[CTRL] seminarian/child porn, seminary closed, Iraq soldier PTSD, aust. pagan rituals

2004-08-13 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for articles describing crimes

Polish Seminarian Convicted of Child Pornography in Austria VOA News 8/13/04 "An Austrian court has convicted a Polish seminarian student for the priesthood of possessing child pornography and sentenced him to a six-month suspended prison term. A court in St. Poelten, west of Vienna, found the 27-year-old defendant, identified only as Piotr Z., guilty of downloading hundreds of images of child pornography from the Internet.  The sentence comes just a day after a papal emissary, Bishop Klaus Kueng, closed the St. Poelten seminary saying the diocese had failed to properly screen applicants. An Austrian magazine recently published photos of seminarians and teachers kissing and groping each other. " http://www.voanews.com/article.cfm?objectID=418D95E4-EEF5-4172-BEDB0CA62217A565

Austrian Seminary Shut Down for Probe - Papal Emissary Shuts Down Austrian Seminary Amid a Child Pornography Investigation AP Vienna, Austria 8/12/04 "A papal emissary on Thursday shut down an Austrian seminary where authorities reported finding about 40,000 photos and numerous videos, including child pornography, on computers. Other photographs of seminary students kissing and fondling each other and their older religious instructors at the seminary also were found in the diocese of St. Poelten, about 50 miles west of Vienna. Some of the photos were published in Austrian media and triggered a public uproar that prompted Pope John Paul II to dispatch Bishop Klaus Kueng as an "apostolic visitor" to contain the scandal. "A new beginning is necessary," Kueng told reporters in remarks broadcast on state-run ORF television. "I am closing the seminary right away."" http://abcnews.go.com/wire/World/ap20040812_830.html

Survey: Soldiers Suffer Stress Disorder Fayetteville, N.C. (AP) "Fort Bragg paratroopers coming back from serving in Iraq suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder at almost the same rate as Vietnam War veterans, according to a military survey. The survey of about 1,300 paratroopers from the 2nd Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division 2nd Brigade that have returned from a year of service found 17.4 percent of soldiers have post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms." http://fsnews.findlaw.com/articles/ap_stories/other/1500/8-10-2004/20040810054502_056.html

Ex-Nat official jailed for child sex By Ainsley Pavey 8/13/04 "A former Queensland National party official who forced teenage boys into sex acts as part of pagan rituals was jailed today for eight years. Garry Robin Ford, 55, will also be forced to give police his contact details for a decade once released on the 22 charges involving the drugging and sodomising of underaged boys. Ford was found guilty by a Brisbane Supreme Court jury in June of indecently treating, sodomising and supplying hallucinatory magic mushrooms to boys during 1989 and 1990. The trial was told schoolboys had sat in a candle-lit circle as their black-caped "teacher" chanted and danced. They performed sex acts on each other and on Ford to be initiated into his White Brotherhood sect.  ...Six young men testified against Ford during the trial. They alleged they took part in pagan rituals in Brisbane suburbs and in a bat cave near Yeppoon in central Queensland. Ford, a former teacher, worked for the Nationals in the lead-up to the 1989 Queensland election won by the Wayne Goss-led Labor PartyFord is still facing another three indictments set to go before the District Court later this year." http://news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,10431356%5E1702,00.html
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[CTRL] Re: Evolution of the al Qaeda ® Brand Name

2004-08-13 Thread Adam Bruce
-Caveat Lector-

Al-Qaeda are the US govts greatest allyby Rizvan AnwarLet me start by saying that I am NOT a conspiracy theorist. I don't think Russia were involved in the JFK assassination, or that Area 51 is home to aliens. I am a rational person, who I like to believe, thinks logically.So lets look at recent events in a logical way.On November 20th 2003, London was gearing up for a huge protest against the visit of President Bush. The media had been hyping up the protests, as the largest protests 'ever seen against a head of State'. More people were expected to attend than had ever protested against Saddam, or Mugabe.However, Bush seemed unnerved. He would smile when asked about the protests and he said it didn't affect him at all. I couldn't understand this. This man was being told he was the most hated man on the planet, and yet he didn't seem to mind. Almost as if he 'knew' something no-one else did.The news of Michael Jacksons sex scandals were given 2nd rate coverage in light of the protests, which would culminate in a ceremonious 'toppling' of Bush's effigy, to replicate the staged toppling of Saddams in Baghdad.I was thinking all the while, unless the world should end, there is no way Bush can divert the worlds media attention from this. If anything, there was nothing he could do, to avoid the British public from seeing that his war against terror was a phoney war. I was hoping the worlds media would broadcast the protests and images of the toppling effigy would be beamed throughout the world. Bush's calmness unnerved me.It just wasn't logical.On 20th November, I woke up expecting the news to be full of the protests. But it wasn't.Someone had bombed the British consulate and HQ of the HSBC bank in Istanbul.At 09:10 GMT the first blast had gone off outside the HSBC HQ, and 2 minutes later, the second bomb went off. At 09:18 GMT, news channels in Britain were stating 'Al-Qaeda has bombed the British consulate'.I didn't understand. I watched the tv, to see how they had already figured out within 6 minutes that Al-Qaeda had done this. I searched frantically and all I could find were statements being released 'the bombings had all the hallmarks of Al-Qaeda'. I wonder even now, what these 'hallmarks' are.I was at work, and I joked to a friend, that soon an e-mail would arrive at some Arab newspaper, where Al-Qaeda would accept responsibility. By lunchtime, a Turkish newspaper had received that e-mail. To this day, Al-Qaeda hasn't accepted responsibility for 9-11, 'their crowning achievement'. The faked CIA tape of a fake Bin Ladin, gloating about 9-11, has funnily stopped being shown on tv, since it was ripped to shreds by all who saw it. Al-Qaeda hasn't owned up to any of the terrorist acts that it is blamed of. Not until the perpetrators are in custody, do any admissions come out.The Bali bombings, the first WTC, the Karachi hotel bombings, the Kandahar hijacking, 9-11, nothing. Al-Qaeda just don't do that. They don't admit they have done anything. Well not until recently, well..not until the US bombed Afghanistan and 'destroyed Al-Qaeda's communications capability'. Not until, Al-Qaeda's network has been dismantled, and the cells under close watch, and all communications between Bin Ladin and his followers, is now being made via messenger boys on donkeys. When Khalid Sheikh was arrested, he even said that Al Qaeda was no longer using e-mails or telephones to keep in touch, as it was too risky, and the CIA had tapped everything.So I don't understand how these messenger boys send the e-mails on their donkeys.It just isn't logical.As the crowds gathered for the beginning of the protests, Bush and Blair gave a televised address to the world. They re-affirmed the war on terror, and cited the Istanbul bombings as an example of the kind of terror they were trying to fight.Bush seemed to have almost memorised what to say, through days of practice. He condemned the acts and in his now familiar stage voice told the invasion on Iraq, was part of the fight against terrorism. I didn't know Saddam was part of Al-Qaeda until recently. Actually, I don't think Saddam knew he was part of Al Qaeda until recently.The news networks all over the world were showing the picturing of bloodied faces, and the carnage in Istanbul. There was a small side mention of the 150,000 protestors who had marched through London, and toppled the effigy of Bush. But nothing more.I sat there and watched Bush's interview again. The smile, the confidence. It was just perfect.If ever there was a time that the US and UK needed an attack to occur against BRITISH interests, it was well.at about 09:10 GMT on 20 November 2003.Many commentators have said that the 9-11 attacks happened at the right time for the US. And I think it is even more clear today that the Istanbul attacks have happened at just the right time for Bush and Blair.Either Al-Qaeda doesn't know what it is doing, or this wasn't A

Re: [CTRL] Bush's Band of Fundy Brothers

2004-08-13 Thread Adam Bruce
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/13/2004 5:59:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Karl Rove is counting on the more than 4 million evangelical Christianvoters that didn't turn out in 2000 to put Bush over the top this year. Willa revivified Promise Keepers movement help drive voters to the polls?
The Promise Keepers Movement
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Palast: US Fixing Vote on Chavez?

