Re: [CTRL] Bush's Oil Move Backfires (Flashback)

2003-10-06 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

You were blocked from SNETNEWS  because of your continued personal attacks in violation
of the rules of the forum you agreed to by joining the forum. I am muttering death
threats, nor am I 'drunk'.

And yes I do not like the Christian religion, or any other religion. All religions are
thinly-veiled mind control schemes.

But of course you ignore the truth about the Oil Industry that I have posted because 
cannot take the Truth! What a farce you are. Infowarz is a psyop term. Why do you like 
so much?


On 6 Oct 2003 at 1:28, iNFoWaRZ wrote:
 and muttering death threats in his drunken, after-midnight stupor.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] David Sutherland's Psyop Drivel

2003-10-06 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

An examination of most of your messages posted to this mailing list are surprisingly
similar. Psyop BS.

On 2 Oct 2003 at 12:48, David Sutherland wrote:

   As sickly humorous as this rubbish is; it is also ridiculous Clerico-Xtian-Fascist

On 2 Oct 2003 at 11:00, David Sutherland wrote:

 All this personal crock has little to with this list so why not start your own list

On 12 Aug 2003 at 20:07, David Sutherland wrote:

 You might have something if pleasure were the sole component in a homo 
 Unfortunately, it isn't and numerous emotional and psychological factors come into 
 Homosexuals have extremely violent behaviour patterns beyond the 'norm'.
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Plame Affair and the Republicans (Jim Lobe)

2003-10-06 Thread Sean McBride
Title: Washington APlame, or The Lady's Not for Burning, by Jim Lobe
-Caveat Lector-



  Washington APlame, or The Lady's Not for Burning 
  by Jim LobeOctober 6, 


  One has to feel sorry for Republicans. Although they control both 
  houses of the U.S. Congress and the White House, they must think they're 
  living through a bad dream. Consider Republicans on Capitol Hill in 
  campaigning for a constitutional amendment that would require the federal 
  government to balance its budget, they're forced to defend the biggest 
  deficits in U.S. history, all requested by their president.
  electing a president who promised never to engage in "nation-building" 
  overseas, he's demanding that they finance the biggest nation-building 
  exercise since Vietnam.
  They ran on 
  a platform that promised that U.S. troops would never be used for 
  peacekeeping. Now they're being asked to defend an occupation where 
  130,000 troops are engaged mainly in directing traffic, giving away soccer 
  balls, and mediating tribal disputes in dusty Iraqi villages, while being 
  shot at by unknown assailants who almost always get away.
  They elected 
  a president who promised to pursue a "humble" foreign policy, and now 
  they're expected to pay for a global empire whose manpower requirements 
  are wreaking havoc on their beloved army and the reserves.
  If all that 
  makes them feel as if they've passed over into some parallel universe, 
  now, after years of beating up on Democrats for criticising the Central 
  Intelligence Agency (CIA), they're being told by their leader to pretend 
  that the public "outing" of a covert officer by two "senior White House 
  officials" is no big deal.
  And not just 
  any covert officer at that.
  A woman, 
  devoted wife and mother of two small children, whose job, until her cover 
  was blown by those "senior White House officials", was to track down 
  rogues and terrorists bent on acquiring nuclear weapons. A secret heroine 
  in the twilight world of President George W. Bush's "war on 
  Valerie Plame, the spy in question, is by all accounts both blonde and 
  beautiful; precisely the kind of female, in other words, for whose 
  protection real Republican men, like Attorney General John Ashcroft, 
  California gubernatorial hopeful Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Top Gun George 
  W. Bush, are supposed to lay down their least 
  Clearly the 
  Republican reflex is to pour forth their outrage against the dastardly 
  traitors who exposed her identity and call for their execution, rather 
  than the measly 10 years prescribed for such crimes by a 1982 law enacted 
  to protect covert operatives from exposure.
  But they 
  have a serious problem.
  Those "most 
  insidious of traitors", as former President George H.W. Bush once called 
  such people, apparently are also tight with the current president, at 
  least if you can believe five yet-to-be-identified Washington reporters 
  who confirmed to The Washington Post this week that they, like Robert 
  Novak, the right-wing columnist who first named Plame in print in July, 
  were told by two senior White House officials about Plame's secret 
  identity. The traitors appear, in other words, to be Republicans, and not 
  just any Republicans.
  Most of the 
  speculation is focused on Karl Rove, Bush's top political adviser, and I. 
  Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's powerful chief of 
  staff and national security adviser.
  The stakes 
  are very high, as indicated by the fact that Republicans on Capitol Hill 
  have been told not only to stifle their righteous indignation, but also to 
  enlist in a campaign, as one anonymous Republican Congressional aide told 
  the New York Times this week, to "slime and defend" against Plame and her 
  husband, ret. Amb. Joseph Wilson.
  Wilson, a 
  career diplomat who was sent by the CIA to Niger in 2002 to investigate 
  reports that Iraq had bought huge quantities of uranium yellowcake, 
  published an article in the New York Times in early July in which he 
  charged that the White House must have known that those reports were 
  unfounded and fraudulent when Bush cited them in his State of the Union 
  Address last January as evidence that Hussein was building a nuclear 
  weapon. It is widely known that Cheney and Libby, both superhawks on Iraq, 
  displayed a special interest in those reports.
  Within a 
  week of the publication of 

Re: [CTRL] Chevron on Iraqi Oil

2003-10-06 Thread Sean McBride
-Caveat Lector-


Point out where Peter Robertson of Chevron 
Texaco ever expressed any support for an Americanwar 
againstIraq. There is nothing in this article to suggest 

Theattitude of most of the oil 
industry is that Iraq is a lost cause, damaged beyond repair. Not only 
will it cost many billions of dollars to restore oil production to the point of 
making a profit, but there is no guarantee that angry Iraqis won't make that 
restoration impossible through violent resistance and sabotage. In fact, 
it is almost a certainty that Iraqi resistance to the American occupation will 

The entire world knew this would happen, 
including the oil industry, except for Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Riceand 
their army of neocon advisors.

Even the best minds in the U.S. government 
understood before the war just how shaky the Iraq oil situation was, but the 
Bush administration ignored this information:

Offered Bleak Outlook About Iraq Oil



  October 5, 2003
  Report Offered Bleak Outlook About Iraq 

  ASHINGTON, Oct. 4 — The Bush administration's 
  optimistic statements earlier this year that Iraq's oil wealth, not 
  American taxpayers, would cover most of the cost of rebuilding Iraq were 
  at odds with a bleaker assessment of a government task force secretly 
  established last fall to study Iraq's oil industry, according to public 
  records and government officials.
  The task force, which was based at the Pentagon as part of the planning 
  for the war, produced a book-length report that described the Iraqi oil 
  industry as so badly damaged by a decade of trade embargoes that its 
  production capacity had fallen by more than 25 percent, panel members have 
  Despite those findings, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz told 
  Congress during the war that "we are dealing with a country that can 
  really finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon." 
  Moreover, Vice President Dick Cheney said in April, on the day Baghdad 
  fell, that Iraq's oil production could hit 3 million barrels a day by the 
  end of the year, even though the task force had determined that Iraq was 
  generating less than 2.4 million barrels a day before the war.
  Now, as the Bush administration requests $20.3 billion from Congress 
  for reconstruction next year, the chief reasons cited for the high price 
  tag are sabotage of oil equipment — and the poor state of oil 
  infrastructure already documented by the task force.
  "The problem is this," L. Paul Bremer III, the top civilian 
  administrator in Iraq, asserted at a Senate hearing two weeks ago: "The 
  oil infrastructure was severely run down over the last 20 years, and 
  partly because of sanctions over the last decade."
  Similarly, Bush administration officials announced earlier this year 
  that Iraq's oil revenues would be $20 billion to $30 billion a year, which 
  added to the impression that the aftermath of the war would place a 
  minimal burden on the United States. Mr. Bremer now estimates that Iraq's 
  total oil revenues from the last half of 2003 to 2005 will amount to $35 
  billion, running at a rate of about $14 billion a year.
  The administration now plays down the report's findings. 
  Senior administration officials said that Mr. Cheney, Mr. Wolfowitz and 
  Donald H. Rumsfeld, the secretary of defense, were aware of the oil 
  group's overall mission, but that they could not say whether they knew of 
  its specific findings.
  "I think when it is all said and done," said Lawrence Di Rita, the 
  Pentagon's chief spokesman, "prewar estimates that may be borne out in 
  fact are likelier to be more lucky than smart."
  Mr. Di Rita added that earlier estimates and statements by Mr. 
  Wolfowitz and others "oozed with uncertainty."
  Iraq's Most Valuable Asset
  In the months leading up to the war, administration officials said 
  little in public about oil, partly because they were "encumbered by fear" 
  that their actions would be seen as helping the American petroleum 
  industry, said one administration adviser. But behind the scenes, 
  officials were studying how to handle Iraq's most valuable asset.
  It was evident from much of the information they received that Iraq's 
  oil was not a ready resource for reconstruction.
  One expert consulted by the government, Amy Myers Jaffe, who heads the 
  energy program at the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy at 
  Rice University in Houston, said her group concluded in a report last 
  December that "oil revenues would not be enough and that the expenses of 
  reconstruction would be huge."
  In addition, United Nations reports 

Re: [CTRL] Chevron on Iraqi Oil

2003-10-06 Thread Sean McBride
-Caveat Lector-

  a 1998 speech at the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco, Chevron CEO Kenneth 
  Derr candidly remarked: "Iraq possesses huge reserves of oil and gas -- 
  reserves I'd loveChevron to have access 
There is 
a major gap in your logic here. OF COURSE any major oil company in the 
world would love to have access to Iraqi oil. One cannot conclude from 
this wish that they have supported Bush's unilateral invasion and occupation of 

There is 
absolutely no connection between the two propositions. The desire for 
access to Iraqi oil would more likely motivatebig oilto work out 
friendly business relationships with Saddam's regime than to invade Iraq. 
Big oil has been especially worried that the invasion of Iraq might upset their 
currently highly profitably business arrangements with nations like Saudi 

Why do 
you think it is that Israel and Israeli supporters have exhibited so much 
hostility towards big oil over the decades? The reason is that big oil has 
sought FRIENDLY relations with Arab and Muslim oil producers around the 

Big oil 
requires a stable andfriendly environment in which to extract oil 
efficiently and profitably. It is far too easy for an enraged occupied 
people to sabotage oil pipelines. It is impossible for any military force, 
no matter how large, to protect every foot of the 

You have 
failed to respond to any of the details in the expert articles I've posted on 
this subject from Anthony Sampson, Roger Burbach, Daniel Yergin and 
others. Do you think they are all part of a sinister plotto protect 
big oil?

