2004-11-14 Thread BillK
-Caveat Lector-


By Debbie 
O'HaraNovember 13, 
While the recent election results 
were certainly no surprise, they were very disappointing to those like me who 
have prayed that American Christians would arise from their slumber. The fault 
for returning the same 
socialist sovereignty destroying President, Congress and Senate to office, 
who are not only intentionally destroying the economy 
and moral fabric of our own country but making us hated by the rest of the 
world, lies at the feet of Christians. As Christ's representatives in the world, 
if we don't feel obligated to stand against the tide of evil, who will? There 
are tens of millions of people in 
America who call 
themselves Christian and yet because of their wrong response, or in many 
their failure to respond in the last national election, these 
States will continue unabated in a moral freefall. 

There have been numerous columns 
written by myself and others that address Christians who support putting 
evildoers into office that they think might do "less evil" than the next guy. 
The purpose of this column is not to address the unbiblical stand of the 
"lessers" again, but to address those who feel that "worldly" politics is not 
the proper place for a Christian at all. The tens of millions of Christian men 
and women in America who do not exercise their right 
to vote must understand that they directly affect the outcome of each election 
by putting "unclean" men into office. 
From all around the country I get 
e-mail from godly men and women who say that Christians should not vote or have 
anything to do with "worldly politics" because we can't serve "two masters" and 
"human government is evil". But is involving ourselves in government policy 
really serving two masters and is human government intrinsically evil? While 
certainly many people who respond in such a manner are sincere, well-meaning 
Christian brothers and sisters, they are terribly misguided and cannot back up 
their claims biblically. 
Scripture must always be our final 
authority on any matter if one is to truly be called a Christian. When the whole 
of Scripture is taken together and in context (as ALL of Scripture is given for 
our edification), the Christian should feel duty bound to represent the cause of 
Christ in ALL of life. This includes the Divine institution of human government, 
for God Himself did in fact ordain it. 
While it is man's fall into sin 
that made human government necessary, human government is not in itself an 
"evil" institution. While I can understand how a non-Christian might view human 
government as intrinsically evil, a Christian certainly cannot accept that view. 
Human government is an institution ordained of God (Romans 13:1) As God is not 
the author of evil, the institution of government itself cannot be evil. 
Government is to be the "minister of God to us for good." (Romans 13:4). If 
government is not good perhaps it is because the "good" refuse to participate 
and so we get the government that we deserve. 
It is God who raises kings up and 
puts them down. In these United States of 
America, "we the people" were so blessed by God that we 
were made king. With this most rare and precious gift of political freedom from 
our Creator, (and particularly in a nation where the majority of people still 
address themselves as Christian), how is it that so few educate themselves to 
participate in the process so that government is "good" as mandated by God? 

Because of our ignorance we are 
proving ourselves unworthy of this unique gift of self-government that God has 
bestowed upon us. We have neglected our individual moral duty to insure that 
those who represent us are of godly character, the very foundation of political 
freedom! We are reaping the consequences of our grievous sin in that we are 
losing our political freedom as we see a steady increase of 
America being turned over to the forces 
of an evil human government that knows not God. 
In response to my last column I 
received an e-mail that stated, "It never fails to astonish me when a Christian 
brother or sister begins to argue worldly politics." What? Our duty is to bring 
glory to God in all that we do. Our silence in the face of government 
perpetrated evils cannot possibly be of service to our Lord. How can we bring 
Him glory when we call the government sanction of the murder of tens of millions 
of innocent pre-born babies "politics" and refuse to be involved? Especially 
when our Lord has given us the rare privilege of deciding who our 
representatives will be? This has nothing to do with serving two masters, but 
with serving one Master who would expect us to protect the little children that 
He loves so dearly. 
It is often pointed out to me that 
Jesus and His apostles were not involved in the political process and therefore 
we must not be. It is said that we are 

[CTRL] Police: Couple planned to 'sacrifice' children

2004-11-14 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for articles

Police: Couple planned to 'sacrifice' children Rochester, New Hampshire (AP) "A woman and her boyfriend are accused of plotting to sacrifice the woman's three children on a church altar. Nicole Mancini, 29, and John Thurber, 35, were arrested at St. Mary's Church on Wednesday after workers said they heard the woman say she wanted to sacrifice the boys." http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/11/13/children.sacrifice.ap/index.html

Police: Couple planned to sacrifice 3 children 11/14/04 Rochester, N.H. "A woman and her boyfriend are accused of plotting to sacrifice the woman's three children on a church altar. Nicole Mancini, 29, and John Thurber, 35, were arrested at St. Mary Church on Wednesday after workers said they heard the woman say she wanted to sacrifice the boys. Mancini and Thurber were in jail Saturday on more than $25,000 bail. They were arraigned Friday on three counts each of misdemeanor child endangerment. Thurber was also charged with marijuana possession. The children, ages 9, 7 and 2, were placed in state custody." http://www.indystar.com/articles/1/194603-2051-010.html
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The Lambs

