[CTRL] Bush Ignores Soldiers' Burials

2003-11-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bush Ignores Soldiers' Burials
By Christopher Scheer, AlterNet
October 30, 2003

On Monday and Tuesday, amid the suicide bombing carnage that left at least 34 Iraqis dead, three more U.S. servicemen were killed in combat in Iraq. In the coming days their bodies will be boxed up and sent home for burial. While en route, the coffins will be deliberately shielded from view, lest the media capture on film the dark image of this ultimate sacrifice. It is almost certain, as well, that like all of the hundreds of U.S. troops killed in this war to date, these dead soldiers will be interred or memorialized without the solemn presence of the President of the United States. 

Increasingly, this proclivity on the part of President Bush to avoid the normal duty of a commander-in-chief to honor dead soldiers is causing rising irritation among some veterans and their families who have noticed what appears to be a historically anomalous slight. 

"This country has a lot of history where commanders visit wounded soldiers and commanders talked to families of deceased soldiers and commanders attend funerals. It's just one of these understood traditions," says Seth Pollack, an 8-year veteran who served in the First Armored Division in both the first Gulf War and the Bosnia operation. "At the company level, the division level ... the general tradition is to honor the soldier, and the way you honor these soldiers is to have high-ranking officials attend the funeral. For the President not to have attended any is simply disrespectful." 

Repeated questions on the matter posed to the White House over the past week earned only a series of "We'll call you back" and "Let me get back to you on that" comments from press officer Jimmy Orr. 

Soldiers in the field, say veterans who have been there, have a lot more on their mind than whether or not the President has been photographed with a flag-draped coffin. But for those vets' rights activists who have not only noticed but begun to demand answers from the Bush Administration, the President lost the benefit of their doubt by his actions over the past six months. "I was really shocked that the president wouldn't attend a funeral for a soldier he sent to die," said Pollack, who is board president of Veterans for Common Sense. "But at the same time I'm not surprised in the least. This Administration has consistently shown a great deal of hypocrisy between their talk about supporting the troops and what they've actually done," he added. 

"From the cuts in the VA budget, reductions in various pays for soldiers deployed . . . to the most recent things like those we've seen at Fort Stewart, where soldiers who are wounded are not being treated well, the Administration has shown a blatant disregard for the needs of the soldiers." Pollack was referring to 600 wounded, ill and injured soldiers at a base in Georgia who were recently reported to be suffering from terrible living conditions, poor medical treatment and bureaucratic indifference. During a recent stop at Fort Stewart, President Bush visited returning soldiers but bypassed the wounded next door. 

"Bush's inaction is a national disgrace," said one Gulf War I vet, speaking off the record. "I'm distressed at the lack of coverage â amounting to government censorship â of the funerals of returning U.S. service members. 

"Bush loves to go to military bases near fundraisers," he continued. "The taxpayers pay for his trip, then he rakes in the cash. Soldiers are ordered to behave and be quiet at Bush events. What a way to get a friendly crowd! The bottom line is that if Bush attended a funeral now, it would highlight a few things: 1) There's a war going on, stupid; 2) There are bodies flying home in coffins censored by the Pentagon; and 3) Bush is insensitive to families and veterans." 

Even as a propaganda strategy hatched by a PR flak, Bush's absence at funerals or memorial services â or even being photographed greeting the wounded â is starting to look less savvy. On September 8, Washington Post columnist Courtland Milloy wrote of one D.C. family's outrage that the President had not only been unable to attend the funeral of Spec. Darryl T. Dent, 21, killed in Iraq while serving in the District of Colombia's National Guard, but hadn't sent his condolences either. 

"We haven't heard from him or the White House, not a word," Marion Bruce, Dent's aunt and family spokeswoman, told Milloy. "I don't want to speak for the whole family, but I am not pleased." A month later, after it was revealed by Dana Milbank in the Washington Post that the Pentagon was for the first time enforcing a ban on all media photographs of coffins and body bags leaving the war zone or arriving in America, more critics came to believe in their heart what their guts had been telling them for some time: that the White House was doggedly intent on not associating the President with slain American troops, l

[CTRL] Neo-conservatism: The real terrorist threat

2003-11-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Neo-conservatism: The real terrorist threat
William M Hardiker

In a speech to Congress on July 11 2003, Republican Representative Ron Paul asked the house the following rhetorical questions, "How did we get here?" and "Does anyone care?". Being so long avoided and overdue they doubtless caused much unease, averting of eyes and scrutiny of fingernails. At the conclusion of his speech and with audible sighs of relief, it was clear that such a politically incorrect outburst of passionate dismay would promptly be dismissed and forgotten. . 

But why have such crucially important questions relating to the response of the Bush administration post September 11, not been raised, discussed, dissected and debated exhaustedly? Not surprisingly it was the mighty dollar that caused alarm bells to ring after Congressman Paul pointed out that the US national debt is increasing at a rate greater than half a trillion dollars a year and the debt limit was recently raised by the Bush team to a calculator blowing $984 billion. Total US government obligations are $43 trillion, whilst US household's net worth is just over $40.6 trillion. When the talk turns to dollars, Americans take notice. 

In perhaps the first fully fledged outburst of high level government dissent against the Neo-Conservative's radical and dangerous agenda, Mr. Paul stated that which has been a long time coming; two years to be precise. The time it has taken for many Americans to recover from the psychological damage inflicted by the September 11 attacks which transformed the collective American psyche from one of national invincibility, to one of national vulnerability. "Ideas" exclaimed Senator Paul, "have consequences", and "bad ideas, have bad consequences". Let us hope that Mr. Wolfowitz and Chenney were taking notes. 

There is however, cause for some optimism in what appears to be a 'slow dawn of awakening' within the collective American conscience as to who have been 'pulling the strings' within the Bush administration, and a beginning of questions raised in relation to the inappropriateness of the Administrations response to the events of September 11, 2001. Like a death within a family, a period of mourning is, or was, traditionally, required before hopefully, the reality of life without the deceased will be accepted. Sometimes the period is short lived, but at others the mourning is indefinite. This seems to be the circumstance in the US as a result of the events of what is now referred to as 9/11. As the recovery process proceeds, we can only hope, though certainly not count on, a simultaneous re-emergence of common sense. 

Only now, with such questions as those asked by Mr. Paul, is the nation appearing to emerge from the 'twilight reality' of fearful vulnerability, insecurity, and suspicion to the reality of the world beyond the confines of the United States. A world in which not all agree with the America's self appointed status and subjective interpretation of international affairs. A difficult proposition, but necessary nonetheless. That it has taken so long a time can be explained innocently on the one hand because of the surprise, audacity and proportions of the tragedy, and deviously on the other because of the political manipulation of the event which ensured it was exploited in such a way as to enable the implementation of a radical new foreign policy agenda that was guaranteed to meet approval not only by the domestic American public, but by the world in general only if accompanied by a substancial perceived threat to the national security. Under less extraordinary circumstances such policy as "pre-emptive" war against sovereign States and the passing of a "patriot act" would most certainly have been rejected. 

Vengeance, revenge and punishment was the priority even despite America's extensive and shameful history of terrorism and interventionism against weak and defenseless States throughout the length and breadth of the twentieth century. That which we have borne witness to during the past two years is "the politics of fear". Rather than instigating a criminal investigation, the Bush team pointed the finger squarely at Osama Bin Laden, even whilst they whisked his family out of the United States and harms way. Whether these events have impacted upon the Bush family's business dealings with the Bin Laden is at present an unknown. The people have been duped into believing they face a threat lets say approximately 10,000 times greater than the reality of the "new changed world of terrorism", and used as gullible pawns in a grand game of international chess, using the world stage as the board and the ruthless elites, the technocrats, big business and politicians as key players. 

Between the attacks themselves and Mr. Paul's questions to Congress, not all were stricken senseless by what might be coined "national post traumatic shock syndrome". Work towards implementing

[CTRL] Wall Street Journal vs. America

2003-11-03 Thread William Shannon

November 3, 2003 issue
Copyright  2003 The American Conservative
Wall Street Journal vs. America
by Pat Buchanan

Commentators have lately begun to point up parallels between the presidency of George W. Bush and that of his father. Both enjoyed extraordinary approval in their third years after triumphs over Saddam Hussein. Both began to slide due to a sickly economy. Both won office on Reaganite rhetoric. But both then left themselves open to a populist revolt by embracing the counterfeit conservatism of the Wall Street Journal. 

In 1992, Ross Perot tore off a third of the Reagan coalition, leaving George H. W. with the smallest share of the presidential popular vote in 80 years. Were the son to face a third-party challenge from the Right, he too would be going home after one term. 

The mega-issues on which the Bushes abandoned conservatism for the Hong Kong values of the Wall Street Journal are free-trade globalism, open-borders immigration, and Wilsonian interventionism.

Unlike the patriarch Sen. Prescott Bush, George H. W. and his son are free traders who simply cannot see the industrial ruin before them from a decade of NAFTA, GATT, MFN for Beijing, and U.S. subordination to the Yankee-baiting Eurocrats of the WTO.

But the returns from 10 years of free trade are in. America is running huge trade deficits with Canada, Mexico, Japan, China, and the EU. Manufacturing jobs have been disappearing at the rate of 83,000 a month every month Bush has been in office. Under George W., one in every six manufacturing jobs has vanished.

Is there no amount of bleeding of jobs that will jolt Mr. Bush into grasping that the Journalâs free-trade fanaticism is denuding his country of its industrial base and could kill his presidency, as it did his fatherâs?

The second issue is immigration. For years, the Journal has pushed to amend the U.S. Constitution to read, âThere shall be open borders.â The Journal wants to tie the hands of the President and Congress to guarantee that the Third World invasion of America is unstoppable. Yet, mass immigration is bankrupting California, as millions of poor immigrants have poured in and millions of middle-class Californians have fled to Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, and Idaho.

Ten million illegal aliens now live here. Their crime rates and social-service demands are higher and tax payments far lower than those of our native-born. As California is fast becoming a Third World state, America is becoming a Third World country. Why is President Bush welcoming this radical transformation of America into a giant replica of the UN General Assembly? What was so wrong with the country we grew up in?

Can the Bushites not see the consequences of blindly following Journal ideology? The Clintonites could. They evaded the law to get millions of Latinos naturalized and registered. In 1996, it paid off. First-time Hispanic voters went 91 percent against Dole-Kemp.

The third issue on which Bush II has embraced Journal neoconservatism is foreign policy. For a decade after Desert Storm, containment had worked with Saddam. Iraq had not invaded a neighbor nor launched a single terror attack against Americans.