The few 
articles you've posted don't even support your own 

You seem 
to be operating more from an emotionalconspiracy theory about big oil's 
role in the Iraq War than from a rational analysis of the 

true that Dick Cheney has close ties to the oil industry. He also has 
intimate and emotional tiesto the neocons, and is a prominent member 
ofthe PNAC, a prominent neocon outfit. I don't deny that the neocons 
have succeeded inluring a few big oil principals into their messianic 
campaign to ignite World War IV on behalf of Israel. But the oil industry 
as a whole, just like the CIA and the American military establishment,has 
dismissed the arguments of the neocons about the benefits of American attacks on 
Arab and Muslim nations as pure bunk.

What do 
you think the current war between the CIA and the neocon-controlled Bush 
administration is all about? Why do you think that so many members of the 
military establishment, like Anthony Zinni and Wesley Clark, have been lashing 
out at the neocons who engineered the disastrous war on 

  - Original Message - 
  To: Sean McBride ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 12:22 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Chevron on Iraqi 
  On 5 Oct 2003 at 7:28, Sean McBride wrote: Point 
  out where Peter Robertson of Chevron Texaco ever expressed any support for 
  an American war against Iraq. There is nothing in this article 
  to suggest that.The former CEO of Chevron said:In a 1998 
  speech at the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco, Chevron CEO Kenneth Derr 
  candidly remarked: "Iraq possesses huge reserves of oil and gas -- 
  reserves I'd love Chevron to have access 
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Blair 'Knew Iraq Had No WMD'

2003-10-06 Thread Nakano Nakamura
-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The Illusion of Power, the Power of Illusion
 from here on it is now more important to maintain the
 illusion, and thereby preserve themselves and their

 continued power.
  First you must be aware,
   and respect the power of illusion.
   Nothing is what it seems to be.
   - Nakano

Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Chevron on Iraqi Oil

2003-10-06 Thread Sean McBride
-Caveat Lector-


I agree that this whole operation is 
potentially a huge boondoggle for the oil industry and a massive rip-off of the 
American people.

But big oil has major doubts about whether 
the crackpots and incompetents running the Bush administration are going to make 
the reconstruction work and stick, regardless of whose money is paying for 
it. Those oil pipelines are highly vulnerable to sabotage by the angry 

Bush administration policies are more 
likely to lead to a massive revolt of the Arab and Muslim massesagainst 
all American interests than to big new profits for American oil companies. 
The neocons have gone out of their way to provoke Arab and Muslim hatred of 

I'm limited to five messages here per day 
in CTRL, so I may not be able to continue this discussion without some regular 
interruptions. political-research, here

is wide open for discussion on this 
fascinating topic. Let's just make an effort to keep it 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 12:39 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Chevron on Iraqi 
  One more question: Who is paying for the reconstruction 
  of the oil infrastructure in post-war Iraq? The oil companies, or the US 
  taxpayers? I think you know the answer.Who benefits? The oil 
  companies and the oil service companies. Sounds like a win-win situation 
  for the oil industry, and a real looser for you and I, and our children, and 
  their children, and so 
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Patriot Act at Work

2003-10-06 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

This is the kind of story you won't be seeing in the major media.  Share
far and wide so Americans can find out what that bill is REALLY being
used for!
 Original Message 
Folks -
It's no longer a hypothetical, they are actively policing
dissenters...Let's move.
Beginning of the End of Democracy in America?

by Bill Douglas

posted at
[ -
also at
September 23, 2003

A man in some country was recently taken, handcuffed, down into a
subterranean interrogation room in the bowels of a police station and
asked by a police investigator, when I look into your writings will I
find anything subversive?
This sounds like something one might have heard coming out of the former
Soviet Union.  However, it wasn't.  The country was America, the man was
me, and the interrogation room was in the basement of the massive and
imposing Kansas City Jail on 12th street (Tuesday, Sept 16th, 2003).
(I'm a writer, who's contributed to many publications worldwide,
including the Kansas City Star, and the Kansas City Business Journal).
This event emblazoned into my mind that something has drastically
changed in my America . . . our America.
I had earlier been arrested for attempting to attend a protest of Laura
Bush's visit in Kansas City.  The arresting police officer assumed
that I intended to cross a police line blocking Broadway near St.
Lukes,that he'd told me could not be crossed.  I did not cross the
police line, nor did I intend to.  I was crossing Washington Street to
walk down an open street that was not restricted.  But, because the
officer assumed I was intending to cross The police line, which I
wasn't, I was forced down on the ground, my hands handcuffed behind my
back, forced into a paddywagon, handcuffed, and taken to the Kansas City
jail.  I was booked, according to the officer, for Disorderly Conduct.
(Or walking where I was ordered not to, which again I had not done).
There I was fingerprinted and my mug shot was taken, but then something
very strange occurred.  The sign I brought with me to the protest was
given a mug shot as well.  I, along with many other Americans, have been
working for some time to support the efforts of 9-11 victims families
who have bizarrely had to fight their own President Bush for nearly two
years to get a full open investigation of what went wrong on and before
9-11 (which Bush is still fighting, preventing information such as the
28 redacted pages about the Saudi's possible involvement in 9-11, from
being released for public scrutiny).  My sign read, What is Bush hiding
about 9-11?  Stop the 9-11 cover-up!
Ask yourself this, Why was my sign given a mugshot to record it's
message? Was I under arrest for a legal violation?  If so, what did a
free speech message I was carrying that had no bearing whatsoever on the
reason for my arrest have to do with this situation?  Who was this
photograph taken for, and for what purpose?
As I sat in the holding area, handcuffed, I was not told until just
prior to my release that I would be released on my own recognizance.  I
sat pondering the dozens of people who have been sitting in American
jails for many months now, some with no family contact, and some with no
legal representation. Those thoughts give you pause, when you are
handcuffed, then unhandcuffed, then handcuffed again and placed in a
paddywagon on a steel seat in a wirecaged enclosed holding area,
unloaded in a lower level of a massive building, then walked into a
barred area, then unhandcuffed, then handcuffed again, then taken to an
 interrogation room in the bowels of a grey building completely cut off
from the world and asked if your writing is subversive, then
unhandcuffed, then handcuffed again, and placed once again in a barred room.
Once in the system you immediately realize that you are completely
isolated, and completely powerless.  You depend on the basic foundations
of democratic society . . . it is your only hope.  In the new Bush
America with the advent of the Patriot Act, that foundation no longer
exists.  The effect this has on society is it creates a very shaken
belief in one's right to do the things absolutely necessary to sustain a
free and open society . . that being to speak the truth as you see it
even when the truth disagrees with your government. Without complete
confidence that you have the right to do this without repressive
consequences to be visited upon you . . . the free society we all
cherish, and too often take for granted simply cannot exist.
You see, I have no idea who my mug shot, my protest signs mug shot, and
the notes of whether someone deems my writing subversive is being
recorded for. I'd understand my mugshot being in a KC police file for a
Disorderly Conduct charge.  But who is the other information for?
Perhaps no one.  I dont' know, and 

Re: [CTRL] Patriot Act at Work

2003-10-06 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/6/2003 8:51:08 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Bill Douglas is the author of "The Amateur Parent - A Book on Life,Death, War  Peace, and Everything Else in the Universe," and haswritten essays on health, environment, and peace and social justiceissues for publications worldwide (none of them subversive, in theauthors opinion).

Ahhh yes, but subversive has come to mean "patriotic but not in sympathy with the Republicans and the Bush administration." Prudy
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skull And Bones \CBS

2003-10-06 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Section Front

E-mail This Story Printable Version

Skull And Bones

Oct. 5, 2003

Skull and Bones is an elite secret society at Yale University that includes some of the most powerful men of the 20th century. (Photo: 60 Minutes/CBS)

They do have many individuals in influential positions. And that's why this is something that we need to know about.
Alexandra Robbins, author
"Secrets of the Tomb"

Apart from presidents, Bones has included cabinet officers, spies, Supreme Court justices, statesmen and captains of industry. (Photo: 60 Minutes/CBS)

Ron Rosenbaum, author and columnist for the New York Observer, has become obsessed with cracking that code of secrecy. (Photo: 60 Minutes/CBS)

(CBS)There are secrets that George W. Bush guards at least as carefully as any entrusted to a president.