2004-08-13 Thread Adam Bruce
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/13/2004 1:13:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Forwarded with Compliments of Government of the USA in Exile (GUSAE): Free Americans Proclaiming Total Emancipation and Working Towards Democracy.   NOTE:  Thanks to Rick Davis for this.   --  kl, pp                       US Fixing Vote on Chavez?Tuesday, August 10, 2004Will the Gang That Fixed Florida Fix the Vote in Caracas This Sunday?By Greg PalastHugo Chavez drives George Bush crazy. Maybe it's jealousy: Unlike Mr.Bush, Chavez, in Venezuela, won his Presidency by a majority of the vote.Or maybe it's the oil: Venezuela sits atop a reserve rivaling Iraq's.And Hugo thinks the US and British oil companies that pump the crudeought to pay more than a 16% royalty to his nation for the stuff. Hey,sixteen percent isn't even acceptable as a tip at a New York diner.Whatever it is, OUR President has decided that THEIR president has togo. This is none too easy given that Chavez is backed by Venezuela'spoor. And the US oil industry, joined with local oligarchs, has madesure a vast majority of Venezuelans remain poor.Therefore, Chavez is expected to win this coming Sunday's recall vote.That is, if the elections are free and fair.They won't be. Some months ago, a little birdie faxed to me whatappeared to be confidential pages from a contract between JohnAshcroft's Justice Department and a company called ChoicePoint, Inc., ofAtlanta. The deal is part of the War on Terror.Justice offered up to $67 million, of our taxpayer money, to ChoicePointin a no-bid deal, for computer profiles with private information onevery citizen of half a dozen nations. The choice of which nation'scitizens to spy on caught my eye. While the September 11th highjackerscame from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon and the Arab Emirates,ChoicePoint's menu offered records on Venezuelans, Brazilians,Nicaraguans, Mexicans and Argentines. How odd. Had the CIA uncovered aLatin plot to sneak suicide tango dancers across the border withexploding enchiladas?What do these nations have in common besides a lack of involvement inthe September 11th attacks? Coincidentally, each is in the throes ofmajor electoral contests in which the leading candidates -- presidentsLula Ignacio da Silva of Brazil, Nestor Kirschner of Argentina, MexicoCity mayor Andres Lopez Obrador and Venezuela's Chavez -- have the nerveto challenge the globalization demands of George W. Bush.The last time ChoicePoint sold voter files to our government it was tohelp Governor Jeb Bush locate and purge felons on Florida voter rolls.Turns out ChoicePoint's felons were merely Democrats guilty only ofV.W.B., Voting While Black. That little 'error' cost Al Gore the White House.It looks like the Bush Administration is taking the Florida show for atour south of the border.However, when Mexico discovered ChoicePoint had its citizen files, thenation threatened company executives with criminal charges. ChoicePointprotested its innocence and offered to destroy the files of any nationthat requests it.But ChoicePoint, apparently, presented no such offer to the governmentof Venezuela's Chavez.In Caracas, I showed Congressman Nicolas Maduro the ChoicePoint-Ashcroftagreement. Maduro, a leader of Chavez' political party, was unaware thathis nation's citizen files were for sale to U.S. intelligence. But heunderstood their value to make mischief.If the lists somehow fell into the hands of the Venezuelan opposition,it could immeasurably help their computer-aided drive to recall andremove Chavez. A ChoicePoint flak said the Bush administration told thecompany they haven't used the lists that way. The PR man didn't say ifthe Bush spooks laughed when they said it.Our team located a $53,000 payment from our government to Chavez' recallorganizers, who claim to be armed with computer lists of the registered.How did they get those lists? The fix that was practiced in Florida,with ChoicePoint's help, deliberate or not, appears to be retooled forVenezuela, then Brazil, Mexico and who knows where else.Here's what it comes down to: The Justice Department averts its gazefrom Saudi Arabia but shoplifts voter records in Venezuela. So it's onlyfair to ask: Is Mr. Bush fighting a war on terror -- or a war on democracy?===Greg Palast is author of the New York Times bestseller, 'The BestDemocracy Money Can Buy.' This commentary is based on 'TangoTerrorists,' in the new chapter of the book's Expanded Election Edition(Penguin 2004). For Palast's reports on Venezuela for the Guardian ofBritain and his exclusive interview for BBC Television with PresidentHugo Chavez, go to www.GregPalast.com.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-

[CTRL] Bush's Band of Fundy Brothers

2004-08-13 Thread Adam Bruce
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/13/2004 7:14:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Via NY Transfer News Collective  *  All the News that Doesn't Fitsent by MartPraise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition!!!Bush Regime Mobilizes The Christian RightAlterNet. Posted August 9, 2004.http://www.alternet.org/rights/19497Bush's Band of BrothersBy Bill BerkowitzKarl Rove is counting on the more than 4 million evangelical Christianvoters that didn't turn out in 2000 to put Bush over the top this year. Willa revivified Promise Keepers movement help drive voters to the polls?High-profile rock-stars and a large band of Hollywood entertainers arepledging their time and money to help defeat President George W. Bush inNovember. Karl Rove, the president's chief political advisor, is looking tothe GOP's traditional base - fundamentalist evangelical Christians - to putBush over the top this year. Will a revivified and politically-focused men'smovement from the 1990s bail Bush Out?In mid-May, when conservative organizations were heavily courting AfricanAmerican religious leaders - to discredit the argument that same-sexmarriage was a civil rights issue - Thomas Fortson, the African Americanappointed to lead Promise Keepers last October, eagerly joined the chorus."It would be a historical error to equate the civil rights struggle forracial equality with the movement for civil accommodations based solely uponsexual behavior," Fortson said in a letter of support sent to the "Not On MyWatch" committee, which was organizing a May 22 rally of African Americanpastors on the steps of the Arlington, Texas, City Hall.With the presidential election less than three months away, the PromiseKeepers, the men's movement that took the nation by storm in the 1990s,appears to be shedding its carefully crafted apolitical veneer and jumpinginto the political fray. While you won't find it endorsing a particularcandidate and jeopardizing its non-profit status, it has already weighed inon an issue that the Republican Party hopes will help galvanize its base,the Federal Marriage Amendment - a constitutional amendment banning same-sexmarriage."Fortson has been trying to preserve the organization's tax exempt statuswhile at the same time leading the organization into a massiveget-out-the-vote drive by inspiring their anti-abortion and homophobic baseto enter the political fray, and when they do, on those issues, they willvote Republican," Al Ross, the executive director of the Institute forDemocracy Studies (http://www.cdsresearch.org ), told me in a recent e-mailinterview."We predict that their entry into the social movement will be a wonderfuladdition to what all of us are trying to do," Tom Minnery, vice president ofgovernment and public policy at Focus on the Family, said. "If PromiseKeepers tells men that the protection [of the family] must now extend intothe public marketplace, into the government sphere, I believe many men willpay more attention to these issues than they ever have before.""Promise Keepers has always been disingenuous about politics," FredClarkson, author of "Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between = Theocracy andDemocracy," said in an e-mail exchange. "While always claiming to beapolitical, many PK rallies (although not all) in its heyday featuredprominent conservative politicians and overt political and even electoralcontent. Denunciations of abortion and homosexuality were routine. It wasjust a matter of time before PK developed an overt public policy agenda."Founded by former University of Colorado head football coach Bill McCartney,Promise Keepers has been chugging along under the radar during the past fewyears. After its much ballyhooed October 1997 "Stand in the Gap: A SacredAssembly of Men" rally in Washington, D.C., which drew between 800,000 andone million people, was carried live on CSPAN, and attracted anextraordinary amount of mainstream media attention, the organization hit theskids, experiencing severe financial problems which forced a number oflayoffs of paid staff."The organization lost some of its momentum a few years ago when CoachMcCartney resigned and it underwent some serious financial troubles but theyseem to be enjoying a bit of a rebound," said Ross, who heads the NewYork-based research institute which specializes on domestic andinternational right wing challenges to democratic values."Promise Keepershad a phenomenal growth spurt for a few years after they were founded and ittook a while for people to understand that it was more than just a group ofmen who like to pray together, but was a sophisticated political projectthat preyed on identity crises which were affecting some men."While Promise Keepers' financial problems sent its leadership back to thedrawing board and forced it to cut back on the number of large-scale eventsit scheduled each year, it still managed to draw thousands to weekendrallies at arenas around the country.In early June of this year, nearly 10,000 men hooked up 

[CTRL] We The Protocols Right After All?

2004-08-13 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Maybe the Protocols were right after all?

This websites comments follow

Washington Post Says Iraq Coverage Flawed 
Associated Press - Thursday August 12, 2004

WASHINGTON - Editors at The Washington Post acknowledge they underplayed stories questioning President Bush's claims of the threat posed by Saddam Hussein in the months leading up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq. 

In the story published Thursday in the newspaper, Post media critic Howard Kurtz writes that editors resisted stories that questioned whether Bush had evidence that Saddam was hiding weapons of mass destruction. 

"We did our job but we didn't do enough, and I blame myself mightily for not pushing harder," assistant managing editor Bob Woodward says in the story. "We should have warned readers we had information that the basis for this was shakier" than many believed. 

Pentagon correspondent Thomas Ricks told Kurtz, "There was an attitude among editors: Look, we're going to war, why do we even worry about all this contrary stuff?" 

Executive editor Leonard Downie Jr. said, "We were so focused on trying to figure out what the administration was doing that we were not giving the same play to people who said it wouldn't be a good idea to go to war and were questioning the administration's rationale." 