Yet, no sooner had the World Trade Center towers fallen than the Journal was shrieking for strikes on âterrorist camps in Syria, Sudan, Libya, and Algeria, and perhaps even in parts of Egypt.â This was warmongering. None of these countries had anything to do with 9/11.

After the overthrow of the Taliban, the Journal began beating the drums for the war it always wanted and the cause it never abandoned: âOn to Baghdad!â Impose a âMacArthur Regencyâ! Now we have Baghdad and the Bremer Regency. And if Mr. Bush cannot extricate us from this new war of suicide bombings and sniper shootings we warned him would follow a U.S. invasion, he may not be re-elected.

What President Bush and many conservatives do not realize is that the Wall Street Journal is to true conservatism what Eisner is to Disney, a cow bird that flew in to sit on the nest another bird built.

Journal editor emeritus Robert Bartley once told author Peter Brimelow, âI think the nation-state is finished.â In June, Bartley flew to Italy for the 10th Santa Colomba Conference hosted by Journal guru Robert Mundell. Topic: âDoes the Global Economy Need a Global Currency?â

âWorld money, with a world central bank, seems a next logical step,â chirps Bartley, who dreams of a New World Order currency replacing the U.S. dollar. Yet, as Margaret Thatcher told this writer, a nation that gives up its currency gives up its sovereignty and independence.

Time to say it: Loyalty to the New World Order is treason to the Republic. But why is Bush blindly following the counsel of faux conservatives leading him down a path that ends in the abolition of America? Why, Mr. President?

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Who's Really Running the Bush Presidency?

2003-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-


It's no secret that Bush was a know-nothing playboy businessman
living off papa's reputation and power prior to being allowed to move
up the stepping stones of public office. After being interviewed by
kingmaker George Shultz in San Francisco, and having been
declared "ready" to serve the establishment, he still had to be
briefed for weeks on foreign and domestic policy by the likes of
Kissinger, Scowcroft and Talbot before he could face the cameras -
something he has rarely done without a written script. Even now,
savvy analysts still consider Bush only a step above a script
reader. Whenever he tries to wing it on his own, his answers are
grammatically incorrect, poorly worded, confused, or simply a rehash
of overworn "tough guy" phrases he memorized previously. So, who's
the real power behind the throne?

A rash of articles have been emerging in the alternative media lately
on the topic, all pointing to VP Dick Cheney as the real power in the
Bush administration. The details are generally correct, but the
conclusions about Cheneys overall role and power are wrong. He is
directing the president, but hes only a middleman. Heres a sampling:

Ritt Goldstein of the Sydney Morning Herald writes, "A former
Pentagon officer turned whistleblower says a group of hawks in the
Bush Administration, including the Vice-President, Dick Cheney, is
running a shadow foreign policy, contravening Washington's official
line." Karen Kwiatkowski, a former air force lieutenant-colonel in
the Pentagon claims, "George Bush isn't in control . . . the
country's been hijacked." She describes how key areas of
neoconservative concern were strategically placed throughout the
White House and in government agencies. She ought to know. She
worked under one of Cheney's boys, Undersecretary of Defense for
Policy Douglas Feith. However, Kwiatkowski is wrong about the
presidency being "hijacked." Bush is a knowing, but lower level

Another significant article describing how Cheney's boys control the
other key posts in the administration was written by Jim Lobe, a
journalist for Alternet.org and other liberal publications. In
today's world we often have to rely on the Left to do the initial
critical analysis of Bush administration policies. Most
conservatives writers either have gone to sleep or have become
inveterate yes-men to Bush.

In general, keep in mind that Lobe and other leftists believe there
is a natural tension between liberal-leaning Sec. of State Colin
Powell (including the traditionally leftist State Department), and
the "right wing" neo-cons of the White House and Pentagon. They
believe the "right wingers" in power run a capitalist conspiracy for
greed and power, which Powell and other token liberals in government
try to resist. This is not true, in reality. They do resist a
little, but few of the liberals at mid-levels of government are
quiting in protest. All those in high position, without exception,
are participants, to one degree or another, in a conspiracy of
governmental control, for globalist purposes. The degree of
difference between various players is in how much of the game plan
they are actually aware of. Occassionally a naive and subservient
conservative is given a top level agency to run, in order to help
preserve the facade of conservatism in the Bush administration. They
too know there is a powerful control system, but they think it is
benevolent, with good intentions. I don't consider Attorney General
Ashcroft as one of these naive conservatives. He's told too many
lies to qualify as an honest man any more.

Colin Powell certainly knows he is part of a powerful control
system. The system brought him up the chain of military command as
Powell fulfilled his "uncle Tom" role. He was a useful minority
officer who could

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Bush Orders Oil Companies Protected From Investigation!

2003-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: MOM 
To: carolyn T 
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 12:49 PM
Subject: Bush Orders Oil Companies Protected From 

Bush Orders Oil Companies Protected From 
Investigation!A Licence To LootBy Richard CallandContretemps10-29-3


Tom Devine is a decent American. A fighter for what he calls 
"free speech dissent" -- whistle-blowing to you and me -- he 
conceals the steel of a lifelong professional commitment to 
whistle-blowers beneath a gentle, soft-spoken exterior. It seems like he 
could not hurt a fly. But when he talks about Executive Order 13303 a 
quiet rage gathers about him. 

Signed by United States President George W Bush in May, the order 
attracted only scant media attention when it was finally reported in 
August. Given that the order is a blank cheque for corporate anarchy in 
Iraq this is very curious indeed. 

A Web search reveals that apart from alternative media such as the 
Los Angeles Independent Media Centre, by and large the mainstream US 
media chose not to take the issue on, and with rare exceptions, the 
international media likewise. 

Either the executive order is unworthy of attention and comment or 
it offers the most abundant proof of what Bush is up to in Iraq. 
I will let you decide. 

The order prohibits the operation of the judicial process in respect 
of both the Development Fund for Iraq and "all Iraqi petroleum and 
petroleum products, and interests". Section 1(b) shields these interests 
"of any nature whatsoever" if it "arises from" or is "related to" the 
"sale or marketing of all Iraqi petroleum and petroleum products that 
are or hereafter come within the possession or control of United States 

Section 3 confirms that "persons" includes entities such as 
corporations. In other words, it takes the operation of all US 
corporations involved in the Iraqi oil business, however indirectly, 
outside of the law. 

That means all corporate activities with roots or any connection 
to Iraqi oil. It includes commerce such as plastics in the 
petrochemical industry or anything else for which Iraqi oil becomes 
relevant, thus blending Iraqi oil with domestic supplies 
or industry. 

It is truly astounding. As a lawyer you sometimes interpret a legal 
document and then decide that you have given it a meaning that it can 
not possibly have. So you reread. This was such an occasion. But it is 

The order covers everything from extraction through to 
transportation, advertising, manufacture, customer service, corporate 
records and payment of taxes. 

As Devine's report for his pressure group, the Government 
Account-ability Project, puts it, "the executive order cancels the 
concept of corporate accountability and abandons the rule of law. 
Translated from the legalese, this is a license for corporations to loot 
Iraq and its citizens." 

It means that the oil industry is magically exempt from liability 
for a vast range of things, including health and safety violations, 
child labour, minimum wage and other employment rights such as equal 
opportunity, consumer fraud, clean environment duties, and shareholder 
accountability, to name but a few. 

For US companies such as Bechtel and Halliburton, there is a double 
beauty to this beast. They have become 


2003-11-03 Thread Eric Stewart
-Caveat Lector-

.the militarization of space is intimately linked with US strategic
nuclear forces, for the previous command covering space, known as Space
Command, has merged with the command responsible for nuclear forces,
Strategic Command. Upon merger, the commander of Strategic Command
stated, "United States Strategic Command provides a single war fighting
combatant command with a global perspective, focused on exploiting the
strong and growing synergy between the domain of space and strategic


The Political Economy of Hegemony, Survival and Self-Deterrence
by Marko Beljac
Dissident Voice
October 21, 2003

We are currently witnessing a major expansion in the US, hence Western,
global military system. This expansion manifests itself in many ways, for
instance the establishment of new military footholds in Central Asia and
the Middle East, assaults on arms control, the establishment of a
new "norm" of preventative war (or actually we bomb when we feel like it, a
long standing “norm” incidentally) and a dangerous build-up in strategic
nuclear capabilities. I shall focus in this essay on one particular facet
of this global expansion, namely the looming militarization of space, the
forces driving it and the threat to human survival that it poses, as well
as implications for Australia. It would seem that the arms race in the 21st
century will be an arms race in space and it is getting off the ground now.

The philosopher and anti war activist Bertrand Russell wrote, quite
prophetically it turns out, that "when I read of plans to defile the
heavens by the petty squabbles of the animated lumps that disgrace a
certain planet, I cannot but feel that the men who make these plans are
guilty of a kind of impiety."

It should be stressed that these developments ought not be thought of as
occurring in isolation; there is a growing link between strategic planning,
military expansion and the militarization of space. This all comes under
the rubric of "full spectrum dominance" or "escalation dominance" which
represents a natural military analogue to the pursuit of perpetual hegemony.

The impetus behind the militarization of space is Ballistic Missile Defense
(BMD). Planners recognized very quickly after the fall of the Soviet empire
that the main deterrent to US interventionism had shifted from Moscow to
the potential targets of attack themselves, most especially through the
proliferation of ballistic missiles. Coupled with "weapons of mass
destruction" these missiles may pose a credible deterrent to US
interventionism in key regions. It is for this reason that one may detect
a "deadly connection" between US foreign policy and global WMD

As a result strategic planners fear that the US may become "self-deterred";
self-deterrence in the sense that the domestic political costs of
interventionism become too high, it should be added. Self-deterrence is not
on for a state that seeks to uphold its international dominance by the use
of force whenever it takes its fancy. Hence the pursuit of Ballistic
Missile Defense programs which are meant to ensure that the world remains a
safe stage for the employment of offensive military firepower.

Ballistic Missile Defense is also meant to shore up US hegemony in another
important respect. The Bush administration's National Security Strategy of
the United States as well as its Nuclear Posture Review state that US
military dominance, including strategic nuclear dominance, is necessary in
order to "dissuade" any major centre of world power from even thinking
about asserting greater regional and global roles. The ultimate expression
of this would be the attainment of a global first strike nuclear
capability, most especially over China and Russia but also keeping a weary
eye over a possible Euro deterrent. Such a capability would ensure that the
US would not have a comparative advantage in the use of force but an
absolute advantage.