He's forbidden to share these secrets even with the vice president -- secrets he has held ever since his days as an undergraduate at Yale.

In his senior year, Mr. Bush - like his father and his grandfather - belonged to Skull and Bones, an elite secret society that includes some of the most powerful men of the 20th century.

All Bonesmen, as they're called, are forbidden to reveal what goes on in their inner sanctum, the windowless building on the Yale campus that is called "The Tomb."

There are conspiracy theorists who see Skull and Bones behind everything that goes wrong, and occasionally even right in the world.

Apart from presidents, Bones has included cabinet officers, spies, Supreme Court justices, statesmen and captains of industry - and often their sons, and lately their daughters, too.

Its a social and political network like no other. And they've responded to outsiders with utter silence  until an enterprising Yale graduate, Alexandra Robbins, managed to penetrate the wall of silence in her book, Secrets of the Tomb. Correspondent Morley Safer reports. 

 I spoke with about 100 members of Skull and Bones and they were members who were tired of the secrecy, and that's why they were willing to talk to me, says Robbins. But probably twice that number hung up on me, harassed me, or threatened me.

Secret or not, Skull and Bones is as essential to Yale as the Whiffenpoofs, the tables down at a pub called Mory's, and the Yale mascot - that ever-slobbering bulldog.

Skull and Bones, with all its ritual and macabre relics, was founded in 1832 as a new world version of secret student societies that were common in Germany at the time. Since then, it has chosen or "tapped" only 15 senior students a year who become patriarchs when they graduate -- lifetime members of the ultimate old boys' club.

Skull and Bones is so tiny. That's what makes this staggering, says Robbins. There are only 15 people a year, which means there are about 800 living members at any one time.

But a lot of Bonesmen have gone on to positions of great power, which Robbins says is the main purpose of this secret society: to get as many members as possible into positions of power.

They do have many individuals in influential positions, says Robbins. And that's why this is something that we need to know about.

President Bush has tapped five fellow Bonesmen to join his administration. Most recently, he selected William Donaldson, Skull and Bones 1953, the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Like the President, he's taken the Bones oath of silence. 

 Ron Rosenbaum, author and columnist for the New York Observer, has become obsessed with cracking that code of secrecy.

I think there is a deep and legitimate distrust in America for power and privilege that are cloaked in secrecy. It's not supposed to be the way we do things, says Rosenbaum. We're supposed to do things out in the open in America. And so that any society or institution that hints that there is something hidden is, I think, a legitimate subject for investigation.

His investigation is a 30-year obsession dating back to his days as a Yale classmate of George W. Bush. Rosenbaum, a self-described undergraduate nerd, was certainly not a contender for Bones. But he was fascinated by its weirdness.

It's this sepulchral, tomblike, windowless, granite, sandstone bulk that you can't miss. And I lived next to it, says Rosenbaum. I had passed it all the time. And during the initiation rites, you could hear strange cries and whispers coming from the Skull and Bones tomb.

Despite a lifetime of attempts to get inside, the best Rosenbaum could do was hide out on the ledge of a nearby building a few years ago to videotape a nocturnal initiation ceremony in the Tomb's courtyard.

A woman holds a knife and pretends to slash the throat of another person lying down before them, and there's screaming and yelling at the neophytes, he says.

Robbins says the cast of the initiation ritual is right out of Harry Potter meets Dracula: There is a devil, a Don Quixote and a Pope who has one foot sheathed 

[CTRL] Sharondammerung!

2003-10-06 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

by William Hughes
(Saturday, October 04, 2003) 

"Israels Ariel Sharon is a law under himself. The UN, too, refuses to take him on for his criminal misdeeds. He belongs in the dock, next to Slobodan Milosevic, at The Hague, standing trial for War Crimes he has committed in Jordan, the occupied territories and Lebanon. Instead, he is invited to the White House for a photo op and tea." 

Like an absolute monarch, Ariel Sharon does what he wants, when he wants to, and with full impunity, too. He also doesnt give a good hoot what the White House, the Arab World or the UN think of his demented conduct. (By way of possible explanation for his bizarre behavior, see Jewish History: Jewish Religion, by Israel Shahak, for disturbing examples of anti-Christian, anti-Muslim bias still extant in Jewish religious literature.) 

Sharon, the personification of hubris, is the Prime Minister of Zionist Israel. His death squad operate 24/7 in the occupied territories. He also continues to steal the land of the Palestinians, while regularly humiliating his supposed American allies by building more illegal settlements (604 new units are on the way). 

The cunning Sharon is also constructing a monstrous Apartheid Wall, that stretches for hundreds of miles across the occupied territories, to permanently seal in the indigenous people. International law means absolutely nothing to him. Sharon is a law under himself. The UN, too, refuses to take him on for his criminal misdeeds. He belongs in the dock, next to Slobodan Milosevic, at The Hague, standing trial for War Crimes he has committed in Jordan, the occupied territories and Lebanon. Instead, he is invited to the White House for a photo op and tea. 

The UN Security Council Resolutions condemning Israel are used as waste paper by Sharon. Detention of prisoners without trial and torture of detainees are endemic under the Sharon regime (Amnesty International Reports). It was also one of his bulldozer drivers, that viciously took the life of the young American activist, Rachel Corrie. His bulldozer operatives have leveled thousands of innocent Palestinian homes and vineyards. 

For the latest example of a Sharon-inspired outrage, look to Rafah. On Oct. 1st, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) demolished 18 homes in that refugee camp, located in the Gaza Strip. This act of barbarism left 270 Palestinians, mostly children homeless. Washington failed to offer a word in protest to Tel Aviv about this act of gangsterism- - not one word! 

All of the above, and much more, makes George W. Bush, Jr.s hyped Road Map totally irrelevant to any possible peace settlement and leaves the U.S. president looking like a Zionist lapdog. It also, tragically, creates an environment of utter hopelessness among the beleaguered Palestinians, that has generated a lethal campaign of counter-violence. 

Adding to the mix, on Oct. 3, 2002, Sharon told his cabinet of right wingers, War Hawks, Likudniks, Christian-bashers, Jonathan Pollard fans and Palestinian land grabbers: I want to tell you something very clear, dont worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it (Israel Radio, Kol Yisrael). 

It is a flagrant violation of the U.S. Constitution, and of the principles of the Republic itself, for any special interest clique to control America. Question: When, in the name of our revered Sons of Liberty, is the Justice Department going to take action against this coup de Sharon? 

Also, it was Sharon, who loudly ranted for a U.S. led war against Iraq. He also wanted us to invade Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia. His lackeys in this country, like Neocon, Richard Perle, regularly spit out the same hawkish line. Now, that Iraq war, besides making America more enemies in the Islamic World, (U.S. Image Drops Among Muslims, BBC News, 10/02/03), is creating a costly Vietnam War-like quagmire. This unjust conflict will also further destabilize this country, which will make it all the easier for the globalist-oriented wire pullers to manipulate us. 

All of this costs big bucks, too. Zionist Israel has persisted in looting our Treasury in billions of direct freebies, since 1948, with consequential costs, estimated in the trillions of dollars (June, 2003, WRMEA magazine). Meanwhile, the U.S. economy is tanking and our once solid manufacturing jobs are fleeing the country faster than the ADLs Abe Foxman can scream, Anti-Semitism! Fact: the U.S. is subsidizing Sharons evil doings instead of taking care of the social and human needs of its own people. 

Sadly, history shows that American presidents are afraid to say no to any Israeli demand. No American chief executive, since John F. Kennedy, has dared to take on the Zionist Cartel. JFK had insisted that the Israelis not develop nuclear weapons (, 09/28/03). Shortly after his protest, he was assassinated in Dallas, 

[CTRL] The Treasonous Lies Of Bob Novak Karl Rove

2003-10-06 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Bush Old Guard
Shows Its True Colors
The Treasonous Lies of 
Bob Novak and Karl Rove
By Cheryl Seal

As the saying goes, you cannot serve two masters. Bob Novak and Karl Rove, representing the most arms of America most subverted by the NeoCon regime - the White House and the media - are making it emminently clear who they serve, and it isn't the American public.   

I watched "Meet the Press" on Sunday (Oct 5), a show that more accurately should be called the "Tim Russert Kiss-ass Hour" (or TRKA - which, appropriately, sounds like the title of one of the more knuckle-dragging species of college fraternities). The show's sole purpose for being is to allow Bush administration officials and other darlings of the rightwing to drop by for coffee-and-camera time each Sunday morning and present their slanted version of the latest outrage they have committed on America while Russert smiles, nods and simpers.   

This week's episode of the TRKA Hour was dedicated to spinning the Valerie Plame story. As you will recall, Valerie Plame is the CIA operative who was outed in a collusion between, mostly probably, Karl Rove and, most definitely, Bob Novak, a blustering, pompous old coot who remains on the payroll of the "Chicago Sun-Times" for God knows what reason (maybe he has accumulated sufficient dirt on the folks who would probably LOVE to fire him). Novak has the distinction of being about the last dedicated Bush administration apologist out there amongst the "major columnists" who make regular rounds of shows like the TRKA Hour.   