In his more-than-3,000-word story, Kurtz writes, "The result was coverage that, despite flashes of groundbreaking reporting, in hindsight looks strikingly one-sided at times." 

A number of critics have faulted the American news media for not being more skeptical about the Bush administration's claims before the beginning of the war in March 2003. In the year and a half since Saddam was toppled, U.S. troops have yet to discover any weapons of mass destruction. 

In a study published in March by the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland, researchers wrote: "If the White House acted like a WMD story was important, ... so too did the media. If the White House ignored a story (or an angle on a story), the media were likely to as well." 

In May, The New York Times criticized its own reporting on Iraq, saying it found "a number of instances of coverage that was not as rigorous as it should have been" and acknowledging it sometimes "fell for misinformation" from exile Iraqi sources. 

Rixon Stewart -- August 13, 2004

Admitting that coverage "was not as rigorous as it should have been" is all very well. It gives the impression that the mainstream media makes mistakes sometimes, but when alerted is honest about them and accountable. However, nothing could be further from the truth. 

What Woodward fails to acknowledge is that errors in reporting in the run up to the invasion were not confined to that one particular topic. They apply to media coverage across the whole spectrum of events; it is indeed the very nature of the beast. The media is used to shape and condition public perception on behalf of the media owners and a small, hidden ruling elite. 

Even if the media is ostensibly publicly owned, it still follows the same rules. For example there is no real difference in coverage between the British Broadcasting Corporation and any of its commercial rivals. They might have different priorities and reporters and slight nuances in tone and emphasis. But essentially the same picture is presented: be it of Iraqâs Weapons of Mass Destruction or the latest terrorist outrage. In other words, there might be different media outlets but their coverage is all but interchangable. 

So the media has been caught out over Iraq and Bob Woodward says, in essence, "I'm sorry, we'll learn from our mistakes". But his apologies are meaningless and only divert attention from the media's role in the whole debacle, which was to prepare public opinion for the invasion of Iraq. 

Woodward's apologies notwithstanding, his admission is also an attempt to restore the media's beleaguered credibility. Now that it's served its purpose it will, given time, be able to perform a similar function in future. Or it will until people realise how the press and media in general are used to influence the public's perception of events. 

Here it is worth quoting from The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Despite being dismissed as an "Anti-Semitic forgery", they have nonetheless prefigured events long before they happened. So regardless of their origin, they are worth taking note of. 

According to The Protocols: the press "serves to excite and inflame those passions which are needed for our purposes." Like the threat posed by Saddam Hussein and his Weapons of Mass Destruction, which were prior to the invasion, a staple topic of the mainstream media. 

Protocol 12 continues: "I beg you to note that among those making attacks upon us will also be organs es

[CTRL] Bush's Born Again Drug War

2004-08-13 Thread Adam Bruce
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/13/2004 7:13:29 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v04/n1149/a10.htmlPubdate: Thu, 12 Aug 2004Source: AlterNet (US Web)Copyright: 2004 Independent Media InstituteContact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Website: http://www.alternet.org/Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/1451Author:  Paul Armentano, AlterNetNote: Author is the senior policy analyst for The NORML Foundation in Washington, DC.Cited: Pray for the Children http://www.prayforthechildren.net/Cited: Faith. The Anti-Drug http://www.theantidrug.com/faith/Cited: Texas Freedom Network http://www.tfn.org/Cited: Americans United http://www.au.org/Cited: Interfaith Drug Policy Initiative http://www.idpi.us/Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/rehab.htm (Treatment)Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/bush.htm (Bush, George)Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/walters.htm (Walters, John)BUSH'S BORN AGAIN DRUG WARWhereas previous administrations commonly framed their anti-drug arguments in secular terms, Bush's drug war, at least rhetorically, resembles that of a religious crusade.Listen to George Walker Bush speak about substance abuse and it's apparent that one is listening to a preacher, not a president. "There are faith-based organizations in drug treatment that work so well because they convince a person to turn their life over to Christ," Bush divulged to the religious journal Christianity Today. "By doing so, they change a person's heart [and] a person with a changed heart is less likely to be addicted to drugs and alcohol."Despite US Constitutional restrictions requiring a separation of church and state, Bush's ardent Judeo-Christian faith - the President is a practicing Methodist who "accepted Jesus Christ into [his] life" in 1986 - remains the staple of his administration's anti-drug platform. Whereas previous administrations commonly framed their anti-drug arguments in secular terms (i.e., former President Richard Nixon's "War on Drugs" or the Reagan administration's "Just Say No" campaign), Bush's drug war, at least rhetorically, resembles that of a religious crusade. GW's bottom line: Only through "God's will" may one be "saved" from the temptations of illegal drugs. It's a stance that many drug law reformers view as not only ineffective, but possibly illegal.President Or Proselytizer?"You know, I had a drinking problem. Right now I should be in a bar in Texas, not the Oval Office," Bush told author David Frum in his 2003 biography The Right Man. "There is only one reason that I am in the Oval Office and not in a bar. I found faith. I found God. I am here because of the powers of prayer."While stories recounting the President's prior alcohol and drug use - so-called "youthful indiscretions" - are well publicized, not as well known is his 1986 spiritual awakening that led him to quit his use of intoxicants cold turkey. It's this personal journey that led Bush to reach his conclusion that other drug users - recreational pot smokers in particular - must also undergo their own, albeit coerced, religious conversion to achieve drug abstinence. After four years in office, it's clear that Bush is willing to use the bully pulpit and Congress' deep pockets to accomplish his goal: a drug-free, religiously indoctrinated America.As President, one of Bush's first actions was to sign an executive order establishing a White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, presently headed by "Faith Czar" Jim Towey. In 2002, the Bush administration awarded nearly 500 faith-based programs - including several drug "education" and treatment programs - $477 million in taxpayers' funding. In 2002, Bush doled out an additional $568 million in federal funds to 680 self-identified faith-based groups - programs like the fundamentalist Christian drug-treatment project "Set Free Indeed," which states: "We rely solely on the foundation of the Word of God to break the bands of addiction. Once a person ... recognizes that only God can set them free, the rebuilding process can begin." To date, the Bush administration has funneled several million dollars to "Set Free Indeed," and the President singled out its founder by name during his 2003 State of the Union address, lauding it as a shining example of federally-backed faith-based drug treatment.Religion has also been the theme of several new, high profile anti-drug campaigns launched by the administration. In 2003, just months after being tapped by Bush to head the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Karen Tandy threw her weight behind a grassroots anti-drug campaign called "Pray for the Children," which according to the group's website, maintains, "The power of prayer is unequaled" in influencing adolescents from refraining from drug use. Regarding her endorsement of the program, Tandy explained, "Drug abuse is a scourge that attacks a person's soul as well as body, so it's fitting that the solution should engage the soul as well."Also last year, Bu

[CTRL] Re: [CTRL] Fwd: new bogus 9/11 effort -- "In Plane Site" movie based on         phony evidence

2004-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
Revenge of the Pod People2

In a message dated 8/13/04 12:32:37 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

kris, you are wrong on all of your points, none of your rebuttle's make any sense, but infact prove the point your trying to rebutt. 

Infact you are so inept, that you cannot read or comprehend. 

I didn't write the message. I forwarded an email. 

Before you speak best learn to read and ... think. 


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[CTRL] Fwd: [CTRL] Fwd: new bogus 9/11 effort -- "In Plane Site" movie based on         phony evidence

2004-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
Revenge of the Pod People

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

One propaganda technique is to create an
exaggeration of real-life events so as to
discredit valid observations along the same line,
but that lack the extremism.  Some times, vast
left/right-wing conspiracy theories are
constructed for much the same reason - to throw
people off track with disinformation.

For example, someone testing exotic aircraft
designs might plant a few media stories about
flying saucers and little green men.  Then they
would begin to label anyone reporting something
odd flying about as the current leading candidate
for village idiot.

Likewise, someone might try to cover up faulty
aircraft design - perhaps one in which electrical
wires ran into fuel tanks - by accusing the
military of a stray missile shoot down of an
aircraft with such problems.  Or, trying to divert
attention from a stray missile, government
investigators might issue an alert that required
all similar aircraft to have their fuel tanks
modified to prevent another *fuel tank* explosion.

By the same token, someone trying to cover up
shoddy building design - such as having too much
distance between vertical braces on horizontal
floor spans in a collapsed high rise building
struck by an aircraft - by orchestrating a
conspiracy to blame an already distrusted
government of flying aircraft into the building.
Then, a government might recruit and fund a few
crazies to fly a few aircraft into buildings in
order to justify the invasion of other countries
containing highly desirable natural resources.