2004-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan
 The history of The Lambs extends back to  early 19th Century England when a group of lively folk of the theatre and arts frequently visited their friends, Charles and Mary Lamb. In the spring of 1869, a mens theatrical and dining club was formed in London and named in their honor.
 At Christmas time 1874 a companion club was formed here in New York by one of the London Lambs, Henry Montague: That first meeting was at the original Delmonico's Blue Room, on 14th Street (photo left). Portraits of this popular, handsome matinee idol hang in our Clubhouse. In 1877, The Lambs incorporated and began a journey which continues today.
 The motto of the Club is Floreant Agni - May The Lambs Flourish, which with many ups and downs, it has done so for nearly 130 years. Changing times in the early 1970's led to the sale of its landmark building on West 44th Street. Since then, the Fold has been pleasantly situated here at 3 West. Originally restricted to gentlemen only, todays club, attuned to modern sensibilities, has emerged and thrived as a society for both ladies and gentlemen. 
 The roster of past and living Lambs reads like a Who's Who of American Theatre and includes Fred Astaire, Red Barber, Maurice Barrymore, and his sons John and Lionel, David Belasco, Ed Begley, Ralph Bellamy, Edgar Bergman, Irving Berlin, Joe E. Brown, Earl Carroll, George M. Cohan, Cecil B. DeMille, Douglas Fairbanks, Eddie Foy (Sr.  Jr.), Sir Cedric Hardwicke, William S. Hart, Victor Herbert, Bert Lahr, Alan J. Lerner, Frederick Loewe, Ring Lardner, Alan Mowbray, Conrad Nagel, Elliot Nugent, Pat OBrien, Will Rogers, Charlie Ruggles, Otis Skinner, John Philip Sousa, Fred Waring, David Warfield, Bert Wheeler, Ed Herilhy, James Montgomery Flagg, Gene Autry, Howard Chandler Christy, and Hon. Robert Wagner. A searchable listing of past members is available.
 The Lambs is proud of its continuing contributions to charitable causes which The Lambs Foundation administers and funds. An early Shepherd of The Lambs was a leader in the founding of The Actors Fund of America; a close association between the Fund and The Lambs continues today. Lambs' Shepherd Emeritus Tom Dillon is the President of The Actors Fund, and numerous Lambs serve as Trustees of the Fund. Lambs were also instrumental in the founding of both ASCAP and Actors' Equity Association.
 A comprehensive monograph on the history of The Lambs has been completed by Lewis J. Hardee, Jr., , Boy and Historian of The Lambs. For more information on the history, contact our Historian


The Song

 Since 1874 many songs have been written about The Lambs, by Lambs, for The Lambs. The Whiffenpoof Song has been embraced by the Club and is sung after each event and gathering; We join our hands, raise our spirits and voices to the refrain. 
  The The Whiffenpoof Song has been used since the earl 1900's by a group of a capella singers borne from Yale, called The Whiffenpoofs (aka The Whiffs). The song was written in 1909 by Meade Minnigerode, George S. Pomeroy and Judge Todd B. Galloway. The original words were, in part, based on Kipling's poem "Gentlemen Rankers"; and the name 'Whiffenpoof' is based on a fantasy creature fromVictor Herbert's 1908 operetta, Little Nemo. Folklore has it that collegiate a capella singing in the United States began at Morey's Temple Bar, a private club on the Yale Campus founded in the 1840's, where Louie, the proprietor, rewarded choral singing by Yale students with a round of drinks. The lyrics memorialize Louie, and the still operating Morey's. Note: a capella is Latin for 'of the chapel' where harmony singing was most prevalent. Collegiate a capella singing is making a big comeback, with the Whiff's leading the way still singing The Whiffenpoof Song at the end of every concert; and still singing weekly at Morey's. The Whiff's have had some impressive members over the course of time including Vincent Price and President George W. Bush's grandfather. See the Whiffenpoof's web-page for a more detailed history on the Whiffs.
  This Baa! Baa! Baa! song was recorded by many including the Fred Waring Glee Club with Bing Crosby (the Waring group was a hugely popular chorale group for 30 years), and by Perry Como, Tex Beneke, Robert Merril, Rudy Vallee, Elvis Presely and Louis Armstrong. Vallee first sang the song while at Yale and later popularized it in 1936. It was also featured in Winged Victory in 1944. Since Victor Herbert, Fred Waring and Rudy Vallee were all Lambs it's no wonder why the song was adopted by our Fold. To see the lyrics and hear the Fred Waring/Bing Crosby recording, click on the flock.

 Copyright  2003/2004, The Lambs, Inc. - Special thanks to Al Kohn and Scott Glascock to their contributions to this article.



What is The Lambs ?

 The Lambs is America's First Professional Theatrical Club, established in New York in 1874. The 

[CTRL] An Authentic Account of the Founding of the Whiffenpoofs

2004-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
Every year, 14 senior Yale men are selected to be in the Whiffenpoofs, the world's oldest and best-known collegiate a cappella group. Founded in 1909, the "Whiffs" began as a senior quartet that met for weekly concerts at Mory's Temple Bar, the famous Yale tavern. Today, the group has become one of Yale's most celebrated and hallowed traditions.

An Authentic Account of the Founding of the Whiffenpoofs 

 by The Rev. James M. Howard, '09 

 During the early nineteen hundreds a coveted privilege for any member of the Yale Glee Club was to be chose to sing in what was then known as the Varsity Quartet. This group was featured in every concert given by the "Yale Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs," whether on their annual tour of the country during the Christmas holidays, at the Junior Prom and Commencement festivities, or in various nearby cities. 

 At alumni dinners and smokers all over the East, as well as at undergraduate functions, the quartet's services were in demand. Even a staid Phi Beta Kappa banquet once sought the group out to enliven their evening following an after-dinner speech delivered by one faculty member completely in Latin and a scholarly address delivered by then President of Princeton, Woodrow Wilson. Thus, what with getting new songs ready and polishing up old ones for public occasions, the four fortunate enough to be chosen, plus one or two alternates, acquired a great deal of experience in singing together. 

 This was particularly true during the winter of 1908-9 when we had a quartet of veterans. Carl Lohmann, known to generations of Yale men as "Caesar," and his classmate George Pomeroy had accomplished the incredible feat of beginning their services on the Varsity Quartet during their Freshmen year. Traditionally, the Glee Club of those days was composed almost entirely of juniors and seniors, but these two youngsters had voices the Glee Club couldn't afford to miss, and having proved their worth in the chorus they were selected for the quartet too. I sang with them as a sophomore that year, and the following season another member of their class, Meade Minnigerode, joined us. By midwinter of their junior year and my senior year, we had sung together so much that, to an extraordinary degree, we had the feel of each other's idiosyncrasies and instinctively blended into a well-rounded musical entity. We enjoyed singing too well to limit ourselves to public occasions. So did Denton Fowler, a lighthearted senior affectionately known as "Goat." He had been an alternate member of the quartet and often joined us as we sang on Old Campus, in Vanderbilt Court, or in what was then Berkeley Oval, the quadrangle were White, Fayerweather and Lampson Halls used to stand where the acoustics were out of this world. 

