[CTRL] The War Party's Worst Week

2004-10-10 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

It was a disastrous week for the War Party, as the lies that lassoed us into Iraq were definitively debunked, and Bush, in a vain effort to defend the indefensible, was once again humiliated on national television by his Democratic opponent. The Duelfer report showed that not only did Saddam not have WMD, but he didn't even have the capacity to develop them. In an address to the Council on Foreign Relations, none other than Donald Rumsfeld was forced to look reality full in the face:
"It turns out that we have not found weapons of mass destruction. Why the intelligence proved wrong I'm not in a position to say."
As is true of so much of what comes out of the mouths of our leaders, this statement could have at least two possible meanings, both of which exonerate the speaker of any blame for the current disaster. Either he really doesn't know why they were so wrong – in which case he ought to resign, or be fired, on grounds of sheer incompetence – or he does know, but would rather not say.
For a number of reasons – all having to do with his own key role and culpability in the Grand Deception – I am inclined to go with the latter. But leaving that aside for the moment, let us note that Rumsfeld, who likes to give at least the appearance of forthrightness, also admitted in that same address that the Iraqi dictator's much-ballyhooed "links" to al-Qaeda lacked "strong evidence." In typical Washingtonian style, however, he immediately began to back away from his original statement, issuing a statement that essentially placed the blame for this particular failure of perception elsewhere:

"I have acknowledged since September 2002 that there were ties between al-Qaeda and Iraq. This assessment was based upon points provided to me by then CIA Director George Tenet to describe the CIA's understanding of the al-Qaeda-Iraq relationship."
In a picture perfect display of the War Party's Orwellian mindset, the response to every criticism of their policies is to blame – their critics. The civilian leadership of the Pentagon, populated with neoconservative ideologues centered in Douglas Feith's policy shop, engaged in a protracted bureaucratic guerrilla war against the CIA, the DIA, and the State Department, cherrypicking dubious "raw intelligence" to buttress the case for an invasion. The U.S. intelligence community was so opposed to the rush to war, so skeptical of information proffered by Iraqi exiles with a clear political agenda, that the neocons were forced to do an end run around the Agency and its allies in government, setting up a rogue operation that cooked up phony "evidence" of Iraqi WMD and fed the White House (and a gullible media) a steady diet of lies. 
As the Telegraph has pointed out, the attempt to paint al-Zarqawi as the new Osama bin Laden, even while the original edition continues to mock us from the comfortable depths of his cave, is nothing but an attempt to characterize the Iraq war as a war against al-Qaeda as opposed to the reality of an indigenous Iraqi resistance. This ploy also diverts attention away from this administration's devastating failure to do anything but aid and abet the real bin Laden, starting with their "outsourcing" of the job of getting OBL and al-Qaeda's top leadership in the mountains of Tora Bora. A failure, as repeatedly underscored by Kerry in both debates, resulting in the escape of the Vanishing Imam and the dispersal of al-Qaeda throughout the region – a strategic disaster for the U.S., the consequences of which will continue to reverberate with increasing deadliness for a long time to come. 
The catastrophic capstone of the War Party's worst week yet was the news that each and every one of the opposition candidates running in the Afghan elections had decided to pull out at the last minute. Abdul Satar Sirat, a former aide to Afghanistan's last king and a leading monarchist politician, echoed the sentiments of the opposition united front when he told the international media:
"Today's election is not a legitimate election. It should be stopped and we don't recognize the results."
Afghanistan's Gucci-glad metrosexual "president" swept aside such petty complaints with an imperious wave of his bejeweled hand, asking:
"Who is more important, these 15 candidates, or the millions of people who turned out today to vote?"
Hey, Afghanistan is Bizarro "democracy" – so who needs opposition candidates? 
This is a precursor of what to expect in January, when Iraq is scheduled to endure a similarly unconvincing exercise in war propaganda. One can easily imagine the Iraqi Karzai – a rehabilitated Ba'athist and put it:
"The [Afghan election] row followed farcical scenes at polling stations where it emerged that the indelible ink used to mark voters' thumbs could be rubbed off."
Amid widespread reports of numerous double-reg

[CTRL] Issue #1 - Bush's Mental Illness

2004-10-10 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

LaRouche: `The Number OneIssue in the Presidential DebatesIs George W. Bush's Mental Illness'
Sept. 27, 2004 (EIRNS)—With just two days to go before the first of three Presidential debates between President George W. Bush and Sen. John Kerry, Lyndon LaRouche, the former candidate for the 2004 Democratic Party Presidential nomination, issued the following statement today through the LaRouche Political Action Committee.
The as-yet unspoken, but pivotal issue to be taken up in the upcoming Presidential campaign debates between George W. Bush and John Kerry is the mental illnesses from which President Bush suffers. The most concise and frank, yet compassionate account of George W. Bush's multiple mental disorders can be found in the 2004 book-length study by Dr. Justin Frank, Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President (New York: HarperCollins, 2004). Dr. Frank is a leading psychoanalyst who teaches at George Washington University Medical Center. His professional credentials are impressive, and his in-depth study of the President, based on massive amounts of public documentation—autobiographical and biographical accounts, countless hours of video footage of the President, statements by close associates and relatives, spanning nearly the entirety of George W. Bush's lifetime—presents a compelling case that Mr. Bush is in need of medical assistance.
As Dr. Frank summarized the case in his opening chapter, "If one of my patients frequently said one thing and did another, I would want to know why. If I found that he often used words that hid their true meaning and affected a persona that obscured the nature of his actions, I would grow more concerned. If he presented an inflexible worldview characterized by an oversimplified distinction between right and wrong, good and evil, allies and enemies, I would question his ability to grasp reality. And if his actions revealed an unacknowledged—even sadistic—indifference to human suffering, wrapped in pious claims of compassion, I would worry about the safety of the people whose lives he touched. For the past three years, I have observed with increasing alarm the inconsistencies and denials of such an individual. But he is not one of my patients. He is our President."
In his 219-page clinical diagnosis of the President's mental condition, Dr. Frank concluded that Mr. Bush suffers from a range of serious, albeit curable conditions. These include: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); untreated and uncured alcoholism (what is frequently referred to in lay terms as "dry drunk"); an omnipotence complex; paranoia; an Oedipal Complex; sadism; a mild form of Tourette's Syndrome; and a diminished capacity to distinguish between reality and fantasy.
These diagnosed mental disorders cannot be swept under the rug. The future of the United States and the world is going to be determined by the outcome of the Nov. 2, 2004 U.S. Presidential elections. I urge all Americans to read Dr. Frank's alarming findings. I also call on those responsible for the upcoming Presidential debates, including the candidates themselves, to accept the fact that no serious policy dialogue can take place, until this issue has been addressed, squarely and publicly. The American people have the right to know that the incumbent President, seeking re-election, is plagued by a number of debilitating mental disorders that have already impacted, gravely, on American national security, and have severely damaged some of our most important international partnerships.
In their wisdom, the Members of the U.S. Congress proposed and ratified the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which established the procedures for the President to be removed from office if it is determined that "he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office." In the case of the current President, George W. Bush, we have the advantage of a Presidential election, just weeks away. It would be a grave crime of omission to cover over this admittedly sensitive Constitutional issue, and leave the matter in the hands of a Vice President Dick Cheney, were there to be a Bush-Cheney re-election and a subsequent, inevitable mental breakdown crisis.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Jewish Groups Scramble To Head Off Divestment Push

