castle County Airport, DE 5 miles south of Wilmington

Pease ANGS, NH Portsmouth

Quonset State Airport, RI Providence

Rickenbacker ANGB, OH Columbus, Oh

Stewart International Airport, NY Newburgh, NY

Toledo Express Airport, Swanton, Ohio

Westover ARB, MA 5 miles northeast of Chicopee

Willow Grove Naval Air Station, PA 14 miles north of Philadelphia

Yeager Airport, WVA 4 miles northeast of Charleston

Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport ARS, OH 16 miles north of Youngstown

Also, there is an Air Defense Intercept Zone just off shore for the entire Atlantic Coast. This zone is constantly being patrolled. In general fast movers would not need to be scrambled. They can be diverted from routine patrol and training flights for the intercept. The odds are that on a beautiful blue morning in September many flights would be on patrol just off shore. It would be most improbable that even one commercial flight could go more than fifteen minutes without being intercepted. 

Source: http://www.af.mil/sites/alphabetical.shtml#a

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] For Fans of the Manchurian Candidate

2003-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/11/03 3:11:49 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Wonder how Louis Menand of the New Yorker got picked to write the intro
to the long-awaited re-publication of "The Manchurian Candidate"? (Fall
Walls Eight Windows, Sept. 2003, shipping soon to bookstores)

He calls it an 'over-ripe bannana" "incomprehensible" ""awful prose"
"tony pulp"

Menand also suggest fears of brainwashing were blown out of proportion
during the Korean war.

No mention of MK-Ultra or the Franklin Investigation.

But Menand does close with this revealing statement:

"Raymond is psychologically conditioned...to despise everyone. His
mother is conditioned, by her early incest...And the American people
are conditioned. It is not, in Condon's vision, the Communist world on
one side and the free world on the other. It is just the manipulators
and the manipulated, the conditioners and the conditioned, the
publicists and the public."


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2">--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Wonder how Louis Menand of the New Yorker got picked to write the intro
to the long-awaited re-publication of "The Manchurian Candidate"? (Fall
Walls Eight Windows, Sept. 2003, shipping soon to bookstores)

He calls it an 'over-ripe bannana" "incomprehensible" ""awful prose"
"tony pulp"

Menand also suggest fears of brainwashing were blown out of proportion
during the Korean war.

No mention of MK-Ultra or the Franklin Investigation.

But Menand does close with this revealing statement:

"Raymond is psychologically conditioned...to despise everyone. His
mother is conditioned, by her early incest...And the American people
are conditioned. It is not, in Condon's vision, the Communist world on
one side and the free world on the other. It is just the manipulators
and the manipulated, the conditioners and the conditioned, the
publicists and the public."

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: Springmeier Update September 11 '03 Good News!

2003-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Just a quick note to tell you all two pieces of good 
news regarding Fritz' legal situation.  First--Fritz is now out 
of solitary confinement and is back with the general population.  Address 
any mail you wish to send to him to the original Sheridan address:

Fritz Springmeier 65941-065FDC 
SheridanP.O. Box 6000Sheridan, OR  97378
The second piece of good news is that his 
attorney has gotten the sentencing postponed to November 13, 2003, in 
order to give more time for investigation.  Your letters and support meant 
so much to both of us and really made all the difference in getting Fritz 
through a tough time.  Many thank-you's from the bottom of our 
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Fwd: [CTRL] Cheney's Carpetbaggers

2003-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

What the EIR piece did better than
anyone else can do was to show how the money works in these types of
operations.  It reveals that this is a NY Fed operation, as a segment of
the BIS.  The infrastructure described in the previous EIR article is
something we all need to become familiar with and look for every time there is
discussion of civilian operations as in the piece below.  It all boils down
to money--how both the military and civilian operations will be financed. 
There is a long-existing financial model set up by Wall Street lawyers even
before the age of the Dulles brothers and John McCloy.  It's not so much a
"conspiracy" as it is a corporate and financial contract arrangement.  The
bankers won't advance the money unless they have a guarantee they will get paid
back, with a profit.
*EPF210 05/20/2003 Transcript: U.S. Working on New Security Council
Resolution for Iraq (State's Grossman says he hopes Russia, Germany, France
will offer support) (1850) Under Secretary of State for Political
Affairs Marc Grossman said the United States is working with France, Russia,
Germany and other members of the international community on a U.N. Security
Council resolution for Iraq. "We are working very hard in New York to
see if we can come up with a resolution that would make more regular the lives
of Iraqis, and make more free the lives of Iraqis," Grossman said in an
interview with Kuwaiti Television May 16. "We hope France with Germany
and Russia will take a look at this UN Security Council resolution and we hope
they can vote for it," Grossman said. Secretary of State Colin Powell
has been talking with the Russian, German and French leaders to remind them of
their important relations with the United States. France, Germany and Russia
opposed the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq that removed the regime of Saddam Hussein.
Grossman said the appointment of Jerry Bremer as the U.S. envoy to
Iraq marks the transition from the military phase to the civilian phase of
liberation. Grossman said the first administrator for Iraq, retired
General Jay Garner, did a spectacular job immediately after the
toppling of Saddam Hussein. The under secretary said liberation forces
are gradually bringing people from the Saddam Hussein regime into custody. He
added that members from the former Ba'ath regime will have no place in the
future of Iraq. Grossman said in the future he thinks the world
community will say that the United States and its allies did the right thing in
Iraq. "We left it better than we found it, and the Iraqi people are now
liberated," Grossman said. Following is the transcript of Grossman's
interview with Kuwaiti Television May 16: (begin transcript)
Interview by Kuwaiti TV Marc Grossman, Under Secretary for
Political Affairs Washington, DC May 16, 2003 QUESTION: Mr.
Grossman, the United States is trying to issue a new resolution through the
United Nations. We heard that it might have a little bit of a different language
to gain the consent required to pass it through the United Nations and make a
step forward to lift the sanctions of Iraq, post-war Iraq. UNDER
SECRETARY GROSSMAN: First of all, let me thank you very much for the chance to
be with you and to thank you -- and through you, the people of Kuwait, and the
government of Kuwait -- for the great solidarity that we have had over these
past few months. You're exactly right. We are working very hard in New York to
see if we can come up with a resolution that would make more regular the lives
of Iraqis, and make more free the lives of Iraqis. And, yes, absolutely,
we proposed a resolution last Friday. There have been a couple of meetings in
the United Nations at experts level and ambassadorial level, and people have had
some very good suggestio