 Regular meetings at Mory's 

As winter weather in New Haven is hardly suited to out-door vocalizing, and life was too crowded with activities for us to look each other up for a song, one day Goat Fowler suggested to Minnigerode that we go to Mory's once a week. There we might have an early dinner, sing our songs in comfort, and get away in time for later appointments. We began it one evening in January, 1909, and soon it became a habit to keep inviolate that weekly date: Mory's at six. 

 Louis Linder, proprietor of the "dear old Temple Bar," was delighted, for he loved good singing. Moreover, the music brought customers; many who enjoyed listening took to dropping in for a meal or glass while we five poured forth our souls in unrehearsed and often spontaneously-altered harmony. Lohmann's gorgeous bass, which became so familiar to New Haven music lovers in later years, Minnigerode's effortless tenor which knew no top note, and the inventive genius of Pomeroy, whose accurate ear and extraordinary range enabled him to fill in a fifth part in any passage which might be enriched by it, were priceless assets. And these, coupled with the perfect sense of pitch, timing and feeling for harmony which the whole group shared, produced an effect which - at least in memory - suggests Tennyson's lines about how ". . . mind and soul, according well, may make one music as before, but vaster." 

 Two members of the class of 1909 were among those who came regularly to Mory's on such evenings. Neither Dick Hosford nor Bob Mallory could carry a tune, but they loved to listen to our singing and were drawn by it to the table where we sat. We welcomed their company and dubbed them our trainer and manager. They took over the not too arduous duty of ordering the mutton chops or scrambled eggs and sausage which were standard dishes at Mory's in those days, and the beer which was our lubricant. No cocktals, no "cup." The emphasis was always on singing, not on eating and drinking, and the fellowship was one of song and song-lovers. 

 Adopting a Name 

After our meetings were well established we decided it was time to adopt a name. We were perhaps 

[CTRL] 9/11 police state bill (intelligence reform) update

2004-11-14 Thread Total Information
-Caveat Lector-

Congress returns for the lame duck session on Tuesday. Thursday night
is the opening of the Clinton Library in Arkansas, so many Dems will
be heading out for that. That may mean there is only about 60 hours
for the Congress to pass something like nine apporiations bills as
well as the Intelligence Reform based on the 9/11 whitewash

That bill, of course, has all kinds of police state measures such as
turning drivers' licenses into national ID cards (or tri-national ID
cards in the House version), an integrated screening system (i.e.,
biometric checkpoints), other bits and pieces of the so-called
PATRIOT II Act, etc.

Most reports have been saying that the Senate and the House are at an
impasse as to how much power to give the new intelligence direcotr
over the budgets of all the intel agencies. However, Congressional
Quarterly's CongressDaily reported that the Senate offer to give the
new dirtector the ability to shift only 10 per cent of the budgets of
each intel agency (including military intel agencies) was met well by
the House.

So we should not be blase' about the possibility this will not pass.
Call the members of the conference committee and tell them to take out
all Natinal ID provisions! The Senate National ID provisinos are known
as the McCain amendment. If you're pro-immigration, call the Dem
members and tell them to fight against the GOP's jingoistic
anti-immigration provisions. If you're anti-immigration or for more
secure broders, call the Republican members and tell them not to cave
on their responsible immigration reforms.

That should help confuse them.

Here is a copy of a recent Senate counteroffer -- review for more
police state measures and post your analyses to the web. Share it with

And here once again, is the list of members of the Conference
COmmittee negotiating the bill:

The staffs working on the National ID provisions mostly consist of the
House Judiciary Committee and the Senate Government Affairs Committee.
You can reach them at:
House Judiciary Committee
Phone: 202-225-3951 or 202-225-2492

Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Republican Staff (202) 224-4751
FAX: (202) 224-9603
Democrat staff: (202) 224-2627
FAX: (202) 228-4469

If you want to contact the conference negotiators, especially if you
are a constituent of any, here is the info (those with asterisks
deserve special attention):

U.S. House Negotiators [to email, go here]

Pete Hoekstra of Michigan - 202-225-4401, Fax: 202-226-0779
CAMPAIGN phone: (616) 396-3354

Duncan Hunter of California - 202-225-5672, Fax: 202-225-0235
CAMPAIGN Phone: 619-463-3896 Fax: 619-463-2970

Henry Hyde of Illinois - 202-225-4561, Fax: 202-225-1166
CAMPAIGN phone: 630-234-4366

*James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin - 202-225-5101, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CAMPAIGN Phone: 414-967-9292 Fax: 414-967-9293

*David Dreier of California - 202-225-2305, Fax: 202-225-7018
CAMPAIGN Phone: 626-914-3702 or 626-914-3050 Fax: 626-914-3702

*Robert Menendez of New Jersey - 202-225-7919, Fax: 202-226-0792
CAMPAIGN Phone: 626-914-3702 or 626-914-3050 Fax: 626-914-3702

Jane Harman of California - 202-225-8220, Fax: 202-226 7290
CAMPAIGN Phone: (310) 328-9125 Fax: (310) 328-9127

Ike Skelton of Missouri - 202-225-2876, www.house.gov/skelton/zipauth.htm
CAMPAIGN Phone: (816) 380-3455

Senate negotiators [for email, go here and check Senators websites]:

* Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut - 202-224-4041, Fax: 202-224-9750
* Susan Collins of Maine - 202-224-2523, Fax: 202-224-2693
Pat Roberts of Kansas - 202-224-4774, Fax: 202-224-3514
* Trent Lott of Mississippi - 202-224-6253, Fax: 202-224-2262

* George Voinovich of Ohio - 202-224-3353, Fax: none listed
CAMPAIGN: Phone: 614-224-5358 Fax: 614-224-5403

* Norm Coleman of Minnesota - 202-224-5641, Fax: 202-224-1152
* John Sununu of New Hampshire - 202-224-2841
Mike DeWine of Ohio - 202-224-2315, Fax: 202-224-6519
Carl Levin of Michigan - 202-224-6221, Fax: 202-224-1388
* Bob Graham of Florida - 202-224-3041, Fax: 202-224-2237
* Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey - 202-224-3224, Fax: 202-228-4054

NO NATIONAL ID whatsoever!