2004-10-10 Thread Bill Shannon
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NewsJewish Groups Scramble To Head Off Divestment PushBy Eric J. GreenbergOctober 1, 2004
As the push to cut off investments in Israel gains momentum in Protestant circles, Jewish organizations and their allies on Capitol Hill are racing to neutralize the burgeoning divestment movement.
This week, following a tense three-hour summit with upset Jewish communal officials, leaders of the Louisville-based Presbyterian Church (USA), with 2.5 million members, said they were determined to go ahead with their recently approved plan to divest selectively from Israel. The interfaith meeting came just days after Anglican Church officials visiting Israel said that they would push for consideration of a divestment plan to protest Israel's policies toward the Palestinians.
"The Presbyterian divestment could potentially create a snowball effect and resurrect what had been a moribund issue," said the interfaith affairs director of the Anti-Defamation League, Rabbi Gary Bretton-Granatoor. "Now it has provoked the Anglicans, and we know it will not end there. We have to send a clear message to every church that they will have to face a united Jewish community on this issue."
In an effort to head off anti-Israel divestment efforts, a bipartisan group of 13 congressmen sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Commerce stating that such campaigns violate America's laws regarding the Arab boycott of Israel. The letter, which was initiated by the Zionist Organization of America, was sent to the Commerce's Office of Anti-boycott Compliance. The congressmembers urged the office to "investigate the national boycott campaign against Israel, shut down the illegal divestment campaigns and impose the appropriate penalties."
A second bipartisan group of congressmen sent a letter to the Presbyterian Church's chief executive, the Rev. Clifton Kirkpatrick, calling for the church to abandon its recently adopted divestment plan. The letter, organized by Howard Berman, a California Democrat, termed the church's divestment policy "irresponsible, counterproductive and morally bankrupt."
The letter stated that the resolution "leads us to only one conclusion: The Presbyterian Church has knowingly gone on record calling for jeopardizing the existence of the State of Israel." 
Some critics raised concerns that the effort by congressmen to insert themselves in the affairs of a religious group is an assault on the separation of church and state. 
Rabbi Eric Yoffie, president of the Union for Reform Judaism, sounded a similarly harsh note during his opening speech at the Tuesday meeting with Presbyterian leaders. The gathering was held at the Reform movement's headquarters in Manhattan.
Referring to several anti-Israel resolutions, or Overtures, approved by the church during the summer ññ including one assailing the erection of Israel's secuiryt fence ññ Yoffie declared: "Do the authors of these Overtures value Jewish lives and Palestinian lives equally? Do they mourn the death of Israeli children in the same way and with the same intensity that they mourn the death of Palestinian children?"
"In your Overture, Israel's occupation is evil, as are, by implication, those who carry it out," Yoffie said in his opening statement. "And yet the word 'evil' appears nowhere else in the Overture. No Palestinian action, no matter how horrific, is categorized as evil. If the blowing up of Israeli children on a Tel Aviv bus is not an evil act and a terrorist act, then what is it?"
Leaders of the Reform and Conservative movements took part in the meeting, along with several Jewish public-affairs agencies including the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and the American Jewish Committee. 
After the meeting, Kirkpatrick, the church's chief executive, declined to call for the reversal of the anti-Israel divestment resolution, despite entreaties during his first face-to-face meeting on the subject with Jewish communal leaders.
"I do not leave this meeting feeling that the decision by the General Assembly should be reversed," Kirkpatrick said at a press conference.
He did, however, pledge to keep Jewish leaders more informed on the divestment process.
Leaders from both sides also said they would look into organizing joint trips to Israel and the Palestinian territories, as well as increasing interfaith dialogue on the local level and among seminary students.
In November, the church's special committee on socially responsible investing is expected to begin deciding which American companies that do business in Israel are harmful to Palestinians and, hence, subject to divestment. The committee is scheduled to make recommendations in March to the church's board of directors. The church has about $7 billion in investments, but only a small percentage is related to Israel.
A decision by the General Assembly on which companies to divest from would not be made until the next na

[CTRL] Scott Ritter: If You Had Seen What I Have Seen

2004-10-10 Thread Bill Shannon
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Scott Ritter: If you had seen what I have seen
The inspection process was rigged to create uncertainty over WMD to bolster the US and UK's case for war
10 October 2004 

