[CTRL] Bush Says No to Pre-emptive Action Against Global Warming

2005-07-07 Thread Charles Bremer

-Caveat Lector-


Bush looks to new technologies to tackle climate change
The World Today - Thursday, 7 July , 2005  12:14:00
Reporter: Hamish Robertson
HAMISH ROBERTSON: President George Bush has already made it clear that the 
United States will continue to oppose any Kyoto-style deal on climate 
change. But although he still rejects the concept of legally binding 
carbon emission reductions, he does accept that global warming is a 
problem and has to be dealt with.

GEORGE BUSH: I recognise that the surface of the earth is warmer, and that 
an increase in greenhouse gasses caused by humans is contributing to the 
problem. Kyoto didn't work for the United States, and it frankly didn't 
work for the world.

HAMISH ROBERTSON: President George Bush speaking in Denmark overnight.

Mr Bush also told a British commercial television network that he wants to 
discuss with his fellow G8 leaders how climate change could be tackled 
through the use of new technologies.

Well, does this amount to a significant concession by Mr Bush, or will it 
be dismissed out of hand by most environmentalists as inadequate?

A short time ago I put this to the distinguished environmental scientist 
Professor Stephen Schneider, co-director of the Centre for Environmental 
Science and Policy at Stanford University.

STEPHEN SCHNEIDER: I think it's a little bit of both. The President has 
long been in what we cynically call climate denial, and of course this 
doesn't surprise people from the environmental side, because the President 
and the Vice-President were all Chief Economic Officers of oil companies, 
and the fact that producing oil and burning coal oil and gas is the prime 
cause of the greenhouse gas increases, and therefore the number one 
concern for global warming, that they're not particularly interested in 
regulations on their former industries or their friends and campaign 

On the other hand, it is true that the President has been shifting back to 
his actual campaign position when he said that global warming should be 
taken seriously, then all of a sudden after getting into the office he 
flipped around on that and then said it was too uncertain for policy and 
that the policies would be economically devastating to America.

Now he's coming back again to saying well, we need to do something about 
it but we'll use our technological machinery to solve it. Actually, I 
happen to agree with that  we do need to use our technological machinery 
to solve it.

Where I strongly disagree with the President is the idea that somehow we 
can have a voluntary way by saying well, technologists, go out there and 
invent our way out of this problem that you've created through the 
technologies you developed in the Victorian industrial revolution, like 
coal burning and internal combustion engine automobiles.

People aren't going to spend a billion dollars a year on research and 
development without incentives, and the incentives either have to be 
direct subsidies, which is the less efficient way, or simply fees for 
everybody who dumps their waste in the atmosphere.

If we had a sewer fee, that would put a very strong incentive on being 
cleaner, which would then be a strong incentive for industries to develop 
those cleaning technologies, and that's what most people in the world are 
calling for that the President is still resisting, because he doesn't want 
any controls on his former industry.

HAMISH ROBERTSON: And you would clearly reject the frequent assertions by 
President Bush that any Kyoto-style deal would cripple the United States 

STEPHEN SCHNEIDER: Well, to be charitable, it's abysmal ignorance. To be 
less charitable it's deliberate misrepresentation. There have been study 
after study after study which shows that when you look at the numbers and 
you say it's going to cost the economy X number of tens of billions of 
dollars to do these actions, like taxing carbon or reducing the emissions 
from automobiles by putting some mileage standards on the sport utility 
vehicles, what these studies show is that those numbers, inside of the 
fact that they're exaggerated, even if they were true, they're a small 
fraction of the growth rate of the GDP.

If you take a look at the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, and people 
have run economic models, and I'm not talking about left-wing economists, 
this is mainstream stuff, what they find is that the average person in the 
United States at least, would be about 25 per cent richer in 2020 with 
Kyoto in April of 2020, and without Kyoto they'd be 25 per cent richer on 
New Year's Day.

So if that is too high a insurance premium to pay to start reducing the 
problem, then I think you have very seriously broken values, and I think 
that's the problem with the Bush administration, is that their values are 
all on private entrepreneurial rights 


2005-07-07 Thread Thomas Stockwell
-Caveat Lector-




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2005-07-07 Thread Jude Andreas
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[CTRL] Experts Discuss Possibilty Of Existance Of UFOs

2005-07-07 Thread Stonehouse, Dale
-Caveat Lector-


Experts Discuss Possibilty Of Existance Of UFOs

Aired July 6, 2005 - 21:00   ET


LARRY KING, CNN HOST: Tonight, are UFOs real or fake? Have they actually
been here? Some say the truth is out there. Others say there is no proof
at all. Now we'll go inside some 60 years worth of sensational,
controversial reports. About people who say they saw UFOs and those who
even claim they were abducted by them. Investigators on both sides of
the UFO question will take your calls. It's next on LARRY KING LIVE.
Let's meet our panel in what should be an extraordinary hour. In Denver,
Colorado, is John Scheussler, former engineer for Boeing and NASA who
has worked with pilots and astronauts who claim to have seen UFOs. He's
director of the Mutual UFO Network and author of a book documenting a
disturbing Texas UFO siting.

In Boston is Dr. Susan Clancy, skeptical author of an upcoming book,
Abducted about people who claim to have been abducted by aliens. Says
memories are not always factual or reliable.

Here in Los Angeles is Seth Shostak, he is senior astronomer for the
SETI Institute. The Search for Extra-Terrestrial intelligence.