[CTRL] Eminent Remains: The Buried Legacy of the Original Ground Zero

2003-09-11 Thread M.A. Johnson
-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]
Eminent Remains: The Buried Legacy of the Original Ground Zero
by Gary North
Which looks proper to you: "twin towers" or "Twin
Towers"? For most people, "Twin Towers" looks
proper. We rarely see "twin towers" in uncapitalized
mode. That was what was wrong with the Twin
Towers from day one.
We read of "Ground Zero." That phrase, too, is
capitalized. The empty space where the Twin Towers
once stood has become a symbol of lawless
destruction, as indeed it is. Some people speak of
Ground Zero as sacred space or holy ground. I am not
one of them.
What I have never seen written is what should be
obvious to anyone who defends the free market as an
outworking of the idea of private property: the Twin
Towers were conceived in sin and leased in iniquity.
The Twin Towers stood as of emblem of what has long
been a great weakness of British common law: the law
of eminent domain. That law is an outworking of what
I, as follower of John Calvin, identify as the modified
eighth commandment: "Thou sha lt not steal, except by
majority vote." Catholics and Lutherans would identify
it as the modified seventh commandment. However
men number that commandment, it is the modification
which condemns them.
The Twin Towers began with acts of legalized theft.


The Twin Towers were the product of many factors,
but the sine qua non were the Rockefeller brothers,
David and Nelson. The Rockefeller family had long
become interested in real estate development in New
York City. There is even a book based on a 1986
middle-of-the-night bicycle tour of Rockefeller-related
properties, Rockefeller New York.
John D., Jr. in 1946 donated $8.5 million to the United
Nations to buy property for its headquarters. The land
was then turned over to the member nations as
sovereign property. This removed the land from the
jurisdiction of the United States. It was a symbolic
Symbols have always meant a great deal to the
Rockefellers, as they do to everyone else. The key
questions are:
 1.Symbols for whom?
 2.Symbols of what?
 3.Symbols managed by whom?
The Twin Towers project was a combination of four
crucial factors: (1) David Rockefeller's desire to raise
property values in lower Manhattan; (2) Gov. Nelson
Rockefeller's appointees, who controlled the Board of
the Port Authority; (3) taxpayers' credit, which was
used to underwrite bonds to build the Twin Towers;
(4) exemption from all New York City building codes
and taxes. Brian C. Anderson provided a good
summary in the November, 2001 issue of City Journal.
This story is known to very few Americans, let alone
Islamic terrorists. I quote it at some length.
It's cruelly ironic that the terrorists who
attacked New York on September 11
targeted the World Trade Center as a symbol
of American capitalism. For, from the
moment it opened its doors in the early
1970s, the center, owned and operated by the
publicly funded Port Authority of New York
and New Jersey, was really a grandiose
monument to the ills of state capitalism,
where government substitutes its
bureaucratic and politically motivated
thinking for the wisdom of the free market's
invisible hand. Indeed, the WTC offers a
case study in why government should not be
in the business of developing and managing
commercial property. As New York state
and city officials move toward setting up a
new public entity to oversee the rebuilding
of lower Manhattan, the center's history
provides a cautionary tale for everyone
involved  starting with Governor George
Pataki. . . .
The idea for the World Trade Center first
took form in the late 1950s, as a group of
well-connected businessmen  led by
Governor Rockefeller's brother David, CEO
of Chase Manhattan Bank  sought some
governmental means of pumping economic
life into a lower Manhattan that had been in
steady decline since the Depression. A
government-created and government-run
state-of-the-art office complex, they felt,
would attract tenants from the world of
international trade to replace the financial
firms that had left lower Manhattan, and thus
it would spur additional economic
development throughout the neighborhood
and give a boost to the area's struggling
ports. The complex would also boost
downtown development at a time when the
Rockefeller family was making a big
financial bet on the area with the
construction of Chase Plaza.
Enlisting Governor Rockefeller's help, the
group turned to the Port Authority to own,
develop, and manage the property. Three
reasons made the bi-state agency attractive:
it was bursting with money and had the
ability to float bonds; it already owned some
of the land in the neighborhood; and the
governor controlled half of its board. The
authority was enthusiastic from t