It appears that the last vestiges of perceived legitimacy regarding the decision of President George Bush and Tony Blair to invade Iraq have been eliminated with the release this week of the Iraq Survey Group's final report on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. The report's author, Charles Duelfer, underscored the finality of what the world had come to accept in the 18 months since the invasion of Iraq - that there were no stockpiles of WMD, or programmes to produce WMD. Despite public statements made before the war by Bush, Blair and officials and pundits on both sides of the Atlantic to the contrary, the ISG report concludes that all of Iraq's WMD stockpiles had been destroyed in 1991, and WMD programmes and facilities dismantled by 1996.
Duelfer's report does speak of Saddam Hussein's "intent" to acquire WMD once economic sanctions were lifted and UN inspections ended (although this conclusion is acknowledged to be derived from fragmentary and speculative sources). This judgement has been seized by Bush and Blair as they scramble to re-justify their respective decisions to wage war. "The Duelfer report showed that Saddam was systematically gaming the system, using the UN oil-for-food programme to try to influence countries and companies in an effort to undermine sanctions," Bush said. "He was doing so with the intent of restarting his weapons programme once the world looked away." Blair, for his part, has apologised for relying on faulty intelligence, but not for his decision to go to war. The mantra from both camps remains that the world is a safer place with Saddam behind bars.
But is it? When one examines the reality of the situation on the ground in Iraq today, it seems hard to draw any conclusion that postulates a scenario built around the notion of an improved environment of stability and security. Indeed, many Iraqis hold that life under Saddam was a better option than the life they are facing under an increasingly violent and destabilising US-led occupation. The ultimate condemnation of the failure and futility of the US-UK effort in Iraq is that if Saddam were released from his prison cell and participated in the elections scheduled for next January, there is a good chance he would emerge as the popular choice. But while democratic freedom of _expression_ was a desired outcome of the decision to remove Saddam from power, the crux of the pre-war arguments and the ones being reconfigured by those in favour of the invasion centre on the need to improve international peace and security. Has Saddam's removal accomplished this?
To answer this question, you have to postulate a world today that includes an Iraq led by Saddam. How this world would deal with him would be determined by decisions made by the US, Britain and the international community in the months leading up to the March 2003 invasion of Iraq. One of the key historical questions being asked is what if Hans Blix (who gives his own view, right) had been given the three additional months he had requested in order to complete his programme of inspection? Two issues arise from this scenario: would Blix have been able to assemble enough data to ascertain conclusively, in as definitive a fashion as the Duelfer ISG report, a finding that Saddam's Iraq was free of WMD, and thus posed no immediate threat; and would the main supporters of military engagement with Iraq, the US and Britain, have been willing to accept such a finding?
The answer to the first point is that Blix and his team of inspectors were saddled with a complicated list of "cluster issues", ironically assembled by Duelfer during his tenure as head of the UN weapons inspectors, that would have needed to be rectified for any finding of compliance to be made. These "clusters" postulated the need for Iraq to prove the negative, something that is virtually impossible to do. We now know that Iraq's WMD were destroyed in 1991. The problem wasn't the weapons, but verification of Iraq's declarations. The standards of verification set by Duelfer-Blix were impossible for Iraq to meet, thus making closure on the "cluster" issues also an unattainable goal. This situation answers the second point as well. Since the inspection process was pre-programmed to fail, there would be no way the US or the UK would accept any finding of compliance from the UN weapons inspectors. The inspection process was rigged to create uncertainty regarding Iraq's WMD, which was used by the US and the UK to bolster their case for war.
It appears that there was no way short of war to create an environment where a finding of Iraq's compliance with its obligation to disarm could be embraced by the US and British governments. The main reason for this was that the issue wasn't WMD per se, but Saddam. The true goal wasn't disarmament, bu

[CTRL] Israelis occupy state of denial over Zionism's great moral crisis

2004-10-10 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Israelis occupy state of denial over Zionism's great moral crisisWilliam PfaffOctober 11, 2004 
A GENERALLY unremarked note in the US presidential and vice-presidential debates so far has been their glacial semi-silence on the subject of what is going on in the Gaza Strip, and on its implications for declared US foreign policy.This silence very likely will continue in the lead-up to election day on November 2. However, there are new and extremely important questions on this subject that could be asked, and that now excite intense controversy inside Israel itself. 
The Gaza affair is another act – and possibly a culminating one – in a great moral crisis for Israelis, and for Israel's friends elsewhere. Most Israelis sense this. 
The source of the crisis is the one identified by Israel's first prime minister, David ben Gurion, in 1967, when he expressed his fear of the consequences of Israel's annexation of new areas with large Arab populations. 
Should Israel annex those populations, enclose them, expel them? Or, as in Gaza, has it a right – intentionally or otherwise – to destroy civil society itself in retaliation for these people's resistance to Israel's settlement and effective annexation of what legally and historically are Palestinian lands? 

The psychological as well as political conditions created in Gaza's wretched refugee camps by the Israeli army's new intrusions, the most violent in two years and announced as of indefinite duration, are those of anarchy and what may be described as existential struggle: the conviction that struggle affirms existence and survival. 
The rhetorical accompaniment to the attacks suggests Israel intends this time to finish with the resistance in Gaza. But, as an important part of Israeli opinion itself understands, this is what Ariel Sharon's Government cannot do. The ostensible aim of the intrusions is to force Hamas and other Palestinian militants to stop their rocket attacks on Israeli towns adjoining the Gaza Strip (and settlements inside Gaza), or to make the Palestinian Authority or Palestinian civil society stop the attacks. The effort is self-defeating. 
An analysis by the Strategic Affairs Unit of the Israel-Palestine Centre for Research and Information points out that the Israeli aim obviously requires the existence of some kind of Palestinian authority capable of taking and enforcing decisions. 
Yet the Israeli attack itself is a continuation of the campaign by the Sharon Government to make sure that no Palestinian centre of decision survives. 
Many in Israel think the attacks are really meant as a penultimate display of Israeli military power before the announced evacuation of Israel's Gaza colonies next year. Sharon cannot tolerate any interpretation that the evacuations are a victory for the Palestinians, and particularly for Hamas. 
Such is what happened in 2000, when Israel finally evacuated its security zone in Lebanon under Hamas military pressure. The zone was the sad and useless remnant of Sharon's disastrous invasion of Lebanon in 1982. 
A new and crucial interpretation and elaboration of the significance of what is going on has now been provided by Sharon's political adviser Dov Weisglass, who has been the Israeli Prime Minister's main contact with the Bush administration and with the congressional leadership in Washington. 
Last week he told Israeli newspaper Haaretz that the Gaza withdrawal was meant to put an end to the US-backed road map that was supposed to provide an overall peace settlement, including an independent Palestine – and that the Bush administration had secretly acquiesced. 
The road map for negotiations leading to peace and a free Palestine was drafted by the US, the United Nations, the European Union and Russia, all of whom promised to support it. 
Weisglass said a deal had now been made with the US Government that, in exchange for the Gaza withdrawal, the US would abandon its promise of a Palestinian state, "with all that entails". 
He added: "All this with a presidential blessing (from Bush) and ratification by both houses of Congress." 
He subsequently and unconvincingly denied saying this. But it has been apparent from the start of the road map plan that, for the Sharon and Bush governments, it was merely a gesture to appease international opinion. (It was originally devised to provide domestic political cover for Tony Blair's decision to join the invasion of Iraq.) 
Sharon and his colleagues are acting out something the radical and brilliant American Jewish journalist I.F. Stone wrote many years ago. 
He said Zionism had from the start involved the physical displacement of the Palestinians from what became Israel, but achieving that would require a psychological act of denial of the existence of the Palestinians. "Jewish life", he said, "went on as if the Arabs weren't there". "In a profound 

[CTRL] Israelis Beat More Aid Workers

2004-10-10 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Sun, October 10, 2004 
Local aid worker attacked
Woman escorting Palestinian kids beaten by mob of Israeli teens in Hebron