In New York is Budd Hopkins, a top researcher into the UFO abduction
phenomena. Author of Sight Unseen, Science, UFO Invisibility and
Transgenic Beings.

In Washington is Rob Swiatek, long-time UFO investigator, researcher
since 1968. And a board member of the Fund for UFO Research.

And also in Washington is Bruce Maccabee, active in UFO research since
the late 1960s. Works with the National Investigations Committee on
Aerial Phenomena, serves on the national board of the Fund for UFO

John, what got you interested in this whole topic to begin with, John

JOHN SCHUESSLER, MUTUAL UFO NETWORK: I became interested in the mid '60s
during the Gemini IV flight when astronaut James McDivit (ph) said that
he saw something in orbit. The ground controllers kind of ignored him
but he went ahead and took a picture and later came back and asked him
what he saw. This was not anything really classic but as a young
engineer, it just inspired the heck out of me because we'd worked night
and day for several years to get Gemini IV up there. After that I
started after that talking to pilots and others who I thought were
highly credible people, good observers, capable individuals, and I've
never stopped sense. KING: Dr. Clancy, what aroused your interest?

SUSAN CLANCY, AUTHOR, ABDUCTED: I started studying aliens while a
graduate student at Harvard. I was doing research on how traumatic
experiences impact memory functioning and to make a long story short,
alien abductions was a type of traumatic experience people were
reporting. And it was very interesting to me because, from the
scientific perspective it was people who had created a false memory and
that's an interesting group to study.

KING: Seth, what is the SETI Institute?

SETH SHOSTAK, SETI INSTITUTE: Well, the SETI Institute is an
organization -- a non-profit research organization designed to
investigate the whole question of life beyond earth. And part of our
project is to try and prove that there is extraterrestrial - not only
life, but intelligent life out there by eavesdropping on signals.

KING: You like the movie Contact?

SHOSTAK: Indeed. The movie Contact was based on our work.

KING: Paul Allen funded this?

SHOSTAK: Paul Allen has funded a lot of our research. He didn't fund
that movie, of course, and he doesn't fund all of our research.

KING: Budd Hopkins in New York, what got you interested?

1964. I again was a complete skeptic. I had no interest in the subject.
And then a few years later a man I knew quite well told me about a UFO
landing that he had observed. He didn't know what to call it. This was
back in 1975. But he saw figures who disembarked from the craft. Soil
samples were taken. The remains of the holes in the ground that were
dug. This was in New Jersey right across the Hudson River from
Manhattan. And I looked into it and found a second witness who had seen
the whole thing from another perspective and found more physical
evidence and I was off and going.

KING: Rob, you're a long-time investigator. What got you involved?

ROB SWIATEK, UFO INVESTIGATOR: Well, Larry, I was completely intrigued
by sightings of these strange objects back in the 1960s. I couldn't
believe that seemingly unexplained craft were being seen in our skies
and couldn't be explained. Moreover, I was fascinated by the University
of Colorado UFO study that was then on going and this was basically an
attempt by the Air Force to have the UFO problem looked at
scientifically. The whole thing just fascinated me and I've been
fascinated from that day to this.

KING: Now we'll turn to Bruce Maccabee, and it is a fascinating subject
No doubt about 


2005-07-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
On Jul 7, 2005, at 4:43 AM, Thomas Stockwell wrote: I AM NOT RECEIVING ANY MESSAGES AND THE ZIP FILE THAT YOU SENT CANNOT BE DOWNLOADED BECAUSE IT HAS A VIRUS WHICH CANNOT BE CLEANED.  THANK YOU  CONCERNED SUBSCRIBER [EMAIL PROTECTED] is being attacked and there seems to be no help from aol. This too shall pass. Peace, OmK
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Plame retaliation