Supercomputer simulations of the likely major attack options of the US
nuclear war plan (Single Integrated Operational Plan or SIOP), the ones
focused on Russia, indicate that after Russian capabilities have been
degraded by about 90% diminishing returns rapidly set in. Hence the
achievement of a first strike capability requires more than just an
offence. A defense is needed in order to deal with any remaining weapons
left after a first strike.

Ballistic Missile Defense, we may surmise, is an important part of
providing a shield or shadow behind which the US may continue to use
military force to uphold the system of world order, a necessary task given
the fact that this system does not enjoy the support of the world's

One of the most important aspects of BMD is that it acts as a Trojan horse
for the militarization of space. The logic on this is quite obvious. Any
space based missile defense system will be highly vulnerable to counter-

[CTRL] JDM Numbered

2003-11-03 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

JDM Numbered
And so to show how my own ‘Alchemy of Numbers’ reveals 
the number ‘12’ and the number 177 that is the ‘Black Trinity’ or three demonic 
metaphysical spiritual frogs jumping in and out of the minds of the people so to 
gather up for the ‘Battle of Armageddon’. 
One evening in the autumn of the mid 90’s whilst seated 
at my table doing my usual number crunching research I stopped keying in with 
the number 12 in the calculator’s window. I stopped because I felt warm, but 
invisible oil, running over my left hand and fingers for maybe a minute or so. 
Thus I was seemingly anointed by God as a number cruncher. 

I started full time number crunching investigations in 
January 1987 aged 44 years which concerned the Bible, ancient architect, and 
some elementary scientific standards of measurement and events in 
And it over 3.5 years earlier, was on May 
16th 1983, that I had my first and only open-eye Biblical like 
apparition, when at 2:30am I was woken up whilst sleeping next to my sleeping 
wife and looked towards the windows, when the curtains ‘disappeared’ and in 
their place was a large white screen. Then, the metaphysical ‘movie’ first 
showed me a wilderness location, and temporary accommodation units of a rather 
different type, in that each unit consisted of four interlocking circular and 
tents standing on a 10 x 10 metre square base. I knew it was exactly 10 metres 
because a ‘voice’ spoke into my mind. The second part of the apparition was 
seeing the Adversary himself, but Satan had taken on the form of a waxwork 
look-alike Margaret Thatcher, the then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. I 
knew she was a wax image because she started to melt from the head down and 
slowly I saw Satan appearing as standing inside her looking directly at me. And 
after a few minutes, the apparition ended, and I was ‘told’ not to wake up my 
wife and to stay in bed until 6am. At 6am I jumped out of bed, woke my wife and 
children and went into another room to draw what I had seen in respect of the 
tents. I should add that in 1983 I was still involved in printing and graphic 
arts and had no knowledge of tents or emergency towns and never ever considered 
research using a pocket calculator. 
So 6am Monday, May 16th 1983 was a Time 
Marker in my own life. 
There is no doubt that September 11th 2001 
shocked and has also changed the world. When many the media informed us a 
passenger plane had hit the World Trade Center, I became worried because my 
daughter, a British Airways long haul stewardess on her way to New York that 
very morning, I was concerned for her safety. As the horror happened by 
daughter’s plane was redirected from Newark, New York, to Halifax, Canada. Her 
plane was one of the first of the very many to arrive at Halifax. It was over 24 
hours before the planes at Halifax could take off again and when my daughter 
arrived back in the UK, and telephoned from Heathrow, one question I asked was, 
“What was the attitude of the air crew as you were about to land in New York, 
when you were advised that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center? She 
replied, “Dad, it was when we heard that the Pentagon was also hit by a 
passenger plane, that we all agreed it was now 
 So Tuesday, 
September 11th 2001 was another Time Marker in my own life. 

The Maya were an important civilization on the American 
continent a civilization that lasted for more than 2,000 years. The Kingdom of 
the Maya, whose mathematics, art, religious beliefs, architecture and political 
organization were said to rival that of ancient Egypt, had a most intriguing 
calendar. The Mayan calendar is sometimes called the ‘Kulkulkan Calendar’ that 
is the great Feathered Serpent god, and called Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs, 
another form of Satan, the Devil. The Feathered Serpent, was one of the major 
gods of the Aztecs and as the morning and evening star, Quetzalcoatl was the 
symbol of death and resurrection. And the Mayans, the Feathered Serpent, was 
regarded as the founded of cities, and the god who formulated laws and invented 
the Mayan calendar. A very important calendar indeed, a calendar of 13 periods 
of 144,000 days. And this current 13 periods is called the ‘Age of the Jaguar’ 
and ends on the ‘Day of Chaos’, on December 22nd 
So Monday, December 22nd 2012 will be another 
Time Marker in my own life. 
The Alchemy of Numbers starts with 6:01am Monday, May 
16th 1983 when I jumped out of bed to write and draw that which I had 
seen in my apparition at 2:30am. So 6.01am and divided by 24 hours + day 135 of 
the year is 135.25069 days and divided by 365.242198 days + year 1983 is 
1983.37041285 years. And counting to the end of the Maya Long Count on December 
22nd 2012, that is day 355 and so year 2012.971958 is 29.6016537 
And this time counting from 6:02am Monday, May 
16th 1983 to September 11th 2001 is 18.3223844 years. 

And 29.6016537 years x 18.3223844 y

[CTRL] Inuit battle to shut US air base

2003-11-03 Thread Eric Stewart
-Caveat Lector-

"Inuit hunters are to ask Denmark's Supreme Court on Monday to close down
one of America's most secretive and strategically important military

Inuit battle to shut US air base
By Malcolm Brabant
BBC correspondent in Copenhagen

The Inuit claim they were illegally evicted from traditional grounds in
northern Greenland and they are demanding the right of return.

The US would like to use Thule air base as a site for the controversial
Star Wars National Missile Defence System.

The case pits a superpower against the world's smallest indigenous people.

Thule contains powerful surveillance equipment, making it an ideal existing
site for America.

Lawyers representing the Inuit claim that their very survival is at stake
as the territory to which they were exiled no longer has sufficient food
stocks to sustain them.

In 1953 the Danish authorities forcibly evicted the Inuit from their
ancestral lands in Northern Greenland where for thousands of years they
hunted whales, polar bears and other arctic creatures.

Their removal enabled the Americans to establish a vital arctic outpost.

Thule's location allowed the Americans to monitor Soviet military
activities and, most importantly, to give early warning of any possible
first nuclear strike.

Right of return

Four years ago, a Danish High Court ruled that the Inuit had been illegally
exiled but denied them the right of return.

The Supreme Court justices now have to decide whether or not they have the
legal right to go home.

Acalug Lunga is a member of the Greenland home rule parliament and author
of a book called Right of Return.

"The Americans need to understand that you don't just take away the homes
of people - even in Greenland - and you don't take away their livelihood. I
think it's also important to send a message through this process here at
the Supreme Court in Denmark that United States also recognises our
rights," he said.

The Inuits' lawyers believe if they win the Danish authorities may have to
order the Americans to move their base.

Since the Cold War ended Thule has evolved into America's ear on the
northern hemisphere.

Washington is planning to upgrade its surveillance capabilities and is also
seeking Danish permission to use the base as part of the Star Wars National
Missile Defence System.

The Americans will not be represented in court as this dispute is
technically between the Inuit and the Danish Government but a spokesman for
the US embassy in Copenhagen said it was keeping a close eye on the case.

Legal experts assess the Inuits' chances of success at 50-50.



CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-11-03 Thread Eric Stewart
-Caveat Lector-

Other schemes that are drought inducing (by overloading the electrostatic
capacity of the atmosphere via chemtrails) are Global Hawk (9-11 remote
pilotting), over the horizon radar, SkyNet, weather modification, HAARP,

By electrostatically charging (chemtrail spraying) the air to the capacity
required for SkyNet (the medium that the military's global battle command
utilizes - the OTH layer), weather modification happens but me thinks that
the overall communications security concerns for the defense establishment
are primary here, meaning that over-the-horizon (OTH) radar, SkyNet (a
prerequisite for pulling off the remotely-controlled Operation Two Towers),
enhancing signal strength in some areas (in conjunction with ops) while
stifling it in others, electrostatic pulse bombs (the air BECOMES a medium
that is volatile) designed to take out your local server are the deciding
factors as to what types of climate engineering will happen on a given day.
I am sure all of this is ALSO a convenient screen for the testing of
biologicals and pharmaceuticals.

Much more here:


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Inquiry In Case Of Arms Dealer

2003-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

  By Susan Schmidt    The Justice 
Department's Office of Professional Responsibility has opened an investigation 
of alleged misconduct by about two dozen current and former government lawyers 
involved in the 1983 prosecution of former CIA officer Edwin P. 
Wilson.  A federal judge in Houston this week overturned 
Wilson's conviction for illegally selling explosives to Libya in the years after 
he left the agency, writing that the government "knowingly used false evidence" 
in Wilson's trial and his appeal. Justice Department and CIA lawyers concealed 
the fact that Wilson did work for the agency after he left its official employ, 
said U.S. District Judge Lynn N. Hughes.   "The government 
could have produced records supporting Wilson's claim that the CIA knew -- even 
authorized -- the shipment of explosives to Libya," Hughes wrote in an opinion 
that lambasted Reagan-era CIA and Justice Department 
officials.  Whenever a court makes a finding of misconduct by 
federal prosecutors, the professional responsibility office is required to open 
an investigation. The U.S. attorneys' manual states that in such an event, "OPR 
shall conduct an expedited inquiry without awaiting further judicial or 
appellate proceedings."  Justice Department officials said 
that if the OPR found misconduct, it could recommend disciplinary action against 
current employees and suggest that state bar associations levy sanctions. It 
also could refer suspected crimes for prosecution.  Department 
officials said they could not comment on the OPR investigation other than to 
confirm that it has begun. A spokesman for the CIA said the agency "will 
certainly cooperate with their review of the matter."  CIA 
officials reiterated this week that the agency was not involved in and did not 
authorize Wilson's decision to sell explosives to Libya. Wilson remains in 
prison on two other convictions, including conspiring to have prosecutors and 
witnesses against him killed.  Hughes cited the government's 
decision to use at trial an affidavit from the CIA's executive director, Charles 
A. Briggs, showing that Wilson did not work for the agency "directly" or 
"indirectly" after leaving his job in 1971. Hughes found that the CIA had more 
than 80 contacts with Wilson in ensuing years and used him to gain intelligence 
about Libya, Iran, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The affidavit, Hughes wrote, was 
"nothing but a lie."  "In the course of American justice," he 
continued, "one would have to work hard to conceive of a more fundamentally 
unfair process with a consequentially unreliable result than the fabrication of 
false data by the government, under oath by a government official, presented 
knowingly by the prosecutor in the courtroom with the express approval of his 
superiors in Washington."  Former CIA general counsel Stanley 
Sporkin, now retired from the federal bench, unsuccessfully argued at the time 
against including some of the language in the Briggs memo because he was not 
convinced the agency could be sure about Wilson's indirect contacts with the 
CIA. But he said yesterday that Justice Department and CIA officials did not 
knowingly submit false evidence.   "It's ridiculous. It could 
not have happened. Look at the people who were involved -- myself, top officials 
of the Justice Department, the CIA. They are honorable people," Sporkin said. 
  Those officials did not believe they were submitting false 
information to the court, he said, and only learned later of Wilson's extensive 
post-employment contacts with the CIA.     
 Would you like to send this article to a friend? Go to http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/admin/emailfriend?contentId=A49368-2003Oct31&sent=no&referrer=emailarticle  Visit 
washingtonpost.com today for the latest in:News - http://www.washingtonpo