Threats -- and now a beating -- from militant Israeli settlers has a Calgary aid worker volunteering in Hebron vowing she'll be staying put. Diane Janzen, 28, and an Italian worker, whose name isn't being released, were returning to their quarters at about 3 p.m. local time after walking five Palestinian children home from school in the area when a mob of eight Israeli teenagers from the nearby Ma'on settlement attacked them with sticks. 
The Italian man suffered a broken arm and had his camcorder stolen while he tried to film the attack. 
Janzen, who works for Christian Peacemaker Teams, escaped shaken, but suffering only bruises. 
"We're all people of God and we all believe in the same God, so why would they do it?" Janzen said from Hebron when contacted by the Sun yesterday. 
"But this is nothing compared to what the Palestinians are going through every day." 
The mob dispersed when an Amnesty International worker, who speaks Hebrew, told them police were being called. 
Also hurt in this recent attack was AI worker Donatello Rovera. 
Janzen said even though she was "sore and bruised," she would be escorting the children to and from school again today. 
Over the past 12 years, the threats have been common, but this physical violence is cause for concern, said Janzen's boss, Doug Pritchard, a Toronto-based co-ordinator with the non-profit Christian Peacemaker Teams. 
The interdenominational CPT currently has eight aid workers in the Hebron area and just 10 days earlier two others were beaten. 
One remains in hospital with a punctured lung, Pritchard said, adding Janzen was the one who found the two "in a pool of blood" and called for help. 
"She's pretty shaken ... it's been a pretty intense 10 days." 
Pritchard adds he's disgusted that, so far, the Israeli authorities have made no arrests in either attacks and they appear to have very little concern given the situation. 
He noted it took Israeli police more than 30 minutes to arrive when the call about this attack came in. 
"It's pretty appalling," Pritchard said, adding he's hoping the publicity surrounding these assaults will force officials to act. 
"It (the violence) has never reached this level before." 

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Can America Bring Peace To The World?

2004-10-10 Thread Bill Shannon
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Can America Bring Peace to the World?
by Harry Browneby Harry Browne

I received this email yesterday:

I just finished a book The Pentagon's New Map by Thomas P. M. Barnett, a strategist for the Navy and Defense Department, in which he talks about America's role in the world, with concepts such as exporting rule-sets to the world, and dividing the world into "core" and "gap" countries.
Overall, what he presented challenged some of my assumptions about America's role in the world. I was wondering if the same ends he describes, e.g. peace in our lifetime, could be achieved in more freedom-oriented ways that you have figured out.
I commend this book to your reading, and if you have time, I would be interested in your thoughts.
Unfortunately, because of the book I'm currently writing, I can't spare any time for reading books that aren't related to my current project.
However, from what the email-writer said, I would guess that Thomas Barnett has never bothered to examine the history of government programs – and the sad record of failure after failure after failure. It isn't just the War on Drugs or the War on Poverty or the War on Illiteracy that has failed to fulfill its promises. There hasn't been a single American war in this century or the last in which the U.S. government actually achieved the results that were promised when it went to war.
Here's a brief overview . . .
World War I
Objective: Bring democracy to all the countries of the world, self-determination for everyone, and a new world order that would end wars forever. 
Result: American entry into the war prevented the two sides from negotiating a just end to the war. Instead, the Allies saw American entry as decisive, and so they rejected all peace overtures, fought the war to a bitter end, won the war, and imposed devastating, humiliating peace terms on Germany.
The result was an expansion of the British and French empires, subjecting millions more people worldwide to foreign rule. In addition, millions of Europeans were herded into foreign countries.
The U.S. entry into the European war prompted the Germans to finance and facilitate Lenin's takeover of Russia – creating the Soviet Union. And the oppressive peace terms imposed on the German people caused them to accept a thug named Adolf Hitler as their avenging angel. Thus U.S. entry into the war was responsible for what many call the two worst regimes in world history – and the cause of 52 years of wars from 1939 to 1991.
World War II
Objective: Liberate Europe and China, and impose peace upon the world.
Result: Half of Europe was controlled by the Soviet Union, and China was quickly taken over by the Communists. 
The Cold War
Objective: Free subjugated countries.
Result: In the process of "fighting" the Cold War, Iran's democracy was overthrown with the help of the CIA – leaving the Iranians subjugated by the oppressive Shah. That's just one example, however. The U.S. government imposed or assisted dictators in Panama, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Chile, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Cuba, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, China, South Korea, South Vietnam, the Philippines, and numerous countries in Africa.
The Korean War
Objective: Save South Korea from being taken over by an oppressive dictatorship.
Result: South Korea was left in the hands of an oppressive dictator, Syngman Rhee, who was just as oppressive as the communist North Korean dictator, Kim Il Sung.
The Vietnam War
Objective: Save Indochina from Communism, and prevent dominos from falling all over the world.
Result: Indochina was overrun by communists. (Surprisingly, the world didn't come to an end.)
The Panamanian War
Objective: Stop Panama from being a conduit for drug-running.
Result: The Panamanian army was destroyed, leaving the country more vulnerable to drug-running.
The First Iraq War
Objective: Free Kuwait and stop Saddam Hussein from taking over the world. (Seriously, George H.W. Bush called him a modern-day Hitler, who had to be stopped the way Hitler should have been stopped at Munich.) At the end of the war, George H.W. Bush called on the Iraqis to overthrow Hussein.
Result: Kuwait is still run by a family dynasty that has no interest in democracy or in providing rights for the people. Apparently, Saddam Hussein wasn't stopped from his diabolical plans of world domination – at least according to George H.W. Bush's son 11 years later. And Bush Sr. helped put down the postwar rebellion that would have overthrown Hussein.
The Bombing of Serbia
Objective: End the ethnic cleansing of Albanians in Kosovo, perpetrated by the Serbs.
 Result: The Albanians ethnic-cleansed all the Serbs and gypsies out of Kosovo, as well as terrorizing the Macedonians in Macedonia.
The War in Afghanistan
Objective: Stop the country from harboring terrorists, get rid of the Taliban, create human rights for women, and establis

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Lenny Zeskind's Family Tree

2004-10-10 Thread Kris Millegan
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Lenny Zeskind's Family Tree



Old-Guard Bolshevik Lyn Wells
New-Left wanna-be Lenny Zeskind


  Roots and Branches of the Tree
  Old Red Wine in New, Broken Bottles

Old Red wine in new, broken bottles
 Chameleon campaign fails to whet public appetite