2005-07-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: "Mario Profaca" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 7, 2005 4:19:19 AM PDTTo: "!SPY NEWS" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [Spy News] Plame retaliationReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://xymphora.blogspot.com/2005/07/plame-retaliation.htmlPlame retaliationXymphoraJuly 7, 2005There is a good article by Peter Bergen on fruitcake Laurie Mylroie, thehalf of the Gruesome Twosome who is not currently in jail (Judy now has ause for her toothbrush shiv). One paragraph caught my eye:"Mylroie has also recently taken on the role of defender of Ahmed Chalabi,the head of the Iraqi National Congress, who is accused of providingfraudulent information about Iraq's WMD programme and passing intelligenceto Iran. In May, in the conservative newspaper the New York Sun, Mylroiedescribed Chalabi as the victim of a 'longstanding grudge' by the CIA."The fact that they are fighting the CIA has been a long-standing theme ofthe neocons. The battle between the Bush Administration and the CIA reachedits peak when the CIA was officially excluded from National Security Councilmeetings, a mighty strange decision when you think about it.Which leads me to three questions about the Plame Game:Why did Judith Miller discuss the matter with someone in the White House,and then not write about it?How does Novak continue to slide through this mess without facing any legalproblems?Why would the White House attempt to get revenge on Wilson by the ratherclumsy, and potentially dangerous, dirty trick of outing Plame?Possible answers:From an article in the Washington Post:"Sources close to the investigation say there is evidence in some instancesthat some reporters may have told government officials - not the other wayaround - that Wilson was married to Plame, a CIA employee."and:"It is a felony to knowingly identify a covert CIA operative. But lawyersfor some media say they believe Fitzgerald has no evidence that a governmentofficial committed that crime."The theory would be that somebody in the White House was complaining toMiller about the fact that Wilson had embarrassed the White House by raisingthe Niger matter after the attack on Iraq, and by chance, due to herknowledge of the proliferation beat, Miller then disclosed to this WhiteHouse official that Wilson was married to an undercover CIA proliferationexpert named Plame. The crime in question can only apply to someone "havingor having had authorized access to classified information that identifies acovert agent", so Miller's gossip, not being 'authorized access', would notbe enough to fit under the statute. It is a nice question whether you canfall back under the statute if you use the gossip to then seek out the kindof 'authorized access' referred to in the statute, but Fitzgerald probablydoesn't want to press the point. If Fitzgerald lacks the basis for aprosecution under the statute, he'd have to be going after somebody forperjury (or even treason), and the vehemence with which he is attackingMiller suggests that he really needs Miller's evidence to back up Cooper'sevidence in making a perjury charge. Cooper's source gave Cooper a specificwaiver to keep Cooper out of jail, something the source could afford to doas long as Miller keeps quiet.The Novak question is answered if Novak is a CIA asset.Which leads to the final question. What if the White house was furious withthe CIA for setting them up on the Niger matter? After all, it was the CIAwhich picked Wilson for the job. It was the CIA which complained aboutBush's October 2002 speech and had reference to the Iraq-Niger connectionremoved, and it was the CIA which complained about the 2003 State of theUnion speech when the Niger claim mysteriously reappeared. However, the CIAhad seen a draft of the State of the Union speech and had said nothing aboutit. Then, at a time to cause maximum political embarrassment, after theattack on Iraq, Wilson raised the matter again. Is it little wonder that theparanoids in the White House saw this series of events as a CIA dirty trick?That explains the fact that the initial spin was that Plame herself hadsuggested Wilson. That is probably not true, but it is quite possible thatRove and the others believed it to be true, as part of a CIA plan toundermine the neocon case for an attack on Iraq. When that plan failed, thenext step was to use Wilson to embarrass the White House as part of theongoing war between the CIA and the neocons. Once the White House made itsbig mistake in going after the CIA through outing Plame, Novak's column,which covers all the elements of the criminal offence, represents the finalstage of the CIA attack. By going after Plame, the White House wasn't justattacking Wilson, but making it clear to the CIA that it would not hesitateto attack CIA undercover operations as part of the battle between theneocons and the White House. Looked at this way, what the White House didwas much closer to treason - intentional undermining of the 'war on terror'(which must 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Iraq War Deserters Speak Out From Canada

2005-07-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: "Mario Profaca" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 7, 2005 4:19:10 AM PDTTo: "!SPY NEWS" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [Spy News] Iraq War Deserters Speak Out From CanadaReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/article_19059.shtmlIraq War Deserters Speak Out From CanadaFirst Person Commentaries, Paolo PontoniereJuly 7, 2005 -- Editor's Note: Three U.S. servicemen living in Canada tellwhy they refused to serve in Iraq.Jeremy Hinzman, 26TORONTO--My name is Jeremy Hinzman. I was a specialist with the 82ndAirborne division.I'm from South Dakota, from an area where there were not many jobs. I wentthrough school believing that you got to be part of something bigger thanyourself. I was also looking for structure and a sense of focus in my life.I didn't just want to make money; I wanted to do something meaningful, andthe Army fit the bill on all of those accounts.I thought that I might be sent to places like Grenada, Honduras or Panama. Iknew that something else could happen, and that I maybe would be sent towar. I wasn't naïve in that respect. What I didn't know -- or understand atthe time -- was how deeply repulsed I am by the prospect of taking somebodyelse's life. Even after going through the Army training, all thosesystematic processes put in place to make you overcome your moral barriersand kill another person, no matter how hard I tried -- and I assure you Itried very hard -- I couldn't bring myself to believe that killing couldever be justified.I really liked the Army, the people I worked with, and I wanted to be a partof it all. I was really disappointed with myself that I couldn't be part ofit. I applied first for conscientious objector status. The Army turned medown based on my answers to questions that they were not even supposed toask. They asked me if I would help defend our camp in Kandahar -- at thetime of my application I was serving in Afghanistan -- if it came underattack by the Taliban. "Would you help immobilize a burglar if youdiscovered that your house is being burglarized?" I answered.In my mind these were two different situations. Preparing an attack requiresa different logic. You don't just happen to carry out a raid on enemypositions. You start preparing well ahead of the action, first on whitescreen, then on a model of the terrain, and then you drill your action inthe camp over and over again, sometimes for weeks. But they used my answerabout the burglary as a reason for rejecting my request.After that, I applied for non-combatant status. You see, I didn't want toleave the Army. But that application was denied, too. So I was left with theprospect of going to Iraq, to continue killing in another country, and thisbased on a false pretense. There were not weapons of mass destruction inIraq; there was not a connection between the Baathist Party, al-Qaeda andother Islamic fundamentalists. And the notion of going in to establish agovernment friendly toward the U.S. didn't seem to me to be very much likefighting for democracy.I was faced with arbitrary military justice and the possibility of going toIraq to take part in acts of human rights violations. In a series of long,painful discussion, my wife and I decided to seek refugee status in Canada,a country that has a history of welcoming war resisters. It was a momentousdecision that may mean that we will never be able again to go back toAmerica.Now we're waiting for the result of our appeal to Canadian Federal Court tooverturn the decision to reject my application for refugee status taken byCanada's Immigration and Refugee Board. They decide based on the GenevaConvention on Refugees. The convention establishes that a soldier can refuseto participate in a war condemned by the international community and deemedillegal, which I think is the case with the war in Iraq.Daryl Anderson, 22I'm from Lawton, Ky. I was stationed in Eastern Germany with the Army. OnJan. 15, 2004, my contingent was sent to Iraq. We stayed in Baghdad forseven months, where I was wounded and awarded a Purple Heart. After that Iwas sent back to Germany, where I trained for six months for another tour ofduty in Iraq. On Christmas, on leave in the U.S., I decided that I couldn'tgo back to Germany and from there to Iraq. If I went back to Baghdad I wouldhave been asked again to kill people, civilians, and I just couldn't do thatanymore.I got in the Army to get an education, to get out of a bad neighborhood.Yes, I eventually got it, but at a great price.First steps you take in Baghdad, you realize that there's death anddestruction all over the place. No weapons of mass destruction in sight.We're fighting people that we're supposed to help, but in fact they hate youand every time you walk down the street they shoot at you because you occupytheir country. You're asked to get in their houses, in their businesses,block the roads, but you're an occupying power, you're messing up theirdaily life. You're not a liberator. 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Caught in a Perjury Trap: Will Karl Rove Be Indicted?