Not that anyone would actually do the things
suggested above.  It is just that such scenarios
are possible in theory and are the cause of

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2004-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

But in language that until now has not 
gotten any public attention, the Goss bill would also redefine the authority of 
the DCI in such a way as to substantially alter—if not overturn—a 57-year-old 
ban on the CIA conducting operations inside the United 
Goss's Wish List 
By Michael Isikoff and Mark 
Wednesday 11 August 2004 
Rep. Porter Goss, President Bush’s nominee to head 
the CIA, recently introduced legislation that would give the president new 
authority to direct CIA agents to conduct law-enforcement operations inside the 
United States—including arresting American citizens. 
The legislation, introduced by Goss on June 16 and 
touted as an “intelligence reform” bill, would substantially restructure the 
U.S. intelligence community by giving the director of Central Intelligence (DCI) 
broad new powers to oversee its various components scattered throughout the 
But in language that until now has not gotten any 
public attention, the Goss bill would also redefine the authority of the DCI in 
such a way as to substantially alter—if not overturn—a 57-year-old ban on the 
CIA conducting operations inside the United States. 
The language contained in the Goss bill has alarmed 
civil-liberties advocates. It also today prompted one former top CIA official to 
describe it as a potentially “dramatic” change in the guidelines that have 
governed U.S. intelligence operations for more than a half century. 
“This language on its face would have allowed 
President Nixon to authorize the CIA to bug the Democratic National Committee 
headquarters,” Jeffrey H. Smith, who served as general counsel of the CIA 
between 1995 and 1996, told NEWSWEEK. “I can’t imagine what Porter had in mind.” 

Goss himself could not be reached for comment today. 
But a congressional source familiar with the drafting of Goss’s bill said the 
language reflects a concern that he and others in the U.S. intelligence 
community share—that the lines between foreign and domestic intelligence have 
become increasingly blurred by the war on terrorism. 
At the time he introduced the bill, Goss thought the 
9/11 commission might recommend the creation of a new domestic intelligence 
agency patterned after Britain’s M.I.5. The commission ended up rejecting such a 
proposal on civil-liberties grounds. But in his bill Goss wanted to give the DCI 
and a newly empowered CIA the “flexibility”—if directed by the president—to 
oversee and even conduct whatever domestic intelligence and law-enforcement 
operations might be needed to combat the terrorism threat, the congressional 
official said. 
“This is just a proposal,” said the congressional 
official familiar with the drafting of Goss’s bill. “It was designed as a point 
of discussion, a point of debate. It’s not carved in stone.” 
But other congressional staffers predicted that the 
Goss bill, even if it has little chance of passage, is likely to get substantial 
scrutiny at his upcoming confirmation hearings—in part as an opportunity to 
explore his own attitudes toward civil liberties. 
Those hearings are already expected to be unusually 
contentious—partly because of concerns among Democrats that the Florida 
Republican, a former CIA officer himself who has chaired the House Intelligence 
Committee, has been too partisan and too close to the Bush White House. But so 
far, most staffers expect Goss to be confirmed eventually—if only because 
Democrats are loath to appear overly obstructionist on a matter that might be 
portrayed as central to national security. 
The Goss bill tracks current law by stating that the 
DCI shall “collect, coordinate and direct” the collection of intelligence by the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Fwd: Another Clinton Scandal Coming?

2004-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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Investigative Report: Another Clinton Scandal Coming?
Posted August 13, 2004
By Paul M. Rodriguez
Hillary Clinton is flying high within the Democratic Party as a marquee star that many hope will launch a presidential run in 2008 or 2012 or join up as a vice presidential contender. But previously unknown federal documents outlining potentially serious election law violations could spell trouble for the junior senator from New York and some high-fliers in the Democratic Party.At the same time, according to legal and federal law enforcement sources who have spoken to Insight on condition of anonymity, the failure to pursue alleged wrongdoing by Clinton's senatorial campaign in 2000 and among a variety of party and White House officials involved in fundraising at the time raises questions about the integrity of the Justice Department which has failed to bring indictments against key players in Hollywood, Washington, New York and Florida despite mounting evidence.At the center in much of this legal thicket is
 Peter Franklin Paul, a colorful figure and former international lawyer who spent time in jail in the 1970's for cocaine possession and an elaborate scheme that scammed Cuban dictator Fidel Castro out of $8 million. Paul subsequently became a successful businessman in Miami, Fla., and then in Los Angeles, Calif., where he co-founded along with legendary comic book creator Stan Lee the Stan Lee Media company (SLM).Paul was indicted in 2001 on a variety of securities and bank fraud charges both in California and in New York stemming primarily from his borrowing money on margined SLM stocks that he used to pay for elaborate luncheons, dinners and an extravagant Hollywood tribute to President Bill Clinton that was tied to a major fundraising event for Hillary Clinton's senate campaign in the summer of 2000.In all, according to Paul and extensive documents reviewed by Insight, he provided in-kind contributions in excess of $1.7 million to Clinton's campaign that never has
 been properly accounted for in her Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings. Clinton and her campaign have denied receiving such large contributions from Paul.Newly obtained documents by Insight raise thorny questions about such denials and separate allegations of a federal cover up at the Justice Department. One such document is an FBI special agent's affidavit from May 2002 that outlined alleged wrongdoing by Clinton's senatorial campaign back in 2000.A second document is a Justice Department memorandum this June to Federal District Judge Leonard D. Wexler that bolsters the FBI agent's charges from 2002 but adds a surprising twist involving an alleged bribe to Bill Clinton while he was president that certainly will be unwelcome news among many Democrats who have hoped that scandals involving the Clintons were long ago over.Insight has investigated many of these issues in extensive investigative reports over several years, including the odd omission by
 federal officials in the indictments concerning the nearly $2 million Peter Paul donated to Hillary Clinton - donations and fundraising activities that, ostensibly, are the root causes for his legal troubles.The 22-page FBI affidavit, which was signed May 30, 2002, by Special Agent David C. Smith, was in support of a search warrant on a large storage locker rented in Tarzana, Calif., by Paul. The existence of the search warrant was reported by Insight in late 2002, including the FBI's search for records of any type related to Hillary Clinton's campaign.At the time and ever since, the Justice Department has declined to discuss the reasons behind the search warrant's references to the Clinton Senate campaign leaving Paul as virtually the sole source on claims he had proof at the storage locker that he was the major supporter of various Clinton fundra

[CTRL] Fwd: Five Myths of the Economic Recovery

2004-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan
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   Gary North's REALITY CHECK

Issue 369 August 13, 2004


 In we accept the widely accepted assessment of the non-
profit National Bureau of Economic Research, and we date the
recession as having begun in March, 2001, and having ended the
following November, then we are approaching the third year of
America's economic recovery.

 There has been a recovery of sorts.  Manufacturing is up,
surely.  But wages adjusted for price inflation have been
stagnant or worse.  Interest rates are low, which is good for
borrowers and bad for savers.  Unemployment is still around 5.5%,
which is on the high side.  This figure keeps getting revised.
Job growth is slow, and has remained slow throughout the entire

 This is a strange recovery.  Housing prices never
stabilized, let alone dropped.  Consumer spending did not drop,
nor did consumer indebtedness.  The figure I return to over and
over is "Household Debt Service and Financial Obligations
Ratios."  This compares what households are paying on their debt
each quarter in relation to disposable personal income.  For
homeowners over the last quarter century, this figure has rarely
gone below 13.5% or above 16%.  In fact, the only time it
exceeded 16% was in the 4th quarter of 2001 -- the end of the
recession.  It is in the range of 15.5% today.  It has not been
below 15% since 1995.


 This means that consumers have used lower interest rates
since 2001 to add marginally to their total debt.  Their ratio
of monthly debt payments in relation to their income has dropped
slightly, but not nearly so far as interest rates have fallen.  So,
Americans have taken advantage of lenders.  They have said, "I'll
take that money!"  Rising rates therefore pose a threat to them.
Their debt is higher; their debt service expenses will rise.
This will put pressure on their budgets.  They will slow their
spending in order to keep debt service below 16% of their
disposable income.  When this happens, the recovery will sag.


 Stephen Roach of Morgan Stanley is a sensible commentator.
I have seen him quoted in the financial press for many years.  He
always impresses me as someone who is not bowled over by the
media trend-setters.

 In his August 9 column, which is posted on the Morgan
Stanley Website, Roach called attention to the oddities of this
recovery.  The article is up front: "The Mythical Recovery."

 From the start -- presumably, late 2001 -- this recovery has
been dubious, he says.  "Now that the major equity market indexes
have all hit new lows for the year, there will undoubtedly be a
rush of buy recommendations from that same optimistic consensus.
My advice: Look before you leap at the siren song of the mythical

 What is his gripe with the consensus view of the recovery?
Mainly, that this recovery has been like no other in the post-war

 This business cycle is different. The modern-day US
 economy has never had to struggle this hard to eke out
 an economic recovery. Plagued by an outsize shortfall
 of internal income generation, it has taken an
 unprecedented dose of fiscal and monetary stimulus to
 spark any semblance of cyclical revival. But the
 question all along has been, recovery at what cost?