[CTRL] MIT snared in dispute over voting machines

2003-11-03 Thread Eric Stewart
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 16:15:16 EST
Subject: [Political_Sanity_Main] MIT snared in dispute over voting machines

> http://www.boston.com/business/globe/articles/2003/10/30/mit_snared_in
_dispute_over_voting_machines/">Click here: Boston.com / Business / MIT
snared in dispute over voting
> machines
> http://www.boston.com/business/globe/articles/2003/10/30/mit_snared_in
> MIT snared in dispute over voting machines
> Firm: Students posted stolen Diebold files
> By Hiawatha Bray, Globe Staff, 10/30/2003
> Two students have embroiled the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in
> nationwide controversy about the reliability of a company's high-tech
> machines.
> Diebold Inc., of North Canton, Ohio, on Tuesday sent letters to MIT
> that the school cut off Internet access to data files posted by C. Scott
> Ananian, a graduate student in computer science, and sophomore
mathematics student
> David Meyer. The files, thousands of pages of Diebold internal documents,
> were stolen in March when someone broke into the Diebold computer
network. They
> have been widely distributed on the Internet by political activists, who
> the documents reveal serious flaws in Diebold's line of computerized
> machines.
> Diebold says the documents are copyrighted and can't be shared. The
> has been warning Internet providers and colleges to remove the files from
> computers, or possibly face legal action.
> A spokesman for MIT said school officials are looking into the
matter "and
> will issue soon an appropriate and legal response."
> Meyer said he had already heard from the school, which warned him to take
> down the Diebold material. "They said if I didn't remove it, they'd
suspend my
> MIT [Internet] account," he said.
> Ananian said he has heard nothing from MIT, but decided to take the files
> down until the school tells him it's safe to post them again. "I would
like to
> hear from them that they are not going to sell me down the river," he
> Ananian distributed the files throughout the Internet using a file-
> program called BitTorrent. This software breaks the document into many
> then distributes the parts over hundreds of computers. Ananian said that
> BitTorrent may provide him some legal cover, because he's no longer
> the full set of Diebold files on his own website. Meanwhile, students at
> colleges have begun offering copies of the files.
> Publishing the documents online has become a crusade for many Internet
> activists, who say Diebold is trying to conceal the truth about its
voting machines.
> "There's a lot of stuff here that's important to be known," Ananian said.
> documents include internal e-mail messages that suggest Diebold workers
> aware of serious problems with the voting machines, even as they were
> used in elections.
> Meyer said that even if the documents were stolen, they contain
> the public needs. Diebold "should not be allowed to hide behind copyright
> he said.
> About 33,000 Diebold machines are in use in the United States. Some
> have said the machines are inherently untrustworthy. In July, computer
> scientists at Johns Hopkins and Rice universities who analyzed Diebold's
> software said they found major security problems.
> "Voters can trivially cast multiple ballots with no built-in
> administrative functions can be performed by regular voters, and the
> posed by insiders such as poll workers, software developers, and even
> is even greater," their report said. "There appears to have been little
> control in the process."
> Spokesman Michael Jacobsen declined to talk about the dispute over
> products. But he said nobody is entitled to distribute Diebold files
> permission. "As a company, we don't tolerate hacking of our website, or
> circulation of stolen material on the Internet."
> Jacobsen also warned that the leaked materials may have been altered, and
> that readers can't be certain a particular document came from Diebold.
> Hiawatha Bray can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> © Copyright 2003 Globe Newspaper Company.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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[CTRL] TIA: Spying Program Resurfaces

2003-11-03 Thread Eric Stewart
-Caveat Lector-

- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Date: Sat, 01 Nov 2003 14:01:00 -0700
 Subject: TIA: Spying Program Resurfaces


What Is The Matrix? ACLU Seeks Answers on New State-Run Surveillance Program

October 30, 2003

Defunct Big Brother Spying Program Resurfaces as “Little Brother” in Seven


NEW YORK—The American Civil Liberties Union today filed simultaneous
state “Freedom of Information Act” requests in Connecticut, Michigan, New
York, Ohio and Pennsylvania about those states’ participation in the
new “MATRIX” database surveillance system.  It also released an Issue Brief
explaining the problems with the program, which also operates in Florida
and Utah.

Issue Brief

“Congress killed the Pentagon’s ‘Total Information Awareness’ data mining
program, but now the federal government is trying to build up a state-run
equivalent,” said Barry Steinhardt, Director of the ACLU’s Technology and
Liberty Program.

“In essence, the government is replacing an unpopular Big Brother
initiative with a lot of Little Brothers,” he added, noting that the
program is receiving $12 million from the Departments of Justice and
Homeland Security.  “What does it take for the message to get through that
government spying on the activities of innocent Americans will not be

The ACLU’s requests, which were filed under individual states’ open-records
laws, come on the heels of a federal Freedom of Information Act request it
filed October 17.  A similar request was also filed in Florida, where the
program originated.   The goal of the requests is to find out what
information sources the system is drawing on – information program
officials have refused to disclose – as well as who has access to the
database and how it is being used.

According to Congressional testimony and news reports, The Matrix (which
stands for “Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange”) creates
dossiers about individuals from government databases and private-sector
information companies that compile files on Americans’ activities for
profit.  It then makes those dossiers available for search by federal and
state law enforcement officers.  In addition, Matrix workers comb through
the millions of files in a search for “anomalies” that may be indicative of
terrorist or other criminal activity.

While company officials have refused to disclose details of the program,
according to news reports the kind of information to be searched includes
credit histories, driver’s license photographs, marriage and divorce
records, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, and the names and
addresses of family members, neighbors and business associates.

Raising even more issues, the Matrix is operated by a private company,
Seisint Inc. of Boca Raton, Florida.  Ironically, the company’s founder was
forced to resign after information about his own past came to light:
according to Florida police, he was formerly a drug smuggler who had
piloted multiple planeloads of cocaine from Colombia to the U.S.

“Members of Congress who voted to close down TIA in the belief that they
were ending this kind of data mining surveillance must demand more
information about The Matrix,” said Steinhardt.  “And then they should shut
it down too.”

Copies of the ACLU’s state and federal FOIA requests as well as the Issue
Brief about The Matrix are online at
http://www.aclu.org/Privacy/Privacy.cfm?ID=14240&c=130, and can also be
accessed at www.aclu.org/privacy

A special Web feature about the defunct TIA program is online at

- End forwarded message -

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Maya and 9.11

2003-11-03 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

'Cross 9.11 and the Maya Long Count'
So to some serious ‘End Time’ number crunching. 
intend to show how the Maya end time date of the ’Age of the Jaguar’ is linked 
to the ‘Pyramid Age’ of Ancient Egypt, the Crucifixion and 9.11. 

But first for those who know not how I use number references and how 
simplistic it is by pondering, ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ by C S 
Lewis. For the lion at 98 days gestation and the Witch, that is the powerful 
Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis at 58, and her Wardrobe has one particular 
reference number of 59, and 59 consists of the serpent’s robe at 17 + vulture 
collar at 42 so 98 + 58 + 42 totals 215. (The Pharaoh’s insignia at 59 
represents both the serpent and vulture goddesses of the Delta and Upper Egypt 
and is the insignia of the Ruler of Darkness, that symbolized by a frog in early 
France, and was later changed into the fleur de lis). And so the ‘Lion Witch and 
Wardrobe’ at 215 x 12 lots, and as cubic feet, is 2,580 cubic feet, the volume 
of the missing capstone of the Great Pyramid, and the reference number for the 
goddess Isis as the Biblical Abomination, who is the Mother of Whores, that is 
The Number ‘3’ and the Great Pyramid and the Coffer. 

And it is curious 
how the number ‘3’ can fashion and form both the foundation area of the Great 
Pyramid, the symbol for natural death, and the symbol for spiritual death, the 
internal volume of the sarcophagus, called the Coffer, in the King’s Chamber of 
the Great Pyramid. 
To do this the 
number ‘3’ is increased to 3.0e+1105 squared twice x 2/10 is 1.620e+4421 
and square root 9 times and cube root is 755.773415 feet a mean foundation width 
of the Great Pyramid, (440 Ancient Egyptian cubits x 20.612002 inches). 

And ‘3’ increased 
to 3,000,000 x 3,000,000 x 10 and square root and /Pi and square root twice is 
the internal volume of the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber as measured by 
Egyptologist Flinders Petrie at 41.6862516 cubic feet (72,033.842 cubic 
And a vast octahedron with all 12 edges at 755.773415 feet has a volume 
203,500,000 cubic feet and halved and less 10% is the volume of the Great 
Pyramid at 91,575,000 cubic feet, thanks to the average base width that is 
formed out of the number ‘3’. 
The Eiffel Tower and the Maya Time Marker
The location where Eiffel built his iron pillar over the place where on 
June 8th 1794 during the French Revolution, the Dictator Robespierre, (of the 
Mountain Brotherhood) stated that all France must now believe in a Supreme 
Being, and that he was the High Priest to this god. What worried the people was 
that now they were told they had souls once again, and this meant judgment after 
death. But the dictator lived only 50 days after his Mars field statement when 
he suffered decapitation by Madame Guillotine, by the former Frogs of the Marsh. 
And the ‘Iron Pillar in Time’ has the reference number 187, and this represents 
the Ancient Egyptian falcon masked god Horus at 61, the merciless killer of the 
sky + the ‘Eye of Horus’ at 126, the spirit body in all humans and released at 
And counting 187 years back from noon June 8th 1794, the festival day of 
the Supreme Being, that is Horus, and then count forward one Mayan baktun period 
of 144,000 days, and it is September 11th 2001, when the Twin Towers were set on 
fire by a merciless killer of the sky, and were destroyed. The Twin Towers with 
a total height of 2,730 feet or thrice 10,920 inches, is the reference number 
for Death, the Great Pyramid, in that the reciprocal of the volume of the Great 
Pyramid at 91,575,000 cubic feet is 1.0920010920e-08). 