2005-07-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: "Mario Profaca" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 7, 2005 4:19:57 AM PDTTo: "!SPY NEWS" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [Spy News] Caught in a Perjury Trap: Will Karl Rove Be Indicted?Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.counterpunch.org/frank07062005.htmlCaught in a Perjury Trap: Will Karl Rove Be Indicted?JOSHUA FRANK, CounterPunchJuly 6, 2005 - Occasionally I get emails from Washington folks who work onthe Hill claiming to possess juicy insider digs on our public servants andtheir corporate paymasters. I usually delete said emails, as I don't want tobe responsible for propagating dirty rumors or false information that can'tbe corroborated. I'd rather let Judith Miller and the New York Times dothat. Nonetheless, in the past 24 hours I have been contacted by threeseparate Congressional Democrats in Washington, and a Justice Departmentofficial, first by email and later phone, who all say the same thing: KarlRove is about to be indicted.All this comes on the heels of events that transpired over the weekend, astwo different individuals, journalist Michael Isikoff and politicalcommentator Lawrence O'Donnell, both claimed that Karl Rove might have beenresponsible for leaking the identity of an undercover CIA officer's identityto Matthew Cooper of Time magazine. Isikoff claims that Cooper talked toRove during the period that Plame's identity was leaked, but there is stillno proof that Rove was the culprit. As Isikoff of Newsweek wrote on July 3:"The e-mails surrendered by Time Inc., which are largely between Cooper andhis editors, show that one of Cooper's sources was White House deputy chiefof staff Karl Rove, according to two lawyers who asked not to be identifiedbecause they are representing witnesses sympathetic to the White House.Cooper and a Time spokeswoman declined to comment. But in an interview withNewsweek, Rove's lawyer, Robert Luskin, confirmed that Rove had beeninterviewed by Cooper for the article."If it turns out that Rove did leak Plame to Cooper, it still does notnecessarily mean that he was also Robert Novak's inside guy, although itsurely raises suspicion. The indictment, as I am told, will most likely beof felony weight. In fact, Karl Rove may be accused of perjury, as Bush'stop strategist told a Grand Jury that he was not responsible for leakingPlame's identity to Time magazine.So the charge may not be for leaking top-secret information to the press,but for perjuring himself.Sources also all say that this indictment is likely to come down either latethis week or early next week. Of course Rove's lawyer denies that his clientever "knowingly" handed over classified information to the media, or is the"target" of any investigation. Perhaps Rove "unknowingly" did, and he's the"subject" rather than a "target" of an investigation. Time will tell.Apparently I'm not the only one who has been leaked this information either.Over at Redstate, a right-wing Internet blog, one member who calls himself"Ohsure," also claims "[four] Great sources confirmed" the matter, and lateradded:"I not only don't do this, I have never done this.But here it is;'Karl Rove will be indicted late this, or early next week.'I'm trusting a source. So either I am made a into an overzealous horses a**,or..., I have good sources and may be more trusted to get these thingsright."Over to you Mr. Fitzgerald.Joshua Frank is the author of the brand new book, Left Out!: How LiberalsHelped Reelect George W. Bush, which has just been published by CommonCourage Press. You can order a copy at a discounted rate atwww.brickburner.org. Joshua can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]-__ ___ _ ___ __ ___ _ _ _ __  /-_|-0-\-V-/-\|-|-__|-|-|-/-_| \_-\--_/\-/|-\\-|-_||-V-V-\_-\ |__/_|--//-|_|\_|___|\_A_/|__/  SPY NEWS is OSINT newsletter and discussion list associated to Mario's Cyberspace Station - The Global Intelligence News Portal http://mprofaca.cro.net CAUTION! # Since you are receiving and reading documents, news stories,comments and opinions not only from so called (or self-proclaimed) "reliable sources", but also a lot of possible misinformation collectedby Spy News moderator and subscribers and posted to Spy Newsfor OSINT purposes - it should be a serious reason (particularly tojournalists and web publishers) to think twice before using it for theirstory writing, further publishing or forwarding throughout Cyberspace.To unsubscribe:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]*** FAIR USE NOTICE: This message contains copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Spy News is making it available without profit to SPY NEWS eGroup members who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information in their efforts to advance the understanding of intelligence and law enforcement organizations, their activities, methods, techniques, human rights, civil liberties, social justice and other intelligence related issues, for non-profit research and educational 

[CTRL] Welcome to the Real World

2005-07-07 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-


Thursday, July 7. 2005
Welcome to the Real World

First of all, our deepest condolences to the people of London who  
have just experienced a bomb attack that is reminiscent of the worst  
days of the IRA. We know you've gone through all of this before, and  
know the drill a lot better than we do, but that doesn't make this  
any easier, especially for the families of the slain and the injured.  
You didn't do anything to deserve this.