   Old Communists never die. They just change their names to "anti-Fascist" or "anti-Klan." Or, more recently, to "anti-hate"and "anti-racist." The bridge between "Old Guard" and "New Left" Reds has been Lenny Zeskind, a perennial propagandist who has emerged from his "Marxist" period, through his "revolutionary" days to his "anti-hate" phase. With some suggesting that Communism has folded up with the collapse of the Soviet Union, Zeskind goes about pouring the old Bolshevist wine into new bottles, updating his jargon and attempting to "mainstream" his dogma.
   Zeskind became prominent as a leftist organizer in 1978, experiencing a meteoric rise among Kansas City Zionists and Communists and making his name as a writer and intellectual. A decade later, he relocated to Atlanta, garnering considerable financing and making inroads as a mentor to black-power elements vying to take over the city. After suing unsuccessfully to shut down The Nationalist Movement in 1988, Zeskind suffered a reversal of fortunes, fading into obscurity until the dawning of the Internet. In 1966, he began to use the World Wide Web for propaganda purposes, but couching his rhetoric as "anti-racist" instead of his former "anti-capitalist," "anti-ruling-class"diatribes.
   Zeskind began to sytle himself as an "anti-hate expert," a tactic picked up on by David Goldman, who ran the Hatewatch website. Zeskind finagled an interview with National Public Radio in which he and associate Chip Berlet blamed all of the nation's and world's problems on "white supremacists." He even accused Nationalists of somehow being behind a string of Negro church-burnings, which were later attributed to Negroes, themselves. Zeskind maintains liaison between the remnants of the Weather Underground and harbingers of the Republic of New Africa, even though his "anti-hate" campaign, as well as that of Hatewatch, has been kicked off the Internet servers of various colleges for violating the constitutional ban against Bills of Attainder.

Roots and Branches of the Tree

Name Locale Background
Anti-Klan Network Atlanta GA Communist front

Founded in New York City in 1979, the group moved to Atlanta in 1981. It changed its name to the Center for Democratic Renewal in 1986. Promoted extensively by Pacifica, a radio-station which, also, promotes W.E.B. DuBois, a founder of the NAACP and avowed Communist, and Herbert Aptheker, a Communist theorist, and which claims to have once been bombed by anti-Communists.
Chip Berlet Boston MA Zeskind associate

A self-declared "anti-hate" expert who publishes the Public Eye, which has promoted The Hammer in its pages. Longtime associate of Lenny Zeskind, who promoted Public Eye in The Hammer. Originally published by a Chicago affiliate of the National Lawyers Guild, of which Berlet is a member. According to the Guild's 1971 policy statement, the group exists "to defeat the ruling class in this country and to defeat its hold on large parts of the world," a takeoff from the Communist Manifesto. The Public Eye was later published by Political Research and Associates, headed by Berlet. Berlet, also, has been a frequent writer for the Guardian and was a founding member of Chicago Friends of Albania, supporting the Communist regime of the Balkans' country during the Eighties when it was in power.
Ann Braden Louisville KY Communist organizer

Wife of Carl Braden and member of Board of Directors of Center for Democrat

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Who's Who in Terrorism - Chip Berlet

2004-10-10 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-
(B (J (B
(B (Jhttp://www.fpp.co.uk/docs/CDR/Levitas2.html (B
(B (J- (B
(B (JSecurity Intelligence Sourcebook (B
(B (J (B
(B (JIncluding (B
(B (J (B
(B (JWho's Who in Terrorism (B
(B (J (B
(B (J (B
(B (JBy Frank G. McGuire (B
(B (J (B
(B (JInterests, Ltd.8512 Cedar StreetSilver Spring, Maryland 20910 (B
(B (J (B
(B (J (B
(B (J (B
(B (J[...] (B
(B (J (B
(B (JHidden Links of One "Anti-Extremist" Organization (B
(B (J(NOTE: After seeing and hearing several media references to "experts" in extremism at Atlanta's Center For Democratic Renewal. we believe this in-depth look at the Center by analyst Laird Wilcox will be of value to the security intelligence community. A more detailed report is available on request.) (B
(B (J (B
(B (JIt's not surprising, when one stops to think about it, that the primary enemies of "extremist" groups are opposing "extremist" groups from the other edge of the political spectrum. Several observers have noted that opposing extremist groups often form a kind of symbiotic relationship, each feeding off the other and justifying its own existence by the existence of its opposition. A significant deception occurs when the extremist enemies of another extremist group attempt to perfume themselves with a "human rights" cover. Such is the case with an anti-Ku Klux Klan group whose ties with various Marxist-Leninist groups suggest a possible hidden agenda at least as extreme, if not more so, than the group it targets. (B
(B (JCenter For Democratic Renewal (CDR), Atlanta, GA, was formerly the Anti-Klan Network. Its research director is Lenny Zeskind. who was formerly publisher of The Hammer, an "anti-fascist" magazine in Kansas City, MO. In the past several years. Zeskind has established himself as an authority on right-wing extremism. The public record of Lenny Zeskind shows that in 1978 he was on the editorial board of Urgent Tasks: Journal of the Revolutionary Left, a publication of the Chicago-based Marxist-Leninist group, the Sojourner Truth Organization. Zeskind also ran notices in The Hammer promoting Searchlight, a UK-based "anti-fascist" magazine with a long history of support from Marxist-Leninist groups, including the Communist Party. (B
(B (JAnother former key player at CDR is Lyn Wells, a veteran Marxist-Leninist activist who is also a board member of Zeskind's Kansas-City-based Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights. She was a member of The October League, which later became the Communist Party -Marxist-Leninist in 1977. This is one of the most extreme leftist groups in the US and a primary US supporter of the Peoples Republic of China. Ironically, Wells co-edited an educational text used by many US city officials. When Hate Groups Come To Town: A Handbook of Model Community Responses, is published and widely distributed by CDR. The publication instructs municipal authorities on how to deal with extremist groups on the right, but makes no mention of her own background. (B
(B (JAnother CDR board member is Ann Braden, widow of Carl Braden, who once stood trial in Kentucky for sedition. She was a founding sponsor of the US Peace Council, offspring of the Soviet-controlled World Peace Council. She will be a participant at the 1989 Marxist Scholars' Conference in Louisville, KY. Her panel there will discuss "Progressive and Reactionary Trends in World Religions." Chair of the panel will be Alan Thomson, executive director of the National Council of American-Soviet Friendship. Thomson may not make the event, however, because he has been indicted for trying to launder $17,000 received from the World Peace Council. (B
(B (JA close Zeskind Associate is Chip Berlet, founding member of Chicago Friends of Albania, which operates as an unregistered agent for one of the most repressive regimes in the world.

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Chip Berlet back in the 70's was in a American Friends of Albania

2004-10-10 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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 Chip Berlet
 Russell Grinker grinker at mweb.co.za
Sun Nov 14 03:58:20 PST 1999

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There was a small group in the UK during the '80s which used to sell its paper with the slogan: "Why there is no inflation in socialist Albania!".   Some used to joke that the reason was that Albania had no economy.   I think the organisation was either the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) or the CPB-ML.   Could be some relationship.