And also 10920 less 1700 and 1700 and 1700 and 1700 and as day is 4,120 
days, that is from September 11th 2001 to the end of the Mayan Long Count on 
December 22nd 2012, the end of the ‘Age of the Jaguar’ and the day I suggest 
will be the ‘Battle of Armageddon’. 
Anyway, the Maya 
were an important civilization on the American continent, and it lasted for more 
than 2,000 years. The Kingdom of the Maya, whose mathematics, art, religious 
beliefs, architecture and political organization were said to rival that of 
ancient Egypt, had a most intriguing calendar. The Maya calendar, is a rather 
complicated calendar and is based on integer arithmetic. And of course lunar and 
luni-solar calendars do exist that are very complex, most of them are based on 
observation, as in starting a month when the Moon is in a particular stage, or 
on ‘floating point’ calculations that for all practical purposes simply replace 
such observation. The Maya had an enormous advantage over many calendar makers 
of the ancient world in that they invented the zero. And it seems that we do not 
know why the ancient Mayan or pre-Maya choose December 21st or 22nd AD2012 as 
the end of their Long Count calendar, a calendar that began the Fourth Age, the 
Zero Date on or about August 11th 3114BC. 
Now from the Zero 
Date of Au

[CTRL] Maya and 9.11 etc

2003-11-03 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

The Cross 9.11 and the Long Count 
So to some serious ‘End Time’ number crunching. 

intend to show how the Maya end time date of the ’Age of the Jaguar’ is linked 
to the ‘Pyramid Age’ of Ancient Egypt, the Crucifixion and 9.11. 

But first for those who know not how I use number references and how 
simplistic it is by pondering, ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ by C S 
Lewis. For the lion at 98 days gestation and the Witch, that is the powerful 
Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis at 58, and her Wardrobe has one particular 
reference number of 59, and 59 consists of the serpent’s robe at 17 + vulture 
collar at 42 so 98 + 58 + 42 totals 215. (The Pharaoh’s insignia at 59 
represents both the serpent and vulture goddesses of the Delta and Upper Egypt 
and is the insignia of the Ruler of Darkness, that symbolized by a frog in early 
France, and was later changed into the fleur de lis). And so the ‘Lion Witch and 
Wardrobe’ at 215 x 12 lots, and as cubic feet, is 2,580 cubic feet, the volume 
of the missing capstone of the Great Pyramid, and the reference number for the 
goddess Isis as the Biblical Abomination, who is the Mother of Whores, that is 
The Number ‘3’ and the Great Pyramid and the Coffer. 

And it is curious 
how the number ‘3’ can fashion and form both the foundation area of the Great 
Pyramid, the symbol for natural death, and the symbol for spiritual death, the 
internal volume of the sarcophagus, called the Coffer, in the King’s Chamber of 
the Great Pyramid. 
To do this the 
number ‘3’ is increased to 3.0e+1105 squared twice x 2/10 is 1.620e+4421 
and square root 9 times and cube root is 755.773415 feet a mean foundation width 
of the Great Pyramid, (440 Ancient Egyptian cubits x 20.612002 inches). 

And ‘3’ increased 
to 3,000,000 x 3,000,000 x 10 and square root and /Pi and square root twice is 
the internal volume of the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber as measured by 
Egyptologist Flinders Petrie at 41.6862516 cubic feet (72,033.842 cubic 
And a vast octahedron with all 12 edges at 755.773415 feet has a volume 
203,500,000 cubic feet and halved and less 10% is the volume of the Great 
Pyramid at 91,575,000 cubic feet, thanks to the average base width that is 
formed out of the number ‘3’. 
The Eiffel Tower and the Maya Time Marker
The location where Eiffel built his iron pillar over the place where on 
June 8th 1794 during the French Revolution, the Dictator Robespierre, (of the 
Mountain Brotherhood) stated that all France must now believe in a Supreme 
Being, and that he was the High Priest to this god. What worried the people was 
that now they were told they had souls once again, and this meant judgment after 
death. But the dictator lived only 50 days after his Mars field statement when 
he suffered decapitation by Madame Guillotine, by the former Frogs of the Marsh. 
And the ‘Iron Pillar in Time’ has the reference number 187, and this represents 
the Ancient Egyptian falcon masked god Horus at 61, the merciless killer of the 
sky + the ‘Eye of Horus’ at 126, the spirit body in all humans and released at 
And counting 187 years back from noon June 8th 1794, the festival day of 
the Supreme Being, that is Horus, and then count forward one Mayan baktun period 
of 144,000 days, and it is September 11th 2001, when the Twin Towers were set on 
fire by a merciless killer of the sky, and were destroyed. The Twin Towers with 
a total height of 2,730 feet or thrice 10,920 inches, is the reference number 
for Death, the Great Pyramid, in that the reciprocal of the volume of the Great 
Pyramid at 91,575,000 cubic feet is 1.0920010920e-08). 

And also 10920 less 1700 and 1700 and 1700 and 1700 and as day is 4,120 
days, that is from September 11th 2001 to the end of the Mayan Long Count on 
December 22nd 2012, the end of the ‘Age of the Jaguar’ and the day I suggest 
will be the ‘Battle of Armageddon’. 
Anyway, the Maya 
were an important civilization on the American continent, and it lasted for more 
than 2,000 years. The Kingdom of the Maya, whose mathematics, art, religious 
beliefs, architecture and political organization were said to rival that of 
ancient Egypt, had a most intriguing calendar. The Maya calendar, is a rather 
complicated calendar and is based on integer arithmetic. And of course lunar and 
luni-solar calendars do exist that are very complex, most of them are based on 
observation, as in starting a month when the Moon is in a particular stage, or 
on ‘floating point’ calculations that for all practical purposes simply replace 
such observation. The Maya had an enormous advantage over many calendar makers 
of the ancient world in that they invented the zero. And it seems that we do not 
know why the ancient Mayan or pre-Maya choose December 21st or 22nd AD2012 as 
the end of their Long Count calendar, a calendar that began the Fourth Age, the 
Zero Date on or about August 11th 3114BC. 
Now from the Zero 
Date of Au

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Assembling The 9/11 Counter-Legends (or, Stacking Your Patsies)

2003-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Assembling The 9/11 Counter-Legends (or, Stacking Your Patsies)

The events of September 11 gave birth to three parallel threads - or
counter-legends - pointing the way to the culpability of three
possible foreign suspects, or patsies - namely, Saudi Arabia,
Pakistan, and Israel. Of the three, the Saudis were the patsies of
choice for the mainstream "critics", who were a motley assortment of
neo-cons, FBI investigators, or "retired" national security types
opposed to the war in Iraq. The Pakistan/ISI thread to 9/11 flared
up most noticeably in the events surrounding the death of Daniel
Pearl and the alleged involvement of Omar Saeed Sheikh - events which
were used, in fact, to smother the Pakistani/ISI connection to the
9/11 money trail. As regards Israel, the most radical opponents of
the War On Terror were nursed on the twin threads of an Israeli spy
ring and a neo-con cabal supposedly at the helm of the Bush

It was not by accident that these three countries were chosen to play
the role of second-tier patsies - for each of them contained insular
cliques of operatives which had played seminal roles in the covert
arms and drug trade - in cahoots with their more senior Anglo-
American handlers - throughout the Reagan-Bush years. Moreover,
these countries would make useful patsies for the very reason that
they were essentially outside the "established" - i.e. Euro-American -
ring of nations. In other words, if insular cliques of criminal
operatives were to be ferreted out of Germany, France, or Italy, no
one would think to brand these nations wholesale with the mark of
Cain. The same could not be said of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and
Israel, whose very security - physical, political, and economic -
would be staked to the publicized activities of their own respective
political/criminal cliques.

Moreover, much of the political and corporate elites within these
countries were integrally networked with their American counterparts -
indeed, largely subservient to them - to such a degree that they
would also serve as useful proxies in building their own counter-
legends under Anglo-Euro-American supervision. In the early stages
of the 9/11 Legend, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan were employed as the
central bases for building up a terrorist home front within the
borders of Afghanistan. As for Israel - despite its aforementioned
spy ring and its supposedly allied neo-con "cabal" - its most direct
and public contribution to the 9/11 Legend in fact occurred after
9/11, with the November 2002 coordinated attack on an Israeli-owned
hotel and airliner in Kenya - an attack for which Israeli
investigators now marshaled evidence as proof of Osama bin Laden's
opening shot against the State of Israel (which was more likely
Israel's "buy-in" in return for a promised attack on the Saddam
Hussein regime).

Thus, evidence could be amassed to cast aspersions on the activities
of each of these three countries, depending on the intended
audience. On another level, political elites within these countries
could be assured that any aspersions would be relegated to
insular "rogue" cliques. In the case of Saudi Arabia, a few princes
of the Saudi royal family were thus eliminated within days of one
another in 2002. In the case of Pakistan, "rogue" elements within
the ISI were publicly purged in the months after 9/11. Yet in the
case of Israel, its apparent "buy-in" through the 2002 Kenya attack
served to strengthen, rather than weaken, the thread connecting
Israel as a possible 9/11 culprit. If, in the context of this
article, this would appear to be a short-sighted strategy by Israeli
political elites, one can only surmise that these elites were
blinded - or assured - by an apparent post-9/11 geo-strategic shift
in favor of Israeli interests (i.e. an attack on Iraq) in conjunction

[CTRL] Fwd: [smashthestate] Patrick Henry and Life is Spit

2003-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

To those out there,

I say, "Fear not!".  To tremble and to cower under threat is to be a
dog.  We are more than that, we are Americans.  Not that bullshit crap on
the cable and satellite corporate whore feeds, but truly rebellious
Americans.  We will not be cowed, not but that scumbag Bush, or his
footsoldier against the Constitution, "Ashcroft".  Fuck 'em!  It's the
American way!  Don't be a woose or a pussy!  Say "Fuck that!".  I am not
your boy!  You may make me out that way, but it just "ain't so".