When the attacks of 9/11 occurred, many people said -- and continue  
to say -- that the world changed on that day. For the people of  
London, Madrid, Barcelona, Milan, Paris, Frankfurt and so many other  
European cities, that must have seemed laughable if it wasn't so  
tragic. The world did not change on September 11, 2001. The world was  
as it has always been: full of random violence, terrorist attacks  
directed at civilians, bombs going off in train stations, nightclubs,  
city streets.

For those who live in the Middle East, the idea of the world changing  
because of bombs and destruction must have also seemed like some kind  
of weird philosophical statement you might hear during a college  
course, Reality 101 perhaps. There have been bombs going off in the  
Middle East at least since 1948, and the world hasn't changed at all  
because of them. That's the problem, I guess.

Even in the United States, we have had our share of mad bombers and  
exploding buildings. The World Trade Center had been attacked before  
by jihadists. Oklahoma City is another example. The Unabomber -- a  
man who had been the unwitting beneficiary of a government mind  
control program while he was in college -- is another example of a  
man with a grudge and some Semtex.

But somehow on 9/11 the pundits said that the world had changed.  
That's part of the problem, of course: the glib, narrow-minded, self- 
centered, arrogant, disconnected-from-reality mindset of our most  
famous television talkers. We are still doomed to repeat history, we  
have learned so little from it. The world did not change, ladies and  
gentlemen. This is the world as it has been for many decades. Your  
world changed, because the 9/11 attacks opened your eyes -- briefly,  
a tad, nervously -- for maybe the first time.

Welcome, finally.

Now with these new attacks in London, we have to ask once again that  
painful question: why are we in Iraq? Did Iraqi troops just attack  
London? I am not being naive, I am merely asking the question.

As in Madrid, the targets of choice were commuter trains, the famous  
Tube of London. There was one other target, a double-decker bus: the  
kind so familiar to tourists from newsreels and travelogues of  
Picadilly Circus. Soft targets, not military or government  
installations. A war of people against people. But something more  

The targets are symbols. As in 9/11, the targets are chosen for their  
ability to challenge our views of reality: our reliance on public  
transportation (airlines, trains), and the symbols of our country (at  
least as perceived by others around the world): the World Trade  
Center, the Pentagon, and the double-decker buses of London. This is  
world-view warfare, the original version of psychological  
warfare. And we are fighting this war not with better psychology or  
more aggressive representations of our worldview, but with invasions  
and smart bombs. We have learned nothing from Israel's sixty year war  
with Palestine and other Arab nations: that you can't defeat  
terrorism with superior military force. You can invade a country like  
Iraq and decimate its armies and ground its aircraft and capture or  
kill its leadership. But you can't destroy ideas with guns, no matter  
how heinous those ideas may be.

At the G-8 summit in Edinburgh this week, the most powerful nations  
on earth were discussing how to improve the world's climate and  
environment and how to end hunger and disease among the world's  
poorest nations. The attackers of London have demonstrated that these  
things mean nothing to them.

How will you react, members of the G-8? How will you respond to world- 
view warfare today? Are the terrorists winning?

And is who wins or loses really the issue?
Posted by Peter Levenda at 13:30 

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Next Step in the War on Terror (first draft)

2005-07-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: Richard Scheck [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 7, 2005 1:12:19 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: The Next Step in the War on Terror  (first draft) Bellingham, WashingtonJuly 7, 2005           The Next Step in the War on Terror                by Richard Scheck Judith Miller goes to jail and bombs goes off inLondon:  what's the connection.New York Times reporter Miller was a major conduit offalse information from the neoconservatives whopromoted the war in Iraq.Now she is being "silenced" to protect herrelationshipwith White House insiders with whom she worked tomanipulate the public into supporting a criminalenterprise.She is not a heroine defending the rights of a freepress:  she is more appropriately labeled a warcollaborator.Now that the machinery of government has stumbled ontoenough of the truth to reveal a Watergate-style crisiswithin the White House, something had to be done todeflect attention away from the Bush team and thequagmire in Iraq.So we get what may be a false flag, "al-qaeda event"in London to coincide with the G-8 Summit and torevisit the 911 fear-scenario that will be used tointimidate the public, distract our focus away fromBush's troubles and prepare the way for Phase II, Warin Iran!With oil over $60, the EU in crisis, bad news fromAfghanistan, new torture revelations in Iraq, NationalGuard spying in California, a growing peace movement,unanswered questions about 911, the AIPAC spy scandal,Bolton's stuck UN nomination, the China- Russiadeclaration for World peace, 200 US companies inVenezuela talking business with Chavez and thepossibility of a Rove indictment along with many othersigns of looming gridlock in Bush's second term, adramatic event such as today's bombings in London wasclearly foreseeable to allow the managers of PaxAmerican to recapture the momentum in their global waron terror.Now the demonization of Iran's new president can getthe attention it deserves while the Department ofHomeland Security kicks into high gear to protect usfrom those nasty terrorists poised in hiding to blowusup like aliens from the new War of the Worlds movie.Meanwhile, Miller's silence will allow US AttorneyPatrick Fitzgerald to stage-manage the investigationof who leaked CIA agent Plame's name in an apparentcover-up of the deeper links to Larry Franklin, theOffice of Special Plans and the cabal of neo-cons whoappear to have fabricated evidence for profit and war.As the world continues to descend into an abyss, thefailed leadership that underlies the current crisis isdaily exposed even as officials like Bush and Blairutter words of denial in defense of their policies.Until the public awakens from the slumbers of inactionand its trance of fear to take control of theirdestiny, the perpetrators of the war on terror willcontinue to have their way and make victims of us all.__ Yahoo! Mail for Mobile Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone. http://mobile.yahoo.com/learn/mail  
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] crude petroleum: Still above $60.00/bbl and my congrats!