[CTRL] Atomic 9.11

2003-09-11 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-


 And now to some more tedious  number crunching.
Atomic Bomb 9.11 
August 2nd 1939, just before the beginning of World War Two, Albert Einstein 
wrote to then United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt.  The letter from Einstein and several 
other scientists told the President of the efforts in Nazi Germany to purify 
U-235 with which might in turn be used to build an atomic bomb.  It was shortly thereafter that the 
United States Government began the serious undertaking known only then as 
the ‘Manhattan Project’.  Simply 
put, the ‘Manhattan Project’ was committed to expedient research and 
production that would produce a viable atomic bomb. And curiously the name 
‘Manhattan’ would show itself 62 years + 40 days later in that Lower 
Manhattan, New York suffered the horror of the destruction of the World 
Trade Center’s Twin Towers. 
Over the 
period of six years from 1939 to 1945, more than 2 billion dollars was spent 
on the Manhattan Project in the formulas for refining Uranium and finally 
the making of an atomic bomb. Among those people who unleashed the power of 
the atomic bomb was J. Robert Oppenheimer and the scientist who was the 
major force behind the Manhattan Project. He oversaw the entire project from 
its conception to its completion. Finally the day came when all at Los 
Alamos would find out whether or not ‘The Gadget’ (code-named as such during 
its development) was either going to work or not. 
5:29:45 (Mountain War Time) on July 16th 1945, in a white blaze 
that stretched from the basin of the Jemez Mountains in northern New Mexico 
to the still-dark skies, ‘The Gadget’ ushered in the Atomic Age. The light 
of the explosion then turned orange as the atomic fireball began shooting 
upwards at 360 feet per second, reddening and pulsing as it cooled. And a 
white blaze stretched from the basin of the Jemez Mountains in northern New 
Mexico to the still-dark skies. The characteristic mushroom cloud of 
radioactive vapor materialized at 30,000 feet. And there remained of the top 
soil at the blast site were fragments of jade green radioactive glass caused 
by the heat of the atomic reaction. The brilliant light from the detonation 
pierced the early morning skies with fantastic intensity and upon witnessing 
the explosion J. Robert Oppenheimer, was ecstatic about the success of the 
project, and he quoted from the writings of Bhagavad Gita.  "I am become Death, the destroyer of 
worlds."  And Ken Bainbridge, 
the test director, told Oppenheimer, "Now we're all sons of 
And at 
5:31:24am MWT July 16th 1945 and some 84 seconds after the 
explosion, the Mushroom Cloud had formed, and this picture of power touched 
the very souls of those who stood watching this historic event, where men 
had seemingly got into God’s own laboratory and stolen the plans of ‘How to 
Destroy the World’. 
Mushroom Cloud had unfolded into the world’s most terrifying symbol, a 
fantastic canopy of terror thanks to the ‘Manhattan Project’ that had 
ushered in on the morning of July 16th 1945, the ‘Atomic Age of 
Death and Destruction’.
business of atomic detonation time measurement could also be considered due 
Atomic Geometric Spatial Relationship. For according to Bruce Cathie’s book, 
‘Bridge to Infinity’ the atomic bomb can only be detonated by an intricate 
geometric device, below, on or above the Earth’s surface according to a 
geometric spatial relationship of the Sun and Earth. For the geometric 
trigger that has to cause the disruption of matter within the bomb, is a 
definite relationship between the Sun and Earth and an instant in time. And 
that Einstein was aware of this when he stated that, “The whole of physical 
reality is manifested by the geometrics of Space and 
OK, now 
to the number crunching for the time of world’s first human made atomic bomb 
that reveals a relationship on September 11th 2001, when the 
first of the Twin Towers collapsed. 
So to 
consider the detonation of the atomic bomb at 5:29:45 MWT 16th 
1945 when counted to 9:59:04am September 11th 2001 when first of 
the Twin Towers was destroyed. 
world’s symbol of human death is the Great Pyramid, which has a volume of 
91,575,000 cubic feet, and reciprocated is 1.092001920e-8 and so 1092 is 273 
x 4 and the human gestation period is an average of 273 days. The World 
Trade Center consisted of two 110-story buildings, the Twin Towers and five 
smaller buildings. Architect Minoru Yamasaki designed the World Trade Center 
Towers to be among the tallest buildings in the world, Tower 
One was 1,368 feet tall and Tower Two was 1,362 feet tall a