First up with Russert was Joseph Wilson, husband of Valerie Plame, who, like a gallant husband and good citizen, is enraged by the outing of his wife. Outing a CIA agent is, as I have said before, tantamount to attempted murder, not mention felony theft of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of taxpayer dollars. To establish an effective cover for an agent may take years and a great deal of resources - all paid for by American citizens. An agent like Plame, who worked with overseas contacts, may have people in several different countries whose confidence they have laboriously worked to gain. Those contacts, in turn, have contacts, and so forth. Once an agent is outed, this entire network is compromised, as is the safety of everyone involved who can now be linked to Plame by the "bad guys." Not only that, but you may as well flush those taxpayer dollars spent to construct the cover down the toilet.   

Wilson was not intimidated by Russert, who enjoys bullying anyone not in his Kalorama Kocktail Klub (the new KKK) circle, a mutual admiration society centered in the swank Kalorama neighborhood where Cheney and Russert dwell as chummy neighbors. Confronted by Wilson, Russert did what he always does when someone has a good point: first he interrupted Wilson mid-statement, then, when Wilson failed to be cowed, merely lapsed into silent sulking. Wilson stood by his guns. Although he of course could not be absolutely sure Karl Rove was behind the leak, Rove pushed the leak for days after Novak first wrote about Plame. It should also be pointed out that Karl Rove was FIRED by Bush I in the early 1990s for leaking damaging information about someone else to a reporter. And guess who that reporter was? His good buddy Bob Novak. Wilson also stood by his assertion that, should Rove be proven guilty, he should be frog-marched out of the White House in handcuffs.   

Next, Novak himself appeared. Russert simpered and snickered and rapturously listened to every comment of this sellout "columnist," careful not to bring up any "difficult" points such as questioning Novak about his previous episode with Karl Rove in the early 1990s. If I were a Republican PR person, the last person I would have wished to have appear on the TRKA Hour was a character as unsympathetic in looks and manner as Novak. This sour, jowly, hound-dog-eyed old geezer looks like someone sent over from central casting to play the role of the Evil Bank Manager in a movie in which the bank forecloses on Sunnybrook Farm and Rebecca is evicted. Worse, Novack's only defense was bluster and the repeated claim: "I've been in this business 40 years" (repeated four times that I counted).   

Let's take a look at the gaping holes in Novak's story:   

NOVAK STORY: He claims he had absolutely no idea that the information about Plame was a big deal. He says he got the impression that she was a paper pusher in one of the CIA's DC offices. He said the comment about Plame working for the CIA was "just an offhand remark" at the end of the conversation.   

HOLE: The fact that the White House informant called several other journalists looking for a place to plant the leak is, by itself, enough to blow this story out of the water. But even more damning to Novak's case is that in his article on Plame, he referred to her repeatedly as a CIA "operative." Since when would anyone - 

[CTRL] RTA, Incorporated A Shell Game / Fleshing Out Skull Bones Investigations into America's Most Powerful Secret Society

2003-10-06 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
an excerpt from:
Fleshing Out Skull  Bones  Investigations into America's Most Powerful Secret Society

RTA, Incorporated  A Shell Game
Kris Millegan 
July, 2003

The official name for the Order of Skull and Bones is RTA, Incorporated. Daniel Coit Gilman first incorporated the Order of Skull  Bones in 1856 as the Russell Trust Association. The name was changed in 1961 to  RTA, Incorporated. 

In November 1983, the members voted positively on an Amending Certificate. The proper papers filed in December increased the Board of Directors from six to eight members and the President was given more power among other changes. 

Whether this was at all in reaction to the release of Antony Suttons first Bones book, An Introduction to the Order, isnt known. What is interesting about the amendment is the voting record presented. There is just enough information in the documents, to satisfy the legal filing requirements, so one cannot form a definite answer about all of the groups rules for voting, but it is interesting that they list as the members required for a quorum as 35 with 71 as being Present in Person or by Proxy and Entitled to vote. The vote required for adoption is stated as 48. Now that is the two-thirds of 71 and in RTAs Certificate of Incorporation of 1961, Section 8 (Which the amendment of 1983 negates.) it states that any action may be taken only after a two-thirds majority vote of members. But then it goes on to state, the vote of majority of the voting power of members shall be sufficient. This suggests that if 15 get together eight votes wins.

 So who all gets to vote and what does it take to get things done in the organization? In section 5 it states, [t]he Corporation shall have members, all of whom shall be of the same class. All persons who are at the date hereof members of the Russell Trust Association,  are members of the corporation, together with such other persons who are undergraduate students at Yale University  who may be elected from time to time pursuant to the by-laws of the corporation. We do not have copies of RTAs bylaws so we do not know what the voting power of the members consists of and if every Bones member has voting rights in RTA, Incorporated or what. But we do find it interesting that an amendment change was accomplished by such small numbers. 

In the September 27, 1991, the New Haven Register reported almost 700 of the clubs approximately 800 surviving members narrowly voted to admit women. 

Should The Order get a Tax Free Ride on its Four Million Dollar Nest Egg?

The question of their taxes is also very interesting. RTA Incorporated tax statements are available online at If you can look at these documents, you will find the tax forms are quite revealing in what they say  and do not say. There are required questions, boxes, and blanks to fill in that they just leave empty or write not available. The most blatant and egregious action is their use of the tax code to pay no taxes on their investment earnings of sometimes over $400,000 a year and that members may take their donations to Bones as deductions off of their personal income tax liabilities. 

RTA Incorporated is a non-profit 501(c) 3 corporation carrying no tax burden at all. It does all this, while spending  yearly $4,000 to $10,000 renting their private island  for  [r]ental of facility for educational programs, and $50,000 a year on [c]onferences, conventions, and meetings, plus another $40,000 to $60, thousand a year in occupancy expenses. The Order has also been spending money on renovations and improvements, spending over a quarter of a million dollars in 1998. Did they add a womens locker room to their fabled underground swimming pool or just fancy his and hers coffins?

The only charitable donations listed in their tax returns are in the years 1999 and 2000. A $5,000 donation, each of those years, to the Yale Scholarship Fund. The majority of all the expenses are declared in the tax forms Program Service Expenses column as Educational Programs. There is no discussion of achievements, no number of clients served, nothing but Educational Programs. The Order of Skull  Bones skirts both the spirit and letter of the law by claiming to be an educational support organization for Yale University. The 1961 Certificate of Incorporation papers give some window dressing and cover some of the 501(c)3 requirements but the activities of the group do not seem to be educational but fraternal and secret. How can a secret society, which does not divulge its purpose, history or even its members be considered an educational non-profit? Maybe in some of their lawyers minds the organization is defined as an alumni organization. Or are they claiming to come under Yale Universities educational tax umbrella because RTA, Incorporated gives whatever assets it has left after obligations if Bones dies to Yale?  At best, what they are doing a tap-dance on the Federal Tax code 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-Drugs_TheDarkSide] Fwd: [apfn-1] CBS NEWS: GEORGE W. BUSH - SKULL BONES

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-Caveat Lector-

 Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2003 21:13:21 -0700
 Subject: [apfn-1] CBS NEWS: GEORGE W. BUSH - SKULL 

 Skull And Bones

 Oct. 5, 2003

   Skull and Bones is an elite secret society at
 Yale University that includes some of the most
 powerful men of the 20th century.  (Photo: 60

   They do have many individuals in influential
 positions. And that's why this is something that we
 need to know about.
   Alexandra Robbins, author
   Secrets of the Tomb

   Apart from presidents, Bones has included
 cabinet officers, spies, Supreme Court justices,
 statesmen and captains of industry.  (Photo: 60

   Ron Rosenbaum, author and columnist for the
 New York Observer, has become obsessed with cracking
 that code of secrecy.  (Photo: 60 Minutes/CBS)

 (CBS) There are secrets that George W. Bush guards
 at least as carefully as any entrusted to a

 He's forbidden to share these secrets even with the
 vice president -- secrets he has held ever since his
 days as an undergraduate at Yale.

 In his senior year, Mr. Bush - like his father and
 his grandfather - belonged to Skull and Bones, an
 elite secret society that includes some of the most
 powerful men of the 20th century.

 All Bonesmen, as they're called, are forbidden to
 reveal what goes in their inner sanctum, the
 windowless building on the Yale campus that is
 called The Tomb.

 There are conspiracy theorists who see Skull and
 Bones behind everything that goes wrong, and
 occasionally even right in the world.

 Apart from presidents, Bones has included cabinet
 officers, spies, Supreme Court justices, statesmen
 and captains of industry - and often their sons, and
 lately their daughters, too.

 It's a social and political network like no other.
 And they've responded to outsiders with utter
 silence - until an enterprising Yale graduate,
 Alexandra Robbins, managed to penetrate the wall of
 silence in her book, Secrets of the Tomb.
 Correspondent Morley Safer reports.

 I spoke with about 100 members of Skull and Bones
 and they were members who were tired of the secrecy,
 and that's why they were willing to talk to me,
 says Robbins. But probably twice that number hung
 up on me, harassed me, or threatened me.

 Secret or not, Skull and Bones is as essential to
 Yale as the Whiffenpoofs, the tables down at a pub
 called Mory's, and the Yale mascot - that
 ever-slobbering bulldog.

 Skull and Bones, with all its ritual and macabre
 relics, was founded in 1832 as a new world version
 of secret student societies that were common in
 Germany at the time. Since then, it has chosen or
 tapped only 15 senior students a year who become
 patriarchs when they graduate -- lifetime members of
 the ultimate old boys' club.

 Skull and Bones is so tiny. That's what makes this
 staggering, says Robbins. There are only 15 people
 a year, which means there are about 800 living
 members at any one time.