 This is always the economist's favorite question: "At what
cost?"  It ought to be the investor's question, too.  You would
think that it is the fund managers' question.  But fund managers
run in packs.  They don't ask this question until costs start
exceeding benefits by a painful margin: a falling stock market or
bond market -- or both.

 It's a cost, in my 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Evolution of the al Qaeda® Brand Name

2004-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan
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Evolution of the al Qaeda® Brand Name  http://atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/FH13Ak05.html
By Jonathan Feiserwith comments by W Joseph Stroupe Speaking Freely is an Asia Times Online feature that allows guest writers to have their say. Please click here if you are interested in contributing. The days when al-Qaeda held the full and operational legitimacy - both in the eyes of the global media and in its own right - of Sunni extremism have now become a historical transition point. However, there still remain lessons the United States needs to relearn. In a Western sense, al-Qaeda operated in a mode of granting only a limited sense of autonomy to regional groups. In time, this line eventually became one of friction resulting in the gradual retreat of al-Qaeda's control mechanisms. In the present, these various regional groups in and of themselves have became both political as well as ideological extensions of the core
 al-Qaeda group. As witnessed in the present tense, these regional groups struggled for their own capstone of legitimacy to the point that their "connection" to al-Qaeda became a very real liability with regard to their own regional interests. Additionally, the core leadership structure that was al-Qaeda has now become geographically isolated in the gray zone between Afghanistan and Pakistan's North West Frontier Province. As a result, the inadvertent emergence of decentralized leadership has now empowered regional groups to initiate operations and visions that remain hinged to al-Qaeda's novel ideological and dialectical purists. The core blueprint that is pursued, moreover, remains rooted in the political radicalism of Sunni Islam - a variant of the religion that has become poisoned by frustration, compromised interpretation, and the quest for a manifested utopian vision lost to history. The radical political-Islamic nexus observed today remains the product of
 philosophical momentum passed on and enhanced by Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri and Osama bin Laden. The transition from the pre-2001 shift that began as a centralized controlling mechanism based on additional regional command structure has now dissolved into the new model, one run locally by regional bases of autonomous leadership. In this context, the events of September 11, 2001, did not begin this process of decentralization - they merely accelerated it. This new shift was manifested in the attacks in Turkey and Spain. Both attacks were apart of a broader-ranging and decentralized strategy. However, such a reality is not evident on first glance. These local nodes of leadership continue to act on the ideological mandate that has characterized al-Qaeda's goal orientation while at the same time emanating indigenously based objectives. The misconception here is allowing these footprints to appear as a linked and deeply integrated plan of operations covering broad geographical and
 political spans. Again, this conclusion neglects a clear assessment of al-Qaeda's limitations as a man-made organization that faces the same strains of infighting, logistical failure and any number of inherent weaknesses that exist within large-scale coordinated efforts. In this regard, the key attribute of al-Qaeda's role at the moment and of the future must rely on the illusive power of its manufactured symbolism. This characteristic rests on the empowerment gained from its Islamic message and the emotional appeal to universal brotherhood via the external process of jihad that rests on the success of a powerful propaganda campaign. These elements are essential to maintaining any true impression of al-Qaeda's global power, both real and perceived. Another example of al-Qaeda's transition exists within the current jihad in Iraq. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has demonstrated a break from the traditional fold by initiating h

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Fwd: Rumsfeld & Bush Failed Us on 9/11

2004-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan
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Rumsfeld and Bush Failed Us on Sept. 11
By Gail SheehyAugust 13, 2004Donald Rumsfeld, one of the chief opponents of investing real power over purse and personnel in a new national intelligence chief, told the 9/11 commission that an intelligence czar would do the nation "a great disservice." It is fair to ask what kind of service Rumsfeld provided on the day the nation was under catastrophic attack. "Two planes hitting the twin towers did not rise to the level of Rumsfeld's leaving his office and going to the War Room? How can that be?" asked Mindy Kleinberg, one of the widows known as the Jersey Girls, whose efforts helped create and guide the 9/11 commission. The fact that the final report failed to offer an explanation is one of the infuriating holes in an otherwise praiseworthy accounting. Rumsfeld was missing in action that morning — "out of the loop" by his own admission. The lead military officer that day, Brig. Gen. Montague Winfield, told the commission that the
 Pentagon's command center had been essentially leaderless: "For 30 minutes we couldn't find" Rumsfeld. For more than two hours after the Federal Aviation Administration became aware that the first plane had been violently overtaken by Middle Eastern men, the man whose job it was to order air cover over Washington did not show up in the Pentagon's command center. It took him almost two hours to "gain situational awareness," he told the commission. He didn't speak to the vice president until 10:39 a.m., according to the report. Since that was more than 30 minutes after the last hijacked plane crashed, it would seem to be an admission of dereliction of duty. Rumsfeld's testimony before the commission last March was bizarre. Asked point-blank by Commissioner Jamie Gorelick what he had done to protect the nation — or even the Pentagon — during the "summer of threat" preceding the attacks, Rumsfeld replied simply that "it was a law enforcement issue." That obfuscation —
 was the FBI expected to be out on the Beltway with shoulder-launched missiles? — has been accepted at face value by the commission and media. Rumsfeld is in charge of NORAD, which has the specific mission of protecting the United States and Canada by responding to any form of air attack. The official chain of command in the event of a hijacking calls for the president to empower the secretary of Defense to send up a military escort and, if necessary, give shoot-down orders.Yet President Bush told the panel he spoke to Rumsfeld for the first time that morning shortly after 10 a.m. — 23 minutes after the Pentagon was hit and moments before the last plane went down. It was, says the report, "a brief call in which the subject of shoot-down authority was not discussed."As a result, NORAD's commanders were left in the dark about what their mission was. When fighters were told to scramble from Langley, Va., they were sent not to cover Washington but on a fool's
 mission to tail and identify American Airlines Flight 11, which was already boiling the first Trade Center tower to the ground. Why wasn't Rumsfeld able to see on TV what millions of civilians already knew? After the Pentagon was attacked, why did he run outside to play medic instead of moving to the command center and taking charge? The 9/11 report records the fatal confusion in which command center personnel were left: Three minutes after the FAA command center told FAA headquarters in an update that Flight 93 was 29 minutes out of Washington, D.C., the command center said, "Uh, do we want to, uh, think about scrambling aircraft?"FAA headquarters: "Oh, God, I don't know." Command center: "Uh, that's a decision somebody's going to have to make probably in the next 10 minutes." But nobody did. Three minutes later, Flight 93 was wrestled to the ground by heroic civilians. How 

[CTRL] [JBirch] FTAA is NOT free trade - The misnamed "Free Trade Area of America" (fwd)

2004-08-13 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 12:34:39 -0400
To: John Birch Discuss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JBirch] FTAA is NOT free trade - The misnamed "Free Trade Area of

"FREE trade " would mean that GOVERNMENT HAS NO CONTROL.
PEOPLE can make their own trade deals,
when they are FREE.
FTAA is NOT about free trade.
FTAA is government control of everything;
including trade,
but they are just calling it "free",
because it sounds better that way.
Who would favor if they called it what it is?
It is tyranny over an entire continent.

In announcing the completed negotiations for the Central American Free Trade Agreement 
(CAFTA), U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick declared: "The United States is 
committed to opening markets around the world because American farmers, workers, 
consumers and businesses want to sell our world-class goods and services."

Unfortunately, many Congressmen have accepted this hype that the so-called Free Trade 
Agreements (FTAs) are designed to open up markets for American exports. A new report   

by William F. Jasper exposes this colossal fraud as applied to CAFTA:

"The debt-strapped, bankrupt countries of Central America are going to buy U.S.-made 
products? With what?"

No, these FTAAs are not about prosperity for Americans or anyone else. Their real 
purpose is to mask a huge power grab, following the same deceptive strategy that Jean 
Monnet used to create the early stages of the European Union: Conceal the project's 
political purpose behind a pretense that it was concerned only with economic 
cooperation, based on dismantling trade barriers.