Are you just going to take it?  Just wait for the footsoldiers to come for
you, and really let you know you're the slave they say you are?  Or are you
going to take the battle to the real enemies of your liberty, those who
presume to lord over you and dictate every level of your life and
means?   Or are you going to be a true American patriot and hero and say
"enough!".  "Fuck off, Yankee!".  No more tories, no more kings, no more
false authority emanating from the lying scumbags and scoundrels in the
District of Criminals?  Just the straight, from the gut American "Fuck You!
Who the fuck are you to telll me ___?!"  A bullet in the head,
demonstrators in the street, beating feet, demanding our birthright instead
of blirting like fucking sheep?!  Or are we just a bunch of "civilized"
sheep now, the laugh of the world, who can't even reign in our own
scoundrels, and must therefore suffer the consequences thereof?  Because,
in the end, American "burgers and porn won't placate the muslim
masses!"  For we will reign in these clowns, or surely will suffer the
retaliation for it.  You want security, you want to be left alone?  Then
demand, we leave alone, we will be left alone.  Simple as that, not so
complicated, really.  Shit, for what we are dumping into Iraq to clean up
the mess WE created, we could have invested that $$ into alternative
energy, and we wouldn't be in this mess!  But then, Cheney and Co. wouldn't
be cleaning up like bandits, would they?  And that's what it's REALLY
about.  Talk about WAR CRIMINALS.  Makes Kissinger look like a picnic...

They must know the rage of the people, they must know they have no support
for this bullshit.  And when they back off from their bullshit imperialism
because they don't have the support of the masses, is when WE will once
again be free, and have peace.  Think about it!


A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should
have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence
from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own

--George Washington
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[CTRL] Fwd: [NewPacifica] Pilger's latest documentary online

2003-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan
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-Caveat Lector-

"Breaking the Silence" and other interesting stuff not otherwise
available is online at http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/

This is apparently run by one person -  it goes to show that one
energetic computer savvy person can make a difference.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Windfalls of War

2003-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

Windfalls of War

>From the Executive Director Charles Lewis' remarks to
the press on the release of Windfalls of War 10/30/2003

Good morning. The Center for Public Integrity is a
nonprofit, nonpartisan watchdog organization that
investigates public service and ethics-related issues.
We opened our doors here in Washington in May 1990, and
since then, we have issued more than 250 investigative
reports and 12 books that serve as vital reference
material for journalists, academics, policymakers and
citizens alike. The Center for Public Integrity is
funded by foundations and individuals and the sale of
our publications. We do not accept advertising or
contributions from companies, labor unions or
governments. We do not take positions or lobby on
specific public policy or legislative matters. The names
of our major donors and other information about the
Center are available on our award-winning Web site,

In recent years, we have become increasingly curious
about defense contractors and their activities. In
August 2000 within days of Dick Cheney being named as
George W. Bush's running mate, we published a report
about Halliburton, its government contracts, and how
they had doubled while Mr. Cheney was CEO of the
company. A year ago, the Center issued an 80,000-word
report by its International Consortium of Investigative
Journalists entitled Making a Killing: The Business of
War, which featured a comprehensive Web database of 90
private military companies operating in the world today,
including Halliburton subsidiary, Kellogg Brown & Root.
In December, 2002, we published a report, Outsourcing
Big Brother, about the Pentagon's controversial Total
Information Awareness program and its private, data-
mining contractors. And this past spring, during the
Iraq war, the Center issued a report detailing how nine
of the 30 members of the Defense Policy Board had ties
to defense companies with $76 billion in Pentagon
contracts in just the preceding two years.

Today, we are releasing The Windfalls of War, which
consists of a summary report, six "sidebar" reports,
profiles of 71 companies and individuals awarded
contracts in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2002 and 2003, plus
numerous charts. The Center's six-month investigation
has produced the most comprehensive information to date
-- inside or outside of the government -- about the
American companies that landed U.S. taxpayer money
contracts in the two nations targeted in Washington's
war on terror. At the same time, it should be noted that
we specifically focused on contracts awarded by the
Pentagon, the State Department and the U.S. Agency for
International Development. Our 62,000-word investigative
report has been produced by 20 researchers, writers and
editors, who filed 73 Freedom of Information Act
requests and appeals to the various relevant agencies.
Besides studying thousands of pages of secondary source
accounts, we analyzed millions of federal campaign
contribution records, lobbying registration records,
government contracts, and agency Web site and private
company Web site pages.

What we are presenting today is quite cautious and
conservative. We have been careful to only mention and
include companies and contracts that we could confirm,
but these numbers will continue to grow as the
government provides us with more information over the
coming weeks and months. As a result of this somewhat
fluid situation, we will update our site and post new
contracts as they become available to us.

What did we find? More than 70 American companies and
individuals have won up to $8 billion in contracts for
work in postwar Iraq and Afghanistan over the last two
years. Those companies contributed more money to the
presidential campaigns of George W. B

[CTRL] Fwd: Nations back off sending troops to Iraq

2003-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Nations back off sending troops to Iraq

By Tom Squitieri,


Bangladesh and Portugal, two nations the Pentagon has
pressed to send combat troops to Iraq, have decided
against contributing to the U.S.-led force there. A
third nation that once promised to send troops, South
Korea, says it has not made up its mind and has delayed
a decision pending further study. Turkey has agreed to
send 10,000 troops but is waiting to hear from the
Pentagon when and where they should go. U.S. officials
have delayed discussing specifics with Turkey because of
opposition to the Turkish deployment from Kurds who live
in northern Iraq. Turkish officials say their offer will
stand for a year but that none of its forces will be
deployed unless the Pentagon gets public assurances of
support from the Kurds.

The decisions by Bangladesh, Portugal and South Korea,
coupled with the snag in the Turkish deployment, add to
frustration in the Pentagon over the difficulty of
getting foreign troops to replace some of the weary U.S.

Bangladesh and South Korea were considering sending
5,000 troops each.

Public opinion in all three countries was overwhelmingly
opposed to the U.S.-led invasion and has remained high
against the occupation.

The setbacks come just weeks after India and Pakistan
turned down Pentagon requests to send large contingents
to Iraq, despite heavy pressure from U.S. officials.
Bangladesh, Pakistan and Turkey had symbolic importance:
They would be the first large nations with substantial
Muslim populations to send troops to Iraq.

Rising violence in Iraq, especially attacks on non-U.S.
targets such as one Monday on the headquarters of the
International Red Cross and the Aug. 19 bombing of
United Nations headquarters, makes sending troops to
Iraq difficult, a senior Bangladesh diplomat says.

The official says political and public opposition to a
deployment is very high, and many politicians question
why Muslim troops from Bangladesh should go to a Muslim
nation like Iraq without being asked by the host
government. The opposition is so strong that Prime
Minister Begum Khaleda Zia will not even ask Parliament
to vote on a motion for deployment.

Another senior diplomat from Bangladesh says the
recently passed U.N. resolution authorizing a force for
Iraq did not quiet opposition in Bangladesh.

Many of the country's leaders have said they want all
Islamic nations to reach a consensus on sending troops
to Iraq before any country sends them.

Portugal had told the Pentagon it would consider sending
a limited number of combat forces once the U.N.
resolution authorizing a force was approved. Portugal
already has 120 police officers in Iraq.

Now, however, the growing violence has convinced
Portuguese officials not to offer combat troops. A
senior Portuguese diplomat says police were a higher
priority in discussions with the Pentagon.

South Korean diplomats said Monday that their country
will send a survey team to Iraq in November to decide
whether they will send combat forces. It is the second
survey team to Iraq sent by South Korea. The diplomats
said the government would make a decision on the
deployment after the team returns.

Previously, some South Korean officials said they might
condition their sending troops to Iraq on how quickly
the Pentagon outlines a planned shift of U.S. troops
away from South Korea's border with North Korea. The
Pentagon is studying whether to move the bulk of its
38,000 troops in South Korea to the southern tip of the

There are 132,000 U.S. and 10,000 British troops in
Iraq. They are supported by 14,000 troops from 29
nations. The Pentagon hopes to create a new
international force to replace members of the Army's
101st Airborne and other U.S.


2003-11-03 Thread Brian Salter

On Monday, November 3, 2003, at 01:01 PM, David Sutherland wrote:

The alleged founder of the Illuminati, himself a former student of the Catholic Jesuits himself repelled by their dogmatism, one Adam Weishaupt, was stigmatized by Barruel whom he labelled "a human devil".
The Supremacist Aryan Nations, and Conspiracy monger and Fascist La Rouche, both imbibe the same idiom-ology in their own propaganda. 

actually larouche and his researchers quite vigorously denounce abbe barruel as a fraud [*], and are definitively anti-jesuit.  they also sideline right-wing illuminati theories in general.  every time i've come across a mention of weishaupt / illuminati in larouche-related writings, i've found it to be outright dismissive.

nice try, no cigar.  what are you trying to accomplish by piling bald-faced lies on top of your obviously hysterical prejudices?

* in a related matter, on pp. 152-153 of "treason in america" by larouche's lead researcher anton chaitkin, there is documentation on how the founders of  the american branch of scottish rite masonry originated a variation of the "jewish masonic conspiracy" myth in their official histories to obscure the origins of their order in the british oligarchy. in the same book chaitkin discusses the effects the barruel material had on some american politicians of the time, and describes it as a hoax created by the british to create a cover story for the infiltration of the jacobins by lord shelburne's secret intelligence service.  incidentally, chaitkin is the jewish son of jacob chaitkin, one of america's leading nazi-hunting lawyers in the 1930s.  accusations of "neo-fascism" and "anti-semitism" against larouche have been hammered out endlessly by the ADL and b'nai brith, which happen to be the only two major "jewish" organizations who opposed the anti-nazi boycott of 1933 (the boycott for which chaitkin sr. served as legal counsel)!  put that in your pipe and smoke it .  please be careful not to choke.

whatever larouche's real faults may be -- and i'm not necessarily saying he should be trusted in general -- i find some of the accusations against him downright funny. obviously, a game is being played.  can't say i've figured out what's behind it yet.  but i can say for sure that i don't think i'll learn much from david sutherland.

"When fascism comes to america, it will come calling itself anti-fascism."  -- Huey Long

[CTRL] A Dislike Unlike Any Other?