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Claim: Kerry bribed several hundred million to concede to fraud

2004-11-14 Thread Total Information
-Caveat Lector-


Cloak  Dagger Internet Radio crimebuster Tom Heneghen claims to have
gathered the following information from his unification intelligence

During the hour between the Bush and Kerry speeches of Nov. 3, Sen.
Jonah Forbes Kohn (aka Kerry) and his wife of convenience, Maria
Teresa Heinz, were paid off after several hours of negotiations. The
Heinz-Kerrys were given several hundred million dollars worth of gold.
Sherman Skolnick's storybased on Heneghen's information says that the
payout was in the form of a warehouse receipt for the gold directed to
Teresa. The gold was laundered through an AmeriTrust account in
Switzerland to Maria Teresa Heinz-Kerry's holdings in Mellon Bank.

The gold was seized by the British Crown on the morning of 9/11 from
vaults in New York. Congress' General Accounting Office is
investigating the missing gold. Skolnick reports that the jointly held
US-French gold was originally stolen from Soviet stockpiles during the
Cold War.

So, that's the gold he was waiting for when Kerry delayed his
concession speech a couple of times on Nov. 3 while the details were
being worked out. Kerry could win Ohio with a vigorous challenge to
Ohio's fraudlent Diebold machines and destroyed provisional ballots.
Seveeral hundred thousand provisional ballots were transported to
Michigan by FEMA agents posing as poll watchers, where they were

One of Kerry's daughters was pushing for a challenge to the vote
fraud. Her life was anonymously threatened and she was sedated.

SecState Sir Colin Powell leaned on Kerry to concede during this time.

Heneghen names Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.) as a bagman in the bribery
operation. The operation was coordinated through Dove Holdings by
Marvin Bush and elements connected to Undersecretary of State Richard
Armitage and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. Former Montana Gov. and
Republican National COmmitee Chair Mar Racicot also assisted.

Democrat National Chair Terry McAuliffe received a payoff as well.
U.S. House Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi signed off on the deal.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Ads to Back Schwarzenegger for President

2004-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

"You cannot choose the land of your birth.
You can choose the land you love," Lissa Morgenthaler-Jones says in the


Ads to Back Schwarzenegger
for President

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - Californians will soon see advertisements urging
them to help give Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and other foreign-born citizens the
chance to run for president.
The cable television ads, set to being running Monday, are from a Silicon
Valley-based group that wants to amend the U.S. Constitution, which limits the
presidency to people born in the United States. Schwarzenegger was born in
Austria but became a U.S. citizen in 1983.
"You cannot choose the land of your birth. You can choose the land you love,"
Lissa Morgenthaler-Jones says in the ads.
She is a San Francisco Bay area mutual fund manager and major Schwarzenegger
campaign donor who is helping pay for the ads and created a companion Web site.
Schwarzenegger, 57, has said he would consider running for president if the
Constitution allowed but hasn't pushed for a constitutional change.
The TV ads mark the first significant attempt to build public support for an
amendment. While polls show Schwarzenegger remains popular with voters, the idea
of a constitutional change is not.
Four proposed amendments are circulating in Congress, but none has advanced.
Constitutional amendments require congressional approval and ratification by 38

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] CIA plans to purge its agency

2004-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CIA plans to purge its agency
Sources say White House has ordered new chief to eliminate officers who were disloyal to Bush


 BY KNUT ROYCEWASHINGTON BUREAUNovember 14, 2004WASHINGTON -- The White House has ordered the new CIA director, Porter Goss, to purge the agency of officers believed to have been disloyal to President George W. Bush or of leaking damaging information to the media about the conduct of the Iraq war and the hunt for Osama bin Laden, according to knowledgeable sources."The agency is being purged on instructions from the White House," said a former senior CIA official who maintains close ties to both the agency and to the White House. "Goss was given instructions ... to get rid of those soft leakers and liberal Democrats. The CIA is looked on by the White House as a hotbed of liberals and people who have been obstructing the president's agenda."One of the first casualties appears to be Stephen R. Kappes, deputy director of clandestine
 services, the CIA's most powerful division. The Washington Post reported yesterday that Kappes had tendered his resignation after a confrontation with Goss' chief of staff, Patrick Murray, but at the behest of the White House had agreed to delay his decision till tomorrow.But the former senior CIA official said that the White House "doesn't want Steve Kappes to reconsider his resignation. That might be the spin they put on it, but they want him out." He said the job had already been offered to the former chief of the European Division who retired after a spat with then-CIA Director George Tenet.Another recently retired top CIA official said he was unsure Kappes had "officially resigned, but I do know he was unhappy."Without confirming or denying that the job offer had been made, a CIA spokesman asked Newsday to withhold naming the former officer because of his undercover role over the years. He said he had no comment about Goss' personnel plans, but he added
 that changes at the top are not unusual when new directors come in.On Friday John E. McLaughlin, a 32-year veteran of the intelligence division who served as acting CIA director before Goss took over, announced that he was retiring. The spokesman said that the retirement had been planned and was unrelated to the Kappes resignation or to other morale problems inside the CIA.It could not be learned yesterday if the White House had identified Kappes, a respected operations officer, as one of the officials "disloyal" to Bush."The president understands and appreciates the sacrifices made by the members of the intelligence community in the war against terrorism," said a White House official of the report that he was purging the CIA of "disloyal" officials. " . . . The suggestion [that he ordered a purge] is inaccurate."But another former CIA official who retains good contacts within the agency said that Goss and his top aides, who served on his staff when
 Goss was chairman of the House intelligence committee, believe the agency had relied too much over the years on liaison work with foreign intelligence agencies and had not done enough to develop its own intelligence collection system."Goss is not a believer in liaison work," said this retired official. But, he said, the CIA's "best intelligence really comes from liaison work. The CIA is simply not going to develop the assets [agents and case officers] that would meet the intelligence requirements."Tensions between the White House and the CIA have been the talk of the town for at least a year, especially as leaks about the mishandling of the Iraq war have dominated front pages.Some of the most damaging leaks came from Michael Scheuer, former head of the CIA's Bin 

[CTRL] Chupacabras/Goatsucker -- Whiffenpoof similarities

2004-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

The ears were palm-shaped and measured nearly an inch in length, and there was a curved shape to its spinal column. The creature also had a pointed tail measuring nearly 1 1/2 ft. long similar to that of a reptile, and it appeared to have provided support for it while it walked.