Recommendation: Read "CAFTA: Stepping Stone to the FTAA"


and then write your representative and senators


in opposition to CAFTA and any agreement that would set up a so-called Free Trade Area 
of the Americas.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Brzezinski: CIA "good idea": funding terrorists

2004-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Zbigniew Brzezinski: "Regret what? That secret operation (the CIA backing of Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorists) was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it?"
Zbigniew Brzezinski: "What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?" Quoting Zbigniew Brzezinski Jan, 1998*[1] (This interview was deleted from the version of Le Nouvel Observateur sent to the US) [this translation into English by Blum]
Osama bin Laden: "The Western regimes and the government of the US bear the blame for what might happen. If their people do not wish to be harmed inside their very own countries, they should seek to elect governments that are truly representative of them and that can protect their interests. **[2](This part not aired on ABC)
Osama bin Laden: "This is my message to the American people. I urge them to find a serious administration that acts in their interest and does not attack people and violate their honor and pilfer their wealth." Quoting Osama bin Laden May, 1998
1. Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski about how the US provoked the Soviet Union into invading Afghanistan and starting the whole mess: Le Nouvel Observateur (France), Jan 15-21, 1998, p. 76 There are at least two editions of this magazine; with the perhaps sole exception of the Library of Congress,* the version sent to the United States is shorter than the the than the French version, and the Brzezinski interview was not included.
2. From the PBS site Frontline: Read the translation of the ABC John Miller interview (videotaped) which is further down on this page. Or, read the full interview with Bin Laden which starts with questions posed to him by his followers. This interview begins right here; it is then followed by the translation of the Miller interview with Bin Laden. ** (The first quote was not aired by ABC.)
(Note the most probing questions (clarifying the issues) are not asked by ABC's John Miller. (Bin Laden had the whole interview recorded by his own camera and an associate gave a copy of the tape to PBS's FRONTLINE.)
links: http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0138/ridgeway2.php

US and bin Laden

Former Friends: President Carter's national security adviser ZbiGniew Brzezinski on his 1980 tour of the Afghan border. Bin Laden first went to Peshawar, Pakistan, here in these photos Brezezinski checks out bin Laden's gun on the border of Afghanistan in 1980. This is what the CIA considers a "good idea": funding terrorists.

This is the only web page on Earth that features these two photos.

Does ANYONE see anything wrong with that? ( prove me wrong)

Photos: Photographs by Philippe Ledru/Corbis Sygma. Larger one scanned from the Village Voice. The Village Voice web site does not have the photo. The smaller one is from a Polish web site, also seen in Spiegel.

Notes on Zbigniew Brzezinski: From 1977 to 1981, Zbigniew Brzezinski was National Security Advisor to the President of the United States. We must stop these dangerous, shortsighted and stupid US foreign policies.
$40 billion in US taxpayer dollars were used to recruit “freedom fighters” like Osama bin Laden. :oops: A final glimpse of “international co-operation based on international law” during the Carter Administration brings us to Afghanistan, site of a Soviet invasion in December 1979. It was here that Carter and Brzezinski aligned themselves with staunch anti-Communists in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to exploit Islam as a method to arouse the Afghani populace to action. With the CIA coordinating the effort, some $40 billion in US taxpayer dollars were us

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Ashcroft's Quiet Prisoner

2004-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Title: Ashcroft's Quiet Prisoner 
-Caveat Lector-

August 13, 2004

Ashcroft's Quiet Prisoner

Miami — David Joseph is a little guy, about 5-foot-5, maybe 115 pounds. He's 20 years old, looks younger, and has the sluggish demeanor and sad _expression_ of one who is deeply depressed. He has nightmares and headaches. He spends his days dressed in the blue fatigues of detainees at the federal Krome Detention Center, washing dishes at mealtimes, staring listlessly at television images broadcast in a language he doesn't understand, and praying.

"I thought I would come here for a few days and be released," he told me in a soft voice, his words translated by an interpreter. "But I watch the other people come and go, and I am stuck here."

Mr. Joseph is a refugee from Haiti who is seeking asylum in the United States. He is not a terrorist, and no one has even suggested that he is a threat to anyone. And yet he's been in federal custody for nearly two years.

An immigration judge and the Board of Immigration Appeals have ruled that he should be freed on bond, pending a final ruling on his asylum request. But the attorney general of the United States, John Ashcroft, won't let him go.

Playing his ever-present, all-encompassing terrorism card, Mr. Ashcroft personally intervened in Mr. Joseph's case, summarily blocking his release. According to the attorney general, releasing this young Haitian would tend to encourage mass migration from Haiti, and might exacerbate the potential danger to national security of nefarious aliens from Pakistan and elsewhere who might be inclined to use Haiti as a staging area for migration to the U.S.

Mr. Ashcroft has been out in the Washington sun too long. Terrorism is not an issue here. Mr. Joseph is a nervous, nail-biting young man who has an uncle in Brooklyn who's a U.S. citizen and would be only too happy to take in his nephew. Keeping Mr. Joseph imprisoned for years is inhumane.

What's really at work here is the Bush administration's unwillingness to budge even an inch from its unfair and frequently cruel treatment of Haitians seeking refuge in the United States.

 Mr. Joseph and a younger brother, Daniel, were among more than 200 Haitians aboard a boat that landed at Key Biscayne, Fla., in October 2002. The boys' immediate family had been viciously attacked in the political turmoil that wracked their homeland, and David Joseph still does not know whether the mother and father he left behind are alive. (Daniel, a teenager, is reportedly in foster care in New York.)

 The United States may be a beacon of liberty, but when someone like David Joseph sails toward that beacon he can find himself perversely embraced in the barbed wire of a place like Krome.

"He was fleeing persecution,'' said Selena Mendy Singleton, a vice president of TransAfrica Forum, a research and policy group that is among several organizations supporting Mr. Joseph's request for asylum. "He is not a threat to the community. He is not a terrorist. And he meets the criteria to be released on bond. David needs to be let out."

Mr. Ashcroft was pointedly questioned about the Joseph case by Senator Arlen Specter during an appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee in June.

 "On April 17 of last year," said Mr. Specter, "an issue came before you where there was a young Haitian refugee where there had not been any showing of a problem with respect to terrorism. And you overruled both the immigration judge and the Board of Immigration Appeals. And then the inspector general of the Department of Justice criticized the department for the failure to distinguish between immigration detainees who are connected to terrorism and those who don't have any reason for detention.''

Senator Specter urged Mr. Ashcroft to consider a policy in which the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush's Own Goal

2004-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan
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Title: Bush's Own Goal 
-Caveat Lector-

August 13, 2004

Bush's Own Goal

A new Bush campaign ad pushes the theme of an "ownership society," and concludes with President Bush declaring, "I understand if you own something, you have a vital stake in the future of America."

Call me naïve, but I thought all Americans have a vital stake in the nation's future, regardless of how much property they own. (Should we go back to the days when states, arguing that only men of sufficient substance could be trusted, imposed property qualifications for voting?) Even if Mr. Bush is talking only about the economic future, don't workers have as much stake as property owners in the economy's success?

But there's a political imperative behind the "ownership society" theme: the need to provide pseudopopulist cover to policies that are, in reality, highly elitist.

The Bush tax cuts have, of course, heavily favored the very, very well off. But they have also, more specifically, favored unearned income over earned income - or, if you prefer, investment returns over wages. Last year Daniel Altman pointed out in The New York Times that Mr. Bush's proposals, if fully adopted, "could eliminate almost all taxes on investment income and wealth for almost all Americans." Mr. Bush hasn't yet gotten all he wants, but he has taken a large step toward a system in which only labor income is taxed.

The political problem with a policy favoring investment returns over wages is that a vast majority of Americans derive their income primarily from wages, and that the bulk of investment income goes to a small elite. How, then, can such a policy be sold? By promising that everyone can join the elite.

 Right now, the ownership of stocks and bonds is highly concentrated. Conservatives like to point out that a majority of American families now own stock, but that's a misleading statistic because most of those "investors" have only a small stake in the market. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that more than half of corporate profits ultimately accrue to the wealthiest 1 percent of taxpayers, while only about 8 percent go to the bottom 60 percent. If the "ownership society" means anything, it means spreading investment income more widely - a laudable goal, if achievable.

But does Mr. Bush have a way to get us there?

There's a section on his campaign blog about the ownership society, but it's short on specifics. Much of the space is devoted to new types of tax-sheltered savings accounts. People who have looked into plans for such accounts know, however, that they would provide more tax shelters for the wealthy, but would be irrelevant to most families, who already have access to 401(k)'s. Their ability to invest more is limited not by taxes but by the fact that they aren't earning enough to save more.

The one seemingly substantive proposal is a blast from the past: a renewed call for the partial privatization of Social Security, which would divert payroll taxes into personal accounts. Mr. Bush campaigned on that issue in 2000, but he never acted on it. And there was a reason the idea went nowhere: it didn't make sense.

Social Security is, basically, a system in which each generation pays for the previous generation's retirement. If the payroll taxes of younger workers are diverted into private accounts, there will be a gaping financial hole: who will pay benefits to older Americans, who have spent their working lives paying into the current system? Unless you have a way to fill that multitrillion-dollar hole, privatization is an empty slogan, not a real proposal.