 But a lot of Bonesmen have gone on to positions of
 great power, which Robbins says is the main purpose
 of this secret society: to get as many members as
 possible into positions of power.

 They do have many individuals in influential
 positions, says Robbins. And that's why this is
 something that we need to know about.

 President Bush has tapped five fellow Bonesmen to
 join his administration. Most recently, he selected
 William Donaldson, Skull and Bones 1953, the head of
 the Securities and Exchange Commission. Like the
 President, he's taken the Bones oath of silence.

 Ron Rosenbaum, author and 

[CTRL] Israel Is The Problem...OUR Problem

2003-10-06 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

October 6, 2003
Our problem.

Today marks the 30th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, and it looks like we may be in for a possible replay of that horrific disaster in which tens of thousands lost their lives. Yesterday, Israel bombed alleged "terrorist camps" in Syria. The excuse: yet another suicide bombing in Israel, this time taking 19 innocent lives, immediately claimed by Islamic Jihad (which denied having military bases in Syria). This was one of the deadliest suicide bombings since the beginning of the Intifada, but in principle no different from the dozens of other vicious acts of terror that are now a feature of daily life in Israel. What is different, however, is that Israel's strategic orientation has radically changed.

Whereas 30 years ago, Israel was on the defensive, and to a large degree dependent on the U.S., today they are clearly prepared to act on their own  without waiting for Washington's okay. 

That is the chief result of the Iraq war  the unleashing of Israel. We are seeing the first fruits of our Pyrrhic "victory" in this latest foray by an emboldened Ariel Sharon, who clearly hopes that the stalemated outcome of the first Yom Kippur war can now be overturned. 

Taken by surprise, in 1973, Israeli forces reeled from the combined Egyptian-Syrian sneak attack. Aided by "Operation Nickel Grass," an airlift of vital military supplies from the U.S., the Israelis held their positions and then started to push back  coming within 43 miles of Cairo and taking the Golan Heights before the UN called a halt. Today, it is the Syrians who have been taken by surprise, and, this time, the Israelis may not stop until they roll through the streets of Damascus. That, at least, is the threat implicit in their actions. 

The Iraq war, as we are beginning to discover, had nothing to do with "weapons of mass destruction," zero to do with Al Qaeda, and zilch to do with implanting "democracy" in the inhospitable soil of Iraq. The first phase of the second Yom Kippur War is revealing, in action, the strategic doctrine at the heart of U.S. Middle Eastern policy: the installation of Israel as regional hegemon.

This doctrine was prefigured in a 1996 paper prepared for then Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by a working group consisting of several individuals who are now in top spots in the Bush administration. "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" recommended that Israel set itself free from its embarrassing and debilitating dependence on U.S. military and diplomatic support: no matter how unconditional, this support constrained Israel and prevented it from pursuing its true interests. The paper, co-authored by Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser, portrayed Syria as the main enemy of Israel, but maintained the road to Damascus had to first pass through Baghdad:

"Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq  an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right  as a means of foiling Syria's regional ambitions. Jordan has challenged Syria's regional ambitions recently by suggesting the restoration of the Hashemites in Iraq."

Today, three of Netanyahu's advisors  Perle, Feith, and David Wurmser  occupy top spots in the foreign policy councils of the Bush administration, where their fulsome support for the Iraq war helped implement the first part of the plan. David Wurmser is chief aide to Undersecretary of Defense John Bolton, who, before a single shot was fired against Iraq, was already promising Sharon that Syria would be next. As Ha'aretz reported at the time (scroll down):

"U.S. Undersecretary of State John Bolton said in meetings with Israeli officials on Monday that he has no doubt America will attack Iraq, and that it will be necessary to deal with threats from Syria, Iran and North Korea afterwards."

In February, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was already demanding action against Syria. At a meeting with a delegation of U.S. congressmen, Sharon handed the Americans their marching orders:

"Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said yesterday that Iran, Libya and Syria should be stripped of weapons of mass destruction after Iraq. 'These are irresponsible states, which must be disarmed of weapons mass destruction, and a successful American move in Iraq as a model will make that easier to achieve,' Sharon said to a visiting delegation of American congressmen. Sharon told the congressmen that Israel was not involved in the war with Iraq 'but the American action is of vital importance.'"

But instead of being converted on the road to Damascus, the Americans were deterred from launching future wars by the unpleasant political and military blowback emanating from that 

[CTRL] Israel's Attack A Lethal Step Towards War In Middle East

2003-10-06 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Israel's attack is a lethal step towards war in Middle East 
Robert Fisk in Beirut

Israel received the Green Light. It came from what is called the Syria Accountability Act, moving through the United States Congress with the help of Israel's supporters, that will impose sanctions on Damascus for its supposed enthusiasm for "terrorism" and occupation of Lebanon. 

Speaker after speaker in the past week has been warning that Syria is the new - or old, or non-existent - threat previously represented by Iraq: that it has weapons of mass destruction, that it has biological warheads, that it received Iraq's non-existent weapons of mass destruction just before we began our illegal invasion of Iraq in March.

The Israeli lie about "thousands" of Iranian Revolutionary Guards in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon has been uncloaked yet again. In reality, there hasn't been an Iranian militant in Lebanon for 20 years. But who cares? The dictatorial Syrian regime - and dictatorial it most decidedly is - has to be struck after a Jenin woman lawyer, who has probably never visited Damascus in her life, blows herself and 19 innocent Israelis up in Haifa.

And why not? If America can strike Afghanistan for the international crimes against humanity of 11 September 2001, when 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis, and if America can invade Iraq, which had absolutely nothing to do with 11 September, why shouldn't Israel strike Syria?

Yes, Syria does support Hamas and Islamic Jihad. But in Iraq is based the Mujahideen Khalq, which bombs Iran, and the Americans have not bombed them. In Jerusalem exists a government that openly threatens the life of Yasser Arafat but no one suggests action should be taken against the Israeli administration.

In Jerusalem lives a prime minister, Ariel Sharon, who was adjudicated to be "personally responsible" by Israel's own Kahane commission of enquiry for the massacre of up to 1,700 Palestinian civilians at the Sabra and Chatila refugee camps in Beirut in 1982. But he is not going on trial for war crimes.

Of course, Syria is going to take the air strikes on the 'training base" of Islamic Jihad to the United Nations. Much good will it do Damascus. When the United States cannot bring itself to support a resolution condemning Israel's threat to murder Arafat, when it will not stop the Israelis building 600 more houses - for Jews and Jews only - on Palestinian land, air raids on Syria simply don't matter.

Perhaps Lebanon will benefit. Perhaps Lebanon can now be spared Israel's retaliation for Palestinian violence - unless, of course, Israel decides to strike a Palestinian "training base" in Lebanon.

No one asks what these "training bases" are. Do Palestinian suicide bombers really need to practice suicide bombing? Does turning a switch need that much training? Surely the death of a brother or a cousin by the Israeli army is all the practice that is needed.

But no. Yesterday, we took another little lethal step along the road to Middle East war, establishing facts on the ground, proving that it's permissible to bomb the territory of Syria in the "war against terror", which President Bush has himself declared now includes Gaza.

And the precedents are there if we need them. Back in 1983, when President Reagan thought he was fighting a "war on terror" in the Middle East, he ordered his air force to bomb the Syrian army in the Lebanese Bekaa Valley, losing a pilot and allowing the Syrians to capture his co-pilot, who was only returned after a prolonged and politically embarrassing negotiation by Jesse Jackson. In an era when America is ready to threaten the invasion of Syria and Iran - part of that infamous "axis of evil" - this may seem small beer. But Syria itself has seen what has happened to America's army in Iraq, and is emboldened by its humiliation to avenge the attacks of Israel or America, whatever the cost.

If America cannot control Iraq, why should Syria fear Israel?
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[CTRL] Canada's Residential Schools, Nigeria cultism, CIA torture

2003-10-06 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

The Residential School System Historical Overview "The Indian residential school system predates Confederation; and in part grew out of Canada's missionary experience with various religious organizationsIn addition to allegations of physical and sexual abuse, which are found in 90% of the legal claims, allegations relating to such things as cultural loss, breach of treaty, loss of education opportunity, forcible confinement and poor conditions at the schools are also alleged. Now over 5,000 cases representing nearly 12,000 individuals make claims against the government. Seventy per cent of claimants themselves also name a church institution in addition to the government. There have been over 630 settlements and 11 court judgements."