2005-07-07 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I must congratulate the extremist environmental movement who have stood in
the way of just about every effort to
1.) Explore for oil and gas off shore of the United States everywhere
2.) Explore and develop the large known oil and gas reserves In anwr in
3.) Brought to a halt of constructing any new nuclear power plants
4.) Or  just about any new power plants of any kind
5.) prevented the building of any new oil refinery since 1976 and have
shut many down many existing refineries
6.) prevented any explotion of other known energy resources in the United
states!(see my web page at http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html )
for information on anwr
This appears to be a virtual  SCORCHED EARTH POLICY AGAINST ENERGY
And on top of this they have the nerve to complain about dependent on
foreign oil and gas!!

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
 visit my web site at
Visit my energy page at  http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html
Check out the latest on the anwr drilling project http://www.anwr.org
visit my blog at
 My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: UP! NO EMERGENCY // july 7. 05

2005-07-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 7, 2005 2:34:50 PM PDTSubject: UP! NO EMERGENCY  // july 7.  05 TURN ON COMPUTER // TUNE IN TO FREED SPIRIT OF INTERNET// TAKE OVER!  (\o/)(\o/)(\o/)(\o/)(\o/)(\o/)u cant understand the world without innerstanding yourselfUP! NO EMERGENCY// july 7,  2005OR NOT MUCH MORE THAN USUALla- la- la- lap-toppling da system!u cant innerstand yourself without understanding the world(\o/)(\o/)(\o/)(\o/)(\o/)(\o/)  )((/   ___{ô¿ô}___  london am all right am all right (and everyone I know too)thanks for all the worried emailsbut am totally all right :) amazingly enough, and unusually, i actually walked through kings cross tunnel yesterday (one of the bomm sites) on my way back from a dental appointment - less than 12 hours before. so the iraq war finally reaches britain surprise surprise in fact nobody is surprised, especially not the politicians  security forces who've been warning us about its inevitability for months. so how does it affect me to be that close?  not that much.  even walking past the exact spot in the same 24 hour period the odds were still 288:1 against getting hit.  i just walked my dog as usual in the local park. (except theyd closed it!  turned out the council had so decided in order that staff could get home.  hmm.  don't we need parks more than ever on such a terrible day?  bet u it was a union ultimatum :)) what strikes me most is that, despite scores of ordinary people and even victims being asked their reactions, i have seen nobody fulminating against the arabs (except our professional politicians of course, whose asses are on the line.)  but it's like everyone knew it was coming one day, and knew exactly why.  after all, we've been watching nearly as many die every single day in iraq on our tv sets for months, so it's even embarrassing (for us brits) to make too much fuss when a stray bomm lands in london. and how are we, after all, to respond?  by dubbling the bomming of iraqis?  hardly.  (but probably). so this is my message from ground zero of the latest "terrorist attacks," and it would be EVEN LOUDER if i'd lost half my family and both my legs: AMERICAN TROOPS  SNOOPS OUT OF BRITAIN.(and "presidents").  AND AMERICAN AND BRITISH TROOPS  COUPS OUT OF THE MUDDLE EAST (u like that?). oh and the olympics?  have we signed the contract yet?  today's newspaper is headlined LONDON'S DAY OF GOLD.  well, it'll be DAY OF BLACK tomorrow, and they've just been guaranteed to bankrupt our city - and make life here an absolute security nightmare. and the makepovertyhistory?  well, you're finally moving SLIGHTLY towards returning our world to a fairer place.  FER GODDESS' SAKE GET MOVING MUCH MUCH FASTER!!! UP! UP! UP! UP! UP! UP! UP! UP! UP! UP! UP! UP! UP! UP! UP! UP! UP! UP!  my own biggest decision is whether to go ahead and publish 'Monkey's Marvelous Trip From The African Jungle To Inner  Outer Space' tonight as i'd planned.  it seems to be speaking of a different world from the one we're actually living in.  and yet. that's exactly the point.  we MUST move into a totally different world soon or perish together. there are 2 ways to change the world.  one is incrementally, changing one detail after another, and hoping for a good dose of synergy.  the other is to try to deepen and accelerate the Spirit of the Times, from whence everything else will inevitably follow.  thats what Monkey is about. look in your in-box tonight :)UP! 
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Verifiable proof that the united States of America has been taken over. (fwd)

2005-07-07 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
 visit my web site at
Visit my energy page at  http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html
Check out the latest on the anwr drilling project http://www.anwr.org
visit my blog at
 My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2005 11:18:35 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [ctrl] Verifiable proof that the united States of America has been
taken over.