In 2001, Mr. Bush's handpicked commission on Social Security was unable to agree on a plan to create private accounts because there was no way to make the arithmetic work. Undaunted, this year the Bush ca

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Report Finds Tax Cuts Heavily Favor the Wealthy

2004-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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Title: Report Finds Tax Cuts Heavily Favor the Wealthy 
-Caveat Lector-

August 13, 2004

Report Finds Tax Cuts Heavily Favor the Wealthy

WASHINGTON, Aug. 12 - Fully one-third of President Bush's tax cuts in the last three years have gone to people with the top 1 percent of income, who have earned an average of $1.2 million annually, according to a report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office to be published Friday.

The report calculated that households with incomes in that top 1 percent were receiving an average tax cut of $78,460 this year, while households in the middle 20 percent of earnings - averaging about $57,000 a year - were getting an average cut of only $1,090.

 The new estimates confirm what independent tax analysts have long said: that Mr. Bush's tax cuts have been heavily skewed to the very wealthiest taxpayers. Those are also the people, however, who pay a disproportionate share of federal income taxes.

 The calculations, which were requested by Congressional Democrats, are all but certain to intensify a central debate between Mr. Bush and Senator John F. Kerry, the Democratic presidential nominee.

 Mr. Bush has argued that the tax cuts provided crucial support to the economy at a time when it was mired in a recession and reeling from the effects of a stock market collapse, terrorist attacks and corporate scandals.

 Mr. Kerry has argued that the cuts were tilted so much in favor of the wealthy that they provided relatively little stimulus to the economy and set the stage for record budget deficits. Since 2001, the federal budget has deteriorated from a surplus of more than $100 billion to a deficit expected to exceed $400 billion in 2004.

 Mr. Bush's top economic priority has been to make his tax cuts permanent, rather than letting them expire at the end of this decade as they would under current law. Mr. Kerry would seek to roll back the tax cuts for households with incomes above $200,000 a year, a move his campaign estimates would save $860 billion over 10 years, and use that money in large part to pay for a vast new national health care plan.

According to the new report from the Congressional Budget Office, about two-thirds of the benefits from the tax cuts, enacted in 2001 and 2003, went to households in the top fifth of earnings, with an average income of $203,740.

But the report also gave Republicans support for their contention that tax reduction had brought some benefit to people in almost all income categories. People with the bottom fifth of income, for example, averaging earnings of only $16,620, saw their effective tax rate drop to 5.2 percent from 6.7. Yet because lower- and many middle-income families had been paying very little federal income tax in the first place, those in that bottom fifth of earnings received an average tax cut of only $250.

 "It doesn't matter who you are, the report shows that you are better off now than you were before the tax cuts,'' said a House Republican aide. "It's showing that everybody's tax burden has gone down as a result of the tax cuts.''

 The tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 reduced tax rates for people in all income brackets. But they had a disproportionate effect on people at the very highest income levels because they had already been paying a disproportionate share of total federal taxes and in part because stock dividends got a special lower rate.

People in the very top income categories fared better by almost any measure, according to the report. The average after-tax income for people in the top 1 percent of income earners climbed 10.1 percent, while that of those in the middle 20 percent climbed 2.3 percent, and that of those in the bottom fifth only 1.6 percent.

 Put another way, people with the top 1 percent of income saw their share of the tax burden drop

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] booga, booga!

2004-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-


Official: No Evidence Attack Is Imminent
By TED BRIDISAssociated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Two weeks ago, when Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge warned of possible al-Qaida attacks, the "where" was very specific: financial institutions in New York City, Washington and Newark, N.J.
The "when," however, was a mystery. And since Ridge's announcement, the Bush administration has discovered no evidence of imminent plans by terrorists to attack U.S. buildings, a White House official acknowledged Thursday.
Some documents and computer files seized in al-Qaida raids included surveillance reports of the financial buildings during 2000 and 2001, which prompted warnings Aug. 1 from the White House about possible threats. But nothing in the documents themselves has suggested any attack was planned soon, the official said.
"I have not seen an indication of an imminent operation," the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity with reporters from nearly a dozen news organizations. Investigators are still poring over volumes of the seized information.
Immediately after the warning, police sealed off some streets near the Citigroup Center building and the New York Stock Exchange in New York; put employees at the International Monetary Fund and World Bank buildings in Washington through extra security checks; and added barricades and a heavily armed presence around Prudential Financial Inc.'s headquarters in Newark.
In Washington, Capitol Police blocked all traffic flow near the building and began searching vehicles, even though no new threats to the Capitol had been found. District of Columbia Mayor Anthony Williams protested the measures, calling them "unworkable and unacceptable."
Subway riders in Washington have had to get used to sharing their commutes with police bearing machine guns. New Yorkers have been agitated by FBI warnings of threats posed by helicopters and limousines, while city authorities are beefing up security in advance of the Republican National Convention, which begins Aug. 30.
The White House homeland security adviser, Frances Fragos Townsend, told "Fox News Sunday" last weekend that authorities believe discovery of the surveillance has disrupted al-Qaida's plans to carry out the attacks on the financial buildings.


Transcript of English Translation of Spanish al Qaida Operatives
Excerpt: Justice Dept. Notifies FBI of Las Vegas Landmarks on Tape
Excerpt: Law Enforcement Cool to FBI Agent
Excerpt: Concerns Over the Effect on Tourism


Security at the Airport

The Latest News

Official: No Evidence Attack Is Imminent
Militants Turn to Crime to Fund Terrorism
Friends Defend Accused N.J. Webmaster
Pakistan Nabs Five More Terror Suspects
Justice Disputes Key Terror Case Evidence
Pakistan Nabs Five More Terror Suspects
Feds Investigate Conn. Nuclear Engineer
Responses Differ to Terror Videotapes




The FBI and local police still haven't determined whether the surveillance was performed by a single person or several people, and the FBI has not yet identified anyone involved in the surveillance, the White House official said Thursday, adding that the detailed reconnaissance indicated "an awful lot of time and energy put into it."
The surveillance records had been accessed for unknown purposes this spring, months later than authorities had previously disclosed, the official said. The government had said earlier that some files had been reviewed as recently as January.
Another administration official, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said the White House still would have is

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Will The Gang That Fixed Florida Fix the Vote in Caracas this Sunday? -Venezuela Floridated -Greg Palast

2004-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan
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-Caveat Lector-


 Venezuela Floridated Will The Gang That Fixed Florida Fix the Vote in Caracas this Sunday? By Greg Palast 
Hugo Chavez drives George Bush crazy. Maybe it's jealousy: Unlike Mr. Bush, Chavez, in Venezuela, won his Presidency by a majority of the vote. 
Or maybe it's the oil: Venezuela sits atop a reserve rivaling Iraq's. And Hugo thinks the US and British oil companies that pump the crude ought to pay more than a 16% royalty to his nation for the stuff. Hey, sixteen percent isn't even acceptable as a tip at a New York diner. 
Whatever it is, OUR President has decided that THEIR president has to go. This is none too easy given that Chavez is backed by Venezuela's poor. And the US oil industry, joined with local oligarchs, has made sure a vast majority of Venezuelans remain poor. 
Therefore, Chavez is expected to win this coming Sunday's recall vote. That is, if the elections are free and fair. 
They won't be. Some months ago, a little birdie faxed to me what appeared to be confidential pages from a contract between John Ashcroft's Justice Department and a company called ChoicePoint, Inc., of Atlanta. The deal is part of the War on Terror. 
Justice offered up to $67 million, of our taxpayer money, to ChoicePoint in a no-bid deal, for computer profiles with private information on every citizen of half a dozen nations. The choice of which nation's citizens to spy on caught my eye. While the September 11th highjackers came from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon and the Arab Emirates, ChoicePoint's menu offered records on Venezuelans, Brazilians, Nicaraguans, Mexicans and Argentines. How odd. Had the CIA uncovered a Latin plot to sneak suicide tango dancers across the border with exploding enchiladas? 
What do these nations have in common besides a lack of involvement in the September 11th attacks? Coincidentally, each is in the throes of major electoral contests in which the leading candidates -- presidents Lula Ignacio da Silva of Brazil, Nestor Kirschner of Argentina, Mexico City mayor Andres Lopez Obrador and Venezuela's Chavez -- have the nerve to challenge the globalization demands of George W. Bush. 
The last time ChoicePoint sold voter files to our government it was to help Governor Jeb Bush locate and purge felons on Florida voter rolls. Turns out ChoicePoint's felons were merely Democrats guilty only of V.W.B., Voting While Black. That little 'error' cost Al Gore the White House. 
It looks like the Bush Administration is taking the Florida show for a tour south of the border. 
However, when Mexico discovered ChoicePoint had its citizen files, the nation threatened company executives with criminal charges. ChoicePoint protested its innocence and offered to destroy the files of any nation that requests it. 
But ChoicePoint, apparently, presented no such offer to the government of Venezuela's Chavez. 
In Caracas, I showed Congressman Nicolas Maduro the ChoicePoint-Ashcroft agreement. Maduro, a leader of Chavez' political party, was unaware that his nation's citizen files were for sale to U.S. intelligence. But he understood their value to make mischief. 
If the lists somehow fell into the hands of the Venezuelan opposition, it could immeasurably help their computer-aided drive to recall and remove Chavez. A ChoicePoint flak said the Bush administration told the company they haven't used the lists that way. The PR man didn't say if the Bush spooks laughed when they said it. 
Our team located a $53,000 payment from our government to Chavez' recall organizers, who claim to be armed with computer lists of the registered. How did they get those lists? The fix that was practiced in Florida, with ChoicePoint's help, deliberate or not, appears to be retooled for Venezuela, then Brazil, Mexico and who knows where else. 
Here's what it comes down to: The Justic