Rivers Govt vows to stamp out cultism by Tony Okafor, Port Harcourt "Rivers State Government has vowed to stop at nothingin curbing current the wave of cultism which is threateningsecurity in the state. The State governor, Peter Odili stated this... Lately, ritual killings, cultism and armed robbery activities had been on the increase in Rivers State, especially in Port Harcourt, the capital.",12780,1055663,00.html
Briton held as terror suspect says CIA threatened torture First account of US methods from UK detainee Vikram Dodd Saturday October 4, 2003 The Guardian 
A British businessman arrested as a suspected terrorist has told the Guardian that US agents threatened him with beatings and rape in an attempt to break him. Wahab al-Rawi, 38, was denied a lawyer, held incommunicado for four weeks in Gambia, and repeatedly questioned by CIA agents before being released without charge. His account is the first from any Briton about their treatment by the US while held as a suspect in the two year "war on terror". The account also challenges US denials of the use of torture or the threat of torture on terrorist suspects, thousands of whom have been detained and interrogated across the world. The Guardian revealed in July that Mr Rawi's business partners, including his brother, Bisher, and Jamil al-Banna, who were arrested with him, have been incarcerated in the US camp at Guantanamo Bay without charge. Speaking publicly for the first time, Mr Rawi, 38, said: 
· CIA agents twice threatened him with torture if he did not cooperate; 
· He was subjected to sleep deprivation, with lights permanently kept on in his cell;
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[CTRL] Fwd: California Election, the Nation, THE WORLD

2003-10-06 Thread RoadsEnd
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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First, a note to readers outside the U.S.: California votes tomorrow
(Tuesday) on whether to recall its elected governor (Gray Davis) and, if
recall carries, then who to replace him with. If the latter, the winner
will either be film star Arnold Schwarzenegger, of Bush' Republican
Party, or the present Lieut. Governor, Cruz Bustamante, Democrat.
Because we are in our majority a country of immigrants or the children
or grandchildren of immigrants, and generations elapse before
discrimination against the most recent immigrant population is
eliminated and/or dies out, voters of that ethnic origin predominantly
favor candidates of their own ethnicity. In California that is
reinforced by the fact that it was taken from Mexico in the 19th
century, and the largest number of Latinos are of Mexican birth or
Schwarzenegger, Austrian-born, is hardly thought of in terms of
ethnicity, because he is European and, of course, white. In our peculiar
psychology, that makes him essentially American. The fact that he knows
German plays no role. Bustamante speaks fluent Spanish as well as
English, as is the rule among Latinos born, as he was, in the stupendous
agricultural Central Valley of California, and generally the case among
those in cities like Los Angeles, our greatest metropolis, San Jose, and
San Francisco. To the 31% of Californians who are Latino, that makes him
one of ours.
For a Latino to have been nominated for lieutenant governor in the
last election is due to the fact that Gray Davis needed a Spanish name
to accompany his own, in order to win. He won by the tiniest of margins,
and the number of Latino votes cast for him made the difference.
Now to Californians, and Americans in general. Neither retention of
Davis or election of Schwarzenegger will change this country nor, very
much, the state. In the former case that is self-evident. In the latter,
there will be the opposition to Schwarzenegger's proposals from the
Democrats who control the state legislature, led by a tough liberal,
John Burton.
   The Republicans would interpret a Schwarzenegger victory as an
endorsement of the president now in office, who shows no signs whatever
of changing his policies. The interpretation is invalid because no one
regards the election as a vote for or against the Democratic Party on a
national level. It is a vote on Davis' failings.
no hero, possesses no charisma. But because his core constituency is
Latino, his platform is more progressive than that of, for example, any
Democratic candidate for the presidency other than Kucinich and
   His article in Sunday's San Francisco Chronicle could not be more
specific. He wants fully funding K-12 education (pre-school through
high school). He wants the tax on automobile ownership, which was
tripled last year, to be reduced or eliminated. He specifically would
exempt vehicles costing under $20,000, which is the category driven by
low-and-medium-paid working people including, for example, those,
particularly Blacks who, living in ghettoes, need a vehicle in order to
get to work. California is notoriously weak in availability of public
   He wants to reinstate the top income tax level. He proposes to
eliminate the loophole in Proposition 13, to permit more frequent
reassessment of real property values and particularly that of commercial
property. My own city, Oakland is suffering a destructive loss to public
education because the last previous superintendent of schools brought it
the largest budget deficit of 

[CTRL] Neophyte Gorge

2003-10-06 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Neophyte Gorge
by Karen Kwiatkowski 

"Sometimes the American people like the decisions I make, sometimes they don't. But they need to know I make tough decisions, based upon what I think is right, given the intelligence I know."

~ George W. Bush, 3 October 2003

It seems to me that Bush is standing at the edge of a great canyon. Pebbles under his feet are increasingly unstable, and a scramble instinct breaks out from his reptilian brain. Neophyte Gorge is deep, dangerous, and it hurts when you hit the bottom. It hurts on the way down, too. In a flash recognition of the desperation of his position, Bush experiments with truth-telling. 

The president has for the first time in months violated the all too common coincidence in political speeches of "lips moving" and "lying through teeth." He speaks the truth. Some people like Georges decisions, and some do not. 

And George does make tough decisions. As Abraham Lincoln could have advised young Dubya, its not easy to stoke a nation to war, using a few publicly popular and well-woven suggestions while keeping the investors and election donors happy and confident that the real reasons will be kept under wraps. Its a tough job, and while nobody has to do it, George, like Abe before him, did do it. And as we can see from the angry columns by frustrated and frightened neoconservative mouthpieces, hiding the real reasons for the occupation of Iraq is a job that keeps getting tougher. 

Bush said on October 3, 2003, that "the Iraq war was justified" and one of the key reasons for it was a vial of botulinum bacteria, kept in a scientists home refrigerator since 1993, cited in the David Kay report. Bush said this, among other things, proved we have ample signs that Saddam "was a danger to the world." 

Now, I dont want John Ashcroft to come over for a visit, but I too tend to keep botulinum bacteria in the refrigerator. Now, I have to admit, I havent kept any single item in my fridge since 1993, and instead of vials, my stuff is usually found in old mayonnaise jars and partially eaten tuna sandwiches. 

If I follow George Bushs logic, that might make me a danger to the world, too. Of course, I dont have any delivery mechanisms for my botulinum, no banned mid-range missiles, and certainly no sophisticated concealment techniques. We also havent built tank traps or fired up the anti-air batteries on the old farm, not yet anyway. 

But back to Bush and telling the truth. Bush insists that he makes these tough decisions based on "what I think is right, given the intelligence I know." With these words, we have arrived at the line between truth and lies that politicians never fear to tread. Here, finally, we may discover what the real meaning of "is" is. Unfortunately, like the Knights of the Round Table seeking a chalice that once held holy blood, we find only the discarded shells of ideas littered around a middle-aged derelict, tottering and muttering in an intellectually and morally vacant White House. 

Our Presidents opinion of right and wrong is, of itself, problematic. His previous business dealings, whether failed oil companies or miraculously profitable baseball teams, his drunken decades, his avoidance of inconvenient National Guard duty, his reported personal callousness towards executions in Texas and his institutionalized callousness towards both American dead and maimed and Iraqi dead and maimed, and his apparent confusion between his (and our) own justifiable anger over 9-11, and Gods judgment over all of us  any and all of these ought to give us pause when George W. Bush says "he does what he thinks is right."

Beyond this, George admits that his thinking and tough decisions are qualified by "the intelligence [he] know[s]." The intelligence Dubya knows must indeed be the greatest mystery of the early 21st century. He told us last fall many things "he knew" and now he tells us many other things "he knows" contrary to last fall. Mushroom clouds and biological weapons delivered to America courtesy of Saddams UAVs, links between Saddam and 9-11, and Al Qaeda  all that was so last season. The new style is bleak and plaintive. It is singularly unattractive, more appropriate for todays consumer spending attitudes instead of last falls swagger and strut.

The fascinating thing is that the United States intelligence community has not changed its assessment of Iraqs capability to threaten the United States. Last year, this year, same story. If George Tenet is to be criticized, it should be for failing to publicly step down last winter as he observed the executive level repeatedly throw the trillion dollar intelligence community over for some easy sweet words whispered into the open ears of the administration by neoconservative imperialists and their Iraqi ruler wannabes. Saddams war-making capabilities had been degraded or destroyed, Ba-ath Party and Iraq societal vigor reduced by a decade 

[CTRL] New Definition of Anti-Semitism

2003-10-06 Thread William Shannon

Ayoon wa Azan (New Definition of Anti-Semitism)

Jihad Al KhazenAl-Hayat2003/10/6

Over the past few weeks, I noticed that an increasing number of Jewish Likudists around the world have been reading the Arab press, especially the press that is translated to English and published on the Internet. They either make comments or respond, and most of the time they accuse the reporter of this broad accusation of "anti-Semitism."

In the past, anti-Semitism used to mean a person who hates Jews. Today, in the era of Sharon's Likudnik immorality, it means any person hated by the Jews. I used to object to letters I received complaining about what I said about the Israeli government and its practices. The people sending me the letters considered what I said as being against the Jews in general, although I am always cautious and rarely attack Israel without mentioning that the majority of Jews in Israel still wish for a peaceful solution and that the majority of Jews in the world are moderate liberals with whom it is easy to make peace.

This was and still is my opinion, and I have always objected to my articles being read in a selective manner; nevertheless, I found some consolation when Edgard Bronfman, a committed Zionist presiding the World Jewish Forum, was victim of a defamation campaign, waged by radicals who have blood on their hands, such as Ariel Sharon. He had dared send President Bush a letter objecting to Israel's construction of the security wall on Palestinian territory.

The security wall means that it is impossible to reach a peaceful agreement, because if it is completed the way Sharon and the war criminals around him want it, it could take up 40% of the West Bank territories. Once, Mahmoud Abbas told me that if the Israelis want to build such wall for security as they claim, nothing prevented them from building it on their own land. Abbas insisted that it would be impossible to reach an agreement if the wall was completed according to Sharon's official planswhich would mean that the wall's construction comes against the Israeli people's desire for peace, which is vindicated in the opinion polls.

What matters is that Bronfman (along with Lawrence Eagleburger, the former U.S. Secretary of State) dared express the desire of the majority of Jews with regards to the wall, and the result was that one of Sharon's supporters attacked him and accused him of being disloyal.

I read that Bronfman's letter reached Izy Leibler, the deputy president of the World Jewish Forum, so he launched a campaign on the president and asked him to withdraw his letter and apologize because his duty is to promote the Israeli government.