2003-11-03 Thread Davide
-Caveat Lector-

A Dislike Unlike Any Other?
Writer Jonathan Chait Brings Bush-Hating Out of the Closet
By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, October 19, 2003; Page D01

The words tumble out, the hands gesture urgently, as Jonathan Chait explains
why he hates George W. Bush.

It's Bush's radical policies, says the 31-year-old New Republic writer, and
his unfair tax cuts, and his cowboy phoniness, and his favors for corporate
cronies, and his heist in Florida, and his dishonesty about his silver-spoon
upbringing, and, oh yes, the way he walks and talks.

For some of his friends, Chait says at a corner table in a downtown
Starbucks, "just seeing his face or hearing his voice causes a physical
reaction -- they have to get away from the TV. My sister-in-law describes
Bush's existence as an oppressive force, a constant weight on her shoulder,
just knowing that George Bush is president."

Has this unassuming man in a rumpled sports shirt lifted the lid on a
boiling caldron of anti-Bush fury in liberal precincts across America? Or is
he just an overcaffeinated, irrational liberal, venting to a minority of
like-minded readers?

Ramesh Ponnuru, a soft-spoken conservative at National Review, pays Chait a
backhanded compliment, writing that "not everyone would be brave enough to
recount their harrowing descent into madness so vividly."

Ponnuru calls him "smart, funny and completely misguided." Since the
president is so likable, he says, the outbreak of Bush hatred "just makes
you scratch your head."

Chait, a doctor's son from suburban Detroit, obviously didn't create the
Bush-bashing debate. But his recent "Bush Hatred" cover story helped bring
the subject out of the closet, where it can be dissected and diagnosed as
part of the lefties-are-from-Mars, right-wingers-are-from-Venus shoutfest.

Hatred, of course, is such an unpleasant word. Some afflicted with the
condition would describe it as being steamed, ticked, appalled, revolted or
otherwise fed up with Bush. But the salient characteristic is the scowling
intensity of these feelings, particularly for liberals who despair that the
other side controls the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court.

Mainstream journalism, with its traditional parameters, has somehow failed
to connect with the notion that there are lots of Americans who walk around
sputtering about Dubya -- despite fairly healthy approval ratings for a
third-year incumbent. The press was filled with stories about
Clinton-haters, but Bush-hating is either more restrained or more out of
control, depending on who's keeping score.

A spate of liberal books are smacking the president around: David Corn's
"The Lies of George W. Bush"; "Bushwhacked," by Molly Ivins and Lou Dubose;
Paul Krugman's "The Great Unraveling"; Joe Conason's "Big Lies"; and Al
Franken's "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them." (These, of course,
follow a flood of best-selling conservative books by Bill O'Reilly, Sean
Hannity, Ann Coulter, Bernard Goldberg and others.)

The war in Iraq is a key factor. Corn, the Nation's Washington bureau chief,
says he pitched his book in the spring of 2002 and his agent got no nibbles.
But when he submitted a one-paragraph outline last October, during the
run-up to the war, six publishing houses asked to see him immediately, and
he had offers the next day.

"Having uninformed hatred of anybody is probably not a good thing," Corn
says. "But if you have reason to believe the president of the United States
is lying to you about significant matters, then you have damn good reason to
be damn upset."

The other side is getting upset as well. David Brooks, the former Weekly
Standard writer who recently became a New York Times columnist, took
vigorous exception to Chait's piece, writing that "the quintessential new
warrior scans the Web for confirmation of the president's villainy. . . .
The core threat to democracy is not in the White House, it's the haters

"I get the feeling that some Democrats had so much hatred for Bush that they
had no hatred left over for Saddam," Brooks says in an interview.
"Conversely, some Republicans had so much hatred for Clinton they could
never bring themselves to support some of the good things he did."

But, he admits, "I wish I'd been more critical during the Clinton years. I
was reluctant to attack people I liked." Brooks calls Chait a good
journalist, but adds: "After you say you hate the way Bush walks and talks,
you can never again ask readers to trust your judgment on anything involving

The New Republic's editor complained in a letter to the Times that Brooks
had ignored Chait's substantive arguments against Bush. And Chait says that
gee, by the way, Republicans set a "perjury trap" and impeached a popular
Democrat, and yet "suddenly it's time to declare president-hating out of

Such attitudes draw a chuckle from Laura Ingraham, a conservative radio talk
show host whose new book is called "Shut Up and Sing: How Elite

[CTRL] Rothschild, Khodorkovsky and Yukos

2003-11-03 Thread Sean McBride
Title: Arrested oil tycoon passed shares to banker -- The Washington Times
-Caveat Lector-

Apparently the Rothschilds are not merely 
a conspiracy legend in the year 2003...


  The Washington 

  Arrested oil tycoon passed shares to bankerTHE WASHINGTON 
  TIMESPublished November 3, 2003 
  LONDON (Agence France-Presse) — Control of 
  Mikhail Khodorkovsky's shares in the Russian oil giant Yukos have passed 
  to renowned banker Jacob Rothschild, under a deal they concluded prior to 
  Mr. Khodorkovsky's arrest, the Sunday Times reported. 
  Voting rights to the shares passed to Mr. 
  Rothschild, 67, under a "previously unknown arrangement" designed to take 
  effect in the event that Mr. Khodorkovsky could no longer "act as a 
  beneficiary" of the shares, it said. Mr. 
  Khodorkovsky, 40, whom Russian authorities arrested at gunpoint and jailed 
  pending further investigation last week, was said by the Sunday Times to 
  have made the arrangement with Mr. Rothschild when he realized he was 
  facing arrest. Mr. Rothschild now controls the 
  voting rights on a stake in Yukos worth almost $13.5 billion, the 
  newspaper said in a dispatch from Moscow. Mr. 
  Khodorkovsky owns 4 percent of Yukos directly and 22 percent through a 
  trust of which he is the sole beneficiary, according to Russian analysts. 
  From the figures reported in the Sunday Times, 
  it appeared Mr. Rothschild had received control of all Mr. Khodorkovsky's 
  shares. The two have known each other for 
  years "through their mutual love of the arts" and their positions as 
  directors of the Open Russia Foundation, Yukos' philanthropic branch, it 
  said. Russian authorities Thursday froze 
  billions of dollars of shares held by Mr. Khodorkovsky and his top 
  lieutenants in Yukos — throwing control of the country's largest oil 
  company into limbo and causing frenzied selling on financial markets. 
  Russian prosecutors said owners of the shares 
  are still entitled to dividends and retain voting rights, but can no 
  longer sell their stakes. They said the freeze 
  was necessary as collateral for the $1 billion that Mr. Khodorkovsky and 
  his associates are accused of misappropriating during the 1990s. 
  Mr. Rothschild is the British head of Europe's 
  wealthy and influential Rothschild family, and runs his own investment 
  empire. Copyright © 2003 News World 
  Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. 

  to the article 
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Iraq: US elite fears Bush is losing Iraq war (Rohan Pearce)

2003-11-03 Thread Sean McBride
Title: IRAQ: US elite fears Bush is losing Iraq war
-Caveat Lector-


  IRAQ: US elite fears Bush is losing Iraq war
  “The more successful we are on the ground, the more these killers 
  will react”, US President George Bush commented after the coordinated 
  detonation of car bombs at four different targets in Baghdad on October 27. 
  “The more progress we make on the ground, the more free the Iraqis become, the 
  more electricity is available, the more jobs are available, the more kids that 
  are going to school, the more desperate these killers become, because they 
  can't stand the thought of a free society.” 
  Bush's disingenuous argument — that the attacks somehow signalled the death 
  throes of the Iraqi resistance movement — will hold little weight with either 
  the US public, increasingly wary of being drawn into another Vietnam-type war 
  in Iraq, or Iraqis increasingly hostile to Washington's occupation of their 
  A day before the series of bomb blasts in Baghdad, one US military officer 
  was killed and some 15 people were wounded after missiles were launched at the 
  Rashid Hotel in Baghdad, the most heavily guarded building in the city. The 
  missiles struck just below the floor housing Bush's deputy secretary of 
  defence (and vehement advocate of invading Iraq), Paul Wolfowitz, during his 
  stay in the Iraqi capital. 
  The missile attack on the Rashid Hotel and the October 27 bombings made a 
  clear statement: Iraq has not been pacified and, no matter how militarily 
  superior the US military is, it is incapable of protecting anyone in Baghdad. 
  The irony of Wolfowitz's brush with death is that the intention of his 
  visit was to reassure the US public that the situation faced by US troops in 
  Iraq was improving. In the days leading up to the hotel attack, Wolfowitz had 
  told journalists that the occupation forces were “taking the fight to the 
  The October 27 bombings, targeting Iraqi police stations and the Baghdad 
  headquarters of the Red Cross, were probably the most coordinated attacks to 
  occur within the Iraqi capital, exploding within 45 minutes of each other, and 
  caused a higher number of causalities than any previous bombings. 
  During an interview on NBC's October 26 Meet the Press program, US 
  Secretary of State Colin Powell admitted that the White House “did not expect 
  it [the Iraqi resistance] would be quite this intense this long”. 
  Iraqi hostility to occupation
  Despite Powell's concession to reality, he didn't dare abandon the fiction 
  that armed resistance to the occupation is confined to “die-hard” loyalists of 
  deposed Iraqi president Saddam Hussein and “foreign terrorists”. However, a 
  poll conducted by Baghdad's Iraq Centre for Research and Strategic Studies 
  (ICRS) found that 50% of Iraqis who participated in the seven-city survey 
  opposed the presence of US troops and their allies in the country, while just 
  33% supported them. 
  While opposition to the US-led occupation does not automatically translate 
  into support for the Iraqi armed resistance, it indicates that sympathy with 
  the anti-occupation forces, albeit for the most part currently passive, is 
  widespread among the Iraqi population. 
  Moreover, dissatisfaction with the occupation is not limited to the White 
  House's so-called Sunni Triangle (typically considered to take in the area 
  enclosed north and west of Baghdad by Tikrit and Ramadi respectively). For 
  example, the ICRS survey found that the perception of the US and British 
  forces as “occupiers” (as opposed to “liberators”) had risen in the southern 
  Iraqi city of Basra, which is inhabited largely by Shiites. Six months ago, an 
  ICRS survey had found that 52.3% of the Basra residents viewed the invading 
  forces as “occupiers”. This has now risen to 75.7%. 
  During the same time frame, the proportion of people in Basra who regarded 
  the coalition troops as “liberators” fell from 40% to 7.7%. As an October 27 
  Inter-Press Service analysis by Jim Lobe noted, statistics such as these “are 
  contributing to the notion that Washington now faces a real insurgency — even 
  one that has no explicit political ideology other than being anti-occupation — 
  as opposed to a terrorism campaign carried out by a small and ever-diminishing 
  group of die-hards and foreign Islamists”. 
  The ICRS poll, indicating decreasing tolerance for the presence of US 
  forces even among those glad that Hussein's regime has gone, seems to be 
  confirmed by the October 28 the Washington Post, which reported that 
  an unnamed senior US intelligence official believes the US has a window of 
  three to six months to crush the armed resistance before the Iraqi insurgency 
  turns into a mass uprising against the US occupation. The Post 
  reported that if anti-occupation forces in Iraq succeed in

[CTRL] 'The Passion of Christ'

2003-11-03 Thread Davide
-Caveat Lector-

"As a Catholic convert, I was taught we are all sinners who share in guilt
for the crucifixion."