     -Original Message-
     From: Michael Pugliese 
     According to Laird Wilcox in ,"Nazis, Communists and Others On The Fringe,"   (Is that all of us?) Chip Berlet back in the 70's was in a American Friends of Albania   local chapter in Chicago.(I paraphrase- kinda like American-Soviet Friendship Society) Would that be in the orbit of the CP-ML?(I think, my sectariana is faltering). They published Workers Advocate and a split publishes Communist Voice, which has a state-capitalist line on the fSU. During Carter I remember seeing a caricature in posters put out by these pro-Hoxha M-L'ists, of Jimmy with his toothy smile fashioned into missiles-this after Carter reintroduced draft after Soviet intervention in Afghanistan
    Michael Pugliese
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[CTRL] Fwd: [NewPacifica] The Great Sucking Sound of Silence in the Anti-War Movement

2004-10-10 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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Where is the Urgency?
The Anti-War Movement's Election Year Challenge

As the media focus on questions of judgment, and politicians debate the
finer points of how to "win the peace" in Iraq, the horror that continues to
unfold in Iraq remains muted in US society. NBC's "Fear Factor" is more
explicitly gruesome than the day-to-day coverage of a real live war. It is
reality TV without the reality, as if Iraqi children don't bleed and scream
when they die, as if American soldiers do not have coffins and their
families don't hold funerals.

But in fact, during the span of just 4 days last week, 110 people died and
over 300 were injured in Baghdad alone, according to Wall Street Journal
reporter Farnaz Fassihi. He wrote recently, "The numbers [of Iraqi dead] are
so shocking that the ministry of health -- which was attempting an exercise
of public transparency by releasing the numbers -- has now stopped
disclosing them."

So add to the fog of war, the opaque filter of election year politics. Not
that during other times we are told and shown the truth, but it is striking
that as the crisis in Iraq intensifies to its highest pitch since "Mission
Accomplished," and the candidates are forced to at least discuss the issue,
the anti-war movement is quiet.

No doubt there are important, courageous exceptions to this state of
affairs. A rally by veterans and military families in Bush's so-called
hometown in Texas; a memorial procession from Arlington Cemetery to the
Pentagon, to name a few. There are also rallies in which Iraq will rightly
be part of a set of progressive demands such as the Million Worker March and
rallies planned by local coalitions outside the Presidential debates. But it
would be dishonest to say that the bulk of the groups who make up the
national anti-war movement have their eyes glued to events in Iraq and
Palestine, not to mention Afghanistan. Instead, the efforts of most
individuals and officially non-partisan organizations are focused on getting
Bush out of office. These efforts may be couched in the form of "voter
education" or "preventing voter fraud," but if we can step outside the
confines of 501(c)3 status for a moment and speak candidly, the majority of
the movement believes that defeating Bush is our central priority this fall.

People on the left who object to the politics of supporting the Democratic
Party often reach back into history in an attempt to convince others why it
is that voting for the lesser evil only demobilizes movements and moves the
political spectrum to the right, making it more difficult to build effective
progressive movements in the US. But this year it is happening right now,
right in front of us. Certainly there are other issues facing the movement.
There are questions about the political nature of the Iraqi resistance which
cause people who may in theory agree with an occupied people's right to
self-defense to pause or lose enthusiasm in the face of the concrete reality
of a politically heterogeneous resistance movement. This of course makes
more difficult answering the central question of "won't there be chaos and
the possibility of an Islamist government" if we pull the troops out now.
But those are issues for further discussion elsewhere.

Central to the current low profile of the anti-war movement is the belief
that ending the occupation of Iraq under Kerry would be an easier task. The
effect has been building for months. Where is the urgency in building a
movement if the most effective place to exert power is at the ballot box in
November? The deafening silence after the torture at Abu Ghraib was the
first sign. Then came the decision by most to forgo protesting the
Democratic Convention, strewn as it was with generals and war cries, and


2004-10-10 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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The reporters committee for Freedom of the Press. Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation. Central Intelligence Agency ::: Official Media Relations Site. A Short Peek into the Future - Part 1 ... A Report on CIA Infiltration and Manipulation of the Mass Media ... The Church Committee Investigation. Prominent CIA-Press Relationships ..The reporters committee for Freedom of the Press 
Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation 
By Mary Louise 
The CIA's secret activities, covert missions, and connections of control are all done under the pretense and protection of national security with no accountability whatsoever, at least in their minds. Considering the public is held accountable for everything we think, say, and do there is something seriously wrong with this picture. The CIA is the President's secret army, who have been and continue to be conveniently above the law with unlimited power and authority, to conduct a reign of terror around the globe. 
The "old boy network" of socializing, talking shop, and tapping each other for favors outside the halls of government made it inevitable that the CIA and Corporate America would become allies, thus the systematic infiltration and takeover of the media. 
Under the guise of 'American' objectives and lack of congressional oversight, the CIA accomplish their exploits by using every trick in the book (and they know quite a few) that they actually teach in the notorious "School of the Americas", nicknamed the "School of Dictators" and "School of Assassins" by critics. The Association for Responsible Dissent estimates that 6 million people had died by 1987 as a result of CIA covert operations, called an "American Holocaust" by former State Department official William Blum. In 1948, the CIA recreated its covert action wing called the Office of Policy Coordination with Wall Street lawyer Frank Wisner as its first director. Another early elitist who served as Director of the CIA from 1953 to 1961 was Allen Dulles, a senior partner at the Wall Street firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, which represented the Rockefeller empire and other trusts, corporations, and cartels. 
Starting in the early days of the Cold War (late 40's), the CIA began a secret project called Operation Mockingbird, with the intent of buying influence behind the scenes at major media outlets and putting reporters on the CIA payroll, which has proven to be a stunning ongoing success. The CIA effort to recruit American news organizations and journalists to become spies and disseminators of propaganda, was headed up by Frank Wisner, Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, and Philip Graham (publisher of The Washington Post). Wisner had taken Graham under his wing to direct the program code-named Operation Mockingbird and both have presumably committed suicide. 
Media assets will eventually include ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, Associated Press, United Press International (UPI), Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service, etc. and 400 journalists, who have secretly carried out assignments according to documents on file at CIA headquarters, from intelligence-gathering to serving as go-betweens. The CIA had infiltrated the nation's businesses, media, and universities with tens of thousands of on-call operatives by the 1950's. CIA Director Dulles had staffed the CIA almost exclusively with Ivy League graduates, especially from Yale with figures like George Herbert Walker Bush from the "Skull and Crossbones" Society. 
Many Americans still insist or persist in believing that we have a free press, while getting most of their news from state-controlled television, under the misconception that reporters are meant to serve the public. Reporters are paid employees 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Club Bohemian-"I'm not going to end up tied down to a Pentagram with Henry Kissenger standing over me naked with his fat belly hanging out, holding a dagger in his h