Bronfman is a billionaire who presides SEGHAM. He constitutes along with his family one of the pillars of the world Jewish support to Israel. The reason why he is treated so disrespectfully is because he expressed the stance of the majority of Jews; so the reader can only imagine how an Arab writer or any commentator is treated if he dare criticize Israel.

Trying to control the media and silencing the opposition to Israel goes along with the process of killing Palestinians and destroying peace. Before Bronfman, George Bush was subject to a harsh campaign that reflected the endless impudence of Israel and its supporters.

This was in the beginning of the summer, when a truce between the Palestinian factions and Israel was worked out so Abbas' government would be able to implement the Roadmap; but Israel tried to kill Dr. Abdulaziz Rantissi, who escaped, but killed a woman and a three-year-old child, also injuring 27 people. President Bush's comment on that was that he was concerned about the attacks of the Israeli helicopters and that he was sorry for the loss of lives, adding, he did not believe the attacks helped Israel's security.

Israel and its supporters in Congress replied to these simple words by objecting and denouncing. Tom DeLay, the leader of the Republican majority in Congress, threatened President Bush that Congress would issue a resolution supporting the Israeli attacks if the President did not declare his unconditioned support for Israel.

I would add here that Hamas retaliated the next day of the murder attempt through a suicide attack in Jerusalem, where 16 people were killed. I insist that it was the war criminal Sharon who killed them and not Hamas, because he knew his crime would be punished. He probably even welcomed the retaliation in order to justify his next crime.

With the mounting Israeli crimes, there is a wide campaign to ban any criticism of Israel. One of the official members of the Jewish lobby AIPAC wrote in the Denver Post that the unacceptable side of anti-Semitism today is to criticize Israel, which, he added, is the only state in the world controlled by Jews (he forgot to mention the U.S.) then he complained about focusing

[CTRL] Mind Control Court Case - 1

2003-10-06 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

Defendant claimed that he was harassed by voices and law enforcement, that they had 
planted a liquidized microchip in his body in 1991, that the implant interfered with 
his thought pattern and began controlling his behavior, that the implant tormented and 
tortured him, and that he heard tormenting sounds when he shot Delaney.


THE PEOPLE, Plaintiff and Respondent,

GUADALUPE BELTRAN GUERRA, Defendant and Appellant.


2003 Cal. App. Unpub. LEXIS 3207

March 28, 2003, Filed


PRIOR HISTORY: Sacramento. Super.Ct.No. 99F08999.


JUDGES: HULL, J. We concur: DAVIS, Acting P.J., NICHOLSON, J.


OPINION: A jury convicted defendant Guadalupe Beltran Guerra of assault with a firearm 
(Pen. Code, § 245, subd. (a)(2)) -- count one), in which he personally used a firearm 
(Pen. Code, § 12022.5, subd. (a)(1)) and personally inflicted great bodilly injury 
causing paralysis (Pen. Code, § 12022.7, subd. (a)). Defendant was also convicted of 
mayhem (Pen. Code, § 203 - - count two), in which he personally discharged a firearm 
and caused great bodily injury (§ 12022.53, subd. (d)). In a bifurcated proceeding, 
the jury found that defendant was sane at the time of the crimes. The trial court 
found that he had suffered three prior robbery convictions. He was sentenced to state 
prison for 58 years to life.

On appeal, defendant contends the evidence [*2]  of sanity was insufficient. We affirm 
the judgment.


Defendant's contention requires a detailed statement of facts.

Prosecution case-in-chief

On November 5, 1999, William Delaney, then age 44, went to the home of Danny Cole, 
which was next to defendant's trailer in Sacramento County. Delaney had known 
defendant for about four months and had contacts with him on approximately six prior 
occasions during which they discussed the Bible and scripture. Defendant and Delaney 
never argued or disagreed.

At approximately 3:00 p.m., defendant drove Delaney down the street to check on 
Delaney's girlfriend, Cindy Padilla, who was helping a friend move some items. 
Defendant then drove Delaney back to Cole's house. During the 15-minute trip, 
defendant and Delaney talked about the Lord and scripture, and said a prayer. There 
was no disagreement during their discussion. Delaney and Padilla left Cole's residence.

At approximately 4:30 p.m., Delaney and Padilla returned to Cole's residence and saw 
defendant, who was standing near the end of his truck that was parked in the driveway 
next to his trailer. Padilla then went to meet her friend.

At approximately 6:00 p.m., Delaney [*3]  and Cole contacted defendant at the end of 
defendant's truck to see if he would give Delaney a ride home. Defendant looked at a 
telephone pole and asked Delaney if he heard a noise near the pole. Delaney responded 
that he did not hear anything and asked defendant if he would give him a ride. 
Defendant said, Sure, just a minute. Cole left with his sister. At approximately 
7:00 p.m., Delaney asked defendant if he had any of the Orange Crushes he had given to 
Cole a couple of days before. Defendant, who still stood at the end of his truck, 
said, Yeah, they're right inside the trailer. Delaney walked to the trailer, stuck 
his head inside the doorway, and looked for the sodas but did not see them. He turned 
to ask defendant where the drinks were. Defendant was standing on the other side of 
the trailer door, which was approximately 12 feet away, and was pointing a dark gray 
.380- caliber handgun at him. Delaney extended his left arm and said, Hey, hey. 
Defendant looked at Delaney and shot him. The bullet severed Delaney's left thumb, 
entered the left side of his chest, and struck his spinal cord, permanently paralyzing 
him. Delaney fell to the ground. Defendant stood two feet from [*4]  Delaney, still 
pointing the gun at him and looking to see if anyone was around. Delaney asked 
defendant to say a prayer and then feigned that he was dead. Defendant got into his 
truck and sped out of the driveway. Delaney yelled for somebody to call 911. Cole's 
sister and other persons did so.

Sheriff's deputies arrived at the scene at 7:12 p.m. Delaney reported that defendant 
had shot him and that he did not know why. A .380-caliber shell casing, which was on 
the ground, was later determined to have been fired from defendant's gun.

At approximately this same time, Sacramento Police Sergeant Schiele was at the police 
substation on Franklin Boulevard. The substation is approximately a five-minute drive 

[CTRL] Where Are The Israelis?

2003-10-06 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Where Are The Israelis?
By Jim Kirwan

The US needs more troops to continue the occupation in Iraq. Maybe the little country that says it is sovereign, but always turns to us for money and has received $1.6 Trillion by way of assistance from the taxpayers of the United States, might want to come forward.   

Yes, $1.6 Trillion -   

Militarily, the new USA is now stretched too thin. Thanks to the complete diplomatic failures of Little Big-Mouth, we,ve not been able to attract help from the 'other' nations that we tried to intimidate prior to our invasion.   

Assuming that we're not going to do the right thing and just leave Afghanistan and Iraq especially given our miserable performance in attempting to manage the after-action occupations, not to mention the non-reconstruction of either Afghanistan or Iraq. And since Bush keeps overloading us with phrases like "Bring 'em on!" - 'we' obviously need some additional military help.

So perhaps it's time for a gesture of payback, some token of goodwill in exchange for fighting all their wars for them. The little country really ought to have their own troops in these places anyhow - doing their own dirty work for themselves, and this time under their own flag instead of using ours.   

Of course, it used to be illegal for members of the U.S. Government to receive political 'donations' from foreign countries, or foreign nationals - but in the case of Israel, it seems that US laws do not apply. In fact it's rumored to be very difficult to be in the US Congress unless one favors virtually everything that Israel wants to have approved. Given the $1,600,000,000 already 'invested' - Why is this policy never questioned?   

The Israelis planned the Iraq war, even before Bush took charge of the White House. So, why shouldn't they be the ones with targets on their backs everyday? After all, they have received far more of the US taxpayer's money than any state in the Union, and they give us nothing for that kind of help. Besides, they've a lot more experience pushing conquered people around. Just yesterday, they attacked Syria for the first time in two decades - on another pretext: is this the opening round in our next agression? That may sound ourtrageous but there are 5 countries in the Middle East they have targeted for us to invade, and Syria is one of them.   

In Palestine, they've succeeded in making open murder a regular part of their 'political, actions' against those they disagree with - so, why not let them try their methods in a country where there are some weapons in the hands of the 'conquered' - where the subject population can do more than just throw stones? What are friends for if they don't come to help when their benefactors are so obviously in need of assistance? 20,000 hardened troops might do for a start.

Some might say that this would destabilize the region, if not the world. But this is a 'nation' that has nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons in abundance - just as we do. Plus, between their missiles and their air power they possess the means to deliver those weapons anywhere. Since all of this chaos of 'Enduring Freedoms' at the price of American Freedoms has become intense, Israel has remained silently engrossed in annexing more Palestinian land, and killing off more of those who resist their occupations. Between regularly destroying any peace plans that might surface in their region, while loosing their rogue agents on the world, to perform sanctioned hits in other countries: Israel has otherwise maintained a low profile.   

But now because of money we're coming down to reality, and we need some help - so where are the mighty warriors from that nearly invisible nation? They're still 'expanding' their little settlements, and stealing land from those whom they are supposed to protect - and they need to have the time to continue with the murder and enslavement of those they are supposedly occupying. 

Israel is unique. That country remains outside the major monetary blocks of transnational affairs and yet it is shunned by most of the civilized world. The USA seems to be the only 'power' to have taken up their interests, but this has been a strictly one-way road - 'we' have nothing to say about what Israel does or does not do. Still, isn't it about time that Israel began to pay more for the perks they've been receiving - with their own troops, their own weapons, and their own tactics - so they can show the world how a true occupation ought to be run!