 This is part of a document entitled Treaty of Peace with the World that 
lawful sovereigns file with several government agencies and the United Nations, 
to declare their neutrality and position in this world.  It contains a very 
interesting history of the United States which was not taught to us in school, 
yet is easily verifiable.  Please look up the Acts and Actions stated herein 
for more information.  Open your mind and learn the truth!  --Andy


Suspension of the Government of the united States of America. On December 20, 
1860, the congressmen of the southern States of America walked out of congress 
in session because they did not agree with the policies the northern States had 
forced on them. This action caused a State of Emergency which suspended the 
Republic of the united States of America and therefore suspended the 
constitution and its government. Over 140 years since that time America has 
been without a government, however, through contract the republic was replaced 
by a foreign operated private corporation called UNITED STATES.

Invasion of America. On February 21, 1871, an elite group of private bankers 
created a private corporation in England, entitled DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA and 
copyrighted the name UNITED STATES, hereinafter US. The goal of the foreign 
corporation being, to invade America and gradually change its policies to 
better control the commerce of the land. The US, subtly and efficiently, 
replaced the republic called united States of America in its functions and 
duties. In the beginning the jurisdiction of the US extended only to the ten 
miles square of the area of Washington D.C. plus the territories that the US 
had purchased, however the US eventually took control of the 50 State republics 
by creating a corporation for each State named ?STATE OF?? plus the 
corresponding State?s name.

Attack on America. On October 6, 1917, the UNITED STATES passed a corporate 
policy called the Trading with the Enemy Act. In Section 2, sub-section (c) of 
the Act it defines the enemy as other than the citizens of the United States. 
The American people were sovereign which makes them foreign governments to 
the UNITED STATES and therefore, the sovereigns unknowingly became enemies of 
the State. On March 3, 1933, the Trading with the Enemy Act was then amended in 
order to confiscate gold from the US citizens (not the American Sovereigns) who 
were reimbursed with emergency money, issued by a private corporation known 
as the Federal Reserve Bank, which represented debt owed to the Federal Reserve 
Bank. A dollar of gold was exchanged for a dollar of debt owed to the Federal 
Reserve Bank plus interest (Income Tax). Basically all Americans lost two 
dollars in the exchange.

History of Current Contract. On March 9, 1933, due to impending bankruptcy, the 
UNITED STATES made a New Deal with the US citizens (not the American 
Sovereigns) entitled, Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congress, 1st Session, 
herein contract. The contract stated, It (Federal Reserve Notes, Bills and 
Bonds, etc.) will represent a mortgage on all the homes and other property of 
all the people in the Nation. As a result, title of all property was turned 
over to the State as evidenced by the statement in the contract, The ownership 
of all property is in the State. In order to account for the monetary 
increases gained by the use of the people's property and production, the UNITED 
STATES created artificial entities termed Persons, for each of the people 
using the people's own names, however spelled in all capital letters. For 
example, John Doe the man would have a Person entitled JOHN DOE named after him.

Offer and Acceptance of Contract. In 1933, the private foreign operated 
corporation called UNITED STATES made an offer to contract with my grandfather, 
an American Sovereign, hereinafter Principal. The US was in heavy debt to the 
Federal Reserve Bank so the US passed a law that required all US citizens to 
turn in their gold. The Principal, being sovereign, did not have to comply with 
this private corporate policy, 

[CTRL] Boy scouts, clergy abuse, gender, Cornwall

2005-07-07 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-


Idaho's 'Post Register' Uncovers Pedophiles Among Boy Scout Officials 7/5/05 Idaho Falls (AP) "Molestation allegations continue to emerge against Boy Scout officials who worked under the current Grand Teton Council leadership. An investigation by the Post Register (Idaho) newspaper found allegations against at least three men who worked with eastern Idaho Boy Scouts in the 1980s and 1990s. Two of the men have already been convicted of their crimes." http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1000973214

Ex-priest guilty of sexual assault Irving: Already a convicted sex offender, man could get life 7/1/05 By Robert Tharp / The Dallas Morning News "A former Catholic priest with a history of molesting boys was convicted late Thursday of sexually assaulting an 18-year-old man in an Irving hotel room. Jurors deliberated nearly five hours before finding John Salazar guilty of sexual assault." http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/latestnews/stories/070105dnmetsalazar.60368a3d.html

Kaiser Permanente Research: Gender and Sexual Abuse 7/6/05 Female Perpetrators More Common Than Known Previously; Boys Abused Almost As Often As Girls San Diego - PRNewswire -- "Working with Dr. Robert F. Anda at the Centers for Disease Control, Kaiser Permanente physician-researcher Dr. Vincent Felitti is author of a study out in the latest issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine showing that the genders of sexual abuse victims and perpetrators are less predictable than historically expected. "Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) occurs on a worldwide basis and although most studies on the long-term consequences of CSA have focused on women, sexual abuse of both boys and girls is prevalent," said Vincent J Felitti, MD, of the Kaiser Permanente, San Diego Medical Center. "An interesting finding of the article is that a significant number of boys were molested by women." In 40% of the cases researched by Felitti and his colleagues at the CDC, childhood sexual abuse of male victims came at the hands of female perpetrators. By contrast, only 6% of female victims are molested by women. And the male victims of sexual abuse, whether at the hands of female or male perpetrators, suffered the same long-term consequences -- into adulthood -- as female victims." http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/050706/sfw080.html?.v=15