2004-10-10 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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edited and transcribed byJohn Lee

Club Bohemian

Hidden Video: Inside Bohemian Grove

"I'm not going to end up tied down to a Pentagram with Henry Kissenger standing over me naked with his fat belly hanging out, holding a dagger in his hand, am I?"—Alex Jones, from Jones' video Dark Secrets, as Ron Jonson was briefing Jones on how to infiltrate the Grove for British Channel 4 TV

Damage and desperate attempts at damage control

General information about the only undercover video from inside Bohemian Grove with links to free video clips 

LETTER TO THE EDITORS: New York Times and San Francisco Chronicle (January 2002) - "Unspeakable evil at Bohemian Grove and in the press", by webmaster John Lee (regarding 25-page hatchet job done on Alex Jones' to attempt discredit of his video)
Link to Bohemian Grove Cult, a website edition of articles on Bohemian Grove, mind-control slavery and assassinations, edited by webmaster John Lee
Snuff kiddie porn perpetrated at Bohemian Grove by top Republican drug dealers and bank robbers, and proven in court by Senator John DeCamp, author of The Franklin Coverup, interview by Alex Jones at Infowars.com radio, February 2002 (transcript draft by webmaster John Lee)
E-Newsletter: "Pentagon's CSPAN killed Jon Ronson during Alex Jones Show" - With details from History Channel's "Histories Mysteries", episode on "Secret Societies", and quotes from Jon Ronson's website, David Icke's website, and US Marine Corps' Warfighting Laboratory website at Quantico, Virginia
Bush White-House/Hollywood/Pentagon propagandist Lionel Chetwynd makes death threat to Alex Jones on TNN TV show: "We're Going to Get You!" (Hollywood Celebrates the Spirit of America)
National Press Club's logo and flag appear to have identical symbols as Bohemian club at Bohemian Grove
Additional websites by John Lee
Donate to Winners Web Design and John Lee 

By Info Wars Radio with Alex JonesAustin, Texas15 July 2000

Monte Rio, California - Imagine infiltrating the presidential retreat at Camp David with hidden video cameras and microphones, bluffing dozens of Secret Service agents and Deputy Sheriffs, sneaking past surveilance cameras hidden in the trees, sitting with 2,000 white men cheering for a murderous "Satanic" ritual-killing (the killing of "conscience") then escaping out alive with video footage unconfiscated. Note the 50-foot tall Owl of Bohemia shrine with Alladin's Lamp eternal flame, and Cremation of Care ceremony and ritual child sacrifice at Bohemian Grove on July 15, 2000.
During the "Cremation of Care" ceremony, the bound-body was burned on the alter of a 50-foot-tall Owl of Bohemia god made of concrete. The Bohemian priests wore hooded KKK robes in white, black or red. Cremation of the human sacrifice was set to music by Walt Disney's "Fantasia", "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" where Mickey Mouse's magic runs amok.
That was only four hours on the first night of the full moon on Midsummer's Eve in July 2000, not the remaining two weeks, so he missed Stormin Norman, Colin Powell and Dick Cheney dancing nekked with each other. Cheney, Powell and Swartzkoff are all members of the Bohemian Club who have lectured at the Grove on their windfalls from their Gulf War. Dick Cheney was reportedly picked as the running mate of Bush Jr. while attending the Satanic events at Bohemian Grove during the summer solstice on 2000, when this video was secretly shot.
Video includes a transcript of the Cremation of Care ceremony and interview with Dr. Texe Marrs (USAF ret.), a college professor regarding military operatio

[CTRL] The Vioxx warning

2004-10-10 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-






  The Vioxx warning
  October 10, 
  FOR FOUR years, researchers have been pointing to disturbing signs that 
  the popular painkilling drug Vioxx causes heart attacks and strokes with 
  long-term use. Last week the pharmaceutical giant Merck voluntarily withdrew the drug from the market 
  after a recent study confirmed this side effect. The rise and fall of 
  Vioxx highlights the need for longer studies before the Food and Drug 
  Administration approves new medications that will often be taken by 
  patients for extended periods of time and lack the urgency of life-saving 
  treatments. At $2.5 billion in annual sales, Vioxx is the biggest-selling 
  drug any company has ever recalled. In its five-year history it became 
  widely prescribed as a painkiller for arthritis patients, since it did not 
  cause ulcers or stomach bleeding. The study that confirmed its link to 
  cardiovascular problems was actually designed to determine whether Vioxx 
  might also prevent the recurrence of colon polyps that could become 
  But critics of the drug had long voiced the suspicion that it caused 
  heart problems. In a 2000 study, Vioxx did somewhat better than another, 
  generic painkiller in not causing ulcers or gastrointestinal bleeding. 
  When that study also showed more nonfatal heart attacks in Vioxx patients 
  than in those taking the other drug, Merck attributed the difference to a 
  heart-protective effect it said the other drug had. By 2002, the FDA had 
  seen enough evidence of heart-related problems with Vioxx to require a 
  label warning. It should have also required a thorough study at that 
  In the test of Vioxx as a preventer of colon polyps, the heart problems 
  emerged after 18 months of daily use. The testing that led to the drug's 
  original approval lasted just 12 months.
  The most immediate task for the FDA is to order long-term studies of 
  possible cardiovascular problems in users of prescription painkillers 
  similar to Vioxx, such as Celebrex. But after the Vioxx recall and others 
  in recent years, the agency should also examine whether it is letting 
  medications come onto the market before their long-term effects have been 
  sufficiently tested.
  Critics of the FDA in the pharmaceutical industry and Congress often 
  take the agency to task for delaying unnecessarily the approval of new 
  drugs. While that criticism might be valid in the case of life-saving or 
  life-extending drugs for patients with cancer or other extreme conditions, 
  the only reason for speedy approval of drugs like Vioxx, which simply 
  improve on other painkillers, is to give the maker a longer period under 
  patent protection. However, there is a risk that a short trial period will 
  not detect side effects in drugs for chronic conditions that might be 
  taken by some patients for years. Patients with cardiovascular problems 
  worsened by Vioxx have paid for that rush to market. 

Copyright 2004 The New York Times 

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[CTRL] John Kerry and IRS 501c-3 regulations

2004-10-10 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

How come John Kery (radical left wing/marxist/lenninst candidate fpr
President of the United States) can campaign at a Church today in Florida
and not worry about violating IRS Regulation 501-c-3? Doesn't this show
selective enforcement of subject rgulation?
Bill Bacon

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.info-quest.org  My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Kerry, Marxist Terrorists, and FactCheck.org (fwd)

2004-10-10 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.info-quest.org  My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 13:49:34 -0700
From: Paull Sheldon Foote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Brooks Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Kerry, Marxist Terrorists, and FactCheck.org

Kerry, Marxist Terrorists, and FactCheck.org

October 10, 2004

Brooks Jackson

Director, Annenberg Political Fact Check

Annenberg Public Policy Center
320 National Press Building
Washington DC 20045

(202) 879-6700


Dear Mr. Jackson:

In the debates, Senator John Kerry has stressed that America went to war in
Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction.  Senator Kerry claims that he
supports a focus of a war on terrorism.  The complete facts do not support
his selective, misleading claims.