Go to:


and then look at the graphic in the background at:



 We're poor little lambs who have lost our way
 Baa, baa, baa
 We're little black sheep who have gone astray
 Baa, baa, baa

Background whitechatter? goats vs lambs?


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Posted By: Patriotlad Send E-MailDate: Thursday, 11 November 2004, 2:38 p.m. 

Our news agent Izakovic has posted this question, which is germane to the questions of who won and what did they win, in the presidential election of 2004 held within the legal confines of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, a municipal corporation overlaid upon the organic States united: 
: Kerry's defeat is perceived as defeat of the blue bloodline : NWO members. [ see the article listing posted as a link below ] Considering that John Forbes Kerry and George Walker Bush are cousins, although only distantly related, the answer is that Kerry's loss represents the repudiation of the Fabian socialist coalition which is the modern Democratic Party, BY THE ILLUMINATI CADRES OF SKULL  BONES. 
Then Izakovic asks, "what if Kerry has not lost this elections (sic) as he should not have being of the purest bloodline as compared to any former U.S. president, all Bush included ? 
Given that both Kerry, of the Kohns of what was once the Austro-Hungarian empire, and the Forbes of New England ancestry, and George W. Bush of a similar New England ancestor base, are members of Skull  Bones, or Chapter Two of The Brotherhood of Death, questions of bloodline are irrelevant. They are close enough to each other to be more than similar: they are, indeed, cousins by their ancestries and Bonesmen by their choices of fraternal affiliation. 
Then Izakovic asks, "What if he, owing to this fact, is also superior to Bush inside the hierarchy of S  B society ?" 
There is no such superior/inferior relationship within Skull  Bones -- either one is a "pledge" or initiate or one is a fully-vested member, a Patriarch. George W. Bush was apparently tapped by his own father, who was likewise the son of a Bonesman, Prescott Sheldon Bush, 1918. 
John F. Kerry was tapped for Skull  Bones by the Clinton-era State Department official named John H. Shattuck, '65. Mr. Shattuck was resident in Davenport College ( the combined dormitory, library and dining hall facility for undergraduates ), as was George W. Bush '68. Kerry, who was resident in Jonathan Edwards College as an undergraduate, was also familiar with members of the Bundy family at Yale, who number William Putnam Bundy '39 and McGeorge Bundy '40 among their Bonesmen. 
Izakovic adds: "Perhaps that was why Kerry conceded so fast and then went back to shadows, and why democrats (sic) show no intention to challenge repeating electoral practice." 
Despite the protests of those veterans who still think that Kerry was some kind of a traitorous dog because of his shenanigans after leaving his tour of duty in Viet Nam, the careful student of his travels in 1971 and his success at winning a seat in the Senate for twenty years ( as a left-liberal ), it is highly probable that he was a deep cover penetration agent. When Kerry graduated from Yale in 1966, as one of the most promising young men of his class, both George Herbert Walker Bush '48 and William Sloane Coffin ( another Bonesmen ), were in positions of enormous influence. If the deep-blue Yale graduate James Jesus Angleton -- chief of counter-intelligence at the Central Intelligence Agency after 1954 -- wanted Kerry to go to work for the Agency, it would have been a simple matter to ask either Bush or Coffin to intercede. 
Conversely, if former Naval officer G.H.W. Bush wanted Mr. Kerry to serve as a deep cover agent then it would have been a simple enough matter to steer him to the U.S. Navy and then to obtain for him the status of "attached, unassigned," following his tour of duty in Viet Nam. As has been shown repeatedly, Mr. Kerry did not "exit" the Navy until 1978. He 


2004-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan
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NOVEMBER 13, 2004. Ever since September 11, 2001, the question has been raised: why exactly did the WTC towers hit by the planes collapse? 

Many theories have been put forth, but the official explanation offers the conclusion that the fires in those two towers were caused by jet fuel from the planes---and the fires melted the steel and there was no more structural integrity. Hence, the collapse. 
There are several ways to question this conclusion. 
In fact, PBS devoted an entire special to the matter. Their Frontline piece admitted that fires from the jet fuel would not have caused the buildings to collapse...and from there they cast around for an answer. They came up with a far-out idea: the jet-fuel fires ignited other flammable material inside the towers and that ensuing fire melted the steel. 
But apparently different fires burn at different temperatures. Jet fuel burns higher, for example, than plastic chairs or rugs. If the jet-fuel fire did not melt the steel, how did the "burning chairs?" 
I am printing, below, a Nov. 11, 2004, letter on the WTC fires and the steel. It is posted now at the 9-11 Visibility Project. It comes from a man who works at a company that has been involved in analyzing the situation. My feeling is that this letter is legit. I have confirmed so far that the company, Underwriters Laboratories (UL), exists, and that the man who wrote the letter, Kevin Ryan, works for UL. I left him a message on his voice mail. 
I noticed, at the 9-11 Visibility Site, that when I tried to follow links from the site to the original of the letter, I kept winding up back at the same site page. So I wanted to track down the original, if possible. I am not casting any aspersions on the 9-11 Visibility Project. I've called them and left a message for assistance. 
It's just that the letter is very important, in what it says, in what it concludes. For example, it calls those secondary "chair fires" short-lived. That, if true, would completely rule out any steel damage from that source. 
The letter also makes reference to people that UL contacted in its investigation, people who helped at risk to themselves. This certainly sends off alarm bells. The letter implies there are forces at work trying to cover up what really happened in the towers on 9/11. 
I won't go into the testimony from firefighters about bombs exploding in the towers. 
Note that UL was the company that certified the steel components used in the construction of the WTC. They would have a stake in assuring they hadn't made any mistakes. Nevertheless...here is the letter: 
The collapse of the WTC by Kevin Ryan Underwriters Laboratories Thursday, Nov 11, 2004 
(The following letter was sent today by Kevin Ryan of Underwriters Laboratories to Frank Gayle of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Underwriters Laboratories is the company that certified the steel components used in the constuction of the World Trade Center towers. The information in this letter is of great importance.) This paragraph in parentheses was written by people at the 9-11 Visibility Project--JR Dr. Gayle, 
There is no question that the events of 9/11 are the emotional driving force behind the War on Terror. And the issue of the WTC collapse is at the crux of the story of 9/11. My feeling is that your metallurgical tests are at the crux of the crux of the crux. Either you can make sense of what really happened to those buildings, and communicate this quickly, or we all face the same destruction and despair that come from global decisions based on disinformation and ¡°chatter¡±. 
Thanks for your efforts to determine what happened on that day. You may know that there are a number of other current and former government employees that have risked a great 