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] This weeks issues and alibis.org

2004-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan
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 Finally got that monkey off your back! R.I.P. sweetie! 
September 15, 1907 ... August 8, 2004 
Page found @ - http://issuesandalibis.org/


 The Corporate Abandonment Of America 
Something major is taking place in our country that corporate chieftains don't want us talking about: Jobless creep. 
It's no longer blue-collar families that are seeing their jobs hauled offshore to faraway havens of low-wage production. Now it's hundreds of thousands (and soon to be millions) of well-paying white-collar and high-tech jobs that are being shipped overseas by America's wage-busting CEOs - and joblessness is creeping quietly but relentlessly upward, ensnaring families that previously thought they were solidly entrenched in the upper reaches of the middle class. 
CEOs are paranoid about any public discussion of this explosive movement, but internally they giddily exult at the prospect of essentially abandoning our country and its middle-class in order to fatten their profits on foreign workers. IBM, which is leading the way, even has coined a corporate euphemism for moving more and more of its white-collar jobs out of the country: "Global sourcing." The rush is on. A Microsoft executive has instructed department heads in this software giant to "Think India" and to "pick something to move offshore today." 
This is deliberate job destruction, but it is also much more - it's an open assault on America's middle-class and on America's unifying social ethic that "we're all in this together." 
Corporate executives and their apologists say that this is simply the immutable workings of the market and that, after all, the CEO's sole responsibility is to enrich the bottom line of top shareholders, with no obligation to an American middle class. 
Fine... but if CEOs have no obligation to us, why should we feel any obligation to them? As they separate themselves and their corporate fortunes from the well-being of our families, communities, and country, we should begin to separate them from the special tax breaks, enormous subsidies, regulatory favors, political privileges and all other advantages they've gotten from us. (c) 2004 Jim Hightower's latest book, "If The Gods Had Meant Us To Vote They Would Have Given Us Candidates," is available in a fully revised and updated paperback edition. 
This edition we're proud to showcase the cartoons of ... Walt Handelsman ... 

 Place your message here! 
 Please visit our sponsor! 

In This Edition 
Kris Millegan begins an eleven part series on, "The Order Of Skull And Bones." 
Uri Avnery seeks, "Some Order In The Mess." 
Robert Scheer watches the Junta take, "One More Chalabi Black Eye." 
Norman Solomon takes us, "From Attica To Abu Ghraib And A Prison Near You." 
Jim Hightower reviews, "The Corporate Abandonment Of America." 
Greg Palast imagines, "Venezuela Floridated." 
Mike Schiller asks the musical question, "To Reform Or To Deform?" 
Joe Conason reports, "Dean Sees Red Over Code Orange." 
Mark Morford says it's, "Time To Get Out The Bush." 
William Rivers Pitt views, "The Writing On The Latrine Walls." 
Noam Chomsky takes us, "From Central America To Iraq." 
Tom Ridge wins the coveted "Vidkun Quisling Award!" 
Molly Ivins talks to "hosers" eh, "Questions From Our Neighbors To The North." 
Naomi Klein joins the "A.B.B." in, "Ditch The Distraction In Chief." 
And finally in the 'Parting Shots' department 'The Onion' says the, "CIA Asks Bush To Discontinue Blog" but first Uncle Ernie is, "Caught Between Good And Evil." 
This week we spotlight the cartoons of Walt Handelsman with additional cartoons from Weakly World News, Micah Wright, Bruce Yurgil, Mr. Muckle, MoPaul, Bush Speaks and Ruben Bolling. 
Plus we have all of your favorite departments! Welcome one and all to "Uncle Ernie'

[CTRL] Nader Letter to Foxman

2004-08-13 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

August 5, 2004

Abraham H. Foxman
National Director
Anti-Defamation League
823 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017

Dear Mr. Foxman:

How nice to hear your views. Years ago, fresh out of law school, I was reading
your clear writings against bigotry and discrimination. Your charter has always
been to advance civil liberties and free speech in our country by and for all
ethnic and religious groups. These days all freedom-loving people have much work
to do.

As you know there is far more freedom in the media, in town squares and among
citizens, soldiers, elected representatives and academicians in Israel to debate
and discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict than there is in the United States.
Israelis of all backgrounds have made this point.

Do you agree and if so, what is your explanation for such a difference?

About half of the Israeli people over the years have disagreed with the present
Israeli government's policies toward the Palestinian people. Included in this
number is the broad and deep Israeli peace movement which mobilized about
120,000 people in a Tel Aviv square recently.

Do you agree with their policies and strategy for a peaceful settlement between
Israelis and Palestinians? Or do you agree with the House Resolution 460 in
Congress signed by 407 members of the House to support the Prime Minister's
proposal? See attachment re the omission of any reference to a viable
Palestinian state - generally considered by both Israelis and Palestinians,
including those who have worked out accords together, to be a sine qua non for a
settlement of this resolvable conflict - a point supported by over two-thirds of
Americans of the Jewish faith. Would such a reasonable resolution ever pass the
Congress? For more information on the growing pro-peace movements among the
American Jewish Community see: Ester Kaplan, "The Jewish Divide on Israel," The
Nation, June 24, 2004.

Enclosed is the "Courage to Refuse - Combatant's Letter" signed by hundreds of
reserve combat officials and soldiers of the Israeli Defense Forces. It is
posted on their web at: www.seruv.org.il/defaulteng.asp . One highlight of their
statement needs careful consideration: "We shall not continue to fight beyond
the 1967 borders in order to dominate, expel, starve and humiliate an entire
people. We hereby declare that we shall continue serving in the Israel Defense
Forces in any mission that serves Israel's defense. The missions of occupation
and oppression do not serve this purpose - and we shall take no part in them"
(Emphasis in original). Do you agree with these patriotic, front line soldiers'
observation that Israel is dominating, expelling, starving and humiliating an
entire people - the Palestinian people - and that in their words "the
Territories are not Israel?"

What is your view of Rabbi Lerner's Tikkun's call for peace, along with the
proposals of Jewish Voice for Peace, the Progressive Jewish Alliance and
Americans for Peace Now? As between the present Israeli government's position on
this conflict and the position of these groups, which do you favor and why?

Do you share the views in the open letter signed by 400 rabbis, including
leaders of some of the largest congregations in our country, sent this March by
Rabbis for Human Rights of North America to Ariel Sharon protesting Israel's
house-demolition policy?

Have you ever disagreed with the Israeli government's treatment of the
Palestinian people in any way, shape or manner in the occupied territories? Do
you think that these Semitic peoples have ever suffered from bigotry and
devastation by their occupiers in the occupied West Bank, Gaza or inside Israel?
If you want a reference here, check the website of the great Israeli human
rights group B'T selem.

Since you are a man of many opinions, with a specialty focused on the Semitic
peoples, explain the United States' support over the decades of authoritarian or
dictatorial regimes, in the greater Middle East, over their own people which is
fomenting resistance by fundamentalists.

These questions have all occurred to you years ago, no doubt. So it would be
helpful to receive your views.

As for the metaphors - puppeteer and puppets - the Romans had a phrase for the
obvious - res ipsa loquitur. The Israelis have a joke for the obvious - that the
United States is the second state of Israel.

How often, if ever, has the United States - either the Congress or the White
House-pursued a course of action, since 1956, that contradicted the Israeli
government's position? You do read Ha'aretz, don't you? You know of the group
Rabbis for Justice.

To end the hostilities which have taken so many precious lives of innocent
children, women and men - with far more such losses on the Palestinian side -
the occupying military power with a massive preponderance of force has a
responsibility to take the initiative. In a recent presentation in Chicago,
former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak made the point explicitly - Isra


2004-08-13 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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