If Israel can't do that, then maybe they should begin paying back at least half that money which we have given them. Like Bush, Sharon is a lousy diplomat, and an even worse head of state. But money is money, and it should speak much louder than it has been allowed to - in the Middle East.   

The taxpayers of the United States are owed both an explanation 

[CTRL] Global Holocaust

2003-10-06 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 18:31:48 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [INGRAM] Rafe Offline

 * **

On Sun, 5 Oct 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How is it that Canadian Justice deems this identifiable group and ONLY this
 identifiable group to be worthy of a legal death penalty when THEY HAVE

 As I've pointed out before, the Constitution and Statutes belong, and never
 mind the rhetoric, to those who can invoke them or ignore them at will.

 They have committed a crime in the minds of those people. The crime of
 having become negative consumers.

Yes, they are surplus population from the standpoint of Creepy Campbell,
Monster Martin and other ghouls. They have no economic value as the ghouls
define 'economic value'.

There is a global holocaust underway if those repetitive CTV and CBCTV
ads about 30,000 children dying every day for lack of necessities of life
are telling the truth. What the ads fail to tell us is that THESE PEOPLE
ARE BEING KILLED, LIQUIDATED. It doesn't just happen. Monster M's
billionaire clan is one of the 500 or so on the planet who are engineering
this holocaust. Step by step Monster M and Creepy are bringing about the
conditions here so BC and Canada can be on a par with the other countries
where their genocide is being successfully carried out.

Otherwise, maybe an intrepid media person like Rafe Mair could just come
right out and ask the right question of Creepy and MM:

Do you believe society at large has the right to deny the necessities of
life (food etc) to the poorest of its CITIZENS and thereby put them to

They will evade the question, which means YES. Otherwise, any person of
sound conscience would quickly say NO ...I subscribe to Universal
Declaration of Human Rights Article 25 (to which you referred earlier,

Remembering the true meaning of hallowe'en,

Zandu Goldbar
POC Financier

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In August, 2001, the popular Ingram show was cancelled, suddenly and without 
explanation. It was the only televised challenge to the social-political establishment 
of BC. Why did this happen? What can be done to remedy this assault against our 
by-Constitution democratic society?

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mind Control Court Case -- 2

2003-10-06 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

Bruce Quarry, a senior psychiatric social worker and a member of appellant's treatment 
team, testified that appellant [*2]  is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. His 
statements indicate delusions of persecution and grandiosity, which intertwine in a 
fixed and crystallized delusion that there are microchips in his body.


In the Matter of: Robert D. Caufman, Jr.



1992 Minn. App. LEXIS 948

August 31, 1992, Decided
September 8, 1992, Filed

NOTICE:  [*1]

STAT. § 480A.08, SUBD. 3 AS AMENDED.

PRIOR HISTORY: Appeal from District Court. Hennepin County. Hon. Kevin S. Burke, Judge.



Michael Saeger, 435 Hamm Building, 408 St. Peter Street, St. Paul, MN 55102, (For 
Appellant Caufman)

Michael O. Freeman, Hennepin County Attorney, John R. Owen, Assistant County Attorney, 
C-2000 Government Center, Minneapolis, MN 55487

JUDGES: Considered and decided by Huspeni, Presiding Judge, Norton, Judge, and Foley, 



FOLEY, Judge

Appellant was committed as mentally ill to the Anoka Metro Regional Treatment Center. 
He appeals and we affirm.


Appellant had delusional beliefs that various microchips were implanted in his body, 
and he sought hospitalization so that surgeons could remove them. He was transferred 
to the psychiatric unit at the Hennepin County Medical Center. When confronted with 
the reality that he had a diagnosis of a substantial psychiatric disorder, he became 
very angry and irritable.

Bruce Quarry, a senior psychiatric social worker and a member of appellant's treatment 
team, testified that appellant [*2]  is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. His 
statements indicate delusions of persecution and grandiosity, which intertwine in a 
fixed and crystallized delusion that there are microchips in his body. Medical 
records indicated appellant has considered using a knife to remove them himself. 
Appellant believes this is part of a plot to keep him under observation, or to take 
his power and wealth away. Appellant does not believe he suffers from a mental 
illness. He also believes he does not need to be in a hospital or take medication, 
although he did take medication the day before the hearing. The treatment team 
recommended a long-term structured stay at a regional treatment center.

Dr. Carl Schwartz, the court-appointed examiner, diagnosed appellant as suffering from 
chronic psychotic paranoid schizophrenia. He has no insight into his mental illness. 
He does not present a danger to himself or others at the moment. Without intervention, 
he will provide necessities for himself by living in someone else's house and 
receiving general assistance.

Schwartz described appellant as having a very flamboyant, very severe mental illness. 
Inwardly, he is suffering terribly, and he is [*3]  constantly persecuted. At some 
point in his illness, he might, as a result of his disturbed thinking or commands, 
hurt others. While he professes to have no mental illness, Schwartz believes that 
appellant knows he is mentally ill. If he gets tired of it, he may kill himself. 
Schwartz recommended treatment with very high doses of neuroleptics.

Dr. Irving Bernstein, the second court-appointed examiner, also diagnosed appellant 
with paranoid schizophrenia. He saw no evidence appellant would hurt anyone else. 
Instead, he presents a danger to himself. There was some evidence appellant has 
thought of doing away with himself. Appellant has also thought about removing the 
microchips himself on more than one occasion, but has not yet done it. Absent 
intervention, he can obtain food and shelter by living with his girlfriend. He is on 
medical assistance, but will not obtain psychiatric care on his own.

Appellant's girlfriend testified he cooked, cleaned and took care of her two children. 
She and appellant do not fight, he has not struck anyone, and she has no concerns 
about leaving her children with him. He has complained that he has microchips in his 
body and wants them out,  [*4]  but has not threatened to take them out himself. He 
has never threatened to harm himself. If appellant left the hospital, he could stay 
with her.

Appellant testified he had been jumped and drugged by some people. Someone put stuff 
in him, and he has had problems which felt like chest pains or needles sticking 
through him. Appellant testified he had asked for x-rays, explaining it was like a 
pacemaker, or a torture device. When told they could not help him, he left, saying he 
would try another hospital. Two security personnel then jumped him, handcuffed him 
very violently, and gave him three shots of something he was allergic to. They drove 
him in handcuffs to the Hennepin County Medical Center.

The trial court committed appellant as mentally ill. Caufman appeals.

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Gold has 'powerful enemies,' Financial Post observes in passing

2003-10-06 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Printer at Free s/h on orders $50 or more to the US  Canada.

8:23p ET Monday, October 6, 2003

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

This article from Canada's Financial Post is interesting
for acknowledging, in passing, that gold has powerful 
enemies. The author doesn't go into details, but he may 
have figured that this was the most he could get published 
at the moment without risking transfer to the sewer
commission beat and that you could figure it out.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

Gold's glitter a gamble; new funds, tactics let you ride the bandwagon
By Jonathan Chevreau
Financial Post (National Post), Canada
Saturday, October 4, 2003

The US$14 plunge in the price of gold yesterday was a 
vivid warning for investors tempted to jump whole hog on 
the precious-metals bandwagon.

Gold fell to US$374 an ounce, the lowest level in two 
weeks, as the greenback rose against the euro and the 

Of course, those gripped by gold fever -- many speculators 
and hedge funds are long on gold -- may view the sell-off as 
the proverbial buying opportunity.

Latecomers who joined the party only after gold mutual 
funds rose 16% in August (and 30% over the past 12 months) 
may be feeling buyer's remorse today.

Such outperformance should have served as a flashing yellow 
warning signal. Mutual fund investors are notorious for jumping 
on a trend only after it's been established. Chasing recent 
performance is what got investors into trouble in 1999, when 
they piled into the Nasdaq and technology funds.

But what if gold bugs are ultimately right and we are still in 
the early stages of a gold bull market? If that's the case, the 
recent dip creates an ideal moment to leap aboard the 

The latest issue of The FundLetter urges investors to waste 
no time in joining the gold rush. Fully five of the newsletter's 
eight pages are devoted to precious-metals funds and the 
other three cover resource funds that own gold stocks.

As a moderate bug holding 10% of my portfolio in gold, the 
newsletter got my attention. While discussing this with an 
editor, a colleague confessed he holds fully a third of his 
portfolio in gold. That got me thinking that if gold aficionados 
are infiltrating the financial media, the general public can't be 
far behind.

My friend's 33% position exceeds the more prudent 5% or 
10% financial advisors recommend as a hedge against 
economic calamity. But it's in line with a call by Dow Theory 
Letters editor Richard Russell, who recently bumped his 
suggested gold allocation from 10% to 33%. However, mere 
hours before yesterday's sell-off, Russell warned that gold 
and gold stocks are tired, and might even be ready to correct.

Gold has powerful enemies in government and the banking 
sector, groups that favour fiat currencies no longer backed 
by gold. Accordingly, those contemplating jumping into gold 
should first assess the pros and cons of holding the actual 
metal -- real money, the bugs call it -- versus the stocks of 
companies that explore and mine it.

Bullion reached the lofty height of US$393 last week, but 
gold stocks rose even more. Portfolio manager John Embry 
says the stocks were factoring in a bullion price well into the 
US$400s. In his Sprott Gold and