2004-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan
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"CMB" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: SatNov13,2004 9:25 am Subject: NAZIS  COMMIES, TRA-LAH TRA-LAH


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]NAZIS  COMMIES, TRA-LAH TRA-LAHTHE RAUNCHY RIGHT:Here's der Busch with his Golden Eagle_http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/nazeagle2.jpg_ (http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/nazeagle2.jpg) Reminiscent:_http://www.pzg.biz/f10_police_flag.jpg_ (http://www.pzg.biz/f10_police_flag.jpg) and:_http://fcit.coedu.usf.edu/holocaust/gifs2/74558.gif_ (http://fcit.coedu.usf.edu/holocaust/gifs2/74558.gif) Notice kewl USA 57 cent postage stamp_http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/01_FED.JPG_ (http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/01_FED.JPG) MEANWHILE, THE LOONY LEFT:ATS: President Putin Wants to Put Together a New Superpower Coalition_http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread96792/pg1_ (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread96792/pg1) According to India Daily, President Putin wants to make a new superpower coalition in the world, bringing together Russia, China, India and Brazil. Putin will be visiting Brazil on November 21-23 of this year, seemingly to establish a long term economic tie between the two countries, expanding Moscow's geopolitical influence in the Latin American region. If this coalition comes to fruition it will bring three quarters of the population of the world together, with the "largest amount of natural resources and largest pool of technical and scientific talent."Ordinary folks seem to be the hamburger in the meatball sandwich, Nazis and Commies, tra-lah, tra-lahMeanwhile I smell Buccaneer Bankers raking in the loot over these silly Hegelian stunts.Thing is these Daddy Warbucks jokers are trying to pull off the old Cold War
 crapola again, make a lot of cash in the deal, while all our kids are getting blown to hamburger out in the war zones.I was around during the Hitler/Stalin days. Guess the bigshots think enough time has passed that nobody remembers that obscene era of Brat-foolery.SooOOooo here it goes again--don't fall for it, a cartload of steaming fertilizer."Please keep one liners to a minimum!"Visit our new improved site at:http://www.eaglehost.com/ 

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[CTRL] Fwd: WBIX owner attempts suicide, admits scam

2004-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan
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Boston Globe

WBIX owner attempts suicide, said to admit scam
By Christopher Rowland, Globe Staff
November 14, 2004

Several hours after Bradford C. Bleidt, an investment manager who owns
Boston radio station WBIX, drove home from a festive station party last week
at one of the city's most exclusive hotels, he attempted suicide. On Friday,
Securities and Exchange Commission agents in Boston received a tape in the
mail that explained why.

Bleidt confessed on the tape that he bought the business news station with
money that he diverted from his clients' investment accounts, according to
an SEC complaint. He said he had misappropriated tens of millions of
dollars of his clients' money over 20 years.

The day of reckoning arrived last week when a client, identified by SEC
officials as a Greek Orthodox church, wanted $1.5 million of its money,
Bleidt says on the tape, which the SEC said he made before he attempted

There is a client that needs a million and a half dollars wired into their
account that's supposed to be there this morning, and obviously it's not
going to be there this morning because the money's gone. I stole it. I used
it to buy a radio station, believe it or not, Bleidt said on the tape.

Bleidt's friends and associates were struggling to believe the sudden
unraveling of his life yesterday as he lay in critical condition in a Boston
hospital and SEC agents worked to freeze his assets and the assets of one
his two investment businesses, Allocation Plus Asset Management Company Inc.

SEC agents secured Bleidt's offices on Portland Street in downtown Boston on
Friday and began reviewing records for clues about investors who may have
been victimized.

The commission released court documents relating to the case yesterday after
a request from the Globe. Investigators for Secretary of State William
Galvin's securities division suspended Bleidt's license as an investment
adviser Friday.

Bleidt's wife, Bonnie, a business reporter for WBZ4, the Boston CBS
television affiliate, declined to comment yesterday, said a spokesman for
WBIX. Bonnie Bleidt has served as president of WBIX. The Channel 4 website
also lists her as a financial planner with her husband's second investment
company, Financial Perspectives Planning Services Inc.

The exact circumstances of the suicide attempt at Bleidt's home in
Manchester-by-the-Sea could not be learned yesterday. Ronald W. Ramos, the
town's police chief, said he could not release details, because it was a
medical matter. But friends said Bleidt seemed despondent Wednesday night as
he left a WBIX celebration at the Boston Harbor Hotel on Rowes Wharf to
drive home alone.

The station threw the party to mark the station's new 24-hour format and the
pending ownership transfer from Bleidt to Christopher Egan, the son of EMC
Corp. chairman and founder Richard Egan.

Egan recognized Bleidt during formal remarks and credited him with setting
the vision for the station's business format.

The honorary host was Paul Guzzi, chief executive of the Greater Boston
Chamber of Commerce. The second-floor room overlooking the harbor was full
of media and advertising executives.

Bleidt, 50, felt passionately about WBIX, one of the few independent
stations specializing in business news in the country, said business
associates. But, as it turned out, he did not own it for long.

He agreed to buy the station in November 2002 for $13.2 million, but that
deal was not completed until last January. Bleidt announced just six months
later that he was selling the station to Egan for an undisclosed price; that
deal is supposed to be sealed this month.