Obviously, unlike many; the pious Catholic convert Robert Novak does like to
get off on Jesus, and eat him too.

'The Passion of Christ'
Robert Novak (archive)

November 3, 2003 |  Print |  Send

WASHINGTON -- When a private viewing of Mel Gibson's "The Passion of Christ"
was completed at a Washington hotel 10 days ago, my wife and I along with a
dozen other invited guests were emotionally frozen into several minutes of
silence. The question is whether public presentation of the film four months
hence shall be welcomed by tumultuous demonstrations outside the theaters.

Hollywood actor Gibson, who spent over $25 million of personal funds to
produce "The Passion," has finally found a distributor to begin its showing
Feb. 25 -- Ash Wednesday. A campaign by some Jewish leaders to radically
edit the film or, alternatively, prevent its exhibition appears to have
failed. This opens the door to religious conflict if the critics turn their
criticism into public protest.

That is not because of the content of "The Passion." As a journalist who has
actually seen what the producers call "a rough cut" of the movie and not
just read about it, I can report it is free of the anti-Semitism that its
detractors claim. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and its allies began
attacking the movie on the basis of reading a shooting script without having
actually seen the film. The ADL carries a heavy burden in stirring religious
strife about a piece of entertainment that, apart from its artistic value,
is of deep religious significance for believing Christians.

The agitation peaked in early August when New York State Assemblyman Dov
Hikind told a rally: "This film is dangerous for Jews all over the world. I
am concerned that it would lead to violence against Jews." Hikind had not
viewed the film. After an ADL representative viewed a rough cut, longtime
ADL director Abraham Foxman on Aug. 11 declared the movie "will fuel hatred,
bigotry and anti-Semitism." Foxman called on Gibson to change his film so
that it would be "free of any anti-Semitic message." This renews the
200-year-old dispute over the Jewish role in the crucifixion of Christ, the
source of past Jewish persecution.

"The Passion" depicts in two hours the last 12 hours of Jesus Christ's life.
To watch him beaten, scourged and crucified so graphically is a shattering
experience for believing Christians and surely for many non-Christians as
well. It makes previous movie versions of the crucifixion look like
Hollywood fluff. Gibson wants to avoid an "R" rating, but violence is not
what bothers Abe Foxman.

Foxman and other critics complain that the Jewish high priest Caiphas and a
Jewish mob are demanding Christ's execution, but that is straight from the
Gospels. Father C. John McCloskey, director of the Catholic Information
Center in Washington, told me: "If you find the Scriptures anti-Semitic,
you'll find this film anti-Semitic."

Complaints by liberal Bible scholars that "The Passion" is not faithful to
Scripture are rejected by the Vatican. Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, who
heads the Congregation for the Clergy, called the film "a triumph of art and
faith," adding: "Mel Gibson not only closely follows the narrative of the
Gospels, giving the viewer a new appreciation for those biblical passages,
but his artistic choices also make the film faithful to the meaning of the

As for inciting anti-Semitism, Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos contended "the film
does nothing of the sort." This Vatican official is denying that Gibson
violates the 1965 papal document Nostra Aetate, which states: "What happened
in (Christ's) passion cannot be charged against all the Jews, without
distinction, then alive, nor against the Jews of today."

No such libel is committed by "The Passion," where the mob's Jewish identity
is not specified. In the film, the high priest's men who seize Christ are
easily surpassed in brutality by sadistic Roman soldiers. The Roman
governor, Pontius Pilate, is depicted as a weak, calculating politician who
orders the execution. As a Catholic convert, I was taught we are all sinners
who share in guilt for the crucifixion.

At the heart of the dispute over "The Passion" is freedom of expression.
Liberals who defended the right to exhibit Martin Scorsese's "The Last
Temptation of Christ," which deeply offended orthodox Christians, now demand
censorship of "The Passion of Christ." As a result, Abe Foxman and his
allies have risked stirring religious tensions over a work of art.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor 

[CTRL] Hitlers Jewish Soldiers?

2003-11-03 Thread Davide
-Caveat Lector-

Hitler's army included many of Jewish descent 18:11, Oct 
30 2003  By Emma 
Thomasson  BERLIN (Reuters) - As many as 
150,000 men of Jewish descent served inthe German military under Adolf 
Hitler, some with the Nazi leader's explicitconsent, according to a U.S. 
historian who has interviewed hundreds offormer 
soldiers.  Bryan Mark Rigg, history 
professor at the American Military Universityin Virginia, told Reuters on 
Thursday that the issue of soldiers of partialJewish descent was long a 
somewhat taboo subject, overlooked by mostacademics as it threw up thorny 
questions.  "Not everybody who wore a 
uniform was a Nazi and not every person ofJewish descent was persecuted," he 
said. "Where do they belong? They servedin the military but lost mum at 
Auschwitz."  According to the Nuremberg 
Laws of 1935, Jews or those of partialJewish descent were unfit for military 
service, but Rigg tracked down andinterviewed more than 400 former soldiers 
of partial Jewish descent -- labelled "Mischlinge" ("half-caste") by the 
Nazis.  He estimates there were about 
60,000 soldiers with one Jewish parentand 90,000 with a Jewish grandparent 
in the Wehrmacht, the regular army asdistinct from the Nazi 
SS.  "They thought 'if I serve well they're 
not going to hurt me and notgoing to hurt my family'," he 
said.  However, on returning home from the 
campaign in Poland at the start ofthe war to find persecution of their 
families worsening, many soldiersclassified as half-Jewish started to 
complain, prompting Hitler to ordertheir dismissal in 
1940.  But many of these so-called 
half-Jewish soldiers continued to serve,sometimes due to delays in the 
discharge order reaching the front, becausethey concealed their background 
or because they applied and won clemency forgood 
service.  Many senior officers with Jewish 
ancestry won special permission toserve from Hitler 
himself.  "History is not so black and 
white. History about Mischlinge shows howbankrupt the Nazi racial laws 
were," said Rigg.  * SENSITIVE SUBJECT 
*  While Germany has long been aware of men 
serving as soldiers who Nazirace laws should have classified as Jewish, most 
notably former ChancellorHelmut Schmidt and Luftwaffe Field Marshal Erhard 
Milch, Rigg's largeestimate has surprised 
many.  Die Welt daily called Rigg's book 
"Hitler's Jewish Soldiers" "one ofthe most important Holocaust studies of 
recent years". The author was inBerlin to launch the German language 
version.  "The Mischlinge suffered the same 
fate in academic life as they did inreal life. There was nobody to speak for 
them," Rigg said. "People thoughtit could be misinterpreted, it would be 
like saying: 'look they did it 
tothemselves'."  Rigg, who has served 
in the U.S. Marines and as a volunteer in theIsraeli army, was moved to 
research the subject after he discovered his ownJewish ancestry while 
probing his family tree and after a chance meetingwith a Jewish Wehrmacht 
veteran.  Many of his subjects were telling 
their story for the first time andin some cases their families knew nothing 
of their Jewish heritage. "Theywould talk their hearts out, telling me all 
about this schizophrenic storythey went through," he 
said.  He is convinced that most of the 
soldiers of Jewish decent were notaware of the Nazis' systematic murder of 
Jews, noting that most half-Jewsreported to deportation stations in 
1944.  "Most say they do not feel guilty 
about serving in the military, theyfeel guilty about what they didn't do to 
save their relatives," he said.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-11-03 Thread Sean McBride
-Caveat Lector-

All you're doing is venting anti-Catholic 
bigotry and hatred.  You've still failed to deal rationally, factually and 
effectively with a single statement in any of the essays of Justin Raimondo, 
Paul Craig Roberts, Jim Lobe, Robert Dreyfuss, Joshua Micah Marshall, Eric 
Margolis, Michael Lind, Jason Vest, Brian Whitaker, Kathleen 
Christison, Maureen Dowd or any of the other articulate critics of the 
neoconservatives, most of whom are not Roman Catholic.
You also seem to be laboring under the 
amusing misapprehension that your disorganized and malevolent spew has some 
"literary" value.  It most assuredly doesn't.  True masters of 
verbal abuse wield their craft with much more subtlety and wit than you have 
demonstrated.  You simply flail away.
It's a shame that neocons like Paul 
Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Michael Ledeen, Douglas Feith, William Kristol and 
others have made such a conspicuous spectacle of themselves in promoting the 
Iraq War.  It's impossible to conceal from public view at this point who 
they are, what their agenda is, and what a horrific mess they've made for the 
United States.
The Catholic Church was as passionate in 
opposing the Iraq War as the Israeli government was in agitating for it.  
The neocons and the Israelis are now trying to push George W. Bush into 
attacking Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and nearly every other neighbor of 
The neocons and Israel have put themselves 
into sharp conflict with the Christian mainstream (both Catholic and 
Protestant), with Europe, with the United Nations, with a majority of Americans 
(who now disapprove of Bush's handling of Iraq), and with all those atheists, 
agnostics and free thinkers who despise Christian Zionists and loopy religious 
fundamentalists of all stripes, whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu or 
You've managed to create the strong 
impression here that you are a member of the neocon/Likud camp.  That's 
your choice, of course.  But you will have to live with the consequences of 
your bad judgment.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 1:01 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] IRAQ AND 
  -Caveat Lector- ? 

  "The conservative writer Paul 
  Craig Roberts, and the foreign policy 
  analyst Claes Ryn, have captured both the 
  spirit and the intellectual pedigree of the neoconservative war policy by 
  calling it "neo-Jacobin."  
  Well ... no. 
  Not really. 
  It's more the rants of Neo-Redneckery 
  from the Neo-Silly-Cons like Raimondo.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substanceânot soap-boxingâplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'âwith its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsâis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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