Fact 1.  In the September 12, 2002 background paper for President Bush's
speech to the United Nations General Assembly, "A Decade of
Deception and Defiance", the White House named three terrorist
organizations operating from Iraq: (1) Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK or
MKO) (2) Palestine Liberation Front (PLF) (3) Abu Nidal
Organization. The background paper did not note that the MEK and
its front, the National Council of Resistance of Iran, operated from
a registered office close to the White House: 1051 National Press
Building, 529 14th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20045.  This fact should be
very easy for you to confirm.  The MEK had an office in the National Press


Fact 2.  On January 15, 2003, the New York Times published a full-page
advertisement claiming that 150 members of Congress had signed a statement
of support for the MEK.  The advertisement included the names and
photographs of 6 of the members of Congress (3 Democrats and 3 Republicans):
Democrats Bob Filner (California), Sheila Jackson-Lee (Texas), Edolphus
Towns (New York); Republicans Lincoln Diaz-Balart (Florida), Ileana
Ros-Lehtinen (Florida), Tom Tancredo (Colorado).

Fact 3.  During former President Bill Clinton's administration, the State
Department classified the MEK as Marxist terrorists.  During President
George W. Bush's administration, the State Department continued to classify
the MEK as Marxist terrorists.  The basis for the classification, in
addition to the murders of large numbers of Iranians, includes the killings
of American military officers, Rockwell International employees, and of
Iraqis.  The MEK has posted online at more than one Web site a free book,
Democracy Betrayed, to provide the MEK's version of the events.

U.S. Air Force Brigadier General Harold Price (wounded May 31, 1972)
U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Lewis Hawkins (killed June 2, 1973)
U.S. Air Force Colonel Paul Schaeffer (killed May 21, 1975)
U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Jack Turner (killed May 21, 1975)
William C. Cottrell, Rockwell International (killed August 28, 1976)
Robert R. Krongrad, Rockwell International (killed August 28, 1976)
Donald G. Smith, Rockwell International (killed August 28, 1976)

For one of the Web sites (which includes links to other Web sites), see:


Fact 4.  At his March 6, 2003 press conference, President Bush criticized
Saddam Hussein's support of Al-Qaeda-like terrorist organizations.


Fact 5.  During the invasion of Iraq, American military personnel worked
with Iraqis to attack the MEK Marxist terrorists in Iraq.  Major wire
services provided stories or photographs of the deaths and destruction at
Camp Ashraf.  See, for example, Kevin Frayer (AP) and Petr Josek (Reuters).

Fact 6.  The MEK has praised the support of some members of Congress in its
free book, Democracy Betrayed. For the MEK's praise of Senator John Kerry,
Democratic Party candidate for President, see:

Fact 7.  The MEK has posted online documents (click on the names of the
members of Congress to see the supporting documents) from some members of
Congress supporting the MEK even after American soldiers died fighting in

Senator Sam Brownback - United States Senate

Senator Campbell - United States Senate
* Ed Towns
- Member of Congress
Dennis M

[CTRL] Fwd: Psychopharmalogical Warfare

2004-10-10 Thread Kris Millegan
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Bombing the Mind
The Pentagon's Program for Psychopharmalogical Warfare

by Edward Hammond

In The Futurological Congress (1971), Polish writer Stanislaw Lem portrayed
a future in which disobedience is controlled with hypothetical mind-altering
chemicals dubbed "benignimizers". Lem's fictional work opens with the
frightening story of a police and military biochemical attack on protesters
outside of an international scientific convention. As the environment
becomes saturated with hallucinogenic agents, in Lem's tale the protesters
(and bystanders) descend into chaos, overcome by delusions and feelings of
complacency, self-doubt, and even love.

If the Pentagon's Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD) has its way,
Lem may be remembered as a prophet.

The Advantages and Limitations of Calmatives for Use as a Non-Lethal
Technique, a 49 page report obtained last week by the Sunshine Project under
US information freedom law, has revealed a shocking Pentagon program that is
researching psychopharmacological weapons. Based on "extensive review
conducted on the medical literature and new developments in the
pharmaceutical industry", the report concludes that "the development and use
of [psychopharmacological weapons] is achievable and desirable." These
mind-altering weapons violate international agreements on chemical and
biological warfare as well as human rights. Some of the techniques discussed
in the report have already been used by the US in the "War on Terrorism".

The team, which is based at the Applied Research Laboratory of Pennsylvania
State University, is assessing weaponization of a number of psychiatric and
anesthetic pharmaceuticals as well as "club drugs" (such as the "date rape
drug" GHB). According to the report, "the choice administration route,
whether application to drinking water, topical administration to the skin,
an aerosol spray inhalation route, or a drug filled rubber bullet, among
others, will depend on the environment." The environments identified are
specific military and civil situations, including "hungry refugees that are
excited over the distribution of food", "a prison setting", an "agitated
population" and "hostage situations". At times, the JNLWD team's report
veers very close to defining dissent as a psychological disorder.

The drugs that Lem called "benignimizers" are called "calmatives" by the
military. Some calmatives were weaponized by the Cold War adversaries,
including BZ, described by those who have used it as "the ultimate bad
trip". Calmatives were supposed to have been deleted from military
stockpiles following the adoption of the Chemical Weapons Convention in
1993, which bans any chemical weapon that can cause death, temporary
incapacitation, or permanent harm to humans or animals.

Calmative is military, not medical, terminology. In more familiar medical
language, most of the drugs under consideration are central nervous system
depressants. Most are synthetic, some are natural. They include opiates
(morphine-type drugs) and benzodiazpines, such as Valium (diazepam).
Antidepressants are also of great interest to the research team, which is
looking for drugs like Prozac (fluoxetine) and Zoloft (sertraline) that are
faster acting.

Biochemicals and Treaties: Many of the proposed drugs can be considered both
chemical and biological weapons banned by the Biological and Toxin Weapons
Convention (BTWC), and the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). As a practical
matter, biological and chemical "calmatives" must be addressed together. As
the agents are explicitly intended for military use, and are intended to
incapacitate their victims, they do not fall under the CWC's domestic riot
control agent exemption. Toxic products of living agents - such as the
neurotoxin botulinum - are considered both chemical and biological agents.