George Regan, president of Regan Communications Group, who spoke for WBIX
yesterday and who was at the Boston Harbor Hotel gala, said Bleidt seemed
depressed when he spoke to 

[CTRL] Fwd: 2004 Election Fraud Smoking Gun

2004-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan
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Here's one smoking gun.
They seem to be littered all over the country...
[Gratis: Katie]


May 11, 2004

ESS Project Manager Resigns
Over Voting Machine Problems
By Eric Halvorson and Loni Smith McKown

The woman who blew the whistle on problems in the Marion County voting
system will now watch the situation from the outside.

You shouldn't know about Wendy Orange. She should be someone who served
behind the scenes to make our elections work. Orange became a public figure
when she revealed voting machine problems. She blamed her employer, Election
Systems and Software (ESS).

Voting machine problems drove former ESS project manager Wendy Orange to
resign. She says ESS knew it had a software problem and then tried to hide

I was faced with a moral and ethical dilemma and I felt the only thing that
I could do was come forward and tell the Marion County clerk what had
happened,î said Orange.

Needless to say, I was very angry at the situation.  Also concerned about
Wendy because, here, she works for this company and she's in a terrible
position as an employee who is telling the client something the employer
doesn't want known,î said Doris Anne Sadler, Marion County clerk.

In this case, the client is Marion County represented by clerk Sadler.
Sadler says that put the county in the same position as Orange - questioning
the credibility of ESS.

I think she was a very brave person for coming in and telling me the way
she did,î said Sadler.

In her letter of resignation, Orange said she found the corporate philosophy
at ESS to embody unethical and disreputable practices. She said she had
personally witnessed open discussions of potentially illegal procedures.

I have since learned that the standards to which I hold myself, I don't
believe ESS holds those same standards and values,î said Orange.

Orange calls all of this extremely disappointing, considering her admiration
for ESS when she joined the Nebraska company. I was impressed with the
people that I met, and with the products that they provided and with the
services they provided,î said Orange.

Her resignation became effective Monday. I hope my concerns were heard all
the way at the top.  I really do and I hope that's where the change will
start,î she said.

ESS says it regrets losing any of its employees. In a letter to Orange, the
company says it is disappointed and disagrees with her claims. It goes on to
say that ESS adheres to the highest ethical standards and is firmly
committed to producing quality results for all of its customers, including
Marion County.
Sadler has asked Orange to serve on a task force to improve the election
system here.

Will Your Vote Count? - Read I-Team 8's investigation into problems with
voting machines and software.


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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Status of BlackBoxVoting Investigations BRECKING NEWS

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 "luckypig" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: SatNov13,2004 11:24 pm Subject: Status of BlackBoxVoting Investigations BRECKING NEWS

WHAT IS A FRAUD AUDIT?BlackBoxVoting.OrgNovember 13, 2004http://www.blackboxvoting.org/

A fraud audit is not the same as a recount. It does not presume innocence.It does not make the assumption that if there is an anomaly with a benignexplanation, it's okay to stop investigating. Any embezzler (or votemanipulator) worth his salt will build in an explanation that makes it soundlike it could be an honest mistake, or a "glitch." Any investigator worthhis salt knows you have to look deeper.

Forensic auditing begins with indicators, like oddball statistics,mismatched records, or secretive, obstructive behavior. The next step is toobtain diagnostic documents. Later steps may include pulling all the ballotsfor hand recounts.

Bev Harris, founder of Black Box Voting, has interfaced with lawenforcement, including the FBI, state attorneys-general, the IRS, localpolice, and banking authorities, in several previous investigations duringher work as an investigative writer. Her methods for isolating fraud haveresulted in convictions or settlements from embezzlers and financialfraudsters. Black Box Voting is the first publicly funded, independentconsumer protection group to investigate this election using forensicauditing methods.

Irresponsible media
You may have seen recent stories in the media (ABC News, Salon.com), and atother voting integrity Web sites like VerifiedVoting.org, telling you thereis no reason to believe suspicions of fraud in the 2004 election. In fact,no member of the media nor any organization has done any real forensicauditing to determine whether there was or was not fraud. Trust in ourelectoral process is critical to our democracy. We need the right kind ofinvestigation into anomalies, using appropriate methods.

"Feel-good" statements, dismissive of real concerns into voting integrity,are not responsible. The truth is what it is. We might see something veryuncomfortable unfold during these investigations. Or, maybe not. It's stilltoo early to tell, but the evidence is mounting.

Snoopy 50-year-old womenThink of this like an assets investigation in a bad divorce: One party mayhave things to hide, the other party (we, the voters) wants to find out thetruth. If you are looking for hidden assets owned by your ex, you don't callin a computer scientist from a university. You enlist the help of privateinvestigators, accountants, lawyers, and your plain old common sense. Infact, snoopy 50-year-old women have proved invaluable in investigatingvoting machines.

This is not a computer problem. It is not something a reporter who spendsfour hours researching a story can pronounce judgment on. We have beensurprised to see prominent scientists announcing "results" before the datais in. We don't know what happened on Nov. 2. We will find out.

Here's what Black Box Voting is doing to investigate appropriately:We are doing forensic analysis of the available evidence. We are targetingspecific locations based on criteria indicative of fraud.

Why we can't disclose our documents yetInitially, we hoped to have everything public all the time. This resulted inbutt-covering behavior on the part public officials, which hampered ourinvestigations. Therefore, we adjusted our methods to keep criticalinvestigations under wraps. That's just the way it has to be right now.

Isn't it too late?We are dealing with well financed people who are trying to run out theclock. They probably will succeed in that. However, we probably will succeedin proving fraud. What we have going for us is this:- Public outrage: We read your letters and hear your anguish on the phone.Do not let go of those emotions. Your job is to focus those emotions 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Vote Fraud for Dummies

2004-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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: "luckypig" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: SatNov13,2004 10:46 pm Subject: Vote Fraud for Dummies


Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2004 9:30 PM

Subject: [Paranormal_Research] Vote Fraud for Dummies

"The right of voting for representatives is the primary right by which all other rights are protected. To take away this right is to reduce a man to slavery..." —Thomas Paine 
VOTEGATE 2004http://www.apfn.org/APFN/VOTEGATE.HTM(great site)
From Inge:
Added Comment: Is this the type of DEMOCRACY that Bush is bringing to Iraq, and to which he insists on converting the entire globe. No, Bush did not win the popular vote.It is obvious to anyone with eyes and a brain that the election wasSTOLENwith mammoth fraud, at every level. It is obvious that the electronic voting machines were genimandered to giveBush and CO.the "illusionary" victory, and that this is just one of several tactics used to destroy an authentically democratic vote.
Four years agoBush commented that governing in a dictatorship would be so much easier.He meant what he said! Those who do not understand the contents of the PATRIOT ACTS might do well to overlay the destruction of democratic government under Hitler. History is indeed repeating itself, carbon copy!