Vatican named in Cornwall sex abuse lawsuit - Canadian Press - Toronto "The Vatican and the College of Cardinals are among those named in a sex abuse lawsuit to be filed this week in Cornwall, Ont. LeDroit Beckett, a London, Ont.-based law firm, is filing the suit on behalf of Andrien St. Louis, who claims he was abused by a Roman Catholic bishop and priest." http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/1120420707317_52/?hub=Canada
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [social_control_psychological] Fwd: War Protest Fwd: CA GREENS CONVERGE AT BOHEMIAN GROVE

2005-07-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: Tom Krohmer ET [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 7, 2005 8:03:32 PM PDTTo: Headshrinking Group [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [social_control_psychological] Fwd: War Protest Fwd: CA GREENS CONVERGE AT BOHEMIAN GROVEReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Toxic Reverend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: From Toxic Reverend Thu Jul 7 20:01:28 2005Return-Path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]From: "Toxic Reverend" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: War Protest Fwd: CA GREENS CONVERGE AT BOHEMIAN GROVE Please Disseminate, also posted at http://www.angelfire.com/nm/redcollarcrime/gppbg.htmlGreen Party P rotest the war profiteers as they come to Bohemian GroveJuly 15-17, 2005 Monti Rio California (1.5 hours N of San Francisco) Please note the posted e-mail below, from Peter Phillips PHD of Project Censored California Green PartyThe Green Party of California is a grassroots political party that pursues a ...excursion to protest the war profiteers as they come to Bohemian Grove, ...http://www.cagreens.org/   Bohemian Grove Protest July 15-17 2005 "Camp In Monti Rio ...The Bohemian Grove Protest of July 15-17, 2005 This protest is also a requestfor homicide charges against corporations. One censored District Attorney has ... http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2005/06/1716369.phpAlso see The Bohemian Grove Action Network __Need a reason to join the protest ?56% of the 1991 Gulf War Vets are "Disabled"(Google search results) Toxic Revelations (Google search results) TheDeception Dollar - The Truth of 911   www.downingstreetmemo.com/ _-  Best Regards, The Toxic Reverend   Red Collar Crimes KILL are YOU the next victim ? = Death By Health Care  _Firm failed to get consent for tests of blood substitute by The Associated Press, Nation  World: Health  Science: Posted at 06:30 p.m. PST; Monday, January 18, 1999 http://www.angelfire.com/nm/redcollarcrime/blood.html   HMBW , Hylack , M49 , LTMR , ConRec , GSHDTCIA Peter Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: From Peter Phillips Wed Jul 6 15:32:31 2005Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2005 15:32:31 -0700To: XXXPRESS ANNOUNCEMENTContact: Paul Encimer- 707-540-9061Don Eichelberger- 415-567-4577Mary Moore- 707-874-2248CALIFORNIA GREENS CONVERGE AT BOHEMIAN GROVEState Party seeks united response to the Middle East War for OilCalifornia State Green Party and greens from around Northern Californiawill spend the week-end of July 15-17 crashing the "greatest men's party onearth", bringing a message of peace to the men of Bohemian Grove, andcondemning their role in waging wars.With support from the Sonoma County and many other Green locals, veteransgroups, Native Americans, peace groups, students and others, three days ofevents are planned to protest the Iraq war and bring attention to theconcentration of power and wealth that Green Party members feel subvertslegitimate political processes.Events will include a greeting of incoming Bohemians as they arrive onFriday, July 15th. Then Saturday the 16th, will be a protest and"Resurrection of Care" ceremony to counter the Bohemians' opening"Cremation of Care" ceremony, which burns a coffin containing "the DullCares of the market place" at the base of the 40-foot stone owl alterinside the grove.On Sunday, the 17th, the Party will convene a community meeting of greensand other activists to examine ways to confront the war and the continualenrichment of Bohemians while the gap between rich and poor widens."These men are the elite, the aristocracy, in this country," says DonEichelberger, State Party Issues Co-Coordinator, and an organizer of thissummer's events. "Some of them run the war machinery, others profit fromit, all are complicit."Members of the exclusive Bohemian Club in San Francisco have gathered eachsummer for 123 years along the Russian River in the Sonoma County town ofMonte Rio to "throw off the dull cares of the marketplace", holding plays,water sports events, skeet shooting, and daily speeches called the"Lakeside Chats".Members and guests have included every Republican US President sinceHerbert Hoover, who dubbed the gathering the worldís greatest menís party.Also included are many cabinet members and high ranking politicians andadvisors, members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, some of the most powerfulbusinessmen in America, as well as musicians and entertainers, called "menof use" by the more elite members."This is truly the biggest back room in the world", says Paul Encimer, amember of the state Green Party Coordinating Council, another organizer ofthe events. "Many of the corporate heads coming to this encampment haveprofited immeasurably from the insider status this club offers."The corporate who's who that attend the gathering includes the topexecutives and owners of the biggest American corporations, like BechtelCorp. The international engineering company claims it will "go anywhere tobuild anything", and are a