What is even worse than a fraudulently elected president is the fact that the press is strangely silent, and repetitively spouts supportive nonsense, while itwatches the unfolding of a "homeland dictatorship", with its Homeland Security Gestapo, right underour noses.

This shows how very fragile democracies really are. They apparently can evaporate with the stroke of an executive pen.All one has to do is generate enough FEAR - and frame someone else Do I dare suggest that history is repeating itself - and that the not-so-secret agenda is unfolding as per schedule? 

Most frightening is the mentalityofcitizens who actually and actively support these travesties, a barometer of the decay of principle and aloss of moral and ethical compass withing a civilization.Some refer to it as "termite rot".Decades of brainwashing seems to have paid of! One can only pray that there will be a mass awakening before it is 'irreversible'. 
Obviouslyglobal citizens must insist onholding the Nuremburg trials all over again, just withdifferent persons 50 years later. Is it coincidental that Bush has demanded that all American Activities and Personnel be exempt from judgment by the International Court? Do we ever learn that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and that WE are responsible for keeping the watch? i.h.

"Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear." -- Harry S Truman

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2004 10:31 AM
Subject: Voter fraud

Cuyahooga county is only one of 48 counties connected with voter fraud in Ohio and Florida.
Smoking Gun
You may have seen the associated press story about the precinct in Cuyahoga county that had less than 1,000 voters, and gave Bush almost 4,000 extra votes. But that turns out to be only the tip of a very ugly iceberg. The evidence discovered by some remarkably careful sleuthing would convince any reasonable court to invalidate the entire Ohio election. In last Tuesday's election, 29 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, reported votes cast IN EXCESS of the number of registered voters - at 

[CTRL] Fwd: BREAKING: 9/11 Whistleblower Challenges Official Story on WTC Disaster

2004-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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BREAKING: Following a series of cable news network programs (Countdown with Keith Olbermann, AndersonCooper360) attempting to discredit those raising the specter that the WTC complex buildings may have be brought down by something other than fire, an Underwriters Laboratories (UL) employee has written a stunning email challenging the thus far largely accepted theory.

"If steel from those buildings did soften or melt, I'm sure we can all agree that this was certainly not due to jet fuel fires of any kind, let alone the briefly burning fires in those towers."

--Excerpt from Kevin Ryan's email to Frank Gayle, Deputy Chief of the Metallurgy Division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

UL Executive Speaks Out on WTC Study

"The buildings should have easily withstood the thermal stress caused by pools of burning jet fuel."

November 12 -- (updated Sat. Nov 13)
Nicholas Levis

New York, New York - An executive of the company that certified the steel used in the construction of the World Trade Center has questioned the common theory that fuel fires caused its collapse, in a letter Thursday to the head of the government team that has spent two years studying how the trade center was built and why it fell.

The author of the letter, Kevin Ryan, is site manager at Environmental
Health Laboratories in South Bend, Indiana. This is a division of Underwriters Laboratories, the product-compliance and testing giant. Because UL certified the WTC steel for its ability to withstand fires, the steel's performance on September 11 is obviously of concern to the company.


For complete article and full text of Ryan email please visit


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2004-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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From: David Manning 
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 16:37:33 -0700 (PDT)
To: Constantine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Note: forwarded message attached.

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From: Ned Sloane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 18:48:31 -0700

British Develop Electric 'Force Field' To Protect Tanks

By Michael Smith The Daily Telegraph - London 8-21-2

LONDON - An electric force field for armored vehicles that vaporizes anti-tank grenades and shells on impact has been developed by scientists at Britain's 
Ministry of Defense. The electric armor has been developed in an attempt to make 
tanks and other armored vehicles lighter and less vulnerable to grenade launchers 
such as those used by Taliban and al Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan. 
It could be fitted to the light tanks and armored personnel carriers (APCs) that will replace the heavy Challenger II tanks and Warrior APCs in one of the two British 
armored divisions. 
The ubiquitous RPG-7, a rocket-propelled grenade, can be picked up for a mere 
$10 in many of the world's trouble spots and is capable of destroying a tank and killing its crew. When the grenade hits the tank, its shaped-charge warhead 
fires a jet of hot copper into the target at about 1,000 mph. It is capable of penetrating more than a foot of conventional solid-steel armor. 
The new electric armor is made up of a highly-charged capacitor that is connected 
to two separate metal plates on the tank's exterior. The outer plate, which is bulletproof and made from an unspecified alloy, is grounded, and the insulated inner plate is live. The electric armor runs off the tank's power supply. When the tank commander feels he is in a dangerous area, he simply switches on the current to 
the inner plate. 
When the warhead fires its jet of molten copper, it penetrates both the outer plate and the insulation of the inner plate. This makes a connection, and thousands of amps of electricity vaporize most of the molten copper. The rest of the copper is dispersed harmlessly against the vehicle's hull. Despite the high charge, the electrical load on the battery is no more than that caused by starting the engine on a cold morning. 
In a recent demonstration of the electric armor for senior army officers, an APC protected by the new British system survived repeated attacks by rocket-propelled grenades that would typically have destroyed it several times over. Many of the grenades were fired from point-blank range, but the only damage to the APC was cosmetic. The vehicle was driven away under its own power.. 
Professor John Brown of the Defense Science and Technology Laboratory, which developed the pulsed power system, said it was attracting a lot of interest from both the British Defense Ministry and the Pentagon. 
With the easy availability of RPG-7 rocket launchers, it only takes one individual on, say, a rooftop in a village to cause major damage or destroy passing armored vehicles, he said.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no